HomeMy WebLinkAbout95-21 RESOLUTIONF FAYETT 4RKANSPS 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 95-21 File Number: 2021-0179 TRAFFIC CALMING POLICY: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A NEW TRAFFIC CALMING POLICY WHEREAS, in 2003, as a response to complaints about speeding in neighborhoods. a policy on traffic calming was recommended as part of a citywide traffic study; and WHEREAS, while a traffic calming policy was never formally adopted, the framework of the policy was used for several years by staff to prioritize requests using a points -based system with traffic speeds and volumes as the main parameters; and WHEREAS, the policy was discontinued in 2008 when funding constraints caused -raffic calming to be removed from the city budget and when funding was restored a few years ago it became clear that the policy did not fit the expectations of neighborhood residents because nearly every request failed to meet the threshold established by the policy; and WHEREAS, staff has drafted a revised traffic calming policy which has been recommended for approval by the City Council Transportation Committee. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approvzs the new Traffic Calming Policy, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution and made a part hereof. PASSED and APPROVED on 3/16/2021 Page 1 Printed on 3117121 Resolution: 95-21 File Number: 2021-0179 Trrrrir�i RFgs� Attest: Y pF• ��.. •cam. FAYEf-TEVILLE Kara Paxton, City Clerk Treasurer �'.,�y'•�RKA':•�'J``` INGMA Page 2 Printed on 3117121 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Text File File Number: 2021-0179 Agenda Date: 3/16/2021 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meeting File Type: Resolution Agenda Number: C.2 TRAFFIC CALMING POLICY: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A NEW TRAFFIC CALMING POLICY WHEREAS, in 2003, as a response to complaints about speeding in neighborhoods, a policy on traffic calming was recommended as part of a citywide traffic study; and WHEREAS, while a traffic calming policy was never formally adopted, the framework of the policy was used for several years by staff to prioritize requests using a points -based system with traffic speeds and volumes as the main parameters; and WHEREAS, the policy was discontinued in 2008 when funding constraints caused traffic calming to be removed from the city budget and when funding was restored a few years ago it became clear that the policy did not fit the expectations of neighborhood residents because nearly every request failec to meet the threshold established by the policy; and WHEREAS, staff has drafted a revised traffic calming policy which has been recommerded for approval by the City Council Transportation Committee. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves th-- new Traffic Calming Policy, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution and made a part hereof. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 311712021 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2021-0179 Legistar File ID 3/16/2021 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item Chris Brown 2/26/2021 ENGINEERING (621) Submitted By Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: Approval of a Traffic Calming Policy Budget Impact: Account Number Project Number Budgeted Item? No Current Budget Funds Obligated Current Balance Does item have a cost? No Item Cost Budget Adjustment Attached? No Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget Furd Project Title $ 0 V20180321 Purchase Order Number: Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Change Order Number: Original Contract Number: Comments: Approval Date: QCITY OF FAYETTEVILLE IARKANSAS MEETING OF MARCH 16, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council THRU: Susan Norton, Chief of Staff FROM: Chris Brown, PW Director/City Engineer DATE: February 26, 2021 SUBJECT: Approval of a Traffic Calming Policy CITY COUNCIL MEMO RECOMMENDATION: Approval of a Resolution to establish a policy on evaluation of requests, and prioritization and implementation of traffic calming projects. Approval of the policy is recommended by staff and by the City Council Transportation Committee. BACKGROUND: In 2003, in response to multiple complaints about speeding in neighborhoods, a policy on traffic calming was recommended as part of a citywide traffic study. While this policy was never formally adopted, the framework of the policy was used for several years to prioritize requests, using a points -based system. The main parameters used in this system were traffic speeds and volumes. This system was used until about 2008, when funding constraints caused traffic calming funding to be removed from the budget. Funding was restored a few years ago, and staff began using the policy that was in place in 2008 to evaluate requests. It became clear that the policy that was established did not fit the expectations of neighborhood residents, as nearly every request failed to meet the threshold established by the policy; therefore, staff has drafted a revised policy for consideration. DISCUSSION: The proposed policy is similar to the previous one, in that it is a points based system, with the following components: Speed Per 5pts for each MPH > 5MPH above 25 mph, or the Calc. posted speed if above 25 mph Volume Per ADT/100 Sidewalks 0-5 5pts if no continuous sidewalk, 2.5pts if one side Accidents 0-5 1 pt for each accident/year at one location Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 1 Opts within quarter -mile radius, 7.5pts if between School Schooled 0-10 quarter- and half -mile radius, 5pts within half -mile Walkshradius, 2.5pts if partially in half -mile radius The minimum threshold for consideration of traffic calming is 35 points, as compared to the previous policy threshold of 60 points. In addition, locations with 851h perceltile speeds greater than 35 mph will be eligible regardless of the score, and locations with speeds not exceeding 5 mph over the posted speed or below 25 mph would not be eligible. The other major component of the policy is neighborhood consensus. Traffic calming requests must be accompanied by evidence of support of at least 70% of residents of the street on which the traffic calming is requested before a traffic study will be initiated. If the study indicates that traffic calming is warranted, staff will develop proposed solutions and present those to the neighborhood. If at least 60% of the neighborhood agrees to the proposed solution, the location will be placed in line for implementation. Implementation will be in accordance with the scoring system, up to the yearly budget established by the City Council. This budget would typically be included the Transportation Division workplan. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: Staff time required for traffic studies and resident coordination is estimated to be 20 to 40 hours per request location. Installation time and cost will depend on the traffic calming elements selected. The budget for materials and labor will generally be from the street fund unless other funding sources are approved by the City Council. Attachments: Traffic Calming Policy. r� CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS TRAFFIC CALMING POLICY EFFECTIVE MONTH XX, 2021 INTRODUCTION Excessive traffic speeds in neighborhood areas is an issue of concern to citizens in Fayetteville. This policy addresses a procedure through which neighborhoods can be considered for traffic calming measures. Traffic calming is the management of traffic through the use of roadway design features. Traffic management through traffic calming is most effective if the features are both warranted and properly designed. Traffic calming solutions may be warranted where there is a demonstrated need for traffic calming, and where solutions can be identified that may address the need. Not only must the needs be perceived by the neighborhood, but they must also be documented to be substantive. In order for traffic calming strategies to be effective, traffic data collection and analysis must validate that calming needs are legitimate. These traffic studies may include: 1. Speed studies 2. Vehicle and pedestrian counts 3. Through -traffic surveys 4. Accident records Effective solutions for valid needs also require that the selected traffic calming strategy be appropriate for the need. Once an effective strategy for traffic calming has been selected, it should be properly designed in accordance with the relevant design parameters. These should include consideration of: 1. Traffic volume 2. Design speed 3. Design vehicle characteristics 4. Emergency services Although warranted and properly designed traffic calming strategies can have the desired benefits of managing traffic, they also can create disadvantages to adjacent streets and neighborhoods and to the traveling public at large. Traffic calming can have the potential of shifting an existing traffic problem to another street or neighborhood. Traffic calming may also increase delay for emergency response vehicles and can increase long term maintenance costs for the City. Because of the controversy and potential disadvantages, traffic calming should be implemented only with the majority consent of those directly impacted. This policy therefore provides guidelines for the following traffic calming activities: 1. Requests for traffic calming consideration 2. Prioritization of requests 3. Identification and approval of traffic calming strategies 4. Programming of traffic calming improvements 5. Design of traffic calming projects 6. Evaluation of traffic calming projects REQUESTS FOR TRAFFIC CALMING CONSIDERATION Requests for traffic calming received will be catalogued, and will be assigned to one of three tiers: Tier 1: Proximity to Schools (1/2-mile walkshed) or other significant points of interest Tier 2: Obvious cut -through opportunities (based on engineering best judgement, could be supplemented with traffic count study) Tier 3: Dead-end or disconnected areas of the transportation network If a citizen requests police patrol enforcement, the request will be forwarded to the Police Department for possible enforcement action. Requests from multiple streets may be grouped together and/or staff may add streets that may be impacted by traffic calming to requests. If such grouping occurs, the requirements of the next section will apply to the grouped streets. PRIORITIZATION OF TRAFFIC CALMING REQUESTS Locations assigned to Tier 1 or Tier 2 will be scheduled for further study upon receipt by the City Engineer of a petition or other affirmative response by at least one member of seventy percent (70%) of the property ownerships facing the street(s) on which the traffic calming study is requested. A block shall consist of every developed property having frontage on the street to be studied between successive intersecting streets. A typical traffic calming petition shall include, at a minimum, a description of the street or streets which are to be included in the calming study and the signature or other written evidence of approval of at least 70% of the property owners on those street(s). Where more than one person is listed as owner for each property, only one person shall be entitled to vote or sign a petition. Likewise, if multiple properties are owned by the same person or persons, the owner(s) will only be entitled to one vote or signature on the petition. This definition of property owner shall apply throughout this policy document. The City staff assigned to administer traffic calming studies will review the request for validity and will assess whether other streets may be impacted by implementation of traffic calming strategies. City staff will define the area of potential impact resulting from the traffic calming implementation on a case by case basis. Relevant data to be collected for the study includes: 1. Speed and volume counts 2. Accident experience 3. Distance to schools and other pedestrian generators 4. Pedestrian facilities This data will be used to assign a point value to each Tier 1 and Tier 2 location, as follows: Speed Per 5pts for each MPH > 5MPH above 25 mph, or the Calc. posted speed if above 25 mph Volume Per ADT/100 Sidewalks 0-5 5pts if no continuous sidewalk, 2.5pts if one side Accidents 0-5 1 pt for each accident/year at one location School 10pts within quarter -mile radius, 7.5pts if between Walkshed 0-10 quarter- and half -mile radius, 5pts within half -mile radius, 2.5pts if partially in half -mile radius Locations receiving a minimum of 35 points, or that have 851h percentile speeds above 35 mph will receive further consideration for traffic calming under this program. Locations with 85'h percentile speeds not exceeding 5 mph over the speed limit or below 25 mph will not receive further consideration regardless of score. Streets that do not meet these minimum criteria, and dead-end or disconnected streets that are placed in Tier 3 generally will not be considered for structural traffic calming, but may be considered for enforcement and are eligible for consideration of tactical urbanism permits. IDENTIFICATION OF TRAFFIC CALMING STRATEGIES City staff shall present to the residents living within the area of potential impact the results of the traffic calming study and rating. Where traffic calming may be appropriate, staff will present options for traffic calming in the affected area. Sixty percent (60%) or more of the property owners in the area of potential impact must support the proposed strategy option(s) before the City will give further consideration to traffic calming implementation. -In certain circumstances, the 60% requirement may be waived. These circumstances may include locations that have disinterested owners (e.g. locations with a large percentage of rental properties or locations adjacent to a single multifamily apartment complex) or other situations that are deemed necessary for public safety by the City. PROGRAMMING OF TRAFFIC CALMING IMPROVEMENTS Periodically, but not less than once each year, City staff will prioritize those traffic calming strategies within the City that have been approved within their area of impact. Prioritization will be based on the rating system. The City Council Transportation Committee will approve projects to be implemented, up to the yearly budget as determined by City Council. Those traffic calming improvement locations not selected, will remain in consideration for up to three years. City ward boundaries should be considered so that projects affecting each ward can be implemented. DESIGN OF TRAFFIC CALMING PROJECTS The design of traffic calming devices must meet the following criteria: 1. Only residential links or urban center streets are eligible. 2. The street shall have an ADT of less than 4,000. 3. Limited to streets having only one lane of through traffic in each direction. 4. Streets must not be primary emergency routes, as determine by the Police and Fire Departments. 5. At the discretion of the City Engineer, certain traffic calming measures may not be used if they would create an unsafe condition for motorists driving at normal speeds under average driving conditions. 6. Streets must not be through truck routes unless an acceptable alternative route is identified and approved. Design of traffic calming features shall accommodate a single unit truck. EVALUATION OF TRAFFIC CALMING PROJECTS Six months following the completion of the traffic calming improvements, City staff may undertake a follow-up study to determine if the traffic calming features have achieved the initial purpose of the project. If unacceptable impacts are identified, corrective measures may be taken. Traffic calming measures may be removed after the evaluation period for any of the following reasons: 1. Emergency response is significantly impacted. 2. The problem for which the traffic calming was implemented has been transferred to another street. 3. At least sixty percent (60%) of the property owners in the defined area of impact sign a petition to remove the traffic calming measures. This option will result in complete removal of all measures. Where traffic calming measures are removed by petition, a period of at least 3 years must pass before future petitions for traffic calming measures will be considered on the same street(s).