HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 66560 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Ordinance: 6656 File Number: 2023-502 RZN 23-004: (2910 N. OLD WIRE RD. / VAN SCYOC, 255) iihillhillhill11111i 11 EL Klnd: ORDINANCE Recorded: 05/O1/2023 at 09:05:23 AM Mashinaton20a OtY?1 of 3 aPRit cle,k Kyle File 202 3Ylveater_100010608 AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZN 23-004 LOCATED AT 2910 NORTH OLD WIRE ROAD IN WARD 3 FOR APPROXIMATELY 14.70 ACRES FROM RSF4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY, 4 UNITS PER ACRE AND R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE TO R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE AND NC, NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARI ANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby changes the zone classification of the property shown on the map (Exhibit A) and the legal description (Exhibit B) both attached to the Planning Department's Agenda Memo from RSF-4, Residential Single -Family, 4 Units Per Acre and R-A, Residential Agriculture to R-A, Residential Agriculture and NC, Neighborhood Conservation. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1. PASSED and APPROVED on April 18, 2023 Page 2 Attest: RZN-2023-0004 2910 N OLD WIRE RD Close Up View STRAWBE Regional Link Neighborhood Link Residential Link Trail (Proposed) r ' Planning Area ! _ _ Fayetteville City Limits "Olp R� 00) ' Greek - ya eGtio< � . - �m j NORTH Zone Current Proposed NC 0.0 9.5 P-1 0.0 0.0 R-A 6.8 5.7 Feet RSF-4 7.5 0.0 0 75 150 300 450 600 1:2,400 Total 15.2 ac RZN-2023-0004 EXHIBIT "B" PROPOSED NC: A PART OF THE FRACTIONAL SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 17 NORTH, RANGE 29 WEST, A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER AND A PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, BOTH BEING IN SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 17 NORTH, RANGE 30 WEST, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SAID FRACTIONAL SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER, AND RUNNING 502°14'17"W 97.12 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAI❑ POINT ALSO BEING LOCATED ON THE SOUTHERN RIGHT OF WAY OF NORTH OLD WIRE ROAD, AND RUNNING THENCE S42°15'49"W 429.56 FEET; THENCE S87°52'31"E 123.32 FEET; THENCE S08°33'31"W 53.99 FEET; THENCE SOS°31'45"W 57.41 FEET; THENCE S24°32'37"W 24.30 FEET, THENCE S24°54'10"W 53.06 FEET; THENCE S32°19'52"W 81.60 FEET; THENCE S22°31'13"W 31.24 FEET; THENCE S30°56'30"W 55.84 FEET; THENCE S67°02'26"W 19.68 FEET; THENCE S46°06'51"W 27.99 FEET; THENCE S33'54'04"W 31.67 FEET; THENCE S24°14'51"W 66.12 FEET; THENCE S50'36'17"W 30.08 FEET; THENCE S22°18'47"W 24.79 FEET; THENCE S08°12'04"W 45.76 FEET; THENCE S26°45'39"W 32.36 FEET; THENCE S51°35'25"W 9.85 FEET; THENCE S51°35'41"W 8.83 FEET; THENCE S24°30'55"W 20.93 FEET; THENCE S03°58'37"W 40.38 FEET; THENCE S19°01'59"W 20.25 FEET; THENCE S14°09'59"W 60.86 FEET; THENCE S09°28'53"W 18.99 FEET; THENCE S35°51'49"W 15.43 FEET, THENCE S50°39'06"W 4.53 FEET; THENCE N35°50'03"W 327.54 FEET; THENCE N35°16'57"W 400.46 FEETTO THE SOUTHERN RIGHT OF WAY OF NORTH OLD WIRE ROAD, AND RUNNING ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY THE FOLLOWING 5 COURSES: ALONG A CURVE TURNING TO THE LEFT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 2397.52 FEET, AND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS N40°57'49"E 147.18 FEET; ALONG A CURVE TURNING TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 3286.14 FEET, AND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS N41°51'51"E 218.96 FEET; ALONG A CURVE TURNING TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 1347.97 FEET, AND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS N48-18'14"E 205.46 FEET; ALONG A CURVE TURNING TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 1689.10 FEET, AND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS N55°03'18"E 261.36 FEET; ALONG A CURVE TURNING TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 573.12 FEET, AND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS N61-16'48"E 42.19 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING IN ALL 9.785 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. PROPOSED R-A: A PART OF THE FRACTIONAL SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 17 NORTH, RANGE 29 WEST, A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER AND A PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, BOTH BEING IN SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 17 NORTH, RANGE 30 WEST, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SAID FRACTIONAL SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER, AND RUNNING 502°14'17"W 97.12 FEET; 502°15'49"W 429.56 FEET; and S87°52'31"E 123.32 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, and running THENCE S87°52'31"E 409.20 FEET TO THE WESTERN RIGHT OF WAY OF NORTH CROSSOVER ROAD, AND RUNNING ALONG SAI❑ RIGHT OF WAY THE FOLLOWING 3 COURSES: S30°12'22"W 234.20 FEET; 525°57'22"W 107.26 FEET; S21°46'26"W 105.67 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAI❑ RIGHT OF WAY 558'02'23"W 336.11 FEET; THENCE N84°10'57"W 40.00 FEET; THENCE S22°05'53"W 306.47 FEET; THENCE N35°50'03"W 160.87 FEET; THENCE N50°39'06"E 4.53 FEET; THENCE N35°51'49"E 15.43 FEET; THENCE N09°28'53"E 18.99 FEET; THENCE N14°D9'59"E 60.86 FEET; THENCE N19*01'59"E 20.25 FEET; THENCE ND3'58'37"E 40.38 FEET; THENCE N24°30'55"E 20.93 FEET; THENCE N51°35'41"E 8.83 FEET; THENCE N51°35'25"E 9.85 FEET; THENCE N26°45'39"E 32.36 FEET; THENCE N08°12'04"E 45.76 FEET; THENCE N22°18'47"E 24.79 FEET; THENCE N50°36'17"E 30.08 FEET; THENCE N24'14'51"E 66.12 FEET; THENCE N33°54'04"E 31.67 FEET; THENCE N46°06'51"E 27.99 FEET; THENCE N67'02'26"E 19.68 FEET; THENCE N30°56'30"E 55.84 FEET; THENCE N22°31'13"E 31.24 FEET; THENCE N32°19'52"E 81.60 FEET; THENCE N24'54'10"E 53.06 FEET; THENCE N24°32'37"E 24.30 FEET; THENCE N05'31'45"E 57.41 FEET; THENCE N08°33'31"E 53.99 FEETTO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING IN ALL 5.497 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY OF RECORD. Washington County, AR I certify this instrument was Pled on 05/01/2023 09.05.23 AM and recorded in Real Estate File Number 2023-00010608 Kyle Sylvester- Circuit Clerk by CITY OF Pow, FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS MEETING OF APRIL 18, 2023 TO: Mayor Jordan and City Council THRU: Susan Norton, Chief of Staff Jonathan Curth, Development Services Director Jessica Masters, Development Review Manager FROM: Donna Wonsower, Planner DATE: CITY COUNCIL MEMO 2023-502 SUBJECT: RZN-2023-0004: Rezoning (2910 N. OLD WIRE RD. / VAN SCYOC, 255): Submitted by JORGENSEN AND ASSOCIATES for property located at 2910 N Old Wire Rd in WARD 3. The property is zoned RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY, FOUR UNITS PER ACRE and R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE, contains approximately 14.70 acres. The request is to rezone the property to R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE on 5.75 acres and NC, NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION on 9.54 acres. RECOMMENDATION: City Planning staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval of a request to rezone the subject property as described and shown in the attached Exhibits `A' and `B'. BACKGROUND: The subject property is located in east Fayetteville, roughly 700 feet west of the intersection of N Crossover Rd. and N Old Wire Rd. The property's zoning is currently split between RSF-4, Residential Single -Family, Four (4) Units per Acre on the western half and R-A, Residential Agriculture on the eastern half. Except for a one single family house, the three parcels (cumulatively 14.7 acres) are undeveloped. The entire property is covered with extensive tree canopy. The eastern half is part of the streamside protection zone / floodplain & floodway of Niokaska Creek and is largely designated as part of the Enduring Green Network. Request: The request is to shift the alignment of the existing R-A, Residential Agriculture zoning district to follow the boundary of the 100-year flood line, and to rezone the remainder of the property to NC, Neighborhood Conservation. Public Comment: Five (5) members of the public offered comments in opposition of the item via email. Among their concerns were the potential increase in traffic, environmental concerns, negative impact on home values and neighborhood character, and lacking existing infrastructure including schools. One (1) member of the public emailed in support of the project. Additional members of the public spoke in person at the meeting, a summary of which is included below. Land Use Compatibility: Staff finds the request to be compatible with the surrounding context. Residential uses and densities located near the subject property vary substantially. Neighboring properties are of a variety of sizes but generally follow a cul-de-sac development pattern. The existing and proposed zoning districts have Mailing address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 similar allowable uses, but the NC includes urban form setbacks rather than traditional setbacks. When compared to RSF-4, rezoning to NC will decrease the lot area minimum for single and two-family uses from 8,000 and 12,000 square feet respectively to 4,000 sf. In addition, NC would have a build -to zone of 25 feet rather than a front setback of 15 feet, and a rear setback of 5 feet rather than 15 feet. NC requires a 40-foot lot width minimum while RSF-4 requires a 70-foot lot width minimum for single-family dwellings and an 80-foot lot width minimum for two-family dwellings. Conversely, both NC and RSF-4 include up to a three-story height limit. Since the subject property contains roughly 8.14 acres of RSF-4, a maximum of thirty-two (32) units are permitted under current entitlements, where the proposed rezoning to 9.54 acres of NC would increase the density cap to ninety-five (95) units. That said, any future development would be subject to, and limited by, minimum parking requirements, tree preservation, drainage, and access management standards. Land Use Plan Analysis: Staff finds the proposal is consistent with the goals in City Plan 2040 and the future land use designation for this location. Rezoning from RSF-4 to NC serves to contribute towards City Plan 2040 Goal #1— Appropriate Infill; #4— Growing a Livable Transportation Network, #5— We Will Assemble an Enduring Green Network, and #6— Create Opportunities for Attainable Housing. The site scores moderately on the Infill Scoring Matrix due to water/sewer access, public parks and trails, and the proximity of fire station #5. The RSF-4 and NC have similar allowed uses. However, because of the flexible zoning regulations associated with the NC district, rezoning may allow for redevelopment or added density while maintaining more tree canopy and natural areas than would be possible under the more Euclidean RSF-4 zoning district. CITY PLAN 2040 INFILL MATRIX: City Plan 2040's Infill Matrix indicates 5 attributes for this site that may contribute to appropriate infill. The following elements of the matrix contribute to the score: • Adequate Fire Response (Station #5, 2979 N Old Wire Rd.) • Near Sewer Main (8" sewer main, N Old Wire Rd.) • Near Water Main (6" water main, N Old Wire Rd.) • Near City Park (Gulley Park) • Near Paved Trail (Niokaska Creek Trail) DISCUSSION: At the February 27, 2023 Planning Commission meeting, a vote of 5-2-1 forwarded the request to City Council with a recommendation of approval. Commissioner Brink made the motion and Commissioner McGetrick seconded. Commissioner Holcomb recused himself for this item. Commissioners in favor of the rezoning found the intent of Neighborhood Conservation to be compatible with RSF-4, allowing for more flexible, walkable development. They also noted that although the property is not directly located in an urban growth center on the 2040 plan's growth concept map (designated on a scale of 1-3 depending on intensity), it is between a tier 2 and a tier 3 center on a high -activity corridor. Per the plan, the tier centers identify key growth nodes and major areas that should be conserved for natural resources and open space (City Plan 2040, pg. 12). The commissioners voting in favor of the rezoning also cited the logical re -alignment of the R-A zoning with the floodplain. Commissioners Garlock and Madden voted no citing a low infill score, limited possibility for connectivity to surrounding properties, and the property not falling within the bounds of the tier 2 center, and misalignment with the future land use map and master street plan regional link. Seven (7) members of the public spoke during the meeting. Discussion from the public focused primarily on compatibility with the existing neighborhood, drainage and flooding, density, increased traffic, environmental impact, insufficient schools, and the public hearing process. Mailing address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: NA ATTACHMENTS: SRF, Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Planning Commission Staff Report, RZN-2023-0004 CC Accident Data Memo w-attachments, Rezone 15 Acres at 2910 Old Wire Road, Updated 04132023 RZN-2023-0004 Contours and Streamside, RZN-2023-0004 Hydric Soils Mailing address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 ® City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Legislation Text File #: 2023-502 RZN-2023-0004: Rezoning (2910 N. OLD WIRE RD. / VAN SCYOC, 255): Submitted by JORGENSEN AND ASSOCIATES for property located at 2910 N Old Wire Rd in WARD 3. The property is zoned RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY, FOUR UNITS PER ACRE and R- A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE, contains approximately 14.70 acres. The request is to rezone the property to R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE on 5.75 acres and NC, NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION on 9.54 acres. AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZN 23-004 LOCATED AT 2910 NORTH OLD WIRE ROAD IN WARD 3 FOR APPROXIMATELY 14.70 ACRES FROM RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY, 4 UNITS PER ACRE AND R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE TO R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE AND NC, NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby changes the zone classification of the property shown on the map (Exhibit A) and the legal description (Exhibit B) both attached to the Planning Department's Agenda Memo from RSF-4, Residential Single -Family, 4 Units Per Acre and R-A, Residential Agriculture to R-A, Residential Agriculture and NC, Neighborhood Conservation. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1. Page 1 Jonathan Curth Submitted By City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2023-502 Item ID 3/21/2023 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item 2/27/2023 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW (630) Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: RZN-2023-0004: Rezoning (2910 N. OLD WIRE RD. / VAN SCYOC, 255): Submitted by JORGENSEN AND ASSOCIATES for property located at 2910 N Old Wire Rd in WARD 3 . The property is zoned RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY, FOUR UNITS PER ACRE and R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE, contains approximately 14.70 acres. The request is to rezone the property to R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURE on 5.75 acres and NC, NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION on 9.54 acres. Budget Impact: Account Number Fund Project Number Project Title Budgeted Item? No Total Amended Budget $ - Expenses (Actual+Encum) $ - Available Budget Does item have a direct cost? No Item Cost $ - Is a Budget Adjustment attached? No Budget Adjustment $ - Remaining Budget Purchase Order Number: Change Order Number: Original Contract Number: Comments: V20221130 Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Approval Date: CITY OF i FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS PLANNING COMMISSION MEMO TO: Fayetteville Planning Commission THRU: Jessie Masters, Development Review Manager FROM: Donna Wonsower, Planner MEETING DATE: February 27, 2023 (Updated with results from Planning Commission) SUBJECT: RZN-2023-0004: Rezoning (2910 N. OLD WIRE RD. / VAN SCYOC, 255): Submitted by JORGENSEN AND ASSOCIATES for property located at 2910 N Old Wire Rd. The property is zoned RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY, FOUR UNITS PER ACRE and R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL, contains approximately 14.70 acres. The request is to rezone the property to R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL on 5.75 acres and NC, NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION on 9.54 acres. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding RZN-2023-0004 to City Council with a recommendation of approval. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move to forward RZN-2023-0004 to City Council with a recommendation of approval." BACKGROUND: The subject property is in east Fayetteville, roughly 700 feet west of the intersection of N. Crossover Rd. and N. Old Wire Rd. The property's zoning is currently split roughly half between RSF-4, Residential Single -Family, Four (4) Units per Acre on the western half and R-A, Residential Agricultural over the eastern half. Except for a single -single family house, the three parcels (cumulatively 14.7 acres) are undeveloped. The entire property is covered extensively with tree canopy and the eastern half is part of the streamside protection zone / floodplain & floodway of Niokaska Creek. Most of the land currently zoned R-A is designated as part of the Enduring Green Network. Surrounding land uses and zoning is depicted in Table 1. Table 1 Surrounding Land Use and Zoning Direction Land Use Zoning North Single -Family Residential RSF-4, Residential Single -Family, 4 Units per Acre South Streamside / Single -Family Residential RSF-4, Residential Single -Family, 4 Units per Acre / R-A, Residential Agricultural East Single -Family Residential RSF-4, Residential Single -Family, 4 Units per Acre West Single -Family Residential RSF-4, Residential Single -Family, 4 Units per Acre Planning Commission February 27, 2023 RZN-2023-0004 (VAN SCYOC) Paqe 1 of 20 Request: The request is to shift the alignment of the existing R-A, Residential Agricultural zoning district to follow the boundary of the 100-year flood line, and to rezone the remainder of the property to NC, Neighborhood Conservation. Public Comment: Two members of the public offered comment in opposition of the item. Among their concerns was the potential increase in traffic, environmental concerns, negative impact to home values and neighborhood character, and lacking existing infrastructure including schools. INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Streets: The subject area has frontage along N. Old Wire Rd., a partially improved Neighborhood Link street with asphalt paving, and open ditches. The subject area also has frontage along N. Sumac Dr., a fully improved residential link street with asphalt paving, sidewalk, gutter and curb. Any street improvements required in these areas would be determined at the time of development proposal. Any additional improvements or requirements for drainage will be determined at time of development. Water: Public water is available to the subject area. Existing 8-inch water main is present on the south side of N. Old Wire Rd. Existing 6-inch water main is present on the north side of N. Sumac Dr. Sewer: Sanitary Sewer is available to the Subject area. Existing 6-inch sewer main is present on the North side of N. Old Wire Rd. Fire: Station 5, located at 2979 N. Crossover Rd., protects this site. The property is located approximately 0.5 miles from the fire station with an anticipated drive time of approximately 1 minute using existing streets. The anticipated response time would be approximately 3.2 minutes. Fire Department response time is calculated based on the drive time plus 1 minute for dispatch and 1.2 minutes for turn -out time. Within the City Limits, the Fayetteville Fire Department has a response time goal of 6 minutes for an engine and 8 minutes for a ladder truck. Police: The Police Department expressed no concerns with this request. Drainage: No portion of the property lies within the Hillside -Hilltop Overlay District. A portion of the property is designated as having hydric soils, a known indicator of wetlands. However, for an area to be classified as wetlands, it may also need other characteristics such as hydrophytes (plants that grow in water), and shallow water during parts of the year. Hydric Soils can be found across many areas of Fayetteville, including valleys, floodplains, and open prairies. It's important to identify these natural resources during development, so when these soils are identified on a property, further environmental studies will be required at the time of development. Before permits will be issued for the property a statement/report from an environmental professional must be provided summarizing the existence of wetlands on the property. If this statement/report indicates that wetlands may be present on site, a USACE Determination of Jurisdictional Wetlands will be required at the time of development submittal. A portion of the property lies within a FEMA floodplain. A floodplain development Planning Commission February 27, 2023 RZN-2023-0004 (VAN SCYOC) Page 2 of 20 review will be required at the time of permit or plan submittal. This will restrict the type of development and impact in flood zones; and may require additional documentation such as flood studies or elevation certificates depending on the type of development. If a development impacts a floodplain, those impacts may require review and approval from FEMA. A portion of the property lies within a streamside protection zone. Streamside Protection Zones generally consists of a protected area on each side of a stream or creek. This "protected area" is meant to preserve woody vegetation and natural areas along stream corridors to improve/protect stream health. At a minimum, it will be 50ft wide as measured from the top of bank but depending on the shape and extents of the floodway, it could be substantially more. Certain construction activities such as trails and some utilities are allowed in these zones, but in general, improvements such as parking lots or buildings are prohibited. Tree Preservation: The proposed zoning district of NC, Neighborhood Conservation requires 20% minimum canopy preservation. The zoning district of RA, Residential Agricultural, intended to be re -aligned but not removed, requires 25% minimum canopy preservation. The current zoning district of RSF-4, Residential Single - Family, Four Units Per Acre requires 25% minimum canopy preservation. CITY PLAN 2040 FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: City Plan 2040 Future Land Use Plan designates the property within the proposed rezone as a Residential Neighborhood and Natural Area. Residential Neighborhood Areas are primarily residential in nature and support a wide variety of housing types of appropriate scale and context: single-family, duplexes, rowhouses, multifamily and accessory dwelling units. Residential Neighborhood encourages highly connected, compact blocks with gridded street patterns and reduced building setbacks. It also encourages traditional neighborhood development that incorporates low -intensity non-residential uses intended to serve the surrounding neighborhoods, such as retail and offices, on corners and along connecting corridors. This designation recognizes existing conventional subdivision developments which may have large blocks with conventional setbacks and development patterns that respond to features of the natural environment. Building setbacks may vary depending on the context of the existing neighborhood. Natural Areas consist of lands approximating or reverting to a wilderness conditions, including those with limited development potential due to topography, hydrology, vegetation or value as an environmental resource. These resources can include stream and wildlife corridors, as well as natural hubs and cores, many of which are identified in the generalized enduring green network. A Natural Area designation would encourage a development pattern that requires conservation and preservation, prevents degradation of these areas, and would utilize the principles of low impact development stormwater infrastructure for all developments. Natural Areas are prime candidates for conservation subdivision design and/or clustered development patterns. CITY PLAN 2040 INFILL MATRIX: City Plan 2040's Infill Matrix indicates a score of 6 for this site, with a weighted score of 6 at the highest. The following elements of the matrix contribute to the score: • Adequate Fire Response (Station #5, 2979 N Old Wire Rd.) • Near Sewer Main (8" sewer main, N Old Wire Rd.) • Near Water Main (6" water main, N Old Wire Rd.) Planning Commission February 27, 2023 RZN-2023-0004 (VAN SCYOC) Page 3 of 20 • Near City Park (Gulley Park) • Near Paved Trail (Niokaska Creek Trail) FINDINGS OF THE STAFF A determination of the degree to which the proposed zoning is consistent with land use planning objectives, principles, and policies and with land use and zoning plans. Finding: Land Use Compatibility: Staff finds the request to be compatible with the surrounding context. Residential uses and densities located near the subject property vary substantially. Neighboring properties are of a variety of sizes but generally follow a cul-de-sac development pattern. The existing and proposed zoning districts have similar allowable uses, the NC includes urban form setbacks rather than traditional setbacks. When compared to RSF-4, rezoning to NC will decrease the buildable area of the lot for single and two-family uses from 8,000 and 12,000 square feet respectively to 4,000 square feet. In addition, NC would have a build -to zone of 25 feet rather than a front setback of 15 feet, and a rear setback of 12 feet rather than 15 feet. Since the subject property contains roughly 8.14 acres of RSF-4, a maximum of thirty-two (32) units are permitted under current entitlements, where the proposed rezoning to 9.54 acres of NC would increaser the density cap to ninety-five (95) units. That said, any future development would be subject to, and limited by, minimum parking requirements, tree preservation, drainage, and access management standards. NC requires a 40-foot lot width minimum while RSF-4 requires a 70-foot lot width minimum for single-family dwellings and 80-ft lot width minimum for two-family dwellings. Conversely, both NC and RSF-4 include up to a three-story height limit. Land Use Plan Analysis: Staff finds the proposal is consistent with the goals in City Plan 2040 and the future land use designation for this location. Rezoning from RSF-4 to NC serves to contribute towards City Plan 2040 Goals #1 — Appropriate Infill, Growing a Livable Transportation Network, #5 - We Will Assemble an Enduring Green Network, and #6 — Create Opportunities for Attainable Housing. The site scores moderately on the Infill Scoring Matrix due to water/sewer access, public parks and trails, and the proximity of fire station #5. The RSF-4 and NC have similar allowed uses; however because of the form -based zoning regulations associated with the NC district, rezoning may allow for redevelopment or added density while maintaining more tree canopy and natural areas than would be possible under the RSF-4 zoning district. The Future Land Use Map designates the site as split between Residential Neighborhood Area, which supports "a wide variety of housing types of appropriate scale and context including single-family, duplexes, rowhouses, multifamily and accessory dwelling units," and Natural Area, which "promotes conservation of open space and areas of significant riparian benefit." Staff is supportive of realigning the R-A zoning district to the 100- year flood boundary, as the change would more accurately reflect the intent of the future land use plan to preserve the riparian area adjacent to Niokaska Creek. Further, adding density as designated by the "Residential Neighborhood" designation is likely best facilitated by the regulations in NC Planning Commission February 27, 2023 RZN-2023-0004 (VAN SCYOC) Page 4 of 20 zoning and is justified given the property's proximity to commercial and non- residential uses in north Fayetteville. 2. A determination of whether the proposed zoning is justified and/or needed at the time the rezoning is proposed. Finding: Staff finds that a rezoning to NC is justified. Rezoning may be less restrictive in allowing the property to develop under proportional regulations. Because rezoning will better support infill redevelopment on the property, staff finds the proposed zoning to be consistent with the City's future land use goals and therefore needed at this time. 3. A determination as to whether the proposed zoning would create or appreciably increase traffic danger and congestion. Finding: Rezoning to NC has an associated potential to increase traffic at this location. NC permits development at 10 units per acre where it is currently limited to 4 units per acre. Staff finds potential to increase the number of residential units above what is currently allowed by right; subject to constraints such as steep slopes, tree preservation requirements, and other design requirements. Staff finds the increase in density is unlikely to result in increased traffic danger or congestion. The subject property has access to N. Old Wire Rd., an improved Neighborhood Link. Future development would be required to meet the City's applicable access management and parking standards. 4. A determination as to whether the proposed zoning would alter the population density and thereby undesirably increase the load on public services including schools, water, and sewer facilities. Finding: Rezoning the property to NC may increase the load on public services, but the impact is not expected to be detrimental. The size of the property and access to existing water and sewer infrastructure means future development will likely avoid the need for costly extensions to services. Fayetteville Public Schools did not comment on this request. 5. If there are reasons why the proposed zoning should not be approved in view of considerations under b (1) through (4) above, a determination as to whether the proposed zoning is justified and/or necessitated by peculiar circumstances such as: a. It would be impractical to use the land for any of the uses permitted under its existing zoning classifications; b. There are extenuating circumstances which justify the rezoning even though there are reasons under b (1) through (4) above why the proposed zoning is not desirable. Finding: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Planning staff recommends forwarding RZN-2023-0004 to City Council with a recommendation of approval. Planning Commission February 27, 2023 RZN-2023-0004 (VAN SCYOC) Paqe 5 of 20 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Required YES Date: February 27, 2023 O Tabled O Forwarded O Denied Forwarded with a recommendation of approval Motion: Brink Seven (7) Public comment in person, Six (6) Digital comments Second: McGetrick jVOte: 5-2-1 (Garlock & Madden voted No, Holcomb Recused) BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: None Attachments: • Unified Development Code: o §161.03 District R-A, Residential Agricultural o §161.07 District RSF-4, Residential Single -Family, Four Units per Acre o §161.29 District NC, Neighborhood Conservation • Applicant Request Letter • Public Comment • One Mile Map • Close-up Map • Current Land Use Map • Future Land Use Map Planning Commission February 27, 2023 RZN-2023-0004 (VAN SCYOC) Page 6 of 20 161.03 District R-A, Residential -Agricultural (A) Purposes. The regulations of the agricultural district are designed to protect agricultural land until an orderly transition to urban development has been accomplished; prevent wasteful scattering of development in rural areas; obtain economy of public funds in the providing of public improvements and services of orderly growth; conserve the tax base; provide opportunity for affordable housing, increase scenic attractiveness; and conserve open space. (B) Uses. (1) Permitted Uses. Unit 1 City-wide uses by right Unit 3 Public protection and utility facilities Unit 6 Agriculture Unit 7 Animal husbandry Unit 8 Single-family dwellings Unit 9 Two-family dwellings Unit 37 Manufactured homes Unit 41 Accessory dwellings Unit 43 Animal boarding and training Unit 46 Short-term rentals (2) Conditional Uses. Unit 2 City-wide uses by conditional use permit Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities Unit 5 Government facilities Unit 20 Commercial recreation, large sites Unit 24 Home occupations Unit 35 Outdoor Music Establishments Unit 36 Wireless communications facilities Unit 42 Clean technologies (C) Density. Units per acre I One-half '/2 (D) Bulk and Area Regulations. Lot width minimum 200 feet Lot Area Minimum: Residential: 2 acres Nonresidential: 2 acres Lot area per dwelling unit 2 acres (E) Setback Requirements. Front Side Rear 35 feet 20 feet 35 feet (F) Height Requirements. There shall be no maximum height limits in the R-A District, provided, however, if a building exceeds the height of one (1) story, the portion of the building over one (1) Planning Commission February 27, 2023 RZN-2023-0004 (VAN SCYOC) Page 7 of 20 story shall have an additional setback from any boundary line of an adjacent residential district. The amount of additional setback for the portion of the building over one (1) story shall be equal to the difference between the total height of that portion of the building and one (1) story. (G) Building area. None. (Code 1965, App. A., Art. 5(1); Ord. No. 1747, 6-29-70; Code 1991, §160.030; Ord. No. 4100, §2 (Ex. A), 6-16-98; Ord. No. 4178, 8-31-99; Ord. No. 5028, 6-19-07; Ord. No. 5128, 4-15-08; Ord. No. 5195, 11-6- 08; Ord. No. 5238, 5-5-09; Ord. No. 5479, 2-7-12; Ord. No. 5945, §3, 1-17-17; Ord. No. 6015, §1(Exh. A), 11-21-17; Ord. No. 6427 , §§1(Exh. C), 2, 4-20-2 1) Ord. No. 6427 , § 2, adopted April 20, 2021, "determines that this ordinance and all amendments to Code sections ordained or enacted by this ordinance shall automatically sunset, be repealed, terminated, and become void twenty (20) months after the passage and approval of this ordinance, unless prior to that date, the City Council amends this ordinance to repeal this sunset, repeal and termination section." 161.07 District RSF-4, Residential Single -Family - Four (4) Units Per Acre (A) Purpose. The RSF-4 Residential District is designed to permit and encourage the development of low -density detached dwellings in suitable environments, as well as to protect existing development of these types. (B) Uses. (1) Permitted Uses. Unit 1 City-wide uses by right Unit 8 Single-family dwellings Unit 41 Accessory dwellings Unit 46 Short-term rentals (2) Conditional Uses. Unit 2 City-wide uses by conditional use permit Unit 3 Public protection and utility facilities Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities Unit 5 Government facilities Unit 9 Two-family dwellings Unit 12a Limited business Unit 24 Home occupations Unit 36 Wireless communications facilities Unit 44 Cluster Housing Development (C) Density. Single-family dwellings Two (2) family dwellings Units per acre 4 or less 7 or less (D) Bulk and Area Regulations. Single-family dwellings Two (2) family dwellings Lot minimum width 70 feet 80 feet Planning Commission February 27, 2023 RZN-2023-0004 (VAN SCYOC) Page 8 of 20 Lot area minimum 8,000 square feet 12,000 square feet Land area per 8,000 square feet 6,000 square feet dwelling unit Hillside Overlay 60 feet 70 feet District Lot minimum width Hillside Overlay 81000 square feet 12,000 square feet District Lot area minimum Land area per 8,000 square feet 6,000 square feet dwelling unit (E) Setback Requirements. Front Side Rear 15 feet 5 feet 15 feet (F) Building Height Regulations. Building Height Maximum 13 stories (G) Building Area. On any lot the area occupied by all buildings shall not exceed 40% of the total area of such lot. Accessory ground mounted solar energy systems shall not be considered buildings. (Code 1991, §160.031; Ord. No. 4100, §2 (Ex. A), 6-16-98; Ord. No. 4178, 8-31-99; Ord. No. 4858, 4-18- 06; Ord. No. 5028, 6-19-07; Ord. No. 5128, 4-15-08; Ord. No. 5224, 3-3-09; Ord. No. 5312, 4-20-10; Ord. No. 5462, 12-6-11; Ord. No. 5921 , §1, 11-1-16; Ord. No. 5945 , §8, 1-17-17; Ord. No. 6015 , §1(Exh. A), 11-21-17; Ord. No. 6245 , §2, 10-15-19; Ord. No. 6427 , §§l(Exh. C), 2, 4-20-21) Ord. No. 6427 , § 2, adopted April 20, 2021, "determines that this ordinance and all amendments to Code sections ordained or enacted by this ordinance shall automatically sunset, be repealed, terminated, and become void twenty (20) months after the passage and approval of this ordinance, unless prior to that date, the City Council amends this ordinance to repeal this sunset, repeal and termination section." 161.29 Neighborhood Conservation (A) Purpose. The Neighborhood Conservation zone has the least activity and a lower density than the other zones. Although Neighborhood Conservation is the most purely residential zone, it can have some mix of uses, such as civic buildings. Neighborhood Conservation serves to promote and protect neighborhood character. For the purposes of Chapter 96: Noise Control, the Neighborhood Conservation district is a residential zone. (B) Uses. (1) Permitted Uses. Unit 1 City-wide uses by right Unit 8 Single-family dwellings Unit 41 Accessory dwellings Unit 46 Short-term rentals Planning Commission February 27, 2023 RZN-2023-0004 (VAN SCYOC) Page 9 of 20 (2) Conditional Uses. Unit 2 City-wide uses by conditional use permit Unit 3 Public protection and utility facilities Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities Unit 9 Two 2 family dwellings Unit 10 Three 3 and four 4 family dwellings Unit 12a Limited business* Unit 24 Home occupations Unit 25 Offices, studios, and related services Unit 28 Center for collecting recyclable materials Unit 36 Wireless communication facilities Unit 44 Cluster Housing Development (C) Density. Ten (10) Units Per Acre. (D) Bulk and Area Regulations. (1) Lot Width Minimum. All dwelling types 140 feet (2) Lot Area Minimum. 4,000 square feet (E) Setback Regulations. Front A build -to zone that is located between the front property line and a line 25 feet from the front property line. Side 5 feet Rear 5 feet Rear, from center line of 12 feet an alley (F) Building Height Regulations. Building Height Maximum 13 stories (Ord. No. 5128, 4-15-08; Ord. No. 5312, 4-20-10; Ord. No. 5462, 12-6-11; Ord. No. 5592, 6-18-13; Ord. No. 5664, 2-18-14; Ord. No. 5800, §1(Exh. A), 10-6-15>; Ord. No. 5921 , §1, 11-1-16; Ord. No. 5945, §§5, 7-9, 1-17-17; Ord. No. 6015, §1(Exh. A), 11-21-17; Ord. No. 6211 , §1, 8-6-19; Ord. No. 6427, §§1(Exh. C), 2, 4-20-21) Ord. No. 6427 , § 2, adopted April 20, 2021, "determines that this ordinance and all amendments to Code sections ordained or enacted by this ordinance shall automatically sunset, be repealed, terminated, and become void twenty (20) months after the passage and approval of this ordinance, unless prior to that date, the City Council amends this ordinance to repeal this sunset, repeal and termination section." Planning Commission February 27, 2023 RZN-2023-0004 (VAN SCYOC) Page 10 of 20 $4 JORGENSEN +ASSOCIATES vCivil Engineering Surveying February 3, 2023 City of Fayetteville Development Services 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Re: Rezoning at 2910 N Old Wire Road Dear City Staff; 124 W Sunbridge Drive, Suite 5 Fayetteville, AR 72703 Office: 479.442.9127 www orgerserassoc con, Established 1985 On Behalf of the Owner and their representatives, we are submitting a rezoning request for property located along 2910 N Old Wire, Fayetteville, AR 72703. A. The current owner of this site is as follows: Nola VanScyoc Revocable Trust (Parcel Numbers 765- 16047-000, 765-13287-000. 765-16043-000. B. Currently this property is zoned RSF-4 and R-A. C. This property is surrounded by RSF-4 on the north and west, a portion of P-1 to the south and north, and section of R-O to the east. D. Existing adequate water and sewer are already at this site. E. We feel the requested rezoning is in line with the goals of the City Plan 2040 where the future land use calls for a portion of Residential Neighborhood and Natural. Statement of Compatibility: This request to rezone a portion of the RSF-4 to Neighborhood Conservation and adjust the R-A zoning line to match the 100-year floodplain is compatible with neighboring property and will not unreasonably adversely affect or conflict with surrounding land uses. Within reasonable proximity, rezoning of the property south of Butterfield Elementary to NC, sets a precedence for similar development patterns that serve to promote and protect neighborhood character. The zoning line has been adjusted to follow the 100-year flood plain and this zoning line makes more sense than the current zoning line and will ensure that the floodplain would be of minimal impact. Given the proximity to the Fire Station, Crossover (Regional Link), and the Niokaska Trail, we feel that this rezoning is supported in a multitude of ways and will not adversely impact vehicular patterns. Planning Commission February 27, 2023 RZN-2023-0004 (VAN SCYOC) Page 16 of 20 PUBLIC COMMENT: JULIE C KEYS Wonsower, Donna From: Julie C Keys <jckeys611 @gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2023 9:39 PM To: Wonsower, Donna Subject: Old Wire Rezoning CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the City of Fayetteville. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Planner Wonsower: This concern addresses the rezoning of 2910 North Old Wire Road. I firmly believe that it is not in the best interest of its neighbors, commuters, or city of Fayetteville. First, I wish to address this issue on a personal note. In 2006, my husband and I began our search for a home in Fayetteville to raise our one year old and immediately fell in love with the property on Raintree Drive in the Boxwood subdivision. At the time, I worried that our proximity to the fire station was too close, potentially a noise nuisance, but I talked myself into that being a plus to the property. It was the green space behind our house that sold us! For the last 17 years, listening to the sounds and enjoying the sights of the wooded area have brought such peace. I also want to address this issue as a citizen of Fayetteville. The projected area on Old Wire Road currently has only two lanes, leading to numerous neighborhoods and to commercial areas. There is no sidewalk, and traffic is often backed up at the intersection of Old Wire Road and Crossover Road. Additional dwellings will impact an already congested area of town. Many times when I try to leave my street, I face lines of traffic or speeding cars. From a traffic perspective, adding more dwellings to the area will negatively impact the area. Most importantly though, I want to address the potential environmental concerns. One of the reasons I chose this area was the city's commitment to conserve green space and protect its natural beauty. Just four houses down from my house, homeowners are required to have flood insurance. Considering the city's recent restoration to Niokaska Creek, an area of the Illinois River Watershed, I worry about upsetting the landscape further. I am not a landscape engineer, but I do know that destroying the current tree canopy can lead to erosion. In addition, urban development influences drainage and contaminates water. These concerns do not seem to be in line with the City of Fayetteville's vision. Thank you for your service to our fine city, and I ask that additional consideration be given to the proposed area. Below you will find images of the proposed rezoning from my home, as well as data from the Fayetteville City Plan 2040. In appreciation, Julie Keys 2792 North Raintree Drive ickevs611 ra-)amail.com 479-957-1780 0 0 0 8.3 Tree Canopy A healthy urban tree canopy can address the three major weather events that are anticipated to affect Northwest Arkansas: unpredictable but more impactful rain events, drought, and heat waves. Even before broad acknowledgement of climate change, Fayetteville and its residents placed a high value on the City's tree canopy, particularly with the formation of the Tree and Landscape Advisory Committee in 1993 and the subsequent adoption of a Tree Preservation ordinance regulating tree removal associated with development. 8.4 Slopes and Hillsides Slope is a critical factor in determining a soil's suitability for supporting development. The development of severe slopes involving soils not capable of provided sufficient foundational support may result in extensive cutting and filling to stabilize them. When compounded by the removal of existing vegetation, the excavation and fill of soil can result in severe erosion, slumping and shearing. In Fayetteville, areas of severe slope are characterized by soils less suitable for development. Shallow depth to bedrock conditions are compound problems in these areas. There are several identified beds of cherty limestone, acid sandstone, siltstone and shale that have shown faulting and folding at steeper locations. Of the 58,037 acres of land within the City and its Planning Area, approximately 16%, or 8,900 acres have slopes of 15 percent or greater. With some notable exceptions such as Mount Sequoyah, these slopes have previously remained largely undeveloped. More recent trends indicate that development on hillsides and hilltops is increasing. The passage of the Hillside/Hilltop Development Overlay District in 2006 provided additional development protections on slopes that are 15 percent and greater and the flatter, bench -like hilltops. 8.5 Watershed System However, urban development can, and has, altered many of these natural drainage systems which can create drainage, storage and flooding hazards during heavy or extended duration storm events. 8.6 Flooding In general Chapter 168, flood damage prevention, of the Unified Development Code (UDC) and 44 Code of Federal Regulations (44CFR) are utilized in conjunction with the latest Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) to determine which properties may be at risk and in need of additional regulation to limit flood losses. These regulations extend to the area defined as "Special Flood Hazard Areas" located on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps. Flooding also brings challenges associated with water quality. Rising flood waters can be contaminated by, among other things, oil and grease, household chemicals, fuels, sanitary sewer overflows, and soils/ sediment. One major contributor of soil/ sediment and the associated nutrients such as phosphorus is stream bank erosion. As flood waters rise, the velocity of the water increases and can damage stream banks causing both pollution issues and property loss. All of these items can damage the natural ecosystem and potentially harm drinking water sources. Beaver Lake is the drinking water source for all of Northwest Arkansas and approximately 40% of Fayetteville currently drains into this watershed. The remainder drains into the Illinois River Watershed which also has its challenges with regard to pollutants. PUBLIC COMMENT: ROB KEYS Wonsower, Donna From: Rob Keys <2123keys@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2023 6:22 PM To: Umberger, Ryan; Wonsower, Donna; Hopkins, Mirinda; Planning Shared Subject: development off Old Wire Road CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the City of Fayetteville. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Ryan/Donna/Miranda/others- Thank you, first of all, for serving Fayetteville. Being an official in the public eye is not easy these days and I appreciate your willingness to do so. I'm contacting you re: Mitch Weigel's proposal to develop land between the Boxwood subdivision and the fire station at Old Wire/265. I'm sure you've heard from some of my Boxwood neighbors, as this is an emotional issue for some, if not many. Having lived directly adjacent to the property being considered for more than 16 years, however, I have long expected development behind my home. I understand the need for residential infill in Fayetteville. That doesn't mean I like it, but I understand. What I'm asking is for extremely careful consideration of this proposal. Rezoning that allows 10 units per acre - or anything close to that - is simply irresponsible. I don't believe that aligns w Fayetteville's 'Vision 2050' and I think there are other legitimate concerns, including drainage, loss of trees/green space/natural habitat and traffic. Traffic is already an issue in this area - a major issue for those of us who live here. Additionally, the sheer density of 10 units per acre - or anything close to that - is a drastic deviation from what currently exists in our neighborhood. It's simply not right and I am 100-percent convinced that if you or Mitch Weigel or any reasonable person lived where my family lives, you would feel the same way. Thank you for your time and service. Please do what is right. Rob Keys 2792 N. Raintree Drive (479) 957-4635 PUBLIC COMMENT: TIFFANY MEEKS From: To: CityClerk Planning Shared; Sparkman, Sarah; Johnson. Matthew; Canada. Ouintin; Brink. Andrew; Garlock. Jimm; Holcomb, Joseph; Madden, Marv; McGetrick, Marv; Winston, Porter; Berna, Scott; Bolinger, Bonnie; Pennington, Blake; Brown, Chris; Bunch, Sarah; CityClerk; Curth, Jonathan; Harvey, Sonia; Hertzberg. Holly; Batker, Jodi; Jones, D"Andre; Rogers, Kristin; Williams, Kit; Jordan, Lioneld; Mathis, Jeana; Moore, Sarah; Paxton, Kara; Mulford, Patti; Ramirez. Jonathan; Rea, Christine; Norton, Susan; Spohn. Courtney; Thurber, Lisa; Turk, Teresa; Wiederkehr, Mike Cc: tiftim gmail.com; CityClerk Subject: FW: Old wire/boxwood project Date: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 8:36:08 AM Attachments: image001.pnng Good morning everyone, Please see the e-mail below from Ms. Tiffany Meeks as a follow up to the previously shared message. Thank you and have a nice day, Jonathan Office of the City Clerk Treasurer City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain St, Suite 308 Fayetteville, AR 72701 T 479.575.8323 cityclerka—fayettevi I le-ar.gov Website I Facebook I Twitter I Instagram I YouTube ity of Fayetteville Logo-01 From: Tiffany Timmons <tiftim@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 6:14 AM To: CityClerk <cityclerk@fayetteville-ar.gov> Subject: Re: Old wire/boxwood project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the City of Fayetteville. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Sarah, Thank you for your response. It does seem very counterproductive that the city council and the school board don't have more of a connection. I am very frustrated with the school district, my 3 children will all attend McNair which is over crowded and building more homes in an already full district without any plans to build a new school seems ridiculous. I attended FPS and had a lovely experience. I'm not sure my kids will enjoy the same if they are forced to attend schools out of their district due to over crowding. Does the city have any input on schools or district lines? If not I think that should be looked at more closely. How can a city function properly without enough schools to support its growing population? Im not a city planner or school district expert but I would think both need to be on the same page as our city moves forward, knowing there will only be more growth and more children that need to attend schools. I would never be able to get to work on time if my kids were redistributed to a school on the west side. The school bus commissioner has said there's no possible way for them to bus kids from the east side to the west side with the shortage of drivers and the amount of kids needing bus services. This is a big concern for my family. When I see more houses going up it just makes me a bit angry knowing it's my kids education that's going to suffer not the city. Thank you! Tiffany (Timmons) Meeks Sent from my iPhone On Feb 21, 2023, at 8:24 AM, CityClerk<cityclerk(@fa)letteville-ar.gov> wrote: Good morning everyone, Please see the e-mail below from Ms. Tiffany Meeks. Thank you and have a nice day, Jonathan Office of the City Clerk Treasurer City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain St, Suite 308 Fayetteville, AR 72701 T 479.575.8323 cityclerk(aMayettevi I le-ar.gov Website I Facebook I Twitter I Instagram I YouTube ®❑ From: Bunch, Sarah<Sarah.bunch Wayetteville-ar.gov> Sent: Monday, February 20, 2023 11:19 AM To: CityClerk<cityclerkl@fayetteville-ar.gov> Cc: Tiffany Timmons <tiftim(@gmail.com> Subject: Fwd: Old wire/boxwood project Can the Clerk's office please share this email with planning staff, the members of the planning commission, and the city council? Thank you very much. Sarah Sent from my iPad Begin forwarded message: From: Tiffany Timmons <tiftim(@gmail.com> Date: February 13, 2023 at 2:09:07 PM CST To: "Bunch, Sarah" <sarah.bunch(@fayetteville-ar.gov> Subject: Old wire/boxwood project CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the City of Fayetteville. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi! I am sending you this email to speak out in opposition to the proposed development near old wire and boxwood. I live off old wire and my kids attend FPS. We need more roads and schools in this area before any more residence come into the mix. We desperately need another middle school on the east side, as well as more side walks and a wider old wire to accommodate traffic. The traffic in this area during commute times is too busy for more dwellings. More schools and roads please, not more houses and people. Thank you. Tiffany Meeks 479-530-1428 PUBLIC COMMENT: ROB QUALLS City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain St, Suite 308 Fayetteville, AR 72701 T 479.575.8323 cityclerk(abfayetteville-ar.gov Website I Facebook I Twitter I Instagram I YouTube GMT or PAT■TT■VILLE ARKANSAN From: Rob Qualls <robbieq@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 12:53 PM To: CityClerk <cityclerk@fayetteville-ar.gov> Subject: RZN-2023-0004 Support CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the City of Fayetteville. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Please forward to the Planning Commissioners, Ward 3 Councilmembers, and any planning staff that should get it. Good Afternoon, I am writing in support of RZN-2023-0004. Some of those opposed to this development are citing morning traffic on Old wire road as a reason to deny this request. I also live in the area and have had to wait a minute or two to turn left. In my opinion, most of that traffic is coming from outside of, or at the very edge of Fayetteville. Restricting housing IN Fayetteville, is not going to help that issue. The best thing we can do for traffic is to build more housing, closer to schools, businesses, or amenities. Please approve this rezone, so we can take some pressure off of the housing market, and perhaps keep more people from driving in from Goshen and Elkins because Fayetteville's housing inventory is low. Thanks,. Rob Qualls 2140 E Jonquil Rd, Fayetteville, AR 72703 PUBLIC COMMENT: ALEXIS STEVENS & NICK MOTE Wonsower, Donna From: Alexis Stevens <aestevens3@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 7:12 PM To: Planning Shared; Hopkins, Mirinda; Wonsower, Donna; Umberger, Ryan; Bunch, Sarah; Berna, Scott Cc: Nick Mote Subject: Re: Rezoning of 2910 N Old Wire Road, Fayetteville, AR - Nick Mote and Alexis Stevens Statement in Opposition CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the City of Fayetteville. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good evening —as a follow up to my below email and supplement to the attached Statement in Opposition, attached please find traffic data from the Arkansas Department of Transportation for N Old Wire Road which includes an average daily traffic estimate of 8,300 vehicles for the most recent year studied, 2021. Please note that many of the intersecting streets on the segment of N Old Wire Road between the Old Missouri Road and Crossover intersections adjoin N Old Wire Road at steep inclines and with numerous blind spots. This portion of N Old Wire Road additionally includes several curves further decreasing visibility. Thank you, Alexis Stevens and Nick Mote 6:59 1w I Traffic Station PEPARTMENT RTATION 6:59 Volume Count 8300 Station ID: Station: Court Type; Court Category; Most Recent ►T; Most Recent ADT Year: ARDOT District: County: Sent from my iPhone > On Feb 27, 2023, at 6:28 PM, Alexis Stevens <aestevens3@yahoo.com> wrote: > Good evening —attached pleased find a Statement in Opposition of the proposed rezoning of the property located at 2910 N Old Wire Rd, Fayetteville, AR 72703, submitted on behalf of Nick Mote and Alexis Stevens, to be presented to the City Planning Commission during its February 27, 2023, meeting related to the same. > Please let me know if you have any questions or require further information. > Thank you, > Alexis Stevens > <In re Rezoning of the Property Located at 2910 N Old Wire Road, Fayetteville, AR - Written Statement in Opposition Submitted by Nick Mote and Alexis Stevens.pdf> > Sent from my iPhone PUBLIC COMMENT: MARY ANNE KNULL From: Mary Anne Kull To: Wonsower. Donna Cc: Umberger, Ryan; Hopkins, Mirinda Subject: Re: Project Information (RZN-2023-0004) Date: Sunday, February 26, 2023 2:09:25 PM Attachments: imaae002.Dna image001.jpo Concerns for RZN-2023-0004.Ddf CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the City of Fayetteville. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To Whom it May Concern, I am attaching a letter about my concerns for the rezoning of 2910 N Old Wire Rd: R7-N- 2023-0004 Thank you so much for your consideration, Mary Anne Kull On Wed, Feb 8, 2023 at 11:00 AM Wonsower, Donna <dwonsowernfayetteville-ar.gov> wrote: Mary, This project is scheduled for the February 27 Planning Commission meeting. The packets being posted on the website tomorrow are for the meeting held on February 13, and the packets for the February 27 meeting will be posted in a few weeks. Our apologies for any confusion. Regarding the required mailing, we received a certificate stating that the letters were sent out yesterday (2/7) in advance of the fifteen day requirement so keep an eye on your mailbox. Short of hiring a traffic engineer, factually showing how any development will affect future traffic is difficult; however there are multiple online resources that you could utilize to present facts regarding the current traffic around your neighborhood such as traffic counts from ARDoT, records of vehicle crashes and their severity from the police, any news articles that discuss significant delays specific to your neighborhood and its immediate surroundings, or primary sources like this. My recommendation would be to stay away from opinions like "traffic is terrible here," and instead make statements such as "In the past three weeks, it has taken me an average of twenty minutes to leave my neighborhood every morning because of the amount of traffic on N Old Wire Rd," and to bring data to back up any sources you cite in your research. You are also welcome to email staff with any documents ahead of the meeting and to call with questions. Best Regards, Donna Wonsower Planner, Development Services City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Office: 479.575.8358 ebsite I Facebook I Twitter I Instagram I YouTube 0 From: Mary Anne Kull [m it • ] Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2023 8:48 AM To: Hopkins, Mirinda <mhopkins o.fayetteville-ar.gov> Subject: Project Information CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the City of Fayetteville. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good morning! Thank you so much for providing this information. What do I need to do to prove that this change will factually affect vehicular patterns adversely for patrons of my neighborhood? I am so thankful for this information. We have not received the required mailing for this zoning request. Do you know if it has been sent out as the application requires? Thank you! Mary Anne On Wednesday, February 8, 2023, Hopkins, Mirinda <mhopkins&fayetteville-ar.gov> wrote: Mary Anne, I have attached the submitted request letter. Planning reports will be posted to our website tomorrow afternoon. Let me know is you need anything else. htips://fayettevillear.portal.civicclerk.com/ Thank you Mirinda Hopkins Development Coordinator Planning Division City of Fayetteville 479-575-8267 Website I Facebook I Twitter I Instagram I YouTube ®❑ From: Mary Anne Kull [mailto:makull1017( gm� ail.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2023 11:01 PM To: Planning Shared <planninggfayetteville-ar.gov>; Hopkins, Mirinda <mhopkins &fayetteville-ar. gov> Subject: Project Information CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the City of Fayetteville. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good Day, I am inquiring about the project information for Plan Number: RZN-2023-0004 The posted written notification form indicates that project information is available for public view from the City of Fayetteville Planning Division, but I have not been able to locate it on the submitted application or the planning divisions portion of the website. I would appreciate your help with this information. I am highly concerned about this area being rezoned as NC NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION. Traffic on Old Wire is already highly congested. I am hardly able to make a left hand turn in the mornings to take my children to Butterfield Elementary School. I cannot imagine how that will be amplified with the potential of 10 residential units per acre being permitted in this area. The vocabulary "neighborhood conservation" is very misleading in this instance as currently this area is completely wooded. I am concerned that there is a deliberate deception by choosing this as the zoning to prevent neighbors from being concerned. This will allow signification change to my current neighborhood and will negatively affect the character and home values in the immediate area. I believe that the current zoning of RSF-4 is appropriate to maintain true neighborhood conservation for this area. I look forward to seeing more detailed plans. Sincerely, Mary Anne Kull 2840 N Raintree Drive Fayetteville, AR 72703 February 26, 2023 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to express my deep concern about the proposed rezoning of 2910 N Old Wire Rd from RSF-4 to NC. As a resident of this area, I believe that this rezoning will have a significant negative impact on our community and our environment. One of my main concerns is the increase in traffic that this development will bring to our area. The roads around 2910 N Old Wire Rd are narrow and already congested. Adding more cars to this area will only exacerbate the problem. This will make it more difficult and dangerous for residents to travel to and from their homes, and could even lead to accidents and other safety concerns. I took the below picture from my street corner of Raintree Dr. and N Old Wire Rd. at 4:28PM Tuesday, February 21. Notice that cars are backed up all the way from Crossover to Raintree. What will the addition of more dense housing and businesses (as allowed under the NC zoning), with potentially hundreds of cars added do to the traffic? What about the Fire Station? With the addition of traffic in this area does it cause concern for life saving minutes being lost as the fire truck and emergency responders will be required to navigate through the additional commuters? 2910 N Old Wire contains hydric soil and due to the slope of the land, anything that is developed at this property will have runoff into the hydric soil areas pictured below. What will happen to the ecosystem surrounding the Niokaska Trail with the addition of hazardous runoff from the proposed significantly denser development? Natural Features Habira_of interest J St —bank Erosion Rlsk Extreme Hlgh Moderate � Low Minor Unrenkea H,—, P-- I believe that this rezoning does not align with the City of Fayetteville's "Vision 2050" plan. This plan emphasizes sustainable development and responsible use of natural resources, and I believe that this development will only contribute to the environmental degradation of our area. As a mom of 3 children, our oldest child attends Fayetteville public schools with our middle child to join her next year in kindergarten. I am currently following Fayetteville's dilemma with having enough room in McNair Middle school for the children in our neighborhood. Currently, the board does not have a solution. The proposal to bring in the addition of potentially many families and many more children is simply not supported by the current school zone structure. Furthermore, I have some serious questions about the statement of compatibility submitted by Jorgensen & Associates. The statement of compatibility states, "This request to rezone a portion of the RSF-4 to Neighborhood Conservation and adjust the R-A zoning line to match the 100-year floodplain is compatible with neighboring property and will not unreasonably adversely affect or conflict with surrounding land uses." Has Jorgensen and Associates provided a study by a professional to support this claim? What will they do and be liable for in the instance that it does in fact "unreasonably adversely affect or conflict" with the surrounding land uses? The statement of compatibility continues to state, "Within reasonable proximity, rezoning of the property south of Butterfield Elementary to NC, sets a precedence for similar development patterns that serve to promote and protect neighborhood character." This is untrue. The area next to Butterfield Elementary was just recently rezoned as NC. Outside of that one area, this entire area is zoned as RSF-4. This rezoning will drastically change the feel of driving up Old Wire from Crossover. Currently, it is a wooded residential area. The zoning of RSF-4 is what "sets a precedence for similar development patterns that serve to promote and protect neighborhood character." Please see this image to show the zoning for the surrounding areas as evidence: e Fintl atltlress or PlacE snare Q : r.,, Zoning FO / Zoning E conlane st RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY O RA RSF�.S n RSF 1 P I RSF 2 NC Io RSF4 RSF 1 RSFB c." RSF-18 a oakcliR st RPZD RESIDENTIAL MULTI -FAMILY NS-G RSF-4 RI-12 - Rattmont St RW y RMF-6 or Or s 9a' r _ ryrY D 1M112 y - `RM118 C y RMF-24 RI-12 RMF-Oo c A v pP1' a INDUSTRIAL — a a.' EM,Ileale fir' ^ /r Ril 1 cttv..Irr nn 6t10N _ a-2 The compatibility statement continues to state, "The zoning line has been adjusted to follow the 100-year flood plain and this zoning line makes more sense than the current zoning line and will ensure that the floodplain would be of minimal impact." Where is the study that has been conducted by a professional to attest that this statement is true? After multiple conversations with environmentalists, I have been advised that due to the increase in impervious surfaces in a wooded area with soil that it will absolutely have a major impact on flooding in an area near already established flood zone hazards. The compatibility statement also says, "Given the proximity to the Fire Station, Crossover (Regional Link), and the Niokaska Trail, we feel that this rezoning is supported in a multitude of ways and will not adversely impact vehicular patterns." Has Jorgensen and Associates contracted a traffic engineer to verify that this statement is true? Based on my personal experience living next to the property in question, there is already substantial traffic during commuter times on Old Wire. In conclusion, I urge you to reconsider the proposed rezoning of 2910 N Old Wire Rd from RSF-4 to NC. I believe that this development will create additional traffic strain on the area, negatively impact the environment, does not align with the City of Fayetteville's "Vision 2050", and the area simply does not have the infrastructure established to support such a drastic change. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Mary Anne Kull 2840 N Raintree Dr makuII1017&gmail.com 501-773-1278 Iti RZN-2023-0004 One Mile View 2910 N OLD WIRE RD 0 0.13 0.25 0.5 Miles • ❑ •� X UJ .� CO) :O �U 1 �0 ' w Subject Property > O� L w O R-O ORTH r i i SKI LERN Ro � � I o. • r � I I RP I r i I I .♦ NS-L I I I I I I I I Zoning 1-2 General Intl I I iiii Regional Link --- RESIDE NTIALSINGLE-FAMILY EXTRACTION _ _ _ _ _ NS-G I♦ E-1 +, Neighborhood Link _ _ _ _ - RI-1 COMMERCIAL RI-12 Resid-4-Office Unclassified DNS-L G1 _ �ResltleMlal-�rialW21 �G-2 Residential Link , RSF-.s Ica RSF-1 FORM BASED DISTRICTS ■ 1 Planned Neighborhood Link - _ RS11 Gown—ncare RSF4 = U1baaT—g— IIIIIIIII�1 Planned Residential Link RSF-] �MBlaSireatCener RSF-8 ■ OsxMown General Shared -Use Paved Trail 1 �wmmaniy sen-mea RESIDENTIAL MULTI -FAMILY � ryeigbborbaoa semices Q RMF-8 NeigM1borM1ootl Canse m- - — Trail(Proposed) �RMF-12 PLANNED ZONING DISTRICTS , RMF-f a Commercial, Intlus,nal, Resltlential 1 Fayetteville City Limits Planning Area - RMF-2a INSTITUTIONAL RMF-00 P1 i Planning Area - INDUSTRIAL Fayetteville City Limits ... Heary Comme al antl Light lntlusVial February 27, 2023 RZN-2023-0004 (VAN SCYOC) Page 17 of 20 RZN-2023-0004 2910 N OLD WIRE RD Close Up View "Olp R� 00) —STRAWBE ' Greek - ya eGtia< � . - �m j NORTH Zone Current Proposed Regional Link Neighborhood Link NC 0.0 9.5 P-1 0.0 0.0 Residential Link R-A 6.8 5.7 Feet RSF-4 7.5 0.0 Trail (Proposed) r ' Planning Area 0 75 150 300 450 600 Fayetteville City Limits 1 :2,400 Total 15.2 ac February 27, 2023 RZN-2023-0004 (VAN SCYOC) Page 18 of 20 February 27, 2023 RZN-2023-0004 (VAN SCYOC) Page 19 of 20 RZN-2023-0004 Future Land Use 2910 N OLD WIRE RD 0 tA� Q WARWICK-DR—,�2 i v 02 Residential I Neighborhood - r ■ ■ SVRAWBERRY-DR Ile"9 F� �2 - Regional Link Subject Property K- DR Natural �- '0 °off ��5 �• gyp' 00 ; O ' • Q � PEE ��RGVSpN • Neighborhood Link Residential Link Planned Neighborhood Link r _ _i Planning Area _I Fayetteville City Limits - - - Trail (Proposed) Feet 0 145 290 580 870 1:4,800 • I • • OLD WIRE I r IL I' I I I I I I H I I I I I I I I I I I I CD II I V I � 2Q. Q I p I a a I n PICASSO PL— P v� I � Oo I `O City Neighborhood Civic Institutional Civic and Private Open Space Industrial Natural Non -Municipal Government 1,160 Residential Neighborhood Rural Residential Urban Center February 27, 2023 RZN-2023-0004 (VAN SCYOC) Paoe 20 of 20 Received By Jonathan Curth 04/04/2023 7:09 P.M. CITY OF %PFFAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS MEETING OF APRIL 4, 2023 TO: Mayor; Fayetteville City Council THRU: Susan Norton, Chief of Staff FROM: Jonathan Curth, Development Services Director DATE: March 31, 2023 CITY COUNCIL MEMO SUBJECT: Traffic volume and crash data request associated with RZN-2023-0004 (2910 N. Old Wire Rd./Van Scyoc) At the March 21, 2023 City Council meeting, a request was made for traffic count and crash data near the proposed rezoning at 2910 N. Old Wire Road (RZN-2023-0004/Van Scyoc). Specifically, interest was expressed in information to support assessing whether a dangerous traffic condition exists, or if one may be created or compounded by development under the proposed rezoning. Accordingly, information was collected from the Fayetteville Police and Public Works Departments, and the Arkansas Department of Transportation (ArDOT). Traffic Crashes Between 2013 and 2023, 140 crashes were documented at the intersections of N. Old Wire Road/N. Old Missouri Road, N. Old Wire Road/N. Crossover Road, and the segment of N. Old Wire Road in-between (see attached for detail). In assigning incidents to specific intersections, the 140 total crashes can be distributed along N. Old Wire Road as follows: • N. Crossover Road: 71 • N. Old Missouri Road: 24 • N. Azalea Terrace: 7 • N. Oak Bailey Drive: 7 • N. Colette Avenue: 5 • N. Strawberry Drive: 2 • N. Boxwood Drive: 1 • Unassigned: 23 • TOTAL: 140 (intersection closest to subject property) The most substantial modification to N. Old Wire Road in the 10-year review period is the installation of a traffic signal at the street's intersection with N. Old Missouri Road. Of the 24 crashes at that location since 2013, two occurred since the signal was installed and activated in December of 2020. Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 Traffic Volumes Average Daily Traffic (ADT), also referred to as mean daily traffic, is the average number of vehicles that travel through a specific point during a specific time. ArDOT ADT data is available at three points along Old Wire Road near RZN-2023-0004 (see attached exhibit): • North E. Township Street (8,100 ADT) • Between N. Raintree Drive & N. Oak Bailey Drive (8,300 ADT) • North of E. Skillern Road (1,900 ADT) While a comparison is possible with the areas' other non -arterial streets, including Rolling Hills, Township, and Mission, it bears consideration that the routes have widely -varying characters and roles in the City's network. Mission, for example, is a state highway that connects US 412 from beyond Washington County to downtown Fayetteville. Conversely, Rolling Hills is less than a mile in length. In between the two, Township is a direct east -west connection between Crossover and College that serves both residential and commercial traffic. Despite these distinctions, Mission, Rolling Hills, and Township generally share the two-lane character of Old Wire, although ADT data indicates higher counts than Old Wire, ranging from 9,200 to 14,000 vehicles. For additional information, ArDOT offers the Arkansas Crash Analytics Tool (ACAT). Although ACAT's data is limited to 2017-2021, it includes details such as the crash manner (single - vehicle, sideswipe, head-on, etc.), lighting conditions (daylight, dawn, dusk, etc.), and severity (no injury, possible injury, etc.). The dashboard is available through ArDOT's website or directly through the links below. httDs://www.ardot.aov/divisions/transportation-Diannina-aoiicv/traffic-safetv/ httDs://experience.arcais.com/experience/l 911 f992cabc484a98f64e7c36c2b262/ Attachments: • Fayetteville Police Department Crash Data • ArDOT ADT Counts p p 3 3 p p 0 0 Z V l0 Vl t0 V n n m m .-i 00 m m 00 O N 1� N Ol M Vf Vf Ol V Ol O O 00 N O 01 w O vt Ol O I� O l0 n t0 00 t0 Ol w 00 m I� 1� �"� N 00 00 l0 �O of M Ch I� N N m vt N .-I O 1� w n m n l0 m O m V "'� m N V m O N N M M Ol N m O O Ill M O O m N OD a O �"� 0 "'� n �"� O c-I O 00 Q1 O N O M N I� m O m N O n n N to O m n O O O O O O `� 0 0 0 0 0 O N m o O m 0 `� o0 M N O O M N O M O O ryl O O m ryl O M m M M M O 0 0 0 N^ t0 O O tp O N O N O N vt O N t0 O N N t0 t0 O 0 c 0 t0 t` 0 0 0 0 t0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 O O 0 O� O O O O O O O O O O 0 O� O O O O O O O 0 0 O O 0 O O O 0 �`�y O O O O O O O O O � O O 0 0 O O 0 0� O O �Ny O O O O O O O O N O O N O O O �^y O O O O N O 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 O O O O 0 O I� O O N N O N N N 1� 00 l0 I� O �"� N N I� M N 1l1 Ol V V M m N t0 N 1� O N V 01 M l0 Ol R M N N l0 M 00 .-I N .-I O N N N M N N N N N N N N 0 0 N 0 0 N N 0 0 N N 0 0 0 N N 0 0 0 0 N N 0 0 N N 0 0 0 N N 0 0 0 N N 0 0 0 0 N N 0 0 0 N N 0 0 0 N N 0 0 N N 0 0 0 0 N N 0 0 0 N N 0 0 0 0 N N 0 0 N N 0 0 0 0 N N 0 0 N N 0 0 N N 0 0 0 N N 0 0 0 N N 0 0 0 N N 0 0 0 N N 0 0 0 N N 0 0 0 0 N N 0 0 N N 0 0 0 00 N N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 1� 00 IA N O -I vt N In On cq n Ol OM IMlN1N a. -I .n M00 9 V NO V00 N1N NN 9 VM IlA NV a15t OO MO .q On 9 Nt\ t o .r n Mf i N N 9 0V0 9 .OI N O-I M1r .-I 00 9 ON N-I 9 O V I� O O M .-I .i O 1 .-I .-I . n O n n O O I 1 .-I .i m W .-I O .M-I M .-I N O .-I .-I N m .-I O 0 m .-I .-I 1 l0 .-I .-I 0 I O O 00 .-I .-I .i e-I O .-I .-I "'� N N N N I� .-I .-I V m .-I .-I 00 m .-I .-I M N .-I .-I m w .-I 1 m V O .-I O M O 1 O m .-I .-I m O O N 00 O O .-I 0 .-I M .-I O 1 .i .i 00 .-I ' n O O O N n 00 l0 0N -cr-zrO mN NN ON 0N mN MN mN NN NN ON mN mN NN 1 1N N mN VN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00.-1I 00 0 0 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N \ \ N N \ \ N \ \ N N \ \ N \ \ N \ \ N \ \ N \ \ N N \ \ N \ \ N \ \ N \ \ N \ \ \ \ \ \ N \ \ N N \ \ N \ \ N \ \ N \ \ N N \ \ N N N00 N \ \ \ \ N \ \ \ \ \ \ N N N M \ M M \ M \ M M M V \ 0 \ 0 V \ 0 O 0 0 \ 0 \ of \ t0 l0 t0 t0 \ l0 l0 \ \ 00 00 00 00 \ 00 00 \ 00 00 \ 0 \ \ 0 01 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OJ O1 0) 01 OJ O1 0) N OJ O1 0) OJ O1 N 01 OJ O1 0) 01 OJ O1 0) N OJ O1 0) N OJ O1 0) 01 OJ O1 0) 01 OJ O1 N 01 OJ O1 N 01 OJ O1 0) 01 OJ O1 N 01 OJ O1 0) N > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > OJ O! 0) N OJ O! 0) N OJ N N N OJ O! 0) N W U1 01 01 W U1 01 01 W U1 0! 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Paxton, Kara From: Batker, Jodi Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 10:29 AM To: Jordan, Lioneld; Berna, Scott; Bunch, Sarah; D'Andre Jones; Harvey, Sonia; Hertzberg, Holly; Jones, D'Andre; Moore, Sarah; Turk, Teresa; Wiederkehr, Mike Cc: Paxton, Kara; Norton, Susan; Curth, Jonathan; Williams, Kit; Pennington, Blake Subject: Ordinance to rezone about 15 acres at 2910 Old Wire Road Attachments: 0289_001.pdf Good morning, please find attached a memo from Kit regarding the Ordinance to rezone about 15 acres at 2910 Old Wire Road. Thank you. Jodi Batker Paralegal 113 W. Mountain St., Suite 302 Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Telephone: (479) 575-8313 jbatker@fayetteville-ar.gov f SI w` i i h't Facebook I Twitter I Instagram I YouTube From: City Hall 3rd Floor Color Copier Shared Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2023 11:21 AM To: Batker, Jodi <jbatker@fayetteville-ar.gov>; Williams, Kit <kwilliams@fayetteville-ar.gov> Subject: Attached Image 41 DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY TO: Mayor Jordan City Council City Clerk Treasurer Kara Paxton CC: Susan Norton, Chief of Staff Jonathan Curth, Development Services Director FROM: Kit Williams, City Attorney —� DATE: April 5, 2023 RE: Ordinance to rezone about 15 acres at 2910 Old Wire Road Kit Williams City Attorney Blake Pennington Assistant City Attorney Jodi Batker Paralegal I would like to further explain and document my response to Council Member Scott Burna's question about comments attacking the procedure used to present this rezoning request for your consideration. As you remember, I opined that the complaints of the lawyer/residents concerning the rezoning application were insufficient to prevent the City Council from deciding this rezoning request. The Unified Development Code in §154.03 Private Parties Zoning Amendment (A)(3) states that the following information should be presented in the rezoning application: "A statement explaining the compatibility of this proposed rezoning with neighboring property and explaining why the proposed rezoning will not unreasonably adversely affect or conflict with surrounding land uses." Civil Engineers Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of the owner and their representatives furnished the Statement of Compatibility of rezoning most of the current Residential -Single Family- four units per acre (RSF-4) to Neighborhood Conservation (NC). This letter attached to this memo was addressed to and provided to the Development Services Staff which certainly know that the allowed uses of RSF-4 and NC are virtually identical and so inherently compatible to the adjoining RSF-4 neighborhood. Staff also knows that Neighborhood Conservation allows slightly smaller lots and thus increased density and also uses build -to zones rather than wider setbacks for RSF-4. The City Planner who reviewed this letter and its Statement of Compatibility stamped it "Approved." The City Attorney is the official interpreter of the Amendments Chapter, and I find this letter satisfies the application requirements. Some of the residents also questioned whether proper notice was provided to the residents concerning the proposed rezoning. Attached is the Adjacent Property Owner Map as well as the two page listing of first class mailings on February 7, 2023 to the owners of these parcels. I have also attached a photograph of the required Public Hearing Notice sign on Old Wire Road next to the property to be considered for rezoning. These documents establish that the rezoning applicant fulfilled proper notice requirements. As the City Council's appointed interpreter of both the Amendments of Appeals Chapters, my goal has always been to apply common sense to most requirements in these chapters so that citizens, land owners, and developers can reasonable be heard by the City Council rather than applying overly strict requirements which could prevent the City Council from deciding a substantially proper rezoning request or appeal. The specified time limit for an appeal is the one requirement that must be strictly enforced for fairness to all concerned. CONCLUSION I stand by my statements to the City Council that the Planning Department's approval of the rezoning application was proper and supported with required documentation. The three public hearings during which numerous residents were allowed to address the Planning Commission and then the City Council prove that notice of this rezoning did occur, and any due process rights have certainly be afforded to everyone. I do not support or oppose this rezoning request. However, I do opine that the City Council has full authority to decide this rezoning request as it determines what would be in the best interests of Fayetteville. 2 JORGENSEN +ASSOCIATES Civil Ent inee!-i x • Survevirn February 3, 2023 City of Fayetteville Development Services 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Re: Rezoning at 2910 N Old Wire Road Dear City Staff; 124 W Sunbridge Drive, Suite 5 Fayetteville, AR 72703 Office: 479.442.9127 Established 1985 On Behalf of the Owner and their representatives, we are submitting a rezoning request for property located along 2910 N Old Wire, Fayetteville, AR 72703. A. The current owner of this site is as follows: Nola VanScyoc Revocable Trust (Parcel Numbers 765- 16047-000, 765-13287-000. 765-16043-000. B. Currently this property is zoned RSF-4 and R-A. C. This property is surrounded by RSF-4 on the north and west, a portion of P-1 to the south and north, and section of R-0 to the east. D. Existing adequate water and sewer are already at this site. E. We feel the requested rezoning is in line with the goals of the City Plan 2040 where the future land use calls for a portion of Residential Neighborhood and Natural. Statement of Compatibility: This request to rezone a portion of the RSF-4 to Neighborhood Conservation and adjust the R-A zoning line to match the 100-year floodplain is compatible with neighboring property and will not unreasonably adversely affect or conflict with surrounding land uses. Within reasonable proximity, rezoning of the property south of Butterfield Elementary to NC, sets a precedence for similar development patterns that serve to promote and protect neighborhood character. The zoning line has been adjusted to follow the 100-year flood plain and this zoning line makes more sense than the current zoning line and will ensure that the floodplain would be of minimal impact. Given the proximity to the Fire Station, Crossover (Regional Link), and the Niokaska Trail, we feel that this rezoning is supported in a multitude of ways and will not adversely impact vehicular patterns. Reviewed by Donna Wonsower Planner, Development Services APPROVED ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER MAP City File No./Name: RZN-2023-0004 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ATTACHED WRITTEN NOTICE WAS PLACED IN THE U.S. MAIL, FIRST-CLASS, POSTAGE PREPAID THIS_7TH DAY OF_FEBRUARY , 2023 AND ADDRESSED AS FOLLOWS: TOUNZEN, MARIVEL 2743 E JUNIPER ST FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 HEWITT, KATHY CARPENTER 9205 DOVE MEADOW DR DALLAS TX 75243 HUGHES, JOHN THOMAS & ELEANOR JANE 2756 N RAINTREE DR FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 BROWN, GINGER TRUST 2777 N RAINTREE DR FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 PINTER, BENJAMIN K & CASEY C 2770 N RAINTREE DR FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 KBRB LLC PO BOX 9046 FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 TAKIGIKU,.SUSAN K LIVING TRUST 2778 N RAINTREE DR FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 CASTILLO-REYES, FERNANDO 2793 N RAINTREE DR FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 MOTE, NICK A; STEVENS, ALEXIS E 2811 N RAINTREE DR FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 SHAW, CONNOR B 2784 N RAINTREE DR FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 MARTINEZ, JORGE & LIGIA 2819 N RAINTREE DR FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 KEYS, ROBERT H & JULIE 2792 N RAINTREE DR FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 WASHABAUGH, J WESLEY & ROXANNE 2825 N RAINTREE DR FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 CROUCH, ROBERT E & MICHELE L 2816 N RAINTREE DR FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 FREEMAN, NICOLE M & MICHAEL S 2839 N RAINTREE DR FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 SILANO, MARK M; SILANO, BLYTHE JANE 2824 N RAINTREE DR E FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 PARK, DEBBIE LEE 2851 N RAINTREE DR FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 KULL, ANDREW DALLAS & MARY ANNE 2840 N RAINTREE DR FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 TIFFANY, KALILA L 2830 N STAGECOACH DR FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 EDENS, ERNEST E 5891 W WHEELER RD FAYETTEVILLE AR 72704 MELLOTT, JOSHUA L REVOCABLE TRUST 2905 N OLD WIRE RD FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 DEITCHLER, MAX R 2924 N OLD WIRE RD FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 BROWN, MATTHEW A & AMBER N 2916 N BLUEBERRY LN FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 YATES, GEORGIA ANN 2940 N BLUEBERRY LN FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 SPURLOCK, SHAWN D & STACEY L 3066 N STRAWBERRY DR FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 10652 FRAKER MOUNTAIN CREED, SETH T RD WEST FORK FAYETTEVILLE AR AR 72774 72701 KIRBY FAMILY TRUST 448 N LIMESTONE DR WALKER, LARRY H & ANDREA 2809 N CROSSOVER RD FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 VAN SCYOC, NOLA REVOCABLE TRUST 2910 N OLD WIRE RD FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 SHORT, JIM & REBECCA PO BOX 988 - SALEM AR 72576 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN ST FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 WALKER, LARRY H & ANDREA N 2809 N CROSSOVER RD FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 WRIGHT FAMILY TRUST 2763 N CROSSOVER RD FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 CARDEN, CHERYL PIEPER 2913 N OLD WIRE RD FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 RADLER, DWIGHT D & LULONG HAMPTON, SHARON LYNN ADLER MEINECKE, JAMES I & DONNA M MEINECKE, JAMES I & DONNA M NELMS, DENNIS E & FREE, FRAN B JOHNSON, WINDSOR MARKER DEVELOPMENT LLC PARKER INVESTMENTS LLC PICKUS, KATHERINE HYATT, DANA R SAYRE, MARIBETH PREWITT WERNER, NICOLAS C; WOOD, CASEY DANIELLE ADAMS, REED & ANNA GRACE SOMERVELL, DONALD & HELINA CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT CURRENT RESIDENT A EJOR6ENSEN CITY FILE NO. /NAME: RZN-2023-0004 4546 JEAN LN FAYETTEVILLE AR 72704 2880 N CROSSOVER RD FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 2932 N BROOKBURY XING FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 2932 N BROOKBURY XING FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 2870 N CROSSOVER RD FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 4034 N OLD WIRE RD FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 PO BOX 8951 FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 P 0 BOX 8951 FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 2964 N OAK BAILEY DR FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 2972 N OAK BAILEY DR FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 2983 N OLD WIRE RD FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 2979 N OLD WIRE RD FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 2971 N OLD WIRE RD FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703 14633 LOCUSTWOOD LN SILVER SPRING MD 20905 113 W MOUNTAIN ST FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 2769 N RAINTREE DR FAYETTEVILLE AR7 72703 2785 N RAINTREE DR FAYETTEVILLE AR 1 72704 2850 N OLD WIRE RD FAYETTEVILLE AR 72705 2901 N OLD WIRE RD FAYETTEVILLE AR 72706 2923 N OLD WIRE RD FAYETTEVILLE AR 72707 2955 N OAK BAILEY DR FAYETTEVILLE AR 72708 2961 N OAK BAILEY DR FAYETTEVILLE AR 2916 N OLD WIRE RD FAYETTEVILLE AR _72709 72710 3014 N OAK BAILEY DR FAYETTEVILLE AR 72711 CERTIFICATE OF SIGN POSTING 1, Blake Jorgensen, attest that the above sign was posted on 2.6.23 adjacent to Old Wire Road. of person completing the sign posting) City File No./Name: RZN-2023-0004 Received By Jonathan Curth Date: 041223 Time: 8:42 A.M