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113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 63-19 File Number: 2019-0129 SOLSMART SOLAR -FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PROGRAM: A RESOLUTION TO EXPRESS THE FAYETTEVILLE CITY COUNCIL SUPPORT FOR THE CITY'S PARTICIPATION IN THE SOLSMART SOLAR -FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PROGRAM WHEREAS, SolSmart, a national designation program designed to recognize communities that have taken key steps to address local barriers to solar energy and foster the growth of mature local solar markets, is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy's Solar Energy Technologies Office and is led by the Solar Foundation and the International City/County Management Association; and WHEREAS, SolSmart will provide a no cost technical assistant who will work with City staff to evaluate the City's current programs and practices and identify opportunities for the City of Fayetteville to achieve the first SolSmart designation in the State of Arkansas; and WHEREAS, staff anticipates that working through the designation process will take several months and will likely include recommended amendments to the Unified Development Code; and WHEREAS, working toward achieving the SolSmart Solar -Friendly Community Designation is in line with the Energy Action Plan approved by Resolution No. 25-18. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby expresses its support for the City's participation in the SolSmart Solar -Friendly Community Program and authorizes Mayor Jordan to take the necessary steps to join the program. PASSED and APPROVED on 3/5/2019 Page 1 Attest: �► tin �, e�► IL zk� Sondra E. Smith, City Cierk Tre rer_ _ ��••• G` �'� ••�� FAYETTEVILLE:'=: ter• Pr7rrre4�k�Jil��h e�eeeis�r3tiy►►► City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Text File - File Number: 2019-0129 Agenda Date: 3/5/2019 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meeting File Type: Resolution Agenda Number: C. 2 SOLSMART SOLAR -FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PROGRAM: A RESOLUTION TO EXPRESS THE FAYETTEVILLE CITY COUNCIL SUPPORT FOR THE CITY'S PARTICIPATION IN THE SOLSMART SOLAR -FRIENDLY COMMUNITY PROGRAM WHEREAS, SolSmart, a national designation program designed to recognize communities that have taken key steps to address local barriers to solar energy and foster the growth of mature local solar markets, is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy's Solar Energy Technologies Office and is led by the Solar Foundation and the International City/County Management Association; and WHEREAS, SolSmart will provide a no cost technical assistant who will work with City staff to evaluate the City's current programs and practices and identify opportunities for the City of Fayetteville to achieve the first SolSmart designation in the State of Arkansas; and WHEREAS, staff anticipates that working through the designation process will take several months and will likely include recommended amendments to the Unified Development Code; and WHEREAS, working toward achieving the SolSmart Solar -Friendly Community Designation is in line with the Energy Action Plan approved by Resolution No. 25-18. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby expresses its support for the City's participation in the SolSmart Solar -Friendly Community Program and authorizes Mayor Jordan to take the necessary steps to join the program. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 3/6/2019 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2019-0129 Legistar File ID 3/5/2019 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item Leif Olson 2/14/2019 SUSTAINABILITY/RESILIENCE (631) Submitted By Submitted Date Action Recommendation: Division / Department Staff requests the City Council support Fayetteville's participation in the SolSmart solar -friendly community program to identify ways to reduce solar installation costs and streamline the City's solar installation permitting process. Budget Impact: Account Number Fund Project Number Project Title Budgeted Item? NA Current Budget $ Funds Obligated $ Current Balance $ Does item have a cost? NA Item Cost Budget Adjustment Attached? NA Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget $ - Purchase Order Number: Change Order Number: Original Contract Number: Comments: Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Approval Date: V20180321 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS MEETING OF MARCH 5, 2019 TO: Mayor and City Council THRU: Don Marr, Chief of Staff Peter Nierengarten, Director of Sustainability Garner Stoll, Development Services Director FROM: Leif Olson DATE: February 11, 2019 CITY COUNCIL MEMO SUBJECT: SolSmart Solar -Friendly Community Designation RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests the City Council support Fayetteville's participation in the SolSmart solar -friendly community program to identify ways to reduce solar installation costs and streamline the City's solar installation permitting process. BACKGROUND: SolSmart is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy's Solar Energy Technologies Office and led by the Solar Foundation and the International City/County Management Association. SolSmart is a national designation program designed to recognize communities that have taken keys steps to address local barriers to solar energy and foster the growth of mature local solar markets. SolSmart recognizes cities, counties, and small towns for making it faster, easier, and more affordable to go solar. In recognition, communities receive designations of SolSmart Gold, Silver and Bronze. SolSmart has a goal of designating 300 U.S. communities by October of 2020. The City Council adopted the Fayetteville Energy Action Plan with Resolution #25-18 on January 2, 2018. The Energy Action Plan has a building energy reduction goal of 3% annually. This transfers incrementally to an energy supply goal of achieving 50% community -wide clean energy by 2030, and 100% community -wide clean energy by 2050. City staff recognizes the SolSmart program as an asset for identifying and removing planning and/or permitting barriers for property owners and businesses from installing solar energy systems. DISCUSSION: To achieve certification the City must meet requirements across eight categories of the SolSmart criteria. To be considered for all levels of designation, communities must meet the overall program prerequisites and points requirements in the two foundation categories: 1) Permitting and 2) Planning, Zoning and Development Regulations. These prerequisites require communities to create and post a permit checklist online and construct a review and develop a mem on existing barriers to solar in the zoning code. Communities then earn points by taking Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 actions across special focus categories of their choice, which also encourage solar cost reductions. These categories include: inspection, construction codes, solar rights, utility engagement, community engagement, and market development and finance. To help communities achieve designation, SolSmart now provides a no -cost technical assistant that will work with City staff to evaluate programs and practices that impact solar markets and identify high -prospect opportunities. Once designated, Fayetteville will be the first SolSmart community in the State of Arkansas. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: Staff anticipates that working through the SolSmart designation will take several months. The process will likely also include recommended amendments to the Unified Development Code that will be brought back before the City Council for adoption. Attachments: Fayetteville Energy Action Plan supporting documentation How to become a solar -friendly community through SolSmart presentation, SolSmart scorecard z �o W z LU F �• �c i t. c� L C Q C �s a C o v � cn ru 4 a} 4, D ,ucu Q -0 w LA GJ M w W u LD M Z) as o F -I- < Q LD 0 n3 cy- t� �] LU C 7 C: ua o LU } qi O L E LL_ 3` 0 v `d LU V) 7 a�- Q] c) u W- L 0- ~ L. 47 V1 {-.• • ■ VI Vi � C CL M � Q Q? E 4; -0 ❑. o w >., CU o .m CL m W a- 0 U z B W V) z r—� J m J m r LL LU LLJ z 0 0 z i? D R V) _O LL O�i Z ,Lu go U= D� 00 W Q � z~ L.LJ � C LU C of V :E � z B c Ow .0 0 N ON iw00 ii i 00 C o\ N ...SON R W I O Q •:3 M -0 O N N 0 d' C) 0 CNJ asa .::a.: -E LU awrr,• r r , ■or V Ear .wr :rr G wlfwwl■ E■r■r■■ 0 ■■r■■■■ 0000■1E, ^ 000000E /'1 ■■■■■rr rr■■■■■ M 0!000■■ A 0000■r■ 1-0 Err■ra■ ■E■■a■■ 00 1 pE%l.�r4crElw_■. r■.eywemm�Ee Nr S: ■. Ora w ..my- 011,mu .�s �c:= N ■■wEE■E1tlE�: reT' O rr■iawiOL, U a■■■■rrra�i. r ■■■■■rr■.. . 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Cr Lon4- SolSmart Application S©LSMART Nn 1111 ',U, 0 �!'J.', LOCALLYV [AES There are three levels of SolSmart designation for communities — below are the requirements for each: BRONZE: - Provide a Solar Statement outlining your community's solar goals and commit to tracking key metrics such as number and capacity of installed Photovoltaic (PV) systems. - Fulfill required actions in both of the Foundational Categories: - Permitting - Planning, Zoning, and Development Regulations - Earn at least 20 points in each of the two Foundational Categories (above). - Earn a total of 20 points from actions across the six Special Focus Categories: Inspection; Construction Codes; Solar Rights; Utility Engagement; Community Engagement; and Market Development and Finance. Note: Actions in any of the Special Focus Categories count toward the 20 -point target. Community applying: Community website: Population: Other solar awards/recognition earned by community: kW of installed solar or number of installations: Contact Information Local contact: Contact title: Organization: Department: Contact email: Contact phone: SILVER: - Fulfill the requirements to become a SolSmart Bronze Community. - Complete the two Silver -required actions in the Planning, Zoning, and Development Regulations and Inspection categories. - Earn 100 points overall from actions taken in any combination of categories. GOLD: - Fulfill the requirements to become a SolSmart Silver Community. - Complete the two Gold -required actions in the Permitting and Planning, Zoning, and Development Regulations categories. - Earn 200 points overall from actions taken in any combination of categories. SPECIAL AWARDS: - Communities that earn 60% of the points in a given category are eligible for special recognition. State: ❑ 1 am authorized to apply for and seek recognition for my community. ❑ 1 understand that community data submitted through this application will be shared online SolSmart Application Version 4.0 STEP 1: SOLAR STATEMENT PRA: Solar Statement —Required for Designation The Solar Statement should address the items listed in the bullets below. The Statement should be signed by an individual who can speak on behalf of the local government. The Statement may be provided on local government letterhead in pdf format or as a weblink. Please find a Solar Statement template that you can download at: www.solsmart.oralresourceslsamnle-solar- statement/ SOLAR STAI'LMLN-F Tuesday, October 10, 20111 International City/County Alan agement Association 777 North Capitol St NE, Ste 500 Washington, DC 20002 The Solar Foundation 1717 Pennsylvania AVE NW, Ste 750 Washington, OC 20000 Dear Scott Annis and tach Greene: On behalf of community name, I am proud to announce our commitment to become a SolSmart- designated community In partnership with the SolSmart team, community name's dedicated staff members will work to improve solar market conditions, making it faster, easier, and more affordable for our residents and businesses to install solar energy systems These efforts will also increase the efficiency of local processes related to solar development, which may save our local government time and money. [OPTIONAL: SalSmart builds upon our community's participation in relevant proram(s) participation, which resulted in enter relevant outcomes ] Community name will leverage SolSmart to achieve the following goals: • Choose an item or enter a custom desorption • Choose an 'item or type a custom description • Choose an item or type a custom description These effort demonstrate that our community is commixed to driving continual improvement in our solarl market, and in the process of doing so, all the related areas identified as community priorities in our relevant plans or initiatives In order to measure progress along the way, Community name will track key metrics related to solar energy deployment, such as installed solar capacity the and number of installations across sectors [OPTIONAL; In these efforts, we call an our residents, businesses, non -profits, and others to get involved and we invite everyone to stay tuned by visiting solar landing page URL[ Inquiries related to community name's SolSmart panicipalion can be directed to cr�mmuulcalionx eonlact at E-mail address or phone number Sincerely, -%gvsc�i ir�r»zc Printed name Tide Communities interested in pursuing SolSmart designation must indicate their commitment to supporting solar development in their community. These letters should include: - A commitment to participate in the SolSmart designation process • A statement of solar goals, areas of focus or community priorities (e.g. Encouraging solar PV development on vacant lots or supporting non-profit led initiatives) - Past achievements or programs related to solar PV and/or renewable energy • Commitment to tracking metrics related to solar PV and/or provide benchmark of available solar metrics (i.e. number of installed municipal systems or growth in residential installations) • A commitment of staff time and resources to improve the local environment for solar PV These letters do not need to be more than a page in length. The SolSmart team can assist communities in prioritizing and establishing goals. Documentation: (Please share a link to a public webpage where your Solar Statement is displayed or attach it as a document.) SolSmart Application Version 4.0 STEP 2: FOUNDATIONAL CATEGORIES: PERMITTING AND PLANNING, ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT To earn SolSmart Bronze designation, communities must: • Complete the required actions in both Foundational Categories — i.e., Permitting and Planning, Zoning and Development Regulations. • Earn at least 20 points in each of the Foundational Categories. Permitting P-1: Post an online checklist detailing the required permit(s), submittals, Share link: and steps of your community's permitting process for small rooftop Req'd 0 solar PV (Required). P-2: Post an online statement confirming a three -business dayturnaround 20 ❑ Share link: time for small rooftop solar PV (Required for Gold). P-3: Distinguish between solar PV systems qualifying for streamlined and 5 Share link: standard permit review. P-4: Require no more than one permit application form for a small rooftop 5 Share link: solar PV. P -5a: Review permit fees for residential and commercial solar PV. Compile 5 Share link: findings in a memo. �i Earn additional points: P -5b: Demonstrate that residential permit Share link: fees for solar PV are $400 or less. 5 ❑ Earn additional points: P -5c: Demonstrate that commercial permit fees for Share link: solar PV are based on cost -recovery and capped at a reasonable level so 5 ❑ fees do not become a net revenue source. (e.g. fees cover the cost of the staff time required to review and process the permit application). P-6: Process small rooftop solar PV permits in 10 business days or fewer. 10 ❑ Share link: P-7: Adopt a standard solar PV permit application form aligned with best 10 El Share link: practices (e.g. Solar ABCs). P-8: Train permitting staff on best practices for permitting solar PV and/or 10 Share link: solar and storage systems. Training must have occurred in the past five ❑ years. P-9: Train fire and safety staff on solar PV and/or solar and storage systems. 10 ElShare link: Training must have occurred in the past five years. P-10: Develop a regular communication schedule to solicit recommendations 10 ❑ Share link: from solar PV installers regarding procedural changes. P-11: Provide an online process for solar PV permit submission and 20 ❑ Share link: approval. P-1 2a: Share site specific solar PV and/or solar and storage permit data, 10 ❑ Share link: including addresses, with first responders and their departments. (e.g. Through software that allows users to view searchable, filterable data about a specific site and system). P-1 2b: Share site specific solar PV and/or solar and storage system permit Share link: data, including addresses, with other local government departments (Not including first responders and their departments). (e.g. Through software 10 ❑ that allows users to view searchable, filterable data about a specific site and system). SolSmart Application Version 4.0 Planning, Zoning and Development Regulations Cont. Action -. done thisl Documentation PZD-1a: Review zoning requirements and identify restrictions that Share link: intentionally or unintentionally prohibit solar PV development. Compile findings in a memo. (Required). Req'd ❑ Examples include: height restrictions, set -back requirements, screening, etc. Earn additional PZD-1b: Present PZD-1a findings to hare link: points: memo planning commission or relevant zoning body. 5 ❑ Earn additional points: PZD-1 c: Draft proposed language for changes to hare link: zoning code based on PZD-1a memo and PZD-1b dialogue. Involve planners 5 ❑ and/or local zoning experts in the creation of the draft language. PZD-2a: Post an online document from the Planning/Zoning Department hare link: that states accessory use solar PV is allowed by -right in all major zones 0 ❑ (e.g. via a zoning determination letter). (Required for Silver, unless Req'd PZD-2b is achieved. If PZD-2b is achieved, PZD-2a is not necessary.) forSilver PZD-2b: Codify in the zoning ordinance that accessory use solar PV is Share link. explicitly allowed by -right in all major zones. Zoning ordinance language 20 should not include intentional or unintentional barriers to accessory use Req'd ❑ solar, such as limits to visibility from public rights-of-way, excessive forGold restrictions to system size, glare studies, subjective design reviews, and neighbor consent requirements. (Required for Gold; optional for Silver.) PZD-3a: Review existing planning documents and identify new opportunities Share link: (not already included) to integrate solar PV into planning goals. Compile 5 ❑ findings in a memo. Earn additional points: PZD-3b: Draft proposed language and a timeline for pare link: the inclusion of solar PV in existing and/or future plans. Involved planners in the 5 ❑ creation of draft language. PZD-4: Provide clear guidance for the installation of solar PV on historic 10 ElShare link: properties and in special overlay districts. PZD-5a: Include quantifiable metrics and/or specific actions for solar PV Share link: development in the most current version of relevant local plans (e.g. energy 10 ❑ plan, climate plan, comprehensive plan). PZD-5b: Develop a primary use solar PV assessment that identifies all Share link: feasible sites for large-scale solar PV development within a jurisdiction. 10 ❑ PZD-6: Include guidelines for active and passive solar in development Share link: regulations (e.g. providing guidance for orientation of structures in subdivision 10 ❑ regulations). PZD-7: Provide development incentives for solar PV within the subdivision or Share link: zoning process, or as part of other development incentives (e.g., density or 20 ❑ height bonuses for buildings that plan to install solar or tax -increment PZD-8: Incentivize solar PV development on parking lots, vacant lots, buffer Share link: lands around uses with nuisances (e.g. refineries, wastewater plants), 20 ❑ brownfields, airport safety zones (with FAA approval), and non -building structures. PZD-9: Train planning staff on best practices in planning and zoning for solar Share link: PV. Training must have occurred in the past five years. 10 ❑ SolSmart Application Version 4.0 PZD-10: Ensure that the zoning ordinance does one or more of the following for accessory use solar: in hare link: PZD-10a Permits small ground -mounted solar PV as an accessory use 5 F1 at least one zoning district. PZD-10b Exempts rooftop solar PV from certain restrictions on accessory 5 IJ hare link: uses (e.g. height limits, rooftop equipment screening requirements, or other restrictions). '4>PZD-10c Exempts small ground -mounted solar PV from certain hare link: restrictions on accessory uses (e.g, setbacks, coverage or impervious surface 5 ❑ calculations, or other restrictions). PZD-11: Post an online factsheet that provides an overview of what zoning hare link: allows for solar PV under what conditions (e.g. types and sizes of solar arrays 5 ❑ permitted, the processes required, and other relevant information). PZD-12: Ensure that the zoning ordinance does one or more of the following for primary use solar: '�>PZD-12a Establishes a clear regulatory pathway for primary use solar PV Share link: 5 (e.g. through a special use permit or through inclusion among allowed conditional uses). PZD-12b Establishes solar energy zones and/or solar overlays for primary Share link- use solar PV. 5 ❑ SolSmart Application Version 4.0 STEP 3: SPECIAL FOCUS CATEGORIES To earn SolSmart Bronze designation, communities must: - Earn 20 points (total) from actions taken across the 6 Special Focus Categories: Inspection; Construction Codes; Solar Rights; Utility Engagement; Community Engagement; or Market Development and Finance. Any action in any Special Focus Category counts toward the goal of earning 20 points. Special Focus: Inspection 1-1: Train inspection staff on best practices for permitting and Share link: inspecting solar PV and/or solar and storage systems. Training 20 ❑ must have occurred within the past five years. (Required for Silver and Gold). 'Share link: 1-2: Require no more than two inspections for accessory use solar PV. 10 ❑ Share link: CC -2: Incentivize new construction to be solar ready in at least one 10 ❑ Share link: 1-3: Offer inspection appointment times in lieu of 10 ❑ Share link: appointment windows for solar PV. 5 ❑ Share link: 1-4: Post solar PV inspection requirements online, including the inspection 10 ❑ Share link: process and what details inspectors will review. Share link: 1-5: Complete solar PV inspections within 5 business days after 10 ❑ :Share link: inspection request. 1-6: Provide an online process for solar PV inspection scheduling. Share link: CC -5: Codify a solar requirement for new construction and/or 20 ❑ 'Share link: Special Focus: Construction Codes CC -1 a: Provide Solar Ready Construction Guidelines for property/real Share link: estate developers to enable lower cost installation of future solar PV 5 ❑ installations on buildings. Provide these resources at the oermittino office Earn additional points: CC -1 b: Include guidance for solar PV on 'Share link: parking lots and other types of non-traditional structures. 5 ❑ CC -2: Incentivize new construction to be solar ready in at least one 10 ❑ Share link: zoning district. CC -3: Post online design guidelines for solar PV aligned with National 5 ❑ Share link: Electrical Code and fire code. CC -4: Require new construction to be solar ready in at least one Share link: zoning district by adopting Appendix U (International Code 10 ❑ Council), Appendix RB (International Energy Conservation Code), or another mechanism. CC -5: Codify a solar requirement for new construction and/or 'Share link: retrofits meeting a specific threshold, in at least one zoning 20 ❑ district. SolSmart Application Version 4.0 Special Focus: Solar Rights SR -1: Post an online summary of state policies related to a property owner's 5 ❑ Share link: solar access and solar rights, including links to state -level policy. SR -2: Post consumer protection resources on solar PV online.5 10 ❑ Share link: SR -3: Enable solar rights through a local solar access ordinance. 10 F1Share link: SR -4: Post an online checklist detailing the steps for 10 ElShare link: recording solar easements for property owners. 10 ❑ SR -5a: Engage homeowners and neighborhood associations to discuss 'Share link: restrictive requirements for solar PV with the goal of reducing or 10 ❑ Share link: eliminatinq them. Compile summary and next steps in a memo. 5 ❑ Earn additional points: SR -5b: Encourage subdivisions to 5 ❑ Share link: consider shared solar allowances. Share link: Earn additional SR -5c: Develop design for 20 ❑ Share link: points: guidelines solar PV in partnership with homeowner associations. 5 ❑ Special Focus: Utility Engagement U-1: Inform staff of best practices for integrating interconnection with 5 ❑ Share link: electrical inspections. U-2: Discuss community solar programs with the local utility. Compile summary 10 El'Share link: and next steps in a memo. U -3a: Discuss community goals for solar PV, net metering, and/or Share link: interconnection processes with the local utility and explore areas for future 10 ❑ collaboration. Compile summary and next steps in a memo. Earn additional points: U -3b: Coordinate with regional Share link: 5 ❑ organizations or other local governments to engage utilities. U4: Demonstrate coordination between local government Share link: inspectors and utility staff to reduce Permission to Operate 20 ❑ timeline. U-5: Launch or support a utility -provided community solar program. 20 ❑ 'Share link: Earn additional points: U -5b: Encourage low -to -moderate income (LMI) ;Share link: participation in utility -provided community solar program through program 10 ❑ design and/or financing support options. U-6: Provide residents with Community Choice Aggregation/Energy that 20 ❑ Share link: includes solar PV as a power generation source. SolSmart Application Version 4.0 Special Focus: Community Engagement CE -1: Convene an active energy task force or solar working group that meets 10 at least three times per year. CE -2: Post a solar landing page on local government's website with information on the community's solar goals and local resources for solar development. 10 CE -3: Provide technical assistance and/or programs or processes to support solar PV development on non-profit and/or community -service orientated 10 facilities. CE -4a: Support or host a community -wide group purchase program (e.g., Solarize). Program must have occurred within the last 5 years. 20 Earn additional points: CE -4b: Encourage low -to -moderate income (LMI) participation in community -wide group purchase program through 10 program design and/or financing support options. CE -5a: Host a solar workshop open to the general public and/or local government staff explaining solar PV opportunities and policies. Workshop 5 must have occurred within the last 5 years. CE -5b: Distribute educational materials at relevant community events and/or through local government channels. 5 CE -5c: Establish partnerships with local organizations within your community on solar PV multi-year goals and/or planned initiatives, 5 CE -5d: Demonstrate local government support for local solar projects through speeches, press releases, blog posts, opinion articles, etc. 5 CE -5e: Engage the community through recurring public meetings, focus groups, or other similar events around climate, energy, or sustainability plans 5 and/or goals. CE -6: Distribute solar job training and career opportunities in coordination with local colleges and/or workforce development organizations. 20 CE -7: Conduct feasibility analysis for solar PV on brownfields and/or other under-utilized properties. 10 CE -8: Install or lease land for solar PV development on brownfields and/or other under-utilized properties. 20 CE -9: Engage with regional organizations on advancing solar policies in the region such as unified permitting processes and group procurement 20 opportunities. CE -10: Demonstrate activity in state -level conversations regarding solar PV. 20 CE -11: Post an online solar map for your community. 20 CE -12a: Support a third party -provided community solar program. Note: this cannot be the same community solar program for which credit was received 20 under Utility Engagement. Earn additional points: CE -12b: Encourage low -to -moderate income (LMI) participation in third party -provided community solar program through 10 program design and/or financing support options. ❑ Share link: `3hare link: Share link: Share link: Share link: El ❑ hare link: f Share link Ll ;share link: Share link: El Share link: 3hare link: El 3hare link: El 3hare link: El Share link: ❑ Share link: ❑ Share link: !Share link: Ll Share link: El SolSmart Application Version 4 0 Special Focus: Market Development and Finance MDF -1: Provide online resources on active solar installers and/or localShare 5 link: incentives for solar PV. MDF -2: Make solar PV metrics publicly available. 5 171Share link: MDF -3: Provide information to consumers about residential and commercial 5 ❑ ;Share link: solar PV financing options. MDF -4: Conduct feasibility analysis for solar PV installations on/at local 10 ElShare link: government facilities. MDF -5: Install solar PV on/at local government facilities. 20 F]:Share link: MDF -6a: Provide PACE financing in your community. 10 ❑ :share link: �iEarn additional points: MDF -6b: Demonstrate that PACE financing has share link: 10 ❑ been used to finance solar PV in your community. MDF -7a: Provide local incentives (e.g. permit fee waivers or rebates) or 20 ❑ Share link: locally -enabled finance (e.g., a revolving loan fund) for solar PV. MDF -7b: Provide local incentives for solar PV to low -to -moderate income Share link: (LMI) households, Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs), and/or non- 5 ❑ profit organizations that provide community services. MDF -8: Engage local banks, credit unions, foundations and/or community :Share link: funds about lending for solar PV projects through in-person meetings, 20 ❑ discussions, and/or workshops. Compile summary and next steps in a memo. MDF -9: Demonstrate that the community's installed per capita capacity is 20 ❑ Share link: above top 20% of states (>99 watts/person). MDF -10a: Conduct feasibility analysis for solar PV integrated with other 'Share link: technologies such as combined heat and power or electric vehicle charging 10 ❑ on/at a local government facility. Earn additional points: MDF -10b: Install solar PV integrated with other :Share link: technologies such as combined heat and power or electric vehicle charging 20 ❑ on/at a local government facility. MDF -11 a: Conduct feasibility analysis for solar PV plus storage on/ata 10 EJShare link: critical local government facility. 3hare link: Earn additional points: MDF -11b: Install solar PV plus storage on/at a 20 ❑ critical local government facility. SolSmart Application Version 4.0 INNOVATIVE ACTIONS The actions identified in the categories above represent many of the most common and impactful efforts communities are taking to reduce soft costs and make going solar easier and more affordable for residents. However, we know that communities across the country are developing innovative ways to help reduce soft costs. If your community has taken action to reduce soft costs that wasn't captured in the above application, please share it with us in the table below. Innovative actions will be reviewed by a team of solar experts and each action may be worth up to 20 points. Innovative Actions SolSmart Application Version 4.0 Designation Checklist Checkboxes will not autopopulate Step Completed Solar Statement I Statement Submitted I ❑ Permitting Required for Bronze: P-1 ❑ Points: 0 20+ required for Bronze Planning, Zoning, & Development Required for Bronze: PZD-1a ❑ Points: 0 ❑ Regulations 20+ required for Bronze Inspection Points: 0 ❑ Construction Codes Points: 0 ❑ Solar Rights Points: 0 Utility Engagement Points: 0 Community Engagement Points: 0 ❑ Market Development and Finance Points: 0 ❑ Special Focus Points 0 Must be 20 or greater for Bronze TOTAL POINTS including foundational 0 Must be at least 100 for Silver and 200 for Gold SolSmart Application Version 4.0