HomeMy WebLinkAbout117-21 RESOLUTION113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 117-21 File Number: 2021-0245 2021 FIRE AND POLICE PAY AND BENEFITS STUDY: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE 2021 FIRE AND POLICE PAY AND BENEFITS STUDY PREPARED BY THE JOHANSON GROUP, AND TO ADOPT THE 2021 FIRE AND POLICE STEP PAY PLANS WHEREAS, Mayor Jordan proposes an adjustment to the Police and Fire pay plan grids to provide for implementation of the 2021 step pay plans, as recommended by the Johanson Group's 2021 Fire and Police Pay and Benefits Study Report. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the 2021 Fire and Police Pay and benefits Study prepared by the Johanson Group, and further approves the 2021 Fire and Police step pay plans, copies of which are attached to this Resolution PASSED and APPROVED on 4/6/2021 Attest: ```�1tttrrrrrrf� � GOER K / T =��`��'� •' GI T Y ��•q�''i 'G 1, 2 —� � •mom Kara Paxton, City Clerk Treas-orcr YE�E���Cf Page 1 Printed on 67/21 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113West Mountain Street - \ Fayetteville, AR 72701 —�~ (479) 575-8323 I Text File -� File Number: 2021-0245 Agenda Date: 4/6/2021 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meeting File Type: Resolution Agenda Number: A.22 2021 FIRE AND POLICE PAY AND BENEFITS STUDY: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE 2021 FIRE AND POLICE PAY AND BENEFITS STUDY PREPARED BY THE JOHANSON GROUP, AND TO ADOPT THE 2021 FIRE AND POLICE STEP PAY PLANS WHEREAS, Mayor Jordan proposes an adjustment to the Police and Fire pay plan grids to provide for implementation of the 2021 step pay plans, as recommended by the Johanson Group's 2021 Fire and Police Pay and Benefits Study Report. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the 2021 Fire and Police Pay and benefits Study prepared by the Johanson Group, and further approves the 2021 Fire and Police step pay plans, copies of which are attached to this Resolution City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 41712021 Agenda Session Walk On 3/30/21 Missy Cole Submitted By City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2021-0245 Legistar File ID 4/6/2021 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item 3/29/2021 HUMAN RESOURCES (120) Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council accept the 2021 Fire and Police Pay and Benefits Study conducted by the Johanson Group and approve the proposed Fire and Police step pay plans. Account Number Project Number Budgeted Item? No Does item have a cost? No Budget Adjustment Attached? NA Purchase Order Number: Change Order Number: Original Contract Number: Comments: Budget Impact: Fund Project Title Current Budget Funds Obligated Current Balance Item Cost Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Approval Date: V20180321 .CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS MEETING OF APRIL 6, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council THRU: Susan Norton, Chief of Staff FROM: Missy Cole, HR Director DATE: March 29, 2021 CITY COUNCIL MEMO SUBJECT: Acceptance of the 2021 Fire and Police Pay and Benefits Study and Approval of Proposed Fire and Police Step Pay Plans RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Council accept the 2021 Fire and Police Pay and Benefits Study conducted by the Johanson Group and approve the proposed Fire and Police step pay plans. BACKGROUND: In 2016, after a professional services selection was completed, City Council approved a contract for the Johanson Group to conduct a classification, compensation, and benefits study. The contract included contingency amounts for ongoing market reviews and other consulting services. Following the implementation of the classification study, Mayor Jordan formed the 2017 City Council Ad Hoc Pay Plan Committee to make recommendations to the City Council regarding new criteria for future pay and benefits studies. The Committee consisted of Council Members, Administration and one representative from each employee group — Fire, Police, and Merit. This Committee made the following recommendations to the City Council regarding Fire and Police pay and benefits surveys. 1. Survey data sources —Bentonville, Rogers, Springdale, Jonesboro, and Lawrence, KS 2. Survey frequency —conduct annual studies, alternating between Police and Fire in the odd numbered years and merit in the even numbered years 3. Survey five benefits provided by the data sources —retirement, medical/dental, time off in excess of statutory requirements, certification pay, and longevity pay On February 6, 2018, the City Council approved these recommendations along with a change order to the Johanson Group contract to conduct annual pay and benefits studies. DISCUSSION: The Johanson Group's 2021 Fire and Police Pay and Benefits Study Report follows this staff memo. The Final Report provides a summary of the study, including a discussion of the five benefit options identified for inclusion in the survey. The study recommendations from the Johanson Group are listed below: Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 Adoption of the 2021 Proposed Fire and Police Pay Step Plans Continuation of current competitive employee benefits for Fire and Police uniformed personnel to meet the City's Total Rewards: Compensation and Benefits Philosophy — Competitive base pay to attract applicants within the City's market recruitment area and retain competent employees by leading market recruitment area with total rewards (base pay and benefit) offerings BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: Accepting the Johanson Group Study and adopting the proposed pay plans will equip the City to implement updated, competitive fire and police pay structures. A separate agenda item with Mayor Jordan's recommendation for the 2021 Employee Compensation Appropriation Authority & Step Pay Plan Structure Adjustments will be presented to the City Council for consideration. Attachments: Johanson Group's City of Fayetteville 2021 Fire and Police Pay and Benefits Study Report CITY OF FAYETTEVI LLE 2021 FIRE AND POLICE PAY AND BENEFITS ]] STUDY REPORT March zg, 2o2I PRESENTED TO: The Honorable Mayor Lioneld Jordan Honorable Members of the City Council PRESENTED BY: Blair and Bruce Johanson President and Vice President johanson group MANAGEMENT CONSULTING SERVICES 2928 McKee Circle, Ste 123 Fayetteville, AR 72703 479.521.2697 March 22, 2021 To: The Honorable Lioneld Jordan, Mayor Honorable Members of the City Council From: Blair and Bruce Johanson, President and Vice -President Subject: 2021 Fire and Police Pay and Benefits Study Final Report Johanson Group is pleased to provide this Fire and Police Pay and Benefits study report. It is based on an analysis of fire and police uniformed pay range comparisons with competing municipalities in the City's labor market (Bentonville, Rogers and Springdale) and two benchmark cities (Jonesboro, AR and Lawrence, KS) located outside the Northwest Arkansas region. This memo narrative summarizes the 2021 Fire and Police Pay and Benefits Study findings and recommendations. Background Information Following the completion of the 2017 pay and benefits study in the Spring of 2017, Mayor Jordan formed the 2017 City Council Ad Hoc Pay Plan Committee to research and provide acceptable direction and parameters for future uniformed personnel and merit staff pay and benefits studies. The Committee met on several occasions and finalized their work in November, 2017 with the following study directives that apply to the 2021 Fire and Police Pay and Benefits Study. • Total Rewards: Compensation & Benefits Philosophy — Competitive base pay to attract applicants within the City's market recruitment area and retain competent employees by leading market recruitment area with total rewards (base pay and benefit) offerings • Study Market Cities: Bentonville, Rogers, Springdale, Jonesboro and Lawrence, KS • Evaluation of Employee Benefit Options — 5 major prevalent benefits: Retirement Plan, Medical/Dental, Time Off Plans, Certificate Pay, and Longevity Pay • Frequency of surveys — Every other year (Civil Service -odd years and Merit -even years) • Financially sustainable structures for step & merit pay plans • Apples to apples comparison on step and merit range mins and maxes Discussion of the Fire and Police Pay Plans The Fire and Police Pay Plans are based on the actual market pay average minimums and actual blended market pay average maximums for each rank. Pay step plan 2021 minimums and maximums for Springdale, Jonesboro and Lawrence and merit pay plan 2021 minimums and blended maximums for Bentonville and Rogers were compared to Fayetteville's 2020 Fire and Police pay step range minimums and maximums for each rank. Position pay step ranges for the City of Lawrence's Fire Captain and Police Sergeant were modified to provide better position and pay range comparison matches for the City of Fayetteville's ranks of Fire Captain, Police Sergeant, and Police Lieutenant in the 2021 Fire and Police market pay study. The cities of Jonesboro and Springdale Fire and Police pay step plans did not change for 2021. The cities of Rogers and Bentonville 2020 pay plan ranges increased by 2.0% and 1.3% respectfully for 2021 and Lawrence's Fire and Police 2020 pay step plans were increased by 0.5% for 2021. The position matches and blended maximums were used to create apple to apple comparisons for market study average pay step and merit range minimums and maximums. The market 2021 Fire and Police Pay Study Variances by Position Title table based on pay range minimums and blended maximums is located in Appendix 2. The overall market average pay range minimums and blended maximums for the Fire and Police positions are noted on the one page document in Appendix 3. Pay range minimums and maximums for the cities of Jonesboro and Lawrence were adjusted by the Geographical Compensation Differential (GCD) multiplier as noted on Appendix 3. The GCD table for all of the study cities appears in Appendix 13. The steps were then created by calculating the dollar amount to develop equitable increases from the minimum to the maximum step. The 2021 Fire and Police uniformed rank positions pay plan drafts based on implementing the identified market study variances are noted in Appendices 14 and 15 (Fire) and Appendix 16 (Police). Average Annual Pay by Job Title As part of the market compensation study, Johanson Group asked the market study municipalities to provide average annual pay by job title. The Fayetteville fire and police uniformed employees' average pay for all ranked positions is close to the market means. The 2020 overall fire uniformed annual average base pay mean is .8% ahead of the 2020 market fire annual pay means, and 2020 overall police uniformed annual average base pay mean is 2.0% ahead of the 2020 market police annual pay means. The detailed market annual pay mean data by municipality and job title worksheet appears in Appendix 7. Discussion of the External Prevalent Market Benefits Study Retirement Plan The City of Fayetteville has adopted and continues to fund the Arkansas LOPFI 2 retirement plan for its uniformed fire and police personnel. The 2020 Arkansas market pay study cities offer and fund LOPFI 1 retirement plans for their fire and police personnel. The City of Fayetteville contributed 26.00% and 25.84% of covered pay for fire and police uniformed personnel respectfully during the 2020 calendar year. The market pay study cities inclusive of Lawrence averaged 21.7% and 22.7% contributions of base pay for fire and police uniformed personnel. The City of Fayetteville's funding of the LOPFI 2 retirement plan exceeds the market for the Arkansas study municipalities and City of Lawrence. Medical and Dental Plans The City of Fayetteville offers medical health insurance plan options, and the most popular plan is the High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) with Health Savings Account contributions made by the City. The City of Fayetteville's cost share of the HDHP insurance monthly premiums and annual HSA contributions for its employees exceed the market. The City of Fayetteville offers a separate dental plan and the dental insurance premiums are paid by the City employees. The market offers cost shares on dental insurance monthly premiums from 25% to 100% with an average of 55%. Time off Plans For Police Sick Days and Fire Sick Shifts, the City of Fayetteville offers 12 accrued sick days/shifts during the first year of employment and 20 accrued sick days/shifts from the second year and beyond. The 2021 Arkansas pay and benefits study municipalities offer 20 accrued sick days/shifts from some point during the first year of employment and for each year after. For Police and Fire Vacation Leave, the City of Fayetteville is competitive with market average vacation days/shifts offered during years one to ten of employment. For Police, accrued vacation is less than market average vacation days from ten to twenty years of employment and then above market average vacation days from twenty or more years of employment. For Fire vacation shifts, the City of Fayetteville is less than market average vacation shifts from ten or more years of employment. Certificate Pay The City of Fayetteville offers certificate pay for police officers and no certificate pay for fire uniformed positions. The market study municipalities offer limited options for fire certificate pay, and more options are offered for police focused certificate pay, especially in the cities of Bentonville and Lawrence. Longevity Pay Two of the five market study municipalities do not offer longevity pay plans. Three of five market study municipalities offer longevity pay plans that start after five years of employment for two of the cities and after twenty-one years of employment for one of the cities. Annual minimum payouts range from $250 to $1,000. Other Fire and Police Pay and Benefits Study Information Discussion Additional information beyond the City Council's directives for the 2021 Fire and Police Pay and Benefits Study was requested by Fire and Police Chiefs and Fire and Police labor representatives. Average City Tenure by Job Title, Benefits Study Summary Worksheets, and Assignment Pay were completed and noted respectfully in Appendices 8, 10, and 12. Recommendations for the Fire and Police Pay and Benefits Study • Adoption of the 2021 Proposed Fire and Police Pay Step Plans • Continuation of current competitive employee benefits for Fire and Police uniformed personnel to meet the City's Total Rewards: Compensation and Benefits Philosophy — Competitive base pay to attract applicants within the City's market recruitment area and retain competent employees by leading market recruitment area with total rewards (base pay and benefit) offerings List of Appendices: 2021 Fire and Police Pay and Benefits Study Report Cover Page Appendix 1: City Council Direction for Future Pay and Benefits Studies: Uniformed Positions Appendix 2: Fire and Police Range Full Min and Blended Max 2021 Pay Study Variance Percentages Appendix 3: Fire and Police Pay Range Study Full Min & Blended Max & Revised Position Matches Appendix 4: Fire and Police Study — City of Lawrence Position Match Methodology Appendix 5: Fire and Police Pay Range Study — Full Min and Blended Pay Range Max Methodology Appendix 6: Fire and Police Blended Maximum Bentonville and Rogers Worksheets 1-11-2021 Appendix 7: Fire and Police Study — Average Pay and Pay Range Penetration by Job Title Appendix 8: Fire and Police Study — Average City Tenure by Job Title Appendix 9: Fire and Police Study — Medical and Dental Cost Shares Appendix 10: Fire and Police Pay and Benefits Study Summary Appendix 11: Fire and Police Study — Certificate Pay Appendix 12: Fire and Police Study — Assignments and Pay Appendix 13: 2020 Geographical Compensation Differential (GCD) Table Appendix 14: Proposed Fire Department Pay Plan 24 Hour Shift Appendix 15: Proposed Fire Department Pay Plan Day Shift Appendix 16: Proposed Police Department Pay Plan Johanson Group would be pleased to answer any questions you might have concerning this report and the recommendations for the 2021 Fire and Police Pay and Benefits Study. It has been a pleasure working with the City's leadership team on this biennial study. Sincerely, Blair Johanson President, Johanson Group Phone: 479-521-2697 www.johansongroup.net APPENDIX 1 2021 Base Pay and Benefits Study Civil Service —Uniformed Positions City Council —Future Pay and Benefits Studies • Total Rewards: Comp. & Benefits Philosophy - Competitive base pay to attract applicants within the City's market recruitment area - Retain competent employees by leading market recruitment area with total rewards (base pay and benefit) offerings • Study Market Area: Bentonville, Rogers, Springdale, Jonesboro and Lawrence • Evaluation of Employee Benefit Options - 5 major benefits - Retirement Plan, Medical/Dental, Time Off Plans above statutory requirement, Certificate Pay, Longevity Pay • Frequency of surveys - Every other year (Civil Service -odd years and Merit -even years) • Financially sustainable structures for step & merit pay plans • Apples to apples on step and merit range mins and maxes APPENDIX 2 City of Fayetteville Pay Study Plans — Fire and Police Uniformed Rank Positions 2021 Pay Study Variances by Position Title Pay Range Full Minimums and Blended Maximums Revised Position Matches February 12, 2021 Fire Position Title Average Pay Range Minimum Variance Average Pay Range Maximum Variance Battalion Chief -4.1% -7.1% Fire Captain -4.0% -5.3% Driver -4.0% -5.0% Firefighter -4.1% -4.6% Average -4.1% -5.5% Police Position Title Average Pay Range Minimum Variance Average Pay Range Maximum Variance Police Lieutenant -4.6% -2.1% Police Sergeant -3.9% -3.8% Police Corporal -1.2% -5.8% Police Officer -1.6% -2.5% Average -2.8% -3.6% Pay Range Study Cities: Bentonville Rogers Springdale Jonesboro Lawrence, KS APPENDIX 3 City of Fayetteville Fire and Police Pay Range Study Full Minimums & Blended Maximums and Revised Position Matches February 12, 2021 Fire Department Fire Fire Battalion Battalion City Firefighter Firefighter Fire Driver Fire Driver Captain Captain Chief Chief Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Bentonville $38,870 $46,644 $44,820 $58,245 $53,760 $78,398 $65,631 $88,768 Rogers $39,178 $54,414 $44,134 $61,298 $57,767 $80,231 $82,552 $101,670 Springdale $37,982 $56,017 $39,189 $58,775 $52,821 $79,220 $62,444 $93,651 Jonesboro* $37,642 $56,268 $56,718 $65,446 $66,526 $76,333 $77,444 $88,331 Lawrence* $42,840 $70,120 $46,134 $75,512 $67,534 $99,902 $86,259 $125,034 Average $39,302 $56,693 $46,199 $63,855 $59,682 $82,817 $74,866 $99,491 Fayetteville $37,769 $54,221 $44,408 $60,832 $57,366 $78,653 $71,926 $92,922 Variance $ ($1,533) ($2,472) ($1,791) ($3,023) ($2,316) ($4,164) ($2,940) ($6,569) Variance % -4.06% -4.56% -4.03% -4.97% -4.04% -5.29% -4.09% -7.07% Police Department Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Police City Officer Officer Corporal Corporal Sergeant Sergeant Lieutenant Lieutenant Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Bentonville $40,914 $51,574 $49,462 $68,682 $54,392 $71,989 $61,984 $84,773 Rogers $41,657 $51,230 $49,091 $66,651 $57,767 $78,488 $77,513 $82,732 Springdale $38,470 $56,737 $46,006 $68,999 $53,500 $80,238 $63,246 $94,855 Jonesboro* $35,535 $53,148 $53,560 $61,800 $62,830 $72,100 Lawrence* $42,969 $75,827 $67,132 $89,131 $80,591 $104,003 Average $39,909 1 $57,703 $48,186 1 $68,111 $57,270 1 $76,329 $69#233 1 $87,693 Fayetteville $39,270 $56,306 $47,611 $64,397 $55,120 $73,570 $66,186 $85,862 Variance $ ($639) ($1,397) ($575) ($3,714) ($2,150) ($2,759) ($3,047) ($1,831) Variance % -1.63% -2.48% -1.21% -5.77% 1 -3.90% -3.75% -4.60% -2.13% Jonesboro* 1.03 GCD Multiplier Jonesboro Fire: 2,750 Hours Annualized to 2,912 Hours Lawrence* 0.94 GCD Multiplier APPENDIX 4 City of Fayetteville 2021 Pay Study Plans — Fire and Police Uniform Ranked Positions January 11, 2021 Positions Match Methodology with City of Lawrence Positions as Established in the 2019 Study Fire Captain After reviewing and discussing the City of Lawrence Fire Lieutenant and Fire Captain position descriptions with Fire Chief Dayringer and Fire Labor Group Representative Jimmy Vinyard, we agreed that the Lawrence Fire Lieutenant was a lesser job than the City of Fayetteville's Fire Captain position and the Lawrence Fire Captain was higher than Fayetteville's Fire Captain position. During the February 15, 2019 meeting, it was recommended that the Fayetteville Fire Captain pay step plan range match would be based on the minimum combined average and maximum combined average of the City of Lawrence's Fire Lieutenant and Fire Captain positions. City of Lawrence Pay Step Plan Minimum Pay Step Plan Maximum Fire Lieutenant $54,477 $82,947 Fire Captain $80,591 $116,857 Match Rate $67,534 $99,902 Police Lieutenant and Police Sergeant The City of Lawrence has a Police Lieutenant position. The City of Lawrence has a Police Sergeant position, but based on a review and discussion of the job description by Deputy Chief of Police Reynolds, Captain Jamie Fields and Police Labor Group Representative Phillip Lee, it was determined that it functioned at a different level and was not good match for the City of Fayetteville's Police Sergeant position. During the February 13, 2019 meeting, the participants discussed various options for providing a pay step plan range minimum and maximum match from the City of Lawrence's Police Sergeant position for the 2019 Fayetteville Police Sergeant and Lieutenant market pay step plan study. The following methodology was used to create a City of Lawrence Pay Step Plan Minimum and Maximum comparison for both police positions. City of Lawrence Lt. Range (12-20-2020) w/GCD Adjustment Pay Step Plan Minimum Pay Step Plan Maximum Police Lieutenant FYV Study Match $80,591 $104,003 Police Sergeant FYV Study Match $67,132 $89,131 FYV Police Lieutenant FYV Police Sergeant FYV Sergeant as a % of FYV Lieutenant Same % of Lawrence Police Lieutenant Match Minimum: $66,186 Minimum: $55,120 83.3% 83.3% X $80,591= $67,132 Maximum: $85,862 Maximum: $73,570 85.7% 85.7% X $104,003 = $89,131 APPENDIX 5 City of Fayetteville 2021 Pay Study Plans — Fire and Police Uniform Ranked Positions January 11, 2021 Pay Range Full Minimum and Blended Maximum Calculations for Pay Study • Pay Step Plan Minimums for Jonesboro, Lawrence and Springdale • Merit Pay Range Minimums for Rogers based on 90% of Range Midpoint • Merit Pay Range Minimums for Bentonville Jonesboro: Police Officer and Firefighter: 21 Steps; Police Sergeant and Fire Driver/Engineer: 11 Steps Police Lieutenant, Fire Captain and Fire Battalion Chief: 8 Steps Lawrence: 24 Steps — Police Officer Pay step movements are based on annual tenure (2.5%), annual merit (2.5%) and competency achievements (2.5%) Top out of the pay step plan without competency achievements is step 16 within 8 years Top out of the pay step plan with up to a max of 6 competency achievements is step 24 within 9 years (best case) Competency achievements are based on 4 areas: Educational, Perishable, Technical and Special Assignments 24 Steps — Firefighter, Engineer and Fire Lieutenant Steps 2 — 16 have a 2.5% separation between pay steps and steps 17 — 24 have 1.25% separation between pay steps Pay step movements are based on annual tenure and annual evaluations — up to two steps per year until 24th step Top out of pay step plan within 12 years with two step movements per year (best case) Springdale: 10 Steps — All uniformed fire and police positions except for Fire Chief and Police Chief • Pay Step Plan Maximums for Jonesboro, Lawrence and Springdale • Bentonville and Rogers have merit pay (non -step) ranges for fire and police uniformed positions. To help with apple to apple comparisons with blended maximums the following methodologies were used. Bentonville: Merit Pay Range Maximums: 120% of actual pay average for fire and police uniformed positions except for Fire Driver and Police Corporal Ranks where the highest paid employee's pay above 120% of actual pay average was selected Rogers: Merit Pay Range Maximums were used for Firefighter, Fire Driver and Fire Captain and highest salary selected for Battalion Chief Merit Pay Range Maximums and Pay Range Blended Maximum for Corporal, Sergeant and Lieutenant based on highest paid salary by rank and pay range blended maximum for the Police Officer position. APPENDIX 6 Page 1 City of Fayetteville Fire Pay Study Blended Maximum Worksheet January 11, 2021 Bentonville - Fire Actual Average Salary Multiple % Pay Range Blended Max 2021 Pay Range Max Highest Paid Emps. Level I or II Emps. with this Salary Years of Tenure Firefighter 1 $38,870 120% $46,644 $58,185 $38,870 I 1 1 1 $41,501 II 1 2 Fire Driver $47,750 120% $57,300 $67,335 $58,245 1 22 $57,169 1 23 $56,332 1 19 Fire Captain $65,332 120% $78,398 $83,511 $73,853 2 30 & 27 Battalion Chief $73,973 120% $88,768 $102,557 $73,973 1 24 Rogers - Fire Actual Average Salary Multiple % Pay Range Blended Max 2021 Pay Range Max Highest Paid Emps. Level I or II Emps. with this Salary Years of Tenure Firefighter/EMT $40,337 120% $48,404 $54,414 $65,063 1 23 $ 54,144 1 18 $47,917 1 8 $46,173 1 7 Fire Driver $50,103 120% $60,124 $61,298 $60,581 1 21 $60,100 1 21 $51,497 1 14 Fire Captain $67,762 110% $74,538 $80,231 $78,719 1 27 $78,659 1 25 $75,410 1 20 $75,110 2 22 Battalion Chief $90,344 100% $90,344 $114,655 $101,670 1 32 $96,196 1 28 $81,757 1 21 APPENDIX 6 Page 2 City of Fayetteville Police Pay Study Blended Maximum Worksheet January 11, 2021 Bentonville - Police Actual Average Salary Multiple % Pay Range Blended Max 2021 Pay Range Max Highest Paid Emps. Level I or II Emps. with this Salary Years of Tenure Police Officer $42,978 77- 120% $51,574 $60,549 $47,445 II 1 9 $43,805 I 1 1 4 Police Corporal $53,714 120% $64,457 $73,278 $68,682 2 20 & 26 $67,288 1 21 $60,819 1 17 Police Sergeant $59,991 120% $71,989 $80,579 $68,890 1 22 $62,442 1 22 Police Lieutenant $70,644 120% $84,773 $99,154 $81,952 1 24 Rogers - Police Actual Average Salary Multiple % Pay Range Blended Max 2021 Pay Range Max Highest Paid Emps. Level I or II Emps. with this Salary Years of Tenure Police Officer $42,692 1120% $51,230 $57,856 1 $48,460 1 3 $48,133 1 1 1 5 Police Corporal $53,020 120% $63,624 $68,183 $66,651 1 25 $59,514 1 18 $58,056 1 17 Police Sergeant $65,422 110% $71,964 $80,231 $78,488 2 27 & 23 $77,422 1 27 Police Lieutenant $79,093 100% $79,093 $107,658 $82,732 1 26 $79,729 1 20 $79,337 1 20 $76,835 2 15 & 10 Avg Pay by Ranked Job Title APPENDIX 7 October 2020 FIRE DEPARTMENT Bentonville Rogers Springdale Jonesboro* Lawrence* OVERALL AVERAGE Fayetteville $ VAR % VAR Firefighter $38,870 $40,337 $40,606 $42,441 $47,273 $41,905 $41,964 $59 0.1% Fire Driver $47,750 $50,103 $54,448 $57,408 $73,742 $56,690 $54,453 -$2,237 -4.1% Fire Captain $65,332 $67,762 $68,441 $70,125 $67,915 $70,521 $2,606 0 3./07 Batallion Chief $73,973 $90,344 $82,617 $81,370 $100,349 $85,731 $88,711 $2,980 3.4% 0.8% October 2020 POLICE DEPARTMENT Bentonville Rogers Springdale Jonesboro* Lawrence* OVERALL AVERAGE Fayetteville Police Officer $42,978 $42,692 $43,588 $43,095 $58,754 $46,221 $41,542 Police Corporal $53,714 $53,020 $55,629 $54,121 $60,576 $6,455 10.7% Police Sergeant $59,991 $65,422 $70,595 $58,258 $63,567 $68,134 $4,567 0 6./07 Police Lieutenant $70,644 $79,093 $89,555 $68,868 $77,040 $78,672 $1,632 2.1% 2.0% AVERAGE PAY PENETRATION OF PAY RANGE MAXIMUM October 2020 FIRE DEPARTMENT Bentonville Rogers Springdale Jonesboro Lawrence OVERALL AVERAGE Fayetteville VAR Firefighter 67% 74% 72% 80% 67% 72% 77% 5% Fire Driver 71% 82% 93% 93% 98% 87% 90% 3% Fire Captain 78% 84% 86% 97% 86% 90% 4% Batallion Chief 72% 79% 88% 98% 80% 83% 95% 12% October 2020 POLICE DEPARTMENT Bentonville Rogers Springdale Jonesboro Lawrence OVERALL AVERAGE Fayetteville VAR Police Officer 71% 74% 77% 81% 77% 76% 74% -2% Police Corporal 73% 78% 81% 77% 94% 17% Police Sergeant 74% 82% 88% 94% 85% 93% /o ° 8 Police Lieutenant 71% 73% 94% 96% 84% 92% 8% Jonesboro* 1.03 GCD Multiplier Lawrence* 0.94 GCD Multiplier Avg City Tenure by Job APPENDIX 8 October 2020 FIRE DEPARTMENT Bentonville Rogers Springdale Jonesboro Lawrence OVERALL AVERAGE Fayetteville Variance Firefighter 2.0 2.8 3.0 8.2 2.8 3.8 4.4 0.6 Fire Driver 8.3 13.5 8.8 14.6 15.2 12.1 11.4 -0.7 Fire Captain 18.8 17.4 9.5 21.4 16.5 16.7 17.7 1.0 Batallion Chief 21 25.4 11.6 22.0 24.1 20.8 1 23.4 2.6 October 2020 POLICE DEPARTMENT Bentonville Rogers Springdale Jonesboro Lawrence OVERALL AVERAGE Fayetteville Variance Police Officer 3.8 5.0 4.5 8.8 6.2 5.7 2.8 -2.9 Police Corporal 14.2 11.4 5.7 10.4 13.4 3.0 Police Sergeant 13.1 17.6 16.7 18.8 16.6 15.2 -1.4 Police Lieutenant 19.3 18.2 20.9 23.0 20.4 21.2 0.8 APPENDIX 9 2021 Premium Cost Shares MONTHLY MEDICAL PREMIUM COST SHARES (PPO) Bentonville Rogers Springdale Jonesboro Lawrence Fayetteville PPO % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ Employee Only Employee 25% $131.72 9% $46.28 30% $145.03 29% $124.60 3% $21.67 ° 25/0 $172.92 City 75% $395.12 91% $467.94 70% $338.41 71% $304.96 97% $658.34 75% $505.52 Employee & Spouse Employee 30% $289.74 15% $214.50 ° 38/° $558.44 City 70% $676.07 85% $1,244.49 62% $920.88 Employee & Children Employee 17% $120.64 30% $260.63 15% $197.17 ° 38/° $460.98 City 83% $589.01 70% $608.15 85% $1,124.83 62% $760.18 Employee & Family Employee 25% $354.90 16% $190.06 30% $398.40 27% $267.64 17% $364.00 ° 38/° $760.06 City 75% $1,064.68 84% $997.82 70% $929.59 73% $725.23 83% $1,738.17 62% $1,253.36 DENTAL PREMIUM COST SHARES Bentonville Rogers Springdale Jonesboro Lawrence Fayetteville % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ Employee Only Employee 25% $4.46 100% $24.20 30% $8.29 0% $0.00 Included with Medical ° 100% $27.50 City 75% $25.28 0% $0.00 70% $19.33 100% $21.94 0% $0.00 Employee & Spouse Employee 30% $17.29 100% $54.98 City 70% $40.33 0% $0.00 Employee & Children Employee 100% $45.98 30% $15.55 100% $63.24 City 0% $0.00 70% $36.27 0% $0.00 Employee & Family Employee 25% $11.56 100% $61.33 30% $26.41 73% $58.80 100% $98.10 City 75% $65.54 0% $0.00 70% $61.63 27% $21.94 0% $0.00 A majority of the Fayetteville City employees have selected the HDHP Plan with $3,000 and $6,000 Annual Out of Pockets. Market Cost Share vs. FYV-HDHP Cost Share Analysis Market Avg. FYV-HDHP Variance Employee Only 18% 14% $94/Mth. $49/Mth. $45/Mth Employee & Spouse 28% 15% $252/Mth. $113/Mth. $139/Mth. Employee & Children 20% 15% $193/Mth. $86/Mth. $107/Mth. Employee & Family 22% 15% $315/Mth. $159/Mth. $156/Mth. Market Avg. FYV Variance OOP OOP-HSA$ Individual $2,487 $2,150 $337 Family $5,621 $4,120 $1,501 Fayetteville HDHP Fayetteville HSA EE 14% $49.62 $0.00 City 86% $303.36 $70.80 EE1 15% $113.26 $0.00 City 85% $648.02 $106.66 EE 15% $85.80 $0.00 City 85% $490.88 $132.50 EE 15% $159.04 $0.00 City 85% $910.00 $156.66 Fire and Police 2021 Pay and Benefit Study Summary APPENDIX 10-1 PAY RANGE STRUCTURE ACTUAL PAY AVERAGE YEARS OF SERVICE EMPLOYEES PREMIUM PAY FOR ANNUAL HOLIDAYS OR Pay Range By Job Title - Range Average City OVERTIME FOR WORKED CITY COMPENSATION or Steps Comments Penetration Tenure by Job Title # by Job Title HOLIDAYS Ranges include Bentonville Range statutory holiday Avg Pay by Ranked Job Title Ava Tenure by Job # of Ees by Job Overtime for Worked Holidays pay Ranges include Rogers Range statutory holiday Avg Pay by Ranked Job Title Ava Tenure by Job # of Ees by Job Overtime for Worked Holidays pay SHIFT EDUCATION DIFFERENTIALS DIFFERENTIALS Per Pay Period No Assoc. - $35 BA - $100 Masters- $150 Only for period of At time of hire, high volume AA degree 3% ambulance activity of base - BA-6% $0.50 to $1.00 / hr. and MA-7% Holiday Pay - One Springdale Steps end of year check. Avg Pay by Ranked Job Title Ava Tenure by lob # of Ees by Job Overtime for Worked No No Added to steps Holidays for this pay study Steps include Police - Any shift Jonesboro Steps statutory holiday Avg Pay by Ranked Job Title Avg Tenure by Job It of Ees by Job Overtime for Worked other than 1st shift No pay Holidays $25 per month s m> y Fire - No Police -50 cents/hr Fire Police: Overtime for 2.5%of Base Steps include Worked Holidays Late Swing and Pay per Degree Lawrence, KS Steps holiday pay Avg Pay by Ranked lob Title Ava Tenure by Job # of Ees by Job Fire: 12 Hours Straight Time Midnight Shifts Police 25 cents Pay for Working a Holiday 2 5% of Base Second and Ea Early E Swing Shifts Pay per Degree Premium Holiday Pay is prorated and paid over each pay period to assist in aligning with holiday pay Fayetteville, AR Steps Steps include Avg Pav by Ranked Job Title Ava Tenure by Job # of Ees by Job practices of other No No holiday pay departments. Police: 96 hours premium holiday pay annually Fire: 104 hours premium holiday pay annually APPENDIX 10-2 Fire and Police 2021 Pay and Benefit Study Summary MEDICAL & DENTAL PLANS BENEFITS & OTHER 2020 RETIREMENT Insurance Prem. CITY COMPENSATION PLANS Plan Offerings Cost Share %$ Deductibles Out of Pocket H.S.A. Contributions Wellness Program Fire LOPFI 1- 15.88% Co -pay PPO PPO Individual/ PPO Health Assessment Screening, Bentonville Emp. 2.5% (BCBS) and Cost Shares $1,500 and individual/ No Weight Control and Health Police LOPFI 1 21.98% Delta Dental Family/$3,000 $4,500 Family/$9,000 Center Fees Emp. 8.6% Fire and Police LOPFI I Co -pay PPO PPO Individual/ PPO Rogers Police & Fire 23.5% (BCBS) and Cost Shares $500 and Individual/ No No Fire Emp. 8.5%and Delta Dental Family/$1,500 $2,750 Police Emp. 2.5% Family/$5,500 PPO Ind/$2,000 Employer Paid Fire and Police LOPFI I Co -pay PPO, Famil y/$6,000 EE Only - $1,016 Free Access to City Gym and Springdale Police & Fire 23.5% HDHP w/ HSA Cost Shares PPO $1,000 HDHP EE/Spouse - $2,032 Free Membership to Fire Emp. and (BCBS), Delta HDHP $2,700 Ind/$2,700 EE/Child+- $1,831 Springdale Rec. Center Police Empp.. 2.5% Dental Family/$5,400 EE/Family - $2,797 Fire and Police LOPFI I Co -pay PPO PPO Individual/ PPO Corporate Rate: $38.50 Jonesboro Police 22.54% (BCBS) and Cost Shares $600 and Individual/ No Saint Bernard's Health & and Fire 23.50% Delta Dental Family/$1,800 $2,000 Wellness Center Employee 8.69'o Family/$6,000 Y k S a k HRA Individual/ WellCare Clinic Wellness and Kansas Police and Fire $1500 and HRA Acute Care; Personal Health Retirement System: Aetna HRA and Family/$3,000 Individual/ Assmts; Annual Flu Shots; Lawrence, KS City 22.13% Delta Dental Cost Shares Employer: $4.000 and No Biometric Screenings; Employee 7.15% Individual/$250 Family/$8,000 Employee Health & Fitness and Family/$500 Day Event; and EE Discounts on Fitness Classes and Clubs Fire and Police PPO Individual/ PPO Health Risk Assessments; Flu LOPFI Benefit PPO, $1,000 and Individual Employer Paid Shots; HepB shots; Wellbeing Program 2 HDHP w/HSA Family/$2,000 /$3,000 EE Only: $850 Day; Free City Gym; Fayetteville, AR Cost Shares Family/$6,000 EE/Spouse: $1,280 Discounted membership to Fire 26.00% (BCBS), Delta HDHP HDHP Individual EE/Child+: $1,590 Fayetteville Public School Police 25.84% Dental Individual/$3,000 /$3,000 EE/Family: $1,880 Gym; Individualized Health Employee 8.5% and Family/$6,000 Family/$6,000 Coaching APPENDIX 10-3 CITY Bentonville Fire and Police 2021 Pay and Benefit Study Summary TIME OFF PLANS CERTIFICATE PAY ASSIGNMENT PAY Personal Holidays Vacation Days Sick Days Days Type Amount Type Amount LONGEVITY PAY A.C.A. §14-53-106 Fire and 0-9.9 yrs 15 days A.C.A. §14-52-105 Police - 10-14.9 yrs 18 days 20/Year Holiday pay is figured into 15-24.9 yrs 20 days 90/Max 3/Year Certificate Pay Assignment PaNo v their base salary. 25+ yrs 24 days Police: 0-10 yrs - 15 Days; A.C.A. §14-53-106 Fire and > 10 yrs - 20 days A.C.A. §14-52-105 Police - Fire/Shifts: < 5yrs - 168 20/Year Rogers Holiday pay is figured into hrs; 5-9.99 yrs 216 hrs; 90/Max None Certificate Pay Assignment Pay their base salary. 10-19.99 yrs 264 hrs; >20 yrs 312 hrs A.C.A. §14-53-106 Fire and A.C.A. §14-S2-105 Police - 0-10 yrs 15 days General $300 /year Springdale Holiday y pay is figured into 11-19 yrs 20 days 20/Year None Intermediate $600/ year Assignment Pav their base salary for this pay 20+ yrs 25 days 90/Max Advanced $900/ year study. Senior $1200/ year Police & Fire Police A.C.A. §14-53-106 Fire and 0-14 yrs 15 days 20/Year Jonesboro A.C.A. §14-52-105 Police - 15+ yrs 20 days 90/Max None No No No No Holiday pay is figured into Fire (24hr) Fire their base salary. 0-14 yrs 21 days 20-30/Year 15+ yrs 28 days 180/Max t Police-Fire/Fire 24 Police Police 1-5 yrs 12 days/144 hrs 12/Year 3/Year 6-10 yrs 16 days/194 hrs 130/Max Fire Lawrence, KS 9 11-15 yrs 19 days/216 hrs Fire 1-5 Yrs -3 Certificate Pay Assignment Pay 16-20 yrs 22 days/240 hrs 278 Hrs/Yr 6-10 Yrs - 4 21-25 yrs 24 days/264 hrs 1,464 11-15 Yrs - 5 26+ yrs 25 days/288 hrs Hours/Max 16+ Yrs - 6 Police Police 0-19- 15 days 30/max Yr 1- 12 daysPolice 19-24 18 days 36/max Yr 2+ 208 hrs/Year A.C.A. §14-53-106 Fire and 24-29 24 days 48/max days Fire 24 hr General $25/mo for Fayetteville, AR A.C.A. §14-52-105 Police - 29+ 26 days 52/max Max/90 Shift Intermediate each, max Assignment Pay Holiday pay is figured into Fire Advanced their base salary. Fire Yr 1-12 shfts None Senior $100/mo 0-10 8 shifts 16/max Fire Day 10-20 9 shifts 18/max Yr 2+20 shfts 16 hrs/Year 20+ 10 shifts 20/max Max/90 shifts $10 per month of service after 5 years Paid in December for active employees only No 21-25 Yrs $1,000/Yr 26-30 Yrs $1,500/Yr 31+ Yrs $2,000/Yr Fire After 5th Year $48/year X # of Yrs Police 5-9 Yrs $250 10-14 Yrs $500 15-19 Yrs $750 20+ Yrs $1,000 No APPENDIX 11 Bentonville Police - Per Pay Period General Certificate Intermediate Certificate Advanced Certificate Senior Certificate Instructor - General Certificate Instructor - Intermediate Certificate Instructor - Advanced Certificate Instructor - Senior Certificate Chief Level I Certificate Chief Level II Certificate Chief Level III Certificate ACO Advanced Certificate ACO Senior Certificate Bentonville Fire - Per Pay Period $15 $30 $45 $60 $30 $45 $60 $75 $45 $60 $75 $45 $60 Lawrence Police - % of Base Salary EMT Certification 2.5% Emergency Medical Responder 2.5% OUI Investigator 2.5% M-Squad 2.5% Patrol Shift Investigator 2.5% Accident Investigator 2.5% Motor Vehicle Inspector 2.5% Evidence Technician 1 2.5% Evidence Technician II 2.5% Expert Witness 2.5% Drug Recognition Expert 2.5% Foreign Language 1 2.5% Foreign Language II 2.5% Advanced Investigation Training 2.5% Military Service 2.5% Maximum of six 2.5% steps for (Educ. & Certs.) Lawrence Fire - % of Base Salary Coroner Investigator - ABMDI Coroner Investigator - ABMDI Diplomat Fire Investigator II Fire Investigator II + 2 Years 5% 7.5% 5% 7.5% Certificate Pay Rogers Police - Per Month For Each CLEST Certificate Instructor Field Traning Officer Maximum of 6 Certificates Rogers Fire - Per Hour ARFF Certificate Technical Rescue Team HAZMAT Team $25 $25 $25 $0.40 $0.40 $0.40 Fayetteville Police - Per Month General Certificate Intermediate Certificate Advanced Certificate Senior Certificate Maximum of $100/month FTO - additional 51.50/hr when assigned in this capacity. Springdale Police - Per Month Max/Year $25 General Certificate $25 $300 $25lin Intermediate Certificate $25 $600 $25Advanced Certificate $25 $900 $25Senior Certificate $25 $1,200 Maximum of $100/month Field Training Officer - Additional $160 per pay period only when assigned this capacity. APPENDIX 12 ASSIGNMENTS AND PAY Bentonville Police - Per Pay Period Lawrence Police - % of Base Salary Springdale Police - Per Year Rogers Police - % of Base Salary Field Training Officer $75 Armor 2.5% SWAT $1,200 Bi-Lingual 5% Special Response Team $75 Drug Enforcement Inestigator 2.5% K-9 $1,200 Special Response Team Leader $11S Evidence Custodian 2.5% CID $115 Intoxilizer Mechanic 2.5% K-9 Officer $115 Juvenile Investigator 2.5% Bomb Commander $231 Rangemaster 2.5% Bomb Technician $154 School Resource Officer 2.5% CID Stand-by Pay $210 Accident Investigator Unit Officer 2.5% Bi-Lingual $100 Training Unit Officer 2.5% Dive Team 2.5% Patrol Service Dog Handler 2.5% Department Instructor 2.5% Public Affair's Officer 2.5% Bentonville Fire - Per Pay Period Lawrence Fire - % of Base Salary Springdale Fire - Per Year Rogers Fire - Per Hour Paramedic -in -Training (Prerequiste) $96.16 Acting Office Position 2.5% HAZMAT $1,500 Technical Rescue Team $0.40 Paramedic -in -Training (Actual) $192.31 Air Pak Maintenance 5.0% HAZMAT Team $0.40 HAZMAT Team Specialist $75 AED Manager 5.0% HAZMAT Team Technician $75 Clothing Supply Clerk 5.0% HAZMAT/TRTTeam Coordinator $100 Coroner Investigator 2.5% Tactical Rescue Team (Special Ops) $75 CPR Coordinator 5.0% Special Response Team $75 Fire Investigator 2.5% Special Response Team Leader $115 HAZMAT Monitor Technician 5.0% Bi-Lingual $100 Night Consultant 5.0% Public Education Specialist 5.0% Tactical Medic 5.0% Technology Specialist 5.0% APPENDIX 13 2020 Geographical Salary Comparison Administrative Assistant - Average Fayetteville Salary = $36,815 CompAnalyst DOLAR & DOL KS Salary.com Pay/Scale CNN ERI Overall Average Geographic Compensation Differential GCD Multiplier Fayetteville $37,100 $34,960 $38,381 $35,200 1 $37,100 $38,147 $36,815 1.00 $36,801 1.00 $36,718 1.00 1.00 Bentonville $37,100 $34,960 $38,381 $35,500 $37,100 $37,766 1.00 1.00 Rogers $37,100 $34,960 $38,381 $35,000 $37,100 $37,766 Springdale $37,100 $34,960 $38,381 $35,200 $37,100 $37,994 $36,789 1.00 1.00 Jonesboro $37,800 $31,848 $39,098 $33,200 $35,245 $37,003 $35,699 0.97 1.03 Lawrence $40,000 $37,595 $40,375 $37,600 1 $38,584 1 $38,910 $38,844 1.06 0.94 APPENDIX 14 FAYETTEVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT PAY PLAN 24 HOUR SHIFT PROPOSED 2021 IMPLEMENTATION EFFECTIVE 04-05-2021 Position/Grade Rate Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step F Step G Step H Step I Step J Firefighter BASE PAY $ 38,016.00 $ 39,874.56 $ 41,733.12 $ 43,591.68 $ 45,450.24 $ 47,308.80 $ 49,167.36 $ 51,025.92 $ 52,884.48 $ 54,855.68 F232-S HOLIDAY PAY $ 1,296.00 $ 1,359.36 $ 1,422.72 $ 1,486.08 $ 1,549.44 $ 1,612.80 $ 1,676.16 $ 1,739.52 $ 1,802.88 $ 1,870.08 TOTAL PAY **** $ 39,312.00 $ 41,233.92 $ 43,155.84 $ 45,077.76 $ 46,999.68 $ 48,921.60 $ 50,843.52 $ 52,765.44 $ 54,687.36 $ 56,725.76 HOURLY RATE - SHIFT $ 13.50 $ 14.16 $ 14.82 $ 15.48 $ 16.14 $ 16.80 $ 17.46 $ 18.12 $ 18.78 $ 19.48 Driver BASE PAY $ 44,661.76 $ 46,548.48 $ 48,435.20 $ 50,321.92 $ 52,208.64 $ 54,095.36 $ 55,982.08 $ 57,868.80 $ 59,755.52 $ 61,754.88 F235-S HOLIDAY PAY $ 1,522.56 $ 1,586.88 $ 1,651.20 $ 1,715.52 $ 1,779.84 $ 1,844.16 $ 1,908.48 $ 1,972.80 $ 2,037.12 $ 2.105.28 TOTAL PAY **** $ 46,184.32 $ 48,135.36 $ 50,086.40 $ 52,037.44 $ 53,988.48 $ 55,939.52 $ 57,890.56 $ 59,841.60 $ 61,792.64 $ 63,860.16 HOURLY RATE - SHIFT $ 15.86 $ 16.53 $ 17.20 $ 17.87 $ 18.54 $ 19.21 $ 19.88 $ 20.55 $ 21.22 $ 21.93 Captain BASE PAY $ 57,699.84 $ 60.177.92 $ 62,656.00 $ 65,134.08 $ 67,612.16 $ 70,090.24 $ 72,568.32 $ 75,046.40 $ 77,524.48 $ 80,087.04 F238-S HOLIDAY PAY $ 1,967.04 $ 2,051.52 $ 2,136.00 $ 2,220.48 $ 2,304.96 $ 2,389.44 $ 2,473.92 $ 2.558.40 $ 2,642.88 $ 2,730.24 TOTAL PAY **** $ 59,666.88 $ 62,229.44 $ 64,792.00 $ 67,354.56 $ 69,917.12 $ 72,479.68 $ 75.042.24 $ 77,604.80 $ 80,167.36 $ 82,817.28 HOURLY RATE - SHIFT $ 20.49 $ 21.37 $ 22.25 $ 23.13 $ 24.01 $ 24.89 $ 25.77 $ 26.65 $ 27.53 $ 28.44 Battalion Chief BASE PAY $ 72,399.36 $ 75,046.40 $ 77,693.44 $ 80,340.48 $ 82,987.52 $ 85,634.56 $ 88,281.60 $ 90,928.64 $ 93,575.68 $ 96,250.88 F241-S HOLIDAY PAY $ 2,468.16 $ 2,558.40 $ 2,648.64 $ 2,738.88 $ 2,829.12 $ 2,919.36 $ 3,009.60 $ 3,099.84 $ 3,190.08 $ 3,281.28 TOTAL PAY **** $ 74,867.52 $ 77,604.80 $ 80,342.08 $ 83,079.36 $ 85,816.64 $ 88,553.92 $ 91,291.20 $ 94,028.48 $ 96,765.76 $ 99,532.16 HOURLY RATE - SHIFT $ 25.71 $ 26.65 $ 27.59 $ 28.53 $ 29.47 $ 30.41 $ 31.35 $ 32.29 $ 33.23 $ 34.18 24 HR SHIFT SCHEDULED HOURS: 2912 TOTAL PAY INCLUDES BASE PAY AND HOLIDAY PAY FOR THE 12 HOLIDAYS RECOGNIZED BY THE CITY (96 HOURS) PREMIUM HOLIDAY PAY: FOR THE RANKS OF FIREFIGHTER, DRIVER, CAPTAIN AND BATTALION CHIEF 104 HOURS OF PREMIUM HOLIDAY PAY IS PRORATED OVER EACH OF THE 26 PAY PERIODS AND LISTED SEPARATELY ON THE PAYSTUB. PREMIUM HOLIDAY PAY ASSISTS IN ALIGNING HOLIDAY PAY PRACTICES WITH OTHER FIRE DEPARTMENTS. *****NOTE The Pay Plan steps are based on the hourly rate. Total Pay is calculated by multiplying the hourly rate by 2912. APPENDIX 15 FAYETTEVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT PAY PLAN DAY SHIFT 2021 PROPOSED IMPLEMENTATION EFFECTIVE 04-05-2021 Position/Grade Rate Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step F Step G Step H Step I Step J Firefighter BASE PAY $ 37,517.44 $ 39,362.56 $ 41,207.68 $ 43,052.80 $ 44,897.92 $ 46,743.04 $ 48,588.16 $ 50,433.28 $ 52,278.40 $ 54,103.68 F232-D HOLIDAY PAY $ 1,815.36 $ 1,904.64 $ 1,993.92 $ 2.083.20 $ 2,172.48 $ 2,261.76 $ 2,351.04 $ 2,440.32 $ 2.529.60 $ 2,617.92 TOTAL PAY **** $ 39,332.80 $ 41.267.20 $ 43,201.60 $ 45,136.00 $ 47,070.40 $ 49,004.80 $ 50,939.20 $ 52,873.60 $ 54,808.00 $ 56,721.60 HOURLY RATE - SHIFT $ 18.91 $ 19.84 $ 20.77 $ 21.70 $ 22.63 $ 23.56 $ 24.49 $ 25.42 $ 26.35 $ 27.27 Driver BASE PAY $ 44,024.96 $ 45,909.76 $ 47,794.56 $ 49,679.36 $ 51,564.16 $ 53,448.96 $ 55,333.76 $ 57,218.56 $ 59,103.36 $ 60,928.64 F235-D HOLIDAY PAY $ 2,130.24 $ 2,221.44 $ 2.312.64 $ 2,403.84 $ 2,495.04 $ 2,586.24 $ 2,677.44 $ 2,768.64 $ 2.859.84 $ 2,948.16 TOTAL PAY **** $ 46,155.20 $ 48,131.20 $ 50,107.20 $ 52,083.20 $ 54,059.20 $ 56,035.20 $ 58,011.20 $ 59,987.20 $ 61,963.20 $ 63,876.80 HOURLY RATE - SHIFT $ 22.19 $ 23.14 $ 24.09 $ 25.04 $ 25.99 $ 26.94 $ 27.89 $ 28.84 $ 29.79 $ 30.71 Captain BASE PAY $ 56,861.44 $ 59,321.60 $ 61,781.76 $ 64,241.92 $ 66,702.08 $ 69,162.24 $ 71,622.40 $ 74,082.56 $ 76,542.72 $ 79,002.88 F238-D HOLIDAY PAY $ 2,751.36 $ 2,870.40 $ 2,989.44 $ 3,108.48 $ 3,227.52 $ 3,346.56 $ 3,465.60 $ 3,584.64 $ 3,703.68 $ 3,822.72 TOTAL PAY **** $ 59,612.80 $ 62,192.00 $ 64,771.20 $ 67,350.40 $ 69,929.60 $ 72,508.80 $ 75,088.00 $ 77,667.20 $ 80,246.40 $ 82.825.60 HOURLY RATE - SHIFT $ 28.66 $ 29.90 $ 31.14 $ 32.38 $ 33.62 $ 34.86 $ 36.10 $ 37.34 $ 38.58 $ 39.82 Battalion Chief BASE PAY $ 71,424.00 $ 74,023.04 $ 76,622.08 $ 79,221.12 $ 81,820.16 $ 84.419.20 $ 87,018.24 $ 89,617.28 $ 92,216.32 $ 94,894.72 F241-D HOLIDAY PAY $ 3,456.00 $ 3,581.76 $ 3,707.52 $ 3,833.28 $ 3,959.04 $ 4,084.80 $ 4,210.56 $ 4,336.32 $ 4,462.08 $ 4,591.68 TOTAL PAY **** $ 74,880.00 $ 77,604.80 $ 80,329.60 $ 83,054.40 $ 85,779.20 $ 88,504.00 $ 91,228.80 $ 93,953.60 $ 96,678.40 $ 99,486.40 HOURLY RATE - SHIFT $ 36.00 $ 37.31 $ 38.62 $ 39.93 $ 41.24 $ 42.55 $ 43.86 $ 45.17 $ 46.48 $ 47.83 DAY SHIFT SCHEDULED HOURS: 2080 TOTAL PAY INCLUDES BASE PAY AND HOLIDAY PAY FOR THE 12 HOLIDAYS RECOGNIZED BY THE CITY (96 HOURS) PREMIUM HOLIDAY PAY: FOR THE RANKS OF FIREFIGHTER, DRIVER, CAPTAIN AND BATTALION CHIEF 96 HOURS OF PREMIUM HOLIDAY PAY IS PRORATED OVER EACH OF THE 26 PAY PERIODS AND LISTED SEPARATELY ON THE PAYSTUB. PREMIUM HOLIDAY PAY ASSISTS IN ALIGNING HOLIDAY PAY PRACTICES WITH OTHER FIRE DEPARTMENTS. 16 HOURS OF PERSONAL LEAVE TIME OFF IS OFFERED TO THESE RANKS. *****NOTE The Pay Plan steps are based on the hourly rate. Total Pay is calculated by multiplying the hourly rate by 2080. APPENDIX 16 FAYETTEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT PAY PLAN PROPOSED IMPLEMENTATION EFFECTIVE 04-05-2021 Position/Grade Rate Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step F Step G Step H Step I Step J Police Officer BASE PAY $ 38,053.12 $ 39,937.92 $ 41,822.72 $ 43,707.52 $ 45,592.32 $ 47,477.12 $ 49,361.92 $ 51,246.72 $ 53,131.52 $ 55,056.00 P330 HOLIDAY PAY $ 1,841.28 $ 1,932.48 $ 2,023.68 $ 2,114.88 $ 2,206.08 $ 2,297.28 $ 2,388.48 $ 2,479.68 $ 2,570.88 $ 2,664.00 TOTAL PAY **** $ 39,894.40 $ 41,870.40 $ 43,846.40 $ 45.822.40 $ 47,798.40 $ 49,774.40 $ 51,750.40 $ 53,726.40 $ 55,702.40 $ 57,720.00 HOURLY RATE $ 19.18 $ 20.13 $ 21.08 $ 22.03 $ 22.98 $ 23.93 $ 24.88 $ 25.83 $ 26.78 $ 27.75 Police Corporal BASE PAY $ 45,949.44 $ 48,667.52 $ 51,385.60 $ 54,103.68 $ 56,821.76 $ 59,539.84 $ 62,257.92 $ 64,995.84 P332 HOLIDAY PAY $ 2,223.36 $ 2,354.88 $ 2,486.40 $ 2,617.92 $ 2,749.44 $ 2,880.96 $ 3.012.48 $ 3,144.96 TOTAL PAY **** $ 48,172.80 $ 51,022.40 $ 53,872.00 $ 56,721.60 $ 59,571.20 $ 62,420.80 $ 65,270.40 $ 68,140.80 HOURLY RATE $ 23.16 $ 24.53 $ 25.90 $ 27.27 $ 28.64 $ 30.01 $ 31.38 $ 32.76 Police Sergeant BASE PAY $ 54,619.52 $ 56,643.20 $ 58,666.88 $ 60,690.56 $ 62,714.24 $ 64,737.92 $ 66.761.60 $ 68,785.28 $ 70,808.96 $ 72,832.64 P335 HOLIDAY PAY $ 2,642.88 $ 2,740.80 $ 2,838.72 $ 2,936.64 $ 3.034.56 $ 3,132.48 $ 3,230.40 $ 3,328.32 $ 3,426.24 $ 3.524.16 TOTAL PAY **** $ 57,262.40 $ 59.384.00 $ 61,505.60 $ 63,627.20 $ 65,748.80 $ 67,870.40 $ 69.992.00 $ 72,113.60 $ 74,235.20 $ 76,356.80 HOURLY RATE $ 27.53 $ 28.55 $ 29.57 $ 30.59 $ 31.61 $ 32.63 $ 33.65 $ 34.67 $ 35.69 $ 36.71 Police Lieutenant BASE PAY $ 66,027.52 $ 67,991.68 $ 69,955.84 $ 71,920.00 $ 73.884.16 $ 75,848.32 $ 77,812.48 $ 79,776.64 $ 81,740.80 $ 83.625.60 P337 HOLIDAY PAY $ 3,194.88 $ 3,289.92 $ 3.384.96 $ 3,480.00 $ 3,575.04 $ 3,670.08 $ 3,765.12 $ 3,860.16 $ 3,955.20 $ 4,046.40 TOTAL PAY **** $ 69.222.40 $ 71,281.60 $ 73.340.80 $ 75,400.00 $ 77,459.20 $ 79,518.40 $ 81,577.60 $ 83,636.80 $ 85,696.00 $ 87,672.00 HOURLY RATE $ 33.28 $ 34.27 $ 35.26 $ 36.25 $ 37.24 $ 38.23 $ 39.22 $ 40.21 $ 41.20 $ 42.15 TOTAL PAY: TOTAL PAY INCLUDES BASE PAY AND HOLIDAY PAY FOR THE 12 HOLIDAYS RECOGNIZED BY THE CITY (96 HOURS) PREMIUM HOLIDAY PAY: FOR THE RANKS OF OFFICER, CORPORAL, SERGEANT AND LIEUTENANT 96 HOURS OF PREMIUM HOLIDAY PAY IS PRORATED OVER EACH OF THE 26 PAY PERIODS AND LISTED SEPARATELY ON THE PAYSTUB. PREMIUM HOLIDAY PAY ASSISTS IN ALIGNING HOLIDAY PAY PRACTICES WITH OTHER POLICE DEPARTMENTS. 8 HOURS OF PERSONAL LEAVE TIME OFF IS OFFERED TO THESE RANKS. ****•NOTE The Pay Plan steps are based on the hourly rate. Total Pay is calculated by multiplying the hourly rate by scheduled hours - 2080. A City of Fayetteville 2021 Base Pay and Benefits Study for Civil Service - Uniformed Positions City Council Agenda Session 2021 Base Pay and Benefits Study Civil Service - Uniformed Positions Market Area City Comparisons Market Area Cities ❖ Bentonville ❖ Rogers ❖ Springdale ❖ Jonesboro ❖ Lawrence 2021 Base Pay and Benefits Study Civil Service —Uniformed Positions Total Rewards: Base Pay &Benefits Philosophy • Competitive base pay to attract applicants within the City's market recruitment area • Retain competent employees by leading market recruitment area with total rewards (base pay and benefits) offerings 2021 Base Pay and Benefits Study Civil Service —Uniformed Positions Total Rewards: Base Pay Study Results Fire Position Title Average Pay Range Minimum Variance Average Pay Range Maximum Variance Battalion Chief -4.1 % -7.1 % Fire Captain -4.0% -5.3% Driver -4.0% -5.0% Firefighter -4.1 % -4.6% Average -4.1 % -5.5% Police Position Title Police Lieutenant -4.6% -2.1 % Police Sergeant -3.9% -3.8% Police Corporal -1.2% -5.8% Police Officer -1.6% -2.5% Average -2.8% -3.6% 2021 Base Pay and Benefits Study Civil Service - Uniformed Positions Evaluation of Employee Benefits Compare top five benefit offerings for Fire and Police civil service uniformed positions separately with identified market recruitment area cities. 2021 Base Pay and Benefits Study Evaluation of Employee Benefits Top Five Prevalent Benefits Fire: Police: • Retirement plan •Retirement plan • Medical/Dental •Medical/Dental • Time off plans •Time off plans above statutory above statutory requirement requirement • Certificate Pay • Certificate Pay • Longevity Pay • Longevity Pay 2021 Base Pay and Benefits Study Evaluation of Employee Benefits Retirement Plan FYV Fire & Police • L OPFI 2 • 2020 Fire - 26.00 • 2020 Police - 25.84 • 2020 Employee - 8.5% Market Retirement • L OPFI 11KPFRS • 2020 Fire Avg. - 21.70 • 2020 Police Avg. - 22.73 • 2020 Employee Avg. - 6.46% 2021 Base Pay and Benefits Study Evaluation of Employee Benefits Medical/Dental Plans FYV Fire & Police Majority HDHP Plan • Cost Share: 14-15 • Monthly Prem. $50-$159 • OOP-HSA: Ind. $2, 150 • OOP-HSA: Fam. $4,120 Delta Dental Plan • Cost Share: 100 % Emp. • Monthly Prem. $28-$98 Market Medical/Dental Majority PPO Plans - One HRA • Cost Share: Avg. 18-28% • Monthly Prem. $94-$315 • OOP: Ind. $2,,487 • OOP: Fam: $5,621 Delta Dental Plan • Cost Share: 46 % Emp. • Monthly Prem. $12-$40 2021 Base Pay and Benefits Study Evaluation of Employee Benefits Time Off Plans FYV Police • Holidays State Code • Sick Days: 20 — 2nd Yr. • Vac. Days State Code • Personal Days: 8 Hrs. FYV Fire • Holidays State Code • Sick Shifts: 20 - 2nd Yr. • Vac. Days State Code • Pers. Days: FIRE DAY SHIFT y ONLY- 16 HOURS Market For Police • Holidays State Code/Lawr. 9 • Sick Days: 20 — First Year • Vac. Days State Code/Lawr. < • Personal Days: 9.6 Hrs. Market For Fire • Holidays State Code/Lawr. 9 • Sick Shifts: 12-20 First Year • Vac. Days State Code/Lawr. < • Personal Days: 12 Hrs. 2021 Base Pay and Benefits Study Evaluation of Employee Benefits Certificate Pay FYV Police • $25 per certificate/mo. • $100 max. per month • FTO Pay $1.50 per hr. FYV Fire • No certificate pay Market For Police • Bentonville — more options/$ • Lawrence — more options/$ • Rogers/Sprgdale.- FYV match • Jonesboro — no certificates Market For Fire • Bentonville — Paramedic cert. • Lawrence — Fire Investigator • Rogers — ARFF-TRT-Hazmat • Jonesboro/Springdale - no 2021 Base Pay and Benefits Study Evaluation of Employee Benefits Longevity Pay FYV Fire & Police Not o ffe re d Market Longevity Pay • Bentonville/Springdale: no • Rogers: $101month of service after 5 years; $600/year plus • Jonesboro: $IK-$2KIyear based on 21-31 years of service • Lawrence -Fire: $481year X number of service years after 5th year • Lawrence -Police: $2501$1,000 per year from 5 years to 20+ years