HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-06-15 - Minutes -CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS MEETING MINUTES Meeting of the Black Heritage Preservation Commission June 15, 2023 6:30 PM RM 111 City Hall NOTE: The June 15, 2023 Black Heritage Preservation Commission meeting was held in person, with commissioners attending in person. Staff were present in person. Members: Council Member D'Andre Jones, Chair J L Jennings, Vice Chair Lois Bryant, Veronica Huff, Wendell Huggins, Kaleb Turner, and Shawn Walker City Staff: Britin Bostick - Long Range Planning & Special Projects Manager Call to Order: 6:40pm In Attendance: Chair J L Jennings, Vice Chair Lois Bryant, Kaleb Turner, Veronica Huff, and Britin Bostick Bostick noted that due the city's systems being offline she had drafted but had not been able to provide May meeting minutes to the Commissioners and would provide them at the next meeting. Nelson Hackett Historical Marker & Street Sign Unveiling: Commissioner Turner reported that events at the Pryor Center were coordinated and ready to proceed from 4-5:30pm on Friday June 16. The presentations would wrap up in time for the unveiling at 6:00pm and the reception start time following the unveiling was flexible. Orson Weems will be hosting live music with a Delta Blues musician. There will also be customized cookies from a local baker. Bostick provided additional updates on the unveiling ceremony and asked for volunteers to unveil the marker and street sign. Resolution for the Public Good Being Considered by the Council: Chair Jennings suggested to postpone discussion of the item to give Council Member Jones the opportunity to share expectations for the resolution and the Commission's role in crafting it. Bostick provided a short recap of the discussion on the resolution considered at the June 6 City Council meeting including the Council tabling the resolution for three months to provide time to revise the resolution. Consideration and Possible Recommendation on the Citywide Heritage & Historic Preservation Plan: Bostick apologized for the lack of a visual presentation as the city's systems were offline and the meeting room did not have network connections available for the room video screens. She described the plan document and noted the three changes made from the plan draft posted online, which were: • On page ix in the Plan Organization table under Chapter 5 "matrices" was misspelled and has been corrected. Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 • On page 69 Item 3, Jefferson Elementary was noted as a "historically Black public school", but the school was not integrated until 1965. The segregated school or historically Black school was the Lincoln School. • On page 84 Action Item 5.4 was updated to include Indigenous markers. Chair Jennings was amendable to a vote on the plan as information had been provided throughout the process and the Commissioners confirmed they were ready to vote on a recommendation. Motion to recommend the plan to the Council by Commissioner Turner, second by Vice Chair Bryant. Motion approved 4-0-0. Vice Chair Bryant commented that when the plan is adopted the Commission and staff should take time to have public input so that the community could become familiar with the plan, perhaps inviting to a Commission meeting or other gathering. Adjourn: 7:13pm