HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-02-28 - MinutesFayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Minutes from February 28, 2022 Meeting Fayetteville City Hall Commissioners Katherine Kinney, Chair, Tourism & Hospitality Representative Present: Todd Martin, Tourism & Hospitality Representative Chrissy Sanderson, Tourism & Hospitality Representative Elvis Moya, Tourism & Hospitality Representative Sarah Bunch, City Council Representative Mark Kinion, City Council Representative Commissioners Andrew Prysby Absent Molly Rawn, CEO; Jennifer Walker, Vice President of Staff: Finance; Hazel Hernandez, Vice President of Marketing and Communications Chair Kinney called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm. Old Business A. Commissioner Martin motioned to approve the December 2021 minutes with Commissioner Bunch seconding. The minutes were unanimously approved. III. New Business A. In accordance with the by-laws, a chairperson much be voted on by the active commissioners at the first meeting of every year. Chair Kinney expressed her appreciation at being able to serve the last two years and said she would be stepping away from the chair position this term. Commissioner Martin volunteered to serve and Commissioner Kinion made a motion for Commissioner Martin to serve as chair after clarifying that there were not other nominations to consider. It was seconded by Commissioner Sanderson and was approved unanimously. B. CEO Update Molly Rawn began her report by expressing appreciation for Chair Kinney's involvement as Chair with a lot of behind -the -scenes work done during the pandemic and throughout her term. Rawn reported that we have received 4 applicants for the open commission position that Commissioner Moya is currently serving, including one from Commissioner Moya himself. Rawn stated that after confirming eligibility of the applicants, we can do the interview process however the commission would like. She also gave an update on the upcoming months in the activities of the commission, including: March — vote to approve tourism commissioner March/April — vote to enter into a lease for the Dickson Street Art Court space April — Presentation of Cyclo-cross outcomes, financial impacts and next steps May — strategic planning session June — Budget revision Rawn also recognized new personnel and personnel changes, including the promotion of Griffin Stroupe to Director of Sales at the Fayetteville Town Center, the addition of Megan Oswald as a part time Event Services Coordinator at the town center and the addition of two University of Arkansas Hospitality Department interns to our team: Kelly Blome at Experience Fayetteville and Sofia Gisbert Rojas at the Fayetteville Town Center. It's now been almost a month since we hosted Cyclo-cross. We are producing an outcomes report that will be shared in April. Rawn shared a few highlights: 17,000 attendees with over 512 volunteers who invested over 2,500 hours into the event. Official merchandise partners sold out of all of their inventory and said it was one of the best events they've attended. The Center for Business and Economic Research at the University of Arkansas is conducting a regional economic impact study of cycling events and the World Championships will be included in that report with CBERB conducting attendee surveys during and post event. This study may be available later this summer. The Experience Fayetteville Sales team was very busy during Cyclo-cross coordinating housing groups and staffing the welcoming at XNA. Additionally, they received 4 more RFPS for sporting events and secured Fayetteville housing for 2 out of the 4. They are looking forward to a 500+ conference in March 2022 called Culture Con which will be held at the Fayetteville Town Center and the Graduate Hotel. Visitors Center numbers showed a great December in terms of attendance and sales with more than $8,700 in December sales. Our numbers were lower in January which was expected as we closed for 2 weeks prior to Cyclo-cross for event preparation. The Fayetteville Town Center has hosted 24 events since we last met as a commission, and is showing an 81 % increase in event booking compared to last year's 2nd Quarter. Carpet will be installed in August, with electrical outlet work occurring now and repairs on the tower continuing. Rawn stated that commissioners will see an addendum for a one-year renewal contract for the Sells Agency, our agency on record and in late V quarter of this year, we will put out a bid for our agency on record. Rawn ended her report with an HMR financial update which includes an annual growth for 2021 was an 8% increase from 2019 and a 33% from 2020. Additionally, Rawn stated that our organization ended 2021 with 14% increase from our projected revenues. C. Financial Report Jennifer Walker stated that the December financials were year-end, unaudited financials which is why they are listed as draft statements. We met 114% of our revenue goals and 88% of our expenditure goal and as a result we ended 2021 with net income of approximately a million dollar which will roll back into our fund balance unless the commission re -directs it. With no questions on December financials, Walker reported on January financials and stated that our tax revenue was right on target and the town center already has $140,000 revenue booked for the year. Experience Fayetteville's net income for January is $156,000. Our Fund balance is 4.9 million and with removing Cyclo-cross, it is still 4 million dollars. Rawn included information that any revenue from Cyclo-cross is to go to legacy initiatives per the grant requirements. Commissioner Martin asked when a decision needed to be made on the unreserved fund balance and Rawn clarified there isn't a time frame. Commissioner Martin asked if we could look at a list in March of priority items for the Fayetteville Town Center so we could determine if we wanted to create a plan and timeline for that. Chair Kinney stated that the list could be prioritized to reflect what we've heard on sales calls that can help it be sold even more often. D. Marketing Report. Hazel Hernandez, Vice President of Marketing and Communication, gave a brief update on the Cyclo-cross website. She spoke about average daily sessions to the Cyclo-cross website, 4,833 with over 96,000 unique users with US users representing 2/3 of that audience and non -US representing the other 1/3. Top traffic sources included organic search, direct, social organic and social advertising. Top referral sites were listed with Experience Fayetteville being the first and Fayetteville Flyer being the second. Two local sites, Oz Trails and Visit Bentonville were also listed — we appreciate this support and it shows that it truly was a regional effort and event. 17,500 spectators were on hand over the three days with 295,200 people viewing the race through GCN which is the online streaming service for the US — this online number will grow as we get Neilsen numbers from other countries. E Vote. Fayetteville Town Center elevator contract. Staff is seeking authority to accept a renewal quote for a three-year service agreement with Otis Elevators for a rate of $35,100. CEO Rawn discussed this contract which covers all 4 elevators in the building. Commissioner Sanderson asked for clarification on the savings amount which is over $9,000 a year. General Manager Tyler Wilson explained that the level of service will remain the same, the platinum level, they were able to negotiate significant savings. The commissioners commended Wilson on this great job. Chair Kinney asked for a motion and Commissioner Bunch made a motion to approve the elevator contract with Commissioner Martin seconding it and it approved unanimously. F. Vote. Sells Agency Contract. Staff seeking authorization to enter into a one-year contract extension with Sells Agency, our Agency of Record to expire on December 31, 2022. Rawn explained that the full contract is included in the packet with an addendum included to extend the contract through this year and asked if there were any questions. Rawn expressed her appreciation for the Sells Agency's work with Cyclo-Cross, noting that many of Sells' team were onsite the week of Cyclo-Cross, doing a lot of behind -the -scenes work. Commissioner Bunch made a motion to extend the contract for another year with Commissioner Sanderson seconding and it approved unanimously. G. Additions and announcements: Rawn wanted to welcome Commissioner Kinion as it is his first meeting after being appointed by Mayor Jordan to fill the vacancy left by Matthew Petty. Rawn asked commissioners to take a Cyclo-cross commemorative poster and also a bobble hat when they left the meeting. Commissioner Bunch asked for an update on the mobile Visitors Center and we have a ready date of March 18t" and Hernandez shared that her team is working on a marketing campaign to welcome the van to Fayetteville. CEO Rawn asked for clarification on how we should proceed with interviewing of the A&P applicants. Rawn asked if Commissioner Bunch and Rawn could talk with the city clerk's office to determine a timeline for interviewing the candidates and they can let the commission know. The commissioners agreed this was a good plan. With no other business, Chair Kinney adjourned the meeting at 2:51 pm. Minutes submitted by Amy Stockton, Director of Operations, Experience Fayetteville.