HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE 6207113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Ordinance: 6207 File Number: 2019-0359 AMEND CHAPTER 166.08, STREET DESIGN AND ACCESS MANAGEMENT STANDARDS: AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 166.08, STREET DESIGN AND ACCESS MANAGEMENT STANDARDS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE TO MODIFY THE APPLICABILITY, ACCESS MANAGEMENT, AND NONCONFORMING ACCESS FEATURES REGULATIONS TO REMOVE BARRIERS THAT DISCOURAGE RENOVATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF EXISTING STRUCTURES WHEREAS, certain access management regulations in the Unified Development Code are too strict and discourage renovations and improvements of existing structures. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby repeals §166.08(C) and enacts a replacement §166.08(C) as follows: "Applicability. The standards set forth herein shall apply to land which is proposed to be developed with new primary structures and all other developments where the creation of public streets are required, or proposed, or in which new or existing access is created or modified; or developments or expansions containing non -conforming access features which meet the thresholds set forth in subsection (G)." Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby repeals §166.08(F)(4) and enacts a replacement § 166.08(F)(4) as follows: Page 1 Printed on 7/17/19 File Number: 2019-0359 Ordinance 6207 "Reduction in separation distance. In order to protect the ingress and egress access rights to a street of an abutting property owner, the City Engineer may reduce the separation distance of existing and proposed access points where strict compliance proves impractical, provided that joint access driveways and cross access easements are provided wherever feasible, and the ingress/egress curb cut is placed at the safest functional location along the property." Section 3: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby strikes "or improvements" from §166.08(G)(1)(b). Section 4: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby enacts a new §166.08(G) (1)(d), which will add a condition requiring an existing nonconforming access feature to be brought into compliance, as follows: "(d) With development of a new primary structure on the property." PASSED and APPROVED on 7/16/2019 Attest: I'a"', � 4,�-1 Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Treasurer ```%J1 ERr111"., � .`v`.• CITY'•�Fy'% cvn : yAY��FV m' s • '*,; 111111111110 Page 2 Printed on 7/17/19 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 �J Text File File Number: 2019-0359 Agenda Date: 7/16/2019 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meetinq File Type: Ordinance Agenda Number: C. 3 AMEND CHAPTER 166.08, STREET DESIGN AND ACCESS MANAGEMENT STANDARDS: AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 166.08, STREET DESIGN AND ACCESS MANAGEMENT STANDARDS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE TO MODIFY THE APPLICABILITY, ACCESS MANAGEMENT, AND NONCONFORMING ACCESS FEATURES REGULATIONS TO REMOVE BARRIERS THAT DISCOURAGE RENOVATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF EXISTING STRUCTURES WHEREAS, certain access management regulations in the Unified Development Code are too strict and discourage renovations and improvements of existing structures. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby repeals §166.08(C) and enacts a replacement § 166.08(C) as follows: "Applicability. The standards set forth herein shall apply to land which is proposed to be developed with new primary structures and all other developments where the creation of public streets are required, or proposed, or in which new or existing access is created or modified; or developments or expansions containing non -conforming access features which meet the thresholds set forth in subsection (G)." Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby repeals §166.08(F)(4) and enacts a replacement § 166.08(F)(4) as follows: "Reduction in separation distance. In order to protect the ingress and egress access rights to a street of an abutting property owner, the City Engineer may reduce the separation distance of existing and proposed access points where strict compliance proves impractical, provided that joint access driveways and cross access easements are provided wherever feasible, and the ingress/egress curb cut is placed at the safest functional location along the property." Section 3: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby strikes "or improvements" from §1 66.08(G)(1)(b). City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Paye 1 Printed on 7117/2019 File Number.' 2019-0359 Section 4: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby enacts a new § 166.08(G)(1)(d), which will add a condition requiring an existing nonconforming access feature to be brought into compliance, as follows: "(d) With development of a new primary structure on the property." City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 2 Printed on 711712019 Garner Stoll Submitted By City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2019-0359 Legistar File ID 7/16/2019 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item 4/9/2019 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (620) Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: 19-6724 Administrative Item (Amend UDC chapter 166.08: Access Management): Submitted by the Development Services Department for revisions to UDC Chapter 166. The proposed code changes would modify the applicability, access management, and nonconforming access features subsections. Budget Impact: Account Number Project Number Budgeted Item? NA Current Budget Funds Obligated Current Balance Does item have a cost? No Item Cost Budget Adjustment Attached? NA Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget Purchase Order Number: Change Order Number: Original Contract Number: Comments: Fund Project Title �$ -� Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Approval Date: V20180321 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS MEETING OF JULY 16, 2019 TO: Mayor and City Council THRU: Don Marr, Chief of Staff CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO FROM: Garner Stoll, Development Services Director Andrew Garner, City Planning Director DATE: June 10, 2018 SUBJECT: 19-6724 Administrative Item (Amend UDC chapter 166.08: Access Management): Submitted by the Development Services Department for revisions to UDC Chapter 166. The proposed code changes would modify the applicability, access management, and nonconforming access features subsections. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of a text amendment to 166.08 (Access Management) of the Unified Development. Code to modify the applicability, access management, and nonconforming access features subsections. BACKGROUND: Over the last several years, the City has heard from property owners, developers, staff, Planning Commission, and City Council, that the access management portion of the Unified Development Code is too strict and discourages renovation and improvements to existing structures. The code is written such that existing curb cuts that cannot be brought into compliance must go through a Planning Commission variance process. This results in unnecessary delays in many cases because there is no feasible alternative to the existing curb cuts, and the variance must be approved because of a legal right of a property to access adjacent streets. In the last year, the Planning Commission has started putting most of the access management variances on their consent agenda. DISCUSSION: The City Planning Division has drafted code changes to clarify that the access management code applies to new primary structures and expansions to existing structures; it does not apply to renovations. The proposed code changes also allow the City Engineer to approve a curb cut separation of less than the minimum, provided that joint access driveways and cross access easements are provided wherever feasible, and that the curb cut is at the safest functional location. This technical determination is most appropriately made by the City Engineer and avoids the delay of a Planning Commission variance that must be approved to allow a property owner access rights to an adjacent public street. This proposed code change has not been presented to the Planning Commission or other appointed body. Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 Request: Staff requests that the City Council amend Fayetteville Unified Development Code Chapter 166.08 Access Management. The code changes are generally described above and shown in the attached strikeout -highlight and clean versions of the code. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: None Attachments: • Proposed code changes shown in strikeout and clean version ADM 19-6724 Code Changes Shown in Strikeout -highlight 166.08 - Street Design And Access proven traffic calming design Management Standards principles. (5) Street Standards. All street (A) Intent. These standards are intended to requirements shall be met as set forth ensure that development is designed to be in the City of Fayetteville Master Street inherently safe, walkable, and efficient for Plan and adopted minimum street the facilitation of traffic and pedestrian standards. movements. (E) Block Layout/Connectivity. (B) Fitness for Development. Based on (1) Block Length. Block lengths and topographic maps, soil surveys prepared by the Department of Agriculture and drainage street intersections are directly tied to information from the Future Land Use Plan the functional hierarchy of the street and the Hillside/Hilltop Overlay District, the pattern that exists or is proposed. Planning Commission may require that (a) Principal and Minor Arterial steep grades, unstable soil and flood plains Streets. Signalized intersections be set aside and not subdivided until should be located at a minimum corrections are made to protect life, health, of one every 2,640 feet (half a and property. mile) along principal and minor (C) Applicability. The standards set forth arterials and should be based on herein shall apply to land which is proposed traffic warrants. to be developed with new primary (b) Collectors. Intersections should structures er— redevelop edI and all other be located at a minimum of one development where the creation of public every 1,320 feet (quarter of a streets are required, or proposed, or in mile) along collector streets. which new or existing access is created or modified; or developments or expansions (c) Local and Residential. containing `non -conforming access features Intersections shall occur at a occur which meet ` the thresholds set forth in minimum of one every feet. subsection (G). (d) Variances. Block length (D) Street Design Principles. standards may be varied by the Planning Commission when (1) Extensions. All street extensions shall terrain, topographical features, be constructed to minimum street existing barriers or streets, size or standards. Street extension stub -outs shape of the lot, or other unusual to adjacent properties are required to conditions justify a departure. meet block layout/connectivity standards unless existing development (2) With the exception of corner lots, or physical barriers prohibit such. double -street frontage lots are prohibited except where such lots front (2) Substandard Widths. Developments on access restricted or discouraged that adjoin existing streets shall roadways such as expressways or dedicate additional right-of-way to arterials. Alleys are not considered as meet the Master Street Plan. frontage. Double frontage lots may (3) Street Names. Names of streets shall also be permitted by the Planning be consistent with natural alignment Commission for topographical and extensions of existing streets, and problems, feasibility issues relating to new street names shall not duplicate the parcel's dimensions, or other good or be similar to existing street names. cause which must be established and Developers shall coordinate the proven by the developer. The Planning naming of new streets through the GIS Commission may impose additional Office during the plat review process. landscape requirements along the back of such double -frontage lots. (4) Pedestrian. Pedestrian -vehicular conflict points should be controlled (3) Connectivity. Wherever a proposed through signalized intersections and development abuts undeveloped land, ADM 19-6724 Code Changes Shown in Strikeout -highlight street stub -outs shall be provided as a minimum of 5 feet from the adjoining deemed necessary by the Planning property line, unless shared. Commission to abutting properties or to logically extend the street system. (2) Separation for two (2) family, three (3) family, multi -family and nonresidential (4) Topography. Local streets should be development. designed to relate to the existing topography and minimize the (a) Principal and Minor Arterial disturbance zone. Streets. Where a street with a lower functional classification (5) Dead -End Streets. Dead end streets exists that can be accessed, curb are discouraged and should only be cuts shall access onto those used in situations where they are streets. When necessary, curb needed for design and development cuts along arterial streets shall be efficiency, reduction of necessary shared between two (2) or more street paving, or where proximity to lots. Where a curb cut must floodplains, creeks, difficult topography access the arterial street, it shall or existing barriers warrant their use. be located a minimum of 250 feet All dead end streets shall end in a cul- from an intersection or driveway. de -sac with a radius of 50 feet, or an alternative design approved by the city (b) Collector Streets. Curb cuts shall and the Fire Department. The be located a minimum of 100 feet maximum length of a dead end street from an intersection or driveway. (without a street stub -out) shall be 500 When necessary, curb cuts along feet. collector streets shall be shared between two or more lots. (F) Access Management. Safe and adequate vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian access (c) Local and Residential Streets. shall be provided to all parcels. Local Curb cuts shall be located a streets and driveways shall not detract from minimum of 50 feet from an the safety and efficiency of bordering intersection or driveway. In no arterial routes. Property that fronts onto case shall a curb cut be located more than one public street shall place a within the radius return of an higher priority on accessing the street with adjacent curb cut or intersection. the lowest functional classification, ex. local (3) Separation for Single -Family Homes. and collector. In a case where the streets have the same classification, access shall (a) For all street classifications, curb be from the lower volume street, or as cuts shall be located a minimum determined by the City Engineer. of 10 feet from another driveway. Driveways serving corner lots (1) Curb Cut Separation. For purposes of shall be located as far from the determining curb cut or street access street intersection as possible separation, the separation distance while still meeting a 5 -foot shall be measured along the curb line separation from an adjoining from the edge of curb cut to the edge property line. In no case shall a of curb cut/intersection. The curb cut be located within the measurement begins at the point radius of an adjacent curb cut or where the curb cut and intersecting street intersection. street create a right angle, i.e., the intersection of lines drawn from the (b) Arterial and Collector Streets. face -of -curb to face -of -curb. The Individual curb cuts for along measurement ends at the point along arterial and collector streets shall the street where the closest curb cut or be discouraged. When necessary, street intersection occurs; again, curb cuts along arterial and measured to the point where the curb collector streets shall be shared cut or intersecting streets create a between two (2) or more lots. right angle at the intersection of face- (4) VarianGe Reduction in separation of -curb. In all cases curb cuts shall be distance. In order to protect the ADM 19-6724 Code Changes Shown in Strikeout -highlight ingress and egress access rights to a street of an abutting property owner, the City Engineer may reduce the separation distance of existing and proposed access points where strict compliance proves impractical, provided that joint access driveways and cross access easements are provided wherever feasible, and the ingress/egress curb cut is placed at the safest functional location along the property. a variance to the Gurb-Gut minimums shall be granted by the ingress/egresr GHrb Gut at the safest Such -A cut may be required to be shaFed with an adjoining parGel if arterial OF G0lleGtGF of provides sur_,„h short frontage along m� r street that thefe Fs ae safe ip;essiegFess functional location on that street the Planning Gemmissinn r ay--4eny-4he--our-belt-ems�y-Eimit rh Hrh Ut to (5) Speed. All streets should be designed to discourage excessive speeds. (G) Non -Conforming Access Features. (1) Existing. Permitted access connections in place on the date of the adoption of this ordinance that do not conform with the standards herein shall be designated as nonconforming features and shall be brought into compliance with the applicable standards under the following conditions: (a) When new access connection permits are requested; (b) Upon expansion er iepFeveregreater than 50% of the property's appraised or market value as established by the Washington County Assessor. (c) As roadway improvements allow; (d) With development of a new primary structure on the property. (H) Easements. Utility and drainage easements shall be located along lot lines and/or street right-of-way where necessary to provide for utility lines and drainage. The Planning Commission may require larger easements for major utility lines, unusual terrain or drainage problems. ADM 19-6724 Clean Version of Code Changes 166.08 - Street Design And Access proven traffic calming design Management Standards principles. (5) Street Standards. All street (A) Intent. These standards are intended to requirements shall be met as set forth ensure that development is designed to be in the City of Fayetteville Master Street inherently safe, walkable, and efficient for Plan and adopted minimum street the facilitation of traffic and pedestrian standards. movements. (E) Block Layout/Connectivity. (B) Fitness for Development. Based on (1) Block Length. Block lengths and topographic maps, soil surveys prepared by the Department of Agriculture and drainage street intersections are directly tied to information from the Future Land Use Plan the functional hierarchy of the street and the Hillside/Hilltop Overlay District, the pattern that exists or is proposed. Planning Commission may require that (a) Principal and Minor Arterial steep grades, unstable soil and flood plains Streets. Signalized intersections be set aside and not subdivided until should be located at a minimum corrections are made to protect life, health, of one every 2,640 feet (half a and property. mile) along principal and minor (C) Applicability. The standards set forth arterials and should be based on herein shall apply to land which is proposed traffic warrants. to be developed with new primary (b) Collectors. Intersections should structures and all other development where be located at a minimum of one the creation of public streets are required, every 1,320 feet (quarter of a or proposed, or in which new or existing mile) along collector streets. access is created or modified; or (c) Local and Residential. developments or expansions containing Intersections shall occur at a occur non -conforming access features which minimum of one every feet. meet the thresholds set forth in subsection (G). (d) Variances. Block length (D) Street Design Principles. standards may be varied by the Planning Commission when (1) Extensions. All street extensions shall terrain, topographical features, be constructed to minimum street existing barriers or streets, size or standards. Street extension stub -outs shape of the lot, or other unusual to adjacent properties are required to conditions justify a departure. meet block layout/connectivity standards unless existing development (2) With the exception of corner lots, or physical barriers prohibit such. double -street frontage lots are prohibited except where such lots front (2) Substandard Widths. Developments on access restricted or discouraged that adjoin existing streets shall roadways such as expressways or dedicate additional right-of-way to arterials. Alleys are not considered as meet the Master Street Plan. frontage. Double frontage lots may (3) Street Names. Names of streets shall also be permitted by the Planning be consistent with natural alignment Commission for topographical and extensions of existing streets, and problems, feasibility issues relating to new street names shall not duplicate the parcel's dimensions, or other good or be similar to existing street names. cause which must be established and Developers shall coordinate the proven by the developer. The Planning naming of new streets through the GIS Commission may impose additional Office during the plat review process. landscape requirements along the back of such double -frontage lots. (4) Pedestrian. Pedestrian -vehicular conflict points should be controlled (3) Connectivity. Wherever a proposed through signalized intersections and development abuts undeveloped land, ADM 19-6724 Clean Version of Code Changes street stub -outs shall be provided as a minimum of 5 feet from the adjoining deemed necessary by the Planning property line, unless shared. Commission to abutting properties or to logically extend the street system. (2) Separation for two (2) family, three (3) family, multi -family and nonresidential (4) Topography. Local streets should be development. designed to relate to the existing topography and minimize the (a) Principal and Minor Arterial disturbance zone. Streets. Where a street with a lower functional classification (5) Dead -End Streets. Dead end streets exists that can be accessed, curb are discouraged and should only be cuts shall access onto those used in situations where they are streets. When necessary, curb needed for design and development cuts along arterial streets shall be efficiency, reduction of necessary shared between two (2) or more street paving, or where proximity to lots. Where a curb cut must floodplains, creeks, difficult topography access the arterial street, it shall or existing barriers warrant their use. be located a minimum of 250 feet All dead end streets shall end in a cul- from an intersection or driveway. de -sac with a radius of 50 feet, or an alternative design approved by the city (b) Collector Streets. Curb cuts shall and the Fire Department. The be located a minimum of 100 feet maximum length of a dead end street from an intersection or driveway. (without a street stub -out) shall be 500 When necessary, curb cuts along feet. collector streets shall be shared between two or more lots. (F) Access Management. Safe and adequate vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian access (c) Local and Residential Streets. shall be provided to all parcels. Local Curb cuts shall be located streets and driveways shall not detract from minimum of 50 feet from an the safety and efficiency of bordering intersection or driveway. no arterial routes. Property that fronts onto case shall a curb cut be located more than one public street shall place a within the radius return of an higher priority on accessing the street with adjacent curb cut or intersection. the lowest functional classification, ex. local (3) Separation for Single -Family Homes. and collector. In a case where the streets have the same classification, access shall (a) For all street classifications, curb be from the lower volume street, or as cuts shall be located a minimum determined by the City Engineer. of 10 feet from another driveway. Driveways serving corner lots (1) Curb Cut Separation. For purposes of shall be located as far from the determining curb cut or street access street intersection as possible separation, the separation distance while still meeting a 5 -foot shall be measured along the curb line separation from an adjoining from the edge of curb cut to the edge property line. In no case shall a of curb cut/intersection. The curb cut be located within the measurement begins at the point radius of an adjacent curb cut or where the curb cut and intersecting street intersection. street create a right angle, i.e., the intersection of lines drawn from the (b) Arterial and Collector Streets. face -of -curb to face -of -curb. The Individual curb cuts for along measurement ends at the point along arterial and collector streets shall the street where the closest curb cut or be discouraged. When necessary, street intersection occurs; again, curb cuts along arterial and measured to the point where the curb collector streets shall be shared cut or intersecting streets create a between two (2) or more lots. right angle at the intersection of face- (4) Reduction in separation distance. In of -curb. In all cases curb cuts shall be order to protect the ingress and egress ADM 19-6724 Clean Version of Code Changes access rights to a street of an abutting property owner, the City Engineer may reduce the separation distance of existing and proposed access points where strict compliance proves impractical, provided that joint access driveways and cross access easements are provided wherever feasible, and the ingress/egress curb cut is placed at the safest functional location along the property. (5) Speed. All streets should be designed to discourage excessive speeds. (G) Non -Conforming Access Features (1) Existing. Permitted access connections in place on the date of the adoption of this ordinance that do not conform with the standards herein shall be designated as nonconforming features and shall be brought into compliance with the applicable standards under the following conditions: (a) When new access connection permits are requested; (b) Upon expansion greater than 50% of the property's appraised or market value as established by the Washington County Assessor. (c) As roadway improvements allow, (d) With development of a new primary structure on the property. (H) Easements. Utility and drainage easements shall be located along lot lines and/or street right-of-way where necessary to provide for utility lines and drainage. The Planning Commission may require larger easements for major utility lines, unusual terrain or drainage problems. RECEIVED Ordinance:6207 File Number: 2019-0359 . AMEND CHAPTER 166.08,STREET DESIGN AND ACCESS MANAGEMENT AUG 0 1 2019 STANDARDS: AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER I\ORTHWEST ARKANSAS 166NA STREET DESIGNAD AND ACCESS CITY C E •. F'CE MANAGEMENT STANDARDS OF THE CITY CLERn�. CF FAYETTEVILLE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT Democrat 101 /�► � � � CODETO MODIFY THE APPLICABILITY, '�`,it J�� ACCESS MANAGEMENT,AND NONCONFORMING ONFORMING ACCESS FEATURES REGULATIONS TO REMOVE BARRIERS THAT DISCOURAGE RENOVATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF EXISTING STRUCTURES WHEREAS,certain access management regulations in the Unified Development Code are too strict and discourage renovations and improvements of existing structures. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: I Carla Gardner, do solemnlyswear that I am the Finance Director of the Sectionei s That anhe asy rebyce a thesCity of Fayetteville,Arkansas hereby repeals Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, printed and published in §166.08(C)and enacts a replacement§166.08(C) as follows: Washington County and Benton County, Arkansas, and of bona fide "Applicability.The standards set forth herein shall apply to land which is proposed to be circulation, that from my own personal knowledge and reference developed with new primary structures and all to the files of said publication,the advertisement of: other developments where the creation of public streets are required,or proposed,or in which new or existing access is created or modified;or CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE developments or featuress meetg non- the conforming access features which meet the Ord. 6207 thresholds set forth in subsection(G)." Section 2:That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas hereby repeals §166.08(FX4)and enacts a replacement §166.08(FX4)as follows: "Reduction in separation distance.In order to Was inserted in the Regular Edition on: protect the ingress and egress access rights to a street of an abutting property owner,the City Engineer may reduce the separation distance of July 25, 2019 existing and proposed access points where strict compliance proves impractical,provided that joint access driveways and cross access Publication Charges: 150.80 easements are provided wherever feasible,and g the ingress/egress curb cut is placed at the safest functional location along the property." Section 3:That the City Council of the City of 0. 1k--airt-9 Fayetteville,Arkansas hereby strikes"or improvements"from§166.08(GXl)(b). i Section 4:That the City Council of the City of Cara Gardner Fayetteville,Arkansas hereby enacts a new §166.08(G)(1)(d),which will add a condition requiring an existing nonconforming access feature to be brought into compliance,as follows: "(d)With development of a new primary Subscribed and sworn to before me structure on the property." This 2-(.0 day of 2019. PASSED and APPROVED on 7/16/2019 ' Approved: Lioneld Jordan,Mayor Attest: Sondra E.Smith,City Clerk Treasurer 6 75020703 July 25,2019 'c N (�'jf Notary Pub My Commission Expires: Z/ ! ,, A ;�, , CATHY WILES Arkansas-Benton County Notary Public-Comm# 12397118 My Commission Expires Feb 20,2024 f_.-_ **NOTE** Please do not pay from Affidavit. Invoice will be sent.