HomeMy WebLinkAbout290-20 RESOLUTION113 West Mountain Street
Fayetteville, AR 72701
(479) 575-8323
Resolution: 290-20
File Number: 2020-0231
Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes Mayor
Jordan to sign an agreement with Design Workshop, Inc., pursuant to RFQ # 19-03, in the amount of
$185,739.00 for the development of a new ten-year Park System Master and Strategic Plan, and
further approves a project contingency in the amount of $5,000.00.
PASSED and APPROVED on 11/17/2020
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Resolution: 290-20
File Number: 2020-0231
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Kara Paxton, City Clerk Treasurer E
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—�� City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street
Fayetteville, AR 72701
(479) 575-8323
Text File
File Number: 2020-0231
Agenda Date: 11/17/2020 Version: 1 Status: Passed
In Control: City Council Meeting File Type: Resolution
Agenda Number: A.11
Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes Mayor Jordan to sign
an agreement with Design Workshop, Inc., pursuant to RFQ #19-03, in the amount of $185,739.00 for the
development of a new ten-year Park System Master and Strategic Plan, and further approves a project
contingency in the amount of $5,000.00.
City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 1111812020
Ted Jack
Submitted By
City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form
Legistar File ID
City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only
N/A for Non -Agenda Item
Submitted Date
Action Recommendation:
Division / Department
A resolution to approve an agreement with Design Workshop, Inc., pursuant to RFQ #19-03, in the amount of
$185,739.00 for the development of a new ten-year Park System Master and Strategic Plan, and to approve a
project contingency in the amount of $5,000.00 for a total cost of $190,739.00.
Account Number
Project Number
Budgeted Item? Yes
Does item have a cost? Yes
Budget Adjustment Attached? No
Purchase Order Number:
Change Order Number:
Original Contract Number:
Budget Impact:
Sales Tax Capital Improvements
Parks & Recreation Master Plan
Project Title
Current Budget $ 190,739.00
Funds Obligated $ -
Current Balance 190,739.00
Item Cost $ 185,739.00
Budget Adjustment $ -
Remaining Budget
Previous Ordinance or Resolution #
Approval Date:
TO: Mayor and City Council
THRU: Susan Norton, Chief of Staff
Connie Edmonston, Parks Director
FROM: Ted Jack, Park Planning Superintendent
DATE: October 30, 2020
SUBJECT: A resolution to approve an agreement with Design Workshop, Inc.,
pursuant to RFQ #19-03, in the amount of $185,739.00 for the development of a new ten-
year Park System Master and Strategic Plan, and to approve a project contingency in the
amount of $5,000.00 for a total cost of $190,739.00.
Fayetteville Park and Recreation staff recommends approval of a resolution to approve an
agreement with Design Workshop, Inc., pursuant to RFQ #19-03, in the amount of $185,739.00
for the development of a new ten-year Park System Master and Strategic Plan, and to approve
a project contingency in the amount of $5,000.00 for a total cost of $190,739.00.
The current Park System Master Plan was developed in 2002 and the objectives of that plan
have been substantially achieved. Work for a new plan began in 2018 with Park Staff leading a
planning effort aimed at understanding the desires of the people of Fayetteville regarding Parks
and Recreation needs. Surveying and a dozen public meetings were used to gather public input
that helped form a list of possible projects for the 2019 bond election.
The Professional Selection Committee chose Design Workshop from a Request for Proposals
process to conduct system wide planning efforts. When COVID struck early in the year, this
project was put on hold. It is now time to move forward with this needed plan, with modifications
to account for working safely in our new realities and particularly for insuring that we are able to
gather quality public input that is representative of our diverse community. This planning effort
will involve additional public input and analysis and synthesis of this and other information into a
new plan which will review and update the vision, mission, goals and objectives for parks and
recreation for the next ten years. It will address the strengths, weaknesses, challenges and
opportunities for the entire Fayetteville Parks and Recreation Department, each division, and
facility. The plan will represent a bold commitment by the city and parks department to continue
its efforts to insure and enhance public -based planning, provide a wide range of recreational
opportunities accessible to all people, focus on strategies and actions that provide Park and
Recreation facilities and services that go beyond pure recreation to also promote healthy living,
increase social capital, achieve positive economic benefits, and an overall increase in the
Mailing Address:
113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov
Fayetteville, AR 72701
quality of life for the people of Fayetteville. The final plan document will outline the park
system's goals for the next ten years.
Completion of the first phase of Kessler Mountain Regional Park was the last major project from
the 2002 Park and Recreation System Master Plan. After completion of that project, the need
for a new master plan was prioritized and funding is now available to develop a new ten-year
Funding from sales tax in the amount of $190,739.00 has been budgeted for completion of the
ten-year Park System Master and Strategic Plan. The planning efforts will require time from
staff, and this has been accounted for in park and recreation work plans.
Staff Review Form
Schedule Diagram
RFQ #19-03 Design Workshop
Scope of Services for Fayetteville Park System Master Plan
Fayetteville, AR
The project is a Park System Master Plan for the City of Fayetteville, AR, that will provide guidance for the
next ten years. It is part of a planning process initiated by the City in 2018 that began with Imagine
Tomorrow's Parks, a preliminary community engagement and site analysis effort conducted by parks staff
The last park system master plan conducted by the City was in 2002 and not only have many of the
recommendations from that plan been completed, much has changed in the city and region. The final plan
shall meet the requirements of a park system master/strategic plan as outlined in Council for Accreditation
of Park and Recreation Agencies standards.
The City of Fayetteville's Parks and Recreation Department was established in 1965 and manages nearly
4,000 acres of park land including 36 parks, 15 natural areas, 3 lakes, 29 playgrounds, 27 sports fields, 27
pavilions, 7 tennis courts, 4 youth tennis courts, 7 volleyball courts, 1 community center, a swimming pool, a
splash pad, a skate park, and multiple picnic facilities. The City contracts with others to provide services for
indoor recreation at the Fayetteville Boys and Girls Club as well as for senior adult recreation at the Walker
Park Senior Activity and Wellness Center. The City's trail network has more than 85 miles of trails including
47 miles of hard surface and 38 miles of soft surface, which are maintained by the Parks and Recreation
Department but designed and built by the Engineering Department. A trail system master plan was also
recently completed. For the purposes of this project, trails will be included in maps of the park system, but
trail analysis and recommendations are not part of the scope.
The following narrative describes a comprehensive list of services required to prepare the Park System
Master Plan for the City of Fayetteville. The City has expressed that the statistically valid survey is
particularly important to the plan as is a robust assessment and recommendations for recreational
Efficiently organizing the work will be essential to completing the project in a timely fashion. While the
following narrative is organized in a linear manner, many of the sub -tasks may proceed in a parallel or
concurrent fashion.
The scope of work to be performed by Design Workshop and its subconsultant team in connection with this
agreement is as follows:
Phase I: Establish a Foundation of Understanding
Task 1.1 Project Startup
Design Workshop utilizes a Strategic Kickoff (SKO) workshop to effectively launch projects and
organize the team of key staff members and consultants. This workshop will be held virtually or in
person as covid protocols permit. The purpose of the meeting will be:
• Define roles, responsibilities and communications procedures
• Confirm a detailed but flexible, project schedule and document review process
• Identify City resources that may be useful to the plan creation process
• Pinpoint topics for additional research and evaluation
• Discuss the work already conducted by the City, particularly the "Imagine Tomorrow's Parks"
engagement process.
DESIGN\\( Wkl-1 14 )1'
Scope of Services for Fayetteville Park System Master Plan
Fayetteville, AR
• Discuss coordination with the ongoing Fayetteville City Plan 2040 planning process (which includes
the Active Transportation Plan and Mobility Plan) and other recent planning studies including, the
Cultural Arts Corridor, 71B, and the Welcoming Fayetteville Plan.
• Establish project goals and desired outcomes
• Understand critical success factors of this project
• Collect existing plan documents and reports related to this plan
• Review and evaluate the current Mission and Value Statements and Organizational Values
1. Meeting agenda and meeting notes
2. One -day facilitated workshop by Design Workshop leadership team members
3. Detailed project schedule
4. Internal communication plans
5. Critical success factors and project goals documentation
6. Stakeholder and Public Involvement Plan
Task 1.2 Inventory and Analysis of Service Areas
The team will update Fayetteville's park, and open space inventory descriptions and compile mapped
locations by collecting information from City staff and for the surrounding influence area. Recreational
program information and offerings will be added to this inventory.
Map GIS data will be collected from the City to serve as base maps for the project. We will also gather
relevant plans from nearby public open space properties that are managed by other agencies or private
entities in order to gather an understanding of the relationships and potential opportunities that may exist
No updates or edits to existing map databases are anticipated for the consultant role as we will rely on
these entities to provide complete and up-to-date data sets of existing conditions.
The team will study the spatial distribution and service area analysis based on travel routes and travel
barriers already conducted by the City and if needed will expand on the analysis. This analysis will be
utilized to identify and map gaps in the locations of existing and planned parks to serve the population.
1. Inventory analysis organized by property with acreage and amenities (pdf format document)
2. Geographically referenced existing and proposed parks, natural areas inventory base mapping
(GIS files)
3. Spatial distribution and service areas mapping of coverage and gaps
4. Narrative summary and tables of existing parks, recreation, trails, programs, and possible gaps
Task 1.3 Data Collection, Plan Review, Standards and Policy Analysis
The Design Workshop team will review relevant past plans and studies identified by City staff and
identify elements to include in the Master Plan and Strategic Plan creation and items that will require
efforts to update. Existing policies, fee structure, funding sources, budget, capital improvement plans
DESIGN\\()I,k-1 R W / Favetteville Parks and Recreation
Scope of Services for Fayetteville Park System Master Plan
Fayetteville, AR
and organizational structure information will be collected and summarized in a technical memo. We
will conduct a meeting with City staff to understand the implementation successes and shortfalls of
past plans and efforts to better understand the feasibility for future recommendations.
1. Relevant past plans summary
2. Summary of key elements from current plans
3. One (1) meeting with city staff
Task 1.4 Demographic Analyses and Recreation Trends Research
The Design Workshop team will review all demographic analysis already conducted by City staff and
augment the analysis if necessary, to best understand and communicate the market served in
Fayetteville. Through the analysis, we will distinguish customer groups, determine changes occurring
in the region, and assist in making proactive decisions to accommodate those shifts. The demographic
analysis will be based on US Census information, the City Plan 2040, and publicly available market
research data including historical trends and future projections.
From the demographic analysis, sports, recreation, and outdoor trends will be applied to the local
Fayetteville population to assist in determining the potential participation base within the service area.
For the sports and recreation trends, we will leverage industry knowledge from our experience working
nationally in many comparable markets to Fayetteville, participation trends from the applicable
professional associations such as NRPA, and additional research.
1. Community profile summary and charts
2. Trends report
Task 1.5 Park Classifications and Level of Service Analysis
The DW team will work with City staff to review and confirm, modify or add to existing facility and park
classifications, and preferred level -of -service standards for all park sites, trails, open space amenities
and indoor and outdoor facilities. These classifications will consider size, population served, length of
stay, and amenity types/services. Facility standards include level of service standards and the
population served per recreational facility and park amenity. Any new or modified classification or
standard will be approved as required. These are based on regional, statewide or nationally accepted
parks and recreation standards, as well as the ETM Associates' national experience and comparison
with peer/survey agencies, adapted based on the needs and expectations of the Fayetteville
City inventory data of amenities (playgrounds, ball fields, natural areas, special facilities, etc.) will be
utilized to assess the current capacity of the system.
DESIGN\\r H Al / Favetteville Narks anel Recreation
Scope of Services for Fayetteville Park System Master Plan
Fayetteville, AR
1. City recreation amenities inventory service level assessment chart and summary
Task 1.6 Program Services Inventory and Assessment
This assessment will review how well the department aligns itself with community needs. The goal of
this analysis is to ultimately provide recreation and cultural program enhancements that result in
successful, innovative, and mission -oriented recreation program offerings. The process includes
analysis of the following programming aspects:
• Program Lifecycle analysis
• Core program definition, analysis
• Facility Gaps
• Best Practices from similar and comparable agencies
• Similar provider analysis/duplication of services
• Service systems and agency support needed to deliver excellent service
• Standards and Performance Measures
Ultimately, the outcome of the process will be the creation of a dynamic recreation program plan that
results in increased registration, drives customer retention and loyalty, improves customer
satisfaction, and increases revenues. Additionally, it will help focus staff efforts in core program areas
and create excellence in those programs deemed most important by program participants.
Data provided by the City will be used to analyze current use of park land, recreation facilities,
recreation programs, and other services. Prior year data may be used to uncover trends in use and
participation, and when synthesized with demographic and recreation trend findings, can inform
future projections for specific aspects of programming and site utilization. This analysis will include
the type of program, user group, and ages of persons served, and analyze attendance levels,
markets served, and locations of program offerings. As part of this analysis, the team will identify
peers in recreation service delivery in the area to assess potential partners. Recommendations will
be developed to suggest partnerships and program alterations, or additions backed by demand
analysis, community needs assessment, public input, and focus groups/interview conclusions.
Recreation services and programs evaluation chart and summary
Task 1.7 Comparable Community Benchmarking Study
Design Workshop will work with City staff to select up to five (5) comparable communities of similar
characteristics that will provide useful benchmarks as well as national averages (Proragis/TPL).
DESIGNV ( )RKSI lOP / Fayetteville Parks and Recreation 4
Scope of Services for Fayetteville Park System Master Plan
Fayetteville, AR
1. Lawrence, Kansas
2. Austin, Texas
3. Bentonville, Arkansas
4. Boulder, Colorado
5. Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation (2014 Class III Gold Medal Award Winner) or Roswell
Recreation, Parks, Historic & Cultural Affairs Department, Roswell, GA (2017 winner) or Asheville
Parks and Recreation Department, Asheville, NC (2002 winner)
Using data collected by City staff from the five selected comparable communities, our team will
complete a benchmark analysis to compare the City of Fayetteville to the peer agencies. Our team will
work with City staff to identify the key metrics to be surveyed and analyzed. Common metrics include
park and facility inventories, recreation programs, budgets, fees, revenue generation, cost recovery,
staffing, and policies. Maintenance standards, fees, and funding sources vary throughout all
communities, even within the same state. While not specifically a metric, the overall organizational
structure of the Parks and Recreation department of the peer cities will be reviewed to gain an insight
on the scope of their responsibilities.
1. Benchmark questions template
2. Comparable community benchmarks charts and summary
Task 1.8 Progress Reporting and Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meetings
Every project phase shall involve project management from Design Workshop's Principal -in -Charge
and the Project Manager. Design Workshop strives to ensure quality through clear communication and
dialogue with our clients and amongst our team. We believe progress meetings with City staff,
conducted via GoTo Meeting, should be held bi-weekly throughout the course of the project.
The consultant team will participate in four meetings with the Fayetteville Parks and Recreation
Advisory Board at the following key project milestones: 1) Kickoff, 2) Citywide Workshops: Values, 3)
Citywide Workshop: Draft Concepts and Recommendations, and 4) Draft Plan Review. Additionally,
materials will be provided to City staff to encourage updates be provided to the Board and elected
officials throughout the process. If in person, these meetings are expected to be combined with other
travel purposes, otherwise will be virtual.
1. One copy of all completed or partially completed work, three days prior to progress meetings
2. Bi-weekly progress meetings (up to 18) via GoTo Meeting documented with a meeting record
issued by the Project Manager. Each meeting limited to 60 mins,
3. Monthly percentage complete project report by task.
4. Four (4) Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meetings over the course of the project.
DESIGN\\( )ftk-1 R W / Fayetteville Parks and Recreati+►n
Scope of Services for Fayetteville Park System Master Plan
Fayetteville. AR
Phase II: Creating a Shared Vision
Task 2.1 Public Engagement and Communication Plan
The Design Workshop team will develop a public outreach plan including the preparation of a
stakeholder analysis matrix. As part of this, we will categorize the groups that will be engaged as
stakeholders in the project process. Discussion of these stakeholders will begin with the kick-off and
identify the optimum role for these groups within the project. Ultimately, we will work with City staff to
develop a stakeholder engagement plan document that includes identification of the stakeholders,
contact information, scheduled meeting dates, and information distribution methods, and
responsibilities. Particular attention will be given to implementation of the public engagement effort
given the current pandemic. City assistance will be needed in providing public notice of meetings on
the city website, social media sites like Nextdoor, Instagram, and Facebook, and through email blasts
1. Stakeholder analysis matrix
2. Stakeholder communication plan
3. Meeting invitations draft text
Task 2.2 Focus Groups and Stakeholder Interviews
We anticipate conversations with individual stakeholders will be needed early in the process to gain a
detailed understanding of the history, current conditions, and how this information may impact future
plans. We will want to hear from a variety of perspectives and facilitate a dialogue between different
groups to discuss various ideas. We anticipate meetings will be needed with the following stakeholder
groups but will determine the actual topics and participants with City Staff at the project kick-off
meeting These meeting will be held online or in person as covid protocols dictate.
• Growth and Future Neighborhood Development: developers and Community Development
leadership, County and City leadership, Chamber of Commerce,
• Program Offerings: program providers and public land managers
• Youth Recreation: school administrators, coaches, sports leagues, health care providers
• Recreation and Events Programming: recreation clubs and community organizations, visitor
• Operations and Maintenance: City staff
• Funding and Financing Options Evaluation: City and County staff
1. Focus group meeting agendas and meeting notes
2.12 hours of facilitated meetings (DW & ETM)
DESIGNW )Hktil h ►1' / Fayetteville Parks and Recreation 6
Scope of Services for Fayetteville Park System Master Plan
Fayetteville, AR
Task 2.3 Citywide Statistically Valid Community Survey
The National Research Center (NRC) will lead the execution of the statistically valid survey that will
complement and supplement the qualitative data gained through the above methods.
Creating the Questionnaire and Survey Materials
Design Workshop and NRC will work with City staff to develop a questionnaire that covers the
objectives of the study. We recommend that the length of the questionnaire be only 3 pages. The
entire survey packet will also consist of a cover letter, preferably signed by the department
director or other visible elected official or staff member. This cover letter will be the first page of a
4-5-page survey booklet. In addition, a postage -paid reply envelope will be a part of the packet.
The City will conduct a pilot test of the survey by asking family members or friends not involved
with the project to take the survey and provide feedback on anything they find confusing or hard
to understand. We can make final modifications to the survey based on that feedback. The
survey will be approved by the parks department.
Selecting Survey Recipients
Generally, a statistically valid survey means that a random selection of the population of interest
(usually adults or households in the community) are chosen to participate in the survey. For most
of our surveys, we randomly choose households as recipients from the USPS Delivery Sequence
File. which includes nearly all households in a community. For a mailed survey, we assume the
response rate would be between 10% to 20%. statistically valid survey means that a random
selection of the population of interest (usually adults or households in the community) are chosen
to participate in the survey. For a mailed invitation to online survey, recipients would receive two
mailings: a postcard invitation and a follow-up letter invitation. Each invitation would include a URL
for the online survey. If the City is worried about recipients sharing the link and inviting special
interest groups to the survey, or trying to "stuff the ballot box" by completing the survey multiple
times, we can include a PIN on the mailing that the recipient must enter to complete the survey,
limiting the responses to one per household. We believe the likely response rate to this type of
survey is between 5% and 15%, resulting in 300 to 900 responses. The corresponding margins of
error would be ±5.7% to ±3.3%. Past surveys have overrepresented owner -occupied housing,
which is at 39% in Fayetteville, and more affluent citizens. Residents living in rental units, and
lower income residents will be over sampled to more closely represent the population.
*Note: In addition to oversampling census blocks, ways of reaching traditionally less involved or
those effected by the digital divide include:
• Hybrid option for mailing full print surveys to a select number of households
• Offer a city phone number for people to call with verbal responses
• Provide city staff selecting random sample addresses to follow up with via door-to-door
Administering the Survey
We are proposing to administer the survey online, but survey recipients would receive two
mailings: a postcard invitation and a follow-up letter invitation. Each invitation would include a
URL for the online survey. Additionally, recipients will also have the option of responding to a
printed survey if that is preferred. A PIN will be included on the mailing that the recipient must
DESIGN\\(►Itti�l H W / Favetteville Narks and Recrcatinn 7
Scope of Services for Fayetteville Park System Master Plan
Fayetteville, AR
enter to complete the survey, limiting the responses to one per household. We believe the likely
response rate to this type of survey is between 5% and 15%.
Data Analysis and Report Preparation
The first step in preparing the data for analysis is to weight the data to reflect the demographic
profile of the surveyed population. Weighting is an important method to adjust for potential non -
response bias. The methods used for weighting the survey will be reported in the results. In
general, residents with certain characteristics (for example: those who are younger or rent their
homes) are less likely to participate in surveying, whatever the data collection mode.
We will prepare the report in Microsoft® Word (as well as convert documents into a PDF format).
We will also include an executive summary that gives a quick overview of results while
highlighting key findings. The appendices will include crosstabs of the survey results by
respondent characteristics and technical details on the survey methodology. Drafts of the report
will be provided to the City for review and the final report will incorporate any comments we
receive. The draft and final survey results including cross tabs will be provided to the city, in
Microsoft® Word.
• Open Participation Survey
The City can offer the entire community the opportunity to participate in the survey using a
separate survey link. This would be the same survey, but a different URL so the results can be
reported separately. After the scientific survey has been mailed, the City can publicize a link to the
survey where any interested party can complete the survey. The final report will be based on the
scientific survey responses, but an appendix would include the full set of frequencies of responses
from the open participation survey as well as another appendix comparing the open participation
and scientific survey responses. This open participation survey would also be available in
1. Draft Survey Questions
2. Final Survey Questions
3. Open Participation Survey online
4. Mailed survey materials - one (1) draft and one (1) final
a. Postcard invitation and follow-up letter invitation
b. Formatted pdf for sending mailed survey for those who want paper
5. Survey report responses in Microsoft® Word and methodology
Task 2.4 Citywide Workshops: Values
To kick-off the project, we will work with City staff to identify up to two (2) locations across the city for
community workshops. If covid protocols require, these sessions will be held as webinars and will
utilize StoryMap software and online surveys. At the meetings or online, basic park and recreation
inventory and analysis information will be present for informing citizens of the park system's current
state. Our team of experienced facilitators from Design Workshop will lead in-depth discussions and
DESIGN\\( )lih�l R W / Fayette%ille Parks and Reereation 8
Scope of Services for Fayetteville Park System Master Plan
Fayetteville, AR
facilitated listening sessions with a broad cross-section of the community to ensure interactions help
lead to clear community direction and understanding. We will utilize instant feedback keypad polling to
quantitatively identify concepts that receive the most support. Polling will be based upon approved
questions and concepts. Following the presentation and keypad polling, the meeting will break into
small groups to review base maps and indicate locations of desired recreational parks, conservation
parks, amenities , and programs. Facilitated discussion of aspirations will aid the process in
understanding the various elements that citizens feel are important to a long-term vision.
We will gather input focusing on the following:
• Further develop an understanding of community values expanding upon those identified in the
Citywide Community Survey related to the locations of recreation, parks, and open space
• Assess community values towards existing and potential resources within the community and
region so these variables may be weighed in mapped form
• Identify trade-offs regarding resource conservation and recreation opportunities
• Recreational programs and special events
• Subsidy of parks and recreation services — Core Programs
The meeting presentation and materials will be formatted for inclusion on the City website and the
StoryMap presentation and the keypad polling questions will be made available on the City website
for those unable to attend the meeting to provide input. Park planning staff may engage in micro
public meetings to gather additional public feedback, particularly if needed in underrepresented
areas. Design Workshop will integrate the findings of these meetings with other gathered
1. Two (2) facilitated 2-hr. workshops or webinars
2. Announcement materials and advertisement plan
3. Meeting agendas
4. Proposed Questions and Concepts to be explored
5. Base maps, exhibits, and materials needed to provide and collect information at the workshop
6. Documentation of the meeting conclusions and outcomes
Task 2.5 Citywide Workshops: Draft Concepts and Recommendations
After synthesizing information gained in Values Workshops, surveys, and other information into
tangible draft concepts and directions, community input in these workshop meetings will be used to
capture community input on the prioritization of recommendations and refinement of the plan
concepts. The meetings will likely take place at the same two locations as the first round of community
meetings or again be an online webinar as covid protocols dictate. The potential sequence of
implementation for land acquisitions, development of parks, open space and recreation facilities along
with maintenance and renovation of parks, and recreation facilities will be refined based on community
and staff input. We will use prioritization exercises such as participatory budgeting, impact vs. urgency
DESIGNW il;htil It ►P / Favetteville Parks and Recreation 9
Scope of Services for Fayetteville Park System Master Plan
Fayetteville, AR
keypad questions and other strategies to understand and weigh the priorities of citizens. This will also
be an important meeting to share our findings on the feasibility, partnerships and trade-offs evaluation.
1. Two (2) facilitated 2-hr. workshops or webinars including additional time for prep and cleanup
2. Announcement materials and draft advertisement plan
3. Meeting agendas
4. Proposed Questions and Concepts to be explored
5. Base maps, exhibits, and materials needed to provide and collect information at the workshop
6. Meeting summary notes
7. Formatted meeting materials provided for addition on the City website
8. Documentation of the meeting conclusions and outcomes
PHASE III: Evaluation of Concepts and Development of Recommendations
Task 3.1 Park, Conservation Lands, and Recreation Program Strategies Development
Evaluation of the long-term sustainability of various strategies and recommendations will be conducted
within this step. Strategies focus areas will include, but not be limited to, Recreation Programs
operation and development, Maintenance operations and standards, Planning efforts, and protection of
Parks and Recreation Resources. Once evaluated through the stakeholder and public engagement
process, staff and board input, the recommendations and infrastructure renewal with associated capital
expenditures will be organized in a prioritization matrix based on community needs. Strategies will also
be scrutinized for buildability, sustainability, equitability, and for their ability to be implemented over a
ten-year planning cycle. Work will also be done to better define park types beyond just neighborhood,
community, regional, and conservation.
1. Draft Park types
2. Draft strategies narrative memo
3. Plan concepts and alternatives map exhibits
4. Recreational Program Strategies matrix
Task 3.2 Policy and Standards Recommendations
The evaluation of city policies, standards and the completed gap analysis will be utilized to prepare a
set of draft recommendations. A listing of a wide -range of potential approaches will be provided to vet
the feasibility based on the associated cost, political support, and community needs.
Draft policies and standards recommendations
Plan concepts and alternatives map exhibits
DESIGN\\c Hlk-�l I( W / FaNettev,ille Parks and Recreation 10
Scope of Services for Fayetteville Park System Master Plan
Fayetteville, AR
Task 3.3 Operations, Maintenance, and Staffing Plan
Building upon the work done in Task 1.5, 1.6, and 2.2, with a better understanding of the level of
services the peer cities are providing, what the national standards are, and what challenges
Fayetteville may be facing, our team member ETM Associates will update and/or establish operational
and staffing standards for the full operation of the system. This will include maintenance standards,
staffing levels needed for programs, technology requirements, customer service requirements and
administration based on established and agreed upon outcomes. The team will evaluate governance
of parks and functions in the overall structure with recommendations on how to operate in the most
effective functional and efficient manner. ETM Associates will conduct a work session with key
management staff on what they consider to be core essential services, important services,
maintenance challenges and concerns, and value-added services based on observations, individual
interviews, focus group interviews and operating practices. The focus will be on whom the services are
provided to, for what purpose, for what benefit, and for what cost.
Using a business -oriented approach with integration of industry best management practices, our team
partner ETM Associates will assess the feasibility of the realignment of staffing structures to create
more efficiency. This will help enhance the organizational infrastructure through a more efficient
design where appropriate that is functionally based.
1. Draft recommendations for maintenance standards, staffing levels, technology requirements,
customer service requirements and administration needs.
2. Functional Organizational Structure draft recommendations
Task 3.4 Financial Review / Fees and Charges Study
ETM Associates will perform analysis to document the financial situation of the service area and/or
business centers therein. The financial analysis will look at the annual operating budget, pricing policy,
user fees and historic annual revenues, current and other revenue generating opportunities, grant
opportunities, and the revenue forecast. This analysis will identify the financial situation of the service
area with three primary goals:
• Understand the financial dynamics to further advance the understanding of operations gained
through the work described above
• Seek opportunities to improve the financial sustainability of the Parks and Recreation
Department for the future including evaluating expenditures and increasing current and new
sources of revenue
DESIGW ( )Il k -I i( W
Scope of Services for Fayetteville Park System Master Plan
Fayetteville, AR
We will also review current financial policies. This review will include comparison of current
policies with national standards of best practice agencies. The consulting team will recommend
cost recovery goals, policies, and adjustments to current policies where enhancements may be
needed, or gaps are identified.
Finance Review Summary Document
Fees and Charges Summary Document
Task 3.5 Funding Strategies / Partnerships Study
Additional funding recommendations will be developed based in part of our review and analysis of the
City and Department, as well as the national experience brought by the consulting team. Our team has
identified a variety of methods on past work that can potentially be applied to Fayetteville. These
strategies include:
• Fees and charges
• Endowments/ Non-profit agencies
• Grants from national agencies and private sources
• Sponsorships
• Partnerships
• Dedicated sales or property tax
• Dedicated funding sources
1. Funding Strategies Draft Recommendations Memorandum
Task 3.6 Delivery Evaluation and Recommendations
ETM Associates will analyze the operations and methods used to deliver existing services. This
process will involve staff interviews, observations of procedures, user interviews, and a review of
promotional materials and methods. The analysis will include an evaluation of the customer interface
aspect of service delivery, identifying the elements that are critical to success and barriers to customer
participation and satisfaction. Interviews will be conducted in person or online as covid protocols
1. Delivery Evaluation Memorandum
DESIGN\\( )l;htil 1( W / FaNette,ille Parks and Recreation 12
Scope of Services for Fayetteville Park System Master Plan
Fayetteville, AR
PHASE IV: Plan Documentation and Ad
Task 4.1 Department Vision, Mission, and Goals/Objectives
The supporting vision and mission statements will be affirmed or developed with senior Department
staff in a work session. Following this effort, goals/objectives and policies will be established and
prioritized. A status briefing will be presented to gain input and consensus on direction. A Strategy
Matrix will serve as the detailed action plan and implementation tool with goals, objectives, strategies,
actions, priorities/timelines, and teams.
1. Strategy Matrix
2. Draft Statement Summary and Presentation
3. Final Vision and Mission Statements
Task 4.2 Prioritized Facility and Program Priority Rankings
Prioritized facility rankings and program priority rankings will be prepared as separate elements of the
final plan. Our team will synthesize the findings from the community input, survey results, standards,
demographics and trends analysis, park and facility assessment, recreation services assessment, the
service area mapping, into quantified facility and program priority rankings. These priority lists will be
compared against gaps or surplus in recreation services, parks, facilities and amenities, as well as the
City's existing project plan for basic replacement and minor new facilities. Rankings will also be
scrutinized for buildability and sustainability.
This will list and prioritize facility, infrastructure, amenities, and program needs for the parks and
recreation system and provide guidance for the Capital Improvement Plan. The analysis will include
probable future parks including park type, recreation facilities, recreation centers, open spaces and
needs based on community input, as well as state and national user figures and trends. Also, a set of
prioritized recommendations for maintenance and renovation of parks, and recreation facilities will be
developed. The plan will take into consideration a ten-year implementation timeframe. We will conduct
a work session with City staff to review the findings and make revisions as necessary.
Draft near -term, mid-term, and long-term facility investment prioritization list
Draft near -term, mid-term, and long-term program investment prioritization list
List of all possibilities studied. (Some of this list can be on a ten+ year list)
Implementation Strategies, broad prioritized timeline, and Responsibilities Matrix
DESIGN\\( )Rh,-1 It W / Favetteville Parks and Recreatio)u 13
Scope of Services for Fayetteville Park System Master Plan
Fayetteville, AR
Task 4.3 Draft Parks System Master Plan Document
The preferred recommendations and plan concepts will be documented with funding priorities identified.
This document will be easy to navigate and graphically rich to explain the concepts. Documentation will
include the preparation of a Master Plan document, appendixes, and illustrative map and image
1. 75% complete Master Plan Draft document in pdf web and print format
2. Comment log spreadsheet template for city staff input
3. Support charts, graphs, and maps
Task 4.4 Plan Review and Document Completion
In addition to a public review of the draft plan online, the draft plan will be presented to the Parks &
Recreation Advisory Board and City Council using the same presentation materials. Based upon input
received from the public and staff review process, the plan will be refined and revised. Council and Park
and Recreation Board updates will be in -person or online as covid protocols dictate.
1. Presentation power point
2. One (1) City Council briefing by two members of the project team
3. One (1) Parks and Recreation Board briefing by two members of the project team
4. Comment log spreadsheet template for city staff input
5. 80% complete draft plan document formatted for the project website with comment prompts
Task 4.5 Final Document Creation and Adoption
Comments received from the City Council, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, other review
agencies, and online sources will be documented and evaluated with City Staff to determine the
alterations needed to finalize the draft plan. The final plan will be produced with comments
incorporated. One final presentation will be given to the City Council for adoption — either in person or
online as covid protocols dictate.
1 . Response to comments spreadsheet
2. Park System Strategic Plan document, Executive Summary, one printed and bound color copy
and electronic copy in a format compatible with the city's software.
3. All images formatted as stand -along jpeg files.
4. Final Plan Map files in GIS ESRI ArcView format
5. One (1) adoption hearing presentation with City Council by one member of the consultant team
DESIGN\\( )l;h�l h W / Favette%ille Parks and Recreation 14
Scope of Services for Fayetteville Park System Master Plan
Fayetteville, AR
Client shall provide the following information or services as required for performance of its services. Design
Workshop assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of such information or services provided by Client and
shall not be liable for errors or omissions therein. Should Design Workshop be required to provide services
in obtaining or coordinating compilation of this information, such services shall be billed as Additional
In order to begin services, we will require the following information:
1. All relevant existing plans and studies
2. All available GIS data managed by the City of Fayetteville
Design Workshop typically organizes projects in a team format with key responsibilities divided between the
Principal -in -Charge and Project Manager. The key team members for your project are listed below:
Principal -in -Charge — Anna Laybourn
Anna will serve as Principal -in -Charge of the Fayetteville Park System Master Plan project and will have
primary responsibility for the overall content and quality of the services performed by Design Workshop and
our consultant team.
Project Manager — Alison Cotey-Bourquin
Alison will serve as the Project Manager for the Fayetteville Park System Master Plan project and will also
be responsible for leading the planning and design efforts associated with the work. Her responsibilities will
include the coordination of Design Workshop's in-house planning team as well as regular communication
and coordination with all members of the Design Workshop's consultant team.
Parks Planner— Kurt Culbertson
Kurt will serve as Park Planner for the Fayetteville Park System Master Plan project and in this role will
review Design Workshop's deliverables for quality management and serve as an internal technical resource
to the planning team.
Principal ETM— Tim Marshall
Tim will have primary responsibility for the overall content and quality of ETMs assessment of operations,
maintenance, and organizational structure evaluation and recommendations.
ETM Landscape Designer- Desiree Liu
Desiree will provide research and analysis services to support the creation of ETMs deliverables and
DESIGN\\OIth�l It W / Fayetteville Parks and Recreati+mn 15
Scope of Services for Fayetteville Park System Master Plan
Fayetteville, AR
Design Workshop is prepared to begin services immediately upon receipt of a signed copy of this proposal
from an authorized owner's representative. At this time, it is understood that the project will follow the attached
generalized schedule that begins no earlier than October 2020 and ends approximately 12 months after notice
to proceed. It is to be noted that the City is engaged in an unusual wide variety and amount of planning tasks
and that allowance for delays beyond the attached schedule may be needed.
1. Basic services
Compensation to Design Workshop for the services described herein and in accordance with the
conditions of this agreement shall be for a not to exceed lump sum fee of $157,279 plus
reimbursable expenses for a not to exceed cost of $185,739.
The estimated fees are as follows:
Phase One Establish a Foundation of Understanding $ 42,634
Phase Two Create a Shared Vision $ 38,697
Phase Three Evaluation of Concepts and $ 43,364
Development of Recommendations
Phase Four Plan Documentation and Adoption $ 32,584
Total Professional Fees (labor only) $157,279
Reimbursable Expenses $ 28,460
Reimbursable Expenses are in addition to compensation for Basic Services. Reimbursable
expenses incurred by Design Workshop and consultants directly related to the project such as, but
not limited to, travel, photography, telephone charges, video conference charges, and printing
expenses shall be billed at Design Workshop's cost plus fifteen percent (15%). Consultants are to
use good judgment in spending tax payer funds and incurring expenses. Receipts are to be
provided. Expenses are not to exceed $28,460 without written authorization.
Services in addition to those described above are to be compensated on a Time and Materials
basis per Design Workshop's current published rate schedule. Additional services will include (but
are not limited to) redesign of previously approved work, major revisions to program and/or
expansion of scope of services. Changes, additions, or modifications to the scope of services shall
be authorized by written change request; however, the absence of such a written change order
shall not act as a bar to payment of fees due Design Workshop, provided the change was in fact
approved and ordered by the Client.
DESIGN\\( WI'k-1 It W / Favetterille Parks and Recreati+)n 16
Scope of Services for Fayetteville Park System Master Plan
Fayetteville, AR
1. This is a lump sum contract and will be billed monthly as a percentage completed for each phase
of the work.
2. Invoices will be mailed from Design Workshop's office by the 10th of each month. Invoices are
payable within 30 days of the date of billing unless disputed. Only disputed amounts of an invoice
will be held. Invoicing shall be specific to each major task and will describe the completed portion
of work and percent of the services.
3. Extensive itemized breakdowns of hourly activities or provision of detailed backup for reimbursed
expenses for accounting purposes are not a normal procedure; however, at the Client's request,
Design Workshop will provide this service at an hourly rate of $65 (sixty-five dollars) per hour.
4. The city prefers electronic invoices.
These Contract documents constitute the entire agreement between the City of Fayetteville and Design
Workshop and may be modified only by a duly executed written instrument signed by the City of Fayetteville
and Design Workshop.
A. Indemnification: Design Workshop agrees to hold the City of Fayetteville harmless and indemnify the
City of Fayetteville, against costs for property damage, personal injury or death, to the extent caused by
Design Workshop's negligent performance of this contract. This clause shall not in any form or manner be
construed to waive that tort immunity set forth under Arkansas Law.
B. Suspension or Termination of Services: City of Fayetteville or Design Workshop shall have the
right to terminate this agreement at any time upon thirty (30) days advance written notice to the
other party of its intention to terminate.
C. Laws and Regulations: Design Workshop is directed to the fact that all applicable
Federal and state laws, municipal ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all authorities
having jurisdiction over the services shall apply to the contract throughout, and they will be
deemed to be included in the contract as though written out in full herein. Design Workshop shall furnish
proof of licensure as required by all local and state agencies.
D. Assignments: Design Workshop shall not assign the whole or any part of this contract other than what is
outlined in this scope of services without written consent of City of Fayetteville. The City hereby
acknowledges the following sub -consultants:
ETM Associates
National Research Council
E. Insurance: Design Workshop shall furnish a certificate of insurance addressed to the City of Fayetteville
within ten (10) calendar days after contract finalization, presenting insurance which shall be maintained
throughout the term of the Contract. Design Workshop shall require subcontractors to provide similar
insurance. In case any employee engaged in work on the project under this contract that is not protected
under Worker's Compensation Insurance, Design Workshop shall provide and shall cause each
DESIGN\\( )HK-1 H W / FaNette-ville Parks and Recreati,mn 17
Scope of Services for Fayetteville Park System Master Plan
Fayetteville, AR
Subcontractor to provide adequate employer's liability insurance for the protection of such of their
employees as are not otherwise protected. Worker's Compensation coverage shall be applicable with state
F. Payments: if Design Workshop has made application for payment as above, the project manager will
Issue a request for payment to the accounting department for such amount as is determined to be
properly due, or state in writing the itemized and specific reasons for withholding a payment. The
City intends to pay accepted invoice within thirty (30) calendar days. No payment shall constitute
an acceptance of any services not in accordance with the contract documents.
I. Final Payment: upon receipt of written notice from Design Workshop that all contracted
services are complete, the project manager will, within a reasonable time, review all
services and reports. If the project manager finds the services and reports of Design Workshop complete
and acceptable in accordance with the provisions of the contract
documents, s/he shall, within a reasonable time, process a pay request so that final
payment can be made. The acceptance of final payment shall constitute a waiver of all
claims by Design Workshop except those previously made in writing and still unsettled.
G. Freedom of Information Act: City of Fayetteville contracts and documents prepared while
performing city contractual work are subject to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act. If a
Freedom of Information Act request is presented to the City of Fayetteville, Design Workshop and its
partners will do everything possible to provide the documents in a prompt and timely manner as prescribed
in the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (a.c.a. 25-19-101 et. Seq.). Only legally authorized
photo coping costs pursuant to the FOIA may be assessed for this compliance.
H. Changes in Scope or Price: Changes, modifications, or amendments in scope, price or fees to this
Contract shall not be allowed without a prior formal contract amendment approved by the
Mayor and the city council in advance of the change in scope, cost or fees.
I. Applicable Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accord with the laws of the State
of Arkansas. Venue for all legal disputes shall be Washington County, Arkansas
J. Independent Contractor: Design Workshop is an independent contractor of the City and shall maintain
complete responsibility for applicable state or federal law on unemployment insurance, withholding taxes,
social security, or other industrial, labor or discrimination law for its employees. Design Workshop is
responsible for its agents, methods and operations.
K. Professional Responsibility: Design Workshop shall exercise reasonable skill, care, and diligence in
the performance of services and will carry out its responsibilities in accordance with customarily accepted
professional practices.
1. This Agreement is entered into between Design Workshop, Inc. and the City of Fayetteville,
Arkansas on the date written below.
2. If this contract meets with your approval, please sign below and return one (1) copy for our file.
DESIGNW WK,-I H W / Fayetteville Parks and Recreation 18
Scope of Services for Fayetteville Park System Master Plan
Fayetteville, AR
3. If this agreement is not accepted within two (2) months from the date of receipt, the offer to perform
the described services may be withdrawn and Design Workshop may renegotiate this proposal.
4. Both parties agree that they have read and understood the Contract Provisions included in this
By: a" Anna Laybourn Date: 10/30/2020
Title: Principal
Attest: Kurt Culbertson
Business Address:120 E Main Street, Aspen, CO 81611
Lio el Jor n, or \��
\y.•• G1TY pc•9�'
Business Address: 113 W. Mountain, FayettevVe, V 72701 LLE :
DESIGN\\()I;h�l 1OI'/ Fayetteville Parks and Recreation 19
Fayetteville Park System Strategic Plan - Project Timeline
Task 1.1: Project Startup
Task 1.2: Inventory and Analysis of Service Areas
Task 1.3: Data Collection, Plan Review, Standards and Policy Analysis
Task 1.4: Demographic Analyses and Recreation Trends Research
Task 1.5: Park Classifications and Level of Service Analysis
Task 1.6: Program Services Inventory and Assessment
Task 1.7: Comparable Community Benchmarking Study
Task 1.8: Progress Reporting and Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meetings
Task 2.1: Public Engagement and Communication Plan
Task 2.2: Focus Groups and Stakeholder Interviews
Task 2.3: Citywide Statistically Valid Community Survey
Task 2.4: Citywide Workshops: Values
Task 2.5: Citywide Workshops: Draft Concepts and Recommendations
Task 3.1: Park, Open Lands, and Recreation Program Strategies Development
Task 3.2: Policy and Standards Recommendations
Task 3.3: Operations, Maintenance, and Staffing Plan
Task 3.4: Financial Review / Fees and Charges Study
Task 3.5: Funding Strategies / Partnerships Study
Task 3.6: Delivery Evaluation and Recommendations
Task 4.1: Department Vision, Mission, and Goals/Objectives
Task 4.2: Prioritized Facility and Program Priority Rankings
Task 4.3: Draft Parks System Strategic Plan
Task 4.4: Plan Review and Document Completion
Task 4.5: Final Document Creation and Adoption
Meetings Legend A Public Workshop
0 Parks Board Meeting
■ City Council Meeting
r -i DW Team in Fayetteville if public
health orders allow
�• �w � . Al y f�• �J' _ e Y
ton -:
Firm Profile - 1
Project Team 3
Project Experience 11 :
Project Approach 17
Work Plan 23
Schedule & Fees 33
Site Photo Fayetteville, AR __
Design Workshop, Inc.
April 24, 2019
Lardscape Architecture
City of Fayetteville, AR
Urban Desigr
Purchasing Division, Room 306
Strategic Services
113 W. Mountain Street
Fayetteville, AR 72701
1390 Lavvrerce Stre
Suite 100 Executive Summary
Derver, CO 80204
303.623.5186 Dear Mr. McGaugh and members of the Selection Committee,
designworkshop.com What a moment this is for the City of Fayetteville. With so many ambitious plans for key institutions
and places underway-- the Cultural Arts Corridor, Kessler Mountain Regional Park, Centennial Park
at Millsap Mountain, and Gully Park, to name a few-- the master planning process for your parks
and recreation system holds tremendous consequence and promise. Having served as the John
G. Williams Distinguished Professor at the University of Arkansas School of Architecture ten years
ago, I've been able to gain some perspective on Fayetteville's continuing evolution as a city. Through
your recent engagement efforts residents have expressed that active living, access to nature, and
recreational programs are true priorities which tells us something about the future of Fayetteville and
its identity. Our team has been inspired to see the ambitious and forward -thinking planning processes
that you've created take shape, and we are excited by the opportunity to help you build on the City's
current momentum.
Design Workshop is a firm that works across all scales of design to create memorable, equitable,
and resilient urban experiences, and we see the future of Fayetteville's parks in a very similar way.
There is no doubt to us that if planned correctly, the Department of Parks and Recreation can use the
City's parks and recreation amenities and facilities to improve connections to adjacent neighborhoods,
restore and enhance program spaces, strengthen partnerships, leverage natural and cultural assets
in new ways, improve health outcomes, create sustainable business models, and ultimately craft a
vision that will excite both residents and your increasing number of visitors.
At the same time, the complexities of the project are equally evident with the challenges surrounding
access, operations, equity, and funding. Public engagement will be instrumental in ensuring the
master plan addresses these issues and we are a firm distinguished by our rigor in how we integrate
community voices into the planning process. Also paramount to the success of this project will be
selecting a planning team that not only brings a sensitivity to the issues and needs of Fayetteville,
but exceptional breadth of experience advising other parks and recreation systems agencies
beyond Fayetteville. Our team combines in-depth local knowledge, a track record of working
with communities and stakeholders to find consensus, and the national experience that a city like
Fayetteville requires. We are currently working on several park master planning initiatives in other
cities that share similar challenges to yours, and we are fortunate to have a team of local and national
partners including ETM Associates, Alta Planning + Design, and National Research Center (NRC),
who truly complement our capacity and with whom we have worked on other Parks and Recreation
Master Plans for many years.
The following illustrates the key themes which we believe will lead to a successful project:
It is critical that we first understand and leverage the work you have already done through the
"Imagine Tomorrow's Parks" program, and the variety of other recent and ongoing planning initiatives
in the city which impact the park system including the City Plan 2040 Plan, the Active Transportation
Plan, the Cultural Arts Corridor, the Fayetteville Mobility Plan, the Welcoming Fayetteville Plan, and
the Digital Inclusion Plan. Additionally, we need to understand and leverage the social infrastructure
Debbratinq F7ty Years of Legacy Design"'
Design Workshop, Inc.
already in place through programs such as Speak Up Fayetteville that we can build on to ensure a
Landscape FrcNtecture
community led process.
Urban Design
Strategic Services
Everywhere we work, we design our engagement efforts to overcome often longstanding equity
1390 Lawrerce street
gaps, barriers to access, and a community's natural desire to take ownership of the planning
Suite ice
process. For each project, we create a tailored community and stakeholder engagement plan
Denver, CC 302C4
Denver, C 8
that is inclusive, transparent, creative, and highly visible throughout the city from the beginning
project through adoption of the plan. We will stage engagement events in existing parks and
public spaces in Fayetteville that are already accessible and familiar to community members, and
dispersed across the city to aid in participation. We will work hard to understand the composition
of Fayetteville's underserved populations and bring the planning process to them. We will
combine online and physical engagement strategies that are interactive, fun, and build community
capacity. We will analyze what is heard to ensure we are reaching a representative segment of
the population, and adjust our outreach if needed. And finally, we will develop plan concepts and
recommendations tied directly to the input we receive and our analysis to ensure we address the
city's core needs.
Performance metrics drive our practice at Design Workshop, and through a culture that integrates
performance into every project we tackle, we have established ourselves as a national leader in
performance -based planning and design. We have been involved with the United States Green
Building Council LEED and Sustainable Sites rating systems since their inception, designing some
of the first pilot projects for both of those programs. In addition, our firm has completed a dozen
case studies for the Landscape Architecture Foundation's Landscape Performance Series, far more
than any other firm in the United States. These studies demonstrate the performance of a wide
range of designed landscapes and urban environments across environmental, economic, aesthetic,
and community criteria. These are the kind of measurable outcomes that we intend to bring to
the development of Fayetteville's Park System Strategic Plan. Such metrics will allow Fayetteville
to not only monitor the success of its efforts over time but build consensus more easily among
community stakeholders and the general public.
Our team will be anchored by core staff working from our Austin, Texas, office which shares an
ethic with Fayetteville toward active living, nature tourism, biking culture, and abundant recreational
amenities. Moreover, many of us on the team have visited Fayetteville for its beauty of access to
its outdoors. As a native of Shreveport, I was fortunate to become acquainted with Northwest
Arkansas as a child, and as already mentioned, in 2008 1 was honored to serve as the John G.
Williams Distinguished Professor at the University of Arkansas School of Architecture leading
fourth -year landscape architecture studios and launching the school's distinguished lecture series
titled "Beyond Green: Toward Social Justice and Equity Through Design". We have also worked
in Arkansas on other assignments and within the broader region in Missouri, Louisiana, Kansas,
Kentucky and Texas. Most recently, we are proud to have been selected by the Walton Family
Foundation for the Northwest Arkansas Design Excellence Program.
5SIGNN t)Rk-I10P
Celtbratitg Uty Years of Legacy Desgn"
At Design Workshop, we truly believe the most successful parks and recreation systems are those
that are sustainable and achieve a balance of art, environment, economics, and community by
incorporating the voice and vision of the City. This year will mark fifty years that we have striven to
achieve this balance in our work, and with its context, we believe Fayetteville would truly benefit
from our experience and approach toward the master planning and strategic planning of its park
Thank you for this opportunity, and we look forward to sharing more of our ideas and strategies.
I can be reached at 970-948-5557 or kculbertson@designworkshop.com should you have any
questions about our qualifications.
Kurt Culbertson
Park System Planning Experience
South Suburban Strategic
and Master Plan
Centennial, CO - $200k
Client Info:
Rob Hanna
Our team offers unparalleled expertise in park
programming, facilitating, transparent public processes,
engaging a diverse range of community park users
(and age groups), planning and design. We understand
that every park is a gift for both the present and future
population. We approach each of our projects by
understanding not only the capital costs and budget,
but also short-term and long-term operations and
maintenance needs.
The Design Workshop team worked with South Suburban Parks and
Recreation to develop a 10-year strategic and master plan for the District.
Design Workshop (Prime): Parks & Recreation Master Planning, GIS
Analysis, Graphic Design, Community Engagement
ETM: Strategic Planning,Organization & Management Analysis &
NRS: Statistically Valid Survey
Vancouver Parks and Design Workshop is leading a multi -national team to help the
Recreation Master Plan Vancouver Park Board achieve its vision to "be a leader in parks and
recreation services by connecting people to green space, active
Vancouver, BC - $350k living and community."
Client Info:
Dave Hutch
dave. hutch @vancouver.ca
Midtown Parks and
Strategic Plan
Houston, TX - $370k
Client Info:
Matt Thibodeaux
Colorado Springs Parks
Master Plan
Colorado Springs, CO - $184k
Client Info:
Karen Palus
Design Workshop (Prime): Park Planning, Sustainable Development,
Landscape Architecture, Public Facilitation And Outreach, Urban Design
ETM: Strategic Planning,Organization & Management Analysis &
The design team's approach for the Midtown Parks and Open Space Plan
focused on creating a walkable network of parks that was responsive to
the program needs of growing population and demographics in Midtown,
while providing the largest return on investment for the Tax Increment
Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ).
Design Workshop (Prime): Park and Open Space Master Planning,
Landscape Architecture, Public Outreach
The Design Workshop team worked to create a vision reflecting
anticipated demographic changes and population increases.
Design Workshop (Prime): Public and Private Parks, Open Space and Trails
Planning; Recreation, Outdoor Activity and Education Programming; Facilitation
ETM: Funding, Operations and Management Planning; Implementation
and Action Plan;
NRS: Public Survey, Park Survey
Park System Planning Experience
Additional Recent Similar Project Experience
Design Workshop
Greensboro Parks and
East Lampeter, PA
Boston, MA Charlesgate
Recreation Comprehensive
Comprehensive Recreation,
Buda Parks &Trails Master
Maintenance Management
Park, Open Space, and
Greenways Plan
Sherburne County, MN Park,
Placer County Parks & Trails
Trail and Active Living Plan for
Master Plan
Alta Planning
Wake Co., NC Greenway
Sherburne County
System Plan Amendment 3
Boulder ace Open S Master
p P
Raleigh NC Parks and Rec
Clemson, SC Green Crescent
Update 2014
Beaverton, OR THPRD Parks
Trail Network Feasibility Study
Oxnard Parks & Recreation
Evansville, IN Parks &
Functional Plan Update
Riverside County, CA Trails
Master Plan
Recreation Master Plan
Jefferson Co, CO Open Space
Master Plan
El Monte Parks & Recreation
Vision to Action Strategic Plan
Master Plan
Johnston County NC Parks
Chatham County, NC
and Rec Plan
Oregon Signature Trails Vision
Greenway Master Plan for
San Ramon Parks, Trails and
Chatham Park
Open Space Master Plan
Van Buren, AR Parks &
Louisville, KY Natural Surface
Recreation Master Plan
Pak Trail Plan
Sarasota County FL Trails Plan
Nampa, ID Deer Flat National
Palmetto, SC Trail Statewide
Cobb County, GA
Refuge Regional Bicycle and
Master Plan
Greenway+Trails Master Plan
Green Valley, AZ Community
Pedestrian Plan
Survey and Member Survey
Bend Park and Recreation OR
Big Sky, MT Master Trails
NW Arkansas Open Space
- Deschutes River Trail
Incline Village General
Master Plan
Improvement District
Bella Vista Trail & Greenways
Ashland Parks & Recreation
Community Services Plan
Metro OR Park System and
Master Plan
Trails Plan
Genesee -Finger Lakes, NY
Western NY Greenways
Fort Collins Natural Areas
Wake County, NC Wake
Regional Trails Initiative
Vision Plan
Resident Survey
County Park Facilities Master
Auburn, AL Greenway Master
City of Redding, CA Parks
Hillsboro, OR Trails Master
Plan Update
and Recreation Department
Newton NC Parks and
Plan / Rock Creek Trail
Community Survey
Recreation Master Plan
Alignment Study
Davie, FL Trails Plan
Spokane, WA Mica Peak
Greater Yellowstone Trail
Guelph ON Guelph Trails
Nonmotorized Recreation Plan
Concept Plan
Master Plan Update
Bentonville Parks and
Recreation Master Plan
Easley, SC Parks & Rec
Memphis, TN Wolf River
Master Plan Update
Outdoor Downtown Denver
Master Plan
Las Vegas, NV Open Spaces
Red Hook, NY Trail Master
Oxnard Parks and Recreation
Master Plan (ongoing)
Charleston County SC
Seattle, WA Trails Upgrade
Greenbelt Plan Update
Greensboro Parks and
Recreation Comprehensive
Jamestown, TN Parks,
Castaic, CA Multi -Use Trails
Master Plan
Recreation and Greenway
Comprehensive Planning
Project Team
Team Structure
City of Fayetteville
LW�-imik I
Design Workshop
Eric Leshinsky, Project Manager
Kurt Culbertson, Principal In Charge
Anna Laybourn, Senior Planner
Conners Ladner, Landscape Architect
Community &
Key Stakeholders
ETM Associates, Operations + Maintenance
Tsz Ting Liu, Operations + Maintenance Specialist
NRC, Public Survey
Erin Caldwell, Public Survey Specialist
Alta Planning, Trails+Accessibility
Daniel Ashworth, Trails + Accessibility Specialist
The Recreation Program Analysis and Plan
component of the project scope will be led
by Design Workshop Project Manager Eric
Leshinsky in coordination Principal -in -Charge
Kurt Culbertson and other Design Workshop
core staff, as well as Tsz Ting Liu from ETM
The Fees and Charges Study component of the
project scope will be led by Tsz Ting Liu from
ETM Associates in coordination with Project
Manager Eric Leshinsky and Principal -in -Charge
Kurt Culbertson.
Information regarding the qualifications of
these team members can be found on their
respective resumes.
-. •► Fay;
PhD, Edinburgh College Art
Kurt Culbertson
Master of Business Administration
in Real Estate, Southern Methodist
Kurt is a recognized leader in the field of evidence -based design and the
Bachelor of Landscape
application of metrics and performance measures to planning and design
Architecture, Louisiana State
projects. This cutting edge approach which addresses not only environmental
performance but the community, economic and cultural performance of the
Licensure and Certifications
built environment, has earned notable recognition and accolades from the
Licensed Landscape Architect:
American Planning Association, Urban Land Institute and the American Society
Alabama, Colorado, Louisiana,
of Landscape Architects. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Landscape
Nebraska, New Mexico, South
Architects, the American Institute of Certified Planners, and the Forum for
Carolina, Virginia
Urban Design. In 2016, he was awarded the ASLA Medal, the society's highest
honor, for lifetime achievements in the profession.
Ar7nerican Institute of Certified
CDT Certification
Selected Project Experience
Oxnard Park & Recreation Master Plan - Oxnard, CA
Kurt guided the City of Oxnard in planning parks, recreational facilities and
Professional Affiliations
beaches over the next 20 years. The plan will be a visionary document and
American Society of Landscape
a practical guide grounded in the diverse interests and needs of the local
Fellow American Planning
Vancouver Parks & Recreation Master Plan - Vancouver, BC
The Master Plan will envision parks and recreation services that offer equity,
Fellow National Trust for Historic
reduce barriers, and provide excellent experiences for the public within the
constraints of population growth, changing demographics and increasing land/
Urban Land Institute development costs.
University Development & Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center - Austin, TX
Innovation Council The University of Texas at Austin Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center initiated
Forum for Urban Design a Gateway Master Plan. The plan will envision a new physical framework to help
Fellow World Presidents' the Center accomodate Austin's growing population.
Organization Story Mill Community Park - Bozeman, MT
Design Workshop partnered with The Trust for Public Land to design a 55
acre park adjoining the historic Story Mill in Bozeman, Montana, creating
a community gathering area rich in wildlife habitat and active recreation
.5 i1 r1Y t'S
Education Eric Leshinsky
Master of Architecture, Rice University
Bachelor of Arts, Political Science & PROJECT MANAGER, LEEDO AP, SITESO AP
Economics, Columbia University
Licensure and Certifications
LEED Accredited Professional, 2008
SITES Accredited Professional, 2017
Professional Affiliations
ULI Austin, Master Planned
Communities Council
Ecology Action, Board Member
Recent Speaking Engagements
2019 Texas Land Trust Council
Conference "Conservation Urbanism"
2019 APA Texas Conference
"Engagement in Broad Spectrum:
Reaching the Underserved"
2017 ASLA Texas Conference
"Coastal Heritage Preserve: Restore
and Activate an Extraordinary
2017 Association for Community
Design Conference "Designing for
Ecological Literacy"
2016 Texas APA Conference "Planning
for a Low Impact World"
2016 ASLA Texas Conference
"Galveston's Coastal Heritage
Preserve: Perspectives on Ecosystem
Design and Place -making"
Eric is a planner and urban designer who focuses on master plans for parks,
trails, and communities involving significant public realm investment. With a
background in both architecture and conservation, Eric brings a diverse skillset
grounded in an appreciation for place, community -based design process, and an
ability to work between disciplines on complex projects. He maintains an active
interest in cultural landscapes, place -making, and regional ecological issues, and
often seeks out opportunities for projects that can help re -frame the relationship
between cities and their natural and cultural heritage. His career began with
the Trust for Public Land where he organized campaigns to protect valuable
natural resources and historic sites, or promoted unique development scenarios,
in a variety of sensitive contexts. He has worked closely with clients ranging
from stewardship organizations to communities to municipalities to private
developers, and holds a great understanding of how communities can better
leverage their natural features and cultural resources.
Selected Project Experience
Park -Smart Precinct 1 Plan — Harris County, Texas*
Eric served as project manager for this ambitious equity -driven parks and trails
master plan focusing on the most underserved communities of metropolitan
Houston. The project included a robust civic engagement effort and analysis of
existing park system for a population of over one million residents.
Landa Park & Arboretum Master Plan — New Braunfels, Texas*
Eric served as the project manager for the first master plan in the 80 year
history of this beloved park that serves as the civic heart of New Braunfels.
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center — Austin, Texas
Eric is serving as a planner on the team for the Strategic Framework Master
Plan project currently underway at the LBJ Wildflower Center where his work
has focused on the stakeholder engagement process.
Lower Richland Tourism Plan — Columbia, South Carolina*
Eric was the project manager for a tourism plan that provided a framework
*previous firm experience for Lower Richland County to leverage its natural and cultural resources,
particularlyits proximity to Congaree National Park, for greater economic benefit.
Master of Urban and Regional
Planning, Ohio State University
Bachelor of Science in Environmental
Design, University of Minnesota
Accreditations I Certifications
The Effective Facilitator
National Charrette Institute
American Institute of Certified
Professional Affiliations
American Planning Association
Selected Honors
2017 APA Small Town Rural Areas
Honor Award, Carbondale Parks Plan
2016 APA Colorado Honor Award for
General Planning: Colorado Springs
Park System Master Plan
2015 Award of Excellence for a
Comprehensive Plan: Adams County
Open Space, Parks and Trails Master
Plan. APA County Planning Division
2014 Award of Excellence in Research
ASLA: Finding Connections to the
Outdoors for Youth Families in Larimer
Anna Laybourn
Anna takes a holistic view for integrated thinking for parks, recreation, trails,
and open space conservation planning informed by her background in City and
Regional Planning and natural resources management. She seeks a profound
understanding of the people that she plans for and takes a special interest in
engaging the public in innovative planning and design process. Anna has served
as the lead on a variety of Master Plans for parks, recreation, open space, and
trails projects. Some of the topics she has helped communities strategically
address are: community health and wellness, infusing nature in the city, local
food systems, drought tolerant parks, funding sources and sustainable finance,
regional trail connectivity, innovative youth outdoor programming, special events
and festival planning, volunteering, visitor services, parks and open space tax
voter support, mountain recreation opportunities, and more.
Selected Project Experience
Colorado Springs Parks & Rec Master Plan — Colorado Springs, CO
The plan includes recommendations for improvements and expansion of the
current system including capturing tourism opportunities, proposing new events
and programs, funding source options, and recreation program provisions.
South Suburban Parks & Rec Master Plan — Centennial, CO
The team worked to develop a 10-year strategic and master plan for the District.
To date, DW has facilitated focus group meetings and workshops with over 150
stakeholders to determine the community's priorities.
Adams County Parks & Trails Master Plan — Adams County, CO
2012 The Pierre L'Enfant International Led the planning process to create a county -wide plan for natural resource
Planning Award: Petra Region preservation, outdoor recreation, nature education, wildlife habitat protection,
Conservation and Tourism Plan: farmland conservation, trail networks and land acquisition.
2011 Excellence Award - Sustainability Arvada Parks, Trails, & Open Space Master Plan — Arvada, CO
APA Colorado: Douglas County Open The team analyzed future parks and programming needs as the community
Space Priorities Plan approaches build -out along its western edge, eastern infill development near
Olde Town, and along three commuter rail stations.
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture,
Conners Ladner
Louisiana State University
Accreditations ( Certifications
Licensed Landscape Architect: Texas
Conners Ladner is a professional Landscape Architect in the Austin office
of Design Workshop. Prior to joining DW Austin in 2013, Conners spent 3
Selected Honors
years designing parks at the Brooklyn based firm Michael Van Valkenburgh
2014 Award of Excellence for Houston
Associates. As project manager and lead designer, Conners has received
Arboretum & Nature Center, Texas
multiple national and state awards in the realm of nature centers, parks,
open space and public environments. Most recently, Conners has served as
Honor Award for Houston
project manager for the master planning and construction documentation
Arboretum &Nature Center, Planning
of the Houston Arboretum & Nature Center. Through research, analysis and
and Analysis National ASLA
communication, he strives to formulate a creative design response to parallel
2014 Award of Excellence in Active
the inherent beauty of each site.
Design for Blue Hole Regional Park,
Center for Active Design
Selected Project Experience
Moncus Park Master Plan and Design — Lafayette, LA
Working with thousands of stakeholders, the Park capitalizes on the unique
topography, respects the adjacent neighbors and provides both visitors and
citizens alike a place that they can call "theirs". Conners is the landscape
architect for the 100-acre tract featuring a new 3-acre pond for stormwater
management, a kayak dock and launch, boardwalk, wetland restoration, farmers
market space, parking, dog park and mini -golf.
Lafitte Greenway Master Plan and Design — New Orleans, LA
Design Workshop was hired to plan and design a greenway for a mostly derelict
stretch of land connecting Mid -City, Treme, the French Quarter and Lakeview, in
New Orleans, Louisiana. The project included designing a three-mile greenway
and creating a corridor revitalization plan for all land within a 1/4 mile of the
greenway. As project manager, Conners assumed responsibilities for quality
control and design input.
Houston Arboretum and Nature Center — Houston, TX
Conners led the planning process to create a county -wide plan for natural
resource preservation, outdoor recreation, nature education, wildlife habitat
protection, farmland conservation, trail networks and land acquisition.
_O b
Bachelor of Science in Environmental
Tsz Ting (Desiree) Liu
Planning and Design, Landscape
Architecture Concentration; Rutgers
University, New Brunswick, New
Desiree is a project manager with over ten years of experience in public
space management. Her work encompasses a wide range of projects, from
Recent Awards and Honors
small scale urban parks to large scale public space and planning efforts.
New Jersey Chapter American Society
Desiree's research and analysis provides clients with a clear understanding of
of Landscape Architects Chapter
existing issues and offers viable solutions with which to prevent and resolve
Award for Discovery Green Operations
problems that may arise given the complex nature of designing and managing
and Maintenance Plan, Houston,
public spaces. Her work addresses a full spectrum of unique constraints and
challenges that public spaces present. These elements have included economic
Urban Land Institute Urban Open
feasibility studies, development of program calendars, analysis of special events
Space Award Finalist for Canal Park,
needs and their impact on the landscape, long-term landscape maintenance
Washington, D.C.
plans, facility recommendations, and consultation with regards to park
Recreation Program Analysis and Plan,
amenities, such as food concessions and restrooms.
Fees and Charges Study (Client Info)
Colorado Springs Park System Master
Selected Project Experience
Greensboro Parks & Recreation Master Plan & Maintenance Management
Kurt Schroeder
Plan —Greensboro, NC
In conjunction with the Master Plan, ETM developed a thorough Parks and
Recreation Management Plan that included reorganization strategies and
Bentonville Parks & Recreation Master
focused goals to accomplish over the short and long term.
David Wright
VanPlay: Vancouver Parks Master Plan — Vancouver, BC
For this ongoing project, ETM is developing benchmark analyses and analyzing
the current capacity and offerings of the department.
South Suburban Park & Recreation Colorado Springs Open Space Master Plan — Colorado Springs, CO
District Master & Strategic Plans
Hanna Operational and organizational recommendations were made for the
Rob @ssprd.org department and potential alternative revenue sources were explored.
rhan303.798.5131 Moncus Park at the Horse Farm — Lafayette, LA
ETM is working with the design team and the newly -developed non-profit
to identify their future needs for managing the park, encompassing both the
maintenance/operational needs and the programming and revenue needs.
Master of Science in Public Health,
University of Colorado
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology,
Wheaton College
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Erin Caldwell
Erin has a wealth of analytic experience and can help you choose what is most
appropriate for your project; whether simple (such as descriptive statistics
and cross tabulations) or more complex (such as hierarchical linear modeling,
reliability and validity testing or factor analysis). Erin oversees survey research
and evaluation projects on a variety of topics including parks and recreation,
transportation, health and education; manages large, multi -site, multi -year
projects; develops project design and data collection instruments; writes
reports with focus on meeting client information needs; makes presentations
of project results to clients, including management staff and elected officials;
conducts and attends client meetings; provides trainings; designs new business
proposals; mentors and supports co-workers in various capacities.
Selected Project Experience
Green Valley Recreation Survey
Alexandria Parks and Recreation Needs Assessment Survey
Incline Village General Improvement District Community Services Plan
City of Boulder: Mountain Parks and Open Space Survey
Fort Collins Natural Areas Resident Survey
City of Boulder Valmont Park Survey
South Suburban Park and Recreation District Community Survey
Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Survey
Apex Park and Recreation District Survey
Evergreen Park and Recreation District Survey
Clearwater, FL Parks and Recreation Survey
Adams County Open Space, Parks and Trails Resident Survey
erR, P
MLA, University of Pennsylvania,
Daniel Ashworth
BLA, Mississippi State University
summa cum laude, 2002
Daniel is a Professional Landscape Architect and Certified Planner who designs
BS, Landscape Contracting &
active and livable communities while working hard to see those visions become
Management, Mississippi State
reality. His professional experience bridges the divide between landscape
University summa cum laude, 2002
architecture and planning, bringing the two together. Daniel's professional
Licensure and Certifications
interests are multimodal transportation, urban design and planning, and public
Professional Landscape Architect in
the state of: AR, AL, FL, SC, TN
Certified Planner AICP #023581 Selected Project Experience
Professional Affiliations
Medical District Streetscapes—Memphis, TN
American Society e` Landscape
The Memphis Medical District Streetscapes were completed as an interim
design phase in the tactical urbanism spectrum. The goal of this project was
to take existing street space and rebalance it towards better accommodation
American Planning Association
for pedestrians and bicyclists, using more cost-effective methods than moving
American Institute of Certified
street curbs. Daniel served as Project Manager on this effort to compile
construction documents for the interim improvements
Congress for the New Urbanism West Ashley Greenway & Bikeway —South Carolina
Presentations On this trails master plan project, Daniel led the charrette-based project team to
"Memphis Medical District provide a master plan vision for the West Ashley Greenway and Bikeway. The
Streetscapes" Bike Walk Tennessee's two major guiding principles for the plan were to give bicyclists and pedestrians
2018 Tennessee Bike Walk Summit, the priority at street crossings, and to make the trails safe, welcoming and
Nashville, Tennessee, June 2018 beautiful.
"Engaging People, Art and Public
Memphis 3.0-Memphis, TN
Space via Tactical Urbanism" panel
Daniel is serving as Project Manager for Memphis 3.0, a comprehensive plan
with Jonathan Flynt, Cat Pena,
update that outlines a new direction for Memphis and includes strategies for
and Dane Forlines, Smart Growth
enhancing land use, transportation, environment, city systems, growth and
America's Intersections 2018,
prosperity, neighborhoods, and civic capacity.
Nashville, Tennessee, April 2018.
Plan West Ashley —South Carolina
In the West Ashley district of Charleston, Alta was part of a team to vision
plan for land use, environment, and mobility. Daniel worked on the mobility
framework, area studies, and public engagement during the charrette week.
Diverse Programs
Design Workshop
has a fifty year track
record of planning
and designing parks,
trails, greenways,
and other civic spaces
with innovative and
dynamic programs
that reflect the
communities who
use them and in
many cases helped to
plan them.
The renovation of Austin's historic Republic Square was designed to
accomodate a full calendar of programming and events year round.
The master plan for the Lafitte Greenway in New Orleans provides a flexible guideline for redeveloping an abandoned railroad corridor
into an active public commons that now connects over twelve different neighborhoods. .
Diverse Programs
4fa d��
The Master Plan for Hackberry Gully in Mont Belvieu, TX, includes a variety of innovative programs for activating a stormwater
detention basin in close proximity to several new residential subdivisions.
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Recent enhancements to the Houston Arboretum and Nature Center as part of major
restoration effort have expanded activity and interest at the site to a more diverse
visitor base.
Strategies for integrating nature play are
common in our work including this example
at Blue Hole Regional Park in Wimberley, TX.
is dedicated
to creating
projects for
our clients,
society, and
the well-being
of our planet.
Design Workshop is an
international design studio
integrating the fields of
landscape architecture,
urban design, planning,
economics and engagement.
Since the first 'Workshop'
in 1969, the firm continues
to innovate with each
generation, informed by
changing economic context
and the natural systems
impacting our communities.
A community of designers,
landscape architects,
planners and strategists, we
share a deep commitment
to improving social equity
and environmental justice
through design.
As our methods evolve in
response to new, complex
challenges, our conviction to
value -based design remains
We design for people —
not just today but for future
generations. Whether
designing a private garden,
a campus within a fragile
ecosystem, or developing
the vision for a 21st century
park, we strive to foster
connections between people
while creating meaningful,
distinctive places.
Our Legacy
In the changing world in which we
live, achieving a balance of resiliency
and stewardship remain central to
our work. Our approach includes
four guiding elements-- Environment,
Community, Art, and Economics. We
call this process DW Legacy Design°.
We are stewards of the environment and
champions for a sustainable future.
DW Legacy Design$
An inclusive engagement process is critical to (re)
building the social fabric of the community.
Projects must be financially sustainable to last
generations. We need to consider market reality
and return on investment.
Art is an integral part of the human experience;
it challenges assumptions and provokes thought
while revealing beauty and meaning.
DW Foundation
DESIGN + uv �rrt+c ra,
DW Projects
published l>r WE BUILD PROTOTYPES.
the Landscape
Architecture F
STUDIOS -----�
Team Experience
Years in Business
25 Years
Services Offered
Public Survey
Park Survey
Survey Research
ETM Associates
Years in Business
22 Years
Services Offered
Landscape Architecture / Public
Space Design
Public Space Management
Project Management
Alta Planning
Years in Business
22 Years
Services Offered
Trail Design
Why This Team? Our team's national experience in
designing and implementing successful park projects
combined with our local knowledge allows us to help
guide Fayetteville Park System Strategic Plan through
to implementation. Our combined skill set in planning,
site design and project delivery will ensure that you
receive the highest level of service possible.
National Research Center, Inc. (NRC) is a leading survey research and
evaluation firm focusing on the information requirements of the public
sector, including local governments, non-profit agencies, foundations
and more. We are a highly skilled team of social science researchers
performing a full range of quality services to help organizations
measure their effectiveness and understand the perspectives of their
residents, employees, clients and other stakeholders.
ETM ASSOCIATES, LLC specializes in Public Space Design, Public
Space Management and Project Management. The firm is concerned
with all aspects of public space and sees design, implementation and
ongoing management as a continuum of related professional activities.
Since our founding in 1997, we have earned a national reputation as a
firm for practical and creative solutions to public space management
issues. ETM has experience as an operations and maintenance
subconsultant on a wide range of design projects and project scales,
including urban parks and plazas, waterfront parks, regional parks, and
master plans. We have also worked with numerous institutions on
public and private projects, as well as system -wide planning initiatives
and designs. Our background in landscape architecture gives us a
unique perspective in addressing the challenges of each project and
actively collaborating with each project team.
Alta's landscape architecture and parks planning practice focuses
on linking open space through greenways and using the public right-
of-way to create places for people. Our services include visioning,
alternatives analysis, property acquisition strategies, maintenance
and management plans, accurate cost estimation, and funding action
plans. We are experienced with addressing technical and community
issues and objectives associated with pathways and regional trails,
such as seeing that applicable standards are met, the intended users
are well -served, conflicts and impacts are avoided, and end -user and
stakeholder feedback is incorporated throughout the planning and
design process.
Colorado Springs Parks,
Recreation, and Trails
Master Plan
Colorado Springs, CO
Survey Examples
Nathional Research Center, Inc. (NRC) will spearhead
the citwide public survey effort. Electronic examples are
attached on flash drive.
The Parks, Recreation, Trails and Open Space Master Plan helps guide
the City in the planning, management, programming and funding
of all the parks, trails, and open space within the City of Colorado
Springs. The update to this Master Plan is an opportunity for the
City to understand the values of citizens and anticipate future needs.
The planning process will result in a document that will describe a
long-term vision with recommendations that will guide city decision -
making. To understand the public's perspectives and preferences, the
Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department
commissioned a scientific survey of Colorado Springs residents.
The survey was mailed to 1,600 randomly selected households in
Colorado Springs in February 2014. Recipients completed a total of 252
surveys, providing a 16% response rate and a margin of error of plus
or minus six percentage points. The survey results were weighted to
reflect the demographic profile of all Colorado Springs residents.
South Suburban Parks and For their 2016 "Planning Year," South Suburban Park and Recreation
Recreation Strategic and District (SSPRD) commissioned a survey of District residents to
Master Plan capture community opinion about use of District offerings and opinions
Centennial, CO on actions to take in the future. All households located in the South
2016 Suburban Park and Recreation District boundaries were eligible to be a
part the survey; 1,800 were selected at random to receive the survey.
A total of 327 completed surveys were returned, for a response rate of
18%. Typical response rates for a survey of this type are between 15%
and 25%.
Work Plan
Work Plan
Phase I:
Establish a Foundation
of Understanding
Task 1.1
Project Startup
Design Workshop utilizes a Strategic
Kickoff (SKO) workshop to effectively
launch projects and organize the team
of key staff members and consultants
The purpose of the meeting will be:
• Define roles, responsibilities and
communications procedures
• Confirm a detailed project schedule
and document review process
• Identify City resources that may be
useful to the plan creation process
• Pinpoint topics for additional
research and evaluation
conducted by the City, particularly
the "Imagine Tomorrow's Parks"
engagement process.
• Discuss coordination with the
ongoing Fayetteville City Plan
2040 planning process and other
recent planning studies including
the Active Transportation Plan,
the Cultural Arts Corridor, the
Fayetteville Mobility Plan, and the
Welcoming Fayetteville Plan.
• Establish project goals and desired
• Understand critical success factors
of this project
• Collect existing plan documents
and reports related to this plan
• Review, evaluate, and modify and/
or recreate the current Mission
and Value Statements and
Organizational Values
The following products will be
• Discuss the work already • Meeting agenda and meeting
• One -day facilitated workshop by
Design Workshop leadership team
• Detailed project schedule
• Internal communication plans
• Critical success factors and project
goals documentation
• Stakeholder and Public Involvement
• Draft Mission, Value Statements
and Organizational Values
Task 1.2
Inventory and Analysis of
Service Areas
The team will update Fayetteville's
park, trail, and open space inventory
descriptions and compile mapped
locations by collecting information
from City staff and for the surrounding
influence area. Recreational program
information and offerings will be added
to this inventory.
Map GIS data will be collected from
the City to serve as base maps for
the project. We will also gather
relevant plans from nearby public
trails and open space properties that
are managed by other agencies or
private entities in order to gather an
understanding of the relationships and
potential opportunities that may exist.
The team will study the spatial
distribution and service area analysis
based on travel routes and travel
barriers already conducted by the
City and if needed will expand on the
analysis. This analysis will be utilized to
identify gaps in the locations of existing
and planned parks and trails to serve
the population.
The following products will be
• Inventory analysis organized
by property with acreage and
amenities (pdf format document)
• Geographically referenced existing
and proposed parks, trails, natural
areas inventory base mapping (GIS
• Spatial distribution and service
areas mapping of coverage and
• Narrative summary of existing
parks, recreation, programs and
trails and possible gaps
Task 1.3
Data Collection, Plan Review,
Standards and Policy Analysis
The Design Workshop team will
review relevant past plans and studies
identified by City staff and identify
elements to include in the Master
Plan and Strategic Plan creation
and items that will require efforts
to update. Existing policies, fee
structure, funding sources, budget,
capital improvement plans and
organizational structure information
will be collected and summarized in
a technical memo. We will conduct a
meeting with City staff to understand
the implementation successes and
shortfalls of past plans and efforts to
better understand the feasibility for
future recommendations.
The following products will be
• Standards, policies and
finances technical memo
• One (1) meeting with city
Task 1.4
Demographic Analyses and
Recreation Trends Research
The Design Workshop team will
review all demographic analysis
already conducted by City staff
and augment the analysis if
necessary to best understand and
communicate the market served in
Fayetteville. Through the analysis,
we will distinguish customer groups,
determine changes occurring in the
region, and assist in making proactive
decisions to accommodate those
shifts. The demographic analysis will
be based on US Census information,
the City Plan 2040, and market
Work Plan
research data including historical
trends and future projections.
From the demographic analysis,
sports, recreation, and outdoor trends
are applied to the local Fayetteville
population to assist in determining
the potential participation base
within the service area. For the
sports and recreation trends, we
leverage industry knowledge from our
experience working nationally in many
comparable markets to Fayetteville,
participation trends from the
applicable professional associations
such as NRPA, and additional
The following products will be
• Community profile summary and
• Trends report
0 Relevant past plans summary
Work Plan
Task 1.5
Park Classifications and Level
of Service Analysis
The consultant team will work with
City staff to review and confirm,
modify or add to existing facility and
park classifications, and preferred
level -of- service standards for
all park sites, trails, open space
amenities and indoor and outdoor
facilities. These classifications will
consider size, population served,
length of stay, and amenity types/
services. Facility standards include
level of service standards and the
population served per recreational
facility and park amenity. Any new
or modified classification or standard
will be approved as required. These
are based on regional, statewide
or nationally accepted parks and
recreation standards, as well as the
ETM Associates' national experience
and comparison with peer/survey
agencies, adapted based on the needs
and expectations of the Fayetteville
City inventory data of amenities
(playgrounds, ball fields, trails, natural
areas, special facilities, etc.) will be
utilized to assess the current capacity
of your system. Recreation services
and programs will also undergo level -
of -service scrutiny to understand
current capacity of the community
as a whole. We recommend in the
community engagement steps that
focus group meeting be held to
identify partnership opportunities,
gaps in programs and overlaps
in services. Additional follow up
conversations may be needed to
complete an inventory of program
offerings and analyze how these
services meet or fall short of
community needs and desires.
The following products will be
• City recreation amenities inventory
service level assessment memo
• Recreation services and programs
evaluation memo
Task 1.6
Comparable Community
Benchmarking Study
Design Workshop will work with
City staff to select up to four (4)
comparable communities of similar
characteristics that will provide useful
benchmarks. While understanding
how your community compares to
others is useful in providing context,
we understand this information
must also consider the community
values and priorities. We will utilize
responses from the Citywide Survey
to understand actual desires and
needs. For example, we have found
that some communities demonstrate
higher demand for baseball fields
than national standards, while other
communities show higher demand
for mountain biking trails. We have
found that measuring comparable
community benchmarks for those
elements that your community values
can be more useful than applying
nationally accepted standards for
aspects that do not necessarily
reflect the values, location or general
demographics of your community.
Our team will complete a benchmark
analysis to compare the City of
Fayetteville to other relevant peer
agencies including those both
nearby and nationally. Our team
will work with City staff to identify
the key metrics to be surveyed and
analyzed, as well as the benchmarked
communities. Common metrics
include park and facility inventories,
budgets, fees, staffing, and policies.
Standards, fees, and funding sources
vary throughout all communities, even
within the same state. We will identify
points of comparison for other similar
sized regional cities in Arkansas or
adjacent states that might indicate
to Fayetteville some approaches that
have received support in comparable
The team will assist with the
preparation and entry into the National
Park and Recreation Association
(NRPA) Park and Recreation Operating
Ratio and Geographic Information
System (PRORAGIS) if desired.
• Comparable community
benchmarks charts and summary
Task 1.8
Natural Areas Assessment
Fayetteville has natural areas and
environmental resources that have
been conserved and are valued
assets to the community. The future
of natural areas and conservation will
require evaluation of the landscape
and resources and how they might
contribute to the overall network.
A set of overlay maps will be created
to identify lands that have the
potential to be conserved as open
lands. Design Workshop will identify
data collection needs and possible
resources based on knowledge
of natural resources and land
characteristic GIS data availability.
Currently Protected Lands:
County, State and municipal
mapping of parks, trails, school
grounds, other open spaces, state
and federally owned/managed
lands, conservation easements,
and restricted subdivision lands.
Development restricted lands
surrounding oil and gas wells.
2. Accessibility and Distribution:
roads, trails, bikeways, sidewalks,
trail head locations, recreation
facilities, residential addresses
and neighborhood boundaries, and
I Growth Pressures: land uses,
parcels, developed areas and
structures, major roadways,
utilities, public amenities, zoning
and land use, growth trends, and
proposed future development
4. Natural Areas and Cultural
Resources: land cover, open
space, wildlife habitat, vegetation,
visually significant landforms/
geology, soils, agricultural land,
riparian areas, wetlands, lakes and
water bodies, floodplains, historic
and archeological resources
These mapping resources will be
used to create a series of analysis
maps that will inform the decision -
making and identification of high -
priority land parcels for preservation.
Such analysis will include:
• Potential linkages and connections
to existing open space and trails
• Size of potential preservation
parcels and land ownership
• Visual quality of lands for scenic
and iconic landscape features
• Wildlife resources, natural areas,
and critical habitat
• Growth trends and community
• Public access lands
The following products will be
• Maps to be utilized in public
engagement activities
• Map atlas in pdf print -ready format
• Parcel listings of properties for
potential acquisitions or new
development dedication
Task 1.9
Progress Reporting and Parks
and Recreation Advisory
Board Meetings
Work Plan
Every project phase shall involve
project management from Design
Workshop's Principal -in -Charge
and the Project Manager. Design
Workshop strives to ensure quality
through clear communication and
dialogue with our clients and amongst
our team. We believe progress
meetings with City staff, conducted
via GoTo Meeting, should be held bi-
weekly throughout the course of the
We anticipate the consultant team
should participate in three meetings
with the Fayetteville Parks and
Recreation Advisory Board at key
project milestones. Additionally,
materials will be provided to City staff
to encourage updates be provided to
the Board throughout the process.
The following products will be
• One copy of all completed or
partially completed work, three
days prior to progress meetings
Work Plan
• Bi-weekly progress meetings via
GoTo Meeting documented with
a meeting record issued by the
Project Manager.
• Monthly percentage complete
project report by task.
• Three (3) Parks and Recreation
Advisory Board meetings over the
course of the project.
Task 2.1
Public Engagement and
Communication Plan
The Design Workshop team will
develop a public outreach plan
including the preparation of a
stakeholder analysis matrix. As part
of this, we will categorize the groups
that will be engaged as stakeholders
in the project process. Discussion of
these stakeholders will begin with
the kick-off and identify the optimum
role for these groups within the
project. Ultimately, we will work with
City staff to develop a stakeholder
engagement plan document
that includes identification of the
stakeholders, contact information,
scheduled meeting dates, and
information distribution methods, and
The following products will be
• Stakeholder analysis matrix
• Stakeholder communication plan
• Meeting invitations
Task 2.2 Focus Groups and
Stakeholder Interviews
We anticipate conversations with
individual stakeholders will be needed
early in the process to gain a detailed
understanding of the history, current
conditions, and future plans. We
will want to hear from a variety of
perspectives and facilitate a dialogue
between different groups to discuss
various ideas. We anticipate meetings
will be needed with the following
stakeholder groups, but will determine
the actual topics and participants
with City Staff at the project kick-off
• Growth and Future Neighborhood
Development: developers and
Community Development
leadership, County and City
leadership, Chamber of Commerce
• Program Offerings: program
providers and public land managers
• Youth Recreation: school
administrators, health care
providers, child care providers, 4-H
• Recreation and Events
Programming: recreation clubs and
community organizations, visitor
• Funding and Financing Options
Evaluation: City and County staff
The following products will be
• Focus group meeting agendas and
meeting notes
• Two (2) days of facilitated
Task 2.3
Citywide Statistically -Valid
Community Survey
The Park System Strategic Plan
will best meet the needs of
the community with the use
patterns, values and vision of
a broad representation of its
members understood. Gaining
this representational input requires
targeting input from citizens that
typically do not participate in planning
processes or who may not currently
be the primary user group of parks
and recreation facilities. A citywide
community survey, designed by our
Public Survey Specialist NRC and
distributed widely, will help to achieve
a more representative sampling of
citizen opinion. We will work with City
staff on the developing the outreach
strategy to ensure a statistically- valid
response including representation
including from the Hispanic/Latino
community and other racial and ethnic
minority communities. We will also
create the online survey in Spanish to
ensure this representation.
The following products will be
• Draft survey questions and
revisions based on City staff
• Survey distribution plan
• Data analysis and tables
documenting responses
• Electronic dataset of survey results
Task 2.4
Community Workshop #1:
Our team of experienced facilitators
will lead in-depth discussions
and facilitated listening sessions
with a broad cross-section of the
community to ensure interactions
lead to clear community direction
and understanding. The findings from
the Citywide Community Survey
will be presented at this meeting to
provide insight into overall community
needs and priorities and build upon
initial responses. We will utilize
instant feedback keypad polling to
quantitatively identify concepts that
receive the most support. Following
the presentation and keypad
polling, the meeting will break into
small groups to review base maps
and indicate locations of desired
amenities, trails and programs.
Facilitated discussion of aspirations
will aid the process in understanding
the various elements that citizens feel
are important to a long-term vision.
We will gather input focusing on the
• Further develop an understanding
of community values expanding
upon those identified in the
Citywide Community Survey
related to the locations of
recreation, parks, open space and
• Assess community values towards
existing and potential resources
within the community and
region so these variables may be
weighed in mapped form
• Identify site -specific trade-offs
regarding resource conservation
and recreation opportunities
The meeting presentation and
materials will be formatted for
inclusion on the City website and
the keypad polling questions will be
made available on the City website for
Work Plan
those unable to attend the meeting to
provide input.
The following products will be
• Meeting invitation lists,
announcement materials, and
advertisement plan
• Meeting agendas
• Base maps, exhibits, and materials
needed to provide and collect
information at the workshop
• Meeting summary notes
• Formatted meeting materials
provided for addition on the City
• Documentation of the meeting
conclusions and outcomes
Task 2.5
Area Workshops and Pop -Up
Work Plan
To augment the reach of Workshop
#1, we will work with City staff to
identify up to six (6) locations across
the city for additional workshops and
pop-up surveys. These events are
intended to reach additional audiences
and might include appearance at
civic association meetings, public
events, or popular civic spaces. These
events will use the same engagement
materials from Community Workshop
#1, updated if needed, and will be
staffed by Design Workshop team
members and/or City staff.
The following products will be
• Announcement materials and
advertisement plan
• Meeting agendas
• Base maps, exhibits, and materials
needed to provide and collect
information at the workshop
• Documentation of the meeting
conclusions and outcomes
Task 2.6
Community Workshop#2:
Draft Concepts and
The purpose of this meeting is to
capture community input on the
prioritization of recommendations and
refinement of the plan concepts. The
potential sequence of implementation
for land acquisitions, development
of parks, trails, open space and
recreation facilities along with
maintenance and renovation of parks,
trails and recreation facilities will be
refined based on community input.
We will use prioritization exercises
such as participatory budgeting,
impact vs. urgency keypad questions
and other strategies to understand and
weigh the priorities of citizens. This
will also be an important meeting to
share our findings on the feasibility,
partnerships and trade-offs evaluation.
The following products will be
• Announcement materials and
advertisement plan
• Meeting agendas
• Base maps, exhibits, and materials
needed to provide and collect
information at the workshop
• Meeting summary notes
• Formatted meeting materials
provided for addition on the City
• Documentation of the meeting
conclusions and outcomes
Task 2.7
Community Meeting #3:
Draft Plan Release
A draft plan presentation will be
provided to the public prior to finalizing
and adopting the plan. The plan will
also be made available on the City
website to gather final comments. The
meeting will encourage input in the
final refinement of the plan as well as
serve as a celebration of the project's
conclusion and acknowledgment to
efforts of the participants.
The following products will be
• Announcement materials and
advertisement plan
• Meeting agendas
• Plan presentation boards
• Meeting materials provided for
addition on the City website
• Documentation of the meeting
conclusions and outcomes
Task 3.1
Park, Trails, Open Lands,
and Recreation Program
Strategies Development
Evaluation of the long-term
sustainability of various strategies and
recommendations will be conducted
within this step. Once evaluated
through the stakeholder and public
engagement process, staff and board
input, the recommendations and
infrastructure renewal with associated
capital expenditures will be organized
in a prioritization matrix based on
community needs.
Park Development Design Standards
to optimize the useful life will
also be developed to provide
cost, political support, and community
The following products will be
• Draft policies and standards
• Plan concepts and alternatives
map exhibits
Task 3.3
Operations, Maintenance, and
Staffing Plan
Our team member ETM Associates
will update and/or establish
operational and staffing standards
for the full operation of the system.
This will include maintenance
standards, staffing levels needed for
programs, technology requirements,
customer service requirements and
administration based on established
and agreed upon outcomes. The
team will evaluate governance of
parks and functions in the overall
Work Plan
structure with recommendations on
how to operate in the most effective
functional and efficient manner.
ETM Associates will conduct a work
session with key management staff
on what they consider to be core
essential services, important services,
and value-added services based on
observations, individual interviews,
focus group interviews and operating
practices. The focus will be on whom
the services are provided to, for what
purpose, for what benefit, and for
what cost.
The following products will be
• Draft recommendations
Task 3.4
Functional Organizational
Using a business -oriented approach
with integration of industry best
management practices, our team
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recommendations that enhance long-
term efficiencies and resiliency.
The following products will be
• Draft strategies narrative memo
• Plan concepts and alternatives
map exhibits
• Park Development Design
• Trail Design Standards
Task 3.2
Policy and Standards
The evaluation of city policies,
standards and the completed gap
analysis will be utilized to prepare
a set of draft recommendations. A
listing of a wide -range of potential
approaches will be provided to vet the
feasibility based on the associated
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Work Plan
partner ETM Associates will assess
the feasibility of the realignment of
staffing structures to create more
efficiency. This will help enhance
the organizational infrastructure
through a more efficient design where
appropriate that is functionally based.
The following products will be
• Draft recommendations
Task 3.5
Program Services Inventory
and Assessment
This assessment will review how
well the department aligns itself with
community needs. The goal of this
process is to provide recreation and
cultural program enhancements that
result in successful, innovative, and
mission -oriented recreation program
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offerings. The process includes
analysis of the following programming
• Age segment distribution
• Lifecycle analysis
• Core program analysis and
• Facility Gaps
• Best Practices from similar and
comparable agencies
• Similar provider analysis/duplication
of services
• Review of program development
• Service systems and agency
support needed to deliver excellent
• Program Innovation Cycle
• Standards and Performance
Ultimately, the outcome of the
process will be the creation of a
dynamic recreation program plan
that results in increased registration,
drives customer retention and loyalty,
improves customer satisfaction, and
increases revenues. Additionally, it
will help focus staff efforts in core
program areas and create excellence
in those programs deemed most
important by program participants.
Data provided by the City will be
used to analyze current use of park
land, recreation facilities, recreation
programs, and other services. Prior
year data may be used to uncover
trends in use and participation, and
when synthesized with demographic
and recreation trend findings, can
inform future projections for specific
aspects of programming and site
utilization. This analysis will include
the type of program, user group, and
ages of persons served, and analyze
attendance levels, markets served,
and locations of program offerings.
As part of this analysis, the team will
identify peers in recreation service
delivery in the area to assess potential
partners. Recommendations will be
developed to suggest partnerships
and program alterations, or additions
backed by demand analysis,
community needs assessment, public
input, and focus groups/interview
The following products will be
• Program Assessment
Task 3.6
Financial Review / Fees and
Charges Study
Our team will perform analysis to
document the financial situation of
the service area and/or business
centers therein. The financial analysis
will look at the budget, pricing
policy, user fees, current and other
revenue generating opportunities,
grant opportunities, and the revenue
forecast. This analysis will identify the
financial situation of the service area
with three primary goals:
• Understand the financial
dynamics to further advance
the understanding of operations
gained through the work described
• Review funding and accounting
practices with an objective of
accurate financial fund tracking
and the ability of City staff to have
more useful financial information
for strategic decision -making
• Seek opportunities to improve
the financial sustainability of the
Parks and Recreation Department
for the future including evaluating
expenditures and increasing
current and new sources of
• We will also review current
financial policies. This review will
include comparison of current
policies with national standards
of best practice agencies. The
consulting team will recommend
cost recovery goals, policies and
adjustments to current policies
where enhancements may be
needed or gaps are identified.
The following products will be
• Finance Review Summary
Work Plan
Title Town I Green Bay, WI
Task 3.7 • Dedicated funding sources
Funding Strategies /
Partnerships Study
Additional funding recommendations
will be developed based in part of our
review and analysis of the City and
Department, as well as the national
experience brought by the consulting
team. Our team has identified a
variety of methods on past work
that can potentially be applied to
Fayetteville. These strategies include:
• Fees and charges
• Endowments/ Non-profit agencies
• Grants from national agencies and
private sources
• Sponsorships
• Partnerships
• Dedicated sales or property tax
The following products will be
• Funding Strategies Draft
Recommendations Memorandum
Task 3.8
Delivery Evaluation and
ETM Associates will analyze the
operations and methods used
to deliver existing services. This
process will involve staff interviews,
observations of procedures,
user interviews, and a review of
promotional materials and methods.
The analysis will include an evaluation
of the customer interface aspect
of service delivery, identifying the
elements that are critical to success
Work Plan
and barriers to customer participation
and satisfaction.
The following products will be
Delivery Evaluation Memorandum
Task 3.9
Natural Areas (Open Lands)
Management Plan
Guidance for both the existing and
planned natural areas to be added
to the system in the future will be
documented in a Master Plan's
Management Plan. Often it is
perceived by the general public that
natural areas do not require upkeep
similarly to developed parks, however
they have specific care needs that
often go unmet. While this overall
management guidance is not intended
to be as specific as a site Master Plan,
it does provide overall direction to the
Department for a long-term view of
staffing, investment, maintenance,
policies, asset and equipment
lifecycle management, performance
measurement, staffing and
recommendations. Natural disasters
such as flooding, drought, fire and
erosion are all aspects that must be
addressed comprehensively in this
plan to create a more reliant system.
The following products will be
• Master Plan Document Appendix -
Management Plan Draft and Final
Plan Documentation
and Adoption
Task 4.1 Develop Vision,
Mission and Goals/Objectives
The supporting vision and mission
statements will be affirmed or
developed with senior Department
staff in a work session. Following this
effort, goals/objectives and policies
will be established and prioritized.
A status briefing will be presented
to gain input and consensus on
direction. A Strategy Matrix will
serve as the detailed action plan
and implementation tool with goals,
objectives, strategies, actions,
priorities/timelines, and teams.
The following products will be
• Strategy Matrix
• Draft Statement Summary and
• Final Vision and Mission
Task 4.2
Prioritized Facility and
Program Priority Rankings
Our team will synthesize the findings
from the community input, survey
results, standards, demographics
and trends analysis, park and facility
assessment, recreation services
assessment and the service area
mapping into a quantified facility and
program priority ranking. This priority
list will be compared against gaps or
surplus in recreation services, parks,
facilities and amenities, as well as the
City's existing project plan for basic
replacement and minor new facilities..
This will list and prioritize facility,
infrastructure, amenities, and program
needs for the parks and recreation
system and provide guidance for
the Capital Improvement Plan. The
analysis will include probable future
parks, recreation facilities, community
centers, open spaces and trail needs
based on community input, as well
as state and national user figures
and trends. Also, a set of prioritized
recommendations for maintenance
and renovation of parks, trails and
recreation facilities will be developed.
We will conduct a work session with
City staff to review the findings and
make revisions as necessary.
The following products will be
• Draft near -term, mid-term, and
long-term investment prioritization
• Implementation Strategies and
Responsibilities Matri
Task 4.3
Draft Parks System
Strategic Plan
The preferred recommendations and
plan concepts will be documented
with funding priorities identified. This
document will be easy to navigate
and graphically rich to explain the
concepts. Documentation will include
the preparation of a Master Plan
document, appendixes, and illustrative
map and image materials. These
materials will be presented at the
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Community Workshops to gather final
The following products will be
• 75% complete Master Plan Draft
document available for review and
• Support charts, graphs, and maps
Task 4.4
Plan Review and Document
In addition to a public review of the
draft plan, a draft plan will be provided
to the Parks & Recreation Advisory
Board. Design Workshop will provide
one presentation of the draft report
and gather comments concurrent
with the date of the public meeting.
Based upon input received from the
public review process, the plan will be
refined and revised.
The following products will be
• Presentation power point, boards
and handouts
• One (1) Parks & Recreation
Advisory Board Meeting
• Comment log
• 90% complete draft plan
Task 4.5
Final Document Creation and
Comments received from the City
Council, Parks and Recreation
Advisory Board, and other review
Work Plan
agencies will be evaluated with City
Staff to determine the alterations
needed to finalize the draft plan.
The final plan will be produced with
comments incorporated. One final
presentation will be given to the City
Council for adoption.
The following products will be
• Updated comment log
• Park System Strategic Plan
document, Executive Summary,
one printed and bound color
copy and electronic copy in a
format compatible with the city's
• All images formatted as stand -
along jpeg files.
• Final Plan Map files in GIS ESRI
ArcView format
• One (1) adoption hearing
presentation with City Council
Public Planning Experience
r�Rt1s elf i
We stage engagement opportunities at the parks and places familiar to
residents, which are also highly accessible and visible.
A workshop
gets everyone
together. It
connects people,
ideas and places
— because
when they're
everything is
We break into small groups so that everyone has a chance to
be heard.
An Engaged Practice
The success of this project ultimately
relies on the success of our engagement
with Fayetteville residents and key
stakeholders.Our core team are all
experienced workshop facilitators
who provide leadership, third -party
credibility, and most importantly, help
build incremental consensus for plan
recommendations through a series
of high visibility citywide community
workshops. Complementing the
workshops are a series of focus groups,
stakeholder interviews, as well as more
focused area workshops and pop-up
surveys to reach underserved populations
and a more representative cross-section
of the population.
Running in parallel to the other tasks,
our public process will be highly visible,
transparent, inclusive, collaborative and
creative. We bring everyone to the table
to foster empathy and share ideas for
the future of thr park system and its
recreational programs.
Our work during this task will rely on
a major public outreach campaign,
comprehensive data collection, the
creation of clear and compelling graphics,
and the use of interactive methods to
ensure broad community participation.
We position community and stakeholder
engagement at the center of every project
because we know that projects have a
much greater chance for implementation
and success if the stakeholders who will
ultimately shepherd them forward are
invested from the beginning and help
define the project vision.
For these reasons, we will invest
considerable resources to create
a Community and Stakeholder
Engagement Plan and to identify key
stakeholders. We will also leverage
existing social infrastructure such as
Speak Up Fayetteville.
We develop interactive games that help demystify the planning
process and allow stakeholders to negotiate challenging
Engagement practices can include:
• "Chip game": Attendees are given
scaled board pieces and maps to
build their own vision
• Keypad polling: Participants are
given keypads that enable them
to vote on questions presented on
screen and provide live results
• Visual preference surveys:
Boards with images that show
the possibilities for architecture,
educational programming,
recreation, event venues, etc.
and participants will use colored
dots to indicate their priority in
preference —what they would like
to see at Horseshoe Bay Farms.
• Mapping exercises: Maps overlaid
with different options and layouts
present various alternatives for
attendees to vote on.
Public Planning Experience
We encourage children (future stakeholders) to play an active
role in the planning process.
Every activity is convertible to a web -
based format. Every flyer, poster,
mailing, media posting, and material
is custom-made. We often create
custom branding for projects to
provide a sense of identity that gives
the projects added visibility within the
community. Design Workshop can
provide webinars as part of the public
outreach and continuing education
process. We work with each client
to gather comments either through
a project web site or at a community
location. Standard media packets
provide information for a variety of
outlets including what the project is,
where it is located, who is involved,
when and how people can get
Every stakeholder has an expectation
for influence and a preferred
communication -style. Many well -
orchestrated outreach efforts only
attract small crowds, sometimes with
the same participants from meeting
to meeting. We reach those that are
traditionally underrepresented. We go
to where people are and reach out in
the most convenient, accessible ways
possible. Our facilitators encourage
people to speak up, and vent when
needed, and provide clear, timely
and transparent communication and
speak plainly so that concepts are
Schedule & Fees
Team Commitment
Design Workshop is committed to
completing he Park System Strategic
Plan by November 30, 2019, within
your target of 25 weeks. Eric
Leshinsky, as project manager, will
have the capacity within his schedule
for the remainder of this year to
devote his time and focus to your
project. Eric will establish a regular
time for project conversations, face-to-
face meetings and electronic updates
and ensure successful delivery of the
To successfully complete the work
within your time frame, we will utilize
several methods that include:
• Leading the project with a high
level of attention to detail and
communication. Design Workshop
utilizes a Project Management
Plan to manage its projects. This
includes a robust Strategic Kick
Off Meeting that documents
critical success factors, roles and
responsibilities, communication
protocols, and scheduling.
• Creating a Work Group to help us
with leadership, promotion, insight
and ideas. Working with this group
provides us a trusted voice in the
community that we can learn from.
We also believe that drafting the
document as we go, and getting
your review of sections as they are
developed, helps to accelerate the
adoption process.
We have open ears, open hearts and
a deep willingness to help people
improve their lives and the places they
live. We have successfully built trust
in places like yours.
Design Workshop Kurt Culbertson
Public Engagement, Park and Program Planning, Strategic 10%
Principal -in -Charge
Planning, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design
Eric Leshinsky
Public Engagement, Recreation and Program Analysis, Park and 40%
Project Manager
Program Planning, Strategic Planning, Urban Design
Anna Laybourn
Public Engagement, Recreation and Program Analysis, Park and 25%
Senior Planner
Program Planning, Strategic Planning
Conners Ladner
Public Engagement, Landscape Architecture 25%
Landscape Architect
ETM Associates
Tsz Ting Liu
Strategic Planning, Recreation and Program Analysis, Fees and 25%
Operations & Maintenance
Charges Study, Park and Program Planning, Park Operations
and Maintenance
National Reserach
Erin Caldwell
Public Survey Design and Analysis 25%
Center (NRS)
Public Survey Specialst
Alta Planning
Daniel Ashworth
Trail and Connectivity Analysis, Accessibility Analysis, Trail 25%
Trails and Accessibility
Planning and Design
Appendix & Forms
City of Fayetteville
RFQ 19-03, Park System Strategic Plan
SECTION B: Proposer References
The following information is required from all firms, so all statements of qualification may be reviewed and properly evaluated:
YEARS (All fields must be completed):
1. Midtown Redevelopment Authority
Houston, TX 77002
Matt Thibodeaux
3. South Suburban Park and Recreation District
Centennial, CO 80121
Rob Hanna
City of Fayetteville, AR
RFQ 19-03, Park System Strategic Plan
2. City of Vancouver
Vancouver, BC V5Y 1V4
Dave Hutch
4. City of Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Karen Palus
k alp usC@s r�ingsgov.com
Schedule & Fees
City of Fayetteville
RFQ 19-03, Park System Strategic Plan
SECTION B: Subconsultant References
The following information is required from all firms, so all statements of qualification may be reviewed and properly evaluated:
YEARS (All fields must be completed):
1. Snuth Sohurhan Park R. Rerreatinn r)i-trirt
Centennial CO 80121
Rob Hanna
rhannaOcc rn d nrg
3. City of Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs, CO 90903
Kurt Schroeder
kcrh rnerle r(a1 chi ngSgO�CO m
City of Fayetteville, AR
RFQ 19-03, Park System Strategic Plan
Page 12 of 20
2. City of Bentonville Parks & Recreation
Bentonville, AR 72712
David Wright
479.464 7275
4. Memorial Park Conservancy
Houston, TX 77007
Cara M. Rudelson
713 863 9403
rr iidelcnn@memorialparkrnnservancy.org
City of Fayetteville
RFQ 19-03, Park System Strategic Plan
SECTION B: Subconsultant References
The following information is required from all firms, so all statements of qualification may be reviewed and properly evaluated:
YEARS (All fields must be completed):
1. Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission
Springdale AR 72762
Elizabeth Bowen
3. Memphis Medical District Collaborative
Memphis, TN 38103
Tommy Pacello
901 73n 2s?1
t an cello(@mdcollaborativp nrg
City of Fayetteville, AR
RFQ 19-03, Park System Strategic Plan
Paee 12 of 20
2. University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Chris Brown
4. City of Charleston
Charleston, SC 29401
Mandi Herring
herringa(a charleston-sc gov
Schedule & Fees
City of Fayetteville
RFQ 19-03, Park System Strategic Plan
SECTION B: Subconsultant References
The following information is required from all firms, so all statements of qualification may be reviewed and properly evaluated:
YEARS (All fields must be completed):
1. South Suburban Park and Recreation District
Centennial, CO 80121
Brett Collin -
3. City of Alexandia
Alexandria, VA 22314
Dana W. Wedeles
City of Fayetteville, AR
RFQ 19-03, Park System Strategic Plan
2. Colorado Sig Parks. Recreation and Cultural Services
Colorado S rings, CO 80905
Christian Lieber
4. City of Clearwater
Clearwater, FL 33756
Felicia Leonard
Schedule & Fees
City of Fayetteville
RFQ 19-03, Park System Strategic Plan
SECTION C: Signature Submittal
1. Disclosure Information
Proposer must disclose any possible conflict of interest with the City of Fayetteville, including, but not limited to, any
relationship with any City of Fayetteville employee. Proposer response must disclose if a known relationship exists
between any principal or employee of your firm and any City of Fayetteville employee or elected City of Fayetteville
If, to your knowledge, no relationship exists, this should also be stated in your response. Failure to disclose such a
relationship may result in cancellation of a purchase and/or contract as a result of your response. This form must be
completed and returned in order for your bid/proposal to be eligible for consideration.
2) RELATIONSHIP EXISTS (Please explain):
I certify that; as an officer of this organization, or per the attached letter of authorization, am duly authorized to certify
the information provided herein are accurate and true; and my organization shall comply with all State and Federal
Equal Opportunity and Non -Discrimination requirements and conditions of employment.
2. Additional Information
At the discretion of the City, one or more firms may be asked for more detailed information before final ranking of the
firms, which may also include oral interviews. NOTE: Each Proposer shall submit to the City a primary contact name, e-
mail address, and phone number (preferably a cell phone number) where the City selection committee can call for
clarification or interview via telephone.
Name of Firm: Design Workshop
Name of Primary Contact: Eric I Pthinsky
Title of Primary Contact: Project Manager
Phone#1 (cell preferred)
'••ress: eleshinsky(a)designworkshop.com
Phone#2: 512.717.9793
3. Please acknowledge receipt of addenda for this invitation to bid, request for proposal, or request for qualification by
signing and dating below. All addendums are hereby made a part of the bid or RFQ documents to the same extent as
though it were originally included therein. Proposers/Bidders should indicate their receipt of same in the appropriate
blank listed herein. Failure to do so may subject vendor to disqualification.
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RFQ 19-03, Park System Strategic Plan
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Schedule & Fees
4. As an interested party on this project, you are required to provide debarment/suspension certification indicating in
compliance with the below Federal Executive Order. Certification can be done by completing and signing this form.
Federal Executive Order (E.O.) 12549 "Debarment and Suspension" requires that all contractors receiving individual
awards, using federal funds, and all sub -recipients certify that the organization and its principals are not debarred,
suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded by any Federal department or agency
from doing business with the Federal Government.
Signature certifies that neither you nor your principal is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment,
declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any federal department or agency.
5. Pursuant Arkansas Code Annotated §25-1-503, the Contractor agrees and certifies that they do not currently boycott
Israel and will not boycott Israel during any time in which they are entering into, or while in contract, with any public
entity as defined in §25-1-503. If at any time during contract the contractor decides to boycott Israel, the contractor
must notify the contracted public entity in writing.
Questions regarding this form should be directed to the City of Fayetteville Purchasing Division.
NAME: Eric Leshinksy
COMPANY: Design Workshop
PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 812 San Antonio St., Ste 401, Austin, TX 78701
MAILING ADDRESS: 812 San Antonio St., Ste 401, Austin, TX 78701
PHONE: 512.499.0222
Signed by:
SIGNATURE: Llolj� Cjkx l_—
PRINTED NAME : Kurt Culbertson
TITLE: CEO/Principal
DATE: 4/22/2019
City of Fayetteville, AR
RFQ 19-03, Park System Strategic Plan
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City of Fayetteville, AR
Purchasing Division, Room 306
113 W. Mountain Street
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Phone: 479-575-8220
TDD (Telecommunication Device for the Deaf): 479.521.1316
REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATION: RFQ 19-03, Park System Strategic Plan
DEADLINE: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 prior to 2:00:00 PM, local time
DELIVERY LOCATION: Room 306 — 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, AR 72701
PURCHASING AGENT: Les McGaugh, Imcgaugh@fayetteville-ar.gov
RFQ 19-03, Park System Strategic Plan
No late qualifications will be accepted. RFQ'S shall be submitted in sealed envelopes labeled with the project
name, contact name, and address of the Proposer.
RFQ's shall be submitted in accordance with the attached City of Fayetteville specifications and RFQ documents
attached hereto. Each Proposer is required to fill in every blank and shall supply all information requested;
failure to do so may be used as basis of rejection.
Submittals shall be submitted in sealed envelopes labeled with the solicitation number, solicitation name, and the name
and address of the firm.
The undersigned hereby offers to furnish & deliver the articles or services as specified, at the terms stated herein, and in strict
accordance with the specifications and general conditions of submitting, all of which are made a part of this offer. This offer is not
subject to withdrawal unless upon mutual written agreement by the Proposer/Bidder and City Purchasing Manager.
Name of Firm: _ Design Workshop
Contact Person: Kurt Culbertson Title: Principal
E-Mail: KCulbertsonPdesignworkshop.com Phone: 970-948-5557
Business Address: 812 San Antonio St., Ste 401
City: Austin State: TX Zip
Signature: f C-uSxydaw —1 Date: 4J)_Jon19
City of Fayetteville, AR
RFQ 19-03, Park System Strategic Plan
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_egacy Desig s the defining element of our
practice_ It is our commitment to an elevated
level of design inquiry to arrive at the optimal
solutions for clients. The process ensures that
e..r projects reflect the critical issues facie g
the built environment and that they deliver
,reasurable oe•---efit to clients and corn --^unities.
It is the foundation of the firm's workshop
culture and guides all projects.
City of Fayetteville
RFQ 19-03, Park System Strategic Plan
SECTION D: Project Summary and Scope or Work
FPRD is a municipal park system and a department of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. City Plan 2030 was adopted
unanimously by the Fayetteville City Council in July 2011 and serves as Fayetteville's comprehensive land use plan and
the parks plan will support and coexist with that plan.
The City was officially incorporated in 1841 and is located in Northwest Arkansas, in the heart of Mid -America.
Fayetteville has a population estimate of 85,000 distributed over 55.4 square miles. It is home to the University of
Arkansas with an enrollment of 25,991 students. Fayetteville has received many awards throughout the years
including the third best place to live by U.S. News and World Report as well as a Bronze Walk Friendly Community and
Silver Bicycle Friendly Community.
The City of Fayetteville's Parks and Recreation Department was established in 1965 and manages nearly 4,000 acres
of park land including 36 parks, 15 natural areas, and 3 lakes. The city has more than 85 miles of trails including 47
miles of hard surface and 38 miles of soft surface, there are 29 playgrounds, 27 sports fields, 27 pavilions, 7 tennis
courts, 4 youth tennis courts, 7 volleyball courts, 1 community center, a swimming pool, a splash pad, a skate park,
and multiple picnic facilities. The City of Fayetteville utilizes contracts to provide services for indoor recreation at the
Fayetteville Boys and Girls Club as well as for senior adult recreation at the Walker Park Senior Activity and Wellness
The 2018 annual operational budget consists of $4,863,134 with a 58.10 FTE (full time equivalent) employee count
and new capital project funding in the amount of $1,042,000. The City has a dedicated HMR (hotel, motel and
restaurant) tax that brings in approximately $3,521,000 and a park land dedication ordinance in which residential
housing development is required to dedicate land or money in lieu to parks. Parks and Recreation relies heavily upon
having partners with outside organizations and volunteers to assist in meeting the needs of our citizens.
Fayetteville Parks and Recreation is not accredited by the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation
Agencies, but this planning effort should generally be in line with CAPRA accreditation standards, particularly
standards 2.4 and 2.5.
This Request for Qualifications (RFQ) invites responses from qualified, experienced, professional planning consultants
to assist the City of Fayetteville in the creation of a Ten -Year Park System Master Plan and Strategic Plan (Strategic
Plan) for the Parks and Recreation Department (FPRD). This planning effort was initiated in 2018 by City Parks staff
and involved gathering basic information and public feedback and making recommendations for bond projects. This
continuation of planning will involve additional public input and analysis to develop the new plan and synthesis of this
and other information into a new plan which will review and update the vision, mission, goals and objectives for the
next ten years. The plan shall address the strengths, weaknesses, challenges and opportunities for the entire
Fayetteville Parks and Recreation Department (FPRD), each division, and facility.
Interested parties are hereby informed the updated Strategic Plan should represent a bold commitment by FPRD to
continue its efforts to enhance and continue citizen -based planning and provide a wide range of recreational
opportunities accessible to all citizens. The resulting plan should focus on strategies and actions which provide park
and recreation facilities and services that go beyond pure recreation to also promote healthy living, increase social
capital, have positive economic benefits and an overall increase in the quality of life for Citizens of Fayetteville.
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The final plan document shall outline FPRD efforts for the next ten years. The document should be user-friendly,
visionary, recognize current needs of the community, and allow for flexibility to address future trends and needs as
Fayetteville continues to grow and change, while still providing a framework that Citizens can use to judge
accountability of the department.
The City will accept qualifications from individual firms or consultant teams to develop a Strategic Plan. Proximity to
Fayetteville, Arkansas is one of four selection criteria; therefore, firms are encouraged to structure submittals on the
most favorable terms possible. RFQ's shall be submitted from the primary firm which will be responsible for providing
the overall master plan, including incorporation from any subconsultants proposed. Interested parties should include
the following information listed in the order and structure below:
1. Prior Park and Recreation Strategic and Park System Planning experience. List examples of Park and Recreation
Strategic / System Master Plans that the team has completed and produced in the last five years, clearly indicating the
consultant(s) or subconsultants' role in each example. If work is being presented that was done by personnel working
for another firm at the time of the work, this must be clearly indicated. Include current client contact information for
project examples. Include electronic copies of three or more plans in the submittal. Additionally, Recreation Program
Analysis and Plan, and Fees and Charges Study are important tasks for this plan. Clearly provide information on the
staff that will be primarily responsible for these portions of the Strategic Plan listing their relevant experience,
examples of studies and contact information of clients. See information for these under SCOPE OF SERVICES.
2. Include resumes and experience for planning personnel that would be significantly involved in preparing the Strategic
Plan. Note if personnel are employed by the prime consultant or a sub consultant. Note any relevant park and
recreation related certifications.
3. Provide examples of diverse programs that meet a wide range of demographic conditions.
4. Prior examples of consultant / team organizational composition, disciplines, and primary roles of key individuals,
including subcontractors if relevant, in conducting a strategic plan.
5. Company promotional literature.
6. Submit electronic examples of recreation and park surveys from the consultant that will do this portion of the work
7. Information describing the teams experience with public planning including the use of social media and other
technologies and methods. Note that the city uses a public planning website named Speak Up Fayetteville
( https:Hspeakup.fayetteville-a r.gov)
8. A description of availability to do the work. This plan is tentatively scheduled to be completed by November 30, 2019.
Other information relevant to indicating the applicant's abilities to successfully complete a Strategic Plan.
The following is provided to give an overview of the tasks envisioned for completing the planning process; however,
these items are subject to final negotiation based on recommendation and contract negotiation with the final
awarded firm. These tasks, as well as others, may be included as tasks to be completed if a consultant is contracted to
work on a plan. The consultant shall integrate the information generated in the tasks below and produce a written
plan in an attractive, inviting and easy to navigate format. The plan should include chapters on main items and an
executive summary. FPRD is available to provide photos of FPRD facilities to utilize in the plan. The final written
Strategic Plan document shall be a graphically interesting color document. A draft plan shall be presented to City
Administration, which may include City Council, FPRD staff, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and public for
comments that will then be used to create a final plan that is adopted by City Council. After the final document is
adopted, an electronic copy shall be given to FPRD in an editable format such as Microsoft Word. The City shall
maintain ownership of the document and all work generated in the strategic planning process.
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In accomplishing the work of the Strategic Plan, the Consultant shall work closely with staff from FPRD and the City
throughout the project. The consultant shall communicate with FPRD staff to keep the project on schedule. The
consultant shall submit to FPRD brief written monthly status reports that delineate work completed, work underway,
work to be completed and major items which are needed by FPRD staff and by Consultant staff or others. The intent
of this is to create a document that tracks progress and keeps everyone informed on progress and items that need to
be accomplished.
A preliminary description, subject to change, of what is needed for each task, including work that the consultant
would do and work that would primarily be the responsibility of FPRD is listed below:
Communicating the Vision and Citizen Input — A careful effort to keep the public informed of progress and major issues
during the strategic planning process is crucial to its success. The consultant and FPRD will work together to clearly
and concisely educate the public about the important issues dealt with in the Strategic Plan.
A great deal of citizen input was gained in the initial 2018 efforts of the "Imagine Tomorrow's Parks." Citizen Input is a
crucial item for the Strategic Plan. It is imperative that citizen input is considered to develop a plan that meets the
community's vision. FPRD is committed to assisting with the collection and analyzing of information as needed from
the consultant. Both the consultant and FPRD will participate in the efforts to engage and inform the public.
The following outlines possible methods of engaging the public with FPRD and Consultant roles and responsibilities.
Final methods are subject to negotiation and interested parties are encouraged to submit the best means and
methods for accomplishing high quality public engagement activity. Methods of engagement listed are malleable and
the City is open to the best practices, means and methods based on consultant experience and recommendations.
• Second Round Kick Off Meeting — One day of activity with a major evening event to formally "resume" the
strategic planning process and introduce the consultants. It is expected that the consultant will prepare and
present an interactive presentation appropriate for this event including introducing themselves to the public.
• Update and City -Wide Meetings —The consultant will organize and participate in two public workshops to obtain
broad -based community input and to present relevant information.
• Key Leaders and Focus Group Meetings — It is expected that the consultant will engage in two days (8hrs min) of
meetings with Key Leaders and Focus Groups outside of the Kick Off and Update meetings. FPRD will coordinate
the meetings. The consultants shall participate and take detailed notes that will become part of the back-up
documentation for the Strategic Plan.
• Area meetings - FPRD staff is available to conduct smaller public meetings for all areas of the city if needed. The
information gathered will be provided to the consultants and included in the analysis and preparation of the
Strategic Plan.
• Scientific Surveys: The consultants will commission an approved scientific community opinion and needs based
survey for the Strategic Plan with a firm experienced in public scientific surveys for the recreation and park field.
Staff may conduct surveys at events and in random methods. The surveys will play a major part in understanding
the desires of the public and will be incorporated into the Strategic Plan by the consultants.
• Public Web Access: The city has staff in its Communications and Marketing Department that operate websites for
public outreach. The consultants will develop a public outreach plan and content that city staff can use to
populate outreach websites. This will in part allow for the vetting of ideas by the public. Fees for Public Web
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services and staff time to populate the websites are covered by the city. The consultants will be responsible for
supplying the developed information for the website and coordinating with the Communications and Marketing
Presentation to Council: The consultants will present a draft and final plan to the Parks and Recreation Advisory
Board and Fayetteville City Council.
Demographic Study: FPRD will produce demographic information and analysis for the consultants use. Information will
include basic demographic profiles for the city and demographic profiles at major parks (provided by city). If during
the strategic planning process additional information is needed FPRD will gather that information. Consultants will
utilize the information in their analysis, including demographic trends, and will incorporate and format appropriately
for the Strategic Plan Document.
Park and Facility Inventory and Analysis: FPRD will provide a list of all parks rated in six categories: very poor, poor, fair,
good, excellent or undeveloped. A listing of amenities for each park will be included. Information on each park
including amenities is available from FPRD and will be included in the Strategic Plan document. FPRD's information
includes future design considerations for basic amenity replacement and possible new facilities. The consultant will
incorporate this information into overall analysis and the Strategic Plan document. After contract award, a day will be
spent with key members of the successful team touring key areas of the park system to better acquaint the
consultants with FPRD's facilities.
Recreation Program Analysis and Plan — FPRD seeks a thorough study of methodologies used for planning and
maintaining program opportunities at FPRD. This shall include but not be limited to the following:
• A review and study of FPRD core services and what is provided by other public agencies, non -profits and private
• Analysis of current offerings, methods for removing programs at the end of their life cycle, methods and criteria
for creating new programs
• Methods to evaluate trends and forecasting trends
• Program objectives
• Resources needed to accomplish the recreation plan shall be identified.
• Plan shall address all programs currently conducted by FPRD and possible new programs.
• Attention to insuring a diversity of programs to meet a wide range of demographic conditions. The consultant
shall work closely with FPRD in developing this portion of the Strategic Plan.
Analysis of Other Providers— FPRD has analyzed other providers of recreational amenities and activities and the
information is to be included in the Final Strategic Plan. FPRD will generate any additional information on other
providers that may be needed during the process.
Existing and Proposed Partnership Study— FPRD staff has cataloged existing and some possible partnerships.
Consultants will build on this work providing an analysis of existing and proposed partnerships. This work will include
documents and templates, and standard operating procedures to be used in exploring, developing and maintaining
partnerships. Criteria that defines thresholds for partnerships will be included. The consultant will integrate this work
into the strategic plan and may add to it if warranted.
Fees and Charges Study —The consultant will prepare a plan that address cost recovery and the entire fee -based
portfolio of services that FPRD provides. The Fees and Charges Study shall investigate historical recovery rates and
make recommendations for future goals. A tiered methodology, in line with core values, shall be articulated that sets
parameters for cost recovery on existing and future facilities and programs. Recommendations for cost recovery
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percentages and frameworks to evaluate existing and new programs and their perspective cost of recovery ratios shall
be provided. Benchmarking other systems (Bentonville, Springdale, Rogers, Little Rock, Lawrence KS) will be provided
Maintenance Level of Service / Funding Study — The maintenance of FPRD parks and facilities has grown significantly as
the park department has added parks and trails. FPRD will provide data on maintenance costs per acre for
neighborhood parks, community parks, natural areas, and special use facilities and list of routine maintenance tasks
and frequency of completion. The consultant will include the information in their analysis and plan generation and will
help identify sustainable Level of Service goals that are in line with the will of the public and funding realities.
Benchmarking other systems must be provided.
Phased Development and Major Maintenance Plan —The consultant shall develop a phased plan that outlines
anticipated projects and acquisitions necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of the plan. This section of the
plan shall include:
• Funding for Basic Capital Replacement — FPRD will present a project plan to be incorporated into the document
for basic replacement and minor new facilities.
• Funding for New Facilities — FPRD and the consultant will study possible new facilities that will add substantial
recreational and community quality of life benefits. Included is reference to land acquisitions that may be
necessary to achieve the goals of the plan. The consultants will develop cost estimates for these facilities
including construction and operational costs. FPRD staff will provide estimates for land values.
Visioning —A process to pull all the relevant information together and develop and articulate the common vision that
the community has expressed through the planning process including updating the Mission and Vision statements.
Core values will be developed for FPRD. Some work has been done regarding this and is included in the attachments
FPRD Structure — The consultant will study FPRD's management and operational structure, including staffing levels,
and make recommendations for changes that may be needed to better meet the opportunities and challenges
identified in the planning process.
Policy Framework/Modification/Generation —The consultant will clearly identify in existing FPRD policies and practices,
areas that need improvement or that need to be modified to position the agency to successfully pursue the goals of
the Strategic Plan. FPRD staff will make the detailed modifications.
Implementation Plan — A general, broad ranged, flexible plan defining objectives and milestones aimed at achieving
the goals and objectives set forth in the Strategic Plan. The Implementation Plan will identify key goals, objectives, and
tasks, with priorities and policies necessary to implement the Strategic Plan.
Note: Some areas of FPRD that will require further detailed study are not identified above and not part of this effort.
Some additional study will be needed after the strategic planning process. Examples are business plans, a cultural and
heritage plan, a detailed natural resource plan, and an updated trail plan. Individual plans for these facilities are likely
not to be included in this planning effort. The Plan will include, broad considerations for these areas and those
considerations will be included in the Strategic Plan and will likely be tasks to be accomplished in the implementation
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Information Boards:
• Attachment A: Fayetteville City Park Land
• Attachment B: Planning Boards
• Attachment C: Individual Park Demographics
• Attachment D: Service Provider Analysis
Deliverable and Responsible Party
Completion Date
The City will open and advertise the Request for Qualification (RFQ) process
with the intent to select a firm to provide deliverables identified in the scope
of work.
March 25, 2019
Deadline for firms to submit RFQ responses to the City
April 24, 2019
The City's Selection Committee will review and evaluate statements of
qualifications. Qualified firms will be shortlisted to a maximum of five firms.
Week of April 29, 2019
Interviews with selected firms. No travel reimbursements shall be provided by
the City. On -site, or virtual, interviews may be conducted.
Week of May 06, 2019
Deadline for Contract Negotiations
May 17, 2019
The Fayetteville City Council will consider approval of a contract with the
selected firm.
June 04, 2019
25 weeks for Scope of work to be completed by selected firm.
November 26, 2019
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