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OF FAY FTTE' J i Y ii 9RKANSPS 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479)575-8323 Resolution: 85-20 File Number: 2020-0146 BID #20-07 FORSGREN, INCORPORATED: A RESOLUTION TO AWARD BID #20-07 AND AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT WITH FORSGREN, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,495,705.00 FOR THE UTILITY RELOCATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE 1-49 AND WEDINGTON INTERCHANGE PROJECT, TO APPROVE A PROJECT CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF $249,570.50, AND TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT RECOGNIZING REIMBURSEMENT BY THE ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby awards Bid #20-07, authorizes Mayor Jordan to sign a contract with Forsgren, Inc. in the amount of $2,495,705.00 for utility relocations associated with the I-49 and Wedington Interchange Project, and further approves a project contingency in the amount of $249,570.50. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution. PASSED and APPROVED on 3/3/2020 Page 1 Printed on 314120 File Number.' 2020-0146 Resolution 85-20 Page 2 Attest: ciry •���' Kara Paxton. City Clerk Treasul�p*'f 0* Fq y� or aN r!f%i633;1�b�1 Printed on 314120 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street t Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Text File File Number: 2020-0146 Agenda Date: 3/3/2020 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meeting File Type: Resolution Agenda Number: C. 1 BID #20-07 FORSGREN, INCORPORATED: A RESOLUTION TO AWARD BID #20-07 AND AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT WITH FORSGREN, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,495,705.00 FOR THE UTILITY RELOCATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE I-49 AND WEDINGTON INTERCHANGE PROJECT, TO APPROVE A PROJECT CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF $249,570.50, AND TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT RECOGNIZING REIMBURSEMENT BY THE ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section l: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby awards Bid #20-07, authorizes Mayor Jordan to sign a contract with Forsgren, Inc. in the amount of $2,495,705.00 for utility relocations associated with the I-49 and Wedington Interchange Project, and further approves a project contingency in the amount of $249,570.50. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution. City of Fayeffeville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 31412020 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2020-0146 Legistar File ID 3/3/2020 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item Tim Nyander 2/13/2020 WATER SEWER (720) Submitted By Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: Staff recommends awarding Bid #20-27 and approving a construction contract with Forsgren, Incorporated in the amount of $2,495,705.00 for utility relocations associated with the 1-49 and Wedington Interchange Project, approving a contingency in the amount of $249,570.50, and approving a budget adjustment to recognize the 5.68% of the project cost and 100% of easements cost that is reimbursable by the Arkansas Department of Transporation. Budget Impact: 5400.720.5600-5808.00/5400.720.5700- 5815.00 Account Number 11011.1801 Project Number Budgeted Item? Yes Does item have a cost? Yes Budget Adjustment Attached? Yes Purchase Order Number: Change Order Number: Original Contract Number: Comments: Water and Sewer Fund Water/Sewer Relocations - Bond Projects Project Title Current Budget Funds Obligated Current Balance Item Cost Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget $ 12,793,727.00 $ 1,982,864.51 r $ 10,810,862.49 $ 2,745,275.50 $ 374,237.00 $ 8,439,823.99 Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Approval Date: V20180321 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS MEETING OF MARCH 3, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council THRU: Susan Norton, Chief of Staff Tim Nyander, Utilities Director FROM: Corey Granderson, Utilities Engineer DATE: February 12, 2020 CITY COUNCIL MEMO SUBJECT: Bid #20-27, Forsgren Inc. — Construction Contract for Utility Relocations at 1-49 & Wedington Interchange (ArDOT Project BB0411) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends awarding Bid #20-27 and approving a construction contract with Forsgren, Incorporated in the amount of $2,495,705.00 for utility relocations associated with the 1-49 and Wedington Interchange Project, approving a contingency in the amount of $249,570.50, and approving a budget adjustment to recognize the 5.68% of the project cost and 100% of easements cost that is reimbursable by the Arkansas Department of Transporation. BACKGROUND: On February 6th, 2020 the City of Fayetteville accepted sealed competitive bids for the I- 49/Wedington Interchange Utility Relocations project. Forsgren Inc. submitted the lowest bid. All bids are shown here: Brothers Construction, Inc. $4,896,138.00 Forsqren Inc. $2,495,705.00 Goins Construction, LLC $2,739,035.00 Goodwin & Goodwin, Inc. $2,817,620.00 KAJACS Contractors, Inc. $2,959,500.00 DISCUSSION: The City has completed engineering design and permitting through Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. ArDOT intends to advertise the interchange construction project in the Fall of 2020. This bid award will allow the City's existing water and sewer facilities to be properly relocated out of the way in time for the ArDOT project. Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: Funds are available and budgeted for this project in the Water/Sewer Relocations — Bond Projects account. Attachments: Project Vicinity Map Certified Bid Tab, Bid #20-27 Agreement Highway -Utility Construction/Relocation Agreement with ArDOT 8" Waterline 24" Waterline O 0 J 0 a CDw 2 Q W 0 r, ,' n 1-49/Wed i ngton Interchange Utility . Relocations LL W HWY 16/112 S `J �G 1 2" Sanitary Sewer Line 8" Waterline LOCATION MAP 0 1000' 2000' SCALE IN FEET CITY OF ��FAYETTEVILLE ANKANSAS Bid 20-27, Construction -1-49/ Wedington Utility Relocations OE"4vI8i1T»AA'vr llonAlbrdar. Napr 0-dAd,erti@ner :02.08 ]OMYtl0:.3520]0 tive OrtcO)LG 20t0 A-uoEertl AeEnEura: ' I I 0bK4auo+d EuNF� S 2ADOO)= Ma. a�ee A•+pAn: 5 O.00Lm0.DO w Ne.202) Ome:mA).2010 :2AOM OEAf ESIAY.ATEO DESENRTIDII UNR GA- Eae h- Cdnnu .W, CC. W-Mo 2E Grlrn Ercerprisei, I.. CAaErSn 6 G..dwK In[. CMtnaer; I- WT ARfCT ANOUgT UNT ARIA A.X.NT UNIT RRKE AVOUNT LM PAIL AMOUW UN0 MICE ANOUNT 1 Me6WYAM LS 1 5 znOOD 5 225,m0.00 S 124m 00 5 124.=00 S 30AOOID 5 30.000.00 5 J5,Om00 5 15Am-m 5 115 S HS.M.w 2 S C-- LS t 5 20000000 S 200.®ID 5 SUMS 5 ®AODm 5 2U WM 5 20.00000 S 50.000.DO 5 50AW DO 5 ISAMM S 15,m0ID 3 Bend<aeClmunnat l5 1 5 150,0000D S ISOAOOOO s OOOm S Omm S AO ID 5 <OODOOO $ 170 M'W S 17D .00 5 Im ID $ SOOODO.O0 < Ma1eT .I A[� <T ' LS 1 5 no, 00 S )Sp00.OD <9 5 ,W Em 5 49.W000 S I 00 s 10.000OD $ E.000OD 5 SAWOO $ 5AOM 5 SAWOO S COec1-RM kee I LS I I S SODOOM 5 SOA00.m 5 3AMM S 3.00000 S 2JI00.00 5 2.ODO.OD S 3.000 OD 5 3.000.00 5 xSmID 5 LWOO 6 Fletcn Ce . Sw LS 1 5 ISD,Omm 5 ISUMM 5 22,4m00 5 27AWOD 5 S=OO S SAmID S 3DOOOM 5 3DAmID 5 2SADOOO 5 25.000OO lamasS OR 14 RK if t474 S MM 5 36PSMM S ISOM 5 22t1IDm S WOO S 117920ID S 115.00 5 169510A0 $ 130ID S 191,62om E VETa/8,nth Gnewa . FA ] S 3=00 5 24,50000 S 2.00000 5 140m,m S 2,50000 5 I7,5ODA0 S t®.m 5 Z2OD.OD 5 15.40000. 9 AVn12-n E- W EA 2 S 5000000 5 MO)OID 5 22.MOD 5 45.300m 5 35Am.m 5 )O.00DOD $ 3OODD.00 5 MAWID $ 2400000 5 AE,000ID SD ht•,a1F -A.-* EA 4 5 S=MOO S 22.00000 S 490000 S 19,6m.m S 6A001 5 24,000M 5 59m.m S 22,000.00 5 E.SOOAO S 34AOOA0 6e; Fie NSWer„An EA 5 30m.m 5 I2AOOID S 8]Sm 5 3900m S 3Amm S 1t000W S l.SmID 5 6AmID S 6mID S I,491100 12 Z4emuce .. 2+ COmb u:ian VaM .m V.A FA i 5 <AOp.m S 41=00 S 3,400.00 5 3.4mm S 9,000E S 9m000 5 C9mm $ 8 ID $ 3 ID 5 3500ID 33 a4713+<1r Con EinaCOn Wa..m V.A FA 1 $ 2=000 5 2FI000 S b.. OD S 10.750E S 13,000.00 5 13,00000 5 16,000ID S 16,00000 5 13 ID 5 13500ID Is hn12<antlt PC 75001a 0ar'Je LF 1.173 $ 506.00 S 593MZDD 5 315E S 369,A95ID S 275.00 S 322,575ID S 325ID S 3E M= 5 285.E S 33A,30SA0 /5 Im:tl 16�Strel O Cut LF ae 5 1S0.00 5 ?== 5 moo S AAE0.00 5 400.00 5 19AO.CO S 17SID 5 E,AmID 5 2f10.00 5 9.MCID 16 Au:H ltacA k4N GS Cut LF 15 5 2m.m S 3=00 S MOO S 2,77S 00 5 SOD 00 5 )900Ao 5 25ID 5 3,3]500 S 300.E 5 aSmID 1J waa4 hkM Gu IlacLaM Bart LF SA6 5 2.1D0m S IAU V= S t]]SID 5 969,ISOm $ 2AmID 5 fA92Amm S 1.950ID S t064,2mID S IAm.ID 5 9E2,Bmm IB I. r42aeN S:eei Gt LF In S SMOO S AIS6SOm S 325ID S IKSSM S 1.00000 S 4891000ID $ SS= S 256,72Sm 5 E25.00 5 A03.A2500 39 xarS•V T,,p6,SI<weaM KMx f.L 1 5 S.MOO 5 %00000 5 6j50ID S 6;35DID 5 7,00D.DO 5 7,000 S 6,m0ID 1 S 6.00D00 S 5 ID S S.SOOID I. .all l6'. 16'T 5leereaM Valle EA 3 S 650nAD S 6SA3Om 5 2<,AOOO S 2<AOD@ I 5 35AmGO S 351000.00 15 30=100 S 30MOA0 I S 2SxO.00 S 'S.mOID 2I Inyy 2a•. Z4•T 9-"'A" FA ] 5 I253IDID S 1]S00000 5 61.410D 5 6,=,. S 65AmID S 65=w S SO.mOID S SOAmAO $ .... S 55.m0ID ]] I �Arclb C44Ar EA 13 S S.Om.m 5 WINS ;450ID S ] m S m 50m S 65 M S l ID S. 390mm 5 SAOOAO s 65.000 E 13 OaBh[s anEG ALvMev!�rY FA 3 _ S S-ON 5 2SA00ID 5 Imsm S S]]SID mm 5 IOA 5 30AmA0 S 3000E 5 9 .m 5 6 AO S 19.SWM 4 ark A6xn4en S4 h wa0!r Man EA 4 5 n=w 5 )A KCOID S 49SOID S L8=.0O S 4M 00 5 16AmID $ LSOO 00 15 6 m T 2.00000 S BIDO m S C ue 41.tl Ab.W. Ee6: 16•.d, eVa:er MM, LS 1 5 45.00040 S AS,Om.m 5 14pOm I S 14,30DAD S 2SAmm 5 15Am.m $ 20.00000 1 5 20Am00 $ 23,100AO S 13.50010 25 EaiO' A!ar�MleAbMP+r^MUAem4nl EA 3 5 79mID S 22,SOOm S 1.9ISOO S S, OD 5 2.500E 5 ] m 5 I,Sm.UO $ 49m.OD S 1 ID $ A,Sm.00 27 Imm%11a SON 26 PVC LF IAA 25m S 246.350E T EO.m S E3 10ID 85.E $ 92990ID 5 JAO.m 5 I531m.0 5 270ID 5 295,3&000 lE Ve:W YriEatlon Srcen. St+mer Cennee:Imi,Exlllw, Preverm N+.!V ark Me:v Vad: LS 3 5 3,5IDID S 3,5'IDID $ Sjmm 5 3,300.E S 3.OmA0 5 3.00.E S ,am 00 S 6Amm S 9,3M.00 S 9.MOO 29 I^A•J44dee; Ohrnrn Pt<uI:6'xnhet EA 8 5 40mID 5 3tDm.00 5 2=00 5 2300 S 4.000m 5 32000.E S 55m.m 15 u OD.00 S SWOIOO I S At4m00 b V..h Uf" C.IA TICT OSNA SnId.* n OR. A26 Safry. ark NrA'L: ReBUY:ion for CArw;n ,-Su62artR LS 1� S 250,Omm S- 2SO,000m S 35,000E S S.OmAO 5 S,000.m 5 25.000.E $ 50.000.E $ 50.00.E S 22,470.E S 2t410ID ]I NSF 45 5 =OD 5 9A0000 5 610E 5 27410E S 250E 5 11250.E $ 225.E 5 ]O.IS.m S 20. $ 9IDO.m 12 t S % S AOO.m S 2ZAm.m 5 MOO S u.9mID 5 6m.m 5 13,6mm S NIL. 5 37,500.E S 9mm s SO<mm TOTAL KIM MO S 4,09eomw 5 2495.705ID S 2.739.035GO $ 2,617.620.E 1 S Z9596m.m 'NfiywrK Nur•2 enrrea.�GlrrarA<31r.Rr _ 1 DOCUMENT 00500 — AGREENIFN'I' 111111r1+:I N OWNERAND CONTRACTOR "1`Olt Contract Name/Title: 1-49/Hwy 16/112 interchange Water/Sewer Infrastructure Relocations Contract No.: 20-27, Construction-149/Wedington Utility Relocations �rd ^n 2020 THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the � day of A QY t✓- in the year ift}9 by and between The City of Fayetteville, Arkansas and QY SQ Vim-, 1'�C • (hereinafter called Contractor). �} ARTICLE I - WORK 1.01 Contractor shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. Work under this Agreement shall comply with the "Buy America" requirements of the Federal Regulations 23 U.S.C. 313 and CFR 635.410. The work under this Agreement includes, but is not limited to: A. Relocation of water mains. B. Replacement of a water transmission main. C. Installation of a sanitary gravity sewer line. 1.02 The Contractor agrees to perform the work described in the Contract Documents and comply with the terms therein for the amounts shown in the Bid Proposal. Refer to Section 00400-Bid Form for quantifies. 1.03 Any use of a third party dumpster or roll off container shall be procured from the City of Fayetteville Recycling and Trash Collection Division. Use of a Non -City dumpster or roll off container is not allowed. 1.04 Contractor is responsible for obtaining all applicable permits. The fees for City of Fayetteville (only) issued permits shall be waived. 1.05 The Contract may include work in City of Fayetteville right-of-way, ARDOT (State) right-of-way, railroad right-of-way and in General or Utility Easements. ARTICLE 2 - ENGINEER 2.01 The Contract Documents have been prepared by Burns & McDonnell Engineering. Burns & McDonnell assumes all duties and responsibilities, and has the rights and 00500 Agreement 00500-1 DOC'U VIENT 00500 — AC.R1LERE ENT (continued) authority assigned to Engineer in connection with completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 2.02 The City of Fayetteville assumes all duties and responsibilities, and has the rights and authority assigned to The City of Fayetteville as Owner in connection with completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. ARTICLE13- CONTRACTTl1j%1L 3.01 11M1101- rllSSENCL: A. All time limits for milestone, if any, Substantial Completion and completion and readiness for final payment as stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Contract. 3.02 DATES FOR Ct?M131 17,T]_ON AND FINAL PAYMENT: A. The Work shall be substantially completed within 150 calendar days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run as provided in the GENERAL CONDITIONS, and final completion and ready for final payment within 180 calendar days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run as provided in the GENERAL CONDITIONS. 3.03 1,101ADATTIC DAMAGLS: A. Owner and Contractor recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that The City of Fayetteville will suffer financial loss if the Work is not completed within the time specified above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with the GENERAL, CONDITIONS. The parties also recognize the delays, expense, and difficulties involved in proving the actual loss suffered by The City of Fayetteville if the Work is not Substantially Completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, The City of Fayetteville and Contractor agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty) Contractor shall pay The City of Fayetteville Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each calendar day that expires after the time specified above in Paragraph 3.02 for Substantial Completion until the Work is Substantially Complete. After Substantial Completion, if Contractor shall neglect, refuse, or fail to complete the remaining Work within the time specified in Paragraph 3.02 for completion and readiness for final payment or any proper extension thereof granted by 00500 Agreement 00500 - 2 I)OC.I.11111;N'1* 00500 — A.(;I1i.7.EAIV!'- l' (continued) The City of Fayetteville, Contractor shall pay The City of Fayetteville Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each calendar day that expires after the time specified for completion and readiness for final payment. A11TICLE..4 - CONTRACTPRICE 4.01 The CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE agrees to pay, and the CONTRACTOR agrees to accept, as full and final compensation for all work done under this agreement, the amount based on the unit prices bid in the Proposal (BID FORM) which is hereto attached, for the actual amount accomplished under each pay item, said payments to be made in lawful money of the United States at the time and in the manner set forth in the Specifications. 4.02 As provided in the Contract estimated quantities are not guaranteed, and determinations of actual quantities and classifications are to be made by ENGINEER as provided in the General Conditions. Unit prices have been computed as provided in the Contract Documents. 4.03 Changes, modifications, or amendments in scope, price or fees to this contract shall not be allowed without a prior formal contract amendment approved by the Mayor and the City Council in advance of the change in scope, cost or fees. 1. Further, there shall be no changes to the scope and/or contract documents without prior written approval of the Engineer of Record and the City's designated Professional Engineer. ARTICLE S - PAYMENT PROC:EDURI"C 5.01 S1.1E31t111"1A1. 1\ND ILROCESSIN(1 OF PAYMENTS: A. Contractor shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with the GENERAL CONDITIONS. Applications for Payment will be processed by Engineer as provided in the GENERAL CONDITIONS. 5.02 PROGRESS PAYMFNI'S. RrTAINAGE: A. The City of Fayetteville shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of Contractor's Applications for Payment as recommended by Engineer, on or about the l5th day of each month during 00500 Agreement 00500 - 3 DOCUMENT 00500 — AGREEMENT (continued) construction. All such payments will be measured by the schedule of values established in the GENERAL CONDITIONS (and in the case of Unit Price Work based on the number of units completed) or, in the event there is no schedule of values, as provided in the General Requirements. 1. Prior to Substantial Completion, progress payments will be made in an amount equal to the percentage indicated below, but, in each case, less the aggregate of payments previously made and less such amounts as Engineer shall determine, or The City of Fayetteville may withhold, in accordance with the GENERAL CONDITIONS. a. 95% of Work Completed (with the balance being retainage). If Work has been 50% completed as determined by Engineer, and if the character and progress of the Work have been satisfactory to The City of Fayetteville and Engineer, The City of Fayetteville on recommendation of Engineer, may determine that as long as the character and progress of the Work subsequently remain satisfactory to them, there will be no additional retainage on account of Work subsequently completed, in which case the remaining progress payments prior to Substantial Completion will be an amount equal to 100% of the Work Completed less the aggregate of payments previously made; and b. 100% of Equipment and Materials not incorporated in the Work but delivered, suitably stored, and accompanied by documentation satisfactory to The City of Fayetteville as provided in the GENERAL CONDITIONS. 5.03 r(N6I, l'AYM'F.NT: A. Upon final completion and acceptance of the Work in accordance with the GENERAL CONDITIONS, The City of Fayetteville shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by Engineer and as provided in the GENERAL CONDITIONS. 00500 Agreement 00500-4 I?Uf.'t11�1faV tittitt(1 - continued) ARTICLE.6-(`ON'I'IIAC'1'011'S_IYiif,I.ZrSI+'',NTATIONS 6.01 In order to induce The City of Fayetteville to enter intathis Agreement, Contractor makes the following representations: A. Contractor has examined and carefully studied the Contract Documents including the Addenda and other related data identified in the Bid Documents. B. Contractor has visited the Site(s) and become familiar with and is satisfied as to the general, local, and Site conditions that may affect cost, progress, performance, and furnishing of the Work. C. Contractor is familiar with and is satisfied as to all federal, state, and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress, performance, and furnishing of the Work. D. Contractor has carefully studied all: (1) Reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the Site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the Site; and (2) Reports and drawings of a Hazardous Environmental Condition, if any, at the Site. Contractor acknowledges that The City of Fayetteville and Engineer do not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the Site. E. Contractor has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility of having done so) all such additional supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface, and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the Site or otherwise which may affect cost, progress, performance, and furnishing of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction to be employed by Contractor and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. 00500 Agreement 00500 - 5 DOCUMENT 00500 — AGRFEMENT (continued) F. Contractor does not consider that any additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, or data are necessary for the performing and furnishing of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. G. Contractor is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by The City of Fayetteville and others at the Site that relates to the Work as indicated in the Contract Documents. H. Contractor has correlated the information known to Contractor, information and observations obtained from visits to the Site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents, and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data with the Contract Documents. 1. Contractor has given Engineer written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities, or discrepancies that Contractor has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by Engineer is acceptable to Contractor. J. The Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work. ARTICLE 7 - COM MAC7' DOCUMENTS 7.01 CONTENTS: A. The Contract Documents which comprise the entire Agreement between The City of Fayetteville and Contractor concerning the Work consist of the following and may only be amended, modified, or supplemented as provided in this Agreement and in the GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. This Agreement. Z. Exhibits to this Agreement (enumerated as follows): a. Notice to Proceed. b. Contractor's Bid. c. Documentation submitted by Contractor prior to Notice of Award. 00500 Agreement 00500-6 1)0(.*I)NllsN'I' O0500 — A(',']Z1,,1 11I.1;h"'i' (continued) 3. Performance, Payment, and other Bonds. a. The Performance and Payment Bond shall be one hundred percent (100%). b. The Contractor shal I file the Performance, Payment and Warranty Bonds at the Washington County Clerk's office prior to providing a file marked copy of the filed Performance, Payment and Warranty Bonds to the Owner or Engineer. 4, General Conditions. 5. Supplementary Conditions. 6. Specifications consisting of divisions and sections as listed in Table of Contents of Project Manual. 7. Drawings consisting of a rover sheet and Sheets as listed in the Table of Contents thereof (Drawings), with each sheet bearing the following general title: 1-49/Hwy 161112 Interchange Water/Sewer Infrastructure Relocations 8. All applicable Addenda. 9. The following which may be delivered or issued after the Effective Date of the Agreement and are not attached hereto: All Written Amendments and other documents amending, modifying, or supplementing the Contract Documents pursuant to the GENERAL CONDITIONS. ARTICLE 8 - ISCELLAN.E.OUS 8.01 TERMS: A. Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in the GENERAL CONDITIONS shall have the meanings stated in the GENERAL CONDITIONS. 8.02 ASS'IGNMI NTOF CONTRACT; A. No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound; and specifically but without 00500 Agreement 00500 - 7 DOCUMENT 00500 — AGRFEM NT (continued) limitation, moneys that may become due and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by Law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment, no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Documents. 8.03 $CI;SS011%S AN1) ASSIGNS: A. The City of Fayetteville and Contractor each binds himself, his partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, agreements, and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. 8.04 SEVERAB)LITY: A. Any provision or part of the Contract Documents held to be void or unenforceable under any Law or Regulation shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon The City of Fayetteville and Contractor, who agree that the Contract Documents shall be reformed to replace such stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provision. 8.05 FRI-1:1� M 017 INFORMATION ACT - A. City contracts and documents prepared while performing city contractual work are subject to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act. If a Freedom of Information Act request is presented to the City of Fayetteville, the contractor will do everything possible to provide the documents in a prompt and timely manner as prescribed in the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (A.C.A. §25-19-101 et. seq.). Only legally authorized photocopying costs pursuant to the FOIA may be assessed for this compliance. 8.06 LIENS: A. No liens against this construction project are allowed. Arkansas law (A.C.A. §§18-44-501 through 508) prohibits the filing of any mechanics' of materialmen's liens in relation to this public construction project. Arkansas law requires and the contractor promises to provide and file with the Circuit Clerk of Washington County a bond in a sum equal to the amount of this 00500 Agreement 00500-8 DOCUMENT 10(.1500 — A,G"R:t,'EMENT (continued) contract. Any subcontractor or materials supplier may bring an action for non-payment or labor or material on the bond. The contractor promises to notify every subcontractor and materials supplier for this project of this paragraph and obtain their written acknowledgement of such notice prior to commencement of the work of the subcontractor or materials supplier. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The City of Fayetteville and Contractor have signed this Agreement in quadruplicate. One counterpart each has been delivered to Contractor. Three counterparts each has been retained by The City of Fayetteville. All portions of the Contract Documents have been signed, initialed, or identified by The City of Fayetteville and Contractor. 00500 Agreement 00500 - 9 DOCUMEiV'1'llp500—AGREEPNIENT(continued) This Agreement will be effective on , 204Qwhich is the Effective Date of the Agreement. CONTRACTOR: Title: I CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Title: Manr Contractor shall attach evidence of authority to sign. If Contractor is a corporation, corporate entity or LLC, Contractor shall attach Corporate Resolution authorizing Contractor's signature and execution of Agreement. Further if Contractor is a corporation, corporate entity or LLC, Contractor shall also attach a copy of the Contractor's Articles of Incorporation and a copy from the Arkansas State Secretary of State to document that the corporation, corporate entity or LLC is in current "Good Standing" with the State of Arkansas and such entity is permitted to perform work in the State of Arkansas. Attest .. ........ 00500 Agreement L) Attest �� • ' �'' v.•• C�TY'�'p>>�'. 7 1 ..D: FIB •C= �Cn D SAS �oiI1110l��.. 00500 - 10 DOC UA7 ENT Q.050t1— AC:I21? F,i►,11 N`i' (continued) Address forgiving notices Address for giving notices 3000 11J. 2S(LbS114f 9T113 W. Mountain. St. _Sr►' 1, ADZ lylo4- Favetleville, AR 72701 License No. 0030 &44,zo Agent for Service of process (Type or legibly print) AP - ( , gnature) Contractor shall attach evidence of authority of Agent for Service process to sign. If Contractor is a corporation, corporate entity or LLC, Contractor shall attach Corporate Resolution authorizing Agent for Service process authority to sign. (If Contractor is a corporation, corporate entity or LLC, attach evidence of authority to sign.) 00500 Agreement Approved as to Form: By: Attorney For: END OF DOCUMENT 00500 00500 - 11 RESOLUTION We, Stephen V. Forsgren, CEO/President, and Cleve J. McDonald, Jr., Secretary/CFO, of Forsgren, Incorporated, duly organized and existing under the laws of the state of Arkansas, do hereby certify that the following is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors of said corporation at a meeting thereof duly called and held on the 81h day of September, 2011. That said resolution has been duly entered on the Minute Book of this corporation. "RESOLVED, that the Company authorizes and directs the following officers to execute on behalf of the Company any and all documents required to enter into construction agreements or contracts: Stephen V. Forsgren President/CEO Dallas B. Forsgren Chief Operating Officer Cleve J. McDonald, Jr. Secretary/CFO Vic Braddy Executive Vice -President Kevin K. Kelton Vice -President — Operations C. Justin Forsgren Vice -President — Finance" In witness thereof, we have hereunto set our hands this the 8 h day of September, 2011. 1 Stephen V. Tr�sgt6i� CEO/President Sl)-VT-F,' OF "ARVICAWSAL St DEPARTMENT Al OF STATE. C. G. HA LL, SECR ETARYOF STATE /' �'�/�1/'/�f//;.�i//.fl'c IL 6r, 'I, xe, ,',rticic,-, of Tncorporrttioii of 2CX;Gll1,;'l, 3,ame being, a c'ilplicatc of thc orif,,inal filed in thir. office on this, the �)Jttli ciao or 'n-Irch, 1951>. THIS CERTIFICA-1E MUST BE RE10.0-RDED with the COUNTY CLERK 5- C. G. HAI.j. NOTICE: "MUST BE FILED IN DUPLICATE" ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF _ NOh5u1ZRN.a.__.114owtPORATa T WE, TILE UNDERSIGNED, in order to form a corporation for the purposes Hereinafter stated, under and pursuant to the provisions of Chapter One of an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas entitled "An Act to Provide for the Formation of Corporations, the Regulation and Control of Corporations, and for Other Purposes" (approved April 1, 1931), DO HEREBY CERTIFY as follows: FIRST: The name of this corporation is r� JUU6GR4N, INCORPOhATIZ -- _ (The corporate none most and with the abbrowatlon "Inc„" or mart include the word "eorpory tlon" or "Inoorl—ated;' or n-y include the word "eompony" ur the abbreviation "Oo.'1 It tbat ward or abbr J.U.J A not tmmedlately preceded by the ward "and" or the abbrevlatlon 'W") SECOND: The nature of the business of the corporation and the objects or purposes proposed to be transacted, promoted or carried on by it, are as follows, to -wit: To d; a general contracting businuss including making ontimaltes, bidding upon contracts, entering '.nto contracts for all types of heavy, corist.ructior) including grading, draining and other types of dirt —moving work, constructing roadsr streets, bridges and dams, laying auware and pipe lines; buying, selling and dealing in building wateriala, and to own, lease, use and employ all suitable means, machinery arid. equipment used in this type of work. To own, hold, employ, sell, develop and rent real estate. THIRD: The period of existence of this corporation shall be_ _perpetual (The period of existence $hall be perpetual unIms limped to a number at 10Or.- If ltmtte(t state the number of Year$, and If prrpetnal se $tat$.) FOURTH: The principal office or place of business of t.bis corporation shall be located in the County of Sebastian in the city (or town) of Fort Skin. I State of Arkansas, and the address of the principal office or place of business shall be. )023 North 23rd Street. FIFTH: The name of the resident agent of this corporation is-. Gilbert 11•_ Foragren whose address is 3023 North 23rd � Street., City (or town) of Dort Sl l.th County of Sebastian State of Arkansas. SIXTH: The total amount of the authorized capital stock of this corporation is 500 shares, having a par value of $ "00'00 each. (It the—p.retlon is to be •utlullk d to I.". more th.n one et.w of Steak, the Statement. re. aotred b7 parel[ranb f of Seatlen I Of Art ted Of I031 $ban be stated.) SEVENTH: The amount of capital with which this corporation will begin business is $300,00 (not less than Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars). EIGHTH: The names and post office address of each of the incorporators and the number of shares of the capital stock subscribed by each of them is as follows: NAMES Ctilbert V . Forsgren augene W. Foragran RKymond Forsgren POST OMCK ADDRESS NO. OP SUARRS ,Tort Oo)?th, Arkaneas Fort Sail,th p Arkansas (i } Fort Smith, Arkantifts i1? NINTH: The incorporators may inset. here any provisions which they may choose for the regula- tion of the business and for the conduct of the affairs of the corporation and any provisions creating, dividing, limiting and regulating the powers of the corporation, the directors and stockholders, including the provisions governing the issuance of stock certificates to replace lost or destroyed stock certificates, such provisions not to be contrary to the laws of this State. IN WITNESS WHEREW,Ve have hereunto set. our; hands on this--12th —day of March A. D. 195 U - 1 i STATE OF ARKA14,iAS COUNTY OF 'WFBA'-TIAN �ss. BE IT REMEMBERED that on this lath day of _ Apvch -_ A. 1). 195 , personally came before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public within and for the State and County aforesaid, rAlbert h't a F'orsgren, ��Ugane W. Forsgren and Raymond For,agren parties to the foregoing Articles of Incorporation, known to me personally to be such, and sev- erally acknowledged the same to be the act and deed of the signers respectively, and that the facts therein stated are truly set forth. GIVEN ender my hand and seal of office the day year aforesaid. and year My Qommi spicin, expires: N.tar7 Pobllt .'June 12� 1455a fThM. Arttele. -.0 fl.t be tlted with the ft o ta.l of ghat. ad t a ...gifted topl thereof then tU.d with the C.—tf C1_1'.) 1 °' Y as A z o o fs, O ti I I O H cn Q v a O �. O p H� w 0 0 Y z �, POP 14-11"at SECIZE I,.ARY� WN - �; � -* ) OF STATE Mark Martin ARKANSAS SECRETARY OF STATE To All to Whom These Presents Shall Come, Greetings: I, Mark Martin, Arkansas Secretary of State of Arkansas, do hereby certify that the following and hereto attached instrument of writing is a true and perfect copy of Change of Registered Agent Or Office of FORSGREN, INCORPORATED filed in this office February 20, 2015. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official Seal. Done at my office in the City of Little Rock, this 20th day of February, 2015. Aa P&&.YL Arkansas Secretary of State ...rkansas Secretary of State - Mark Martin - Doc#: 5540179001 - Filing#: 100020200 - Filed On- 2/20/2015 - Page(s): 1 Arkansas Secretary of State State Capitol • Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1094 Mark Martin S01-682-3409 • www.sos.arkansas.gov Business & Cornmercial Services, 250 Victory Building, 1401 W. Capitol, Little Rock NOTICE OF CHANGE OF REGISTERED AGENT INFORMATION (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY IN INK) MARK ENTITY TYPE P Corporation -Profit ❑ General Partnership ❑ Limited Liability Limited Partnership o Corporation -Nonprofit 0 Limited Partnership ❑ Nonffling/ Nonqualifying Entity 0 Limited Liability Company ❑ Limited Liability Partnership ❑ Other Pursuant to the Laws of the State of Arkansas, the undersigned submits the following statement for the purpose of changing its registered agent in the State of Arkansas. If this statement reflects a change in registered agent for any entity or entities other than listed, this form must be accompanied by notice of such change to any and all applicable entities. 1. Name of corporation: FORSGREN, INCORPORATED 2. Is the entity: N Domestic ❑ Foreign 3. Street address of registered agent for service of process changing from: 3020 NORTH 23rd STREET Fee Foss FORT SMITH. AR 72904 reol AWICZ Lino 2 Urq• o P 4. Street address for service of process, which registered agent is changing to:�t.j RTN _�t-TREET rFORT SMITH AR 72904 �Wet'l AMress Line 2 City!mat—i zaP 5. Name of registered agent changing from: STEPHEN V. FORSGREN To: C. JUSTIN FORSGREN I understand that knowingly signing a false document with the intent to file with the Arkansas Secretary of State is a Class C misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine up to $1130.00 and /or imprisonment up to 30 days. Executed t s -- 16t.,, day of FEBRUARY 2015 STEPHEN V. FORSGREN, PRESIDENT/CEO fiipnature and Till?of� (Author ed o i or or Fors) Printed Name of Governor (Authorized Director of Officer) NO FEE DO-31DN-041FN-06fAW Rev.08/07 Arkansas Secretary of State w •Y r• John Thurston State Capitol Building ♦ Little Rock Arkansas 72201-1094 •501-682-3409 Certificate of Good Standing 1, John Thurston, Secretary of State of the State of Arkansas, and as such, keeper of the records of domestic and foreign corporations, do hereby certify that the records of this office show FORSGREN, INCORPORATED authorized to transact business in the State of Arkansas as a For Profit Corporation, filed Articles of Incorporation in this office March 14, 1955. Our records reflect that said entity, having complied with all statutory requirements in the State of Arkansas, is qualified to transact business in this State. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official Seal. Done at my office in the City of Little Rock, this l Oth day of February 2020, /Cl(V)f� Tlll�t'-10" O,--,it" u � a ion Code: 004a0'121b6addH To vc iylfaetX[RorizWion Code, visit sos.arkansas.gov ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION , � ARDOLgov 104voArkansas.com I Stott E. Bennett; PE., D,rocter RIGHT OF WAY DIMON ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT 103241ntcrstatc30l Ro.Box22611 UMCAW0972203.2261 OF TRANSPORTATION Pbont S01S69.2311 I fax$015691018I ToRF(MS"569A120 February 7, 2020 Corey Granderson City of Fayetteville 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR '72701 WORK ORDER RE: Job BB0411 (Utilities) Hwy. 16/112 Spur Intchng. Impvts. (S) Route 1-49 Section 28 Dear Mr. Granderson: Washington County Enclosed is the approved utility relocation agreement with plans and estimate covering the adjustment of your facilities required by highway construction. You are authorized to proceed with the work. Please notify this office if for any reason you cannot meet the anticipated completion date of September 18, 2020. Your facility's installation must be in compliance with State Laws, the Department's Utility Accommodation Policy, and Buy America requirements. Any deviation from the attached plans must have prior approval of this office. You or your contractor must notify the Department's Resident Engineer: Bashar Qedan, 3526 N Highway 112, Fayetteville, AR, 72704, telephone 4792519266, four (4) days before beginning work and on the day work is completed. Lead Utilities Coordinator Utilities Section C: "C" File Right of Way Division District Engineer Resident Engineer #42 "U" File Construction Division — System Administrator Environmental-NPDES Job FhslJob MblibAWcrk Order Revised August 0, 2017 NOTE Please remember you and/or your contractor are required to notify the 'Department's Resident Engineer four (4) days before beginning work. You and/or your contractor are also required to notify the Department's Resident Engineer on the day work iscompleted. The telephone number and address of the Resident Engineer assignedto this highway project is included in the attached work orderletter. Please give this information to your appropriate field representative! Attached for Xour information is the latest set of Highway construc#ion Plans Please check for ca formity with trour aftgftent 12roposal and submit revisions if affected STORM WATER CONSTRUCTION PERMITS Please be advised that you are required to follow all laws and regulations concerning erosion control. The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality requires a Phase II Storm Water Construction Permits on sites that have a "disturbed soil area" of one acre or more. For questions or permit requirements for Storm Water Construction Permit, contact (ADEQ) at (501) 682-0627 or at (501) 682-0621. This permit is separate from any work order, permit or approval from the Arkansas Department of Transportation. Marking of Utilities When any utility owner, or its assigned contractor and/or representative is required, or requested to locate and mark the location of its underground lines/facilities inside highway right of waYon pavement, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, structures, etc., the marks shall be made with non -permanent materials (chalk, keel, non-permanentpaint, etc.). Failure to comply with this requirement will result in removal of markings by the utility owner at no expense to the Department. Rev. 08/07/2017 ARKANSAS STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION HIGHWAY - UTILITY CONSTRUCTION/RELOCATION AGREEMENT State Job No BB0411 (Utilities) County Washington Federal Aid Project IM-NHPP-540- Route 49 Section 28 1(80)64 Job Location Hwy. 161112 Spur Intchng. Impvts. (S) Utility Owner City of Fayetteville (Water & Sewer) /'T IS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this f- day of ;� � 20 ,?C>. by and between the Arkansas State Highway Commission, kting by and through the duly authorized representatives of the Arkansas Department of Transportation, with headquarters at Little Rock, Arkansas, hereinafter referred to as the "Department," and the City of Fayetteville of Fayetteville, Arkansas acting by and through its duly authorized representatives„ hereinafter referred to as the "Owner" WITNESSETH: The Department proposes to make highway improvements as specified under the above referenced job number and the Owner will adjust or relocate its existing facilities as set out in the attached plans and cost estimate. The Department will participate in the cost of said adjustment/relocation to the extent that eligibility is hereinafter established. Payment will be made onlump sure basis as mutually agreed between Owner and Department. This agreement is governed by all applicable State and Federal laws, rules, and regulations including the Arkansas State Highway Commission Utility Accommodation Policy adopted by Commission Minute Order 2010-146 as amended and supplemented, the Federal Aid Program Guide on Utility Adjustments and Accommodation on Federal Aid Highway Projects as amended and supplemented, and the provisions of 23 CFR § 645 as amended and supplemented. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: See Exhibit A on Page 4 The Department agrees that the required adjustment is See Exhibit A eligible for reimbursement for the total cost which is estimated to be $2,565,966.00 of which $374,237.01 to be paid by the Department and $2,191,727.99 is to be borne by Owner. Page 1 of 4 Rev. 08/07/2017 Job BS0411 City of Fayetteville (water & sewer) Owner will not commence work until authorized by the Department, and will then endeavor to begin within 75 calendar days and complete within 150 calendar days thereafter. On completion of said work, Owner is responsible for the cleanup and restoration of the work area including the disposal of surplus materials and debris. Final billing must include all supporting detail. Owner shall also submit one (1) set of as -built drawings at this time. Payment will be 100% of lump sum bills and actual cost bills, at the discretion of the Department a 10% retainage can be withheld and released upon completion of an audit review. All final bills for utility relocation are subject to review and audit by state and/or federal auditors. Expenses incurred under an actual cost agreement may be billed to the Department monthly in increments of $5,000.00 or more. Owner must maintain cost records and accounts to support the agreed adjustment/relocation work. Said records to be retained and available for inspection for a period of three (3) years from date of final payment. Owner shall be responsible for any and all hazards to persons, property, and traffic. With respect to traffic control, owner shall adhere to the requirements of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices as amended and supplemented. To the extent applicable to this agreement, the Owner shall comply with the Buy America requirements (as specified in 23 U.S.C. 313 and 23 CFR 635.410). The Owner is not required to change its existing standards for materials as long as the Buy America requirements are met. Buy America requirements take precedence over regulations pertaining to the accommodation or regulation of the Owner's facilities (as specified in 23 CFR 645) on contracts and agreements involving Federal -Aid Highway Program funding and precedence over regulations which allow the Owner to furnish materials from company stock (as specified on 23 CFR 645.117(e)). Company Stock materials that do not meet Buy America requirements may not be permanently incorporated into a Federal -Aid Highway Program funded project. The Owner must provide a definitive statement that all products permanently incorporated into the project are covered under the Buy America requirements. This requirement is fulfilled via proper signature and submission of the statement of charges form. In some circumstances, a waiver of the Buy America requirements may be granted by the Federal Highway Administration, to be determined on a project -by -project basis. Page 2 of 4 Rev. 08/07/2017 Job 880411 City of Fayetteville (Water& Sewer) Owner shall be responsible for and shall hold harmless the Arkansas State Highway Commission, the Department and their ofifoers and employees from any and all claims, actions, causes of action, suits, damages, losses or liability whatsoever, arising out of Owner's performance of the work subject to this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore written, neither the Owner nor the Department by execution of this Agreement waives or relinquishes any rights which either may legally have within the limits of the Law or Constitution, either State or Federal. City of Fayetteville (Water & Sewer) Lzoneld Jordan Name (Typed or Printed) Name (Typed or Printed) Title Signature ARKANSAS HIGHWAY COMMISSION Acting By and Through The ARKANSAS ©-RTATl A-T' of TRA ORTAi`lON_ '-\ (For) D Ri ht of %by Division Head Section F ad -Utilities S on Page 3 of 4 Rev. 08107/2017 EXHIBIT A Job 880411 City of Fayetteville (water & Sewer) Adjust water and sewer facilities to clear highway construction abandoning approximately 520 feet of 8" force main sewer, 520 feet of 8" gravity sewer, 2,054 feet of 10" gravity sewer, 1,570 feet of eight (8) inch PVC, and 1,130 feet of sixteen (16) inch DIP water line totaling 5,794 feet complete with appurtenances. Restore service by installing approximately 1,094 feet of 12" gravity sewer, 1,474 feet of eight (8) inch PVC water line and 1,173 feet of twenty-four (24) inch DIP water line totaling 3,741 feet complete with appurtenances. Owner is to perform this work with contract forces selected by low bid process. Owner will be upgrading facilities during construction in which betterment has been addressed in the reimbursement calculation below. The pro rata factor for reimbursement will be determined as follows: Reimbursement factor with betterment Est. Reimb. Replacement in -kind construction cost 126,788.00 Total est. construction cost with betterment $ 2,230,933.00=5.68% Excluding the Easement Cost and Acquisition Cost that is being replaced in -kind at 100.00% as shown below Summary of Cost Construction Cost $ 2,230,933.00 5.68% $ 126,716.99 Acquisition Cost $ 2,250.00 100.00% $ 2,250.00 Easement Cost $ 240,000.00 100.00% $ 240,000.00 ADH Fee $ 500.00 5.68% $ 28.40 Construction Engineering $ 91,282.00 5.68% $ 5,184.82 City Inspection $ 1,000.00 5.68% $ 56.80 TOTAL COST $ $2,565,965.00 $ 374,237.01 Reimbursable Cost is $374,237.01 Page 4 of 4 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas - Budget Adjustment Form (Legistar) Budget Year Division Adjustment Number /Org2 WATER SEWER (720) 202� Requestor: Cheryl Partain BUDGET ADJUSTMENT DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION: A BA is needed within the Water/Sewer Relocations -Bond Projecsts for the 1-49 and Wedington Interchange relocations. The BA is needed to move budgeted funds to the 1-49/Wellington Water/Sewer subproject to cover the construction cost and the relocating of water/sewer lines to facilitate Arpot's reconfiguration of the 1-49/Wedington Interchange. The BA is needed also to recognize 5.68% of the project cost and 100% of the Easement cost that is reimbursable from the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department. RESOLUTION/ORDINANCE COUNCIL DATE: LEGISTAR FILE ID#: 3/3/2020 2020-0146 x"i4V spY - 2/14/2020 3:3 7 PM Budget Director TYPE: JOURNAL #: GLDATE: CHKD/POSTED: Date D - (City Council) TOTAL Account Number 374,237 374,237 Increase / (Decrease) Expense Revenue Proiect.Sub# Project Sub.Detl AT v.20191231 Account Name 5400.720.5600-5808.00 1,921,693 - 11011 1801 EX Water Line Improvements 5400.720.5700-5815.00 5400.720.5600-4309.00 823,583 - 93,966 11011 11011 1801 1801 EX RE Sewer Improvements Federal Grants - Capital 5400.720.5700-4309.00 5400.720.5600-5810.00 - 240,000 40,271 11011 11011 1801 1801 RE EX Federal Grants - Capital Easements 5400.720.5600-4309.00 240,000 11011 1801 RE Federal Grants - Capital 5400.720.5600-5808.00 (2,611,039) - 11011 1 EX Water Line Improvements H:\Budget Adjustments\2020_Budget\City Council\03-03-2020\2020-0146 - Forsgren Wedington WS.xlsm 1 of 1 FORSGREN, INC. CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 Tim Nyander Submitted By City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2020-0474 Legistar File ID N/A City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item 6/8/2020 WATER SEWER (720) Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of Change Order No. 2 to the contract with Forsgren, Inc. to increase the contract amount by $175,951.00 for rock excavation and additional fill materials associated with the 1-49 and Wedington Interchange Project. Budget Impact: 5400.720.5600-5808.00/5400.720.5700- Water and Sewer 5815.00 Account Number Fund 11011.1801 Water/Sewer Relocations - Bond Projects Project Number Project Title Budgeted Item? Yes Current Budget $ 14,911,496.00 Funds Obligated $ 8,302,110.07 Current Balance $ 6,609,385.93 Does item have a cost? Yes Item Cost $ 175,951.00 Budget Adjustment Attached? No Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget 6,433,434.93 V20180321 Purchase Order Number: 2020-316 Previous Ordinance or Resolution # 85-20 Change Order Number: 2 Approval Date: 6/12/2020 Original Contract Number: 2020-21 Comments: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS TO: Mayor Lioneld Jordan THRU: Susan Norton, Chief of Staff Tim Nyander, Utilities Director FROM: Corey Granderson, Utilities Engineer DATE: June 8, 2020 STAFF MEMO SUBJECT: Approval of Change Order No. 2 for the 1-49ANedington Interchange Utility Relocations Project RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Change Order 2 to the contract with Forsgren, Inc. which will increase the contract amount by $175,951.00. BACKGROUND: In March 2020, the City Council approved a contract with Forsgren, Inc. for relocation of water and sewer lines associated with ArDOT project BB0411 to reconstruct the 1-49Medington interchange (Res. 85-20). The project includes Installation of approximately 1,474 linear feet (LF) of 8-inch waterline, 1,173 LF of 24-inch waterline, and 1,094 LF of 12-inch sewer line. DISCUSSION: Following ArDOT approval of the project, the Resident Engineer for ArDOT requested upgrading backfill materials over the pipeline in areas of future roadway construction. Instead of using dirt, the backfill will be low -strength flowable concrete fill. This additional cost is $34,001.00 and is 100% reimbursable by ArDOT to the City at the end of the project. Furthermore, during excavation of the large bore -pit west of the interstate travel lanes, solid rock was encountered and required significant additional effort to excavate. Based on the elevation of rock in this location and east of the interstate, approximately 1,700 cubic yards of total rock excavation is anticipated. This was unforeseen by the design engineer and a change order is needed to pay the contractor for this additional effort. This portion of the project is not reimbursable by ArDOT. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: Funds for this change order are available within the approved project contingency of $249,570.50. Attachments: Change Order 1 Engineer Recommendation Letters Forsgren, Inc. Quotes ArDOT Change Order Approval Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 CITY OF r_ FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS Change Order No. To Contractor: Forsgren, Inc. The Contract is chanced as follows: CHANGE ORDER Contract Title: Date of Issuance: I-49/Wedington Interchange Utility Relocations (ArDOT BB0411) June 8, 2020 ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION: 85-20 Effective: March 3, 2020 Bid Bid Previous Unit Contract Revised Revised Original Revised Item Item Estimated of Unit Estimated Unit Estimated Estimated No. Description Quantity Measure Price Quantity Price Cost Cost CO2.1 Flowable Select Backfill 0 CY $ - 281 $ 121.00 $0.00 $34,001.00 CO2.? Rock Excavation 0 CY I $ - 1700 $ 83.50 $0.00 $141,950.00 Summation of Cost $0.00 $175:95 I.00 Net Cost for this Change Order $175,951.00 Not valid until signed by the Owner The original Contract Price was $ 2,495,705.00 Net change by previously authorized change orders $ 12,780.00 The Contract Price prior to this Change Order was S 2,508,485.00 The Contract Price will [increase by ] $ 175,951.00 The new Contract Price including this Change Order will be $ 2,684,436.00 The Contract Time(s) will jiFtereased bylidecreased byffremain unchanged] 0 calendar days Required dates of Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore are: Substantial Completion Final Completion NO summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Price or Time(s) which have been auth i e .previous angc Orde / Fotsgreit�nc. PAY] BY � [ .ATE BY r l Page 1 of 1 by Work Change Directives not incorporated in this or DATE 9/3/2020 10/3/2020 ARKANSAS STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION UTILITY CHANGE ORDER UTILITY City of Fayetteville (Water & Sewer) CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 JOB NO. BB0411 FAP NO. IM-NHPP-540-1 (80) 64 JOB NAME Hwy. 16/112 Spur Intchng. ROUTE 49 SECTION 28 Impvts. (S) COUNTY Washinaton DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: 1. Increase Construction Cost from the estimated amount of $2,230.933.00 to the revised estimated amount of $2.264.934.00 resulting in an increase of $34,001.00. 2. Increase Cost/Cost reimbursement rate to reflect additions. REASON FOR CHANGE: 1. Increase Construction Cost due to resident engineer requirement of flowable select fill in the area of proposed ramp 3. 2. Increase Cost/Cost calculation to reflect$160,789.00/$2,264.934.00=7.10%. Lump sum payment proceedure is retained. Item Description Present Amount Revised Amount Increase (Decrease) Cost/Cost In -Kind Cost/Cost In -Kind Cost/Cost In -Kind Construction Cost $2,230,933.00 $2.264.934.00 $0.00 $34,001.00 $0.00 Acquisition Cost $2,250.00 $2,250.00 $0.00 $0.,00 Easement Cost $240,000.00 $240.000.00 $0.00 $0.00 ADH Fee $500.00 $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Construction Engineering $91,282.00 $91,282.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 City Inspection $1.000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SubTotal $2,323,715.00 $242.250.00 $2,357,716.00 $242,250.00 $34,001.00 $0.00 TOTAL $2, 565, 965.00 $2.599.966.00 $34,001.00 COMPUTATION OF REIMBURSABLE AMOUNT: In -Kind Reimbursable Percentage: 100.00% Cost/Cost Reimbursable Percentage: 5.68% Revised In -Kind Reimbursable Percentage: 100.00% Revised Cost/Cost Reimbursable Percentage: 7.10% Present Amount $2,323.715.00 Reimb. % 5.68% $131,987.01 $242,250.00 Reimb. % 100.00% $242,250.00 Subtotal $2,565,965.00 $374,237.01 Revised Amount $2,357,716.00 Reimb. % 7.10% $167.397.84 $242,250.00 Reimb. % 100.00% $242,250.00 Subtotal $2,599,966.00 $409,647.84 Overrun $35,410.83 Requested Resident Engineer a,; Recommended District Engineer .1 //ICE -ALL' • ate Construction Enmeer Authorized ( (_:7� Chief Engineer -Operations 4/23/2020 Date 4/23/2020 Date 5-20-2020 Date 05-20-2020 Date Job Files\Job tt\Utility\Change Order BURNS &MEDON NELL RECOMMENDATION FOR CHANGE ORDER TO: Mr. Corey Granderson, PE. Utilities Engineer. City of Fayetteville FROM: Jeffrey Heidrick. PE. Engineer of Record. Burns & McDonnell DATE: April 21.2020 PROJECT: Bid 20-27, Construction — 1-491Wedington Utility Relocations Background ARDOT has requested Flowable Select Fill be installed within the open -cut trench of Waterline 3 beneath the designed location of Ramp 3 associated with ARDOT Job BB0411. Forsgren has submitted a unit cost for Flowable Select Material at $121.00 per CUBIC YARD (CY). The quantity estimated within the open -cut trench, beneath the proposed Ramp 3 subgrade section is 281 CUBIC YARD (CY). The total cost estimate for the additional work is $34,001.00. Bid Item No. 18 — INSTALL 42-INCH STEEL CASING, OPEN CUT — within the Contract Documents allows for "suitable on -site material" backfill based upon the City of Fayetteville Water Trench (Non - Paved Area) detail on Sheet 16 of the Issue for Construction Plans. With the requirement of Flowable Select Fill, the Contractor is tasked with disposing of the on -site material. This disposal cost of on -site material will be included in the unit cost for Flowable Select Material. Therefore, there is no subtraction of quantities or bid items associated with this Change Order. Recommendation We have prepared an exbibit (attached) to be included with this Change Order that gives direction to the Contractor for the additional work required by ARDOT. We have compared the Contractor's unit cost for Flowable Select Material with recent projects surrounding the region and feel the cost is justifiable and reasonable. We are recommending this Change Order based upon items of work outside of the Contractor's control and furthermore, a quick execution to progress the project. Attachments: Exhibit Forsgren's Cost Proposal 4579 lynrh's Proirie (ove, Suile 8 • Springdale, Arkansas 72M fel.- 47f-72f--5460 • fax 47f-725--5470 • www.hurnsmedrom t 3 a e e 1 e s 10 11 12 13 WATER MAIN � DRNE TRANSMISSION MAIN / I i NORTH-42•STEEL CASING ^ o - PIPELINE MARKER ]� I PIPELINE / EXISTING RAMP 3 MARKER (TYP 4) I F%ISTING 36• PCCP TRANSMISSION MAIN L J Pt STA 0.31.23 / WAIENGIR•PY� Nfi42615.40 _ .. WAI ER MAIN F6fi 150 1.36 (� PROPOSE,,, 11J5,B2'1]'LT \ 1 f�/�/� OTMFR6 _ I 11'15'BEND EXISTING 16- BOL STA 0W0.00 WATER MAIN i N G42604.60 TO BE GROUT Fs LED= E 661476IN AND ABANDONED IN PLACE s — - (NOTE 1) I PUN W WEDINGTON DRIVE RESTRAIN ALL JOINTS 12a0 1170 EXISTING GRADE 1260 1250 —.. _. _.. __._ - .771L 14'PC 2W DIP 1240 ._ MzNgl 13'0 I,Xw,G 1230 OPEN CUT INSTALLED w Wow m : E, 1- JACK AND BO EINSTALL_ED 42' STEM CASING - _ - _ 49TEEl C.ABING Y 1220 I-0•_--- ---- --__—— —J-ne25• - -—� v20 41-2O 0W0 1.00 2W0 3W0 4W0 PROFILE PISIA0-17.01 PI STA 0`12.9e N 642619.3S N E",t E 661611.23 .1]DVO' .60 45 DO R1 NOTES- D - 45'0FIT0. EN 45' BEND WISTING CIP WATER MAIN - -� TEMPORARY 45' BEND B )4'BUTTE RPIV VAI VE 1. GROUT FOR USE ABANDONING THE EXISTING WATER MAIN SHALL BE A HIGHLY FLOWABLOW DENSITY MIX. GROUT SHAI 1 RF 4 PORT[ AND Fi USHING ASSFMRI Y \ `- NEW I"SOI 16124' REDUCER RESTRAINED ID SLEEVE CEMENT AND tM FLY ASH AFNTONITF GET MIXTURE WITH ANY OTHER FIT I FR PASSING A NO. TRANSMISSION MAIN 140 ME311. DWPARANTB MAY OF AIXNPD TO I OWE, THE VISCOSITY FOR INCREASED L XLSTING 36' PCCP PUNiNf AeIL Iv �T SlW L fAV, A COMPRE90 RVE STRENGTH 6ETWE1}N Ip0 PSI MID TRANSMISSION MAIN 700 PSI M___ -___. -_ ___ FXISTING 16' - E%LSIING'SRAf }WATER MAN- BOL STA OWD00 U26D460 WATER MAN LL MAl:M ANR6N E661470.20 1 Y[ AIN Y Yl L:".I J4Nh'HRTiaf1YVAI VI ___.._--.._.. '-t-A CL 16' TAPPING SLEEVE AND NNECT 1 DETAIL 1 VALVFW/THRUST RI OCK NOT TO SCALE C111 AND CAP 5-DF IAII ON C.IXI6- Y TEMPORARY RESTRAIN ALL JOINTS PERMANENT 1 4a. 16Y I — I daxl,P D IIU220 SNW ML ISSJEO FOR BID 716�'20 MDH JWM ISSUEO FOR CONSTRUCTION A B C D ,i't 01 dUlyo":! ,r,, wNo Itr t J 451. 1 ae'-i✓ 4 F .BURNS .MSIDONNELL E400 WARD PARKWAY KANSAS CITY. MO 64114 8IS— 333.WD0 I K;ENSFF NO. XJDDII auw aeM�Na MAY 6 1— D. HOWARO _d"iQ� — 8 WLa014 ML O► ;A AKKAM�� ASKAUGAS Wri�ytal Cua41 Mar �'. i IJMIWY tfltf} INiIRCIANO[ WATFFI7EVFE1t WRASTRUCTUM RRLOCATIOaf �sff WATER EWE 2 PLAN AIID PROFILE aOL STA 0 10 aTA 4 W0 1 PT1 I.M 1Utl]J9 I LONTRACT aRn9 PP03 _ ,aY 0 JNRA] Want, IIa4N1Fk CM NrM 6 at 21 SKhets LK.4MII N0./75a w 106729 WL I. O N 1 2 s 4 s 6 7 E 0 10 11 12 13 m.l dale I b, I ad I deuriDYon ' EDGE OF /EDGE Of I 0 31W" 1102/20 6NW ML LSSUED FOR BID SHOULDER EDGE OF / MDH JWM SHGISSUED FOR PAVEMENT STA 5.75.00 _ SHOULDER pp CONSTRUC11ON N642591.39 EDGE OF i E 662041.80 PAVFMFNT EDGE OF NORTH PIPELINE / o o.l 3" COMBINATION VALVE PAVEMENTS / _ FDOF OF 11 SHOUT OFF! MARKER 6. n w u :I• f /// / / TRANS MSSIONDIP MAIN ? PROPOSED t RAMP PIPELINE _ U v LAARNEH- / -4Y STFEI LASING 2I j I FVLLBRIGHT \ EXISTING ' FXPRESSWAY4 / PROPOSFD/ Ifi-WATER MAW TF RAMP BF GROUT FI11 E I / AND Am noNFf it LACE / _ Ti 7 - i tm = FUN :S o••,i� I RFSTRAIN Ad I JOINTS � MD IT p ,T-LW O Q 12T0 G - mEXISTING GRADE [�" !' ;1 - _ - n PROPOSED GRADE lib � -a. _ ----_ _—__ AYGOErrw.0 ��� — — — — — — — — — — — — -- ♦BURNS `M9DONNELL Inc ` _ - — - ----- ter- _ '� OFEN GIfTOl4TRtl FD' — v - tIW tl400 WA -" A2' STEEL GSING I - OE2S KANSAS CIIV AI:III� 1k 1.1E '0. r tl1fi ! -9�00 [M F;y.DF/I K I ICFN FF NU UUJO' I 10.T2Y. 1]4U dale dela�bd MAMA ]A19 D HLIWARF, 73'T—X IT DWD X9'WNN-]592 CF =-TILT r.Y— I130 - - m• 24•PC 250OW _ s Nk1O11 AY ..vOPEN CUT Obi Apr t 12b OPEN CUT INSTALL Il -- -- _ _ JACK AND BOREIN6TALLED _ _ _ __ INSTALLED C17t OF 42" STFEI OASNJG 42' 9TFFL CASING 4r•RTE1a ceR 2Gt ��<a a _ _ _ /ATITTEVILLE 4. 5.UU .. 6HIU ].00 0.0U -_-_-. 1-0825" -tl•00 1270 ARRAN{A{ PROFILE 1J9M1M'1N112 LNTFRC—NGF •-� WAIPAIEFIIEN AT"ONRRUCME NELOCAiIONR 17G4Ti���, wIRAlLxwtIIW DII IIiF YM,YIf NRYWEAIFFD lI Yu • WATER LINE PLANAROPROFEL ♦ •� 81A 4.DD TO EIA R.b wil/II DO.CN e1f44fA411l DFtNal_i _,_,._ _ II _ IM- •�•�!!i• " IN719 CONTRACT r III 1. N,x411 ATFIA YAI Yt N V 1 I I In — R—s". nY PP04 re . 0 JMFy wa•IRn N4lflIA DM Yuei ] of JI eheek LX1Mw M0.170b6, I08729 WL1. A B 0 N Since WL2 is on a skew, the overall 65'-0sIiBGRADE length along centerline of WL2 is 73 LF 50'-0" A.C.H.M.SURFACE COURSE ('/2") 220 LBS. PER SO.YD. 1 60'-0" A.C.H.M. SURFACE COURSE 220 LBS. PER SO. YD. & TACK COAT 60'-0" A.C.H.M. BINDER COURSE 0") 495 LBS. PER SO. YO. & TACK COAT 65'-0" A.C.H.M. BASE COURSE 0/2") 880 LBS. PER SO. YO. & TACK COATS 0" 12' 0" 12' 0" ;N SPACE TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL L I 7,_6., CONCRETE COMBINATION CURB & GUTTER (TYPE A) (I'-6") CURB TRANSITION FROM STA. 176*05.00. 31-0" LT. TO STA. 177+75.00, 35'-6/4" LT (MEASURED FROM (L RAMP 3 TO FACE OF CURB I PROFILE GRADE & P01NT OF SUPERELEVA71ON ROTATION AGGREGATE BASE COURSE ICL.7)-j 8.0" COMP'D. DEPTH (337.00 TONS PER STA.) SUPERELEVATION SECTION RAMP 3 STA.173+97.68 TO STA.177+00.00 CURB TRANSITION FROM STA. 173#97.68. 31'-0'/g" RT. TO IMEASURED FROM IL RAMP 3 8'-0" GREEN SF �O nz i -�-CONCRETE COMBINATION r CURB & GUTTER (TYPE A) W-6") TRANSITION: STA.177+00.00 TO STA.178+00.00 From: Qedan, Bashar A. To: Gartrell. Blaine Cc: King. Josh D.; Rainwater. Marcus Subject: Re: I-49/HWY16/112 W&S Relocations - Flowable Select Fill Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 11:50:26 AM Attachments: image001.Dno imaae002.Dna imaae003.Dno Yes. Flowable Select will be required under current and future shoulder and lanes. Thanks Bashar Sent from my Whone On Apr 211 2020, at 1 1:02 AM, Gartrell, Blaine <Blaine.Gartrell@ardot.gov> wrote: Bashar, I hope all is well with the accident you were part of yesterday. Please confirm when you get a chance that we are requiring Fayetteville to place flow -able as per previous discussions. Blaine Gartrell <image001.png> From: Qedan, Bashar A. <Bashar.Qedan@ardot.gov> Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 12:16 PM To: Gartrell, Blaine <Blaine.Gartrell@ardot.gov> Cc: King, Josh D. <Josh.King@ardot.gov>; Rainwater, Marcus <Marcus.Rainwater@ardot.gov> Subject: RE: 1-49/HWY16/112 W&S Relocations - Flowable Select Fill That will be ok if boring is not possible. It is going to be a mess in terms of all the material excavated and hauled away. They need to come up with ways to make ingress egress from the work zone easy enough without creating delays. Thanks. Bashar From: Gartrell, Blaine Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 12:05 PM To: Qedan, Bashar A. <Bashar.GedanPardot.gov>; King, Josh D. <Josh,KingPardot.gov> Subject: FW: 1-49/HWY16/112 W&S Relocations - Flowable Select Fill Bashar/Josh, See below from Fayetteville, if flowable done this way would suffice believe it would be the best option for the project progression. Let me know as soon as you can and I will work with them on the change order details. Blaine Gartrell <imuge002. png> From: Granderson, Corey<cgrandersonitfayetteville-ar.gov> Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 11:S2 AM To: Gartrell, Blaine <Blaine.Gartrell(@ardot.eov> Subject: 1-49/HWY16/112 W&S Relocations - Flowable Select Fill CAUTION: This email originated from outside of ARDOT. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Blaine — we received unit pricing from Forsgren on the Flowable Backfill. Based on Willie's quantities, we are looking at: 281 CY x $121 = $34,001 This just gets us outside the limits of paving, but does not include the slope -grading on each side of the new ramp. I'd like to hear your feedback on how to have ArDOT pay for this if we are to move forward. PE's from City Staff and our consultant are confident that with 10-ft additional fill for the roadway project, bridging of this area could be accomplished. The roadway plans could even be adjusted to add rock or fabric base layers here prior to the extra fill. We do not feel that this was missed in our design, or in the ArDOT utility review and work order, but rather added -on by Bashar during a phone call on a completely different topic. We do have project contingency money. However, with zero pipe installation accomplished I do not feel comfortable obligating those dollars at this time. If you would like to discuss further, I'm happy to do that, I'm working remotely and my cell is 479-301-4801 Best, Corey W. Granderson, P.E. Utilities Engineer City of Fayetteville, Arkansas cgrandersonafayetteville-ar.gov 479.444.3452 www. fayettevi Ile -a r. a ov <image003.png> Pattengill, William P. From: Brennen Hickey <bhickey@forsgreninc.com> Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 11:01 AM To: Pattengill, William P. Cc: Granderson, Corey; Heidrick, Jeffrey Subject: RE: 1-49/HWY16/112 W&S Relocations - Flowable Select Fill Cost Request William, See below for the pricing for the additional pricing under Ramp 3 on WL2. Let me know if you have any questions. Slurry Backfill - $121.00 CY Thanks, Brennen Hickey Utility Division Manager O - (479) 782-1061 C — (479) 353-0053 bhickey@forsgreninc.com Since 1936 DISCLAIMER: This transmission from Forsgren Inc. or one of its subsidiaries is confidential and solely for the use of the intended recipient. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender and delete and destroy the original transmission and all copies. Our company accepts no liability for the contents of this email, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided, unless that information is subsequently confirmed in writing. Please note that any personal views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company. Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email. From: Pattengill, William P.(mailto:wppattengill@burnsmcd.com) Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 8:43 AM To: Brennen Hickey <bhickey@forsgreninc.com> Cc: Granderson, Corey <cgranderson@fayetteville-ar.gov>; Heidrick, Jeffrey <jheidrick@burnsmcd.com> Subject: 1-49/HWY16/112 W&S Relocations - Flowable Select Fill Cost Request Brennen, Please see the attached exhibit used to calculate Flowable Select Material quantities to be installed beneath the proposed Ramp 3 on WL2. Again, please submit a cost on a unit price basis for Flowable Select Material ($/CY). I also attached ARDOT's specification for this bid item for your reference. William P. Pattengill, P.E. * \ Burns & McDonnell Staff Civil Engineer 1 Northwest Arkansas o 479-725-5468 \ c 479-936-1833 \ F 479-725-5470 wppattengill(a.burnsmcd.com \ burnsmcd.com 6576 Lynch's Prairie Cove, Suite B \ Springdale. AR 72762 00000 Proud to be one of FORTUNE's 100 Best Companies to Work For MA Please consider the environment before printing this email. 'Registered in: AR This email and any attachments are solely for the yise of the addressed recipients and may contain privileged client communication or privileged work product. If you are not the intended recipient and receive this communication. please contact the sender by phone at 479-725-5460. and delete and purge this email from your email system and destroy any other electronic or printed copies. Thank you for your cooperation. Rev. 08/07/2017 ARKANSAS STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION HIGHWAY - UTILITY CONSTRUCTION/RELOCATION AGREEMENT State Job No BB0411 (Utilities) County Washington Federal Aid Project IM-NHPP-540- 1(80)64 Job Location Hwy. 16/112 Spur Intchng. Impvts. (S) Route 49 Section 28 Utility Owner City of Fayetteville (Water & Sewer) /'T IS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this / � day of �� 20 �C->, by and between the Arkansas State Highway Commission, akting by and through the duly authorized representatives of the Arkansas Department of Transportation, with headquarters at Little Rock, Arkansas, hereinafter referred to as the "Department," and the City of Fayetteville of Fayetteville, Arkansas acting by and through its duly authorized representatives, hereinafter referred to as the "Owner" WITNESSETH: The Department proposes to make highway improvements as specified under the above referenced job number and the Owner will adjust or relocate its existing facilities as set out in the attached plans and cost estimate. The Department will participate in the cost of said adjustment/relocation to the extent that eligibility is hereinafter established. Payment will be made on lump sum basis as mutually agreed between Owner and Department. This agreement is governed by all applicable State and Federal laws, rules, and regulations including the Arkansas State Highway Commission Utility Accommodation Policy adopted by Commission Minute Order 2010-146 as amended and supplemented, the Federal Aid Program Guide on Utility Adjustments and Accommodation on Federal Aid Highway Projects as amended and supplemented, and the provisions of 23 CFR § 645 as amended and supplemented. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: See Exhibit A on Page 4 The Department agrees that the required adjustment is See Exhibit A eligible for reimbursement for the total cost which is estimated to be $2,565,965.00 of which $374,237.01 to be paid by the Department and $2,191,727.99 is to be borne by Owner. Page 1 of 4 Rev. 08/07/2017 Job BB0411 City of Fayetteville (Water & Sewer) Owner will not commence work until authorized by the Department, and will then endeavor to begin within 75 calendar days and complete within 150 calendar days thereafter. On completion of said work, Owner is responsible for the cleanup and restoration of the work area including the disposal of surplus materials and debris. Final billing must include all supporting detail. Owner shall also submit one (1) set of as -built drawings at this time. Payment will be 100% of lump sum bills and actual cost bills, at the discretion of the Department a 10% retainage can be withheld and released upon completion of an audit review. All final bills for utility relocation are subject to review and audit by state and/or federal auditors. Expenses incurred under an actual cost agreement may be billed to the Department monthly in increments of $5,000.00 or more. Owner must maintain cost records and accounts to support the agreed adjustment/relocation work. Said records to be retained and available for inspection for a period of three (3) years from date of final payment. Owner shall be responsible for any and all hazards to persons, property, and traffic. With respect to traffic control, owner shall adhere to the requirements of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices as amended and supplemented. To the extent applicable to this agreement, the Owner shall comply with the Buy America requirements (as specified in 23 U.S.C. 313 and 23 CFR 635.410). The Owner is not required to change its existing standards for materials as long as the Buy America requirements are met. Buy America requirements take precedence over regulations pertaining to the accommodation or regulation of the Owner's facilities (as specified in 23 CFR 645) on contracts and agreements involving Federal -Aid Highway Program funding and precedence over regulations which allow the Owner to furnish materials from company stock (as specified on 23 CFR 645.117(e)). Company Stock materials that do not meet Buy America requirements may not be permanently incorporated into a Federal -Aid Highway Program funded project. The Owner must provide a definitive statement that all products permanently incorporated into the project are covered under the Buy America requirements. This requirement is fulfilled via proper signature and submission of the statement of charges form. In some circumstances, a waiver of the Buy America requirements may be granted by the Federal Highway Administration, to be determined on a project -by -project basis. Page 2 of 4 Rev. 08/07/2017 Job BB0411 City of Fayetteville (Water & Sewer) Owner shall be responsible for and shall hold harmless the Arkansas State Highway Commission, the Department and their officers and employees from any and all claims, actions, causes of action, suits, damages, losses or liability whatsoever, arising out of Owner's performance of the work subject to this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore written, neither the Owner nor the Department by execution of this Agreement waives or relinquishes any rights which either may legally have within the limits of the Law or Constitution, either State or Federal. City of Fayetteville (Water & Sewer) Lioneld Jordan Name (Typed or Printed) NI Signature, FEDEf4AC TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION # Name (Typed or Printed) Title Signature ARKANSAS HIGHWAY COMMISSION Acting By and Through The ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT of TRA ORTATION (For) Director Ri*it of Uy Division Head 1 ) (Al Section . ad -Utilities S on Page 3 of 4 Rev. 08/07/2017 EXHIBIT A Jab BB0411 City of Fayetteville (water & Sewer) Adjust water and sewer facilities to clear highway construction abandoning approximately 520 feet of 8" force main sewer, 520 feet of 8" gravity sewer, 2,054 feet of 10" gravity sewer, 1,570 feet of eight (8) inch PVC, and 1,130 feet of sixteen (16) inch DIP water line totaling 5,794 feet complete with appurtenances. Restore service by installing approximately 1,094 feet of 12" gravity sewer, 1,474 feet of eight (8) inch PVC water line and 1,173 feet of twenty-four (24) inch DIP water line totaling 3,741 feet complete with appurtenances. Owner is to perform this work with contract forces selected by low bid process. Owner will be upgrading facilities during construction in which betterment has been addressed in the reimbursement calculation below. The pro rata factor for reimbursement will be determined as follows: Reimbursement factor with betterment Est. Reimb. Replacement in -kind construction cost $ 126,788.00 Total est. construction cost with betterment $ 2,230,933.00=5.68% Excluding the Easement Cost and Acquisition Cost that is being replaced in -kind at 100.00% as shown below Summary of Cost Construction Cost $ 2,230,933.00 5.68% $ 126,716.99 Acquisition Cost $ 2,250.00 100.00% $ 2,250.00 Easement Cost $ 240,000.00 100.00% $ 240,000.00 ADH Fee $ 500.00 5.68% $ 28.40 Construction Engineering $ 91,282.00 5.68% $ 5,184.82 City Inspection $ 1,000.00 5.68% $ 56.80 TOTAL COST $ $2,565,965.00 $ 374,237.01 Reimbursable Cost is $374,237.01 . Page 4 of 4 BURNS &MSDON NELL_ RECOMMENDATION FOR CHANGE ORDER TO: Mr. Corey Granderson, PE, Utilities Engineer. City of Fayetteville FROM: Jeffrey Heidrick. PE. Engineer of Record. Burns & McDonnell DATE: April 21, 2020 PROJECT: Bid 20-27, Construction — 1-49/Wedington Utility Relocations Background ARDOT has requested Flowable Select Fill be installed within the open -cut trench of Waterline 3 beneath the designed location of Ramp 3 associated with ARDOT Job BB0411. Forsgren has submitted a unit cost for Flowable Select Material at $121.00 per CUBIC YARD (CY). The quantity estimated within the open -cut trench, beneath the proposed Ramp 3 subgrade section is 281 CUBIC YARD (CY). The total cost estimate for the additional work is $34,001.00. Bid Item No. 18 — INSTALL 42-INCH STEEL CASING, OPEN CUT — within the Contract Documents allows for "suitable on -site material" backfill based upon the City of Fayetteville Water Trench (Non - Paved Area) detail on Sheet 16 of the Issue for Construction Plans. With the requirement of Flowable Select Fill, the Contractor is tasked with disposing of the on -site material. This disposal cost of on -site material will be included in the unit cost for Flowable Select Material. Therefore, there is no subtraction of quantities or bid items associated with this Change Order. Recommendation We have prepared an exhibit (attached) to be included with this Change Order that gives direction to the Contractor for the additional work required by ARDOT. We have compared the Contractor's unit cost for Flowable Select Material with recent projects surrounding the region and feel the cost is justifiable and reasonable. We are recommending this Change Order based upon items of work outside of the Contractor's control and furthermore, a quick execution to progress the project. Attachments: Exhibit Forsgren's Cost Proposal 6576lynch's Proirie Cove, Suite g • Springdo% Arkansas 7?761 Tel 479-71S--SOP • fox: 479-7?5--S479 • www.hurnsmrdrom 1 2 3 4 S j ¢/ � EXISTING IP PVC NSMI ON '/ WATER MAIN DRIVE A F%ISTNG3B'PCCP I I MARKER ITVP 4) TRANSMISSION AWN L — — — V 3� PI STA 0.34.23 FXISTMIG IB' PVC N 642815.40 WAl ER MMN 6S 1.36 D = 10'4Y17- LT 11,15 1'15 15'BENDENO SOL STA 0-00.00/ N 642604.60 E661478.20 4 7 S 6 10 II 12 13 Jl -PROPOSED 24'DIF TRANSMISSN)N MAIN ✓� /� NORTR -142-STEEL CASING /i PIPELINE MARKER O EXISTING RAMP 3 PROPOSED BY 1 OTHFRB EXISTING 16' / I WATER MAIN TO BF GROUT FN LED AND ABANDONED IN PLACE / I NOTE 11 -- PLAN W WEDINGTON DRIVE 1280 1270- y ���� F Gdd � � di U.r'd- EXISTING GRADE 1260 1250 f 12Q 24' PC 250 DIP S � e 1230_---___— dad 220 JACK AND BO 42'STE 0 E N6TALLED CA9RNi _ -0.20 0.00 1.00 z•no PROFILE PI STA 0.17.01 PI STA 0.12.98 N64261S.35 N 64MI7.23 E 661481.17 Dr45'0 45'00'00'RT D=45°OOYXI'HT 45' BEND EXISTING 16' GIP WATER MAIN -- TEMPORARY d5' BEND 24' RUTTFRFI V VAI VE FLUSHING ASSFMRI V - RFSTRAINFD NEW 14' 16N24'REDUCER SOLID SIEFVF TRANSMISSION MAIN L%ISTNG 36' PCCP TRANSMISSION MAIN EXISTING 16' `EXISTING. B' WATFR MAN __//// BOL STA O.00.00 N 642604A0 WATER MAIN E 6814783 CL 16' TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVFWITHRUSTRIOCK C014NECTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 1 flll AND CAP SFF OF TALI ON CD% TEMPORARY RESTRAIN Al. I JOINTS PERMANENT Oeu177 LSSULD 1 OR BID ISSUED FOR 3' 1—. X1]'DeDlp%n'VLORi 2662 C! I ICY il: ,BURNS_ �M�DONNELL OPENCUT PISTALIED PARXB" n.:A�aa �ITV_MO 6411J 42' 91EEL CASINO _ ' n 15-333Ad00 LICENSEE NO. 000017 Ivu 3.00 4•00 mn eNndea MAY 6. 2018 D HOWARD NOTES: YW.$ON— 1. GROUT FOR USE A9ANDONING TNF FXISTING WATER MAIN SHALL BE A HIGHLY FLOWABLE LOW CEMENT MIX. GROUT ASHSHAI NAPORTIAND CEMENT AND; OR FLY ASH RFNTONRF GFI MIXTURE ANYOTHFRFII FRPASSNGA NO. TI �. FAYETTEVILLE AAN ANi Ai 140 DIS p TY AODm TO LOWFA THIFN LOWER 4COSI OR INC FOR HCAMVEPLIMD C-A IL I V GHU COUM+F SSNF STRENGTH BETW'EEM 1aD PSI AND coi Sul IT C/6GOT BIWI EN100 300 PSI IMI l4 10. ]A AINA KY AAPPA'D ur —All WHKir 111A 'w 1M NHdll 1 IC1Au4lVA41fIW •AfW111M M - - KXKF,M4441 4VI .4N 4A ' 1T ;,"—•��y - f1� 1 Q�,T '���3�.• 1 wN1f4i7�' �owr '�`•,`•, 1SI1 121NTERCHANGF WATER03EWER INFRASTRUCTIME RELOCATIONS WATER LINE 2 MAN MU f•HOI ILL SOL STA OW 10SIAA— L1NIk' t OB]l9 I_,"CONTRACT Ri t M1u1 �t. Y4A 1 4A N °� PP03 CM 111M1 B of 21 shaeR MN No 113SS � IOBT28 WLI. O 1 1 2 3 w 6 6 7 1 6 IT 1 I EDGE OF SHOIILDEH EDGE OF STA S•)5.00 _ \ SHOULDFR- N 642591.38 EDGE OF i 3-COM IN PAVFMFNT � EDGE E 3' COMBINATION VALVE PAVEMENT NORTH PIPELINE MARKER L t7 6• A F PROPOSED PIPELINE 4 7 RAMP MARKER - lI '4I S I EBRIGHT EXPRESSWAY 4 ,ff I P�! vuN FFF 11 / RESTRAIN AI I JOINTS { O /1 12 13 FDGF OF / / PAVEMENT I� Ep O o FOGF OF SHOUI DFR gOg PROPOSFO T%" DIP ? / TRANSMISSION MAW J -Ap'STFF_I LASING \ PROPOSED / EXISTING RAMP ifi" WATER MAIN I BF GROUT FI1 I FC AND ARANDONFF� III I PLACE / I 1 01 description I ISSUED FOR BID ISSULD FOR CONSTRUCTION A U g� 12T6 _ O a w T^ S 80 EX6TING GRADE M . - PROPOSED GRADE J mu a - — -- --- _ ♦BURSN - ^ I118% — — g -- — — -------- VMSDONNELL I2Y - - - - — -- r DPEN CUT p1STALLED -- -- ---- 43'STEEI CASWD1=Oli25 n,L—sA11 bl�.,ail i1T a• 10 �" N �. blE-.(K LICENSEEFNO.NO. OOOOIT _ EM a ♦012 �.ii. detdl d 16TIO66rlfl. .% Im -_— I' -.___.- 1JTU y N.2nta D. HOWARL� L+41AY 1130 Il TmrcFX lapapR %9'Witl6�-/592 CF-16Y C.Y - ( raw R' R o 2%'PC 25001P OPEN CUT 1N6TALLD _p{o •wm� P{ s JAGN AND BONE N16TALIFD •- OPEN CIIT WRIALLED - - - _ �Y S1EFI C.ASI _ --_ _ --,. 42' STFFI. CASING - _- /p" STFFL CA51NG ' CITV Of N. ------._----------1 0625"---- 'AVETTEViLLE .1. 5.00 ti•OV T•OD 6•W y.6P 1220 AANANSAS PROFILE f' �'•: WPMtlon t;av+v wii.s..•.a NltRltFT 14M121NTERCNANGE %V,% tENRRINFRAlIRUCTURS 1 tN1i �ANITTV M 4.; 1 dxlFli DaMt_N R_mIN. wOYF RM I'R�ARMD it Nn WATER LINE 2 PLAN AND PROFILE i ITTA 4.00 TO SIP§.W N'�P'.1 ""CONTRACT WSirll 1 [ry}I.fwf11N ORM CIN_ l •.h.yM. r __ 'psl/11 iAi IrIN' Vwl W AN VAItT - _i`LO _ iA IOd7?5 I 'M, FOna. 1?i IID ng .e °�- PP04 - 0 Jwk., f�.ii a iN� It,p1 T of 11 sh-, —K No TTI/6 W IN729 WLI Aw Since WL2 is on a skew, the overall raa�r length along centerline of WL2 is 73 LF 1 60'-0" A.C.H.M. SURFACE COURSE ('/ " ) 220 LBS. PER SO.YD. & TACK COAT 1 60'-0" A.C.H.M. BINDER COURSE W') 495 LBS. PER SO. YD. & TACK COAT 65'-0" A.C.H.M. BASE COURSE (I% ") 880 LBS. PER SO.YO. & TACK COATS 1'-0'. 12'-0" 12'-0- 12' IO" 12-0" N SPACE TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL LANE 1 7.-6" CONCRETE COMBINATION CURB & GUTTER (TYPE A) W-6") CURB TRANSITION FROM STA.176+05.00. 31'-0" LT. TO STA. 17T+75.00. 35'-61/4" LT (MEASURED FROM k RAMP 3 TO FACE OF CURB I PROFILE GRADE & POINT OF SUPERELEVATION ROTATION AGGREGATE BASE COURSE (CL.7)J 8.0" COMP'D. DEPTH (337.00 TONS PER STA.) SUPERELEVATION SECTION RAMP 3 STA.173+97.68 TO STA.177+00.00 12-0" TRAVEL LANE CURB TRANSITION FROM STA. 173#97.68. 31'-0'/$" RT. TO IMEASURED FROM OL RAMP 3 8'-0" 0.021 CONCRETE COMBINATION CURB & GUTTER (TYPE A) W-6") TRANSITION: STA.177+00.00 TO STA.178+00.00 Pattengill, William P. From: Brennen Hickey <bhickey@forsgreninc.com> Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 11:01 AM To: Pattengill, William P. Cc: Granderson, Corey; Heidrick, Jeffrey Subject: RE: 1-49/HWY16/112 W&S Relocations - Flowable Select Fill Cost Request William, See below for the pricing for the additional pricing under Ramp 3 on WL2. Let me know if you have any questions. Slurry Backfill - $121.00 CY Thanks, Brennen Hickey Utility Division Manager O - (479) 782-1061 C — (479) 353-0053 bhickey@forsgreninc.com Since 1936 DISCLAIMER: This transmission from Forsgren Inc. or one of its subsidiaries is confidential and solely for the use of the intended recipient. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender and delete and destroy the original transmission and all copies. Our company accepts no liability for the contents of this email, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided, unless that information is subsequently confirmed in writing. Please note that any personal views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company. Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email. From: Pattengill, William P.[mailto:wppattengill@burnsmcd.com] Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 8:43 AM To: Brennen Hickey <bhickey@forsgreninc.com> Cc: Granderson, Corey <cgranderson@fayetteville-ar.gov>; Heidrick, Jeffrey <jheidrick@burnsmcd.com> Subject: 1-49/HWY16/112 W&S Relocations - Flowable Select Fill Cost Request Brennen, Please see the attached exhibit used to calculate Flowable Select Material quantities to be installed beneath the proposed Ramp 3 on WL2. Again, please submit a cost on a unit price basis for Flowable Select Material ($/CY). I also attached ARDOT's specification for this bid item for your reference. William P. Pattengill, P.E. * \ Burns & McDonnell Staff Civil Engineer \ Northwest Arkansas o 479-725-5468 \ c 479-936-1833 \ F 479-725-5470 wppattengill(cbburnsmcd.com \ burnsmcd.com 6576 Lynch's Prairie Cove, Suite B \ Springdale. AR 72762 Cuomo Proud to be one of FORTUNE's 100 Best Companies to Work For APlease consider the environment before printing this email. 'Registered in: AR This email and any attachments are solely for the use of the addressed recipients and may contain privileged client communication or privileged work product. If you are not the intended recipient and receive this communication, please contact the sender by phone at 479-725-5460. and delete and purge this email from your email system and destroy any other electronic or printed copies. Thank you for your cooperation. BURNS &MSDON NELL- RECOMMENDATION FOR CHANGE ORDER TO: Mr. Corey Granderson. PE. Utilities Engineer. City of Fayetteville FROM: William Pattengill. PE. Resident Project Representative. Burns & McDonnell DATE: June 02. 2020 PROJECT: Bid 20-27. Construction — 1-49/Wedington Utility Relocations Background On Monday, April 27, 2020, Forsgren encountered a rock formation on Water Line No. 3 near Sta. 5+10 during excavation for the vertical alignment shift of WI-3 to go beneath an existing storm sewer network pipe. The approximate elevation of the rock formation begins at 1241f. The following day, April 28, 2020, an alternate crew began excavation for the bore pit on WL2 near Sta. 6+32 to prepare for boring operations beneath 1-49. Rock was also encountered at the approximate elevation of 1241f, roughly 1 (- foot below existing grade. Forsgren sent a request for Change Order to include Rock Excavation within the Contract. Based on field conditions and the current plan set, 1,700 cubic yards (CY) at a unit cost of $83.50 totaling $141,950.00 is anticipated, however, Burns & McDonnell will coordinate the actual volumes with Forsgren and be documented in the weekly Construction Observation Reports and monthly Application for Payments. Forsgren is also requesting 20 Contract Days to be included within the Change Order. Recommendation 1n accordance with the Project Manual within Document 00700 - General Conditions, Article 4, Subsection 4.02C, subsurface or latent physical conditions encountered at the Site differ... from which could have been reasonably interpreted from examination of the Site.... We have reviewed Forsgren Change Order request including cost of Rock Excavation as well as recognizing 20 additional days. We have compared the Contractor's unit cost for Rock Excavation with recent projects surrounding the region and feel the cost is justifiable and reasonable. The quantities for Rock Excavation will be measured by the Resident Project Representative and documented within the weekly Construction Observation Reports and shown on the monthly Application for Payments. We also acknowledge recognizing 20 additional contract days for Rock Excavation. We are recommending this Change Order based upon items of work outside of the Contractor's control and furthermore, a quick execution to progress the project. Attachments: Forsgren's Cost Proposal Wd t yarh s Prairie lave, Suite! • Springdale, Arkansas 72742 Tel- 479-725--5460 • fax 479.715 5470 • www.hurnsmrd. ram FORSGREN,INC. = , GF,NEkAL CONfkACTORFORSGREN INCORPORATED S gnu.General Contractors 05/26/2020 Willie, I would like to make a request for a change order concerning the rock encountered during the excavation of the bore pits and for water line #3. At the elevation that rock was encountered in both areas it is conceivable that there will be more, I have calculated roughly 1700 Cubic yards on the project using these elevations. See below for a break -down of the areas. Bore Pits — 675 cy. Sanitary Sewer — 450 cy. Water Line #2 — 575 cy. Total +/- = 1700 cy. My price for the trench rock is $83.50 per cubic yard. Along with an additional 20 Days to the contract. 1700 cy. X $83.50 = $141,950.00 Tnk you, I� Brennen Hickey 3000 NORTH 23RD STREET • P.O. BOX 368 FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS 72902 TELEPHONE (479) 782-1061 • FAX (479) 783-7909 CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 CONTRACT WITH FORSGREN, INC. Tim Nyander Submitted By City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2022-0290 Legistar File ID N/A City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item 3/23/2022 WATER SEWER (720) Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of Change Order 3 to the contract with Forsgren, Inc. which will decrease the contract amount by $84,559.00. Budget Impact: 5400.720.5600-5808.00/5400.720.5700- Water and Sewer 5815.00 Account Number 11011.1801 Fund Water/Sewer Relocations - Bond Projects Project Number Project Title Budgeted Item? Yes Current Budget $ 6,930,734.00 Funds Obligated $ 2,072,632.13 Current Balance $ 4,858,101.87 Does item have a cost? Yes Item Cost $ (84,559.00) Budget Adjustment Attached? No Budget Adjustment $ - Remaining Budget i $ 4,942,660.87 V20210527 Purchase Order Number: 2020-316 Previous Ordinance or Resolution # 85-20 Change Order Number: 3 Approval Date: 3-28-22 Original Contract Number: 2020-21 Comments: CITY OF • FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS TO: Mayor Lioneld Jordan THRU: Susan Norton, Chief of Staff Tim Nyander, Utilities Director FROM: Corey Granderson, Utilities Engineer DATE: March 23, 2022 STAFF MEMO SUBJECT: Approval of Change Order No. 3 with Forsgren, Inc. for the 1-49/Wedington Interchange Utility Relocations Project RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Change Order 3 to the contract with Forsgren, Inc. which will decrease the contract amount by $84,559.00. BACKGROUND: In March 2020, the City Council approved a contract with Forsgren, Inc. for relocation of water and sewer lines associated with ArDOT project BB0411 to reconstruct the 1-49/Wedington interchange (Res. 85-20). The project includes Installation of approximately 1,474 linear feet (LF) of 8-inch waterline, 1,173 LF of 24-inch waterline, and 1,094 LF of 12-inch sewer line. DISCUSSION: The project is now completed, and all closeout documentation received. This change order will reconcile all contract quantities to match with exact quantities constructed in the field so that the final payment to the contractor represents 100% of the final contract price. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: No impact. Cost reduction. Attachments: Change Order 3 Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 " CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS Change Order No. To Contractor: Forsgren, Inc. The Contract is chap ed as follows: CHANGE ORDER Contract Title: Date of Issuance: ORDFNANCF/RESOLUTION: Effective: 1-49/Wedington Interchange Utility Relocations (ArDOT BB0411) March 21, 2022 85-20 March 3. 2020 Bid Bid Previous Unit Contract Revised Revised Original Revised Item Item Estimated of Unit Estimated Unit Estimated Estimated No. Description Quantity Measure Price Quantity Price Cost Cost 1 Mobilization I LS $ 124,000.00 1 $ 124,000.00 $ 124,000.00 $ 124,000.00 2 Traffic Control I LS $ 60,000.00 1 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 3 Bonds and Insurance 1 LS $ 20,000.00 1 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 4 Materials and Acceptance Testing I LS $ 49,800.00 1 $ 49,800.00 $ 49,800.00 $ 49,800.00 5 Construction Photographs/Video I I.S $ 3,000.00 1 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 6 Erosion Control, SWPPP I LS $ 27,400.00 1 $ 27,400.00 $ 27,400.00 $ 27,400.00 7 Install 8-inch DR 14 PVC 1474 LF $ 150.00 1466 $ 150.00 $ 221,100.00 $ 219,900.00 8 Install 8-inch Gate Valve 7 EA $ 2,000.00 7 $ 2,000.00 $ 14,000.00 $ 14,000.00 9 Install 24-inch Butterfly Valve 2 EA $ 22,650.00 2 $ 22,650.00 $ 45,300.00 $ 45,300.00 10 Install Fire Hydrant Assembly 4 EA $ 4,900.00 4 $ 4,900.00 $ 19,600.00 $ 19,600.00 Remove Existing Fire Hydrant 11 Assembly 4 FA $ 875.00 4 $ 875.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 Install 2-inch Combination Valve and 12 Vault I EA $ 3,400.00 1 $ 3,400.00 $ 3,400.00 $ 3,400.00 Install 3-inch Combination Valve and 13 Vault I EA $ 10,750.00 1 $ 10,750.00 $ 10,750.00 $ 10,750.00 14 Install 24-inch PC 250 DIP, Double 1173 LF $ 315.00 1173 $ 315.00 $ 369,495.00 $ 369,495.00 Pol ra ed 15 16-inch Steel Casing, Open 48 LF $ 85.00 20 $ 85.00 $ 4,080.00 $ 1,700.00 Cutall 16 24-inch Steel Casing, Open 15 LF $ 185.00 15 $ 185.00 $ 2,775.00 $ 2,775.00 Cutall 17 Install 42-inch Steel Casing, Jack and 546 LF $ 1,775.00 486 $ 1,775.00 $ 969,150.00 $ 862,650.00 Bore Page 1 of 3 18 42-inch Steel Casing, Open 489 LF $ 325.00 549 $ 325.00 $ 158,925.00 $ 178,425.00 Cutall 19 Install 8" X 8" Tapping Sleeve and I EA $ 6,350.00 1 $ 6,350.00 $ 6,350.00 $ 6,350.00 Valve 20 Install 16" X 16" Tapping Sleeve and 1 EA $ 24,800.00 1 $ 24,800.00 $ 24,800.00 $ 24,800.00 Valve 21 Install 24" X 24" Tapping Sleeve and I EA $ 61,400.00 1 $ 61,400.00 $ 61,400.00 $ 61,400.00 Valve 22 Install Anchor Collar 13 EA $ 2,450.00 9 $ 2,450.00 $ 31,850.00 $ 22,050.00 23 Double Cut and Cap Abandonment 3 EA $ 1,925.00 3 $ 1,925.00 $ 5,775.00 $ 5,775.00 24 Cap and Abandon 8-inch water Main 4 EA $ 4,550.00 4 $ 4,550.00 $ 18,200.00 $ 18,200.00 25 Grout fill and Abandon Existing 16- 1 LS $ 14,300.00 1 $ 14,300.00 $ 14,300.00 $ 14,300.00 inch Water Main 26 Existing Manhole 3 EA $ 1,975.00 2 $ 1,975.00 $ 5,925.00 $ 3,950.00 Abandonment/Removal 27 Install 12-inch SDR 26 PVC 1094 LF $ 80.00 1014 $ 80.00 $ 87,520.00 $ 81,120.00 Install Irrigation System Service 28 Connection, Backtlow Preventer, I LS $ 3,300.00 1 $ 3,300.00 $ 3,300.00 $ 3,300.00 Meter and Meter Vault 29 Install 4-foot Diameter Precast 8 EA $ 2,950.00 6 $ 2,950.00 $ 23,600.00 $ 17,700.00 Manhole Trench Safety Comply with OSHA 30 Standards 29 CFR 1926 Safety and I LS $ 35,000.00 1 $ 35,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 35,000.00 Health Regulationsfor Construction Subpart P 31 Seeding 45 MSF $ 610.00 54 S 610.00 $ 27,450.00 $ 32,940.00 32 Sodding 56 MSF $ 785.00 30.6 $ 785.00 $ 43,960.00 $ 24,021.00 C01.1 Tree Relocation (or replanting with 20 EA $ 265.00 4 $ 265.00 $ 5,300.00 $ 1,060.00 2" caliper similar species) C01.2 Irrigation repairs and modifications I I.S $ 7,480.00 1 $ 7,480.00 $ 7,480.00 $ 7,480.00 due to construction CO2.1 Flowable Select Backfill 281 CY $ 121.00 567 $ 121.00 $ 34,001.00 $ 68,607.00 CO2.2 Rock Excavation 1700 CY $ 83.50 2300 $ 83.50 $ 141,950.00 $ 192,050.00 CO3.1 Engineering Fees Overage Discount 0 LS $ - 1 $ (35,921.00) $ - $ (35,921.00) Summation of Cost $ 2,684,436.00 $ 2,599,877.00 Net Cost for this Change Order ($84,559.00) Page 2 of 3 Not valid until signed by the Owner The original Contract Price was $ 2,495,705.00 Net change by previously authorized change orders $ 188.731.00 The Contract Price prior to this Change Order was _ __ _ $ 2,684,436.00 The Contract Price will decrease by $ (84,559.00) The new Contract Price including this Change Order will be __ ____ $ 2,599,877.00 The Contract Time(s) will increase by 438 calendar days Required dates of Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore are: Substantial Completion Final Completion NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Price or Time(s) which have previous Change Orders. Zgr,en, Inc. l y DATE Page 3 of 3 by Work Change Directives not incorporated in this or 3-28-22 DATE 11/15/2021 12/17/2021