HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-10-22 - Minutes -FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY Board of Commissioners Regular Session THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 2022, 5 PM Via Zoom I. Call to Order The Fayetteville Housing Authority Board of Commissioners Regular Session was called to order on Thursday, October 22nd, 2022 at 5:18 pm via Zoom. II. Roll Call Commissioners Morgan, Wood, and Terry were present at the beginning of the meeting, forming quorum. Also present were FHA Staff and members of the public. III. Approval of the Agenda The agenda was approved as presented IV. Announcements Chair Terry reviewed meeting decorum protocols. V. Consent Agenda Meeting minutes were tabled for next meeting. VI. Executive Director Interview – Derrek Sherburne Board Chair Terry reviewed the interview process and shared Mr. Sherburne’s background information. Chair Terry began the interview and asked why he applied and what skills he brings. Commissioner Morgan asked how his first 100 days as Executive Director would go and his plan in moving FHA forward. Commissioner Wood wanted to know why he would be best to handle construction development and HUD bureaucracy. The Board members voted to enter Executive Session at 6:05 pm to discuss the interview and re-entered Regular Session at 6:50 pm. The Board received notice that Mr. Burt has withdrawn his application for Executive Director. Chair Terry motioned to offer Mr. Sherburne the Executive Director position at the Step 1 Salary level as described in the Salary Study. Commissioner Wood seconded the motion. The motion passed with two Ayes (Commissioners Wood, Terry) and one Nay (Commissioner Morgan). VII. Reports A. FHA Chair Report - Board Chair Terry Chair Terry discussed her work on the Executive Director candidate process and working with staff on HCV QAD review. Commissioner Morgan volunteered to take on some of the work with FHA. Chair Terry noted that the Board approved a Food Security Committee Board Chair and if she would be interested in that position. Commissioner Morgan declined, citing her affiliation at with St. James Pantry and wanting to keep the positions separate. B. Staff Reports – Director of Programs West Director of Programs West reviewed current work on MTW, the AARP Community Grant, and property management statistics. She updated the Board regarding the Housing Choice Voucher-Quality Assurance Division Review, noting places where areas of concerns have been addressed. Staff directors will be undergoing financial training. Commissioner Morgan asked if Board members could also participate. Director of Programs West noted that this training is operations and focusing within the Lindsey system, but she can check with the trainer. Chair Terry shared recommended HUD Exchange trainings available for Board Members. C. Finance Report – Director of Finance Wheeler A report is pending upcoming training. Commissioner Morgan solicited Director of Finance Wheeler’s assessment of the current finance. Director of Finance Wheeler stated focus on the HCV-QAD review and setting up expectations moving forward. D. Hillcrest Resident Council – President was not present. E. FHA Development Chair Report - FHA Development Board Chair Terry The ARPA grant application was submitted to the City of Fayetteville in August, and Chair Terry had a meeting with the auditor regarding delay of disbursement of funds. Director of Finance Wheeler and the Lindsey Fee Accountant are working on getting the City’s requested paperwork regarding previously paid invoices. VIII. Old Business A. Update: RFQ for Executive Director Temporary ED The Board has extended an offer for the position of Executive Director to Mr. Sherburne. Chair Terry recommended tabling the RFQ until the next meeting pending the candidate’s acceptance of the offer. IX. New Business A. Resolution #1277: Approval to redeem PHA Certificate of Deposit at Simmons Bank Chair Terry reviewed the resolution and opened it to the Board of discussion. Commissioner Morgan asked about the amounts of the CDs previously cashed in for HCV and the amount for the CD for this resolution. There was a motion and a second to approve the resolution. The resolution passed unanimously. B. Partners for Better Housing presentation regarding 11th Street development has been tabled until the November regular session. X. Final Comments & Announcements A. The Board members were invited to a Volunteer Day at Hillcrest Towers Courtyard Garden on November 5th from 9 am to noon. B. Commissioner Morgan asked for further clarification regarding HUD communication stating areas in the HCV-QAD review that were not addressed. Director of Programs West shared the report submitted to HUD. Commissioner Morgan requested the email be shared publicly and opened discussion on the possibility of non-compliance. She requested to review the ACC. Chair Terry suggested reviewing it at the upcoming agenda meeting. XI. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 pm.