HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-11-16 - Agendas - FinalFayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission November 16, 2020 2:00 p.m. Location: Virtual Public Meeting, Via Zoom, register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YOSL-MplQjOyDTmWtgOPhA Commissioners: Matthew Petty, Chairperson; Katherine Kinney;Todd Martin; Robert Rhoads; Chrissy Sanderson; Sarah Bunch; Reese Roberts Staff: Molly Rawn, Chief Executive Officer Agenda I. Call to order at 2:00 p.m. II. Old Business A. Review and approval of October 2020 minutes III. New Business A. CEO Report: i. September HMR report ii. October financials iii. Unit updates, including Clinton House Museum next steps iv. Commission Vacancy v. 2020 meeting schedule B. Vote. Recommendation to accept a quote from Pinnacle Roofing for a roof replacement at the Walker Stone House in the amount of $25,500. The roof was significantly damaged by hail in May. Our insurance policy will reimburse the cost of the roof. See attached memo for further details. C. Marketing Report: Hazel Hernandez IV. Agenda Additions. Additions to the agenda may be added upon request from a majority of commissioners Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Minutes from October 191", 2020 Meeting Virtual Public Meeting, Via Zoom Commissioners Present: Todd Martin, Sarah Bunch, Chrissy Sanderson, Reese Roberts, Katherine Kinney Commissioners Absent: Matthew Petty, Chairperson; Robert Rhoads Staff: Molly Rawn, Chief Executive Officer and Hazel Hernandez, Vice President of Sales and Marketing CEO Rawn called the meeting to order in lieu of Chairperson Petty at 2:01pm and began with a roll call Old Business a. Commissioner Martin moved to approve the September 2020 minutes with Commissioner Sanderson offering a second. The motion passed with a roll call vote. III. CEO Report a. Rawn reported that both health and dental premiums for 2021 will decrease and we will use this decrease to upgrade to a more robust plan rather than pursue adding vision, which had been discussed as a possibility last year. b. Election day has been added as a new paid holiday for all full-time staff, starting this year. c. Jennifer Walker, our new VP of Finance starts next Monday. Rawn will be sending out an email to the commission introducing her to each of you. d. We are hosting the US Trail Running Conference this week in a hybrid model, it's the first time the conference has been in Arkansas. In addition to Julie Pennington, Hazel Hernandez and the entire FTC team, a big thank you to the Graduate Hotel. e. Per the request of Devin Howland, the city's Director of Economic Vitality, we have sent a proposal to City Council to fund 4 or 5 pop up Winter Lounges that Chloe Bell would be planning, with Amy Stockton's assistance. These will be small events throughout the entertainment district that will allow for expanded seating and social distancing. f. The Arkansas High Country mountain bike race begins the weekend of October 30, it's a 1,000 mile race beginning and ending in downtown Fayetteville. This is the first time this event has been held in Fayetteville and Brannon Pack is coordinating this. g. Fayetteville Town Center is receiving fiber internet connection and additional Wi Fi access points with much faster speed thanks to a partnership with the city. This will allow the city to host any meetings in our larger space if needed h. Rawn shared that she will present her wind down plan for the Clinton House Museum at the November meeting. Angie Albright, CHM's Director, has gathered the Clinton House Museum's board of directors to discuss the wind down i. August HMR i. August numbers are down compared to last year but not as down as July's ii. Lodging numbers are down 26% compared to same time last year iii. Restaurant numbers are down 12% compared to same time last year iv. Overall HMR collections for 2020 are down 19% Overall revenue for Fayetteville A&P across all units is far better than what we feared, as of September 30th we are down only $43,780 due to cost cutting measures. k. December meeting: Rawn proposes to meet December 14th, the second Monday of December which will allow our new VP of Finance more time to work with team on the 2021 budget. This meeting, held the second, not the third, Monday in December, will be focused just on the 2021 budget and will not include HMR collections or a marketing report. Rawn asked if there were any objections or questions and with there being none, she will send out a meeting reminder for a Monday, December 14th meeting. IV. Marketing a. Hazel Hernandez, VP of Sales and Marketing, reports that thanks to our ads running since August, website traffic continues to increase, being significantly higher than earlier months. Our site traffic by top states continues to be Arkansas at 37%, Texas at 19%, Oklahoma at 8%, Missouri at 7% and Tennessee at 4%. Total online guide requests for September were 1,269. c. Summer and Fall Flight numbers show that everything continues to perform well, with outdoor activities information growing the fastest. Paid search is performing well with the click through rate much higher as these are better leads, i.e. they represent people actively googling topics such as "things to do in Fayetteville." d. Hernandez also showed four current and upcoming print ads and then gave an update on some of our public relations efforts: an article by Julie Pennington on Fayetteville motorcycle tours and a Q and A with Molly Rawn and the NWA Business Journal with Rawn featured on the cover. Additionally, we've also had excellent coverage of our new Visitors Guide release. Finally, we created three different itineraries for Little Rock Family. V. New Business a. Rawn presented that we need to add her to the Arvest purchasing card accounts. Currently Sally Fisher is the only one listed and having two staff on the account is needed. Commissioner Kinney presented a motion to approve Molly Rawn's ability to make changes on this Arvest account by adding Rawn to the account. With Commissioner Sanderson seconding, this motion passed unanimously. b. To end the meeting, Commissioner Roberts shared that she has submitted her resignation as General Manager of Bordinos effective November Vt which leaves us with a vacancy on the A&P board. Rawn thanked Roberts for her service and her outreach into the community during such a difficult year. Commissioner Bunch said if commissioners know of someone who owns or manages a hotel, motel or restaurant and would be interested in the position, please encourage them to apply. c. With no further business, Rawn adjourned the meeting at 2:27pm Minutes submitted by Amy Stockton, Director of Operations CJ 7 • C • 8.09% 4.12% 4.22% 17, • • 0 4.30% % change over previous year PYA il-371 -19.63% jan S S apr (may jun jul aug sep oct 8 nov ' dec Monthly A&P Tax Collections 2020** = 0 1 1pr'10 S293,628 S2279423 S2679248 S2749542 S264,542, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I� 00 0) O T- N (n Ln �0 � 00 0') T- TI- N N N N N N N N N N 6.67% 1.69% -3.80% -33.42% -47.68% -30.57% -26.76% -16.17% -13.87% -21.74% change from 2019 ** This represents one half of the total HMR collections. The other half supports the Parks and Recreation department. Fayetteville A&P Commission Balance Sheet As of October 31, 2020 ASSETS Current Assets Cash 1st Security A&P/EF 656,339.74 1st Security Fayetteville TC 399,318.69 1st Security Clinton House 4,518.38 1st Security Cyclocross 772,531.43 Arvest Payroll Account 25,257.65 EF/CVB Cash in Register 150.00 TC Cash on Hand 1,000.00 CHM Cash In Register 100.00 Subtotal: Cash 1,859,215.89 Investments Investments 848,160.94 Investments: Adjust to Market 3,198.95 Subtotal: Investments 851,359.89 Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable - City Parking 376.00 Accounts Receivable (TC) 67,752.42 HMR Funds Due from City 201,539.85 Total Accounts Receivable 269,668.27 Prepaid Expenses 24,035.44 Deposits 30,617.00 Visitors Guide Trade 1,438.59 Inventory Asset - EF/CVB 6,494.64 Inventory Asset - CHM 7,396.62 Total Current Assets 3,050,226.34 Other Assets Capital Assets Furniture & Fixtures 96,640.63 Equipment 371,600.53 EF/CVB Building 940,410.32 EF/CVB Land 198,621.00 Building Additions 907,335.49 Walker -Stone House 1,167,217.53 Accumulated Depreciation (1,188,819.38) Subtotal: Capital Assets 2,493,006.12 Construction in Progress 77,693.23 Total Other Assets 2.570.699.35 TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 31,891.43 Sales Tax Payable 1,679.22 Unearned Revenue 2020 13,910.00 Unearned Revenue 2021 101,326.09 Notes Payable 2,514.98 Subtotal: Current Liabilities 151,321.72 Total Liabilities Equity Fund Balance 4,946,572.81 Temporarily Restricted Funds 395,661.50 Net Revenue Gain/(Loss) on Investments (56,115.51) Net Revenue without Cyclocross (109,263.39) Net Revenue for Cyclocross 292,748.56 127,369.66 Total Equity 5,620,925.69 151,321.72 5,469,603.97 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 5,620,925.69 Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 CONSOLIDATED Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining % of Budget Revenue Hotel, Motel, Restaurant Taxes Revenue CYHMRTaxes 2,434,268.92 2,369,024 65,244.92 -2.75% PY HMR Taxes 33,050.42 30,000 3,050.42 -10.17% Subtotal Hotel, Motel, Restaurant Taxes Revenue 2,467,319.34 2,399,024 68,295.34 Rental Revenue Facility Rental 107,893.13 160,000 (52,106.87) 32.57% Rental Items 16,607.77 24,000 (7,392.23) 30.80% Alcohol Sales 29,631.09 55,000 (25,368.91) 46.13% Rental Services 24,430.00 40,000 (15,570.00) 38.93% Subtotal Rental Revenue 178,561.99 279,000 (100,438.01) Event Revenue First Thursday Income 5,000.00 0 5,000.00 -100.00% LOTO Income 0.00 3,500 (3,500.00) 100.00% Other Event Income 5,282.84 600 4,682.84 -780.47% Subtotal Event Revenue 10,282.84 4,100 6,182.84 Clinton House Museum Revenue Museum Store Sales 2,050.84 2,700 (649.16) 24.04% Admission Revenue 0.00 0 0.00 Donations 1,685.15 5,000 (3,314.85) 66.30% Membership Subtotal Clinton House Museum Revenue 3,735.99 7,700 (3,964.01) Visitor Center Store Revenue Visitor Store Sales Regular Store Sales 8,029.91 9,000 (970.09) 10.78% Consignment Sales 1,006.00 4,000 (2,994.00) 74.85% Subtotal Visitor Center Revenue 9,035.91 13,000 (3,964.09) Parking Revenue Parking Machine Revenue 4,585.80 10,000 (5,414.20) 54.14% Parking Lease Revenue 11,030.00 13,800 (2,770.00) 20.07% Subtotal Parking Revenue 15,615.80 23,800 (8,184.20) Advertising Revenue Visitor Guide Ad Income 18,650.00 15,000 3,650.00 -24.33% Banner Income 900.00 2,000 (1,100.00) 55.00% Subtotal Advertising Revenue 19,550.00 17,000 2,550.00 Other Revenue Other Revenue 1,292.25 0 1,292.25 -100.00% WFF Cycling Coordinator Grant 53,316.00 53,316 0.00 0.00% WFF Cyclocross Grant Cyclocross Grant Funds 0.00 0 0.00 100.00% Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 CONSOLIDATED Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining % of Budget Cyclocross Events Revenue 0.00 0 0.00 100.00% Cultural Arts Corridor 5,000.00 5,000 0.00 100.00% Clinton House Museum Grants 8,000.00 0 8,000.00 100.00% Subtotal Other Revenue 67,608.25 58,316 9,292.25 Interest and Investment Revenue Investment Account Interest 12,174.53 9,900 2,274.53 -22.98% Checking Account Interest 5,663.06 7,900 (2,236.94) 28.32% Subtotal Interest and Investment Revenue 17,837.59 17,800 37.59 Total Revenue 2,789,547.71 2,819,740 (30,192.29) Expenses Operating Expenses Rental Expenses Facility Rental Expenses 0.00 0 0.00 100.00% Linens 3,979.34 9,500 (5,520.66) 58.11% Alcohol & Bar Supply Expenses Alcohol 5,215.91 24,000 (18,784.09) 78.27% Bar Supply Expenses 1,275.21 5,000 (3,724.79) 74.50% Rental Services 5,949.00 15,000 (9,051.00) 60.34% Subtotal Rental Expenses 16,419.46 53,500 (37,080.54) Event Expenses First Thursday Expenses 1,250.00 0 1,250.00 -100.00% LOTO Expenses 0.00 5,500 (5,500.00) 100.00% Other Event Expenses 3,183.56 1,100 2,083.56 -189.41% Subtotal Event Expenses 4,433.56 6,600 (2,166.44) Clinton House Museum Other Event Expenses 2,827.47 3,500 (672.53) 19.22% Museum Store Expenses Goods for Sale 1,758.31 4,500 (2,741.69) 60.93% Store Supplies 504.28 650 (145.72) 22.42% Programs Group Visits 0.00 500 (500.00) 100.00% Honoraria 250.00 500 (250.00) 50.00% General Program 134.10 1,000 (865.90) 86.59% First Ladies Garden 10,800.06 13,000 (2,199.94) Exhibit Expenses 2,550.89 5,000 (2,449.11) 48.98% Fundraising 2,529.50 2,530 (0.50) 0.02% Subtotal Clinton House Museum 21,354.61 31,180 (9,825.39) Visitor Center Store Goods for Sale 9,325.89 4,500 4,825.89 1 -107.24% Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 CONSOLIDATED Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining % of Budget Store Supplies 960.84 2,500 (1,539.16) 61.57% Consignment Expenses 822.60 2,500 (1,677.40) 67.10% Subtotal Visitor Center Store 11,109.33 9,500 1,609.33 Marketing Expenses Advertising Expense Agency Advertising 225,008.74 250,000 (24,991.26) 10.00% Non -Agency Advertising 13,161.91 29,000 (15,838.09) 54.61% Agency Fees 149,625.00 179,550 (29,925.00) 16.67% Promotion Promotion Expenses 79,850.07 103,800 (23,949.93) 23.07% Signage-Tourism 0.00 1,500 (1,500.00) 100.00% Banners 1,532.88 3,900 (2,367.12) 60.70% Printing Visitors Guide Expense 31,552.10 14,400 17,152.10 -119.11% Other Brochures 6,628.62 9,100 (2,471.38) 27.16% Website 6,579.73 9,700 (3,120.27) 32.17% Mailings 4,000.00 6,000 (2,000.00) 33.33% Sales and Development Promotional Items 596.03 5,500 (4,903.97) 89.16% Groups 1,886.44 2,000 (113.56) 5.68% Sports 17,626.06 11,640 5,986.06 -51.43% Meetings 53.69 2,100 (2,046.31) 97.44% Memberships 26,381.70 22,900 3,481.70 -15.20% Tourism & Client Development 11,269.91 22,100 (10,830.09) 49.00% Subtotal Marketing Expenses 575,752.88 673,190 (97,437.12) 14.47% Payroll Wages Expense 690,305.52 838,759 (148,453.48) 17.70% Payroll Tax Expense Federal (941) Payroll Taxes 50,362.43 69,200 (18,837.57) 27.22% SUTA 2,207.23 2,600 (392.77) 15.11% Benefits Health and Other Emp Insurance 102,589.87 135,063 (32,473.13) 24.04% Company Ret Contributions 16,980.26 29,323 (12,342.74) 42.09% Car Allowance 1,874.97 1,041 833.97 -80.11% Contract Labor 12,657.02 33,700 (21,042.98) 62.44% Payroll Processing Fees 5,194.51 6,675 (1,480.49) Subtotal Payroll Expenses 882,171.81 1,116,361 (234,189.19) Office and Administrative Expenses Office Expenses Office Supplies 3,752.25 1 9,600 1 (5,847.75) 60.91% Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 CONSOLIDATED Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining % of Budget Office Equipment Leases 4,963.29 8,200 (3,236.71) 39.47% Office Equipment Purchases 1,101.63 1,800 (698.37) 38.80% Subscriptions 423.06 1,100 (676.94) 61.54% Employee Relations 2,589.87 4,700 (2,110.13) 44.90% Training 2,232.78 6,700 (4,467.22) 66.67% Postage and Shipping 1,063.78 1,400 (336.22) 24.02% Fees Bank Service Charges 414.65 750 (335.35) 44.71% Credit Card Fees 2,364.62 6,900 (4,535.38) 65.73% Business Taxes and Licenses 9,373.94 15,000 (5,626.06) 37.51% Accounting, Audit, & Legal Fees Accounting Fees 6,750.00 12,000 (5,250.00) 43.75% Audit Fees 22,100.00 24,000 (1,900.00) 7.92% Legal Fees 2,374.40 2,500 (125.60) 5.02% Collection Expense 49,346.36 47,980 1,366.36 -2.85% Travel Lodging 6,424.60 8,150 (1,725.40) 21.17% Mileage 642.06 1,350 (707.94) 52.44% Transportation 3,050.27 4,800 (1,749.73) 36.45% Meals Out of Town 1,528.13 3,600 (2,071.87) 57.55% IT Expenses Computer Hardware 9,393.07 21,000 (11,606.93) 55.27% Software Purchases and Subs 23,991.27 25,400 (1,408.73) 5.55% IT Support and Consulting 41,392.15 38,600 2,792.15 -7.23% Insurance Insurance - Building & Contents 15,447.00 15,000 447.00 -2.98% Insurance - W/C 1,148.00 1,400 (252.00) 18.00% Facilities Rent 34,460.00 39,720 (5,260.00) 13.24% Internet/Telephone 27,682.39 34,080 (6,397.61) 18.77% Utilities Electric 52,892.49 68,477 (15,584.51) 22.76% Gas 8,964.55 13,060 (4,095.45) 31.36% Water 8,700.08 15,500 (6,799.92) 43.87% Repairs and Maintenance 41,517.68 69,000 (27,482.32) 39.83% Janitorial Supplies 17,283.29 35,500 (18,216.71) 51.31% Maintenance Contracts 36,092.43 39,500 (3,407.57) 8.63% FFE & Improvements 101,864.01 110,000 (8,135.99) 7.40% Subtotal Office and Administrative Expenses 541,324.10 686,767 (145,442.90) 21.18% !Other Expenses Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 CONSOLIDATED Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining % of Budget Bond Payments 584,265.70 707,000 (122,734.30) 17.36% Grants Awarded Current Year Spring 47,540.00 70,000 (22,460.00) 32.09% TheatreSquared Contribution 100,000.00 200,000 (100,000.00) 50.00% Cyclocross Events 0.00 0 0.00 Total Other Expenses 731,805.70 977,000 (245,194.30) 0.25 Total Operating Expenses 2,784,371.45 3,554,098 (769,726.55) Net Operating Income/(Loss) 5,176.26 (734,358) 739,534.26 FOR REFERENCE ONLY: Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments (56,115.51) Other (COGS / Bad Debt) 1,416.35 Estimated YTD Depreciation (115,856.00) Net Income/(Loss) for Cyclocross Events 292,748.56 Total Net Income on Balance Sheet 127,369.66 Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 Experience Fayetteville Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining %of Budget Revenue Hotel, Motel, Restaurant Taxes Revenue CY HMR Taxes 2,434,268.92 2,369,024 65,244.92 -2.75% PYHMRTaxes 33,050.42 30,000 3,050.42 -10.17% Subtotal Hotel, Motel, Restaurant Taxes Revenue 2,467,319.34 2,399,024 68,295.34 Rental Revenue Facility Rental Rental Items Alcohol Sales Rental Services Subtotal Rental Revenue Event Revenue First Thursday Income 5,000.00 0 5,000.00 -100.00% LOTO Income 0.00 3,500 (3,500.00) 100.00% Other Event Income Subtotal Event Revenue 5,000.00 3,500 1,500.00 Clinton House Museum Revenue Museum Store Sales Admission Revenue Donations Membership Subtotal Clinton House Museum Revenue Visitor Center Store Revenue Visitor Store Sales Regular Store Sales 8,029.91 9,000 (970.09) 10.78% Consignment Sales 1,006.00 4,000 (2,994.00) 74.85% Subtotal Visitor Center Revenue 9,035.91 13,000 (3,964.09) Parking Revenue Parking Machine Revenue Parking Lease Revenue Subtotal Parking Revenue Advertising Revenue Visitor Guide Ad Income 18,650.00 15,000 3,650.00 -24.33% Banner Income 900.00 2,000 (1,100.00) 55.00% Subtotal Advertising Revenue 19,550.00 17,000 2,550.00 Other Revenue Other Revenue 245.00 0 245.00 -100.00% WFF Cycling Coordinator Grant 53,316.00 53,316 0.00 0.00% WFF Cyclocross Grant Cyclocross Grant Funds 0.00 0 0.00 100.00% Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 Experience Fayetteville Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining %of Budget Cyclocross Events Revenue 0.00 0 0.00 100.00% Cultural Arts Corridor 5,000.00 5,000 0.00 100.00% Clinton House Museum Grants Subtotal Other Revenue 58,561.00 58,316 245.00 Interest and Investment Revenue Investment Account Interest 12,174.53 9,900 2,274.53 -22.98% Checking Account Interest 3,454.30 4,900 (1,445.70) 29.50% Subtotal Interest and Investment Revenue 15,628.83 14,800 828.83 Total Revenue 2,575,095.08 2,505,640 69,455.08 Expenses Operating Expenses Rental Expenses Facility Rental Expenses Linens Alcohol & Bar Supply Expenses Alcohol Bar Supply Expenses Rental Services Subtotal Rental Expenses Event Expenses First Thursday Expenses 1,250.00 0 1,250.00 -100.00% LOTO Expenses 0.00 5,500 (5,500.00) 100.00% Other Event Expenses 961.72 1,100 (138.28) 12.57% Subtotal Event Expenses 2,211.72 6,600 (4,388.28) Clinton House Museum Other Event Expenses Museum Store Expenses Goods for Sale Store Supplies Programs Group Visits Honoraria General Program First Ladies Garden Exhibit Expenses Fundraising Subtotal Clinton House Museum Visitor Center Store Goods for Sale 9,325.89 4,500 4,825.89 -107.24% Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 Experience Fayetteville Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining %of Budget Store Supplies 960.84 2,500 (1,539.16) 61.57% Consignment Expenses 822.60 2,500 (1,677.40) 67.10% Subtotal Visitor Center Store 11,109.33 9,500 1,609.33 Marketing Expenses Advertising Expense Agency Advertising 225,008.74 250,000 (24,991.26) 10.00% Non -Agency Advertising 10,179.40 21,000 (10,820.60) 51.53% Agency Fees 149,625.00 179,550 (29,925.00) Promotion Promotion Expenses 78,223.79 95,000 (16,776.21) 17.66% Signage-Tourism 0.00 1,500 (1,500.00) 100.00% Banners 1,532.88 3,900 (2,367.12) 60.70% Printing Visitors Guide Expense 31,552.10 14,400 17,152.10 -119.11% Other Brochures 6,516.96 5,000 1,516.96 -30.34% Website 4,928.17 8,200 (3,271.83) 39.90% Mailings 4,000.00 6,000 (2,000.00) 33.33% Sales and Development Promotional Items 419.70 2,500 (2,080.30) 83.21% Groups 1,886.44 2,000 (113.56) 5.68% Sports 17,626.06 11,640 5,986.06 -51.43% Meetings 53.69 2,000 (1,946.31) 97.32% Memberships 24,241.50 20,000 4,241.50 -21.21% Tourism & Client Development 11,217.50 18,000 (6,782.50) 37.68% Subtotal Marketing Expenses 567,011.93 640,690 (73,678.07) Payroll Wages Expense 425,457.43 498,308 (72,850.57) 14.62% Payroll Tax Expense Federal (941) Payroll Taxes 30,580.08 42,000 (11,419.92) 27.19% SUTA 1,149.70 1,200 (50.30) 4.19% Benefits Health and Other Emp Insurance 70,667.38 89,000 (18,332.62) 20.60% Company Ret Contributions 11,361.11 19,860 (8,498.89) 42.79% Car Allowance 1,874.97 1,041 833.97 -80.11% Contract Labor 1,925.50 2,000 (74.50) 3.73% Payroll Processing Fees 3,102.38 4,000 (897.62) 22.44% Subtotal Payroll Expenses 546,118.55 657,409 (111,290.45) Office and Administrative Expenses Office Expenses Office Supplies 1,561.51 3,500 1 (1,938.49) 55.39% Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 Experience Fayetteville Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining %of Budget Office Equipment Leases 2,978.50 4,500 (1,521.50) 33.81% Office Equipment Purchases 297.42 1,000 (702.58) 70.26% Subscriptions 409.90 700 (290.10) 41.44% Employee Relations 2,419.44 2,500 (80.56) 3.22% Training 1,525.00 1,500 25.00 -1.67% Postage and Shipping 653.32 900 (246.68) 27.41% Fees Bank Service Charges 226.15 500 (273.85) 54.77% Credit Card Fees 524.14 2,000 (1,475.86) 73.79% Business Taxes and Licenses 2,471.04 2,800 (328.96) 11.75% Accounting, Audit, & Legal Fees Accounting Fees 6,750.00 12,000 (5,250.00) 43.75% Audit Fees 20,000.00 21,000 (1,000.00) 4.76% Legal Fees 2,374.40 2,500 (125.60) 5.02% Collection Expense 49,346.36 47,980 1,366.36 -2.85% Travel Lodging 5,070.28 6,000 (929.72) 15.50% Mileage 468.41 800 (331.59) 41.45% Transportation 2,304.39 3,500 (1,195.61) 34.16% Meals Out of Town 1,130.49 2,800 (1,669.51) 59.63% IT Expenses Computer Hardware 9,262.50 11,000 (1,737.50) 15.80% Software Purchases and Subs 16,123.28 18,000 (1,876.72) 10.43% IT Support and Consulting 39,232.15 36,800 2,432.15 -6.61% Insurance Insurance - Building & Contents 11,878.00 11,800 78.00 -0.66% Insurance - W/C 1,148.00 1,400 (252.00) 18.00% Facilities Rent 800.00 120 680.00 -566.67% Internet/Telephone 11,113.58 13,600 (2,486.42) 18.28% Utilities Electric 6,128.24 7,177 (1,048.76) 14.61% Gas 1,214.50 660 0.00 -84.02% Water 1,140.96 1,400 (259.04) 18.50% Repairs and Maintenance 16,315.17 10,000 6,315.17 -63.15% Janitorial Supplies 957.26 3,500 (2,542.74) 72.65% Maintenance Contracts 2,232.33 2,000 232.33 -11.62% FFE & Improvements 1,163.56 10,000 (8,836.44) 88.36% Subtotal Office and Administrative Expenses 219,220.28 243,937 (25,271.22) Other Expenses Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 Experience Fayetteville Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining %of Budget Bond Payments 584,265.70 707,000 (122,734.30) Grants Awarded Current Year Spring 47,540.00 70,000 (22,460.00) 32.09% TheatreSquared Contribution 100,000.00 200,000 (100,000.00) 50.00% Cyclocross Events 0.00 0 0.00 Total Other Expenses 731,805.70 977,000 (245,194.30) 0.25 Total Operating Expenses 2,077,477.51 2,535,136 (213,018.69) Net Operating Income/(Loss) 497,617.57 (29,496) 282,473.77 FOR REFERENCE ONLY: Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments Other (COGS / Bad Debt) Estimated YTD Depreciation Net Income/(Loss) for Cyclocross Events Total Net Income on Balance Sheet Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 Town Center Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining %of Budget Revenue Hotel, Motel, Restaurant Taxes Revenue CY HMR Taxes PY H MR Taxes Subtotal Hotel, Motel, Restaurant Taxes Revenue Rental Revenue Facility Rental 107,893.13 160,000 (52,106.87) 32.57% Rental Items 16,607.77 24,000 (7,392.23) 30.80% Alcohol Sales 29,631.09 55,000 (25,368.91) 46.13% Rental Services 24,430.00 40,000 (15,570.00) 38.93% Subtotal Rental Revenue 178,561.99 279,000 (100,438.01) Event Revenue First Thursday Income LOTO Income Other Event Income 5,282.84 0 5,282.84 -100.00% Subtotal Event Revenue 5,282.84 0 5,282.84 Clinton House Museum Revenue Museum Store Sales Admission Revenue Donations Membership Subtotal Clinton House Museum Revenue Visitor Center Store Revenue Visitor Store Sales Regular Store Sales Consignment Sales Subtotal Visitor Center Revenue Parking Revenue Parking Machine Revenue 4,585.80 10,000 (5,414.20) 54.14% Parking Lease Revenue 11,030.00 13,800 (2,770.00) 20.07% Subtotal Parking Revenue 15,615.80 23,800 (8,184.20) Advertising Revenue Visitor Guide Ad Income Banner Income Subtotal Advertising Revenue Other Revenue Other Revenue 697.25 0 697.25 -100.00% WFF Cycling Coordinator Grant WFF Cyclocross Grant Cyclocross Grant Funds Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 Town Center Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining %of Budget Cyclocross Events Revenue Cultural Arts Corridor Clinton House Museum Grants Subtotal Other Revenue 697.25 0 697.25 Interest and Investment Revenue Investment Account Interest Checking Account Interest 2,184.93 3,000 (815.07) 27.17% Subtotal Interest and Investment Revenue 2,184.93 3,000 (815.07) Total Revenue 202,342.81 305,800 (103,457.19) Expenses Operating Expenses Rental Expenses Facility Rental Expenses 0 0.00 100.00 Linens 3,979.34 9,500 (5,520.66) 58.11% Alcohol & Bar Supply Expenses Alcohol 5,215.91 24,000 (18,784.09) 78.27% Bar Supply Expenses 1,275.21 5,000 (3,724.79) 74.50% Rental Services 5,949.00 15,000 (9,051.00) 60.34% Subtotal Rental Expenses 16,419.46 53,500 (37,080.54) Event Expenses First Thursday Expenses LOTO Expenses Other Event Expenses 2,221.84 0 2,221.84 -100.00% Subtotal Event Expenses 2,221.84 0 2,221.84 Clinton House Museum Other Event Expenses Museum Store Expenses Goods for Sale Store Supplies Programs Group Visits Honoraria General Program First Ladies Garden Exhibit Expenses Fundraising Subtotal Clinton House Museum Visitor Center Store Goods for Sale Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 Town Center Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining %of Budget Store Supplies Consignment Expenses Subtotal Visitor Center Store Marketing Expenses Advertising Expense Agency Advertising Non -Agency Advertising 260.51 3,000 (2,739.49) -100.00% Agency Fees Promotion Promotion Expenses 1,626.28 8,500 (6,873.72) 80.87% Signage-Tourism Banners Printing Visitors Guide Expense Other Brochures 0.00 2,100 (2,100.00) 100.00% Website 724.99 800 (75.01) 9.38% Mailings Sales and Development Promotional Items 176.33 2,500 (2,323.67) 92.95% Groups Sports Meetings Memberships 1,442.50 2,350 (907.50) 38.62% Tourism & Client Development 52.41 4,000 (3,947.59) 98.69% Subtotal Marketing Expenses 4,283.02 23,250 (18,966.98) Payroll Wages Expense 203,084.43 260,202 (57,117.57) 21.95% Payroll Tax Expense Federal (941) Payroll Taxes 15,079.80 21,000 (5,920.20) 28.19% SUTA 920.61 1,200 (279.39) 23.28% Benefits Health and Other Emp Insurance 23,317.32 35,421 (12,103.68) 34.17% Company Ret Contributions 4,401.84 7,500 (3,098.16) 41.31% Car Allowance Contract Labor 10,227.34 31,000 (20,772.66) 67.01% Payroll Processing Fees 2,021.63 2,500 Subtotal Payroll Expenses 259,052.97 358,823 (99,291.66) Office and Administrative Expenses Office Expenses Office Supplies 1,577.11 1 5,100 1 (3,522.89) 69.08% Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 Town Center Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining %of Budget Office Equipment Leases 1,984.79 3,700 (1,715.21) 46.36% Office Equipment Purchases 207.52 800 (592.48) 74.06% Subscriptions 0.00 200 (200.00) 100.00% Employee Relations 147.08 2,000 (1,852.92) 92.65% Training 296.55 3,500 (3,203.45) 91.53% Postage and Shipping 176.63 350 (173.37) 49.53% Fees Bank Service Charges Credit Card Fees 1,307.23 4,100 (2,792.77) 68.12% Business Taxes and Licenses 6,902.90 12,200 (5,297.10) 43.42% Accounting, Audit, & Legal Fees Accounting Fees Audit Fees Legal Fees Collection Expense Travel Lodging 0.00 750 (750.00) 100.00% Mileage 49.45 250 (200.55) 80.22% Transportation 171.29 700 (528.71) 75.53% Meals Out of Town 27.74 300 (272.26) 90.75% IT Expenses Computer Hardware 48.20 6,000 (5,951.80) 99.20% Software Purchases and Subs 7,528.25 6,800 728.25 -10.71% IT Support and Consulting 2,160.00 1,800 360.00 -20.00% Insurance Insurance - Building & Contents 3,179.00 2,850 329.00 -11.54% Insurance - W/C Facilities Rent 20,000.00 24,000 (4,000.00) 16.67% Internet/Telephone 14,117.37 17,680 (3,562.63) 20.15% Utilities Electric 46,018.31 60,100 (14,081.69) 23.43% Gas 6,953.68 11,400 (4,446.32) 39.00% Water 5,802.78 11,700 (5,897.22) 50.40% Repairs and Maintenance 24,774.24 55,000 (30,225.76) 54.96% Janitorial Supplies 14,767.27 30,000 (15,232.73) 50.78% Maintenance Contracts 33,640.60 37,000 (3,359.40) 9.08% FFE & Improvements 100,700.45 100,000 700.45 -0.70% Subtotal Office and Administrative Expenses 292,538.44 398,280 (105,741.56) Other Expenses Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 Town Center Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining %of Budget Bond Payments Grants Awarded Current Year Spring TheatreSquared Contribution Cyclocross Events Total Other Expenses 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 Total Operating Expenses 574,515.73 833,853 (258,858.90) Net Operating Income/(Loss) (372,172.92) (528,053) 155,401.71 FOR REFERENCE ONLY: Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments Other (COGS / Bad Debt) Estimated YTD Depreciation Net Income/(Loss) for Cyclocross Events Total Net Income on Balance Sheet Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 Clinton House Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining %of Budget Revenue Hotel, Motel, Restaurant Taxes Revenue CY HMR Taxes PY H MR Taxes Subtotal Hotel, Motel, Restaurant Taxes Revenue Rental Revenue Facility Rental Rental Items Alcohol Sales Rental Services Subtotal Rental Revenue Event Revenue First Thursday Income LOTO Income Other Event Income 0.00 600 (600.00) 100.00% Subtotal Event Revenue 0.00 600 (600.00) Clinton House Museum Revenue Museum Store Sales 2,050.84 2,700 (649.16) 24.04% Admission Revenue 0.00 0 0.00 Donations 1,685.15 5,000 (3,314.85) 66.30% Membership Subtotal Clinton House Museum Revenue 3,735.99 7,700 (3,964.01) Visitor Center Store Revenue Visitor Store Sales Regular Store Sales Consignment Sales Subtotal Visitor Center Revenue Parking Revenue Parking Machine Revenue Parking Lease Revenue Subtotal Parking Revenue Advertising Revenue Visitor Guide Ad Income Banner Income Subtotal Advertising Revenue Other Revenue Other Revenue 350.00 0 350.00 -100.00% WFF Cycling Coordinator Grant WFF Cyclocross Grant Cyclocross Grant Funds Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 Clinton House Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining %of Budget Cyclocross Events Revenue Cultural Arts Corridor Clinton House Museum Grants 8,000.00 0 8,000.00 -100.00% Subtotal Other Revenue 8,350.00 0 8,350.00 Interest and Investment Revenue Investment Account Interest Checking Account Interest 23.83 0 23.83 -100.00% Subtotal Interest and Investment Revenue 23.83 0 23.83 Total Revenue 12,109.82 8,300 3,809.82 Expenses Operating Expenses Rental Expenses Facility Rental Expenses Linens Alcohol & Bar Supply Expenses Alcohol Bar Supply Expenses Rental Services Subtotal Rental Expenses Event Expenses First Thursday Expenses LOTO Expenses Other Event Expenses Subtotal Event Expenses Clinton House Museum Other Event Expenses 2,827.47 3,500 (672.53) 19.22% Museum Store Expenses Goods for Sale 1,758.31 4,500 (2,741.69) 60.93% Store Supplies 504.28 650 (145.72) 22.42% Programs Group Visits 0.00 500 (500.00) 100.00% Honoraria 250.00 500 (250.00) -100.00% General Program 134.10 1,000 (865.90) -100.00% First Ladies Garden 10,800.06 13,000 (2,199.94) 16.92% Exhibit Expenses 2,550.89 5,000 (2,449.11) 48.98% Fundraising 2,529.50 2,530 (0.50) 0.02% Subtotal Clinton House Museum 21,354.61 31,180 (9,825.39) Visitor Center Store Goods for Sale Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 Clinton House Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining %of Budget Store Supplies Consignment Expenses Subtotal Visitor Center Store Marketing Expenses Advertising Expense Agency Advertising Non -Agency Advertising 2,722.00 5,000 (2,278.00) 45.56% Agency Fees Promotion Promotion Expenses 0.00 300 (300.00) 100.00% Signage-Tourism Banners Printing Visitors Guide Expense Other Brochures 111.66 2,000 (1,888.34) 94.42% Website 926.57 700 226.57 -32.37% Mailings Sales and Development Promotional Items 0.00 500 (500.00) 100.00% Groups Sports Meetings 0.00 100 (100.00) 100.00% Memberships 697.70 550 147.70 -26.85% Tourism & Client Development 0.00 100 (100.00) 100.00% Subtotal Marketing Expenses 4,457.93 9,250 (4,792.07) Payroll Wages Expense 61,763.66 80,249 (66,123.88) 23.03% Payroll Tax Expense Federal (941) Payroll Taxes 4,702.55 6,200 (1,497.45) 24.15% SUTA 136.92 200 (63.08) 31.54% Benefits Health and Other Emp Insurance 8,605.17 10,642 (2,036.83) 19.14% Company Ret Contributions 1,217.31 1,963 (745.69) 37.99% Car Allowance Contract Labor 504.18 700 (195.82) 27.97% Payroll Processing Fees 70.50 175 (104.50) 59.71% Subtotal Payroll Expenses 77,000.29 100,129 (70,767.25) Office and Administrative Expenses Office Expenses Office Supplies 613.63 1,000 (386.37) 38.64% Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 Clinton House Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining %of Budget Office Equipment Leases Office Equipment Purchases 596.69 Subscriptions 13.16 200 (186.84) 93.42% Employee Relations 23.35 200 (176.65) 88.33% Training 411.23 1,700 (1,288.77) 75.81% Postage and Shipping 233.83 150 83.83 -55.89% Fees Bank Service Charges 188.50 250 (61.50) 24.60% Credit Card Fees 533.25 800 (266.75) 33.34% Business Taxes and Licenses Accounting, Audit, & Legal Fees Accounting Fees Audit Fees 2,100.00 3,000 (900.00) 100.00% Legal Fees Collection Expense Travel Lodging 1,354.32 1,400 (45.68) 3.26% Mileage 124.20 300 (175.80) 58.60% Transportation 574.59 600 (25.41) 4.24% Meals Out of Town 369.90 500 (130.10) 26.02% IT Expenses Computer Hardware 82.37 4,000 (3,917.63) 97.94% Software Purchases and Subs 339.74 600 (260.26) 43.38% IT Support and Consulting Insurance Insurance - Building & Contents 390.00 350 40.00 -11.43% Insurance - W/C Facilities Rent 13,660.00 15,600 (1,940.00) 12.44% Internet/Telephone 2,451.44 2,800 (348.56) 12.45% Utilities Electric 745.94 1,200 (454.06) 37.84% Gas 796.37 1,000 (203.63) 20.36% Water 1,756.34 2,400 (643.66) 26.82% Repairs and Maintenance 428.27 4,000 (3,571.73) 89.29% Janitorial Supplies 1,558.76 2,000 (441.24) 22.06% Maintenance Contracts 219.50 500 (280.50) 56.10% FFE & Improvements Subtotal Office and Administrative Expenses 29,565.38 44,550 (15,581.31) Other Expenses Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 Clinton House Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining %of Budget Bond Payments Grants Awarded Current Year Spring TheatreSquared Contribution Cyclocross Events Total Other Expenses 0.00 0 0.00 Total Operating Expenses 132,378.21 185,109 (100,966.02) Net Operating Income/(Loss) (120,268.39) (176,809) 104,775.84 FOR REFERENCE ONLY: Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments Other (COGS / Bad Debt) Estimated YTD Depreciation Net Income/(Loss) for Cyclocross Events Total Net Income on Balance Sheet Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 Cyclocross Events Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining %of Budget Revenue Hotel, Motel, Restaurant Taxes Revenue CY HMR Taxes PY H MR Taxes Subtotal Hotel, Motel, Restaurant Taxes Revenue Rental Revenue Facility Rental Rental Items Alcohol Sales Rental Services Subtotal Rental Revenue Event Revenue First Thursday Income LOTO Income Other Event Income Subtotal Event Revenue Clinton House Museum Revenue Museum Store Sales Admission Revenue Donations Membership Subtotal Clinton House Museum Revenue Visitor Center Store Revenue Visitor Store Sales Regular Store Sales Consignment Sales Subtotal Visitor Center Revenue Parking Revenue Parking Machine Revenue Parking Lease Revenue Subtotal Parking Revenue Advertising Revenue Visitor Guide Ad Income Banner Income Subtotal Advertising Revenue Other Revenue Other Revenue WFF Cycling Coordinator Grant WFF Cyclocross Grant Cyclocross Grant Funds 625,000.00 540,736 84,264.00 Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 Cyclocross Events Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining %of Budget Cyclocross Events Revenue 7,500.00 0 7,500.00 0.00% Cultural Arts Corridor Clinton House Museum Grants Subtotal Other Revenue 632,500.00 540,736 91,764.00 Interest and Investment Revenue Investment Account Interest Checking Account Interest 1,221.67 0 1,221.67 -100.00% Subtotal Interest and Investment Revenue 1,221.67 0 1,221.67 Total Revenue 633,721.67 540,736 92,985.67 Expenses Operating Expenses Rental Expenses Facility Rental Expenses Linens Alcohol & Bar Supply Expenses Alcohol Bar Supply Expenses Rental Services Subtotal Rental Expenses Event Expenses First Thursday Expenses LOTO Expenses Other Event Expenses Subtotal Event Expenses Clinton House Museum Other Event Expenses Museum Store Expenses Goods for Sale Store Supplies Programs Group Visits Honoraria General Program First Ladies Garden Exhibit Expenses Fundraising Subtotal Clinton House Museum Visitor Center Store Goods for Sale Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 Cyclocross Events Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining %of Budget Store Supplies Consignment Expenses Subtotal Visitor Center Store Marketing Expenses Advertising Expense Agency Advertising Non -Agency Advertising Agency Fees Promotion Promotion Expenses 1,958.62 0 1,958.62 100.00% Signage-Tourism Banners Printing Visitors Guide Expense Other Brochures Website Mailings Sales and Development Promotional Items Groups Sports Meetings Memberships Tourism & Client Development Subtotal Marketing Expenses 1,958.62 0 1,958.62 Payroll Wages Expense Payroll Tax Expense Federal (941) Payroll Taxes SUTA Benefits Health and Other Emp Insurance Company Ret Contributions Car Allowance Contract Labor Payroll Processing Fees Subtotal Payroll Expenses Office and Administrative Expenses Office Expenses Office Supplies 274.70 0 274.70 -100,00% Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 Cyclocross Events Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining %of Budget Office Equipment Leases Office Equipment Purchases Subscriptions Employee Relations Training Postage and Shipping Fees Bank Service Charges 83.00 0 83.00 -100.00% Credit Card Fees Business Taxes and Licenses Accounting, Audit, & Legal Fees Accounting Fees Audit Fees Legal Fees Collection Expense Travel Lodging Mileage Transportation Meals Out of Town IT Expenses Computer Hardware Software Purchases and Subs IT Support and Consulting Insurance Insurance - Building & Contents Insurance - W/C Facilities Rent Internet/Telephone Utilities Electric Gas Water Repairs and Maintenance Janitorial Supplies Maintenance Contracts FFE & Improvements Subtotal Office and Administrative Expenses 357.70 0 357.70 Other Expenses Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ October 31, 2020 Cyclocross Events Year -to -Date Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Remaining %of Budget Bond Payments Grants Awarded Current Year Spring TheatreSquared Contribution Cyclocross Events 338,656.79 540,736 (202,079.21) 37.37% Total Other Expenses 338,656.79 540,736 (202,079.21) Total Operating Expenses 340,973.11 540,736 2,316.32 Net Operating Income/(Loss) 292,748.56 0 90,669.35 FOR REFERENCE ONLY: Unrealized Gain/(Loss) on Investments Other (COGS / Bad Debt) Estimated YTD Depreciation Net Income/(Loss) for Cyclocross Events Total Net Income on Balance Sheet Memo To: Molly Rawn, CEO, Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission; Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commissioners From: Miletus Callahan-Barile, Facilities Manager, Fayetteville Town Center Date: November 12, 2020 Re: Roof Replacement at Walker Stone House Background: The Walker Stone House roof is in need of extensive repairs due to hail damage and age. We have received three quotes, with the most affordable, comprehensive quote from Pinnacle Roofing, attached. Cincinnati Insurance sent an adjuster to view the damage and has determined we are eligible for an initial payment of $16,118.45 with an additional recoverable depreciation amount of up to $12,774.20 to be distributed once the roof is substantially completed. Recommendation: The facilities manager and CEO recommend the commission accept the quote from Pinnacle Roofing for $25,500. We expect to be reimbursed for the full amount. The Pinnacle Roofing quote and letter from Cincinnati Insurance are attached. 08/25/2020 Pinnacle Roofing & Home Exteriors Claim Information 3061 Wagon Wheel Springdale, AR 72762 1]I I. - n f'1 m1Vl%rl k l ^_ Phone: 479-250-1470 Company Representative Brett Clark Phone: (479) 202-2348 brett@mypinnacleroofing.com This estimate is based on 56 squares including waste, starter, hip, ridge, & architectural shingles. We are to remove existing shingles, remove 2 layers of existing underlayment, replace damaged decking up to 2 sheets (if needed), cut openings for 6 additional turbine vents, install new chimney flashing on all 3 chimneys, step flashing (if needed) along roof to brick connections, install ice & water barrier along all valleys, synthetic underlayment, drip edge, pipe jacks, turbine vents, architectural shingles, & paint vent pipes to match shingle color. This estimate does not cover any unforeseen labor/materials or special flashing. This estimate will come with a 15 year workmanship warranty & the limited lifetime manufacturer shingle warranty. Miletus Callahan Job: Miletus Callahan Experience Fayetteville 207 West Center Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (512) 470-8808 Roofing Section Qty Unit 7-8 Pitch Tear -Off and Install New Shingles (R&R) 56.00 SQ Malarkey Vista 53.00 SQ Malarkey 227 RidgeFlex Hip & Ridge - 12" (31') 6.00 BD Malarkey Smart Start (114 LF) 4.00 BD Drip Edge: Metal Drip Edge Style D 10' - White 55.00 STK 7/16" x 4' x 8' OSB 2.00 EA To replace damaged decking (if needed) Install OSB decking 2.00 EA Resisto Econo Ice & Water Shield (2 sq) 2.00 RL To be installed along all valleys Install Ice and Water 2.00 RL InterWrap RhinoRoof U10 Synthetic Underlayment - 42"x286' (10 sq) 6.00 RL Airvent Turbine Vent - 14" 7.00 EA Labor - Cut Opening for Turbine Vent 6.00 EA Large Pan 6.00 EA Step Flashing 4.00 BD Trim Coil 2.00 RL Musket Brown Labor - Remove & Replace Chimney Flashing 3.00 EA Small Flashings Kickouts and Corners 1.00 EA Neoprene Pipe Flashing - 1"-3" 3.00 EA Generic Touch Up Spray Paint (12 oz) 2.00 EA Nova Flex 2.00 EA Roofing Coil Nails - 1 1/4" (7200 Cnt) 3.00 BX Generic Stainless Steel Staples - 3/8" (5000 Cnt) 4.00 BX Arrowhead SRB Dumpster 1.00 EA Pinnacle Roofing 15 Yr Workmanship Warranty 1.00 EA 2"x4"x12' Toe Board 5.00 EA Safety Equipment 1.00 EA $23,252.71 Sub Total $23,252.71 Tax $857.29 TOTAL $24,110.00 ** All Estimates are valid for 15 days ** ** All credit card payments are subject to a three percent (3%) convience fee. ** Important Notice To Owner : I understand that each contractor, subcontractor, laborer, supplier, architect, engineer, surveyor, appraiser, landscaper, abstractor, or title insurance agent supplying labor, services, materials, or fixtures is entitled to a lien against the property if not paid in full for all labor, services, materials, or fixtures used to improve, construct, or insure or examine title or the property even though the full contract price may have been paid to the contractor. I realize that this lien can be enforced by the sale of the property if necessary. I am also aware that payment may be withheld to the contractor in the amount of the cost of any services, fixtures, materials, or labor not paid for. I know that it is advisable to, and I may, require the contractor to furnish to me a true and correct full list of all suppliers and service providers under the contract, and I may check with them to determine if all materials, labor, fixtures, and services furnished for the property have been paid for. I may also require the contractor to present lien waivers by all suppliers and service providers, stating that they have been paid in full for supplies and services provided under contact, before i pay the contractor in full. If a supplier or other service provider has not been paid, I may pay the supplier or other service provider and contractor with a check made payable to them jointly. - Unless other wise agreed in writing, any changes in the size, scope, or detail of the project from the specifications set forth in this agreement involving extra cost of materials or labor shall become an extra charge, over and above the contract amount. - No credits will be given for unused materials left at the job site. Those materials will be returned to our suppliers. - Any delays or cancellations not caused by Pinnacle Roofing may affect, among other things, the contract amount, the commencement date and the length of time for completion. - Payment is due upon completion of work. If an invoice is not paid on or before the 10th day after completion, interest shall accrue at the rate of seventeen percent (17%) per annum on the unpaid balance. - This agreement shall be governed and construed under and in accordance with the laws of Arkansas. Venue for any action shall be in Benton County Circuit Court in Benton County, Arkansas or any proper venue Pinnacle Roofing may choose in its sole discretion. - No back charges will be allowed unless agreed to in writing prior to the date that said back charge is the have occurred. - Customer agrees that in the event of a problem arises in connection with Pinnacle Roofing's work, the exclusive remedy shall be limited to, in the sole discretion of Pinnacle Roofing, one of the following: repair of the non -conforming service, replacement of the non- conforming service, or refunding the original contract price. - Customer agrees that no consequential damages of any kind shall be recoverable from Pinnacle Roofing whether arising out of contract, warranty, strict liability, product liability or tort. This includes but this in not limited to loss of income, profits, business or reputation. - Customer must prove free and clear access to the site at all times during work hours. - If the work fails or damaged through no fault or Pinnacle Roofing, the Pinnacle Roofing is not liable for such damages. If the customer wishes to have Pinnacle Roofing repair such damages, this work will be done at the additional charge of $70.00 per man per hour, plus the cost of materials. - Pinnacle Roofing is not responsible for damages to HVAC condensate and refrigerant lines. - All job related debris will be removed to the best of Pinnacle Roofing's abilities. The ground around the house, garage, and all areas where materials and dumpsters were located will be cleaned. During the installation process, debris and sawdust will fall into the attic; contractor will not be held responsible for cleanup of the attic areas or any other interior areas. Precautions should be taken to protect any uncovered or valuable items. Incidental cracks in the wall and nail pops in ceilings are at times unavoidable results of the roofing process. Care should be taken to remove items form the walls in order to prevent damage. All efforts will be undertaken to avoid damage to the property owners landscaping and property. Pinnacle Roofing will not be responsible for damages or re -positioning of satellite dishes. It is also the responsibility or property owner to move any items of value that could be damaged during construction around the work area ( such as outdoor grills) , as Pinnacle Roofing will not be responsible for damage or breakage during construction. - Pinnacle Roofing shall maintain current workmen's compensation and general liability insurance. Company Authorized Signature Customer Signature Customer Signature Date Date Date r CTHE The Cincinnati insurance Company ■ The Cincinnati Indemnity Company I N C I N NATI The Cincinnati Casualty Company ■ The Cincinnati Specialty Underwriters Insurance Company INSURANCE COMPANIES The Cincinnati Life Insurance Company Brian Battaglia Sr. claims specialist 11/09/2020 FAYETTEVILLE TOWN CENTER AND CONVENTION VISITOR BUREAU ATTN: MILETUS CALLAHAN-BARILE P.O. BOX 4157 FAYETTEVILLE, AR. 72702 RE: Insured: FAYETTEVILLE TOWN CENTER AND CONVENTION VISITOR BUREAU Claim No.: 3611479 Policy No.: OSENP0100938 Loss Date: 5/412020 Dear Miletus Callahan-Barile: Please allow this letter to serve as confirmation of our conversation completed today regarding the above referenced loss. Per our discussion, the building consultant we hired to assist us with this hail damage claim (Young and Associates) has completed their estimates and I have attached them here for your review. The properties inspected in Fayetteville Arkansas include the "Visitor's Center" and the "Stone House". The damages at the Visitor's Center amounted to $763.39, which is below your $2,500 deductible for that location. As such, I cannot issue a payment for the damage to the Visitor's Center. The damage at the Stone House amounted to $29,892.65. That building maintains a $1,000 deductible. The recoverable depreciation for this location amounted to $12,774.20. Therefore, your initial claim payment (included here) is $16,118.45. As discussed, please contact me once the repairs have been substantially completed at the Stone House so that we can reinspect the property, and if in order at that time, release the recoverable depreciation payment to you in the amount of $12,774.20. Sincerely, Brian Battaglia Sr. claims specialist Mailing Address: PO Box 5427 ■ Bella Vista, AR 727 ! 4-5427 email:brian_banagliaCcDcinfin.com ■ Office :479 268 6399 ■ Fax:888 882 7633 PI m OCT 2019 Overall Users: 2501 Overall Sessions: 297 F T 2020 Organic Search (Users): 106,E anding Page Views: r625m0 ' 0180 ........................... .................... Online Guide Requests: 00900 30YO 'li' us +4C 1 1 1 SITE THArric BY TOP STATES ()(;Ir,. ,@oil 1[�Glvm go]# "Mkrkan34% 2. Texas: -..1.7% 3. rit ' , 4. Missou 0' . 5. Kansas 4' . OK 0 TX 11161i -,I Online mail reque ° PDF downloads: 44° mo Flipbook views: 46 OK AH Arkansa � ' . �►--� Texas: Oklahoi � ' . TX � M'I sso U ' 0' , Illinois,-,,- ' , Impression Clic � CT )ISllIc" mpressions. 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