HomeMy WebLinkAbout98-20 RESOLUTION113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 98-20 File Number: 2020-0186 ARKANSAS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION GRANT: A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE ACCEPTANCE OF THE ARKANSAS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION GRANT AWARD IN THE AMOUNT OF $20,000.00, AND TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes the acceptance of Arkansas Community Foundation Grant Award in the amount of $20,000.00 and authorizes Mayor Jordan to sign the grant agreement attached to this Resolution. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution. PASSED and APPROVED on 3/16/2020 `�111u n 11111���i Attest: `�.�\�;RK.� T• F s,� Com' Y 0!-•�'�: FAYEl7EVI LLE Kara Paxton, City Clerk Treasur A, t4c, � TON 111111111� I Page 1 Printed on 3117/20 .� City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street — a Fayetteville, AR 72701 r (479) 575-8323 Text File File Number: 2020-0186 Agenda Date: 3/16/2020 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meeting File Type: Resolution Agenda Number: A. 12 ARKANSAS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION GRANT: A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE ACCEPTANCE OF THE ARKANSAS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION GRANT AWARD IN THE AMOUNT OF $20,000.00, AND TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes the acceptance of Arkansas Community Foundation Grant Award in the amount of $20,000.00 and authorizes Mayor Jordan to sign the grant agreement attached to this Resolution. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 311712020 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2020-0186 Legistar File ID 3/17/2020 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item Bonnie Bolinger 2/27/2020 COMMUNICATIONS/MARKETING (055) Submitted By Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: City staff recommends the City Council approve a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the AR Community Foundation Grant Award Acceptance Agreement accepting the Arkansas Community Foundation grant award and approve a budget adjustment. 1010.090.6600-5342.00 Account Number 32001 Project Number Budgeted Item? No Does item have a cost? No Budget Adjustment Attached? Yes Purchase Order Number: Change Order Number: Original Contract Number: Comments: Budget Impact: General Fund AR Counts Census 2020 Grant Project Title Current Budget Funds Obligated Current Balance Item Cost Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.001 Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Approval Date: V20180321 CITY OF J FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS MEETING OF MARCH 17, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council THRU: Susan Norton, Chief of Staff CITY COUNCIL MEMO FROM: Linda DeBerry, Communications Program Manager DATE: February 27, 2020 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Arkansas Community Foundation Grant in support of 2020 Census complete count efforts RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends the City Council approve a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the AR Community Foundation Grant Award Acceptance Agreement accepting the Arkansas Community Foundation grant award and approve a budget adjustment. BACKGROUND: In late 2019, the Arkansas Community Foundation, working with Arkansas Counts accepted applications for grant funding from organizations and municipalities to support their public education and promotion efforts focused on reaching hard -to -count communities about the importance of the 2020 Census and encouraging everyone to complete their census questionnaire. DISCUSSION: Although the City's grant proposal was not accepted in the first round of awards, when additional funding became available, the Foundation made a second round of grants, and in February the City of Fayetteville was awarded $20,000 for census promotion. The Census Bureau's Response Outreach Area Mapper (ROAM) application was developed to make it easier to identify hard -to -survey areas and to provide a socioeconomic and demographic profile of these areas. The application shows that the City's Hard -to -Count (HTC) population is primarily located in west Fayetteville and the U of A campus area—neighborhoods where many University of Arkansas students live in off -campus apartments, and where there is a higher density of low-income and immigrant residents. The estimated low response score in these areas is as high as 32%, which translates to a significant loss of potential federal funding for the very services that help to support this community. The grant will allow the City to step up its education and promotion efforts to these areas, including the production of door -hangers and/or direct-mail pieces to go to targeted neighborhoods, placement of advertising targeted at students and lower-income residents, Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 printing of posters and other collateral materials, and to support the possible hiring of a part-time intern to help manage the campaign and volunteers. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: None. There is no match required for the Arkansas Community Foundation Grant. Attachments: City of Fayetteville Arkansas Community Foundation grant proposal. ARKANSAS COUNTS 2020 CENSUS INITIATIVE APPLICATION: "I COUNT" FAYETTEVILLE 1. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 2. 113 W. Mountain Street, Fayetteville, AR 72701 3. www.fayetteville-ar.gov. Mission: To keep Fayetteville a vibrant and welcoming city that encourages diversity, creativity, and innovation while providing our citizens the opportunity to thrive. 4. Tax ID Number: 71-6018462 5. Mayor: Lioneld Jordan 6. Census Outreach Manager: Susan Norton, Director of Communications a. Member of HTC Community? No b. Phone: 479-575-8330 c. snorton@fayetteville-ar.gov 7. Grant Amount Requested: $20,000 8. We plan on targeting Hard to Count populations within the City of Fayetteville, with particular emphasis on non-English speakers, foreign -born residents, homeless individuals, low-income residents, and residents with limited or no internet access. PART II: Proposal Narrative Organizational Capacity and Mission 1. The City of Fayetteville engages City residents through regular public input meetings centered around specific projects or initiatives. At these public meetings, community members may ask questions and provide feedback, offer concerns, make suggestions. To increase community awareness and engagement, in 2018 the City opened SpeakUp Fayetteville, a civic engagement portal on the web that offers residents opportunities to engage with the City regarding a variety of City initiatives through online surveys, forums, and interactive maps. In 2017, the City of Fayetteville adopted a Welcoming Plan aimed at making the City a more welcoming community for foreign -born residents and new Americans. The plan was designed not only to make living in Fayetteville easier, but to encourage deeper, ongoing engagement with City government. In 2019, the City removed the requirement that applicants for City board and commission seats be registered voters, thus opening numerous opportunities for non -US citizens to participate in the City's government. Fayetteville's "I Count" project will further our City's ongoing mission to be a welcoming, diverse, and inclusive community with opportunities for all. The project will help us to engage foreign -born and other hard -to -count residents by providing the City with the resources needed to make and grow meaningful connections and establish networks within these communities. These will not only help ensure a complete count, but will ultimately help us increase two-way communication, build partnerships, and encourage residents from these demographics to participate in City government. Focus Community 1. The communities the City plans to focus on are often intersectional: English-language learners and foreign -born residents may not understand the process and purpose of the census, and in the current political climate may be distrustful of national government and reluctant to share personal information. Many low-income residents may not have regular access to the internet and may therefore feel unable to access the census questionnaire or may find it too inconvenient to seek out a means of completing the census. Homeless residents may not be reached by traditional efforts because of their lack of a permanent address. 2. The City's department of Community Resources has been working with individuals in low- to moderate -income communities for decades, providing assistance with housing, home repair and code compliance, and transportation, as well as administering Community Development Block Grants. In 2018, the City developed an online "Welcoming Hub," which serves as a one-stop information resource for newcomers to Fayetteville, specifically for the foreign -born. The Hub includes links to educational resources, such as English-language classes, job training, and citizenship preparation. It also provides simple instructions for basic, everyday tasks around the City, such as enrolling children in school, finding childcare, transportation options, city maps, and more. This site also provides information about the census. Outreach Strategies 1. Strategies and Activities Coalition Building Our core plan for the "I Count" campaign is to partner with organizations and institutions across the City who already have connections with HTC communities, and to work with them to find the best ways to raise awareness for their constituents. Planned partners include: Ozark Literacy Council, Canopy of NW Arkansas, Fayetteville Public Schools, Fayetteville Public Library, University of Fayetteville International Student Office, Boys and Girls Club of Fayetteville, and Engage NWA. Public Relations Informational Strategies • Feature census information and links on Fayetteville Welcoming Hub on the City website • Include census information in City press releases, February through May, 2020 • Create Informational videos to post to social media and be shared by partner organizations • Advertising and feature stories with Spanish language newspapers and radio • Arrange an interview on local NPR show, "Ozarks at Large," KUAF • Print and distribute posters to partner organizations and other key locations • Place on -bus advertising for Ozark Transit and University of Arkansas transit systems • Create a direct-mail piece for households in target demographics and create door -hangers for distribution by volunteers • Create computer toppers for public access computers at the public library • Design "I Count" stickers to make available at outreach events • Create display in the lobby of City Hall where residents come to set up water services or pay bill Community Outreach and Get Out the Count Events • Create a paid internship for college student from one of the HTC Communities to help manage the Outreach program, seek out advisors and influencers, and research outreach opportunities • Set up computer open -house events in City Hall and at partner institutions where residents without internet access can come in to fill out the census and ask questions • Attend special events with information and iPads that can be used for census completion on the spot. 2. We will reach an estimated 20,000 through direct mail to households and businesses in the targeted HTC areas of Fayetteville as described on the censushardtocountmaps202O.us website. Through community outreach and events, we hope to reach another estimated 20,000 residents. The City can draw from existing business -license and resident records to compile mailing lists for direct mail. The Community Resources division field staff can assist in identifying target neighborhoods and disseminating posters, door hangers, etc. The Communications staff will deploy the PR campaign. Collaboration and Alignment 1. Fayetteville's "I Count" campaign will include working with representatives from key stakeholder institutions, communities, and partners to form a Fayetteville Complete Count Committee. Meeting monthly or bi-weekly as needed, this committee will devise a strategic plan that will also consider the efforts of the NW Arkansas CCC. 2. The Census Outreach Manager will participate in Arkansas Counts training and technical assistance. 3. The Census Outreach Manager or her representative will join the Arkansas Counts Complete Count Committee. Part III: Organizational Capacity & Budget Information 1. The total operating budget for the City of Fayetteville for 2019 was $168,111,000. 2. Susan Norton, Director of Communications, will serve as the City's Census Outreach Manager. Susan has managed the City's public relations efforts for four years. In addition, Susan serves as staff liaison to the City's Digital Inclusion Plan Task Force, and so is well-informed about community internet needs and resources. She is also a member of the City's Town and Gown committee, which facilitates communication and collaboration between the City and the University of Arkansas. Yolanda Fields, Director of Community Resources, has served the City and the people of Fayetteville for more than 20 years in this capacity. She is highly knowledgeable about the City's low- to moderate -income community and has worked with a number of organizations on a range of civic improvement projects. The Community Development department employs seven code compliance officers and case managers who work directly in the field with individuals and communities. Greg Resz, Geographic Information System (GIS) Coordinator has the technological capacity to identify the specific boundaries of neighborhoods or regions within the City and generate addresses for direct mail efforts within those areas. 3. Budget income Amount Additional Committed or Pending Resources Arkansas Counts Grant $20,000 Requested City budget allocation $16,741 Total Income $36,741 Expenses Amount Narrative Salaries Paid Intern: $15 / hour x 20 $6,000 Intern, a member of one of the target hrs/wk, January through May demographic, will research and reach out to 2020. community centers and possible partners, and manage the overall project. City staff salary: $11,000 Estimated, based on hourly salaries and Susan Norton, Comm Direct estimated hours per week over 25 weeks, Linda DeBerry, Project Mgr January to May, 2020. Dede Peters, Social Media Greg Resz, GIS Materials Printing and distribution of $8,500 To be sent to targeted neighborhoods within 20,000 direct mail pieces the City of Fayetteville Production of 5,000 "1 Count" $345 To be passed out to residents who complete stickers (2x 1" oval) the census questionnaire at one of the computer centers or events. Production of 5,000 COF $824 These will include information about how to posters get help with completing the census, and will be posted in partner institutions, international groceries, and other community centers for the targeted demographics Production of 10,000 door $1372 Volunteers will help distribute these in areas hangers where census responses are low. They will also serve as informational pieces at outreach events Computer toppers for library $25 Simple cardstock "table tents" with census information and how-to, installed temporarily on each public access computer in the library and at computer centers in City Hall and at partner institutions. Supplies Large canvas for banner: 6 $175 For construction of a large "You Count" yards cotton duck and paint canvas mural that the public will be invited to to make community "You help create at events such as Farmers Count" banner for Festivals Markets, International Festivals, etc. It will help attract traffic to the City's census booth and serve as an attractive photo spot. Travel 0 Volunteer Needs: 10-12 Volunteers will help distribute information volunteers and posters, staff computer access centers, and assist at outreach events Translator support $500 For translation of materials into Spanish (and possibly Arabic or Marshallese) Advertising $8,000 La Prensa Del Noroeste De $5,000 13 weeks print ads in NWA Spanish language Arkansas Springdale newspaper in March through May, plus online ad and Facebook push. La Zeta Radio $3,000 Radio ads in March and April to raise awareness of census and drive traffic to website. Total Expenses 1 $36,741 5 Allied Drive, Suite 51110 Little Rock, AR 72202 501-372-1116 Fax 501-372-1166 888-220-2723 arctorg A R K A N S A S community foundation Smart Giving to Improve Communities February 23, 2020 City of Fayetteville 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Re: Arkansas Counts Census Funding Dear Mayor Jordan: Congratulations! Arkansas Counts has taken action to support your organization with a grant totaling $20,000 for the period of March 1, 2020 — June 15, 2020. Funding will be provided through our fiscally sponsoring organization, Arkansas Community Foundation ("Community Foundation"). The purpose of this funding is to support your organization's 2020 U.S. Census outreach efforts to ensure hard - to -count individuals in your community participate in the census. Funding for this effort is made possible by the Arkansas Community Foundation, Carl B. and Florence E. King Foundation, Delta Dental Foundation of Arkansas, Endeavor, Ross Foundation, The Beacon Fund, Tyson Foods, Walmart Foundation, Walton Family Foundation, and the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation. Kara Wilkins, Census Coordinator, will be responsible for the management of this grant. This is a single -year grant that is be disbursed in one installment. A check in the amount of $20,000 is enclosed. Depositing or cashing the check indicates your acceptance of the face amount of the award and that neither the Community Foundation nor any related party will receive goods or services in connection with this grant. For accounting purposes, we ask that you not hold this check but deposit it within ten (10) days. In accepting this grant award, you also agree to comply with the following: 1. Funds will be used for the project as outlined in your submitted proposal. See Appendix A for specific deliverables. 2. All activities related to this grant should be completed and all funds expended by June 15, 2020. 3. A final report must be submitted on or before June 30, 2020. Details are in Appendix B. 4. A grant award acceptance agreement (Appendix A) is enclosed. Please read the grant agreement carefully before signing and returning to the Community Foundation. Arkansas Counts is excited to partner with you in this work. If you have any questions regarding your award, please contact Abby Hughes Holsclaw at abby@arkansasimpact.org. Sincerely, Sarah Kinser Chief Program Officer Enclosures cc: Kara Wilkins, Abby Hughes Holsclaw APPENDIX A ARKANSAS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION GRANT AWARD ACCEPTANCE AGREEMENT Grantee: City of Fayetteville Grant: Arkansas Counts Census 2020 Arkansas Community Foundation is pleased to assist you and your organization in making Arkansas a better place to live, work and raise our families. Your grant is approved for the purpose of completing the following objectives: To enhance 2020 census outreach efforts by partnering with organizations and institutions across the City of Fayetteville who have connections within HTC communities. • Deliverable: Utilize public relations strategies to help to help raise awareness about the Census including featuring census information on the City website, placing census information in City press release, newsletters and other communications outlets. • Deliverable: Create Census informational videos to post to social media and be shared by partner organizations. • Deliverable: Purchase advertising and feature stories with Spanish language newspapers and other local radio outlets, such as the NPR show, "Ozarks at Large" on KUAF. • Deliverable: Print and distribute Census materials such as posters, computer toppers and "I Count" stickers to partner organizations and other key locations. • Deliverable: Place on -bus advertising for Ozark Transit and University ofArkansas transit systems. • Deliverable: Create a Census direct-mail piece and door hangers to reach an estimated 20,000 households in HTC communities. • Deliverable: Set up a census assistance site in City Hall and at partner institutions where residents without internet access can complete the census and ask questions. • Deliverable: Attend special events with information and iPads that can be used for census completion on the spot. In a continuing effort to improve the quality of our grantmaking, we require our grantees to: ✓ Submit a final narrative and budget report. By signing and returning this document, you are agreeing to submit a final report on or before June 30, 2020. Guidelines for the information to be included in each report are included in this packet. (See Appendix B, "Reporting Requirements," enclosed.) ✓ Participate in Arkansas Counts Complete Count Committee meetings. In person and teleconference options are available. A list of currently scheduled meetings is enclosed. (See Appendix D.) ✓ Participate in a check-in technical assistance call with Arkansas Counts staff. This call will be scheduled midway through your grant period. The purpose is to gain an understanding of your organization's Census outreach plans and progress, learn from your successes, offer support and connections and help troubleshoot any issues that may arise. ✓ Agree NOT to use funds for lobbying and voter registration efforts as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Your organization may NOT: ❑ Use any funds from this Grant to intervene in any election, to support or oppose any political party or candidate for public office. ❑ Use funds to carry on, directly or indirectly, a voter registration drive. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the federal, state, local and foreign rules and regulations applicable to nonprofit organizations, including but not to, (1) lobbying rules under IRS Code and the Lobbying Disclosure Act ("LDA"), (2) Federal Election Commission ("FEC") rules, including those regarding "electioneering" communications, (3) rules governing political activities, (4) ethics rules applicable to interactions with Members of Congress and Executive Branch officials, and (5) any equivalent rules and regulations applicable to activities conducted in any state, local or foreign jurisdiction, and to obtain training as necessary. In addition, we highly encourage your organization to reach out to your local city and county government to raise awareness of the importance of the 2020 census and gain the buy -in and support of local elected officials. This step is not a requirement in order to receive funding but is strongly recommended in order to maximize the effectiveness of your outreach. We have provided a template for a memorandum of understanding your organization could execute with local government to formalize participation and buy -in. (See Appendix D.) ✓ Optional but highly encouraged: Execute Memorandum of Understanding with local city or county government. (See Appendix D.) To signify your agreement and understanding of these requirements, in acceptance of your grant award, please sign is form and return it to Arkansas Community Foundation, 5 Allied Drive, Suite 51110, Little Rock, AR 71302. re 03-)6-2020 Date APPENDIX B ARKANSAS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Your grant award is intended to be used during the period March 1, 2020—June 15, 2020. A final report is due no later than June 30, 2020. The final report consists of two parts: • Narrative report, detailing your progress toward the program's outcomes, and • Budget report, providing an update on actual expenses compared to your original requested budget. Narrative Report Please follow this format in your report. Key Touchpoints for Census Outreach Please indicate the number of each type of contact made by your organization during the grant period. If possible, please keep sign -in sheets, canvassing reports or other records of individuals reached. If necessary, estimates may be used. Note: if your organization did not participate in each kind of outreach, skip those that do not apply. # of Flyers or Printed Materials Distributed # of Households Reached by Telephone # of Households Reached by Text Message # of Households Reached by Email or other Electronic Messaging # of Views, Shares and Engagements of Facebook Posts Related to Census Outreach # of Views, Shares and Engagements of Twitter Posts Related to Census Outreach # of Views, Shares and Engagements of Instagram Posts Related to Census Outreach # of Individuals Reached through Tables at Events or Sidewalk Outreach in the Community # of Individuals who Visited a Kiosk, Wi-fi Hotspot or Computer Access Point to Complete the Census Form # of Households Reached through Door- knocking/In-person Canvassing # of Attendees at Community Presentations/Meetings Related to Census Outreach # of Articles, Stories, Interviews or PSAs Placed through Local Media # Individuals Reached through Other Outreach Strategy (please describe): # Individuals Reached through Other Outreach Strategy (please describe): Describing Your Activities For each of the below outreach strategies your organization used, please describe what you did, when activities occurred, who was involved (i.e., staff, # of volunteers, etc.), and how it went. What were your overall impressions of the effectiveness of this strategy? Would you try it again for the 2030 census? Why or why not? a. Public relations (informational) campaign — examples include outreach to radio, television, social media, associations, civic groups or other outlets and networks who reach Hard to Count populations b. Tables/booths at community events — examples include school events, community and cultural fairs, church events, sporting events, etc. c. Get Out the Count activities — examples include door canvassing to private residences, canvassing to ethnic businesses, direct outreach through churches, etc. d. Kiosks/computer access points— providing computer access with secure WiFi at I locations where Hard to Count communities feel safe and welcome e. Coalition-building/forming local Complete Count Committees with an emphasis on Hard to Count communities f. Other outreach strategies (please describe) 2. Please describe the feedback you received from hard -to -count individuals, neighborhoods and groups in your community. What were their perceptions of the census? What were the most common questions or comments you received? What was their overall awareness of the importance of the census before your contact with them? Were they generally positive, negative, or neutral about the census? 3. What supports did you receive from Arkansas Counts during your outreach process? Were there any resources, trainings, or activities that were particularly useful? Any that were not useful? Any suggestions for support we could provide in 2030? 4. What other partners, funding sources, or endorsements did your organization secure (specifically related to your census outreach)? Please describe who was involved and what their role was. 5. What were the biggest challenges your organization faced in organizing your census outreach efforts? Were you able to overcome them, and if so, how? 6. How have you used this opportunity to build your organization's capacity? Please detail specifics to the degree you are able. Budget Report Please use the following format for your budget report: Grantee: TYPE YOUR ORGANIZATION'S NAME HERE BUDGET CATEGORIES I Proposed Census Actual Expenditures Budget Total: APPENDIX C ARKANSAS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ARKANSAS COUNTS CENSUS GRANTS -REQUIRED MEETINGS AND TOUCHPOINTS Organizations receiving grant funding from Arkansas Counts are expected to attend all Complete Count Committee (CCC) meetings either in-person or remotely. Dates are provided below for reference. All meetings will occur between 12:00pm - 2:00pm CST, and locations will be shared once they are available. • March 6, 2020 — In Person (Little Rock) o Location TBD • April 3, 2020 — Teleconference o Audio: (646) 558-8665 o Meeting ID: 873-066-6691 o Video: https:Hzoom.us/j/8730666691 • May 1, 2020 — In Person o Location TBD • June 5, 2020 — Teleconference o Audio: (646) 558-8665 o Meeting ID: 873-066-6691 o Video: https://zoom.us/j/8730666691 In addition, we require that your organization participate in one technical assistance/check-in call with Arkansas Counts staff at approximately the midpoint of the grant period. This call can be scheduled at the time of your convenience by contacting Abby Hughes Holsclaw at abby@arkansasimpact.org and Kara Wilkins at kara@arkansasimpact.org. APPENDIX D ARKANSAS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION TEMPLATE — MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Note to grantee: we encourage you to reach out to your local city and county government and other local partners to raise awareness of the importance of the 2020 census and gain the buy -in and support of local elected officials. This step is not a requirement in order to receive funding but is strongly recommended in order to maximize the effectiveness of your outreach. This Appendix is a template agreement you can use to formalize the support and buy -in of partners. Census 2020 Outreach Partnership (Insert Name of Project) Memorandum of Agreement Between (Insert name of organization) and (Insert name of city/county/other gov't entity) (Insert name of organization/entity) and (insert name of city) have entered into this memorandum of agreement (MOA) to work together to ensure that hard -to -count residents in the community complete their 2020 census form. This MOA outlines the roles, responsibilities and financial and in-kind contributions of each partner. Roles and Responsibilities (Insert name of organization/entity) will: • (Insert role or responsibility) • (Insert role or responsibility) • Continue adding roles or responsibilities as needed (Insert name of city/county/other gov't entity) will: • (Insert role or responsibility) • (Insert role or responsibility) • Continue adding roles or responsibilities as needed (Insert name of "other' partner/s) will: • (Insert role or responsibility) • (Insert role or responsibility) • Continue adding roles or responsibilities as needed. Financial and In -Kind Contributions (if any) (Insert name of organization/entity) will: • Provide (insert dollar amount) for (insert budget line item) • Provide in-kind support for (insert budget line item) • Continue adding financial or in-kind contributions as needed. (Insert name of city/county/other gov't entity) will: • Provide (insert dollar amount) for (insert budget line item) • Provide in-kind support for (insert budget line item) • Continue adding financial or in-kind contributions as needed. (Insert name of "other" partner/s) will • Provide (insert dollar amount) for (insert budget line item) • Provide in-kind support for (insert budget line item) • Continue adding financial or in-kind contributions as needed. I attest that my organization will fulfill the roles, responsibilities, and contributions as outlined above. Name Title u Organization Date Name Title Organization Date APPENDIX E ARKANSAS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE FOR GRANT RECIPIENTS Key Contacts for Support As an Arkansas Counts grantee partner, we hope to provide your organization everything possible to ensure you can effectively Get Out the Count, especially among hard -to -count populations. We will occasionally share national and statewide learning opportunities, resources, and communication materials. Key individuals available to support you are: Name/Position/Organization Area of Support Email Kara Wilkins, Census Oversees the Arkansas kara@arkansasim acp t.org Coordinator, Arkansas Impact Counts initiative and key Philanthropy point of contact for sharing with and learning from the CCC Mierya Reith, Executive Outreach, Organizing, and director@arkansascoalition.org Director, Arkansas United Training sub -committee co- chair Bill Kopsky, Arkansas Public Outreach, Organizing, and bill@arpanel.org Policy Panel Training sub -committee co- chair Brad Cameron, Founder and Communications sub- brad@bbbox.io Chief Storyteller, Big Big Box committee chair and communication technical assistance provider Alison Wright, Arkansas Technology and Data sub- awright@ualr.edu Economic Development committee chair Institute Laura Kellams, Northwest State and Local Ikellams@aradvocates.org Arkansas Director, Arkansas Government sub- Advocates for Children and committee chair Families Abby Hughes Holsclaw, Development and abby@arkansasimpact.org Coordinator, Arkansas Impact Subgrants sub -committee Philanthropy chair Communication Materials We encourage your organization to announce that you have been selected as an Arkansas Counts grantee partner, continue to share why the census matters in Arkansas, and use in- person and digital platforms to Get Out the Count. Please use the materials provided below as a starting point, and creatively develop materials that resonate with your unique community. • Boilerplate language about Arkansas Counts: Arkansas Counts is a statewide, community -led initiative to ensure an accurate and representative 2020 U.S. Census. With leadership from a statewide Complete Count Committee, Arkansas Counts provides training and resources to Get Out the Count. Learn more at www.arcounts.org. • Arkansas Counts logo o English version o Spanish version • Media release template • Social media toolkit • Arkansas Counts one -pager City of Fayetteville, Arkansas - Budget Adjustment Form (Legistar) Budget Year Division Adjustment Number /Org2 COMMUNICATIONS/MARKETING (055) 2020 Requestor: Bonnie Bolinger BUDGET ADJUSTMENT DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION: City staff recommends the City Council approve a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the AR Community Foundation Grant Award Acceptance Agreement accepting the Arkansas Community Foundation grant award for the 2020 Census and approve a budget adjustment. RESOLUTION/ORDINANCE COUNCIL DATE: 3/17/2020 LEGISTAR FILE ID#: 2020-0186 HoV y 3la.c� 2/28/2020 10:49 AM Budget Director TYPE: JOURNAL #: GLDATE: CHKD/POSTED: Date D - (City Council) TOTAL 20,000 20,000 v.20191231 Increase / (Decrease) Project.Sub# Account Number Expense Revenue Project Sub.Detl AT Account Name 1010.090.6600-4305.00 - 20,000 32001 RE Commercial Grants 1010.090.6600-5342.00 20,000 - 32001 EX Promotionals - Activities H:\Budget Adjustments\2020_Budget\City Council\03-17-2020\BA 2020-0186 Census Grant 1 of 1