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F GPYE rJ\ \ 11.T 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville,AR 72701 (479)575-8323 Resolution: 307-20 File Number: 2020-1028 FAYETTEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT DONATIONS: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $27,939.00 RECOGNIZING DONATION REVENUE TO THE FAYETTEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1:That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment,a copy of which is attached to this Resolution, in the total amount of$27,939.00 recognizing donation revenue to the Fayetteville Police Department. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas hereby expresses its sincere appreciation for the donations. PASSED and APPROVED on 12/15/2020 Approve': Attest: $ M;' = Lionel. or. , Mayor Kara Paxton,City Clerk Treasut�r . Page 1 Printed on 12/17/20 OF fAYF L Ci.bf Fayetteville, Arkansa 113West Mountain Street Fayetteville,AR 72701 " Ian `n (479)575-8323fr") Text File a"SP File Number: 2020-1028 Agenda Date: 12/15/2020 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meeting File Type: Resolution Agenda Number:A.3 FAYETTEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT DONATIONS: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $27,939.00 RECOGNIZING DONATION REVENUE TO THE FAYETTEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment,a copy of which is attached to this Resolution, in the total amount of$27,939.00 recognizing donation revenue to the Fayetteville Police Department. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas hereby expresses its sincere appreciation for the donations. City of Fayetteville,Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 12/16/2020 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2020-1028 Legistar File ID 12/15/2020 City Council Meeting Date-Agenda Item Only N/A for Non-Agenda Item Mike Reynolds 11/19/2020 POLICE(200) Submitted BySubmitted Date Division Department / p Action Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the attached budget adjustment in the amount of$27,939 for the acceptance of various donations received by the Fayetteville Police Department. Budget Impact: 1010.200.2920-various General Account Number Fund 33044-1,6,8 Police Donations Project Number Project Title Budgeted Item? Yes Current Budget $ 4,031.00 Funds Obligated $ 618.52 Current Balance $ 3,412.48 Does item have a cost? NA Item Cost Budget Adjustment Attached? Yes Budget Adjustment $ 27,939.00 Remaining Budget S 31,351.48 V20180321 Purchase Order Number: Previous Ordinance or Resolution# Change Order Number: Approval Date: Original Contract Number: Comments: isCITY OF FAYETTEVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEMO tip ARKANSAS MEETING OF DECEMBER 15, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council tiZZ FROM: Mike Reynolds, Chief of Police DATE: November 19, 2020 SUBJECT: Recognize Donations to Fayetteville Police Department RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the attached budget adjustment in the amount of $27,939 for the acceptance of various donations received by the Fayetteville Police Department. BACKGROUND: Periodically, businesses, organizations and/or citizens will make monetary donations to the Police Department. DISCUSSION: The Police Department has received donations totaling $27,939 in support of various activities. McLarty-Daniel donated $20,000 to establish a Memorial Fund for Officer Stephen Carr. Numerous other donations ranging from $20 to $500 were received over the last year for various purposes. General police support received $45, employee recognition received $3,740, and Officer Stephen Carr Memorial Fund received $24,154. These donations were deposited into the City's General Fund and are tracked through the City's Project Accounting System. All purchases utilizing these funds must follow the City of Fayetteville Purchasing Policy. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: The budget impact will consist of an increase in expense budgets equal to the Police Department Donations received. There is no impact on staffing related to this agenda item. Attachments: Budget Adjustment Project Accounting Transaction Listing Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov r.rrmiiiio AD 777(11 tment Donations Year 2020 v Account Type Both ' Actual Budget S4S.00 S0.00 $0.00 S3,000.00 $45.00 -S3,000.00 Amended Budget Encumbrances Transactions Balance %Used S3,000.00 S0.00 S45.00 S2,955.00 2% 0 Amended Budget a Encumtx,rnce a Transaction 0 Balance 0 Percent Used 0 westgate: $3,000.00 S0.00 SO OC S3,000.00 0: tions 90.00 $0.00 S25.00 1111111.1 *** lions 90.00 S0.00 $20.00 •++ all ' 0 lieillilill Project I ransaction Inquiry 51 V.3,.te^a,'ce epartment Donations 3304a 1 Police Department DO Journal Type 1E QBA Q EA Q lcAlma! Journal Type Su6Lenyrr 'Transaction Description Decft o Cr.wn p oi.Ant:Noe a o o a )000064 Budget Adjustment General Ledger 2019 Reappropriations $3 000.00 1010.200.2920-5201 00 3007501 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting DS 012500'a9 010.200 2900-4809 00 )007536 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting DS 5200W 1010.200.2920-4809 00 $3 000.00 $45.00 ement/G LAccounts/GLTransaction Inquiry.aspx?prioryea r-o81v1=2&referrer-hops%3a9302f%2foof-nwapp2.city.fyv.us%2fnwerp%2fFM%2flnquiries%2f1.-. 1/1 xtgnition Year 2019 v Account Type Bo& v Actual Budget $3,840.00 S850.00 S5541.00 56,391.00 -S1,701.00 -$5,541.00 Amended Budget Encumbrances Transactions Balance %Used S7.241.00 S0.00 59,381.00 -$2,140.00 1309E o Amended Budget p Encumbrance a Transaction o Balance o Percent Used O :ions $0.00 90.00 S0 00 S0.00 +4-, Bons $850.00 $0.00 $3.840.00 MIMI 451% >loyee S6.391 00 S0.00 S5,541.00 S850 00 86% GM t P`e' © EIZII® :ognition ' ar 2020 v Account Type Both. v Actual Budget S750.00 SO 00 S618.52 S850.00 $131.48 •$850 00 Amended Budget Encumbrances Transactions Balance %Used S850.00 50.00 S1,368.52 -5518.52 161% 0 i Amended Budget 0 Encumbrance 0 Transaction 0 Balance i nt Perce Used 0 4 ions SO.QC SOAO $C_OC $0.00 --- -tons S0 OC SC 0C S750 00 NM +** loyee 5850.0C $0 OC S618.52 S?31.48 72% A n. . la '.,...r • 1 Project Transaction Inquiry .. .aw 1 Maintenance e Recognition 330446 Police Department DD_' Journal Type JE eiBAEa EA Q 1Qt.giVi b .Inurnal Type O Sublecyer * Translclion De s.:ript..x t} re,aiz C rrxJ.r d t=.;1 Acceu*a G i)uero,0 1000211 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting ST $500.00 1010.200 2900-4809.00 )000248 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting TAL $250 00 1010 200 2900-4809.00 1000402 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting TAL $100 CO 1010.200.2900-4809.00 )001758 Budget Adjustment General Ledger 2018 Reappropriations $4,017.00 1010.200.2920-5329 00 )001296 Journal Entry Accounts Payable A/P Invoice Entry $5,615.00 1010.200.2920-5329.00 )002533 Journal Entry General Ledger Sales Tax Pmt $74 00 1010.200.2920-5329.00 1002998 Budget Adjustment General Ledger Admin BA cleaning up Project Acc... $1,52400 1010.2002920-5329.00 )008583 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting DS 4118/1112110.1010.2002900-4809.0D /008583 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting DS ilatisaap 1010.200.2900-4809 00 1009030 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting DS 101.18010 1010 2002900-4809 00 )009080 Budget Adjustment General Ledger Establishing Revenue/Expense acc.. $850.00 1010.200.2920-4809 00 )009080 Budget Adjustment General Ledger Establishing Revenue/Expense acc... $850.00 1010.200.2920-5329.00 )009179 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting DS MEW 1010.200.2900-4809.00 )009179 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting DS al0 11010.200.2900-4809.00 )009179 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting D5--,:'" . 1010.200.2900-4E109.00 9a7 i,,, .:. iligialli.1010200.2900-480900 )009334 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting TAL 11111111111111101 1010 200.2900-4809 00 )009334 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting TAL �Y c �10102002900-4809 00 iertir tuyin4.52 09t2s4.00 ament/GLAccounts/GLTransat:tionlnquiry.aspx?prioryear=081v1=28referrer—https%3a%2f%2fcof-nwapp2.city.fyv.us%2fnwerp%2fFM%2flnquiries%2fl... 1/1 Project Transaction Inquiry 51 • I Maintenance 33044:6-Police Department D©.'. Journal Type JE el BA Q EA O ICUfni,I 0 JaurnaI Type Q au.6Leeger .Q Tr.,nsactian br5r1:p1'.;c r> titbit +a _.;<i:t a Cit.Account * UUL996 Budget Adjustment (meal Ledger Admin BA cleaning up Vroject Acc... 51.324 AU 1U1U.2utl 292U-33L9.UU 008683 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting OS $140.00 1010.200 2900-4809.00 008683 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting DS $250.00 1310.200.2900-4809.00 009030 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting OS $500 00 1010.200.2900-4809.00 009080 Budget Adjustment General Ledger Establishing Revenue/Expense acc... $850.00 1010.200.2920-4809.00 009080 Budget Adjustment General Ledger Establishing Revenue/Expense acc_ $850 00 1010.203 2920-5329.00 009179 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting DS $100 00 1010.200 2900-4809.00 009179 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting DS $200.00 1010.200 2900-4809.00 009179 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting DS 515000 1010.200 2900-4809.00 0 8(v;;0 1010.200.2900-4809 00 009334 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting TAL $1,000.00 1010 200.290G-4809.00 .009334 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting TAL $150.00 1010.200.2900-4809.00 O 09619 Journal Entry General Ledger Reclass Project Revenues into Proj... $3,840.00 1010 200.2920-4809 00 009619 Journal Entry General Ledger Reclass Project Revenues into Proj... S3.840.00 1010200.2900.4809 00 000428 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting D5 -.0102002900-4809 00 i000745 Journal Entry General Ledger Redass Nor-Budget Tracking Proj.. $750.00 1010200.2920-4809.00 0000745 Journal Entry General Ledger Redass Non-Budget Tracking Proj.. $750.00 1010_200.2900-4809.00 '000064 Budget Adjustment General Ledger 2019 Reappropriations $850.00 1010.200.2920-5329.00 O 00604 Journal Entry Accounts Payable A/P Invoice Entry S74.62 1010.200.2920-5329.00 001288 Journal Entry Accounts Payable AP Invoice Entry $370.41 1010 200.2920-5329.00 '001480 Journal Entry Accounts Payable A/P Invoice Entry $87.80 1010 200.2920-5329.00 002031 Journal Entry Accounts Payable A/P Invoice Entry $85.69 1010 200.2920 5329.00 118.914.52 $9,254.00 ment/GLAccounts/GLTransactioninquiry.aspx?fromc rumb=081U1Page=2 1/1 id Year 2020 v Account Type Both v Actual Budget $24,154.00 S0.00 S0.00 S0.00 S24,154,00 S0.00 Amended Budget Encumbrances Transactions Balance %Used 50.00 S0.00 S24,154.00 -S24,154.00 0% 0 Amended Budget {j Encumbrance 0 Transaction 0 Balance 0 Percent Used 0 ions SO CO SC DO S24154 CO ($24.154.00) +rr 0 Prr•' Transaction Inquiry Maintenance r ih;;v;Sea;2 mortal 33044.8-Police Department D© ' Journal Type JE elBA 0 EA Q ours d O .inum+l Two 0 Ssit_Myer p Tramactiou Deacr:pt?on 0 Dew o Cultist p 5it Account _ OueTo.Di: )00753 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting DS 1010.200.2920-4809.00 )01203 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting DS 1010.200 2920.4809 00 )01203 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting DS 1010.200.2920-4809.00 )06724 Journal Entry Revenue Accounting DS 1010.200.2920-4809.00 .H « a - .. — S24,154.00 0 0 0 1menUGl.Accounts/GLTransactionlnquiry.aspx?prioryear-081v1=28treferrer-https%3a°/a2f%2fcof-nwapp2.city.fyv.us%2fnwerp/°2fFM/°2Flnquiries/°2f1... 1/1 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas _adget Adjustment Form (Legistar) Budget Year Division Adjustment Number /Org2 POLICE (200) 2020 Requestor: W. Newman BUDGET ADJUSTMENT DESCRIPTION /JUSTIFICATION: Recognize and establish revenue and expense budget for various donations received by the Police Department. COUNCIL DATE: 12/15/2020 LEGISTAR FILE ID#: 2020-1028 }foUy Black, 11/20/2020 7:13 AM Budget Director Date TYPE: JOURNAL #: GLDATE: RESOLUTION/ORDINANCE CHKD/POSTED: TOTAL 27,939 27,939 v.20201112 Increase / (Decrease) Project.Sub# Account Number Expense Revenue Project Sub.Detl AT Account Name 1010.200.2920-4809.00 - 3,740 33044 6 RE Donations 1010.200.2920-5329.00 3,740 - 33044 6 EX Recognition -Employee 1010.200.2920-4809.00 - 45 33044 1 RE Donations 1010.200.2920-5201.00 45 - 33044 1 EX Crime Prevent/Investigate 1010.200.2920-4809.00 - 24,154 33044 8 RE Donations 1010.200.2920-5801.00 24,154 - 33044 8 EX Fixed Assets H:\Budget Adjustments\2020_Budget\City Council\12-15-2020\2020-1028 BA Police Donations 1 of 1