HomeMy WebLinkAbout108-23 RESOLUTION113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 108-23 File Number: 2023-651 WALKER PARK BASKETBALL COURT REFURBISHING AND GIVEAWAY: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A PROPOSAL BY WALMART AND AND TO REFURBISH AND PAINT THE WALKER PARK BASKETBALL COURTS AND HOST A BACK TO SCHOOL BACKPACK AND SHOE GIVEAWAY, AND TO APPROVE THE RECOGNITION OF WALMART AND AND1 FOR THEIR SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTIONS AT THE REFURBISHED COURTS WHEREAS, AND 1 is a basketball footwear and clothing company founded in 1993 that sells basketball shoes, clothing and goods at Walmart Stores; and WHEREAS, in 2020 AND1 began a program to refurbish basketball courts across the country with each project including a community celebration with star performances and gear donations; and WHEREAS, to mark the 30th anniversary of AND1's beginnings, AND1 and Walmart are proposing to fund the refurbishment and painting of the courts at Walker Park and host a back to school shoe and backpack giveaway; and WHEREAS, working with their team of artists, and a local artist, the event would include custom artwork tailored to Fayetteville, product and back to school supplies giveaway, and entertainment. The total investment in the court and the event is approximately $200,000; and WHEREAS, § 97.088(B)(2) of the Fayetteville City Code provides that signs recognizing significant donors or contributors must meet certain conditions, including approval by the City Council if the proposed recognition does not explicitly conform to the Operations Policy for Donor Recognition Signs; and WHEREAS, on April 3, 2023, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board recommended that the City Council approve a resolution authorizing the recognition of AND and Walmart on the refurbished basketball courts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the proposal by Walmart and AND1 to refurbish and paint the Walker Park Basketball Courts and sponsor a school backpack and shoe giveaway, and, pursuant to §97.088(B)(2) of the City Code, authorizes Mayor Jordan to approve the form in which AND1 and Walmart are recognized for their significant donation and contribution to our community at the refurbished basketball courts, which may include the incorporation of the AND1 and Walmart names and logos in the basketball court artwork. Page 1 Resolution: 108-23 File Number.' 2023-651 PASSED and APPROVED on May 2, 2023 Page 2 Attest: �0I�►ti (;l ara Paxton, City Ch-reasurer Wiz. .p •1��iy�y 7 i ? f�l �l1►lttatt0, CITY OF W41iFAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS MEETING OF MAY 2, 2023 CITY COUNCIL MEMO TO: Mayor Jordan and City Council THRU: Susan Norton, Chief of Staff FROM: Alison Jumper, Director of Parks, Natural Resources and Cultural Affairs DATE: SUBJECT: Walmart and AND1 Paint the court event at Walker Park RECOMMENDATION: 2023-651 A resolution to approve Walmart and AND1 to refurbish and paint Walker Park Basketball court, and to host a back to school backpack and shoe giveaway BACKGROUND: AND1 is a basketball footwear and clothing company specializing in basketball shoes, clothing and goods. Founded in 1993 as a graduate school project, the brand aimed to appeal to street ballers. Since then the company has grown to sponsor NBA players, numerous tournaments around the country. In 2020 AND1 began investing to refurbish basketball courts across the country. Each project included a community celebration with star performances and gear donations. DISCUSSION: AND1 is sold in Walmart Stores. This year marks the 30th anniversary of AND1's beginnings. As part of the celebration of the culture of the game, AND1 and Walmart are proposing to refurbish and paint the courts at Walker Park and provide a back to school shoe and backpack giveaway. Working with their team of artists, and a local artist, the event would include custom artwork tailored to Fayetteville, product and back to school supplies giveaway, and entertainment. The total investment in the court and the event is approximately $200,000. The exact design of the court will be finalized once the artists are engaged. Both Walmart and AND1 logos or marks are expected to be painted on the court. Donor recognition is allowed by the park donation policy and city council approval. This will be presented to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for approval on April 3rd. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: 2023 AND1 Paint the Court SRF, Examples, Fayetteville, AR Code of Ordinances Mailing address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 - Legislation Text File #: 2023-651 Walmart and AND1 Paint the court event at Walker Park A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A PROPOSAL BY WALMART AND AND1 TO REFURBISH AND PAINT THE WALKER PARK BASKETBALL COURTS AND HOST A BACK TO SCHOOL BACKPACK AND SHOE GIVEAWAY, AND TO APPROVE THE RECOGNITION OF WALMART AND AND 1 FOR THEIR SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTIONS AT THE REFURBISHED COURTS WHEREAS, AND1 is a basketball footwear and clothing company founded in 1993 that sells basketball shoes, clothing and goods at Walmart Stores; and WHEREAS, in 2020 AND1 began a program to refurbish basketball courts across the country with each project including a community celebration with star performances and gear donations; and WHEREAS, to mark the 30th anniversary of AND1's beginnings, AND1 and Walmart are proposing to fund the refurbishment and painting of the courts at Walker Park and host a back to school shoe and backpack giveaway; and WHEREAS, working with their team of artists, and a local artist, the event would include custom artwork tailored to Fayetteville, product and back to school supplies giveaway, and entertainment. The total investment in the court and the event is approximately $200,000; and WHEREAS, § 97.088(B)(2) of the Fayetteville City Code provides that signs recognizing significant donors or contributors must meet certain conditions, including approval by the City Council if the proposed recognition does not explicitly conform to the Operations Policy for Donor Recognition Signs; and WHEREAS, on April 3, 2023, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board recommended that the City Council approve a resolution authorizing the recognition of AND1 and Walmart on the refurbished basketball courts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the proposal by Walmart and AND1 to refurbish and paint the Walker Park Basketball Courts and sponsor a school backpack and shoe giveaway, and, pursuant to §97.088(B)(2) of the City Code, authorizes Mayor Jordan to approve the form in which AND1 and Walmart are recognized for their significant donation and contribution to our community at the refurbished basketball courts, which may include the incorporation Page 1 Resolution: 108-23 File Number: 2023-651 of the AND 1 and Walmart names and logos in the basketball court artwork. Page 2 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2023-651 Item ID 4/18/2023 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item Alison Jumper 3/29/2023 PARKS & RECREATION (520) Submitted By Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: A resolution to approve Walmart and AND1 to resurface and paint the existing basketball courts and to host a back to school backpack and shoe giveaway at Walker Park. Budget Impact: N/A N/A Account Number N/A Project Number Budgeted Item? No Total Amended Budget Expenses (Actual+Encum) Available Budget Does item have a direct cost? No Item Cost Is a Budget Adjustment attached? No Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget Purchase Order Number: Change Order Number: Original Contract Number: Comments: Fund N/A Project Title Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Approval Date: V20221130 AND1 Paint the Court Examples Cordelia Park Charlotte, NC DeFremery Park Oakland, CA 3/29/23, 2:11 PM 97.088 - Signs Prohibited Fayetteville, AR Code of Ordinances (A) No person in a park shall paste, glue, tack, or otherwise post any sign, placards, advertisement, or inscription whatsoever, nor shall any person erect or cause to be erected any sign whatsoever on any public lands or highways or roads adjacent to a park, except as set forth herein below. (B) Exceptions. (1) Athletic Field Signage. Signs shall be permitted on softball/baseball outfield fences and scoreboards at locations and in sizes designated by the Parks and Recreation Director. Uniform fees shall be charged dependent upon placement and size of the permitted signs. The content of the sign and whether it is commercial or non-commercial may not be considered. Designated spaces shall be sold at the established price on a first come basis. The owner of a sign at a designated location shall have first right to renew before others can purchase the size/location for a new or replacement sign. (2) Recognition Signs. Signs located in city parks or on city trails that are used for the purpose of memorializing a person or family through naming, recognition of significant donors, or recognition of contributions to the facility or amenity on which the sign is installed shall meet the following conditions: (a) Maximum Number of Recognition Signs. Most donor or honoree recognition signs shall be limited to one for the facility financed by the donor or memorializing the honoree. For a park or a major facility with more than one major entrance, a second recognition sign may be recommended by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and approved by the City Council. (b) Maximum Size of Recognition Signs. (i) Donor recognition signs in city parks shall be sized in accordance with Exhibit "A", Donor Recognition Signs, unless otherwise determined by City Council resolution. (ii) Trail Recognition Signs shall not exceed four square feet for trailhead facilities. Recognition signs along the trail for park benches, etc., shall not exceed 1.5 square feet and should be incorporated within or attached to the bench or amenity sponsored by the donor. (c) Design Requirements. All recognition signs must comply with the following requirements and shall adhere to the aesthetic values and design of the park or trail. (i) The recognition sign shall include only the name of the person memorialized or the name of the organization, person or business which has donated significant funds to the park facility. A company or organization logo (without company colors, any advertising or slogans) may be used on the sign. (ii) The design of the sign shall be incorporated into the park facility and shall be approved by the Director of Parks and Recreation who shall ensure the signs' high quality and durable construction and its consistency with other recognition signs within the park. (iii) Recognition signs shall comply with the Donor Operational Policy unless exempted by the City Council. (d) Facility Naming. The naming of facilities is permitted so long as the donor or honoree has made a significant contribution to the city, the facility or the Parks and Recreation Department in terms of financial donations, voluntarism or dedicated public service. Final naming of facility may be as recommended by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board with final selection and approval by the City Council. Naming of the facilities should meet the Naming Park Facilities Policy attached as Exhibit "B", unless otherwise determined by City Council resolution. (e) Adopt -A -Park or trail groups may post a sign while they are actively working on a park project that provides information about their organization or group. The sign must be approved in advance by the Parks and Recreation staff. about:blank 1 /7 3/29/23, 2:11 PM Fayetteville, AR Code of Ordinances Exhibit "A" Parks and Recreation Department SUBJECT: Policies and Procedures Manual OPERATIONS POLICY FOR DONOR RECOGNITION SIGNS CITY OF a e e��kle NUMBER REVISIONS: EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE: t OF t 6-16-2015 A R K AS SUPERSEDES: APPROVED BY: DONOR RECOGNITION SIGNS PURPOSE The purpose of this directive is to provide policies which will govern the naming of park facilities currently owned or acquired by the City of Fayetteville. This policy statement takes precedence over any previous policies and guidelines which may have governed the naming of these facilities. POLICY In order to provide important capital facilities in Fayetteville Parks, it is pragmatic in a time of shrinking public dollars to seek outside funding. It is essential to have specific boundaries and criteria in establishing fair and proper recognition of significant facility donations. This policy sets guidelines for donations within parks as well as on trails. All sign and plaque designs must be incorporated into the design of the facility. Donor recognition signs shall adhere to the aesthetic values and design of the park. Donor recognition in parks is based upon the type of facility donated. Donor recognition on trails is limited on the trailheads unless there is an educational and/or art feature that is appropriate to be displayed along the trail. Recognition signs may not be predominant within the educational and/or art component. Recognition for each donation will be determined pursuant to the Recognition for Parks and Trails Facilities Policy. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by City Council. Park Planners have the latitude to design signs recognizing donations based on site location and donor specific criteria. Naming of facilities donated must meet the Naming Park Facilities Operational Policy unless accepted under City Council resolution. The naming proposal will be presented to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for their recommendation to City Council. City Council has final approval of the park facility name, including the right to approve a different name. The option for naming facilities is only permitted under the Park Facility Diamond, Platinum, Gold and Silver categories. Minor items such as trash receptacles and flower beds cannot be named. Parks and Recreation SUBJECT. Department Policies and RECOGNITION FOR PARKS AND CITY OF Procedures Manual TRAILS FACILITIES POLICY MER REVISION EFFECTIVE E PAGE iIe DATE OF 3a A R KANAS 6_16_2015 SUPERSEDES APPROVED BY. RECOGNITION FOR PARKS AND TRAILS FACILITIES POLICY Bronze Category: Recognition on Donor Wall for 25 year period I Donation of $25,000 up to $250,000 for park amenities. Examples include: about:blank 2/7 3/29/23, 2:11 PM Fayetteville, AR Code of Ordinances Bleachers Batting Cages Bike Racks Lighting Drinking Fountain with Dog Bowl Prefabricated Pavilion Picnic Table and Grill Art Sculpture Single Playground Apparatu rocks/swing set) Landscape Feature Size of donor wall and names to be approved by the City Council. ilver Category: Naming Rights for 10 year period Donation of 75% cost of new facility over $250,000. Examples include: Soccer Field Baseball Field Tennis Court Basketball Court Disc Golf Course Concession Stand/Restroom Park Restroom One Mile Asphalt/Concrete Park Trail Small Amphitheater (seating for 150) Water Feature Parking Lot (25 cars) Greenhouse Playground Gold Category: Naming Rights for a Field/Court/Facility for 25 year period about:blank 3/7 3/29/23, 2:11 PM Fayetteville, AR Code of Ordinances Donation of 100% cost of new facility over $250,000. Examples include: Soccer Field Baseball Field Tennis Court Basketball Court Disc Golf Course Concession Stand/Restroom Park Restroom One Mile Asphalt/Concrete Park Trail Small Amphitheater (seating for 150) Water Feature Parking Lot (25 cars) Greenhouse Playground Dog Park Platinum Category: Naming Rights of a Complex for 30 year period Donation of $1 million up to $5 million to name a complete complex. Examples include: Sport Complex: 4-6 field lighted complex such as softball, baseball, soccer, tennis Diamond Category: Naming Rights of a Park Aquatic center Amphitheater- seating for 1,200 Development of a new park Donation over $5 million to name a park. about:blank 4/7 3/29/23, 2:11 PM Fayetteville, AR Code of Ordinances RECOGNITION FOR EXISTING PARK FACILITIES $200,000 per baseball or softball field for 10 years, or $350,000 for two fields $150,000 per soccer field for 10 years or $250,000 for two fields TRAIL FACILITIES Silver Category receives donor recognition of a press release, ribbon cutting ceremony, plaque constructed of high quality durable materials up to 1.5 sq ft. Trail Facilities donated in the Silver Category may only be located along trails for educational purposes or as an integral part of an art feature. Gold Category receives donor recognition of a press release, ribbon cutting ceremony, sign constructed of high quality durable materials up to 4 sq ft. Trail Facilities donated in the Gold Category may only be located at trailheads for a 25 year period and include the following: Parking Lot Pavilion City Process Restroom One Mile Asphalt/Concrete Trail 1. Parks and Recreation Staff or the Friends of Parks Board meets with donor to discuss donation including amount of donation, development of facility/amenity, recognition operational policy, naming rights (if applicable), sign appearance/style/construction, time requirements and other pertinent topics. Donor must meet the Operational Policy about:blank 5/7 3/29/23, 2:11 PM for Donor Recognition Signs. Fayetteville, AR Code of Ordinances 2. Request is presented for approval from Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. If the facility donated is granted the option to name the facility, the name must meet Park Naming Facility Operational Policy. 3. Request presented to Planning Office for approval. 4. Request presented to City Council for final park name selection and approval. 5. All donors will have first right to re -new their naming rights for an appropriate donation upon conclusion of the time period. 6. The city will reserve the right to remove a donor's name from the facility if the City Council determines by resolution that a donor would otherwise cause undue embarrassment or other issues for the City or its citizens. Exhibit "B" Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Department and OPERATIONS POLICY FOR NAMING CITY OF Procedures Manual PARK FACILITIES le NUMBER REVISIONS EFFECTIVE PAGE aye e�i A R K A N S A S PRK OF 9 SUPERSEDES: APPROVED BY. NAMING PARK FACILITIES PURPOSE The purpose of this directive is to provide policies which will govern the naming of park facilities currently owned or acquired by the City of Fayetteville. This policy statement takes precedence over any previous policies and guidelines which may have governed the naming of these facilities. POLICY Upon acquisition of a new park, the Director of Parks and Recreation will assign a nondescript temporary working name or subdivision name for the park facility to be used until park development begins. Once park development begins, the Parks and Recreation Department will receive and forward park facility name suggestions to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for review. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board will discuss and approve the recommendations at their monthly meeting. Once a recommended name has been selected, the Parks and Recreation staff will forward the name to the City Council for its final park name selection including a potentially different name. The following items should be considered when proposing names for any park facilities: • Geographic location of the facility • Outstanding features of the facility • Commonly recognized historical event, group, or individual • Individual or group who contributed significantly to the acquisition or development of a facility • Individual who provided an exceptional service in the interest of the park system For an individual to be considered, the recommended name must be accompanied by a biographical sketch which provides evidence of historical significance or contributions to the Parks and Recreation Department or City of Fayetteville. The naming of plaques, markers, and memorials within park facilities must follow the policies as stated above. Note: A name recommendation from the Active Transportation Committee for trail facilities will be required prior to forwarding to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. about:blank 6/7 3/29/23, 2:11 PM Fayetteville, AR Code of Ordinances (Code 1965, §17A-31; Ord. No. 3677, §2, 3-2-93; Code 1991, §97.088; Ord. No. 5335, 7-20-10; Ord. No. 5778, 6-16-15; >Ord. No. 5828 §1(Exh. A), 12-15-15) about:blank 7/7