HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE 6221r 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Ordinance: 6221 File Number: 2019-0459 ARCHIVED 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Doc ID: 018810710003 Type: REL Kind: ORDINANCE Recorded: 09/20/2019 at 03:40:02 PM Fee Amt: $25.00 Pape 1 of 3 Nashinpton County, AR Kyle svlvester Circuit Clerk File2019_00028632 RZN 19-6737 (4195 & 4245 W. MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD./HANCOCK): AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZN 19- 6737 FOR APPROXIMATELY 1.81 ACRES LOCATED AT 4195 AND 4245 WEST MARTIN LUTHER KING BOULEVARD FROM R -O, RESIDENTIAL OFFICE TO UT, URBAN THOROUGHFARE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby changes the zone classification of the property shown on the map (Exhibit A) and the legal description (Exhibit B) both attached to the Planning Department's Agenda Memo from R -O, Residential Office to UT, Urban Thoroughfare. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1. PASSED and APPROVED on 9/3/2019 Page 1 Attest: t nnrn R K Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Tre`1' e�i. • • • . F , FAYE7-TEVIf RZN19-6737 HANCOCK 19-6737 Close Up View EXHIBIT 'A' RPZD cs Proposed UT ; i R-0 i 1 Subject Property z i RSF-4 J , O R H O O i 2 6 NORTH Legend Hillside -Hilltop Overlay District Shared Use Paved Trail Trail (Proposed) — Planning Area L — Fayetteville City Limits Building Footprint Feet 0 75 150 300 450 1 inch = 200 feet M Zoning Acres UT 1.63 Total 1.63 19-6737 EXHIBIT 'B' TRACT 1: A part of the West Half (W %) of the Northwest Quarter (NW %) of the Southeast quarter (SE %) of Section 24, Township 17 North, Range 31 West, Washington County, Arkansas, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the center of a ditch 323 feet North and 2.83 chains West of the SE corner of said 20 acre tract and running thence N 07° E with the centerline of said ditch 4.40 chains to the centerline of U.S. Highway No. 62; thence S 74° W with the centerline of said highway 2.17 chains; thence S 3 %° W, 4.85 chains to the South line of the 2 acre tract conveyed by Clyde and W.N. Holland to 0. Kay Holland; thence Northeasterly in a direct line to the Place of Beginning, containing 1 acre, more or less. TRACT 2: A part of the West Half (W %2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW %) of the Southeast Quarter (SE %) of Section 24, Township 16 North, Range 31 West, Washington County, Arkansas, more particularly described as follows, to -wit: Beginning at a point in the centerline of U.S. Highway No. 62, which point is S 74° W and 4.57 chains from a point 657 feet North of the SE corner of said 20 acre tract, and running thence S 03°30' W with the West line of a one acre tract conveyed by 0. Kay Holland to Elmer W. Keen 4.85 chains to the SW corner of said Keen tract; thence in a Southwesterly direction 125 feet, more or less, to a point 185 feet due North of the South line of said 40 acre tract, said point being the SW corner of a 2 acre tract conveyed by W.N and Clyde Holland to 0. Kay Holland; thence North 5.30 chains or to the centerline of U.S. Highway No. 62; thence N 74° E, 2.17 chains to the Place of Beginning, containing 1 acre, more or less. NOW MORE ACCURATELY DESCRIBED AS: A part of the Northwest Quarter (NW %) of the Southeast Quarter (SE %) of Section 24, Township 16 North, Range 31 West, Washington, County, Arkansas, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the SW corner of Said NW1/4 SEI/4, thence East 251.36 feet; thence North 127.20 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence North 249.46 feet; thence N 75°44'41' E, 282.87 feet; thence S 07°00'00" W, 280.69 feet; thence S 59°51'20" W, 140.87 feet; thence S 59°25'54' W, 137.20 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 1.81 acres, more or less. Subject to easements and rights-of-way of record. Washington County, AR I certify this instrument was filed on 09/20/2019 03:40:02 PM and recorded in Real Estate File Number 2019-00028632 Kyle Sylvester - Circuit clerk by i' A� City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Text File File Number: 2019-0459 Agenda Date: 9/3/2019 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meeting Agenda Number: B. 2 File Type: Ordinance RZN 19-6737 (4195 & 4245 W. MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD./HANCOCK): AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZN 19-6737 FOR APPROXIMATELY 1.81 ACRES LOCATED AT 4195 AND 4245 WEST MARTIN LUTHER KING BOULEVARD FROM R -O, RESIDENTIAL OFFICE TO UT, URBAN THOROUGHFARE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby changes the zone classification of the property shown on the map (Exhibit A) and the legal description (Exhibit B) both attached to the Planning Department's Agenda Memo from R -O, Residential Office to UT, Urban Thoroughfare. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Paye 1 Printed on 9/4/2019 Garner Stoll Submitted By City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2019-0459 Legistar File ID 8/20/2019 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item 8/2/2019 CITY PLANNING (630) Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: RZN 19-6737: Rezone (4195 & 4245 W. MILK BLVD./HANCOCK, 595): Submitted by BRAD HANCOCK for property located at 4195 & 4245 W. MILK BLVD. The property is zoned R -O, RESIDENTIAL OFFICE and contains approximately 1.81 acres. The request is to rezone the property to UT, URBAN THOROUGHFARE. Account Number Project Number Budgeted Item? NA Does item have a cost? No Budget Adjustment Attached? NA Budget Impact: Current Budget Funds Obligated Current Balance Item Cost Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget Fund V20180321 Purchase Order Number: Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Change Order Number: Approval Date: Original Contract Number: Comments: CITY OF inimblIq FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS MEETING OF AUGUST 20, 2019 TO: Mayor; Fayetteville City Council THRU: Don Marr, Chief of Staff Garner Stoll, Development Services Director Andrew Garner, City Planning Director FROM: Jonathan Curth, Senior Planner DATE: August 2, 2019 CITY COUNCIL MEMO SUBJECT: RZN 19-6737: Rezone (4195 & 4245 W. MILK BLVD./HANCOCK, 595): Submitted by BRAD HANCOCK for property located at 4195 & 4245 W. MLK BLVD. The property is zoned R -O, RESIDENTIAL OFFICE and contains approximately 1.81 acres. The request is to rezone the property to UT, URBAN THOROUGHFARE. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission and staff recommend approval of an ordinance to rezone the subject property to UT, Urban Thoroughfare, as shown in the attached Exhibits 'A' and `B'. BACKGROUND: The subject property includes two parcels which are located on the south side of Martin Luther King Boulevard/Highway 16. Martin Luther King is designated in the City's Master Street Plan as a Principal Arterial. The property is currently developed with a single-family dwelling which was built in 1941 with vehicular access to the property from a residential driveway on to Martin Luther King. Request: The request is to rezone the subject property from R -O, Residential Office, to UT, Urban Thoroughfare. The applicant has not stated any development intent for the property. Land Use Compatibility: The proposed zoning is generally compatible with existing land uses to the north, east, and west, where, despite being largely undeveloped, the existing zoning allows for density and intensity greater than currently permitted on the subject property. To the south, a significant upward slope constrains the feasibility of site improvement and will likely contribute to limited development in to the near future, thus limiting potential for incompatibility with properties zoned agriculturally. Land Use Plan Analysis: The proposed zoning is consistent with the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) of City Plan 2030. As outlined above, properties designated as City Neighborhood Area are to support a wide variety of uses, densities, and intensities, as are permitted under the UT zoning district. Additionally, the goals of City Plan 2030 include making traditional town form the standard. The UT zoning district encourages patterns of development that result in realizing this Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 goal, including a requirement that buildings be located close to the street with parking to the side or rear and creating an environment more appealing to pedestrians than the development patterns allowed by a suburban commercial zoning district such as C-1 and C-2. A mixture of residential and commercial uses is typical in a traditional urban form, with buildings addressing the street. DISCUSSION: On July 22, 2019, the Planning Commission recommendation for approval by a vote of 7-0-0 BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: N/A Attachments: • Exhibit A • Exhibit B • Planning Commission Staff Report forwarded the proposal to City Council with a . No public comment was made. RN1F-24 oZP�t� Sub ect Property R -k Legend Hillside -Hilltop Overlay District Shared Use Paved Trail Trail (Proposed) Planning Area _ _' Fayetteville City Limits Building Footprint Feet G 75 150 300 450 1 inch = 200 feet C:Y�I�7 Z J 12,11 --1 J O' H- O O 2 J& NORTH Zonincl Acres UT 1.63 Total 1.63 19-6737 EXHIBIT 'B' TRACT 1: A part of the West Half (W %) of the Northwest Quarter (NW %) of the Southeast quarter (SE %) of Section 24, Township 17 North, Range 31 West, Washington County, Arkansas, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the center of a ditch 323 feet North and 2.83 chains West of the SE corner of said 20 acre tract and running thence N 07° E with the centerline of said ditch 4.40 chains to the centerline of U.S. Highway No. 62; thence S 74° W with the centerline of said highway 2.17 chains; thence S 3 %2° W, 4.85 chains to the South line of the 2 acre tract conveyed by Clyde and W.N. Holland to 0. Kay Holland; thence Northeasterly in a direct line to the Place of Beginning, containing 1 acre, more or less. TRACT 2: A part of the West Half (W %) of the Northwest Quarter (NW %) of the Southeast Quarter (SE %) of Section 24, Township 16 North, Range 31 West, Washington County, Arkansas, more particularly described as follows, to -wit: Beginning at a point in the centerline of U.S. Highway No. 62, which point is S 74° W and 4.57 chains from a point 657 feet North of the SE corner of said 20 acre tract, and running thence S 03°30' W with the West line of a one acre tract conveyed by 0. Kay Holland to Elmer W. Keen 4.85 chains to the SW corner of said Keen tract; thence in a Southwesterly direction 125 feet, more or less, to a point 185 feet due North of the South line of said 40 acre tract, said point being the SW corner of a 2 acre tract conveyed by W.N and Clyde Holland to 0. Kay Holland; thence North 5.30 chains or to the centerline of U.S. Highway No. 62; thence N 74° E, 2.17 chains to the Place of Beginning, containing 1 acre, more or less. NOW MORE ACCURATELY DESCRIBED AS: A part of the Northwest Quarter (NW %) of the Southeast Quarter (SE %) of Section 24, Township 16 North, Range 31 West, Washington, County, Arkansas, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the SW corner of Said NW1/4 SE1/4, thence East 251.36 feet; thence North 127.20 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence North 249.46 feet; thence N 75°44'41' E, 282.87 feet; thence S 07°00'00" W, 280.69 feet; thence S 59°51'20" W, 140.87 feet; thence S 59°25'54' W, 137.20 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 1.81 acres, more or less. Subject to easements and rights-of-way of record. CITY OF IVFAYETTEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION MEMO ARKANSAS TO: Fayetteville Planning Commission THRU: Andrew Garner, City Planning Director FROM: Jonathan Curth, Senior Planner MEETING DATE: July 22, 2019 (Updated with Planning Commission Results) SUBJECT: RZN 19-6737: Rezone (4195 & 4245 W. MILK BLVD./HANCOCK, 595): Submitted by BRAD HANCOCK for property located at 4195 & 4245 W. MLK BLVD. The property is zoned R -O, RESIDENTIAL OFFICE and contains approximately 1.81 acres. The request is to rezone the property to UT, URBAN THOROUGHFARE. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding RZN 19-6737 to the City Council with a recommendation of approval. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move to forward RZN 19-6737 to the City Council with a recommendation of approval." BACKGROUND: The subject property includes two parcels which are located on the south side of Martin Luther King Boulevard/Highway 16. Martin Luther King is designated in the City's Master Street Plan as a Principal Arterial. The property is currently developed with a single-family dwelling which was built in 1941 with vehicular access to the property from a residential driveway on to Martin Luther King. Surrounding land use and zoning is depicted in Table 1. Table 1 Surrounding Land Use and Zoninq Direction Land Use Zoning North Undeveloped; UT, Urban Thoroughfare Offices/Retail South Undeveloped R -A, Residential -Agricultural East Single-family Residential; UT, Urban Thoroughfare Non-residential Garage West Retail/Small-scale Production RMF -24, Residential Multi -family, 24 Units per Acre Request: The request is to rezone the subject property from R -O, Residential Office, to UT, Urban Thoroughfare. The applicant has not stated any development intent for the property. Public Comment: Staff has received no public comment regarding the request. Planning Commission July 22, 2019 Agenda Item 7 19-6737 Hancock Page 1 of 15 INFRASTRUCTURE: Streets: The property has frontage along Martin Luther King Boulevard/Highway 16. Martin Luther King is a partially -improved Principal Arterial with asphalt paving, curb and gutter, and sidewalk on both sides. Any street improvements required in this area will be determined at the time of development proposal. Water: Public water is available to the site. A 12 -inch water main runs along the Martin Luther King right-of-way. Sewer: Public sanitary sewer is available to the site. A 6 -inch sanitary sewer main runs along the Martin Luther King right-of-way. Drainage: No portion of the subject property lies within a FEMA designated 100 -year floodplain, the Hillside -Hilltop Overlay District (HHOD), or a Streamside Protection Zone, but hydric soils are present. Improvements or requirements for drainage would be determined at the time of development. Fire: The Fire Department did not express any concerns with this request but did note that the property will be protected by Station 6, located at 900 South Hollywood Avenue with an anticipated response time of approximately 7.2 minutes. This is outside the response time goal of six minutes for an engine but within the response time goal of eight minutes for a ladder truck. Police: The Police Department did not express any concerns with this request. CITY PLAN 2030 FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: City Plan 2030 Future Land Use Plan designates the majority of the property as City Neighborhood Area. These are more densely developed than residential neighborhood areas and provide a varying mix of nonresidential and residential uses. This designation supports the widest spectrum of uses and encourages density in all housing types, from single family to multifamily. Non-residential uses range in size, variety and intensity from grocery stores and offices to churches, and are typically located at corners and along connecting corridors. The street network should have a high number of intersections creating a system of small blocks with a high level of connectivity between neighborhoods. Setbacks and landscaping are urban in form with street trees typically being located within the sidewalk zone. FINDINGS OF THE STAFF A determination of the degree to which the proposed zoning is consistent with land use planning objectives, principles, and policies and with land use and zoning plans. Finding: Land Use Compatibility: The proposed zoning is generally compatible with existing land uses to the north, east, and west, where, despite being largely undeveloped, the existing zoning allows for density and intensity greater than currently permitted on the subject property. To the south, a significant upward slope constrains the feasibility of site improvement and will likely contribute to limited development in to the near future, thus limiting potential for incompatibility. Land Use Plan Analysis: The proposed zoning is consistent with the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) of City Plan 2030. As outlined above, properties GAETC\Development Services Review\2019\Development Services\19-6737 RZN 4195 & 4245 w. MILK Blvd. (Hancock) 595\03 Planning Commission\07-22-2019 Planning Commission July 22, 2019 Agenda Item 7 19-6737 Hancock Page 2 of 15 designated as City Neighborhood Area are to support a wide variety of uses, densities, and intensities, as are permitted under the UT zoning district. Additionally, the goals of City Plan 2030 include making traditional town form the standard. The UT zoning district encourages patterns of development that result in realizing this goal, including a requirement that buildings be located close to the street with parking to the side or rear and creating an environment more appealing to pedestrians than the development patterns allowed by a suburban commercial zoning district such as C-1 and C-2. A mixture of residential and commercial uses is typical in a traditional urban form, with buildings addressing the street. 2. A determination of whether the proposed zoning is justified and/or needed at the time the rezoning is proposed. Finding: The proposed zoning would align the allowable land uses with the City Plan 2030 Future Land Use Map near the intersection of two Principal Arterial streets: Martin Luther King Boulevard and Rupple Road. The current R -O, Residential Office zoning is no longer appropriate for this increasingly urban location. The proposed zoning provides flexibility with unlimited density that is an appropriate development pattern at this location along a Principal Arterial and near the intersection with Rupple Road, itself a Principal Arterial street and a major north -south connection. 3. A determination as to whether the proposed zoning would create or appreciably increase traffic danger and congestion. Finding: The site has access to Martin Luther King, a Principal Arterial. Although the proposed UT zoning district allows uses that can increase traffic over the existing R -O zoning district, staff finds that direct access to an improved state highway will reduce the potential for an increase in traffic danger and congestion. The necessity for street improvements or modifications to site access will be reviewed with future development submittals. 4. A determination as to whether the proposed zoning would alter the population density and thereby undesirably increase the load on public services including schools, water, and sewer facilities. Finding: The applicant's requested UT zoning district allows both residential and nonresidential uses. Additionally, there is no density limit associated with the UT zoning district. Although potentially higher than the current R -O zoning district's allowance of 24 units per acre, staff finds that no adverse impacts on services are anticipated given the size of the property, the lack of Fire and Police Department objection, and adjacency to City infrastructure. If there are reasons why the proposed zoning should not be approved in view of considerations under b (1) through (4) above, a determination as to whether the proposed zoning is justified and/or necessitated by peculiar circumstances such as: a. It would be impractical to use the land for any of the uses permitted under its existing zoning classifications; G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2019\Development Services\19-6737 RZN 4195 & 4245 w. MILK Blvd. (Hancock) 595\03 Planning Commission\07-22-2019 Planning Commission July 22, 2019 Agenda Item 7 19-6737 Hancock Page 3 of 15 b. There are extenuating circumstances which justify the rezoning even though there are reasons under b (1) through (4) above why the proposed zoning is not desirable. Finding: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Planning staff recommends forwarding RZN 19-6737 to the City Council with a recommendation of approval. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Required YES Date: July 22, 2019 Motion: Brown (Second: Paxton Vote: 7-0-0 BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: None 7 Tabled ® Forwarded O Denied Attachments: • Unified Development Code: o §161.20 — R -O, Residential Office C) §161.24 — UT, Urban Thoroughfare • Request letter • One Mile Map • Close-up Map • Current Land Use Map • Future Land Use Map GAETC\Development Services Review\2019\Development Services\19-6737 RZN 4195 & 4245 W. MLK Blvd. (Hancock) 595\03 Planning Commission\07-22-2019 Planning Commission July 22, 2019 Agenda Item 7 19-6737 Hancock Page 4 of 15 161.20 - District R -O, Residential Office (A) Purpose. The Residential -Office District is designed primarily to provide area for offices without limitation to the nature or size of the office, together with community facilities, restaurants and compatible residential uses. (B) Uses. (11 Permitted uses. Unit 1 City-wide uses by right Unit 5 Government facilities Unit 8 Single-family dwellings Unit 9 Two-family dwellings Unit 12a Limited business Unit 25 Offices, studios, and related services Unit 41 Accessory dwellings Unit 44 Cluster Housing Development (z) uondmonal uses. j Unit 2 1 City-wide uses by conditional use permit f Unit 3 1 Public protection and utility facilities Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities Unit 11 Manufactured home park** Unit 13 Eating places Unit 15 _ Neighborhood shopping goods Unit 24 Home occupations Unit 26 Multi -family dwellings Unit 36 Wireless communications facilities* Unit 42 Clean technologies Unit 45 Small scale production (C) Density_. Units per acre 24 or less (D) Bulk and Area Regulations. (Per dwelling unit for residential structures) (1) Lot Width Minimum. _ Manufactured home park 100 feet Lot within a manufactured home park 50 feet J Single-family 60 feet Two (2) family 60 feet J Three (3) or more 90 feet ......... .... ..... ......... _(2) Lot Area Minimum. Manufactured home park 3 acres Lot within a manufactured home 4,200 square park feet G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2019\Development Services\19-6737 RZN 4195 & 4245 W. MLK Blvd. (Hancock) 595\03 Planning Commission\07-22-2019 Planning Commission July 22, 2019 Agenda Item 7 19-6737 Hancock Page 5 of 15 Townhouses: 3,000 square feet Development 10,000 square apartments: feet Individual lot 2,500 square j One bedroom feet ___T6,000 square Single-family feet - --- 500 square feet per resident Two (2) family 6,500 square feet---- _ Three (3) or more 8,000 square feet Fraternity or Sorority 1 acre (3) Land Area Per Dwellina Unit Manufactured home 3,000 square feet Townhouses & apartments: No bedroom 1,000 square feet One bedroom 1,000 square feet Two (2) or more 1,200 square feet bedrooms 1 Fraternity or Sorority 500 square feet per resident (E) Setback Requlatlons. Front 15 feet Front, if parking is allowed between the right- 50 of -way and the building fee] Front, in the Hillside Overlay District 15 feet Side 10 feet Side, when contiguous to a residential district 15 feet Side, in the Hillside Overlay District i 8 feet Rear, without easement or alley 25t fee, Rear, from center line of public alley 10 feet) 15 feet (F) Building Height Regulations. Building Height Maximum 5 stories G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2019\Development Services\19-6737 RZN 4195 & 4245 W. MLK Blvd. (Hancock) 595\03 Planning Commission\07-22-2019 Planning Commission July 22, 2019 Agenda Item 7 19-6737 Hancock Page 6 of 15 If a building exceeds the height of two (2) stories, the portion of the building that exceeds two (2) stories shall have an additional setback from any side boundary line of an adjacent single family district. The amount of additional setback for the portion of the building over two (2) stories shall be equal to the difference between the total height of that portion of the building, and two (2) stories. (G) Building Area. On any lot, the area occupied by all buildings shall not exceed 60% of the total area of such lot. (Code No. 1965, App. A., Art. 5(x); Ord. No. 2414, 2-7-78; Ord. No. 2603, 2-19-80; Ord. No. 2621, 4-1-80; Ord. No. 1747, 6-29-70; Code 1991, §160.041; Ord. No. 4100, §2 (Ex. A), 6-16-98; Ord. No. 4178, 8-31-99; Ord. No. 4726, 7- 19-05; Ord. No. 4943, 11-07-06; Ord. No. 5079, 11-20-07; Ord. No. 5195, 11-6-08; Ord. No. 5224, 3-3-09; Ord. No. 5312, 4-20-10; Ord. No. 5462, 12-6-11; Ord. No. 5735 1-20-15; Ord. No. 5800 , § 1(Exh. A), 10-6-15; Ord. No. 5921 , §1, 11-1-16; Ord. No. 5945 , §§ 5, 7-9, 1-17-17; Ord. No. 6015 , §1(Exh. A), 11-21-17) GAETC\Development Services Review\2019\Development Services\19-6737 RZN 4195 & 4245 W. MLK Blvd. (Hancock) 595\03 Planning Commission\07-22-2019 Planning Commission July 22, 2019 Agenda Item 7 19-6737 Hancock Page 7 of 15 161.24 - Urban Thoroughfare (A) Purpose. The Urban Thoroughfare District is designed to provide goods and services for persons living in the surrounding communities. This district encourages a concentration of commercial and mixed use development that enhances function and appearance along major thoroughfares. Automobile -oriented development is prevalent within this district and a wide range of commercial uses is permitted. For the purposes of Chapter 96: Noise Control, the Urban Thoroughfare district is a commercial zone. The intent of this zoning district is to provide standards that enable development to be approved administratively. (B) Uses. (1) Permitted Uses. Unit 1 City-wide uses by right�� Unit T4 Cultural and recreational facilities J Unit Government facilities Unit 8 Single-family dwellings Unit 9 Two (2) family dwellings Unit i 10 Three (3) and four (4) family dwellings Unit Eating places 13 Unit 14 Hotel, motel and amusement services Unit 16 Shopping goods PP 9 Unit Transportation 17 trades and services Unit Gasoline service stations and drive-in/drive 18 through restaurants Unit 19 Commercial recreation, small sites Unit 24 Home occupations Unit 25 Offices, studios, and related services Unit 26 Multi -family dwellings Unit 34 Liquor store Unit 41 Accessory Dwellings _ Unit 44 Cluster Housing Development Unit 45 Small scale production _�- Note: Any combination of above uses is permitted upon any lot within this zone. Conditional uses shall need approval when combined with pre -approved uses. G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2019\Development Services\19-6737 RZN 4195 & 4245 W. MLK Blvd. (Hancock) 595\03 Planning Commission\07-22-2019 Planning Commission July 22, 2019 Agenda Item 7 19-6737 Hancock Page 8 of 15 (2) Conditional Uses. Unit 2 City-wide uses by conditional use permit Unit 3 Public protection and utility facilities Unit 20 Commercial recreation, large sites Unit 21 Warehousing and wholesale Unit 28 Center for collecting recyclable materials Unit 33 Unit 35 Unit 36 Unit 38 Unit 40 Unit 42 Unit 43 Dance halls Adult live entertainment club or bar Outdoor music establishments Wireless communication facilities Mini -storage units Sidewalk cafes I Clean technologies Animal boarding and training (C) Density. None (D) Bulk and Area Regulations. (1) Lot Width Minimum. Single-family dwelling 18 feet All other dwellings None Non-residential None (2) Lot area minimum. None (E) Setback regulations. A build -to zone that is Front: located between 10 feet and a line 25 feet from the front property line. Side and rear: None Side or rear, when contiguous to a single- 15 feet family residential district: (F) Building Height Regulations. Building Height Maximum 5 stories/7 stories* * A building or a portion of a building that is located between 10 and 15 feet from the front property line or any master street plan right-of-way line shall have a maximum height of five (5) stories. A building or portion of a building that is located greater than 15 feet from the master street plan right-of-way shall have a maximum height of seven (7) stories. If a building exceeds the height of two (2) stories, the portion of the building that exceeds two (2) stories shall have an additional setback from any boundary line of an adjacent single family district. The amount of additional setback for the portion of the building over two (2) stories shall be equal to the difference between the total height of that portion of the building, and two (2) stories. G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2019\Development Services\19-6737 RZN 4195 & 4245 W. MLK Blvd. (Hancock) 595\03 Planning Commission\07-22-2019 Planning Commission July 22, 2019 Agenda Item 7 19-6737 Hancock Page 9 of 15 (G) Minimum buildable street frontage. 50% of the lot width. (Ord. No. 5312, 4-20-10; Ord. No. 5339, 8-3-10; Ord. No. 5353, 9-7-10; Ord. No. 5462, 12-6-11; Ord. No. 5592, 6-18- 13; Ord. No. 5664, 2-18-14; Ord. No. 5735, 1-20-15; Ord. No. 5800, § 1(Exh. A), 10-6-15; Ord. No. 5921 , §1, 11-1- 16, Ord. No. 5945 , §§ 5, 71 8, 1-17-17; Ord. No. 6015 , §1(Exh. A), 11-21-17) GAETC\Development Services Review\2019\Development Services\19-6737 RZN 4195 & 4245 W. MLK Blvd. (Hancock) 595\03 Planning Commission\07-22-2019 Planning Commission July 22, 2019 Agenda Item 7 19-6737 Hancock Page 10 of 15 June 8, 2019 City of Fayetteville 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 RE: 4545 & 4195 W. MLK Blvd Rezoning To whom it may concern: I'm requesting to rezone this property located on West MLK from its current RO zoning to Urban Thoroughfare. Properties to the east and north of this property are already zoned Urban Thoroughfare, The property to the south is wooded and, I think, zoned agricultural. I feel this is the highest and best use for this property. Thank you for your consideration. Sincere Brad Hancock 479-841-0095 Planning Commission July 22, 2019 Agenda Item 7 19-6737 Hancock Page 11 of 15 RZN19-6737 HANCOCK A& One Mile View NORTH r I C 0 125 0 25 0.5 Miles 2s 0 1 , r Q Q Q IttilK O -A RTA 6T- SIF r � i Subject Property { r 1111 -4 i I 1 I I I 1 Ice 1 1 I 1 I z _j J 1 C1 _. I I IDninq EXTRACTION -- RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY ME-, Legend Re ee mNp a. m COMMERCIAL - _ _ _ _ . RSF.S ReeiEan,Yl-0Tra RSf-1 L, 1 1 Planning Area 4 _ _ Rsf-1 FORM BASED DISTRICTS 1 z I z RV � Downpxn Care t _ _ _ Fayetteville City Limits Rif^e �G,an naaaeM.M RESIDENTIAL MULTI -FAMILY i� Mmn eeeai Cemex RT -13 Rnitlenlil Tvo aM Tn.ee-mmiN M Gownbrm General — — Shared Use Paved Trail RMF -e �=omman �emK.. RMF.,] ':' N.NnCOTme Sarv'.aa 1 I fl C A iTra-l (Proposed) _ 1111« RMF -,e � wancomaaa c.n..�..r n PLANNED ZONING DISTRICTS Planning Area - _ _ _ i _ - ' Commarcal, InM9w1, Rnitlenlui .... • - -' INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTIONAL Building Footprint ,., Fayetteville City Limits - _ _ _ �Ia G.- m mI Planning Coinmission du y 22, 2019 Agenda Item 7 19-6737 Hancock Page 12 of 15 RZN19-6737 Close Up View HANCOCK Legend Hillside -Hilltop Overlay District Shared Use Paved Trail - - - Trail (Proposed) t- Planning Area L - Fayetteville City Limits Building Footprint Feet 0 75 150 300 450 600 1 inch = 200 feet Z= J R', 1, J O 1-- O O 2 NORTH Zoning Acres UT 1.63 Total 1.63 Planning C mission in y 22, 2019 Agenda Item 7 19-6737 Hancock Page 13 of 15 Agenda Item 7 19-6737 Hancock Page 14 of 15 RZN 19-6737 Future Land Use HANCOCK NORTH Mp,AN VIC Legend Planning Area Izzz Fayetteville City Limits Shared Use Paved Trail Trail (Proposed) Building Footprint Feet 0 112.5 225 450 675 1 inch = 300 feet 0 0 FUTURE LAND USE 2030 - Natural Area Residential Neighborhood Area - City Neighborhood Area s00 Civic and Private Open Space/Parks - Civic Institutional RECEIVED @ 4CT 0 3 2019 ®IiIY OF�F;AY.ETTEYiLL: Ordinance:6221 N NORTHWEST ARKANSAS � ��p � File Number:20(4195&94 �ll RZN 19-6737(4195&4245 W.MARTIN y vOazettc LUTHER KING BLVD./HANCOCK): TO REZONE THAT ' j emoct PRPERYANORDINALLL//J" NCE DSCRBED N REZONING �flPETITION RZN 19-6737 FOR APPROXIMATELY 1.81 ACRES LOCATED AT 4195 AND 4245 WEST MARTIN LUTHER KING BOULEVARD FROM R-O, RESIDENTIAL OFFICE TO UT,URBAN THOROUGHFARE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1:That the City Council of the City of AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Fayetteville,Arkansas hereby changes the zone classification of the property shown on the map(Exhibit A)and the legal description (Exhibit B)both attached to the Planning I Cathy Staggs, do solemnly swear that I am the Accounting Manager for the Department's Agenda Memo from R-O, Residential Office to UT,Urban Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, printed and published in Thoroughfare. Washington County and Benton County, Arkansas, and of bona fide Section 2:That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas hereby amends the circulation, that from my own personal knowledge official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville to reflect the zoning change provided in and reference to the files of said publication, the advertisement of: Section 1. PASSED and APPROVED on 9/3/2019 Approved: Lioneld Jordan,Mayor Attest: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Sondra E.Smith,City Clerk Treasurer Ord. 6221 75077783 Sept.12,2019 Was inserted in the Regular Edition on: September 12, 2019 Publication Charges: $ 67.60 Cathy St.4 UY Subscribed and sworn to before me This day of r ' 2019. , ay (..4.-,),4i , Notary Public 1 My Commission Expires: 2/2-'/2172-4 CATHY WILES Arkansas-Benton County g Notary Public-Comm# 12397118 g My Commission Expires Feb 20, 2024 **NOTE** Please do not pay from Affidavit. Invoice will be sent.