HomeMy WebLinkAbout19-22 RESOLUTION113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 19-22 File Number: 2021-1126 FAYETTEVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE OPERATING PROCEDURE POLICY: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE FAYETTEVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE OPERATING PROCEDURE POLICY AOP-101, GENERAL INFORMATION AND INTRODUCTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Operating Procedure Policy AOP-101, General Information and Introduction. PASSED and APPROVED on 1/18/2022 Attest: `� t r r r r►► •� Fk}�- : A rn.- Kara Paxton, City Clerk Treasur-crv�L�E 57, rr� /i� • ... � r�r � N Cp 1 " Page 1 Printed on 1119122 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479)575-8323 Text File File Number: 2021-1126 Agenda Date: 1/18/2022 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meetinq Agenda Number: A.4 File Type: Resolution FAYETTEVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE OPERATING PROCEDURE POLICY: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE FAYETTEVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE OPERATING PROCEDURE POLICY AOP-101, GENERAL INFORMATION AND INTRODUCTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Operating Procedure Policy AOP-101, General Information and Introduction. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 111912022 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2021-1126 Legistar File ID 1/18/2022 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item Brad Hardin 12/29/2021 FIRE (300) Submitted By Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: Staff is requesting City Council Approval adopting Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Operating Procedure Policy Changes. Account Number Project Number Budgeted Item? No Does item have a cost? No Budget Adjustment Attached? No Purchase Order Number: Change Order Number: Original Contract Number: Comments: Budget Impact: Current Budget Funds Obligated Current Balance Item Cost Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget Fund Project Title .a Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Approval Date: V20210527 CITY OF _ FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS MEETING OF JANUARY 18, 2022 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Brad Hardin, Fire Chief DATE: December 29, 2021 CITY COUNCIL MEMO SUBJECT: Fire Department Administrative Operating Procedures Changes RECOMMENDATION: Staff is requesting Council Approval adopting Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Operating Procedure Policy Changes. BACKGROUND: The Fayetteville Fire Department is currently in the process of reviewing policies and updating as necessary to make changes as recommended and to meet best practices while working through the CFAI accreditation process. Formatting changes are due to a prior change in policy management software. DISCUSSION: These changes are part of Fayetteville Fire Policy #AOP-101, General Information and Introduction. These changes include wording and formatting to aid in the process for maintaining and modifying policies and procedures. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: No Budget Impact with these Policy Changes Attachments: Fayetteville Fire Policy #AOP-101, General Information and Introduction Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 Original AOP 101 Prefix The Fayetteville Fire Department (FFD) Administrative Operating Procedures (AOP), the City of Fayetteville Policies and Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures, the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Service Commission of the City of Fayetteville, and the FFD Emergency Operations Guidelines (EOG) are the official controlling documents and requirements of the Fayetteville Fire Department and as such, are intended for the general guidance of the Firefighters and members of the Fayetteville Fire Department and cannot cover every specific act of duty. 11 Much is left to the zeal and discretion of the individual, and efficiency ratings as well as disciplinary actions will depend upon the manner in which the Firefighters and members conduct themselves in the performance of their duties. Strict compliance with the operating procedures and careful attention to the orders of department Officers is necessary to retain the respect and good will of the public which this department enjoys. 2 All Standard Operating Policies, rules, regulations and orders previously issued by the Fayetteville Fire Department which may conflict with the 2013 Fayetteville Fire Department Administration Operating Procedures are deemed repealed or revoked to the extent of such conflict. .3 Violations of any of the operating procedures, neglect or omission of any of the duties prescribed herein, are considered offenses, and any member found guilty will, at the discretion of the Fire Chief, be subject to reprimand, suspension, demotion, or dismissal from the department. 4 Operating Procedures that will govern every case cannot be predetermined and from time to time necessary Administrative Orders will be issued. Additions, deletions and modifications to this manual will be implemented as necessary in order to reconcile changing conditions, and to reflect revisions in policies and procedures. 5 Emergency Operations Guidelines of the Fayetteville Fire Department will contain more detailed information regarding fire ground and emergency scene organization, strategies, and tactics. The EOG document must remain flexible to ensure the ability to swiftly enact procedural updates and technological changes based on fire service industry standards. The EOG may be found at Changes Purpose The Fayetteville Fire fie art ent FFC} Adminisirative Operating Policies (AOPhe ON of Fayetteville Policies and Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures. the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Service Commission of the City of Favetteville, and the FFd FmeWenq Operations Guidelines [E0G] are the official controlling documents and requirements of the Fayetteville Fire Dewriment and as such, are intended for She general guidance of the Firefighters and members of the Fayetteville Fire Oenartment. Scope lNrrci� is left to the zeal and discretion of the individual. and efficiency rating as swell as disciplinary actions will depend upon the way the Firefghters and members conduct themseiv$s in the performance of their duties. Compliance with the operating rocedures and careful attention to the orders of department officers is necessary to retain the respect and need will of the public, which this kepartment ends. Violations of any of the operating pfaredures- neglect or omission of any of the duties rescribed herein are considered offenses and any member found gullt will at the discretion of the Fire Chief, be subject to reprimand, suspension, demotion or dismissal frorn the deparlment. Formatted: Tab stops: 0.55", Lek Administrative Operations Policies Administrative Operations Policies tAOPt of the Fayetteville Fire Department will contain administrative information related to the overall o geratio n of the de artment throug hout all diy[sions, programs, and sary}cas provided. All AOP documents will be reviewed by, and formally _ppro_v_ed by the Fay_altevil[e City Council. Any new AOP orchano to existing AOP will be approved through the LMT process, then submitted to and approved by the City Councii before it can be Published. Any new AOP or change to an AOP that has not been fully approved by LMT and City Council will not be considered valld except as outlined below in the section titled Administrative Directives. Administrative Directives Administrative directives will be Issued only in emergency siluatlons where changes are time sensilive and vilal to the continuance of safe operalions. Administrative Dfrectiv_es_related to_existirtg pqlsces will rgferM the policy number, be maintained In the policy management software, and ematled out to all personnel. Administrative directives will expire in 60 days unless through LMT Consensus action is taken to extend or mocli Ify them. Efforts will be made to chap a the current policor creat_o, a new one during that time. II the Administrative directive must be extended or modified, it will be resent to atl personnel by email, Once a new policy draft has been created it must go through the process_for approval by the LMT and City Council hgfore, being published. Once published, the approved AOP will be sent out as a reading assignment on Vector Solutions and the Administrative Directive will be archived. Administrative operations Guidlines Administrative O erahons Guidelines AOG I of the Fa etlevilie Fire QppgrtmenI will contain delailed procedures for the_ administration of the related approved AOP_ The AOG document must remain flexible to ensure the abilb to swiftly enact procedural updates, Any Change to the AOG will be assigned to FFD Personnel through Vector Solutions for review. AOGs shall not be nut in place without the existence of a related AOP which will define purpose and parameters of the AOG. All new AOG documents or changes to these in existence will be approved oy the LMT.. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0" Emergency Operations Guidelines Emergency Operations Guidelines WOG] of the Fayettevilla Fire Department. will contain more detailed information reciardin firs q round and e wotgenoV scene or a n rza [ion, sIrate ies and tactics. The EOG document must remain flexible to ensure the abi I i ty to swif tiv enact p rocedura! updates and Lechnolo ical chap es based on fire service industry standards. EOGs shall riot be jxLt In place without the exislence of a related AOP which will define the purpose and parameters of the AOG. All now EOG documents or changes to those in existence will be approved by the LMT. Policy Maintenance Maintenance of poElcies and procedures_ Will be th_e_ responsibility of the PIannincl B a Ifalion Chief. Additions, deletions, and modifications will be implemented as necessary to reconcile chandinq conditions and to reflect revisions in policies and procedures. All policies whether in current draft or archived status will he stored and maintained utilir-ing a ppliGy managemeant_software prapram. Current P#3F versions of all policies will be availabl@ to all perspnn@! In the VeC#Or $pl_utiyns "File Center"section. I94--htips: llapp.targetsolutions.comltsanpldashboardlpf fb/index.cfrn?fuseaction=c pro.show HomePfefix A Flee Fayeilevifle f=i�erat{•�FF3) Adr�irristrativa Ogerat� Rrosedures �A9W�CiEy-�F€aye€te►tiA�l�efisles-arad••Rrasedaras-a+a�d•-9pecai ia� Rresedwas; 4he-��►€as-and-Fiegulaii�gf4#ee-Civl4-�e�r3sa-4.era+r�issiow-o€-lhe Eity-efi�Wetteville,and-the €FD-Eme►jency-sera#ions-GuidefiRes 9 G)-are l4e-o€frs al wnlrnllH doeumo I snd-requirerR&N"f-the4�-ayetieville4--Ire Degaftment a d-assuGh, areiRtende"r the -general gulda Ge-��rz„£'�'e l4of-Uhtefsaadmem6ers rv# the lwaye#tEwilEe Girr3 C3epat meal and caflne#�sves every speoifie aGt of duty. Ai Mweh is e# tot d{ssreEieri of N3e ipdiwdeaai�r7d effiolerasy re"s-as we I-as-d+sciplinafy as[tens-wig-depend-upofi•#ho,mannw4n whit the F miigMers and befs-wodusl #emwhe es-in4h9 perform noe QPhair-iaaw&4#eopsfaliRg preredtrresrad sarafui a#leri#iefa 1e tie orders of�ef3arkrRefft�f#isers is ffesessa+jf•Ee•cetaifrl#}e-respect-ararl •goa�wil4®f-tdee-puhli�which-#his ,fopaFt. ent ,2All--SStandar� E]p���[iRc,�-Ftallsie�rulesufa#lofts-af�d�felefs-prevwas{y-issued t3y4he FayeEEeyille tire-0epa+ErRaR! wia+elr+�ray sQR#Ilsi wish a 28�3 FayeE#eville ran rRer►E AFfrA+Ri3Er8#ieR DgeraEing P edt+res are deemed--reyeole"r revoke�•tc+-#h�extefat of-sc+c#ronflis� �--Vielatieris-sf•aRy-v€•tiva•vq@fa3lrag-praredufes;neglect[-er-rxwissia�4i-aay-pf--#fie "ies-pfessf#bed-herein ale-svF�sidered offe{ases-and a{ay a ewfsuRd guil#y wlll a# the dissfe#iofro€�#s Flre 6gief he eL4*wEE4o-rel Fimar+d,-suegenslan, de FAQUeR, or dismissal f.om the depaFtME) t 4—(3gerati+�g Rrssedt�res #tiat�nrill-9everra every-sase oanAot be pfede#efrRmed afld from- time4o-lime Resew ry Adrftinistra#ive Brders will be -issued: -Additions detH#IESR5-ai�44-rRC+F}i€i63tIHr+6 9 #f{iS�+�aHF1al will-k}Q Ifi1�]lefiiBREB6-arr oee&af "R ordaNe••rsso:acile-slaafi�7iRc•}•co►�diEiows,•-ar�te`r�flert�evisiof�s+^ ^„a:,d rnerger�sy�per[isaRr 6eaideli+aes of #f}eayfet#soil{s dire F]eparEfffent will rvn#ain FReelailed4nfomialjowregardir+ore-greund FW-e aFgeRsjr•• Geno laGlim The EGG do u ten#-mast-mf%imgeA34e4o eRswxe Me wlity to 6 if{ty "O Rd•#es#Rslvg{sal-shaRges Based•+rrft#ra-sewme•rndustry-s#andar�s 7f+13 f=9Gmay he fnuRd a l � B r4 a _ F 1, el � Fayetteville Fire Department Administrative Operating Procedures AOP-101 General Information and Introduction Version 7 Date Created 07/07/2021 AOG Reference: CFAI Reference: 7A.3, CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS The Fayetteville Fire Department (FFD) Administrative Operating Policies (AOP), the City of Fayetteville Policies and Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures, the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Service Commission of the City of Fayetteville, and the FFD Emergency Operations Guidelines (EOG) are the official controlling documents and requirements of the Fayetteville Fire Department and as such, are intended for the general guidance of the Firefighters and members of the Fayetteville Fire Department. Much is left to the zeal and discretion of the individual, and efficiency ratings as well as disciplinary actions will depend upon the way the Firefighters and members conduct themselves in the performance of their duties. Compliance with the operating procedures and careful attention to the orders of department officers is necessary to retain the respect and good will of the public which this department enjoys. Violations of any of the operating procedures, neglect or omission of any of the duties prescribed herein, are considered offenses, and any member found guilty will, at the discretion of the Fire Chief, be subject to reprimand, suspension, demotion, or dismissal from the department. Administrative Operations Policies (AOP) of the Fayetteville Fire Department will contain administrative information related to the overall operation of the department throughout all divisions, programs, and services provided. All AOP documents will be reviewed by, and formally approved by the Fayetteville City Council. Any new AOP or change to existing AOP will be approved through the LMT process, then submitted to and approved by the City Council before it can be published. Any new AOP or change to an AOP that has not been fully approved by LMT and City Council will not be considered valid except as outlined below in the section titled Administrative Directives. Administrative directives will be issued only in emergency situations where changes are time sensitive and vital to the continuance of safe operations. Administrative Directives related to existing polices will reference the policy number, be maintained in the policy management software, and emailed out to all personnel. Administrative directives will expire in 60 days unless through LMT Consensus action is taken to extend or modify them. Efforts will be made to change the current policy or create a new one during that time. If the Administrative directive must be extended or modified, it will be resent to all personnel by email. Once a new policy draft has been created it must go through the process for approval by the LMT and City Council before being published. Once published, the approved AOP will be sent out as a reading assignment on Vector Solutions and the Administrative Directive will be archived. Administrative Operations Guidlines Administrative Operations Guidelines AOG of the Fayetteville Fire Department will contain detailed procedures for the administration of the related approved AOP. The AOG document must remain flexible to ensure the ability to swiftly enact procedural updates. Any Change to the AOG will be assigned to FFD Personnel through Vector Solutions for review. AOGs shall not be put in place without the existence of a related AOP which will define purpose and parameters of the AOG. All new AOG documents or changes to those in existence will be approved by the LMT. Emergency Operations Guidelines (EOG) of the Fayetteville Fire Department will contain more detailed information regarding fire ground and emergency scene organization, strategies, and tactics. The EOG document must remaiip flexible to ensure the ability to swiftly enact procedural updates and technological changes based on fire service industry standards. EOGs shall not be put in place without the existence of a related AOP which will define the purpose and parameters of the AOG. All new EOG documents or changes to those in existence will be approved by the LMT. Policy Maintenance Maintenance of policies and procedures will be the responsibility of the Planning Battalion Chief. Additions, deletions, and modifications will be implemented as necessary to reconcile changing conditions, and to reflect revisions in policies and procedures. All policies whether in current, draft, or archived status will be stored and maintained utilizing a policy management software program. Current PDF versions of all policies will be available to all personnel in the Vector Solutions "File Center" section. https://app.targetsolutions.com/tsapj)/dashboard/pl�fb/index.cfm?fuseaction=c pro.show Home