HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE 6127 F FAYf rT 4fr.„.:(00.,,,,, IPIA ,1'" ______,! ' '''?1('''?1(A NSP' 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville,AR 72701 (479)575-8323 Ordinance: 6127 File Number: 2018-0663 AMEND SECTION 166.15(C) EXPIRATION OF BUILDING PERMIT: AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 166.15 (C) EXPIRATION OF BUILDING PERMIT OF THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE TO REQUIRE THE AUTOMATIC EXPIRATION OF A BUILDING PERMIT 30 DAYS AFTER THE CITY COUNCIL HAS ORDERED THE RAZE AND REMOVAL OF THE STRUCTURE WHEREAS, pursuant to section 166.15 (C) Expiration of Building Permit; a building permit normally does not expire until 180 days even if work has not begun on the project or until two years if work had begun,but the project has not been substantially completed; and WHEREAS, the City staff is concerned about directing its contractor to raze and remove a dilapidated structure if its owner has obtained a building permit to repair and rehabilitate the building as long as that building permit remains active and viable; and WHEREAS, the City Attorney, the Building Official and the Community Resources Director recommend a - code amendment to give the Building Official the authority to cancel a building permit for a building ordered by the City Council to be razed and removed if substantial work and progress on repair and rehabilitation of the building is not accomplished within 30 days of the City Council's Order of Raze and Removal; and WHEREAS, if the City Council has ordered the raze and removal of a dilapidated structure, any building permit issued regarding the dilapidated structure should expire and be canceled by the Building Official within thirty (30) days of the City Council's Order unless such substantial work has begun or been accomplished that the Building Official determines that all the building issues considered by the City Council when it ordered the building to be razed and removed will be substantially repaired or remediated within a reasonably short period of time. Page 1 Printed on 12/19/18 Ordinance 6127 File Number: 2018-0663 • NOW THREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends Section 166.15 (C) Expiration of Building Permit of the Unified Development Code by enacting a new subsection (3) as follows: "(3) Expiration of Building Permit After City Council Orders Raze and Removal of Dilapidated Structure. If the City Council has determined that a building is so unsafe, dilapidated, unsanitary, or - such a nuisance that its raze and removal is necessary and orders such raze and removal pursuant to Section 173.09 of the Unified Development Code, any existing building permit shall automatically expire and be canceled by the Building Official within thirty (30) days of the City Council's Order of Raze and Removal unless the Building Official determines that such substantial work and progress has been - accomplished that all of the safety and other problems of the building justifying its raze and removal have been or will soon be repaired, remediated or resolved so that a reasonable extension of the building permit is justified. The Building Official may also issue a new building permit for a structure's repair and rehabilitation within thirty (30) days of the Order of Raze and Removal, but such new building permit _ shall be authorized only for a thirty (30) day time limit to accomplish complete repair and renovation of the structure or at least sufficient work and progress so that the Building Official can determine that all of the safety and other problems of the building justifying its raze and removal will be promptly repaired, remediated or resolved so that a reasonable extension of the building permit is justified. The Building Official may then extend either the existing or new building permit for a period of time the Building Official deems sufficient to complete the repair, rehabilitation and remediation of the building." PASSED and APPROVED on 12/18/2018 Approved: Attest: Ltha- 6C: Z1-;:elt AraaeA&LAri...rir Li ylld J•rdan, ,or Sondra E. Smith,City Clerk Treasurer 111 FAYETTEVILLE: Page 2 �fi�`! a;i Elia eeie(bn 12/19/18 AYErT� City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville,AR 72701 (479)575-8323 Text File / File Number: 2018-0663 Agenda Date: 12/18/2018 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control:City Council Meeting File Type:Ordinance Agenda Number: D. 3 AMEND SECTION 166.15(C)EXPIRATION OF BUILDING PERMIT: AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 166.15 (C) EXPIRATION OF BUILDING PERMIT OF THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE TO REQUIRE THE AUTOMATIC EXPIRATION OF A BUILDING PERMIT 30 DAYS AFTER THE CITY COUNCIL HAS ORDERED THE RAZE AND REMOVAL OF THE STRUCTURE WHEREAS, pursuant to' section 166.15 (C) Expiration of Building Permit; a building permit normally does not expire until 180 days even if work has not begun on the project or until two years if work had begun, but the project has not been substantially completed;and WHEREAS, the City staff is concerned about directing its contractor to raze and remove a dilapidated structure if its owner has obtained a building permit to repair and rehabilitate the building as long as that building permit remains active and viable;and WHEREAS, the City Attorney, the Building Official and the Community Resources Director recommend a code amendment to give the Building Official the authority to cancel a building permit for a building ordered by the City Council to be razed and removed if substantial work and progress on repair and rehabilitation of the building is not accomplished within 30 days of the City Council's Order of Raze and Removal;and WHEREAS, if the City Council has ordered the raze and removal of a dilapidated structure, any building permit issued regarding the dilapidated structure should expire and be canceled by the Building Official within thirty (30) days of the City.Council's Order unless such substantial work has begun or been accomplished that the Building Official determines that all the building issues considered by the City Council when it ordered the building to be razed and removed will be substantially repaired or remediated within a reasonably short period of time. NOW THREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends Section 166.15 (C) Expiration of Building Permit of the Unified Development Code by enacting a new subsection(3)as follows: "(3) Expiration of Building Permit After City Council Orders Raze and Removal of Dilapidated City of Fayetteville,Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 12/19/2018 File Number:2018-0663 Structure. If the City Council has determined that a building is so unsafe, dilapidated, unsanitary, or such a nuisance that its raze and removal is necessary and orders such raze and removal pursuant to Section 173.09 of the Unified Development Code, any existing building permit shall automatically expire and be canceled by the Building Official within thirty (30) days of the City Council's Order of Raze and Removal unless the Building Official determines that such substantial work and progress has been accomplished that all of the safety and other problems of the building justifying its raze and removal have been or will soon be repaired, remediated or resolved so that a reasonable extension of the building permit is justified. The Building Official may also issue a new building permit for a structure's repair and rehabilitation within thirty (30) days of the Order of Raze and Removal, but such new building permit shall be authorized only for a thirty (30) day time limit to accomplish complete repair and renovation of the structure or at least sufficient work and progress so that the Building Official can determine that all of the safety and other problems of the building justifying its raze and removal will be promptly repaired, remediated or resolved so that a reasonable extension of the building permit is justified. The Building Official may then extend either the existing or new building permit for a period of time the Building Official deems sufficient to complete the repair,rehabilitation and remediation of the building." City of Fayetteville,Arkansas Page 2 Printed on 12/19/2018 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2018-0663 Legistar File ID 12/18/2018 City Council Meeting Date-Agenda Item Only N/A for Non-Agenda Item City Attorney Kit Williams 11/20/2018 CITY ATTORNEY(021) Submitted By Submitted Date Division/Department Action Recommendation: An ordinance to amend Section 166.159(C)Expiration of Building Permit of the Unified Development Code to require the automatic expiration of a building permit 30 days after the City Council has ordered the raze and removal of the structure. Budget Impact: Account Number Fund Project Number Project Title Budgeted Item? NA Current Budget $ Funds Obligated $ Current Balance $ Does item have a cost? No Item Cost Budget Adjustment Attached? NA Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget $ V20180321 Purchase Order Number: Previous Ordinance or Resolution# Change Order Number: Approval Date: Original Contract Number: Comments: 1 c �A :[ �r -24:4 ____ DEPARTMENTALCORRESPONDENCE rr 1 OFFICE OF THE "kaxs#'s CITY ATTORNEY Kit Williams City Attorney Blake Pennington Assistant City Attorney TO: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Rhonda Lynch City Councilctrnfegcad CC: Don Marr, Chief of Staff Paul Becker, Chief Financial Officer Garner Stoll, Community Services Director Yolanda Fields, Community Resources Director Matthew Cabe, Building Safety Official FROM: Kit Williams, City Attorney('-''-Y -- A)( --"s."- ----- DATE: November 15,2018 RE: Confirmation of previous Raze and Removal Order The City has been very cautious about razing and removing houses that appear to be able to be rehabilitated by their owners. Not only does Community Resources try to work with these owners to get their houses repaired and safe,but Building Safety often also tries to help an owner obtain a building permit to begin repairs. On February 6, 2018, Community Resources presented facts to the City Council justifying the raze and removal of a 520 square foot house on East Meadow Street. After the public hearing, the City Council voted to order the raze or removal of this dilapidated and unsafe structure. I have attached Resolution 4848 ordering the raze and removal. The owner then,began telling Building Safety that he would repair and rehabilitate this building once he was provided a building permit. He even hired an attorney to help him delay the demolition with promises of his prompt and correct repairs. I thought this might indicate that the owner might have sufficient resources to perform the work needed to repair and rehabilitate his house. Unfortunately, once the Building Safety issued him a building permit, promises to fix the problems were not kept. I was concerned about demolishing someone's house as long as they held a valid building permit to fix it. Our Unified Development Code states that a building permit can be cancelled if work is not begun within 180 days. This is fine with a normally issued building permit, but our Building Safety Division should be able to cancela building permit for a structure ordered by the City Council to be razed much more quickly if the owner fails to make substantial progress repairing the structure. Therefore, after consultation with Community Resources and. Building Safety, I have proposed an amendment to Section 166.15 (C) Expiration of Building Permit to allow cancelation of a building permit if an owner of a building ordered to be razed fails to make substantial progress on its repairs. The owner of 171 East Meadow has been long on promises,but totally lacking on performance. His building permit will expire in December before this agenda item comes before you for decision. Since it has been very many months since you ordered the raze and removal of this structure, I request that you confirm your earlier Order to Raze and Remove after hearing from Building Safety about the owner's failure to repair or fix his structure. Based upon your original Order of February 6, 2018 and your confirmation of such Order, demotion should proceed quickly without any further delays. If you pass the amendment to the Expiration of Building Permit section, then we should never again be faced with such a lengthy delay. We can then continue to work with an owner who actually promptly begins significant repair and rehabilitation efforts of a house ordered to be razed without fear that issuing a building permit could delay demolition for months. 2 NORTHWEST ARKANSAS Democrat1r Gazette ,„„..„..... EOx 1607,pAyETTEm.LE,AR,72702 ,;7g-A42.1K10 r0 RAX:479.695-1118 WW;'Y.JwADG.CQM AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I, Cathy Staggs, do solemnly swear that I am the Accounting Manager of the Northwest Arkansas Democrat- Gazette, printed and published in Washington and Benton County, Arkansas, and of bona fide circulation, that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files of said publication, the advertisement of: Ordinance:6127 Council has determined that a building is CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE File Number: 2018-0663 so unsafe,dilapidated,unsanitary,or such AMEND SECTION 166.15(C) a nuisance that its raze and removal is Ord. 6127 EXPIRATION OF BUILDING necessary and orders such raze and PERMIT: removal pursuant to Section 173.09 of the AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND Unified Development Code,any existing SECTION 166.15(C)EXPIRATION building permit shall automatically expire OF BUILDING PERMIT OF THE and be canceled by the Building Official Was inserted in the Regular Edition on: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE TO within thirty(30)days of the City g REQUIRE THE AUTOMATIC Council's Order of Raze and Removal January 3, 2019 EXPIRATION OFA BUILDING unless the Building Official determines PERMIT 30 DAYS AFTER THE CITY that such substantial work and progress COUNCIL HAS ORDERED THE has been accomplished that all of the Publication Charges $ 219.70 RAZE AND REMOVAL OF THE safety and other problems of the building g STRUCTURE justifying its raze and removal have been WHEREAS,pursuant to section 166.15 or will soon be repaired,remediated or (C)Expiration of Building Permit;a resolved so that a reasonable extension of building permit normally does not expire the building permit is justified.The until 180 days even if work has not Building Official may also issue a new f. begun on the project or until two years if building permit for a structure's repair and Staggs work had begun,but the project has not rehabilitation within thirty(30)days of Cathy gg been substantially completed;and the Order of Raze and Removal,but such WHEREAS,the City staff is concerned new building permit shall be authorized Subscribed and sworn to before me about directing its contractor to raze and only for a thirty(30)day time limit to remove a dilapidated structure if its accomplish complete repair and This 1 tk day ofd , 2019. owner has obtained a building permit to renovation of the structure or at least repair and rehabilitate the building as sufficient work and progress so that the long as that building permit remains Building Official can determine that all of active and viable;and the safety and other problems of the WHEREAS,the City Attorney,the building justifying its raze and removal Building Official and the Community will be promptly repaired,remediated or e 0 t Resources Director recommend a code resolved so that a reasonable extension of Lit.„) amendment to give the Building Official the building permit is justified.The NotaryPublic the authority to cancel a building permit Building Official may then extend either for a building ordered by the City the existing or new building permit for a My Commission Expires:2-1Z-0 Council to be razed and removed if period of time the Building Official substantial work and progress on repair deems sufficient to complete the repair, and rehabilitation of the building is not rehabilitation and remediation of the accomplished within 30 days of the City building." Council's Order of Raze and Removal; PASSED and APPROVED on and 12/18/2018 WHEREAS,if the City Council has Approved: ordered the raze and removal of a Lioneld Jordan,Mayor _ - - dilapidated structure,any building Attest: CATHY WILES permit issued regarding the dilapidated Sondra E.Smith,City Clerk Treasurer structure should expire and be canceled 74797518 Jan.3,2019 Arkansas•Benton County by the Building Official within thirty Notary Public •Comm# 12397118 (30)days of the City Council's Order My Commission Expires Feb 20,2024 unless such substantial work has begun or been accomplished that the Building Official determines that all the building issues considered by the City Council when it ordered the building to be razed and removed will be substantially **NOTE**Please do not pay from Affidavit repaired or remediated within a Invoice will be sent. reasonably short period of time. NOW THREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas hereby amends Section 166.15 (C)Expiration of Building Permit of the Unified Development Code by enacting a new subsection(3)as follows: "(3)Expiration of Building Permit After City Council Orders Raze and Removal of Dilapidated Structure.If the City