HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-10-25 - MinutesFayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Minutes from October 25, 2021 Virtual Meeting via Zoom Commissioners Chrissy Sanderson, Andrew Prysby, Elvis Moya Present: Todd Martin Commissioners Katherine Kinney, Chair; Sarah Bunch, Absent: Staff: Tina Archer -Cope, Vice President of Sales; Jennifer Walker, Vice President of Finance; Ashley Cane, Marketing Manager; Brannon Pack, Director of Cycling Tourism I. Commissioner Sanderson called the meeting to order at 2:02 pm noting that she would be chairing this meeting in Commissioner Kinney's absence. She also noted that CEO Molly Rawn would not be present. II. Old Business a. Commissioner Prysby motioned to approve the August 2021 minutes with Commissioner Moya seconding. The minutes were unanimously approved. III. New Business a. CEO Report, Tina Archer -Cope, Vice President of Sales Tina presented this report, noting that CEO Molly Rawn was in Denmark accepting an award on behalf of Experience Fayetteville and the city of Fayetteville for Cycling. Archer -Cope began by noting that HMR collections are now exceeding budget expectations by 9.5%, or $240,315. She pointed out both a 13.7% lodging and 5.3% restaurant increase for September 2021 compared to September 2019. Additionally, we see the ADR, Average Daily Rate, for lodging for September 2021 at $131.34 compared to $116.27 for 2019, noting this is great news for our industry and community. In Personnel, Archer -Cope also noted that we hired Jerrika Longueville to serve as our Digital Media Coordinator to join the Marketing and Communications team. Visitors Center numbers for September saw an over 300% increase in both visitors and sales compared to September 2020 which was our first month open since the beginning of the pandemic. The Fayetteville Town Center tower repair is complete, and the contractors are now beginning interior repairs, with minimal client impact. RT 3 is installed and functioning. Furthermore, she noted that commissioners may have seen the fence enclosures on the plaza as a building project for 5 W. Mountain is beginning. Community Engagement held a very successful First Thursday event in October to close out the season and has also introduced Lights of the Ozarks information and vendor applications. Archer -Cope also noted that we will be hosting the US Capital Christmas Tree, a partnership with Choose Outdoors and several other organizations. Archer -Cope discussed her own department, Sales, mentioned they were involved in the second annual Hill City Rumble event, interacting with more than 250 motorcyclists. Additionally, Experience Fayetteville helped host the USTA Pro -Circuit Tennis event at the U of A with 30+ players from around the globe. In Cycling, she noted that the Arkansas High Country Race once again started and ended on the Fayetteville Downtown Square, which was, for the first time won by a female competitor. b. Financial Report presented by Jennifer Walker, VP of Finance In presenting the financials, Walker stated that you'll see at the end of September both our expenditure and revenue targets are at 75% and we see our expenditures at just at 60% and that our revenues are above target at 82%. She noted this is great work by everyone. Regarding the HMR numbers, you'll note on the HMR slide on page 18 of the presentation that we are now exceeding 2019 HMR YTD. You'll note that the PPP Forgiveness Loan is now listed as Other Income on the P&L as it has moved off our Balance Sheet as a liability. Year to date you'll see we have a net income of $871,000. Cyclo-Cross spending has ramped up with the World Cup just occurring and the commission will get a report on Cyclo-Cross spending at the November meeting. Our unreserved fund balance is at $3.3 million, and that is in addition to our two reserve funds. c. Marketing Report presented by Ashley Cane, Marketing Manager Cane presented the report, showing promotional materials for Cyclo-Cross World Cup and World Championships. In talking about the many successes of the UCI Cyclo-Cross World Cup event, she shared that we had over 50 accredited media attend this event, this has helped us garner even more attention worldwide. Cane then debuted the UCI World Championship poster and noted that all efforts are ramping up for the January event which may have more than 15,000 in attendance. Cane ended by sharing the Spartan Race promotional materials. This two day, 4 event is to be held the last weekend of October and is presented by Experience Fayetteville. d. UCI Cyclo-Cross World Cup Recap, presented by Brannon Pack, Director of Cycling Tourism Pack celebrated the success of this singular event and highlighted how it was a test for all the systems that will be employed on an even larger scale for the World Championship event in January. By the numbers: Professional athletes: 87, 42 men and 45 women. 12 countries represented 5 inches of rain and over 1,800 spectators with the event airing internationally with it being prime time watching in Europe, the UK and Belgium. e. Vote. Cox Communications contract renewal. Commissioner Sanderson presented the Cox Communications contract renewal and asked if there were any questions. With none, the motion to approve the Cox Communication Contract renewal was made by Commissioner Moya and seconded by Commissioner Prysby and it passed unanimously by a roll call vote. f. Vote. Mobile Visitors Center. Commissioner Sanderson asked if someone could present a little more about this item and VP of Finance Jennifer Walker did so. Walker referred to the memo the commissioners received and noted that we are and will continue to see outdoor events come back and grow in number and attendance and this is a way to really engage with those in attendance. We are not asking for additional revenue for this expense, it would come from a reallocation of existing 2021 budget dollars. The staff recommendation is to approve the line item so that we can proceed with this project. This is a very specialized vehicle, but we were able to receive two bids on it. Commissioner Sanderson thanked Walker for the information and asked if there were questions. Commissioner Moya asked if we had any renderings of what this might look like and Walker said that we did, it would be a Sprinter style van and she could email those renderings out. Commissioner Moya asked if this van would travel to festivals outside of Fayetteville. Commissioner Martin requested that we make a motion per parliamentary procedure and then continue with discussion. Commissioner Martin made a motion to approve the line item, seconded by Commissioner Sanderson. Then discussion and questions occurred. VP of Sales, Tina Archer -Cope answered the question that we would indeed use it frequently. Commissioner Martin said he was in favor of this as it was central to our mission of driving tourism. Commissioner Prysby mentioned he was excited about this project and even saw the large benefits of promoting where the mobile visitors center will be to generate excitement before the event even occurs. With no more questions, Commissioner Sanders asked if the commission was ready to vote on the motion, which was approved unanimously by a roll call vote. Commissioner Sanders reminded everyone that the next meeting would be in person, Monday, November 22 at 2 pm at the Fayetteville Town Center. With no further agenda items Commissioner Sanderson adjourned the meeting at 2:34 pm. Minutes submitted by Amy Stockton, Director of Operations