HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-08-28 - Agendas -Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission August 28, 2023 Location: Fayetteville Town Center, 15 W. Mountain Street Commissioners: Todd Martin, Chair, Tourism & Hospitality Representative Katherine Kinney, Tourism & Hospitality Representative Chrissy Sanderson, Tourism & Hospitality Representative Elvis Moya, Tourism & Hospitality Representative Andrew Prysby, Commissioner at -large Sarah Bunch, City Council Representative Mike Wiederkehr, City Council Representative Staff: Molly Rawn, CEO Agenda I. Call to order at 2:00 p.m. II. Old Business A. Review and approval of July minutes. III. New Business A. CEO Report. An executive overview of the previous month B. Financial Report. Jennifer Walker, Vice President of Finance C. Audit Presentation. Cynthia Burns, CPA, Forvis D. Marketing Report. Sarah King, VP of Marketing and Communications E. Vote. Office and Bathroom Renovation with FlintlockLab. Staff recommends authorizing the CEO to sign an agreement with FlintlockLab for architectural services for $32,435. Memo included. F. Additions to the agenda may be added upon request from a majority of the commissioners. IV. Adjourn Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Minutes July 24, 2023 Fayetteville Town Center Commissioners Present: Todd Martin, Chair Tourism & Hospitality Representative Andrew Prysby, Commissioner at -large Mike Wiederkehr, City Council Representative Sarah Bunch, City Council Representative Chrissy Sanderson, Tourism & Hospitality Representative *Virtual attendance Elvis Moya, Tourism & Hospitality Representative Katherine Kinney, Tourism & Hospitality Representative Commissioners Absent: Staff: Molly Rawn, CEO; Jennifer Walker, VP of Finance; Sarah King, VP of Marketing and Communications Commissioner Martin called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm, welcoming Mike Weiderkehr as a commission member and declared a quorum. Old Business A. Chair Martin presented the May minutes and hearing no additions or corrections, they stand approved. He then asked if there are any additions or corrections to the June minutes and hearing none, they were also approved. III. New Business A. CEO Report. Rawn began by stating she expects Forvis will be here in August to present the 2022 audit. We received Master Tourism Plan Proposals and Chair Martin has agreed to assist with reviewing the proposals. We plan to come to the August meeting with a selection. She then gave a personnel update, stating that Mike Krasowski joined the Town Center as a part time facilities technician, this position has been vacant since the onset of the pandemic and we are glad to have him on board. Rawn also gave a Downtown Initiative update, stating that the city of Fayetteville staff has brought forward a proposal to enter into a contract with Experience Fayetteville to support the work of the Fayetteville Downtown Coalition. The City Council will vote on the item at the August 1st council meeting. She then spoke about some of the events held in the last month including the Arkansas Professional Firefighters Association with an estimated direct economic impact of $183,000 and she shared information on NWA Pride Weekend which had an 84% city wide hotel occupancy rate with overall participation for the weekend, reported by NWA Equality, at 35,000 people. She reported that several team members staffed our Smithsonian Folklife Festival in Washington D.C. in early July and it was a great success. The next Bicycle Friendly Business Bootcamp, which is primarily geared towards HMR partners, but open to all Fayetteville businesses is coming up Wednesday September 13. Rawn then shared information about the Visitors Center, including a list of countries represented by our visitors. She also stated that we partnered with both NWA Equality and Gulley Park Concert Series to sell merchandise to benefit their respective organizations in June and July. She also included a partial event listing which she will start doing each month. Finally, Rawn noted that she's including a current list of new business license granted with NAICS codes which appear to be food related. Rawn ended her report stating that June HMR collections were up more than 7% from last June and year to date, HMR collections are up 12%. B. Financial Report. Jennifer Walker, VP of Finance Walker stated that June financials are in the commission agenda packets and at the end of June, our target for both revenue and expenses is 50% and we are just 1 % below for revenue and 8% under budget for expenses. HMR tax collections are at $2,465,119 YTD, which is less than 1% below seasonally adjusted budget expectations. Our net operating income is $502,321 year to date. On the balance sheet, cash and investments are approximately $4.9 million at the end of June and unearned revenue for 2023 events at the town center is $197,000. Commissioner Kinney asked if the unearned revenue was contracted events and Walker stated yes. C. Marketing Report. Sarah King, VP of Marketing and Communications King opened by stating that she is very pleased with Melissa Freeman's work on our web calendar, it continues to grow and be a useful tool. She also highlighted a recent guide to Lake Fayetteville Food Trucks that Jerrika Longueville created. King also stated that Ashley Cane is updating several maps and publications we use on a daily basis. She showed a picture of the Smithsonian Folklife Festival and shared that it was truly the largest festival she had seen and been involved in. We gave away 5,000 fans with an image of Fayetteville co -branded with Smithsonian and Arkansas Tourism and met many Arkansans and members of our congressional staff. Urban cycling routes have been uploaded to our website and are all on off-street paved trails and great for families; King thanked Brannon Pack for this work. She ended by showing photos of Dog Daze First Thursday. Mike Sells shared some social media campaigns starting with the town center and then shared some of the marketing projects we have done throughout the first half of the year. He then shared Web traffic trends for January through June of this year. Overall users and sessions are up 44% compared to same time last year. The third highest GEO locations are those who have their locations "not set" and that is a growing trend. The top two are NWA and DFW. We're also seeing traffic grow in some of our secondary markets. We continue to see growth on our calendar page. CEO Rawn asked if we could track our Experience Fayetteville ad on the Razorback Athletics page and report back at the next meeting. D. Vote. Budget Revision The next item will be the budget revision and Chair Martin stated he will be entertaining a motion to adopt the revision. Rawn stated that the initial budget showed a surplus of $200,000 and the new revision includes a net operating revenue of $361,208. A remodel budget is included in this at a cost of approximately $533,000 and we are working with Flintlock Lab for these expenses. Rawn pointed out a few significant revisions with one being Employee Benefits reduced by 77% due to us not being able to start a new retirement plan with a higher match this calendar year. There is a reduction in Tourism and Client due to a Master Tourism Plan not starting until possibly Q4 so we don't anticipate spending the entire project dollars this fiscal year. The Community Campaign is going very successfully and she would like to increase that by $20,000 to best meet the needs. We are removing the recommended $100,000 contribution to capital expenses as we would be utilizing that for the renovation. Rawn stated that the revision included removing the $200,000 contribution to TheatreSquared per the commissioners' request. The request for overspending in FIFE Improvements is due to capital expenses with the renovation and we are requesting to take it out of unreserved fund balance. Chair Martin would like to entertain a motion to accept the 2023 revised operating budget as presented. Commissioner Kinney asked if we had established a time to review the TheatreSquared request and Rawn recounted the process stating that TheatreSquared declined to appoint someone from the A&P to their board. Chair Martin has asked for a financial review for TheatreSquared. He understands it has been given to the city council but has yet to see a financial review presented to A&P. Commissioner Kinney stated that she thinks it is a reasonable request to have a seat on TheatreSquared board but struggles with not keeping the pledge that a previous commission made. Bunch also agrees that we as a commission made a pledge and also agrees that us making a request to have a seat on the table seems reasonable. Chair Martin stated that he understands we can always consider this $200,000 request at a different time. Commissioner Sanderson asked to table the conversation on TheaterSquared with other commissioners concurring with this decision. Chair Martin also asked Commissioner Moya as he had been involved in attending the TheatreSquared meeting with Rawn. A motion to table a discussion on TheatreSquared was made by Commissioner Sanderson and seconded by Commissioner Bunch and it passed by a roll call vote. Chair Martin stated that what he would like to do is direct the CEO to begin to have financial discussions with TheatreSquared within 60 days with either their interim or new leadership. CEO Rawn asked what specifically they needed to provide, and Chair Martin said a budget review and program review, i.e. a full financial picture without just looking at the capital expenditures. Chair Martin asked if we could have a presentation not unlike the one T2 gave the city council. Commissioner Wiederkehr asked if the issue was a concern about not having a board seat, then a financial presentation may not assist with that concern. Through discussion it was clarified that a majority of the commissioners were solely interested in reviewing financial information related to capital rather than programmatic or other funding. Commissioner Sanderson made a motion to approve the revised budget as is while tabling the discussion on TheatreSquared to be resolved by the end of 2023 and this was seconded by Commissioner Kinney. It was approved by all with a roll call vote. Rawn stated she would work with TheatreSquared to add this item to the August or September agenda. E. Announcements Commissioner Moya gave a brief update on the meeting he and CEO Rawn held with city staff Jonathon Curt to discuss wayfinding signage. He stated that the city team is looking for a pathway to explore monument signage. Reviewing the state highway signage was also discussed as it is a possible option. With no other business or announcements, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Commissioner Kinney and seconded by Commissioner Moya and the meeting was adjourned at 3:20 pm. Minutes submitted by Amy Stockton, Director of Operations, Experience Fayetteville Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission CEO Updates August 2023 Executive Summary • We received four proposals from firms for Tourism Master Planning. We plan to notify the recommended firm by September 1 stand will have a contract for services to present to the commission at the September meeting. • We received five proposals as a result of our Marketing Agency of Record RFP. We intend to make our final selection by the September Commission meeting, and expect to have a contract for the commission at the October meeting. • At the August 1st meeting, the city council voted unanimously in favor of contracting with EF for downtown organization funding. We will receive $60,000 this year with the potential to receive $125,000 in each of the two subsequent years, pending city budget approval. Tourism Activity • Julie Pennington attended the E-sports Summit in Toronto alongside Arkansas Tourism. She met with over 25 E-sport planners interested in hosting events in Arkansas as well as attended educational sessions to learn about this market. • We supported our area CVB colleagues in welcoming the South Central Motorcoach association Conference to NWA over the week of July 17th, Julie sat on a panel for this conference and spoke about post-covid trends in the bus tour market. • Julie was presented with the President's Award from South Central Motorcoach Association, Alabama Motorcoach Association and Georgia Motorcoach Association. • We supported the Arkansas Government Finance Officers Association for their annual conference in Fayetteville the week of July 24tn o First time in Fayetteville o Direct economic impact of over $203,287 0 200 attendees • Tina hosted (2) association site visits for 2024 business. • Hosted the Q3 Hospitality in a Heartbeat partner meetup with Kim Williams from Arkansas Tourism o Kim prepared us for the 2024 Eclipse • Visitors Center o Welcomed 1,461 visitors in July o Welcomed visitors from Poland, Canada, Ireland, Singapore, Japan, England, Vietnam, Russia, Brazil, Peru, France and Spain 0 12 Ale Trail Passports completed o July completes our Gulley Park Merchandise Partnership merch through July Fayetteville Town Center • Since our previous meeting, the Fayetteville Town Center has successfully hosted 17 events. Notably, the Black Owned Business Expo held last weekend has experienced significant growth since relocating to our venue. • New window shades have been installed in the ballroom. • Currently, September and October each have only ten available days each • Secured a yearlong agreement with Legacy Church, encompassing every Sunday throughout 2024, in addition to several supplementary dates. Downtown Initiatives DFC voted to hire a consultant — Public Sphere Project - to help with their strategic plan and governance work this fall. Save the Date DFC's first downtown festival, Falltoberfest, is October 1st from 12-6 p.m. on Dickson Street. Looking forward • Experience Fayetteville is set to host our 5th Bicycle -Friendly Business Bootcamp at the Fayetteville Town Center on Wednesday, September 13th. • Recently announced: The Arkansas Graveler — a new gravel cycling event — has been announced for June of 2024. The 400 person gravel ride will begin in Fayetteville and end in Jonesboro. V�i�Illl' Monthly A&P Tax Collections 2023** n elexele • 11 si• • ill [06 4.21% -20.63% 29.25% 18.09% %change over previous year JZ3 ............. 7 R7R.1,1F jan S (ma) apr (may jun jul aug sep Oct nov dec S4149154 S4409113 58.30% 4.58% 15.09% 1.89% 7.48% 6.66% 11.62% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % change O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O from 6CT66600000000000000000000000000666 NM - M � � W M CD NM M � Ln CO r- M M O � N M � M CO r- M M O 2022 � � � NO N N N N N N N N N M M Co M Co Co Co Co M Co � � � � � � � � �'t � ** This represents one half of the total HMR collections. The other half supports the Parks and Recreation department. Memo [PIAY� To: Molly Rawn, CEO, Experience Fayetteville Fayetteville Advertising & Promotion Commissioners From: Jennifer Walker, VP Finance, Experience Fayetteville Date: August 15, 2023 Re: Financial Statements — July 2022 This packet contains Experience Fayetteville Financial Statements for the month ended July 31, 2023. The following reports are included in the packet: • Summary P&L Financials for month ended July 31, 2023 • Balance Sheet for month ended July 31, 2023 Target Budget July — 58% Revenue target 58% of budget or higher by the end of July 2023. Expenditures target 58% or lower at July 2023. Total Revenue YTD: $3,251,715 or 57%; We are 1 % below target. Tax Receipts - $2,876,318 (on budget by 0% ytd) Town Center - $ 269,130 (under budget by 6% ytd) Other - $106,267 Total Operating Expenditure YTD: $2,823,238 or 53%; this is 5% under budget. EF Main - $2,322,123 Town Center - $501,115 HMR tax — YTD July Collections (June activity) are now even at 0% variance with the seasonally adjusted budget. Operating Net Income is $428,477 year to date. Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ July 31, 2023 CONSOLIDATED Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget %of Budget Revenue Hotel, Motel, Restaurant Taxes Revenue 2,876,318 4,960,000 (2,083,682) 58.0% Rental Revenue 242,820 485,500 (242,680) 50.0% Event Revenue 35,072 56,500 (21,428) 62.1% Visitor Center Store Revenue 25,346 40,700 (15,354) 62.3% Parking Revenue 18,088 26,000 (7,912) 69.6% Advertising Revenue 1,525 3,500 (1,975) 43.6% Grant/Other Revenue 27,000 83,000 (56,000) 32.5% Interest and Investment Revenue 25,547 25,050 497 102.0% Total Revenue 3,251,715 5,680,250 (2,428,535) 57.2% Expenses Operating Expenses Rental Expenses 33,239 208,000 (174,761) 16.0% Event Expenses 60,203 140,600 (80,397) 42.8% Visitor Center & Museum Store 15,388 34,700 (19,312) 44.3% Personnel 1,038,679 1,968,562 (929,883) 52.8% Sales & Marketing 678,166 1,218,423 (540,257) 55.7% Office and Administrative 475,271 825,756 (350,485) 57.6% Bond Payments 407,050 700,000 (292,950) 58.20 Contribution to Capital Reserves - - - #DIV/0! Other grants 115,242 223,000 (107,758) 51.7% Total Operating Expenses 2,823,238 5,319,041 (2,495,803) 53.1% Net Operating Income/(Loss) 428,477 361,209 67,268 118.6% Other Income Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments (23,124) 0.0% Other Expenses FFE & Improvements 299,815 921,000 (621,185) 32.6% Depreciation Expense 110,956 0.0% Cost of Goods Sold (1,520)1 10.00 Net Income/(Loss) (without cx Grants) (3,898) (559,791) 579,017 1 0.7% Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ July 31, 2023 Experience Fayetteville Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget %of Budget Revenue Hotel, Motel, Restaurant Taxes Revenue 2,876,318 4,960,000 (2,083,682) 58.0% Rental and Event Revenue 26,926 49,000 (22,074) 55.0% Visitor Center Store Revenue 25,346 40,700 (15,354) 62.3% Advertising Revenue 1,525 3,500 (1,975) 43.6% Grant & Other Revenue 27,000 83,000 (56,000) 32.5% Interest and Investment Revenue 25,471 25,000 471 101.9% Total Revenue 2,982,585 5,161,200 (2,178,615) 57.8% Expenses Operating Expenses Event Expenses 49,945 110,600 (60,655) 45.2% Visitor Center & Museum Store 15,388 34,700 (19,312) 44.3% Personnel 752,757 1,399,952 (647,195) 53.8% Sales & Marketing 672,710 1,191,902 (519,192) 56.4% Office and Administrative 309,032 498,257 (189,225) 62.0% Bond Payments 407,050 700,000 (292,950) 58.2% Contribution to Capital Reserve - - - #DIV/0! Other Grants 115,242 223,000 (107,758) 51.7% Total Operating Expenses 2,322,123 4,158,411 (1,836,288) 55.8% Net Income/(Loss) Before Other Revenue and Expenses 660,462 1,002,789 (342,327) 65.9% Other Income Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments (23,124) - (23,124) 0.0% Other Expenses HE & Improvements 8,850 545,000 (536,150) 1.6% Depreciation Expense 59,756 Cost of Goods Sold (1,520) !Net Income/(Loss) 570,252 457,789 135,587 124.6% Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ July 31, 2023 Town Center Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget %of Budget Revenue Rental Revenue 242,820 485,500 (242,680) 50.0% Event Revenue 8,146 7,500 646 108.6% Parking Revenue 18,088 26,000 (7,912) 69.6% Interest and Investment Revenue 75 50 25 150.9% Total Revenue 269,130 519,050 (249,920) 51.9% Expenses Operating Expenses Rental Expenses 33,239 208,000 (174,761) 16.0% Event Expenses 10,258 30,000 (19,742) 34.2% Personnel 285,922 568,610 (282,688) 50.3% Sales & Marketing 5,455 26,521 (21,066) 20.6% Office and Administrative 166,240 327,499 (161,259) 50.8% Total Operating Expenses 501,115 1,160,630 (659,515) 43.2% Net Income/(Loss) Before Other Revenue and Expenses (231,985) (641,580) 409,595 36.2% Other Expenses FFE & Improvements 290,965 376,000 (85,035) 22.6% Depreciation Expense 51,200 Net Income/(Loss) (574,150) (1,017,580) 443,430 1 56.4% Fayetteville A&P Commission Balance Sheet As of July 31, 2023 ASSETS Current Assets Cash 3,540,430 Investments 1,205,088 Accounts Receivable 542,083 Prepaid Expenses 32,911 Deposits 28,369 Inventory Asset 29,685 Total Current Assets 5,378,566 Other Assets Capital Assets Furniture & Fixtures 121,169 Equipment 723,463 EF/CVB Building 940,410 EF/CVB Land 198,621 Building Additions 1,142,641 Walker -Stone House 1,167,218 Vehicles 122,860 Construction in Progress 104,548 Accumulated Depreciation (1,637,325) Total Other Assets 2,883,604 TOTAL ASSETS 8,262,170 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 135,858 Unearned Revenue 225,452 Total Liabilities 361,310 Equity Unreserved Fund Balance 5,431,416 Operating Reserve 1,000,000 Capital Reserve 1,100,000 Temporarily Restricted Funds 382,431 Net Revenue Gain/(Loss) on Investments (23,124) Net Revenue without Cyclocross 19,226 Net Revenue for Cyclocross (9,089) (12,987) Total Equity 7,900,860 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 8,262,170 AUGUST 202 MARKETING REPORT EXPERIENCE FAYETTEVILLE WEBSITE ,AN - JULY 2023 v 2019 CHANNELS ....................................................................................................... ORGANIC �SARCH +94m4% 127,748 vs 65,713 ....................................................................................................... PAID SEARCH +83.8% 50,,255 vs 27,350 ....................................................................................................... DISPLAY ADVERTISING =417 o/e 24,947 vs 30,300 ............................................................................................................................................ SOCIAL MEDIA (PAID + ORGANIC) +901% 24,799 vs 22,728 DIR 1 +46m6% 23,418 vs 15,978 ............................................................................................................................................. REI ;uRAL +224m2% 12,,520 vs 3,,862 EMAIL +3,343.9% 1,412 vs 41 TAG ALONG SERIES Welcome to our Tag Along series. These are real adventures, by real people, in Fayetteville,, Arkansas. Through these stories you get to Tag Along with visitors and residents as they experience our great city and the surrounding areas. These mini -tours offer itineraries along with maps and helpful tips. �' %�AV�fTUILE TAG ALONG: MURALS O FAVFTTF\/III F e recommenoeo route. -71 View larger map ilson Par isas 17 mii 4 miles kson Street fy�on Street Booksl reakfa ®� Map data C2023 Google� Terms of Use Murals of Fayetteville, Arkansas Author: Forrest Addison Roverts Of the four cities we visited to explore murals, Fayetteville would have to be our favorite. All along Dickson St ar,d surrounding areas, II find great food and other s to check out. Not to men A LOT of really cool murals, but IN A experiencefayetteville.com Stop 2: Kith and Kin This next one can be found on the side of Kith and Kin Hair Co. a shorn rlrive north of downtowri Fayetteville This is probably one that can be difficult to take the electric scooter to mainly due to traffic. Stop 3: B-Unlimited You'll find two murals on the building of B-Unlimited. One is right out front and the "Fayetteville Loves You" mural is along the side of the ilding rp 4: Matt Miller Mu While you re cr ism' on a scooter 6 experiencefayetteville.com i �� ALE TRAIL PASSPORT Updated passport includes four new breweries. "ARKANSAS' ORIGINAL CRAFT BEER TOUR" FLYWAY BREWING COMPANY Arkansas -based Flyway Brewing Company has landed in Fayetteville! The popular brand from North Little Rock has claimed their stake in Northwest Arkansas, opening their first taproom in the area in a building that a former Fayetteville Ale Trail member once called home. Even though new beer is moving in, the location has retained its perks. Flyway is trailside, granting easy access to cyclists, and the brewery's wrap -around patio - which has always been popular - continues to expand, leaving plenty of room for friendly dogs and families to visit. The kitchen has been put to good use too, with a full menu always available at the brewery! ................................................. Address: 1550 E Zion Rd., Fayetteville Website: flywaybrewing.com Phone: 479-485-0055 STAMP HERE 6. FOSSIL COVE BREWING CO. A fossil -laden cove on local Beaver Lake is the water source for this dinosaur-themed brewery! Still in its original location (though expanded several times), Fossil Cove's spacious tasting room is a favorite among locals. The small but mighty brewer of independent beer is a powerhouse in the Northwest Arkansas craft beer scene, offering seasonal and experimental beers, as well as several year-round favorites on tap seven days a week. They're also the folks behind Frost Fest, the south's premier outdoor winter beer festival! Grab a bite to eat from Wicked Wood Fired Pizza and unwind on the patio for the full experience. ......................................................................................................... Address: 1946 N Birch Ave., Fayetteville Website: fossilcovebrewing.com Phone: 479-445-6050 sriMP yFRF i �j D mi I !J I It ><FAY EITEV ILL I TD /� ��S JAYS cFny�rEu��E 1Em, TRAILS GUIDYS 44 As BIKE ARKANSAS FALL 2023 Ad and advertorial published August 17th. W TAKE THE PATH UNPAVED IN FAYETTEVILLE. Cyclists from all over the world come to Fayetteville, Arkansas to experience some of the best gravel cycling trails you can explore on two wheels. Situated in the foothills of the Boston Mountains and the Ozark National Forest, Fayetteville's landscape and terrain make it a gateway to authentic gravel adventures big and small. The Fayetteville area boasts one of the largest county road systems in Arkansas, including more than 500 miles of gravel roads. Accessible from Fayetteville is an unspoiled area of the Boston Mountain range of the Ozark Mountains. For cyclists, the region is rich with remote gravel road riding opportunities where hardwood tree canopies cover the roads and rolling ridgelines tower over the rivers and farmlands that dot the countryside below. Courses range in difficulty and distance, so there is something for every skill level. After your ride, you'll find an abundance of bicycle -friendly restaurants, coffee shops, and breweries rich with local flavor and area hotels prepared to welcome cyclists to Fayetteville. Fayetteville also hosts premiere gravel cycling events. The region's best gravel -focused event, Chinkapin Hollow Gravel Grinder, is returning to Fayetteville on October 28! The race features three route options - 42, 63 and 109-mile courses - and travels into Oklahoma for a two -state adventure. For more information, including gravel cycling routes and event information, visit experiencefayetteville.com or scan the QR code. RIDE TEXAS MAGAZINE Fall Issue Features Arkansas. OR code links to EF Motorcycling page. Publishes: September 1, 2023 I\' 4P8 DR I PtIh It 1 1 pup :ksa 11 1 •1e Is 1 r1:1 Scan to explore Dickson Street /!. A VIBE ALL OUR OWN From late -night live music to Broadway musicals, Dickson Street Entertainment District feeds the creative spirit of Fayetteville. 11 1 I For an Authentic Experience in Northwest Arkansas, You Gotta IWJ C Z W Lil W [AY EITE V I LL I sells A 0[ N C V !J zl.OJ I =1A MZE:TiVAZU09ZLIIIMM:A'A=1: 1 WEBSITE STATS — Top 10 Referrals .... MOO -Ow a'& 0 - • .. _ .... . . • . • - . . . • . ma me, . • .. _ .. _ .... . Source Sesslom As Smon Duration at am backs.com 408 0-23 finwmbio 358 1:53 . . . . . . . . . . . .. _ .. . . . _ . ......... _ .... _ .. _ _ - - _ - ... _ ... _ . _ .... . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . - _ . - - _ - _ • - - - - - - - - • . to Heville-ar.gov 102 4:16 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N - . . 10.0 4b-10 IM_ _ . - . . .W.W . . - - - - . • - - - - . • - - - - - - - - - - • - - - - - - - - - - - • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ar6ws.cam 84 2:40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ news,google.com 45 0=46 downtownfay.com 43 6:46 ------------ ridewdhgmm 40 1:18 - - .. .. .............. . • . ....... _ . _ ..... _ . . . . . . .... • . . .. . ....... . . _ ... _ _ .... _ _ _ .. _ .... _ . _ .... _ ... . internationalsnianinilueniasumnt.uada.eciu 30 0:46 - - - - • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - • - _ • - - - - - - - - - - - - • uarkedu 29 1:36 --------------- •------- -------------------.................. ._-----_------ •--•------_.. rentwithcolliermn 22 2.46 ------------------- -------------------- ------------ ---•--------------------------- -•------...... sells A 0[ N C V El ENCE 1 JULY 2023 vs JULY 2022 ESSIONS: 56,,011 vs 41,,007 ................................................................................. PAGEVIEW...s: 100,,311 vs 63,949 ....................... ............................... 000000000000000 m 00000 m 0000. PAGES/SESSION: +14.8 1.79 vs 1.56 ....................... ............................... 000000000000000 m 0000000000 . AVG SESSION DURATION: +610% 01:13 vs 01:09 EXPERIENCE I i WEBSITE JUL i2023 vs Z)ULY 2022 CHANNELS .......................................................................................................................................................................................... ORGANIC 127,748 vs 107,831 +l8m5% .......................................................................................................................................................................................... PAID SEARCH 50,255 vs 32,,347 +55m4% .......................................................................................................................................................................................... nlSPLAY AIVERTISING 24947 vs 4,958 +403m2% .......................................................................................................................................................................................... SOCIAL MEDI"' (Paid + Organic) 24,799 vs 16,043 +54.6% DIRECT 23,418 vs 18,,026 +29m9% .......................................................................................................................................................................................... REFERRAL 12,520 vs 7,057 +77m4% (6,,090 from arkansasrazorbacks.com) .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 'MAIL 1,412 vs 178 +693m3% EXPERIENCE FAYETTEVILLE WEBSITE ,AN - JULY 2023 v 2019 OVERALL SESSIONS 256,227 vs 165,,276 EVO DURATION 01m.17 vs 00m.58 +55.6% +320,10% EXPERIENCE FAYETTEVILLE WEBSITE ,AN - JULY 2023 v 2019 CHANNELS ....................................................................................................... ORGANIC �SARCH +94m4% 127,748 vs 65,713 ....................................................................................................... PAID SEARCH +83.8% 50,,255 vs 27,350 ....................................................................................................... DISPLAY ADVERTISING =417 o/e 24,947 vs 30,300 ............................................................................................................................................ SOCIAL MEDIA (PAID + ORGANIC) +901% 24,799 vs 22,728 DIR 1 +46m6% 23,418 vs 15,978 ............................................................................................................................................. REI ;uRAL +224m2% 12,,520 vs 3,,862 EMAIL +3,343.9% 1,412 vs 41 EXPERIENCE FAYETTEVILLE WEBSITE ,AN - JULY 2023 v 2019 EMERGING METROS ....................................................................................................... r. LOU =AdElb, +*1 4% 1:21 ....................................................................................................... HOUSTON +4120% 1:06 ....................................................................................................... DENVER +510 1:08 .................................................................................................................... MINNE '9LI5/ST. PAUL +4417% 1:18 .................................................................................................................... WICHIT, +464% 1:32 .................................................................................................................... DES MOINES/AMES +41,r26 % 1:17 4USTIN +4106% 1:16 .............................................................................................. LINCOLN +2,rOI7% 1:15 Memo E X P To: Fayetteville Advertising & Promotion Commissioners From: Molly Rawn, CEO, Experience Fayetteville Date: August 23, 2023 Re: Contract with Flintlock Lab Details In December of 2022, Experience Fayetteville engaged local architect Allison Quinlan to assist in planning for a remodel at 21 S Block Avenue. Based on initial estimates received, we are estimating a project cost of $432,581 The attached scope of work from FlintLock is priced as a fixed fee of 7.5% of the general contractor's final budget. The expected budgetary impact of this scope of work is a minimum of $32,443 The agreement with the general contractor will be presented to the commission prior to execution, at which time a more solid price estimate will be available. Staff Recommendation: A vote to sign the attached agreement with Flintlock Lab. flintlock December 19, 2022 REVISED AUGUST 10, 2023 Experience Fayetteville Amy Stockton astockton@experiencefayetteville.com RE: Experience Fayetteville Interior Renovation Dear Amy, On behalf of Flintlock Ltd Co, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to submit the following Proposal to provide Architectural Design for an interior renovation of the Experience Fayetteville office at 21 S Block Ave, Fayetteville, AR. Below you will find our understanding of the Project Scope, Scope of Services, Proposed Schedule and Proposed Compensation. UNDERSTANDING OF PROJECT SCOPE Flintlock Ltd Co (the "Consultant") will provide programming, architectural design and construction documents for an interior renovation of the existing Experience Fayetteville office at 21 S Block Ave, Fayetteville AR. The mid-century modern office space will be reconsidered to maintain the existing architectural character (barrel vaulted ceilings, brick pavers, wood doors/transoms) while providing additional work stations, more committed conference room capacity, and improved sound/privacy performance for improved workflow. General Considerations: • Redesign of work spaces to provide increased employee capacity, in a combination of open work station areas, closed offices, and sound -private huddle / small meeting rooms • Dedicated / assigned closed material storage on the ground floor • Improved lighting • Improved thermal comfort measures, likely with additional insulation combined with HVAC re -work • Reconsidered kitchen / break room / employee eating space, with better connection to outward facing conference space • ADA accessibility improvements, especially at the restrooms / kitchen / conference space • Improved natural light access, especially in the existing conference room space The initial programming phase is complete and a final budget and final conceptual plan are included in the exhibits portion of this revised proposal. UNDERSTANDING OF SCOPE OF SERVICES SCOPE A Deliverables included in this proposal are: • Measured drawing confirmation of the existing space, either provided as a .dwg from Modus Studio or with on site field verification of critical dimensions • Renovation programming, with user surveys and interviews, to establish • Quantity and quality of workspaces, including number of current and future growth seats in open work areas and fully private offices. • Conference room capacity and location • Volume and extents of storage needs • Priority areas of redesign, likely to include thermal comfort measures in existing conference space, kitchen / employee eating space, sound privacy in huddle rooms, accessibility improvements in employee restrooms SCOPE B Deliverables included in this proposal are: • Architectural Design services, as described in AIA Document B105 2017 "Standard Short Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect" • Dimensioned construction floor plans • Power and lighting plans • Interior kitchen and bathroom elevations • Owner Reviews to obtain design approval at completion of Schematic Phase and Design Development 528 N COLLEGE AVE STE 3 1 FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 1 479.305.4807 flintlock Phase, prior to release of design for Construction Documents. • Two (2) schematic interior plan revisions and One (1) revision to design development drawings • Zero revisions once design has been approved for beginning of construction documents • Six (6) total meetings • Mechanical / Electrical / Plumbing Engineering as a pass through service from CS2 Engineering, Inc, as needed (fixed fee scope to be established at the end of programming phase) • The above revisions and meetings are included in the fixed fee, but additional revisions and meetings can be provided to whatever extent desired by clients at an additional hourly rate per below. This allows maximum flexibility in design without the need to build in an overly generous initial fee to cover many iterations, which may not be used. Excluded Services from this proposal: • Entitlement Phase Services (we don't believe this will be necessary, but can assist on a reduced hourly rate as requested) • Specifications or Cost Estimating • Grading Plans, Stormwater Design, Calculations or detailed plans • Geotechnical Engineering or Surveying (required, by others) • Site Lighting, Design of Water Feature(s), Utility Extensions, Public Improvements • Foundation, Electrical, Plumbing, Structural, Civil, or Mechanical Engineering (generally not required, but may be subcontracted out as required or requested) • Special Inspections, Off site Utilities, Sustainable Design Studies • FEMA floodplain/floodway adjustment • Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to assume that Consultant assumes any of the responsibilities of other design consultants or contractors. All construction will be the sole responsibility of the contractor, including means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures used in the construction, as well as the safety of all persons and compliance with all required codes, labor laws, etc. Contractor and any additional design consultants shall be contracted directly with the Client, with Consultant assuming no part in their direct contracts except in an advisory role to ensure work is performed in accordance of the contract, as directly requested by the Client. • Neither Consultant nor Client have control over the cost of construction or construction market and material costs fluctuations. Accordingly, Consultant does not warrant or represent that construction prices (whether bid or negotiated) will not vary from the preliminary budgets or estimates of cost. CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION Construction Administration beyond the meetings outlined above is not included in the fee. This is considered an Additional Service and will be billed at the hourly rate outlined below. The Consultant will make construction site visits as required or requested and act as the Client's representative during construction by: • Issuing timely responses to contractor's requests for information and other requests for clarification. • Reviewing and approving (or taking other appropriate action in connection with) contractor's submittals and shop drawings, if any, and rejecting nonconforming work. Understand that although we strive to provide the best, most complete set of drawings to our clients, there will be information that is not on the documents and as such we will need to provide these services from time to time. SITE VISITS The Consultant may visit the site at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to become familiar with the progress and the quality of the work and to determine if the work is being performed in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Consultant will not be required to make continual on -site inspections. The Consultant will make herself reasonably available for any additional site visits requested by the Client. The Consultant shall have reasonable access to the work wherever it is in its preparation or progress. DISCOVERY The Consultant shall have no responsibility for the identification, discovery, presence, handling, removal or disposal of, or exposure of persons to, hazardous materials in any form at the project site. 528 N COLLEGE AVE STE 3 1 FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 1 479.305.4807 flintlock i ( i o CLIENT'S RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Provide full information about the objectives, schedule, and constraints of the project. The Consultant may rely on the accuracy and completeness of information furnished by the Client, including, but not limited to, measured drawings, material and structural information, site restrictions and impediments. 2. Establish a budget with reasonable contingencies that meet project requirements. This budget is based on current market experience. Every project is unique and pricing can often change from the start to finish of the design process. The budget for the project as established by the Client does not include items or work purchased separately by the Client, such as site and infrastructure improvements, decorative light fixtures, specialty items, etc. The Client is responsible for considering cost allowances for such additional items. The Consultant will make every effort to work within the design budget as set forth by the Client. The Consultant cannot be held responsible for significant changes of labor and material costs in the construction market. 3. Furnish surveying, structural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, civil and geotechnical engineering and environmental testing as requested. 4. Employ a Contractor to perform the construction work and provide cost -estimating services after the completion of the preliminary design and before the preparation of the final construction documents. 5. The costs associated with any structural modifications/redesign and (or) repairs required because of unforeseen conditions uncovered during demolition/construction, shall be the responsibility of the Client. PROPOSED TEAM The Principal in Charge and Project Manager of the project will be Allison Quinlan. In-house design support, research, and drawing production will be assisted by Austin Hammonds and Hillary Ramsay. Administrative support and interior design will be provided by Rachel Pradko and Katie Cook. PROPOSED COMPENSATION AND DELIVERABLES The compensation for the above services will be a provided as follows: Scope A Provided hourly to establish design scope + construction budget, not to exceed $6,500 without prior written authorization from client. Scope B Provided as a fixed fee of 7.5% of the general contractor's final contract budget, initially estimated using the 6.16.2023 estimate of cost total of $432,581. The final fee will be adjusted if the budget is intentionally increased or decreased by the client by more than 15%. The fee does not include owner's FF&E and contingency budgets, although furnishing and fixtures can be selected and coordinated on an additional hourly basis as requested. Fee to be billed monthly towards below estimated percentages. Design Development $10,355 Architectural Site Plan, Floor Plans for each structure, elevations for each structure+ two (2) revisions Construction Documents $19,460 Architectural Site Plan, dimensioned construction floor plans for each structure, elevations, construction wall section, power and lighting plans, interior bath / kitchen elevations Bidding $2,620 Hourly not to exceed without client approval, for full service bidding management. Included in base fee at Client's request Entitlement Phase, and Architectural Construction Administration Services as follows: Provided hourly at a reduced hourly rate for Builder Selection Assistance, Review of Bid Prices, Review of Builder Contracts, City Permitting, Shop Drawing Review, RFIs, Site Visits, OAC Meetings, Permitting, and Bidding 528 N COLLEGE AVE STE 3 1 FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 1 479.305.4807 flintlock GENERAL PAYMENT SCHEDULE Payments are due and payable upon Client's receipt of the Consultant's Invoice. Payments shall be made by check payable to Flintlock Ltd Co. Initial Payment: An initial payment of $3000 shall be paid upon execution of this Agreement prior to the placement of the project on the work schedule and will be credited to the final payment. (The final payment is typically the invoice for the final Permit Drawings, but may be after any additional services are rendered). Design Phase: Project fee will be billed monthly based on project progress. Final drawings will be issued to the Client upon receipt of payment for the final construction/bid documents phase. Additional Services: Payment for additional services is due at the completion of the service. Or billed intermittently if the service runs longer than (1) month. TERMS OF COMPENSATION • Reimbursable Expenses include expenses incurred by Flintlock Ltd Co in the interest of the Project for printing, travel, food and lodgings shall be billed to the Client at actual cost for coordination (not to overlap the hourly rate). All reimbursable expenses shall be approved by the Client in writing prior to incurring the expense. • Letters required by the Municipality due to changes made by the Client, contractor, or unforeseeable site conditions, shall be billed to the Client at $150.00 per hour, unless such letter is made necessary by the Consultant's error or omission. Some letters require many hours of research. • Revisions and Addenda requested after the issuance of the Final Construction Drawings will be billed at the stated hourly rate, unless such revisions are made necessary by the Consultant's error or omission. • Flintlock Ltd Co will assist the Client in determining consulting services required for the project. Should a consultant's work require coordination with the Consultant's construction documents, such coordination will be performed by the Consultant at the below -mentioned rates. Should the Consultant hire a consultant on behalf of the Client, the Client will reimburse the Consultant for the expense incurred. • Undisputed amounts unpaid (30) days after the invoice date shall bear a late payment penalty from the date payments are due at a rate of (12%) per month. • If a check has been returned for insufficient funds, an invoice reflecting the monies not paid with interest, as well as the bank's service charge will be billed to the Client and payment is expected upon receipt of the Consultant's Invoice. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Should additional services be requested other than those specified in this contract, time will be invoiced at the rates below. Prior to commencement of additional services Flintlock Ltd Co will obtain a written work authoriza- tion from the Client, typically via email. The following items are considered additional work and are not includ- ed in the contract price: • Expansion of Scope of Work and/or deliverable work product outside of those defined in this Agreement. • Additional meeting time other than meeting time specified in this Agreement. • Costs of other consultants which may be required for work not specified in this Agreement. • Additional planning and design concepts other than those specified in this Agreement. • Costs related to making revisions in drawings or other documents when such revisions are inconsistent with approvals or instructions previously given by the Client, including revisions made necessary by adjustments in the Client's project budget. • Services required as a result of Client providing incomplete or incorrect information. • Preparing for, coordinating with, participating in and responding to structured independent review processes, including, but not limited to, construction management, cost estimating, project peer review, value engineering, and constructibility review requested by Client; and performing or furnishing services required to revise studies, reports, drawings, specifications, or other bidding documents as a result of such review processes. • Special Inspections required by Authorities having Jurisdiction or requested by the Client. • Preparing additional bidding documents or contract documents for alternate bids or prices requested 528 N COLLEGE AVE STE 3 1 FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 1 479.305.4807 flintlock by Client for the work or portion thereof. • 3-D renderings or drawings beyond those necessary for design. • Meetings or letters for regulatory review. Including work necessary for entitlement. • Extra work required by signature design features or specific products such as Ikea cabinetry. • Work performed for the purpose of obtaining design approval by historic overlay districts, homeowners' associations, neighborhood design guidelines, and other applicable regulations beyond standard zoning and code compliance. • Determining the acceptability of substitute materials and equipment proposed during bidding when substitution prior to the award of contracts is allowed by the bidding documents. • Coordination or review of changes in the work or requests for substitutions of materials and systems. Hourly Rates for Additional Services Hourly Rate for Principal Architect............................................................................................. $ 300.00 / hour Hourly Rate for Project Landscape Architect............................................................................ $ 155.00 / hour Hourly Rate for Landscape Designer/Drafter........................................................................... $ 95.00 / hour Hourly Rate for Office Administration........................................................................................ $ 75.00 / hour Reduced Hourly Rate for Entitlement, Town Meetings, and Exhibits ..................................... $ 250.00 / hour Reduced Hourly Rate for Construction Administration Services ............................................ $ 250.00 / hour GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the place where the Project is located. 2. Consultant's services shall be performed as expeditiously as is consistent with professional skill and care and the orderly progress of the work. 3. The Client and Consultant, respectively, bind themselves, their agents, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the agreement. Neither the Client nor the Consultant shall assign this agreement without the written consent of the other, except that the Client may assign this agreement to a lender providing financing for the Project if the lender agrees to assume the Client's rights and obligations under this agreement. 4. The Consultant agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold harmless the Client, its officers, directors and employees (collectively, Client) against all damages, liabilities or costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees and defense costs, to the extent caused by the Consultant's negligent performance of professional services under this agreement and that of its sub -consultants or anyone for whom the Consultant is legally liable. 5. The Client agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold harmless the Consultant, its officers, directors, employees and sub -consultants (collectively, Consultant) against all damages, liabilities or costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees and defense costs, to the extent caused by the Client's negligent acts in connection with the Project and the acts of its contractors, subcontractors or consultants or anyone for whom the Client is legally liable. Neither the Client nor the Consultant shall be obligated to indemnify the other party in any manner whatsoever for the other party's own negligence or for the negligence of others. 6. In an effort to resolve any conflicts that arise during the design and construction of the Project or following the completion of the Project, the Client and Consultant agree that all disputes between them arising out of or relating to this agreement or the Project shall be submitted to non -binding mediation, prior to either party filing any legal action in connection with this agreement. 7. Consultant shall perform the services in this Agreement as an independent contractor and shall advise and consult with the Client, but shall not have control over the means, methods, or techniques utilized by other consultants or contractors. Consultant is not an employee of the Client and is not entitled to participate in any benefits Client provides to their employees. 8. Nothing in this agreement shall create a contractual relationship with or a cause of action in favor of a third party against either the Client or the Consultant. The Client has the right to cancel Consultant's Services at any time for cause or for the Client's convenience and will be responsible only for payment for services performed up to the date of cancellation. Any cancellation of Consultant's Services shall be done in writing. 9. If the Client breaches the terms of this agreement and such breach is not cured within seven (7) days written notice from the Consultant, the Consultant may stop work and/or terminate this agreement and the Client shall pay all amounts due to the Consultant for its work prior to such stoppage or termination. Further, 528 N COLLEGE AVE STE 3 1 FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 1 479.305.4807 flinflock the Consultant shall have any and all other remedies available at law or equity as a result of such breach by Client. The Consultant shall not be responsible for any damages or delays to Client caused as a result of the stoppage work. In the event of default by the Client hereunder, the Client agrees to pay all costs of collection and enforcement incurred by the Consultant, including reasonable attorney fees and expenses. 10. It is hoped that the services provided by the Consultant be respected by both the Client and the General Contractor. The Consultant shall be notified of any proposed divergence from the intent of the work inferable from the Final Construction Documents and the actual work to be performed by the General Contractor. Prior to the execution of the work, the Consultant shall approve any changes made to the design. The Consultant's decision, in consultation with the Client, on aesthetic issues arising between the Consultant and the General Contractor shall be final if consistent with the intent expressed in the Contract Documents. 11. If the Client delays the project, no matter the reason, more than 15 days, the Consultant can adjust the project timeline according to other project commitments always being respectful of active projects. 12. If the Client requests a limited set of construction documents, the Consultant cannot be held responsible for the outcome of the Project, the quality of work, or its ability to meet a budget or a timeline. 13. The Consultant is an independent contractor and nothing contained in this agreement shall create or be deemed to create an employment, agency, joint venture or partnership relationship between the Consultant and the Client. 14. If the Client requires a reduced timeline, increasing the speed at which drawings and documents are prepared, the Consultant will invoice the Client at 1.5 times the fee/rate to over increased overhead incurred. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Client agrees to limit the Consultant's liability for the Client's damages to the sum of $100,000 or the Consultant's fee, whichever is greater. This limitation shall apply regardless of the cause of action or legal theory pled or asserted. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to assume that Flintlock Ltd assumes any of the responsibilities of other design consultants or contractors. All construction will be the sole responsibility of the contractor, including means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures used in the construction, as well as the safety of all persons and compliance with all required codes, labor laws, etc. Flintlock Ltd Co does not have control over the cost of construction or construction market and material costs fluctuations. Accordingly, Flintlock Ltd Co does not warrant or represent that construction prices (whether bid or negotiated) will not vary from the preliminary budgets or estimates of cost. SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT This proposal shall be void after (1) month of the above contract date. The Consultant's fees listed in this proposal shall be valid for (12) months after the Client's acceptance of this contract. Consultant's fees may be increased if services are required beyond (12) months. This document and any attached exhibits and addendum constitutes the entire agreement between the parties relating to the Consultant's work on the project. All prior, contemporaneous and preliminary negotiations, understandings, agreements, covenants and representations are merged herein. No representations, warranties or promises pertaining to this agreement have been made by, nor shall be binding upon, either of the parties, except as expressly stated in this agreement. This agreement may not be amended or modified orally, but only by an agreement in writing signed by all parties hereto. 528 N COLLEGE AVE STE 3 1 FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 1 479.305.4807 flintlock ACCEPTANCE We appreciate the opportunity to assist in the design of this project. If this agreement is acceptable, please sign and return one copy to our office. In signing the contract below, you agree to the terms outlined in the above agreement. Upon receiving an executed copy of this Agreement, you hereby authorize Flintlock Ltd Co to proceed with design services describe herein and agree to remit prompt payment of all fees outlined including the initial retainer. Acknowledged and Accepted this day of , 2023. A alli4— [� AIIi on Thurmond Quinlan, AIA RLA LEED AP Individually and as agent for Flintlock Ltd Co. Authorizing Agent Date 528 N COLLEGE AVE STE 3 1 FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 1 479.305.4807