HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-09-11 - Agendas - FinalCITY OF 9im FAYETTEVILLE MEETING AGENDA 4VARKANSAS REVISED Water, Sewer, and Solid Waste Committee September 11t", 2018 5:30 P.M. (Or immediately following Equipment Committee Session) City Hall - Room 326 Committee: Chairman Mark Kinion; Council Member Sarah Marsh, Council Member Sarah Bunch, Council Member John LaTour Copy to: Mayor Lioneld Jordan, Don Marr, Paul Becker, ; Sondra Smith, Susan Norton, Chris Brown, Alan Pugh, Terry Gulley, Peter Nierengarten, Jeff Coles, Brian Pugh, Mark Rogers, Jim Beavers, Aaron Watkins, Greg Weeks, Mayo Miller, Tim Luther From: Tim Nyander, Utilities Director CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL OLD BUSINESS/UPDATES: 1. Update on the Nutrient Trading Regulation Discussion of recent comments and the response to comments to proposed Regulation 37. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Replacement of a Variable Frequency Drive at the Hamestring Lift Station The Hamestring Lift Station on Sunshine Road delivers over 85% of the West Side WRRF's average 7+ MGD of wastewater influent. The station, first brought online in June 2008, utilizes a series of seven 350 hp Cornell pumps that have been in operation for nearly 10 years. Three of these pumps are powered by variable frequency drive motors (VFDs). These VFDs are critical to maintain a consistent wetwell level at the lift station and help to reduce equipment wear associated with excess pump start/stops where VFDs are not utilized. Over the past couple of years, select electrical components at Hamestring have reached their life expectancy and failed. As part of a predictive -maintenance schedule and given the critical nature of the Hamestring VFDs, staff recommend replacing one VFD in 2018 before experiencing failures. Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 The City received three quotes to purchase one replacement VFD. Upchurch Electric submitted the lowest quote and their quote meets specifications. Upchurch Electric $18,093 plus taxes & shipping Evans Enterprises $20,091 plus taxes & shipping Elliot Electric Supply $35,997 plus taxes &shipping STAFF REQUESTS THIS BE FORWARDED TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL 2. Gregg Street Lift Station Pump Rebuild The Gregg Ave Lift Station is the largest single wastewater lift -station that feeds into the Hamestring Lift Station. A predictive maintenance schedule was initiated in 2012, where the station's four submersible pumps are systematically pulled for inspection and repairs. Completing repairs to this final pump will represent the close of the lift station's most recent predictive -repair cycle. The final 80 HP KSB pumps was recently removed and shipped to JCI Industries, Inc. in Joplin, MO for disassembly and repair inspection. The pump was found to be in need of a routine rebuild including some minor machine work, as expected for a ten year old pump. Because it was necessary to have the repair facility disassemble and inspect the unit to determine the extent of hidden and unknown damage to equipment already purchased, a bid waiver and/or formal sealed bidding is not necessary according to Arkansas Procurement Law R6:19-11-203, Subsection 14 (EE) "hidden or unknown damages". The estimated cost for the pump rebuild is $22,500, but JCI is still waiting for final parts pricing from the manufacturer. 3. Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to the Engineering Services Contract with Allgeier, Martin and Associates, Inc. for Electrical Engineering Services Electrical Improvements for the Noland WWTP have been under design for nearly a year. During this time it has been discovered that the highest voltage portion of the project is becoming critical, and needs to be addressed sooner than the projected completion date of the entire project. The requested supplemental services include expediting the design of the 15kV portions of the electrical work for the Noland WWTP into an additional construction contract with additional inspection time required. The proposed contract cost will be increased $35,000.00 from the existing $526,193.00 to $561,193.00. STAFF REQUESTS THIS BE FORWARDED TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL Capital Projects Update Number Project Description Contractor Cost Complete 1 Fulbright/Gregg Sewer Main Replacement (Design) In -House Design $1,000,000 75% 2 Utility Relocates Hwy 16 (Design) McClelland Engineering $117,859 75% 3 Kitty Creek Sewer Line Project (Design) McClelland Engineering $250,793 75% 4 Goshen/Benson Mtn. Water Tank Improvements (Design) Hawkins -Weir $133,980 65% 5 East Service Area water system - design MWY/Olsson $573,309 30% 6 1-49/Wedington Interchange water and sewer relocations Burns & McDonnell $203,269 30% 7 Electrical Improvements for the Noland WWTP (Design) Allgeier, Martin $480,049 20% 8 Annual Cured in Place Pipe (sewer) contract Insituform $528,693 15% 9 Water Audit (loss) Study Black & Veatch $83,691. 15% 10 2018 Water Tank inspection and water quality analysis Garver $154,000 10% 11 Masters Lift Station Removal (Construction) TBD TBD 0% 12 Gregg, Poplar and Easy Street Sewer Improvements (Construction) TBD TBD 0% PRESENTATIONS ATTACHMENTS Draft Regulation 37 VFD Quotes Pump Rebuild Quote Allgeier Martin & Associates Supplemental Agreement ADJOURN Next Water, Sewer, Solid Waste Committee meets on Tuesday, October 9th, 2018, 5:30 p.m., Room 326. 1 ***PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION DRAFT**** DRAFT 2 ARKANSAS NUTRIENT WATER QUALITY 3 TRADING REGULATION 4 5 SECTION 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 6 (A) This regulation shall be known and shall be cited as "The Arkansas Nutrient Water QualitX 7 Tradiniz Reizulation. 8 (B) Definitions: 9 (1) "Department" or "ADEQ" means the Arkansas Department of Environmental QualitX 10 11 (2) or its successor, unless otherwise specified. "Director" means the Director of the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality 12 13 (C) This regulation or the Director's designee, unless otherwise specified. is adopted under the authority of Act 335 of 2015, codified at Ark. Code Ann. 14 15 16 §§ 8-4-232 and 8-4-233. (D) Pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. § 8-4-232(E): (1) the Department has the responsibility to develop a schedule of user fees by calculating 17 the reasonable costs to the Department of implementing and enforcing the nutrient 18 19 (2) water quality trading, credit, and offset program; and the Commission may establish a schedule of user fees to be collected by the Department 20 from persons or entities utilizing credits and offsets from the Nutrient Credit 21 Generating Projects in order to comply with the National Pollutant Discharge 22 Elimination Systempermit limits. 1 6368950.3 ***PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION DRAFT**** 1 (E) Nothing in this regulation shall be construed to limit or impin _ egany requirement of any other 2 State or Federal environmental law or regulation. 3 SECTION 2. AUTHORITY TO APPROVE NUTRIENT CREDIT GENERATING 4 PROJECTS FOR USE AS OFFSETS. 5 The Director of the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality shall have authority to qpprove 6 Nutrient Credit Generating Projects as sources of nutrient credits that may be used by National 7 Pollutant Discharge Elimination System,permit holders to offset their nutrient discharges when 8 determining compliance with water quality -based permit limits. 9 SECTION 3. APPLICATIONS FOR APPROVAL OF NUTRIENT CREDIT 10 GENERATING PROJECTS. 11 (A) Any person seeking approval of Nutrient Credit Generating Project shall submit an application 12 for approval to the Director. The application shall include: 13 (1) A description of the location, including the watershed, where the credit -generating 14 project will be implemented; 15 (2) A description of the watershed in which the credits are proposed for use as offsets; 16 (3) A list of the NPDES permitted point sources that may use the credits as offsets; 17 (4) The time period in which the credit -generating project may be used as an offset; 18 (5) Evidence that the credit -generating project will result in a reduction of nutrient 19 discharges below the existing baseline requirements; 20 (6) Evidence and calculations used to derive the credit quantity and credit ratios resulting 21 from the crediting -generating project, including an n explanation of the methods used to 22 address uncertainty factors; 2 6368950.3 ***PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION DRAFT**** 1 (7) A description of the methods by which the implementation, performance, and operation 2 and maintenance of the credit -generating project will be verified and documented, and 3 the identity of the person or entity responsible for documenting the verification; and 4 (8) A certification, signed the applicant, attesting that the application is true and 5 accurate to the best of the applicant's knowledge and belief. 6 (B) If an application involves nonpoint source nutrient credit -generating_ projects or activities, the 7 proposed Nutrient Credit Generating Project shall be submitted to the Arkansas Natural 8 Resources Commission for review prior to submittingthe he application to the Director of the 9 Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality. In such cases, the application to the Director 10 shall include a written statement from the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission 11 confirming their review of the project and reporting any comments or recommendations 12 resulting from that review. 13 (C) Applications submitted to the Director of the Arkansas Department of Environmental QualitX 14 shall comply with the public notice procedures and requirements for an individual permit 15 under Regulation No. 8. Applications shall also be publicly noticed through electronic notice 16 and publication on the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality's website. 17 (D) After review of the application the Director may approve the Nutrient Credit Generating 18 Project as a source of nutrient credits that may be used as offsets as requested, disapprove the 19 Nutrient Credit Generating Project as a source of nutrient credits, or approve the Nutrient 20 Credit Generating Project as a source of nutrient credits subject to specific conditions or 21 limitations. 22 (E) Unless expressly granted for a shorter or longer term, the approval of the Nutrient Credit 23 Generating Project as a source of nutrient credits shall be limited to a term of five years from 6368950.3 ***PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION DRAFT**** 1 the date of the Director's decision, but may be renewed or extended upon application in 2 accordance with procedures in this section. 3 (F) In deciding whether to approve an application for approval of a Nutrient Credit Generating 4 Project, the Director shall consider, among all other relevant factors: 5 (1) The evidence provided in the application to support the factors identified in Section 6 3A• 7 (2) The calculation used to derive the credit quantity and credit ratios resulting from the 8 credit -generating project, including an explanation of methods used to address 9 uncertainty factors; 10 (3) The methods for ying the reliability of the implementation, performance, and 11 operation and maintenance of the credit -generating project ; and 12 (4) The experience and capacity of the persons who will be responsible for implementing 13 and verifying the credit -generating project . 14 (G) The Director's decision approving a Nutrient Credit Generating Project shall include written 15 findings re ag rding the factors identified in Section 3(A) and specify the conditions and 16 limitations that will apply to any use of the nutrient credits generated. At a minimum, the 17 conditions applicable to an Nutrient Credit Generating Project shall specify 18 (1) The watershed in which the credits generated by the Nutrient Credit Generating 19 Project may be used as an offset; 20 (2) The time period in which the credits generated by the Nutrient Credit Generating 21 Proiect may be used as an offset: 2 6368950.3 ***PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION DRAFT**** 1 (3) The method by which implementation, performance, and operation and maintenance 2 of the credit -generating project will be verified, and the identity of the person or entity 3 responsible for documenting the verification; and 4 (4) For projects generating credits by non -point source activity, a minimum credit ratio of 5 1.5:1 'projected nutrient reductions or savings to nutrient credits for the project, shall 6 be applied when calculating the credit quantity. 7 (H) Prior to taking final action on a request for approval of a Nutrient Credit Generating Project, 8 the Director shall cause public notice to be published within the watershed where the credit 9 will be generated in a newspaper of general circulation and on the Arkansas Department of 10 Environmental Quality's website. The public shall be allowed a period of not less than thirty 11 (30) calendar days in which to submit written comments. The decision to grant or deny 12 approval of a Nutrient Credit Generating Project shall include a written response to all issues 13 raised in comments submitted during the public comment period. A copy of the final decision 14 _rig or denying certification of a Nutrient Credit Generating Project shall be sent to the 15 applicant and each person who submitted written comments within the public comment period. 16 The Director's decision to grant or deny pproval of a Nutrient Credit Generating Project shall 17 be subject to the same review and appeal provisions as a final permitting decision under 18 Regulation No. 8. 19 (I) No Nutrient Credit Generating Project shall be approved by the Director unless the project, 20 activity, or discharge reduction involved in the project will reduce the nutrient load below the 21 applicable baseline requirements. 22 (1) For projects generating credits by point source pollution reduction, the baseline 23 requirements shall be the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systempermit 6368950.3 ***PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION DRAFT**** 1 limits for the point source in question or the wasteload allocation in any applicable 2 Total Maximum Daily Load, whichever is more stringent. 3 (2) For projects generating credits by non -point source activity, the baseline requirements 4 shall be the regulatory requirements applicable to the location where the project will 5 generate the credits. 6 (3) If the baseline requirements applicable to a Nutrient Credit Generating Project change 7 after the date the Project is approved, the amount of offset allowed from credits 8 generated by the Nutrient Credit Generating Project shall be reduced to conform to the 9 baseline requirements applicable at the time the nutrient credit is used. 10 (J) The fact that a non -point source projector a point source pollution reduction maybe supported 11 in part or entirely by government grants or other third -party financial funding shall not prevent 12 the project, activity, or pollution reduction from being eligible for approval as a Nutrient Credit 13 Generating Project, where such use is allowed by therg anting agency or third -party. 14 SECTION 4. RESPONSIBILITY FOR PERMIT COMPLIANCE. 15 (A)Credits generated by an gpproved Nutrient Credit Generating Project may be used as offsets 16 only when expressly authorized by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System 17 permit in question, or a modification of the that permit. In addition to all other permit 18 application or permit modification requirements, the application must include: 19 (1) Evidence that use of the nutrient credits as an offset will not result in an 20 unacceptable localized adverse effect on water quality; 21 (2) Evidence that use of the nutrient credits will not result in a net increase in 22 loading in the relevant watershed; and 6368950.3 ***PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION DRAFT**** 1 (3) Evidence that use of the nutrient credits as an offset will not have a 2 adverse impact upon a reservoir that is a drinking water supply source for an 3 existingpublicwater supply system as designated by the Arkansas Department of 4 Health. 5 (B) A National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permittee that discharges into a watershed 6 identified on Appendix A as an existing drinking water reservoir designated in the Arkansas 7 Department of Health GIS Database shall not be allowed to use credits that have been 8 generated outside of the watershed of the reservoir as offsets against its permit limits for 9 nutrients. 10 (C) A permittee relying on nutrient credits to demonstrate compliance with its National Pollutant 11 Discharge Elimination System, permit limits retains full responsibility for achieving and 12 maintaining, permit compliance. If a Nutrient Credit Generating Project fails to meet the terms 13 and conditions of its approval as a source of nutrient credits, National Pollutant Discharge 14 Elimination System permit holders may not rely on credits generated by the project regardless _ 15 of the fact that failure of the project may have been attributable to circumstances beyond the 16 reasonable control of the permit holder. 17 SECTION 5: EFFECTIVE DATE. 18 This regulation is effective ten (10) days after filing with the Secretary of State, the State 19 Library and the Bureau of Legislative Research. 7 6368950.3 uotati UPCHURCH ELECTRICAL BR2/MAYS R ELECT on 2800 SOUTH ZERO ST FORT SMITH AR 72901-8762 479-648-1276 Pay; 479-648-1503 QUOTE TO: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 113 W MOUNTAIN STREET FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701-6083 NUMER . CU5TC fER 544 WRITER Chris Gla ORDER QTY''• lea lea Tim Marr Quotation sco PWT N}. 530965 530965 DATE.-.1.:: gUQTE NURSER: 5/18 7FORTSMIU1, S1890658 O: PACEfo ELECTRICAL HRZ/MAYER H ZERO ST AR 72901-3762 yy y 479 643-1276 Fax 579-643-1503 SHIP TO: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 113 W MOUNTAIN STREET FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701-6083 TERMS SHTP DATE OT OUR -TRUCK INet 25th 06/27/18 Q! SCRJPTItNi Net Arc LOT BILLING NET 10869.51/ea lea -Schneider SE Advantage quote #Q468568 as follows: lEA-ATV630C22N4 Altivar630 drive,350hp Normal Duty,Nema-1,w/keypad. Sub Total-$10869.51ea LOT BILLING NET lea-MAPP0403D002 MTE Matrix AP Adaptive Passive Harmonic Filter.Panel Mount 480V.60HZ,403AMP rated w/ capacitor contactor included. Sub Total-$7224.00ea (Plus incoming freight) TAXES NOT INCLUDED * This is a quotation * Prices are firm for 30 days and subject to change without notice after 30 days. Applicable taxes extra! 7224.00/ea Subtotal S&H CHGS FREIGHT ALLDWd C: No -..Ext Prc 10869.51 7224.00 18093.51 0.00 Evans Enterprises, Inc. ����� 2001 North 13th Street Rogers, AR 72756 479-636-0721 - Phone =vu.s ENTERPRISES 479-636-8198 - Fax %f-,Tf LOCATION ID Visit us on the web at www.goevans.com Quote Bill To: OPERATION MGMT. INTERNATION PO BOX 241329 DENVER, CO 80224 Quote Ship To: TIM MARS OPERATION MGMT. INTERNATION 1400 N FOX HUNTER ROAD FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 PAGE 1 ROG80 QUOTE DATE 8/27/2018 QUOTE NO 9190 CUSTOMER ID 123820 CUSTOMER PO# QUOTE Quotation Prepared By: DUSTIN MADEWELL EVANS ENTERPRISES, INC. 2001 NORTH 13TH STREET ROGERS, AR 72756 479-636-0721 - PHONE 479-636-8198 - FAX TRANSACTION NO TRANSACTION DATE 00030074 8/27/2018 Comments or Special Instructions: This Quotation is Valid for 30 Days --.....----- AVAILABILITY FOB TERMS 3-4 WEEKS ARO SHIPPING POINT PPA FREIGHT Net 30 Days QUANTITY EVANS ID DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT 1 NS-ROG CFW110477T4SZ _ $17,280.00 $17,280.00 WEG VFD 350HP @ 477AMPS @ 460V 49h X 17w X 15d AND 287LBS CURRENT STOCK AT THE FACTORY #. NS-ROG LRW500G3N1 $2,811.00 $2,811.00. WEG LINE/LOAD REACTOR 47h X 27w X 25d 165LBS j NEMA 1 ENCLOSURE ��- NS-ROG CFW110211T4SN1Z $8,850.00 $8,850.00 WEG VFD 150HP_@ 180AMPS @ 460V 27h X 14w X 15d -AN 150LBS CURRENT STOCK AT THE FACTORY 1 NS-ROG LRW200G3N1 $741.00J j $741.00 WEG LINE/LOAD REACTOR 13h X 14w X 14d 79LBS NEMA 1 ENCLOSURE . .-� TAXABLE SUBTOTAL 529,68�:(JO TAX RATE 9.750 SALES TAX $2,894.00 SHIPPING $0.00 TOTAL $h2 5.76.00 TOTAL DUE $32,57 Based upon our Standard Terms and Conditions available at www.GoEvans.com/terms We appreciate your business. EVANS ENTERPRISES _V 1) BUSINESS 5.11 /f5ll CH2M Hill OMI 1400 North Fox Hunter Road Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone: 620-255-4200 Fax: Attention: JD Turley Subject: KSB 58 HP Budgetary Repair Quotation #: 0684192951TW Please refer to this number when ordering JD Turley: JCI Industries, Inc. 2301 W. 20th Street Joplin, MO 64804 Tel: 417-623-4544 Thursday, September 06, 2018 We are pleased to respond to your request for quotation with the following items. Please reference our quotation number on all related correspondence. If you have any questions or need additional information please give Jason Rector or myself a call. Best regards, Tristan Watson Inside Sales JCI Industries, Inc. Jason Rector Sales Engineer JCI Industries, Inc. Lj1ff//j Quote #: 0684192951TW 1.00 Budgetary Repair of KSB KRTK250.40/606XNGS Pump The following work will be completed: 1. Clean, disassemble and inspect 2. Replace the following parts: - Gaskets - O -Rings - Mechanical Seals - Shaft Sleeve - Bearings 3. Assemble, pressure test and paint JCI Industries, Inc. 2301 W. 20th Street Joplin, MO 64804 Tel: 417-623-4544 Thursday, September 06, 2018 $19,287.00 Terms & Conditions Lead Time 6 Weeks After Receiving Order Payment Terms Net 30 Shipping Method Best Way Shipping Terms Prepaid and Added to Invoice F.O.B. Warehouse This Quotation is valid for 30 days. STANDARD TERMS OF SALE JCI Industries, Inc. 2301 W. 20th Street Joplin, MO 64804 Tel: 417-623-4544 1. Applicable Terms. These terms govern the purchase and sale of the equipment and related services, if any (collectively, "Equipment"), referred to in Seller's purchase order, quotation, proposal or acknowledgment, as the case may be ("Seller's Documentation"). Whether these terms are included in an offer or an acceptance by Seller, such offer or acceptance is conditioned on Buyer's assent to these terms. Seller rejects all additional or different terms in any of Buyer's forms or documents. 2. Payment. Buyer shall pay Seller the full purchase price as set forth in Seller's Documentation. Unless Seller's Documentation provides otherwise, freight, storage, insurance and all taxes, duties or other governmental charges relating to the Equipment shall be paid by Buyer. If Seller is required to pay any such charges, Buyer shall immediately reimburse Seller. All payments are due within 30 days after receipt of invoice. Buyer shall be charged the lower of 1 Y2% interest per month or the maximum legal rate on all amounts not received by the due date and shall pay all of Seller's reasonable costs (including attorneys' fees) of collecting amounts due but unpaid. 3. Delivery. Delivery of the Equipment shall be in material compliance with the schedule in Seller's Documentation. 4. Ownership of Materials. All devices, designs (including drawings, plans and specifications), estimates, prices, notes, electronic data and other documents or information prepared or disclosed by Seller, and all related intellectual property rights, shall remain Seller's property. Seller grants Buyer a non-exclusive, non -transferable license to use any such material solely for Buyer's use of the Equipment. Buyer shall not disclose any such material to third parties without Seller's prior written consent. 5. Changes. Seller shall not implement any changes in the scope of work described in Seller's Documentation unless Buyer and Seller agree in writing to the details of the change and any resulting price, schedule or other contractual modifications. This includes any changes necessitated by a change in applicable law occurring after the effective date of any contract including these terms. 6. Warranty. Subject to the following sentence, Seller warrants to Buyer that the Equipment shall materially conform to the description in Seller's Documentation and shall be free from defects in material and workmanship. The foregoing warranty shall not apply to any Equipment that is specified or otherwise demanded by Buyer and is not manufactured or selected by Seller, as to which (i) Seller hereby assigns to Buyer, to the extent assignable, any warranties made to Seller and (ii) Seller shall have no other liability to Buyer under warranty, tort or any other legal theory. If Buyer gives Seller prompt written notice of breach of this warranty within 18 months from delivery or 1 year from acceptance, whichever occurs first (the "Warranty Period"), Seller shall, at its sole option and as Buyer's sole remedy, repair or replace the subject parts or refund the purchase price therefor. If Seller determines that any claimed breach is not, in fact, covered by this warranty, Buyer shall pay Seller its then customary charges for any repair or replacement made by Seller. Seller's warranty is conditioned on Buyer's (a) operating and maintaining the Equipment in accordance with Seller's instructions, (b) not making any unauthorized repairs or alterations, and (c) not being in default of any payment obligation to Seller. Seller's warranty does not cover damage caused by chemical action or abrasive material, misuse or improper installation (unless installed by Seller). THE WARRANTIES SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION ARE SELLER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE WARRANTIES AND ARE SUBJECT TO SECTION 10 BELOW. SELLER MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE. 7. Indemnity. Seller shall indemnify, defend and hold Buyer harmless from any claim, cause of action or liability incurred by Buyer as a result of third party claims for personal injury, death or damage to tangible property, to the extent caused by Seller's negligence. Seller shall have the sole authority to direct the defense of and settle any indemnified claim. Seller's indemnification is conditioned on Buyer (a) promptly, within the Warranty Period, notifying Seller of any claim, and (b) providing reasonable cooperation in the defense of any claim. 8. Force Majeure. Neither Seller nor Buyer shall have any liability for any breach (except for breach of payment obligations) caused by extreme weather or other act of God, strike or other labor shortage or disturbance, fire, accident, war or civil disturbance, delay of carriers, failure of normal sources of supply, act of government or any other cause beyond such party's reasonable control. 9. Cancellation. If Buyer cancels or suspends its order for any reason other than Seller's breach, Buyer shall promptly pay Seller for work performed prior to cancellation or suspension and any other direct costs incurred by Seller as a result of such cancellation or suspension. 10. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY, NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING ELSE TO THE CONTRARY, SELLER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE OR OTHER INDIRECT DAMAGES, AND SELLER'S TOTAL LIABILITY ARISING AT ANYTIME FROM THE SALE OR USE OF THE EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID FOR THE EQUIPMENT. THESE LIMITATIONS APPLY WHETHER THE LIABILITY IS BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR ANY OTHER THEORY. 11. Miscellaneous. If these terms are issued in connection with a government contract, they shall be deemed to include those federal acquisition regulations that are required by law to be included. These terms, together with any quotation, purchase order or acknowledgement issued or signed by the Seller, comprise the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between the parties (the "Agreement") and supersede any terms contained in Buyer's documents, unless separately signed by Seller. No part of the Agreement may be changed or cancelled except by a written document signed by Seller and Buyer. No course of dealing or performance, usage of trade or failure to enforce any term shall be used to modify the Agreement. If any of these terms is unenforceable, such term shall be limited only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable, and all other terms shall remain in full force and effect. Buyer may not assign or permit any other transfer of the Agreement without Seller's prior written consent. The Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Delaware without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. 12. Credit Approval: If at any time information available on Purchaser's financial condition or credit history, in JCI's judgment, does notjustify the terms of payment specified herein, JCI may require full or partial payment in advance, or an acceptable for of payment guarantee such as a bank letter of credit, or other modifications to terms of payment. Backcharges: JCI shall not be liable for any charges incurred by Purchaser for work, repairs, replacements or alterations to the Products, without JCI's prior written authorization, and any adverse consequences resulting from such unauthorized work shall be Purchaser's full responsibility. 561,193 -00 -Supplemental Agreement No. 2 Allgeier, Martin and Associates, Inc. Date: Whereas, the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas (owner) and Allgeier, Martin and Associates, Inc. (Engineer) entered into an Agreement for Professional Engineering Services (Agreement) on December 5, 2017 by City of Fayetteville Resolution 262-17; and, Resolution 143-18, Supplemental Agreement no. 1 dated July 3, 2018. Whereas, the City of Fayetteville has requested that the Engineer perform additional services outside the scope of the Agreement. Now therefore, the following modifications will be made to the Agreement to include the additional services requested: Modifications: Section 2.1.1—the additional scope of services dated 08/30/2018 by Allgeier, Martin and Associates, Inc. to add a second construction contract per attached four pages Appendix A. 2. Section 5.1- the maximum not -to -exceed amount is increased $35,000.00 from $526,193.00 to $561,193.00. In witness whereof, the parties execute this Supplemental Agreement No. 2, to be effective on the date executed by the Mayor, City of Fayetteville and as noted above. Allgeier, Martin and Associates, Inc. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas M Mayor Lioneld Jordan AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES APPENDIX A — SCOPE OF SERVICES This is Appendix A, consisting of four (4) pages, referred to in and part of the Agreement For Professional Services between the CITY OF FAY TTEVILI_,E, ARKANSAS and ALLGEIER, MARTIN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. dated913v 1-2'--e)L9 Initial: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE r ALLGEIER, MARTIN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. L The following contains additional Scope of Services tasks: A.1 General Scope The work covered by this Amendment includes separating the original scope of work for the Agreement into an additional part. This additional part includes a faster schedule on the design, solicitation of bids for material and construction, contract procurement, inspection and construction support of the 15kV electrical upgrades and their associated 480V equipment to the Paul R. Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). This additional part will require one additional construction contract. A.2 Specific Scope of Services ALLGEIER, MARTIN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. shall provide a suitable engineering staff to obtain the necessary field information required to provide the following services: A.2.1 Biddin ALLGEIER, MARTIN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. shall prepare documentation and specifications and solicit bids for the project to qualified electrical contractors. This shall utilize one construction contract. ALLGEIER, MARTIN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. shall review all bids and recommend the lowest bidder. The contract shall cover all of the l5kV portions and their associated 480V equipment. A.2.2 Contract Procurement ALLGEIER, MARTIN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. shall review invoices from the successful bidder and make recommendations for payment to the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, AR. Z:IMUNICIPAUFayetteville ARIIGENERAL\Proposals1262-17 Noland WWTP\Agmt 2 PES Fayetteville.doex A— 14 022403 Once construction is completed, ALLGEIER, MARTIN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. shall perforin a closeout of the contract. A.2.3 Construction Su ort ALLGEIER, MARTIN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. shall provide construction support for the duration of the construction phase. This includes phone calls, e-mails, meetings and field visits. A.3 Project Deliverables The following shall be submitted to the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, AR.; Drawings and as -built records of new equipment at the Paul R. Noland WWTP Electrical schematics of new equipment at the Paul R. Noland WWTP AA Compensation In consideration of the performance of the foregoing services by ALLGEIER, MARTIN AND ASSOCIATES, INC., the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, AR. shall pay to ALLGEIER, MARTIN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. compensation as set forth in Section 5 of the Agreement for Professional Engineering Services, A.4.1 Attachments A.4.1.1 Exhibit A - ALLGEIER, MARTIN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Rate Schedule A.4.1.2 Exhibit B — Estimates of Expenses A.5 Schedule ALLGEIER, MARTIN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. will begin immediately on this contract procurement. AM shall prepare the contract and plans and specification documents for bid solicitations. AM shall then forward these documents to the city for review. Once approved, bid solicitation should take approximately eight weeks to complete. ZAMUNICIPAL\Fayetteville AMIGENERAL\Proposals\262-17 Noland WWTP\Agmt 2 PES Fayettevilie.doex A —15 022403 EXHIBIT A ALLGEIER, MARTIN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. RATE SCHEDULE 2018-2019 LABOR RATES Note: All pre -approved overtime hours shall be invoiced at 1 I/2 times the hourly billing rate shown above. NON -LABOR RATES Item Travel Subsistence Lodging Special Postage or Shipping Printing Surveying Materials Subcontract Specialty Services Rate $0.54 per mile (or current IRS rate) Actual Cost Actual cost Actual cost ,Actual cost Actual cost Cost + 10% Z:\MUNICIPALTayetteville ARUGENERAUProposals1262-17 Noland WWTP1Agmt 2 PES FayetteviIle.docx A —16 022403 Hourly Billing Rate 01/01/2018 01/01/2019 thru thru ' Classification 12/31/201$ 12/31/2019 Principal/Engineer IV $195 $199 Principal/Engineer Ill $180 $185 Principal/Engineer U $150 $155 Principal/Engineer I $140 $145 Designer III/GIS Specialist $132 $136 Designer/Technician III $112 $116 Designer/Technician II $80 $85 Designer/Technician 1 $75 $80 Two -Man GPS Survey Crew $185 $189 One -Man GPS Survey Crew $145 $150 Three -Man Survey Crew $201 $201 Two -Man Survey Crew $160 $165 Registered Land Surveyor H $170 $174 Registered Land Surveyor 1 $150 $155 Survey Crew Member $76 $80 Right of Way Specialist $116 $120 Project Representative III $112 $116 Project Representative 11 $100 $105 Project Representative 1 $92 $96 Clerical $70 $75 Print Specialist $70 $75 Note: All pre -approved overtime hours shall be invoiced at 1 I/2 times the hourly billing rate shown above. NON -LABOR RATES Item Travel Subsistence Lodging Special Postage or Shipping Printing Surveying Materials Subcontract Specialty Services Rate $0.54 per mile (or current IRS rate) Actual Cost Actual cost Actual cost ,Actual cost Actual cost Cost + 10% Z:\MUNICIPALTayetteville ARUGENERAUProposals1262-17 Noland WWTP1Agmt 2 PES FayetteviIle.docx A —16 022403 ESTIMATES OF EXPENSES Paul R. Noland WWTP Electrical Upgrades Engineer III 112 hrs. $20,160 Technician 171 30 hrs. $3,360 Clerical 147 hrs. $10,290 Print Specialist 14 hrs. $980 Non -Labor Costs 210 Subtotal Estimated Engineering Cost $35,000 Total Cost for Engineering $35,000 ZAMUNICIPALWayetteville AR\1GENERAL\Proposals\262-17 Noland WWTP\Agmt 2 PES Fayetieville.docx A-17 022403