HomeMy WebLinkAbout89-19 RESOLUTIONilg3pk�:� 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 89-19 File Number: 2019-02 2018 BOSTON MOUNTAIN RECYCLING GRANT: A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE ACCEPTANCE OF A 2018 ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY GRANT THROUGH THE BOSTON MOUNTAIN SOLID WASTE DISTRICT IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,000.00 FOR A COMPOST BIN SALE, AND TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes acceptance of a 2018 Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality grant through the Boston Mountain Solid Waste District in the amount of $7,000.00 for a compost bin sale. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution, recognizing the grant funds. PASSED and APPROVED on 4/16/2019 Attest: {IIIIIfill, ��'►'� Yt 1F''�. ne[d JordM r Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Treasurer ���`'�,��;R• " • f • - ��L.. C\T Y 0'. S� ■■� FAYETTEVILLE: Page 1 PrinS l llAlt1 19 c� A. .�� rf f� 1111111111 % ii ►i City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Text File File Number: 2019-02 Agenda Date: 4/16/2019 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meeting File Type: Resolution Agenda Number: A. 3 2018 BOSTON MOUNTAIN RECYCLING GRANT: A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE ACCEPTANCE OF A 2018 ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY GRANT THROUGH THE BOSTON MOUNTAIN SOLID WASTE DISTRICT IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,000.00 FOR A COMPOST BIN SALE, AND TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes acceptance of a 2018 Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality grant through the Boston Mountain Solid Waste District in the amount of $7,000.00 for a compost bin sale. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution, recognizing the grant funds. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 411712019 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2019-02 Legistar File ID 4/16/2019 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item Brian Pugh 3/25/2019 RECYCLING/TRASH COLLECTION (750) Submitted By Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: Approve a resolution authorizing the acceptance of a 2018 Boston Mountain Recycling Grant for $7,000 for conducting a Compost Bin sale and approving a budget adjustment to accept the funds and allocate them into a capital project. Budget Impact: 5500.750.5080.5227.00 Account Number 33029.2019 Project Number Budgeted Item? NA Current Budget Funds Obligated Current Balance 5500 Fund Compost Bin Sale Project Title Does item have a cost? No Item Cost Budget Adjustment Attached? Yes Budget Adjustment $ 7,000.00 Remaining Budget $ 7,000.00 V20180321 Purchase Order Number: Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Change Order Number: Approval Date: Original Contract Number: Comments: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS MEETING OF APRIL 16TH, 2019 TO: Mayor and City Council CITY COUNCIL MEMO THRU: Jeff Coles, Recycling and Trash Collections Director FROM: Brian Pugh, Waste Reduction Coordinator, Recycling and Trash Collections DATE: March 25th, 2019 SUBJECT: Approve a resolution authorizing the acceptance of a 2018 Boston Mountain Recycling Grant for $7,000 for conducting a Compost Bin sale to encourage backyard composting and waste reduction activities and approving a budget adjustment to accept the funds and allocate them into a capital project. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approving a resolution authorizing the acceptance of a 2018 Boston Mountain Recycling Grant for $7,000 for conducting a Compost Bin sale to encourage backyard composting and waste reduction activities and approving a budget adjustment to accept the funds and allocate them into a capital project. The Legistar number for applying for this grant is 2018- 0390 which was a non -agenda item asking for the Mayor's signature. BACKGROUND: The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality receives money generated from fees collected at landfills and distributes funds back to the regional solid waste districts to fund recycling grants. The Boston Mountain Solid Waste District issues recycling grants through approval of the Boston Mountain Solid Waste Board and the City has benefited from these grants in the past. The Boston Mountain Solid Waste District compiled the grant pre - applications and approved them at the August 2018 Board meeting. ADEQ has released the grant funds to Boston Mountain and is now ready to disburse funds. DISCUSSION: The Solid Waste Reduction, Diversion and Recycling Master Plan approved by City Council in February 2017 with adoption of Resolution 49-17 allowed for programs encouraging waste reduction practices. Residential waste audits from the Diversion planning period showed that 18% of the residential waste stream was made up of Foodwaste. To encourage more composting of Foodwaste while the City develops plans for residential collection of Foodwaste, this compost bin sale will help educate the community on composting practices while allowing interested residents to begin composting at home and reducing their waste stream. Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: The recycling grant award is not a matching grant, so no City funds are obligated with this request. The budget adjustment is attached to recognize the grant revenue and establish a capital project for the grant. Attachments: Award notice from Boston Mountain Signed Grant application October 31, 2018 City of Fayetteville Brian Pugh RE: Boston Mountain Solid Waste District 2018 Recycling Grant Award Grantee: City of Fayetteville, Solid Waste & Recycling Grant Number: 'r y 18-03 Grant Name: Composting Amount Awarded: $ 7.000 Congratulations! We are excited to notify you of your grant award. This grant administered by Boston MOUrttain Solid Waste District, instead of ADEQ, however, the grant program requirements remain the saine- Below are some details of the program: • All grant funds must be spent within three years of date awarriu, 1. • All grant funded projects must be started before you are eligible to apply for recycling grants in the ner,� year grant round. Grant Reimbursement Requirements • Comple#ed Grant Re►►t��r�►;tiNrr►ent Request Form (available at: http://bostonmountain, org/grants-2) + A detailed invoice A warrant, check copy, and/ter credit card receipt. Showing proof of payment. For equipment purchased make, model, serial or VIN number, and physical address of where equipment will be housed. Can be submitted electronically or in paper form. Grant Issues Re uirin Board A rov �l + Any changes in grants- (Gr�r�t Change Order) O If you choose to trade, sell. i1r scrap equipment previously purchased with grants funds. All forms related to the grant program are available online. Bostonmounlain.org --,Resources, Grants The District would like to thank you for all of the great grant applications and project proposals subwted t!iis year. We have enclosed a copy of ycxjr final signed grant application We look foR.vard to working with yn�; or your future solid waste rnanageniLnt w'agrams! Sincerely, i! r n Robyn Reed Director Boston Mountain Solid Waste District Enclosure 11398 Bond Road Prairie Grove, Arkansas 72753 P 4,79,84u 300 T9 <?.1t; 4t51f hustr,,rmn�,r�i�in c,i�a Recycling Grant Application Boston Mountain SOLID WASTE DISTRICT Pram Nam, APPLICANT: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ADDRESS: 1560 S. HAPPY HOLLOW ROAD COUNTY: WASHINGTON PHONE: (479) 718-7685 PROJECT TYPE COMPOSTING Select only one category ■ Administrative ■ Recycling Equipment • Composting ■ Planning GRANT FUNDS REQUESTED $7,000 CONTACT: BRIAN PUGH CITY: FAYETTEVILLE ZIP CODE: 72701 E-MAIL: BPUGH@FAYETTEVILLE-AR.GOV MATCHING FUNDS COMMITTED STAFF TIME WOULD BE USED TO HELP CONDUCT THE SALE. THE OPERATING BUDGET WOULD BE USED TO COVER COSTS OF UNSOLD BINS WHICH IS UNKNOWN AT THIS TIME. • Recycling Programs • Education ■ Transfer Station with Recycling TOTAL PROJECT COST $7,000.00 ■ Material Recovery Facility ■ Waste Reduction Activities Electronics Recycling Other than Recycling Grant funds, how are expenses for the continuation of this project to be funded (including maintenance, repairs, labor and operating expenses)? Additional funding for the project will be covered in the Recycling and Trash Collection Operating budget for promotional activities. The City budgets $6 per household for educational events and funds in the 2019 budget could be used if needed for a public distribution sale around Compost Awareness Week in May of 2019. Version: 2018-1 Page 1 of 6 2. Who will manage the finances of this grant and how may slhe be contacted? (Who is responsible For maintaining records of income and expenses related to this grant?) Brian Pugh, City of Fayetteville, Waste Reduction Coordinator, 479-798-7685 or huh faetteville-a r. ov Please provide as detailed information as possible about your proposed recycling grant project. The more information and detail you are able to provide the better understanding the reviewers will have of your project. For questions regarding eligible applicants and/or grant projects please refer to the Boston Mountain Solid Waste District: Recycling Grant Program Guidelines 2018. All items must be completed and returned to the Boston Mountain Solid Waste District (District) by the close of business July 27, 2018. Electronic or paper copies are acceptable. APPLICATION CHECKLIST: X Representative attend pre -application meeting X Complete Project Summary and Budget Narrative X Completed grant application signed by authorizer representative X Submitted to Boston Mountain Solid Waste District by July 27t". PROJECT DESCRIPTION & BUDGET ■ Limit to a two page narrative. • Include any dimensions for facilities, equipment brochures, drawings, pictures, etc. ■ For construction projects (including building modifications, parking lots and fencing), please tell us who owns the property. Applicants should provide an overview of the proposed project, what will be purchased, the Project's purpose and scope and the specific methods and technologies (hat will be incorporated to implement the project. The summary should include a timeline in narrative form for the major project implementation events including securing of permits and/or licenses, construction of facilities and completion of service contracts. Include the specific material or initiative being targeted and projected tons ar capacity rating forecasted. Now do you keep the public informed about the recycling, waste reduction and educational opportunities provided by your program? Applicants should demonstrate the financial and operational rationale for the requested funding and provide supporting information. State how the proposed project supports the strategic and edUcational goals of the District and State solid waste management plans. A detailed budget should be included. Version: 2018-1 Page 2 of 6 Overview of Proiect The City of Fayetteville Recycling and Trash Collection Division will be implementing programs approved through the adoption of the Solid Waste Reduction, Diversion and Recycling Master Plan through City Council action from February 2017. In an effort to increase diversion of waste from the landfill, City staff will be continuing the expansion of the composting program to allow foodwaste collected from commercial entities to be composted along with leaves, grass and brush at the Fayetteville Composting facility, Waste audits conducted through the planning process identified that close to 30% of Fayetteville's waste stream were materials that could be composted. Staff wants to begin the education process for the eventual creation of a residential collection program for organics. A Backyard Compost Sale in which residents can purchase backyard compost bins at a discount and receive educational materials teaching the benefits of composting would help begin that education process. The event would be held in early May 2019 to coincide with Compost Awareness Week to maximize educational efforts. During the recent US Composting Council Conference in Atlanta staff was introduced to a company out of New Jersey called Brand Builders in which they guide communities to conduct backyard composter sales selling Earth Machines to further waste reduction activities and educate residents on the benefits of composting. BrandBuilders has been distributing Norseman's Earth Machine for nearly 30 years, selling tens of thousands of backyard compost bins throughout the United States. Staff would like to work with them to conduct a truck load sale where residents participate in a 1 -day distribution event through an on-line store platform. The Earth Machine is easy to use and each bin features a locking lid, snap together assembly, a retrieval door, anchor pegs and a simple to read "how-to" book. Also grant monies would be used to purchase and hand out at the event a couple of accessories, such as an Rottwheeler education guide and plastic kitchen pails. The guide and pail would be customized with the City's "Waste Not Use Less" logo to further the waste reduction message and awareness. Distribution is done as a 1 -day event where residents come to a predesignated site to collect the items they ordered on your store. Jeff Brown is available to assist with the event if planned well in advance. Functions he would handle include; collecting money, displaying & selling other accessories, run continuous hands-on demonstration classes, assist with distribution, provide tents, tables, chairs, banners, traffic cones, order forms, delivery, clean-up $ reporting. The on-line store is set lip and run by Brand Builders and does not have a cost associated with the grant. They do require that communities promote the event through social media outlets like Facebook as well Version: 2018-1 Page 3 of 6 as all available community websites, both County and municipal. Paid newspaper ads can also be utilized and tied into community calendars and other events and announcements. The grant would be used to provide $25 off the normal price of $50 per bin for the first 150 bins ordered and sold. Additionally, 250 Rottwheelers and kitchen pails would be purchased to handout with the sold bins. This would make the customer price $25 per bin for the first 150 orders. Backyard composting is a solid waste management tool where each Earth Machine unit is capable of diverting 700 pounds of organic waste (113 of what is produced by an avg. family of 4) per year. They have also been shown to help improve regular recycling participation rates, The promotion of backyard composting aligns with the Boston Mountain Solid Waste District goals of furthering expansion of recycling programs and diverting waste from the Eco Vista landfill. DETAILED 13UDGET FOR COMPOST BIN SALE IN 2019 COMPOST BIN SUBSIDY ($25 OFF FOR FIRST 150 BINS SOLD) $3,750.00 COMPOST EDUCATION ROTTWHEELER AND KITCHEN PAILS $1,500.00 PAID ADVERTISING FOR THE EVENT $500.00 CUSTOMER SUPPORT FOR ON SITE SALE (TRAVEL EXPENSES FOR JEFF BROWN) S 11,260,00 TOTAL 57.000.00 MINIMUM CONDITIONS OF RECYCLING GRANTS GRANT RECIPIENTS AGREE TO: Comply with the guidelines and requirements of the Boston Mountain Solid Waste District: Recycling Grant Program Guidelines Actively develop a recycling program, as outlined in the grant application, and expend all grant funds in the three (3) years following the date of the grant award by the District. Actively seek to market or reuse the materials diverted under the recycling program from deposition in landfills in the period of three (3) years following the date of tlx: grant award by the del artmerv. ■ Start prior year grant project before July 271". the date pre -applications for the next gr ?vt rourid are due to the department. Version: 2018-1 Page 4 of 6 • Use facilities or equipment purchased with grant funds no less Than 50 peres nt of the time on the Purposes specified in the grant application. • Ensure all applicable federal, state and local permits and licenses have been obtafncd. Use any interest earned on grant funds exclusively for recycling programs consistent with the District's Solid Waste Management Plan. Maintain an orderly accounting system to document that grant expenditures are mado in accordance with Project budget. This includes keeping copies of all bids, paid invoices, canceled checks, and other appropriate paperwork. Report for five years after receipt of grant funds or until all funds are expended, whichever is longer, as directed by statute and regulation. • Conform to all state laws on the purchase, use or sale of equipment and facilities secured with grant funds. • Seek competitive bids or requests for proposals (RFP) for purchase of equipment or services as required by state and local procurement laws. • Receive written approval from the Board for any modifications to the grant, including requests for time extensions. • Receive written consent from the Board and the department before selling, trading or transferring facilities or equipment. The following items are not eligible for funding from recycling grants. Taxes Legal fees IVehlcle registration FReimbursement of funds Licenses or permits g Retroaclive purchases Utilities -.J ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS All grants are subject to audit. District personnel have the right of access to all records pertaining to grant - funded project or activity. Grant application must include: answers to the Project Description questions and a complete Budget, as required. Incomplete grant applications will not be considered and may delay processing of grant funds. THE BOSTON MOUNTAIN SOLID WASTE DISTRICT AGREES TO Submit a list of all completed grant applications received by eligible applicants to the Boston Mountain Solid Waste District Grant Committee. Publish a list of grants to be submitted to the Board with for public comment open for 30 days past publication, Copies of any comments received regarding the grant request shall be ton -riled to the Board, If no comments are received, send an e-mail stating such at the end of the comment period. Notify the Board in the event a recipient has not met conditions of the approved grant application. Ensure that the project is compatiole with the approved RSWMD plan on file with ADEQ or submit documentation demonstrating why A deviation is , lac }ssary. Maintain copies of inv-i-; , purchase orders, checks or other supporting documents for grant expenditures at the regional solid waste 65(ric; office. Compile annual reports as required. Version: 2018-1 Page 5 of 6 SIGNATURE & CERTIFICATION certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this application and its attachments is correct and true. I understand and agree that if grant money is subsequently awarded as a result of this application, I will comply with all applicable statutory and regulatory provisions and with applicable terms, conditions, and procedures of the Recycling Grants program. I have read and agree to abide by the Minimum Conditions of Recycling Grants. I certify that all proposed activities will be carried out and that all grant money received will be utilized solely for the purposes for which it is intended unless written authorization is provided by the Regional Solid Waste Management District Board of Dir ctors. r A ica s Authort pre; ntaiiva Signature & Title Date THE ABOVE -REFERENCED GRANT IS HEREBY APPROVED. #BPMASWD D' ctorDate D Cr d Chair axe — FOR DISTRICT USE ONLY: .DATE RECEIVED: APPLICATION COMPLETE.: IF N0, RETURNED TO: RECEIVED BY COMMENTS Version: 2018-1 Page -6 of 6 DATA~: COP -Recycling -2018 Boston Mountain solid Waste District Grant- Compost Bin sale City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2018-0390 Legistar File ID N/A City Council Meeting Date -Agenda Item only N/A for Non -Agenda Item Brian Pugh 7/20/2018 RECYCLING/TRASH COLLECTION (750) Submitted By Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: Mayor's signiture on application for a 2018 Boston Mountain Solid Waste District Recycling Grant for $7,000 for conducting a Compost Bin sale to encourage backyard composting and waste reduction activities. Account Number Project Number Budgeted Item? No Does item have a cost? No Budget Adjustment Attached? NA Purchase Order Number: Change Order Number: Original Contract Number: Comments: Budget Impact: Current Budget Funds Obligated Current Balance Item Cost Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget Fund Project Title Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Approval Date: V20180321 M -a 34 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS TO: Mayor Lioneld Jordan THRU: Jeff Coles, Recycling and Trash Collections Director Peter Nierengarten, Sustainability and Resilience Director FROM: Brian Pugh, Waste Reduction Coordinator DATE: July 20th, 2018 STAFF MEMO SUBJECT: Mayor's signature on application for a 2018 Boston Mountain Solid Waste District Recycling Grant for $7,040 for conducting a Compost Bin sale to encourage backyard composting and waste reduction activities, RECOMMENDATION: Obtain Mayors signature to authorize application for a 2018 Boston. Mountain Solid Waste District Recycling Grant for $7,000 for conducting a Compost Bin sale to encourage backyard composting and waste reduction activities. BACKGROUND: Each year the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality collects revenue derived from landfill fees to issue recycling grants through local Solid Waste Districts to help fund recycling Programs. The City has benefited from these grunts in the past. The Foston Mountain Solid Waste District is now the entity responsible for administering the grant program and compiles the grant applications and submits them to their Grant Committee for review, The deadline to submit applications is end of day on Friday, July 27", 2018. DISCUSSION: The City of Fayetteville Recycling and Trash Collection Division will be implementing programs approved through the adoption of the Solid Waste Reduction, Diversion and Recycling Master Plan through City Council action from February 2017. Staff wants to begin the education process for tho eventual creation of a residential collection program for organics. A Backyard Compost Sale In which residents can purchase backyard compost bins at a discount and receive educational materials teaching the benefits of composting would help begin that education process. The event would be held in early May 2019 to coincide with Compost Awareness Week to maximize educational efforts. BrandBuilders has been distributing Norseman's Earth Machine for nearly 30 years, selling tens of thousands of backyard compost bins throughout the United States. Staff would like to work with them to conduct a truck load sale where residents participate in a 1 -day distribution event through an on-line store platform. Mailing Address: -- 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 www.fayetteville-ar.gov Distribution is done as a 1 -day event where residents come to a predesignated site to collect the items they ordered on your store. Jeff Brown is available to assist with the event if planned well in advance. Functions he would handle include; collecting money, displaying & selling other accessories, run continuous hands-on demonstration classes, assist with distribution, provide tents, tables, chairs, banners, traffic cones, order forms, delivery, clean-up & reporting. The on- line store is set up and run by Brand Builders and does not have a cost associated with the grant. They do require that communities promote the event through social media outlets like Facebook as well as all available community websites, both County and municipal. Paid newspaper ads can also be utilized and tied into community czfendars and other events and announcements. The grant would be used to provide $25 off the normal price of $50 per bin for the first 150 bins ordered and sold. A&Miorially, 250 Rottwheelers and kitchen pails would be purchased to handnLit with the sold bins. This would make the customer price $25 per bin for the first 150 orders. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: The recycling grant awards are not matching grants, so no City funds are obligated with this request. Upon approval and award of the grant a budget adjustment will be requested to recognize the grant revenue and a capital project will be created. Attachments: 2018 Boston Mountain Solid Waste District grant application. Brian Pugh Submitted By COF-Recycling-2018 Boston Mountain solid Waste District Grant- Compost Bin sale City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2018-0390 Legistar File ID N/A City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item 7/20/2018 RECYCLING/TRASH COLLECTION (750) Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: Mayor's signiture on application for a 2018 Boston Mountain Solid Waste District Recycling Grant for $7,000 for conducting a Compost Bin sale to encourage backyard composting and waste reduction activities; Account Number Project Number Budgeted Item? No Budget Impact: Current Budget Funds Obligated Current Balance Fund Project Title Does item have a cost? No Item Cost Budget Adjustment Attached? NA Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget $ - Y20 i 80?1 i Purchase Order Number: Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Change Order Number: Approval Date: Original Contract Number: Comments: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS TO: Mayor Lioneld Jordan THRU: Jeff Coles, Recycling and Trash Collections Director Peter Nierengarten, Sustainability and Resilience Director FROM: Brian Pugh, Waste Reduction Coordinator DATE: July 20th, 2018 STAFF MEMO SUBJECT: Mayor's signature on application fora 201B Boston Mountain Solid Waste District Recycling Grant for $7,000 for conducting a Compost Bin sale to encourage backyard composting and waste reduction activities. RECOMMENDATION: Obtain Mayor's signature to authorize application for a 2018 Boston Mountain Solid Waste District Recycling Grant for $7,000 for conducting a Compost Bin sale to encourage backyard composting and waste reduction activities. BACKGROUND: Each year the Arkansas Department of Environmental quality collects revenue derived from landfill fees to issue recycling grants through local Solid Waste Districts to help fund recycling programs. The City has benefited from these grants in the past. The Boston Mountain Solid Wast: District is now the entity responsible for administering the grant program and compiles the grant applications and submits them to their Grant Committee for review. The deadline to submit applications is end of day on Friday, July 27'h, 2018. DISCUSSION: The City of Fayetteville Recycling and Trash Collection Division will be Implernenting programs approved through the adoption of the Solid Waste Reduction, Diversion and Recycling Master Plan through City Council action from February 2017. Staff wants to begin the. education process for the eventual creation of a residential collection program for organics. A Backyard Compost Sale in which residents can purchase backyard compost bins at a discount and receive educational materials teaching the benefits of composting would help begin that education process. The event would be held in early May 2019 to coincide with Compost Awareness Week to maximize educational efforts. BrandBuilders has been distributing Norseman's Earth Machine for nearly 30 years, selling tens of thousands of backyard compost bins throughout the United States. Staff would like to work with them to conduct a truck load sale where residents participate in a 1 -day distribution event through an on-line store platform. Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 Distribution is done as a 1 -day event where residents come to a predesignated site to collect the items they ordered on your store. Jeff Brown is available to assist with the event if planned well in advance. Functions he would handle include: collecting money, displaying & selling other accessories, run continuous hands-on demonstration classes, assist with distribution, provide tents, tables, chairs, banners, traffic cones, order forms, delivery, clean-up & reporting. The on- line store Is set up and run by Brand Builders and does not have a cost associated with the grant. They do require that communities promote the event through social media outlets like Facebook as well as all available community websites, both County and municipal. Paid newspaper ads can also be utilized and tied into community calendars and other events and announcements, The grant would be used to provide $25 off the normal price of $50 per bin for the first 150 bins ordered and sold. Additionally, 250 Rottwheelers and kitchen pails would be purchased to handout with the sold bins. This would make the customer price $25 per bin for the first 150 orders. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: The. recycling, grant awards are not matching grants, so no City funds are obligated with this request. Upon approvat and award of the grant a budget adili tment will be requested to recognize the grant; revenue and a capital project will be created. Attachments: 2018 Boston Mountain Solid Waste District grant application. Recycling Grant Application Grant Name; APPLICANT: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ADDRESS: 1560 S. HAPPY HOLLOW ROAD COUNTY: WASHINGTON PHONE: (479) 718-7685 �6AVIAN 'I l ✓ E a = Boston WASTE DIST�Mountain ®rent Nul�b�rl �Y ��-O3 CONTACT: BRIAN PUGH CITY: FAYETTEVILLE ZIP CODE: 72701 E-MAIL: BPUGH@FAYETTEVILLE-AR.GOV PRDJECT TYPE CATEGORY GRANT FUNDS REQUESTED _ MATCHING FUNDS COMMITTED COMPOSTING $7,000 STAFF TIME WOULD BE USED TO HELP CONDUCT THE SALE. THE OPERATING BUDGET WOULD BE USED ' TO COVER COSTS OF UNSOLD BINS WHICH IS UNKNOWN AT THIS TIME. Select only one category ■ Administrative ■ Recycling Equipment Composting r Planning ■ Recycling Programs a Education ■ Transfer Station with Recycling TOTAL PROJECT COST $7,000.00 ■ Material Recovery Facility Waste Reduction Activities ■ Electronics Recycling 1. Other than Recycling Grant funds, how are expenses for the continuation of this project to be funded (including maintenance, repairs, labor and operating expenses)? Additional funding for the project will be covered in the Recycling and Trash Collection Operating budget for promotional activities. The City budgets $6 per household for educational events and funds in the 2019 budget could be used if needed for a public distribution sale around Compost Awareness Week in May of 2019, Version: 2018.1 Page 1 of 6 2. Who will manage the finances of this grant and how may s/he be contacted? (Who is responsible for maintaining records of income and expenses related to this grant?) Brian Pugh, City of Fayetteville, Waste Reduction Coordinator, 479-718-7685 or bpughr fa etleville-�ir.nov Please provide as detailed information as possible about your proposed recycling grant project. The more information and detail you are able to provide the better understanding the reviewers will have of your project. For questions regarding eligible applicants and/or grant projects please refer to the Boston Mountain Solid Waste District: Recycling Grant Program Guidelines 2018. All items must be completed and returned to the Boston Mountain Solid Waste District (District) by the close of business July 27, 2018. Electronic or paper copies are acceptable. APPLICATION CHECKLIST: X Representative attend pre -application meeting X Complete Project Summary and Budget Narrative X Completed grant application signed by authorizer representative X Submitted to Boston Mountain Solid Waste District by July 27th. PROJECT DESCRIPTION & BUDGET Lfmlt to a two page narrative. ■ Include any dimensions for facilities, equipment brochures, drawings, pictures, etc. ■ For construction projects (including building modifications, parking lots and fencing), please tell us who owns the property. Applicants should provide an overview of the proposed project, what will be purchased, the project's purpose and scope and the specific methods and technologies that will be incorporated to implement the project. The summary should include a timeline in narrative form for the major project implementation events including securing of permits and/or licenses, construction of facilities and completion of service contracts. Include the specific material or initiative being targeted and projected tons or capacity rating forecasted. How do you keep the public informed about the recycling, waste reduction and educational opportunities provided by your program? Applicants should demonstrate the financial and operational rationale for the requested funding and provide supporting information. State how the proposed project supports the strategic and educational goals of the District and State solid waste management plans. A detailed budget should be included. Version: 2018-1 Page 2 of 6 Overview of Proiect The City of Fayetteville Recycling and Trash Collection Division will be implementing programs approved through the adoption of the Solid Waste Reduction, Diversion and Recycling Master Plan through City Council action from February 2017. In an effort to increase diversion of waste from the landfill, City staff will be continuing the expansion of the composting program to allow foodwaste collected from commercial entities to be composted along with leaves, grass and brush at the Fayetteville Composting facility. Waste audits conducted through the planning process identified that close to 30% of Fayetteville's waste stream were materials that could be composted. Staff wants to begin the education process for the eventual creation of a residential collection program for organics. A Backyard Compost Sale in which residents can purchase backyard compost bins at a discount and receive educational materials teaching the benefits of composting would help begin that education process. The event would be held in early May 2019 to coincide with Compost Awareness Week to maximize educational efforts. During the recent US Composting Council Conference in Atlanta staff was introduced to a company out of New Jersey called Brand Builders in which they guide communities to conduct backyard composter sales selling Earth Machines to further waste reduction activities and educate residents on the benefits of composting. BrandBuilders has been distributing Norseman's Earth Machine for nearly 30 years, selling tens of thousands of backyard compost bins throughout the United States. Staff would like to work with them to conduct a truck load sale where residents participate in a 1 -day distribution event through an on-line store platform. The Earth Machine is easy to use and each bin features a locking lid, snap together assembly, a retrieval door, anchor pegs and a simple to read "how-to" book. Also grant monies would be used to purchase and hand out at the event a couple of accessories, such as an Rottwheeler education guide and plastic kitchen pails. The guide and pail would be customized with the City's "Waste Not Use Less" logo to further the waste reduction message and awareness. Distribution is done as a 1 -day event where residents come to a predesignated site to collect the items they ordered on your store. Jeff Brown is available to assist with the event if planned well in advance. Functions he would handle include; collecting money, displaying & selling other accessories, run continuous hands-on demonstration classes, assist with distribution, provide tents, tables, chairs, banners, traffic cones, order forms, delivery, clean-up & reporting. The on-line store is set up and run by Brand Builders and does not have a cost associated with the grant. They do require that communities promote the event through social media outlets like Facebook as well Verslon: 2018-1 Page 3 of 6 as all available community websites, both County and municipal. Paid newspaper ads can also be utilized and tied into community calendars and other events and announcements. The grant would be used to provide $25 off the normal price of $50 per bin for the first 150 bins ordered and sold. Additionally, 250 Rottwheelers and kitchen pails would be purchased to handout with the sold bins. This would make the customer price $25 per bin for the first 150 orders. Backyard composting is a solid waste management tool where each Earth Machine unit is capable of diverting 700 pounds of organic waste (113 of what is produced by an avg. family of 4) per year. They have also been shown to help improve regular recycling participation rates. 1 -he promotion of backyard composting aligns with the Boston Mountain Solid Waste District goals of furthering expansion of recycling programs and diverting waste from the Eco Vista landfill. DLFAlI-F0 SUDGE'i' FOR COMPOST BIhi SALE tN 2019 COMPOST BIN SUBSIDY ($25 OFF FOR FIRST 150 BINS SOLD) $3,750.00 COMPOST EDUCATION ROTTWHEELER AND KITCHEN PAILS $1,500.00 PAID ADVERTISING FOR THE EVENT $500.00 CUSTOMER SUPPORT FOR ON SITE SALE (TRAVEL EXPENSES FOR .TEFF BROWN) 51.250. _0 TOTAL $7,000.00 MINIMUM CONDITIONS OF RECYCLING GRANTS GRANT RECIPIENTS AGREE TO: • Comply with the guidelines and requirements of the Boston Mountain Solid Waste District: Recycling Grant Program Guidelines • Actively develop a recycling program. as outlined in the grant application, and expend all grant funds in the three t3) years following the date of the grant award by the District. ■ Actively seek to market or reuse the materials diverted under the recycling program from deposition in landfills in the period of three (3) years following the date of the grant award by the department. y Start prior year grant project before July 27th, the date pre -applications for the next grant round are due to the department. Version: 2018-1 Page 4 of 6 • Use facilities or equipment purchased with grant funds no less than 507 parceni of the time on the purposes specified in the grant application. + Ensure all applicable federal, state and local permits and licenses have been obtained. • Use any interest earned on grant funds exclusively for recycling programs consistent with the District's Solid Waste Management Plan. Maintain an orderly accounting system to document that grant expenditures are made in accordance with project budget. This Includes keeping copies of all bids, paid invoices, canceled checks, and other appropriate paperwork. Report for five years after receipt of grant funds or until all funds are expended, whichever is longer, as directed by statute and regulation. • Conform to all state laws on the purchase, use or sale of equipment and facilities secured with grant funds. • Seek competitive bids or requests for proposals (RFP) for purchase of equipment or services as required by state and local procurement laws. M Receive written approval from the Board for any modifications to the grant, including requests for time extensions. Receive written consent from the Board and the department before selling, trading or transferring facilities or equipment. The following items are not eligible for funding from recycling grants: Taxes Legal fees Vehicle registration Reimbursement of funds Licenses or permits Utilities Retroactive purchases ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS All grants are subject to audit. District personnel have the right of access to all records pertaining to grant - funded project or activity. Grant application must include: answers to the Project Description questions and a complete Budget, as required. Incomplete grant applications will not be considered and may delay processing of grant funds. THE BOSTON MOUNTAIN SOLID WASTE DISTRICT AGREES TO Submit a list of all completed grant applications received by eligible applicants to the Boston Mountain Solid Waste District Grant Committee. Publish a list of grants to be submitted to the Board with for public comment open for 30 days past publication. Copies of any comments received regarding the grant request shall be forwarded to the Board. If no comments are received, send an a mail stating such at the end of the comment period. Notify the Board in the event a reclplent has not met conditions of the approved grant application. Ensure that the project is compatible with the approved RSWMD plan on file with ADEQ or submit documentation demonstrating why a deviation is necessary. Maintain copies of invoices, purchase orders, checks or other supporting documents for grant expenditures at the regional solid waste district office. Compile annual reports as required. Version: 2018-1 Page 5 of 6 SIGNATURE & CERTIFICATION I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this application and its attachments is correct and true. I understand and agree that if grant money is subsequently awarded as a result of this application, I will comply with all applicable statutory and regulatory provisions and with applicable terms, conditions, and procedures of the Recycling Grants program. I have read and agree to abide by the Minimum Conditions of Recycling Grants. I certify that all proposed activities will be carried out and that all grant money received will be utilized solely for the purposes for which it is intended unless written authorization is provided by the Regional Solid Waste Management District Board of Dir ctors. r _A ca s Authari pre ntativn Signature & Title Date THE ABOVE -REFERENCED GRANT IS HEREBY APPROVED. FOR DISTRICT USE ONLY: DATE RECEIVEm APPLICATION COMPLETE: IF' No,; RETURNED!TO:: REL'I wt: E3 BY.' COMMENTS DATE: Version: 2018-1 Page '6 of 6 SI Oct. Zo19 Date MEANGt . AMM M. f \ Boston Mountain SOLID WASTE DISTRICT October 31, 2018 City of Fayetteville Brian Pugh RE: Boston Mountain Solid Waste District 2018 Recycling Grant Award Grantee: City of Fayetteville, Solid Waste & Recycling Grant Number: V%(18-03 Grant Name: Composting Amount Awarded: $ 7,000 Congratulationsl We are excited to notify you of your grant award. This grant administered by Boston Mountain Solid Waste District, instead of ADEQ, however, the grant Program requirements remain the same. Below are some details of the program: • All grant funds must be spent within three years of date awarded • All grant funded projects must be started before you are eligible to apply for recycling grants in the next year grant round. Grant Reimbursement Requirements ■ Completed Grant Reimburswnent Request Form (available at: littp://bostonmountain.org/grants-2) ■ A detailed invoice • A warrant, check copy, and/or credit card receipt. Showing proof of payment. For equipment purchased: make, model, serial or VIN number, and physical address of where equipment will be housed. Can be submitted electronically or in paper form. Grant Issues Requiring Board Approal ■ Any changes in grants. (Grant Change Order) if you choose to trade, sell, or scrap equipment previously purchased with grants funds. All forms related to the grant program are available online. Bostonmountain.org —+Resources --+ Grants The District would like to thank you for all of the great grant applications and project proposals submitted this year. We have enclosed a copy of your final signed grant application. We look forward to working with you on your future solid waste management programs! Sincerely, Robyn eed Director Boston Mountain Solid Waste District Enclosure 11398 Bond Road Prairie Grove, Arkansas 72753 p 479.846.3005 f 479.846 4614 bostonmountain.org City of Fayetteville, Arkansas - Budget Adjustment Form (Legistar) Budget Year Division Adjustment Number /Org2 RECYCLING/TRASH COLLECTION (750) 2019 Requestor: Brian Pugh BUDGET ADJUSTMENT DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION: Approving a resolution authorizing the acceptance of a 2018 Boston Mountain Recycling Grant for $7,000 for conducting a compost bin sale and approving a budget adjustment to accept the funds and allocate them into a capital project RESOLUTION/ORDINANCE COUNCIL DATE: 4/16/2019 LEGISTAR FILE ID#: 2019-02 L i,k }f atchemw 3/28/2019 10:56 AM Budget Director Date TYPE: Account Name JOURNAL #: 5,250 GLDATE: 2019 CHKD/POSTED: Containers - Containers TOTAL 7,000 7,000 v.20190115 H:\Budget Adjustments\2019_Budget\City Council\04-16-2019\2019-02 BA RTC Boston Mountain Recycling Grant f1M Increase / (Decrease) Proiect.Sub# Account Number Expense Revenue Project Sub.Detl AT Account Name 5500.750.5080-5227.00 5,250 33029 2019 EX Containers - Containers 5500.750.5080-5301.00 500 33029 2019 EX Public Notification - 5500.750.5080-5314.00 1,250 - 33029 2019 EX Professional Services - 5500.750.5080-4302.01 5500.750.5080 -4302.01 - 7,000 33029 2019 RE State Grants - Operational H:\Budget Adjustments\2019_Budget\City Council\04-16-2019\2019-02 BA RTC Boston Mountain Recycling Grant f1M