HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6390113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Ordinance: 6390 File Number: 2020-1001 AMEND § 33.341 PURPOSE AND §33.342 POWERS AND DUTIES: AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND § 33.341 PURPOSE AND §33.342 POWERS AND DUTIES OF ARTICLE XXII ARTS COUNCIL OF THE FAYE7TEVILLE CODE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends §33.341 Purpose of the Fayetteville Code by repealing all current language and enacting the replacement §33.341 as follows: §33.341 Purpose (A) The Fayetteville Arts Council shall be an advisory body to the City Council and administration dedicated to fostering growth and development of individuals, organizations, and projects that drive the cultural and creative economies of Fayetteville. (B) The Fayetteville Arts Council shall advise the City on marketing, cultural planning, workforce development, arts education, and allocation of resources for the arts. The Arts Council shall examine and advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion in this work. (C) For the purpose of this document, Public Art shall be defined as works of art in any media purchased with public funds, or that come into the public domain by any method, irrespective of its location or intended audience. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends §33.342 Powers and Duties of the Fayetteville Code by repealing all current language and enacting the replacement Page 1 Printed on 12/2120 Ordinance: 6390 File Number. 2020-1001 §33.342 as follows: §33.342 Powers and Duties The Fayetteville Arts Council shall be specifically responsible for, but not be limited to, the following: (A) Review all City investments in public art and donations of public art accepted by the City. If the project is valued at more than $5,000.00 the Arts Council shall provide a written action recommendation to the City within thirty days. (B) Assist the City in using public art to enhance the built environment, this includes but is not limited to the City Council and all City Departments, Committees and Advisory Boards. (C) Advise the planning of capital improvement projects undertaken by the City where there is potential for Public Art to be incorporated into the final design of the project. This may include streets, trails, structures and infrastructure improvements. (D) Identify, develop and promote opportunities and programs that support artistic, and technical education, and workforce development in the creative sector, using guidance from all aligning efforts to the Workforce Development Plan and the Fayetteville First Economic Vitality Plan. (E) Advocate for the quality of life and cultivate a supportive environment in Fayetteville as a destination and home for creatives. (F) Identify grants and other sources of funding for the support of arts programs and activities, and the procurement of public art. Provide support to City administration in the application process. PASSED and APPROVED on 12/1/2020 `���►►►►rrrrr� Attest: •rnS FAYETTEVILLE ; Kara Paxton, City Clerk Treas�'9'QKAyS�S 10 Page 2 Printed on 1212120 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 i Text File File Number: 2020-1001 Agenda Date: 12/1/2020 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meeting File Type: Ordinance Agenda Number: C 14 AMEND § 33.341 PURPOSE AND §33.342 POWERS AND DUTIES: AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND § 33.341 PURPOSE AND §33.342 POWERS AND DUTIES OF ARTICLE XXII ARTS COUNCIL OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends §33.341 Purpose of the Fayetteville Code by repealing all current language and enacting the replacement §33.341 as follows: §33.341 Purpose (A) The Fayetteville Arts Council shall be an advisory body to the City Council and administration dedicated to fostering growth and development of individuals, organizations, and projects that drive the cultural and creative economies of Fayetteville. (B) The Fayetteville Arts Council shall advise the City on marketing, cultural planning, workforce development, arts education, and allocation of resources for the arts. The Arts Council shall examine and advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion in this work. (C) For the purpose of this document, Public Art shall be defined as works of art in any media purchased with public funds, or that come into the public domain by any method, irrespective of its location or intended audience. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends §33.342 Powers and Duties of the Fayetteville Code by repealing all current language and enacting the replacement §33.342 as follows: §33.342 Powers and Duties The Fayetteville Arts Council shall be specifically responsible for, but not be limited to, the following: (A) Review all City investments in public art and donations of public art accepted by the City. If the project is valued at more than $5,000.00 the Arts Council shall provide a written action recommendation to the City within thirty days. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 12/2/2020 File Number 2020-1001 (B) Assist the City in using public art to enhance the built environment, this includes but is not limited to the City Council and all City Departments, Committees and Advisory Boards. (C) Advise the planning of capital improvement projects undertaken by the City where there is potential for Public Art to be incorporated into the final design of the project. This may include streets, traits, structures and infrastructure improvements. (D) Identify, develop and promote opportunities and programs that support artistic, and technical education, and workforce development in the creative sector, using guidance from all aligning efforts to the Workforce Development Plan and the Fayetteville First Economic Vitality Plan. (E) Advocate for the quality of life and cultivate a supportive environment in Fayetteville as a destination and home for creatives. (F) Identify grants and other sources of funding for the support of arts programs and activities, and the procurement of public art. Provide support to City administration in the application process. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 2 Printed on 121212020 From: Williams, Kit To: Batker, Jodi Subject: FW: Arts Council Ordinance Change Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2020 2:57:34 PM From: Marsh, Sarah Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2020 1:19 PM To: Williams, Kit <kwilliams@fayetteville-ar.gov> Cc: Peters, Dede <dpeters@fayetteville-ar.gov> Subject: RE: Arts Council Ordinance Change Hi Kit, I've attached the signed agenda request form. I'd prefer to have it on the first meeting in December. My hope is to be in Puglia next week and I'm not confident I'll have good enough internet to zoom into the meeting. Thanks, Sarah Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Legistar ID No.: 2020- AGENDA REQUEST FORM FOR: Council Meeting of December 1, 2020 FROM: Council Member Sarah Marsh ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION TITLE AND SUBJECT: AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND § 33.341 PURPOSE AND §33.342 POWERS AND DUTIES OF ARTICLE XXII ARTS COUNCIL OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE APPROVED FOR AGENDA: Sarah Marsh Council Member Sarah Marsh 11/10/2020 8:12 PM CEST Date City Attorney Kit Williams Date Approved as to form Electronically Signed using ,S,grOnlineTM [ Session ID 85edlerae07- 5c8-bage 705C7dl99934 Revised Fayetteville Arts Council Ordinance Updated 9/16/20 Purpose: The Fayetteville Arts Council shall be an advisory body to the City Council and administration dedicated to fostering growth and development of individuals, organizations, and projects that drive the cultural and creative economies of Fayetteville. The Fayetteville Arts Council shall advise the City on marketing, cultural planning, workforce development, arts education, and allocation of resources for the arts. The Arts Council shall examine and advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion in this work. For the purpose of this document, Public Art shall be defined as works of art in any media purchased with public funds, or that come into the public domain by any method, irrespective of its location or intended audience. Powers and Duties: The Fayetteville Arts Council shall be specifically responsible for, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Review all City investments in public art and donations of public art accepted by the City. If the project is valued at more than $5000 the Arts Council shall provide a written action recommendation to the City within thirty days. 2. Assist the City in using public art to enhance the built environment, this includes but is not limited to the City Council and all City Departments, Committees and Advisory Boards. 3. Advise in the planning of capital improvement projects undertaken by the City where there is potential for Public Art to be incorporated into the final design of the project. This may include streets, trails, structures and infrastructure improvements. 4. Identify, develop and promote opportunities and programs that support artistic, and technical education, and workforce development in the creative sector, using guidance from and aligning efforts to the Workforce Development Plan and the Fayetteville First Economic Vitality Plan. 5. Advocate for the quality of life and cultivate a supportive environment in Fayetteville as a destination and home for creatives. 6. Identify grants and other sources of funding for the support of arts programs and activities, and the procurement of public art. Provide support to City administration in the application process. NORTHWEST ARKANSAS Democrat . (gazette t., P.O. _ - 3OX le-07.FAYEVE`ILLE.AR.122702.479-44 1700.FAX 474-695-fl8•`tidlW NW'AI2O 0Ou AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I,Brittany Smith,do solemnly swear that I am the Accounting Legal Clerk of the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette,a daily newspaper printed and published in said County, State of Arkansas; that I was so related to this publication at and during the publication of the annexed legal advertisement the matter of:Notice pending in the Court, in said County,and at the dates of the several publications of said advertisement stated below, ordinance:6390 following: and that during said periods and at said dates, said newspaper File Number: 2020-1001 (A) Review all City AMEND§33.341 PURPOSE investments in public art and was printed and had a bona fide circulation in said County; AND§33.342 POWERS AND donations of public art accepted by that said newspaper had been regularly printed and published DUTIES: the City.If the project is valued at AN ORDINANCE TO more than$5,000.00 the Arts in said County, and had a bona fide circulation therein for the AMEND § 33.341 PURPOSE Council shall provide a written period of one month before the date of the first publication of AND §33.342 POWERS AND action recommendation to the City DUTIES within thirty days. said advertisement; and that said advertisement was published OF ARTICLE XXII ARTS (B) Assist the City in using in the regular daily issues of said newspaper as stated below. COUNCIL OF THE public art to enhance the built FAYETTEVILLE CODE environment, this includes but is BE IT ORDAINED BY THE not limited to the City Council and CITY COUNCIL OF THE all City Departments,Committees City of Fayetteville CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, and Advisory Boards. Ord 6390 ARKANSAS: (C) Advise the planning of Section I. That the City Council capital improvement projects of the City of Fayetteville, undertaken by the City where there Arkansas hereby amends §33.341 is potential for Public Art to be Purpose of the Fayetteville Code incorporated into the final design of Was inserted in the Regular Edition on: by repealing all current language the project.This may include streets, December 6, 2020 and enacting the replacement trails,structures and infrastructure §33.341 as follows: improvements. §33.341 Purpose (D) Identify,develop and Publication Charges: $215.84 (A) The Fayetteville Arts promote opportunities and programs g Council shall be an advisory body that support artistic,and technical to the City Council and education,and workforce administration dedicated to development in the creative sector, fostering growth and development using guidance from all aligning S of individuals,organizations,and efforts to the Workforce Yt projects that drive the cultural and Development Plan and the Brittany Smith creative economies of Fayetteville. Fayetteville First Economic Vitality (B) The Fayetteville Arts Plan. Council shall advise the City on (E) Advocate for the quality Subscribed and sworn to before me marketing,cultural planning, of life and cultivate a supportive This q day of Dec,, 2020. workforce development,arts environment in Fayetteville as a education,and allocation of destination and home for creatives. resources for the arts.The Arts (F) Identify grants and other Council shall examine and sources of funding for the support of advocate for diversity,equity and arts programs and activities,and the inclusion in this work. procurement of public art.Provide (C) For the purpose of this support to City administration in the cdocument,Public Art shall be application process. t t_,Q J . `�. defined as works of art in any PASSED and APPROVED on Notary Public AC /' media purchased with public funds, 12/1l2020 r or that come into the public domain Approved: My Commission Expires: � !�''1'[e''o itis by any method,irrespective of its Lioneld Jordan,Mayor intended audience. Attest: y c,lx SSA 0.���2y Section 2.location or the City Council of Kara Paxton,City Clerk Treasurer • GF° M�,Ot FOrACAOP the ity of Fayetteville,a §33.342 Arkansas oans s 75355435 Dec 6,2020 w•�,,,,e :. F•`,- ��ghhereby E4 / and Duties of the Fayetteville `+�: Code by repealing all current **NOTE** nH ;'�' language and enacting the NOTE Please do not'•,:`. ffidavit replacement Invoice will be sent. §33.342 as follows: §33.342 Powers and Duties The Fayetteville Arts Council shall be specifically responsible for, but not be limited to, the