HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-10-17 - Minutes -Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Minutes October 17, 2022 Fayetteville Town Center Commissioners Todd Martin, Chair, Tourism & Hospitality Representative Present: Elvis Moya, Tourism & Hospitality Representative Andrew Prysby, Commissioner at -large Sarah Bunch, City Council Representative Mark Kinion, City Council Representative Chrissy Sanderson, Tourism & Hospitality Representative * Virtual attendance Katherine Kinney, Tourism & Hospitality Representative Staff: Molly Rawn, CEO; Jennifer Walker, VP of Finance Chair Martin called the meeting to order at 2:02 pm. Old Business A. Chair Martin asked commissioners to review the September minutes and asked if there were any additions or revisions. Hearing no additions or revisions, he stated that the minutes stood approved. III. New Business A. CEO's Report. Molly Rawn, CEO CEO Rawn presented a report starting with a look ahead to November when the full budget would be presented for possible approval. In November we may also consider a contract with a consulting firm to work with the town center on a business model. The Experience Fayetteville Sales team played a great role in Touge Con 2022, a car show, which was a partnership with the town center, Experience Fayetteville and the Graduate. It was a very successful event. Additionally, through working with city of Fayetteville colleagues, we have secured a couple of conferences and meetings and have also been working on several leads with our city colleagues. Our entire team did an outstanding job with the World Cup event this last weekend with preliminary data showing a great event. We plan to have more information for the commission at the November meeting about this event. Rawn stated that sales and attendance are going well in the Visitors Center and this year is the first year we've participated in Welcoming Week and were pleased to do so. In Community Engagement, we just closed out our First Thursday season and are pleased to have had a full and successful season. Rawn also gave an update on Trick or Treat in the Ramble, which is a city led initiative with Experience Fayetteville assisting. Commissioner Moya asked how vendors could participate and Rawn said she was unclear how the city may involve vendors, but we could certainly pass that information along. Rawn continued with an update on the town center parking garage, stating that by the end of October, the parking garage equipment install would be complete. Furthermore, she stated that fall events at the town center were being booked with not many open dates in October and November. The town center's office move is going well and should be completed next week. Also, we've presented the city with a new lease agreement for the town center, and we feel it outlines a more equitable arrangement for the town center and we look forward to hearing back from the city on this. The city's Sustainability Director is asking for an extension on the solar array project for the town center so that we can know the status of the proposed lease which would have a bearing on the solar array project. Rawn will keep the commission updated on this. In presenting HMR data, Lodging collections are up 24% from prior month and 34% from September 2021. This does not include data on the last month of September which is when we would have typically held Bikes Blues and BBQ as this report represents August activity. Rawn will have information on September for the next meeting. Overall, we see an 18% increase compared to the same period in 2021. B. Financial Report. Jennifer Walker, VP Finance VP of Finance Jennifer Walker stated that HMR tax collections are at $3,347,781, year to date, which is above the seasonally adjusted budget expectations by 9%. Our projections for both revenue and expenditures are at 75% and we are over the revenue projection at 82% and under the expenditure projection at 66%. Our operating net income is $790,738 and Fayetteville Town Center is slated to beat their budget goals by the end of the year when the town center's unearned revenue that is currently on the balance sheet is included. Chair Martin asked if VP Walker could see any trends when looking at prior year patterns with revenue. Walker said she is seeing very steady growth and nothing out of the ordinary with the exception of the Cyclo-Cross World Championships and the Garth Brooks concert in April. Commissioner Moya asked if we received any listing of new restaurants, hotels so that we could determine what factors might be influencing HMR increases. Rawn said that we could share this information with the commission on a quarterly or monthly basis and she would talk with Devin Howland, the city of Fayetteville's Director of Economic Vitality about this data 2023 Budget Preview VP Walker showed a budget preview which factored in items such as inflation and tax revenue growth and consumer spending habits. Regarding HMR taxes, we are estimating $4.96 million with $4.2 million from restaurants and $744,000 from lodging. Short term rentals are included in the lodging numbers and currently short-term rentals are 20% of the lodging total. CEO Rawn discussed the new initiatives portion of the budget preview which include two new positions, Director of Downtown Initiatives, and a Social Media Coordinator. We also plan to produce a Tourism Master Plan and a Town Center strategic plan. Our media buy strategy will include investing in research of visitor profiles. The budget preview also includes a focus on capital investments. Our capital reserve balance is $1,600,000 and we are proposing $755,000 investments in the town center and a rough estimate of $155,000 for a back -office remodel project at Experience Fayetteville. Walker reminded the commission that we do contribute to the capital improvement line item each year. Commissioner Moya asked if the commission could see a breakdown of the current personnel positions and the proposed positions. Rawn said we could distribute an organizational chart with the budget. C. Marketing Report. CEO Rawn gave this update which included town center ads and also our consumer and leisure newsletter which shows outstanding open and click through rates. Rawn also showed our monthly sessions on the website by states and stated that Illinois continues to be a top state. She also spoke about the Visitors Guide in 2023 and that it would most likely be a digital version. D. TheatreSquared Presentation. Martin Miller, Executive Director Martin Miller, Executive Director, with TheatreSquared joined the commission meeting to give an update on TheatreSquared. Miller opened with a presentation showing reviews and information about the theatre which opened its new building in August of 2019. Miller noted that he was glad to be talking and giving the commission an update on the building fund as requested as almost all of commissioners were not on the commission when the building pledge was made in 2017. TheatreSquared is one of two producing professional theaters in Arkansas and is the largest one in the state. TheatreSquared creates each show from the ground up, hiring the director, casting the actors, building the set and more. It has almost 100 employees who do this in Fayetteville for shows only shown in Fayetteville with the exception of when a show traveled from Fayetteville to New York. Miller said that TheatreSquared does bring people into town, even during the pandemic they had people from 50 states and 19 countries streaming their shows. Miller stated that half of the ticket holders come from out-of-town zip codes. The $200,000 yearly pledge received from the commission helped meet a challenge grant from the Walton Family Foundation of $9 million dollars to build this $31.5 million dollar theatre. Other funders were the city of Fayetteville at $3.1 million and a grant from the state of Arkansas for $2.9 million. The A&P's pledge is $200,000 a year for 15 years, or $3 million dollars. The pledge is used to pay back the construction loan made by Arvest Bank. Miller stated that this was somewhat similar to the Walton Arts Center bond issue in 2013 which resulted in a bond payment that the A&P is making for part of the Walton Arts Center renovation. Martin then showed the A&P Commission minutes from the A&P's April 2017 meeting where the commissioners unanimously approved the pledge to TheatreSquared which satisfied both their lender and the Walton Family Foundation and allowed construction to begin not long afterwards. TheatreSquared opened in August 2019. The building is fulfilling a vision of bringing community theatre to Northwest Arkansas; it is winning architectural awards and is serving as a meeting place for the community even when there is not a show. Miller then stated that attendance at TheatreSquared is currently at 60% of pre - pandemic levels, which is similar for arts and music events across the nation. In response to this, TheatreSquared has an American Rescue Plan Act grant application in front of the city of Fayetteville now to assist in needs created by this current decline in ticket sales. Chair Martin asked for a refresher on the 2014 bond which funded the Walton Arts Center at approximately $440,000 a year which the A&P pays each year and VP of Finance Walker gave a brief refresher on that project. Commissioner Kinney asked if the commission could get more insight into the financial status of TheatreSquared and what Miller's plans were to increase attendance. Miller stated that one of the things they did during the pandemic was to keep their staff employed to keep the specialized talent in the area and with the company. TheatreSquared has ended both of the last two years in the black and they are seeing a slight uptick in attendance at the fall shows compared to the spring shows. Chair Martin stated that per a vote by the commission last year, all amounts given by the A&P over $50,000 would require a vote by the commission and could involve more discussion and consideration by the commission. Chair Martin asked for additional financial information, specifically for the last two years. He also asked for financial information about the cafe operating in the TheatreSquared. It was stated that as TheatreSquared is a not for profit, it is exempt from the 2% HMR tax on food and beverage items prepared in its cafe. Chair Martin stated he appreciated that TheatreSquared did not lay off team. Commissioner Moya asked if he would be able to share a zip code analysis with the team to see what sort of marketing opportunities could be present and Miller said he could. Chair Martin asked for additional financial information to be send before the November A&P meeting when the commission will be voting to approve the $200,000 payment. Additionally, Chair Martin asked Miller about the possibility of the A&P Commission having a seat on TheatreSquared board of directors, following the concept of the city of Fayetteville having a city appointment seat on the Walton Arts Center board. CEO Rawn asked a clarifying question concerning the $200,000 pledge in both this and next year's budget and Chair Martin said he intended to keep the pledge in both this year and next year's budget. Additionally, it was stated that Mr. Miller could attend virtually or in person or could send a designee to answer questions about financial statements. Concerning the request to ask the TheatreSquared board of directors to allocate a seat for the A&P Commission, Commissioner Bunch said she would like us to discuss this with the city's attorney as we are comparing similarities between the city appointed seat on the Walton Arts Center. CEO Rawn stated that other A&P Commissions in the state had seats on similar organizations in their respective cities. Chair Martin clarified that Miller could certainly tell his board of directors that the seat on the board was a request from Chair Martin. After discussion, it was decided that the commission would consult the city attorney about this request of a board seat and connect back with Mr. Miller to confirm if the commission wanted Mr. Miller to bring this request to his board of directors. E. Executive Session The commission thanked Mr. Miller for his time and moved on to the next item of business which was to vote to go into Executive Session to discuss the employment of the CEO for an annual performance review. Commissioner Kinney made a motion to go into executive session for this matter and it was seconded by both Commissioner Prysby and Commissioner Moya. After the executive session, Commissioner Kinney made a motion to approve the CEO's employment for another year, noting that the commission was very pleased with Rawn's performance, and to schedule another evaluation in a year. This was seconded by Commissioner Kinion and was approved unanimously. F. Welcome Signage . Commissioner Moya and CEO Rawn. The final agenda item was a discussion on welcome signage for the city of Fayetteville. This agenda item was led by Commissioner Moya. CEO Rawn showed examples of signs such as monuments and also examples of an SEC city's welcoming sign. CEO Rawn suggested that we form a working committee to discuss this project and the commissioners were interested in doing so. CEO Rawn asked Vince to clarify how a subcommittee could meet and Vince did state that subcommittees containing more than one commissioner did need to publish when it would be meeting. Commissioner Kinion made a motion for a subcommittee of three to form to study signage options for city entry points and to bring those recommendations back to the commission. It was seconded by Commissioner Kinney and was approved unanimously. CEO Rawn asked that commissioners inform her if they wanted to serve on this subcommittee and stated that she assumed Commissioner Moya would serve on it and that she'd want both a member of Sells Agency and Experience Fayetteville's marketing staff to join the subcommittee's meetings. G. Adjourn Chair Martin requested a motion to adjourn the meeting and a motion was made by Commissioner Kinion and seconded by Commissioner Bunch and approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 4:38 pm. Minutes submitted by Amy Stockton, Director of Operations, Experience Fayetteville