HomeMy WebLinkAbout312-22 RESOLUTION113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 312-22 File Number: 2022-195 FAYETTEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICIES: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE FAYETTEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICIES 22.3 SECONDARY EMPLOYMENT, 41.2.11 USE OF DEPARTMENTAL VEHICLES, AND 46.1.2 CRITICAL INCIDENTS 1. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves Fayetteville Police Department policies 22.3 Secondary Employment; 41.2.11 Use of Department Vehicles; and 46.1.2 Critical Incidents. PASSED and APPROVED on December 20, 2022 Attest: �!J1 1 3 r s r; ii� K � � g ►r R�� ALE• f'�� r'ri r a • Kara Paxton City erk Tress&er =� • Page 1 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE FAYETTEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICIES 22.3 SECONDARY EMPLOYMENT, 41.2.11 USE OF DEPARTMENTAL VEHICLES, AND 46.1.2 CRITICAL INCIDENTS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves Fayetteville Police Department policies 22.3 Secondary Employment; 41.2.11 Use of Department Vehicles; and 46.1.2 Critical Incidents. Page 101 of 883 Mike Reynolds Submitted By City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2022-1102 Legistar File ID 12/20/2022 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item 11/21/2022 POLICE (200) Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: Council to approve a resolution adopting Fayetteville Police Policies 22.3 Secondary Employment; 41.2.11 Use of Departmental Vehicles; and 46.1.2 Critical Incidents. Budget Impact: Account Number Fund Project Number Project Title Budgeted Item? No Current Budget $ - Funds Obligated $ - Current Balance $ Does item have a cost? No Item Cost $ - Budget Adjustment Attached? No Budget Adjustment $ - Remaining Budget V20210527 Purchase Order Number: Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Change Order Number: Approval Date: Original Contract Number: Comments: Page 102 of 883 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS MEETING OF DECEMBER 20, 2022 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Mike Reynolds, Chief of Police DATE: November 15, 2022 SUBJECT: Police Department Policy CITY COUNCIL MEMO RECOMMENDATION: Council approves a resolution adopting Fayetteville Police Policies 22.3 Secondary Employment; 41.2.11 Use of Department Vehicles; and 46.1.2 Critical Incidents. BACKGROUND: The Fayetteville Police Department is currently in the process of reviewing policies and updating as necessary to make changes as recommended and to meet best practices and accreditation standards. DISCUSSION: Fayetteville Police Policy 22.3, Secondary Employment, is an existing policy that contains changes to increase the efficiency of our operations. Fayetteville Police Policy 41.2.11, Use of Department Vehicle, is an existing policy that contains changes to update department protocols. Fayetteville Police Policy 46.1.2, Critical Incidents, is an existing policy that contains changes to reflect new accreditation standards.. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: These policies will not have any impact on budget or staff at this time. Attachments: Fayetteville Police Policy 22.3 Secondary Employment Fayetteville Police Policy 41.2.11 Use of Department Vehicles Fayetteville Police Policy 46.1.2 Critical Incidents. Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 www.fayetteville-ar.gov Page 103 of 883 FAYETTEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS POLICIES, PROCEDURES, AND RULES Effective Date: Subject: 22.3 Secondary Employment Reference: Arkansas Statute 12-9-102 Version: -5 6 CALEA: 22.2.4, 22.2.5 No. Pages: 3 I. Purpose To establish guidelines for secondary employment by members of the Fayetteville Police Department (FPD). II. Policy It is the policy of the FayetteN "e n hee r epa i:ne * FPD to allow agency personnel to engage in approved secondary employment opportunities within the guidelines of this policy [CALEA 22.2.4]. III. Definitions A. Extra -Duty Employment — secondary employment wherein the actual or potential use of law enforcement powers is anticipated. B. Off -Duty Employment — secondary employment wherein the actual or potential use of law enforcement powers is not anticipated. IV. Departmental Limitations A. Employees may not engage in employment that is a threat to the status and dignity of law enforcement as a professional occupation. Employment representing such a threat includes, but is not limited to: [CALEA 22.2.4] 1. Employment at establishments that promote obscenity or pornography as defined by the Arkansas Criminal Code. 2. Any employment where the dispensing or consumption of alcoholic beverages is the primary function of the business. This prohibition does not include approval obtained by the Chief of Police for working special events where alcoholic beverage permits have been granted. 3. Any employment where gambling occurs as the main source of activity. (This does not include civic fund-raising events where the proceeds are used to support legitimate charities or other nonprofit agencies). 4. Any employment where the employer is involved in a labor or civil rights dispute. 22.3 Secondary Employment Page i of 4 Page 104 of 883 5. Any employment with individuals or companies of questionable business interest where there could be a decrease in trust and confidence from the public. 6. Any employment whereby the nature of such employment would interfere with the performance of official duties, jeopardize in any manner the impartial position of the department or create a liability concern that might involve the employee violating any procedure, ordinance or law. 7. Any employment that might present potential conflicts of interest for employees between the departmental duties and their duties for a secondary employer. 8. Any employment that creates a decrease in trust and confidence from the public. B. To be eligible for secondary employment, employees must be in good standing with the department. The employee's history of past dis�eiplinar-yaratiens performance shall be taken into consideration by the Chief of Police when determining eligibility. C. Employees must have completed the Field Training Program before being eligible to work extra -duty employment. D. Employees absent from duty, due to sickness, may not engage in secondary employment during the hours in which they were regularly scheduled to work. E. Employees on light duty status, extended sick leave (more than three consecutive days), worker's compensation, FMLA, administrative leave or suspension are not authorized to work any extra -duty employment without the written consent of the Chief of Police. F. Employees will not engage in any secondary employment that might affect the objectivity and independence of their judgment or conduct in performing their official duties and responsibilities. G, Work hours for all secondary employment must be scheduled in a way that does not conflict nor interfere with the employee's official performance of duty. Special consideration will not be given to scheduling of the employee's duty hours to accommodate secondary employment. H. All employees of the department engaged in secondary employment are subject to call out in case of emergency and will be expected to leave any other employment in such situations. Employees will not report to duty physically or mentally exhausted to the point where their performance is affected because of any secondary employment. J. Extra -duty employment is limited to within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville. Off -duty employment may be authorized outside the city limits. V. Guidelines 22.3 Secondary Employment Page 2 of 4 Page 105 of 883 A. All employees must complete an annual review of FPD Policy 22.3 (Secondary Employment) and sign off on the requirements and expectations for participating in secondary employment. B. For all secondary employment assignments for sworn employees that are scheduled through the Special Operations Division, the Chief of Police or his/her designee will approve the assignment in writing before it is posted or filled. Sworn employees will not have to complete a Request for Approval O Secondary Employment Outside Department form for assignments scheduled through the Special Operations Division. C. The following criteria must be completed on all secondary employment assignments or requests for sworn employees that are not scheduled through the Special Operations Division. l . A Request for Approval Of Secondary Employment Outside Department form must be completed in the Laserfiche software, and sworn employees must sign the form, indicating they understand the expectation for the assignment. LV J o 2. The Request for Approval ofSecondary Employment Outside Department form shall also contain the significant aspects of the secondary employment job the employee is seeking [CALEA 22.2.5 e.]. 3. The Request for Approval O Secondary Employment Outside Department form will automatically be routed via Laserfiche to the Chief of Police or his/her designee thfough the o pleyee's ,.hai ereemmand [CALEA 22.2.5 a.]. 4. Within 72 hours, the sworn employee will receive an email through the Laserfiche software approving or denying the secondary employment request. 5. The Chief of Police, or his/her designee, will have final approval or disapproval authority for the requests of secondary employment. 6. Sworn employees are not authorized to work secondary employment assignments until the Chief of Police or his/her designee approves the secondary employment request, so sworn employees are strongly encouraged to submit these requests as early as possible. 7. On -going secondary employment requests must be resubmitted at the beginning of each calendar year. 8. A copy of all secondary employment forms will be routed in the Laserfiche software to the ^ aminist -atil e Gapta ., administrative assistant in the Administration Division for record retention. Records for secondary employment assignments shall be kept for a period of five years. for- filing and for- dhe fence of this polio [CALEA 22.2.5 d.] D. Non -sworn employees are required to submit an Outside Employment Request form through their chain of command to the Chief of Police or his/her designee and the City Attorney, in compliance with City of Fayetteville Policy and Procedure HR-15. 1. The Outside Employment Forms are located in the City of Fayetteville Intranet (COFI) under the "Forms" tab. 2. The Chief of Police, or his/her designee, will have final approval or disapproval authority for non -sworn employee requests of secondary employment. no 22.3 Secondary Employment Page 3 of 4 Page 106 of 883 employee sha4l work sueh employment until aothoriza4-en has been Obtained [CALEA 22.2.5 c.]. 3. Non -sworn employees are not authorized to work secondary employment assignments until the Chief of Police or his/her designee approves the Outside Employment Request. 4. On -going secondary employment assignments for non -sworn employees must be resubmitted at the beginning of each year. 5. The Dispatch Manager shall keep copies of all Outside Employment forms for the Central Dispatch Center employees. The administrative assistant in the Administration Division will keep the Outside Employment forms for all other non -sworn employees of the department. Records for secondary employment assignments for non -sworn employees shall be kept for a period of five years [CALEA 22.2.5 d.]. E. Once granted, approval for secondary employment can be revoked or annual renewal denied when, in the judgment of the employee's chain of command, the secondary employment becomes incompatible with departmental employment or adversely affects the employee's job performance or efficiency [CALEA 22.2.5 c.]. VI. Accountability A. All employees engaged in extra -duty employment, uniformed or plain clothes, shall abide by the Policies, Procedures and Rules of the Fayetteville Police Department [CALEA 22.2.5 b.]. B. Officers wearing his/her uniform off -duty are a representative of the department. As such, the member shall avoid non -police related job duties that would tend to detract from the professional image of the Fayetteville Police Department. Officers must conduct themselves at all times in a manner consistent with public respect for the uniform of the department [CALEA 22.2.5 b.]. C. Arrests made while engaging in secondary employment, will be turned over to the on -duty patrol shift for transport. The extra -duty or off -duty officer shall complete all necessary and required reports detailing the facts of the case. D. All sworn personnel working secondary employment are required to take enforcement action, within the jurisdiction of the department, in an emergency. Under no circumstances shall an officer refuse a request due to being "off -duty" [CALEA 22.2.5 b.]. E. All sworn personnel who are working an approved secondary employment job and engage in the duties of a law enforcement officer, as defined by Arkansas Statute 12-9-102, shall be considered "on -duty" and shall be compensated by the City of Fayetteville. F. The secondary employer will not be allowed to compensate sworn personnel for any time the employee was paid by the City of Fayetteville. It is the responsibility of the sworn employee to reconcile their work time through the City's timekeeping software and their secondary employer. 22.3 Secondary Employment Page 4 of 4 Page 107 of 883 FAYETTEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS POLICIES, PROCEDURES, AND RULES Subject: 41.2.11 Use of Department Vehicles Effective Date: Reference: 41.2.8, 41.2.13 Version: -5 6 CALEA: 41.3.1, 41.3.2, 53.1.1 No. Pages: 4 I. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the use and operation of vehicles owned, leased or operated by the Fayetteville Police Department (FPD). II. Policy All employees of this department shall operate department vehicles in a legal, safe and courteous manner. Employees shall not abuse or misuse department vehicles and equipment. Employees are responsible for the care and maintenance of vehicles in their control. Employees shall make proper use of vehicle safety equipment while operating department owned or authorized vehicles. III. Procedures A. Vehicle Safety/ Maintenance Inspection - Patrol vehicles shall be inspected on a daily basis by the officer assigned to the vehicle. [CALEA 53.1.1 ] 1. Deficiencies shall be noted and brought to the attention of a supervisor to make a determination as to whether the vehicle should be removed from service until repaired. 2. Repair requests will be completed through the on vehicle maintenance requests process. needed. 3. The inspection will be documented through the on vehicle inspection ferms process. B. Vehicle Equipment Patrol vehicles will be conspicuously marked and outfitted with the following specifications: [CALEA 41.3.1 ] a. Exterior mounted operational emergency lights b. Siren C. Agency's name in reflective materials d. Unit number e. Reflective striping on sides 2. Equipment required for patrol vehicles will be replenished or repaired upon inspection or as needed [CALEA 41.3.2]. 41.2.11 Use of Department Vehicles Page 1 of 5 Page 108 of 883 a. The department will assign a primary and secondary supervisor to monitor equipment needs and deficiencies through the use of inspections and the daily vehicle inspection process. Assigned supervisors will be listed on the Duty Assignment Roster. b. Vehicles will be inspected daily by officers for equipment assigned to the unit. Officers are required daily to report any vehicle deficiencies or deficient items in writing to their shift supervisor. c. Those supervisors assigned as primary on the Duty Assignment Roster for unit supplies/unit inspections will oversee an annual inspection of vehicles and vehicle equipment and report the results through memorandum to the Patrol Captain. d. Items reported as being deficient will be replenished by a shift supervisor through the Quartermaster System. 3. Equipment for patrol vehicles to maintain operational readiness includes but is not limited to [CALEA 41.3.2]: a. Fire extinguisher b. Tire deflation device 67 Spare tireAj" d. 50 ft. measuring tape and rolling tape measure e. Blanket f Crime scene tape g. Paper towels and bags h. Personal protective equipment — gloves, masks, shoe covers, tyvex suit i. Radar unit and tuning forks k. VL removal tool 1. Prisoner leg straps/belly chain in. First Aid Kit n. Disinfectant o. Automated External Defibrillator P. Ballistic helmet / Body armor q. Air purifying respirator mask r. Portable breath test (PBT) S. Glow sticks t. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) mask U. Traffic cones 4. Supervisor patrol vehicles will contain a door entry breaching kit. [CALEA 41.3.2]: C. Take Home Units- Officers will be assigned either a marked or unmarked vehicle for use according to the responsibilities of the officer's position and the needs of the department (i.e. canine units, drug task force officers, etc.). 1. To serve as a crime deterrent, take home units that are marked will be parked in the officer's driveway or an openly prominent location at the officer's residence. 2. The assignment of a take home unit is a privilege, not a right, and can be revoked at any time. Assignment of a take home unit is determined by the Chief of Police or his/her designee. 3. No alcoholic beverages are to be consumed of eaffied in department vehicles, nor are they to be driven after the officer has been consuming alcoholic beverages. 41.2.11 Use of Department Vehicles Page 2 of 5 Page 109 of 883 4. While off duty, officers vA4 shall not take law enforcement action to address a minor violation. The off duty effiser in a Fnarked unit should be prepared te assist in tre 5. While off duty, officers in marked take home units shall: a. Carry their credentials and service weapon, b. Dress in such a manner as to not discredit the department should they have to perform in a professional capacity, and C. Be prepared to assist in traffic control on motor vehicle collisions until assigned officers arrive. 6. Use of take home vehicles is limited to commuting to and from work, court, training, and other approved functions or other de minimis use. 7q Take 14—n-me ;AO-Weles ean be driven to depaFkrAot approved ex6m jobs r-equifing !h perfefmanee of 1. n fe „t a„*; a. Assigned YeWeles will not be used to patml pFuvate pmperly. Thavehirale will be D. Command vehicles are assigned to the Deputy Chief of Police and Captains whose responsibilities are critical to the operational efficiency of the police department, and the use of command vehicles is determined by the Chief of Police. The Deputy Chief of Police and captains must be able to communicate with the department at all times and are subject to immediate response when needed. Command vehicles may be marked or unmarked as determined by the Chief of Police. E. Special Purpose Vehicles [CALEA 41.1.3] 1. Motorcycles, bicycles, the ERT Transport Vehicle, and any other non -conventional vehicles shall be considered special-purpose vehicles of the Fayetteville Police Department and shall be treated accordingly. 2. The above mentioned special-purpose vehicles shall only be operated by authorized and assigned personnel that have completed or are undergoing required training as determined by the Fayetteville Police Department. In the event of a life threatening situation, sworn personnel not typically authorized may make use of a special-purpose vehicle. 3. The supervisor assigned over the unit of primary use of each special-purpose vehicle shall be responsible for required maintenance and for the determination and upkeep of required equipment to be kept in or on the vehicle. F. Vehicle Operation 1. Employees shall operate department vehicles in a careful and prudent manner. Unsafe, negligent or reckless driving is prohibited. Traffic laws and department policies shall be followed unless emergency circumstances warrant otherwise. 2. Department vehicles will be kept clean and serviceable at all times (i.e. washed, vacuumed, fueled, etc.). 3. Seatbelt usage — refer to 41.2.13 4. When parked and/or unattended, department vehicles, when practical, shall be properly secured by: a. Locking the doors b. Ensuring the windows are up C. Ensuring any firearm in the vehicle is locked/secured 41.2.11 Use of Department Vehicles Page 3 of 5 Page 110 of 883 5. Due to the nature of law enforcement work, officers are allowed to eat and/or drink in department vehicles; however, the vehicles must be kept clean of debris and trash by the end of the shift. 6. Passengers will generally be limited to police officers, city employees or other governmental officials. Exceptions to this rule include detainees, persons needing assistance, persons authorized in a ride along, persons assisting the officer or other persons with approval of a supervisor. However, limited transportation of others is permissible, such as the transportation of an immediate family member to school or work or other incidental transportation needs. , with approval of ^ supe fNise,.. Employees cannot engage in police activity when family members are being transported in a department vehicle. 7. Formal citizen ride along passengers in patrol vehicles must be authorized by written approval of the Chief or his/her designees. Authorization and protocol for a formal citizen ride along program are as follows: a. An "Indemnify, Defend and Hold Harmless" agreement must be signed by the citizen wishing to participate in a ride along. b. The citizen shall only be permitted to ride with personnel approved by a supervisor. c. The citizen shall be at least eighteen years of age prior to approval. d. Sworn supervisors acting as the Chief s designee must sign the form to complete the requirement of written approval. e. The supervisor shall route the completed form to the administrative secretary by the end of their shift. The form shall be filed and stored in Police Administration. f. The citizen shall follow the directives of the patrol officer to whom they may be assigned. g. The citizen shall remain in the patrol unit unless the officer directs the citizen that it is safe to exit the unit. The citizen shall not exit the vehicle on any "high risk" calls to which they may be assigned. This includes family violence calls unless no elements of risk are present nor are expected and only a reporting procedure is necessary. h. Under no circumstances will a citizen be present in a patrol vehicle involved in any aspect of a pursuit. Employees are prohibited from taking department vehicles outside the city limits of Fayetteville. Exceptions to this rule include: a. Following up on an investigation, with supervisor approval b. Police pursuit (Further reference can be made to 41.2.8, Pursuit policy) C. Completing an assignment, with supervisor approval d. Picking up supplies e. Going to court f. Take home units authorized by the Chief of Police or her/her designee g. Attending meetings, training, etc. 9. Department vehicles may only be used for secondary employment when it is for a pressing public need, and not solely to benefit the private employer. Request to use police vehicles for secondary employment must be approved by the Chief or Deputy Chief of Police prior to any such use. a. Before approving the use of department vehicles, the following factors will be considered: 1) The threat or perceived threat of violence at the location or in the area; 41.2.11 Use of Department Vehicles Page 4 of 5 Page 111 of 883 2) The deterrent to crime; 3) The crime rate at the location or in the area; 4) The call volume at the location or in the area; 5) Criminal activity, such as drug activity, public intoxication, disorderly conduct, and assaults at the location or in the area, and; 6) The availability of vehicles. b. Take home vehicles can be driven to department approved extra jobs requiring the performance of law enforcement duties. 1) Assigned vehicles will not be used to patrol private property. The vehicle will be parked at a suitable location while security/protective services are being performed. 41.2.11 Use of Department Vehicles Page 5 of 5 Page 112 of 883 FAYETTEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS POLICIES, PRO CED URES, AND RULES Effective Date: Subject: 46.1.2 Critical Incidents Reference: Version: 2 CALEA: 46.1.2, 46.1.1, 46.1.3, 46.1.4, 46.1.5, 46.1.6, 46.1.7, 46.1.9, No. Pages: 6 46.2.1 NT, 46.2.6 NT, 46.2.7, 46.3.1 NT, 46.3.2 I. PURPOSE The Fayetteville Police Department must have guidelines for response to critical incidents. Critical incidents are situations, sometimes of an emergency nature, that result from disasters, both natural, and man-made, and civil disturbances. Critical incidents also include special events requiring Fayetteville Police Department personnel assignments. The Fayetteville Police Department will follow the standard Incident Command System (ICS) protocols within the structure of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) [CALEA 46.1.2]. Not every incident will require the activation of the entire ICS protocol. II. DEFINITIONS A. Continuity of operations plan (COOP) and Continuity of Government Plan (COG) are efforts to assure that the capability exists to continue essential agency functions throughout any potential emergency. The primary objectives of these plans are to ensure the continuous performance of a department or agency's essential functions/operations during an emergency, protect essential facilities/equipment/vital records/and other assets, reduce or mitigate disruptions to operation, assess and minimize damage and losses, facilitate decision -making during an emergency, achieve a timely and orderly recovery from an emergency, and resumption of full service to the community [46.1.135-e-.]. III. POLICY A. Critical Incidents The Patrol Captain is responsible for coordinating the planning functions for response to an unusual occurrence. The first officers to arrive on the scene will be responsible for the initial response, assessment, and required notifications [CALEA 46.1.1]. 2. The Chief of Police or his/her designee will appoint personnel to fill the command function when it is necessary to utilize the ICS. The command function will address the following at a minimum: [CALEA 46.1.3] 46.1.2 Critical Incidents Page l of 6 Page 113 of 883 a. Activating the incident command system; b. Establishing a command post; c. Initiating the notification and mobilization of additional agency personnel; d. Obtaining support from other agencies; e. Establishing a unified command; f. Establishing a staging area, if necessary; g. Providing public information and maintaining media relations; h. Maintaining the safety of all affected personnel; and i. Preparing an after -action report. 3. The Chief of Police or his/her designee will appoint personnel to fill the operations function when it is necessary to utilize the ICS. The operations function will be responsible for coordinating the following: [CALEA 46.1.4] a. Establishing perimeters; b. Conducting evacuations; c. Maintaining command post and scene security; d. Providing for detainee transportation, processing, and confinement; e. Directing and controlling traffic; and f. Conducting post -incident investigation. 4. The Chief of Police or his/her designee will appoint personnel to fill the planning function when it is necessary to utilize the ICS. The planning function will address the following at a minimum: [CALEA 46.1.5] a. Preparing a documented incident action plan; b. Gathering and disseminating information and intelligence; c. ; and d. Planning post -incident demobilization. 5. The Chief of Police or his/her designee will appoint personnel to the logistics function when it is necessary to utilize the ICS. The logistics function will be responsible for coordinating the needs of the following: [CALEA 46.1.61 a. Communications; b. Transportation; c. Medical support; d. Supplies; and e. Specialized team and equipment. 6. The Chief of Police or his/her designee will appoint personnel to fill the finance/administration function when it is necessary to utilize the ICS. The finance/administration function will address the following at a minimum: [CALEA 46.1.7] a. Recording personnel time; b. Procuring additional resources; 46.1.2 Critical Incidents Page 2 of 6 Page 114 of 883 c. Recording expenses; d. Documenting injuries and liability issues; and e. Preparing appropriate reimbursement documents if applicable. 7. All sworn personnel will receive training in Critical Incident Response. The Training Division will establish and schedule annual refresher training for all sworn officers and affected non -sworn personnel in emergency procedures that will specifically target the understanding and practical application of the Incident Command System and the department's role in the Emergency Plan for the City of Fayetteville. The department will strive to conduct or participate in one training exercise per year. Personnel will be assigned to participate in the exercise, while maintaining patrol and investigative staffing. Participation will be documented [CALEA 46.1.9 a., b.]. 8. An exercise and assessment of the Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) shall be completed every four years to evaluate the appropriate needs of the FPD. Considerations should be given to ensuring the continuous performance of the FPD's essential functions and operations during emergency or other critical circumstances. This includes protection of facilities, equipment, vital records, and other assets [CALEA 46.1.13]. B. Special Operations 1. Sworn personnel will usually be the first to encounter a situation involving a critical incident and will initiate procedures in an attempt to resolve the situation by implementing the following measures: [CALEA 46.2.1 NT] a. Dispatch enough personnel to the scene to effectively contain and isolate the situation; b. Attempt to prevent escalation of the situation; c. Take any action deemed necessary to preserve life; d. Should the on -scene incident commander determine that an event requires specialized units to supplement patrol functions, the scene will be secured, and an appropriate perimeter established. The Communications Division will contact the requested specialized units for response [CALEA 46.2.1 a., b. NT]. e. The on -scene incident commander will coordinate the various specialized units with other personnel. Cooperation is an expectation for all involved personnel and providing for the safety of officers is a paramount goal [CALEA 46.2.1 d., e. NT]. 2. Deployment of specialized units CALEA 46.2.1 c. NT]: a. Emergency Response Team (ERT) — deployed upon authorization of a captain or higher ranking officer; refer to policy. b. Crisis Negotiation Team (CNT) — deployed upon authorization of a captain or higher ranking officer. c. Criminal Investigation Division (CID)— deployed upon the request of supervisory personnel. d. Tactical Dispatch Team — deployed upon authorization of a captain or higher 46.1.2 Critical Incidents Page 3 of 6 Page 115 of 883 ranking officer. e. Bomb Squad — supervisory personnel may request assistance from an authorized bomb squad. f. Public Information Officer (PIO) - deployed upon the request of supervisory personnel. g. K9 Canine Division- deployed upon the request of supervisory personnel. h. Any other unit- deployed upon the request of supervisory personnel. 3. All very important person (VIP) security requests will be made to the department's Special Operations Division (SOD) events supervisor who will coordinate the security detail and all employees assigned. A VIP is defined as a very important person, dignitary, famous personality, notorious person, or any other person in need of special security. The following guidelines in VIP security detail will be addressed: [CALEA 46.2.6] a. The SOD spe,.:,,' even supervisor will have access to all department equipment and vehicles for the purposes of VIP security. b. Travel routes and alternate routes will be planned in consideration to safety and time. Potential problems will be specifically detailed. c. An inspection of the area for the security detail will be conducted prior to the arrival of the VIP when necessary. Gathering intelligence will be a key component during inspections. d. The SOD spee a evein supervisor will ensure coordination with other city departments and outside agencies. e. Emergency first aid, ambulance services, and medical facilities will be identified in planning meetings that take place prior to VIP security details. These entities will be given advanced notice and may be used as part of planning the detail. £ The SOD speeial even supervisor will assign a radio channel for the department's communication radio system that will preclude interference from normal operations. g. Personnel assigned to VIP security detail may have specific identification designations such as lapel pins or armbands. The chosen designations should facilitate identification of authorized security personnel. 4. The Fayetteville Police Department will ensure that at least one supervisor is assigned to special events, and that supervisor will be responsible for event planning and coordinating. Fayetteville Police Department supervisors will adhere to the following special events guidelines: [CALEA 46.2.7] a. Under the direction of the special events supervisor, estimates for traffic, parking, crowd -control, and criminal problems will be assessed for special events. This supervisor or delegate will meet or confer with representatives of participating organizations, planning committees, and other departments to coordinate plans and exchange information as necessary. b. The department will establish contingency plans for traffic direction and control prior to major special events. c. Personnel assigned to any division within the department may be used to ensure 46.1.2 Critical Incidents Page 4 of 6 Page 116 of 883 this department meets and performs its obligations and duties at any event. The special events supervisor will ensure that appropriate relief of assigned personnel occurs with the assistance of other supervisory levels of the event and supervisors working in normal operations. d. Logistical requirements will be addressed to ensure the safety of those in attendance. Requirements that must be considered are fixed post assignments, roving post assignments, barricades and their positioning, traffic direction and control, and emergency personnel and vehicle access. When necessary, the special events supervisor will coordinate with the ERT supervisor for required tactical and special needs. e. The special events supervisor shall ensure coordination occurs in respect to Fayetteville Police Department personnel and outside agencies. f. The special events supervisor will coordinate with the department's PIO to address the news media. 5. The supervisor assigned to the critical incident and/or special event will ensure that an after -action report is completed using an after -action report template. An after -action report template will be readily accessible to all sworn personnel. Completed after - action reports will be filed on the agency's computer network with the event title as a reference [CALEA 46.1.3 i.]. C. Homeland Security 1. The Fayetteville Police Department maintains liaison with other organizations for the exchange of information relating to terrorism: a. Information gathered through hotlines such as Crime Stoppers, emergency (911), or non -emergency telephone lines shall be evaluated and forwarded to the Criminal Investigation Division and if necessary, to the Patrol Division and appropriate state, federal, or private agencies. 2. It is the policy of Fayetteville Police Department that each officer take part in gathering and reporting information related to terrorism: a. Any officer receiving information concerning possible terrorism activities will immediately notify the supervisor on duty and complete a written report. b. The supervisor will determine the validity of the information and the appropriate response from the department, which may include notification of the patrol captain, CID, other local law enforcement agencies, or the appropriate state, federal, or private agencies. 3. The Fayetteville Police Department will provide terrorism awareness information within its service area: [CALEA 46.3.1 ] a. Information pertinent to Fayetteville and the surrounding area shall be disseminated throughout the various task forces, boards, departments, and community awareness methods whenever information is found to be credible. 46.1.2 Critical Incidents Page 5 of 6 Page 117 of 883 b. The information shall be shared with persons and/or organizations holding proper security clearance and on a need to know basis, depending on the information gathered so as not to provoke a panic or misinformation from the information being disseminated. c. Secure information shall only be disseminated to appropriate personnel. 4. As part of training provided for all sworn personnel in critical incident response, awareness level training for events involving hazardous materials will be provided. Officers should be provided with basic knowledge to recognize a hazardous situation for which they can implement basic procedures to have authorities with the required technical abilities assess the situation [CALEA 46.3.2]. 5. The Fayetteville Police Department shall make every attempt to comply with state and federal law and guidelines established by the Department of Homeland Security when responding to and reporting chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) events. 6 The Fayetteville Police Department quartermaster will be responsible with continuously maintaining and storing an adequate amount of communicable disease control supplies for use by first responders. These supplies will be made available for each patrol unit and shall be part of the department's vehicle inspection process governed in FPD Policy 41.1.11 that is overseen by assigned primary and secondary supervisors. Reference FPD Policy 41.2.11 for a complete list of equipment for patrol vehicles maintained for operational readiness. ' hWa - "W.viag supplies will" he isstied ineluding,ht4 • et l i! a 46.1.2 Critical Incidents Page 6 of 6 Page 118 of 883