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OF FAY ETTe �RkANS�S 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville,AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 141-19 File Number: 2019-0155 WALTON FAMILY FOUNDATION: A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE AN APPLICATION FOR A GRANT THROUGH THE WALTON FAMILY FOUNDATION IN THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF $2,000,000.00 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE MAPLE STREET CYCLE TRACK FROM THE RAZORBACK REGIONAL GREENWAY TO GARLAND AVENUE WHEREAS, the Walton Family Foundation has expressed interested in funding 50% of the cost of construction in the amount of up to $2,000,000.00 and the other half would be split between the University of Arkansas and the City of Fayetteville in the estimated amount of $1,000,000.00 each; and WHEREAS, the Transportation Committee voted unanimously in support of applying for the Walton Family Foundation grant; and WHEREAS, the Maple Street cycle track has been identified as a catalyst project in the Northwest Arkansas Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes a Walton Family Foundation Grant application in the maximum amount of $2,000,000.00 for the construction of the Maple Street Cycle Track from the Razorback Regional Greenway to Garland Avenue. PASSED and APPROVED on 6/4/2019 Page 1 Printed on 6/5/19 R246 I&-^- / 1/-/q File Number: 2019-0155 Approv• i: Attest: /IA /(49"-abi-ert, Lioneld Jori.• ayor Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Treouwus,,o •G,ER K \y . GITy .'i'F O••9s AN O.cr' PPr/INS fie' �.�•. Pkr° ate. Page 2 Printed on 6/5/19 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas F FAYerr 113 West Mountain Street _f, Fayetteville,AR 72701 � ` (479)575-8323 r ) t Text File •aRkkN Sup. File Number: 2019-0155 Agenda Date:6/4/2019 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control:City Council Meeting File Type: Resolution Agenda Number:C. 8 WALTON FAMILY FOUNDATION: A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE AN APPLICATION FOR A GRANT THROUGH THE WALTON FAMILY FOUNDATION IN THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF $2,000,000.00 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE MAPLE STREET CYCLE TRACK FROM THE RAZORBACK REGIONAL GREENWAY TO GARLAND AVENUE WHEREAS, the Walton Family Foundation has expressed interested in funding 50% of the cost of construction in the amount of up to $2,000,000.00 and the other half would be split between the University of Arkansas and the City of Fayetteville in the estimated amount of$1,000,000.00 each;and WHEREAS, the Transportation Committee voted unanimously in support of applying for the Walton Family Foundation grant;and WHEREAS, the Maple Street cycle track has been identified as a catalyst project in the Northwest Arkansas Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes a Walton Family Foundation Grant application in the maximum amount of $2,000,000.00 for the construction of the Maple Street Cycle Track from the Razorback Regional Greenway to Garland Avenue. City of Fayetteville,Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 6/5/2019 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form • 2019-0155 Legistar File ID June 4th 2019 City Council Meeting Date-Agenda Item Only N/A for Non-Agenda Item Matt Mihalevich 5/16/2019 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (620) Submitted By Submitted Date Division/Department Action Recommendation: Staff requests approval to apply for a grant through the Walton Family Foundation in the maximum amount of $2,000,000.00 for the construction of the Maple Street Cycle Track from the Razorback Regional Greenway to Garland Ave. • Budget Impact: Account Number Fund Project Number Project Title Budgeted Item? No Current Budget $ - Funds Obligated• $ - Current Balance $ - Does item have a cost? No Item Cost $ - Budget Adjustment Attached? No Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget $ - V20180321 Purchase Order Number: Previous Ordinance or Resolution# Change Order Number: Approval Date: Original Contract Number: Comments: If the grant is approved, matching funds are estimated to be$1,000,000 and funds have been identified in the first phase of the transportation portion of the recently approved bonds. CITY OF ipppum FAYETTEVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEMO ARKANSAS MEETING OF JUNE 4TH, 2019 TO: Mayor and City Council THRU: Don Marr, Chief of Staff Garner Stoll, Development Services Director Chris Brown, City Engineer FROM: Matt Mihalevich, Trails Coordinator DATE: May 16th, 2019 SUBJECT: 2019-0155 Maple Street Cycle Track— Request to apply for grant funding RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests approval to apply for a grant through the Walton Family Foundation in the maximum amount of$2,000,000.00 for the construction of the Maple Street Cycle Track from the Razorback Regional Greenway to Garland Ave. BACKGROUND: The City of Fayetteville and the University of Arkansas have been working together on the common goal of improving Maple Street from the Razorback Regional Greenway at Gregg Ave. to Garland Ave. In the Spring of 2018, the University of Arkansas contacted with Alta Planning + Design to develop conceptual plans for Maple Street that include a protected bicycle facility known as a cycle track. On September 9th, 2018, resolution 198-18 was approved to share the final design cost of the Maple Street Cycle Track between the City of Fayetteville and the University of Arkansas in the amount of$103,500 each. These funds were combined with a 50% Walton Family Foundation grant of$207,000 to cover the $414,000 design cost with Olsson Associates. Olsson will have final design plans and cost estimates by the first week in June. This 2,475-linear foot facility will provide designated space for pedestrians and bicyclists separated from the roadway. The Maple Street cycle track has been identified as a catalyst project in the Northwest Arkansas Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Currently bicycle access to the University of Arkansas campus core and the surrounding neighborhoods is limited. The addition of the Maple Street connection will greatly improve the usability of the trail system for city residents including the campus's faculty, staff and students. DISCUSSION: The next step for the Maple Street Cycle Track is to take the design plans to construction. The Walton Family Foundation has expressed interest in funding 50% of the cost of construction in amount of up to $2,000,000 and the other half would be split between the University of Arkansas and the City of Fayetteville in the estimated amount of$1,000,000 each. On May 14th Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 2019, the Transportation Committee reviewed the Maple Street Cycle Track Project voted unanimously (3 to 0) in support of applying for the Walton Family Foundation grant and splitting the matching funds with the University of Arkansas. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: Matching funds have been identified in the first phase of the transportation portion of the recently approved bonds. The staff review form budget impact has not been completed because the new bond funds are not yet available and project accounts have not been assigned. If the Walton Family Foundation Grant is approved in the maximum amount of $2,000,000 then the City of Fayetteville will be responsible for an estimated of$1,000,000 for the construction of the Maple Street Cycle Track. If approved, a separate City Council agenda item will be submitted to recognize the grant funding and the matching funds will be established at that time. Bids for the construction will not be taken until after the bond funds are available. Attachments: Walton Family Foundation request to apply Project map and concept drawings 2 The Walton Family Foundation would like to extend an invitation to the City of Fayetteville to apply for a 2-year, 1:1 matching grant of up to $2,000,000 to construct the Maple Street Cycle Track project and associated qualifying improvements, connecting the Razorback Regional Greenway through Garland Avenue on the UA Campus with a protected, separated bicycle and pedestrian facility . Please note that an invitation to apply does not imply grant approval. We utilize an on-line grant portal, which can be accessed at http://qrantapp.weioffice.com/online/#/. The portal seems to work best with Google Chrome. This link should take you to the portal's home screen. From here, click the yellow button at the top right corner of the screen, labeled "Register New Account". This will direct you to a new page where you can enter your information and create your personal login. Once you've registered, you'll be sent an email to confirm your registration. From there, you will be able to access the portal and begin completing a new grant application. Please don't hesitate to call me or Jessica Kowalczyk, Home Region Program Coordinator/Grants Manager (479-464-2662), if you have any questions throughout this process. Another alternative is our 24/7 help line: 1-800-440-7527. The number calls our web support technician at WFF. Regards, Jeremy Jeremy Pate Program Officer Walton Family Foundation jpate@wffmail.com Phone /479.802.7359 Mobile /479.263.0588 www.waltonfamilyfoundation.orq LL J i m %V10 o" } s O x W u Q r 01 \ U -0 2Mr CZ7 H w, U d 2 4t w (- ao i/)Ce "Z m =No W +°' o :: a o '1 I1I1 zm ovii «t43 in ix LI ad g ix c N p auicoat cr 1- or 71 11 cotx 7 )5mO z WY CiY7LCl ma at0c9 > z O O u t7 g 00 a 4 m � EliiJ a.W ■ I a _ _ _ V ■ w a II u ratty 1 4S.Jr ^ --- }T 4 -• ..�, 4 } tz rSat(tfn](dslt� f4 C I anv ids H britt' IA- nny Isaisa N dnlritanN. NtF[3n Ave www a, tit I Ilik rf* - . , ' • . , 4 f�6 tifftr) 13 ix w tuUnwer$uAve0ancth11 a _ anises—tie-4m - --- : it4 a • i O > (U6 ve a la �a O U Qca ® O 0 rx c}n 17, al 03 aa) ® anyU1}�S o. ..,..,.1.,a . 04. ® any snnq N nth ue�ran a QC a a V�' anomic( , ®■■■■■/■■■■■1` t�Q ve El • aAl'f blie PFta N ® + q, n31{ LI q mo ■a ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■iii■■■■ 4. . ® 133MJS 03aVHS ONV1t1V0 teail- is 4c 4Uu OP C © .; K RIOG . 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