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113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 73-20 File Number: 2020-0202 2020 COPS HIRING PROGRAM GRANT: A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN APPLICATION FOR A 2020 COPS HIRING PROGRAM MATCHING GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $250,000.00 TO FUND TWO (2) POLICE OFFICERS FOR A PERIOD OF FOUR (4) YEARS WITH THE $312,710.00 MATCHING REQUIREMENT SPLIT PROPORTIONALLY BETWEEN THE CITY AND FAYETTEVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves an application for a 2020 COPS Hiring Program matching grant in the amount of $250,000.00 to fund two (2) police officers for a period of four (4) years with the $312,710.00 matching requirement paid by the City in the amount of $86,797.00 and by the Fayetteville Public Schools in the amount of $225,913.00. PASSED and APPROVED on 3/3/2020 Attest: ��nniiun, �°°i� GLERk Kara Paxton City Clerk Treasr�'�• • LI rY '•'�' �'. s;-P �q �''2C •. SAS Page 1 Printed on 314120 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Text File File Number: 2020-0202 Agenda Date: 3/3/2020 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council- Meeting File Type: Resolution 2020 COPS HIRING PROGRAM GRANT: A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN APPLICATION FOR A 2020 COPS HIRING PROGRAM MATCHING GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $250,000.00 TO FUND TWO (2) POLICE OFFICERS FOR A PERIOD OF FOUR (4) YEARS WITH THE $312,710.00 MATCHING REQUIREMENT SPLIT PROPORTIONALLY BETWEEN THE CITY AND FAYETTEVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section l: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves an application for a 2020 COPS Hiring Program matching grant in the amount of $250,000.00 to fund two (2) police officers for a period of four (4) years with the $312,710.00 matching requirement paid by the City in the amount of $86,797.00 and by the Fayetteville Public Schools in the amount of $225,913.00. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 3/5/2020 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2020-0202 Legistar File ID 3/3/2020 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item Mike Reynolds 3/2/2020 POLICE (200) Submitted By Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: Approval of the 2020 COPS Hiring Program grant application to fund two (2) police officers to be assigned to the Fayetteville Public Schools for a period of four (4) years with a total project amount of $562,710. The COPS Hiring Grant will fund $250,000 while local match requirements will be $312,710. Local match requirements will be split proportionately with the Fayetteville Public Schools contributing $225,913 and the City of Fayetteville contributing $86,797. Budget Impact: Account Number Project Number Fund Project Title Budgeted Item? NA Current Budget $ - Funds Obligated $ - Current Balance Does item have a cost? NA Item Cost Budget Adjustment Attached? NA Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget l $ —� Purchase Order Number: Change Order Number: Original Contract Number: Comments: Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Approval Date: V20180321 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS MEETING OF MARCH 3, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Mike Reynolds, Chief of Police DATE: March 2, 2020 CITY COUNCIL MEMO SUBJECT: Approval of FY20 COPS Hiring Program Grant Application RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the 2020 COPS Hiring Program grant application to fund two (2) police officers to be assigned to the Fayetteville Public Schools for a period of four (4) years with a total project amount of $562,710. The COPS Hiring Grant will fund $250,000 while local match requirements will be $312,709. Local match requirements will be split proportionately with the Fayetteville Public Schools contributing $225,913 and the City of Fayetteville contributing $86,797. BACKGROUND: The 2020 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) is a competitive grant program that provides funding for three (3) years directly to law enforcement agencies to create and preserve jobs and to increase their community policing capacity and crime prevention efforts. Funding will be based on our current entry-level salaries and benefits for sworn officer positions plus annual step increases per our current pay plan policy. Any additional costs for positions hired under the CHP Grant beyond salaries and benefits must be paid for by local match. Also, at the conclusion of the three-year federal funding, grantees must retain all sworn officer positions awarded under the CHP Grant for an additional budget cycle. DISCUSSION: The Fayetteville Police Department will utilize the CHP Grant funding to hire two (2) police officer positions. These officers will be used to expand our School Resource Officer (SRO) Program. Fayetteville Public Schools has previously requested additional SROs for their junior high and middle schools, but our staffing and budget levels have not allowed for these positions. Fayetteville Public Schools has agreed to pay their proportionate share of the $225,913 local match requirements, if awarded. The attached spreadsheet shows the total cost for two new officers throughout the four (4) year grant period and the sources of funding needed to meet the local match requirements of this grant. We are projecting the City's portion of the local match requirements to be $86,797 with the Fayetteville Public Schools reimbursing $225,913. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: There is no budget or staff impact for applying for the 2020 CHP. If the grant is awarded, the City Council would be asked to accept the grant award, approve a budget Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 adjustment to appropriate funding for the grant's local match requirement, and approve an agreement with the Fayetteville Public Schools to cost-share the SRO expenses Attachments: FY20 CHP Budget Summary and Local Split out FY20 CHP Grant Application FY20 COPS Hiring Program Grant Sources and Uses of Funds 2021-2024 Year 1 Year 2, Year 3 Year 4 Total Use of Funds Base Salary per New Officer $ 39,270.40 $ 41,163.20 $ 43,056.00 S 44,948.80 $ 168,438.40 Academy Training - OT 3,398.40 3,398.40 Salary per Officer $ 42,668.80 $ 41,16330. $ 43,056.00 $ 44,948,110, $ 171,836:80 Fringe Benefits per Officer Medicare $ 618.70 $ 596.87 $ 624,31 $ 651.76 $ 2,491.63 Health Insurance 8,400.00 8,820.00 9,261.00 9,724.05 36,205.05 Life Insurance 135.00 141.75 148.84 156.28 581.87 LTD Insurance 78.00 81.90 86.00 90.29 336.19 Retirement 11,025.62 11,048.20 11,986.79 ' 12,963.23 47,023.85 Workers Comp 683.00 717.15 747.00 775.00 2,922.15 Professional Liability Insurance 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 1,200.00 Fringe Benefits per Officer S 21,240.32 $ 21,705.87 S 23;153.93 S 24,660.62 $ 90,760.74 Total Salary & Fringe per Officer $ 63,909.12 5 6211864.07, ;$__ _ 66,109.'93 $69,609.42 $ 262,597.54 Uniform, Equipment, & Training Per Officer Uniform 4,918.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 6,718.00 BullctproofVest 1,810.00 - - - 1,810.00 Axon Officer Safety Plan 3,620.00 - 3,620.00 Duty Weapon 560.00 - - 560.00 Radio APX6000 4,724.00 - 4,724.00 Academy Training - Per Diem 365.00 - 365.00 FTO Trainer 960.00 960.00 Total Equip & Training per Officer $ 16,957.00 $ 600.00 $ 600.00 S 600.00 S 18,757.00 Total Operating Costs per Officer S 80,866.12 'S' 63,460,07 $ 66,809.93 S 70,209.42 S 281,354.54. Total Use of Funds (2 SROs) Grant Ptograrii:($125;000 max per position over 3 years) S M,000,00 $ 75,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ $ 250,000.00 Loral Adatc7r.plus excess ofniasgrant 36j7,32.2.4 51,938.14 83 619.87 1.40,4147.83 312 709.07 Total Sources $_ 161,732 23 $ 6 126;938.14 $ 133,619.87 $ 140,418.83 5 362,709.117 FY20 COPS Hiring Program Grant Sources and Uses of Funds 2021-2024 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3. Year 4 Total Required liundine Grant Program ($125,000 max per position over grant period) 125,000.00 75,000.00 50,000.00 - 250,000.00 Local Match plus excess of max grant 36, 732.23 57,938.14 _83,619.87 140,418.83 314709.07 Total Required Funding 161,732.23 126,938.14 133,619.87 140,418.83 562,709.0.7 Spin ut of Local Match Uniform Local Match Total Match Police Department share of Local Match 86,796.53 86,796.53 School District share of Local Match 37,514.00 188,398.55 225,912.55 Total Local Match 37,514.00_ 275,195.07 312,709.07 2/28/2020 PDF Print View r � i.l 'r j�AA J ii`�1� COPS Office Award Application AR07201 Fayetteville, City of COPS, �`^d! CanxnunityO*nledpolkingSSW= US DapartmentOfJustice SECTION 1: COPS OFFICE AWARD PROGRAM REQUEST Federal assistance is being requested under the following COPS Office program: Verify the COPS Office award program for which you are requesting federal assistance. A separate application must be completed for each COPS Office program for which you are applying. Please ensure that you read, understand, and agree to comply with the applicable award terms and conditions as outlined in the COPS Office Application Guide before finalizing your selection. The program you have selected Is: COPS Hiring Program SECTION 2: AGENCY ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION A. Tj pe of Agency, (select one) • Law Enforcement https://portal.cops.usdoj,gov/SMS/PrintView.aspx?printType=review 1/25 2/28/2020 PDF Print View Non -Law Enforcement From the list below, please select the type of agency which kQ§j describes the applicant. Law Enforcement Entities ....,..M .. ..... ........... ..... ._..,,_.,,,._..........-.........._:_.,....._.�.�.._ ...... .,.,._...... s. Munlclpal. Goverment _ Please indicate if your jurisdiction is primarily considered rural, urban or suburban. Rural_ 2A. CHP Eligibility Questions In this section, we will ask you several questions about your law enforcement agency operations and authority to determine your eligibility to apply fore COPS Hiring Program (CHP) award. Please note that CHP applicants mug have a police department that is operational as of January 09, 2020, or receive services through a new or existing contract for law enforcement services. Applicants must also maintain primary law enforcement authority for the population to be served. In addition, if funds under this program are to be used as part of a written contracting arrangement for law enforcement services (e.g., a town which contracts with a neighboring sheriffs department to receive services), the government agency wishing to receive law enforcement services must be the legal applicant in this application (although we will ask you to supply some information about the contract service provider later). Part 1. Law Enforcement Agency Operations A law enforcement agency is established and operational if the:lurrsdiction has passed authorizing legislation and it has a current operating budget. Q1) Is your agency established and currently operational? Part Il. Contracting to Receive Law Enforcement Services Q1) If awarded, does your agency plan to use funds awarded under this award to establish or supplement a written contract for law enforcement services (e.g., a town contracting for services with a nearby sheriffs department)? N0 Part III. Law Enforcement Agency Authority An agency with primary law enforcement authority is defined as the first responder to calls for service for all types of criminal incidents within its Jurisdiction. Agencies are not considered to have primary law enforcement authority if they only. respond to or investigate specific type(s) of crime(s), respond to or Investigate crimes within a correctional institution, serve warrants, provide courthouse security, transport prisoners, have cases referred to them for investigation or investigational support or only some combination of these. Q1) Based on the definition above, does your agency have primary law enforcement authority? (Or, if contracting to receive services, does the agency that will be providing law enforcement services have primary law enforcement authority for the population to be served?) SECTION 3: GENERAL AGENCY INFORMATION A. Applicant ORI Number AR07201 The ORi number is assigned by the FBi and is your agency's unique identifier. The COPS Office uses the first seven characters of this number. The first two letters are your state abbreviation, the next three numbers are your county's code, and the next two numbers identify yourjurisdiction within your county. If you do not currently have an ORI number, the COPS Office will assign one to your agency for the purpose of tracking your award. OR! numbers assigned to agencies by the COPS Office may end in 'ZZ.' B. Applicant Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number: 10756577420000 A Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number is required pnbr to submitting this application. A DUNS number is a unique nine or thirteen digit sequence recognized as the universal standard for identifying and keeping track of entities receiving federal funds. For more information about how to obtain a DUNS number, please refer to the How to Apply' section of the COPS Office Application Guide. Applicant Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Name: City of Fayettevilte. Arkansas if your registered name in DUNS is different from your COPS legal name, please enter the registered name. For more information about how to obtain a DUNS name, please refer to hitps.IAvwwdnb.com/duns-numberllookup.html. C. System for Award Management (SAM) The System forAward Management (SAM) replaces the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database as the repository for standard information about federal financial assistance applicants, recipients, and sub recipients. The U.S. Department of Justice requires that all applicants (other than Individuals) for federal financial assistance maintain current registrations in the SAM database. Please note that applicants must update or renew their SAM registration at least once a year to maintain active status. Applicants that were previously registered in the CCR database must, at a minimum: Create a SAM account Log into SAM and migrate permissions to the SAM account (all the entity registrations and records should already have been migrated). Applicants that were not previously registered in the CCR database must register in SAM prior to registering in Grants.gov. Information about SAM Registration procedures can be accessed at httpsYlwww.sam.gov. For more information about how to register with SAM, please refer to the How to Apply" section of the COPS Office Application Guide. Your SAM Registration is set to expire on: 10212312021 Please enter date in MMIDD/YYYY format. Note: if your SAM registration is set to expire prior to September 30, 2020, please renew your SAM Registration prior to completing this application. Contact the SAM Service Desk at 866-606-8220 or view/update your registration information at hftps.lAvww.sam.gov https://portal.cops.usdoj.gov/SMS/PdntView.aspx?printType=review 2/25 2/28/2020 PDF Print View E. Cognizant Federal Agency: I De - _ . ._. o. f'.J' _._-..._,. 9 9 Y partment of Justice Select the legal applicant's Cognizant Federal Agency. A Cognizant Federal Agency, generally, is the federal agency from which yourjurisdiction receives the most federal funding. Your Cognizant Federal Agency also may have been previously designated by the Office of Management and Budget. Applicants that have never received federal funding should select "Department of Justice' as the Cognizant Federal Agency. F. Fiscal Year: From 01/01/2020 to 12131/2020 � 1 Please enter date in MM/DD/YYYY format. G. U.S District Attorney Question a. Indicate your U.S. Attorney's Office District by selecting your state and then selecting U.S. Attorney's Office District in b. b, indicate your U.S. Attorney's Office District by selecting from the drop-down.. Arkansas,Wnstern H. Law Enforcement Agency Sworn Force Information 1. Enter the Fiscal Year Budgeted Swom Force Strength for the current fiscal year below. The budgeted number of sworn officer positions is the number of swom positions funded in your agency's budget, including funded but frozen positions, as well as state, Bureau of Indian Affairs, or locally funded vacancies. Do not include unfunded vacancies or unpaid/reserve officers. a. Number of officers funded in agency's current fiscal year budget: Full -Time: Part -Time: 10 1 I. Civilian Staffing 1. Enter the number of civilian positions funded in agency's current fiscal year budget: a. Number of civilian positions funded in agency's current fiscal year budget: Full -Time: 123 Part -Time: J. U.S. Department of Justice and Other Federal Funding Applicants are required to disclose whether they have pending applications for federally funded assistance or active federal awards that support the same or similar activities or services for which funding is being requested under this application. Be advised that as a general rule COPS Office funding may not be used for the same item or service funded through another funding source. However, leveraging multiple funding sources in a complementary manner to implement comprehensive programs or projects is encouraged and is not seen as inappropriate. To aid the COPS Office in the prevention of awarding potentially duplicative funding, please indicate whether your agency has a pending application and/or an active award with any other federal funding source (e.g. direct federal funding or indirect federal funding through State sub -awarded federal funds) which supports the same or similar activities or services as being proposed in this COPS Office application. (complete the tables below): Summary of Current/Active Non -COPS Office Awards that Support the Same or Similar Activities or Services as being Proposed in the COPS Office Application Federal Awarding Award Program Name Award Start Award End Award Describe How This Project Differs Agency or State Number Date Date(mm/dd/y Amount From The Application For COPS Agency for Sub- (mm/ddtyyyy) yyy) Office Funding a 1=u https://portal.cops.usdoj.gov/SMS/PrintView.aspx?printType=review 3125 2/28/2020 PDF Print View https://portal.cops.usdoi.gov/SMS/PdntV!ew.aspx?printType=review 4125 SECTION 4: EXECUTIVE INFORMATION Note: Listing Individuals without ultimate programmatic and financial authority for the award could delay the review of your application, or remove your application from consideration. A. Law Enforcement Executive/Agency Executive Information: For Law Enforcement Agencies: This is the highest ranking law enforcement official within your jurisdiction (e.g., Chief of Police, Sheriff, or equivalent). The section below has been pre -populated from the information listed in your COPS Office Agency Porta/ Account. if this information is no longer correct, please log in to your COPS Office Agency Portal account and make the necessary corrections before proceeding with this application. For assistance, please call the COPS Office Response Center at 800-421-6770. For'Non-Law Enforcement Agencies: This is the highest ranking individual in the applicant agency (e.g., chief executive officer, president, chairperson, director) who has the authority to apply for this award on behalf of the applicant agency. If the award is awardod, this position will ultimately be responsible for the programmatic Implementation of the award. The section below has been pre -populated from the information listed in your COPS Office Agency Portal Account. if this information is no longer correct, please log, in to your COPS Office Agency Portal account and make the necessary corrections before proceeding with this application. For assistance, please call the COPS Office Response Center at 800-421-6770. Title: Chief of Police First Name: Mike Mi: Last Name: Reynolds Suffix: Agency Name: Fayetteville, City of Streetl: 100-A West Rock Street Street2: City: Fayetteville State: AR Zip I Postal Code: 72701 Telephone Number: 4795873500 Fax: 4799734844 Email: mreynolds@fayetteville-ar.gov Edit Contact Information If your agency previously indicated in Section 2, that if awarded, this award would be used in a written contracting arrangement to receive law enforcement services (e.g., a town which is contracting with a neighboring sheriff's department to receive services), then question 4A, should display the executive information for the agency which will be providing the law enforcement services under this award (e.g., Sherif). Question 4B should display the executive information for the government agency which will be receiving the law enforcement services under this award (i.e., Mayor, City Manager, etc.). Before proceeding with this application, we ask that you please log onto the COPS Office Agency Portal to update the agency providing law enforcement services as your Law Enforcement Executive/Agency Executive information. This information will be used to populate Section 4 of this application, so please ensure its accuracy. B. Government ExecutivelFinancial Official Information: For Government Agencies: This is the highest ranking government official within your Jurisdiction (e.g., mayor, city administrator, or equivalent). The . section below has been pre -populated from the information listed in your COPS Office Agency Portal Account. if this information is no longer correct, please log in to your COPS Office Agency Portal account and make the necessary corrections before proceeding with this application. For assistance, please call the COPS Office Response Center at 800-421-6770. For Non -Government Agencies: This is the financial official who has the authority to apply for this award on behalf of the applicant agency (e.g., chief financial officer, treasurer). if the award is awarded, this position will ultimately be responsible for the financial management of the award. Please note that hftps://portal.cops.usdoi.gov/SMS/Pr ntView.aspx?printType=review 5/25 2/28/2020 PDF Print View information for non-executive positions (e.g., clerks, trustees) is not acceptable. The section below has been pre -populated from the information listed in your COPS Office Agency Portal Account. If this information is no longer correct, please log in to your COPS Office Agency Portal account and make the necessary corrections bofore proceeding with this application. For assistance, please call the COPS Office Response Center at 800-421-6770. Title: Mayor First Name: Lioneld Mi: Last Name: Jordan Suffix: Agency Name: Fayetteville, City of Street/: 113 West Mountain Street Street2: City: Fayetteville State: AR Zip / Postal Code: 72701 Telephone Number! 4795758330 Fax: 4795758257 Email: mayor@fayetteville-er.gov Edit Contact Information C. Application Contact Information: Application Contact: Enter the application contacts name and contact information. Title: Imr. 7 First Name: Imilie MI: O Last Name: lNewman Suffix:Selei� ectOne... i Agency Name: Feyetteville Police Department Slreetl: I 100 West Rock Street Street2: City: IFayetteville Slate: FA--R-'v-1 Zip / Postal Code: Telephone Number 479-587-3581 , Fax: 479-587-3570 1 Email: wnewman@fayettevllle-ar.gov SECTION 5A: COPS HIRING PROGRAM OFFICER REQUEST Part I Enter the Fiscal Year Actual Sworn Force Strength as of the dale of this application. The actual number of sworn officer positions is the actual number of sworn positions employed by your agency as of the date of this application. Do not include funded but currently vacant positions or unpaid positions. Number of officers employed by your agency as of the date of this application: Full -Time: 12e Part -Time: �� What Is the actual population your department serves as the primary law enforcement entity? 86751 71 This may or may not be the same as your census population. For example, a service population may be the census population minus Incorporated towns and cities that have their own police department within your geographic boundaries or estimates of ridership (e.g., transit police) or visitors (e.g., park police), An agency with primary law enforcement authority is defined as having first responder responsibility to calls for service for all types of criminal incidents within Rs/urlsdlc0on. For FY 2020 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) applicants are eligible to apply for the number of officer positions necessary to support their proposed community policing strategy. Please keep in mind that there is a minimum 25 percent local cash match and a 12 -month retention requirement for each officer position funded. The COPS Office will fund as many positions as possible for successful applicants: however, the number of officer positions requested by an agency may be reduced based on the availability of funding and other programmatic considerations. FY 2020 CHP award funds cover 75 percent of the approved entry-level salary and fringe benefits of each newly -hired and/or rehired, full-time sworn career law enforcement officer for three years (36 months) up to $125,000 per officer position. CHP award funding will be based on your agency's current entry- level salaries and fringe benefits for full-time sworn officers. If your agency requests officers to be deployed as school resource officers (SRO), ALL OF THE OFFICER POSITIONS REQUESTED BELOW MUST BE USED TO DEPLOY FULL-TIME school resource officers. Do not request more officer positions than your agency can expect to deploy in this capacity. A "school resource officer" is a career law enforcement officer, with sworn authority, who is engaged in community policing activities and Is assigned by the employing agency to work in collaboration with schools. If awarded an award for SRO position(s), please note that the COPS Office requires that the officers) deployed into the SRO position(s) spend a minimum of 75 percent of their time in and around primary and secondary schools working on school and youth -related activities. The placement of law enforcement officers in school carries a risk of contributing to a "school -to -prison pipeline' process where students are arrested or cited for minor, non-violent behavioral violations and then diverted to the juvenile court system. This pipeline wastes community resources and can lead to academic failure and greater recidivism rates for these students. If awarded, the recipient will agree that any officers deployed while implementing School-based Policing under the COPS Hiring Program award may not be involved in the administrative discipline of the students. There must be an increase in the level of community policing activities performed in and around primary or secondary schools in the agency's Jurisdiction as a result of the award. The time commitment of the funded officers must be above and beyond the amount of time that the agency devoted to the schools before receiving the award. Recipients using CHP funding to hire or deploy school resource officers into schools must submit to the COPS Office a signed memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the law enforcement agency and the school partner(s) before obligating or drawing down funds under this award. An MOU is not required at time of application; however, if the law enforcement agency already has an MOU in place that is applicable to the partnership, the MOU can be submitted as an attachment in Section 13 of the award application. The MOU must contain the following; the purpose of the MOU, clearty defined roles and responsibilities of the school district and the law enforcement agency focusing officers' roles on safety, information sharing, supervision responsibility, and chain of command for the SRO and signatures. If awarded, a recipient must submit an MOU to the COPS Office within 90 days from the date shown on the award congratulatory letter. Implementation of the COPS Hiring Program award without submission and acceptance of the required MOU may result in expenditures not being reimbursed by the COPS Office and/or award de -obligation. In addition, in Section 68, you must select "School Based Policing through School Resource Officers' under "School Based Policing" as your focus area. Is your agency requesting that all Qf Otese off�no511ion§ be deployed as school resource officers (SROs)? 1 -yes --1 https://portal.cops.usdoj.gov/SMS/PdntView.aspx?pdntType=review 6/25 2/28/2020 PDF Print View How many officers are you requesting? In FY 2020, agencies may request the number of officer positions necessary to support their proposed community policing strategy. Please keep in mind, there is a minimum 25 percent local cash match and a 12 month retention period for each officer position funded. The COPS Office will fund as many positions as possible for successful applicants; however, the number of officer positions requested by an agency may be reduced based on the availability of funding and other programmatic considerations. How many entry-level, full-time officer positions is your agency requesting in this application? IMPORTANT: If you later return to this section of the application and change the above number of officers you are requesting, you must then go to Section 14A, Part 1 to allow the application to recalculate your budget figures. You will also need to adjust your projection of your Federal/Local share costs in the chart located in Section 14A, Part 3. Failure to do this will cause a conflict in your budget submission. Next, your agency must allocate the number of positions requested under each of the three hiring categories described below based on your agency's current needs at the time of this application. Please be mindful of the initial three-year award period, and your agency's ability to fill and retain the officer positions awarded, while following your agency's established hiring policies and procedures. CHP awards will be made for officer positions requested in each of the three hiring categories, and recipients are required to use awarded funds for the specific categories awarded. It is imperative that your agency understand that the COPS Office statutory nonsupplanting requirement mandates that award funds may only be used to supplement (increase) a recipient's law enforcement budget for swam officer positions and may not supplant (replace) state, local, or tribal funds that a recipient otherwise would have spent on officer positions if it had not received an award. This means that if your agency plans to (a) hire new officer positions (including filling existing vacancies that are no longer funded in your agg�y's budggj): It must hire these new additional positions on or after the official award start date, above its current budgeted (funded) level of swam officer positions, and otherwise comply with the nonsupplanting requirement as described in detail in the award owner's manual. (b) rehire afiicers who have been laid off byair y_jurisdiction as a result of state, local, of tribal budget tedyWons: It must rehire the officers on or after the official award start date, maintain documentation showing the date(s) that the positions were laid off and rehired, and otherwise comply with the nonsupplanting requirement as described in detail in the award owner's manual. (c) Mire officeis Mo•atg (at the time of aQpl flb ) currently schadulod to tie laid off (by_y-or jt�.sdict ) on a pecifii:.futUZ a dgte es o. resWit of slate, jam], or tribal budget raductions: it must continue to fund the officers with its own funds from the award start date until the date of the scheduled lay-off (for example, if the CHP award start date is September 1 and the layoffs are scheduled for November 1, then the CHP funds may not be used to fund the officers until November 1, the date of the scheduled layoff); identify the number and date(s) of the scheduled lay-off(s) in this application (see below); maintain documentation showing the date(s) and reason(s) for the lay-off; and otherwise comply with the nonsupplanting requirement as described in detail In the award owner's manual. [Please note that as long as your agency can document the date that the lay-off(s) would occur if CHP funds were not available, it may transfer the officers to the CHP funding on or immediately after the date of the layoff without formally completing the administrative steps associated with a lay-off for each individual officer.] Documentation that may be used to prove that scheduled lay-offs are occurring for local economic reasons that are unrelated to the availability of CHP award funds may include (but are not limited to) council or departmental meeting minutes, memoranda, notices, or orders discussing the lay-offs; notices provided to the individual officers regarding the date(s) of the lay-offs; or budget documents ordering departmental or jurisdiction -wide budget reductions. These records must be maintained with your agency's CHP award records during the award period and for three years following the date of the submission of the final expenditure report in the event of an audit, monitoring, or other evaluation of your award compliance. If your agency's request is funded, your agency will have the opportunity after the award announcement to request an award modification to move awarded funding into the category or categories that meet your agency's law enforcement needs at that time (including updating the dates of future scheduled lay- offs). If you need additional information regarding requesting a modification, please contact the COPS Office Response Center at 1-800-421-6770. Category A: New, additional officer positions (including filling existing vacancies no longer funded in your agency's budget). Category A Request: 4: Category B: Rehire officers laid off (from any jurisdiction) as a result of state or local budget reductions. Category 8 Request: Category C: Rehire officers scheduled to be laid off (at the time of the application) on a specific future date as a result of state or local budget reductions We also need some Information about when the layoff of officers in this category is scheduled to occur. In the space below, please indicate when the officer(s) specified in this category are scheduled to be laid off. To enter your information, click "Add a New Officer Layoff". To save your submission, click "Save" before moving to the next section. Numu,r of Officers Vat- V_ ISO of .`c: m are nct,;cuied' to h-, 1Y.id of t+ctian Add a New Officer Layoff Total Category C Request: 0 Part 3 i. Under the 2020 COPS Hiring Program, applicants are not required to hire military veterans as new hires. However, the COPS Office supports the Attorney General's commitment to hiring military veterans whenever possible. Please note that if your agency checks "yes" to the question below, your agency will be required to maintain documentation that it made every effort possible (consistent with your internal procedures and policies) to hire at least one military veteran. Does your agency commit to hire and/or rehire at least one military veteran (as defined in the Application Guide) for the officer position(s) you have requested? :Yes No https://portal.cops.usdoj.gov/SMS/PrintView.aspx?printType=review 7/25 2/28/2020 PDF Print View Part 4 The following questions will help Congress and the U.S. Department of Justice identify potential gaps in training. 1. On average how many hours of IN-SERVICE (non recruit) training (e.g. FTO, continuing professional education, roll call, standard) are required annually for each of your agency's officers/deputies in the following categories (if none, please indicate 0 hours)? Use of force (hours) '© De-escalation of conflict (hours) Racial and ethnic bias that Includes elements of implicitiunconscious bias (hours) L Gender blas in response to domestic violence and sexual assault (hours) Bias towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals (hours) Community engagement (e.g., community policing and problem solving )(hours) t 2. Does your agency administer a police training academy? No 17 SECTION 613: LAW ENFORCEMENT &r COMMUNITY POLICING STRATEGY Community Policing Strategy COPS Office funding must be used to reorient the mission and activities of law enforcement agencies through initiating community policing or enhancing their involvement in community policing with the officers hired under this award program or an equal number of veteran officers who have been redeployed to implement this plan after hiring the entry-level COPS Office -funded officers. If awarded funds, your responses to sections li(a) and ll(b) that follow will constitute your agency's Community policing strategy under this award. Your organization may be audited or monitored to ensure that it Is initiating or enhancing community policing in accordance with this strategy. The COPS Office may also use this information to understand the needs of the field, and potentially provide for training, technical assistance, problem solving and community policing implementation tools. Please note that the COPS Office recognizes that your COPS Office -funded officer(s) (or an equal number of veteran officers who are redeployed after hiring the entry-level COPS Office - funded officers) will engage in a variety of community policing activities and strategies, including participating in some or all aspects of your Identified community policing strategy. Your community -policing strategy may be influenced and impacted by others within and outside of your organization; this is considered beneficial to your community policing efforts. Finally, we also understand that your community policing needs may change during the life of your award. Minor changes to this strategy may be made without prior approval of the COPS Office; however, recipients will be required to report on progress and changes to the community policing strategy (if any) through required progress reports. if your agency's community policing strategy changes significantly, you must submit those changes to the COPS Office for approval. Changes are significant if they deviate from the specific crime probloms(s) originally Identified and approved in the community policing strategy submitted with the application. In some cases, changes to the approved community policing approaches may also be deemed significant and may require approval of a modified community policing strategy by the COPS Office, depending on the scope and nature of those changes as Identified in the quarterly progress reports. The following Is the COPS Office definition of community policing that emphasizes the primary components of community partnerships, organizational transformation, and problem solving. Please refer to the COPS Office web site (https:/Ioops.usdoj.gov) for further information regarding this definition. Community policing is a philosophy that promotes organizational strategies that support the systematic use of partnerships and problem solving techniques to proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to public safety Issues, such as violent crime, non-violent crfine, and fear of crime. The COPS Office has completed the development of a comprehensive community policing self-assessment tool for use by law enforcement agencies. Based on this work, we have developed the following list of primary sub -elements of community policing. Please refer to the COPS Office web site (https:/Ioops.usdoj.gov) for further information regarding these sub -elements. Community Partnerships: Collaborative partnerships between the law enforcement agency and the individuals and organizations they serve to both develop solutions to problems and increase trust in police. Other Government Agencies Community Members/Groups Non-Profits/Service Providers Private Businesses Media Organizational Transformation: The alignment of organizational management, structure, personnel and information systems to support community partnerships and proactive problem - solving efforts. Agency Management Climate and culture Leadership Labor relations Decision-making Strategic planning Policies https://portal.cops.usdoj.gov/SMS/PdntV!ew.aspx?printType=review 6/25 2/28/2020 PDF Print View Organizational evaluations Transparency Organizational Structure Geographic assignment of officers Despecialization Resources and finances Personnel Recruitment, hiring and selection Personnel supervision/evaluations Training Information Systems (Technology) Communication/access to data Quality and accuracy of data Problem Solving: The process of engaging in the proactive and systematic examination of Identified problems to develop effective responses that are rigorously evaluated. Scanning: Identifying and prioritizing problems Analysis: Analyzing problems Response: Responding to problems Assessment: Assessing problem -solving initiatives Using the Crime Triangle to focus on immediate conditions (Victim/Offender/Location) I. Current Organizational Commitment to Community Policing 1) For each of the following statements, please answer In terms of existing agency policies and practices as they relate to collaborative oartnershlos and problem solving activities. Please check all that aonly. ACTIVITY Community Partnerships _ Problem Solving. Q1 a. The agency mission statement, vision, or goals includes references to: Q1 b. The agency strategic plan includes specific goals or objectives relating to: r a; Q1c. The agency recruitment, selection and hiring processes include elements relating to: 01 d. Annual line officers evaluations assess performance in: �, ✓; 41 e. Line officers receive regular (at least once every two years) rM 2) Which of the following internal management practices does your agency currently. employ? Please check all that apply. Assignment of officers to specific neighborhoods or areas for longer periods of time to enhance customer service and facilitate more contact between police and citizens l; Assignment of officers to geographic hot spots that are defined statistically by creating Incident maps to Identify geographic clustering of crime and disorder ;; In-service training for officers on basic and advanced community policing principles vj Early Intervention Systems that help identify officers who may be showing signs of stress, personal problem, and questionable work conduct I -, None of the above 3) Which of the following do you count/measure tona nual y, assess your agency's overall performance? Please check all that apply. i_ Response times �,i Reported crimes Reported incidents ;j Arrests and citations o Problem solving outcomes Department employee satisfaction i Clearance rates Complaints of officer behavior ,ej Reduction of crime in identified hot spots Ir! Repeal calls for service Social disorder/nuisance problems (e.g., graffiti, panhandling, loitering) rpt Satisfaction with police services I , Fear of crime Victimization (Le, non -reported crime) v: Community meetings held/attended f.: Use of force incidents hftps://portal.cops.usdoj.gov/SMS/PdntView.aspx?pdntType=review 9/25 2/2812020 PDF Print View Meeting the priorities as identified in your agency strategic plan My agency does not conduct annual assessments of overall performance 4) Through which of the following does your agency routinely, share Information with community members? Please check all that apply. v Neighborhood, beat, and/or school meetings + Local media outlets Agency newsletter Neighborhood newsletters 4 Agency website Social networking (Blogs, Twitter feeds, Facebook pages, etc.) + Citizen alert system (telephone, email, text, etc.) �. Citizen alert system that is geographically targeted, based on updated hot spots i; Public access television/radio t, Community organization board membership + Public forums with chief/sheriff/command staff Posters, billboards, flyers None of the above 5) Through which of the following ways does your agency formally involve community members in influencing agency practices and operations? Please check all that apply. r: Citizen police academies i; Volunteer activitles Auxiliary police programs Civilian review boards (i.e. disciplinary review boards) d Citizen advisory groups (i.e. informal advisory function) Involvement in hiring decisions (interview panels, selection boards, etc.) Involvement in contributing to annual line officer performance reviews + Representation on promotional boards Participation in accountability and performance reporting and tracking meetings Participation In complaint resolution process (formai mediation, disciplinary boards, etc.) None of the above II(a) Proposed Community Policing Strategy; Problem Solving and Partnerships COPS Office awards must be used to initiate or enhance community policing activities with either the newly hired officers funded by this award program or an equivalent number of veteran officers who are redeployed to implement this community policing strategy after hiring the additional entry-level officers with COPS Office award funds. In this section you will be asked to identify the crime and disorder problem/focus area and the Rartners to be engaged through your requested COPS Office funding. Identifying the specific problem/focus area and partnerships that your agency plans to focus on is important to ensure that you satisfy the requirements for COPS Office funding under this program and to ensure that ultimately the additional award -funded officers (or equivalent number of redeployed veteran officers) will initiate or enhance your agency's capacity to implement community policing strategies and approaches. 6) Using the following list, select a problem/focus area that will be addressed by the officers requested in this application. Please choose the option that best fits your problem. You may select one problemifocus area to address through this award funding. When identifying a problem, it is important to think about the nature of similar incidents that taken together comprise the problem and accordingly describe It In precise, specific terms (e.g. "burglary of retail establishments', rather than just "burglary"). In doing this, it can be helpful to consider all aspects of the problem, including the likely offenders, the suitable targets/victims, and how these come together in time and space. School Based Policing Child Sexual Predators and Internet Safety Children Exposed to Violence Youth Crime and Delinquency School Based Policing School Based Policing through School Resource Officers By selecting this focus area, your agency is committing that if awarded, all officer positions requested in this application (or an equivalent number of redeployed veteran officers) will be used to deploy school resource officers and address problems in and around primary and secondary schools. Please specify the areas the school resource officer(s) would address (check all that apply): Address crime problems, gangs, and drug activities affecting or occurring in or around an elementary or secondary school; 1 Develop or expand crime prevention efforts for students; 1_ Educate youth in crime prevention and safety; Develop or expand community justice initiatives for students; + Train students in conflict resolution, restorative justice, and crime awareness; �e: Assist in the identification of physical changes in the environment that may reduce crime in or around the school; r. Assist in developing school policy that addresses crime and to recommend procedural changes to enhance school safety. https:Hportal.cops.usdoj.gov/SMS/PhntView.aspx?printType=review 10/25 2/28/2020 PDF Print View Other Area i i (Please Specify Other Area) ( Other School Based Policing (please specify) Opioid Education, Prevention, and Intervention Education, Prevention, and Intervention Homeland & Border Security Problems Partnering with Federal Law Enforcement to Combat illegal Immigration (e.g., information sharing, 287(g) partnerships, taskforces, and honoring detainers) Protecting Critical Infrastructure Problems Information or Intelligence Problems Other Homeland Security Problem (please specify) Non -Violent Crime Problems and Quality -of -Life Policing Burglary Fraud Larceny/Theft (Non -Motor Vehicle) Motor Vehicle Theft/Theft from Motor Vehicle Vandalism Social Disorder Quality of Life Problem Prostitution Misdemeanor Crimes Disorderly Activity Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Other Non -Violent Crime Problem (please specify) Building Trust and Respect Building Trust and Respect Violent Crime Problems Assault Homicide Rape Robbery < Domestic Violence Human Trafficking Gun Violence Criminal Gangs Drug Manufacturing, Drug Dealing, Drug Trafficking Other Violent Crime Problem (please specify) 6a) Briefly describe the problemHocus area that you will address with these award funds and your approach to the problem. 12,000 characters or less] https://portal.cops.usdoj.gov/SMS/PdntView.aspx?printType=review 11/25 2/28/2020 PDF Print View In 2802, the Fayetteville Police Department had eight (8) School Resource Officers (SROs) covering six (6) schools. That number was reduced to two (2) during the later 26e6s. In 2813, we obtained a COPS Hiring tgrant for three (3) additional officers for a total of five (5) SROs. During our 2019 fiscal year, we were able to add one (1) sergeant and one (1) officer to our SRO Program for a total of seven (7) SROs. Adding Itwo (2) SROs through the FY20 COPS Hiring Program would result in nine (9) SROs and get us just above our 12082 SRO coverage within our public school system. The number of schools and our student population has significantly increased in the last 18 years. The two (2) SROs requested within this grant application would !reduce the burden of police related calls within our middle and junior high schools. 1Our SROs are a true model of the community policing concept. SROs are able to reach a student population ithat is underserved and are able to breakdown stereotypical barriers that young people have about police officers. Once a level of trust is established, crimes that often go unreported will now be addressed. The Fayetteville Police Department prefers to hire military veterans, however, Arkansas entry-level police I testing statutory. regulations (A.C.A. 14-51-301) prevent us from the guarantee of hiring military veterans. ' Entry-level testing procedures requires our agency to have a written examination, physical agility test, interviews with police board and Civil Service Commission. Composite scores determine where an individual Is ranked on our list of applicants eligible for appointment. The Chief of Police is required by law to hire from the top three candidates. I, f 7) Which of the following information sources did you use ig-Adar-iliza this problem/focus area as a problem/focus area to address through this award program (please check all that apply): Police department data (e.g. police reports, calls for service, crime data, citizen complaints) +: Agency personnel (e.g. officer feedback, command staff priorities) i,e: Other local non -law enforcement government agency data i' I Community based organizations (e.g. faith based, non -profits, social service providers) Ci Local businesses i': Individual community members/community meetings i Community survey "i, Local government officials (j The media ( ? None of the above 8) If awarded funds, my agency will irJr prove bur understanding of this problem/focus area by examining (please check all that apply): -i Routinely collected law enforcement datafinformation related to the problem (e.g. arrest, incident reports, calls for service) The location and/or time aspects of the problem/focus area (e.g. mapping) i� The conditions and environmental factors related to the problem/focus area i;; i The strengths and limitations of current responses to the problem/focus area Non -law enforcement data/information related to the problem/focus area (e.g. insurance crash data, other government agency data, census data, survey data) - Existing research and best practices related to the problem/focus area :",F, Data/information from the community related to the problem/focus area (e.g. resident associations, business groups, non-profit community service organizations) ..: Information about offenders contributing to the problem/focus area (e.g. offender interview, arrest records) If; Information about victims affected by the problem/focus area (e.g. crime reports, victim interviews) i Strengths and weaknesses of previous responses to the problem/focus area } None of the above 9) If awarded funds my agency will use the following information sources to assess our response to this problem/focus area to determine whether the response was Implemented and achieved the desired outcomes(please check all that apply): .+: Routinely collected law enforcement data/information related to the problem/focus area (e.g. arrests, incident reports, calls for service) Data information regarding whether the response was implemented as planned +: Police data collected for this specific problem/focus area (e.g. problem -specific surveys, field interview contact cards) �e Non -police data/information related to the problem/focus area(e.g. Insurance crash data, other government agency data, census data, survey data) Datalinformation from the community related to the problem/focus area (e.g. resident associations, business groups, non-profit community service organizations) ,4: Information about offenders contributing to the problem/focus area (e.g. offender interview, arrest records, probation/parole data) Information about victims and/or stake holders affected by the probiem/focus area (e.g. crime reports, victim interviews) None of the above 10) To the best of your ability at this time, please select from the below list what your pL1mpry_ggAL$ are in responding to your selected problem/focus area (please select up to 3): hftps://portal.cops.usdoj.gov/SMS/PrintView.aspx?pr ntType=review 12/25 2/28/2020 PDF Print View Eliminating the problem/focus area a- Reducing the number of incidents .e: Increasing public trust in your agency Reducing the seriousness of the incidents or the amount of harm Reducing the number of victims and repeat victims Reducing the number of offenders and repeat offenders Moving the problem/focus area to another area Getting other agencies and stake holders to assume responsibility for the problem/focus area 'v Improving the response to the probiemffocus area (i.e. more comprehensive and coordinated way of dealing with the problemffocus area, providing better services to victims, or greater efficiency in dealing with the problemffocus area) Improving citizen perceptions of the problem/focus area Increasing the number of arrests/citations Reducing the number of calls for service None of the above 11) An important part of a comprehensive community policing strategy is the formation of partnerships, such as working with other public agencies, private organizations, or participation in regional law enforcement partnerships. If awarded funds, will your agg ry and.the.award.hinded ofFicem or an eouivalent )lumber of redePloved'veteran oifie } i� f enhance a partnership with an external group/organization to develop responses to this problem/focus :.area? -Yes %No 11a) if awarded funds, how many external groups/organizations will your agency initiate or enhance a partnership with to develop responses to this problem/focus area? 11 b) Name the most important external groupslorganizations that your agency will initiate or enhance a partnership with to develop responses to this problemRocus area (maximum of three partners). Note: you may attach optional letters of this support from any or all of these prospective partners in Section 13 of the application. You will be limited to listing no more than three partners per public safety problemffocus area. Partner Number. Partr nr NX- -, rlcflld ...... Action < Ile) For this partner, please indicate the statement that best characterizes this partner: %Local government agencies (non -law enforcement, e.g., probation/parole, parks and recreation, code enforcement) Community based organizations (e.g., faith based, community redevelopment groups, social service providers, resident associations) 1 Fayetteville Public School District 'Businesses operating in the community Edit Delete Tribal law enforcement agencies .' Federal, state, or local law enforcement agencies (non -tribal) Including through multi- jurisdictional/regional partnerships +' Local educational institutions (schoois/coileges/universities) Individual stakeholders (persons residing, working, or with an interest in the community or problem Add Partner 11(b) Proposed Community Policing Strategy: Organizational Transformation COPS Office awards must be used to initiate or enhance community policing activities. In this section you will be asked to identify the organizational change(s) that your agency plans to focus on through your requested COPS Office funding. Identifying the specific organizational change(s) that your agency plans to focus on Is important to ensure that you satisfy the requirements for COPS Office funding under this program, and to ensure that ultimately the use of these funds will initiate or enhance your agency's capacity to implement community policing approaches. 12) If awarded funds, will your agency initiate or enhance any of the following internal changes to personnel MMgemen ? (Select no more than 2 internal changes to personnel management that will be addressed with these award funds.) .: Flexibility in officer shift assignments to facilitate addressing specific problems Please provide a narrative for each internal change to personnel management identified (2,000 characters or less) https://portal.cops.usdoj.gov/SMS/PdntView.aspx?printType=review 13/25 2/28/2020 PDF Print View /The addition of two SRD's will greatly enhance our ability to provide police service to schools in the JFayatteville Public School. District that currently have no police or security personnel in place. If awarded !this grant, the Fayetteville Police Department will have the ability to assign an officer to schools that Jhave never had the opportunity to have an officer present during the school day. Currently one SRO responds !to -calls for service for several schools. An additional officer awarded under this grant would double our assigned officers to these underserved schools. The school day at Fayetteville Nigh School, a school with an =estimated enrollment of 2900, spans more than 9'hours. Traditionally, the school experiences more problems ;and issues requiring SRO assistance at the beginning and at the end of the school day. It is difficult to !cover all the hours needed without incurring overtime expenses. If awarded, the grant will allow the ,Fayetteville Police Department to assign one additional officer to the high school to ensure adequate police coverage during the peak activity. .,' Assignment of officers to specific neighborhoods or areas for longer periods of time to enhance customer service and facilitate more contact between police and citizens Please provide a narrative for each Internal change to personnel management identified (2,000 characters or less) These two SROs would be assigned to work at underserved schools. They would interact with students, staff, parents and community leaders at school functions and community events. They would also be used for { community policing projects during the summer when school is on summer break. Some of the events they will cover are neighborhood meetings and events, youth citizen police academies, graffiti removal, and child safety seat installations. These officers will also teach classes at the local Boys and Girls Club and complete Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (OPTED) security surveys at local businesses, churches, schools and multi -family housing. ! Recruitment and hiring practices that reflect an orientation towards problem solving and community engagement t ± In-service training for officers on basic and advanced community policing principles [ Field training officer (FTO) programs that teach and test problem solving, community engagement, and critical thinking skills Measure and include non -enforcement proactive community engagement efforts as part of officer performance evaluations Provide de-escalation training to swom personnel and promote de-escalation as an important strategy to diffuse potentially volatile situations Early intervention systems that help identify officers who may be showing early signs of stress, personal problems, and questionable work conduct Career development and/or promotional processes (i.e. sergeant exams) that reinforce problem solving and community engagement Implement specific programs to improve the safety and wellness of personnel throughout your organization None of the above 13) If awarded funds, will your agency initiate or enhance any of the following Jal9SAatrh,a09es oag rgmyjng en ? (Select up to 2 internal changes to agency management that will be addressed with these award funds.) Agency mission statement, vision, and/or goals that reflect the core values of community policing Agency strategic plan that outlines the goals and objectives around community policing and other departmental priorities Organizational performance measurement systems that include community policing metrics, and conduct annual assessments of agency performance Technology systems that provide officers, analysts, and the community better and more timely access to data and information Mediation strategies to resolve citizen complaints -i Collection, analysis, and use of crime data and Information in support of problem solving goals Please provide a narrative for each internal change to agency management identified (2,000 characters or less) https://portal.cops.usdoj.gov/SMS/PrintView.aspx?printType=review 14/25 2/29/2020 PDF Print View We will enhance usage of software with crime mapping and data analysis ability. The data collected will be sent to patrol supervisors, criminal investigators and SROs to increase efficiency in detecting and responding to crime and traffic related problems. Administrative personnel will encourage community policing. goals on a department level, r Formal accreditation process Please provide a narrative for each Internal change to agency management identified (2,000 characters or less) These grant funds, if awarded, will enhance the Department's ability to maintain standards for our ,accreditation through the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). The increased �SRo staffing will help us be more proactive with juvenile crime prevention. I System to capture and track problem solving and partnership efforts and activities An organizational assessment of community policing None of the above III. General Community Support and Engagement 14) Did your agency consult with any of the following groups/organizations on the development of this community policing strategy? Please check all that apply. :. Local government agencies (non -law enforcement, e.g.n probation/parole, parks and recreation, code enforcement) Community based organizations (e.g. faith based, community redevelopment groups, social service providers, resident associations) Businesses operating In the community Tribal law enforcement agencies (outside your jurisdiction) Other Federal, state, or local law enforcement agencies Multi -jurisdictional or regional task forces/partnerships y; Local educational institutions (schoolsteolieges/universities) i; Local government officials t'% Individual stakeholders residing, working or with an interest in the community and/or problem None of the above 15) To what extent are there related governmental and/or community initiatives that complement your agency's proposed community policing strategy? a) There are a significant number of related initiatives b) There are a moderate number of related initiatives c) There are a minimal number of related initiatives d) There are no related initiatives 16) To what extent is there community support in your jurisdiction for implementing the proposed community policing strategy? • a) High level of support b) Moderate level of support c) Minimum level of support 17) If awarded funds, to what extent will the community policing strategy impact the other components of the criminal justice system in your jurisdiction? a) Potentially decreased impact b) No change in impact c) Potentially increased impact SECTION 7: NEED FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE A. Explanation of Need for Federal Assistance All applicants are required to explain their inability to address the need for this award without federal assistance. Please do so in the space below. (Please limit your response to a maximum of 1,000 characters.) https://portal.cops.usdoj.gov/SMS/PrintView.aspx?printType=review 15/25 2/28/2020 PDF Print View ;A revlew'af SHO activity and the Arkansas Schaal Safety Commission: Report has resulted to the, need and recommendation for at least 2. additional.SROs assigned to the Fayetteville Public Schools, however, there are =currently no local funding sources available for this expansion. the Fayetteville Polite Department has demonstrated its' ability to use CHP grant funds to sustain long-term SRO positions as demonstrated with the use of our 2013 CHP funds. It is our intent to use a majority of CHP funds in the first grant year to ease ,our local financial burden, and incrementally increasing local funding sources over three years to .permanently sustain these SRO positions in year 4 and beyond, without these grant funds, our SRO Program will not expand to meet our identified needs with the foreseeable future. _.. ................... ... __...... ....... ......... ......... B. Service Population 1. Enter the total population of the govemment entity applying for this award using the latest census estimate available in the American Fact Finder at http://FactFi nder2.census.gov. 66751 71 2. Check here if the population of the entity applying for this award is not represented by U.S. Census figures (e.g., colleges, special agencies, school police departments, etc.). 3. What is the actual population your department serves as the primary law enforcement entity? 86751 This may or may not be the same as the population specified above. For example, a service population may be the census population minus incorporated towns and cities that have their own police department within your geographic boundaries or estimates of ridership (e.g., transit police) or visitors (e.g., park police). An agency with primary law enforcement authority is defined as having first responder responsibility to calls for service for all types of criminal incidents within its jurisdiction. 3a. If applicable, please explain why the service population differs from the census population: C. Fiscal Health Enter your law enforcement agency's total operating budget for the current AND previous two fiscal years. Please note: All figures must be rounded to the nearest whole dollar. CURRENT FISCAL YEAR (2020) $ 115550356 PREVIOUS FISCAL YEAR (2019) $ 15336544 PREVIOUS FISCAL YEAR (2018) $ 114197036 The U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) provides must] -year poverty rate estimates for communities. Please go to the U.S. Census Bureau's American Fact Finder (http:/]FactFinder2.census.gov) to determine the percentage of individuals in poverty In your jurisdiction. For jurisdictions not included in the census (e.g., schools, universities, transit, parks), please check the box for 'Not Applicable." Please see the program Application Guide for additional information and help In using the American Fact Finder. Please note: All figures must be rounded to the nearest whole percent. a. Percentage of individuals in poverty % 124 Not Applicable: The Bureau of Labor Statistics' Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program provides monthly estimates of unemployment for communities. Please go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' LAUS website (http:/iwww.bis.gov/lau/data.htm) to find detailed Instructions for looking up your local area's unemployment rate. It may be necessary to select the nearest best match to yourjudsdiction (for example, a city of fewer than 25,000 people may report their county level rate). Please see the program application guide for additional information and help in using the LAUS data. For jurisdictions not included in the census (e.g., schools, universities, transit, parks), please check the box for "Not Applicable". Please note: All figures must be rounded to the nearest whole percent. a. Percentage Unemployed for December 2019 23 Not Applicable: Since January 1, 2020, has your agency taken on additional law enforcement duties and responsibilities resulting from an agency merger or the disbanding of a neighboring law enforcement agency (which did not result in a new or supplemented funded contract to provide these law enforcement services)? ':No •= In addition to the data collected elsewhere in this application, the COPS Office would like to capture information from jurisdictions that may have faced an unanticipated catastrophic event that had a significant impact on the delivery of law enforcement services or have experienced an unusually large increase in the number of homicides in the past year. Examples of unanticipated catastrophic events include mass shootings, terrorist attacks, natural disasters, or other events leading to mass casualties that would not necessarily be reflected in the UCR crime statistics previously reported. Please note that if your jurisdiction is faced with an unanticipated catastrophic event (e.g.. mass shooting, terrorist attack, other mass casualty event) after submission of this application, but before the application closing date, you should contact the COPS Office immediately at 800-421-6770 to update your application to include this information. If your agency experienced a major disaster or catastrophic event in the time period from January 1, 2019 to present, check this box. D. Property/Violent Crime Please select at least one statement below: My agency can report crime data for all 3 years (please input in table below:). My agency cannot report crime data for 2019. My agency cannot report crime data for 2018. hftps:Hportal.cops.usdol.gov/SMS/PdntView.aspx?pdntType=review 16/25 2/28/2020 PDF Print View My agency cannot report crime data for 2017. 1) Using UCR crime definitions, enter the actual number of Incidents reported to your agency In the previous three calendar years (2019, 2018, 2017) for the following crime types. Note that only those incidents for which your agency had primary response authority should be provided. Please enter 0 (zero) to Indicate no incidents in a particular year/type. Leave blanks only where data is unavailable_ UCR Data 2019 2018 2017 Criminal Homicide IS 1 t 1 Forcible Rape 167 1 �I 190 lea Robbery 156 179 Aggravated Assault 130 350 1 1348 Burglary 1449 1473 1490 Larceny (except motor vehicle theft) 13238 13029 1036. Motor Vehicle Theft 1422 1 1451 135,3 If awarded funds, will your agency commit to regularly collect, analyze and report Incidents of hate crimes to the FBI as part of their annual Uniform Crime Reporting? • Yes No Agency Profile Questions (these questions are for information purposes only and will not be scored): 1,Does your agency have a wellness policy or program for officers? No ,3 2.Does.your agency report crime data to the National Incident -Based Reporting System (NIBRS)? Yes 3.Does your agency utilize the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN)? 4, Does your agency have a dedicated or specific investigator to investigate reported hate crimes? SECTION S: CONTINUATION OF PROJECT AFTER FEDERAL FUNDING ENDS If you are applying for a COPS Office award with a post -award retention plan requirement, please complete A. If you are applying for a COPS Office award without a post -award retention plan requirement, please complete B. A. Continuation of Project after Federal Funding Ends (for COPS Office awards with a retention plan requirement) Applicants must plan to retain all swom officer positions awarded under your COPS Office hiring award for a minimum of 12 months at the conclusion of 36 months of federal funding for each position. The retained COPS Office -funded positions should be added to your agency's law enforcement budget with state and/or local funds at the end of award funding, over and above the number of locally -funded swom officer positions that would have existed in the absence of the award. These additional position(s) must be retained using state, local, or other nonfederal funding only. You may not use funds awarded by other federal awards to cover the costs of retention. At the time of award application, applicants must affirm that they plan to retain the positions and identify the planned source(s) of retention funding. We understand that your agency's source(s) of retention funding may change during the life of the award. Your agency should maintain proper documentation of any changes in the event of an audit, monitoring or other evaluation of your award compliance. Please refer to the frequently asked questions on retention which can be found here https://cops.usdoj.gov/chp . 1. Will your agency plan to retain any additional positions awarded under this award for a minimum of 12 months at the conclusion of federal funding for each position? LYeSm!` Note: Agencies that do not plan to retain all the positions awarded under this award are ineligible to receive CNP funding 2. Please identify the source(s) of funding that your agency plans to utilize to cover the costs of retention: (check all that apply) General funds Raise bond/tax issue I Private sources/donations Nonfederal asset forfeiture funds (subject to approval from the state or local oversight agency) Fundraising efforts State, local, or other nonfederal award funding Other If other, please provide a brief description of the source(s) of funding not to exceed 500 characters. SECTION 12: OFFICIAL PARTNER(S) CONTACT INFORMATION An official 'partner" under the award may be a governmental, private, school district, or other applicable entity that has established a legal, contractual, or https:/tportal.cops.usdoj.gov/SMSlPdntView.aspx?printType=review 17/25 2/28/2020 PDF Print View other agreement with the applicant for the purpose of supporting and working together for mutual benefits of the award. Please see the COPS Office application guide for more information on official partners that may be required. Acre=.sa':° Megan Slocum Fayetteville Public Schools Edit Delete First Narne: I Middle Name:[ Last Name' Suffix<<Se}acf One... ! k Importantl Please click "Add Partner" below to add a partner to the list. Reminder! If you have modified (edit, update, or delete) the list of partners in any way, please click "Save" to store your changes before moving to the next section. Add Partner �,_._. ..... SECTION 13: APPLICATION ATTACHMENTS This section should be used to attach any required or applicable attachments to your award applications (e.g. memorandum of understanding) If awarded, recipient's using CHP funding to hire and/or deploy school resource officers into schools must submit to the COPS Office a signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the law enforcement agency and the school partner(s) before obligating or drawing down funds under this award. An MOU is not required at time of applica lon; however, If the law enforcement agency already has an MOU in place that is applicable to the partnership, the MOU can be submitted as an attachment in section 13 of the award application. The MOU must contain the following; the purpose of the MOU, cleariy defined roles and responsibilities of the school district and the law enforcement agency; focusing officers' roles on safety, information sharing, supervision responsibility and chain of command for the SRO and signatures. If awarded, recipient will agree that the MOU must be submitted to the COPS Office 90 days from date on the award congratulatory letter. The implementation of the COPS Hiring Program award without submission and acceptance of the required MOU may result in expenditures not being reimbursed by the COPS Office and/or award de -obligation. Please refer to the program -specific Application Guide to determine if an MOU or other application attachments are required. The guide will also specify If optional attachments are permitted for submission. Please use appropriately descriptive file names (e.g. Program Narrative, Budget Detail Worksheet and Budget Narrative, Timelines, Memoranda of Understanding, Resumes) for all attachments. Please do not submit executable file types as application attachments. These disallowed file types include, but are not limited to, the following extensions:.com, .bat, .exe, .vbs, .cfg, .clat, .db, Abf, All, .int, .log, .ora, .sys, and .zip. The system may reject applications with files that use these extensions. Current Attachments Upload attachments using "Browse..." and "Upload...". File names may only contain: • a -z • 0-9 • period(.), underscore(,, hyphen(-) • Characters other than these will be replaced by a hyphen(-). • After clicking the "Upload..." button, please wait for the page to refresh. The uploaded file will automatically appear in the file list. Form COPS_Sh_ApplicatlonAttachment_2_5-V2.5.pdf SF424 Delete Form SF424_2_1-V2.1.pdf SF -424 Delete Choose File r No file chosen After Action Reports/Assessments • upload File ... SECTION 14: BUDGET DETAIL WORKSHEETS Instructions for Completing the Budget Detail Worksheets The following Budget Detail Worksheets are designed to allow all COPS Office award and cooperative agreement applicants to use the same budget forms to request funding. Allowable and unallowable costs vary widely and depend upon the type of COPS Office program. The maximum federal funds that can be requested and the federal/local share breakdown requirements also vary. Please refer to the program -specific application guide to determine the allowable/unailowable costs, the maximum amount of federal funds that can be requested, and the federal/local share requirements for the COPS Office program for which your agency is applying (see haps://cops.usdoj.gov/grants). To assist you, sample Budget Detail Worksheets are included in each application guide. Please complete each section of the Budget Detail Worksheets applicable to the program for which you are applying (see haps://cops.usdoj.gov/grants for requirements). if you are not requesting anything under a particular budget category, please check the appropriate box in that category indicating that no positions or items are requested. Final calculations will be rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Once the budget for your proposal has been completed, a budget summary page will reflect the total amounts requested in each category, the total project costs, and the total federal and local shares. If you need assistance In completing the Budget Detail Worksheets, please call the COPS Office Response Center at 800-421.6770. SECTION 14A: BUDGET DETAIL WORKSHEETS Instructions: This worksheet will assist your agency in reporting your agency's current entry-level salary and benefits and identifying the total salary and benefits request per officer position for the length of the award term. Please list the current entry-level base salary and fringe benefits rounded to the https://portal.cops.usdoj.gov/SMS/PdntV!ew.aspx?printType=review 18/25 2/28/2020 PDF Print View nearest whole dollar for one full-time sworn officer position within your agency. Do not include employee contributions. (Please refer to https:tfoops.usdoj.gov/grants for information on the length of the award term for the program under which you are applying.) Special note regarding sworn officer fringe benefits: For agencies that do not include fringe benefits as part of the base salary costs and typically calculate these separately, the allowable expenditures may be included under Part 1, Section B. Any fringe benefits that are already included as part of the agency's base salary (Part 1, Section A of the Sworn Officer Budget Worksheet) should not also be Included in the separate fringe listing (Part 1, Section B). Please refer to https://cops.usdoj.gov/grants for information about allowable and unallowable fringe benefits for sworn officer positions requested under the program to which your agency is applying. A. SWORN OFFICER POSITIONS Full -Time Entry -Level Sworn Officer Base Salary Information Part 1: Instructions: Please complete the questions below based on your agency's entry-level salary and benefits package for oD locally -funded officer position. As applicable per the program -speck application guide, you may also be required to project Year 2 and Year 3 salaries;. Sworn Officer Position A. Base Salary Information Year 1 SALO".. Enter the first year entry-level base salary for one sworn officer position. 270.0000 Year -2salary. Enter the second year entry-level base salary for one sworn officer position. 1163.0000 year 3 SRIfary. Enter the third year entry-level base salary for one sworn officer position. 3056.0000 Yes r. Does the base j Yes Y-1 i Does the base y Does the base - .....-`..._......-....- • salary Includesalary Include salary Include Vacation costs? Vacation costs? Vacation costs? Please select Yes Please select Yes Please select Yes or No. or No. or No. Does the base .fYeS �.. � ?Does the base yeS • t Does the base salary Include ;-- ._.:,.:..._...__.<..___--'salary include __...___.::__.:.,._? salary Include Sick Leave costs? Sick Leave costs? Sick Leave costs? Please select Yes Please select Yes Please select Yes or No. or No. or No. B. Fringe Benefit costs should be calculated for each year of the award term. FRINGE BENEFITS: Year 1 Fringe Benefits Year 2 Fringe Benefits 9582.4200 COST % OF COST % OF and 3 (1 Position): BASE SALARY BASE SALARY Soda/ security expenses r. Exempt 6.2%n I cannot exceed Fixed Rate 6.2% Medicare 68,420 1.45 96.860 1.45 expenses cannot Exempt ;� 1.45% ` Fixed Rate exceed 1.45% Health insurance (Family Coverage) Life Insurance Vacation Number of Hours Annuall Sick Number of Hours Annuall Leave Retirement Worker's Compensation Exempt Unemployment Insurance Other I Disabgity Insurance Other [ Liability Insurance Other I -Select One Exempt 00.00 1.3904 .0000 y: .0000 y: .0000 i 10147.0 5,8391 83.DOQ 1.7392 .0000 13.000. .5424 r ; 00.000 .7639 Benefits Sub -Total Per Year (1 Position) 0312.4200 C. Total Salary + Benefits Per Year (1 Position) 9582.4200 D. Total Salary and Benefits for Years 1, 2, 188661.5900 and 3 (1 Position): 20.0 9:4270 .0000 .0000 .0000 11049. .6.8396 717.00 ".7419 .0000 4.00 .5442 Q.aoo .72ae .0000 1705.8600 2868.8600 X # of Positions Year 3 Fringe_Berrefits COST % OF BASE SALARY 24.31 1.45 281,0 1.5092 ,OOQO _.0000 .0000 t198T.OQ 7.8405 r47A00 1.7349 J�4 A000 35.000 .5456 OQO F6968 .0000 3154.3100 210.3100 77323.1800 https://portal.cops.usdoj.gov/SMS/PrintView.aspx?printType=review 19/25 2/28/2020 PDF Print View SALARY DETAILS Part 2 : Sworn Officer Salary Information 1. If your agency's second or third -year costs for salaries and/or fringe benefits increase after the first year, check the reasons(s) why in the space below. If these costs do not increase, please select 'Not Applicable". Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) I Step Raises Change In Benefit Costs Not Applicable Part 3: Federal/Local Share Costs (for Hiring Awards) As part of the local matching requirement for the 2020 COPS Hiring Program, recipients must assume a progressively larger share of the cost of the award with local funds over the three-year award period. This means that your local match must increase each year, while the federal share must decrease. 7,7323,18 Total Salary and Benefits for year 1, 2, & 3 (all positions): 50000:00 Total Federal Share: 6256199904' Total Federal Percentage: Total local share required, 527323.118 3.7438001953 Total Local Percentage: Please project In the chart below how your agency plans to assume a progressively larger share of the award costs during each year of the program, The chart is only a projection of your plans; while your agency may deviate from these specific projections during the award period, it must still ensure that the federal share decreases and the local share increases. For more details on local matching requirements for this program, please refer to hftps://oops. usdoj.govlgrants. Please use the Recalculate button below after any changes to the benefit table above before moving forward. 10 PerCerrt of the 'Total Local Share Required' your agency plans to assume in Year 1 Percent of the 'Total Local Share Required" your agency plans to assume in Year 2 Percent of the 'Total Local Share Required" your agency pians to assume In Year 3 0_0______1P.*0 t Total FTA 3, 522 JFederai Share Year 1 75±11,00 Fed&61 Share Year 2 Fetjecai Share Year 3 S00QtY.000d00 Federal Total 12732.32 Local Share Year 1 6196.95 Local Share Year 2 6393.91 Local Share Year 3 127323.18 Local Total 77323:ttlbbt7i) Recalculate S. BUDGET SUMMARY Instructions: Please review the category totals and the total project costs below. If the category totals and project amounts shown are correct, please continue with the submission of your application. Should you need to make revisions to a budget category, please return to the Budget Detail Worksheet. Section Budget Category Category Total A. Sworn Officers $377323.1800 B. Civilian and Non -Sworn Personnel $0.0000 C. Equipment and Technology $0.0000 D. Supplies $0,0000 E. Travel, Training, and Conferences $0.0000 F. Contracts and Consultants $0.0000 G. Other Costs $0.0000 H. Indirect Costs $0.0000 Total Project Amount: $377323.1800 Total Federal Share Amount: $250000 (Total Project Amount X Federal Share Percentage Allowable) 66.2562% hftps://portal.cops. usdoj.gov/SMS/PrintView.aspx?printType=review 20/25 2/28/2020 PDF Print View Total Local Share Amount (If applicable): f $127323 33.7438% (Total Project Amount - Total Federal Share Amount) If your application is funded, but for a reduced number of officer positions, the percentage of the local share provided above will be applied to the total project cost of the awarded officers. Waiver of Local Match The COPS Office may waive some or all of a reciplent's local match requirement based on severe fiscal distress. During the application review process, your agency's waiver request will be evaluated based on the availability of funding, a demonstration of severe fiscal distress as reflected through the fiscal health data in section 7 of this application, and a comparison of your fiscal health data with that of the overall applicant pool. 01: Are you requesting a waiver of the local match based on severe fiscal distress? No Contact Information for Budget Questions Please provide contact information of the financial official that the COPS Office may contact with questions related to your budget submission. First Name: Willie Last Name: Newman Title: Support Services M. Telephone Number 479.587.3581 Fax: 479-58773570 Email Address: wriewinpn. wayeita4 SECTION 15A: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE CERTIFIED STANDARD ASSURANCES On behalf of the Applicant, and in support of this application for a grant or cooperative agreement, I certify under penalty of perjury to the U.S. Department of Justice ("Department"), that all of the following are true and correct: (1)1 have the authority to make the following representations on behalf of myself and the Applicant. I understand that these representations will be relied upon as material in any Department decision to make an award to the Applicant based on its application. (2) 1 certify that the Applicant has the legal authority to apply for the federal assistance sought by the application, and that it has the institutional, managerial, and financial capability (including funds sufficient to pay any required non-federal share of project costs) to plan, manage, and complete the project described in the application properly. (3)1 assure that, throughout the period of performance for the award (if any) made by the Department based on the application— a. the Applicant will comply with all award requirements and all federal statutes and regulations applicable to the award; b. the Applicant will require all subreciplents to comply with all applicable award requirements and all applicable federal statutes and regulations; and c. the Applicant will maintain safeguards to address and prevent any organizational conflict of interest, and also to prohibit employees from using their positions in any manner that poses, or appears to pose, a personal or financial conflict of interest. (4) The Applicant understands that the federal statutes and regulations applicable to the award (if any) made by the Department based on the application specifically include statutes and regulations pertaining to civil rights and nondiscrimination, and, in addition -- a. the Applicant understands that the applicable statutes pertaining to civil rights will include section 601 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d); section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. § 794); section 901 of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. § 1681); and section 303 of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. § 6102); b. the Applicant understands that the applicable statutes pertaining to nondiscrimination may include section 809(c) of Title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. § 10228(c)); section 1407(e) of the Victims of Crime Act of 1984 (34 U.S.C. § 20110(e)); section 299A(b) of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 2002 (34 U.S.C. § 11182(b)); and that the grant condition set out at section 40002(b)(13) of the Violence Against Women Act (34 U.S.C. § 12291(b)(13)), which will apply to all awards made by the Office on Violence Against Women, also may apply to an award made otherwise; c. the Applicant understands that it must require any subrecipient to comply with all such applicable statutes (and associated regulations); and; d. on behalf of the Applicant, I make the specific assurances set out in 28 C.F.R. §§ 42.105 and 42.204. (5) The Applicant also understands that (in addition to any applicable program -specific regulations and to applicable federal regulations that pertain to civil rights and nondiscrimination) the federal regulations applicable to the award (if any) made by the Department based on the application may include, but are not limited to, 2 C.F.R. Part 2800 (the DOJ "Part 200 Uniform Requirements") and 28 C.F.R. Parts 22 (confidentiality - research and statistical information), 23 (criminal intelligence systems), 38 (regarding faith -based or religious organizations participating in federal financial assistance programs), and 46 (human subjects protection). (6) 1 assure that the Applicant will assist the Department as necessary (and will require subrecipients and contractors to assist as necessary) with the Department's compliance with section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (54 U.S.C. § 306108), the Archeological and Historical Preservation Act of 1974 (54 U.S.C. §§ 312501-312508), and the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. §§ 4321-4335), and 28 C.F.R. Parts 61 (NEPA) and 63 (floodplains and wetlands). (7) 1 assure that the Applicant will give the Department and the Government Accountability Office, through any authorized representative, access to, and opportunity to examine, all paper or electronic records related to the award (if any) made by the Department based on the application. (8) 1 assure that, if the Applicant is a governmental entity, with respect to the award (if any) made by the Department based on the application-- https://portal.cops.usdoj.gov/SMS/PrintView.aspx?printType=review 21/25 2/28/2020 PDF Print View a. it will comply with the requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. §§ 4601.4655), which govern the treatment of persons displaced as a result of federal and federally -assisted programs; and b. it will comply with requirements of 5 U.S.C. §§ 1501-1508 and 7324-7328, which limit certain political activities of State or local government employees whose principal employment Is in connection with an activity financed in whole or in part by federal assistance. (9) If the Applicant applies for and receives an award from the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office), I assure that as required by 34 U.S.C. § 10382(c)(11), it will, to the extent practicable and consistent with applicable law—including, but not limited to, the Indian Self- Determination and Education Assistance Act—seek, recruit, and hire qualified members of racial and ethnic minority groups and qualified women in order to further effective law enforcement by increasing their ranks within the sworn positions, as provided under 34 U.S.C. § 10382(c)(11). (10) If the Applicant applies for and receives a DOJ award under the STOP School Violence Act program, I assure as required by 34 U.S.C. § 10552(a)(3), that it will maintain and report such data, records, and information (programmatic and financial) as DOJ may reasonably require. I acknowledge that a materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement (or concealment or omission of a material fact) in this certification, or in the application that it supports, may be the subject of criminal prosecution (including under 18 U.S.C. §§ 1001 and/or 1621, and/or 34 U.S.C. §§ 10271-10273), and also may subject me and the Applicant to civil penalties and administrative remedies for false claims or otherwise (including under 31 U.S.C. % 3729- 3730 and 3801-3812). 1 also acknowledge that the Department's awards, including certifications provided in connection with such awards, are subject to review by the Department, including by its Office of the Inspector General. Signature of Law Enforcement Executive/Agency Executive (For your electronic signature, please type in your name) Mike Reynolds Mike Reynolds Date: 03/06/2020 Signature of Government Executive/Financial Official (For your electronic signature, please type In your name) Lioneld Jordan Lioneld Jordan Date: 03/06/2020 SECTION 1513: U. S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE CERTIFICATIONS REGARDING LOBBYING; DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION AND OTHER RESPONSIBILITY MATTERS; AND DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE REQUIREMENTS Applicants should refer to the regulations cited below to determine the certification to which they are required to attest. Applicants should also review the instructions for certification included in the regulations before completing this form. The certifications shall be treated as a material representation of fact upon which reliance will be placed when the U.S. Department of Justice ("Department") determines to award the covered transaction, grant, or cooperative agreement. 1. Lobbying As required by 31 U.S.C. § 1352, as implemented by 28 C.F.R. Part 69, the Applicant certifies and assures (to the extent applicable) the following: (a) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the Applicant, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the making of any Federal grant, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, or the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal grant or cooperative agreement; (b) if the Applicant's request for Federal funds is in excess of $100,000, and any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to Influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with this Federal grant or cooperative agreement, the Applicant shall complete and submit Standard Form - LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities' in accordance with its (and any DOJ awarding agency's) instructions; and (c) The Applicant shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subgrants and procurement contracts (and their subcontracts) funded with Federal award funds and shall ensure that any certifications or lobbying disclosures required of recipients of such subgrants and procurement contracts (or their subcontractors) are made and filed in accordance with 31 U.S.C. § 1352. 2. DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION, AND OTHER RESPONSIBILITY MATTERS A. Pursuant to Department regulations on nonprocurement debarment and suspension implemented at 2 C.F.R. Part 2867, and to other related requirements, the Applicant certifies, with respect to prospective participants in a primary tier'covered transaction,' as defined at 2 C.F.R. § 2867.20(a), that neither it nor any of its principals— (a) is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, sentenced to a denial of Federal benefits by a State or Federal court, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency; (b) has within a three-year period preceding this application been convicted of a felony criminal violation under any Federal law, or been convicted or had a civil judgment rendered against it for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, tribal, or local) transaction or private agreement or transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, tax evasion or receiving stolen property, making false claims, or obstruction of justice, or commission of any offense indicating a lack of business integrity or business honesty that seriously and directly affects its (or its principals') present responsibility; (c) is presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal, State, tribal, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (b) of this certification; and/or (d) has within a three-year period preceding this application had one or more public transactions (Federal, State, tribal, or local) terminated for cause or default. B. Where the Applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, It shall attach an explanation to this application. Where the Applicant or any of its principals was convicted, within a three-year period preceding this application, of a felony criminal violation under any Federal law, the Applicant also must disclose such felony criminal conviction in writing to the Department (for OJP Applicants, to OJP at Ojpcompliancereporting@usdoj.gov ; for OVW Applicants, to OVW at OVW.GFMD@usdoj.gov; or for COPS Applicants, to COPS at AskCOPSRC@usdoj.gov), unless such disclosure has already been made. 3. FEDERAL TAXES https://portal.cops.usdoj.gov/SMS/PdntView.aspx?printType=review 22125 2/28/2020 PDF Print View A. If the Applicant is a corporation, it certifies either that (1) the corporation has no unpaid Federal tax liability that has been assessed, for which all judicial and administrative remedies have been exhausted or have lapsed, that is not being paid in a timely manner pursuant to an agreement with the authority responsible for collecting the tax liability, or (2) the corporation has provided written notice of such an unpaid tax liability (or liabilities) to the Department (for OJP Applicants, to OJP at Ojpcompiiancereporting@usdoj.gov; for OVW Applicants, to OVW at OVW.GFMD@usdoj.gov; or for COPS Applicants, to COPS at AskCOPSRC@usdoj.gov). B. Where the Applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, it shall attach an explanation to this application. 4. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE (GRANTEES OTHER THAN INDIVIDUALS) As required by the Drug -Free Workplace Act of 1988, as implemented at 28 C.F.R. Part 83, Subpart F, for grantees, as defined at 28 C.F.R. §§ 83.620 and 83.650: A. The Applicant certifies and assures that it will, or will continue to, provide a drug-free workplace by— (a) Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in its workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition; (b) Establishing an on-going drug-free awareness program to inform employees about— (1) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; (2) The Applicant's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; (3) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and (4) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; (c) Making It a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the award be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph (a); (d) Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph (a) that, as a condition of employment under the award, the employee will— (1) Abide by the terms of the statement; and (2) Notify the employer in writing of the employee's conviction for a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace no later than five calendar days after such conviction; (e) Notifying the Department, in writing, within 10 calendar days after receiving notice under subparagraph (d)(2) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. Employers of convicted employees must provide notice, including position title of any such convicted employee to the Department, as follows: For COPS award recipients - COPS Office, 145 N Street, NE, Washington, DC, 20530; For OJP and OVW award recipients - U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, ATTN: Control Desk, 810 7th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20531. Notice shall include the Identification number(s) of each affected award; (f) Taking one of the following actions, within 30 calendar days of receiving notice under subparagraph (d)(2), with respect to any employee who is so convicted: (1) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including termination, consistent with the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; (2) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a Federal State, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency; and (g) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f). S. COORDINATION REQUIRED UNDER PUBLIC SAFETY AND COMMUNITY POLICING PROGRAMS As required by the Public Safety Partnership and Community Policing Act of 1994, at 34 U.S.C. § 10382(c)(5), if this application is for a COPS award, the Applicant certifies that there has been appropriate coordination with all agencies that may be affected by its award. Affected agencies may include, among others, Offices of the United States Attorneys; State, local, or tribal prosecutors; or correctional agencies. I acknowledge that a materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement (or concealment or omission of a material fact) in this certification, or In the application that it supports, may be the subject of criminal prosecution (including under 18 U.S.C. §§ 1001 and/or 1621, and/or 34 U.S.C. §§ 10271-10273), and also may subject me and the Applicant to civil penalties and administrative remedies for false claims or otherwise (including under 31 U.S.C. §§ 3729- 3730 and 3801-3812). 1 also acknowledge that the Department's awards, including certifications provided in connection with such awards, are subject to review by the Department, including by its Office of the Inspector General. Signature of Law Enforcement Executive/Agency Executive (For your electronic signature, please type in your name) Mike Reynolds Mike Reynolds Date: 102127/2020 � 1 Signature of Government Executive/Financial Official (For your electronic signature, please type In your name) Lioneld Jordan Lioneld Jordan Date: 62127/2020 Where the Applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, it shall attach an explanation to this application in Section 13. SECTION 16A: DISCLOSURE OF LOBBYING ACTIVITIES This section duplicates OMB's Instructions for Completion of SF -LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities This disclosure form shall be completed by the reporting entity, whether subawardee or prime Federal recipient, at the initiation or receipt of a covered Federal action, or a material change to a previous filing, pursuant to title 31 U.S.C. § 1352. The filing of a form is required for each payment or agreement to make payment to any lobbying entity for influencing or attempting to Influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or https://portal.cops.usdoj.gov/SMS/PdntView.aspx?printType=review 23125 2/28/2020 PDF Print View employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with a covered Federal action. Complete all items that apply for both the initial filing and material change report. Refer to the implementing guidance published by the Office of Management and Budget for additional information. 1. Identify the type of covered Federal action for which lobbying activity is and/or has been secured to influence the outcome of a covered Federal action. 2. Identify the status of the covered Federal action. 3. Identify the appropriate classification of this report. If this is a follow-up report caused by a material change to the information previously reported, enter the year and quarter in which the change occurred. Enter the date of the last previously submitted report by this reporting entity for this covered Federal action. 4. Enter the full name, address, city, state and zip code of the reporting entity. Include Congressional District number, if known. Check the appropriate classification of the reporting entity that designates if it is, or expects to be, a prime or subaward recipient. Identify the tier of the subawardee, e.g., the first subawardee of the prime is the 1st tier. Subawards include but are not limited to subcontracts, subgrants and contract awards under awards. 5. If the organization filing the report in item 4 checks "Subawardee," then enter the full name, address, city, state and zip code of the prime Federal recipient. Include Congressional District, if known. 6. Enter the name of the Federal agency making the award or loan commitment. Include at least one organizational level below agency name, if known. For example, U.S. Department of Transportation, United States Coast Guard. 7. Enter the Federal program name or description for the covered Federal action (item 1). If known, enter the full Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number for grants, cooperative agreements, loans and loan commitments. 8. Enter the most appropriate Federal identifying number available for the Federal action identified In item 1 (e.g., Request for Proposal (RFP) number; Invitation for Bid (IFB) number, award announcement number; the contract, grant, or loan award number; the application/proposal control number assigned by the Federal agency). Include prefixes, e.g., "RFPD E-90-001." 9. For a covered Federal action where there has been an award or loan commitment by the Federal agency, enter the Federal amount of the award/loan commitment for the prime entity Identified in item 4 or 5. 10. (a) Enter the full name, address, city, state and zip code of the lobbying entity engaged by the reporting registrant Identified in item 4 to influence the covered Federal action. (b) Enter the full name(s) of the Individual(s) performing services, and include full address if different from 10 (a). Enter Last Name, First Name, and Middle Initial (MI). 11. The certifying official shall sign and date the form, print his/her name, title and telephone number. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act as amended, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is OMB No. 4040-0013 Public reporting burden for this collection of intormation is estimated to average 10 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information, Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of Information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (4040- 0013), Washington, DC 20503. Disclosure of Lobbying Activities Complete this form to disclose lobbying activities pursuant to 31 U.S.C. § 1352. ;,r Not Applicable SECTION 16 C: CERTIFICATION OF 287(G) PARTNERSHIP AND CERTIFICATION OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION COOPERATION State and local law enforcement agency applicants have the opportunity to receive additional points based on their cooperation with federal Immigration officials to address illegal Immigration. A. State or local law enforcement agency applicants may receive additional points if the agency has a 287(g) partnership, defined for this purpose as a partnership with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security ("DHS') under 8 U.S.C. § 1357(g)(1) whereby officers of the applicant entity are delegated limited immigration officer authority to identify and process for removal aliens in the custody of the entity named below under the direction and supervision of DHS, documented with the official 287(g) Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement. To receive these additional points, please complete the following: f;; By checking this box I certify that this law enforcement agency applicant has a 287(8) Partnership documented with the official 287(g) Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement as of the date that this application is submitted. B. State and local law enforcement agency applicants may be eligible to receive additional points by certifying willingness to cooperate with federal immigration officials within their detention or correctional facilities. To be eligible to receive these additional points, your agency must operate a detention or correctional facility, defined for this purpose as a prison or jail in which individuals are fingerprinted and detained for periods of 24 hours or longer, To determine whether your agency is eligible to receive these additional points, please complete the following: Yes, my agency operates its own detention or correctional facility (a prison or jail in which individuals are fingerprinted and detained for periods of 24 hours or longer). No, my agency does not operate a detention or correctional facility (a prison or jail in which individuals are fingerprinted and detained for periods of 24 hours or longer). SECTION 17: REVIEWS AND CERTIFICATIONS 1) Federal Civil Rights and Award Reviews: https://portal.cops.usdoj.gov/SMS/PdntView.aspx?printType=review 24/25 2/28/2020 PDF Print View Please be advised that an application may not be funded and, if awarded, a hold may be placed on the award it it is deemed that the applicant is not in compliance with federal civil rights laws, and/or is not cooperating with an ongoing federal civil rights investigation, and/or Is not cooperating with a U.S. Department of Justice award review or audit. 2) Certification of Review of 28 C.F.R. Part 231Criminal Intelligence Systems: Please review the COPS Office application guide: Legal Requirements Section for additional information. Please check one of the following, as applicable to your agency's Intended use of this award: *.-No, my agency will not use these COPS Office funds (if awarded) to operate an interjurisdictional criminal Intelligence system. !Yes, my agency will use these COPS Office funds (if awarded) to operate an interjurisdictional criminal intelligence system. By signing below, we assure that our agency will comply with the requirements of 28 C.F.R. Part 23. 3) Certification of Review and Representation of Compliance with Requirements: The signatures of the Law Enforcement Executive/Agency Executive, Government Executive/Financial Official, and the Person Submitting this Application on the Reviews and Certifications represent to the COPS Office that: a) the signatories have been legally and officially authorized by the appropriate governing body to submit this application and act on behalf of the applicant entity; b) the applicant will comply with all legal, administrative, and programmatic requirements that govern the applicant for acceptance and use of federal funds as outlined in the applicable COPS Office application guide, the COPS Office award owner's manual, Assurances, Certifications and all other applicable program regulations, laws, orders, and circulars; c) the applicant understands that false statements or claims made in connection with COPS Office programs may result in fines, imprisonment, debarment from participating in federal awards, cooperative agreements, or contracts, or any other remedy available by law to the Federal Government; d) the information provided in this application, including any amendments, shall be treated as material representations of fact upon which reliance will be placed when the U.S. Department of Justice determines to fund the covered award; e) the applicant understands that as a general rule COPS Office funding may not be used for the same item or service funded through another funding source; and I the applicant and any required or Identified official partner(s) listed in section 12 are partners in this award project and mutually agreed to this partnership prior to this application. The signatures of the Law Enforcement Executiva/Agency Executive and the Government Executive/Financia/ Official on this application must be the same as those identified in Section 4 of this application. Applications with missing, incomplete, or inaccurate signatories or responses may not be considered for funding. Signature of Law Enforcement Executive/Agency Executive (For your electronic signature, please type in your name) Mike Reynolds Mike Reynolds Date: 02/27/2020 —� Signature of Government Executive/Flnancial Official (For your electronic signature, please type in your name) Lloneld Jordan Lioneld Jordan Date: 02/27/2020 Signature of Person Submitting This Application (For your electronic signature, please type In your name) Wlliia Newman 71 Date: 02/27/2020 is By clicking this box, the applicant understands that the use of typed names in this application and the required forms, including the Assurances, Certifications, and Disclosure of Lobbying Activities forth, constitute electronic signatures and that the electronic signatures are the legal equivalent of handwritten signatures. APPLICATION REVIEW No Audit errors available for this agency Submit https://portal.cops.usdoj.gov/SMS/PrintView.aspx?printType=review 25/25