HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-12-14 - Agendas - FinalFayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission December 14, 2020 2:00 p.m. Location: Virtual Public Meeting, Via Zoom. Register in advance for this webinar: https:Hzoom.us/webinar/register/WN_qEN075fKQxel7YP-5qAAdg Commissioners: Matthew Petty, Chairperson, City Council Representative Katherine Kinney, Tourism & Hospitality Representative Todd Martin, Tourism & Hospitality Representative Chrissy Sanderson, Tourism & Hospitality Representative Robert Rhoads, Commissioner at -large Sarah Bunch, City Council Representative Staff: Molly Rawn, Chief Executive Officer Agenda Call to order at 2:00 p.m. Old Business A. Review and approval of November 2020 minutes III. New Business A. Vote. Authorization to Execute Letter of Credit with UCI. Fayetteville A&P Commission has contracted with Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) to host the 2022 Cyclo-Cross World Championships. Per the contract, the Commission must provide a bank guarantee with a value of approximately $80, 000 USD. Memo included in packet. B. Vote. Recommendation to appoint Elvis Moya to the A&P Commission. Mr. Moya would be filling the seat left vacant by Commissioner Roberts and completing her term. Memo included in the packet. C. Vote: 2021 Budget Presentation. Staff is presenting a balanced budget for 2021 with detailed revenue and expenses for Experience Fayetteville & Fayetteville Town Center, identified capital outlays for FTC, and an update on Clinton House Museum. IV. Adjourn Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Minutes from November 16, 2020 Meeting Virtual Public Meeting, Via Zoom Commissioners Present: Matthew Petty, Chairperson, Todd Martin, Chrissy Sanderson, Reese Roberts, Katherine Kinney and Robert Rhoads Commissioners Absent: Sarah Bunch Staff: Molly Rawn, Chief Executive Officer and Hazel Hernandez, Vice President of Sales and Marketing Chairperson Petty called the meeting to order at 2:OOpm, acknowledging which commissioners were present. II. Old Business a. Commissioner Martin moved to approve the October 2020 minutes with Commissioner Kinney offering a second. The motion passed with a roll call vote. III. CEO Report a. Rawn began by introducing Jennifer Walker, our new VP of Finance. Walker introduced herself, sharing that she most recently served in the Finance Department in Aspen, Colorado and several years as the Finance Director for the City of Fort Smith. b. Rawn reported that last week the state's CARES Act Steering Committee will reallocate up to $10 million of unused city -county CARES funding to A&P's, CVB's and public event facilities. This could be very beneficial for the Fayetteville Town Center and she will keep the commission updated on this. c. The Business Interruption Grant is open today through November 25th This information is on our website. Arkansasready.com has further details and a hotline for assistance d. We have a vacancy with commissioner Roberts resignation and have received four applications. Rawn will be ensuring eligibility and distributing the applications to the commission. e. Rawn proposed the 2021 meeting schedule. The Commission will not meet in January. Schedule attached. f. Unit Updates — Experience Fayetteville i. Experience Fayetteville held a successful pop up lounge November 5th with the next one scheduled for this Wednesday November 181h. We have received funding through city council for these events. ii. The Arkansas High Country race, a cycling race, had tremendous media coverage. g. Unit Updates —Fayetteville Town Center i. Our Wi-Fi upgrade, a project involving both Edafio, our IT vendor and the city is going well. ii. The plaza resurfacing and improvement project is currently scheduled for January. iii. The staff is putting together a 5-year capital improvement plan which will be shared at the December meeting. h. Unit Updates —Clinton House Museum i. The non-profit board has increased its size with new board members and has opened up its own checking account. ii. We still have two exhibits this year and we have cancelled three other exhibits. iii. We are working on a wind down plan with a drastically reduced budget for 2021. September HMR and Finance Update i. We saw a 21% decrease from September 2019, partly due to no home football games and no Bikes, Blues and BBQ. It's the lowest month of revenue since February 2018. ii. Lodging numbers are down 47% compared to same time last year iii. Restaurant numbers are down 16% compared to same time last year iv. Overall HMR collections for 2020 are down 19% v. We are showing a net revenue gain of $5,167 for the year, which does not include Cyclocross grant funds as those are restricted. We show a $127,000 net income on our balance sheet as it does include Cyclocross funds. j. Vote: Recommendation to accept a quote from Pinnacle Roofing for a roof replacement at the Walker Stone House in the amount of $25,500. The roof was significantly damaged by hail in May. We received three quotes with one of them not being comprehensive. Pinnacle Roofing was selected as it was the most affordable. Our insurance policy will reimburse the cost of the roof. Chairperson Petty asked if there are questions and it was asked how old the current roof is. Rawn said she thought it could be as old as 20 years. i. Petty asked for a motion to authorize Rawn to enter this contract. The motion was made by Commissioner Roberts and seconded by Commissioner Kinney and was unanimously approved via a roll call vote. IV. Marketing a. Hazel Hernandez, VP of Sales and Marketing, reports that our website numbers continue to increase and online guide requests are up 4% compared to last year. b. Our site traffic by top states continues to be Arkansas at 37%, Texas at 19%, Oklahoma at 8%, Missouri at 7% with Kansas being the 51", due to advertising we've been doing in Kansas and Missouri. c. Our paid search continues to do well with our click through rate being high. This week is Lights of the Ozarks and we are adding "Lights of the Ozarks" as a paid search in both English and Spanish and incorporating it into our social media campaign. We've included food clips to encourage visitors to support our restaurants while they are visiting the lights. V. In closing, Rawn told commissioners they will receive the budget in ample time to review it and ask questions before the December meeting. Additionally, she reminded us that Lights of the Ozarks will be a virtual lighting ceremony this year, with the links to view it being posted on our social platforms very soon. She asked Commissioner Roberts to comment on the pop up lounge this week, to be held behind Bordino's. Roberts commended Chloe Bell for the work she's doing on these events and that the events are a great addition to the downtown area. VI. With no further business, Chairperson Petty adjourned the meeting at 2:30 pm Minutes submitted by Amy Stockton, Director of Operations Advertising and Promotion Commission Approved 2021 Monthly Meeting Schedule January No meeting due to MILK Holiday February 8* * 2nd Monday, new date due to Presidents' Day Holiday. March 15 April 19 May 17 June 21 July 19 August 16 September 20 October 18 November 15 December 13* * 2nd Monday, if needed for budget Memo To: Molly Rawn, CEO, Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commissioners From: Jennifer Walker, VP Finance, Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Date: December 9, 2020 Re: Authorization to Execute Letter of Credit with UCI Background: Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion has contracted with Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) to host the 2022 Cyclo-cross World Championships. Per the contract with UCI, the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission must provide a bank guarantee with a value of 70,000 Swiss Francs. This is approximately $80,000 USD. First Security Bank is able to provide a Letter of Credit (LOC) valued at $80,000. A Letter of Credit is a letter issued by a bank to serve as a guarantee for payments made to a specified organization under specified conditions. In this instance, the LOC serves as guarantee of payments from the A&P Commission to UCI for the Cyclo-cross world championship event scheduled for 2022. The funds for this letter are secured by a savings account that will be established at First Security Bank. This ensures there is no default risk on the LOC. The Letter of Credit terms are as follows: Fee 1.5% for 18-month term: $1,200 Funding Mechanism: Savings account earning 0.4%. Should the letter default (little to no risk), the finance rate would be 2.4% on that default. Recommendation: The CEO recommends the commission vote to: 1. Authorize CEO Molly Rawn to execute loan documents for the Letter of Credit with First Security Bank per the terms above 2. Authorize CEO Molly Rawn to open a saving account at First Security Bank to be associated with the LOC and serve as the authorized signer on the account. Memo To: Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commissioners CC: Molly Rawn, CEO From: Katherine Kinney, Fayetteville A&P Commission Date: December 9, 2020 Re: Appointment of Elvis Moya to the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Background: The A&P Commission has an open seat on the commission to serve the remainder of the tourism/hospitality term, vacated by Reese Roberts, ending March 31, 2022. Eligible applicants must be from the tourism industry. A public call for applications was published with a deadline of Friday, November 131". Four applications were submitted to the city clerk and distributed to commissioners on November 20th. All applicants were eligible to serve. On Monday, December 71", a committee consisting of Commissioners Kinney, Sanderson CEO Molly Rawn and VP of Sales and Marketing Hazel Hernandez interviewed the following four applicants: Mark Harper Elvis Moya Marlo Priest Vincent Waide Recommendation: It is the committee's recommendation that the A&P Commission appoint Elvis Moya to serve and to direct A&P staff to pass his information along to the city council for official appointment to the commission. Assumptions • No return to Phase 1 protocols in 2021 • Tax Revenue will rebound to 2017 levels • Will revisit budget after 01 to determine action needed • Cyclocross presented separately • Necessary CHM expenses included in EF budget A&P TAX $ in millions To represent 1/2 of the HMR tax for the city of Fayetteville. Revenue Breakdown Hotel Motel Restaurant Tax: $3,460,576 Fayetteville Town Center: $363,750 Other: $151,447 M PROPOSED 2021 BUDGET Revenue: $3,975, 773 Expense: $3,975,773 Comparison to 2019 actual Revenue Decrease 14% (-$667,000) Expense Decrease 1.8% (-$72,000) 3.4 3.6 3'� 3.4 3 1 OTHER 3.81 % FTC OPS 10% Sales + Personnel Marketing 32% 24% 1 Debt 18% 2021 Proposed Budget Experience Fayetteville and Fayetteville Town Center Summary Fayetteville A&P Commission Consolidated Budget 2021 Proposed Budget Summary Account Number Account Name Consolidated Actual 2019 Consolidated Projected Actual 2020 Consolidated Budget 2021 Experience Fayetteville Actual 2019 Experience Fayetteville Projected 2020 Experience Fayetteville Budget 2021 EF % Change vs Actual 2019 Town Center Actual 2019 Town Center Projected 2020 Town Center Budget 2021 FTC Change vs Actual 2019 REVENUE 40000 Revenue 41000 Hotel, Motel, Restaurant Taxes 3,701,187 1 3,012,327 3,460,576 3,701,187 3,012,327 3,460,576 -7% - - - 0% 42000 Rental Income 742,118 194,266 350,250 5,400 - - -100% 736,718 194,266 350,250 -52% 43000 Event Income 46,439 11,400 37,500 25,244 6,200 26,500 5% 21,195 5,200 11,000 -48% 44000 Sales 15,382 8,800 45,258 15,382 8,800 45,258 194% - - - 0% 45000 Parking Revenue 28,894 19,830 21,500 - - - 0% 28,894 19,830 21,500 -26% 46000 Advertising Income 22,750 19,850 8,000 22,750 19,850 8,000 -65% - - - 0% 48000 Other Revenue 63,568 59,317 31,190 62,655 58,567 31,190 -50% 913 750 -100% 49000 Interest Income 22,857 20,775 21,500 19,334 18,300 19,000 -2% 3,523 2,475 2,500 -29% TOTAL REVENUE 4,643,196 3,346,565 3,975,773 3,851,953 3,124,044 3,590,523 -7% 791,243 222,521 385,250 -51% EXPENSE 50000 Rental/and Event Expenses 209,145 43,616 184,050 80,688 19,550 104,360 29% 128,457 24,066 79,690 -38% 51000 Rental Expenses 106,814 24,066 68,690 - - - 0% 106,814 24,066 68,690 -36% 52000 Event Expenses 87,246 10,250 73,800 65,603 10,250 62,800 -4% 21,643 - 11,000 -49% 53000 Visitors Center & Museum Store 15,085 9,300 31,560 15,085 9,300 31,560 109% - - 0% 54000 Museum Activities - - 10,000 - - 10,000 0% - - - 0% 60000 Payroll and Related Expenses 1,142,812 1,023,170 1,329,678 672,651 702,030 910,718 35% 470,161 321,140 418,961 -11% 70000 Operating Expenses 1,607,419 1,177,698 1,555,045 1,311,130 912,056 1,245,175 -5% 296,289 265,642 309,870 5% 71000 Marketing 945,202 610,360 819,860 937,799 605,560 807,960 -14% 7,403 4,800 11,900 61% 72000 Sales and Development 76,934 60,292 141,815 72,329 57,200 134,415 86% 4,605 3,092 7,400 61% 73000 Office and Administrative 185,959 130,047 151,490 158,463 112,797 126,940 -20% 27,496 17,250 24,550 -11% 74000 Travel 34,733 10,800 18,250 26,832 10,400 14,400 -46% 7,901 400 3,850 -51% 75000 IT Expenses 80,636 76,400 77,750 67,547 66,500 64,950 -4% 13,089 9,900 12,800 -2% 76000 Insurance 15,822 16,600 16,700 13,026 13,400 13,850 6% 2,796 3,200 2,850 2% 77000 Facilities 268,133 273,200 329,180 35,134 46,200 82,660 135% 232,999 227,000 246,520 6% 80000 Tourism Support 381,078 270,000 200,000 381,078 270,000 200,000 -48% - - - 0% 90000 Other Expenses 707,000 707,000 707,000 707,000 707,000 707,000 0% - - - 0% TOTAL EXPENSE 4,047,454 3,221,484 3,975,773 3,152,547 2,610,636 3,167,252 0% 894,907 610,848 808,521 -10% Net Revenue/(Loss) 595,742 125,080 0 699,406 513,407 423,271 -39% (103,664) (388,327) (423,271) 308% 77800 FFE Improvements 51,344 135,000 155,000 21,983 5,000 15,000 -32% 29,361 130,000 140,000 377% 49999 Funded by Cyclocross Revenues 13,400 13,400 0% Adjusted Net Revenue/(Loss) 544,398 (9,920) (168,400) 677,423 508,407 394,871 1 -42% (133,025) (518,327) (563,271) 323% 2021 Proposed Budget Experience Fayetteville and Fayetteville Town Center Detail Fayetteville A&P Commission Consolidated Budget 2021 Proposed Budget for Adoption Account Number Account Name Consolidated Budget 2021 ExperienceTown Fayetteville Budget 2021 Center Budget 2021 REVENUE 40000 Revenue 41000 Hotel, Motel, Restaurant Taxes 3,460,576 3,460,576 - 41100 HMR Taxes 3,430,576 3,430,576 - 41200 PY HMR 30,000 30,000 - 42000 Rental Income 350,250 - 350,250 42100 Facility Rental 220,050 - 220,050 42200 Rental Items 24,500 - 24,500 42300 Alcohol Sales 70,700 - 70,700 42400 Rental Services 35,000 - 35,000 43000 Event Income 37,500 26,500 11,000 43100 1st Thursday Income 18,000 18,000 - 43200 LOTO Income 7,500 7,500 - 43400 Other Event Income 12,000 1,000 11,000 44000 Sales 45,258 45,258 - 44200 Visitor Store Sales 45,258 45,258 44210 Regular Store Sales 42,558 42,558 44220 Consignment Sales 2,700 2,700 - 45000 Parking Revenue 21,500 - 21,500 45100 Parking Machine Revenue 11,500 11,500 45200 Parking Lease Revenue 10,000 - 10,000 46000 Advertising Income 8,000 8,000 - 46200 Banner Income 8,000 8,000 48000 Other Revenue 31,190 31,190 48300 Cycling Coordinator Grant 31,190 31,190 - 49000 Interest Income 21,500 19,000 2,500 49001 Investment Account Interest 14,000 14,000 - 49002 Checking Account Interest 7,500 5,000 2,500 TOTAL REVENUE 3,975,773 3,590,523 385,250 EXPENSE 50000 Rental/and Event Expenses 184,050 104,360 79,690 51000 Rental Expenses 68,690 - 68,690 51200 Linens 15,000 15,000 51300 Alcohol and Bar Supply 28,690 - 28,690 51310 Alcohol 26,390 26,390 51320 Bar Supplies 2,300 2,300 51400 Rental Services 25,000 - 25,000 52000 Event Expenses 73,800 62,800 11,000 52100 1st Thursday Expenses 35,500 35,500 - Fayetteville A&P Commission Consolidated Budget 2021 Proposed Budget for Adoption Account Number Account Name Consolidated Budget 2021 ExperienceTown Fayetteville Budget 2021 Center Budget 2021 52200 LOTO Expenses 25,500 25,500 - 52400 Other Event Expenses 12,800 1,800 11,000 53000 Visitors Center & Museum Store 31,560 31,560 - 53200 Visitors Center 29,560 29,560 - 53210 Goods for Sale 25,610 25,610 - 53220 Store Supplies 3,950 3,950 - 53300 Consignment Sales Expenses 2,000 2,000 - 54150 First Ladies Garden 10,000 10,000 - 60000 Payroll and Related Expenses 1,329,678 910,718 418,961 61000 Wages 1,013,223 713,354 299,870 62000 Payroll Tax Expense 82,746 57,248 25,499 62100 Federal (941) Payroll Taxes 74,769 52,543 22,226 62300 SUTA 7,977 4,705 3,273 63000 Benefits 171,726 128,770 42,956 63100 Health and Other Employee Insurance 138,382 103,397 34,984 63200 Company Retirement Contributions 28,344 20,372 7,972 63300 Car Allowance 5,000 5,000 - 64000 Contract Labor 55,300 7,300 48,000 65000 Payroll Processing Fees 6,683 4,047 2,637 70000 Operating Expenses 1,555,045 1,245,175 309,870 71000 Marketing 819,860 807,960 11,900 71100 Advertising Expenses 417,500 415,000 2,500 71110 Agency Advertising 400,000 400,000 - 71120 Non -Agency Advertising 17,500 15,000 2,500 71200 Agency Retainer and PR 180,000 180,000 - 71300 Promotion 148,860 142,360 6,500 71310 Promotion Expenses 144,500 138,000 6,500 71350 Banners 4,360 4,360 - 71400 Printing 52,100 50,000 2,100 71410 Visitors Guide 15,000 15,000 - 71420 Other Brochures 37,100 35,000 2,100 71500 Website 9,900 9,100 800 71600 Mailings 11,500 11,500 - 72000 Sales and Development 141,815 134,415 7,400 72100 Promotional Items 7,990 6,490 1,500 72300 Groups 1,500 1,500 - 72400 Sports and Cycling 68,000 68,000 72500 Meetings 12,825 12,825 Fayetteville A&P Commission Consolidated Budget 2021 Proposed Budget for Adoption Account Number Account Name Consolidated Budget 2021 ExperienceTown Fayetteville Budget 2021 Center Budget 2021 72600 Memberships 30,400 27,000 3,400 72700 Tourism & Client Devel. 21,100 18,600 2,500 73000 Office and Administrative 151,490 126,940 24,550 73100 Office Expenses 37,325 24,775 12,550 73110 Office Supplies 9,100 5,600 3,500 73120 Office Equipment Leases 7,500 4,500 3,000 73130 Office Equipment Purchases 1,500 1,000 500 73140 Subscriptions 775 575 200 73150 Employee Relations 5,000 3,500 1,500 73160 Training 11,700 8,200 3,500 73170 Postage & Shipping 1,750 1,400 350 73200 Fees 4,850 1,350 3,500 73210 Bank Service Charges 350 350 - 73220 Credit Card Fees 4,500 1,000 3,500 73400 Business Taxes & Licenses 11,100 2,600 8,500 73500 Accounting, Audit & Legal 29,000 29,000 - 73520 Audit Fees 24,000 24,000 73530 Legal Fees 5,000 5,000 73900 Collection Expenses 69,215 69,215 - 74000 Travel 18,250 14,400 3,850 74100 Lodging 7,600 6,800 800 74200 Mileage 1,300 800 500 74300 Transportation 6,350 4,600 1,750 74400 Meals Out of Town 3,000 2,200 800 75000 IT Expenses 77,750 64,950 12,800 75100 Computer Hardware 17,700 13,500 4,200 75200 Software 21,000 14,500 6,500 75300 IT Support and Consulting 39,050 36,950 2,100 76000 Insurance 16,700 13,850 2,850 76100 Insurance - Building 15,200 12,350 2,850 76200 Insurance - W/C 1,500 1,500 - 77000 Facilities 329,180 82,660 246,520 77100 Rent 39,760 15,760 24,000 77200 Internet & Telephone 37,820 16,400 21,420 77300 Utilities 99,700 15,600 84,100 77310 Electric 69,800 8,800 61,000 77320 Gas 14,400 3,000 11,400 77330 Water 1 15,500 3,800 11,700 Fayetteville A&P Commission Consolidated Budget 2021 Proposed Budget for Adoption Account Number Account Name Consolidated Budget 2021 ExperienceTown Fayetteville Budget 2021 Center Budget 2021 77400 Repairs and Maintenance 85,000 30,000 55,000 77500 Janitorial Supplies 26,200 1,200 25,000 77600 Maintenance Contracts 40,700 3,700 37,000 80000 Tourism Support 200,000 200,000 - 80300 Theatre Squared Contribution 200,000 200,000 90000 Other Expenses 707,000 707,000 - 90100 Bond Payments 707,000 707,000 - TOTAL EXPENSE 3,975,773 3,167,252 808,521 Net Revenue/(Loss) j 423,271 (423,271) 77800 FFE Improvements 155,000 15,000 140,000 49999 Funded by Cyclocross Revenues 72400 Sports and Cycling 5,000 5,000 72700 Tourism & Client Devel. 8,400 8,400 Adjusted Net Revenue/(Loss) (168,400)1394,871 (563,271) 2021 Proposed Budget Experience Fayetteville Detail Fayetteville A&P Commission Experience Fayetteville - Detail 2021 Proposed Budget Account Number Account Name Experience Fayetteville 2019 Actual Experience Fayetteville 2020 Projected Experience Fayetteville 2021 Proposed Budget EF % Change vs 2019 Actual EF% Change vs 2020 PROJECTED REVENUE 40000 Revenue 41000 Hotel, Motel, Restaurant Taxes 3,701,187 3,012,327 3,460,576 -7% 15% 42000 Rental Income 42100 Facility Rental 5,400 0 0 -100% 0% 43000 Event Income 25,244 6,200 26,500 5% 327% 43100 1st Thursday Income 17,939 5,000 18,000 0% 260% 43200 LOTO Income 5,285 1,200 7,500 42% 525% 43400 Other Event Income 2,020 0 1,000 -50% 0% 44000 Sales 15,382 8,800 45,258 194% 414% 44200 Visitor Store Sales 15,382 8,800 45,258 194% 414% 44210 Regular Store Sales 11,126 6,800 42,558 283% 526% 44220 Consignment Sales 4,256 2,000 2,700 -37% 35% 46000 Advertising Income 22,750 19,850 8,000 -65% -60% 46100 Visitor Guide Ad Income 18,250 18,650 0 -100% -100% 46200 Banner Income 4,500 1,200 8,000 78% 567% 48000 Other Revenue 32,655 53,567 31,190 -4% -42% 48200 Other Revenue 0 250 0 0% -100% 48300 Cycling Coordinator Grant 32,655 53,317 31,190 -4% -42% 48500 Cultural Arts Corridor 30,000 5,000 0 -100% -100% 49000 Interest Income 19,334 18,300 19,000 -2% 4% 49001 Investment Account Interest 13,370 14,000 14,000 5% 0% 49002 Checking Account Interest 5,964 4,300 5,000 -16% 16% TOTAL REVENUE 3,851,953 3,124,044 3,590,523 -7% 15% EXPENSE 50000 Rental/and Event Expenses 80,688 19,550 104,360 29% 434% 52000 Event Expenses 65,603 10,250 62,800 -4% 513% 52100 1st Thursday Expenses 32,456 1,250 35,500 9% 2740% 52200 LOTO Expenses 28,603 6,000 25,500 -11% 325% 52400 Other Event Expenses 4,544 3,000 1,800 -60% -40% 53000 Visitors Center & Museum Store 15,085 9,300 31,560 109% 239% 53200 Visitors Center 15,085 9,300 31,560 109% 239% 53210 Goods for Sale 9,220 7,000 25,610 178% 266% 53220 Store Supplies 3,987 1,000 3,950 -1% 295% 53300 Consignment Sales Expenses 1,878 1,300 2,000 6% 54% 54000 Museum Activities 0 0 10,000 0% 0% 54150 First Ladies Garden 0 0 10,000 0% 0% 60000 Payroll and Related Expenses 672,651 702,030 910,718 35% 30% 61000 Wages 521,289 531,120 713,354 37% 34% 62000 Payroll Tax Expense 39,899 39,480 57,248 43% 45% 62100 Federal (941) Payroll Taxes 38,125 38,300 52,543 38% 37% 62300 SUTA 1,774 1,180 4,705 165% 299% 63000 Benefits 87,041 125,430 128,770 48% 3% 63100 Health and Other Employee Insur 69,820 106,100 103,397 48% -3% 63200 Company Retirement Contributio 13,621 14,330 20,372 50% 42% Fayetteville A&P Commission Experience Fayetteville - Detail 2021 Proposed Budget Account Number Account Name Experience Fayetteville 2019 Actual Experience Fayetteville 2020 Projected Experience Fayetteville 2021 Proposed Budget EF % Change vs 2019 Actual EF % Change vs 2020 PROJECTED 63300 Car Allowance 3,600 5,000 5,000 39% 0% 64000 Contract Labor 19,100 2,000 7,300 -62% 265% 65000 Payroll Processing Fees 5,322 4,000 4,047 -24% 1% 70000 Operating Expenses 1,311,130 912,056 1,245,175 -5% 37% 71000 Marketing 937,799 605,560 807,960 -14% 33% 71100 Advertising Expenses 551,909 273,009 415,000 -25% 52% 71110 Agency Advertising 540,737 260,009 400,000 -26% 54% 71120 Non -Agency Advertising 11,172 13,000 15,000 34% 15% 71200 Agency Retainer and PR 178,740 179,551 180,000 1% 0% 71300 Promotion 113,101 101,000 142,360 26% 41% 71310 Promotion Expenses 108,070 99,000 138,000 28% 39% 71320 Signage-Tourism 0 0 0 0% 0% 71350 Banners 5,031 2,000 4,360 -13% 118% 71400 Printing 76,896 41,000 50,000 -35% 22% 71410 Visitors Guide 35,101 35,000 15,000 -57% -57% 71420 Other Brochures 41,795 6,000 35,000 -16% 483% 71500 Website 6,653 5,000 9,100 37% 82% 71600 Mailings 10,500 6,000 11,500 10% 92% 72000 Sales and Development 72,329 57,200 134,415 86% 135% 72100 Promotional Items 4,280 1,000 6,490 52% 549% 72300 Groups 7,378 2,000 1,500 -80% -25% 72400 Sports and Cycling 20,136 17,000 68,000 238% 300% 72500 Meetings 2,984 200 12,825 330% 6313% 72600 Memberships 23,279 25,000 27,000 16% 8% 72700 Tourism & Client Devel. 14,272 12,000 18,600 30% 55% 73000 Office and Administrative 158,463 112,797 126,940 -20% 13% 73100 Office Expenses 43,685 13,300 24,775 -43% 86% 73110 Office Supplies 6,195 3,000 5,600 -10% 87% 73120 Office Equipment Leases 4,378 4,000 4,500 3% 13% 73130 Office Equipment Purchases 861 600 1,000 16% 67% 73140 Subscriptions 536 700 575 7% -18% 73150 Employee Relations 4,657 2,500 3,500 -25% 40% 73160 Training 26,068 1,600 8,200 -69% 413% 73170 Postage & Shipping 990 900 1,400 41% 56% 73200 Fees 1,543 1,150 1,350 -13% 17% 73210 Bank Service Charges 344 350 350 2% 0% 73220 Credit Card Fees 1,199 800 1,000 -17% 25% 73400 Business Taxes & Licenses 2,642 2,600 2,600 -2% 0% 73500 Accounting, Audit & Legal 36,569 35,500 29,000 -21% -18% 73510 Accounting Fees 13,500 12,000 0 -100% -100% 73520 Audit Fees 19,500 21,000 24,000 23% 14% 73530 Legal Fees 3,569 2,500 5,000 40% 100% 73900 Collection Expenses 74,024 60,247 69,215 -6% 15% 74000 Travel 26,832 10,400 14,400 -46% 38% 74100 Lodging 13,967 5,500 6,800 -51% 24% Fayetteville A&P Commission Experience Fayetteville - Detail 2021 Proposed Budget Account Number Account Name Experience Fayetteville 2019 Actual Experience Fayetteville 2020 Projected Experience Fayetteville 2021 Proposed Budget EF % Change vs 2019 Actual EF% Change vs 2020 PROJECTED 74200 Mileage 514 600 800 56% 33% 74300 Transportation 9,968 3,000 4,600 -54% 53% 74400 Meals Out of Town 2,383 1,300 2,200 -8% 69% 75000 IT Expenses 67,547 66,500 64,950 -4% -2% 75100 Computer Hardware 9,383 9,500 13,500 44% 42% 75200 Software 21,745 18,000 14,500 -33% -19% 75300 IT Support and Consulting 36,419 39,000 36,950 1% -5% 76000 Insurance 13,026 13,400 13,850 6% 3% 76100 Insurance - Building 11,752 12,000 12,350 5% 3% 76200 Insurance - W/C 1,274 1,400 1,500 18% 7% 77000 Facilities 35,134 46,200 82,660 135% 79% 77100 Rent 950 800 15,760 1559% 1870% 77200 Internet & Telephone 13,003 13,000 16,400 26% 26% 77300 Utilities 9,527 10,600 15,600 64% 47% 77310 Electric 7,359 7,500 8,800 20% 17% 77320 Gas 948 1,700 3,000 216% 76% 77330 Water 1,220 1,400 3,800 211% 171% 77400 Repairs and Maintenance 8,043 18,000 30,000 273% 67% 77500 Janitorial Supplies 840 1,100 1,200 43% 9% 77600 Maintenance Contracts 2,771 2,700 3,700 34% 37% 80000 Tourism Support 381,078 270,000 200,000 -48% -26% 80100 Current Year grants 84,625 70,000 0 -100% -100% 80200 Prior Year Grants 55,190 0 0 -100% 0% 80300 Theatre Squared Contribution 200,000 200,000 200,000 0% 0% 80400 Public Art Funding 41,263 0 0 -100% 0% 90000 707,000 707,000 707,000 0% 0% 90100 Bond Payments 707,000 707,000 707,000 0% 0% TOTAL EXPENSE 3,152,547 2,610,636 3,167,252 0% 21% Net Revenue/(Loss) 699,406 513,407 423,271 -39% -18% Funded out of Operating Reserves: 77800 1 FFE - Improvements 1 21,9831 5,0001 15,000 1 -32% 200% Funded out of Cyclocross Revenues: 72400 Sports and Cycling 01 0 5,000 1 0% 0% 72700 Tourism & Client Devel. 0 0 8,400 1 0% 0% 2021 Proposed Budget Fayetteville Town Center Detail Fayetteville A&P Commission Fayetteville Town Center - Detail 2021 Proposed Budget Account Number Account Name Town Center 2019 Actual Town Center 2020 Projected Town Center 2 Proposed Budget FTC % Change vs 2019 Actual FTC % Change vs 2020 PROJECTED REVENUE 42000 Rental Income 736,718 194,266 350,250 -52% 80% 42100 Facility Rental 463,082 112,800 220,050 -52% 95% 42200 Rental Items 53,203 17,760 24,500 -54% 38% 42300 Alcohol Sales 133,315 35,676 70,700 -47% 98% 42400 Rental Services 87,118 28,030 35,000 -60% 25% 43000 Event Income 21,195 5,200 11,000 -48% 112% 43400 Other Event Income 21,195 5,200 11,000 -48% 112% 45000 Parking Revenue 28,894 19,830 21,500 -26% 8% 45100 Parking Machine Revenue 16,186 5,800 11,500 -29% 98% 45200 Parking Lease Revenue 12,708 14,030 10,000 -21% -29% 48000 Other Revenue 913 750 0 -100% -100% 48200 Other Revenue 913 750 0 -100% -100% 49000 Interest Income 3,523 2,475 2,500 -29% 1% 49002 Checking Account Interest 3,523 2,475 2,500 -29% 1% TOTAL REVENUE 791,243 222,521 385,250 -51% 73% EXPENSE 50000 Rental/and Event Expenses 128,457 24,066 79,690 -38% 231% 51000 Rental Expenses 106,814 24,066 68,690 -36% 185% 51200 Linens 17,268 5,331 15,000 -13% 181% 51300 Alcohol and Bar Supply 54,342 8,295 28,690 -47% 246% 51310 Alcohol 45,911 6,312 26,390 -43% 318% 51320 Bar Supplies 8,431 1,983 2,300 -73% 16% 51400 Rental Services 35,204 10,440 25,000 -29% 139% 52000 Event Expenses 21,643 0 11,000 -49% 0% 52400 Other Event Expenses 21,643 0 11,000 -49% 0% 60000 Payroll and Related Expenses 470,161 321,140 418,961 -11% 30% 61000 Wages 340,759 246,000 1 299,870 -12% 22% 62000 Payroll Tax Expense 27,355 19,360 25,499 -7% 32% 62100 Federal (941) Payroll Taxes 25,271 18,400 22,226 -12% 21% 62300 SUTA 2,084 960 3,273 57% 241% 63000 Benefits 1 42,157 1 33,460 42,956 1 2%1 28% 63100 Health and Other Employee Insur 37,943 1 28,000 34,984 1 -8% 25% Fayetteville A&P Commission Fayetteville Town Center - Detail 2021 Proposed Budget Account Number Account Name Town Center 2019 Actual Town Center 2020 Projected Town Center 2 Proposed Budget FTC % Change vs 2019 Actual FTC % Change vs 2020 PROJECTED 63200 Company Retirement Contributio 4,214 5,460 7,972 89% 46% 64000 Contract Labor 56,077 20,000 48,000 -14% 140% 65000 Payroll Processing Fees 3,813 2,320 2,637 -31% 14% 70000 Operating Expenses 296,593 265,642 309,870 4% 17% 71000 Marketing 7,403 4,800 11,900 61% 148% 71100 Advertising Expenses 535 600 2,500 367% 317% 71120 Non -Agency Advertising 535 600 2,500 367% 317% 71300 Promotion 5,325 3,000 6,500 22% 117% 71310 Promotion Expenses 5,325 3,000 6,500 22% 117% 71400 Printing 1,338 500 2,100 57% 320% 71420 Other Brochures 1,338 1 500 2,100 57% 320% 71500 Website 205 700 800 290% 14% 72000 Sales and Development 4,605 3,092 7,400 61% 139% 72100 Promotional Items 756 500 1,500 98% 200% 72600 Memberships 1,595 1,592 3,400 113% 114% 72700 Tourism & Client Devel. 2,254 1,000 2,500 11% 150% 73000 Office and Administrative 27,800 17,250 24,550 -12% 42% 73100 Office Expenses 13,164 7,250 12,550 -5% 73% 73110 Office Supplies 5,450 2,100 3,500 -36% 67% 73120 Office Equipment Leases 3,493 2,600 3,000 -14% 15% 73130 Office Equipment Purchases 434 250 500 15% 100% 73140 Subscriptions 200 0 200 0% #DIV/0! 73150 Employee Relations 1,919 1,000 1,500 -22% 50% 73160 Training 1,595 1,000 3,500 119% 250% 73170 Postage & Shipping 73 300 350 379% 17% 73200 Fees 3,831 2,000 3,500 -9% 75% 73220 Credit Card Fees 3,831 2,000 3,500 -9% 75% 73400 Business Taxes & Licenses 10,197 8,000 8,500 -17% 6% 73500 Accounting, Audit & Legal 304 0 0 -100% 0% 73530 Legal Fees 304 0 0 -100% 0% 74000 Travel 7,901 400 3,850 -51% 863% 74100 Lodging 3,278 0 800 -76% 0% Fayetteville A&P Commission Fayetteville Town Center - Detail 2021 Proposed Budget Account Number Account Name Town Center 2019 Actual Town Center 2020 Projected Town Center 2021 Proposed Budget FTC % Change vs 2019 Actual FTC % Change vs 2020 PROJECTED 74200 Mileage 604 100 500 -17% 400% 74300 Transportation 2,682 200 1,750 -35% 775% 74400 Meals Out of Town 1,337 100 800 -40% 700% 75000 IT Expenses 13,089 9,900 12,800 -2% 29% 75100 Computer Hardware 4,241 100 4,200 -1% 4100% 75200 Software 7,078 7,300 6,500 -8% -11% 75300 IT Support and Consulting 1,770 2,500 2,100 19% -16% 76000 Insurance 2,796 3,200 2,850 2% -11% 76100 Insurance - Building 2,796 3,200 2,850 2% -11% 77000 Facilities 232,999 227,000 246,520 6% 9% 77100 Rent 24,000 24,000 24,000 0% 0% 77200 Internet & Telephone 16,365 17,000 21,420 31% 26% 77300 Utilities 83,213 74,000 84,100 1% 14% 77310 Electric 60,314 57,000 61,000 1% 7% 77320 Gas 11,291 10,000 11,400 1% 14% 77330 Water 11,608 7,000 11,700 1% 67% 77400 Repairs and Maintenance 41,461 55,000 55,000 33% 0% 77500 Janitorial Supplies 31,033 20,000 25,000 -19% 25% 77600 Maintenance Contracts 36,927 37,000 37,000 0% 0% TOTAL EXPENSE 895,211 610,848 808,521 -10% 32% Net Revenue/(Loss) 1 (103,968) (388,327) (423,271) 307% 9% Funded out of Reserves: 77800 FFE Improvements 29,361 130,000 1 140,000 1 377% 8% 2021 Proposed Budget Clinton House Museum Detail Fayetteville A&P Commission Clinton House Museum Detail 2021 Proposed Budget Account Number Account Name Clinton House 2021 REVENUE 54150 First Ladies Garden 10,000 73170 Postage & Shipping 250 73520 Audit Fees 3,000 75200 Software 500 76100 Insurance - Building 350 77100 Rent 15,600 77200 Internet & Telephone 2,800 77300 Utilities 4,600 77400 Repairs and Maintenance 1,000 77600 Maintenance Contracts 1,265 TOTAL EXPENSE 39,365 2021 Proposed Budget Supplement Cyclocross Grant Program Fayetteville A&P Commission Cyclocross Grant Program 2021 Proposed Budget Account Number Account Name Cyclocross 2019 Actual Cyclocross 2020 Projected Cyclocross 2021 Budget CC % Change vs 2020 REVENUE 40000 Revenue 48400 Cyclocross 523,703 757,500 963,500 37% 48401 Cyclocross Grant Funds 500,000 750,000 675,000 -14% 48402 Cyclocross Event Revenue 23,703 7,500 288,500 1873% 49000 Interest Income - 1,722 3,000 0.00% 49002 Checking Account Interest - 1,722 3,000 0.00% TOTAL REVENUE 523,703 759,222 966,500 37% EXPENSE 70000 Operating Expenses - 2,335 2,500 0.00% 71310 Promotion Expenses 1,960 0.00% 73000 Office and Administrative - 375 2,500 0.00% 73110 Office Supplies 275 500 0.00% 73210 Bank Service Charges 100 1,000 0.00% 73400 Business Taxes & Licenses 1,000 0.00% 80000 Tourism Support 167,800 352,760 1,342,089 183% 80500 Cyclocross Event 167,800 352,760 1,342,089 183% TOTAL EXPENSE 167,800 355,095 1,344,589 183% Net Revenue/(Loss) 355,903 404,127 (378,089) Beginning Fund Balance - 355,903 760,030 Ending Fund Balance 355,903 760,030 381,942