HomeMy WebLinkAbout198-20 RESOLUTIONNA 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479)575-8323 Resolution: 198-20 File Number: 2020-0-583 ARKANSAS HISTORIC PRESERVATION PROGRAM: A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT WITH THE ARKANSAS HISTORIC PRESERVATION PROGRAM FOR ACCEPTANCE OF A CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVERNMENT GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $790.00 TO PAY FOR TRAVEL AND TRAINING EXPENSES, AND TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes Mayor Jordan to sign the attached Certified Local Government Program Grant Agreement for acceptance of a grant through the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program in the amount of $790.00 for travel and training expenses. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution, recognizing the grant funds. PASSED and APPROVED on 8/4/2020 I1 Page 1 Attest: RK . FAYETTEVILLE :;30- Kara Paxton, City Clerk Treasures Printed olio/ 11 N,C� 3��` -� City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 r (479) 575-8323 =x / Text File File Number: 2020-0583 Agenda Date: 8/4/2020 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meeting File Type: Resolution Agenda Number: A. 2 ARKANSAS HISTORIC PRESERVATION PROGRAM: A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT WITH THE ARKANSAS HISTORIC PRESERVATION PROGRAM FOR ACCEPTANCE OF A CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVERNMENT GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $790.00 TO PAY FOR TRAVEL AND TRAINING EXPENSES, AND TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes Mayor Jordan to sign the attached Certified Local Government Program Grant Agreement for acceptance of a grant through the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program in the amount of $790.00 for travel and training expenses. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution, recognizing the grant funds. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 8/5/2020 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2020-05 8 3 Legistar File ID 8/4/2020 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item Garner Stoll 7/17/2020 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (620) Submitted By Submitted Date Action Recommendation: Division / Department Approval of a contract with the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program to receive a Certified Local Government grant (20-CLG-05) in the amount of $790 and approval of a budget adjustment to receive the grant funds. Budget Impact: 1010.630.6305-4309.01 Account Number 36024.2001 General Fund Historic Preservation Grant Project Number Budgeted Item? NA Current Budget Funds Obligated Current Balance Project Title I$ Does item have a cost? No Item Cost Budget Adjustment Attached? Yes Budget Adjustment $ 790.00 Remaining Budget $ 790.00 Purchase Order Number: Change Order Number: Original Contract Number: Comments: V20180321 Previous Ordinance or Resolution # RES 169-19 Approval Date: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS MEETING OF AUGUST 4, 2020 TO: Mayor; Fayetteville City Council CITY COUNCIL MEMO THRU: Garner Stoll, Development Services Director FROM: Mary McGetrick, Long Range Planning Manager DATE: July 17, 2020 SUBJECT: Approval of a contract with the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program to receive a Certified Local Government grant (20-CLG-05) in the amount of $790 and approval of a budget adjustment to receive the grant funds. RECOMMENDATION: Planning Staff recommends approval of a contract with the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program to receive a Certified Local Government grant in the amount of $790 and approval of a budget adjustment to receive the grant funds. BACKGROUND: Planning staff has applied for and received a Certified Local Government (CLG) grant to pay for travel and training for the Historic District Commission and City staff. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: A budget adjustment is proposed in the amount of $790 for the City to receive the grant funds. Attachments: ■ Certified Grant Agreement Documents ■ Budget Adjustment Form Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROGRAM GRANT AGREEMENT Grant Number 20-CLG-05 This agreement is entered into between the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereinafter referred to as the City, and the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program, hereinafter referred to as AHPP. AHPP agrees to provide a grant in the amount of $790 for the purpose of funding travel to trainings for historic district commissioners, staff, and related officials. THIS GRANT IS FOR THE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THE PURPOSE, OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE OF WORK HEREIN DEFINED. SCOPE OF WORK TASK A. The City will fund travel to trainings sponsored or approved by AHPP for historic district commissioners, staff, and related officials. $790 is designated for this activity. II. TIME FRAME of AGREEMENT This agreement will begin on March 15, 2020, and shall extend until September 30, 2021. No grant funds shall be expended by the City or its sub -grantees or assigns after September 30, 2021. No work on any grant task will be undertaken, continued, or carried out after September 30, 2021. III. PAYMENTS A. Payments of funds under this grant agreement will be made upon receipt of invoices requesting reimbursement of expenses paid by the City within the time frame of this agreement. B. No invoice received after August 1, 2021, will be processed. C. Payments under this grant agreement are conditioned on successful completion of the tasks described in the scope of work. D. The grant award is conditioned on the use of the grant funds to accomplish the tasks described in the scope of work. Funds will only be disbursed to achieve the purposes described in the scope of work. The grantee retains no interest in grant funds for which an invoice has not been submitted to AHPP by August 1, 2021. E. The availability of funds under this grant award is dependent on the National Park Service's 2020-2021 Historic Preservation Fund award to the AHPP. IV. AHPP RESPONSIBILITIES AHPP staff agrees to make periodic reviews of the project to assess practices and products. AHPP reserves the right to enforce the procedures as outlined in this contract. AHPP agrees to make available advice and counsel necessary to accomplish the objectives and to render compensation upon invoice within a reasonable timeframe. V. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS A. The City will submit quarterly reports detailing programmatic and fiscal progress of work on forms to be provided by AHPP on: Period Date Due March -June, 2020 July 15, 2020 July -Sept, 2020 October 15, 2020 October -December, 2020 January 15, 2021 January -March, 2021 Aril 15, 2021 April -June, 2021 July 15, 2021 July -September, 2021 October 15, 2021 FINAL October 31, 2021 B. The report of April 15, 2021, will be accompanied by a timeline for completion of the project and spend down of project funds by the end of the grant term. C. If changes in the grant agreement - e.g.: scope of work, products, budgets, etc. - are required, then the City must submit a written request detailing proposed changes and wait for written approval from AHPP before proceeding. D. No funds will be disbursed if grant reporting is more than two weeks delinquent. E. Failure to submit grant reports within one month of the date required herein shall be grounds for cancellation of the grant at the discretion of AHPP. F. The City will submit a final project report detailing all completed projects and including copies of all publications as per the requirements of this agreement no later than October 31, 2021. G. The City will promptly notify AHPP if it will be unable to expend the awarded funds within the grant period. VI. REQUIRED TRAINING Disbursement of funds under this agreement is contingent on attendance by a designated representative of the City at a training session on grant administration requirements held by AHPP. This requirement may be waived at the discretion of AHPP if the City's grants administrator has attended a grant administration training session within the two years prior to the execution of this grant agreement. VII. COMPLIANCE A. All products and projects funded by grant funds must comply with the applicable Secretary of the Interior's "Standards." These include: 1) Standards and Guidelines for Preservation Planning, 2) Standards and Guidelines for Identification, 3) Standards and Guidelines for Evaluation, 4) Standards and Guidelines for Registration, 5) Standards and Guidelines for Historical Documentation, 6) Standards and Guidelines for Architectural and Engineering Documentation, 7) Standards and Guidelines for Archeological Documentation, 8) Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, 9) Standards and Guidelines for the Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings, and 10) Historic Preservation Professional Qualification Standards. See Appendices A-E. B. PROJECT EXECUTION AND CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS: All projects, sub - grants and consulting contracts funded through this grant agreement must be carried out in accordance with the procedures and standards laid out in the applicable appendices to this agreement. All work products funded through this grant must meet the standards laid out in the applicable appendices to this agreement. C. EASEMENTS AND PRESERVATION AGREEMENTS: The City will donate to AHPP a conservation easement on any property being restored, rehabilitated, or repaired as a part of any project(s) funded in whole or §by this grant utilizing ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or more of funds awarded by AHPP. On such projects involving private properties, it will be the City's responsibility to secure this easement for donation to AHPP before any grant funds are released. The City will ensure that the owner(s) of property being restored, rehabilitated, or repaired as a §of any project utilizing at least one dollar ($1) but less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) of Historic Preservation Fund monies awarded by AHPP enters into a five- year preservation agreement concerning that property with AHPP before grant funds are released. On such projects involving City property, the City and any other parties holding an ownership interest in such property must enter into a five-year preservation agreement with AHPP before funds will be released. D. All activities pursuant to this Agreement shall be in compliance with the requirements of Executive Order 11246, as amended; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; (78 Stat. 252; 42 U.S.C. §§2000d et seq.); the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, (87 Stat. 394; 29 U.S.C. §794); the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (89 Stat. 728; 42 U.S.C. §§6101 et seq.); the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. § 12101); the Architectural Barriers Act (42 U.S.C. §§4151 et seq.); and with all other federal laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination on grounds of race, color, sexual orientation, national origin, disabilities, religion, age, or sex. A. In all hiring or employment made possible by or resulting from grant awards, the City (1) will not discriminate against any employee or applicant from employment because of race, color, religion, sex, age, or national origin, and (2) will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, age, or national origin. This requirement applies to, but is not limited to, the following: employment promotion, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or other recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The City and its sub -grantees will comply with all applicable statutes and Executive orders on equal employment opportunity and grant awards will be governed by the provisions, as implemented by, but not limited to, Department of the Interior policies, published in 43 CFR 17. Vill. MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET GUIDELINES A. Certified Local Government grants are funded by the National Park Service Historic Preservation Funds Grants in Aid, CFDA number 15.904. All policies and procedures of the Department of the Interior, the National Park Service, and all other Federal regulations concerning expenditures of Federal funds must be followed by AHPP and all sub -grant recipients. All grant projects will be administered by AHPP and the City in accordance with the Historic Preservation Fund Grants Manual. The manual may be found online here: https://www.nps.gov/preservation- rag nts/hpf manual.pdf The City must maintain efficient and effective accountability and control of all funds received and expended under a sub -grant from AHPP. B. Federal Award Identification Number, total award amount, and award date will be provided to subgrantee when received by AHPP. This award may be subject to additional conditions as required by the National Park Service. C. A City employee or paid contractor will be responsible for fulfilling all responsibilities assumed by the City under this grant agreement. D. The City will promptly disclose any conflict of interest to AHPP in accordance with 2 CFR §200.112. E. Indirect costs are not eligible for reimbursement under this award. F. The City will maintain all grant -related records at the City offices in accordance with its normal recordkeeping procedures. G. The City hereby assures and certifies that it will comply with the regulations, policies, guidelines and requirements as they relate to the application, acceptance and use of Federal funds for this federally assisted project. The following Federal regulations are incorporated by reference into this Agreement (full text can be found at http://www.ecfr.gov): 1) Administrative Requirements: 2 CFR Part 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, in its entirety; 2) Determination of Allowable Costs: 2 CFR Part 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, Subpart E; and 3) Audit Requirements: 2 CFR Part 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, Subpart F. 4) Code of Federal Regulations/Regulatory Requirements: 2 CFR 182 & 1401, "Government -wide Requirements for a Drug -Free Workplace"; 2 CFR 180 & 1400, "Non -Procurement Debarment and Suspension", previously located at 43 CFR §42, "Government wide Debarment and Suspension (Non -Procurement)"; 43 CFR Part 18, "New Restrictions on Lobbying"; 2 CFR Part 175, "Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000"; FAR Clause 52.203-12, Paragraphs (a) and (b), Limitation on Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions; and 2 CFR Part 25, System for Award Management (www.SAM.gov) and Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS). H. Cities that expend $750,000 or more during a year in Federal awards shall have a single or program -specific audit conducted for that year in accordance with the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 (31 U.S.C. §§7501-7507) and 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F. I. The City will comply with Federal competitive procurement requirements for professional services and subcontractors and will provide documentation of such compliance upon request. J. The City will comply with the minimum wage and maximum hours provisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act. K. Upon completion of the project, the Secretary of the Interior, the Comptroller General of the United States, AHPP, and/or any of their duly authorized representatives shall have access for the purpose of financial or programmatic audit and examination any books, documents, papers and records of the City that are pertinent to the grant at all reasonable times during the period of retention provided in 2 CFR §200.333, for at least three (3) years or until all claims or audit findings have been resolved. L. The City will comply with the provisions of 18 U.S.C. § 1913, Lobbying with Appropriated Moneys, as amended by Public Law 107-273, Nov. 2, 2002. "No part of the money appropriated by any enactment of Congress shall, in the absence of express authorization by Congress, be used directly or indirectly to pay for any personal service, advertisement, telegram, telephone, letter, printed or written matter, or other device, intended or designed to influence in any manner a Member of Congress, a jurisdiction, or an official of any government, to favor, adopt, or oppose, by vote or otherwise, any legislation, law, ratification, policy, or appropriation, whether before or after the introduction of any bill, measure, or resolution proposing such legislation, law, ratification, policy, or appropriation; but this shall not prevent officers or employees of the United States or of its departments or agencies from communicating to any such Members or official, at his request, or to Congress or such official, through the proper official channels, requests for legislation, law, ratification, policy, or appropriations which they deem necessary for the efficient conduct of the public business, or from making any communication whose prohibition by this section might, in the opinion of the Attorney General, violate the Constitution or interfere with the conduct of foreign policy, counter -intelligence, intelligence, or national security activities. Violations of this section shall constitute violations of section 1352(a) of title 3 L" In addition to the above, the related restrictions on the use of appropriated funds found in Div. F, §402 of the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2008 (P.L. 110-161) also apply. M. The City will comply with all provisions of Executive Order 113858 "Strengthening Buy American Preferences for Infrastructure Projects" that may apply to the project that is the subject of this award. IX. PUBLICATIONS, WORK PRODUCT AND PUBLIC INFORMATION A. An acknowledgment of National Park Service and the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program support must be made in connection with the publication of any material based on, or developed under, any activity supported by Historic Preservation Fund grant funds. This acknowledgment shall be in the form of a statement as follows: "This material was produced with assistance from the Historic Preservation Fund, administered by the National Park Service, Department of the Interior and the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program, an agency of the Division of Arkansas Heritage. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of the Interior or the Division of Arkansas Heritage. " B. Press releases, publications, and other public dissemination of information by the City concerning a project made possible by this grant shall acknowledge National Park Service, Department of the Interior, Arkansas Historic Preservation Program, and Division of Arkansas Heritage grant support. C. Posters, brochures, program literature, and publications will include the following statement: This program receives Federal financial assistance for identification and protection of historic properties. Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, the U.S. Department of the Interior prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability or age in its federally assisted programs. If you believe you have been discriminated against in any program, activity, or facility as described above, or if you desire further information, please write to: Office for Equal Opportunity, National Park Service, 1849 C Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20240. D. Drafts of all publications, reports, audio-visual material, and other material subject to distribution, publication, or display must be submitted to AHPP for approval prior to production, publication, public display or general distribution. E. Publications, reports, audio-visual material, and other material subject to distribution, publication, or display will be made accessible to the widest audience possible in accordance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 12132 et seq.). For more information, guidance is available from the Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section. F. The City grants the State of Arkansas and the United States of America a royalty -free, non-exclusive and irrevocable license to publish, reproduce and use, and dispose of in any manner and for any purpose without limitation, and to authorize or ratify publication, reproduction or use by others, of all copyrightable material first produced or composed under this agreement as complied or produced by the City, its contractor, its employees or any individual or concern specifically employed or assigned to originate and prepare such material. Any data, analysis, methodology, or other information that formed the basis of the work product funded by this grant award shall be made available to the AHPP and the NPS on request. The City shall ensure that these rights are secured by any sub -award or sub -agreement funded under this grant award. G. All Geographic Information Systems data produced or collected as a part of this grant funded project must comply with the NPS Cultural Resource Spatial Data Transfer Standards. Please contact the AHPP for more information. X. DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS A. Any development project funded through this award must obtain appropriate permits from the City, including approval from the local Historic District Commission, if the project falls within a local ordinance district and the Commission has jurisdiction. B. Work funded by this grant award cannot be claimed under the Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program. City and any potential subgrantees should consult with their attorneys or financial advisors about tax or other consequences of this award or its conditions on project financing. C. Approvals of project work by AHPP for this grant project are independent of and may not be substituted for the review and approval of any project or matter under any other AHPP or National Park Service program. XI. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AHPP assumes no responsibility with respect to accidents, illness or claims arising out of any work performed under a sub -grant supported project. The City is expected to take necessary steps to insure itself and its personnel and students and to comply with the applicable local, State, or Federal safety standards, including those issued pursuant to the National Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (see 20 CFR Part 1910). XII. PROJECT CANCELLATION Approved projects may be canceled for one or more of the following reasons: A. The City requests project cancellation. B. The City fails to pursue project work in a timely fashion or fails to adequately pursue project objectives in a manner likely to ensure completion of the grant project or substantial spend -down of the grant award within the grant term. C. Project work or project administration is found not to be in conformance with conditions as stated in the grant agreement and appendices. XV. AMENDMENTS This agreement may be amended upon written request and approval by both parties. SIGNATURES Scott Kaufman Agency Director, AHPP Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer 1100 North Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 Name (printed) UF_it✓ . d Evil Date Date SIGNATURES Scott Kaufman Agency Director, AHPP Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer 1100 North Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 Date City of FaypWille Signature L i iu&�d J�N'Z&A-- Name (printed) — �Vvq K- Title Date "2o APPENDIX A: Historic Resources Survey and Documentation The production of surveys of historic structures, sites, etc., funded under this grant agreement will meet the following minimum standards, as applicable: A. CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The City will ensure that any request for proposals (RFP), request for qualifications (RFQ), or other bid solicitation and any contract for survey and documentation services funded under this agreement includes duties and tasks as described in this appendix. 2. The City will submit a copy of any proposed RFQ, RFP, or other bid solicitation for a project funded under this agreement to AHPP prior to publication of the announcement or request for review and approval and will not publish such announcement or request until comments been received from AHPP. A copy of the final announcement or request and proof of its publication or transmission to qualified professional will be provided to AHPP. 3. The City will submit a copy of any proposed contract and the name and vita of the contractor selected for services funded under this agreement to AHPP for review, prior to execution of the contract, and will not execute the contract until approval has been received from AHPP. A copy of the final executed contract will be provided to AHPP. 4. The City will contact the AHPP National Register staff to consult on the advisability of historic sites survey work in the proposed area, proposed boundaries for the survey work, etc., prior to engaging a contractor for survey work funded under this agreement. 5. The City will ensure that the contractor responsible for survey and documentation services funded under this agreement meets the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards (see Appendix F) in History and/or Architectural History and/or, when applicable, Archaeology or Historic Landscape Architecture. B. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITES l . Prior to commencing any work under the contract, any contractor who has not attended a training on the required procedures for historic sites surveys taught by the AHPP National Register Survey staff within five (5) years prior to the survey initiation date must attend a training class on the procedures required for historic site survey. This one -day class, at the offices of AHPP, will train the contractor in the proper and thorough completion of Arkansas Architectural Resources Forms, photography requirements, mapping, and compilation of the finished product. 2. Prior to commencing any work under the contract, the Contractor, regardless of the date of his or her last training, must contact the AHPP National Register Survey staff to determine whether changes to required historic site survey procedures have changed since the contractor last attended a training. If the AHPP National Register Survey staff determines that the Contractor's attendance at an additional training class is advisable, the contractor must attend a training class on the procedures required for historic sites surveys prior to the initiation of any fieldwork under the contract. 3. The contractor must comply with the standards and procedures set forth in the AHPP Survey Manual in carrying out the contract work and in completion of the final product. 4. The contractor must design and complete the survey and produce a survey report in accordance with the National Park Service Historic Preservation Fund Grants Manual Chapter 6, Section H, 2a-e and 3b and/or d as applicable and the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Identification for Intensive Surveys (see at https://www.nps.zov/history/local-law/arch studs O.htm). The survey report should, at minimum, contain the following elements: • Survey methodology • A brief historic context specific to the area surveyed • A brief overview of historic resource types within the area surveyed • Maps outlining the boundaries of the area surveyed • Tables listing addresses or other location information of properties surveyed, resource numbers supplied by AHPP, and data relevant to evaluation of National Register eligibility, such as date of construction, property condition and architectural integrity, vacant lots, etc. • Maps locating properties by resource number and address • Language collected on Arkansas Architectural Resources Forms should be provided with the survey report in an organized, sortable, searchable, digital format, such as a database, spreadsheet, GIS data, or similar data file. 5. The contractor must complete an Arkansas Architectural Resources Form and provide site plans for each resource in the field. 6. The contractor must provide, on the Arkansas Architectural Resources Form, information specific to the property for which the survey form is prepared summarizing its history and any obvious changes to the building that appear to have occurred since its construction. 7. The contractor will take color digital photographs of each resource in the field. At the very minimum the photographs should show all facades of each building. In addition, representative streetscape photographs will be provided by the Contractor. These photographs will be submitted with the final survey product in both electronic and print form. 8. The contractor will provide UTM coordinates for each property. 9. To ensure efficient production of a quality product and to reduce the burden of repeated reviews, in projects involving inventory and documentation of more than 30 properties, the contractor will provide drafts of at least 10 completed Arkansas Architectural Resources Forms to the AHPP National Register Survey staff for review prior to completion and submittal of all Arkansas Architectural Resources Forms. AHPP staff will review draft forms and return comments to the contractor within 14 business days of receipt of the draft forms. 10. The contractor will provide copies of any ancillary work product or information compiled or generated by the contractor in the course of carrying out the historic site survey or form completion, including but not limited to archival research, and photographs, to AHPP on request. 11. The contractor will grant the City, the State of Arkansas, and the United States of America a royalty -free, non-exclusive and irrevocable license to publish, reproduce and use, and dispose of in any manner and for any purpose without limitation, and to authorize or ratify publication, reproduction or use by others, of all copyrightable material first produced or composed under this Agreement by the contractor, its employees or any individual or concern specifically employed or assigned to originate and prepare such material. 12. The contractor must be able to adhere to set deadlines and provide initial and completed surveys by the dates set forth in contract documents. 13. The contractor will provide own transportation and equipment. 14. For resurvey work, a copy of the previous survey form must be attached to the new survey form for each property. 15. The contractor will provide one full -color copy and one digital copy of the final survey report and forms to the City and one full -color printed copy and two digital copies of the survey report and forms to AHPP. C. AHPP RESPONSIBILITIES 1. AHPP will provide Arkansas Architectural Resources Forms and Ancillary Structures Forms to the contractor as necessary for project completion. 2. AHPP will provide access to survey files and copies of previous survey work as necessary for project completion. 3. AHPP will provide resource numbers to the contractor as necessary for project completion. 4. AHPP will provide a one -day training class at the AHPP offices in Little Rock on the procedures required for historic site surveys. This class will train the contractor in the proper and thorough completion of Arkansas Architectural Resources Forms, photography requirements, mapping, and compilation of the finished product. 5. AHPP will provide technical assistance to the contractor as necessary for project completion. APPENDIX B: National Register of Historic Places Nominations The production of nominations of historic structures, sites, etc., for listing on the National Register of Historic Places funded under this grant agreement will meet the following minimum standards, as applicable: A. CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The City will ensure that any request for proposals (RFP), request for qualifications (RFQ), or other bid solicitation and any contract for services funded under this agreement includes duties and tasks as described in this appendix. 2. The City will submit a copy of any proposed RFQ, RFP, or other bid announcement for a project funded under this agreement to AHPP prior to publication of the announcement or request for review and will not publish such announcement or request until approval has been received from AHPP. A copy of the final announcement or request and proof of its publication or transmission to qualified professional will be provided to AHPP. 3. The City will submit a copy of any proposed contract and the name and vita of the contractor selected for services funded under this agreement to AHPP for review prior to execution of the contract, and will not execute the contract until approval has been received from AHPP. A copy of the final executed contract will be provided to AHPP. 4. The City will contact the AHPP National Register staff to consult on the advisability of preparation and submission of National Register of Historic Places nominations prior to engaging a contractor for preparation of nominations funded under this agreement. 5. The City will ensure that the contractor responsible for survey and documentation services funded under this agreement meets the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards (see Appendix F) in History and/or Architectural History and/or, when applicable, Archaeology or Historic Landscape Architecture. B. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES 1. It is required that the contractor complete a National Register of Historic Places nomination form for the historic property or properties in compliance with all applicable AHPP or National Park Service standards and guidance for nomination form completion. 2. The contractor will take color digital photos of the historic property in the field. In the case of a proposed historic district, representative streetscape photos will be provided by the Contractor. All photographs submitted must meet the National Park Service standards in the "National Register Photo Policy Factsheet." 3. The contractor will label all photographs to be included with the completed National or Arkansas Register of Historic Places nomination according to the National Park Service instructions. 4. The contractor will also need to locate the property on a United States Geological Survey Map and provide UTM coordinates for the historic property or district. 5. The contractor will be responsible for on -site presentation of information sufficient to fully support a recommendation for or against listing of the proposed historic district or property to the AHPP State Review Board at the earliest meeting following completion and staff approval. 6. Any contractor who has not submitted an accepted National Register of Historic Places form in the last five (5) years must attend a training class on completing National or Arkansas Register of Historic Places nomination forms. This one -day class, at the offices of AHPP, will train the contractor in the proper and thorough completion of National Register of Historic Places nomination forms, photography requirements, mapping, and compilation of the finished product. 7. The contractor will provide copies of any ancillary work product or information compiled or generated by the contractor in the course of preparing the nomination, including but not limited to property data, databases, archival research, and photographs, to AHPP on request. 8. The contractor will grant the City, the State of Arkansas, and the United States of America a royalty -free, non-exclusive and irrevocable license to publish, reproduce and use, and dispose of in any manner and for any purpose without limitation, and to authorize or ratify publication, reproduction or use by others, of all copyrightable material first produced or composed under this agreement by the contractor, its employees or any individual or concern specifically employed or assigned to originate and prepare such material. 7. The contractor must be able to comply with deadlines and provide initial and completed nominations by the dates set forth in the contract between the City and the Contractor. 8. The contractor will provide his or her own transportation and any equipment necessary to completion of the nomination forms and presentation to the Arkansas State Review Board. 9. The contractor must work outside in extreme temperatures and provide proper attire for the weather conditions. 10. The contractor will perform all services and provide all materials to be produced under the contract in consultation with AHPP. 11. The contractor will conduct meetings with AHPP as required to complete the project. 12. The contractor will provide one full -color printed final clean copy nomination and attachments, including digital photographs, and one digital copy of any nominations created to the City and three full -color printed copies of the final clean copy nomination and attachments, including digital photographs, and two digital copies of any nominations to AHPP. C. AHPP RESPONSIBILITIES 1. AHPP will provide access to any previously completed architectural resource forms in its possession for all buildings included in the contract for services. 2. AHPP will provide a one -day training class at the AHPP offices in Little Rock contractor on the proper and thorough completion of National Register of Historic Places nomination forms, photography requirements, mapping, and compilation of the finished product. 3. AHPP will provide technical assistance to the contractor as necessary for project completion. APPENDIX C: Design Guidelines and Preservation Plans Preparation of design guidelines and/ or preservation plans funded under this grant agreement will meet the following minimum standards, as applicable: A. CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The City will ensure that any request for proposals (RFP), request for qualifications (RFQ), or other bid solicitation and any contract for services funded under this agreement include duties and tasks as described in this appendix. The City will submit a copy of any proposed RFQ, RFP, or other bid announcement for a project funded under this agreement to AHPP prior to publication of the announcement or request for review and will not publish such announcement or request until approval has been received from AHPP. A copy of the final announcement or request and proof of its publication or transmission to qualified professional will be provided to AHPP. 3. The City will submit a copy of any proposed contract and the name and vita of the contractor selected for services funded under this agreement to AHPP for review prior to execution of the contract, and will not execute the contract until approval has been received from AHPP. A copy of the final executed contract will be provided to AHPP. 4. The City will submit a draft copy of the design guidelines to AHPP for review, comments, and approval prior to printing, and will not give final approval to the product or proceed with final printing of the document until approval has been received by AHPP. The City will ensure that any contractor engaged to prepare design guidelines funded under this agreement meets the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Professional Qualifications (see Appendix F) as an Architectural Historian, a Historic Preservation Planner, or a Historic Preservationist with experience equivalent to one or both those professions. Any contractor engaged to prepare a preservation plan must be qualified as a Historic Preservation Planner or a Historic Preservationist with experience equivalent to a Preservation Planner. B. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The contractor will design and complete a preservation plan or plans, when applicable, in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Preservation Planning (see at https:llwww.nps.gov/history/local-law/arch stnds_O.htm). 2. The contractor will draft design guidelines, when applicable, that include, at minimum: a. A summary of the City's ordinances, procedures, and bylaws relating to work regulated by the City's Historic District Commission; b. Maps describing the boundaries of any local or National Register historic districts in which work is regulated under authority of the Arkansas Historic Districts Act, A C.A. § 14-172-20, et seq., and local ordinance; c. A list of addresses within such historic districts; d. A history of the City as it provides historic context for any such local historic districts, National Register of Historic Places districts, or the City as a whole; e. An overview of the architectural styles prevalent in the local historic districts within the period of significance as described in the most recent historic resources survey and/or nomination previously approved by the City's Historic District Commission; f. The text of the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation, as codified at 36 CFR 67. g. Illustrated design guidance addressing appropriate rehabilitation of and additions to historic structures and sites and construction or development of appropriate infill structures and sites that addresses all historic architectural styles, periods, and methods of construction specific to the local districts. 3. The contractor will provide copies of any ancillary work product or information compiled or generated by the contractor in the course of preparing work product on any project funded through this grant agreement, including but not limited to property data, databases, archival research, and photographs, to AHPP on request. 4. The contractor will grant the City, the State of Arkansas, and the United States of America a royalty -free, non-exclusive and irrevocable license to publish, reproduce and use, and dispose of in any manner and for any purpose without limitation, and to authorize or ratify publication, reproduction or use by others, of all copyrightable material first produced or composed under this agreement by the contractor, its employees or any individual or concern specifically employed or assigned to originate and prepare such material. 5. The contractor must be able to comply with deadlines and provide initial and completed deliverables by the dates set forth in the contract between the City and the Contractor. 6. The contractor will provide one full -color printed final clean copy of the design guidelines and/or preservation plan and attachments and one digital copy of the design guidelines and/or preservation plan and attachments created to the City and one full -color printed copies and one digital copy to AHPP. C. AHPP RESPONSIBILITIES 1. AHPP will provide access to survey files and copies of previous survey work as necessary for project completion. 2. AHPP will provide access to any nominations or other background research or information relevant to the project as necessary for project completion. APPENDIX D: Rehabilitation Work to Historic Properties Projects for rehabilitation work to historic properties funded under this grant agreement will meet the following minimum standards, as applicable: A. CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The City will ensure that any request for proposals (RFP), request for qualifications (RFQ), or other bid solicitation and any contract for services funded under this agreement includes duties and tasks as described in this appendix. 2. The City will submit a copy of any proposed RFQ, RFP, or other bid announcement for a project funded under this agreement to AHPP prior to publication of the announcement or request for review and will not publish such announcement or request until approval has been received from AHPP. A copy of the final announcement or request and proof of its publication or transmission to qualified professional will be provided to AHPP. 3. The City will submit a copy of any proposed contract and the name and vita of the contractor selected for services funded under this agreement to AHPP for review prior to execution of the contract, and will not execute the contract until approval has been received from AHPP. A copy of the final executed contract will be provided to AHPP. 4. The City will submit plans and specifications to AHPP for all proposed work that is part of any project funded by this grant that would make any material alteration in any feature of any property listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, either individually or as a contributing feature in a district. The City will not begin any such work until approval has been granted by AHPP. a. A site plan that has the north direction clearly marked b. A city/county map with the site of the property clearly labeled c. Set of plans and specifications for the project d. Photographs (or digital images) of all exterior elevations of the building or site, with views identified and oriented and keyed to the site plan. e. Interior photographs of all major rooms and those involved in the project, labels, and keyed to a floor plan f. Any addition information that will better enable a technical review of the project to be completed like historic photographs, historic structure reports, building studies, etc. 5. The City will ensure that the Contractor performs all work in compliance with the plans and specifications as approved by AHPP. 6. All projects must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Architectural Barriers Act, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 7. All products and projects must comply with the applicable Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. The Standards are: 1. A property shall be used for its historic purpose or be placed in a new use that requires minimal change to the defining characteristics of the building and its site and environment. 2. The historic character of a property shall be retained and preserved. The removal of historic materials or alteration of features and spaces that characterize a property shall be avoided. 3. Each property shall be recognized as a physical record of its time, place, and use. Changes that create a false sense of historical development, such as adding conjectural features or architectural elements from other buildings, shall not be undertaken. 4. Most properties change over time; those changes that have acquired historic significance in their own right shall be retained and preserved. 5. Distinctive features, finishes, and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize a property shall be preserved. 6. Deteriorated historic features shall be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature shall match the old in design, color, texture, and other visual qualities and, where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features shall be substantiated by documentary, physical, or pictorial evidence. 7. Chemical or physical treatments, such as sandblasting, that cause damage to historic materials shall not be used. The surface cleaning of structures, if appropriate, shall be undertaken using the gentlest means possible. 8. Significant archeological resources affected by a project shall be protected and preserved. If such resources must be disturbed, mitigation measures shall be undertaken. 9. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not destroy historic ma&rials that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiatedfrom the old and shall be compatible with the massing, size, scale, and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment. 10. New additions and adjacent or related new construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired. B. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The Contract will perform all work in compliance with the plans and specifications as approved by AHPP. 2. All products and projects must comply with the applicable Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. The Standards are: 1. A property shall be used for its historic purpose or be placed in a new use that requires minimal change to the defining characteristics of the building and its site and environment. 2. The historic character of a property shall be retained and preserved. The removal of historic materials or alteration of features and spaces that characterize a property shall be avoided. 3. Each property shall be recognized as a physical record of its time, place, and use. Changes that create a false sense of historical development, such as adding conjectural features or architectural elements from other buildings, shall not be undertaken. 4. Most properties change over time; those changes that have acquired historic significance in their own right shall be retained and preserved. S. Distinctive features, finishes, and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize a property shall be preserved. 6. Deteriorated historic features shall be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature shall match the old in design, color, texture, and other visual qualities and, where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features shall be substantiated by documentary, physical, or pictorial evidence. 7. Chemical or physical treatments, such as sandblasting, that cause damage to historic materials shall not be used. The surface cleaning of structures, if appropriate, shall be undertaken using the gentlest means possible. 8. Significant archeological resources affected by a project shall be protected and preserved. If such resources must be disturbed, mitigation measures shall be undertaken. 9. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not destroy historic materials that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and shall be compatible with the massing, size, scale, and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment. 10. New additions and adjacent or related new construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired. 3. The contractor will provide copies of any ancillary work product or information compiled or generated by the contractor in the course of preparing work product on any project funded through this grant agreement, including but not limited to property data, databases, archival research, and photographs, to AHPP on request. 4. The contractor will grant the City, the State of Arkansas, and the United States of America a royalty -free, non-exclusive and irrevocable license to publish, reproduce and use, and dispose of in any manner and for any purpose without limitation, and to authorize or ratify publication, reproduction or use by others, of all copyrightable material first produced or composed under this agreement by the contractor, its employees or any individual or concern specifically employed or assigned to originate and prepare such material. 5. The contractor must be able to comply with deadlines set forth in the contract between the City and the Contractor. 6. The contractor must erect a project sign acknowledging the assistance of the Department of the Interior, the National Park Service, the Department of Arkansas Heritage, and the AHPP at the project site. This sign will be provided by the AHPP. C. AHPP RESPONSIBILITIES AHPP will provide access to any previously completed architectural resource forms or architectural plans in its possession for all buildings included in the contract for services. 2. AHPP will review and approve or comment on all plans and specifications submitted by the City within 14 business days of submission of plans and specifications that allow for a clear and complete understanding of the scope and detail of the project. 3. AHPP will provide technical assistance to the contractor as necessary for project completion. APPENDIX E: Other Consultant Contracts and Products All other types of projects funded under this grant agreement will meet the following minimum standards, as applicable: A. CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The City will ensure that any request for proposals (RFP), request for qualifications (RFQ), or other bid solicitation and any contract for services funded under this agreement includes duties and tasks as described in this contract and appendix. 2. The City will submit a copy of any proposed RFQ, RFP, or other bid announcement for a project funded under this agreement to AHPP prior to publication of the announcement or request for review and will not publish such announcement or request until approval has been received from AHPP or seven (7) business days have elapsed since the date on which the! proposed announcement or request has been received by AHPP. A copy of the final announcement or request and proof of its publication or transmission to qualified professional will be provided to AHPP. 3. The City will submit a copy of any proposed contract and the name and vita of the contractor selected for services funded under this agreement to AHPP for review, prior to execution of the contract, and will not execute the contract until approval has been received from AHPP or seven (7) business days have elapsed since the date on which the proposed contract has been received by AHPP. A copy of the final executed contract will be provided to AHPP. 4. The City will ensure that any contractor engaged for work funded under this agreement meets the applicable Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Professional Qualifications (see Appendix F) as determined in consultation with AHPP. 5. The City will ensure that all project work and work products meet all applicable Secretary of the Interior's "Standards" including: 1) Standards and Guidelines for Preservation Planning, 2) Standards and Guidelines for Identification, 3) Standards and Guidelines for Evaluation, 4) Standards and Guidelines for Registration, 5) Standards and Guidelines for Historical Documentation, 6) Standards and Guidelines for Architectural and Engineering Documentation, 7) Standards and Guidelines for Archeological Documentation, 8) Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, 9) Standards and Guidelines for the Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings, and 10) Historic Preservation Professional Qualification Standards. B. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITES The contractor will ensure that all project work and work products meet all applicable Secretary of the Interior's "Standards" including: 1) Standards and Guidelines for Preservation Planning, 2) Standards and Guidelines for Identification, 3) Standards and Guidelines for Evaluation, 4) Standards and Guidelines for Registration, 5) Standards and Guidelines for Historical Documentation, 6) Standards and Guidelines for Architectural and Engineering Documentation, 7) Standards and Guidelines for Archeological Documentation, 8) Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, 9) Standards and Guidelines for the Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings, and 10) Historic Preservation Professional Qualification Standards. 2. The contractor will provide copies of any ancillary work product or information compiled or generated by the contractor in the course of carrying out the contract, including but not limited to archival research, and photographs, to AHPP on request. 3. The contractor will grant the City, the State of Arkansas, and the United States of America a royalty -free, non-exclusive and irrevocable license to publish, reproduce and use, and dispose of in any manner and for any purpose without limitation, and to authorize or ratify publication, reproduction or use by others, of all copyrightable material first produced or composed under this agreement by the contractor, its employees or any individual or concern specifically employed or assigned to originate and prepare such material. 4. The contractor must be able to adhere to set deadlines as set forth in contract documents. 5. The contractor will provide own transportation and equipment. 6. The contractor will provide one full -color copy and one digital copy of the work product, as applicable, to the City and one full -color printed copy and two digital copies of the work product, as applicable, to AHPP. C. AHPP RESPONSIBILITIES 1. AHPP will provide Arkansas Architectural Resources Forms and Ancillary Structures Forms to the contractor as necessary for project completion. 2. AHPP will provide access to survey files and copies of previous survey work as necessary for project completion. 3. AHPP will provide resource numbers to the contractor as necessary for project completion. 4. AHPP will provide access to other AHPP files to the contractor as necessary for project completion. AHPP will provide technical assistance to the contractor as necessary for project completion. Appendix F: The Secretary of the Interior's Historic Preservation Professional Qualification Standards The Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards were defined and officially adopted in 1983 (48 FR 44716, September 29) by the National Park Service, Department of the Interior, and the Secretary of the Interior's Historic Preservation Professional Qualification Standards were expanded and revised in 1997 (62 FR 33708, June 20) in response to amendments in the National Historic Preservation Act, but were not formally adopted for federal regulatory purposes. See https://www.nps.sov/history/local- law/sis/html/introduction.html for more information. The 1997 revisions update the professional qualification standards written in 1983 and add definitions for seven other historic preservation disciplines that appear in the National Historic Preservation Act. The 1997 version also provides guidance on how to measure qualifying credentials that was lacking in the 1983 Standards. In the 1997 version, this information is provided in a standardized format that provides examples of the academic degrees, work and academic products, and professional activities that would qualify a professional in a particular discipline. Because the 1997 Standards give the clearest description of the current understanding of what a qualified professional is in each of the disciplines described in the National Historic Preservation Act, AHPP uses them as guidance on judging the qualifications of contractors or consultants working on projects funded by AHPP's CLG grant agreements. It is important to note that these are not intended to be requirements for ALL consultants or contractors working on a project, lead as well as entry-level. However, each project must contain a person in a lead, responsible project role with the requisite expertise. OMB Approval No. 0348-0040 ASSURANCES - NON -CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0348-0040), Washington, DC 20503. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR COMPLETED FORM TO THE OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET. SEND IT TO THE ADDRESS PROVIDED BY THE SPONSORING AGENCY. NOTE: Certain of these assurances may not be applicable to your project or program. If you have questions, please contact the awarding agency. Further, certain Federal awarding agencies may require applicants to certify to additional assurances. If such is the case, you will be notified. As the duly authorized representative of the applicant, I certify that the applicant: 1. Has the legal authority to apply for Federal assistance and the institutional, managerial and financial capability (including funds sufficient to pay the non -Federal share of project cost) to ensure proper planning, management and completion of the project described in this application. 2. Will give the awarding agency, the Comptroller General of the United States and, if appropriate, the State, through any authorized representative, access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the award; and will establish a proper accounting system in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards or agency directives. 3. Will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that constitutes or presents the appearance of personal or organizational conflict of interest, or personal gain. 4. Will initiate and complete the work within the applicable time frame after receipt of approval of the awarding agency. 5. Will comply with the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. §§4728-4763) relating to prescribed standards for merit systems for programs funded under one of the 19 statutes or regulations specified in Appendix A of OPM's Standards for a Merit System of Personnel Administration (5 C.F.R. 900, Subpart F). 6. Will comply with all Federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination. These include but are not limited to: (a) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; (b) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended (20 U.S.C. §§1681- 1683, and 1685-1686), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; (c) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. §794), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps; (d) the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 U.S.C. §§6101-6107), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; (e) the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (P.L. 92-255), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; (f) the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-616), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; (g) §§523 and 527 of the Public Health Service Act of 1912 (42 U.S.C. §§290 dd-3 and 290 ee- 3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records; (h) Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. §§3601 et seq.), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing; (i) any other nondiscrimination provisions in the specific statute(s) under which application for Federal assistance is being made; and, Q) the requirements of any other nondiscrimination statute(s) which may apply to the application. Will comply, or has already complied, with the requirements of Titles II and III of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-646) which provide for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced or whose property is acquired as a result of Federal or federally -assisted programs. These requirements apply to all interests in real property acquired for project purposes regardless of Federal participation in purchases. 8. Will comply, as applicable, with provisions of the Hatch Act (5 U.S.C. §§1501-1508 and 7324-7328) which limit the political activities of employees whose principal employment activities are funded in whole or in part with Federal funds. Previous Edition Usable Standard Form 424E (Rev. 7-97) Authorized for Local Reproduction Prescribed by OMB Circular A-102 9. Will comply, as applicable, with the provisions of the Davis - Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. §§276a to 276a-7), the Copeland Act (40 U.S.C. §276c and 18 U.S.C. §874), and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. §§327- 333), regarding labor standards for federally -assisted construction subagreements. 10. Will comply, if applicable, with flood insurance purchase requirements of Section 102(a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-234) which requires recipients in a special flood hazard area to participate in the program and to purchase flood insurance if the total cost of insurable construction and acquisition is $10,000 or more. 11. Will comply with environmental standards which may be prescribed pursuant to the following: (a) institution of environmental quality control measures under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (P.L. 91-190) and Executive Order (EO) 11514; (b) notification of violating facilities pursuant to EO 11738; (c) protection of wetlands pursuant to EO 11990; (d) evaluation of flood hazards in floodplains in accordance with EO 11988; (e) assurance of project consistency with the approved State management program developed under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. §§1451 et seq.); (f) conformity of Federal actions to State (Clean Air) Implementation Plans under Section 176(c) of the Clean Air Act of 1955, as amended (42 U.S.C. §§7401 et seq.); (g) protection of underground sources of drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, as amended (P.L. 93-523); and, (h) protection of endangered species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (P.L. 93- 205). SIGNATUR OF AUTHORIZED CERTIFYiAG OFFICIAL 12. Will comply with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 (16 U.S.C. §§1271 et seq.) related to protecting components or potential components of the national wild and scenic rivers system. 13. Will assist the awarding agency in assuring compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (16 U.S.C. §470), EO 11593 (identification and protection of historic properties), and the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. §§469a-1 et seq.). 14. Will comply with P.L. 93-348 regarding the protection of human subjects involved in research, development, and related activities supported by this award of assistance. 15. Will comply with the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act of 1966 (P.L. 89-544, as amended, 7 U.S.C. §§2131 et seq.) pertaining to the care, handling, and treatment of warm blooded animals held for research, teaching, or other activities supported by this award of assistance. 16. Will comply with the Lead -Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. §§4801 et seq.) which prohibits the use of lead -based paint in construction or rehabilitation of residence structures. 17. Will cause to be performed the required financial and compliance audits in accordance with the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and OMB Circular No. A-133, "Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non -Profit Organizations." 18. Will comply with all applicable requirements of all other Federal laws, executive orders, regulations, and policies governing this program. TITLE 61r ARP'LICANT RGA� NIZQxfON DATE SUBMITTED � �- W Ta-AO-01,/k R_�_tzo Standard Form 424E (Rev. 7-97) Back City of Fayetteville, Arkansas - Budget Adjustment Form (Legistar) Budget Year Division Adjustment Number /Org2 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (620) 2020 Requestor: Mary McGetrick BUDGET ADJUSTMENT DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION: Historic preservation grant (20-CLG-05) in the amount of $790 for travel and training RESOLUTION/ORDINANCE COUNCIL DATE LEGISTAR FILE ID# 8/4/2020 2020-0583 H01 y 3la ck 71912020 2:47 PM Budget Director Date TYPE: D - (City Council) JOURNAL #: GLDATE: CHKD/POSTED: TOTAL 790 790 v.20200528 Increase / (Decrease) Project.Sub# Account Number Expense Revenue Project Sub.Detl AT Account Name 1010.630.6305-4309.01 - 790 36024 2001 RE Federal Grants - Operational 1010.630.6305-5304.00 790 - 36024 2001 EX Travel & Training H:\Budget Adjustments\2020_Budget\City Council\08-04-2020\2020-0583 Dev Srvcs Historic Preservation Grant Ili