HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE 6021P; F 6Y ry"'F ti �t 4 Sr +1 r y. jVk A,24S 1. 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Ordinance: 6021 File Number: 2017-0699 111111 I I III IIII IIIII IIII I IIII i IIIII IIII IIIII II II II II III III Doc ID: 017816860004 Type: REL Kind: ORDINANCE Recorded: 01/10/2018 at 08:48:27 AM Fee Amt: $30.00 Paqe 1 of 4 Washinqton County, AR Kyle Sylvester Circuit Clerk File2018_00000993 VAC 17-5995 (1100 W. 15TH ST./PINNACLE FOODS) STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY: AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE VAC 17-5995 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1100 WEST 15TH STREET TO VACATE A PORTION OF A STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY WHEREAS, the City Council has the authority under A.C.A. § 14-54-104 to vacate public grounds or portions thereof which are not required for corporate purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that about .28 of an acre of the following described street right-of-way is not required for corporate purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby vacates about 0.28 of an acre of a street right-of-way as described in Exhibit B attached to the Planning Department's memo. Section 2. A copy of this Ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk along with the map attached as Exhibit A to the Planning Department's memo shall be filed in the office of the Washington County Circuit Clerk. Section 3. This vacation approval is subject to the condition that any costs associated with relocation of or damage to utilities shall be at the owner/developer's expense. PASSED and APPROVED on 12/19/2017 Page 1 Printed on 12120117 Ordinance: 6021 File Number. 2017-0699 Annrnved- Attest: " & X..' & Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Treasurer : FAYETTEVILI_k_, IIIA F1 t ` ti�44 Page 2 Printed on 12/20117 VAC 17-5995 Close Up View PINNACLE FOODS STREET R -O -W Legend Hillside -Hilltop Overlay District Planning Area _ r Fayetteville City Limits Shared Use Paved Trail Building Footprint 1-2 F P-1 17-5995 EXHIBIT 'A' RPZD W a z a U, z izlh ST Feet 0 75 150 300 450 600 1 inch = 200 feet NORTH M RMF -24 1-2 General Industrial C-2 Commercial, Industrial, Residential P-1 17-5995 EXHIBIT 'B' p�65CRIPTiON OE POR310N OF STREET TO BE VACATEIy: A PORTION OF BUCHANNAN AVENUE AS SHOWN ON PLAT OF ANDERSON'S 2ND ADDITION TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ACCEPTED BY THE FAYETTEVILLE CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 24, 1959 AND FILED IN PLAT BOOK 1 AT PAGE 47 OF THE WASHINGTON COUNTY RECORDS, SAID ANDERSON'S 2ND ADDITION BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 1/4) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW 1/4) OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 16 NORTH, RANGE 30 WEST, FAYETTEVILLE, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 8 OF BLOCK 1 OF SAID ANDERSON'S 2ND ADDITION; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID BUCHANNAN AVENUE, ALSO BEING ALONG THE EASTERLY LINES OF LOTS 8 AND 9 OF SAID BLOCK 1, N00002'35"E A DISTANCE OF 203.10 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, S89°57'07"E A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 6 OF SAID BLOCK 1; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID BUCHANNAN AVENUE, ALSO BEING THE WESTERLY LINES OF LOTS 6 AND 7 OF SAID BLOCK 1, S00°02'35"W A DISTANCE OF 198.71 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7 AND THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID ANDERSON'S 2ND ADDITION; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID ANDERSON'S 2ND ADDITION (ALSO BEING THE NORTHERLY LINE OF GARRIOTT SUBDIVISION TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, FILED IN PLAT BOOK 3 AT PAGE 321 OF THE WASHINGTON, COUNTY RECORDS), S85°52'00"W A DISTANCE OF 60.16 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.28 ACRES (12,054 SQ.FT.), MORE OR LESS. Washington County, AR I certify this instrument was filed on 01/10/2018 08:48:27 AM and recorded in File Number 18-0 00 93 Kyle Sylveste Cl rk by City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 NK =� Text File File Number: 2017-0699 Agenda Date: 12/19/2017 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meeting File Type: Ordinance Agenda Number: D. 3 VAC 17-5995 (1100 W. 15TH ST./PINNACLE FOODS) STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY: AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE VAC 17-5995 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1100 WEST 15TH STREET TO VACATE A PORTION OF A STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY WHEREAS, the City Council has the authority under A.C.A. § 14-54-104 to vacate public grounds or portions thereof which are not required for corporate purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that about .28 of an acre of the following described street right-of-way is not required for corporate purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby vacates about 0.28 of an acre of a street right-of-way as described in Exhibit B attached to the Planning Department's memo. Section 2. A copy of this Ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk along with the map attached as Exhibit A to the Planning Department's memo shall be filed in the office of the Washington County Circuit Clerk. Section 3. This vacation approval is subject to the condition that any costs associated with relocation of or damage to utilities shall be at the owner/developer's expense. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 12/20/2017 Andrew Garner Submitted By City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2017-0699 Legistar File ID 12/19/2017 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item 12/1/2017 City Planning/ Development Services Department Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: VAC 17-5995: Vacation (1100 W. 15TH ST./PINNACLE FOODS, 561): Submitted by ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. for property at 1100 W. 15TH ST. The property is zoned 1-2, GENERAL INDUSTRIAL and contains approximately 46.57 acres. The request is to vacate a portion of a street right-of-way. Budget Impact: Account Number Fund Project Number Project Title Budgeted Item? NA Current Budget $ - Funds Obligated $ - Current Balance Does item have a cost? No Item Cost Budget Adjustment Attached? NA Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget $ V20140710 Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Original Contract Number: Approval Date: Comments: r, CITY of FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS MEETING OF DECEMBER 19, 2017 TO: Mayor and City Council CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO THRU: Andrew Garner, Planning Director FROM: Quin Thompson, Current Planner DATE: December 1, 2017 SUBJECT: VAC 17-5995: Vacation (1100 W. 15TH ST./PINNACLE FOODS, 561): Submitted by ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. for property at 1100 W. 15TH ST. The property is zoned 1-2, GENERAL INDUSTRIAL and contains approximately 46.57 acres. The request is to vacate a portion of a street right-of-way. RECOMMENDATION: Staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval of VAC 17-5995 with the following condition of approval: 1. Any relocation of or damage to existing utilities or existing facilities shall be at the owner/developer's expense; BACKGROUND: The subject property is at 1100 W. 15th Street and is developed with a manufacturing facility. A 60 -foot wide right-of-way extends from the north property line for over 800 feet to the south with a 60 -foot width containing 0.28 acres. Approximately 600 feet of this right-of-way contains a multi- use trail connecting west 12th street with the multi -family development to the north. The portion of right-of-way containing trail is not a part of the request. Proposal: The applicant proposes to vacate a portion of unbuilt street right-of-way, as shown in the attached Exhibits A and B. DISCUSSION: On November 27, 2017, the Planning Commission forwarded this item to the City Council with a recommendation for approval with a vote of 9-0-0. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: N/A Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-aLgov Fayetteville, AR 72701 Attachments: ■ Exhibit A ■ Exhibit B • Application • Planning Commission Staff Report VAC17-5995 PINNACLE FOODS STREET R -O -W 17-5995 Close up view EXHIBIT 'A' RI'ZD W a z a U z Subject R -O -W 4 I h, 12TH ST l.v RM F- 24 C-2 NORTH Legend RMF -24 Hillside -Hilltop Overlay District 1-2 General Industrial Feet C-2 L Planning Area Commercial, Industrial, Residential L _ Fayetteville City Limits P-1 0 75 150 300 450 600 Shared Use Paved Trail 1 inch = 200 feet Building Footprint 17-5995 EXHIBIT 'B' Y,SCRIP71�?N OF PORTI[N OF S7REIr TO BE VACATED: A pORTION OF BUCHANNAN AVENUE AS SHOWN ON PLAT OF ANDERSON'S 2N° ADDITION TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ACCEPTED BY THE FAYETTEVILLE CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 24, 1959 AND FILED IN PLAT BOOK 1 AT PAGE 47 OF THE WASHINGTON COUNTY RECORDS, SAID ANDERSON'S 2ND ADDITION BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST {QUARTER (SW 1/4) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW 114) OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 16 NORTH, RANGE 30 WEST, FAYETTEVILLE, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 8 OF BLOCK 1 OF SAID ANDERSON'S 2ND ADDITION; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID BUCHANNAN AVENUE, ALSO BEING ALONG THE EASTERLY LINES OF LOTS 8 AND 9 OF SAID BLOCK 1, NOW02'35"E A DISTANCE OF 203.10 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, S89°57'07"E A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 6 OF SAID BLOCK 1; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID BUCHANNAN AVENUE, ALSO BEING THE WESTERLY LINES OF LOTS 6 AND 7 OF SAID BLOCK 1, S00°02'35"W A DISTANCE OF 198.71 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7 AND THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID ANDERSON'S 2ND ADDITION; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID ANDERSON'S 2ND ADDITION (ALSO BEING THE NORTHERLY LINE OF GARRIOTT SUBDIVISION TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, FILED IN PLAT BOOK 3 AT PAGE 321 OF THE WASHINGTON, COUNTY RECORDS), S85°52'00"W A DISTANCE OF 60.16 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.28 ACRES (12,054 SQ.FT.), MORE OR LESS. CITY OF FAYI: TTEVILI E,ARKANSAS Right -of -Way, Easement or ,Adley VACATION- 'Alf, ,A CATION- FFJD)ale R STAFF USE ONLY Application Submilted: Dcae,4evepted as Complete: I'; Ip I, t i�`atrtl�cer: Public Hearing Date: qqcAe5 FEE: $200.00 Sign Fee: $5.00 S -1-R: PP#: Zone: Please fill out this Form completely, supplying all necessary information and documentation to support your request. Your application will not he placed on the Planning Commission agenda until this infnrtnation is fnrnnished. Antrlie:tti[rn: Indicate one contact person for this request: Applicant x Representative Applicant (person making request): Representative (engineer, surveyor, realror, etc.): lsars� Pirmade Foods Name: En ineering Services Inc. Address: 1100 W 15111 Street Address: 1207 South Qld Wi o ri R d Fayetteville, AR 72701 P,O. Box 282 Springdale, AR 72765-0282 PI30110: (:179 ) gd 3 - 3451 Phone: ( 479 ) 751- 8733 l rtiail; Email: •a el@en ineerin service.corn Fax: ( 479 ) 751- 8746 Site Address /)vocation: 1100 W 15`" Street Favetteville AR, 72701, Legal description of area to be vacated (attach separate sheet if necessary): Cur-ent Zoning District: 1-2 General industrial Assessors Parcel Numbers) For subject property: 765-14979-000 FfNANCfAL 1NThRGSTS The following entities and / or people have financial interest in this project: Pinnacle Foods Mi { :tt1t a" 71,11 VNTI REPR�ESENTATI ME: 1 certify Under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements and answers Ill p 7 p J rY g ' herein n►acle all data, information, and evidence herewith submitted are in all respects, to the best of illy knowledge rn►d belief, true and correct. T understand that submittal of incorrect or false inforu►ation is grounds ibr invalidation of application completeness, determination, or approval. I understwnd that the City might not approve what I am applying for, or might set conditions on approval, pgp,� Name (116114:41). AmLms) t,� (-T4?tt"�"'"�' 1� Date: PROPERTY OWNER(S) /A UT11ORIZFD AGENT: I/we certify Under penally of perjury that I am/we are the owners) of the property that is the subject of this application and that l/we have read this application and consent to its filing. (l( ivuled ht• fire to lel►er lrrarn eaacla tarrffacr►tt' n�irac7r aaatr.►t l,t�,larrauirlcrl itrtlic°rrt aa�t'tlaul Me yawl` ft rartrlaarizarllrt art un LUVIter behirif) omye y (ultach addilienal hifo if nevestvart): Name t ►rnrt�204 L ;'.Ii:r.„it►1''•: 1 Q 'i , Date: M441 N�.n►e (f�rinteil}; SigiIattli•e.. 13ate: Address: Phone:(,A ) -71 - 061 Address: Phone: ( ) Vacation Checklist: .lttach the following items to this application: (I) Payment in full of applicable fees for processing the application: $200.00 application fee $5.00 public notification sign fee (2) Metes and bounds legal description of the area to be vacated, not the entire property (this may be included on the survey plat). (3) Survey of the site depicting the perimeter property lines and area within the property to be vacated. (4) CD containing; a copy of the legal description in M5 Word and PDF copies of the signed application and all other items submitted with this project. (5) A surveyor should stake the area on the site to be vacated for utility company review on their site visit. (G) A letter addressed to the Planning Commission and City Council describing the scope, nature, and intent of the request. (7) Abstractor's Certificate of Ownership stating names of all owners of property adjacent to the street ri,gbf-orway, alley, or easctnent to be vacated (this doctunent is obtained from a title company). (8) A copy of the county parcel map from the Washington County Assessor's office or from the Washington County website (www.co.ws tin an.ar,usl. Tho subject property and all adjacent parcels should be identified on this parcel reap. The owner's name, official mailing address, and the parcel nun►ber for revery adjacent property shall be shown on this map. A*W 291' Air MR IWA CITY OF FAYETTEVILLIE ARKANSAS TO: THRU: FROM: PLANNING COMMISSION MEMO City of Fayetteville Planning Commission Andrew Garner, City Planning Director Quin Thompson, Planner MEETING DATE: o`veffib�er 27 2Q4-7 UPDATED 11-29-2017 SUBJECT: VAC 17-5995: Vacation (1100 W. 1511 St. /Pinnacle Foods, 561): Submitted by ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. for property located at 1100 W. 151h st.. The property is zoned 1-2, General Industrial and contains approximately 46.57 acres. The request is to vacate a portion of street right-of-way. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding VAC 17-5995 to City Council with a recommendation for approval with conditions, finding that the existing right-of-way is not necessary, and will not provide useful connectivity in the future. BACKGROUND: The subject property is at 1100 W. 151h Street and is developed with a manufacturing facility. A 60 -foot wide right-of-way extends from the north property line for over 800 feet to the south with a 60 -foot width containing 0.28 acres. Approximately 600 feet of this right-of-way contains a multi- use trail connecting west 12th street with the multi -family development to the north. The portion of right-of-way containing trail is not a part of the request. Table 1 Surrounding Zoning and Land Use Direction Land Use Zoning RMF -24, Residential Multi-family/R-PZD Hill Place North Multi -family Residential/Undeveloped South Single-family Residential/Two-family Residential RMF -24, Residential Multi-family/RSF-8, Residential Single-family East UARK RV Park/Single-family Residential Railway P-1, Institutional/RMF-24, Residential Multi -family West 1-2, General Industrial Proposal: The applicant proposes to vacate a portion of this street right-of-way, in order to prepare the site for additional development. DISCUSSION: Vacation Approval: The applicant has submitted the required vacation forms to the City utility departments, with the following responses: Mailing Address: Planning commission 113 W Mountain Street v, rww.fayettev,Ile ,Rffltem 3 Fayetteville, AR 727031 17-5995 Pinnacle Foods ROW Page 1 of 18 Vacation Approval: The applicant has submitted the required vacation forms to the City utility departments, with the following responses: Utility Response Cox Communications No objections, provided that any damage to or relocation of existing facilities will be at the owner/developer's expense. AEP/SWEPCO BlackHills Energy AR AT&T Ozarks Electric City of Fayetteville Water/Sewer Solid Waste & Recycling Transportation No objections and no comment. No objections and no comment. No objections and no comment. No objections and no comment. Response No objections and no comment. N/A N/A Public Comment: No public comment has been received. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding VAC 17-5995 to the City Council with a recommendation for approval subject to the following conditions: Conditions of Approval: 1. Any relocation of or damage to existing utilities or existing facilities shall be at the owner/developer's expense; Planning Commission Action: aForwarded O Tabled O Denied Meeting Date: November 27, 2017 Motion: HOFFMAN, MOTION TO APPROVE AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF. Second: SCROGGIN Vote: 94.0 BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: None. Planning Commission November 27, 2017 G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2017\Development Review\17-5995 VAC 1100 W. 15th St. (Pinnace Agenda Item 3 Foods Street ROW) 561\03 Planning Commission\11-27-2017\Comments and Redlines 17-5995 Pinnacle Foods ROW Page 2 of 18 Attachments: • Request Letter • Petition to Vacate • Utility Approvals • Easement Vacation Exhibit • Vacation Exhibit Detail • One Mile Map • Close -Up Map • Current Land Use Map Planning Commission November 27, 2017 G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2017\Development Review\17-5995 VAC 1100 W. 15th St. (Pinnace Agenda Item 3 Foods Street ROW) 561\03 Planning Commission\11-27-2017\Comments and Redlines 17-5995 Pinnacle Foods ROW Page 3 of 18 ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. . 1207 S. Old Missouri Rd. • P.O. Box 282 * Springdale, Arkansas 72765-0282 October 10, 2017 Fayetteville Planning Division 125 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 RE: Pinnacle Foods Corp. Right -of -Way Vacation To whom it may concern, Ph: 479-751-8733 • Fax: 479-751-8746 On behalf of our client, we are submitting application materials to vacate a portion of an existing sixty -foot -wide Right-of-way within the Parcel 765-14979-000 in Fayetteville, Arkansas. The property is zoned 1-2 General industrial. There is a sixty -foot Right -of -Way from Plat book 1-47 Anderson 2nd subdivision existing on site that my client is requesting to be vacated. Our client wishes to expand part of their business into this area within the current zoning, which necessitates the vacation of a piece of this Right-of-way. The following application materials are attached: • Check to City of Fayetteville in the amount of $930 ($200 plus $5 Sign Fee) • Signed Right -of -Way Vacation application form • Vacation Exhibit • Certified List of Adjacent Property Owners • PDF copies of all application materials, including drawings, and a .doc file of the Legal Description on CD Please contact me if you have any questions, or need additional information. Thank you, C .1�smi Appel Enclosures ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Brian J. Moore, P.E. I Tim J.Mays, P.E. Jason Appel, P.E. Jerry W. Martin President Vice President Secretary / Treasurer ChairmRia r ir1§cQdmmission 2017 Page 4 of 18 w �� ���: b5�eg" �� ,��� �€ � Q ❑ d r fir; 3 R �e gg$€waw a r �3LL W W,� FQ� Pi -1 HvPff id�y e�_Foa 04��> .off ��gga.k€ e F=F a4or �t t "ilk �► tt `� JL�'" J yy�yf;� � J� {1''' J 34 � —��� ' lI � i .s �" .� •.- _� f,..!-. ��i •fir,.OIL rn � r 41 VPI I t• � r r r• � ii I P .a f i 1 w �� ���: b5�eg" �� ,��� �€ � Q ❑ d r fir; 3 R �e gg$€waw a r �3LL W W,� FQ� Pi -1 HvPff id�y e�_Foa 04��> .off ��gga.k€ e F=F a4or �t t "ilk �► tt `� JL�'" J yy�yf;� � J� {1''' J 34 � —��� ' lI � i .s �" .� •.- _� f,..!-. ��i •fir,.OIL rn � r 41 VPI I t• � w M .90.62.Zo S Q *136 L 3 M o O O cd M N 0 O 6C,4 :V M/8 � ,Ol'�OZ 00 co M 3 .90.62.Z0 Ncn � r " d e r � 'r f ^min yw. t ��LLJ IX Z U ®cyQ OQ�N =Q®o 0 (V LLI �wJ , X O w 0 EO Er -.J NSD o o y�ENS �'3CJ '3N0 Q *LLZL 8a `>IaC?J 1S3M Z LL MH S £`'BZsq lsn6.i 318VOOA38 : W IP40VN V 3 C1383 N301 H 000---O2zZO—S9L 4 F w M .90.62.Zo S Q *136 L 3 M o O O cd M N 0 O 6C,4 :V M/8 � ,Ol'�OZ 00 co M 3 .90.62.Z0 Ncn � r " d e r � 'r f ^min yw. t ��LLJ IX Z U ®cyQ OQ�N =Q®o 0 (V LLI �wJ , X O w 0 P ITION TO VACATE A RIGHT OF WAY LOCATED IN 'PLAT 1-47 ANDERSON 2"" SUBDIVISION TOr THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS TO: The City of Fayetteville Planning Commission and The Fayetteville City Council We, the undersigned, being all the owners of the real estate abutting the right-of-way hereinafter sought to be abandoned and vacated, lying in Plat 1-47 Anderson 2nd Subdivision, City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, a municipal corporation, petition to vacate a right-of-way which is described as follows: DESCRIRTION OF PORTIO AFSTREET TO BE VACATED: A PORTION OF BUCHANNAN AVENUE AS SHOWN ON PLAT OF ANDERSON'S 2ND ADDITION TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ACCEPTED BY THE FAYETTEVILLE CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 24, 1959 AND FILED IN PLAT BOOK 1 AT PAGE 47 OF THE WASHINGTON COUNTY RECORDS, SAID ANDERSON'S 2ND ADDITION BEING A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 114) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW 114) OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 16 NORTH, RANGE 30 WEST, FAYETTEVILLE, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 8 OF BLOCK 1 OF SAID ANDERSON'S 2ND ADDITION; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID BUCHANNAN AVENUE, ALSO BEING ALONG THE EASTERLY LINES OF LOTS 8 AND 9 OF SAID BLOCK 1, N00°02'35"E A DISTANCE OF 203.10 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, S89°57'07'E A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 6 OF SAID BLOCK 1; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID BUCHANNAN AVENUE, ALSO BEING THE WESTERLY LINES OF LOTS 6 AND 7 OF SAID BLOCK 1, S00°02'35"W A DISTANCE OF 198.71 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7 AND THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID ANDERSON'S 2ND ADDITION; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID ANDERSON'S 2ND ADDITION (ALSO BEING THE NORTHERLY LINE OF GARRIOTT SUBDIVISION TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, FILED IN PLAT BOOK 3 AT PAGE 321 OF THE WASHINGTON, COUNTY RECORDS), S85°52'00"W A DISTANCE OF 60.16 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.28 ACRES (12,054 SQ.FT.), MORE OR LESS. That the abutting real estate affected by said abandonment of the right-of-way in Plat 1-47 Anderson 2nd Subdivision to the City of Fayetteville used by the public for a period of many years, and that the public interest and welfare would not be adversely affected by the abandonment of the portion of the above described right-of-way. The petitioners pray the above described real estate be vested in the abutting property owners as provided by law. WHEREFORE, the undersigned petitioners respectfully pray that the governing body of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, abandon and vacate the above described right-of-way, and that the owners of the above described real estate be free from the right-of-way for the public use of said right-of-way. Dated this day of _ J iff 2017. .I LL 01MLEQ Printed name Signatureh,A��r+ IC4 � - ( Vji, $_ Printed name Signature Planning Commission November 27, 2017 Agenda Item 3 17-5995 Pinnacle Foods ROW Page 7 of 18 ITTILITY APPROVAL FORINT FOR RICHT- OF- WAY, ALLEY, AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATIONS DATE: 10/14/2017 UTILITY COMPANY: AT&T APPLICANT NA -ME: Pinnacle Foods APPLICANT PHONE: (479)-751-8733 (Jason Appel — ESI) REQUESTED VACATION (applicrnit anust check all that apps v): f Utility Easement _1 ftJtt-of-way for alley or streets and all utility casements located withiji the vacated right- oll way. t AIley x Stre:trifht-of=w-av 1 have been not [fled ofthe petition to vacate the following (alley, easewen(, ri hl-ol-i ov). described as follows: General location l Address 1000'VV 15TH ST PINN=ACLE FOODS N (ATTACH legal and graphic representation n/ what is being vacated-SUIR 14j) UTILITY COMPANY COMMENTS, _I No objections to the vacation(s) described above. and no continents. I No objections to the vacatiou(,$) described above; provided following described easements are retained. (State the location, dimensions, and purpose below.) No objections provided the following conditions are mer //�� Digitally signed by JEFF HAMILTON JEFF HA V � I LTO N ee.afl jh5430@atLcomN, -AT&T, —CONSTRUCTION/ ENGINEERING, Date: 20 17,10.16 12:21:39 -05'00' Si. -nature of Utility Company Repi,e-sentative (R OSP PI_IG ENGRG DESIGN Title ,1/ay2j344nning Commission rayoNovember 27, 2017 Agenda Item 3 17-5995 Pinnacle Foods ROW Page 8 of 18 UTILITY APPROVAL FORM FOR RIGHT- OF- WAY, ALLEY, AND U"r1LITY EASEMENT VACATIONS DATE: 10/16/20107 UTILITY COMPANY: BlackHills Energy APPLICANT NAME: pinnacle Foods APPLICANT PHONE: (479)-751-8733 (Jason Appel — ESI) REQUES'T'ED VACATION (applicant nrua7 check all that apply): 11 Utility Easement u Right-of-way for alley or streets and all utility easements located within the vacated right- of- way. ❑ Alley Street right-of-way I have been notified of the petition to vacate the following (alley, easement, righl-qf-wary), described as follows: General location / Address 00 (ATTACH legal description and graphic representation of what is being vacated -SURVEY) UTILITY COMPANY COMMENTS: x No objections to the vacation(s) described above, and no comments. No objections to the vacation(s) described above, provided following described easements are retained. (State the location, dimensions, and purpose below.) .J No objections provided the following conditions are met: Silnattir • of Utility Company Kepresvindive 6,7f r d2wtxn, �6ra May 2017 Page 5 Planning Commission November 27, 2017 Agenda Item 3 17-5995 Pinnacle Foods ROW Page 9 of 18 DA 1'E: / C9 -:2- rT — f —1 UTILITY COMPANY. UTILITY APPROVAL .FORM FOR RIGHT- OF- WAY, ALLEY, AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATIONS APPLICANT NAME: Pinnacle Foods ° APPLICANT PHONE; (479)-751-8733 (Jason Appel — ESI) REQUESTED VACATION (applicant must cheek till May upply): '1 Utility Easement J Right-of-way for alley or streets and all atility casements located within the vacated right- of- way, A Alley N Street right-of-way 1 have been notified of the petition to vacate the foilowing (alley, e asemew, right -ref ivgj} ), described as follows Ceaterzal location /.Address CA (ATTAC'll legal det'eription and graphic representation of what A being vracated4URVEY) UTILITY COMPANY COMMENTS No objections to the vacation(s) described above, and no comments. No objections to the vacation(s) described above, provided following described easements are retained. (State the location, dimensions; and purpose below) No objections provided the following conditions are met: Sigulatow (d I jtihft t y fhanTlzrlarEwmaatire Title °anc Manning Commission November 27, 2017 Agenda Item 3 17-5995 Pinnacle Foods ROW Page 10 of 18 C UTILITY APPROVAL FORM FOR RIGHT- OF- WAY, ALLEY, AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATIONS DATE: UTILITY COMPANY fly OF .•lYlTScr'fLLBt/si7`G, 4'�JG APPLICANT NAME: Pinnacle Foods APPLICANT PHONE: (479)-751-8733 (Jason Appel — ESI) REQUESTED VACATION (applicant neust check all that apply): .1 Utility Easement J Right-of-way for alley or streets and all utility easements located within the vacated right- of- way. 7 Alley ' Street right-of-way I have been notified of the petition to vacate the following (alley, ear emenl, righ(-of=uur). described as follows: General location / Address IN (ATTACH legal description amid graphic representation of what is being vacutecl-SURVEI) UTILITY COMPANY COMMENTS. .! No objections to the vacation(s) described above, and no comments. No objections to the vacation(s) described above, provided following described easements are. retained. (State the location, dimensions, and purpose below.) i No objections provided the following conditions are met: Signature f Utility [" t7 an) Representative Title ,I Fin•' 2017 1'ag" 171anning Commission November 27, 2017 Agenda Item 3 17-5995 Pinnacle Foods ROW Page 11 of 18 UTILITY AITHOVAL FORM F014 RIGHT-OF-WAY, ALL£1',AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATIONS 0A I I , 10/17/2017 i € 111,1 11' L't)Mlr:' NY: Cox Communications \PPLICANI NANIF: Pinnacle Foods A11111.IC'ANI Pdioxri: (479)-751-8733 (Jason Appel — F51) RI -Q1 Ha l 1 1) VAC A I ]ON WpIdiesiot trursf (•frrc•A aff that upf trp I llilily Iris: nelll 141Ltfl i�l A�:a4' for sulci 11r arvevi and illi t7tllill eawndllls located ti illtill 111e VT caved fiuilf- ol- i4. a%, Allev �11'e('I l iw�itl-pal-��'il1' 111,rvc licell llr,lilied of llll pt!fltirnl 10 vnealc ldl4 or�.'>llvw, rte 1,P ,d•n'url, de-,eribed n5 lollow+ Crelrct'al Inealioll f Addrrss X l•t 1'%: I t'1f 1c^girl tf��u^rJprfun r�rrf �=rnpfPfe� rc�rc^��^rtlrtrfnii rf"�l'll(Pf fc hc'iif�� ►rre�rtic�rl-.SCskl'frt"1 I l III 1 11' COMPANY ('01NINIF-s TS-. No ob eclion'; to the vacalion(s) dcwridtcd ;flue c, avid no vommowi, Nil ol)lvcthill`i to file vacation[.) dewr'ibed ab('b c. 111`006:d 1il11(mill L. fleaVfibed 01,01 Mils are rt:wiud. 6Ulle tlEc 1006011, di1ncn,'10f1s, �nld Ilur1)11,e belrM.d x '40 C 1bJC,: i0lts hrovi&d the iollo trim, ctmditilxlrs ary fuel: Any damage to or relocation of existing facilities will be at the owners/developers expense. yi atarre n1 lltilitq Coittpan% Repieretllalive Construdon & Planning Manager 'I isle Planning Commission November 27, 2017 Agenda Item 3 17-5995 Pinnacle Foods ROW Page 12 of 18 UTILITY M"PROVAL FORM FOR RIGHT- OF- WAV, ALLEY, AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATIONS DATE: -- Ja, t 7 UTILITY COWAN Y: 6ZC,,, 1�- k- S APPLICANT NAME: Pinnacle Foods APPLICkNTPHONE: (479)-751-8733 (Jason Appel — ESI) RE-QUES-rED VACATION (applicant must cheek till that upp4v)-, Utility Easement Right-of-way foe alley or streets and all utidty easements located within the vacated flght- of- way. 'i Alley Street right-of-way I have been notified of tile petition to vacate der followi Ing, . easumew, described as follows: General location / Address 11 (A ITA CH legal description aW graphic representagan of what is being vacated-Stjl? VEY) UTI LI TY COM PANY COMMENTS. XrNo objections to the vacation(s) described above, and no comments. No objections to the vacation(s) described above, provided following described. casements are retained. (State the location, dimensions, and ptirpose below.) -i No objections provided the following conditions are met: Signalgft Utility E6!pw?y Repteselliat I've Tille Uoi 2017 JPlanning Commission November 27, 2017 Agenda Item 3 17-5995 Pinnacle Foods ROW Page 13 of 18 UTILITY APPROVAL F011M FOR RIGHT- OF- WAY, ALLEY, AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATIONS DATE: j //0-019 UTILITY COMPANY: C :�y APPLICANT NAME: PinnacleFoods APPLICANT PHONE: (479)-751-8733 (Jason Appel — ESI) REQUESTED VACATION (applicant mast check rill that apply): F] Utility Easement U Right-of-way for alley or streets and all utility easements located within the vacated right- of- way. ❑ Alley x Street right-of-way I have been notified of the petition to vacate the following (alley, easement, right -c# -way), described as follows: General location / Address See attached 01 (ATTACH legal description and graphic representation oJ'what is being vacated -SURVEY) UTILITY COMPANY COMMENTS: No objections to the vacation(s) described above, and no continents. No objections to the vacation(s) described above, provided following described easements are retained. (State the location, dimensions, and purpose below.) i No objections provided the following conditions are met: TitleF 02 Planning Commission November 27, 2017 Agenda Item 3 17-5995 Pinnacle Foods ROW Page 14 of 18 UTILITY APPROVAL FORM FOR RIGHT- OF- WAY, ALLEY, AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATIONS 13ATE: fig - rk UTILITY COMPANY; APPLICANTNAME: pinnacle Foods APPLICANTPHONIC: (479)-751-8733 ()ason Appel — ESI} REQI ILST'f D VACATION (applievul must cheek crit that apply): Utility Easement 1 ]v ,ht -of way for alley or streets mid all utility easements located within the vacated right -of- way. i Alley Street rinitt-of-way I have been notiFted Of the petition to vactsle the following (alley, easemeou, right-rat-4ay), described as follows: General location / Address IN (,4T7AC11 legal rlescriprion and graphic representation of what is heing varatedl-S'€hRYEY) UTILITY COMPANY COMMENTS: No objections to the vacation(s) described above, and no comrnents- i No objrctions to the vacations} described above, provided following described casements are retained. (Slate the location, dimensions. and purpose below,) �l :No objections provided the following conditions Lire nic.t: Signature df Utility Company Representative title Afro 2O!? Pa,gesPlanning Commission November 27, 2017 Agenda Item 3 17-5995 Pinnacle Foods ROW Page 15 of 18 Agenda Item 3 17-5995 Pinnacle Foods ROW Page 16 of 18 VAC17-5995 PINNACLE FOODS STREET R -O -W Close Up View Legend Hillside -Hilltop Oveday District e Planning Area r — — t Fayetteville City Limits Shared Use Paved Trail Building Footprint P-1 U.1 a z a 9 z -, M Subject R -O -W ; o - 12TH ST 1-2 RNI F-24 C-� NORTH Feet 0 75 150 300 450 600 1 inch = 200 feet RMF -24 1-2 General Industrial C-2 ,4 r Commercial, Industrial, Residential P-1 Planning Co mission November 7, 2017 Agenda Item 3 17-5995 Pinnacle Foods ROW Page 17 of 18 VAC 17-5995 Current Land Use PINNACLE FOODS STREET R -O -W e r • � � Multi-Familysy r 47 r Multi -Family rte;, .HERRYkQOD DR ` Subject R -O -W # I. •�!}1t a0 -4 INQ g Pinnacle Foods Group 15TH STS — - Streets Existing MSP Class COLLECTOR PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL Planning Area - - -; Fayetteville City Limits Single Family Feet 0 112.5 225 450 675 900 1 inch = 300 feet Im m a FEMA Flood Hazard Data 100 `rear Floodplain Floodway Planning Con mission Novembner 7, 2017 Agenda Item 3 17-5995 Pinnacle Foods ROW Page 18 of 18 f JAN 0 2 2018 NORTHWEST ARKANSAS Democrat(�azette AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I Karen Caler, do solemnly swear that I am the Legal Clerk of the Northwest Arkansas Democrat -Gazette, printed and published in Washington County and Benton County, Arkansas, and of bona fide circulation, that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files of said publication, the advertisement of - CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Ord. 6021 Was inserted in the Regular Edition on: December 28, 2017 Publication Charges: $ 88.40 0 ffe—i'401, f, Subscribed and sworn to before me This Z day of �G , 2017. Pz6a k, Notary Public My Commission Expires: CATHY WILES Arkansas - Benton County I Public - Commt 12397118 My Commission Exnires Feb 20, 2024 **NOTE** Please do not pay from Affidavit. Invoice will be sent. Ordinance: 6021 File Number: 2017-0699 VAC 17-5995 (1100 W. 15TH ST./PINNACLE FOODS) STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY: AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE VAC 17-5995 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1100 WEST 15TH STREET TO VACATE A PORTION OF A STREET RIGHT-OF- WAY WHEREAS, the City Council has the authority under A.C.A. § 14-54-104 to vacate public grounds or portions thereof which are not required for corporate purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that about .28 of an acre of the following described street right-of-way is not required for corporate purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby vacates about 0.28 of an acre of a street right-of- way as described in Exhibit B attached to the Planning Department's memo. Section 2. A copy of this Ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk along with the map attached as Exhibit A to the Planning Department's memo shall be filed in the office of the Washington County Circuit Clerk. Section 3. This vacation approval is subject to the condition that any costs associated with relocation of or damage to utilities shall be at the owner/developer's expense. PASSED and APPROVED on 12/19/2017 Approved: Lioneld Jordan, Mayor Attest: Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Treasurer 74381963 Dec. 28, 2017