HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE 6047113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Ordinance: 6047 File Number: 2018-0053 RZN 17-6034 (2468 N. CROSSOVER RD./JONES): AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZN 17- 6034 FOR APPROXIMATELY 4.40 ACRES LOCATED AT 2468 NORTH CROSSOVER ROAD FROM RSF-2, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 2 UNITS PER ACRE TO NS -L, NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES -LIMITED BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby changes the zone classification of the property shown on the map (Exhibit A) and the legal description (Exhibit B) both attached to the Planning Department's Agenda Memo from RSF-2, Residential Single Family, 2 Units per Acre to NS -L, Neighborhood Services -Limited. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1. PASSED and APPROVED on 3/20/2018 Attest: Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Treasupwil+l,rtll, • r s OF Pk W `111111t1t0 Page 1 Printed on 3121118 RZN17-6034 JERRY JONES 17-6034 Close up view EXHIBIT "A' HARpV 0 P-1 Legend Planning Area Fayetteville City Limits Trail (Proposed) Building Footprint R -O Subject Property RSF-2 FIREWOOD DR RSF-4 R -A TOWNSHIP ST Feet 0 75 150 300 450 600 1 inch = 200 feet Res idential-Agricu Itu ral RS F-2 RSF-4 Residential -Office Commercial, Industrial, Residential P-1 17-6034 EXHIBIT "B` REZONING APPLICATION PARCEL INFORMATION Legal Description: PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 1!4) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 1/4) OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 17 NORTH, RANGE 29 WEST, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO -WIT: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF STATE HIGHWAY #265, SAID POINT BEING 555.02 FEET EAST AND 257.3 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID 40 ACRE TRACT. RUNNING THENCE EAST 324.56 FEET. THENCE ALONG AN EXISTING FENCELINE NORTH 3 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 17 SECONDS WEST 225.30 FEET, THENCE WEST 303.0 FEET TO A POINT ON THE RIGHT -0F -WAY OF STATE HIGHWAY #265, THENCE SOUTH I DEGREE 57 MINUTES WEST 225.0 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 1.62 ACRES. AND LATS 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, AND 006, LYNNWOOD ESTATES, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Text File File Number: 2018-0053 Agenda Date: 3/20/2018 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meeting File Type: Ordinance Agenda Number: B. 1 RZN 17-6034 (2468 N. CROSSOVER RD./JONES): AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZN 17-6034 FOR APPROXIMATELY 4.40 ACRES LOCATED AT 2468 NORTH CROSSOVER ROAD FROM RSF-2, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 2 UNITS PER ACRE TO NS -L, NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES -LIMITED BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby changes the zone classification of the property shown on the map (Exhibit A) and the legal description (Exhibit B) both attached to the Planning Department's Agenda Memo from RSF-2, Residential Single Family, 2 Units per Acre to NS -L, Neighborhood Services -Limited. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 312112018 Garner Stoll City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2018-0053 Legistar File ID 2/6/2018 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item 1/19/2018 City Planning/ Development Services Department Submitted By Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: RZN 17-6034: Rezone (2468 N. CROSSOVER RD./JONES, 294): Submitted by JERRY JONES for properties at 2468 N. CROSSOVER RD. The properties are zoned RSF-2, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 2 UNITS PER ACRE and contain approximately 4.40 acres. The request is to rezone the properties to NS -G, NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES -GENERAL. Account Number Project Number Budgeted Item? NA Does item have a cost? No Budget Adjustment Attached? NA Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Original Contract Number: Comments: Budget Impact: Current Budget Funds Obligated Current Balance Item Cost Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget Fund Project Title $ Approval Date: V20140110 I W CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO CITY OF ' AYETTEVI .LE ARKANSAS MEETING OF FEBRUARY 6, 2018 TO: Mayor, Fayetteville City Council THRU: Andrew Garner, Planning Director FROM: Harry Davis, Current Planner DATE: January 19, 2018 SUBJECT: RZN 17-6034: Rezone (2468 N. CROSSOVER RD./JONES, 294): Submitted by JERRY JONES for properties at 2468 N. CROSSOVER RD. The properties are zoned RSF-2, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 2 UNITS PER ACRE and contain approximately 4.40 acres. The request is to rezone the properties to NS -G, NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES -GENERAL. RECOMMENDATION: Planning Commission recommend approval of an ordinance to rezone the subject property to NS- G, Neighborhood Services -General, as shown in the attached Exhibits `A' and 'B'. City Planning staff recommend approval of the original request of NS -L, Neighborhood Services -Limited. BACKGROUND: The subject property totaling approximately 4.40 acres is located near the intersection of Crossover Road and Township Street. The parcel is zoned RSF-2, Residential Single-family, 2 Units per Acre and is mostly undeveloped, except for one existing home. Request: The request is to rezone the parcel from RSF-2, Residential Single-family, 2 Units per Acre to NS -G, Neighborhood Services -General. The applicant stated the rezoning is needed to allow small offices to be developed on the property after unsuccessfully marketing the property for 11 years as residential. The original request before Planning Commission was for NS -L, Neighborhood Services -Limited. The request was proposed to be modified to NS -G, Neighborhood Services -General, by the Planning Commission and the applicant agreed. Land Use Compatibility: The originally proposed zoning of NS -L is compatible with the surrounding properties along a busy state highway. Neighborhood Services -Limited contains a number of different residential and non-residential uses that are intended to be low in impact on nearby residential properties. Commercial uses will have a maximum amount of 3,000 square feet, measured as gross -floor area, allowed in one building. This maintains a bulk and area pattern language compatible with single-family detached dwellings. NS -G would move away from typologies and building footprints that could become incompatible with nearby properties by allowing commercial buildings up to 8,000 square feet in size. Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street v+ �ww.fayetteville-aLgov Fayetteville, AR 72701 Land Use Plan Analysis: Staff believes that the NS -L proposal is compatible with the goals in City Plan 2030, adopted land use policies, and the future land use designation for this location. This property, designated as a Residential Area, is intended to be residential in nature, but does encourage some commercial uses at major intersections and along connecting corridors. Furthermore, NS -L promotes traditional neighborhood development by providing services within walking distance of residents in the area and requiring new buildings be located closer to the street. NS -G would be out of context with the surrounding building scale and mass. This is in contrast to City Plan Goal #1 "We will make appropriate infill and revitalization our highest priority". DISCUSSION: On January 8, 2018, the Planning Commission forwarded the proposal to City Council with a recommendation for approval of NS -G (not the applicant's initial request for NS -L) by a vote of 7- 1-0. Commissioner Brown dissented to the motion and the applicant stated agreement with the Commission's recommendation. Significant public comment was made against the proposal citing safety, traffic, and general incompatibility. Public comment sent to the Planning Division after the Planning Commission meeting has been attached to this report. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: N/A Attachments: ■ Exhibit A • Exhibit B ■ Application ■ Public Comment ■ Planning Commission Staff Report RZN17-6034 JERRY JOKES Close Up View R -O NpROY LN Subject Property RPYD V'SRi,,J xt�� 0 RS F-2 P-1 Legend �- - - Planning Area ' Fayetteville Cit Limits Feet '---� Y Y Trail (Proposed) 0 75 150 300 450 Building Footprint 1 inch = 200 feet 17-6034 EXHIBIT 'A" FlREWOOD DR RSF-4 R.A TOWNSHIP ST 'J& NORTH Re s dentia I -A g ri cu I to ra I RS F-2 RS F-4 Residential -Office Commercial, Industrial, Residential 600 P-1 17-6034 EXHIBITS' REZONING APPLICATION PARCEL INFORMATION Legal Description: PARI' OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 114) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 1/4) OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 17 NORT", RANGE 24 WEST, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, fo-WIT. BEGINNING ATA POINT ON THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF STATE HIGHWAY #265, SAID 'POINT BEING 555.02 FEET EAST AND 257.3 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID 40 ACRE TRACT, RUNNING] III:NCE EAST 324.56 FEET. THENCE ALONG AN EXISTING FENCELINE NORTH 3 DEGREES 32 N41NUTES 17 SECONDS WEST 225.30 FEET, THENCE WEST 303.0 FEET -ro A, POINT ON THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF STATE EHGI IWAY #265, THENCE: SOUTH I DEGREE 57 MINUTES WEST 225,0 FEr'T CO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 1.62 ACRES. AND LOTS 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, AND 006, LYNNWOOD ESTATES, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF FAYEM V ILLE, ARKANSAS CITY OF FAVE' rEVILLE, ARKANSAS REZONING FOR STAFF USE ONLY FEE. $325.00 Date Application Submitted: Sign Fee: $5.00 Date Accepted as Complete: S -T -R: Case /Appeal Number: PP##: Public Hearing Date: Zone: Please fill out this fonn completely, supplying all necessary information and documentation to support your, request. Your application will not be placed on the Planning Commission agenda until this information is ferrnished. Application: Indicate one contact person for this request: X Applicant (person snaking request): Name: Jerry W Jones Lynn Rogers Address: 2468 N. Q[ mmer Ed, Fayetteville, AR 72703 Phone: (479 ) 841-8748 ( 479 ) 841-8759 Fax: { y Site Address / Location: 3468 N Crossover Rd. Fayetteville, AR 72703 Applicant Representative Representative (engineer, surveyor, realtor, etc.): Name: Rick §helign Address: 3589 N. College Ave Fayetteville, AR 72703 Phone: ( 479 ) 530-6989 Fax: ( 479 ) 444-7546 Current Zoning District: RSF-2 Requested Zoning District: NS -L Assessor's Parcel Number(s) for subject property: _765-2S�i1 765-25918-000, 765-25919-000, 765-25920-000 FINANCIAL INTERESTS The following entities and / or people have financial interest in this project: Property Owner (Applicant) Only March 2014 Page 1 APPLICANT/REPRESENTATIVE: I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements and answers herein made all data, information, and evidence herewith submitted are in all respects, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and correct. I understand that submittal of incorrect or false information is grounds for invalidation of application completeness, determination, or approval. I understand that the City might not approve what I am applying for, or might set conditions on approval. Name(printed : Jerry W. Jones; Lynn Rogers Date: 12/1/2017 PROPERTY OWNER(S) IAUTHORIZFFD AGENT: I/we certify under penalty of perjury that I am/we are the owner(s) of the property that is the subject of this application and that Ywe have read this application and consent to its filing. (Ifsigned by the authorized agent, a letter frons each property owner must be provided indicating that the agent is authorized to act on his/her behalf.) Property Owners of Record (attach additional info if necessal y): Name(printed): Jerry W. Jones Date:! 12 ! Name (printed): Lynn Rogers Si nature: Date: ! e 1 Address: 2468 N. C[ossover Rd. T Fa etteville AR 72703 Phone: ( 479 ) 841-8748 Address: 2468 N. Crossover Rd- Fayetteville, d.Fa etteville, AR 72703 Phone: ( 479 1 841-8759 Rezoning Checklist: Attach the folloiving items to this application: (1) Payment in full of applicable fees for processing the application: $325.00 application fee $5.00 public notification sign fee (2) A legal description of the property to be rezoned. A survey may be required if the property description can not accurately be platted or if it is described by referring to other deeds. (3) CD containing a copy of the legal description in MS Word and all required submittal items should be also included on the CD in PDF format. (4) A copy of the county parcel map from the Washington County Assessor's office or from the Washington County website {u±ww.co.w�tshinttc�it.ar.us). The subject property and all adjacent parcels should be identified on this parcel neap. The owner's name, official mailing address, and the parcel number for every adjacent property shall be shown on this map. Varch ?014 Page 2 (5) A written description of this request addressing the following items: a. Current ownership information and any proposed or pending property sales. b. Reason (need) for requesting the zoning change. C. Statement of how the proposed rezoning will relate to surrounding properties in terms of land use, traffic, appearance, and signage. d. Availability of water and sewer (state size of lines). This information is available from the City Engineering Division. e. The degree to which the proposed zoning is consistent with land use planning objectives, principles, and policies and with land use and zoning plans. f. Whether the proposed zoning is justified and/or needed at the time of the request. g. Whether the proposed zoning will create or appreciably increase traffic danger and congestion. h. Whether the proposed zoning will alter the population density and thereby undesirably increase the load on public services including schools, water, and sewer facilities. i. Why it would be impractical to use the land for any of the uses permitted under its existing zoning classification. (6) The applicant is responsible for meeting the public notification requirements for a Rezoning listed on the Notification Requirements pages in this application. Notice: Resources including current zoning regulations, City Plan 2030, Future Land Use Plan, Master Street Plan and Zoning maps are available for review on our website, and in the Planning Office. All applicants should meet with a staff Planner prior to completing a Rezoning application. March 10/4 Page 3 From: Planning To: Qua Harry Oct Curth. Athan; Thompson, Own Subject: FW: Oppose Rezoning 2466 N. Crossover to NS-L Date: Tuesday, January 09, 2015 10:57:52 AM Attachments: tinmeDOI.Am FYI Andy Harrison Development Coordinator Planning Division 125 W. Mountain City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 aharrisort�Yfavelleyille-ar.no+r) T 479.575.8267 1 F 479.575.8202 Website I Facebook I Twitter I lnstaaram I Yszu-[ice CITY Or IOM FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS From: Klaus, Richard [mailto:klaus.ra@pg,com] Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 9:04 AM To: Planning <planning@fayetteville-ar.gov>; Bunch, Sarah <ward3_pos2@fayetteville-ar.gov>; City_Attorney <clty_attorney@fayetteville-ar.gov>; Tennant, Justin <ward3_posl@fayetteville-ar.gov>; Garner, Andrew <agarner@fayetteville- ar.gov> Cc: KLAUS, Andrea <klaus-am@pg.com>; Mayor <Mayor@fayetteville-ar.gov> Subject: RE: Oppose Rezoning 2468 N. Crossover to NS -L Dear Planning Commission, Justin, Kit, and Sarah— I am very dissapointed that the area at 2468 N. Crossover was rezoned from Residential to Neighborhood Services -General (which is even more broad then the Posted Hearing request for NS -L) at last night's Planning Commission. I strongly support maintaining the approved City Plan 2030 scope to maintain this land use as Residential. Can you please help me to understand how this type of decision is possible when it goes against the City Plan 2030 (see Future Land Use Plan below)? If we are not going to follow the City Plan 2030, but only use it as a loose guideline, then whey was all the energy put into this by the community in 2011? This is a very slippery slope that can have much broader impacts to our community. Kindly seeking to understand both this decision and your commitments to the City Plan 2030? Also, seeking to understand how the Planning Commission can approve a more broad rezoning when this was not even posted / communicated in advance of the Planning Commission meeting? City Plan 2030 Future Land Use Plan ReKp7af•• `68.:16:1 � i -� f fBiWk bNldU5k il130 <IA" 5 -. . rRr�trrp-1�,+i 1 IApy f -r.YMq+'.yas 6vrs Yy.r k•�eyit .ate �-'ry .•r 11 Wichard Klaus 91%7 Customer Supply m (513) 288-1800 .5lWo6ire 1 (513) 715-8058Tax "All Pricing, Promotion and Distribution decisions are at the sole discrelion of the retailer. This elechronic message transmission contains information vvhich may be confidential. The information is intended for the use of the individual or entih• named above. I(you are not the intended recipient and have receive([ this electronic transmission in error, please notil"v sender then delete immediately." From: Klaus, Richard Sent: Monday, January 08, 2018 1:31 PM To: f>tanning favetteville-ar.eoy Cc: KLAUS, Andrea < 1aus.amin0pg.com>; ward3 nos) a@fay L Valk -ar ❑v Subject: Oppose Rezoning 2468 N. Crossover to NS -L Planning Commission — I am writing to share my Opposition to Rezoning 2468 N. Crossover to NS -L from currently being Residential (vs. current RSF-2). I cannot attend the Planning Commission meeting today and would appreciate your inclusion of my opposition. My opposition is based on the following: Rezoning to HS -L isnot In allgoMent with the City Plan 203 1. Plan stresses an "increase In economic value" —Adding additional commercial space is not warranted based on current excess available commercial space available throughout the city (especially In the immediate area of Crossover -Joyce + Crossover - Mission). There are —250 commercial properties available for sale or lease in Fayetteville, many in the Immediate area being discussed. 2. In the 2030 Plan Residential Guiding Policies— "e. Encourage a development scale to maintain compatibility, use and proportionality between a variety of residential and nonresidential land uses." —There is sufficient non-residential space (build and open land) available a short walking or biking distance at the Crossover intersections of Mission /Joyce with sidewalks already connecting. Adding additional commercial space between these key hubs does not meet the intent to maintain "... compatibility, use and proportionality..." Additionally: 1. A clear plan has not been laid out forthe use of this land if rezoned. 2. This topic is being revisited with the Planning Dept + Commission and has already been denied previously by the City Council. Thank you very much for your time and consideration in this matter *chard Kfaus NA CustomerSuppfy 2 (513) 288-1800 Mobile I (513) 715-8058EFa7c "All Pricing, Promotion and Distribution decisions are at the sole discretion of the retailer. This electronic message transmission contains information which maybe confidential. The information is intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient and have received this electronic transmission in error, please notify sender then delete immediately." W4 'IV CITY of PLANNING COMMISSION MEMO) FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS TO: City of Fayetteville Planning Commission THRU: Andrew Garner, City Planning Director FROM: Harry Davis, Planner MEETING DATE: January8, 2018 UPDATED W RESULTS SUBJECT: RZN 17-6034: Rezone (2468 N. CROSSOVER RD./JONES, 294): Submitted by JERRY JONES for properties at 2468 N. CROSSOVER RD. The properties are zoned RSF-2, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 2 UNITS PER ACRE and contain approximately 3.90 acres. The request is to rezone the properties to NS -L, NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES -LIMITED. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding RZN 17-6034 to City Council with a recommendation for approval based upon the findings herein. BACKGROUND: The subject property totaling 3.90 acres is located near the intersection of Crossover Road and Township Street. The parcel is zoned RSF-2, Residential Single-family, 2 Units per Acre and is mostly undeveloped, except for one existing home. The surrounding land use and zoning is in Table 1. Table 1 Surrounding Land Use and Direction from Land Use Site North Residential South Residential East Residential West Residential; Church Zoning R -O, Residential Office R -A, Residential Agricultural_ R -A, Residential Agricultural R-PZD, Residential Planned Zoninq District; P-1, Institutional Request: The request is to rezone the parcel from RSF-2, Residential Single-family, 2 Units per Acre to NS -L, Neighborhood Services - Limited. The applicant stated the rezoning is needed to allow small offices to be developed on the property after unsuccessfully marketing the property for 11 years as residential. Public Comment: Staff has not received any public comment as of writing this report. Public comment was received prior to PC and has been attached to this report. Public comment, both prior to and at PC, was generally in opposition to the proposal for safety, traffic, and compatibility issues. Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 INFRASTRUCTURE: Streets: The subject parcel has access to North Crossover Road. Crossover Road is an improved four lane asphalt street with sidewalk, curb and gutter, and storm drains. A multi -use trail is planned for the east side of Crossover Road along these parcels' frontage. Any street improvements required in these areas would be determined at the time of development proposal. Water: Public water is available to the site. There is a 24 -inch transmission main and 2 - inch water main along the subject parcels' frontage on Crossover Road. The 24 - inch line is not available for service connections, but existing hydrants on this line may be used for main extension tie-in points. Sewer: Sanitary Sewer is available to the site. There is an existing 8 -inch main along the subject parcels' frontage on Crossover Road. Drainage: No portion of this property is identified as FEMA regulated floodplains. No part of the parcel lies within the HHOD and there are no 15% slope areas identified onsite. There are no protected streams on this parcel. There are no hydric soils identified on this parcel. Any additional improvements or requirements for drainage will be determined at time of development. Fire: The Fire Department expressed no concerns with this request. Police: The Police Department expressed no concerns with this request. CITY PLAN 2030 FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: City Plan 2030 Future Land Use Plan designates the properties within the proposed rezone as Residential Neighborhood Area. These areas are primarily residential in nature and support a variety of housing types of appropriate scale and context, including single family, multifamily and rowhouses. Residential Neighborhood encourages highly connected, compact blocks with gridded street patterns and reduced setbacks. It also encourages traditional neighborhood development that incorporates low -intensity non- residential uses intended to serve the surrounding neighborhood, such as retail and offices, on corners and along connecting corridors. FINDINGS OF THE STAFF A determination of the degree to which the proposed zoning is consistent with land use planning objectives, principles, and policies and with land use and zoning plans. Finding: Land Use Compatibility: The proposed zoning is compatible with the surrounding properties along a busy state highway. Neighborhood Services Limited, contains a number of different residential and non-residential uses that are intended to be low in impact on nearby residential properties. Commercial uses will have a maximum amount of gross -floor area allowed in one building. This maintains a bulk and area pattern language compatible with single-family detached dwellings. Any uses in the proposed zoning district must meet Fayetteville's noise ordinances for residential properties. Land Use Plan Analysis: Staff believes that the proposal is compatible with the goals in City Plan 2030, adopted land use policies, and the future land use designation for this location. This property, designated as a Residential G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2017\Development Review\17-6034 RZN 2468 N. Crossover Rd. (Jones) 294 Area, is intended to be residential in nature, but does allow for some commercial uses at major intersections and along connecting corridors. Furthermore, NS -L promotes traditional neighborhood development by providing services within walking distance of residents in the area and requiring new buildings be located closer to the street. 2. A determination of whether the proposed zoning is justified and/or needed at the time the rezoning is proposed. Finding: Staff does believe the applicant has given sufficient justification for rezoning the property to NS -L. 3. A determination as to whether the proposed zoning would create or appreciably increase traffic danger and congestion. Finding: Rezoning the property to NS -L has the potential to increase traffic in this area as the site develops. Given the size of the property and uses allowed in NS -L districts, lower intensities of uses would not create or exacerbate dangerous traffic situations. Crossover Road (Highway 265) has been fully improved as a boulevard arterial section. 4. A determination as to whether the proposed zoning would alter the population density and thereby undesirably increase the load on public services including schools, water, and sewer facilities. Finding: Rezoning this property from RSF-2 to NS -L would potentially increase the population density and use of city services at this location, but staff does not believe this would have a burdensome impact. 5. if there are reasons why the proposed zoning should not be approved in view of considerations under b (1) through (4) above, a determination as to whether the proposed zoning is justified and/or necessitated by peculiar circumstances such as: a. It would be impractical to use the land for any of the uses permitted under its existing zoning classifications; b. There are extenuating circumstances which justify the rezoning even though there are reasons under b (1) through (4) above why the proposed zoning is not desirable. Finding: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Planning staff recommends forwarding RZN 17-6034 to City Council with a recommendation for approval. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I motion to forward RZN 17-6034 to City Council with a recommendation for approval." G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2017\Development Review\17-6034 RZN 2468 N. Crossover Rd. (Jones) 294 LANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Required YES January 8, 2018 Motion: Hoffman Second: Quinlan Note: 7-1-0 BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: None D Tabled P Forwarded 7 Denied Motion to forward to CC with a recommendation for NS -G Motion passes; Commissioner Brown dissenting Attachments: • Unified Development Code sections 161.06, • Request letter • Rezone exhibit • One Mile Map • Close -Up Map • Current Land Use Map ■ Future Land Use Map 161.18, and 162.01(L) G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2017\Development Review\17-6034 RZN 2468 N. Crossover Rd. (Jones) 294 %F CITY OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEMO FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS 161.06 -District RSF-2, Residential Single - .Front Side Rear Family - Two (2) Units Per Acre 30 feet 15 feet 30 feet (A) Purpose. To provide a single-family dwelling transition zone between single-family neighborhoods that have developed with larger lot sizes (1 acre and over) and areas that have developed with smaller lot sizes (8,000 square feet), and to permit and encourage the development of low density detached dwellings in suitable environments, as well as to protect existing development of these types. (B) Uses. (C) Permitted Uses. Unit 1 City-wide uses by right Unit 8 Single-family dwellings Unit 41 Accessory dwellings (D) Conditional Uses. Unit 2 City- ide uses by conditional use permit 'Unit 3 Public protection and utility facilities Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities Unit 5 Government facilities Unit 24 Home occupations Unit 36 Wireless communications facilities Unit 441 Cluster Housing Development (E) Density Units per acre 2 (F) Bulk and Area Regulations. Lot width minimum 100 feet Lot area minimum 17,860 square feet Land area per dwelling unit 17,860 square feet (G) Setback Requirements. (H) Building Height Regulations IBuildina Heieht Maximum 1 45 feet I Height Regulations. Structures in this District are limited to a building height of 45 feet. Existing structures that exceed 45 feet in height shall be grandfathered in, and not considered nonconforming uses. (I) Building Area. None. (Code 1991, § 160.045; Ord. No. 3792, §4, 5-17- 94; Ord. No. 4100, §2 (Ex. A), 6-16-98; Ord. No. 4178, 8-31-99; Ord. No. 4858, 4-18-06; Ord. No. 5028, 6-19-07; Ord. No. 5128, 4-15-08; Ord. No. 5224, 3-3-09; Ord. No. 5462, 12-6-I1; Ord. No. 5921 _, §1, 11-1-16) Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 161.18 - NS -L, Neighborhood Services - Limited (A) Purpose. The NS -L Neighborhood Services - Limited district is designed to serve as a mixed use area of low intensity. Neighborhood Services promotes a walkable, pedestrian -oriented neighborhood development form with sustainable and complementary neighborhood businesses that are compatible in scale, aesthetics, and use with surrounding land uses. For the purpose of Chapter 96: Noise Control, the Neighborhood Services district is a residential zone. (B) Uses. (1) Permitted Uses. Unit 1 City-wide uses by right Unit 8 Single-family dwellings Unit 9 Two 2 family dwellings Unit 10 Three 3 and four 4) family dwellings Unit 12a Limited Business Unit 24 Home occupations Unit 41 Accessory dwelling units Unit 44 Cluster housing development Note: Any combination of above uses is permitted upon any lot within this zone. Conditional uses shall need approval when combined with pre -approved uses. (2) Conditional Uses. !Unit 2 City-wide uses by conditional use !Unit 3 Public pyotection and utility facilities Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities Unit 5 Government facilities Unit 13 Eating laces !Unit 15 Neillhborhood shopping oods Unit 19 Commercial recreation, small sites Unit 25 Offices, studios and related services Unit 26 Multi -family dwellings Unit 36 Wireless communication facilities* nit 40 Sidewalk cafes (Unit 45 1 Small scale production (C) Density. nits per acre Ten 10 or less (D) Bulk and Area. (1) Lot Width Minimum, ;Sin le-familv 35 feet Two (2)family 35 feet `Three or more 35 feet .All other uses None (2) Lot Area Minimum. Single-family 4,000 square feet Two (2) family or 3,000 square feet of lot area per more dwelling unit .All other permitted and None conditional uses (E) Setback Regulations. (Front; A build -to zone that is located between 10 and 25 feet from the front property line. Side 5 feet Rear 15 feet (F) Building height Regulations. ;Building Height Maximum 45 feet (G) Building area. On any lot, the area occupied by all buildings shall not exceed 60% of the total area of the lot. (Ord. No. 5312, 4-20-10; Ord. No. 5462, 12-6-11; Ord. No. 5592, 6-18-13; Ord. No. 5664, 2-18-14; Ord. No. 5735, 1-20-15; Ord. No. .5800_, § 1(Exh. A), 10-6-15; Ord. No. 5921 , §1, 11-1-16; Ord. No. 5945, §§ 5, 6, 8, 1-17-17) G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2017\Development Review\17-6034 RZN 2468 N. Crossover Rd. (Jones) 294 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS • (L) Unit 12a. Limited Business. PLANNING COMMISSION MEMO (1) Description. Unit 12a consists of small-scale establishments offering commercial goods and services that are accessible for the convenience of individuals living in residential districts, while compatible in size, scale and appearance with the surrounding neighborhood. These uses shall be subject to the regulations in Chapter 164. All uses classified under Unit 12 must be within a building containing 3,000 square feet or less excluding areas dedicated to residential uses. (2)Included Uses. Personal Services: (Maximum gross floor area of 1500 square feet) • Day care " Dry Cleaning Salon/Barber shop Tailoring `3pecialized Retail: l'Maximum gross floor area of 2,000 square feet) • Antique/home decor sales . Apparel " Art/architectural supplies • Bakery, Pastry shops • Bicycle Shops • Book store • Coffee shop • Delicatessen • Dru store • Foodspecialty stores • Florist • Grocery • Hardware • Health food store • Hobby/Craft Stores • Ice cream • Meat Market • Restaurant/cafe • Small appliance repair • Stationary Store • Toy store • Video rental Professional 'Offices: (Maximum gross floor area of 3000 square feet) • Accountant • Architect • Attorney • Broker Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street wwww.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2017\Development Review\17-6034 RZN 2468 N. Crossover Rd. (Jones) 294 • Business/T\4mt Consultant • Doctor • Dentist • Enneer • Insurance Sales • Interior Designer • Optometrist • Realtor • Welfare a encu Studios for: (Maximum gross IRoor area of 3000 square feet) • Art • Dance • Music • Photo ra by • Pottery G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2017\Development Review\17-6034 RZN 2468 N. Crossover Rd. (Jones) 294 From: EarueL Andrew To: Davis. Harry Subject: FW: Opposing rezoning 2468 N Crossover to NS -L Date: Monday, January 08, 2018 2:00:48 PM Harry, Please save this email in the subject project file, forward it to the commissioners, and print hard copies to distribute to commissioners at tonight's meeting. Thanks, Andrew Andrew Garner, AICP City Planning Director City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 479.575.8262 Website I Facebook 1 Twitter I YouTube From: Stoll, Garner Sent: Monday, January 8, 2018 12:48 PM To: Garner, Andrew <agarner@fayetteville-ar.gov> Subject: FW: Opposing rezoning 2468 N Crossover to NS -L fyi From: Mayor Sent: Monday, January 8, 2018 11:27 AM To: Jordan, Lioneld <]jordanna fayetteville-ar.gov> Cc: Marr, Don <dmarrfc,7.fayetteville-argm>; Stoll, Garner <gstall@fayetteville-ar.gov> Subject: FW: Opposing rezoning 2468 N Crossover to NS -L fyi From: KLAUS, Andrea [mailto:klaus.amPpg.com] Sent: Monday, January 08, 2018 11:22 AM To: Mayor < aygrPfayetJey!IIg-ar.gQ > Cc: Klaus, Richard <klaus.ra0pg.com> Subject: Opposing rezoning 2468 N Crossover to NS -L Mayor Jordan, I am writing you to share my concern and opposition to rezoning 2468 N Crossover to anything besides residential. In addition to the standard concerns about impact to area value, traffic, noise, etc...; I have 2 specific data points to share. 1. There are currently 242 commercial properties for sale or lease in Fayetteville AR. Many are already on Crossover road (or very close) at Mission, Joyce, Huntsville and Zion Rd. These are in already commercial areas. There is no reason to disrupt our residential area with that much unused commercial property currently available. 2. Risk of increased crime when mixing residential and commercial. We have already seen an increase in neighborhood crime to the point I just installed security camera's this weekend. In my research, I found a 2013 study from behavioral scientistjames Anderson at RAND lb -al find mixing commercial with residential zgnes increases crime. They found that zoning indeed predicted the criminal activity of a neighborhood, with residential areas safest, followed by mixed-use residential and commercial zones, followed by commercial -only places. Their findings, published in the University of Pennsylvania Low Review ME lend support to the idea that city officials can improve the safety of a neighborhood by doing something as simple as zoning part of it for residential living. Can I have your support on in opposing this zoning change? We opposed this same rezoning a few years ago and it was voted down. I am disappointed this keeps coming back to the agenda. I live in the neighborhood behind, Candlewood. Thank you, Andrea f7ndrea Klaus Wy'C7'CustonnerSe1wce Operations OfannelGeader 479-571-5553 Work l S13-288-1600 Cell 513-277-6900 TaT Ics'afli Iin,t trl "AII Pricing, Promotion and Distribution decisions area( the sole discretion of the retailer. This electronic message transmission contains information which may be confidential. The information is intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient and have received this electronic transmission in error, please notify sender then delete immediately." From: Fiannin4 To: Davis, Harry Subject: FW: Oppose Rezoning 2468 N. Crossover to NS -L Date: Monday, January 08, 2018 2:33:05 PM Attachments: image001 rano Just found this. Andy Harrison Development Coordinator Planning Division 125 W. Mountain City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 @ h@ rrirzQn @fAygAtQvi I i e -a r. gov ) T 479.575.8267 1 F 479.575.8202 Web i e 1 Facebook I Twitter Instgrarn Y T CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS From: Klaus, Richard [mailto:klaus.ra@pg.com] Sent: Monday, January 08, 2018 1:31 PM To: Planning <planning@fayetteviIle-ar.gov> Cc: KLAUS, Andrea <klaus.am@pg.com>; Bunch, Sarah <ward3_pos2@fayetteville-ar.gov> Subject: Oppose Rezoning 2468 N. Crossover to NS -L Planning Commission - I am writing to share my Opposition to Rezoning 2468 N. Crossover to NS -L from currently being Residential (vs. current RSF-2). I cannot attend the Planning Commission meeting today and would appreciate your inclusion of my opposition. My opposition is based on the following: Rezoning to NS-! is -not in alignment with the City Plan 2030 1. Plan stresses an "increase in economic value" - Adding additional commercial space is not warranted based on current excess available commercial space available throughout the city (especially in the immediate area of Crossover -Joyce + Crossover -Mission). There are -250 commercial properties available for sale or lease in Fayetteville, many in the immediate area being discussed. 2. In the 2030 Plan Residential Guiding Policies - "e. Encourage a development scale to maintain compatibility, use and proportionality between a variety of residential and nonresidential land uses." -There is sufficient non-residential space (build and open land) available a short walking or biking distance at the Crossover intersections of Mission / Joyce with sidewalks already connecting. Adding additional commercial space between these key hubs does not meet the intent to maintain "...compatibility, use and proportionality..." Additionally: 1. A clear plan has not been laid out for the use of this land if rezoned. 2. This topic is being revisited with the Planning Dept + Commission and has already been denied previously by the City Council. Thank you very much for your time and consideration in this matter Wichard Klaus WA Customer Supply 2 (513) 288-1800 Mobile I (513) 715-8058Eax "All Pricing, Promotion and Distribution decisions are at the sole discretion of the retailer. This electronic message transmission contains information which may be confidential. The information is intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient and have received this electronic transmission in error, please notify sender then delete immediately." To: Ron Autry Chair, Fayetteville Planning Commission From: Lowell Grisham, 310 N. Washington Ave. Subject: Agenda Berra '17-60341,2468 K Crossover Road Dear Ron: I would like to offer a personal word of confidence on behalf of Jerry Jones whose re- zoning proposal is coming to the Planning Commission at the upcoming meeting. (17- 6034; 2468 N. Crossover Rd.) I've known Jerry for over 20 years. He is an active parishioner at St. Paul's Church, and we've become friends as well, making regular times for lunch visits. I know Jerry to be an honest, conscientious man of integrity. I've been to his home several times, and I am familiar with the tract of land he wishes to re -zone. It seems to me appropriate for commercial development — professional office, etc. The property is on the divided 4 -lane thoroughfare of Crossover. I can't imagine anyone wanting to build a house on that busy location. My main purpose is not to argue the particular merits of his proposal, but just to say that Jerry is a good guy. I've found him to be trustworthy and good-hearted. Thank you for your public service on the commission. It is a hard job. You've got my appreciation. Gratefully, (Tie Rev.) Lowell Grisham 310 N. Washington Avenue To: Neighbors of Lynnwood Estates Subdivision From: Jerry Jones and Lynn Rogers, 2468 N Crossover Rd., Fayetteville, AR 72703 Date: December (TBD) Re: New Zoning for Lynnwood Estates Dear Neighbor, My wife, Lynn, and I have decided to return to the City of Fayetteville to request rezoning of Lynnwood Estates from RSF-2 (Residential Single Family — 2 Dwellings per Acre) to NS -L (Neighborhood Services — Limited). After visiting with the City of Fayetteville Planning Staff and our Realtor", we believe that this is the highest and best use of the property. Our main purpose all along has been to sell lots and have beautiful homes built. We had no idea that the widening of Crossover Road would have such a negative effect on selling the property. We have had developers and potential buyers look at the property numerous times, but they have shown no interest. All say they don't feel people would want to live on the highway. We haven't even had anyone make an offer or commitment in the over 11 years we have been attempting to sell. Can you imagine trying to sell your home for that long with no success? Lynn and I want this property to have something built on it that we can all be proud of, therefore we believe Neighborhood Services Limited will encourage professional weekday, daytime business services to locate here, such as dentists, attorneys, CPA's or a pleasant coffee shop. Offices that each of us can walk to for services that will have little to no impact on the traffic. Please look at this rezoning request as an opportunity for all of us. We have the support of the City of Fayetteville staff, and we sincerely ask for you to support us, too. We believe when the land is sold and the development opportunities are implemented, under strict City of Fayetteville and Planning Services oversight, we will all have something to be proud of. You will receive another letter from us about the time and place of the Planning Commission meeting to take comments from the general public.. Please call me with any questions or stop by. My mobile number is 479-841-8748. Thank you. Highest Regards, Your Neighbors, Jerry Jones Lynn Rogers REZONING APPLICATION DETAILS (5) a. Current ownership information and any proposed or pending property sales. The property is currently owned by Jerry W. Jones and Lynn B. Rogers. There are no sales pending. b. Reason (need) for requesting the zoning change. After Highway 265 was widened, which lasted from 2011 to its October 2013, interest in building a home on the busy highway became non-existent. We have listed our property with different realty companies, with no results. Coldwell Banker has been very aggressive, but the main objection has always been that people don't want to build a home on a busy highway. Three different developers and multiple potential buyers have looked at the property. All say the highway is the problem. Pricing hasn't been an issue, but we haven't had a single offer. You can see our predicament. c. Statement of how the proposed rezoning will relate to surrounding properties in terms of land use, traffic, appearance and signage. The property adjacent to and north of Lynnwood Estates was rezoned to RO approximately four years ago. Directly across the street is a large parcel owned by St. John's Lutheran Church. We counseled with our realtor and decided to ask the city to rezone our property from RSf-2 (2 houses per acre) to Neighborhood Services Limited. We feel this zoning will encourage weekday, daytime businesses to locate here (dentist, attorney, CPA etc.) Offices that each of us can walk to for services that will have little to no impact on traffic. The appearance, of the offices will be similar to residential and the signage will meet all of the City's requirements. d. Availability of water and sewer (state size of lines) info is available from the City Engineering Division. Water and sewer lines are already laid on the west side of the property. e. The degree to which the proposed zoning is consistent with land use planning objectives, principles and policies and with land use and zoning plans. There isn't any Neighborhood Services Limited zoning within a reasonable distance of the property. This site is a beautiful setting for professional office buildings. f. Whether the proposed zoning is justified and/or needed at the time of the request. The area needs some professional services that are in walking distance of residents. g. Whether the proposed zoning will create or appreciably increase traffic danger and congestion. Since the widening of Crossover Road and changing it to one-way North, the NS -Limited zoning shouldn't increase the current traffic congestion or danger. h. Whether the proposed zoning will alter the population density and thereby undesirably increase the load on public services, including schools, and water and sewer facilities. Since so few buildings can be built on the limited space of 4.41 acres of Lynnwood Estates property, there should not be any load increase on public services. L Why would it be impractical to use the land for any of the uses permitted under its existing zoning classification? The present zoning of RSf-2 has failed to realize a willing buyer in years of attempts, making zoning that allows for professional offices and services the only truly viable option to sell the property. I �r pA(A�L• 7A5-21507609 1 Ilpgp! MIBA n YENki NPtt ( nT FWD � 1 inch - 9LI L E G E N 0 FO O ST FO ,WM —ss — —ss W Oks DI 2r7�50 e, RI - x --x -x --X --x — n I HEREBY CM" MAr Y7W WATER DISLWRF iW SYSTEM ANO SEWAGE C WFALPID RT rHr SHRTNYLSPQrT FTALr WET THE RECiOREMEMS OF THE A $ RD ar #m1w AW -4 xT v em E v awrR �iIP1LIGdIL17f.APP�e21�7 ec ersFFre ANn DRA7rL{�; 18 GERTUY Trur TNF STREET AN 7R' SMIFMS WSM"" i FU11Y k'EFT RLYNI7R CV' L1L. Carr EM01 N i�B,iAE1�27r aF APPROYAt eF p 125T7' TN-uFc 1 HEREBY CMJY ALIT 77MS fBIAL PLAT COARWCS WTTH SEL^7TdV IS9.7L OA71FR(S) DFACATMN OF ACRES OR PA':Rf-t.dFD. WARRANTY ADM FOR PARK LAND 95COMED AS FW.DW4 ODOK O: _ PAGE14 PARAS RFA"M REPRfSFi7rAAYE "?)"F. M&YAM L'i,RTJIAH�LY6l aF eD1Ln,FM crr—RAY. ! NCREtTY cE MLI THAT Au BIRLDING �T9 11, M 'S SHOWN ON ACCOROAMM WIA! 7HF C! Nr SE7&iCK RE ) s. ro DA-'—' ► r AWIIfRSrRATDR a � ST�I7rN'tiIF i!k" ARPA!Q YE g I a nl PL+7 WAS APPROYFD BY 7TfE FAYE7TEYILLd PfdNNING Ouk1 IT�- iD ' P �, 7 DA Tr Rf.FARY Ali i NfR 71 CM -I. �112..ACCA M I o ! NfRfBY cFRT7F +' THAT THE PIAN $NDWN AND DES."R1E'E;D NERFON IS A SVRL'EY AND TIMTNF MOR RAYL Baa MAM As STAFM HU 91f�` THE sod w5liOH REOL9Amvs Q OF ' AHR'ANSA: DATE DARFOlSA.+-PFO LAND SURVEYOR 1PNe7f'LSST0HAL LAND rEerR7rerc.�e �* nce7cAr�- WC, THE 69HO: smm OWNERS. RFI'RFSF.MAMO aw HUNDRED POPCOIT me REAP. ESTATE Noom AND OFSCIHRFD IN:Rm DD Homar OCDICAn OWNoUIRP. ALL SMUS AND AUSYS AS SHOWN GH ARS PUr fW P PRESCRIBES) BY LAW. TNF OWNERS ALSO OEAICArE TO TNF CITY OF fl PIPRLIC UMITY CWANIES (RPCLMNG ANY CAW TFCFYISILW COkPANY GRANTED DY THE CIrr OF FAYFrTFV7LU) THC fA5fArFMS AS SHOWN d "IMPOSE OF INSTALLIWN OF NEW FAC1L7nLS ANO INF REPA1R OF EAR u= FSTANJ3HEO HEREBY IS YW RICHY OF 7ASwos AND Eon= TO SAM, 5 T17 PROH&O THE ZRT7P78W LIT SMOIN4S STAWIVRES GR FENCES K ,[fl AND ME RICWT Ta AFUOYE OR TRW TRECS WITHIN SATO EAASFIWCHM RATE } BATF AE CERTKXdTL Of WE HERFOY CERIIFY TH47 ALL U7RIrr FASEYE7FTS. lNGLLIWNG CABLE n PLATTED Of TNS S119DMSTON ARE SHOWN AS REYTOESTW ANO WERE A UHMSNAYEO Hrwia or THE YKETnMYk.M ARIYAHSAS. _a2�4 DATE rRlc CA - a o AY Luh->oln r e DATE Cf1Y OF F'A}E"dlE4+lE �. SC871f1�d7x Gf APP�4GF swEWAtx COAC7RG'CTKRT OF ALL SLDLWAPA'$ SITALL OF INSPECrEO BY THE CRY C94k"rOR Ta rA7kPLY WITH THE CYST SPECIMAT1TINE+ THF DEM RE,%1ONSW.F FOR APE Ca!p IRLICT7RN ANDrKW OF ALL SIDEW, 17MAL PEAK � ��'-) 0A7r EhWA ER '.w SLBT7f aiTL '.APPROVAL OF TAF[ PROTE(,TLRLf d PAy (pyi k 1 I NEREBr CERnFY fuAr 0DS Pur NAS LYlwwo WITH THF RF"4 CnOH B 0RCAFYAVW ORBWANCL THA' CrrY OF FAYE't- �i LANTISCiPF ADM7TRSTP.ATOR RZN 17-6034 One Mile View 0 OV© ST JERRY JONES 0.125 0.25 0.5 Miles Subject Property C-1 P-1 RST -4 NORTH iI MISSION BLVD F Za�lna EXTRACT" NEaioENtiAl'ANDIFi�WANU4Y I�IR•I Legend COMMERtIAL _, RSF:; RGF-2 �- - 1 Planning Area FORM BASED DISTRICTS 1 9�Dwwmow�co,. 1RSF�e Fayetteville City Limits �Gb.nT umglere 4 - - - RESIDENTIAL MULTI -FAMILY Main slm.l c.m.r — - Shared Use Paved Trail .I, WRT-12 Re—tml Two and Thl m� MD avn wn Gan RMF6 0. RMF -12 BPMF -1e w rrt�n.�-,•, _ Trail (Proposed) L`Ir PLANNED ZONING DISTRICTS • _ Planning Area RMFdO s`"Lc' cwnmemial Ineus�iel Resieem®I Building Footprint I - INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTIONAL av� I-1 HaCommaaiel enE LgFI InEualnal : � p_I Fayetteville City Limits r� -2 G—ll.a.—I RZN 17-6034 Close Up View HPRO'( 0 RPr.n t4OO'o_R'4yy1 'ptAG P-1 Legend Planning Area �- - - Fayetteville City Limits Trail (Proposed) Building Footprint JERRY JONES R -O Subject Property RSF-2 FIREWOOD DR RS F-4 R -A TOWNSHIP ST Feet 0 75 150 300 450 600 1 inch = 200 feet A& NORTH Residential -Agricultural RS F-2 RS F-4 Residential -Office Commercial, Industrial, Residential P-1 'i ° � l � �F �� !�.` r� P / ',moi` Ir+ �' � ',' 'Y•yr �I�'r " * • 46 It hawi', , � . - .•- � cam, � IF rr wn Yi ��� 1 r F •• i _ � y��Jr1 `�•$ ti I • F' fii �; �. t I'R t I' d /1 � " n . lh'7�. J�'�t� � ' 'J •r. • a ilf ff Qr� iy... ;p 7 - •S A, e �,`I� vY�jFr� !1�• . • � -i � 4,°� - � �'� �! r e . E ! .r� � ,I , d f,r�r+' f � t'�'' RZN17-6034 JERRY JONES NORTH ARTH Future Lond Use O q v � O t3 O C0\Slzk Subject PropertyGr� J IL LLJ W y N > Q LL z w O w U) x W c� w LL J a Q x F- O Z U z O H m a. Q 2 TOWNSHIP ST DR OP�6S CO DR OPCS Ov G Legend FUTURE LAND USE 2030 Planning Area Feet Natural Area Residential Neighborhood Area �— Fayetteville City Limits City Neighborhood Area — — 0 145 290 580 870 1,160 Civic and Private Open Space/Parks Trail (Proposed);.` Civic Institutional 1 inch = 400 feet Building Footprint CityClerk From: KATE CARTER <katejcarter@hotmail.com> Sent: Monday, February 19, 2018 9:24 PM To: CityClerk;jcart2443@aol.com Subject: Caution for Rezoning request for 2468 N. Crossover/Jones Categories: Saved File, Forwarded To Whom it May concern: Please listen to our concerns about this school and neighborhood zone! Points to consider when making shared decision: Difficult for drivers traveling north to see traffic coming out of curb cuts due to elevation of Township. Cars can only turn north in or out, into high speed traffic. Cars traveling south will cut through Candlewood or Edenbrook's private driveway. Crossover Rd. is part of the Mayor's Box, planned to move traffic around town with a minimum of stops and a maximum flow. That's why the posted speed limit is 45mph. **School children walking to school face more traffic not paying attention to them. walkers are crossing Crossover on Township to go to Gulley Park. Thank you! Kate and Jason Carter Neighbor CityClerk From: brendagullettl . <brendagale.gullett@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, February 19, 2018 9:27 PM To: CityClerk Subject: Reference Rezoning request for 2468 N. Crossover/Jones. Sondra Smith, Please pass this on to the city council for 2/20/2018 meeting. We are very opposed to this re onin . Our concerns were overlooked by the Planning Commission. But, this would be a very unwise decision for many reasons. Thank you in advance for handling this. Brenda Gullett--brendagale.gullett@gmail.com--2709 N Candlewood Drive, 72703 POTENTIAL USES ALLOWED UNDER NS -G (Neighborhood Services — General) Multifamily units (apartments) and cluster housing Strip Center 8,000 Sq. Ft. office that would hold 40 employees plus customers, clients, etc. Sidewalk cafe or restaurant or fast food, although no drive through windows are allowed. Work/live units with shop/office on street level and housing 2 stories above. Building height allowable is 45 Ft. (4 stories, that's high!) TRAFFIC/SAFETY CONCERNS Difficult for drivers traveling north to see traffic coming out of curb cuts due to elevation of Township. Cars can only turn north in or out, into high speed traffic. Cars traveling south will cut through Candlewood or Edenbrook's private driveway. Crossover Rd. is part of the Mayor's Box, planned to move traffic around town with a minimum of stops and a maximum flow. That's why the posted speed limit is 45mph. School children walking to school face more traffic not paying attention to them. The only walkers are crossing Crossover on Township to go to Gulley Park. 2030 PLAN for CITY Crossover meant to be higher speed with minimal curb cuts. City wants to avoid spot zoning. This looks like that. Mission/Crossover businesses are accessible bysidewalknow. Brenda B. Gullett CityClerk From: Lori Jones <alliancelori@aol.com> Sent: Monday, February 19, 2018 9:36 PM To: CityClerk Subject: Rezoning request for 2468 N. Crossover/Jones Sondra Smith Re: Rezoning request for 2468 N. Crossover/Jones We are NOT in favor of the rezoning due to the following: TRAFFIC/SAFETY CONCERNS Difficult for drivers traveling north to see traffic coming out of curb cuts due to elevation of Township. Cars can only turn north in or out, into high speed traffic. Cars traveling south will cut through Candlewood or Edenbrook's private driveway. Crossover Rd. is part of the Mayor's Box, planned to move traffic around town with a minimum of stops and a maximum flow. That's why the posted speed limit is 45mph. School children walking to school face more traffic not paying attention to them. The only walkers are crossing Crossover on Township to go to Gulley Park. 2030 PLAN for CITY Crossover meant to be higher speed with minimal curb cuts. City wants to avoid spot zoning. This looks like that. Mission/Crossover businesses are accessible by sidewalk now. Jeff and Lori Jones Candlewood subdivision. CityClerk From: alexismyrf@gmail.com Sent: Monday, February 19, 2018 9:42 PM To: CityClerk Subject: Rezoning request for 2468 N. Crossover/Jones. Mrs. Smith, My name is Alexis Cox, my family and I live in Candlewood neighborhood. On behalf of my husband and I, we would like to ask that you please share these concerns regarding the rezoning with Mayor Jordan and City Council members. We are unable to attend the meeting tonight but feel very strongly against the rezoning that can affect our neighborhood, our children's safety and the overall safety of our schools! TRAFFIC/SAFETY CONCERNS Difficult for drivers traveling north to see traffic coming out of curb cuts due to elevation of Township. Cars can only turn north in or out, into high speed traffic. Cars traveling south will cut through Candlewood or Edenbrook's private driveway. Crossover Rd. is part of the Mayor's Box, planned to move traffic around town with a minimum of stops and a maximum flow. That's why the posted speed limit is 45mph. School children walking to school face more traffic not paying attention to them. The only walkers are crossing Crossover on Township to go to Gulley Park. Thank you so much, Alexis Cox 2607 n candlewood drive CityClerk From: Nan Smith -Blair <nsblair@uark.edu> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 7:55 AM To: CityClerk Subject: City Council Concern I am unable to attend the City Council's meeting tonight but wanted the Mayor and City Council members to be aware of my concerns on one of the agenda items. I am hopeful that the City Council will not approve the rezoning of 4 acres posted for Crossover next to the Candlewood Subdivision. The potential uses allowed under NS -G would allow multifamily units and cluster housing in addition to a strip center. I am concerned with the added traffic and noise that will be inflicted on the subdivision. It is difficult for drivers traveling north to see traffic coming out of curb cuts due to elevation of Township. Cars can only turn north in or out, into high speed traffic. Hence some cars traveling south will cut through Candlewood or Edenbrook's private driveway. Crossover Rd. is part of the Mayor's Box, planned to move traffic around town with a minimum of stops and a maximum flow. That's why the posted speed limit is 45mph. School children walking to school face more traffic not paying attention to them. Additionally, there are walkers crossing Crossover on Township to go to Gulley Park. Finally, Candlewood subdivision has always been a highly desirable subdivision due to its locaton to schools and shopping centers. Increasing the multiuse area could impact the character of the subdivision and decrease the value of our property. Please reconsider the proposal and vote against the rezoning. Best regards, Nan Smith -Blair Candlewood Subdivision Resident CityClerk From: Kathy Wade <kathywade5@att.net> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 9:19 AM To: CityClerk Subject: rezoning request for 2468 N. Crossover/Jones Ms. Smith, Please forward this to the Mayor and City Council Members. My name is Kathy Wade and I live at 2863 E. Township St. and I look out my front window at Mr. Jones' property, so I have a definite interest in how this property is zoned and developed. I will be at the Council meeting tonight. Thank you, Kathy Wade POTENTIAL USES ALLOWED UNDER NS -G (Neighborhood Services — General) a Multifamily units (apartments) and cluster housing Strip Center 8,000 Sq. Ft. office that would hold 40 employees plus customers, clients, etc. Sidewalk cafe or restaurant or fast food, although no drive through windows are allowed. Work/live units with shop/office on street level and housing 2 stories above. Building height allowable is 45 Ft. (4 stories) TRAFFIC/SAFETY CONCERNS Difficult for drivers traveling north to see traffic coming out of curb cuts due to elevation of Township. Cars can only turn north in or out, into high speed traffic. Cars traveling south will cut through Candlewood or Edenbrook's private driveway. Crossover Rd. is part of the Mayor's Box, planned to move traffic around town with a minimum of stops and a maximum flow. That's why the posted speed limit is 45mph. School children walking to school face more traffic not paying attention to them. The only walkers are crossing Crossover on Township to go to Gulley Park. 2030 PLAN for CITY Crossover meant to be higher speed with minimal curb cuts City wants to avoid spot zoning. This looks like that. Mission/Crossover businesses are accessible by sidewalk now. Last point, consider what commercial property backing up to Candlewood does to YOUR PROPERTY VALUE! Sent from Mail for Windows 10 CityClerk From: Morriss Henry <morrisshenry@icloud.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 10:17 AM To: CityClerk Subject: Rezoning 2468 n Crossover/Jones. Sondra Smith, I am opposed to a Change which would allow increased congestion at a busy crossroads near schools. When schools let out the students and autos increase traffic hazards at this corner now. This corner is one of the main exits from the schools. Sincerely. Morriss Henry Sent from my iPhone CityClerk From: Mike Yates <gohogs09@att.net> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 10:32 AM To: CityClerk Cc: eva.dave@cox.net; emadison@littler.com; Janette Litaker; Seth Terry; Curt Calaway; curt.calaway@tyson.com; Sandy Yates Subject: Rezoning request 2nd Reading on Council agenda tonight - 2468 Crossover/Jones Sondra, (Please forward this to my City Councilman, the Mayor, and others with a need to know.) As a resident of the Candlewood Subdivision, I like to voice my opposition against the rezoning request for 2468 Crossover/Jones that will be heard tonight by the Fayetteville City Council on second reading. I speak as a private citizen, not as an officer of the Candlewood POA. I'm concerned about this for many reasons, but primarily the following: 1. Traffic and safety concerns. Only northbound traffic on Crossover Road would be allowed access into and out of the establishment. Drivers coming southbound on Crossover would inevitably have to cut through Candlewood and/or Edenbrook to "turn around" and turn North at the light at the intersection of Township and Crossover in order to ultimately turn into the business establishment. We already have an after school parking problem on Candlewood Drive as for some reason parents of children who attend Vandegriff /McNair schools use Candlewood Drive as their personal parking lot to pick up their children. Let's don't compound it and make it even worse with cars cutting through Firewood and Candlewood Drive. School traffic currently park on both sides of Candlewood Drive, making it virtually impossible for cars to pass. Imagine the concerns we already have for our children's safety as even more drivers cut through our neighborhood and mostly ignore the posted speed limit on Candlewood Drive. 2. Concern over potential building heights of greater than 45 feet does not fit the adjacent area. Enough said. 3. This intersection is and has been for sometime mostly residential and has attracted citizens by the hundreds to live in neighborhoods surrounding the schools. Equally as important, these residents have invested invested an average of $400-600K to live in this area. And by the way we pay on average of $6,000 per year in property taxes. We trusted in our city/local governments to help protect our investment so that we could attend outstanding schools and support local businesses in this area. In other words, we chose Fayetteville, and may I (we) remind you we still have a choice. If the city agrees to make some of the proposed rezoning's that have been defeated repeatedly in the past, our residents could leave Fayetteville and move to Bentonville, Rogers or Springdale and take their property tax revenue with them which could potentially mean a loss of hundreds of thousands in lost property tax revenue to our Fayetteville Public Schools. And consider also the potential drop in Real Estate values which could also negatively impact revenue to our public schools in Fayetteville. Yet here we are again with another rezoning request that WE WERE NOT NOTIFIED OF. I'm very disappointed in my Councilman about the lack of notice.. I think that the residents in Candlewood, Covington Park and in Edenbrook have given enough. In Candlewood, we lost 40 feet of our beautifully landscaped entrance on Crossover already when the State widened the highway. Additionally, our friends in Covington Park and Edenbrook that live on Township have watched Traffic levels double and triple as drivers continue to use Township Rd to cut through to Hwy 45E. I could go on and on with multiple points, but I think you get the idea by now. I cannot attend the meeting in person this afternoon, but appreciate the opportunity to express myself and make my points above. My wife and I chose Fayetteville in 1988 because it is a beautiful city I believe has been recognized nationally for being a top -five place to live in the US. Let's keep it that way and help citizens protect their property values and keep their children safe while somehow finding creative ways to work with landowners along Crossover Rd. Thank you, Mike and Sandy Yates 2431 N. Candlewood Dr Fayetteville, AR 72703 Sent from my Wad CityClerk From: Bill Clark <billclarktax@aol.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 10:39 AM To: CityClerk Subject: Rezoning reclest for 2468 N. Crossover/Jones Hi Sondra, I am writing in hopes that you will pass this email along to the mayor and city council as the above issue is slated for review this evening. I reside at 2587 N Firewood Drive 72703 in the Candlewood subdivision. I attended the planning commission meeting in which they recommended the approval of the rezoning. Several issues of safety were raised by area residents as well as several on the commission itself. It was very evident that several of the commission members had made up their minds before the 'discussion' that night outright ignoring the safety concerns. Some of the safety concerns were: - Drivers traveling north on Crossover will go over a hill at the intersection of Township at 45-50 MPH and then immediately be upon the drives where the rezoning would take place. Even Mr. Jones made mention of the dangerous issue he has coming out of his driveway onto Crossover. - The intersection of Crossover and Township was not designed for U turns as it is in other places on Crossover. The only way to get to this rezoned area if coming south on Crossover would be by U-turn at the intersection or by entering township and then making a U turn where school children are present at certain times of day. - Residents may have the desire to walk to the rezoned area businesses. Although sidewalks are in place, its along a road that was designed to move traffic. I would not let my children walk there without supervision. Other concerns were made by residents and several commission members as well. Crossover was designed to be a road to move traffic north and south with minimal stops and maximum flow. Thus the 45 mph speed limit. By rezoning this parcel it lays the groundwork for future small parcels to be rezoned non-residential and thus significantly hinder traffic on Crossover. At present, Crossover between Joyce and Mission has significant slow downs and backups at the 'rush' hours of the day. There is also the historical 'domino' effect of such rezonings. Such a decision would open up other areas of Crossover to small retail/office. Not all at once but over time. Just think back to where College was at one point. But the immediate 'domino' effect in this particular case is found in the history of Mr. Jones's attempt to sell the property. He has tried to sell the property as residential for years according to him with no success. In order to increase the possibility of sale he joined with a neighbor behind him to create enough acreage for multiple dwellings and a small new street. This attempt to sell the combined property was also unsuccessful. So now Mr. Jones wants to rezone in a hope to sell his property. The 'domino' issue here is that the property of his neighbor will shortly be before the city asking for rezoning also. That will then put an even greater amount of retail/office at this location and cut back into the residential area. Setting a precedent of allowing retail/office rezoning to cut into neighborhoods, will most certainly make Fayetteville homeowners uncomfortable about any future subdivisions close to where rezoning could be an issue. In conclusion, while I laud Mr. Jones for trying this to sell his property, an individuals personal gains should not change the focus of an area or impede upon the residential values of their neighbors. This rezoning, and the soon to be rezoning of Mr. Jones's neighbor's adjacent parcel for sale, will in fact place offices in close proximity to no less than 9 houses in the Candlewood subdivision. (and not just the ones touching Crossover.) Thank you for your consideration and for your cooperation in leaving retail/office in areas where it has already been zoned for. William R. Clark CityClerk From: Sandy Yates <sandyy@shilohsaints.org> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 10:56 AM To: Mike Yates; CityClerk Cc: eva.dave@cox.net; emadison@littler.com; Janette Litaker; Seth Terry; Curt Calaway; curt.calaway@tyson.com Subject: RE: Rezoning request 2nd Reading on Council agenda tonight - 2468 Crossover/Jones I agree with all the concerns as stated below also as a concerned citizen and resident of Candlewood Subdivision. Sandy Yates -----Original Message ----- From: Mike Yates [mailto:gohogs09@att.net] Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 10:32 AM To: cityclerk@fayetteville-ar.gov Cc: eva.dave@cox.net; emadison@littler.com; Janette Litaker; Seth Terry; Curt Calaway; curt.calaway@tyson.com; Sandy Yates Subject: Rezoning request 2nd Reading on Council agenda tonight - 2468 Crossover/Jones Sondra, (Please forward this to my City Councilman, the Mayor, and others with a need to know.) As a resident of the Candlewood Subdivision, I like to voice my opposition against the rezoning request for 2468 Crossover/Jones that will be heard tonight by the Fayetteville City Council on second reading. I speak as a private citizen, not as an officer of the Candlewood POA. I'm concerned about this for many reasons, but primarily the following: 1. Traffic and safety concerns. Only northbound traffic on Crossover Road would be allowed access into and out of the establishment. Drivers coming southbound on Crossover would inevitably have to cut through Candlewood and/or Edenbrook to "turn around" and turn North at the light at the intersection of Township and Crossover in order to ultimately turn into the business establishment. We already have an after school parking problem on Candlewood Drive as for some reason parents of children who attend Vandegriff /McNair schools use Candlewood Drive as their personal parking lot to pick up their children. Let's don't compound it and make it even worse with cars cutting through Firewood and Candlewood Drive. School traffic currently park on both sides of Candlewood Drive, making it virtually impossible for cars to pass. Imagine the concerns we already have for our children's safety as even more drivers cut through our neighborhood and mostly ignore the posted speed limit on Candlewood Drive. 2. Concern over potential building heights of greater than 45 feet does not fit the adjacent area. Enough said. 3. This intersection is and has been for sometime mostly residential and has attracted citizens by the hundreds to live in neighborhoods surrounding the schools. Equally as important, these residents have invested invested an average of $400-600K to live in this area. And by the way we pay on average of $6,000 per year in property taxes. We trusted in our city/local governments to help protect our investment so that we could attend outstanding schools and support local businesses in this area. In other words, we chose Fayetteville, and may I (we) remind you we still have a choice. If the city agrees to make some of the proposed rezoning's that have been defeated repeatedly in the past, our residents could leave Fayetteville and move to Bentonville, Rogers or Springdale and take their property tax revenue with them which could potentially mean a loss of hundreds of thousands in lost property tax revenue to our Fayetteville Public Schools. And consider also the potential drop in Real Estate values which could also negatively impact revenue to our public schools in Fayetteville. Yet here we are again with another rezoning request that WE WERE NOT NOTIFIED OF. I'm very disappointed in my Councilman about the lack of notice.. I think that the residents in Candlewood, Covington Park and in Edenbrook have given enough. In Candlewood, we lost 40 feet of our beautifully landscaped entrance on Crossover already when the State widened the highway. Additionally, our friends in Covington Park and Edenbrook that live on Township have watched Traffic levels double and triple as drivers continue to use Township Rd to cut through to Hwy 45E. I could go on and on with multiple points, but I think you get the idea by now. I cannot attend the meeting in person this afternoon, but appreciate the opportunity to express myself and make my points above. My wife and I chose Fayetteville in 1988 because it is a beautiful city I believe has been recognized nationally for being a top -five place to live in the US. Let's keep it that way and help citizens protect their property values and keep their children safe while somehow finding creative ways to work with landowners along Crossover Rd. Thank you, Mike and Sandy Yates 2431 N. Candlewood Dr Fayetteville, AR 72703 Sent from my iPad This email was Anti Virus checked by Astaro Security Gateway. http://www.sophos.com CityClerk From: Lauren Thompson <1aurenthompson125@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 11:47 AM To: CityClerk Subject: Urgent: Rezoning request 2nd Reading on Council agenda tonight - 2468 Crossover/Jones Sondra, (Please forward this to my City Councilman, the Mayor, and others with a need to know.) As a resident of the Candlewood Subdivision, I like to voice my opposition against the rezoning request for 2468 Crossover/Jones that will be heard tonight by the Fayetteville City Council on second reading. I speak as a private citizen, not as an officer of the Candlewood POA. I'm concerned about this for many reasons, but primarily the following: 1. Traffic and safety concerns. Only northbound traffic on Crossover Road would be allowed access into and out of the establishment. Drivers coming southbound on Crossover would inevitably have to cut through Candlewood and/or Edenbrook to "turn around" and turn North at the light at the intersection of Township and Crossover in order to ultimately turn into the business establishment. We already have an after school parking problem on Candlewood Drive as for some reason parents of children who attend Vandegriff /McNair schools use Candlewood Drive as their personal parking lot to pick up their children. Let's don't compound it and make it even worse with cars cutting through Firewood and Candlewood Drive. School traffic currently park on both sides of Candlewood Drive, making it virtually impossible for cars to pass. Imagine the concerns we already have for our children's safety as even more drivers cut through our neighborhood and mostly ignore the posted speed limit on Candlewood Drive. 2. Concern over potential building heights of greater than 45 feet does not fit the adjacent area. Enough said. 3. This intersection is and has been for sometime mostly residential and has attracted citizens by the hundreds to live in neighborhoods surrounding the schools. Equally as important, these residents have invested invested an average of $400-600K to live in this area. And by the way we pay on average of $6,000 per year in property taxes. We trusted in our city/local governments to help protect our investment so that we could attend outstanding schools and support local businesses in this area. In other words, we chose Fayetteville, and may I (we) remind you we still have a choice. If the city agrees to make some of the proposed rezoning's that have been defeated repeatedly in the past, our residents could leave Fayetteville and move to Bentonville, Rogers or Springdale and take their property tax revenue with them which could potentially mean a loss of hundreds of thousands in lost property tax revenue to our Fayetteville Public Schools. And consider also the potential drop in Real Estate values which could also negatively impact revenue to our public schools in Fayetteville. Yet here we are again with another rezoning request that WE WERE NOT NOTIFIED OF. I'm very disappointed in my Councilman about the lack of notice.. I think that the residents in Candlewood, Covington Park and in Edenbrook have given enough. In Candlewood, we lost 40 feet of our beautifully landscaped entrance on Crossover already when the State widened the highway. Additionally, our friends in Covington Park and Edenbrook that live on Township have watched Traffic levels double and triple as drivers continue to use Township Rd to cut through to Hwy 45E. I could go on and on with multiple points, but I think you get the idea by now. I cannot attend the meeting in person this afternoon, but appreciate the opportunity to express myself and make my points above. My fiance and I chose Fayetteville in May of last year because it is a beautiful city has been recognized nationally for being a top -five place to live in the US. Let's keep it that way and help citizens protect their property values and keep their children safe while somehow finding creative ways to work with landowners along Crossover Rd. Thank you, Lauren Thompson and Seth Terry 2415 N Candlewood Drive Sent from my iPhone CityClerk i■nwiwA■�fl - _ ___- -_ From: KLAUS, Andrea <klaus.am@pg.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 1:S1 PM To: CityClerk; Tennant, Justin; Bunch, Sarah Cc: Klaus, Richard; amklaus@gmail.com Subject: Oppose Rezoning request for 2468 N. Crossover/Jones- Ms. Smith, Mr. Tennant, and Ms. Bunch, I am writing to share my opposition to the rezoning of 2468 N. Crossover/Jones to Neighborhood Services General. I did attend the City Planning commission meeting in person to oppose and spoke against, but am unable to attend tonight. I live at 2649 N Firewood Dr, Fayetteville AR. My key concerns are: • Inconsistent with City 2030 plan, this area is planned for residential to minimize traffic disruption. Residential will have much less'in and out' traffic than businesses. • Keep area residential. This is a quiet, peaceful area where children walk to school and I live. Ido not need a business in my back yard, especially not a 4 story business. This change is disruptive to the community. • There is ample commercial space currently available in Fayetteville. Existing space that is empty or open land in areas already zoned commercial. Many already along Crossover in the planned commercial zones. Let's not build more empty stripe malls and revitalize the existing structures that need updates! Thank you in advance for listening to my concern. Andrea Klaus Andrea Xiaus WGCTCustomerSeroice Operations C(anneCGeader 479-571-5553 Work 1513-288-1600 CeIr 1513-277-6900 Eax kfaus.am@pg.com "All Pricing, Promotion and Distribution decisions are at the sole discretion of the retailer. This electronic message transmission contains information which may be confidential. The information is intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient and have received this electronic transmission in error, please notify sender then delete immediately." CityClerk 111111111 From: Klaus, Richard <klaus.ra@pg.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 2:11 PM To: CityClerk; Tennant, Justin; Bunch, Sarah Subject: Rezoning - 2468 Crossover Ms. Smith, Mr. Tennant, and Ms. Bunch, I would like to share my opposition to the rezoning of 2468 N. Crossover / Jones to the Neighborhood Services General, and recommend not changing the current zoning from Residential. I have attended the City Planning Commission meeting to oppose, along with other City Council meetings where this (similar) proposals were previously rejected by the City Council. I recommend you do the same today and going forward. live at 2649 N Firewood Dr, in Fayetteville. I do want to voice my additional concern that some of the people in support (land owner and developer) have previously communicated that they discussed this matter with neighbors in the area — this has not been the case with my household and we are only a few homes away — or with other neighbors we have talked to in the immediate area, so I want to ensure there is not a false perception that there is support (or lack of opposition) from this information being shared. My key concerns are: • Inconsistent with City 2030 plan, this area is planned for residential to minimize traffic disruption. Residential will have much less 'in and out' traffic than businesses. • Keep area residential. This is a quiet, peaceful area where children walk to school and I live. I do not need a business or other large structure in my back yard, especially not a 4 story business. This change is disruptive to the community. • No issues exist to develop land as residential (except that owner has the property highly overpriced) —There are many other homes all around the area of this land both north and south on Crossover Rd. • There is ample commercial space currently available in Fayetteville. Existing space that is empty or open land in areas already zoned commercial. Many already along Crossover in the planned commercial zones. Let's not build more empty stripe malls and revitalize the existing structures that need updates! Also, if you are forward thinking you will realize that our US Retail landscape is changing rapidly with the need for Less (not more) commercial space —This is a major trend even in growing areas like ours, driven greatly by eCommerce. Thank you in advance for listening to my concern. Richard Xfaus X4 CustomerSupp(y m (513)288-1800 %oftre I (513) 715-8058Eax t(clrrs. raCpc.roril "All Pricing, Promotion and Distribution decisions are at the sole discretion of the retailer. This electronic message transmission contains information which may be confidential. The information is intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient and have received this electronic transmission in error, please notify sender then delete immediately." CityClerk From: Marguerite Martinez <maggiegpb@hotmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 2:35 PM To: CityClerk Subject: Rezoning request for 2468 N. Crossover/Jones. As a property owner in Covington park (3657 E. Township St.), I am firmly against this potential development. Further development (especially commercial) would create additional traffic and safety issues. More drivers would frequent the area, which would make the area much less safe for school children crossing the street. Please vote against this rezoning request. Thanks. Marguerite Martinez Sent from my Whone CityClerk om From: Carl George <ceg0982@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 2:52 PM To: CityClerk Subject: zoning concern for 2468 N. Crossover/Jones POTENTIAL USES ALLOWED UNDER NS -G (Neighborhood Services — General) 9 Multifamily units (apartments) and cluster housing A Strip Center 0 8,000 Sq. Ft. office that would hold 40 employees plus customers, clients, etc. M Sidewalk cafe or restaurant or fast food, although no drive through windows are allowed. a Work/live units with shop/office on street level and housing 2 stories above. M Building height allowable is 45 Ft. (4 stories, that's high!) TRAFFIC/SAFETY CONCERNS Difficult for drivers traveling north to see traffic coming out of curb cuts due to elevation of Township. Cars can only turn north in or out, into high speed traffic. Cars traveling south will cut through Candlewood or Edenbrook's private driveway. Crossover Rd. is part of the Mayor's Box, planned to move traffic around town with a minimum of stops and a maximum flow. That's why the posted speed limit is 45mph. School children walking to school face more traffic not paying attention to them. The only walkers are crossing Crossover on Township to go to Gulley Park. 2030 PLAN for CITY Crossover meant to be higher speed with minimal curb cuts. City wants to avoid spot zoning. This looks like that, Mission/Crossover businesses are accessible by sidewalk now. 1 CityClerk From: Melissa Kamel <memmay_iu@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 2:57 PM To: CityClerk Subject: NO Rezoning Request for 2468 N Crossover/Jones Ms Smith, My family lives in Covington Park. My Kindergarten and 2nd grader WALK home from Vandergriff Elementary and the proposed commercial business zoning would NOT be safe for any Vandergriff or McNair students. Please consider this and the following information when deciding on this issue. We have MANY concerns that commercial rezoning at Crossover and Township is BAD for the following reasons: TRAFFIC/SAFETY CONCERNS • Difficult for drivers traveling north to see traffic coming out of curb cuts due to elevation of Township. ■ Cars can only turn north in or out, into high speed traffic. ■ Cars traveling south will cut through Candlewood or Edenbrook's private driveway. • Crossover Rd. is part of the Mayor's Box, planned to move traffic around town with a minimum of stops and a maximum flow. That's why the posted speed limit is 45mph. • School children walking to school face more traffic not paying attention to them. • The only walkers are crossing Crossover on Township to go to Gulley Park. Thank you for listening to your East Fayetteville residents and NOT allowing commercial buildings to be allowed close to Elementary and Middle Schools. Sincerely, Melissa Kamel CityClerk From: Jim Ragsdale <jrcubsl@cox.net> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 3:05 PM To: CityClerk Subject: Rezoning for Crossover & Jones Good afternoon. would like to take this opportunity and voice my opposition to a type of rezoning or construction at the area of crossover and Jones in Southeast Fayetteville. I am a resident of Covington park subdivision but I feel like with this rezoning being proposed near our subdivision, it would only increase the traffic volume and congestion we already experience. This area is already over congested during the morning hours and afternoon hours when school is in session. I don't understand why we would want to add more congestion to that area. Several dozen cars each day already cut through the candlewood subdivision to avoid the 265 / Township intersection. I'm concerned that any sort of business establishment that would be built on this property would just increase the traffic volume going through the Candlewood subdivision, especially on Firewood Lane. We are fortunate that no child has been hit by wayward traffic during these high traffic school hours, whether it be in Candlewood, Covington Park or any other subdivision in that vicinity. Please let me encourage you to vote against this rezoning and to prevent any further strip centers for being considered on this plot of land. Thank you, Jim Ragsdale 2504 Middleton Way Fayetteville Sent from my iPhone CityClerk r From: Laura Simmons <Ilgwynne@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 3:09 PM To: CityClerk Subject: Opposition to rezoning request 2468 Crossover/Jones Hello Ms Smith, I am a concerned citizen writing in opposition to the rezoning request for 2468 Crossover/Jones. I am a homeowner in Covington Park neighborhood with school -aged children attending McNair and Vandergriff. My primary concern is the traffic/safety concerns for our children. Cars use our neighborhoods as a cut -through and this will continue to escalate if this property is used for commercial purposes. This is a safety issue for our children who walk or ride bikes in the neighborhood and surrounding areas. We hope you will consider not zoning this property for commercial use. Thank you, Laura Simmons Covington Park neighborhood Sent from my iPhone CityClerk From: Gerald Johnson <gdj.global@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 3:25 PM To: CityClerk Subject: rezoning of 2468 N. Crossover/Jones I am opposed to the rezoning of this property for NSG purposes. Below are some valid issues that have been raised by many citizens in the surrounding neighborhoods. BUT, my primary concern is for the safety of the children attending the two schools just off of the Crossover and Township intersection. Protection of children must take priority over commercialization of residential properties. Thank you. Gerald Johnson POTENTIAL USES ALLOWED UNDER NS -G (Neighborhood Services — General) Multifamily units (apartments) and cluster housing Strip Center 8,000 Sq. Ft. office that would hold 40 employees plus customers, clients, etc. Sidewalk cafe or restaurant or fast food, although no drive through windows are allowed. Work/live units with shop/office on street level and housing 2 stories above. Building height allowable is 45 Ft. (4 stories, that's high!) TRAFFIC/SAFETY CONCERNS • Difficult for drivers traveling north to see traffic coming out of curb cuts due to elevation of Township. • Cars can only turn north in or out, into high speed traffic. Cars traveling south will cut through Candlewood or Edenbrook's private driveway. Crossover Rd. is part of the Mayor's Box, planned to move traffic around town with a minimum of stops and a maximum flow. That's why the posted speed limit is 45mph. School children walking to school face more traffic not paying attention to them. The only walkers are crossing Crossover on Township to go to Gulley Park. 2030 PLAN for CITY Crossover meant to be higher speed with minimal curb cuts. City wants to avoid spot zoning. This looks like that. Mission/Crossover businesses are accessible by sidewalk now. Virus -free. www.avA.com CityClerk From: Mike Driver <MDriver@sansonegroup.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 3:29 PM To: CityClerk Subject: Rezoning request for 2468 N. Crossover/Jones. Dear City Clerk, I'm writing you to express my strong opposition to the Jones rezoning request near the crossover and mission intersection. I understand that the property owner's request, which has been recommended for approval by the Planning Commission, is for Neighborhood Services General, which includes commercial uses. This intersection currently serves as a primary access to Vandergriff Elementary and McNair Middle School, and serves as a primary access for several single family residential neighborhoods. Allowing Multifamily at this intersection would cause the intersection to become unsafe, both for our children and for travelers utilizing this high speed road. The crossover rd speed limit is 45 miles per hour, and isn't designed well for development of retail or high density residential nor is it appropriate for 45 ft tall buildings, which would be incompatible with the immediate area. Many children walk to school here and already have to battle less than desirable traffic congestion and speed. It would be a grave mistake to allow this type of zoning at this location and would be a danger to child safety because of the added traffic, crossover median and additional density that could be developed here. Furthermore, as I understand the 2030 plan, crossover rd is part of the "Mayor's Box" which specifically envisions a highway design that facilitates fluid and safe traffic flow around town with a minimum of stops and a maximum flow. That's why the posted speed limit is 45mph. There are so few arterials that carry heavy trc fic north and south, we can't afford to create a bottleneck of traffic at crossover and mission. Fayetteville is the most difficult city in Northwest Arkansas to traverse east to west, and this zoning would ensure the creation of similar issues with our primary and important north and south connector for east Fayetteville. We elect our mayor and city council to protect us from this type of change in land use and implore the Mayor and Council to reject the rezoning as inappropriate for the intersection. Additional traffic concerns. OTHER TRAFFIC/SAFETY CONCERNS ■ Difficult for drivers traveling north to see traffic coming out of curb cuts due to elevation of Township. Cars can only turn north in or out, into high speed traffic, so cars traveling south will cut through Candlewood or Edenbrook's private driveway. School children walking to school face more traffic not paying attention to them. Cars would have to take a turns to access this development when traveling south bound making it unsafe for walkers crossing Crossover on Township to go to Gulley Park. 2030 PLAN for CITY • Crossover meant to be higher speed with minimal curb cuts. • City wants to avoid spot zoning. This is clearly sgol zoning. ■ Mission/Crossover businesses are accessible by sidewalk now. Please feel free to contact me to discuss. Regards, Mike Driver 3472 E Chatsworth Rd Fayetteville, AR 72703 479.435.0238 mdriver@sansonegroup.com Ci Clerk From: Ami Cleveland <a_cleva@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 4:07 PM To: CityClerk Subject: Rezoning Request - Crossover TRAFFIC/SAFETY CONCERNS Difficult for drivers traveling north to see traffic coming out of curb cuts due to elevation of Township. Cars can only turn north in or out, into high speed traffic. Cars traveling south will cut through Candlewood or Edenbrook's private driveway. Crossover Rd. is part of the Mayor's Box, planned to move traffic around town with a minimum of stops and a maximum flow. That's why the posted speed limit is 45mph. Schoolchildren walking to school face more traffic not paying attention to them. The only walkers are crossing Crossover on Township to go to Gulley Park Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android CityClerk From: Ted Runnels <ted@mockingdog.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 4:28 PM To: CityClerk Subject: Rezoning Dear City Clerk, My name is Ted Runnels and I would like to inform you that our family is very much against the commercialization of property adjoining our home. Vl considerably for what I consider a poor investment from the individuals driving the initiative. In my opinion, it is already a pretty dangerous situation a Turns and the redirection of cars would accompany these new business locations and bring about a lot of havoc and injuries. I cannot tell you how man made and we really do not want to increase it. I will not get into the obvious commercial problems that would follow with these businesses butting up to the property we grew up in for many years. 7 our family was to cut off a few acres in the back. This seems logical to help the whole Neighborhood and not just the ones pushing this move. Please do what we voted you in for and stick up for what is right for many and not just a squeaky wheel. Feel free to call me for any additional information and possible solutions. Sincerely, Ted Runnels 479-225-1718 CityClerk From: Gerald Johnson <gdj.global@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 4:29 PM To: CityClerk Subject: Re: FW: rezoning of 2468 N. Crossover/Jones You are very welcome. Thank you for your service to our city. I realize that I am only one voice, and I forgot to mention that I have a granddaughter in kindergarten at Vandergriff....... hence my concern for any actions that increases traffic. Virus -free. ±nww.avg.com On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 3:56 PM, CityClerk <_cityclerk(e6,fhyettey llp-tir.ga_v� wrote: From: Kinion, Mark Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 3:55 PM To: CityClerk <cityclerk fayetteville-ar.goy> Subject: Re: rezoning of 2468 N. Crossover/Jones Thank you for your thoughts regarding the rezoning. Warm Regards, Mark Kinion Vice Mayor / City Council Member Ward 2 Position 1 On Feb 20, 2018, at 3:28 PM, CityClerk <citycler � ayetteyille-ar.0 > wrote: From: Gerald Johnson [ma_i4to_ Rd1;global@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 3:25 PM To: CityClerk <cityderk _ fayetteville-ar.gov> Subject: rezoning of 2468 N. Crossover/Jones 1 I am opposed to the rezoning of this property for NSG purposes. Below are some valid issues that have been raised by many citizens in the surrounding neighborhoods. BUT, my primary concern is for the safety of the children attending the two schools just off of the Crossover and Township intersection. Protection of children must take priority over commercialization of residential properties. Thank you. Gerald Johnson POTENTIAL USES ALLOWED UNDER NS -G (Neighborhood Services — General) Multifamily units (apartments) and cluster housing Strip Center 8,000 Sq. Ft. office that would hold 40 employees plus customers, clients, etc. Sidewalk cafe or restaurant or fast food, although no drive through windows are allowed. Work/live units with shop/office on street level and housing 2 stories above. Building height allowable is 45 Ft. (4 stories, that's high!) TRAFFIC/SAFETY CONCERNS Difficult for drivers traveling north to see traffic coming out of curb cuts due to elevation of Township. Cars can only turn north in or out, into high speed traffic. Cars traveling south will cut through Candlewood or Edenbrook's private driveway. Crossover Rd. is part of the Mayor's Box, planned to move traffic around town with N a minimum of stops and a maximum flow. That's why the posted speed limit is 45mph. School children walking to school face more traffic not paying attention to them. The only walkers are crossing Crossover on Township to go to Gulley Park. 2030 PLAN for CITY Crossover meant to be higher speed with minimal curb cuts. City wants to avoid spot zoning. Tbi,s.looks like that. Mission/Crossover businesses are accessible by sidewalk now. Virus -free. www.avg.com CityClerk From: Ann Henry <henry.annhenry@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 4:37 PM To: CityClerk Subject: Rezoning request on township crossover Traffic safety concerns juxtaposed against the 2030 plan for fayetteville should cause the board to reject the rezoning. The types of neighborhood commercial are not compatible with traffic patterns and there are already long lines of traffic to get children to school in the am and afternoons. I take and pick up grandchildren to vandegriff and Mcnair and can attest to the fact that residential is much more compatible than the request for rezoning. The amount of traffic generated by residential is small cf to the commercial. Please register our comments against the rezoning Ann and Morriss Henry Sent from my Whone CityClerk From: Leslie Donovan <leslie.s.donovan@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 4:43 PM To: CityClerk; Leslie Donovan Subject: Rezoning - 2468 Crossover - Jones Sondra Smith, This email is to serve my opposed to the new zoning request by Mr. Jones. My concerns as a newer neighbor to NWA and Fayetteville, it would seem there are still several factors or comments being shared that are in conflict and would require more discussion, review and consideration prior to a final vote being made. There are already quite nice (and walkable) business services being offered in close proximity. There are significant businesses that offer dry cleaning, coffee shops, small office, physicians and even larger retail establishments at Mission and Crossover. I have often walked to those locations when my car is in service at Firestone. Additionally, there are even more space and offerings at Joyce and Crossover which can be accessed by walking (getting to those 10,000 steps) or bicycle as well as driving. The zoning being requested already has open space in near proximity or with business owners who enjoy services the homes and families nearby in East Fayetteville. Read/heard (Mayor's Box) that the intent of the traffic was to keep flow active and moving which is more disruptive with business usage. There were also comments made that Mr. Jones had been trying to sell this for the past 11 years. I am recent to the area, yet have not seen signs of sale during my entire tenure. I have seen some for single family homes and would anticipate that residential that might be added to already in place, along Crossover between Township and Mission and Township and Old Wire would be a great addition to the school population. There are aspect of the children walking along the Candlewood neighborhood and the other major streets with cars trying to get access in and out (higher frequency with business or high density homes) would increase the hazards. Again, the traffic and intent was to move traffic through the area. The neighborhood being used as a cut -through adds danger for children and dogs. It would only increase with some of the proposed changes. As to other considerations, Mr. Jones has shared: _This has been on the market for 11+ years, again I have not see it posted during our entire tenure of almost three years. - He has shared he would not want some of the buildings that the school, the neighborhood, the walkers and the bike path riders enjoy with the traffic flow. Yet, Mr. Jones has quickly stated that once it is sold he cannot control that. -I have heard varied amounts listed as the appropriate value of the acreage and it seems that potentially Mr. Jones has a higher value per acre than the market average. The reality could be the reason for the inability to sell to residential property owners rather than zoning. The homeowners go in knowing the busy street and make a decision to be in and live in the area - at a price that may be a lower lot value - due to the location. - Mr. Jones shared he has spoken to the neighborhood and neighbors many times. Personally, I learned of this a day or two before the first zoning meeting. In asking other neighbors, it would seem many are/were unaware of the request. Some have even shared some interesting solutions that would benefit the neighborhood and Mr. Jones, yet there does not seem to be time allocated to the exchange of information. -Mr. Jones, I believe, requested a change in zone and now is immediately requesting a second change to the zoning request. It would seem this may have been the intent at the onset rather than being open in the first request to allow some time to see how the market can move his property without making further changes. - In speaking with other neighbors, when out on dog walks at school events, they have asked if Mr Jones would be willing to speak to us again before any decisions are made. We would come together as a neighborhood, along with Mr. Jones and maybe some of the other lot or property owners, which have been identified as future possible build sites to create a more optimal plan Thank you for your consideration in allowing the local neighbors and the land owners a bit more time, 60-90 days to understand what is already known from city planning and timing from the other land owners along with neighbors on Township, Crossover and Candlewood... to come together for a solution. So many of the comments are personal -as are mine. It took me by surprise and it seems that it is hard to really learn what was requested, is requested, value of land, asking price of land; how are other property lots in the area going to be affected, etc. I know we all love the area and want to reach an understanding with clarity to the factors to make a solid recommendation, review and discussion and decision. Thank you. Leslie Donovan CityClerk From: Kermit Sykes <ksykes@coca-cola.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 5:31 PM To: CityClerk; Tennant, Justin; Bunch, Sarah Subject: FW: Rezoning request 2nd Reading on Council agenda tonight - 2468 Crossover/Jones My wife Dyanne and I concur with Mike Yate's email below ... as a resident of Candlewood we are very much opposed to the proposed rezoning request for 2468 Crossover/Jones that will be heard tonight by the City Council. If any questions please let me know. Thank you for your time and consideration on this important matter, Kermit Sykes 2416 Candlewood Dr Begin forwarded message: From: Mike Yates <goho sg_09 cr;att.net> Date: February 20, 2018 at 10:32:24 AM CST To: cityclerkLUayetteville-ar.goov, Cc: eva.dave(�,)cox.net, emadison cDlittler.corn, Janette Litaker <isl32l98@mSi1.co >, Seth Terry <sethandrewteEy(g)gmail.com>, Curt Calaway <ctcalawa} o)cox.net>, ccurt.calaway(ct7tyson.com, Sandy Yates <sandXy(c4shi1ohsaints.org> Subject: Rezoning request 2nd Reading on Council agenda tonight - 2468 Crossover/Jones Sondra, (Please forward this to my City Councilman, the Mayor, and others with a need to know.) As a resident of the Candlewood Subdivision, I like to voice my opposition against the rezoning request for 2468 Crossover/Jones that will be heard tonight by the Fayetteville City Council on second reading. I speak as a private citizen, not as an officer of the Candlewood POA. I'm concerned about this for many reasons, but primarily the following: 1. Traffic and safety concerns. Only northbound traffic on Crossover Road would be allowed access into and out of the establishment. Drivers coming southbound on Crossover would inevitably have to cut through Candlewood and/or Edenbrook to "turn around" and turn North at the light at the intersection of Township and Crossover in order to ultimately turn into the business establishment. We already have an after school parking problem on Candlewood Drive as for some reason parents of children who attend Vandegriff /McNair schools use Candlewood Drive as their personal parking lot to pick up their children. Let's don't compound it and make it even worse with cars cutting through Firewood and Candlewood Drive. School traffic currently park on both sides of Candlewood Drive, making it virtually impossible for cars to pass. Imagine the concerns we already have for our children's safety as even more drivers cut through our neighborhood and mostly ignore the posted speed limit on Candlewood Drive. 2. Concern over potential building heights of greater than 45 feet does not fit the adjacent area. Enough said. 3. This intersection is and has been for sometime mostly residential and has attracted citizens by the hundreds to live in neighborhoods surrounding the schools. Equally as important, these residents have invested invested an average of $400-600K to live in this area. And by the way we pay on average of $6,000 per year in property taxes. We trusted in our city/local governments to help protect our investment so that we could attend outstanding schools and support local businesses in this area. In other words, we chose Fayetteville, and may I (we) remind you we still have a choice. If the city agrees to make some of the proposed rezoning's that have been defeated repeatedly in the past, our residents could leave Fayetteville and move to Bentonville, Rogers or Springdale and take their property tax revenue with them which could potentially mean a loss of hundreds of thousands in lost property tax revenue to our Fayetteville Public Schools. And consider also the potential drop in Real Estate values which could also negatively impact revenue to our public schools in Fayetteville. Yet here we are again with another rezoning request that WE WERE NOT NOTIFIED OF. I'm very disappointed in my Councilman about the lack of notice.. I think that the residents in Candlewood, Covington Park and in Edenbrook have given enough. In Candlewood, we lost 40 feet of our beautifully landscaped entrance on Crossover already when the State widened the highway. Additionally, our friends in Covington Park and Edenbrook that live on Township have watched Traffic levels double and triple as drivers continue to use Township Rd to cut through to Hwy 45E. I could go on and on with multiple points, but I think you get the idea by now. I cannot attend the meeting in person this afternoon, but appreciate the opportunity to express myself and make my points above. My wife and I chose Fayetteville in 1988 because it is a beautiful city I believe has been recognized nationally for being a top -five place to live in the US. Let's keep it that way and help citizens protect their property values and keep their children safe while somehow finding creative ways to work with landowners along Crossover Rd. Thank you, Mike and Sandy Yates 2431 N. Candlewood Dr Fayetteville, AR 72703 Sent from my iPad CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE NOTICE: This message is intended for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is confidential, privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any printing, copying, dissemination, distribution, disclosure or forwarding of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately and delete it from your system. Thank You. CityClerk From: Lydia McClinton <lydiamaemcclinton@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 5:56 PM To: CityClerk Subject: Rezoning township/ crossover Categories: Forwarded, Saved File Hello, I'm a resident in Covington park subdivision and have become aware of the rezoning of the corner of township/crossover.. I'm extremely concerned about this- the traffic is already an issue in our neighborhood (and at the crossover/ township intersection), especially in the mornings and afternoons. Not a single resident I have spoken with wants this- as it puts our kids in danger, and creates more traffic for our neighborhood, which will ultimately create more noise and lower home values. It's disturbing to me that this is even a consideration- Fayetteville just finished making crossover look beautiful again, and functional, and it seems it would ruin that. I don't want this, none of us do. I hope they take this seriously and listen to the residents, we want what's best for our kids and community. I wish i could be at the meeting tonight but still getting over the flu. Thanks in advance. Lydia McClinton Sent from my iPhone Cit Clerk From: Lydia McClinton <lydiamaemcclinton@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 6:05 PM To: CityClerk Subject: Crossover/township rezoning nightmare Categories: Saved File, Forwarded please share these points with the city council as well. Very concerned about our investment in our home, and the increase in traffic. What an upset this is.. we studied the city carefully before moving here, and felt safe with our purchase as it was surrounded by (what I thought) was already a good, well developed area. This is WHY we moved here! and why we choose our forever home in this area. POTENTIAL USES ALLOWED UNDER NS -G (Neighborhood Services — General) • Multifamily units (apartments) and cluster housing Strip Center ■ 8,000 Sq. Ft. office that would hold 40 employees plus customers, clients, etc. ■ Sidewalk cafe or restaurant or fast food, although no drive through windows are allowed. • Work/live units with shop/office on street level and housing 2 stories above. • Building height allowable is 45 Ft. (4 stories, that's high!) TRAFFIC/SAFETY CONCERNS ■ Difficult for drivers traveling north to see traffic coming out of curb cuts due to elevation of Township. ■ Cars can only turn north in or out, into high speed traffic. ■ Cars traveling south will cut through Candlewood or Edenbrook's private driveway. • Crossover Rd. is part of the Mayor's Box, planned to move traffic around town with a minimum of stops and a maximum flow. That's why the posted speed limit is 45mph. • School children walking to school face more traffic not paying attention to them. • The only walkers are crossing Crossover on Township to go to Gulley Park. 2030 PLAN for CITY • Crossover meant to be higher speed with minimal curb cuts. • City wants to avoid spot zoning. This looks like that. • Mission/Crossover businesses are accessible by sidewalk now Sent from my Whone CityClerk From: Kim McComas <kimmccomas@hotmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 9:33 PM To: CityClerk Subject: please share with council at 5:30 meeting Wednesday - Deny Rezoning request for 2468 N. Crossover/Jones. Attachments: Deny Re -zoning on Crossover.docx Hello Sondra! I came to the previous meeting and had left my letter with you because I couldn't stay, but perhaps the issue never came up as it was near the end of the agenda? Anyway, I am attaching my letter again that gives our rationale for NOT rezoning 2468 N. Crossover. I would greatly appreciate it if you could circulate this again as I will be out of town! Thank you very much! Kim and Bill McComas To: City Council representatives From: Kim and Bill McComas 2506 N. Worthington Way Fayetteville, AR 72703 Home: 442-8105 RE: proposed re -zoning of residential property NE corner of Crossover/Township We are strongly opposed to changing the zoning of the 4 acre property from residential to NS -G. Every day when I drive through Fayetteville, I am reminded of examples of past poor planning and poor decision-making that will haunt Fayetteville for years to come, from lack of connectivity in cul -de -sac -happy subdivisions to large single-family homes being built on postage stamp lots. Up for discussion now is to re -zone property on Crossover near Township that will open it to either commercial development or high-density housing. Here are our reasons against allowing that to happen and suggested alternatives: • The city should maintain some streets that are more 'boulevard —like', where it is pleasant just to drive along them. Don't mess this up. There are already commercial centers at Mission & Crossover and at Joyce & Crossover. Let those wanting to further commercialize fill in those centers, not stretch out and make Crossover an unpleasant 'strip'. • The number of apartments that have been added to Fayetteville in the past 5 years is staggering. We don't need apartments there- there are many other nice apartment places in town. • Adding apartments to an upscale neighborhood, as nice as they may be, still takes away from the flavor that is currently established by the surrounding single-family home neighborhoods. You start messing with that, and you start making Bentonville a better choice. ■ Fayetteville has plenty of places open to develop. You need to think long and hard before you allow re -zoning in areas that should be left as residential. Calling it 'neighborhood services' is just a euphemism for developer's greed.' CityClerk From: Tracy Carter <ticyogaspa@yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2018 11:43 AM To: CityClerk Subject: rezoning email Sondra, I am a resident in Covington Park and wanted to share my concerns with the rezoning close to Crossover and Township. Please see my concerns and any type of communication you share with me would be much appreciated. POTENTIAL USES ALLOWED UNDER NS - G (Neighborhood Services — General) 0 Multifamily units (apartments) and cluster housing Strip Center 8,000 Sq. Ft. office that would hold 40 employees plus customers, clients, etc. Sidewalk cafe or restaurant or fast food, although no drive through windows are allowed. 9 Work/live units with shop/office on street level and housing 2 stories above. r Building height allowable is 45 Ft. (4 stories, that's high!) TRAFFIC/SAFETY CONCERNS Difficult for drivers traveling north to see traffic coming out of curb cuts due to elevation of Township. Cars can only turn north in or out, into high speed traffic. Cars traveling south will cut through Candlewood or Edenbrook's private driveway. • Crossover Rd. is part of the Mayor's Box, planned to move traffic around town with a minimum of stops and a maximum flow. That's why the posted speed limit is 45mph. • School children walking to school face more traffic not paying attention to them. The only walkers are crossing Crossover on Township to go to Gulley Park. 2030 PLAN for CITY Crossover meant to be higher speed with minimal curb cuts. City wants to avoid spot zoning. Thislooks like that.. Mission/Crossover businesses are accessible by sidewalk now. Tracy L Carter 479.790.3081 CityClerk From: Pamela Davis <pameladavis.wm@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2018 9:20 PM To: CityClerk Cc: Michael Subject: Rezoning - Covington area Categories: Saved File, Forwarded Hi Ms. Sondra, We are in disagreement with the consideration for rezoning the Covington/Jones Rezone for the following reasons: POTENTIAL USES ALLOWED UNDER NS -G (Neighborhood Services — General) Multifamily units (apartments) and cluster housing ■ Strip Center ■ 8, 000 Sq. Ft. office that would hold 40 employees plus customers, clients, etc. ■ Sidewalk cafe or restaurant or fast food, although no drive through windows are allowed. ■ Work/live units with shop/a ce on street level and housing 2 stories above. ■ Building height allowable is 45 Ft. (4 stories, that's high!) TRAFFIC/SAFETY CONCERNS ■ Difficult for drivers traveling north to see traffic coming out of curb cuts due to elevation of Township. ■ Cars can only turn north in or out, into high speed traffic. ■ Cars traveling south will cut through Candlewood or Edenbrook's private driveway. ■ Crossover Rd. is part of the Mayor's Box, planned to move traffic around town with a minimum of stops and a maximum flow. That's why the posted speed limit is 45mph. ■ School children walking to school face more traffic not paying attention to them. ■ The only walkers are crossing Crossover on Township to go to Gulley Park. Pam and Michael Davis 2516 Kittery Lane Covington Park Fayetteville, Ar CityClerk From: Benjamin Lorenzo <benlorenzojr@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2018 4:01 PM To: CityClerk Subject: Rezoning request for 2468 N. Crossover/Jones. Here are my concerns: TRAFFIC/SAFETY CONCERNS • Difficult for drivers traveling north to see traffic coming out of curb cuts due to elevation of Township. • Cars can only turn north in or out, into high speed traffic. • Cars traveling south will cut through Candlewood or Edenbrook's private driveway. ■ Crossover Rd. is part of the Mayor's Box, planned to move traffic around town with a minimum of stops and a maximum flow. That's why the posted speed limit is 45mph. • School children walking to school face more traffic not paying attention to them. • The only walkers are crossing Crossover on Township to go to Gulley Park. Sent from my iPhone CityClerk From: Jerry Jones <wdyjerry@cox.net> Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2018 2:05 PM To: CityClerk Subject: Business Offer to buy lots in Lynnwood Estates Categories: FYI Please send to the Council Members: When asked about a business offer in the March 6th 2018 meeting, I guess I was a little nervous and forgot about Jody Hendrix's offer to buy 11/2 lots for a CrossFit Gym in Dec 2015, under a conditional use permit request. Planning Commission denied the request. I believe I remember Andrew Garner giving a detailed report to the City Council on the history of attempts to rezone Lynnwood Estates. This conditional use permit was included. This is to correct my answer at the meeting. Thanks Jerry Jones wdyjerry@cox.net 479-841-8748 Sent from my iPhone NoRTi IWEST ARICANSAs Demomt , V.- -0azeftt AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I Cathy Wiles, do solemnly swear that I am the Legal Clerk of the Northwest Arkansas Democrat -Gazette, printed and published in Washington County and Benton County, Arkansas, and of bona fide circulation, that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files of said publication, the advertisement of: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Ord. 6017 Was inserted in the Regular Edition on: March 29, 2018 Publication Charges: $ 70.20 Cathy Wiles Subscribed and sworn to before me This 1 day of� , 2018. Notary Pub Ic My Commission Expires: z//z f Z`$ TA%1VY RUSr+ER Notary Pubic —ArRarsas Wastirg7on Carry Ccmmissicr. n 72703;20 +'? Commisscn Expires Feb 72. 2028 Waw **NOTE"" Please do not pay from Affidavit. Invoice will be sent. RECEIVED FA Ordinance: 6047 File Number. 2018-0053 RLN 17-603-1 (2-168 N. CROSSOVER RD./JONES): AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZN 17 603.1 FOR APPROXIMATELY 4.40 ACRES LOCATED AT 2468 NORTH CROSSOVER ROAD FROM RSF-2, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 2 UNITS PER ACRE TO NS -L, NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES -LIMITED III: IT ORDAINED 13Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF Tl IE CITY OF FAYETTFVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That tine City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby changes the zoite classification of the property shown on the map (Exhibit A) and the legal description (Exhibit B) both attached to the Planning Department's Agenda Memo from RSF-2, Residential Single Family, 2 Units per Acre to NS -L, Neighborhood Services - Limited. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas herebv amends the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1. PASSED and APPROVED on 3/20/2018 Approved: Lioneld Jordan, Mayor Attest: Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Treasurer 74473621 Mar. 29, 2018