HomeMy WebLinkAbout23-22 RESOLUTION113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 23-22 File Number: 2022-0021 EMERGENCY SHELTERS FOR HOMELESS PERSONS: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT OF $21,442.00 TO PARTIALLY FUND EMERGENCY SHELTERS FOR HOMELESS PERSONS PROVIDED BY 7HILLS HOMELESS CENTER, GENESIS CHURCH, CENTRAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH AND NORTHWEST ARKANSAS CONTINUUM OF CARE WHEN THE SALVATION ARMY SHELTER AND OTHER SHELTERS ARE FULLY OCCUPIED DURING DANGEROUSLY COLD NIGHTS WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville in 2022 will likely see more below 15 degree wind chill nights which could endanger persons who only have tents for housing; and WHEREAS, a Winter Weather Emergency Shelter Collaborative made up of 7Hills Homeless Shelter, Genesis Church, New Beginnings, Northwest Arkansas Continuum of Care, Salvation Army, Central United Methodist Church and United Way have made tentative plans to assist homeless residents of Fayetteville when it is too cold for them to safely sleep outside; and WHEREAS, the Collaborative has determined its budget to provide a safe and warm place to sleep during those nights needs $21,442.00 from the City of Fayetteville for their program. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment in the total amount of $21,442.00 and approves an agreement with 7Hills Homeless Shelter to administer this emergency night time sheltering program for 2022. PASSED and APPROVED on 1/18/2022 Page 1 Printed on 1119122 Resolution: 23-22 File Number: 2022-0021 Attest: 6LE. R lC-waitzA i IMP ��• Kara Paxton, City Clerk Treasures ; m y .) O 111it,�`` Page 2 Printed on 1119122 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479)575-8323 Text File File Number: 2022-0021 Agenda Date: 1/18/2022 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meetinq File Type: Resolution Agenda Number: C.2 EMERGENCY SHELTERS FOR HOMELESS PERSONS: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT OF $21,442.00 TO PARTIALLY FUND EMERGENCY SHELTERS FOR HOMELESS PERSONS PROVIDED BY 7HILLS HOMELESS CENTER, GENESIS CHURCH, CENTRAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH AND NORTHWEST ARKANSAS CONTINUUM OF CARE WHEN THE SALVATION ARMY SHELTER AND OTHER SHELTERS ARE FULLY OCCUPIED DURING DANGEROUSLY COLD NIGHTS WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville in 2022 will likely see more below 15 degree wind chill nights which could endanger persons who only have tents for housing; and WHEREAS, a Winter Weather Emergency Shelter Collaborative made up of 7Hills Homeless Shelter, Genesis Church, New Beginnings, Northwest Arkansas Continuum of Care, Salvation Army, Central United Methodist Church and United Way have made tentative plans to assist homeless residents of Fayetteville when it is too cold for them to safely sleep outside; and WHEREAS, the Collaborative has determined its budget to provide a safe and warm place to sleep during those nights needs $21,442.00 from the City of Fayetteville for their program. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment in the total amount of $21,442.00 and approves an agreement with 7Hills Homeless Shelter to administer this emergency night time sheltering program for 2022. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 111912022 Legistar ID No.: aoaa-octal AGENDA REQUEST FORM FOR: Council Meeting of January 18, 2022 FROM: Council Member D'Andre Jones ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION TITLE AND SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT OF $21,442.00 TO PARTIALLY FUND EMERGENCY SHELTERS FOR HOMELESS PERSONS PROVIDED BY 7HILLS HOMELESS CENTER, GENESIS CHURCH, CENTRAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH AND NORTHWEST ARKANSAS CONTINUUM OF CARE WHEN THE SALVATION ARMY SHELTER AND OTHER SHELTERS ARE FULLY OCCUPIED DURING DANGEROUSLY COLD NIGHTS APPROVED FOR AGENDA: 7o�) L eM1 (�ert4kbJ City Council Member D'AndreJones Crty Attorney Kit Williams Approved as to form 15az Datete ( SZz Date Kit From: D'Andre Jones <dre91732000@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2022 4:14 PM To: Williams, Kit Subject: Re: Winter Weather Shelter Proposal CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the City of Fayetteville. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Looks good to me. Best Regards, D'Andre L. Jones - MSW, MA Fayetteville City Council Ward 1 Position 2 "Everybody can be great ... because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. On Mon, Jan 10, 2022 at 3:26 PM Williams, Kit <kwilliamsPfayetteville-ar ov> wrote: D'Andre, Attached is the proposed Resolution again as well as the Agenda request form. I have now gotten the budget adjustment which is also attached. I need to know if these are satisfactory to you so I can begin them in Legistar. Call if you have any questions. Kit From: D'Andre Jones <dre91732000fetamail com> Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2022 9:39 PM To: Williams, Kit <kwams(a)favettev'lle-ar eo > Subject: Fwd: Winter Weather Shelter Proposal RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT OF $21,442.00 TO PARTIALLY FUND EMERGENCY SHELTERS FOR HOMELESS PERSONS PROVIDED BY 7HILLS HOMELESS CENTER, GENESIS CHURCH, CENTRAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH AND NORTHWEST ARKANSAS CONTINUUM OF CARE WHEN THE SALVATION ARMY SHELTER AND OTHER SHELTERS ARE FULLY OCCUPIED DURING DANGEROUSLY COLD NIGHTS WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville in 2022 will likely see more below 15 degree wind chill nights which could endanger persons who only have tents for housing; and WHEREAS, a Winter Weather Emergency Shelter Collaborative made up of 7Hills Homeless Shelter, Genesis Church, New Beginnings, Northwest Arkansas Continuum of Care, SalvationArmy, Central United Methodist Church and United Way have made tentative plans to assist homeless residents of Fayetteville when it is too cold for them to safely sleep outside; and WHEREAS, the Collaborative has determined its budget to provide a safe and warm place to sleep during those nights needs $21,442.00 from the City of Fayetteville for their program. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment in the total amount of $21,442.00 and approves an agreement with 711ills Homeless Shelter to administer this emergency night time sheltering program for 2022. PASSED and APPROVED this 18' day of January, 2022. APPROVED: ATTEST: By: By. LIONELD JORDAN, Mayor KARA PAXTON, City Clerklrreasurer From: D'Andre Jones <dre9l732000@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2022 9:39 PM To: Williams, Kit Subject: Fwd: Winter Weather Shelter Proposal Attachments: Case for Support 2021-22.pdf -- unginarea from outside of the City of Fayetteville. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hey Kit if possible I would like to walk this on the agenda!! ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Solomon Burchfield <solomonCa newbeeinninesnwa.org> Date: Thu, Jan 6, 2022 at 3:29 PM Subject: Winter Weather Shelter Proposal To: Jones, D'Andre <dandre ionesCnJfavetteville ar eov> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the City of Fayetteville. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. D'Andre, Please see attached for the Fayetteville Winter Weather Emergency Shelter Collaborative proposal. 7hills would serve as the fiscal agent for the project and Salvation Army, New Beginnings, Genesis Church (under Central United Methodist Church), the NWA COC, and the United Way are all partners. The budget deficit is $21,442. We are asking the city to fund that deficit so we can deliver emergency services to people who are unsheltered during extreme winter weather this year. FWIW, after the Genesis site was approved Tuesday evening, and seeing the temperature forecast to drop below 15 degrees Wednesday and Thursday night, we set up and operated the winter weather shelter site last night and will again tonight. We want to be able to continue doing this through the winter under those condition,. Let me know if you need anything further from us to push this forward. I believe Mike at Ails, Josh at Salvation Army, Pam at the COC, either Rachel orJody at Genesis, and myself would be willing to speak on behalf of the proposal at the council. Just let me know once you have the details. Thanks very much for supporting this life-saving project! Solomon Burchfield New Beginnings NWA Best Regards, D'Andre L. Jones - MSW, MA Fayetteville City Council WINTER WEATHER EMERGENCY SHELTER COLLABORATIVE Severe winter weather can be dangerous and even deadly for our neighbors experiencing homelessness. Several community organizations have committed to work together to ensure there is plenty of safe and warm emergency shelter in the event that the wind chill temperatures in our area drop to 15 degrees or lower. Last winter from February 13m through the 201h, Northwest Arkansas experienced a severe winter weather event that saw wind-chill temperatures that dropped below 15 degrees. On February 16+h, the low was a blistering -20 degrees. 7hills Homeless Center, New Beginnings, Northwest Arkansas Continuum of Care, and Salvation Army partnered together to provide transportation and hotels to anyone who needed emergency shelter. There will be an estimated 100 homeless individuals who will be without emergency shelter in the Fayetteville area. Organizations working with individuals experiencing homelessness can provide clothing and sleep ware suitable for normal winter weather. When wind chill temperatures drop to 15 degrees and below, the winter weather gear and clothing most often used is not suitable. In order to prevent severe illness and death for our neighbors experiencing homeless, we need to have a rapidly deployable emergency overnight shelter. This year, 71hills Homeless Center, Genesis Church, New Beginnings, Northwest Arkansas Continuum of Care, Salvation Army, Central United Methodist Church, and United Way of Northwest Arkansas are teaming up to provide emergency shelter to anyone needing a safe, warm place to stay overnight. For this project, we based our estimated number of days of service on the average daily temperatures for the last two years. We are estimating there will be 21 days of service needed. Once Salvation Army reaches capacity in their emergency shelter, we will open an additional emergency overnight shelter at Genesis Church on 205 W MILK in Fayetteville. Operating hours will be from 6PM to 6AM. Our guests will sleep on cots with pillows and blankets furnished through this partnership. The partnering agencies will provide staffing along with a security detail provided by Safe Haven Security Group. A boxed dinner will be provided each night by Genesis Church. Transportation will be provided to and from area camps, Salvation Army, and 7hills Day Center. 7hllls, Genesis Church, New Beginnings, and Salvation Army will share the responsibility of staffing the shelter on the following schedule: Emergency Winter Weather Shelter Budget Expenses City of Fayetteville Matching Donations Total Staffing $ 4,305 $ - $ 4,305 Security $ 7,050 $ $ 7,050 Utility Reimbursement $ 1,000 $ - $ 1,000 Meals $ - $ 5,250 $ 5,250 Cots $ 4,504 $ - $ 4,504 Blankets/Pillows $ - $ 4,398 $ 4,398 Cleaning supplies $ So0 $ $ 500 Client Outreach $ 3.000 $ $ 3,000 Miscellaneous $ 1,083 $ - $ 1,083 Total $ 21,442 IS 9,648 1 $ 31,090 Staffing: This covers the cost of the staffing provided by the staffing schedule in the "Plan" section. Security: We will contract with Safe Haven security to provide one security guard from 6PM- 6AM. Utility Reimbursement: Genesis Church will be reimbursed for utilities being used during plan activation. Meals: Genesis Church is providing an evening meal. Cots: These will be purchased and stored onsite. Blanket/Pillows: Genesis Church will host a drive to collect 100 blankets and pillows. Cleaning Supplies: These will be used to clean and sanitize the space after each night. Client Outreach: New Beginnings will contact clients at area camps to notify them of the emergency shelter. 7hills Homeless Center: Steven Mills, COO, is serving as committee chairperson. 7hills will assume fiduciary responsibility for the program which includes accounting, expense reimbursement to partners, and fundraising. 7hills will also oversee overall coordination and community communications and are one of the agencies providing overnight shelter operations staffing. Genesis Church: Rachel Kirksey, Community Care Coordinator and Janice Hanna, Church Administrator are serving as committee members. Genesis Church will provide Space at Genesis Church, boxed dinners, travel for guests and pets, coordinate a community pillow and blanket drive. New Beginnings: Solomon Burchfield, Program Director, is sewing as a committee member. New Beginnings is providing Operational staff during the month of January and community outreach and winter weather education to local camps. Northwest Arkansas Continuum of Care: Pam Hutcheson, Executive Director, is serving as a committee member. The COC is coordinating the transportation process partnering with Uber. Salvation Army: Captain Josh Robinette, Area Commander and Kim Koyote, Director of Social Services are serving as committee members. Salvation Army will provide guidance to the team staffing the emergency shelter in January and provide staffing during February. United Way of Northwest Arkansas: Carlos Garbutt, 211 Community Impact Manager, is serving as a committee member. United Way is providing referral services as well as coordinating transportation with Lyft. We are asking the City of Fayetteville for $21,442 to fund this plan. 7hills will administer the grant and reimburse all partners for eligible expenses as outlined in this budget. Should the number of days of service fall below the estimated 15 days, funds will be held by 7hills in a restricted account and rolled over to the next year's Winter Weather Emergency Shelter Collaborative. Should the number of days exceed the estimate, 7hills will work through the Collaborative to secure additional funding from other community partners. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas - Budget Adjustment Form (Legistar) Budget year 2022 Division /Org2 CITY COUNCIL (016) Kevin Number BUDGET ADJUSTMENT DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION: Resolution to approve a budget adjustment of $21,442 to partially fund emergency shelters for homeless persons provided by 7Hills Homeless Center, Genesis Church, Central United Methodist Church and Northwest Arkansas Continuum of Care when the Salvation Army Shelter and and Other Shelters are fully occupied during dangerourly cold nights. RESOLUTION/ORDINANCE COUNCIL DATE: 1 /18/2022 LEGISTAR FILE ID#: _'J Q129 _O09 / Ke,"Sprt+ger- 1/10/2022 3:00 PM Budget Director TYPE: JOURNAL#: Date D - (City Council) GLDATE: 1/18/2022 CHKD/POSTED: / TOTAL 21,442 21,442 v.20211122 Increase / (Decrease) Proiect.Sub# Account Number Expense Revenue Project Sub Detl AT Account Name 1010.090.6600-5721.00 21,442 - 40901 4010.1 E% Transfer to -Seven Hills Homeless 1010.001.00014999.99 - 21,442 RE Use Fund Balance - Current H:\BudgetAdjustment\2022-Budget\ClTY COUNCIL\01-18-22\2022BA- Walk On Seven Hills.xlsm I of I CONTRACT FOR SERVICES Comes now the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, and 7hills Homeless Center, Inc. on this 18t' day of January, 2022 and mutually agree and covenant together: WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville in 2022 will likely see more nights where the temperature will be 15 degree wind chill or colder which could endanger persons who only have tents for housing; and WHEREAS, a Winter Weather Emergency Shelter Collaborative made up of 7Hills Homeless Shelter, Genesis Church, New Beginnings, Northwest Arkansas Continuum of Care, Salvation Army, Central United Methodist Church and United Way have made tentative plans to assist homeless residents of Fayetteville when it is too cold for them to safely sleep outside; and WHEREAS, the Collaborative has analyzed this situation and determined its budget to provide safe and warm places to sleep during those cold nights needs $21,442.00 in funding from the City of Fayetteville for their emergency night time shelter program. NOW THEREFORE, the City of Fayetteville and Mills Homeless Center, Inc. mutually agree as follows: 1. In order to better serve and provide warm housing for Fayetteville homeless residents in 2022, the City of Fayetteville agrees to pay to 7hills Homeless Center, Inc. as coordinator and disburser of all funds the sum of not to exceed $21,442.00 for use of the Winter Weather Emergency Shelter Collaborative pursuant to its proffered budget. 2. 7hills Homeless Center, Inc. agrees to accept this funding for the exclusive uses shown on the attached Exhibit: "Emergency Winter Weather Shelter Budget" which is incorporated into this contract along with the rest of the three page document entitled "Winter Weather Emergency Shelter Collaborative" as if is stated within this contract word 1 for word. 3. As coordinator for this program, 7hills Home Center, Inc. agrees fully document all expenditures of this $21,442.00 to ensure all such expenditures comply with the budget and budgeted uses the Collaborative submitted and provide such document no later than May 3, 2022 to the City of Fayetteville. Further, any of the City funds not needed or used for the budgeted items in 2022 shall be refunded to the City by February 1, 2023. In agreement with all the terms and conditions above, 7hills Homeless Center, Inc. and the City of Fayetteville sign below. CITY OF ByAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS , Mayor Date: 7HILLS HOMELESS CENTER, INC. 4 By: Steven i Is. COO Date: 1 /14/2022 ATTEST `,�� G��ftrt•r. By: Kara Paxton FA YE774t1LLe City Clerk -Treasurer 9 '�;�G laN` � Ova►``' 2