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113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479)575-8323 Resolution: 246-19 File Number: 2019-0707 GRASSHOPPER CONSTRUCTION, LLC: A RESOLUTION TO AWARD BID # 62123-1902 AND AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT WITH GRASSHOPPER CONSTRUCTION, LLC IN THE AMOUNT OF $29,993.37 FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT REHABILITATION OF AN ELIGIBLE RESIDENCE LOCATED AT 306 ELLA STREET BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council for the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby awards Bid # 62123- 1902 and authorizes a contract with Grasshopper Construction, LLC in the amount of $29,993.37 for Community Development Block Grant rehabilitation of an eligible residence located at 306 Ella Street. PASSED and APPROVED on 11/5/2019 Attest: `��G���( CLERk�Tz��' 9yZj��= =tn. D •NSAS ••• �`. Lisa Branson, Deputy City • • • . • • y �� 4 coo Page 1 Printed on 1116119 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 I! Text File File Number: 2019-0707 Agenda Date: 11/5/2019 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meeting File Type: Resolution Agenda Number: A. 8 GRASSHOPPER CONSTRUCTION, LLC: A RESOLUTION TO AWARD BID # 62123-1902 AND AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT WITH GRASSHOPPER CONSTRUCTION, LLC IN THE AMOUNT OF $29,993.37 FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT REHABILITATION OF AN ELIGIBLE RESIDENCE LOCATED AT 306 ELLA STREET BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council for the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby awards Bid # 62123-1902 and authorizes a contract with Grasshopper Construction, LLC in the amount of $29,993.37 for Community Development Block Grant rehabilitation of an eligible residence located at 306 Ella Street. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 1116/2019 Yolanda Fields Submitted By City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2019-0707 Legistar File ID 11/5/2016 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item 10/16/2019 COMMUNITY RESOURCES (642) Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: Staff recommends approval to award Bid #62123-1902 to Grasshopper Construction LLC for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Housing Rehabilitation project at 306 Ella St and to approve a purchase order in the amount of $29,993.37. Budget Impact: 2180.642.4940-5315.00 2180 - CDBG Account Number 62123-1902 Project Number Fund Moderate Rehabilitation 306 Ella St Budgeted Item? Yes Current Budget Funds Obligated Current Balance Does item have a cost? Yes Item Cost Budget Adjustment Attached? No Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget Project Title $ 58,712.02 $ 12,327.46 f $ 46,384.56 $ 29,993.37 $ 16,391.19 V20180321 Purchase Order Number: Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Change Order Number: Approval Date: Original Contract Number: Comments: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS MEETING OF NOVEMBER 5, 2019 CITY COUNCIL MEMO TO: Mayor and City Council THRU: Don Marr, Chief of Staff FROM: Yolanda Fields, Community Resources Dirt DATE: October 15, 2019 SUBJECT: Approval of Bid and Purchase Order for a CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Project RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval to award Bid #62123-1902 to Grasshopper Construction LLC for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Housing Rehabilitation project at 306 Ella St and to approve a purchase order in the amount of $29,993.37. BACKGROUND: Community Resources utilizes a portion of CDBG funds to assist low -to -moderate income Fayetteville residents who own their home and meet the program guidelines, with housing rehabilitation. Housing rehabilitation benefits eligible homeowners and helps to preserve affordable housing stock. DISCUSSION: A Fayetteville homeowner applied to the Housing Rehabilitation program for their home at 306 Ella St. CDBG staff verified that the homeowner qualified for the program and that the home was eligible for rehabilitation. A scope of work was then developed for the project. In September of 2019, the bid for the rehabilitation project was advertised in the local newspaper and emails were sent out to contractors with the bid packet attached. Only one contractor, Grasshopper Construction LLC, placed a bid on the project. Grasshopper Construction's bid came in at $29,993.37. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: Project cost is $29,993.37 Attachments: Bid Invitation Packet Receipt of Bids Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 =: CITY OF FAYETTEVILL ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVI LLE 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 INVITATION TO BID Bid# 62123-1902 Community Resources Division (479) 575-8240 BID#: 62123-1902 DATE ISSUED: Monday, September 30, 2019 DATE & TIME OF OPENING: Monday, October 14, 2019, 4:00pm CONTACT: Cherrell Lee—(479) 575-8240 CITY OF FAYETTEVILL.E ARKANSAS INVITATION TO BID DATE ISSUED: September 30, 2019 RECEIPT OF BIDS: Monday, October 14, 2019, 4:00pm Community Resources Division 125 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 COMMUNITY RESOURCES PROJECT COORDINATOR: Cherrell Lee 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Phone (479) 575-8240 BRIEF SCOPE OF PROJECT: A few new doors and windows. Widen some interior doors and openings. New shower and plumbing repairs. Electric repairs. New bath vanity. Some new flooring. Add air conditioning to the unit. New vinyl siding. Interior and exterior repairs. PROJECT NUMBER: 62123-1902 PROJECT LOCATION: 306 Ella Street, Fayetteville, AR 72701 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE: The City of Fayetteville encourages participation of small, minority and women owned business enterprises in the procurements of goods, services, and construction, either as a general contractor or subcontractor. The City is an affirmative action / equal opportunity employer. Section 55.55 prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals because of their handicapped status. GENERAL: A copy of the full specifications is attached. ****** Attention! ****** • Any bid of $20,000 or over must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond in an amount not less than five percent (50/4) of the amount bid. • A one hundred percent (100%) performance and payment bond is required with a contract awarded amount of over $20,000 and filed with the Washington County Circuit Clerk. • A State of Arkansas Residential Contractor's License is required for ALL bids. Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. All bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and must be submitted on forms provided by the city. No employees of the Community Resources Division are allowed to fill out bid sheets for Contractors. 2. The company or contractor name and project # shall be stated on the face of the sealed bid envelope. 3. Bidders shall include all applicable local, state, and federal sales tax in the bid. The responsibility of payment shall remain with the successful bidder. 4. Prices shall include all labor, materials, profit, insurance, etc., to cover the furnishing of the items of the bid. 5. Bids received after the date and time set for receiving bids will not be considered. 6. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, waive formalities in the bidding and make a bid award deemed to be in the best interest of the Owner. The Owner shall be able to purchase more or less than the quantity indicated subject to availability of funds. 7. The bid price shall remain good and firm for a period of thirty (30) calendar days from bid opening date; however, the prices may remain firm for a longer period of time if mutually agreeable between bidder and the Owner. 8. All products delivered shall comply with applicable standards of quality. 9. Any exceptions to the requirements of the City of Fayetteville must be noted on the Bid Form or on an attached form. 10. In the event of two or more identical low bids, the contract may be awarded arbitrarily or for any reason to any such bidders, at the discretion of the Owner. 11. The Contractor is to supply the City with evidence of the following: 1) Current and valid Certificate of Liability Insurance that includes coverage for a) Workman's Compensation and Employer Liability in accordance with the laws of the State of Arkansas, b) Commercial General Liability that covers public liability and property damage and c) Automobile Liability, if applicable. All premiums and costs shall be paid by the Contractor. In no way will the Owner be responsible in case of accident. 113 W MOUNTAIN ST I FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 1 PHONE 479.575.8260 1 FAX 479.444.3445 CITY OF NTI ; iso l IVFAYETTEVILLE _ 1. ARKANSAS " CDBG COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. All bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and must be submitted on forms provided by the city. No employees of the Community Resources Division are allowed to fill out bid sheets for Contractors. 2. The company or contractor name and project # shall be stated on the face of the sealed bid envelope. 3. Bidders shall include all applicable local, state, and federal sales tax in the bid. The responsibility of payment shall remain with the successful bidder. 4. Prices shall include all labor, materials, profit, insurance, etc., to cover the furnishing of the items of the bid. 5. Bids received after the date and time set for receiving bids will not be considered. 6. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, waive formalities in the bidding and make a bid award deemed to be in the best interest of the Owner. The Owner shall be able to purchase more or less than the quantity indicated subject to availability of funds. 7. The bid price shall remain good and firm for a period of thirty (30) calendar days from bid opening date; however, the prices may remain firm for a longer period of time if mutually agreeable between bidder and the Owner. 8. All products delivered shall comply with applicable standards of quality. 9. Any exceptions to the requirements of the City of Fayetteville must be noted on the Bid Form or on an attached form. 10. In the event of two or more identical low bids, the contract may be awarded arbitrarily or for any reason to any such bidders, at the discretion of the Owner. 11. The Contractor is to supply the City with evidence of the following: 1) Current and valid Certificate of Liability Insurance that includes coverage for a) Workman's Compensation and Employer Liability in accordance with the laws of the State of Arkansas, b) Commercial General Liability that covers public liability and property damage and c) Automobile Liability, if applicable. All premiums and costs shall be paid by the Contractor. In no way will the Owner be responsible in case of accident. 113 W MOUNTAIN ST I FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 1 PHONE 479.575.8260 1 FAX 479.444.3445 CITY OF �� FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS u� b 6 _!D COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM 2) Current and valid license from the State of Arkansas Contractors Licensing Board. 3) EPA/HUD Approved Lead Safety Training Program certification. 12. Specifications furnished with this invitation are intended to establish a desired quality or performance level, or other minimum dimensions and capacities, which will provide the best product at the lowest possible price. Other than designated brands and/or models approved as equal to designated products shall receive equal consideration. 13. The City reserves the right to request any additional information it deems necessary from any or all bidders after the submission deadline. 14. Quality, time and probability of performance may be factors in making an award. 15. Any ambiguity in any bid as a result of omission, error, lack of clarity or non-compliance by the bidder with specifications, instructions, and all conditions of bidding shall be construed in the light most favorable to the Owner. 16. Bidders must provide the City with their bids signed by an employee having legal authority to submit bids on behalf of the bidder. 17. The request for bid is not to be construed as an offer, a contract, or a commitment of any kind; nor does it commit the city to pay for any costs incurred by bidder in preparation of bid. 18. Bids must be hand delivered or received by mail in the Community Resources Office, 125 West Mountain St. Fayetteville, and AR. 72701, on or before the time of closing listed on the Bid Form. Under no circumstances will faxed bids be allowed. 19. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract with the Owner and shall provide a certificate of insurance to the Community Resources Division within ten (10) days of notice of bid award. 20. In the event a contract is entered into pursuant to the "Invitation to Bid", the bidder shall not discriminate against any qualified employee or qualified applicant for employment because of race, sex, color, creed, national origin, or ancestry. The bidder must include in any and all subcontracts a provision similar to the above. 21. The contractor must be prepared to commence work on start date per Notice to Proceed issued by the City Community Resources Division, and must complete the work within Thirty (30) calendar days. Exceptions as noted in the Rehabilitation Contract. 22. A Maximum of three payments may be made on each Housing Rehabilitation Project. Upon satisfactory completion of 40% of the work and submission of proper documentation, 30% of the contract amount may be released to the contractor with 10% being held as retainer. Upon 113 W MOUNTAIN ST I FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 1 PHONE 479.575.8260 1 FAX 479.444.3445 CITY OF 0 10 FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS CDBG COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM satisfactory completion of 70% of the work and submission of proper documentation, 60% of the contract amount may be released to the contractor with 10% being held as retainer. Final payment shall be made after satisfactory completion and acceptance of the project. Retainers shall be released with the final payment. 23. A certificate of final inspection by the City of Fayetteville's Building Safety Division must be performed before the release of the final check. 24. Any construction material containing Lead -Based Paint (LBP) shall be removed b\ workers certified in LBP Interim Controls and with adherence to the current HUD Regulation on LRP Hazards. 113 W MOUNTAIN ST I FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 1 PHONE 479.575.8260 1 FAX 479.444.3445 Highland Home Builder, Inc. Bruce Kerr 479-903-0966 Community Resources Spec writer brace kerr hotmail.com Community Resources Division MODERATE HOUSING REHABILITATION PROJECT Scope of Project: A few new doors and windows. Widen some interior doors and openings. New shower and plumbing repairs. Electric repairs. New bath vanity. Some new flooring. Add air conditioning to the unit. New vinyl siding. Interior and exterior repairs. Owner's Name: Kodie Starks Phone: 479-387-5753 Project Location: 306 Ella St, Fayetteville AR Project # 62123-1902 Project Coordinator: Cherrell Lee Phone: 479-575-8240 Fax: 479-444-3445 Contractors Description of Work: Minimum requirements for bidder: Proof of current Arkansas Residential Contractor's license (or Commercial Contractor's license if required by law) which is provided by the State of Arkansas Contractors Licensing Board, Certificate of Liability Insurance, and a statement of Completion of EPA/HUD Approved Lead Safety Training if applicable. GENERAL: The contractor will be responsible for all aspects of the construction, installation, repairs, and cleanup as stated in the Scope of Work and Specifics at the project location stated above. Each bidder will be responsible for a complete inspection of the property at the project location before submitting bid. Give occupant 24-hour notice before inspection. All the distances, measurements, procedures, and listed materials should be verified before submitting your bid to complete the work. The requirements listed here, in the description of work, are general requirements and it will be the responsibility of the winning bidder to assure the City of Fayetteville that the finished project is in compliance with all applicable codes and standards and achieves the goal of raising the efficiency of the building. The contractor's duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following: 1) Purchasing of all materials. 2) Supervision of all employees and subcontractors. 3) Coordination with the City of Fayetteville CDBG Project Coordinator, the City of Fayetteville Code Compliance Office and owners. 4) Project design. 5) Clean up and restoration of all lawns, planters, walking and driving surfaces to their original condition. 6) Keep job site safe for others and practice safe working practices as required. SPECIFICS: A: HVAC A — 1 Install anew AC system to the existing system. Add the coil to the air handler. The AC unit must be Energy Star rated. Match the unit size to the size of the home for proper function. A-2 Ensure all condensation and back up condensation drains and pans are installed and are in working order as and if needed by code. A-3 Inspect existing attic ductwork and return air ductwork and seal and make repairs as needed to ducts and insulation. Make and add new ductwork as needed to make coil unit connect to existing ductwork. A-4 Change return air filters and leave a few extra. A-5 Install an exterior AC pad for the new unit. B: INTERIOR REPAIRS B - 1 Add insulation as needed in the attic to bring the insulation up to R38. Use blown fiberglass. B-2 Remove old bath vanity and install a new 24 inch vanity with sink in the bathroom. B-3 Repair the drywall around any new windows, doors, and modified openings as needed. Match texture to what is there. B-4 Add trim as needed around windows, doors, modified openings, and baseboards at floors where the base may be missing B-5 Paint all repaired drywall to match the existing walls. B-6 Paint the new added trim work. B-7 Widen the door going into the hallway to front bath, into the middle bedroom, into the kitchen, and into the back room to at least 36 inches or more if easily possible. B — 8 Remove the wallpaper in the hall to the bedrooms and bath (comes off easy). Repair drywall holes. Texture to match surrounding areas. B — 9 Make sure the shower curtain is in working order and replace vinyl curtain or rod as needed. 13— 10 Supply a handicap seat in the shower if one does not exist. B — 11 Install a grab bar in the shower. B — 12 Replace or paint the door that tests positive for lead on line 092 of lead report. C: PLUMBING C — 1 Remove tub and install a fiberglass shower and surround. Have the front lip be the least possible for handicap use that is on hand at a plumbing supply store. C-2 Add a new faucet with a hand wand to the new shower. C-3 Install a new faucet into the new bath vanity. Include all needed components. C-4 Investigate the situation of low water pressure in the home. Make minor repairs. D: ELECTRIC D — 1 Replace kitchen and dining room lights and add a lights in the middle bedroom. Use LED surface mount fixtures. D-2 Update all the smoke detectors and Carbon Monoxide detectors to bring the home up to code. Add any missing detectors. D-3 Add any missing outlets and switch covers D-4 In the back bedroom replace the existing fans with new ones with a light kit. The fans must be at least a 42 -inch blade. D-5 In the front left bedroom, make the light and LED fixture by converting it or replace it. D-6 Add needed connections and components for the new AC unit to be installed. D-7 Detach and reattach and wires and electrical components for the siding to be replaced. F.: DOORS AND WINDOWS E — 1 Remove old slider door in the back of the home and replace with an ADA accessible door with secure locking system since it is an exterior door. E-2 Replace the front door with a new 36 inch, left hand, half glass door. Use existing door hardware if in working order or replace if needed. E-3 Add a new screen door with storm windows that can be opened on the front door. E-4 Replace the kitchen and front left bath window with new Energy Star rated vinyl windows. F: EXTERIOR REPAIRS F — 1 Make repairs to the trim as needed outside to accommodate the new slider door. F-2 Replace vinyl siding where it is now with new builder grade siding. Reuse the existing J channel if possible and match the vinyl siding color to it. F-3 Install vinyl soffit where a vinyl soffit is missing. (to cover the lead paint) F-4 Remove and reinstall the existing gutters and add a leaf guard to the gutter. Replace gutters if damaged. F — 5 Remove the front metal decorative supports on the front porch and add new wood posts. F-6 Wrap the front porch beams where lead paint exists. F-7 Wrap the window apron or repaint where lead exists on line 022 in lead report. F — 8 Add a ADA accessible ramp slope to the end of the sidewalk that leads to the driveway. G: FLOORING G — 1 Add new vinyl flooring in living room, both front bedrooms, and bath on the front left side of home. Have homeowner approve floor color. Add floor transitions where needed. G-2 Repair the tile around the perimeter of the stove. Only address the tiles on the outside edges. Use new tiles around the edges and leave the middle ones. Have the homeowner approve the tile selection to be added on the outside. Grout as needed. H: CLEANUP H — I All new, used, and excess construction materials that relate to the job or a change order(s) belongs to the contractor and can be removed from the property by the contractor as needed during the project and shall be removed at completion. H-2 All trash shall be hauled off by contractor and preferably recycled if possible. H-3 All affected areas shall be left broom clean. H-4 If lead paint is present, cleanup, and removal of old materials with lead paint present will be compliant with EPA/HUD Approved Lead Safety standards. I: OTHER I — 1 All work or materials which are not directly noted in the Scope of Work and Specifics, but are necessary for the proper carrying out of the obvious intentions thereof, are to be understood as implied work and will be provided for by the contractor as if specifically described or drawn. 1-2 All work shall be performed in a workmanlike manner according to common construction practices, according to the specifications set forth in the Community Resources Program's General Specification Manual, and with adherence to city, state, and national codes. 1-3 Any damage to the dwelling or property caused by the contractor, his/her worker(s) or delivery person, and/or their vehicles during the project shall be repaired to like new conditions. 1-4 Where applicable, all plumbing work shall be performed by a Arkansas State licensed plumbing contractor with adherence to the current Arkansas Plumbing Code. 1-5 Where applicable, all electrical work shall be performed by a Arkansas State licensed electrical contractor with adherence to the current National Electrical Code. 1-6 Where applicable, all HVAC work shall be performed under the supervision of a licensed HVAC contractor with adherence to all codes. 1922 Sunnyland Road April 22, 2019 Mountain View, Arkansas 72.560 Ms. Cherrell Lee Project Coordinator City of Fayetteville Community Resources Division 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Dear Ms. Lee: This is a report of the lead-based paint inspection conducted at the residence of Kodie Starks, 306 Ella, Fayetteville, Arkansas. The inspection was conducted on April 8, 2019. The purpose of the inspection was to determine if lead-based paint was present at or above the Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) regulated level of 1.0 mg/cm2. Lead-based paint was found on the exterior & interior of the dwelling. Lead-based paint was found on the soffit, porch supports, rafter ends, and window components. Lead-based paint was also found in the bedroom (5) on the door. One hundred thirty-five XRF readings, including six calibrations, were taken with seven of the readings at or above the HUD regulated level. Please refer to the summary report for additional information on specific locations and lead concentrations. The summary report lists all concentrations that are at or above the HUD regulated level of 1.0 mg/cm2. A sequential report lists all XRF readings in the order they were taken. Both reports provide the structure on which the reading was taken, the location, paint condition, substrate, color and concentration. The wall refers to the side of the house (location) that each reading was taken. Example: Exterior wall A is the front entrance side, when looking at the front of the house, then proceed clockwise, wall B being to the left of A and so on. Each room after that is oriented the same, with wall A in the living room being the wall facing the front entrance. Paint condition is classified by intact (good), fair and poor conditions. The mode refers to the sampling method selected for conducting the x-ray fluorescence measurements. A diagram with room identifiers and room numbers is included for reference. The inspection was conducted using the RMD LPA -1 x-ray fluorescence analyzer (XRF), serial number 3204. The XRF was operated in the quick mode for the quantitative measurement of lead in paint. Frank Terry of Lead Technologies conducted the lead paint inspection. Mr. Terry is a certified lead paint inspector and a certified risk assessor. Lead Technologies is an. Arkansas licensed lead paint consultant. According to HUD and EPA regulations a disclosure statement must be provided to the property owner and any new lessees (tenants) and purchasers of this property prior to becoming obligated under a lease or sales contract. A copy of this report must be made available to the occupants within 15 days. A lead-based paint disclosure is included with this letter, along with the EPA information pamphlets; "Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home" and "Renovate Right". If you have any questions concerning this survey report or need additional assistance, please feel free to call us. We appreciate you selecting Lead Technologies to conduct your lead paint inspection. Sincerely, Juanita Terry, Vice President Lead Technologies 501-373-8644 • 870-5511-6725 Fart Disclosure of Inspection Federal law requires the disclosure of knowledge of lead-based paint and lead-based paint hazards, or that there is no such knowledge, when owners sell or rent most pre -1978 housing, known as "target" housing. Therefore the results (that is, reports and records) of lead-based paint inspections and risk assessments must be disclosed to prospective renters (lessees, tenants) of target housing prior to entering into a new lease and renters renewing an old lease (unless the results were previously disclosed to them), if lead-based paint is found, and to prospective purchasers prior to obligation under a sales contract for target housing, whether or not lead-based paint is found. If the inspection finds that lead-based paint is not present in units which are to be leased, the dwelling unit and, for multi -family housing, all other dwelling units characterized by the inspection are exempt from disclosure requirements for rental actions. However, for dwelling units which are being sold (not leased), the owner still has certain legal responsibilities to fulfill under Federal law even if no lead-based paint is identified. See the HUD and EPA regulations in 24 CFR part 35, and 40 CFR part 745. A, PAINT l t• REPORT rOr REPORT NUMBER: S#03204 - 04/08/19 10:03 INSPECTION FOR: Ms. Cherrell Lee, Project Coordinator City of Fayetteville, Comm. Resources 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 PERFORMED AT: 306 Ella Fayetteville, Arkansas INSPECTION DATE: 04/08/19 INSTRUMENT TYPE: R M D MODEL LPA -1 XRF TYPE ANALYZER Serial Number: 03204 ACTION LEVEL: 1.0 mgLCD,2 OPERATOR LICENSE: GL -0142 i SIGNS — Date:�l�--� B Bathroom Rm6 Bedroom Rm5 Closet 306 Ella Fayetteville, AR C A Living Rm1 A SUMMARY REPORT OF LEAD PAINT INSPECTION FOR: Ms. Cherrell Lee, Project Coordinator Inspection Date: 04/08/19 306 Ella Report Date: 4/14/2019 Fayetteville, Arkansas Abatement Level: 1.0 Report No. S#03204 - 04/08/19 10:03 Total Readings: 135 Actionable: 7 Job Started: 04/08/19 10:03 Job Finished: 04/08/19 12:03 Reading Paint Lead No. Wall Structure Location Member Cond Substrate Color (mg/cm') Mode Exterior Room 001 Exterior 015 A Soffit P Wood Black 1.0 QM 008 A Porch Supp. Rgt I Wood Black 7.9 QM 016 A Rafter End Rgt P Wood Black 2.3 QM 019 B Soffit P Wood Black 1.0 QM 022 B Window Ctr Apron P Wood Grey 1.0 QM 032 D Soffit P Wood Black 1.0 QM Interior Room 005 Bedroom 092 D Door Rgt L Ctr P Wood Black 7.0 QM Calibration Readings ---- End of Readings ---- 1 SEQUENTIAL REPORT OF LEAD PAINT INSPECTION FOR: Ms. Cherrell Lee, Project Coordinator Inspection Date: 04/08/19 306 Ella Report Date: 4/14/2019 Fayetteville, Arkansas Abatement Level: 1.0 Report No. S#03204 - 04/08/19 10:03 Total Readings: 135 Job Started: 04/08/19 10:03 Job Finished: 04/08/19 12:03 Read No. Rm No. Room Name Wall Structure Location Paint Member Cond Substrate Color Lead (Mg/CM2) Mode 1 CALIBRATION 0.8 TC 2 CALIBRATION 0.9 TC 3 CALIBRATION 0.8 TC 4 001 Exterior A Soffit P Wood Black -0.1 QM 5 001 Exterior A Rafter End Lft P Wood Black 0.5 QM 6 001 Exterior A Fascia I Wood Grey -0.2 QM 7 001 Exterior A PorchCeiling Rgt I Wood Black -0.2 QM 8 001 Exterior A Porch Supp. Rgt I Wood Black 7.9 QM 9 001 Exterior A Window Rgt Rgt casing I Wood Grey -0.3 QM 10 001 Exterior A Window Rgt Lft casing I Wood Grey -0.3 QM 11 001 Exterior A Door Rgt Lft casing I Wood Grey -0.1 QM 12 001 Exterior A Door Rgt Rgt jamb I Wood White -0.2 QM 13 001 Exterior A Door Rgt U Lft I Metal Grey -0.2 QM 14 001 Exterior A Column Lft L column I Metal Black -0.2 QM 15 001 Exterior A Soffit P Wood Black 1.0 QM 16 001 Exterior A Rafter End Rgt P Wood Black 2.3 QM 17 001 Exterior A Gutter I Metal White -0.5 QM 18 001 Exterior B Down Spout Rgt I Metal White 0.0 QM 19 001 Exterior B Soffit P Wood Black 1.0 QM 20 001 Exterior B Rafter End Lft I Wood Black 0.0 QM 21 001 Exterior B Fascia I Wood Grey -0.3 QM 22 001 Exterior B Window Ctr Apron P Wood Grey 1.0 QM 23 001 Exterior B Window Ctr Lft casing P Wood Grey -0.1 QM 24 001 Exterior B Wall L Lft I Wood Grey -0.4 QM 25 001 Exterior C Wall U Rgt I Wood Grey -0.4 QM 26 001 Exterior C Corner board Rgt I Wood Grey -0.1 QM 27 001 Exterior C Fascia P Wood Grey -0.2 QM 28 001 Exterior D Fascia I Wood Grey 0.2 QM 29 001 Exterior D Wall U Rgt I Wood Grey 0.2 QM 30 001 Exterior D Corner board Rgt I Wood Grey -0.1 QM 31 001 Exterior D Rafter End Ctr I Wood Black 0.0 QM 32 001 Exterior D Soffit P Wood Black 1.0 QM 33 001 Exterior D Gutter I Metal White -0.5 QM 34 001 Exterior D Down Spout Ctr I Metal White -0.2 QM 35 001 Exterior D A. C. Rgt I Metal White -0.2 QM 36 001 Exterior D Window Lft Lft casing I Wood Grey -0.1 QM 37 001 Exterior D Window Lft Rgt casing I Wood Grey -0.2 QM 38 001 Living Rm C Floor I Wood Natural -0.2 QM 39 001 Living Rm A Window Lft Header I Wood Natural -0.1 QM 1 SEQUENTIAL REPORT OF LEAD PAINT INSPECTION FOR: Ms. Cherrell Lee, Project Coordinator Read No. Rm Room No. Name Paint Wall Structure Location Member Cond Substrate Lead Color (mg/cm') Mode 40 001 Living Rm A Window Lft Sill I Wood Natural -0.1 QM 41 001 Living Rm A Wall L Ctr I Wood Natural 0.1 QM 42 001 Living Rm B Wall U Rgt I Wood Natural -0.2 QM 43 001 Living Rm C Wall U Lft I Wood Natural -0.2 QM 44 001 Living Rm D Wall U Ctr I Wood Natural -0.2 QM 45 001 Living Rm C Door Ctr Header I Wood Natural 0.1 QM 46 001 Living Rm C Door Ctr Lft jamb I Wood White -0.1 QM 47 001 Living Rm C Door Ctr U Rgt I Metal Grey -0.1 QM 48 001 Living Rm C Crown Mldg Lft I Wood White -0.2 QM 49 001 Living Rm C Baseboard Lft I Wood Brown 0.1 QM 50 001 Living Rm A Ceiling I Drywall White -0.3 QM 51 002 Bedroom A Crown Mldg Ctr I Wood Red -0.3 QM 52 002 Bedroom A Wall L Rgt I Wood Blue -0.1 QM 53 002 Bedroom C Wall U Ctr I Wood Blue -0.1 QM 54 002 Bedroom D Wall L Lft I Wood Blue -0.2 QM 55 002 Bedroom B Wall U Lft I Wood White -0.1 QM 56 002 Bedroom A Window Ctr Header I Wood Natural -0.1 QM 57 002 Bedroom A Window Ctr Rgt jamb I Wood Natural -0.1 QM 58 002 Bedroom C Door Ctr Lft jamb I Wood Natural -0.1 QM 59 002 Bedroom C Door Ctr U Ctr I Wood Natural -0.3 QM 60 002 Bedroom C Closet Rgt Door Casing I Wood Natural -0.2 QM 61 002 Bedroom C Closet Rgt Shelf I Wood White 0.4 QM 62 002 Bedroom C Closet Rgt Shelf Sup. I Wood White 0.0 QM 63 002 Bedroom C Closet Rgt Wall I Drywall White -0.2 QM 64 003 Bathroom B Ceiling I Drywall White -0.1 QM 65 003 Bathroom A Wall L Lft I Drywall Grey -0.2 QM 66 003 Bathroom B Wall U Lft I Drywall Grey -0.2 QM 67 003 Bathroom C Wall L Ctr I Drywall Grey -0.1 QM 68 003 Bathroom D Wall U Rgt I Drywall Grey -0.1 QM 69 003 Bathroom A Crown Mldg Lft I Wood White -0.2 QM 70 003 Bathroom D Door Ctr Rgt casing I Wood Blue -0.2 QM 71 004 Hallway D Baseboard Rgt I Wood Black -0.1 QM 72 004 Hallway A Door Ctr Rgt casing I Wood Black -0.1 QM 73 004 Hallway A Door Ctr Lft jamb I Wood Natural -0.1 QM 74 004 Hallway A Door Ctr L Lft I Wood Natural -0.3 QM 75 004 Hallway D Closet Lft Door I Wood Natural -0.3 QM 76 004 Hallway D Closet Lft Door Jamb I Wood Natural -0.1 QM 77 004 Hallway D Closet Lft Wall I Wood Natural -0.3 QM 78 004 Hallway A Wall U Rgt I Drywall Red -0.4 QM 79 004 Hallway B Wall L Lft I Drywall Red -0.3 QM 80 004 Hallway C Wall U Ctr I Drywall Red -0.2 QM 81 004 Hallway D Wall L Rgt I Drywall Red -0.3 QM 82 004 Hallway C Ceiling I Drywall White 0.0 QM 83 005 Bedroom D Ceiling I Drywall White -0.1 QM 84 005 Bedroom A Wall L Lft I Wood Natural -0.1 QM 85 005 Bedroom B Wall U Rgt I Wood Natural 0.0 QM 86 005 Bedroom C Wall L Lft I Wood Natural 0.0 QM SEQUENTIAL REPORT OF LEAD PAINT INSPECTION FOR: Ms. Cherrell Lee, Project Coordinator Read No. Rm No. Room Name Wali Structure Location Paint Member Cond Substrate Lead Color (mg/cm2) Mode 87 005 Bedroom D Wall U Ctr I Wood Natural -0.1 QM 88 005 Bedroom B Window Ctr Rgt casing I Wood Natural -0.1 QM 89 005 Bedroom B Window Ctr Lft jamb I Wood Natural 0.0 QM 90 005 Bedroom D Door Rgt Rgt casing I Wood Natural -0.1 QM 91 005 Bedroom D Door Rgt Lft jamb I Wood Natural 0.0 QM 92 005 Bedroom D Door Rgt L Ctr P Wood Black 7.0 QM 93 005 Bedroom A Closet Rgt Door Casing I Wood Natural -0.1 QM 94 005 Bedroom A Closet Rgt Shelf I Wood White -0.1 QM 95 005 Bedroom A Closet Rgt Shelf Sup. I Wood White 0.3 QM 96 005 Bedroom A Closet Rgt Wall I Drywall White -0.3 QM 97 006 Bathroom A Ceiling I Drywall White -0.1 QM 98 006 Bathroom A Wall U Ctr I Drywall Multi Co -0,2 QM 99 006 Bathroom B Wall L Rgt I Drywall Multi Co -0.3 QM 100 006 Bathroom C Wall U Lft I Drywall Multi Co -0,3 QM 101 006 Bathroom D Wall L Ctr I Drywall Multi Co -0.2 QM 102 006 Bathroom C Window Ctr Sill I Wood Black -0.1 QM 103 006 Bathroom C Window Ctr Apron I Wood Black -0.1 QM 104 006 Bathroom D Door Lft L Rgt I Wood Black -0.1 QM 105 006 Bathroom D Door Lft Rgt jamb I Wood Blue 0.1 QM 106 006 Bathroom D Door Lft Lft casing I Wood Lavander -0.1 QM 107 006 Bathroom D Baseboard Ctr I Wood Lavander -0.1 QM 108 006 Bathroom D Chair rail Ctr I Wood Lavander -0.1 QM 109 007 Den A Wall U Ctr I Drywall Multi Co -0.3 QM 110 007 Den B Wall L Ctr I Drywall Multi Co 0.0 QM 111 007 Den C Wall U Lft I Drywall Multi Co -0.2 QM 112 007 Den D Wall L Rgt I Drywall Multi Co -0.3 QM 113 007 Den A Ceiling I Drywall White 0.0 QM 114 007 Den D Closet Lft Wall I Drywall White -0.2 QM 115 007 Den D Closet Lft Door Jamb I Wood Black -0.3 QM 116 007 Den D Baseboard Ctr I Wood Black -0.2 QM 117 007 Den D Chair rail Ctr I Wood Black -0.2 QM 118 007 Den A Door Ctr Header I Wood Black -0.2 QM 119 007 Den A Door Ctr Lft jamb I Wood Black -0.1 QM 120 007 Den A Door Ctr U Rgt I Wood Natural -0.1 QM 121 008 Kitchen B Door Lft U Lft P Wood Black 0.0 QM 122 008 Kitchen B Door Lft Rgt casing I Wood Natural -0.2 QM 123 008 Kitchen B Door Lft Rgt jamb I Wood Natural -0.3 QM 124 008 Kitchen D Cah9.nat T.f{-_ I Wood Natural 0.1 QM 125 008 Kitchen A Wall U Rgt I Wood Natural -0.1 QM 126 008 Kitchen B Wall L Lft I Wood Natural -0.2 QM 127 008 Kitchen C Wall U Ctr I Wood Natural -0.1 QM 128 008 Kitchen D Wall U Ctr I Wood Natural -0.2 QM 129 008 Kitchen B Ceiling I Drywall White -0.1 QM 130 008 Kitchen A Service Win Ctr I Wood Black -0.1 QM 131 001 Exterior C Wall U Rgt I Wood Grey -0.2 QM 132 001 Exterior C PorchCeiling Rgt I Metal White -0.3 QM 133 CALIBRATION 0.9 TC 3 SEQUENTIAL REPORT OF LEAD PAINT INSPECTION FOR: Ms. Cherrell Lee, Project Coordinator Read Rm Room Paint Lead No. No. Name Wall Structure Location Member Cond Substrate Color (mg/cm') Mode 134 CALIBRATION 1.0 TC 135 CALIBRATION 1.0 TC ---- End of Readings ---- 4 Risk Assessment Summary Part 1: Identifying Information: A lead-based paint inspection and a risk assessment were conducted at the residence of Kodie Starks, 306 Ella, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Frank & Juanita Terry, certified inspectors and risk assessors, Arkansas certification numbers 000327 & 000326, conducted the inspection and risk assessment on April 8, 2019. Lead Technologies is an Arkansas lead-based paint consulting :firm; license number 000606. Part 2: Results: List of Locations and Type of Identified Lead Hazards: The general condition of the house exterior was good. The interior of the house was in fair to good condition. Deteriorated lead-based paint was found on the house exterior & interior. Deteriorated lead-based paint was found on the soffit, rafter ends, window components, and the bedroom (5) door. The above listed components with deteriorated lead-based paint are considered a hazard. Lead safe work practices must be implemented when working on any lead containing component. Non -deteriorated lead-based paint was found on the front porch supports. Lead safe work practices must be implemented when working on any lead containing component. Environmental dust wipe samples were collected throughout the house to evaluate the lead in dust concentrations. The lead in dust was above the HUD standard for windowsills. The front bedroom (2) floor was at 10.8 ug/ft2. The HUD standards are 10 ug/ft2 for the floors, the windowsills are at 100 ug/ft2, window troughs are set at 100 ug/ft2 and porch floors are at 40 ug/ft2. Using these criteria, the lead in dust is considered a hazard. One soil sample was collected at the perimeter of the house on sides A, B, C and D; the soil was mostly covered. The soil lead level was <22 (ug/g) for the perimeter sample. The soil sample results are below the EPA/HUD limits for perimeter samples. The current EPA Guidance level for soil is 1,200 ug/g for bare soil at building perimeters and yard areas and 400 ug/g for bare soil play areas. Using these criteria, the covered soil is not considered a lead hazard. Part 3: Lead Hazard Control and Estimated Costs: A contractor trained in lead -safe work practices or a licensed lead -abatement contractor shall conduct all lead-based paintwork. The Contractor shall comply with the HUD Lead Safe Housing rule, June 2004. a. The occupants shall be temporarily relocated to a suitable, decent and safe dwelling unit until after the lead-based paint activities have been completed unless the following measures are achieved: The occupants are not permitted to enter the worksite during hazard reduction activities, until after hazard reduction work has been completed and clearance is achieved. b. During all exterior work that will disturb lead-based paint, the windows, doors, ventilation intakes and other openings in or near the worksite shall be sealed during the hazard control work. c. If treatment of the interior will be completed within one 8 -hour period and the worksite contained so as to prevent the release of lead dust or lead hazards. d. If treatment of the interior will be completed within 5 days, the worksite contained so as to prevent the release of lead dust or hazards and at the end of work on each day, the worksite and area within at least 10 feet of the containment area is cleaned to remove any visible dust or debris and occupants have safe access to the sleeping areas, bathroom and kitchen. e. The worksite shall be prepared to prevent the release of leaded dust and debris from the worksite and practices that minimize the spread of lead dust and debris shall be utilized. f. A lead warning sign shall be posted in accordance with section 35.1345 of the HUD Lead Safe Housing Rule, June 2004, during all lead -safe work. The costs shown below include labor, materials, worker protection, site containment, cleanup and disposal. These are only very rough estimates that may not be accurate. A precise estimate should be obtained from a lead -safe work trained rehabilitation contractor or a licensed Iead-abatement contractor Clearance testing must be conducted at the completion of all rehabilitation work to ensure that any existing lead contamination is removed. If the rehabilitation cost exceeds $25,000, then a licensed lead -abatement contractor will be required to conduct all the lead work. Hazard 1: Deteriorated Paint — Deteriorated lead-based paint was found on the exterior soffit, rafter ends, & window components. Deteriorated lead-based paint was found on the interior bedroom (5) door. a. Place visqueen below/around the work areas to contain the paint chips. Replace damaged wood with new wood as necessary, prime and paint. Vet scrape and repaint the chipping paint from the soffit, rafter ends and window components. Conduct a thorough cleanup. $3,500.00 b. Place visqueen below the bedroom (5) door. Remove the door at the hinges. Dispose of the door properly and replace with a new interior door. Conduct a thorough cleanup with the HEPA vacuum wet wash sequence. $300.00 Hazard 2: Elevated Lead Dust Concentrations - The lead in dust concentration was above the HUD standards for the floors. a. Conduct a thorough cleaning of all the windows, floors and/or horizontal surfaces throughout the house and porches. Cleaning shall be conducted utilizing the HEPA vacuum, wet wash, HEPA vacuum sequence or other method of equivalent efficacy. $1,800.00 Part 4: Summary and Ongoing Monitoring Recommendations: A lead-based paint inspection and risk assessment were conducted on April 8, 2019. Lead-based paint hazards were found on the deteriorated lead paint on the exterior and interior, and the elevated lead in dust concentrations. HUD recommends ongoing monitoring of dwellings by reevaluations and visual examinations of all properties containing lead-based paint or lead-based paint hazards. A reevaluation is a risk assessment that includes more limited soil and dust sampling and a detailed visual examination of paint films and any existing lead hazard controls (such as enclosures). According to the finding of this survey, a reevaluation should be conducted in one year. The reevaluation should be conducted by a certified risk assessor and should include both a visual examination and environmental sampling for lead contaminated dust. A visual survey (by the owner or owner's representative) should be conducted annually and whenever information indicates a possible problem. According to the HUD regulations, notification of the results of this lead-based paint risk assessment must be provided to the occupants within 15 days of receipt of this report. C:.1 . I --- 1. - I I I -e, � Ju erry, Certified Risk sensor Arkansas certification number 000326 Chapter 5: Risk Assessment Form 5.0 Resident Questionnaire (To be completed by risk assessor via interview with resident.) Children/Children's Habits l . (a) Do you have any children that live in your home? No (If no children, skip to Question 5) (b) If yes, how many? age? (c) Record blood lead levels, if known. (d) Are there women of childbearing age present? No Location or the roomsiareas where each child sleeps, eats, and plays. 3. Where are toys stored/kept? 4. Is there any visible evidence of chewed or peeling paint on the woodwork furniture, or toys. Family Use Patterns 5. Which entrances are used most frequently? Front 6. Which windows are opened most frequently? Livingroom oom 7. Do you use window air conditioners? If yes, where? Yes, Living room (Condensation often causes paint deterioration) 8. (a) Do any household members garden? Yes (b) Location of garden. Back Yard (c) Are you planning any landscaping activities that will remove grass or ground covering? No 9. (a) How often is the household cleaned? Bimonthly (b) What cleaning methods do you use? Sweep, dust, mop 10. (a) Did you recently complete any building renovations? No (b) If yes, where? (c) Was building debris stored in the yard? if yes, where? 11. Are you planning any building renovations? if yes, where? Yes, City of Fayetteville 12. (a) Do any household members work in a lead -related industry No (b) If yes, where are dirty work clothes placed and cleaned? N/A Chapter 5: Risk Assessment Form 5.1 Building Condition Form Condition Yes No Roof missing arts of surfaces (tiles, boards, shakes, etc.) X Roof has holes or large cracks X Gutters or downs outs broken X Chimney masonry cracked, bricks loose or missing, obviously out of lumb X Exterior or interior walls have obvious large cracks or holes, requiring more than routine pointing (if masonry) or painting X Exterior siding has missing boards or shingles X Water stains on interior walls or ceilings X Plaster walls or ceilings deteriorated X Two or more windows or doors broken, missing, or boarded tip X Porch or steps have major elements broken, missing, or boarded up X Foundation has major cracks, missing material, structure leans, or visibly unsound X * Total number 6 5 * If the Yes column has two or more checks, the dwelling is usually considered to be in poor condition for the purposes of a risk assessment. However specific conditions and extenuating circumstances should be considered before determining the final condition of the dwelling and the appropriateness of a lead hazard screen. Notes: The exterior walls of the house were mostly covered with vinyl siding. The exposed painted wood at the soffit, window trim and rafter ends was in poor condition. Chapter 5: Risk Assessment Form 5.2 Paint Conditions on Selected Surfaces (Single -Family, Owner -Occupied) Building component Location Notes Paint condition (intact, fair, poor, or not present) to be completed by risk assessor Deterioration due to friction or impact? Deterioration due to moisture? Location of painted component with visible bite marks Building siding Vinyl siding FAIR YES YES NO Exterior trite Soffit, rafter ends & window trim POOR NO YES NO Exterior windows Aluminum & Vinyl _ _ - Exterior doors Steel FAIR YES YES NO Railings N!A Porch floors NO PAINT _ _ - Other porch surfaces Support beams POOR YES YES NO Interior doors FAIR to POOR YES NO NO Ceilings FAIR NO YES NO Walls FAIR YES NO NO Interior windows Trim FAIR YES YES NO Interior floors No paint Interior trim FAIR YES NO NO Stairways N/A Radiator N/A _ Kitchen cabinets No paint Bathroom cabinets N/A Other surfaces If the overall condition ofa component is similar throughout a dwelling, that condition should be recorded. If a component in a couple of locations is in poor condition, but the overall condition is good or fair, the specific sites of the badly deteriorated paint should be noted. The specific locations of any component with bite mads should he recorded. Chapter 5: Risk Assessment Form 5.3 Field Sampling Form for Dust (Single -Surface Sampling) Name of risk assessor: Juanita Tem Name of property owner: Kodie Starks Property address:_ 306 Ella, Fayetteville Arkansas Dwelling selection protocol: x All dwellings Targeted Worst case Random Target dwelling criteria (check all that apply) Code violations X Judged to be in poor condition Presence of two or more children between ages of 6 months and 6 years Serves as day-care facility Recently prepared for re -occupancy Sample number Room (record name of room used by the owner or resident) Surface type (circle the type) Wood Is surface smooth and cleanable Dimensions of sample area (inches x inches) Area (m) Result of lab analysis (pg/W) 4/8/19 W 1 Living Room Floor Yes 12x12 1.00 <5.00 W2 Living Room Window sill Yes 30.5x4.25 0.900 <5.56 W3 Kitchen Floor Yes 12x12 1.00 <5.00 W4 Den Floor Yes 12x12 1.00 <5.00 W5 Front Bedroom (2) Floor Yes 12x12 1.00 10.8 W6 Middle Bedroom (5) Window sill Yes 31x4.25 0.915 <5.47 W7 Middle Bedroom (5) Floor Yes 12x12 1.00 <5.00 W8** Bathroom (3) Window sill Yes 31x4.25 0.915 <5.47 ' Measure to the nearest 1/8 inch. HUD standards: 10 4gitt� (floors), 100 pga8z (interior window sills), 100 µg/ft' (window troughs) Total number of samples on this page 8 Page 4 of 5 Date of sample collection: 4/8/2019 Date shipped to lab: 4/8/2019 Shipped by. Juanita Te rry Received by: See laboratory chain of custody form Chapter 5: Risk Assessment Form 5.4 Field Sampling Form for Soil (Composite Sampling Only) Name of risk assessor: Juanita Terry Name of property owner: Kodie Starks Property address: 306 Ella, Fayetteville, Arkansas Sample number Location Bare or covered Lab result (ppm) 4/8/2019/S I House perimeter Mostly covered <22 HUD interim standard for play area 400 ppm HUD interim standard for perimeter 1,200 ppm Collect only the top 1/2 inch of soil. Total number of samples on this page 1 Page 5 of 5 Date of sample collection: 4/8/2019 Date shipped to lab: 4/8/2019 Shipped by: Juanita Terry Received by: See lab chain of custody form Eflsj) Laboratories' Environmental Hazards Services, L.L.G. 7469 Whitepine Rd Richmond, VA 23237 Telephone: 800.347.4010 Client: Lead Technologies 1922 Sunnyland Road Mountainview, AR 72560 Lead Dust Wipe Analysis Report Report Number: 19-04-01801 Received Date: 04/11/2019 Analyzed Date: 04/15/2019 Reported Date: 04/16/2019 Project/Test Address: City of Fayetteville; 306 Ella; Fayetteville, AR Collection Date: 04/08/2019 Client Number: Laboratory Results 201324 Fax Number: Lab Sample Client Sample Collection Location Surface Total Pb Wipe Area Concentration Narrative Number Number (ug) (ft2) (ug/ft2) ID 19-04-01801- W1 LR FL <5.00 1.00 <5.00 001 19-04-01801- W2 LR SL <5.00 0,900 <5.56 002 19-04-01801- W3 KT FL <5.00 1.00 <5.00 003 19-04-01801- W4 DN FL <5.00 1.00 <5.00 004 19-04-01801- W5 FRONT BR FL 10.8 1,00 10.8 005 19-04-01801- W6 MIDDLE BR SL <5.00 0.915 <5.47 006 19-04-01801- W7 MIDDLE BR FL <5.00 1.00 <5.00 007 19-04-01801- W8 BA SL <5.00 0.915 <5.47 008 Page 1 of 2 Environmental Hazards Services, L.L.0 Client Number: 201324 Report Number: 19-04-01801 Project/Test Address: City of Fayetteville; 306 Ella; Fayetteville, AR Lab Sample Client Sample Collection Location Surface Total Pb Wipe Area Concentration Narrative Number Number (ug) (ft2) (ug/ft2) ID Method: ASTM E-1979-17/EPA SW846 7000B Accreditation #: Reviewed By Authorized Signatory: 1')-kX0.— �Ounc aL Missy Kanode QA/QC Clerk The Federal lead guidelines for dust clearance levels by wipe sampling: Floors (FL) - 40 ug/ft', Interior Window Sills (SL) - 250 ug/ft2, Window Wells (WW) - 400 ug/ft2. Effective April 1, 2017 all existing Office of Lead Hazard Contol and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH), Lead Based Paint Hazard Control (LBPHC), and Lead Hazard Reduction (LHRD) grantees will use the following dust -lead action levels and clearance action levels (or lower levels if required by local, state or tribal authorities having jurisdictions): Dust -Lead Action Levels: Floors (FL) - > 10 ug/ft2 , Window Sills (SL)- > 100 ug/ft2 Lead Clearance Action Levels: Interior Floors (FL) - < 10 ug/ft2 , Porch Floors (PFL) - < 40 ug/ft2 Window Sills (SL)- < 100 ug/ft2, Window Troughs (WW) - < 100 ug/ft2 The Reporting Limit (RL) is 5.00 ug Total Pb. Reported results are not corrected for field blanks. Dust wipe area and results are calculated based on area measurements determined by the client. All internal quality control requirements associated with this batch were met, unless otherwise noted. The condition of the samples analyzed was acceptable upon receipt per laboratory protocol unless otherwise noted on this report. Results represent the analysis of samples submitted by the client. Sample location, description, area, etc., was provided by the client. Results reported above in ug/ft2 are calculated based on area supplied by the client. If the report does not contain the result for afield blank, it is due to the fact that the client did not include afield blank with their samples. EHS sample results do not reflect blank correction. This reportshall not be reproduced except in full, without the written consent of the Environmental Hazards Services, L.L.C. ELLAP Accredtitation through AIHA-LAP, LLC (100420), NY ELAP #11714. Legend ug = microgram ug/ft' = micrograms per square foot Pb = lead mL = milliliter ft' = square foot Page 2 of 2 Ellsj) Labolatorles, Environmental Hazards Services, L_L.C. 7469 Whitepine Rd Richmond, VA 23237 Telephone: 800.347.4010 Client: Lead Technologies 1922 Sunnyland Road Mountainview, AR 72560 Project/Test Address: City of Fayetteville; 306 Ella; Fayetteville, AR Collection Date: 04/08/2019 Client Number: 201324 Lead in Soil Analysis Report Report Number: 19-04-01801 Received Date: 04/11/2019 Analyzed Date: 04/15/2019 Reported Date: 04/16/2019 Laboratory Results Fax Number: Lab Sample Client Sample Collection Location Number Number 19-04-01801-009 S1 PERIMETER SOIL Method: ASTM E-1979-17/EPA SW846 7000B Reviewed By Authorized Signatory: Concentration ppm (ug/g) <22 Narrative ID Missy Kanode QA/QC Clerk The Federal lead guidelines for lead in soil is 400 ug/g (ppm) in play areas, and 1200 ug/g (ppm) in bare soil in the remainder of the yard. The Reporting Limit (RL) is 10.0 ug Total Pb. All internal quality control requirements associated with this batch were met, unless otherwise noted. The condition of the samples analyzed was acceptable upon receipt per laboratory protocol unless otherwise noted on this report. Results represent the analysis of samples submitted by the client. Unless otherwise noted, samples are reported without a dry weight correction. Sample location, description, area, volume, etc., was provided by the client. If the report does not contain the result for a field blank, it is due to the fact that the client did not include a field blank with their samples. EHS sample results do not reflect blank correction. This report shall not he reproduced except in full, without the written consent of the Environmental Hazards Service, L.L.C. ELLAP Accreditation through AIHA-LAP, LLC (100420), NY ELAP #11714. LEGEND ug = microgram ppm = parts per million ug/g = micrograms per gram Page 1 of 1 ••"v CD 1 D c m o m CD p i� CL N d 00 co O c� o r co CL W 0 S of 0. rA r n vy a n W t N 9 CA J y � c � � � a CL CD CL 0 0 c2. n � EA % S 0 $ O 3 a _N G � b O N C . i ill < CDD X v N O CD 1 D c m o m CD p i� CL N d 00 co O CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS STANDARD BID PROPOSAL FORM PROJECT NUMBER: 62123-1902 DATE ISSUED: 09-30-2019 DATE AND TIME OF OPENING: Monday, October 14, 2019, 4:OOPM OWNER'S NAME: City of Fayetteville PROJECT ADDRESS: 306 Ella Street, Fayetteville, AR 72701 ATTENTION The City has the right to select which of the items listed below will be completed based on the amount of funds available. In blanks below please quote price for each item and the total for project at the bottom. A) HVAC: B) Interior Repairs: C) Plumbing: D) Electric: E) Doors & Windows: F) Exterior Repairs: G) Flooring: H) Cleanup: I) Other: Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 www.fayetteville-ar.gov MY TOTAL BID PRICE FOR THIS PROJECT IS $ Upon signing this Bid, the bidder certifies that they have viewed the property, read and agree to the requirements set forth in this bid proposal, including specifications, terms and standard conditions, and pertinent information regarding the articles being bid on, and agree to furnish these articles at the prices stated. Complete Business Address: Name of Firm: Residential Contractor's License number Street address or P.O. Box City / State/ Zip Code Printed Name: Signature: Title: Phone # I' CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE P1 uc-Aj ARKAKICAC CDBG COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM RECEIPT OF BIDS OWNER(S): Kodie Starks ADDRESS: 306 Ella Street PROJECT No: 62123-1902 PROJECT TITLE: Moderate Rehabilitation of a Residential Building BID CLOSING DAY/DATE/TIME: October 14,2019,4:00 P.M. • CONTRACTOR: M BID AMOUN 2—`�1 Q9 _. tel CONTRACTOR: CONTRACTOR: CONTRACTOR: CONTRACTOR: Certified BID AMOUNT: BID AMOUNT: BID AMOUNT: BID AMOUNT: b Date: L3. lei ` /9 Witness: 0�-�� C-1 :I__ Date: I y Qom. 20 { 1 STANDARD BID PROPOSAL FORM PROJECT NUMBER: 62123-1902 DATE ISSUED: 07-22-2019 DATE AND TIME OF OPENING: Monday, September 9, 2019, 4:OOPM OWNER'S NAME: City of Fayetteville PROJECT ADDRESS: 306 Ella Street, Fayetteville, AR 72701 ATTENTION The City has the right to select which of the items listed below will be completed based on the amount of funds available. In blanks below please quote price for each item and the total for project at the bottom. A) HVAC: 12, ti o ► n5 B) Interior Repairs; 51 C) Plumbing; 4 L/ 7D 2, /)S 174/ D) Electric: E) Doors & Windows: F) Exterior Repairs: G) Flooring: H) Cleanup: I) Other: Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov MY TOTAL BID PRICE FOR TATS PROJECT IS $ 2 �. 99,5. ` Upon signing this Bid, the bidder certifies that they have viewed the property, read and agree to the requirements set forth in this bid proposal, including specifications, terms and standard conditions, and pertinent information regarding the articles being bid on, and agree to furnish these articles at the prices stated. Complete Business Address: 15010 6. 91.,V0 �Uu b�0:S , eA1 , .---jZq 03 Name of Firm: GQfASS "eft aNS► (LULY�b63 UP -Phone # q 201 `S`, 115-5 433 Residential Contractor's License number 03'7 2-2 b 0 22(7 Street address or P.O. Box V-01 X b l QS City / State/ Zip Code 1PRj k-,-T(-F- 01 LL E -11 7 OS Printed Name: C�- W-1-��-- Signature: Title: L'i NAI� GRACO-4 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE 0812 8/2 01 9 ) 08/28/2019 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER 479-306-4677 CONTACT Steve Hutchins Walker Bros. Insurance, Inc. PHONEFAX P.O. Box 7570 (A/c, No, Ext): 479-306-4677 (A/C, No):479-306-5110 Springdale, AR 72766-7570 EDnRI . steve@walkerbr.com Steve Hutchins The Travelers Insurance Co. INSURED INSURER B: Grasshopper Construction Eric Walker INSURER C: PO Box 8105 Fayetteville, AR 72703 INSURER D: INSURER E: INSURER F: rnvocer_cc rcortrtrwro rut uaccc. oov101^k1 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. IN SR TR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUBR POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POLICY EXPI LIMITS COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS -MADE OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE DAPR MAGE TO RMISES 1E.ENTED MED EXP (Any oneperson) $ PERSONAL & ADV INJURY GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POLICY ❑ j F—] LOC OTHER, GENERAL AGGREGATE $ PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO OWNED SCHEDULED AIURTEODS ONLY AUTOS ED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT(Ea accident) $ BODILY INJURY Perperson) $ BODILY BODILY INJURY Per accident PR�08E�RTYt AMAGE PPEACH UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB OCCUR CLAIMS -MADE OCddCURRENCE $ AGGREGATE $ DED I I RETENTION $ A WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITYTAT YIN ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N❑ (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below NIA 1 K533259 08/10/2019 08/10/2020 X PER TE OTH- ER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ 500,000 E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE 500,000 E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT 500,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/ LOCATIONS /VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, maybe attached if more space is required) CITYFA1 City of Fayetteville 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE , ACORD 25 (2016/03) © 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD F CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Name & Address To Whom Issued: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 W MOUNTAIN ST FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701-6069 SHELTER MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY A MUTUAL COMPANY SHELTER GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY A STOCK COMPANY Name & Address of the Named Insured: ERIC WALKER DBA GRASS HOPPER P AINTING PO BOX 8105 FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72703-0002 This Certificate of Insurance neither affirmatively nor negatively amends, alters or extends the coverage afforded by the policy(s) listed. The Certificate is issued for informational purposes only and confers no rights to the certificate holder. This is to certify that insurance policies shown below by policy number have been issued for the nolicv nerindkl inllir.arpri• Company Type of Insurance Policy Number Policy Inception Policy Expiration Limits of Liability General Liability: 03-31-88979741 11/20/2018 11/20/2019 $1,000,000 Per Occurrence Shelter X Premises & Operations $2,000,000 Aggregate Mutual X Products/Completed Products/Completed Operations For: (Describe) PAINTING - INTERIOR - BUILDINGS OR Operations Provided STRUCTURES X Yes No HANDYPERSON REMARKS: Date 08/28/2019 By Authorized Representative M -51.26-M 1817 WEST BROADWAY • COLUMBIA, MISSOURI • 65218-0001 • 1-800-743-5837 NORTHWESTARKANSAS DemocratOazetk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I, Cathy Staggs, do solemnly swear that I am the Accounting Manager of The Northwest Arkansas Democrat -Gazette, printed and published in Pulaski, Washington and Benton Counties, in Arkansas, and of bona fide circulation in all 75 counties in Arkansas, that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files of said publication, the advertisement of: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE BID #62123-1902 Was inserted in the Arkansas Democrat -Gazette Northwest Arkansas Democrat -Gazette Publication Date August 25 & September 1, 2019 Publication Charges: $ 185.26 Cathy Std >gs Xy Subscribed and sworn to before me This g day of2019. r #ubsi zU011,,.t0 t -'&Flip) oetsf, Cap, Notary Public My Commission Expires: 'NOTE**Please do not pay from Affidavit. Invoice will be sent. Advertisement for Rids City of Fayetteville Comm unih• Development Block Grant Progra in Scaled bids for RID 462123-1902 Nloderale Rehabilitation of a Residenlial Building, located in the City of Fayetteville, AR. Project scope: A few new doors and windows. widen some interior doors and openings. New shower and plumbing repairs. Electric repairs. New '.. bath vanity. Sonic new Flooring. Add air conditioning to the unit. New vinyl siding. Interior and exterior repairs. Rids will be received by: City of Fayetteville, Comnwnily Resources Division 125 NV. Nlountain Street, Fayetteville, AR 72701 until 4:0011M, Nlondal', September 9, 2019. The information for bidders, Form or Rid, Foran of Cunhact, Specifications, and General Conditions may be picked up at the Community Resources Office, 125 W. Mountain St, Fayelleville, AR 72701 or by calling 479-575-8240. Any bid of 520,000 or more must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond in ;in amount not less than five percent (5'%,) of [lie amounl bid. The 0h, of Fayelteville reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive formalities deemed to be in the owner's best interest. Phe City of Fayetteville encourages participation of small, minority and women mined business enterprises in the procurement of goods, setwices, and construclion, either as a general contractor or subcontractor. 75058424 Aug. 25 & Sept. I, 2019 Arkansas Secretary of State https://www.sos.arkansas.gov/corps/search_corps.php?DETAIL=29218... IQ Ar Search Incorporations, Cooperatives, Banks and Insurance Companies Printer Friendly Version LLC Member information is now confidential per Act 865 of 2007 Use your browser's back button to return to the Search Results Begin New Search For seance of process contact the Secretary of State's office, Corporation Name GRASSHOPPER CONSTRUCTION LLC Fictitious Names Filing # 800095088 Filing Type Limited Liability Company Filed under Act Domestic LLC, 1003 of 1993 Status Good Standing Principal Address 1590 E.JOYCE BLVD UNIT 8105 FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72703 Reg. Agent ERIC R. WALKER Agent Address 4396 W PATRICK ST. FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72704 Date Filed 10/09/2006 Officers ERIC R. WALKER, Manager ERIC R. SMITH , Incorporator/Organizer GRASSHOPPER CONSTRUCTION LLC, Manager Foreign Name N/A Foreign Address State of Origin N/A Purchase a certificate of Good Pay, Fra nc..h se_Tax for..this corporation Standing for this Entity I of 1 10/22/2019, 10:08 Ant r