V � T
113 West Mountain Street
Fayetteville, AR 72701
(479) 575-8323
Resolution: 59-20
File Number: 2020-0049
Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes acceptance of
a Wetland Program Development Grant from the Environmental Protection Agency Region 6 in the amount
of $217,702.00 for the restoration of Tanglewood Branch.
Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget
adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution.
PASSED and APPROVED on 2/4/2020
Kara Paxton, City Clerk Treasure`v�• •' C I T y • •�Fy%
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Page 1 Printed on 216120
City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street
Fayetteville, AR 72701
(479) 575-8323
Text File
File Number: 2020-0049
Agenda Date: 2/4/2020 Version: 1 Status: Passed
In Control: City Council Meeting File Type: Resolution
Agenda Number: A. 22
Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes acceptance of a
Wetland Program Development Grant from the Environmental Protection Agency Region 6 in the amount of
$217,702.00 for the restoration of Tanglewood Branch.
Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a
copy of which is attached to this Resolution.
City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 2/5/2020
City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form
Legistar File ID
City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only
N/A for Non -Agenda Item
Leif Olson 1/17/2020 SUSTAINABILITY/RESILIENCE (631)
Submitted By Submitted Date Division / Department
Action Recommendation:
Acceptance of a Wetland Program Development Grant in the amount of $217,702 from the Environmental
Protection Agency Region 6 for the restoration of the spring -fed Tanglewood Branch that includes the riparian
area, stream channel, and spring -fed natural features utilizing innovative techniques that emphasize the
establishment of ecoregion-based native vegetation, natural channel design principles, and monitoring and
maintenance for long-term success. Approval of a Budget Adjustment.
Account Number
Project Number
Budgeted Item? Yes
Does item have a cost? No
Budget Adjustment Attached? Yes
Purchase Order Number:
Change Order Number:
Original Contract Number:
Budget Impact:
Arts Corridor 2019 Bond Project
Arts Corridor Improvements
Project Title
Current Budget
Funds Obligated
Current Balance
Item Cost
Budget Adjustment
Remaining Budget
$ 521,777.00
$ 521,777.00
$ 217,702.00
$ 739,479.00
Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Ord. 6141
Approval Date:
TO: Mayor and City Council
THRU: Susan Norton, Chief of Staff
FROM: Peter Nierengarten, Environmental Director
DATE: January 17, 2020
SUBJECT: Acceptance of an EPA Region 6 Wetlands Development Program grant to
demonstrate stream restoration methods on Tanglewood Branch.
Acceptance of a Wetlands Development Program grant in the amount of $217,702 from the
Environmental Protection Agency Region 6 to demonstrate restoration methods on Tanglewood
Branch by which the riparian, channel, and natural features will be restored utilizing innovation
ecoregion-based vegetation establishment and natural channel design principles.
On January 3, 2019 the City Council approved Ordinance Number 6141 approving a
Memorandum of Understanding with the Watershed Conservation Resource Center for a term
of five years to establish a general framework of cooperation to seek funding, conduct stream
restoration projects and to work together on nonpoint source related issues.
On April 16, 2019 the City Council approved Resolution 93-19 authorizing the City to apply to
EPA Region 6 Wetland Program Development for a grant in the amount of $500,000 for
restoration of Tanglewood Branch within the Fay Jones Woods. Wetland Program
Development Grants provide eligible applicants an opportunity to conduct projects that promote
the coordination and acceleration of research, investigations, experiments, training,
demonstrations, surveys and studies relating to the causes, effects, extent, prevention,
reduction and elimination of water pollution. The City of Fayetteville shares these goals and the
previously completed projects have been very successful.
Mailing Address,
113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov
Fayetteville, AR 72701
The EPA awarded the $217,702 grant to the City with a start date of January 9, 2020.
Tanglewood Branch is a tributary to the West Fork of the White River and is like the most
urbanized sub -watershed in Beaver Lake drainage area. The project will emphasize the
importance of restoring riparian and wetland areas with native plants and follow-up maintenance
and monitoring as a critical component of successful stream restoration projects. Tanglewood
Branch flows through relatively isolated 10 acres that is well suited as an urban wildlife corridor.
The area where the stream restoration and riparian improvement work will be conducted is
located within the Fay Jones Woods and will serve to support the larger Cultural Arts Corridor
project being developed. A healthy stream and riparian corridor will support wildlife and improve
water quality, while the location of Tanglewood Branch creates a unique opportunity for the site
to serve as an education tool on native riparian and woodland vegetation of the Ozark
Mountains to City residents and visitors. The project demonstrates several newly developed
restoration techniques that will restore local ecosystem services to this heavily urbanized area.
The EPA Wetlands Development Program grant totals $217,702. The City of Fayetteville would
propose matching the EPA grant with $521,777 from the Cultural Arts Corridor and the Drainage
Improvement Bond and in-kind match contributions from the Beaver Watershed Alliance
($35,000) and the Beaver Watershed District ($29,749) for a total project construction cost of
$739,479. Of that construction cost, $585,000 of the work would be completed by the
Watershed Resource Conservation Center as specified in a future task order. Funding for their
work will come from this EPA Wetland Grant, the Cultural Arts Corridor Bond and the Drainage
Improvement Bond.
Budget Adjustment
EPA Notice of Award
Resolution 93-19
Attachment 1 — Project Narrative
Ordinance 6141
CD - 01 F67901 - 1 Paae 1
No Cost Amendment
Assistance Amendment
Send Payment Request to:
Las Vegas Finance Center
City of Fayetteville
City of Fayetteville
113 West Mountain Street
113 West Mountain Street
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Fayetteville, AR 72701
EIN: 71-6018462
Peter Nierengarten Sondra McDonald Lakeia Robinson
113 West Mountain Street 1201 Elm Street, Suite 500, WDAS Mission Support Division, MSDCA
Fayetteville, AR 72701 Dallas, TX 75270-2102 E -Mail: robinson.lakeia@epa.gov
E -Mail: pnierengarten@fayetteville-ar.gov E -Mail: mcdonald.sondra@epa.gov Phone: 214-665-2765
Phone: 479-575-8272 Phone: 214-665-7187
Restoration of Tanglewood Branch Fayetteville AR
Rebudgeting (Major >10%); The City of Fayettville requested a rebudget to allow their contractor WCRC to do more of the procurement under this grant.
10/01/2019 - 12/31/2022
10/01/2019 - 12/31/2022
Based on your Application dated 05/22/2019 including all modifications and amendments, the United States acting by and through the US Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) hereby awards $. EPA agrees to cost -share 29.44% of all approved budget period costs incurred, up to and not exceeding total
federal funding of $217,702. Recipient's signature is not required on this agreement. The recipient demonstrates its commitment to carry out this award by
either: 1) drawing down funds within 21 days after the EPA award or amendment mailing date; or 2) not filing a notice of disagreement with the award terms
and conditions within 21 days after the EPA award or amendment mailing date. If the recipient disagrees with the terms and conditions specified in this award,
the authorized representative of the recipient must fumish a notice of disagreement to the EPA Award Official within 21 days after the EPA award or
amendment mailing date. In case of disagreement, and until the disagreement is resolved, the recipient should not draw down on the funds provided by this
award/amendment, and any costs incurred by the recipient are at its own risk. This agreement is subject to applicable EPA regulatory and statutory provisions,
all terms and conditions of this agreement and any attachments.
Acquisition and Assistance Section
U.S. EPA, Region 6
1201 Elm Street, Suite 500
Water Division
Dallas, TX 75270-2102
1201 Elm Street, Suite 500
Dallas, TX 75270-2102
Digital signature applied by EPA Award Official Lakeia Robinson - Grant Management Specialist
EPA Funding Information CD -01F67901-1 Page2
EPA Amount This Action
$ 217,702
$ 217,702
EPA In -Kind Amount
$ 0
$ 0
Unexpended Prior Year Balance
$ 0
$ 0
Other Federal Funds
$ 0
$ 0
Recipient Contribution
$ 521,777
$ 521,777
State Contribution
$ 0
$ 0
Local Contribution
$ 0
$ 0
Other Contribution
$ 0
$ 0
Allowable Project Cost
$ 739,479
$ 0
$ 739,479
Assistance Program (CFDA)
Statutory Authority
Regulatory Authority
66.461 - Regional Wetlands Program
Clean Water Act: Sec. 104(b)(3)
2 CFR 200
Development Grants
2 CFR 1500
Obligation /
40 CFR 33 and 40 CFR 35 Subpart A
Site Name
Req No
Obligation /
CD - 01 F67901 - 1 Page 3
Budaet Summary Paae
Table A - Object Class Category
(Non -construction)
Total Approved Allowable
Budget Period Cost
1. Personnel
2. Fringe Benefits
3. Travel
4. Equipment
S. Supplies
6. Contractual
7. Construction
8. Other
9. Total Direct Charges
10. Indirect Costs: % Base
11. Total (Share: Recipient 70.56 % Federal 29.44 %.)
12. Total Approved Assistance Amount
13. Program Income
14. Total EPA Amount Awarded This Action
15. Total EPA Amount Awarded To Date
Administrative Conditions
General Terms and Conditions
CD - 01 F67901 - 1 Page 4
The General Terms and Conditions of this agreement are updated in accordance with the link below.
However, these updated conditions apply solely to the funds added with this amendment and any
previously awarded funds not yet disbursed by the recipient as of the award date of this amendment. The
General Terms and Conditions cited in the original award or prior funded amendments remain in effect
for funds disbursed by the recipient prior to the award date of this amendment.
The recipient agrees to comply with the current EPA general terms and conditions available at:
These terms and conditions are binding for disbursements and are in addition to or modify the assurances
and certifications made as a part of the award and the terms, conditions, or restrictions cited throughout
the award.
The EPA repository for the general terms and conditions by year can be found at:
Project Narrative
A. Cover Page
1. Project Title: Restoration of the Riparian, Channel, and other Natural Features of
Tanglewood Branch in Fayetteville, Arkansas
2. Track II Application — FYI or FY20
3. Core Elements: I. Monitoring and Assessment and III. Voluntary Restoration and Protection
Actions: Core Element (CE) I. Set 1: Goals a. Identify program decisions and long term
environmental outcome(s) that will benefit from a wetland monitoring and assessment program,
CE III. Set 1 Goals: b. Consider watershed planning, wildlife habitat, and other objectives when
developing your selection process restoration/protection sites, CE III. Set 1: Goals c. Provide
clear guidance on appropriate restoration and management techniques and success measures, CE
III. Set 3. Develop Strategy for Restoration a. Increase wetland acreage through restoration (re-
establishment), CE III. Set 3. Develop Strategy for Restoration c. Establish partnerships to
leverage additional protection, and CE III. Set 4: Refine Protection and Restoration Strategies
b. Monitor restoration sites to ensure that they are implemented and managed correctly and
linked to relevant watershed planning efforts.
4. Name of Applicant: City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, DUNS #07-565-7742
5. Key personnel and contact information:
Peter Nierengarten, PE, City of Fayetteville, pnieren ag rten@fayetteville-ar.gov, (479) 575-8272
Sandi Formica, WCRC, formica@watershedconservation.org, (501) 352-5252
6. Geographic Location: Arkansas - Fayetteville, Washington County; HUC: 11010001, Upper
White River Watershed, 12 -digit HUC: 11010001-0404,�West Fork White River Watershed
7. Total Project Cost: $739,479 Federal Dollars Requested: $217,702, Match: $521,777
8. Abstract/Project Summary: The City of Fayetteville in partnership with the Watershed
Conservation Resource Center proposes to demonstrate a restoration along spring -fed
Tanglewood Branch in which the riparian, channel, and natural features will be restored utilizing
innovative ecoregion-based vegetation establishment and natural channel design principles.
Tanglewood Branch, located in Fayetteville, Arkansas, is a Boston Mountain headwater stream
in the West Fork White River (WFWR) watershed. The WFWR is a 303(d) listed stream, state
priority for sediment and nutrient reduction, and tributary to Beaver Lake, Northwest Arkansas'
drinking water source. The project demonstrates several newly developed restoration techniques
that will restore local ecosystem services to this heavily urbanized area:
1) 1,500 feet of stream channel will be restored using natural channel design principles, a
sustainable alternative to traditional stream hardening methods that use concrete and rip -rap.
2) 3,000 feet of riparian will be restored to native vegetation by utilizing innovative planting
techniques and removal of invasive vegetation.
3) Two distinct seasonal, spring -fed features, a hill -side seep and shale bluff choked with
invasive vegetation will be restored.
4) Hands-on training workshops will be conducted that train residents, environmental
professionals, and surrounding state/tribal/local government in:
a. Safe removal techniques of invasive plants along streams
b. Identification, selection, and establishment of native plant species in riparian and wet
areas to protect water quality and create wildlife habitat.
5) Sediment and phosphorus loading reductions will be monitored
6) Invasive and native species of plants will be monitored and data provided to Arkansas
Natural Heritage Commission's state tracking program.
B. Project Description
1. Proiect Description
The City of Fayetteville (City) in partnership with the Watershed Conservation Resource
Center (WCRC) proposes to demonstrate a restoration along spring -fed Tanglewood Branch that
includes the riparian, channel, and spring -fed natural features utilizing innovative techniques that
emphasize establishment of ecoregion-based native vegetation, natural channel design principles,
and monitoring and maintenance for long-term success. The project will emphasize the
importance of restoring riparian and wetland areas with native plants and follow-up maintenance
and monitoring as a critical component of successful stream restoration projects. Though located
less than a half -mile from the City's town square, the moderately steep to steep hillsides have
limited development of the project area. Tanglewood flows through this isolated 10 acres that is
well suited for wildlife habitat. The City is in the process of conserving the entire site as a natural
area called the Fay Jones Woods as part of a larger cultural arts corridor being developed. A
healthy stream and riparian will support wildlife and improve water quality, while the location of
Tanglewood Branch creates a unique opportunity for the site to serve as an education tool on
native riparian and woodland vegetation of the Ozark Mountains to City residents and visitors.
With over 50% impervious surface upstream, Tanglewood Branch has enlarged three to four
times because of the increased stormwater runoff. Also, the stream channel and riparian are
predominantly covered with invasive bush honeysuckle, a shrub historically sold as an
ornamental plant beginning in the late 1800's. The bush honeysuckle and the over -story
completely block the sun light, preventing native grasses and wildflowers from growing in the
forest or wetland plants from growing in seeps or along the stream. The project will demonstrate
innovated restoration methods to restore the local ecosystem services in this urbanized area:
1) Approximately, 1000 feet of Tanglewood Branch and 500 feet of a steep tributary that flows
to Tanglewood Branch will be restored using natural channel design principles that are a
sustainable alternative to traditional engineering methods of hardening stream channels with
concrete and rip -rap. Rock and wood structures will be used to stabilize the fairly steep, B -
type channel and flood plains will be established and vegetated by constructing soil lifts as
needed. A series of step pools will be constructed to stabilize the steep tributary.
2) Approximately 3,000 feet of riparian with widths ranging from 10 to 20 feet will be restored
by removing invasive vegetation including shrubs, forbs, and trees using both mechanical
removal and chemical treatment. These areas will be planted with plants native to the local
ecoregions to help reduce erosion and to restore the local ecology.
3) Tanglewood Branch is fed by a large spring upstream of the project area. Smaller
springs/seepages are found throughout the site. Two unique features will be restored, a hill-
side seep and wet shale bluff that are currently choked with invasive vegetation. The spring -
fed seepage area will be enlarged and native wetland plants will be established. -Native plants,
such as, wild hydrangea, typically found on these bluffs, will be incorporated into the site.
4) The City and the WCRC will work with partners to conduct hands-on training workshops for
states/tribal/government agencies, environmental professionals and the general public.
a. Identification, selection, and establishment of native species of plants in riparian and
wetland areas to protect water quality and create wildlife habitat.
b. Safe removal techniques of invasive plants along streams.
5) Sediment and phosphorus loading reductions will be monitored by measuring streambank
erosion rates and collecting and analyzing streambank materials.
6) Both invasive and native vegetation will be monitored and reported to the ANHC.
2. Description of Need
Tanglewood Branch is a Boston Mountain headwater stream in the West Fork White River
(WFWR) watershed. The WFWR is a major tributary to the White River that forms Beaver Lake,
the drinking water source for over 450,000 residents in Northwest Arkansas. Tanglewood
Branch flows to Town Branch, which flows to the WFWR, an impaired stream on the Arkansas
Department of Environment Quality's 303 (d) list, category 4a. The Beaver Lake watershed is
an Arkansas Natural Resource Commission priority nutrient reduction. Comprehensive
watershed planning conducted in Beaver Lake watershed recommends the reduction of sediment
and phosphorus loadings to the WFWR watershed through riparian and channel restorations.
Improving Tanglewood branch by reducing streambank erosion, enhancing streambed features,
establishing a healthy riparian, and restoring natural features supports local watershed planning
and will helped to improve water quality and aquatic and terrestrial habitats in the watershed.
The watershed area of Tanglewood Branch at the proposed site is 0.5 miz and it drains the
entertainment district of downtown Fayetteville, which is now over 50% impervious surface.
The stream has enlarged and incised from the resulting increased flows, creating unstable
streambanks that contribute sediment and nutrients to the watershed. The project demonstrates
innovative techniques for addressing channel enlargement as an alternative to traditional
engineering approaches, such as, concrete and rip -rap. Restoration utilizing innovative
techniques based on natural channel design principles is a progressive approach that will resolve
the effects of channel enlargement, while improving water quality and the local ecology.
Tanglewood branch and the surrounding natural features are choked with bush honeysuckle,
Privet, Euonymus, and many other invasive plants that not only prevent native plants from
establishing in the area, but contaminate Town Branch and the WFWR watersheds with their
seed. The density of these plants almost completely block sunlight, so that large areas of the
forest floor are absent of any plants outside of these shrubs. Removal of these invasive plants is
necessary, so that a healthy riparian based on the local ecoregion can be established.
This project will result in a high-quality restoration that includes channel, riparian, and
spring -fed natural features and that will be monitored for both sediment and phosphorus
reduction and native plant establishment. The restoration of 1,500 feet of Tanglewood Branch
and its tributary will address the water resource concerns by reducing sediment and nutrients by
stabilizing streambanks using natural channel design principles. It is expected that over 80%
reduction of sediment and nutrients will be achieved through the channel restoration. In addition,
aquatic and terrestrial habitat will be restored. 3,000 feet of riparian that currently has an
understory that is mostly invasive vegetation will be restored to native species of plants found in
the Boston Mountain ecoregion. Also, a seasonally wet, shale bluff and spring will be restored
to promote micro pockets of unique wet habitat. The results of the project will be used to
demonstrate the importance of including establishment of native plants based on ecoregions at
restoration sites and the use of natural channel design principles to stabilize streambanks. Local
residents, state/tribe/local government, and environmental professionals will be trained on how
to safely remove invasive species of plants and establish native species for streams and wetlands.
The Track II project supports Core Element I. Monitoring and Assessment and Activity Set 1:
Goals a. Identify program decisions and long term environmental outcomes) that will benefit
from a wetland monitoring and assessment program: The results will be used by NW AR Cities
and State agencies to assess areas that need restoration and encourage techniques that result in
water quality and habitat improvement including natural channel design, native plant
establishment, and long-term maintenance to create high-quality stream and wetland restorations.
The project supports Core Element III..Voluntary Restoration and Protection and the following
Activities: Set 1 Goals: b. Consider watershed planning, wildlife habitat, and other objectives
when developing your selection process restoration/protection sites: The project is based on
watershed planning that promotes the protection of the drinking water source and restores both
aquatic and terrestrial habitat in WFWR watershed, a priority area for restoration to protect
Beaver Lake. Set 1: Goals c. Provide clear guidance on appropriate restoration and
management techniques and success measures: Training will be provided on the demonstrated
innovative techniques to local residents, state/tribes/local government, and environmental
professionals. Set 3. Develop Strategy for Restoration a. Increase wetland acreage through
restoration (re-establishment): The project will result in 1,500 feet of stream, 3,000 feet of
riparian, and two spring -fed features restored. CE III. Set 3. Develop Strategy for Restoration c.
Establish partnerships to leverage additional protection: Results will be shared with both
Beaver Lake and Illinois River watershed groups along with local conservation organizations,
the water district, and state government to encourage similar restoration and protection measures.
Set 4: Refine Protection and Restoration Strategies b. Monitor restoration sites to ensure that
they are implemented and managed correctly and linked to relevant watershed planning efforts:
The restoration will be monitored and the data will be used to implement adaptive management
strategies during the project period, improve restoration techniques for the area, and to evaluate
the success of the project. Through the partners, information will be incorporated into local
watershed planning.
3. Proiect Tasks - The project tasks are summarized as follows:
Task 1: Development of Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP). A QAPP plan will be
developed to assure quality data collection. Responsible: WCRC Deliverable: Approved QAPP
Task 2: Site Monitoring and Collection of Pre and Post Restoration Data. 1) Establish plant
monitoring sites along the riparian and natural features areas and collect data during two seasons
(late spring and late summer) at the following times: a) pre -restoration; b) following the removal
of invasive plants; and c) following channel restoration activities. 2) Establish sites for
measuring bank profiles and collect data before and after restoration. 3) Conduct biological
assessment before and after restoration. Responsibility: WCRC, ANHC, - 1), WCRC, BWD — 2),
3). Deliverable: plant data, streambank monitoring locations, sediment & nutrient loads.
Task 3: Removal of Invasive Vegetation, Native Species Selection, and Establishment.
1) Develop re -vegetation site plan 2) Remove invasive vegetation using mechanical and
chemical methods. 3) Select native species based local ecoregion and similar sites; identify
native plant sources. 4) Incorporate native plants into the riparian, natural features, and during
construction of floodplains. Responsibility: WCRC with ANHC assist. Deliverables: summary
of invasive vegetation removal, list of native plant species, vegetation establishment summary.
Task 4: Develop Restoration Design. 1) Collect survey data. 2) Develop final restoration plan
that includes the channel, riparian, natural features, and vegetation establishment. 3) Develop
construction drawings. 4) Obtain Corps 404 permit, ADEQ authorization, flood plain permit.
Responsibility: WCRC — 1), 2), 3), & 4). Deliverables: Restoration plan, construction drawings,
404 permit application, letter of "No -Rise. "
Task S: Construction of Restoration Design. 1) Procure construction materials and construction
contractor. 2) Prepare site for construction, including installation of safety fence, delivery of
materials and equipment, and stake site plan elevations; 3) Conduct construction oversight and
construct stream channel, structures, floodplains, and natural features. Responsibility: Applicant
- 1), WCRC - 2), 3). Deliverables: Summary of demonstration project construction activities.
Task 6: Technology Transfer - Training Workshops and Outreach. 1) Provide three hands-on
training workshops on invasive vegetation removal along streams and rivers using both
mechanical and chemical methods. 2) Provide three hands-on training workshops on native plant
selection and establishment. 3) Provide three field tours to developers, city planners, local
decision makers, and/or environmental professionals. 4) Incorporate project information into
workshops and courses. 5) Develop and install signage on restoration techniques, habitat and
plant species. Responsibility: Applicant, WCRC, BWA, IRWP, and FNHA. Deliverables:
Workshop Agendas, Summary of Activities
Task 7. Administrative and Reporting. Project oversight and develop 1) quarterly reports and 2)
final report. Responsibility: Applicant. Deliverables: Quarterly and Final Reports
4. Milestone Schedule
1A: Develop Draft QAPP
Draft QAPP
113: Finalize QAPP
Approved QAPP
2: Site Monitoring
1) Select plant monitoring sites and collect
data spring and summer
a. before restoration
List of plant species
b. following invasive removal
List of plant species
c. following channel restoration
List of plant species
2) Select streambank monitoring sites and
Map of monitoring sites
measure bank profiles
a. Before channel restoration
Estimate loadings
b. After channel restoration
Estimate of load reduction
3) Conduct biological assessment
a. Before restoration
Summary of results
b. After restoration
Summary of results
3: Native Plant Establishment
1) Develop Site Re -vegetation Plan
Site re -vegetation plan
2) Remove invasive vegetation
Summary of plant removal
3) Select and source native plants
List of plant species
4) Plant restoration areas
a. Riparian and natural features
Summary of establishment
b. Constructed flood plains
Summary of establishment
4: Restoration Design Development
1) Complete site survey
Summary of data collected
2) Develop site restoration plan
Restoration layout
3) Develop construction drawings
Construction drawings
4) Obtain necessary permits
Letter of "No -Rise", 404
5: Construct Restoration
1) Obtain construction materials
2) Prepare site and construction oversight
3) Complete finishing work
Summary of construction
6: Technology Transfer
1) Conduct training workshops
Workshop Agendas
a. Invasive Removal
Summary of workshops
b. Native Plant Establishment
Summary of workshops
2) Conduct field tours
Summary of tours
3) Design native plant/ecoregion signage
Signage design
7: Reporting - Quarterly Report
Progress report
Final Report
Final report
5. Detailed Budget - If the applicant receives an award, the sub-award/sub-grant will be properly
awarded consistent with the applicable regulations in 40 CFR Parts 30 or 31. The applicant will
follow all appropriate procurement standards as required by EPA. The project budget is shown in
the following table. The award recipient will administer the grant and procure services. The
sub -award recipient, the WCRC, will execute major project tasks associated with this proposal,
because of their unique expertise in the area of natural channel design stream restoration, stream
assessment, and native riparian vegetation management. Their budget is shown on line "h. and
detailed under "Other" Budget and their primary responsibilities are shown in Section B.3.
The federal, non-federal, and total cost for each task identified in Section B.3 are: Task 1.
Develop QAPP (F-$0, NF -$5,000, T-$5,000); Task 2.Site Monitoring (F-$0, NF -$68,000 T-
$68,000); Task 3.Removal of Invasive and Establish Native Vegetation (F-$0, NF -$130,000, T-
$130,000); Task 4.Develop Restoration Design (1740, NF -$85,000, T-$85,000); Task
5.Construct Restoration (F-$217,702, NF -136,777, T-$354,479); Task 6. Technology Transfer
(F-$0, NF -$71,000, T-$71,000); and Task 7. Reporting (F-$0, NF -$25,000, T-$25,000).
Match for this project is in the form of cash and in-kind services provided by the applicant
and project partners. The applicant will provide $457,298 cash match that will be used for
procurement of materials (rock, plants, erosion control, etc.), supplies and labor for the removal
of invasive plants, supplies and labor for the establishment of native plants, and restoration
design. The BWA will provide $35,000 of in-kind including personnel to assist with workshops
and invasive species removal activities. The BWD will provide $29,479 in-kind services
including personnel to assist with streambank erosion monitoring and biological monitoring.
Other Non -Federal Funding consists of in-kind match contributions from the BWA ($35,000) and BWD ($29,479)
6. Transfer of Results - Technology and information gained from this project will be
transferred through the following mechanisms. Data on native plant species will be provided to
the ANHC to be included in their state-wide tracking system. Hands-on training workshops will
be held that present innovative restoration techniques including ecoregion-based native plant
establishment, safe invasive vegetation removal along streams, and natural channel design
principles. The Tanglewood Branch site will be used as part of the training and state/tribes/local
government wetland programs in surrounding area will be invited to participate. Results will be
integrated into local workshops and regional presentations at forums typically attended by
Project Budget
"Other" Budget
Object Class Cat.
Federal Non-
Fe de cal Non-
Fede ral
a. Personnel
b. Fringe
c. Travel
d. Equipment
e. Supplies
£ Contract
g. Construction.
h Other
i Total Direct
J. Indirect
k. Totals
Other Non -Federal Funding consists of in-kind match contributions from the BWA ($35,000) and BWD ($29,479)
6. Transfer of Results - Technology and information gained from this project will be
transferred through the following mechanisms. Data on native plant species will be provided to
the ANHC to be included in their state-wide tracking system. Hands-on training workshops will
be held that present innovative restoration techniques including ecoregion-based native plant
establishment, safe invasive vegetation removal along streams, and natural channel design
principles. The Tanglewood Branch site will be used as part of the training and state/tribes/local
government wetland programs in surrounding area will be invited to participate. Results will be
integrated into local workshops and regional presentations at forums typically attended by
representatives from state/tribes/local government wetland programs in surrounding states. In
addition, tours of the site will be given to individuals from local organizations, government
offices, and private companies including contractors, environmental professionals, developers,
community leaders, city planners and engineers, and civic leaders. Signage will be installed, a
fact sheet will be developed and articles will be published in newspapers, newsletters, and web
7. Outputs, Outcomes, and Tracking
i. Link to EPA Strategic Plan - The project objectives and outputs directly contribute to EPA's
Strategic Plan, Goal 1, Objective 1.2 and delivers real results to provide Americans with clean
air, land, and water. Water infrastructure is improved through the demonstration of stream
channel, riparian, and natural features restoration, which will reduce sediment and nutrients to
Northwest Arkansas's drinking water source, while restoring aquatic and terrestrial habitat in a
so often neglected urban environment. The project supports comprehensive watershed planning
that was conducted by an array of partners including state agencies and resulted in the
development of the Beaver Lake Watershed Protection Strategy, a watershed plan to improve
and protect Beaver Lake, the areas drinking water source. The City is committed to long-term
success and will continue to support ongoing maintenance of the site, so native vegetation is
established and a sustainable channel restoration is created to be enjoyed by the local
communities through the recreation provided by a natural stream with clean water and a healthy
Boston Mountain ecosystem. The workshops supported by partnerships, on invasive removal,
native vegetation establishment, and natural channel design will provide training and
demonstrate the project's innovative techniques to state/tribes/local governments in the area.
ii. Outputs - The expected environmental outputs are:
1) Development of restoration strategies to integrate channel, riparian, and natural features,
water quality protection, habitat improvement, ecoregion-based native plant establishment,
and long-term monitoring and maintenance of restoration sites to ensure longevity and
healthy ecosystems will be established.
2) Increase ecological services through the development of a 1,500 ft stream restoration to
demonstrate the riparian, channel, and natural features will be restored using new, innovated
approaches that include the importance of invasive vegetation removal, methods for native
vegetation establishment, needed long-term vegetation management strategies, and natural
channel design principles to restore hydrology and stabilize the channel.
3) Development of 3,000 feet restored riparian area with 10 to 20 feet width that demonstrates
the use of riparian restoration to stabilize streams, retain water, and filter runoff.
4) Restore two seasonal spring -fed natural features to demonstrate their unique habitat, the
needed connectivity to the wider ecosystem, and their ability to help retain and filter runoff.
5) Development of training workshops for states/tribes/local government and residents that
utilize innovative techniques and provide information that contributes to a broader
understanding of streams and wetlands as ecosystems and the importance of native plants
establishment and maintenance as critical components of stream and wetland restoration.
6) Development of monitoring data to demonstrate the effectiveness of restoration projects.
Outputs are linked to the EPA Strategic Plan because waters are cleaned through improved water
infrastructure in partnerships that support drinking water, aquatic ecosystems, & recreation.
W. Outcomes — The expected environmental outcomes from this project are
1) Reduced sediment and phosphorus loadings from accelerated streambank erosion to Beaver
Lake watershed by 80%;
2) Reduce invasive species of plants in the riparian by over 90%;
3) Increase percentage of native plants along the riparian to 90%;
4) Increase quality of natural features on the site; and
5) Increase understanding among state/tribe/local government and residents, decision makers,
and environmental professionals that to create a high quality restoration that improves both water
quality and habitat, a) the channel, riparian areas, wetlands, and other natural features should be
included in the restoration design and b) native vegetation establishment and long-term
monitoring and maintenance are needed at all restoration sites and should be included in budgets.
These outcomes are linked to the EPA Strategic Plan because the results will contribute to
aquatic ecosystems and water resources being restored.
iv. Tracking Outputs & Outcomes - Outcomes 1) through 4) will be tracked using the project
monitoring with baseline conditions established prior to restoration. Outcome 5) will be tracked
by providing questionnaires to workshop participants before and after and comparing results.
8. Programmatic Cava bility/Technical Experience/Qualifications
L Organizational Experience - The City of Fayetteville has been acknowledged for its
environmental awareness for many years and is currently recognized as leading the State of
Arkansas in sustainability and green infrastructure policies, including adopting the state's first
Invasive Species Ordinance in 2015 and the state's first Climate Action Plan in 2018. The City
partnered with the WCRC on several stream restoration projects that have been successful in
using natural channel design principles. These projects included evaluating streambank erosion
and restoring wetland areas. Examples of projects be found in Section F, Attachment i. The City
supports ongoing maintenance of stream restoration sites and establishment of native plants in
parks to reduce maintenance and enhance the natural settings. Additionally, the City has
developed a city-wide phosphorus reduction plan and has voluntarily restored several sections of
streams as a result of this plan.
The Watershed Conservation Resource Center (WCRQ is a 501(c) (3) non-profit
organization whose mission is to protect, conserve, and restore natural resources. The co-
founders and principals of the WCRC, Sandi J. Formica and Matthew Van Eps, have extensive
backgrounds and are leading regional experts in watershed management, watershed assessment,
stream stability analysis, natural channel restoration design and the utilization of GIS for
inventory and evaluation of natural resource condition. The staff has a broad range of experience
with the watershed approach and has spent many years working throughout Arkansas on a
variety of watershed issues. The WCRC has 12 staff persons and is housed in Fayetteville, AR.
The WCRC is engaged in several watershed assessment and stream restoration projects. The
WCRC has received funding for and successfully designed and constructed several stream
restoration projects in northwest Arkansas (Section F, Attachment i). Through follow-up
monitoring and assessment, the WCRC has developed their own innovative methods for
vegetation establishment and long-term maintenance of restorations using natural channel design
principles in the Ozark Mountain region where there are flashy, incised, steep -gradient streams.
The WCRC is engaged in projects that assess stream stability, assess streambank erosion, and
develop streambank erosion prediction curves to estimate pollutant loadings and reductions.
April of 2019, the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission awarded the WCRC a "Conservation
Award' in recognition of extraordinary dedication and contributions to the conservation of
Arkansas's fish, wildlife, and natural resources and as a conservation leader in Northwest, AR.
H. Staffing Experience & Qualifications - The key personnel for this project are (See Att. ii):
Peter Nierengarten, P.E., Environmental Director, City of Fayetteville — will serve as Proj ect
Coordinator. Beginning in 2012, Peter managed several projects and accomplishments including:
adoption of City's first Energy Action Plan and 100% Clean Energy Goals, Launching AR first
PACE Program, Fayetteville -Arkansas' only 3 -STAR Sustainability Certified Community, AR's
first Silver designation of Bicycle Friendly Community, and managing Arkansas' largest solar
array on municipal property and Fayetteville's Cultural Arts Corridor Project.
• Sandi Formica, Executive Director, Watershed Conservation Resource Center, will serve as
Project Manager. Sandi manages the WCRC, a 501 (c) (3), and conducts project development,
design, and management, provides technical oversight, develops grants, and carries -out
watershed -based projects. She is a regional expert in watershed assessment and planning, river
stability, stream restoration design, and innovative methods to establish native vegetation at
restoration sites. She is project manager of 15 successful stream restoration projects in NW AR.
•Matthew Van Eps, P.E., Associated Director, Watershed Conservation Resource Center, will
serve as Project Engineer. He is the lead design and project engineer for 15 stream restoration
projects that include watershed -based assessments and evaluation of the impacts of various land -
use activities on sediment and nutrient loading.
9. Partnership Information - The following organizations have agreed to partner:
1) Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission (ANHC) will provide technical assistance on
vegetation monitoring, plant species identification, and native plant selection and sources.
2) Beaver Water District (BWD) will conduct the biological assessment and assist with the
streambank monitoring; they will assist with workshops and other outreach activities.
3) Beaver Watershed Alliance (BWA) will assist with vegetation monitoring, conducting
workshops and other outreach activities, and workshop advertisement.
4) Illinois River Watershed Partnership (IRWP) will assist with workshops and outreach.
5) Fayetteville Natural Heritage Association (FNHA) will participate in the invasive removal
and native plant establishment workshops and help advertise workshops to the community.
10. Past Performance — Completed in 2018, in partnership with the WCRC, the City has
successfully managed and met the commitments of two EPA Wetlands Program Development
Grants: 1) FY14, an "Inventory of Riparian & Streambank Conditions of Urban Streams" was
successfully completed in which streambank and riparian conditions of over 28 miles of urban
streams was evaluated, streambank erosion prediction curves were developed that estimate
sediment and nutrient loadings from streambank erosion, wetlands, prairies, springs, and
streambanks in need of restoration were identified. The WCRC worked with the City's GIS staff
to create a data layer so the information is available to the City's departments, watershed groups,
and state/local government. Outputs from this project are being used to improve decision-making
ability concerning proposed developments, protection of natural features, priorities when
restoring streams, wetlands, and riparian areas, and estimates of the reduction of sediment and
nutrients from streambank erosion to improve water quality within the Illinois River and Beaver
Lake watersheds. Outcomes met include 1) a redesign of a section of Cato Springs Branch in
which approximately 800 feet of channel was going to be destroyed and replaced with a shorter,
straight, trapezoidal channel and 2) natural feature information led to the discovery of new
locations of aquatic species of greatest conservation concern and rare plants.
Completed in 2017, the WCRC in partnership with the City completed an EPA Section 319
grant, administered by ANRC, to restore a 1,250 long eroding riverbank on the White River near
Fayetteville. Environmental outputs were the WCRC designed & constructed a natural channel
design based riverbank restoration project that reduced lateral erosion, reduced sediment and
nutrient loads, and enhanced the aquatic/terrestrial habitat. This project helped to reduce
sediment and nutrient loadings to the White River. The estimated load reductions achieved by
this project are 4700 ton/yr and 4200 lb/yr of for sediment and phosphorus, respectively.
Environmental outcomes were met with a 98% annual reduction in sediment and nutrient loads.
Completed in the summer of 2016, the WCRC in partnership with the City successfully
designed and implemented a stream restoration on Ground Cherry Creek using EPA Section 319
grant funds. This restoration achieved multiple beneficial objective using a natural channel
design approach resulting in the restoration of 2,000 feet of degraded stream. The WCRC
successfully managed this project and met all reporting requirements. Environmental outputs
included design & construction of a natural channel that reduced channel instability, reduced
sediment and nutrient loads, and enhanced the aquatic/terrestrial habitat. Environmental
outcomes were met as sediment and nutrient loads were reduced annually by 98%.
C. Restoration Demonstration Project Information Tanglewood Branch has incised and
enlarged as a response to over 100 years of watershed changes. Because of the confining lateral
bedrock, the channel has stabilized vertically, but there is still lateral streambank erosion. Also,
where there is not erosion, invasive vegetation is holding the streambanks. The understory of the
riparian is almost exclusively invasive vegetation. In addition to stabilizing the channel using
natural channel design principles, the invasive vegetation must be carefully removed and
replaced with native species of plants to prevent accelerated streambank erosion. Planting
techniques will be demonstrated along with the construction of soil lifts to create native
vegetated floodplains that provide stability. Using rock step pools and log vanes to relieve stress
on the streambanks will allow time for long-term native vegetation establishment. The WCRC
will irrigate during the summer months, continue with invasive vegetation control, plant
additional natives as needed, and repair damage from storm flows. The City financially supports
the WCRC to conduct long-term inspection and maintenance at all City restoration sites, so upon
project completion, the WCRC expects to monitor and maintain the site for an additional 5 years.
The watershed is almost completely developed, so the project will be designed to handle the
excessive flood waters expected with an over 50% impervious surface. In addition, the
streambank monitoring data will be used to estimate sediment and nutrient load reductions. The
following permissions will be obtained: 1) USACE Section 404 permit; 2) letter of "no rise;" and
3) ADEQ temporary authorization.
D. Quality Assurance / Quality Control The applicant will collect environmental data to
determine streambank erosion rates, sediment/nutrient delivery, monitor plants, conduct
biological assessment, and develop the restoration design. To comply with Quality Assurance
and Quality Control requirements, they will develop and submit a Quality Assurance Project
Plan within 3 months of the start date.
E. Invasive Species Control The applicant will monitor and work towards the elimination of
invasive species from the site and will not introduce any to the site. Project partners will provide
assistance in developing invasive species control plan. If invasive species are detected or
promoted, response will be rapid to control populations in an environmental manner, as approved
by the EPA Project Officer.
F. Attachments
i Maps and Restoration Examples
ii. Staff Resumes
iii. Commitment Letters
Attachment i.
Project Maps & Restoration Examples
Restoring the Riparian Corridor, Stream Channel, and
other Natural Features of Tanglewood Branch
Attachment i.
Project Maps & Restoration Examples
l � 4
n Center, Streetf
r n + Tanglewood Branch
- - Project Extent
r �! <,
J� q
i. o Tanglewood Tributary ,
2018 Air Photo
15Z:�to Frisco Trail
�] _
• NWA_NHD_Stream_Order
;? xH. i St.
�+ Streams and Creeks
I A=--
Attachment i.
Project Maps & Restoration Examples
Before !�
Before ��.�� l } iy � ��• �� � � . T � �- � -,- - '
e4� , _ Afte r
n , '�� � _ - l;tet. �` ^a'. �•y.M
Example of Urban Stream Restoration Design and Implementation Performed by the WCRC. This project is located on Ground
Cherry Creek in Southwest Fayetteville. Changes to the landscape resulted in a degraded stream with significant lateral erosion
and vertical channel instability (Before Photos on Left). The WCRC implemented a restoration design to provide stability to the
channel and improve aquatic and terrestrial habitat (After Photos on Right). The work was completed in 2016 under an EPA
Section 319(h) Grant administered by Arkansas Natural Resources Commission.
Before !�
Before ��.�� l } iy � ��• �� � � . T � �- � -,- - '
e4� , _ Afte r
n , '�� � _ - l;tet. �` ^a'. �•y.M
Example of Urban Stream Restoration Design and Implementation Performed by the WCRC. This project is located on Ground
Cherry Creek in Southwest Fayetteville. Changes to the landscape resulted in a degraded stream with significant lateral erosion
and vertical channel instability (Before Photos on Left). The WCRC implemented a restoration design to provide stability to the
channel and improve aquatic and terrestrial habitat (After Photos on Right). The work was completed in 2016 under an EPA
Section 319(h) Grant administered by Arkansas Natural Resources Commission.
Attachment i.
Project Maps & Restoration Examples
Project Partners The Watershed Conservation Resource Center (WCRC) worked with project
partners to stabilize a riverbank on the White River near the Nolan Wastewater
Arkansas DEQ Treatment Plant in Fayetteville, AR. Beaver Reservoir is located only a few
Arkansas Natural Resource Commission miles downstream of the project site. The project was funded by an EPA
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Section 319(h) grant administered by the Arkansas Natural Resources
Watershed Conservation Resource Center Commission with matchingfunds provided b the Cit of Fayetteville and other
City of Fayetteville, Arkansas p Y Y Y
Beaver Water District project partners. Implementation of the bank stabilization plan began in
Beaver Watershed Alliance October 2015 and was completed in December 2016.
Background: The White River, located in Northwest Arkansas, forms Beaver Lake, which is the primary
drinking water source for over 400,000 people in NW Arkansas. The Arkansas Department of Environmental
Quality placed the White River on the 1998 State 303(d) list of impaired waterways citing sedimentation and
turbidity issues as a result of surface erosion, which includes streambank erosion, as the cause. As of 2017, the
White River remains on the impaired list. Measurement of erosion indicated that the bank was retreating at an
average rate of over 8 ft/yr generating over 4,800 tons of sediment each year. Erosion of the riverbank also
contributed over 11,000 Ib of total nitrogen and over 4,000 Ib of total phosphorus to the waterway yearly.
Design & Implementation: The WCRC utilized natural channel design principles to develop the restoration
plan. Streamline Environmental, LLC of Magnolia Springs, AL constructed the channel to specific dimensions
designed to restore the river to a stable form based on local reference reach data. A 'toe wood' bench was
designed and constructed using large trees, boulders, and gravel. Trees for the project were salvaged from local
construction developments. The edge of the bench, with exposed root wads and boulders provides excellent fish
habitat and also reduces the power of the passing floodwaters.
The use of native vegetation is a critical component of the stabilization design. Soil layers consisting of topsoil
wrapped in a coconut fiber blanket, were constructed on top of the two benches, provide a medium for plants to
take root and grow and provide additional weight to secure the trees used in the structure. These soil lifts were
seeded with a mix of native riparian seed types. Approximately 500 trees, 4,000 shrubs, and 1,000 grass plugs.
Maturing plants help to bind the structure through root growth and will also help to dissipate water velocity as the
leaves, branches, and stems of the plants interact with flood waters.
Post Restoration: The restored bank provides water quality benefits almost immediately following
construction. Several floods have taken place since the completion of heavy construction and inspections
conducted indicated that no erosion occurred along the previously eroding riverbank. For more information, visit
www.watershedconservation.ora or contact the WCRC at (479) 444-1916.
Attachment L
Project Maps & Restoration Examples
QbyNklew A" atimbae M.
Clockwise from top left: A The 18 -ft tall cut -bank at the project site was eroding at an average rate
of 8 ftlyr generating an estimated 4,800 tonlyr of sediment. B. The riverbank was stabilized using
a combination of boulders, trees, and gravel to construct a toe wood bench that slows water near
the bank and improves aquatic habitat. C. Approximately 1,200 feet of toe wood was installed
along the bank. D. WCRC staff planted over 5,500 native trees, shrubs, and grasses along the
stabilized bank and in the adjacent riparian area. E. Two bench levels, the inner berm and bankfull,
were designed to protect the river bank at a variety of flow rates. F. The completed stabilization
project with increasing vegetation density in September 2017.
The Wallarshed Conservation Resource Center(WCRC) isa nonprofit organization whose mission is to protect, restore and
conserve natural resources using a watershed approach. The WCRC would like to thank their project partners, City of
Fayetteville, Arkansas Natural Resources Commission, Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality, U.S. EPA Region
6, Beaver Water District, and Beaver Watershed Alliance for their contributions.
Attachment I
Staff Resumes
Peter Nierengarten, PE, 1,LEED AP
7E. Trenton Blvd. • Fayetteville, AR 72701
503-367-4444 (cell) • 479-576-8272 (work)
University of Arkansas - College of Engineering, Fayetteville, AR
• Mastersof Science (M.S.), Civil Engineering (June 2091, GPA 3.83)
• Bachelors of Sc ienoe (B.S..), Civil Engineering (Dec.1999, GPA 3.78)
City oi'Fayefteville-Environmental Director, Fayetteville, AR, (July 2012 - Present)
• Supervised work of Sustainability DePartment, and Parking (Division Staff (12 employees) from 2014 - present
• Supervised Faye'tevale Recycling &. Trash Division Staff '(63 employees) from 2018 - present
• Supervise, interview, hire, fire and provide performance reviews for 3 direct report staff
• (Leading development of lOh Y Solar Array Development at Fayette -vile Waste Water Plants (2018 -2019)
• Leading development of Waste & Recycling Rate Study (2018)
• Led development and adoption of FayettevAe s. first comprehensive Energy Action Plan (201$)
• Led 51.77 M grant receipt and design of Downtown Fayetteville Cultural Ards Corridor (2017 - present)
• Led Fayettevile Downtown & (Entertainment District Parking and Mobdity Study (2017 2018)
• Led creation of City's first Bicycle Coordinator Position
• Led creation and developmentof Faye'tevile's Energy Improvement District and implementation of Arkansas first
Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program in Fayetteville
• Led development of Transportation Master Plan Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and Recycling Master Plan Request
for Proposals (RFP)
• IPartnered with .the Engineering and Transportation Divisions to apply for and receive a total of $9$5,0041 in grant
funding for construction of active transportation infrastructure in 2014
• Led development and adoption of Wedington Corridor Master Plan (2013)
• Led adoption of CiVs first comprehensive Invasive Species Ordinance (2015) & first Urban Agriculture Ord -mance
• Managed Fayetteville's application to STAR Communities and avrard as a 3 -STAR Community (2014) .
• Led development and adoption of FayetteviDe s Active Transportation Plan (2015) & Silver Bicycle Friendly Community
Designation (2016)
Portland Water Bureau Engineer, Portland, OR, (August 2003 —July 2012)
b worked in several positions within the Portland Water (Bureau - Engineering Services Group:
Portland Water Bureau Energy iManager
• Planned and coordinated monffity meetings of Waver Bureau Energy Management Committee
• Managed and coordinated multiple energy efficiency (electricity and natural gas) projects including: Pump
optimization, pumplmotor replacement and rehabilitation, HVAC commissioning, occupancy sensor insta'lfafion,
weatherization and water heater replacement
• Managed design and installation of 267 kW ground mounted solar array
• Developed project Basis -of -Design Planning Report for 30 WV micro -turbine generator instaflation
• Annual reporting of Water (Bureau energy consumption and operational efficiency for Sustainability !Plan metrics
• Prepared Operations Guidance iManual for most efficient operation of water booster pump stations
• Presented Water Bureau Pump Station Optimization at 2011 Pacific NW Sec AWWA Conferenceand 2012
AVAIV'A Sustainable Water Management Conference
• Served as sustainability advocated and provided LEED and energy efficiency review for two new Water Bureau
LEED Gold Buildings
Portland Water Bureau (Project Management & Asset Management Group
• Managed al aspects of the final design and construction phase for Stephenson Pump Station Replacement,
including: $$301; construction contract, submittal review, RFPs, change orders, payments, construction meetings,
inspections, coordination of PWB Construction Crew Tie-ins, start up and training, preparation of as-bul plans,
preparation of 0 & M manuals, and warranty repairs
Attachment H.
Staff Resumes
• Managed ab aspects of the design of 6,500 LF of 36' Transmission Main through downtown Portland, including:
$250k consultant design contract, alignment selection, development of design details and acquisition of permits
• Performed Triple Bade Line Business Case analysis on multiple proposed water system improvements,
equipment purchases and business practices
• Managed $225k on -cal consultant contracts for specialized condition assessment and leak detection for 21 miles
of large diameter transmission mains
• Managed inspection and condition assessment of pump stations and transmission main values
• Co -Author of Pump Station Asset (Management Planning Report
• Developed and managed business risk exposure metrics for Capital Improvement Project review
• Taught Principals of Asset Management Class as part of WaterBureau and citywide training
• Managed and supervised work of multiple Engineering Interns
Portland Water Bureau'Mairdenance Engineering Group
• Managed design and construction of multiple pressure redUartg valve installations, large meter replacements,
large valve replacements and vault modifications
• Designed and coordinated muGiple emergency repairs and system relocations
• Designed water system modifications to mitigate multiple pressure surge problems
• Provided engineering field support for multiple CIP water main relocations and tie-ins
• Supervised Water Bureau Construction Crews
• Interviewed, hired and managed work of Engineering Technicians
• Provide technical analysis and recommendations for damage dabs against the Water Bureau
• Led bio -diesel ►nide purchase for Maintenance Engineering Group
• Designed, constructed and coordinated installation of portable water dispensing station with tie goal of reducing
bottled water consumption at community events
Portland Water Bureau (Bicycle Committee
• Promoted Annual Bicycle Commute Challenge
• Coordinated iinstagation of bicycle parking Water Bureau facilities
• Taught Bicycle Commuter — Salety & Maintenance Clinic
• Procured Water Bureau feet bicycle, helmet , maps, repair supplies and ;pannier bags for employee use
• Served on cityyauide'bicycle committee
USI Consulting Engineers — Project Engineer, Springdale, AR, (OcL 2001— July 2003)
• Managed work o1 junior engineers, engineering in,ems and survey crew
• Part of design team for 42' water transmission main design for Central Arkansas Waler
• Designed and managed construction of small waterline and sanitary sewer project in Fayetteville, AR
• Managed stcrmrxater master ,planning and design for Cities of Fayetteville, AR and Springdale, AR
• Southeast Sustainability'Directors Network (SSDN) Steering Committee Member (2012 — 2017), Co -Chair (2015-16)
• Urban Sustainabilily'Director Network (USDN) Steering Committee (Member (2015 — Presen0
• US Green (Building Council —Arkansas Board Member (2017 — Present)
• Alternate to 'Mayor on Boston Mountain Solid Waste District Board (2018 -Present)
• Altemate to Chief of Staff on Ozark Regional Transit (Board (2014 — Present)
• Mernbe r of American Water Works Association (2006-2012)
• Friends of Trees (Portland, OR) Volunteer Crew Leader (2007-12)
• Sunnyside Neighborhood Association (Board Member and Treasurer (20044)
• Member of Friends of Lake Fayetteville Watershed Protection Group (2002-03)
• Advanced User of GIS, MS Office Products and AutoCAD
Attachment ii.
Staff Resumes
Resume: Sante J. Formica
Ms. Formica is the co-founder and executive director of the Watershed
Conservation Resource Center_ She has a proven administrative ability in
the development, implementation and management of environmental
programs; supervision and evaluation of professional staff grant
development, writing and budgeting; and establishment of working
"NVatershed Conservation
Resource Center
Executive Director
Years of Experience
relationships with a variety of government agencies, industries and the
shirty -Eight.
public_ Demonstrated technical expertise of the watershed management
approach, sediment and nutrient watershed assessment; nonpoint and point
source pollution, development, execution and management of special
l� � 1� g P
Univ rsity Chemins( Engineering.
University ofArkansas, Fayetteville.AR_
environmental projects; data evaluation and interpretation; animal -waste
management system design and BIVIPs: identification of effective best
B.S., 1282, with Honors. Chemical
Engineering, University otArkansas.
management practices; water quality monitoring: pollution prevention; and
Fayetteville. AR
environmental Chemical processes. Regional expert in stream restoration
Special Recognition
and assessment; environmental model development and assessment; TIODL
t'artrwrsh pforEnvironmental Excellence
development and implementation; chemical analysis; environmental
Award EPA Region VI (Prafect Atanare- &
co Pr"stciPle Investiga".or'or 319 Projects
regulations; NPDES and state permitting; and technical report writing- Ms.
conled m Buffalo Riverwxershed)
Formica has special skills of effectively communicating
Recipient of the 2010 Ginger Tatom Award for
etran , data and natural environmental processes to none-
� g
conserscientific/en s W a ,remdvi presented by the
Arkansas 'atershed Advisory Group
technical people and coordinating stakeholders to resolve environmental
issues. She has created the Mid -South Watershed Training Program, which
synergistic Activities
has been providing training courses instrumental towatershed management
2000 - 2004: chair. Arkansas Watershed
Ad&ory Group (AWAG): Initiated and help
to environmental professional throughout the country since 2005.developed
this that as fists w t or tied troy i.
working group that assists watershed
Instrumental in implementing the watershed approach in Arkansas by
partrershos in Arkansas
working directly with local communities and natural resource agencies.
2OD2 and 2004; co-chair and chair. AVIAG
Principal Investigator on several applied research projects including
Watershed cert Developed.
organized, anndd carriedout two she
watershed assessments which include data inventories, pollutant load
watershed oorderenoes whiny, foo tned on
estimates. source identification and prioritization, development of potential
environmental tr Wng and education
solutions. and watershed monitoring; evaluation of waste management
October 20134; Mansas Geomorphology
systems and BMP implementation in protecting water, soil_ and air quality,
Assessment Group: ln'r=uated the forming of
this group of pnYessionais to encourage
development of local, volunteer based o which share resources
teclrhiques and
projects in Arkansas
projects in A on Arkansas
to provide improved manure handling and Utilization to minimise, impact t0
environment and Costs to farmers.
7882 - 2008: instructor, presenter, 8
coord nator. Environmental Outreach:
Throughout Arkansas. has developed
presentations and training materials along with
coordinating meetings & training on watershed
Ezecclth-e Director (December 200$ to Present'), Watershed Consen-ition
management, B APs, and assessment
Resource Center 01'CRC), Little Rock, AR. Oversee and manages ne-Aldy
Employment History
formed environmental non-profit organization. Responsible for project
Watershed Conservation Resource Center.
design grant writing: developing budgets; providing technical assistance;
December 2004 to present. Arkansas
Department of Environmental Oualfity, 1992 to
and carrying- out watershed based projects_ 'Current proj ects include a
2004 FTN Associates, LTD., 1939 to 1992
regional watershed education program for environmental professionals;
Atuminum Company of America, 1989
unpaved road survey and sediment evaluation; stream bank erosion
St. Catherine's Indian School, 1888 to 1988
evaluation and prioritization: stream restoration design and implementation,
8adische Corporalon, '1984 to 1985
University of Arkansas, Chemical Engineering
and watershed sediment source and load estimate evaluation.
DeWment, 1981 to 1934
Attachment ii.
Staff Resumes
Em ironmental Preservation Dilision Chief ("Nisiy 2001 to December
Sandi J. Formica
Select Publications_
2004h Arktasas Department of EmironmenH Quality, Littre Rock, AR.
S.J. Formica, M.A. Van Eps. M.A. Nelson,
Managed non -re- lato technically -based Division of 11 employees with
g i ry, ywatershed
A.S. Cotter, T.L_'Morris, J.M. Beck.'WFWR
-'Sediment Source Inventory and
an annual budget of $1 million_ The. Division consisted of three sections_
Evaluabon' Proceedings-ASAE Conference
Envirommental Projects- Envirorinlental Outreach; and Program
"Self-sustaining Solutions for Streams,
Wetlands, and Watersheds,' held September
Development.. Programs and projects from these 'sections include applied
12-15, 20x4, SL Paul, MN.
research on effectiveness of best management practices at confined animal
MA Van Eps, 'S.J_ Formica. T.L. Morris.
oP� - watershed assessments which include evaluations of stream
H A.S. In der(BH'Using o Bank
Erosion Hazard Index (BEHII to Estimate
stability, development and implementation of watershed approach which
Annual Sediment Loads from Streambank
includes providing both planning and technical assistance to Nvatershed
Erosion in the West Fork White River
Watershed' Proceedings from ASAE
groups-, providing water quality training to both high school teachers and
'Conference'•Self-SusWming Solutions for
students state --wide: and the development of an agency pollution prevention
Streams, Wetlands, and Watersheds,' held
September 12-15, 2044, St. Paul, MN.
program. All programs and projects emphasize implementation, education,
!Brye, K.R_ T.t_ Morris, D.M. Miller, S.J_
and e n from
public awareness. Over 9000 uc conacs were madi2002 f
P t t
Formica. MA Tran Eps. z *Estimating
Division technical transfer workshops, information meetings,
Bulk Density in Vertically Exposed Stoney
Atluvim Using a Moditd Excavation
presentations, poster sessions: organizational meetings, and public
Method.' Journal of Environmental Ouatity.
outreach events.
Formica S.J.: Giese, J_: Knesse, T.M.;
Morris. T.; and Van Eps, M.A. 2001.
Program Support Nfanager (January 1999 to April 2001), Arkansas
Data. Communication. and Education to
Department of Environmental Quality, Little Rock AR. Section Manager,
Improve Swine Wase Management in the
Buffalo River Watershed.' Published in the
11" atershed and Technical Support Section (NITS5). Emironmental
proceedings -2nd National Conference,
Preser", tion Division. Responsible for the development, management, and
' Source PollutionInformation 8
Education Programs May 15-17 (ticago, IL.
administration of the'Ar'TSS program to 1) provided technical expertise
Formica, S.J.: Anderson. W.M.; Van Eps,
and planning through proactive (m v'lronmental projects that uwestlgate
MA.: Morris. T.; and Srivastava, Punest_
both the environmental and 'economic benefits of potential solutions and 2)
2001. A'commurity Approach to HandFreg
and utilizing Dairy Manure in the (Buffalo
developed and implement state watershed strategies which focus on
River Watershed. -Proceeding of cue Natural
voluntary participation, local stakeholder involvement, and identifying.
Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering
Service, -Dairy Manure systems: Equipment
viable solutions_ Coordinated, Supervised and evaluated the XA'TSS
and Technology,' Mar 20-22, Rochester, INY.
professional staff of five engineers and scientists. Segued fundis for
Formica S.J.: J.: K T.M.:
Moms, T.; Van .Eps, M,A_; and Anderson,
an !Eps, and
special projects including approximately two million dollars of
W.M. 2001 -'Buffalo National River
environmental t to improve and protect the states natural resources.
Pr Pr
Waste Med: Partnerships toImproveSwire
Arkansas Department of Pollution 'Control & Ecolog}', Little RocL AIL
Success Stories, Vol_ 3.
• Engineer lI and Project Manager (Nor 1994 -Dec 1994 Em iroumental
Srivastava. Punct: Formica, S.J.; and Van
Eps, MA_ 2001. 'A Watershed Approach to
Presen-ation Dilision
Assess the Viest Fmk of the Whte River_'
• ]Inspection Engineer II(Feb 199'2 -Se 1994) . Fater Division
pe � �' P )
Abstract pWatered in the proceedings gs of
Arkansas Water Resource Cerrtes.'iMDL
and Related Water Ouaity'lssues
Chemical Engineer (July 1989 to February 1992), FT\ Associates, LTD„
Conference' (held April 3-4, Fayetteville. AR
Little Rock. AIL
Pote. o:H.; Reed, BA; Daniel. T.C_; Nichols.
D.J.; Moore. PA, Jr.. Edwards. D.R.; and
Formica. S.J. 2001_ Nater-OuacyEffects of
Chemical Engineer (January 1989 to June 1989), Aluminum Company of
Infiltration Rate and Manure Application Rate
_America. Bauxite, AR,
for Sails Receiving Serine Manure' Journal of
Soca and Water Conservation, Vol. 58, No 1.
Secondary Aiathematics and Science Teacher (August 1986 to \fad• 1988)- ,
Van Eps. M.A.; Formica. S.J_: T.M.; Czanrnomski, A;'ASrarris. T.: VanSchanScha?k,
St. Catherine's Indian School, Santa Fe, N.NL
E.;, Giese, J.1 ere. 'Survey of Arkansas
Swine Liquid Waste Systems.' Proceedings
Chemical Engineer (May 1984 to August 1987, Badische Corporation.
from 'Intemational Conference on Agricutural
Engineeiogl' held in Oslo, Norway. Paper:No.
Freeport, TT
Formica, S.J.: JA. Baron. L.T. Thibodeaux
Research and Departmental Assistant (An gust 1981 to April 19",
and LT Valsaraj. i9_0S. PGB Transport into
Chemical Engine Department. University Arkansas, Fayettevi le,
rein �' versy o
Lake Sediments; Conceptual Model and
Laboratory Simulation, 'Env. Science and
Tech_ Vol. 22, No. '12, p. '143:.
Attachment I
Staff Resumes
Resume: Matthew A. Van Eps, PE
Matthew Van Eps, PE, is the associate director and co-foilinder of the
Watershed Conservation Resource Center. Mr. Van Eps has a diverse
and unique work experience history that has facilitated the development
of specialized watershed assessment: conservation and restoration skills.
Watershed Conservation
Resource Center
Associate Director
PE License M tossl
He is the project engineer for several stream restoration designs and
years of Experience
implementation projects in Arkansas. His background has served to
develop his understanding of the physical chemical biological, and
Twenty -Five
anthropogenic processes affecting watershed resources_ He has been a
project engineer on numerous watershed assessment projects in both
University of Arkansas-Fayetievlle. Arkansas
Masterof Engheering Degree in Environmental
rural and urban settings. He: was also the project engineer for several
Eng"saeering. December 1206
projects that evaluated the implementation of BMPs to reduce the impact
virgin, Polytechnic Instihrte and State
of confined animal operation on water quality- in Arkansas_ Mr. Van Eps
University - Blacksburg,1rrginia
has a broad background in watershed management and has expertise in
Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemical
Engineering. May 1993
many aspects of the field includingassessment, regulatory issues, stream
professional Training
stability analysis, stream restoration design practices, integration of
Dr. Rosgens Widland Hydrology Courses:
stakeholder involvement, nutrient management, non -point source
-Apprsed Fluvial Geomorphology
pollution; and BMP identification and implementation.
-River M1larphology & Applications,
-River Assessment & Moraoasg
-River Restoration & Natural Channel Design
Associate Director (December 2044 to Present), Watershed Conservation
Resource Center (WCRC), Little Rods, AR.
Special Recognition
Provides technical, en eerinq, and project des- expertise for
lA� � �
Partnership for Environmental Excellence Award
�� �
EPA Region VI
recognized environmental nonprofit organization- Stream restoration
design development and implementation project engineer. Responsible
for all GIS applications; restoration design; and field data collection_
Watershed Conservation Resource Center 21904
- present
grant develo t, and project development.
Assists with budgeting-mea�� �n
Arkansas Deparbnent of Environmental finality
1027 -2004
Challenge Environmental Laboratories I 097(
Engineer PE, Environmental Projects Section Manager, AR Dept. of
University of Arkansas Civil Engineering
Environmental Quality September 1997- December 2404. West Fork
Department 1904 to 1996
XMte River 'Watershed Assessment.
Synergistic Activities
Project engineer for a watershed assessment of the West Fork Va- ite
Member of Green Infrastructure Environmental
River in Northwest Arkansas. Surveyed the Vilest Fork I'VI rte River
SubcommOtee for Fayette -al% Green
(�ATWK) and tributaries evaluating the erosion potential of stream banks
lrdrastnrcture Project 2002
using a Bank Erosion Hazard Index. Developed and implemented a
Guest Lecturer for Ecological ,Engineering
progressive and efficient data collection and presentation process
course at the University of Arkansas 2002
utilizing, a GIS interface and hand-held computing technology. Selected
Guest Lecturer for Environmental Sail and Water
suitable locations for the. installation of permanent cross-section
Science course at the Univers ty of Arkansas
locations to assist in evaluating stream stability of the VAT IQ4T_
Performed computations and analysis of geomorphology data collected
1p � g � �
Presented Stream Morphology concepts c e
at=endees of the Region 6 lAS4 annual meeting
for the WnV-R assessment. Collected data to develop a bank erosion
in 2007
sediment delivery model. Reviewed Quality Assurance Project Plans
Selected Publications:
(QAPP) to be submitted to the. EPA addressing stormwater and
MA. Van Eps, S.J. Formica. Tl. Morris. J_M1-
biological sampling methods in the vmtershed.
Beck, A.S. C,=er.'Using a Bank Erosion
Haza:d index (BEH]) to Estimate Annual
Sediment Roads from Streambank !Erosion it the
Urban 'W 'Watershed Assessment.
West Forte Wir.�e River W.�rshed.' Proceedings
Principal investigator for assessing the condition of the Rock Creek
torn ASAI conference etlands. an ir�g
Solutions for Streams. SYetlands, and
watershed in Little Rock, Arkansas_ Developed project proposal. work
Watersheds; held September 12-16, 2004, St.
Paul, MN.
Attachment I
Staff Resumes
Resume: Matthew A. Van Eps, FE
plan, budget, and EPA approved QAPP documentation for urban
watershed assessment. Supervised and coordinated the collection and
analysis of data including; land use, impervious surface analysis, and
delineation of watershed and sub -watershed boundaries utilizing GIS;
utilization of visual watershed assessment methods and handheld PC GIS
interface for rapid assessment and prioritization; evaluation of historical
flow data to determine changes in local hydrology; development of a
flour weighted storm water quality sampling program; and collected and
evaluated fluvial geomorphology data to determine stream stability and
restoration potential.
Fluvial Geomorpholog Data Collection and Evaluation. i
Collected and analyzed fluvial geomorphology data to establish
relationships between watershed area and stream channel geometry for '
the Boston Mountain physiographic region_ Obtained and evaluated t
historical US'GS gage station records to determine flood return frequency 0
as well as gage height and channel geometry relationships. Collected
stream bank erosion data to develop relationship between stream bank p
erosion variables and erosion rates_ Performed a bank erosion survey for
the City of Rogers, Arkansas for 15 miles of Osage Creel: and headivater
tributaries. Provided comment.. critical retriewr and technical assistance
on proposed stream bank stabilisation projects to increase success and
reduce costs.
Received over 200 hours of fluvial geomorphology training from Dave
Rosgen, P.H., Ph.D. Assisted Dr. Rosgen during training courses
conducted in Northwest Arkansas. including selection of sites for
students to observe geomorphologic process and providing assistance to
students performing assessments in the field. Provided field based
instruction of basic fluvial geomorphology concepts to attendees of the
1st Arkansas Watershed Advisory Group Conference in'October 2002.
He is an instructor for the Basic Field Techniques to Determine Stream
Morphology training course presented by the WCRC Mid -South
Watershed Training Program.
Watershed Conservation
Resource Center
Associate Director
Selected' Publications:
SJ. iFormica. MA Van Eps, M.A. Nelson, A -S.
Cotter. T.L. Morris. J.M. Beck. 'Wes! Fork Wh?e
Rarer Watershed - Sedment Source Inventory
and Evaluation. Proceedings from ASAE
Conference'Seff-Sustaining Solations for
Streams. Wetlands, and Watersheds; Feld
September 12-15,2004, St. PauL MN.
Brye, K.R., T.L. Morris. D -M. Miller, SJ.
Formica. FAA Van Eps_ 2004. 'Estimafng Bulk
Der; s?:y in Vertically Exposed Stoney Alluvium
Using a Modiled Excavation Method' Journal of
Environmental Quality. In Press.
Formica. S.J.: Giese, J.; Kresse. T.M,: Mortis,
T.: and Van Eps. MA 2001 -Using Dada.
Communication• and Education to Improve
SW.ne Waste Management in the Buffalo River
Watershed.' Published in the proceedings of the
2nd National Conference.'Nonpoint Source
Pollution Information & (Education Programs;
held May 15-17., Ctacago, Ir..
Formica, SJ.; Anderson, W.'M.; Van Eps, MA;
Morris. T.; and Srivastava. Pune-et. 2001.'A
Community Approach to Handling and Ut:lizing
Dairy Manure in the Buffalo River Watershed.'
Pubrshed in ite proceedings of the !Natural
Resoesoe. Agriculture. and Engineenng'Service.
"Dairy Manure Systems:'Equipment and
Tedvno".* held Marcam 20-22. Rochester, NY.
Formica- S.J.- Gam, J_: Kresse, T.M_• Morris.
T.; Van Eps, MA; and Anderson. W.M. 2001.
"Buffalo National River W atershed:Partnerships
to Improve Syme Waste ManagemerrL' To be
published in U.S. EPA Section 319 Success
Stories, Volume 3.
Srivastava. Puneet;'Formica, S.J.: and Van Eps„
M.A 2001. 'A Watershed Approach to Assess
the West Fork of the Wlee River.' Published in
the proceedings of the Arkansas Water
Resource Center. 'TMDL and Related Water
Quality Issues conference' held April 3-4•
Fayetteville, AR.
Attachment iii.
Letters of Commitment
U.S. Environmental Protection. Agency Region 6
May 15, 2019
Subject: Letter of support for Tanglewood Branch Restoration grant application
To Whom It May Concern:
The .Beaver Watersbed Alliance (Alliance) is a 501(03 non-profit organization whose primary, purpose is
to foster communication among diverse stakeholders and restore water quality of impaired stream and
lake areas in the Beaver Like Watershed, with the objective of maintaining a long-term, high-quality
drinking water supply to meet current and future needs in Northwest Arkansas. Tanglewood Branch, a
spring -fed stream located in the Boston Mountains Ecoregion of the Arkansas Ozarks, is a tributary to
the West Fork of the White River, a 3o.3(d) listed stream segment. Tanglewood Branch, in the City of
Fayetteville (City), has experienced severe stream bank erosion and habitat loss and is among the most
urbanized drainage basins in the. Beaver Lake Watershed. The Alliance has been involved in the efforts
of the City to establish an ecological corridor for this headwater stream. To this end, the Alliance is
strongly in support of, and wishes to join in partnership with the Watershed Conservation Resources
Center (WCRC) in the restoration of the riparian zone, stream channel and other natural features
Tanglewrood Branch.
The WCRC is developing an EPA grant proposal to restore izoo feet of stream channel, 3,00o feet of
riparian zone and two spring -fed wetlands type features to reestablish local ecosystem services in this
highly urbanized area. The Alliance w-71 participate in this proposed project by conducting hands-on
workshops at the site to train participants in i) safe removal techniques for invasive exotic plants along
streams and 2) the identification, selection and establishment of native species in riparian and wetland
areas of Tanglewood Branch. The goals of these wrorkshops and the activity they generate is to protect
water quality and restore wildlife habitat in Tanglewood. Branch and downstream. Additionally, we will
monitor invasive and native species of plants in the Tanglewood Branch for the .Arkansas Natural
Heritage Commission plant tracking program and assist the project with outreach and other activities.
We place a value of these in-kind- services at $35,000.
We look forward to working closely with the City and the WCRC ora the restoration of Tangle; -mod Branch
and furthering the protection of the West Fork of the White River and Beaver Lake. If you have questions
about this letter of support, or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
. oerety„ t
Clell J. Ford
Executive Director; Beaver Watershed Alliance
Ce: Peter Nierengarten, Sustainability Directory, City of Fayetteville,
Sandi Formica, Executive Director, Watershed. Conservation .Resource Center
To proactively protect, enhance and sustain water quality in Beaver Lake and the integrity of its v.-atershed.
Beaver Watershed Alliance / 6141" Emma Ave. Suite M438 Sprinrgdole, AR 72764 l 479.750.8007
Attachment iii.
Letters of Commitment
P O Dom 400 Lowdl. AR 72745 Ph 479.7SU::IC51 FW 479 751.43% to
P.ra«cr Wrtl�r ra2tMr, I
May 15, 2019
To EPA Region 6:
Beaver Water District is the largest water utility in the Northwest Arkansas Metropolitan Area,
serving potable water to more than 320,000 person.,, in the cities of Bentonville, Rogers, Springdale
and Fayetteville. On average, we produce roughly 56 million gallons of clean, safe drinking water
each day. The quality of that drinking water and our ability to provide it at an economical rate are
highly dependent upon the source of the water, Beaver hake. So much of what we do depends on
Beaver Lake, which is why we have chosen to invest heavily in stream and riparian restoration
programs to maintain its water quality.
The District wholeheartedly supports The City of Fayetteville and the Watershed Conservation
Resource Center (R'CRC) in their grant proposal `Restoring the Riparian, Channel, and other Natural
Features of Tanglewood Branch in Fayetteville, AR.' Tanglewood Branch resides in the West Fork
watershed in the White River systen34 an impaired watershed that has been identified as a priority for
restoration based on watershed planning. This restoration will reduce sediment and nutrient loading
to the lake and ensure this section of Tanglewood Branch is healthy for the foreseeable future.
Of interest to the district is the need for high quality restoration in these water systems. The WCRC
is unique in their approach to stream and riparian restoration due to their focus on improving water
quality and aquatic habitats and their long-term success rate for similar projects. Their work is
always of the utmost quality that can stand the extreme hydrologic variability observed in our region.
We need organizations such as the WCRC to demonstrate the most effective techniques and
participate in knowledge transfer so that other entities begin to adopt them. The bands -on workshops
proposed will be pivotal in accomplishing this goal.
BWD will be participating in the project by .providing in-kind match to support streambank and
biological monitoring of the project area totaling $29,479. If you have any questions, please feel free
to contact me at 479-756-3651.
. cxxely
amts McCarty
Bnviromnental Quality Manager
Beaver Water District
CC:Lane Crider, CEO
Bill HageriBurger, COO
Amy Wilson, Manager of Public Affairs
Attachment W.
Letters of Commitment
E RIT`AG E i,7a}. 17, 2019
Ani Hutchinson
Corrruor To Environmental Protection Agency, Region G:
Stacy Hurst The Arkansas Natural heritage Commission (ANI lC) fully supports the Cite
Diredar of Fayetteville and the Watershed Consen-ition Resource Center (WCRC)'s
grant proposal `Restoring lite Riparian, Channel, and other Natural Features of
Tanglewood Branch in Fayeiteville. AR.' "Their holistic approach to stream
and natural features restoration in which natural channel design techniques are
Arkansas Arts Council integrated »0th long-term native vegetation establishment is important to
demonstrate and promote high-quality restoration of natural resourccs. The
workshops that are proposed in this grant are needed to train other
Arkansas l-nmoric environmental professionals can this restoration approach. 11his project also
Pmurvauon Program supports our efforts to promote restoration in urban environments that create
corridors of habitat for wildlife within urban areas.
Arkansas NIntuml
lierlta8m Gammissian
The ANHC will also (provide technical expertise to help develop the
vegetation monitoring. plant species Identifteition, native plant selection, and
Arkans_ns State Archives
sourcing of native plants for restoration. Contribution of our stall's tinic oil
this project will amount to $100.00 in-kind matching funds. The WCRC has
provided their data to ANTIC from previous work on native plants and
i].Itn Cultural Center
identification of natural features, and six will include any raiz species data
collected diroaagh this project in our statewide database for tracking species of
I istoric Arkcinsas Museum
conservation concerts. Such data from past WCRC projects have been
incorporated into our database, and the natural features data have been used to
identify newsites for aquatic species of com w-vation concern, such as the
\tosair 1'emplars Cultua +l Cet,ter
Arksansis Darter (/-tire odour cragini) and least barter (% inier•riper•ca). We
loots forward to acquiring new data Froin the proposed project.
Old stay. t iome A911scum
The activities proposed by the City and the WCRC as part of the proposed
prc ject complement our agency's conservation work and avill help to improve
and protect natural resources and water quality in the Bcavcr Uk watershed.
Ilhank you for your consideration of this signific=ant restoration project.
Little Rork, AR 72201
h-,: (50 1) 324-9618
in(6Qnatura lherit<iWxom
tiwwm•.nntu ra then to Se.cona
An Equal Opportunity Emplayet
Attachment M.
Letters of Commitment
Wh'414 d[0 M.#TMEI'SNIP
May 17, 2013
To'EPA Region 6:
The Board of Directors of the !tllinois'River Watershed Partnership (IRV+fP) fully supports the City of
Fayetteville and Watershed Conservation Resource Centers (WCRC) grant proposal for a streambank
restoration project on Tanglewood 'Branch of the White River Watershed.
IRWP's mission is to improve the integrity of the Illinois River Watershed through education and
outreach, water quality monitoring, and the implementation of conservation and restoration projects.
We seek to identify and implement environmentally Viable and economically feasible conservation and
restoration projects in the watershed; to cooperate with the scientific community to identify water
quality impacts, causes, and sources; and to increase public awareness of the Illinois River and natural
resources across the Northwest Arkansas region.
Tanglewood Branch is located within the Whi<e River Watershed, which is adjacent to the Clear Creek
tributary of the Illinois River Watershed_ This project will be of benefit to the entire area through
removal of invasive species and re-establishment of native riparian and wetland species. This particular
stream reach has been problematic due to extensive establishment of bush honeysuckle and Chinese
privet. Additionally, this project will offer an additional demonstration site for field tours and
workshops_ WCRC and IRWP previously partnered on several such educational events targeting
landowners, the general public, and built -environment professionals and found there is significant
interest in natural channel design and ecological restoration methods.
We are excited to participate in the continued efforts of the City of Fayetteville and WCRC to implement
an urban stream and wetland restoration project using natural channel design. We are proud of this
region and so grateful for the natural beauty and quality of life that we enjoy.
Thank you for your consideration and support of this significant steam and ecological restoration
Nicole Flardiman, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Illinois River Watershed Partnership
Post Office Box 203
Cave Springs, AR 72718
Email: director@inap.org
Attachment iii.
Letters of Commitment
Scot �mn((�
kartto P
Fronrd r.9 the eonservntfok of rj&"at arWs La the greater i=apjcti rALLe rape to balai+ne Ow novas
v f people oral PAWL* for ww-tivi to 0~
May 15, 2019
RE: Restoring the Riparian, Channel, and other Natural Features of Tanglewood Branch in Fayetteville, AR
To: Peter Nierengarten, Sustainability Director
City of Fayetteville
Dear Peter:
The Fayetteville Natural Heritage Association (FNHA) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to
promote the conservation of natural areas in the greater Fayetteville area to balance the needs of people and
wildlife for generations to come. We value the partnership formed with the City of Fayetteville; one that has
helped preserve our natural heritage for over 16 years. Tanglewood Branch, in the City of Fayetteville (City}, has
experienced severe stream bank erosion and habitat loss and is among the most urbanized drainage basins in
the watershed area. As Fayetteville grows and becomes more urbanized, our natural areas are becoming more
important for the protection of water resources, plant communities and wildlife_
FNHA supports the Watershed Conservation Resource Center and the City to implement natural stream
restoration techniques to restore the urban channel, improve water quality, remove invasive plant species,
establish native vegetation and educate the public on the benefits of such actions. FNHA supports outreach
activities to Fayetteville residents and environmental professionals to promote native plant sharing and hands-
on collection techniques to increase native vegetation and wildlife habitat throughout the City. FNHA would
promote these efforts on social media, emails, and through other promotion media.
We encourage this proposal to be funded to advance overlapping missions and to further partnerships to
restore and protect our community/s natural resources.
Jennifer Ogle, President
Dot Neely, Vice President
Bob Caulk, Treasurer
Craig Edmonston, Secretary
Tom Dureka, Governing Board Member
Pete Heinzelmann, Governing Board Member
Terri lane, Governing Board Member
Becky Roark, Governing Board Member
Dana Smith, Governing Board Member
Barbara Taylor, Governing Board Member
P.O. Bax sfis.5f:ajjetttvCitc Arizan asi27Oa
f Gi F aYFtJ{
113 West Mountain Street
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Ordinance: 6141
File Number: 2018-0723
WHEREAS, the Watershed Conservation Resource Center is a nonprofit organization with regional
experts that strive to protect, conserve and restore natural resources by utilizing the watershed
approach, environmental outreach, and providing planning and technical assistance to landowners,
communities, and government; and
WHEREAS, the City has successfully partnered with the Watershed Conservation Resource Center in the
past to receive approximately $3,100,000.00 in federal grants for stream restoration and the Watershed
Conservation Resource Center has been instrumental in securing these grant funds due to its relationship
with federal grant agencies and a proven track record of successful stream restoration projects; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the Memorandum of Understanding is to establish a general framework for
cooperation between the Watershed Conservation Resource Center and the City to seek funding and
conduct stream restoration projects to achieve the common goal of restoring unstable sections of streams
to a morphologically stable form utilizing a natural channel design approach and to work together on
nonpoint source related issues associated with reducing nutrients and improving riparian and other natural
Page 1 Printed on 114119
File Number: 2018-0723
Ordinance: 6141
Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby determines an
exceptional situation exists in which competitive bidding is deemed not feasible or practical and
therefore waives the requirements of formal competitive bidding and approves a Memorandum of
Understanding between the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas and Watershed Conservation Resource
Center to establish a general framework for cooperation to seek funding and conduct stream restoration
projects and to work together on nonpoint source related issues for the next five years.
PASSED and APPROVED on 1/3/2019
Ld" 5�2' y4'.4&- -
Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Treasurer
Page 2 Printed on 114119
City of Fayetteville, Arkansas - Budget Adjustment Form (Legistar)
Budget Year Division BUDGET & INFORMATION MGMT (133) Adjustment Number
2020 /Org2
Requestor: Kevin Springer
Acceptance of a Wetland Program Development Grant in the amount of $217,702 from the Environmental Protection
Agency Region 6 for the restoration of the spring -fed Tanglewood Branch that includes the riparian area, stream
channel, and spring -fed natural features utilizing innovative techniques that emphasize the establishment of ecoregion-
based native vegetation, natural channel design principles, and monitoring and maintenance for long-term success.
Approval of a Budget Adjustment.
LEGISTAR FILE ID#: 2020-0049
KeW*V Spv'LnOe x-
1/17/2020 12:16 PM
Budget Director
D - (City Council)
TOTAL 217,702 217,702 v.20191231
Increase / (Decrease) Proiect.Sub#
Account Number Expense Revenue Project Sub.Detl AT Account Name
4601.860.7800-5860.02 217,702 - 46080 7800 EX Capital Prof Svcs - Engineering
4601.860.7800-4309.00 - 217,702 46080 7800 RE Federal Grants - Capital
- 46080
Capital Prof Svcs - Engineering
Unallocated - Budget
- 46040
- 46040
Capital Prof Svcs - Engineering
Unallocated - Budget
H:\Budget Adjustments\2020_Budget\City Council\02-04-2020\BA 2020-0049 EPA Grant Arts Corridor.Asm 1 of 1
Environmental Protection Agency Annual MBE/WBE Forms
City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form
City Council Meeting Date-Agenda Item Only
N/A for Non-Agenda Item
Alan Pugh 1/17/2024 ENGINEERING (621)
Submitted By Submitted Date Division/Department
Action Recommendation:
Staff recommends the Mayor sign the attached annual MBE/WBE forms required for grant reporting.
Budget Impact:
Account Number Fund
Project Number Project Title
Budgeted Item? No Total Amended Budget $ -
Expenses (Actual+Encum) $ -
Available Budget
Does item have a direct cost? No Item Cost $Is a Budget Adjustment attached? No Budget Adjustment $ -
Remaining Budget
Purchase Order Number: Previous Ordinance or Resolution# 59-20
Change Order Number: Approval Date: 01-24-2024
Original Contract Number:
TO: Mayor Lioneld Jordan
THRU: Susan Norton, Chief of Staff
Chris Brown, Public Works Director
FROM: Alan Pugh, Staff Engineer
DATE: January 8, 2024
SUBJECT: Mayor signature on annual MBE/WBE Grant Forms
Staff recommends the Mayor sign the attached annual MBE/WBE forms required for grant
On December 15, 2020, City Council accepted a grant from the Environmental Protection
Agency to address stream erosion within the City of Fayetteville. This grant will allow for the
restoration of one or two sites located within the City.
As a condition of the grant, the City is required to submit annual forms stating the Minority
Business Enterprise and Women Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) forms. While there is no
goal for MBE/WBE funding for this grant. it is encouraged that we use MBE/WBE whenever
possible. At this time, no funds have been spent in this manner, however, if opportunities arise,
they will be reported.
As seen below. the City is behind on form submission and included are this years form with two
past years. If you have any questions, please let us know.
2020-2021 MBE/WBE Forms
2021-2022 MBE/WBE Forms
2022-2023 MBE/WBE Forms
Mailing Address:
113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov
Fayetteville, AR 72701
this collection of information is approved by OMB under die Paperwork Reduction Act.44 C.S.C.3501 et seq.(OMB Control No.2030-0020).Responses to this collection of information are
required to obtain an assistance agreement(40 CFR Pan 30,40 CFR Part 31.and 40 CFR Pan 33 for awards made prior to December 26.2014.and 2 CFR 200.2 CFR 1500.and 40 CFR Part 33
for awards made after December 26.20141.An agency may not conduct or sponsor.and a person is not required to respond to.a collection of infonnation unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number.The public reporting and rccordkecping burden for this collection of information is estimated to be I hour per response.Send comments on the Agency's need for this information.
the accuracy of the provided burden estimates and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden to the Regulatory Support Division Director,C.S.Environmental Protection Agency
(282IT),1200 Pennsylvania Ave..NW.Washington.D C.20460 Include the OMB control number in any correspondence.Do not send the completed form to this address.
October 1, 2020 _ September 30, 2021 ✓ Annual ❑ Final Report(Project completed)
1C:Revision of a Prior Year Report? No Yes
If yes,what reporting period is being revised and briefly
describe the changes made.Note:The revised report will
replace the associated original report in its entirety.
Name: Alan Pugh
Email: apugh@fayetteville-ar.gov
Phone: 479-575-8208
(For SRF state recipients,please include all numbers for all open assistance agreements being reported on this form.
4A.If NO procurements were made this reporting period(by the recipient,sub-recipient(s),loan recipient(s),and prime contractor(s)),CHECK and
SKIP to Block No.6.(Procurements are all expenditures through contract,order,purchase,lease or barter of supplies,equipment,construction,or
services needed to complete Federal assistance programs.)
4B. Total Procurements&MBE/WBE Accomplishments This Reporting Period(in dollars)
Construction Non-Construction Total
Total Procurement: $ $0 $ $ 13,150 $$13,150
MBE/WBE Combined Procurement: $$0 $ $0 $$0
SA.Good Faith Efforts:If procurements were made,indicate whether 58.If procurements were made,but no MBE/WBE
your organization has followed the six Good Faith efforts found in 40 procurements are being reported,then check the applicable
CFR Part 33,Subpart C,40 CFR 33.501 and 2 CFR 200.321. box(es)for the reason(s)why no M8E/WBE procurements were
Yes,my organization has implemented and documented each of I�I
the six Good Faith Efforts on the procurements made during this El NoMBE/WBE(s)applied I I No MBE/WBE(s)were
reporting period. qualified
111 No,my organization has not implemented and documented each 111 Other: Not Best Qualified
of the six Good Faith Efforts on the procurements made during this
reporting period.
Mr. Lioneld Jord Mayor
EPA FORM 570 52A available e tr ically at:https://www.epa.gov/grants/epa-form-5700-52a-united-states-environmental-protection-agency-minority-
This collection of information is approved by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act.44 C.S.C.3501 et seq.(OMB Control No.2030-0020)Responses to this collection of information are
required to obtain an assistance agreement(40 CFR Part 30,40 CFR Pan 31,and 40 CFR Part 33 for awards made prior to December 26.2014.and 2 CFR 200,2 CFR 1500,and 40 CFR Part 33
for awards made after December 26.2014).An agency may not conduct or sponsor.and a person is not required to respond to,a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number.lime public reporting and rccordkeeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to be I hour per response.Send comments on the Agency's need for this information.
the accuracy of the provided burden estimates and any suggested methods for nunimt7ing respondent burden to the Regulatory Support Division Director.l'.S.Environmental Protection Agency
(282IT),1200 Pennsylvania Ave..NW,Washington.D.C.20460 Include the OMB control number in any correspondence Do not send the completed form to this address.
October 1, 2021 - September 30, 2022 ✓ Annual ❑ Final Report(Project completed)
1C:Revision of a Prior Year Report? 0 No 0 Yes
If yes,what reporting period is being revised and briefly
describe the changes made.Note:The revised report will
replace the associated original report in its entirety.
Name: Alan Pugh
Email: apugh@fayetteville-ar.gov
Phone: 479-575-8208
(For SRF state recipients,please include all numbers for all open assistance agreements being reported on this form.
01 F81601
4A.If NO procurements were made this reporting period(by the recipient,sub-recipient(s),loan recipient(s),and prime contractor(s)),CHECK and
SKIP to Block No.6.(Procurements are all expenditures through contract,order,purchase,lease or barter of supplies,equipment,construction,or
services needed to complete Federal assistance programs.)
46 Total Procurements&MBE/WBE Accomplishments This Reporting Period(in dollars)
Construction Non-Construction Total
Total Procurement: $ $0 $ $ 10,950 $$10,950
MBE/WBE Combined Procurement: $$0 $SO $$0
SA.Good Faith Efforts:If procurements were made,indicate whether 5B.If procurements were made,but no MBE/WBE
your organization has followed the six Good Faith efforts found in 40 procurements are being reported,then check the applicable
CFR Part 33,Subpart C,40 CFR 33.501 and 2 CFR 200.321. box(es)for the reason(s)why no MBE/WBE procurements were
✓ Yes,my organization has implemented and documented each of
the six Good Faith Efforts on the procurements made during this I I No MBE/WBE(s)applied No MBE/WBE(s)were
reporting period. qualified
No, my organization has not implemented and documented each ✓ Omer: Not Best Qualified
of the six Good Faith Efforts on the procurements made during this
reporting period.
Mr. Lioneld Jor n Mayor
/ �•-1 01/24/2024
EPA FORM 700- A availa• - - .ctrontcally at:https://www.epa.gov/grants/epa-form-5700-52a-united-states-environmental-protection-agency-minority-
�= EPA
'ntis collection of information is approved by(AIR under the Paperwork Reduction Act.44 C.S.C.3501 et seq.(OMB Control No.2030-00201.Responses to this collection of intimnation are
required to obtain an assistance agreement 140 CFR Part 30.40 CFR Part 31.and 40 CFR Part 33 for awards made prior to December 26.2014.and 2 CFR 200.2 CFR 1500.and 40 CFR Part 33
for awards made after December 26.2014) An agency may not conduct or sponsor.and a person is not required to respond to.a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number.The public reporting and recordkeeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to be I hour per response.Send comments on the Agency's need for this information.
the accuracy of the provided burden estimates and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden to die Regulatory Support Division Director,C.S Environmental Protection Agency
1282IT),1200 Pennsylvania Ave.,NW,Washington.D C 20460 Include the OMR control number in any correspondence.Do not send the completed form to this address.
October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2023 I Annual ❑ Final Report(Project completed)
1C:Revision of a Prior Year Report? No Yes l 1
If yes,what reporting period is being revised and briefly
describe the changes made.Note:The revised report will
replace the associated original report in its entirety.
Name: Alan Pugh
Email: apugh@fayetteville-ar.gov
Phone: 479-575-8208
(For SRF state recipients,please include all numbers for all open assistance agreements being reported on this form.
4A.If NO procurements were made this reporting period(by the recipient,sub-recipient(s),loan recipient(s),and prime contractor(s)),CHECK and
SKIP to Block No.6.(Procurements are all expenditures through contract,order,purchase,lease or barter of supplies,equipment,construction,or
services needed to complete Federal assistance programs.)
4B. Total Procurements&MBE/WBE Accomplishments This Reporting Period(in dollars)
Construction Non-Construction Total
Total Procurement: $ $0 $ $37,575 $$37,575
MBE/WBE Combined Procurement: $$0 $ S 0 $$0
SA.Good Faith Efforts:If procurements were made,indicate whether 56.If procurements were made,but no MBE/WBE
your organization has followed the six Good Faith efforts found in 40 procurements are being reported,then check the applicable
CFR Part 33,Subpart C,40 CFR 33.501 and 2 CFR 200.321. box(es)for the reason(s)why no MBE/WBE procurements were
Yes,my organization has implemented and documented each of
Ilifj the six Good Faith Efforts on the procurements made during this ❑ No MBE/WBE(s)applied n No MBE/WBE(s)were
reporting period. qualified
riNo,my organization has not implemented and documented each n Other: Not Best Qualified
of the six Good Faith Efforts on the procurements made during this I 1
reporting period.
Mr. Lioneld Jor,t-:n Mayor
1 01/24/2024
EPA F'a: • 5700-52A availabl: - - onically at:https://www.epa.gov/grants/epa-form-5700-52a-united-states-environmental-protection-agency-minority-