HomeMy WebLinkAbout150-19 RESOLUTION113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 150-19 File Number: 2019-0371 FREEDOM POWERSPORTS: A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF A KAWASAKI MULE FROM FREEDOM POWERSPORTS OF FAYETTEVILLE IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,836.90 FOR USE BY THE AIRPORT, AND TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes the purchase of a Kawasaki Mule from Freedom Powersports of Fayetteville in the amount of $10,836.90 for use by the Airport. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution. PASSED and APPROVED on 7/2/2019 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street �F Fayetteville, AR 72701 \ (479) 575-8323 Text File File Number: 2019-0371 Agenda Date: 7/2/2019 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meeting File Type: Resolution Agenda Number: A. 2 FREEDOM POWERSPORTS: A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF A KAWASAKI MULE FROM FREEDOM POWERSPORTS OF FAYETTEVILLE IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,836.90 FOR USE BY THE AIRPORT, AND TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes the purchase of a Kawasaki Mule from Freedom Powersports of Fayetteville in the amount of $10,836.90 for use by the Airport. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 7/3/2019 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2019-0371 Legistar File ID 7/2/2019 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item Sara Glenn 6/12/2019 Submitted By Submitted Date Action Recommendation: FLEET OPERATIONS (770) Division / Department City Council to approve the purchase of a Kawasaki Mule 40 in the amount of $10,836.90 from Freedom Powersports of Fayetteville, AR for use by the Airport and to approve a budget adjustment. Budget Impact: 9700.770.1920-5802.00 Account Number 02080.2019 Shop Fund Other Vehicles & Equipment Project Number Budgeted Item? Yes Current Budget Funds Obligated Current Balance Does item have a cost? Yes Item Cost Budget Adjustment Attached? Yes Budget Adjustment Purchase Order Number: Change Order Number: Original Contract Number: Comments: Remaining Budget Project Title $ 129,000.00 $ 129,000.00 $ 10,836.90 $ 10,840.00 129,003.1u Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Approval Date: V20180321 CITY OF lU FAYETTEVILLE rµ ARKANSAS MEETING OF JULY 2, 2019 TO: Mayor and City Council THRU: Terry Gulley, Director of Transportation FROM: Sara Glenn, Fleet Operations Superintendent DATE: June 12, 2019 SUBJECT: Purchase of one UTV for the Airport CITY COUNCIL MEMO RECOMMENDATION: City Council to approve the purchase of a Kawasaki Mule 4x4 in the amount of $10,836.90 from Freedom Powersports of Fayetteville, AR for use by the Airport and to approve a budget adjustment. BACKGROUND: Unit 9042 is a 2003 Kawasaki Mule with 10/10 points. This unit is on a different scale because it was not a non-motorpool unit for years and maintenance was not performed nor tracked by Fleet. The new unit will be a Fleet item. DISCUSSION: Fleet recommends the purchase of a Kawasaki Mule 4x4 in the amount of $10,836.90 from Freedom Powersports of Fayetteville, AR. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: Sufficient funds were budgeted for this purchase in Airport's Vehicle Replacement project. A budget adjustment is required to move these funds to Fleet's project. This purchase was approved at the June 11th Equipment Committee Meeting. Attachments: Quotes Budget Adjustment Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 Retail Purchase Order Bill of Sale Date 05/28/2019 Purchaser CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Address 1525 S. HAPPY HOLLOW FAYETTEVILLE, AR. 72701 Phone# 479-444-3495 E-mail Address Customer# Invoice# FREEDOM POWERSPORTS 2741 W HUDSON RD ROGERS, AR 72756 479.621-6006 (PHONE) 479-621-6010 (FAX) 1205 N FUTRALL DR FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72703 479-521-7133 (PHONE) 479-521-7220 (FAX) STOCK # MODEL DESCRIPTION SERIAL NUMBER l CASH PRICE 001174 NEW 2019 KAWASAKI MULE 4010 TRANS 4X4 SIDE BY SIDE ! $ 9,987.00 PROPERTY INS reviewed r the l.3=en Finance and Administration. I am also aware that any false representation made by me in an attempt purchase farm ach nery and end free from Arkansas sales tax will result in the assessment of tax, penalty, JK1 AFCR11 KB536036 GREEN — l DOCUMENTATION MODEL #KAF620RKF AMT FINANCED $ 10,836.90 TERMS Purchaser hereby pants with Dealer that he is the lawful owner of the goods and chattels set forth above in Purchasers Bill of Sale for prop rty taken in trade; that said goods and chatteis are free from all liens and encumbrances; that Purchaser FINANCING INST 1 MILE demands of all persons whomsoever. Purchaser acknowledges that the following safety devices and/or rollover protection structures (ROPS) are missing from the above goods: ----- FIXED WINDSHIELD KAF40-020 _ $ 459.95 PLASTIC ROOF 99994-0766 $ 389.95 INSTALLATION NO CHARGE $ 0.00 STOCK# Bi4l OF SALE FOR PROPERTY TAKE IN TRADE SERIAL # A OUNT It'urthaser hereby bargains And sells, grants ro+d.Milvers wd-Wl ameda9,C a CASH PRICE .�. $10,836.90 TAX TAX EXEMPT__ �- - N/A -" -- —� TOTAL CASH PRICE cpsH oowN $1 836.90 $ 0.00 TRADE IN AMOUNT 0.00 — LESS PAYOFF $ Q,QQ PAYOFF TO: ACCT#: DATE: t BALANCE DUE $ 10,836.90 1, am engaged in the production of _ as a commercial farming business. FOR FINANCE USE ONLY (Purchasers name) (Products grown or raised) The farm machinery and equipment I am purchasing will be used exclusively and directiy in the agricultural production of FILING FEE food and fiber to be sold in the commercial marketplace OR used directly in the agricultural production of farm products to be fed to livestock or poultry which will be sold in processed form at retail. i am aware that this claim for exemption will be TITLE FEE PROPERTY INS reviewed r the l.3=en Finance and Administration. I am also aware that any false representation made by me in an attempt purchase farm ach nery and end free from Arkansas sales tax will result in the assessment of tax, penalty, CREDIT LIFE and ' Cst against ye,.Jnd is unishab s a misdemeanor under Arkansas law. — l DOCUMENTATION Si atueofPurcha r Date Telephone Number These certification sh be kept on file by the seller for six years from the date of sale for audit purposes. AMT FINANCED $ 10,836.90 TERMS Purchaser hereby pants with Dealer that he is the lawful owner of the goods and chattels set forth above in Purchasers Bill of Sale for prop rty taken in trade; that said goods and chatteis are free from all liens and encumbrances; that Purchaser FINANCING INST has the right to sell said goods and chattels; and that he will warranty and defend the same against the lawful claims and demands of all persons whomsoever. Purchaser acknowledges that the following safety devices and/or rollover protection structures (ROPS) are missing from the above goods: ----- P nth f � Purchaser hereby acknowledges that dealer makes no representation or warranties, express or implied, In respect to any of the goods or chattels covered by this order except that dealer will deliver good title to said goods and chattels, free from all liens and encumbrances. The goods and chattels covered by this agreement are purchases "AS 15", and the dealer does not warranty that they are of merchantable quality, nor that they can be used for any particular purpose desired by purchaser, and all such warranties are hereby disclaimed. New equipment may carry a warranty provided by the manufacturer. All warranty repairs will be performed at the address of dealer as set forth above. Purchaser shall be responsible for transpo on of any goods or chattels to the above address for such repairs. Purchaser agr that this wrI trig nstitutes a entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof; no waiver or amendment shall be valid unless in writing sig deter. 05/28/2019 DDY PURCHASER DATE DEALER AUTHO REPRESENTATIVE Office use only: PiVaL Resale Permit _Trade-in Title _Mail Title _Farm Use _Warranty _Zero Down !_POI_Lien Search _Salesman# _Tax Note On Trade — Construction Tax Note _Flooring Payoff _Programs DEALER COPY - WHITE SALESMAN COPY - YELLOW CUSTOMER COPY - PINK Retail Purchase Order Bill of Sale Date 05/28/2019 Purchaser CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Address 1525 S. HAPPY HOLLOW FAYETTEVILLE, AR. 72701 Phone# 479-444-3495 E-mail Address Customers! Invoices# FREEDOM POWERSPORTS 2741 W HUDSON RD ROGERS, AR 72756 479.621.6006 (PHONE) 479.621-6010 (FAX) 1205 N FUTRALL DR FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72703 479-521-7133 (PHONE) 479-521.7220 (FAX) STOCK 4 MODEL DESCRIPTION SERIAL NUMBER CASH PRICE SIDE BY SIDE $ 9,987.00 001174 NEW 2019 KAWASAKI MULE 4010 TRANS 4X4 JKlAFCR11 KB536036 GREEN MODEL #KAF620RKF 1 MILE FIXED WINDSHIELD KAF40-020 $ 459.95 _ 99994-0766 $ 389.95 _ NO CHARGE $ 0.00 PLASTIC ROOF INSTALLATION STOCKU BILL OF SALE FOR PROPERTY TAKE IN TRADE SERIAL q AMOUNT CASH PRICE $ 10,836.90 ro• •.ilii rrYµs—aO—(wrrha.er MfeOy henna .:Kl ,illi. pr.rf �•vl •Ir ..• . rn 1. ar•• • • • • •+ . - TAX TAX EXEMPT —� TOTAL GASH PRICE - $ 10,836.90_ NIA CASH OOWN $ 0.00 . PAYOFF TO: ACCTN: DATE TRADE IN AMOUNT $ 0.00 LESS PAYOFF $ 0.00 < BALANCE DUE $ 10,836.90 1, __.. __--- am Pngaged rn the produi brio of •- - ___--qa J Cunrrne R:Wl fd'rn�"t; Uu,rness • • (Purchaser's name) (Producis grown m raped) The farm machinery and equipment I am purchasing w.11 he ust-d ga<cluslylly and directly art the Ag,v:•.ducal uroductio,+ of WING FEE fnod and fiber to he sod in the commil,nAl marketp-ace OR used directly n the agricultural producbnr: of 1.u,rl products to TITLE FEE be led to livestock or poultry which will be sold in processed form at retail I ani aware that this Naim, fill eprrrsphon will lir reviewed by the Department of Finance and Administration I am also aware that any false representation made birme in an PROPERTY INS attempt to purchase farm maclllnery and equipment bee from Arkansas sales tax will result ,n the assessment of lax, firally, and mer t against me and )spa Viable as a nps emeanor under Arka•+ s Iaw CREDIT LIFE O DOCUMENTATION Signature of Purkhases Date ITelo-oMon,: Numue' AMT FINANCED $ 10,836.90 These cerlihcations shall be kept on Me by the seller for six yeah from IIIe date of sAle fol audit purpoar. pwchaser hereby covenants with Dealer that he is the lawful owner of five goods Anil chatter-, tat forth anov► in Purchnaer s TERMS Bill of Sale for property taken In trade; that aid gooch, and chalte:s are free from all IIPns and encumbrantes; that Purrha<Pr Ihas the right to sell said goods and chatters. and that he will warranty, and defend tate same against the lawful claims and FINANCING (NST demands of all persons whomsoever. Purchaser acknowledges that thr, following safety devices and./or rollover protectier, --- strictures (ROPS) are missing from the above goods -�_,•_ _ _ __ Purchaser accepts said goods and chattels without the safety devicos and/or gOPS and herebi, waive any alarm ag.unst Oealer, and addit•onaiay ag,eet to ndemn flit and hold Dealer harmless from any claims, Injuries or liabilities ansnig out of the a2sence of ,Aid sa►aty AevsP an -l'» ROPs or- fill- •above rolerencird goods .rod r attels w"other resulting Irom Purchaser's use or use by any agent, servant or employee Purchaser hereby acknowledges that dealer makes ria reprMenWt,ou pr wa•rantivs, express or iR+pl•r•rl, n'e"pect to ary of the grads n. chattels ;tive,ed by this orcin, tarept that dealer will deliver good title to said goods and chattels, free. 1, om all Ileus and encumbranr es fit• floods and chatte-s cose,ed by thus :agreement are owdratet ' AS IS", and the dealer does not warranty that they are of merchantable quably, raw that they can be used inn Any ua ticulat purpose desired by pterha%or, and of such wArrar,ees are hereby disclaimed. New equipment may Carly a warranty provided 'Cay thr manufacturer Ali warranty repAas *0 oe performed at the address of dearer es set forth above Purchaser shall be responsible for transportation of any, goods or chattels to the Above address far such rennin Purchaser agrees that this writing constitutes the ent,,r agreement of the parties with •e%pect to the subject matter hereof; no waive, or Amendment shall be valid unless Ili writing srgned by dealer tf)J-Po05/28/2019 DDY PUR ASER DATE DEALER AUTHO REPRESENTATIVE Office use only: Pin P's _• _Resale Permit Irade•Ir. F tle _Mad Title .firm Use __Warranty ,Zero Down _ BOL _PDI —Lion Search Salesman# _Tax Note On 1 rade _ Constrkiction Tax Note _Flooring Payoff _Programs DEALER COPY • WHITE SALESMAN COPY - YELLOW CUSTOMER COPY • PINK Williams Tractor, Inc. � 2501 SHILOH P O.BOX 1348346 FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS 72702.1346 NW NOLL= Phone 47W442-8284 FAX 47 /442.6013 Email:dswllliams®wllllamstrector.com May 20, 2019 City of Fayetteville Attn:Sara Please accept the following Polaris Ranger and accessory quote: 1. 2019 Polaris Ranger 570 Mid Size Crew -4X4 Green Sale Price $9995.00 ' *additional options a.Sport Roof $519.00. b. Windshield options a) Poly $369.00• b)Glass $63,9:fr0 c. Windshield Wiper (only available with glass windshield) $5300 10 **please add any applicable sales tax Thank you, Tim Bailey vtiiworsolaaor k. ,moi Unit Information Stock Number: 402610 WORK HARD +.PLAY HAI Year: 2018 www,l APARTLANDIVONDA_CnM Make: Honda sPx1Nc,DAi,9i' Model: SXS700T\ Model Number: Color: Red Odometer: Customer Informatior Name: City of Fayetteville Email: Address: Phone: City, State, Zip: , Phone #2: MSRP: $12,299.00 Price: $10,499.00 Manufacturer Freight: $760.00 Technician Setup & Prep: $585.00 Accessories: $1 ,229.40 36 m( Accessories Labor: $0.00 Labor: $0.00 48 m Miscellaneous Costs: $0.00 Document Fee: $129.00 60 rr Trade-In Allowance: $0.00 Sub-Total: $13,202.40 Payoff on Trade-In: $0.00 Trade Equity: $0.00 Sales Tax: $1 ,287.23 Title/Trip Fee: $0.00 Cash Balance: $14,489.63 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas- Budget Adjustment Form (Legistar) 2 Errors Budget Year Division Adjustment Number FLEET OPERATIONS (770) 2019 /Org2 Requestor: Sara Glenn BUDGET ADJUSTMENT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION: Move funds from Airport's project to Fleet's project to purchase a Kawasaki Mule,to be unit 9275 APMN_F011 COUNCIL DATE: 7/2/201 9 LEGISTAR FILE ID#: 2019-0371 Llfk H u tche.vt% 6/13/2019 10:49 AM Budget Director Date TYPE: JOURNAL #: GLDATE: RESOLUTION/ORDINANCE CHKD/POSTED: TOTAL 10,840 10,840 v.20190516 Increase/ (Decrease) Project.Sub# Account Number Expense Revenue Project Sub.Detl AT Account Name 5550.760.3960-5802.00 (10,840) - 18019 1 EX Vehicles& Equipment-base 5550.760.3960-7602.70 10,840 - 18019 1 EX **Transfers To Funds-Shop 9700.770.1920-5802.00 10,840 - 02080 2019 EX Vehicles& Equipment-base 9700.770.1920-6602.55 - 10,840 02080 2019 RE Transfer from Fund-Airport H:\Budget Adjustments\2019_Budget\City Council\07-02-2019\2019-0371 BA Kawasaki Mule for Airport 1 of 1