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113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 77-20 File Number: 2020-0153 CH2M HILL ENGINEERS, INC.: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AN OUT -OF -SCOPE AGREEMENT WITH CH2M HILL ENGINEERS, INC. IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $596,335.00 FOR TASK 4 OF THE SOFTWARE UPGRADES TO THE SCADA SYSTEM USED BY WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY OPERATIONS, LIFT STATION OPERATIONS, AND WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section l: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves an out -of -scope agreement with CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc., a copy of which is attached to this Resolution, in an amount not to exceed $596,335.00 for Task 4 of the software upgrades to the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system used' by the City's wastewater treatment facility operations, lift station operations and water distribution system operations. PASSED and APPROVED on 3/3/2020 Attest: R K ITY Kara Paxton, City Clerk Treast -'O;.'�q NS NS , Page 1 Printed on 314120 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Text File File Number: 2020-0153 Agenda Date: 3/3/2020 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meeting . File Type: Resolution Agenda Number: A. 5 CH2NI HILL ENGINEERS, INC.: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AN OUT -OF -SCOPE AGREEMENT WITH CH2M HILL ENGINEERS, INC. IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $596,335.00 FOR TASK 4 OF THE SOFTWARE UPGRADES TO THE SCADA SYSTEM USED BY WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY OPERATIONS, LIFT STATION OPERATIONS, AND WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves an out -of -scope agreement with CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc., a copy of which is attached to this Resolution, in an amount not to exceed $596,335.00 for Task 4 of the software upgrades to the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system used by the City's wastewater treatment facility operations, lift station operations and water distribution system operations. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 3/4/2020 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2020-0153 Legistar File ID 3/3/2020 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item Tim Nyander 2/14/2020 WATER SEWER (720) Submitted By Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: Staff recommends the approval an Out -of -Scope Letter Agreement with CH21VI Hill Engineers, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $596,335.00 for Task 4 of the SCADA system upgrades for wastewater treatment facility operations, lift station operations, and water distribution system operations. Budget Impact: 5400.720.XXXX-XXXX.00 Account Number 02017.1 Project Number Water and Sewer Fund Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project Title Budgeted Item? Yes Current Budget Funds Obligated Current Balance Does item have a cost? Yes Item Cost Budget Adjustment Attached? No Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget $ 4,185, 548.00 $ 1,616,922.67 $ 2,568,625.33 $ 596,335.00 $ 1,972,290.33 V20180321 Purchase Order Number: Previous Ordinance or Resolution # 226-19, 263-19 Change Order Number: Original Contract Number: Comments: Approval Date: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS MEETING OF MARCH 3, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council THRU: Susan Norton, Chief of Staff FROM: Tim Nyander, Utilities Director DATE: February 14, 2020 SUBJECT: CH2M Hill Engineers - SCADA Task 4 CITY COUNCIL MEMO RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the approval an Out -of -Scope Letter Agreement with CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $596,335.00 for Task 4 of the SCADA system upgrades for wastewater treatment facility operations, lift station operations, and water distribution system operations. BACKGROUND: City Information Technology (IT), Utilities, and CH2M/Jacobs staff have been working on the review and re -design of the City's water and wastewater SCADA system for the past 18 months. The City has placed a priority on the following areas: • Reliability, decreased maintenance • Resiliency in by design (power, equipment, configuration) • Focus on change management and leverage current industry standards • Plug and play replacements • Focus on consistent hardware, software, and programming methodology • Cybersecurity • Increased mobile access for staff • Improved reporting • Improved automation • Future integration with Automated Meter Infrastructure (AMI) DISCUSSION: City Council approved an agreement with CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc. on October 1, 2019 to develop a new SCADA design, assist with the selection of new SCADA software, and develop a comprehensive list of hardware to support the new design. The software and hardware items will be procured through various existing cooperative purchasing agreement already approved by the City Council, or through CH2M/Jacobs directly if they are able to provide the best price by leveraging their larger purchasing power. The SCADA specific software will be procured through CH2M/Jacobs due to their shared purchasing power and ability to obtain preferred pricing. Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 Jacobs maintains the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for the Noland and West Side Wastewater Treatment Plants, the Biosolids Management System, Wastewater Lift Stations Water & Sewer Office, Water Pump Stations, and the Water Tanks. The existing SCADA software and hardware presently in use is obsolete and has significant vulnerabilities, therefore a SCADA Master Plan was created to capture and order priority projects for a holistic approach to the modernization of the entire SCADA system. In 2019, the City Council approved implementation of the following tasks for priority replacement and upgrades identified in the Master Plan: Task 1: SCADA System Access Point Hardening — COMPLETE — part of Jacobs O&M contract • Task 2: SCADA Telemetry System and Plant Network Hardening —COMPLETE — part of Jacobs O&M contract • Task 3: SCADA System Software and Hardware Upgrade Plan — COMPLETE — passed by City Council $396,718 The remaining Task 4 is for SCADA System Software and Hardware Upgrade Implementation, which includes in -lab configuration, application development and application and hardware deployment. These tasks can be completed with the following estimates for labor and expenses. 4.1: SCADA In -Lab Configuration $110,640 4.2: SCADA Standards for Process Graphics and HMI Screens $74,000 4.3: SCADA Application Development $161,480 4.4: SCADA Hardware Deployment $95,434 4.5: SCADA Application Deployment $51,256 4.6: Project Management and Administration $31,680 Task 4 Jacobs Labor and Expenses $524,490 VTScada Software $71,845 Total Task 4 Amount $596,335 BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: Funds are available in the Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation account within the Water and Sewer Fund. Attachments: Out -of -Scope Letter Agreement Task 4 Scope of Work Details 2 ALCOBS February 13, 2020 Mr. Tim Nyander City of Fayetteville 113'West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Subject: Out -of -Scope Letter Agreement SCADA Software Upgrade Dear Mr. Nyander: 9191 S. Jamaica Street Englewood, CO 80211 ww.jacobs.com C142M Hill Engineers, Inc. (CH2M HILL) will provide the following out -of -scope services/materials as an addendum to the previous out -of -scope agreement dated 9/12/2019: What is being provided: Refer to Exhibit A for the services to be provided in support of the SCADA Software Upgrade. When it is being provided: CH2M HILL will commence work within 10 working days of receiving a written notice to proceed with the project. The anticipated project duration is 8-10 months. Price of services: The fee is calculated based on the hourly rates, quoted equipment costs and the estimated Level of Effort (LOE) for this Scope of Services. Compensation will be on a not -to -exceed basis, and the project compensation will not exceed a value of $596,335 without written authorization from the City of Fayetteville. Payment terms: Invoices shall be paid in accordance with D.2.4 of Amendment 11 to the Agreement dated December 5, 2009. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement dated December 5, 2009 including all Amendments 1 through 11, between CH2M HILL and the City of Fayetteville remains in full force and effect. If these terms are agreeable to you, please sign both copies of this letter. We will return one fully executed original for your files. CH2M HILL appreciates the opportunity to provide these additional services to the City of Fayetteville. Sincer ly, Cre Weeks Both parties indicate their approval of the above described services by their signaturebelow. Authorized CH2M HILL: Name: Steve Carpenter Title: Manager of ,Projects Date: 2/14/20 CH2M HILL ENGINEENS INC CONHUEN I IAL Title: Date: Exhibit A ch2m- City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan 113 February 12, 2020 City of Fayetteville Document history and status Revision Date Description Author Checked Reviewed Approved 0 1/15/2020 Draft for Review J. Atkins E. Campos K Tymrak K. Tymrak 1 1/24/2020 Draft for Review J. Atkins E. Campos K. Tymrak K. Tymrak 2 2/7/2020 Final for Approval J. Atkins D. Espy K. Tymrak K. Tymrak 3 2/12/2020 Final for Approval J. Atkins K Tymrak K. Tymrak Distribution of copies Revision Issue Date Issued to Comments approve issued K. Macedo, City of 0 1/15/2020 Fayetteville, AR K. Macedo, City of 1 1/24/2020 Draft cost estimate included Fayetteville, AR 2 K. Macedo, City of 2/7/2020 Final for approval Fayetteville, AR 3 2/12/2020 K. Macedo, City of Final for approval Fayetteville, AR City Y of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Plan Ch?�- P9 City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan Project No: 659031 CH Document Title: City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan Document No.: 1 Revision: 3 Date: February 11, 2020 Client Name: City of Fayetteville Project Manager: Kaitlin Tymrak Author: Jerry Atkins, Jr. File Name: FAY SCADA Software Upgrade Plan v4 © Copyright 2020. The concepts and information contained in this document are the property of CH2M. Use or copying of this document in whole or in part without the written permission of CH2M constitutes an infringement of copyright Limitation: This document has been prepared on behalf of, and for the exclusive use of CH2M' client, and is subject to, and issued in accordance with, the provisions of the contract between CH21VI and the client. CH2M accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for, or in respect of, any use of, or reliance upon, this document by any third parry. dam. City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Plan Contents 1. Executive Summary .........................................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................................:.................1 1.2 Task 3 Outcomes................................................................................................................................................................................1 1.3 Task 4 Scope of Work.......................................................................................................................................................................3 1.3.1 Tasks Details..................................................................................................................:.....................................................................3 1.3.2 Total Project Cost..............................................................................................................................................................................4 1.4 Conclusion............................................................................................................................................................................................5 2. Background.......................................................................................................................................................................6 3. Task 3 Outcomes.............................................................................................................................................................6 3.1 Key Objectives Workshop and Functional Requirements..................................................................................................6 3.2 Proposed Software Architecture..................................................................................................................................................8 3.3 Sample HMI Screens......................................................................................................................................................................10 3.4 Bill of Materials and Procurement Strategy.........................................................................................................................13 4. Task 4 Scope of Work Details,....................................................................................................................................14 4.1 Task 4.1: SCADA In -Lab Configuration...................................................................................................................................14 4.2 Task 4.2: SCADA Standards for Process Graphics and HMI Screens..........................................................................14 4.3 Task 4.3: SCADA Application Development.........................................................................................................................15 4.4 Task 4.4: SCADA Hardware Deployment...............................................................................................................................15 4.5 Task 4.5: SCADA Application Deployment...........................................................................................................................16 5. Task 4 Estimated Level of Effort and Schedule.....................................................................................................16 Appendix A: SCADA Key Objectives Workshop Presentation and Meeting Notes A.1 Workshop Presentation A.2 Meeting Notes Appendix B: SCADA Key Objectives List and Topics Appendix C: Infrastructure and VTScada BOM City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan C 42M. 1. Executive Summary 1.1 Introduction CH2M HILL Engineers Inc. (a wholly owned subsidiary of Jacobs) operates and maintains the wastewater treatment facilities for the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas (CITY), including the Paul R. Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant (Noland WWTP), West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant (West Side WWTP), Biosolids Management System (BMS), and Wastewater Lift Stations. Additionally, the CH2M maintains the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for the aforementioned facilities in addition to the City Water & Sewer Office (W&S Office) and Water Pump Stations, and Water Tanks. The existing SCADA software and hardware presently in use is obsolete and has significant vulnerabilities, which could lead to extended downtimes in the event of a catastrophic failure. An evaluation of the control systems for these facilities was completed in 2019 at the request of the CITY and CH2M Fayetteville management (FAY). The evaluation was a partnership effort between the CITY and 0&M staff, and included an assessment of the overall SCADA system, the interconnecting control and communication networks, the Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), and the Remote Terminal Units (RTUs). Instrumentation and process control were not evaluated. As a result of this evaluation, a SCADA Master Plan was created to capture and order priority projects for a holistic approach to the modernization of the entire SCADA system and related subsystems, including mitigation of cybersecurity vulnerabilities found in the control and communication networks, as well as in the SCADA software. In 2019, a plan was presented to the City of Fayetteville that outlined the following tasks to implement the priority replacement and upgrades identified in the Master Plan: • Task 1: SCADA System Access Point Hardening — COMPLETE o Work was done as a partnership between CITY and CH2M, utilizing CH2M O&M contract. The CITY purchased equipment and assisted CH2M with initial configuration. CH2M engaged subject matter experts on network security to train local CH2M O&M staff and complete network configuration • Task 2: SCADA Telemetry System and Plant Network Hardening — In Progress — part of CH2M O&M contract o Work to complete hardness of wireless network is in progress, utilizing CH2M 0&M contract. • Task 3: SCADA System Software and Hardware Upgrade Plan — COMPLETE o Outcome of work discussed herein. This work was authorized by Resolutions 226-19 and 263-19 • Task 4: SCADA System Software and Hardware Upgrade Implementation —To be completed This memorandum summarizes the work completed in Task 3, and outlines the work to be undertaken in Task 4. 1.2 Task 3 Outcomes On October 17th, 2019, CH2M conducted a half-day workshop with key CITY and CH2M Fayetteville Operations Team (FAY) managers and staff to understand the needs and requirements of the SCADA system. CH2M also aimed to assist with refining the CITY's vision for the future state of the SCADA system. Cit of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan ChZ M. Y Y p9 J Overall, the CITY requests a modernized system that is secure, user friendly, supports future expansions, and evolves to meet all current and future needs. Requirements for the immediate and future states are summarized in the following table. Immediate. . Standardized Process Graphics Mobile Operator/Operations Improved Process Data, Runtimes, Timestamping More Robust Data for Advanced Analytics Improved Historian capabilities and data tracking Integration with third -party systems such as GIS, CMMS Monitoring of processes currently not seen Scheduled Task Reminders Mobile Acknowledgement of Alarms Note taking ability for Corrective Actions Role -based and Priority -based Alarming System Redundancy Selecting the right software package to implement can be an arduous and extensive process. Recognizing that the selection will impact the current system, determine flexibility for future expansion, and require capital expenditure and on-going maintenance costs makes the selection an important decision. Considerations began with evaluating industry trends and comparing product features and costs between many of the major software packages. CH2M was also able to shorten the selection process by leveraging previous work done for a client with a similar size system. As discussed in the October 17 workshop, the evaluation process included a general features questionnaire, sample system pricing, vendor demonstrations, and site visits. From the analysis, the VTScada software package performed well in each category. Coupled the results from the analysis with the requirements and vision the CITY has for the future state, CH2M recommended designing the new SCADA system around the VTScada software package. VTScada is an intuitive HMI software package that is highly scalable to a user's need, multifaceted with robust features, and is a cost-effective solution with support options ideal for a growing system. The VTScada HMI software and Nutanix HCI hardware were determined to have the functionality to meet the CITY's need for its future state SCADA system. The CITY's understanding of the software package was also benefitted by targeted visits to installation sites at Broken Arrow, OK and Wichita Falls, TX. As part of this Task, a hardware and software purchase list was finalized (included at Attachment B). A combination of C112M resale agreements with vendors and City contracts will be utilized to purchase the equipment, as summarized below. In December 2019, a PO was issued to CH2M to purchase the agreed-upon items (Resolution 263-19). City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan cM2m- Software $145,850 ; $0 , $145,850 ; Hardware — Fixed Assets $155,834 $71,501 $84,334 Hardware — Minor Equipment $95,034 $37,495 $57 9 Total _ _ `$396,718 _ $108,996. _ $287,72 1.3 Task 4 Scope of Work The plan presented herein will implement VTScada HMI software on Nutanix HCI hardware in a virtualized environment. The new system will monitor and control the Paul R. Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant (Noland WWTP), West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant (West Side WWTP), Biosolids Management System (BMS), City Water & Sewer Office (W&S Office), Wastewater Lift Stations, Water Pump Stations, and Water Tanks. The remaining tasks and estimated costs are defined in the following sections. 1.3.1 Tasks Details The following tasks have been identified to upgrade the SCADA system. 1. Task 4.1: SCADA In -Lab Configuration: CH2M will procure and prepare the SCADA software and hardware for use. In the CH2M Denver lab environment, CH2M will configure and test the components for base functionality. 2. Task 4.2: SCADA Standards for Process Graphics and HMI Screens: CH2M will develop SCADA Standards for Process Graphics and HMI screens for review and approval by CITY. Process layout will be based on the existing SCADA software while operational control will be based on functional requirements. The SCADA software will also be prepared for future enhancements. 3. Task 4.3: SCADA Application Development: CH2M will develop and lab -test the new SCADA application, which conform to functional requirements of CITY and the approved SCADA Standards. CH2M will develop the Process Operator -Use Training Manual upon completion of application development, for City review and acceptance. 4. Task 4.4: SCADA Hardware Deployment: CH2M will deploy the new hardware in the field, maintaining the current SCADA system along with the new SCADA system. This task includes field testing and acceptance. 5. Task 4.5: SCADA Application Deployment: CH2M will perform the installation and startup of the new SCADA application. The installation and startup at each facility will be performed sequentially, and the application will be installed in parallel to the existing system until field testing and training has completed. This task includes field testing and acceptance. After a reasonable period of time and proven confidence in the system is realized, the legacy environment will be turned off and decommissioned. These tasks can be completed with the following estimates for labor and expenses. It should be noted that some of these tasks can be done concurrently, while others require the completion of other activities before beginning. Additional details regarding these limitations can be found later in this document. Ci of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan ch M. City Y P9 J Task 4: Cost Estimate 4.1: SCADA In -Lab Configuration 680 $ 110,640 4.2: SCADA Standards for Process Graphics and HMI Screens 480 $ 74,000 4.3: SCADA Application Development 1088 $ 161,480 4.4: SCADA Hardware Deployment 540 $ 95,434 4.5: SCADA Application Deployment 290 $ 51,256 4.6: Project Management and Administration 152 $ 31,680 Task 4 CH2M Labor and Expenses i 3230 $ 524,490 $ 71,845.00 VTScada Software Total Task 4 CH2M Value $ 596,335 1.3.2 Task 3 and Task 4 Project Cost The total upgrade/modernization costs for Task 3 and 4 projects are presented in the table below. City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan CI&M`. Tasks 3 and 4 Cost Summary Task 3 (Funding Authorized) $ 435,578 CH2M Labor and Expenses (226-19) $38,860 Computing Hardware (263-19) $250,868 Purchase split between CH2M and City vendor contracts (PO has been issued and equipment is being ordered) Computing Software (263-19) $145,850 Purchase via CH2M vendor contracts (PO has been issued and equipment is being ordered) Task 4 (To be Authorized) ; $ 604,505 CH2M Labor and Expenses $524,490 SCADA Software $71,845 Purchase via CH2M vendor contracts; estimated based on current proposed software architecture SCADA Software Yearly Support Costs $8,170 Purchase via City Total $1,040,083 Tasks 4 CH2M Proposal Value $596,335 Task 4 City Purchased Software Support* $8,170 *Yearly support costs include technical support and software upgrades, based on 15% of the combined license components. Pricing shown above is for standard support and does not include 24/7 emergency support. 1.4 Conclusion The Task 4 scope of work presented herein is a continuation of work already completed, as the City continues to invest in modernization of its facilities. These tasks intend to upgrade the existing SCADA software for the Paul R. Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant (Noland WWTP), West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant (West Side WWTP), Biosolids Management System (BMS), City Water & Sewer Office (W&S Office), Wastewater Lift Stations, Water Pump Stations, and Water Tanks to a new VTScada HMI system. The work specified in this plan is to be executed with minimal interruption to existing operating facilities and remote sites. The resulting new infrastructure is expected to be utilized concurrently with ongoing integration projects throughout the operating facilities and remotes sites. The new SCADA software will run in parallel to the existing software during the testing and training phases. At the conclusion of the training phase, the existing software will be removed. Upon completion of this plan, the CITY will have implemented a new SCADA software package that will fulfill immediate SCADA system needs and prepare for the future state. City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan ch 2M. 2. Background CH2M, operates and maintains the Paul R. Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant (Noland WWTP), West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant (West Side WWTP), Biosolids Management System (BMS), City Water & Sewer Office (W&S Office), Wastewater Lift Stations, Water Pump Stations, and Water Tanks for the City of Fayetteville. The existing SCADA software and hardware presently in use is obsolete and has significant vulnerabilities, which could lead to extended downtimes in the event of a catastrophic failure. An evaluation of the control systems for these facilities was completed in 2019 at the request of the CITY and CH2M Fayetteville management (FAY). The evaluation was a partnership effort between the CITY and 0&M staff, and included an assessment of the overall SCADA system, the interconnecting control and communication networks, the Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), and the Remote Terminal Units (RTUs). Instrumentation and process control were not evaluated. As a result of this evaluation, a SCADA Master Plan was created to capture and order priority projects for a holistic approach to the modernization of the entire SCADA system and related subsystems, including mitigation of cybersecurity vulnerabilities found in the control and communication networks, as well as in the SCADA software. The existing SCADA system utilizes an HMI software package, computing hardware, and Microsoft operating systems that are no longer commercially available nor supported. Replacing these components are an immediate need of the existing SCADA system as a catastrophic failure has the potential to adversely impact operations for an extended period. For reference, the existing SCADA software is National Instruments Lookout HMI software. The plan is to replace it with VTScada HMI software on Nutanix HCI hardware. The VTScada HMI software and Nutanix HCI hardware were selected through collaboration with the CITY. The software package was determined to have the functionality to meet the CITY's need for its future state SCADA system. The CITY's understanding of the software package was also benefitted by targeted visits to installation sites at Broken Arrow, OK and Wichita Falls, TX. The implementation of the new software and hardware is intended to fulfill immediate, and prepare for future, SCADA system needs. The new core infrastructure will be designed to be utilized concurrently with ongoing integration projects throughout the operating facilities and remote sites. Additionally, the work specified in this plan is to be executed with minimal interruption to existing operating facilities and remote sites. The new SCADA software will run in parallel to the existing Lookout system during the testing and training phases. At the conclusion of the training phase, the existing Lookout system will be removed. It should be noted that a preliminary review of the PLCs and RTUs was performed during the Master Plan development phase, but a comprehensive evaluation is has not yet been completed. It is anticipated that these devices, and any desired process enhancements, will be upgraded under a future project. The focus of Task 4 is to replace the existing Lookout system with a new, supportable system having the capabilities to leverage technological advancements. This plan will not address PLC or RTU concerns identified at the operating facilities and remote sites; however, through careful planning in this phase, new installations of PLCs and RTUs may only require minimal adjustment to software. 3. Task 3 Outcomes 3.1 Key Objectives Workshop and Functional Requirements On October 17th, 2019, CH2M conducted a one half-day workshop with key CITY and FAY managers and staff to understand the needs and requirements the new SCADA software should meet for the system. During the workshop, CH2M also aimed to assist with refining the CITY's vision for the future state of the SCADA system. Overall, the workshop objectives were: 0 Create Communication Cadence City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan Ch2414. • Acquire Functional Requirements • Present Preliminary Design • Develop Work Schedule • Discuss Existing Concerns The full workshop presentation and meeting notes can be found in Appendix A. SCADA Key Objectives Workshop Presentation and Meeting Notes. The workshop included documenting key business objectives that were then used to provide guidance towards achieving the future state. Commonly accepted business objectives include efficiency and effectiveness of operations, product quality, service quality, risk management, regulatory /non -regulatory compliance, safeguarding assets, and reliable financial reporting. Over 100+ objectives and topics were discussed with CITY and FAY management and operations. An extended list of objectives and topics can be found in Appendix B. SCADA Key Objectives List and Topics. The extended list contains objectives and topics that were not discussed in detail, such as instrumentation and control improvements. Such improvements will need to be covered in a future project. The workshop focused on the topics which had immediate impact to the existing system and would prepare for the future state. During the discussion, there were recurring concerns with the existing system and visions for the future state that were conveyed. CH2M captured and categorized those concerns and visions, then separated them into requirements for immediate improvements and future state. The following table reflects those requirements. Immediate. . Standardized Process Graphics Mobile Operator/Operations Improved Process Data, Runtimes, Timestamping More Robust Data for Advanced Analytics Improved Historian capabilities and data tracking Integration with third -party systems such as GIS, CMMS Monitoring of processes currently not seen Scheduled Task Reminders Mobile Acknowledgement of Alarms Note taking ability for Corrective Actions Role -based and Priority -based Alarming System Redundancy The development and deployment of the new SCADA software and subsequent SCADA application will be directed to meet these requirements. Selecting the right software package to implement can be an arduous and extensive process. Recognizing that the selection will impact the current system, determine flexibility for future expansion, and require capital expenditure and on-going maintenance costs makes the selection an important decision. Considerations began with evaluating industry trends and comparing product features and costs between many of the major software packages. CH2M was also able to shorten the selection process by leveraging previous work done for a client with a similar size system. City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan C2414- As discussed in the October 17 workshop, the evaluation process included a general features questionnaire, sample system pricing, vendor demonstrations, and site visits. From the analysis, the VTScada software package performed well in each category. Coupled the results from the analysis with the requirements and vision the CITY has for the future state, CH2M recommended designing the new SCADA system around the VTScada software package. VTScada is an intuitive HMI software package that is highly scalable to a user's need, multifaceted with robust features, and is a cost-effective solution with support options ideal for a growing system. The VTScada HMI software and Nutanix HCI hardware were determined to have the functionality to meet the CITY's need for its future state SCADA system. The CITY's understanding of the software package was also benefitted by targeted visits to installation sites at Broken Arrow, OK and Wichita Falls, TX. 3.2 Proposed Software Architecture The following graphics depict the proposed architecture for the future state. In this architecture, the environment is simplified in several ways. One of those ways is by utilizing hyper -converged technology that virtualizes and consolidates hardware, software, storage and networking. This is accomplished in part by Nutanix server technology. The Nutanix server block contains 3 high performance servers inside the hardware chassis along with the necessary storage to run all the Virtual Machines or VMs that make up the SCADA stack. Networking between the Nutanix hyper -converged block and all other components is facilitated via a redundant 10Gbps Cisco 9300 switch stack, providing a high-speed backplane for quick 10 connectivity between VMs and the rest of the SCADA network and endpoints. The SCADA, Business, PLC, HMI and DMZ networks are further secured using Fortinet firewalls. The firewalls inspect all traffic and through the use of policies along with IDS and IPS technology, the SCADA network is isolated and segregated from the rest of the other networks, while ensuring that any threats are automatically mitigated and handled. Based on NIST 800-82 standards, the implementation of a DMZ Security Zone, essential services that are typically accessed directly from the Internet such as Windows OS updates and patches, software antivirus definition updates, email relay services, Privilege Account Management (PAM), Enterprise Historian etc. are accessed through this zone, mitigating direct connectivity to the Internet while providing these much-needed services and functions. Also, radio telemetry traffic is also brought into the firewalls for full inspection. In doing so, we create a communications baseline of normal traffic and in the event of a possible attack vector through the radio infrastructure, the system would automatically handle and provide the necessary alerting. We will also implement fiber optic connectivity to several of the sites that are currently dependent on the city - provided connectivity. Some of the sites such as Canterbury Tank are critical ones, providing communications to other sub -dependent sites and therefore requiring reliable means of communications such as what fiber optic provides. The images below show all the components discussed above. City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan WVVTP u I :J!=S+meq ch2m� rte^ �1 CCW9AAALiffrw a. R1�9MY - IIL.�Mrifif- �"- 9 City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan cH2m- 4 f - t ` ^• m•�..� _ :�+ I -`�� rte' ; � I r ; • 1 1+ � l # "I I �:�: y.. ^'a j�IG7YM.LI`Oe741� ',•, i r I 3.3 Sample HMI Screens The following graphics depict typical HMI screen configurations that are available in the VTScada library. These sample screens intend to give the reader a glimpse of the available capabilities (i.e. monitoring, control, alarming, etc.) and type of information that can be displayed for a treatment process. 1c I l9w4:b.. f ------------------- City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan cA,znn.. 100.0%..------ ' 3 rnw,m lfnvyes Icuec w�ss i m �0uwvr b 4 IAeye Mo � i I � T�CAWm fia+h TIVMOd Podh cm d I Alarms — — - --------- --- - - --- it`i' i line wrroKm�WneklMhm�enlM li i 11 Summary Stats Faults Inputs Controls Setpoints Map Run Times Starts Pump i Run Times Pump 1 latest Operating Time 765 min Pump 1 Operating Time 765 hrs Pump 1 Operating Time Today 765 hrs Pump 1 Operating Time Yesterday 765 hrs pump 1 Time to Service 765 hrs Pump 2 Run Times Pump 2 latest Operatina Time 765 min Pump 2 Operating Time 765 hrs Pump 2 Operating Time Today 765 hrs Pump 2 Operating Time Yesterday 765 hrs Pump 2 Time to Service 765 hrs Pump 1 Pump 2 Alamo - OFF i OFF Hand Auto Hand Auto it 0 Today Today 764.5 hrs 764.5 hrs 45874.5 starts 45874.5 starts City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan chZM_ 3.4 Bill of Materials and Procurement Strategy A detailed, itemized list of equipment is included in Appendix C. Infrastructure and VTScada BOM. The components listed will fulfill the proposed architecture and were developed through close coordination with a VTScada representative. A combination of CH2M resale agreements with vendors and City contracts were utilized to purchase the equipment, as summarized below. In December 2019, a PO was issued to CH2M to purchase the agreed-upon items (Resolution 263-19). Equipment Software $145,850 $0 $145,850 Hardware — Fixed Assets $155,834 $71,501 $84,334 Hardware — Minor Equipment $95,034 $37,495 ; $57,539 Total $396,718 , $108,996 $287,722 CH2M and the CITY have also agreed that the equipment will be initially shipped to the Denver lab for the purposes of installation and configuration of software, equipment programming and testing before being sent to the site for installation and deployment. 13 City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan chZMi 4. Jask 4 Scope of Work Details 4.1 Task 4.1: SCADA In -Lab Configuration The objective of this subtask will be to procure and prepare the SCADA software and hardware for use. In this task, CH2M will, in a tab environment, assemble the Nutanix HCI hardware and install the VTScada HMI software. CH2M will configure and test the system for base functionality with a testbench PLC. This task may be done concurrently with 4.2 SCADA Standards for Process Graphics and HMI Screens. In the lab, the tasks involved will be but not limited to the following: • Installation and configuration of Nutanix AOS software • Installation and configuration of VMWare ESX Server along with vCenter • Creation and configuration of Windows 2019 Active Directory Domain and all SCADA VMs • Creation and configuration of DMZ Read -Only domain replica and DMZ -related VMs • Configuration and setup of all firewalls in the network including traffic policies and automation • Configuration of GPS time synchronization servers and subsequent stratum distribution to network • Setup and configuration of thin and thick HMI clients • Setup and configuration of Cisco core switches and integration into the current network • Creation of new Cisco IE 2000 running config template for current switches in order to integrate into the IP scheme and security model • Creation of all user accounts for domain access and remote connectivity • Setup and configuration of new mesh radios for Noland and Westside as replacement for current "canopy" wireless network • Creation and configuration of automated backups for all critical infrastructure and VMs. • Creation of detailed documentation for the entire new system, including all new assets, configuration files, network diagrams and Active Directory forest layout Deliverables 1. Status update(s) on progress of all related activities. Task Assumptions 1. All software and hardware will be installed, configured, and tested by CH2M in a lab environment. 2. Shipping of hardware to site is included. 3. One site visit (2 days) is included in this task to confirm specifications for radio replacement. Notes 1. Purchase of SCADA software will include two (2) seats for developer training. 4.2 Task 4.2: SCADA Standards for Process Graphics and HMI Screens The objective of this subtask will be to develop SCADA Standards for Process Graphics and HMI screens. Operational control and process layout (i.e. functional specifications) will be based on the existing Lookout system and the approved functional requirements. Advantages of the new SCADA software will be utilized where possible, but limitations may exist due to PLC and RTU programming and available data. CH2M will publish the MA Cit of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan Ch2MI Y Y P9 1 SCADA Standards for Process Graphics and HMI Screens and a Summary of System Control for CITY approval. This task may be done concurrently with 4.1 SCADA In -Lab Configuration. Deliverables 1. SCADA Standards for Process Graphics and HMI Screens and Summary of System Control Task Assumptions 1. The next subtask will not begin until CITY approves the SCADA Standards. 2. Workshop format (no travel for remote staff) will be used to review deliverables. 4.3 Task 4.3: SCADA Application Development The objective of this task will be to develop and lab -test the new SCADA application, which conforms to functional requirements of CITY and the SCADA Standards defined, and approved, in the previous subtask. There will be a single application with two hardware installation sites for the entire system. The SCADA application will be implemented to replace the existing Lookout system with similar screens and functionality while being prepared for future enhancements. CH2M will develop the Process Operator -Use Training Manual upon completion of application development. This task may begin upon approval of the deliverables for 4.2 SCADA Standards for Process Graphics and HMI Screens. Deliverables 1. New SCADA application, including two data concentrators (to be purchased as part of this task). 2. Process Operator -Use Training Manual, 1 electronic copy. Task Assumptions 1. No control process changes will be made to PLCs or RTUs; however, minor data tables changes may be made to make data available to the new SCADA application. 2. The basic process graphics layout will be based on the existing Lookout system. 3. CH2M will develop a standard naming convention for all SCADA tags based on location, function, and device type. The City will have an opportunity to review the proposed naming conventions and approve prior to implementation. 4. Workshop format (no travel for remote staff) will be used to review deliverables. Special Considerations 1. Advantages of the new SCADA software will be utilized where possible, but limitations will exist due to PLC and RTU programming and available data. Historian data collection will be implemented, and data points will be archived as specified by FAY personnel. 4.4 Task 4.4: SCADA Hardware Deployment The objective of this task is to install the physical hardware at the individual facilities. During the deployment process, the current SCADA system will be maintained along with the new SCADA system. Also, during the deployment process, the network IP scheme will be updated to better utilize layers 2 and 3 for segmentation and separation of all the networks. This will require a strategic implementation of segments being migrated in a controlled fashion, so that we can keep track of all endpoints in the system and also permit a successful migration with minimal or no down time. This task may begin upon completion of task 4.3 SCADA Application Development. Deliverables 1. New hardware installed onsite. 15 Ch; • City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan 2. Process Operator -Use Training Manual, 1 electronic copy. Task Assumptions 1. Onsite deployment will be completed in two, 1 -week trips, one for each facility. A team of 3 CH2M staff will travel to the site for each week of deployment. 4.5 Task 4.5: SCADA Application Deployment The objective of this task will be to install the new SCADA application at the two installation sites. CH2M will perform the installations and startups for each site. The installations and startups will be performed sequentially, unless other provisions are arranged, and those provisions are approved with CITY. Each application will be installed in parallel to the existing Lookout system. A Performance Acceptance Test (PAT) will be performed after each installation by validating the new SCADA application against the existing Lookout system. Site -Training will be performed concurrently with PAT. CH2M will warrant the Site -Specific SCADA applications from associated application errors for a period of one (1) year from completion of PAT. This task may begin upon completion of 4.4 SCADA Hardware Deployment. After a reasonable period of time and proven confidence in the system is realized, the legacy environment will be turned off and decommissioned. This is to ensure that in the highly unlikely event a major problem is encountered, normal operation of the SCADA environment will be maintained and serves as a way to make a seamless migration to the new system with no down time. Deliverables 1. Functional, Field -Tested SCADA application. 2. PAT Documentation and Results, one (1) for each installation site. 3. Site -Training Completed Checklist for each installation site. 4. If required, an update to the Process Operator -Use Training Manual based on field changes. Task Assumptions 1. Previous task successfully completed. 2. Installation of new SCADA applications will be sequential, unless other provisions are arranged, and those provisions are approved with CITY. Deployment will occur at one facility during one week, then the system will be allowed to operate for two weeks to identify any items requiring troubleshooting. Deployment at the second facility will occur after the first facility has been allowed to operate for two weeks, to identify any items requiring troubleshooting. 3. Data from the existing historian will be saved for future use in a hard -drive format accessible by staff. This scope of work does include import of the current historian data into the new VTScada application. Level of effort for that task may be reviewed during the application deployment and discussed with City staff at that time. 4. Demolition of Lookout system will be performed by others. 5. Task 4 Estimated Level of Effort and Schedule CH2M developed the level -of -effort shown in Table 1 to complete the software and hardware upgrades. For the software upgrade component, CH2M gathered information about the existing system to include, but not Limited to: 1/0 counts, current HMI screens counts, features desired by operations, etc. The level -of -effort was developed by: 1. Analyzing the of the current Lookout system HMI application size and components 2. Evaluating the functional requirements to meet in the new application 16 C44; • City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan 3. Contrasting the anticipated size of the new application with a comparable project 4. Assessing the complexity of programming in the new SCADA software SCADA Software Programming and AppLication Devetopment Task Breakdown SCADA Standards for Process Graphics and HMI Screens Widgets/Common Objects 160 Tag/Parameter Database 160 Navigation 8 Alarm Summary 8 Maintenance Summary 8 Communication Summary 8 ' Remote Status Summary 8 Security Configuration Standards 4 Alarming Configuration Standards 4 Paging Configuration Standards 4 Trending Configuration Standards 4 Historian Configuration Standards 4 Workshop and Documentation 48 Subtotal 428 SCADA Application Development Noland Process Screens 320 West Side Process Screens 320 17 City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan C1424U- SCADA Software Programming and Application Development Task Breakdown BMS Process Screens 80 Remote Sites/Lift Stations Process Screens 80 Alarming and Paging Configuration 80 Historian Configuration 80 Data Concentrator 80 Workshop and Documentation 48 Subtotal 1088 The anticipated durations and schedule of each task are summarized below, assuming that all equipment is received in the CH2M Denver lab by the end of March 2020. 2020 Proiected Schedule Task Duration Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Task 1: In -Lab Configuration 4 months Task 2: Standards for Process Graphics and HMI Screens 3 months Task 3: Application Development 3 months Task 4: Hardware Deployment 1 month Task S: Software Deployment 12 months Task 6: Project Management 110 months 18 "acobs a acs L``yxt`� a�yee ace `o, �Ac�o as 50e`oc9 o`oyg`oc9 �`y,2c9� jTable 1. Detailed Cost Summary Role aJ�,e r.P ao o� o�ye o�Qco O�ec aco�e° Total Jacobs Labor and Expenses 3270 S 624,490 VTScada Software Purchase S 71,645 Total Jacobs Proposal Value S 596,335 Rate f$ 190 r $ 160 r $ 140 r $ 160 r S 160 r $ 140 r 5 140 $ 160 Hours By Employee 445 1 463 1 1295 1 122 1 330 1 270 1 185 160 Cost By Employee $ 84,550 $ 74,080 $ 181,300 $ 19,520 $ 52,800 $ 37,800 $ 25,900 $ 25,600 Hours Cost Task 1: In -lab Configuration 660 f 110,640 163 0 0 82 155 120 160 0 labor - Procurement 10 S 1,840 8 2 Labor - lab configuration 630 $ 100,650 155 80 155 120 120 labor- onsite trip for radio configuration 40 $ 5,600 40 Expenses -shi pin andtravel $ 2,550 Task 2: Standards for Process Graphics and HMI Screens 480 S 74,000 50 215 216 0 0 0 0 0 Labor 480 $ 74,000 50 215 215 Task 3: Application Development 1088 $ 161,480 0 108 980 0 0 0 0 0 Labor 1088 $ 154,480 108 980 Expenses- Data Concentrator (2) 0 $ 7,000 Task 4: Hardware Deployment 540 $ 95,434 160 0 0 40 175 160 25 0 Labor- Onsite Deployment 300 $ 49,000 100 100 100 0 Labor- Preparation and Documentation 240 $ 38,400 50 40 75 so 25 Expenses - travel $ 8,034 Task S: Software Deployment 290 $ 51,256 So 140 100 0 0 0 0 0 Labor- Onsite Deployment 250 $ 39,500 50 100 100 Labor - Documentation 40 $ 6,400 40 Expenses -travel $ 5,356 Task 6:Project Mona ement 192 $ 31,680 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 160 Labor 192 $ 31,680 1 32 1160 Total Jacobs Labor and Expenses 3270 S 624,490 VTScada Software Purchase S 71,645 Total Jacobs Proposal Value S 596,335 C112/m. City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan Appendix A: SCADA Key Objectives Workshop Presentation and Meeting Notes A.1 Workshop Presentation 21 Disclaimer Important City of Fayetteville, SCADA objectives Workshop Woftnop held at West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant The material in this presentation has been prepared by Jacobs®. Copyright and other intellectual property rights in this presentation vest exclusively with 21 Disclaimer Important The material in this presentation has been prepared by Jacobs®. Copyright and other intellectual property rights in this presentation vest exclusively with Jacobs. Apart from any use permitted under applicable copyright legislation, no part of this work may in any form or by any means {electronic, graphic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or othenvise) be reproduced, copied, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted without prior written permission. Jacobs is a trademark of Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. ® Copyright January 8, 2020 Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.All rights reserved. JACOBS° 21 Cit of Fa ettevitte SCADA Software U rade Project Plan dam. Y Y p9 1 22 Agenda 1. Introductions and Project Controls 2. Workshop Objectives 3. Active Project Updates 4. Preliminary Design and Bill of Material 5. SCADA Objectives List and Discussion 6. Schedule and Deliverables . 7. Discussion -Questions, Concerns, Comments? JACOBS 22 Introductions and Project Controls • Mao Miller — Project Manager Y j� ger • Kaitlin Tymrak — Project Manager • Edgar Campos — Design Engineer • Jerry Atkins, Jr — Design Engineer • Greg Weeks — Operations Manager < JACOBS 22 City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan C42M. 23 Introductions and Project Controls • Mayo Miller: Mayo. Miller@Jacobs.com • Kaitlin Tymrak: Kaitlin.Tymrak Jacobs.com • Edgar Campos: Edgar.Campos@Jacobs.com • Jerry Atkins, Jr: Jerry.Atkins(c).Jacobs.com • Greg Weeks: Greg.Weeks@Jacobs.com b JACOBS' 23 Workshop Objectives • Create Communication Cadence • Acquire Functional Requirements • Present'Preliminary Design • Develop Work Schedule • Discuss Existing Concerns JACOBS 23 City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan C412414- 24 ActiveProject Updates • network Modifications • Outstanding Items • Path Forward JACOBS Workshop Objectives • Create Communication Cadence 24 Workshop Objectives • Create Communication Cadence • Acquire Functional Requirements • Present Preliminary Design • Develop Work Schedule • Discuss Existing Concerns JACOBS 24 City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan ch2m. 25 .uAca�s n JA -OBS r --J JAMBS I JAC033 25 .uAca�s n JA -OBS 25 C112414 - City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan 26 Bill of Materials • Hardware Total Cost: $231,780 • Software Total Cost: $ 79,300 • Grand Total: $311,080 V JACOBS LA JACOBS 26 Bill of Materials • Hardware Total Cost: $231,780 • Software Total Cost: $ 79,300 • Grand Total: $311,080 V JACOBS 26 City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan C142M. 27 Special Topics r - New Graphics - Integration to Third -Darty Systems r, JACOBS 27 Ci of Fa etteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan ChZM.' City Y P9 J Schedule and Deliverables Functional Raqufrements Yloatcstxp October 2019 Applicaon LOE Owelopmerd OctobffMovember 2019 (Functional Roqulromon t and Sof-ware Design PA Octobor74ovomber 2019 "in Dmuremant ?mess Novomtte ANKernber 2019 Begin Appfic4on De""mord —upon opprovaf of TAI Dean W/Jamey 2020 JACOBS" Discussion — (question, Concerns, Comments? i F athh Forward +JACOBS 28 C1124U- City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan 29 HMI Software Recommendations The following vendors were evaluated: • Wonderware • RockwellPlantPAx Worderware Rockwell E VTScada System ��+.� Automation Platform PlanfflA biswbutad control System k NfTscada' Software For Monitoring 5 Control a JACOBS' 29 City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan �;• 30 ':HMI Analysis Results — General Questionnaire HMI Hardware Evaluation Process • Grades were assigned as follows: • The evaluation process included the following scoring parameters: — For technical features, one point was awarded for each question answered — General features questionnaire "yes". Points possible was 58 out of 100. — Sample system pricing — For maintenance, service, and support, each question was graded relative — Vendor demonstrations to the other vendors. Vendors were awarded 0 to 3 points per answer. — Site Visits Points possible was 42 out of 100. • Scoring parameters were weighted to determine the recommended WonderwareRochvel D. SCADA program package Technical Features 1 56 1 49 1 68 Weights Weights GeneralOuesrwmtre 20% 20% Maintenance Features 36 36 36 prtkv 2D% 30% Total Questionnaire Score (out of 100) 82 85 84 Demonstration 35% 50% 20 JACOBS site Visit 25% JACOBS' 30 ':HMI Analysis Results — General Questionnaire • Grades were assigned as follows: — For technical features, one point was awarded for each question answered "yes". Points possible was 58 out of 100. — For maintenance, service, and support, each question was graded relative to the other vendors. Vendors were awarded 0 to 3 points per answer. Points possible was 42 out of 100. WonderwareRochvel D. Technical Features 1 56 1 49 1 68 Maintenance Features 36 36 36 Total Questionnaire Score (out of 100) 82 85 84 20 JACOBS 30 City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan C112414- HMI Analysis Results — Pricing i • SCADA vendors were given the system requirements and preliminary block diagrams to provide pricing proposal • Pricing proposal includes the same specific requirements at two water treatment plants, two wastewater treatment plants, and:, one central location • Pricing proposal includes a 1 0 -year cost of ownership — initial software purchase and annual renewal fees for product updates and technical support • Jacobs also asked for an annual subscription basis (only Wonderware offers this option) Total Facilities Purchase $230,860 $299.268 $122.820 10 -Year Total Cost $730,860 $923.560 $288.627 10 -year Subscription -Based $646.000 NA NA Total Pricing Score (out of 100) 75 65 95 _+ JACOBS 31 HMI Analysis Results — Demonstration • Each demonstration attendee was asked to grade the SCALA programs • Each feature was graded on a 1 to 5 rating (5 being the best) Graphics —easy to understand . - 4.24 3.00 r 4.71 i i f a Reporting —features appear easy to use 3.88 3.92 4,47 Reporting —able to create cvstom reports 3.71 3.16 4.35 31 HMI Analysis Results — Demonstration • Each demonstration attendee was asked to grade the SCALA programs • Each feature was graded on a 1 to 5 rating (5 being the best) Graphics —easy to understand . - 4.24 3.00 r 4.71 i i f a Reporting —features appear easy to use 3.88 3.92 4,47 Reporting —able to create cvstom reports 3.71 3.16 4.35 Trending —easy to use 4.29_ 3.35 4.71 i i Alarming—easy to use 4.35 3.47 4.53 Alarming —remote notification_ of alarms 4.00 _ 3.29 4.41 w Total Demonstration Score {nut of 30)+24.47 18.41 27.18 I k Total Demonstration Score (out of 100) 82 65 91 x JACOBS 31 Ci of Fa etteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan d124ft- HMII tY Y p9 J 32 Analysis Results — Demonstration Tsca -9 17F W. - M2 : n JACOBS' 32 City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan A.2 Meeting Notes Subject Project Project !No. Prepared by Location Participants FAY SCADA Kickoff - Meeting Notes SCADA Software Upgrade 659031C]H.Q10 Jerry Atkins Water and Sewer Offices ch2m.. Fife FAY SCADA Kickoff Nug'Notes_20 191017 Datefrme October 17,201911:013-4:30 pm City of Fayetteville — Keith Macedo, Tim Nyander, Mark Rogers, Aaron Watkins, Lynn Hyke, Brad Fulmer CH2M — Jerry Atkins, Edgar Campos, Greg Weeks, Mayo Miller, Pat Cooley, Tim Luther, Thom Vinson, iMatthew Benton, Kaiflin Tymrak (remote), David Espy (remote) Meeting Notes Introduction • Culture of Caring — Be conscious of food intake and how it affects your long term health_ • Purpose and Objective — SCADA Objectives Workshop: to define project controls and to present a preliminary design for the future state of the Fayetteville 'SCADA H!MI system, to obtain functional and operational requirements of the future state SCADA HMI system , and to discuss project schedule and .path forward. Overview A PowerPoint presentation was done by 'Edgar Campos and Jerry Atkins, Jr_ with the following agenda. • Introductions and Project Controls — introduce team and communication channels • Workshop Objectives — present concepts to discuss and decisions to achieve during this workshop • Active Project Updates — review the status of current projects which impact the software upgrade • Preliminary Design and Bill of Material —.review current drawings and hardware required to achieve desired future HMI system • SCADA Objectives List and Discussion — discuss the 100+ topics from the SCADA Objectives list • Schedule and Deliverables — present tentative schedule and deliverables for the project • Discussion —Questions, Concerns, Comments? — wrap-u,p the meeting with open discussion • Special Discussion — present VTScada as an alternative software ,package 33 City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan cH2m, 1- City staff as well as CH2M operators would like to add and modify several SCADA screens that currently exist in Lookout. The addition of runtimes of hardware like motors and pumps as well as modifications to other screens were noted. Paul to gather any desired changes from his perspective and his team in order to share with Jerry. 2_ Server infrastructure BOM details: $300k is for server/networking infrastructure only and the $79k is for corresponding Windows Server, backup software, antivirus and virtualization software. This does not include SCADA software_ 3. A comparison of SCADA software was presented which was originated from a study lead by Dave in Alabama_ Rockwell is still a major and solid vendor that CH2M endorses and supports, but VTScada is a strong option for Fayetteville due to number of features, ease of implementation, simpler architecture, and very significantly cost reductions_ The cost difference is so siginificant and the data and experience CH2M has gathered at other sites was discussed. Keith and the other city members expressed a desire to continue to explore VTScada as an alternative to the more expensive Rockwell product. 4. Keith indicated funding can be secured within 6 weeks of receipt of final infrastructure BOM. Action iterms hent Assigned Party 1 Begin development of Task 2 Technical Memorandum Jerry 2 Finalize hardware BOM and send to Keith Edgar 3 Finalize software BOM and send to Keith Edgar/Dave/VTScada rep 4 Provide example installation of VTScada Edgar/Dave/Jerry/VTScada rep 5 Develop sample screens to include in Task 2 TM Jerry/VTScada programmer for project 6 (FUTURE) Schedule workshop to review screens Jerry to coordinate 7 (FUTURE) ]ON project example demonstration Kaitlin to coordinate S (FUTURE) GIS integration presentation Kaitlin to coordinate 34 City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan C 12M. p9 J Appendix 6: SCADA Key Objectives List and Topics Key Business Objectives Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) - Control Panels ` Documentation is up to date Surge Suppression is adequate Critical devices on UPS power Cabinets are capable of supporting future needs Components are capable of supporting future needs Components are standardized Wiring is capable of supporting future needs Wiring is standardized Instrumentation System Instruments operating with acceptable performance Instrumentation calibrations performed at regular intervals to industry standards Surge / lightning protection provided for critical Instrumentation UPS provided for critical equipment and instruments with alarm notification Proper grounding provided for antennas, control components, and instrumentation Field hardware indicator lights reflect common color convention for On /OFF Use of SMART instruments/BIG data Network and Communications Systems Network design capable of supporting future needs Communication hardware is stable and reliable Fiber Media converters Switches Routers 35 City Y of Fa etteville SCADA Software U rade Project Plan C142M, p9 J Key Business Objectives Communication system performance provides reliable data service (uptime) Communication system performance provides adequate data transfer rates (Speed) There are backup communications contingencies Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) - PLC PLC products capable of supporting future needs Rockwell Misc Controllers Outdated controllers Design includes appropriate use of redundant PLCs PLC Code is well documented PLC Code is easy to troubleshoot PLC Code is standardized PLC configuration is standard PLC Controllers are standardized PLC 10 modules are standardized PLC communication modules are standardized Control loop tuning PLCs automatically time sync'ed Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) - HMI Software products based on leading manufactures and latest technology product line SCADA Software is stable and reliable SCADA graphics are standard and documented SCADA graphics are useful and impactful (High Performance HMI) Alarm and events are standardized and documented Alarm configuration includes black boarding and minimizes nuisance alarms Control system alarming identifies hardware failures Provide reliable and accurate data to all departments PLC and Instrumentation hardware is stable and reliable Hardware and software products based on leading manufactures and latest technology product line Control system hardware designed to minimize single points of failure 36 City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan C�12M.. p9 J Key Business Objectives Provide a backup for PLC/HMI/Historian failure. Includes documentation of procedures and defined location of current programs PCs automatically Time Sync'ed Virus updates Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) - Historian and Reporting Historical data availability Automated reports Data collection configuration is appropriate Methodology for calculating reporting data is standardized and documented Operations of Facilities Minimize plant and system downtime Processs Automation is appropriate and reliable Standard control narratives for all facilities Control narratives provide consistent operation for similar equipment (pumps, valves, motors, sequences) Control room design is appropriate Use of automation to provide energy efficiencies (Wire to water, $/MGD, etc) Use of automation to provide chemical usage efficiencies ($/Mgd) Provide key operational performance indicators to management staff Data analysis - Pump cycling, maintenace indicators Using data from "SMART" devices for operations and Maintenace Standardization of Products and Systems Tagnamming conventions are followed (Drawings, HMI, PLC, Historian, etc) Standard testing forms or procedures are in place Instrumentation is standardized when possible (brands, technologies, etc.) Electrical and I&C design criteria standards are used for new design projects VFDs and configurations are standard 37 City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan dam., Key Business Objectives Maintenance: SCADA System, Instrumentation Equipment maintenance information electronically available (FIM) Documentation for all existing facilities (including MIN, electrical one -lines, interconnect drawings, network diagrams) Computer Maintenance Management System (CMMS)automated Maintenance procedures documented and followed for instrumentation and SCADA hardware Documentation available for network and computer configurations Documentation available for application software configuration Centralized data repository for programs with change management Security: Cyber and Physical SCADA network design provides isolation from business systems (physical hardware and data separation access) Cyber security assessment related to the SCADA system and connected network (hardwired and wireless) are performed Network topology provides access isolation Evaluate physical access controls including gate, building access, control rooms, cabinet doors, well houses Software changes are logged and alerted Disaster recovery - provide alternate site for control Use of DMZ for isolation Use of encryption Technology The use of current technologies are used when appropriate SMART instruments and drives integration with GIS/SAP/LIMS/Billing/Weather outside users of data Advanced diagnostic tools, Software Virtualization Terminal Servers Active Directory Web/Mobile enabled solutions Wireless devices Biometric security 38 City of Fayetteville SCADA Software Upgrade Project Plan Ch2 P9 �• 1 Appendix C: Infrastructure and VTScada BOM 39 Trihedral, Inc. • Millenia Lakes One • 4700 Millenia Boulevard, Suite 260 •Orlando, Florida 32839-6014 • USA Phone: (407) 888-8203 • Fax: (407) 888-8213 http://www.trihedral.com Trifiedral. Bill To City of Fayetteville - AR 2435 Industrial Drive Fayetteville, AR 72701 USA Ship To City of Fayetteville - AR 2435 Industrial Drive Fayetteville, AR 72701 USA City of Fayetteville, AR - Noland Plant / West Side Plant # Quotation Quote Number Q17442 Terms Net 30 Days Date 02-06-2020 Sales Person Alan Hudson Valid Until 03-07-2020 Tax Info. Tax ID# 26-0449423 City of Fayetteville, AR - Noland Plant / West Side Plant # Qty. Product I Unit Price Ext. Price 1 1 ---VTScada 1 OK Dual Server Premium-•- $ 32,295.00 $ 32,295.00 1 2 VTScada 10K - Development Runtime 2 2 VTScada 1 OK - Alarm Notification 3 1 VTScada 1 OK - Thin Client - Unlimited 4 1 VTScada Training Course Credit - $1,000.00One additional course credit to be added $ 334.50 5 1 Bundle SupportPlus 6 1 Bundle 24/7 Emergency Support 7 1 Bundle Discount Proposed SupportPlus Expiry Date: One Year from Purchase Date Bundle Value for Renewals: $32,295.00 'Future Annual SupportPlus Renewals: $4,844.25 Group Totals Subtotal: $ 32,295.00 Total: $ 32,295.00 Noland Plant - DMZ # I Qty. Product Unit Price Ext. Price 1 1 VTScada 1 OK - Runtime - New - Includes Three Months of SupportPlus $ 4,395.00 $ 4,395.00 2 1 VTScada 10K - 3rd Party Data Sharing - New - Includes Three Months of SupportPlus $ 2,295.00 $ 2,295.00 3 1 SupportPlus - Additional Nine Months $ 752.67 $ 752.67 4 1 24/7 Emergency Support $ 334.50 $ 334.50 Proposed SupportPlus Expiry Date: One Year from Purchase Date License Value for Renewals: $6,690.00 'Future Annual SupportPlus Renewals: $1,003.50 Group Totals Subtotal: $ 7,777.17 Total: $ 7,777.17 Noland Plant - Redundant Server Qty. Product 1 Unit Price Ext. Price 1 1 VTScada 1 OK - Runtime - New - Includes Three Months of SupportPlus $ 4,395.00 $ 4,395.00 2 1 SupportPlus - Additional Nine Months $ 494.46 $ 494.46 3 1 2417 Emergency Support $ 219.75 $ 219.75 Proposed SupportPlus Expiry Date: One Year from Purchase Date License Value for Renewals: $4,395.00 `Future Annual SupportPlus Renewals: $659.25 1 / 3 Trihedral, Inc. - Millenia Lakes One - 4700 Millenia Boulevard, Suite 260 -Orlando, Florida 32839-6014 - USA Phone: (407) 888-8203 - Fax: (407) 888-8213 http://www.trihedral.com Group Totals Subtotal: $ 5,109.21 Total: $ 5,109.21 Operator Workstation Runtimes # Qty. Product Unit Price Ext. Price 1 2 VTScada 10K - Runtime - New - Includes Three Months of SupportPlus $ 4;395.00 $ 8,790.00 2 2 VTScada 10K - 3rd Party Data Sharing - New - Includes Three Months of SupportPlus $ 2,295.00 $ 4,590.00 3 2 SupportPlus - Additional Nine Months $ 752.67 $ 1,505.34 4 2 24/7 Emergency Support $ 334.50 $ 669.00 Proposed SupportPlus Expiry Date: One Year from Purchase Date License Value for Renewals: $6,690.00 Per License) 'Future Annual SupportPlus Renewals: $1,003.50 (Per License) Group Totals Subtotal: $ 15,554.34 Total: $ 15,554.34 West Side Plant - Redundant Server # Qty. Product I Unit Price I Ext. Price 1 1 VTScada 10K - Runtime - New - Includes Three Months of SupportPlus $ 4,395.00 $ 4,395.00 2 1 SupportPlus - Additional Nine Months $ 494.46 $ 494.46 3 1 2417 Emergency Support $ 219.75 $ 219.75 Notes Proposed SupportPlus Expiry Date: One Year from Purchase Date License Vafue for Renewals: $4,395.00 'Future Annual SupportPlus Renewals: $659.25 otal = $66,845 with one redit to be added 'Future Annual SupportPlus, which includes technical support and softwt components. This rate will never increase as long as SupportPlus is mai Group Totals Subtotal: $ 5,109.21 Total: $ 5,109.21 Quotation Totals Currency: US Dollar Subtotal: $ 65,844.93 Tota $ 65,844.93 course des, is calculated at 15% per annum of the combined license This does not include 24/7 Emergency Support. 2 / 3 Trihedral, Inc. • Millenia Lakes One • 4700 Millenia Boulevard, Suite 260. Orlando, Florida 32839-6014 • USA Phone: (407) 888-8203 • Fax: (407) 888-8213 hftp://www.trihedral.com Terms and Conditions: Terms and Conditions: VTScada is licensed exclusively in accordance with the VTScada Software License Agreement (Standard Conditions), VSLASC v6.1 - 2017-11-14, and the VTScada Software Standard Support Services Agreement (Standard Conditions), VSSSSASC v 1.2 Jan -18-16, available at https://www.trihedral.com/license-agreement. VTScada support and upgrade pricing are in accordance with the previously accepted license agreement terms and any differing purchase order terms proposed will not be accepted without written agreement by Trihedral. A SupportPlus renewal quote contains grandfathered pricing that is contingent upon the receipt of a purchase order before the quote expiry date (as agreed to under the VTScada license terms of the original license). Purchase orders received with an alteration of previously accepted terms, or after the quote expiry date, will require a re -quote of the renewal price at current pricing. Quotation Accepted By Quote Number Q17442 Print Name `orA e I A I An- Title a Signature ? =— Date 3 / 3 _ 515 )]m Hwawme mIU6SG]aUq<m xxt1654]�MB<M S.5n.00 +IamO,/012M f Fief -1 +xM-mRa-xwLM Ile Hvn�u. so w�awwe eM[M.nga•ws<M e-MEM.T:a.:6+<M a MxYr .IammroDm R.ee ext Hw•n eauonw.R<M s D.+pongws+cM e.NmnB2saeM Tnm ewMHY IxamKz.}M wee bxt Np4N -SJD9r6e•afA{M 3 !btm6 50 -STD93mBASacM CSfD96mBW<M $0,00 C+DmxY[rr[nnm ume,/U.}m Riee bxl ebbb <+K-10tSrdAw<M NlnaM m Wreware G HK-IWSvi-FLM C-HKIO05pYAwLM Snm mxYr umey[x}m w:e but HWr�a r+ml wNNwrenWntnarce 3 xv[aM _SJEe].m Weaore DIW54)-TR SMV-diD106SGBT'R ).m xY[ ImeyPl}M MMn idipmat xv4m Svrctwwt mpeJe 6 Hu[ar8 $1J3.aB Mamwwe {a<9Msm•.Sw<.m CLBL3HeSm•. 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CLBI-mSm•. 1 SwLM S112.ae xY[ ew+IwW,/d}m Mrofallpngix Wn,SOe aerWr3 waMwm lruillursa•ce t S27p9a fWADS4BAiD3vR $n C+DM xY IamhlP.}m lmPEi2]R21mn11 ad vouchso1mR65ixARDJA ImR[SSBDRDJIq mm —b./CH2M kaM 4xt vMt See lilhSHtgiSDepPDT'll 3 HuuM m. Wraware l-gAWEIBSiRaImJA t-F125MIBSnfiFD3iR SL- MNYfn aM lamM] wan bxt vMt S'ee CFr STSOm wrewa.e amEJCN2M M ro [gYpment b BP[n Bwa..p+erver wlnSxrlwrOvme nwnewwe 1 I SIa}ae fru P]m13 iB HOl}1eB Mem Oral Mvtl AO)10 Coe pmdum InDat]ul s3a}ee PDMxY [MMeml Re✓n1lefmina: mtemtm xxe bx! 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S4 1. n!] M -MwEat l+Gv FPovrlent xtlard Vrt.M5mc+5dtwwe 5a e$S.W Svewwe —" ---' -- MNY[ 4+an3n Un,rM:ap5,01613W5i S011ware six 3erxrS9Rwwe 6U.W lvltware N PDM NY[ RNn312 Cantna: AOTPo16330651 $O(IwNe Mum lJrival Senn SRRwxe vMWwe TtOm bitwwe fs10 RNIl31]fmmM:ap5p16190651 es+u Sm:wart $1leLS65p1[ware 5101a]M PDM xY[ Rwil3n finewta®0161me5t SOgwve rest See BHr Tvllwrt 3 53 i565Oltwxe 5141x]68 Pr,en312 EmtrM:a¢SO161m65t SCNwwe n0pw, brrm udrce+ m Merwplt TU400W bltware S25m0Iteun3n EbnnnL ap9vJl613065i Smlare Bxn stn Mroe.ae,,,awwe w s1zWpW SOrtw,.. M_ MxYF MO. sprtnwe BN S:n wK St mJaE,wne 534mOm MHN[ lameyM2M S9Elwar< I r9aew, TI,a9$ W STwm St!9sID Iamea/P3}m bllare Bxnstn mNsm madoltmncp 565 nxaer Pemre M+alw.rt I n9vdort Im szppp.m sxwwe n.mam svtwa.e sxomm sw mom MxYF MHY[ smnwe sztware OF fAYfTJ Y _ � V M 4 RKANS,,S 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 226-19 File Number: 201.9-0601 CH2M HILL ENGINEERS, INC: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AN OUT -OF -SCOPE AGREEMENT WITH CH2M HILL ENGINEERS, INC. IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $38,860.00 FOR SOFTWARE UPGRADES TO THE SCADA SYSTEM USED BY WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY OPERATIONS, LIFT STATION OPERATIONS; AND WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS, AND TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section I: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves an out -of -scope agreement with CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc., a copy of which is attached to this 'Resolution, in an amount not to exceed $38,860.00 for software upgrades to the SCADA system used by the City's wastewater treatment facility operations, lift station operations and water distribution system operations. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution. PASSED and APPROVED on 10/1/2019 Page 1 Printed on 1012119 File Number. 2019-0601 Resolution 226-19 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 263-19 File Number: 2019-0801 SCADA HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE PURCHASES: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE FROM MULTIPLE VENDORS IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $396,717.79 FOR USE BY THE WATER AND SEWER OPERATIONS DIVISION, AND TO APPROVE A PROJECT CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF $39,672.00 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the purchase of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Hardware and Software from multiple vendors in the amount of $396,717.79, as shown in the spreadsheet attached to this Resolution, for use by the Water and Sewer Operations Division, and .further approves a project contingency in the amount of $39,672.00. PASSED and APPROVED on 12/3/2019 Page 1 Attest: 011111111111 GLER K /•��i��` �` ��• CITYIf P", O'���'� •s„ Kara Paxton, City Clerk Treasure,tiD; ��i G' • � '(411111• • o� 0 Printed on 1215119 City of Fayetteville Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR. 72701 (479) 575-8323 Text File File Number: 2019-0801 Agenda Date: 12/3/2019 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meeting File Type: Resolution Agenda Number: A. 5 SCADA HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE PURCHASES: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE FROM MULTIPLE VENDORS IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $396,717.79 FOR USE BY THE WATER AND SEWER OPERATIONS DIVISION, AND TO APPROVE A PROJECT CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF $39,672.00 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the purchase of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Hardware and Software from multiple vendors in the amount of $396,717.79, as shown in the spreadsheet attached to this Resolution, for use by the Water and Sewer Operations Division, and further approves a project contingency in the amount of $39,672.00. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 12/4/2019 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item Tim Nyander 11/15/2019 WATER SEWER (720) Submitted By Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: Staff recommends the approval of the purchase of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) hardware and software from multiple vendors in the amount of $396,717.79 for water and wastewater operations, and approval a contingency in the amount of $39,672.00. Budget Impact: 5400.720.XXXX-XXXX.00 Water and Sewer Account Number 02017.1 Project Number Fund Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project Title Budgeted Item? Yes Current Budget Funds Obligated Current Balance Does item have a cost? Yes Item Cost Budget Adjustment Attached? No Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget $ 5,593,747.00 $ 2,704,602.10 $ 436, 389.79 V20160321 Purchase Order Number: Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Change Order Number: Original Contract Number: Comments: Approval Date: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS CITY COUNCIL MEMO MEETING OF DECEMBER 3, 2019 TO: Mayor and City Council THRU: Don Marr, Chief of Staff Susan Norton, Director of Communications and Marketing FROM: Tim Nyander, Utilities Director DATE: November 15, 2019 SUBJECT: Purchase of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Hardware and Software for Water and Wastewater Operations RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the approval of the purchase of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) hardware and software from multiple vendors in the amount of $396,717.79 for water and wastewater operations, and approval a contingency in the amount of $39,672.00. BACKGROUND: City Information Technology (IT), Utilities, and CH2M/Jacobs staff have been working on the review and re -design of the City's water and wastewater SCADA system for the past 18 months. The City has placed a priority on the following. We have focused the review on the following areas: • Reliability, decreased maintenance • Resiliency in by design (power, equipment, configuration) • Focus on change management and leverage current industry standards • Plug and play replacements • Focus on consistent hardware, software, and programming methodology • Cybersecurity • Increased mobile access for staff • Improved reporting • Improved automation • Future integration with Automated Meter Infrastructure (AMI) DISCUSSION: City Council approved an agreement with CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc. on October 1, 2019 to develop a new SCADA design, assist with the selection of new SCADA software, and develop a comprehensive list of hardware to support the new design. City staff and CH2M held a meeting at the West Side Wastewater Treatment plant on October 171 where CH2M's national SCADA team presented their network design, software, and hardware recommendations. City staff reviewed and provided several iterations of comments that CH2M integrated into their final recommendations. Staff is requesting approval to procure all software and hardware described in CH2M's SCADA recommendations. Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street wwwfayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 Tunas are avanapie in the oarntary sewer Kenaomtation account witnin ine vvaier ana sewer Fund. Attachments: Bill of Materials for SCADA Hardware and Software Purchases r 2 �a!Kr 7.m� converged server 1 Nunnh S1S,S77.00 lacabs/012M Jamin/CM2M per converged server; ar hard-re mahrtenaMe 3 Nulank 53 667.00 lamb,/CM2M Iarb, CM2M ndmrk moddde 6 NAtanla $132.48 lam CM2M lambs CM2M per converged server 3 war software nallumnoe 1 Nwnia 527094.00 1 CM2M um CMZM }ghtQugls I NUunix SS50.00 lamb, CMZM lamb CM2M mnvergM server 1 Nostnia SIS 577.00 Jaoob,/Ot2M leu WCM2M West Side Nyper converged server 3 year Mrdmm matntet w3 NvunN $3,687.00 Jambs/CM2M Iambs/CM2M Weal Side SFpnetw rk MftMe 6 Nuunis $132.48 lambs CM2M lamb,/CM2M Wert Side Mypermmerged server 3 year software nlfntentnce 1 Mound 527094.00 Jam CM2M Ja CM2M Wen Side Freight Marc. 1 NO.M. SSSD Ambs/042M .ctn CM2M for 64th Sadcu server vrith5 year hardware malmenence 1 Deo SI4568.50 NatidnnlPA Res0273-16 C.U.O:2018011-01 DMR Hetwon DMZ SMtdi C1sm $2,2411.21 Osm State Camrad ReW11617 CMtnO:AR233 Sarc Firewall with 3 Itippet tl..d* -L 1 Fortinet S4 AO NE'TSoune Jamb,CM2M Canterbury Firewall vft 3 yeirssu Oundle 1 Fortino $4189.00 NE75ourt! Iamb, CM2M Noland Mrewall with; ye.m support bundle 1 Fortin! $4189.00 NETSourte lamb4/CM2M Wen Side rheveall with; years support bundle I Fadinel $4,18940 NETS-rte lambs/CM2M Notand Mrem!)-Two Fad& Authentication 1 Fortinet $624.00 NelSourre J [ b,/CM2M Well Side firewall- Two radar Awhen0utidn 1 JFoni.,l $62440 NOSOUMe Jacowtcm2m Noland Netw %$vdtdv hnenet and maintenance 1 CHCO S1,70DA0 Camerge On ReO110b17 CmtrW:AR233 Wen Side Network Wtdv Internet and maintenance 1 Chco $1, T00.00 Cerpe One Rmr11P17 ContuctAR233 Wert Side . Ndwoik SvAtcv Ede Businns and Malmenance I Coco 53,O4OA9 -ConverjreOne ResNI1017 Contnd:ARZ.33 West Side Ne wmir Svdrdr Edge Vtiee and Maintenance 1 Cisco $1,890.71 CA rvenc One ReM11017 Contta0AR233 Neland Network Swttdv Ede Busineu and Mabnenanee I Cisco 53AGOA9 Con One Reso11617 ConUaO:AR233 Noland Ne lkSduh, E4Cv Vaim and Maintmame 1 Otto SL690.71 Com Ont ResA11017 ConUanAR233 Noland Cme Metwon Swltehnandmaintenance 2 CHeo S2 00000 U cone ResPI20-17 CaRInc1AR233 Wen Side Core Mewtad Switches and mafinerls t 1 Cisco $2L=.00 ReW11017ComractAR233 HolatM Network Stadring Modules 2 dsm S1,653.a0 _QrrverileOrve COAVeMe Ont ReO11017 ContractAR233 Wen Sidt Ndwmk SUAim Mod Nes 2 Clam $1.65340 One Rm111017 CCnlradAR33 Wort Side rN<twon Swhdh and maintenance 1 Cleo 515500.00 Ca One ResS11017 ContradAR233 Wen Side 'bar network SFP modules 24 Cl,m S2,565.00 Co One ReOI10-17 ConusctAR233 Noland Network ikne Server 1 Rne7ocls 51,570.00 TimeTmb lamb,/CM2M Noland Network time Server Mafntenstroe I Tlme'lools $180.00 TFmeTOOH amtn/CM2M Wen Side New kTana Server I 71-Tm1. 51,570.00 TI-T-1. a W/CH2M Wert Side NelwoA Time Server Malntename 1 TI-Tool, S18D.00 Tlme7-1, lamb./CM2M nd altaort ad. arm.4A,4s 2 APC $4,366.38 CDWG Resa273.18Cw,act:2018011-01 nd n obla M 2 APC $400.00 m1VG Re,#273-18 Cnntran: 2018011-01 nd PW 2 APC $80040 COWG RMN)73-18 Conrad: 2018011-01 rhd Fsrvkerunenul Sinn- 1 APC $7SO.00 CDWG Resa273.18 Centrad: 2018011-01 nd M 1 APC 57,000.00 CDWG ResA273. 18 Contract 2018011-01 Side Brad. and ubr 1 APC 52163.19 CDWG Rna273.18 Conte 2018011-01 Side rk nblam an, 1 APC 5400.00 mWG ResP273.1$ Conran: 2018011-01 Side POU 2 APC 5900.00 CDWG RnA273. 18 Canton: 2018011-01 Side j6dhSit.DelhopornorpWer. Envk-. lSemas 1 APC 575MOD COWG"273.18C4nttan: 2018011-01 Side I APC $7 .00 CDWG P--0273.18 Conuxt 2018011-01 Sites Wireless mesh ndi. 15 UBNT SI4BSA0 CDWG Rml273.18 Cantron: 2018011-01 Sites Desktop m-wM 4 Deg 54,979.52 Re A273.18 Contract: 2018011-01 Sites Desk. cam ernonfen 8 DM 596.00 DELL ReO273318 Canbad: 2018011-01 Ates Tann diem mmputen 8 Otn S 155.68 DELL Re0173.18 Contract 2018011-01 Sites This dlen, monhm, 22 Dell SAIA".78 DELL P-027;18 Centrad: 2018011-01 $'rte: Cellular Wheless modems W conn 1 2 Skda Wireless S1178.D0 100olov"2M cation, PatOi Cabin CAT6a SII0MAO laCob,/CM2M Martim. Total 5250 7.03 ane li Noland Vtrtust Server Software 1 VMWarc $4,62540 VMWafe Res 4213-17 Contran: ADSP016.13MS1 Wm Side Virtual Server Software 1 Ware 54625.00 VMWan ResA213.17 Camrace AOSP01&1306S3 Noland Vhtue Server Software 1 VMWarc SSIOAO VMWarc Res10213.17 Contract: ADSP016b130651 Noland Swop Software 3 vft.. S10,10.66 AIKSoarte Rra2E3-17COntract:ADSP016130651 Wm Side Badup SolMare 3 Vteam 510,147.68 Nees"Rc0113.17CCMract:ADSP016-130651 331tn Windows Se Urenm 30 Mk-ft S25ADMOC COW RmOZ13317 Conten: AOSPOI6.130651 Both Silty R,-tee usoftware 50 Beitandyn,rt S12pciam lam CM2M