HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE 6005113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Ordinance: 6005 File Number: 2017-0559 III III11111111 IIII I I III IIII I I IIIII IIII III I II I III li II III III Doc ID: 017816910003 Type: REL Kind: ORDINANCE Recorded: 01/10/2018 at 08:52:49 AM Fee Amt: $25.00 Paqe 1 of 3 Washinqton County, AR Kyle Sylvester Circuit Clerk File2018-00000998 APPEAL RZN 17-5901 (1100 N. MEADOWLANDS/KHAJEHNAJAFI): AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZN 17- 5901 FOR APPROXIMATELY 1.20 ACRES LOCATED AT 1100 NORTH MEADOWLANDS DRIVE FROM R -O, RESIDENTIAL OFFICE TO CS, COMMUNITY SERVICES BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby changes the zone classification of the property shown on the map (Exhibit A) and the legal description (Exhibit B) both attached to the Planning Department's Agenda Memo from R -O, Residential Office to CS, Community Services. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1. PASSED and APPROVED on 10/17/2017 Page 1 Attest: 10- s EAPW� , Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Treasurer PI.-Ayr //tri,'` 1611"11 , Printed on 10118117 RZN 17-5901 KHA J EH NAJ AFI Close Up View RSF-8 RNI F•24 FRANCISCAN TRL RSF-4 Legend Planning Area s Fayetteville City Limits Shared Use Paved Trail Trail (Proposed) Building Footprint O Subject Property 0 z a J 03 LUWR -0 a RI -12 Feet 0 75 150 300 450 600 1 inch = 200 feet RMF -12 C'2: 17-5901 EXHIBIT 'A' C-1 A& NORTH Residential -Agricultural RSF-4 RSF-8 RMF -12 RMF -24 Residential -Office C-1 C-2 Vii] Community Services 17-5901 EXHIBIT 'B' As Surveyed Description: SUBJECT PROPERTY - AS SURVEYED DESCRIPTION TRACT "C" SURVEY PLAT DOCUMENT #2008-00004140: A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 16 NORTH, RANGE 31 WEST, WASHINGTON COUNTY, FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING ATTHE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID FORTY ACRE TRACT, SAID POINT BEING A FOUND RAILROAD SPIKE AND RUNNING, THENCE NORTH 87°08'38" WEST 894.00 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 02'48'33" WEST 660.82 FEET TO A FOUND 1/2" REBAR, THENCE SOUTH 02'48'33" WEST 324.63 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT BEING A FOUND 1/2" REBAR, AND RUNNING, THENCE SOUTH 02°45'36" WEST 281.79 FEET TO A FOUND 1/2" REBAR, THENCE NORTH 87000'19" WEST 178.30 FEET TO A SET 1/2" REBAR, THENCE NORTH 42°23'12" WEST 9.72 FEET TO A POINT OF THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF NORTH MEADOWLANDS DRIVE, SAID POINT BEING SET 1/2" REBAR, THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY NORTH 02037'53" EAST 274.84 FEET TO A SET 1/2" REBAR, THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY SOUTH 87002'39" EAST DISTANCE OF 185.81 FEETTO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 1.199 ACRES MORE OR LESS. SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RIGHT-OF-WAYS OF RECORD. Washington County, AR I certify this instrument was filed on 01/10/2018 08:52:49 AM and recorded in Real Estate File Number 2 1$:0000 0998 Kyle Sylvest r - 'r(66' -Me f` by City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Text File File Number: 2017-0559 Agenda Date: 10/17/2017 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meeting File Type: Ordinance Agenda Number: C. 4 APPEAL RZN 17-5901 (1100 N. MEADOWLANDS/KHAJEHNAJAFI): AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZN 17-5901 FOR APPROXIMATELY 1.20 ACRES LOCATED AT 1100 NORTH MEADOWLANDS DRIVE FROM R -O, RESIDENTIAL OFFICE TO CS, COMMUNITY SERVICES BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby changes the zone classification of the property shown on the map (Exhibit A) and the legal description (Exhibit B) both attached to the Planning Department's Agenda Memo from R -O, Residential Office to CS, Community Services. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 1011812017 BLEW & ASSOCIATE& ASSOCIATESPA CIVIL ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS To whom it may concern, SEP 2, 2 207 CITYOCLERK 5 OFFICE On September 11, 2017 rezone request RZN 17-5901 (1100 N. Meadowlands Dr./ Khajehnajafi, 400) was denied by the City of Fayetteville's Planning Commission. The request was to rezone the property from R -O (residential office) to C-2 (thoroughfare commercial). Our client would like to appeal the decision to rezone this property and have this item placed on the next available City Council agenda. However, we would like to change the requested zoning from C-2 (thoroughfare commercial) to CS (community services). Our client would like to appeal the Planning Commission's decision and have the City Council review a request to rezone the same property as referred to in RZN 17-5901 from R-0 (residential office) to CS (community services). If you have an question please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Buckley Blew PLS 524 W. SYCAMORE ST, SUITE 4- • FAYETTEVILLE / ARKANSAS • 72703 PHONE: 4 7 9- 4 4 3- 4 5 0 6 FAX: 4 7 9- 5 8 2- 1 8 8 3 V's CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO CITY OF FA 'ETTEVILLE ARKANSAS MEETING OF OCTOBER 3, 2017 TO: Mayor, Fayetteville City Council THRU: Andrew Garner, Planning Director FROM: Jonathan Curth, Senior Planner DATE: September 29, 2017 SUBJECT: RZN 17-5901: Rezone (1100 N. MEADOWLANDS DR./KHAJEHNAJAFI, 400): Submitted by BLEW & ASSOCIATES, INC. for property at 1100 N. MEADOWLANDS DR. The property is zoned R -O, RESIDENTIAL OFFICE and contains approximately 1.20 acres. The request is to rezone the property to CS, Community Services. RECOMMENDATION: The City Planning staff recommend approval of the recently amended request to rezone the subject property to CS, Commercial Services, as shown in the attached Exhibits 'A' and 'B'. BACKGROUND: The proposed rezoning request is for a 1.20 acre portion of a larger 2.4 acre property on the northeast corner of Wedington Drive/Highway 16 and Meadowlands Drive. The property is currently undeveloped and devoid of any significant vegetation. Following annexation in to the City in 1982, the property was zoned A-1, Agricultural, before a subsequent rezoning to R -O. Request: The request is to rezone the property from R -O, Residential Office, to CS, Commercial Services for future development. Land Use Compatibility: The proposed zoning is compatible with surrounding properties, which include a mixture of undeveloped, commercially -zoned properties, a single -story office building, and a mixed -density, residential subdivision that is under construction. The proposed CS zoning is not adjacent to any single-family homes, and the northern portion of the property will remain zoned as R -O. Additionally, this area of the City has many residents, but is limited in the availability of retail and services, requiring many residents to drive long distances to meet daily needs. The permitted uses allowed under the CS zoning district can potentially encourage development that will alleviate the lack of services along this portion of Wedington Drive. Land Use Plan Analysis: The proposed zoning is consistent with City Plan 2030, the Wedington Corridor Neighborhood Plan, and the Future Land Use Map designation of City Neighborhood Area. The CS zoning district encourages patterns of development that support the goals of these plans, including an expectation that non-residential buildings will be located at the corner, creating an environment appealing to pedestrians and reducing the visual impact of parking areas. A Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 mixture of residential and commercial uses is typical in a traditional urban form, with buildings addressing the street. Furthermore, the CS zoning district represents a manifestation of the City Neighborhood Area designation and its guiding policies to encourage a wide spectrum of uses developed in a compatible and walkable manner. As a part of the Wedington Corridor Neighborhood Plan, a redefining of the street into a parkway was envisioned. This includes complete, compact neighborhoods and the implementation of form - based zoning districts to create a walkable neighborhood core centered on Wedington and Rupple. The CS zoning district represents a step toward implementing this goal by allowing both increased density and a mixture of uses at this location. DISCUSSION: On September 11, 2017, the Planning Commission denied the applicant's request to rezone the property to C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial. The applicant has appealed the Planning Commission's decision to the City Council. The applicant has amended their request and now propose to rezone the property to CS, Community Services, as shown in the attached Exhibits Wand 'B'. Staff recommends in favor of the amended request. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: N/A Attachments: • Exhibit A ■ Exhibit B • Application • Planning Commission Staff Report RZN 17-5901 Close Up View 11MV-24 FRANCISCAN TRL 14,. RSF-4 Legend s Planning Area Fayetteville City Limits Shared Use Paved Trail Trail (Proposed) Building Footprint KHAJEwN.lo1JAFI RS1 -8 o Subject Property 1n 0 z Q J O R -O Q W RNIF-I2 CS 17-5901 EXHIBIT W WEDING:TONraR RI -12 Feet 0 75 150 300 450 600 1 inch = 200 feet C-1 (-2 A& NORTH Residential -Agricultural RSF-4 RSF-8 RMF -12 RMF -24 Residential -Office C-1 C-2 Community Services 17-5901 EXHIBIT 'B' As Surveyed Description: SUBJECT PROPERTY - AS SURVEYED DESCRIPTION TRACT "C" SURVEY PLAT DOCUMENT #2008-00004140: A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 16 NORTH, RANGE 31 WEST, WASHINGTON COUNTY, FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID FORTY ACRE TRACT, SAID POINT BEING A FOUND RAILROAD SPIKE AND RUNNING, THENCE NORTH 87°08'38" WEST 894.00 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 0248'33" WEST 660.82 FEET TO A FOUND 1/2" REBAR, THENCE SOUTH 0248'33" WEST 324.63 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POINT BEING A FOUND 1/2" REBAR, AND RUNNING, THENCE SOUTH 02°45'36" WEST 281.79 FEET TO A FOUND 1/2" REBAR, THENCE NORTH 87°00'19" WEST 178.30 FEET TO A SET 1/2" REBAR, THENCE NORTH 42°23'12" WEST 9.72 FEET TO A POINT OF THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF NORTH MEADOWLANDS DRIVE, SAID POINT BEING SET 1/2" REBAR, THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY NORTH 02°37'53" EAST 274.84 FEET TO A SET 1/2" REBAR, THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY SOUTH 87°02'39" EAST A DISTANCE OF 185.81 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 1.199 ACRES MORE OR LESS. SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RIGHT-OF-WAYS OF RECORD. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS REZONING I:OR STAFF USE ONLY FEE: $325.00 )ate Application Submitted: Sign Fee: $5.00 ')ate Accepted as Complete:GJ —lot I S -T -R: ;'ase /Appeal Number. ` PP#: �f1117 °ublic Hearing Date: Zone. ►�W Please fill out this form completely, supplying all necessary information and documentation to support your request. Your application will not be placed on the Planning Commission agenda until this information is furnished. Application: Indicate one contact person for this request: Applicant (person making request): Name: Address: E-mail: Phone: ) Fax: Applicant X Representative Representative (engineer, surveyor, realtor, etc.): Name: Blew & Associates William Gagner Address: 524 W_ Sycamore Street, Ste. 4 Favetteville, AR 72703 E, -mail: bill@blewinc.com Phone: ( 479 ) 443-4506 Fax: 479 582-1883 Site Address / Location: 1100 N. Meadowlands Drive / Location: Northeast corner of N. Meadowlands Dr. and W. Wellington Drive/Arkansas Highway 16 Current Zoning District: R-0 Requested Zoning District: C-2 Assessor's Parcel Number(s) for subject property: 765-16237-011 FINANCIAL INTERESTS The following entities and / or people have financial interest in this project: Kha'ehna'af, Shahryar & Tabatabai, Zhila 2004 Trust O'Reilly Automotive Stores, Inc. APPLICANTI RrsPR,,l';Sl'NT 977VE: I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements and answers herein made ail data, information, and evidence herewith submitted are in all respects, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and correct. I understand that submittal of incorrect or false information is grounds for invalidation of application completeness, determination, or approval. I understand that the City might not approve what 1 am applying for, or might set conditions on approval. Name (printed): William G. , r— - _,,, yam,. Date: 08/02/2017 PROPERTYOWNER(S) IAUTHORIZEDAGENT: I/we certify under penalty of perjury that I am/we are the owner(s) of the property that is the subject of this application and that I/we have read this application and consent to its filing. (If signed by the authorized agent, a letter. from each property owner must be provided indicating that the agent is authorized to act on his/her behalf.) Property Owners of Record (attach additional info if necessary): Name (printe(l}: Address: S'2ature: Phone: Date: Name (printed): Address:. Signature: Phone: Date: Rezoning Checklist: Attach the following items to this application: (1) Payment in full of applicable fees for processing the application: $325.00 application fee $5.00 public notification sign fee (2) A legal description of the property to be rezoned. A survey may be required if the property description can not accurately be platted or if it is described by referring to other deeds. (3) CD containing a copy of the legal description in MS Word and all required submittal items should be also included on the CD in PDF format. (4) A copy of the county parcel map from the Washington County Assessor's office or from the Washington County website (www.ov:washington.arm ). The subject property and all adjacent parcels should be identified on this parcel map. The owner's name, official mailing address, and the parcel number for every adjacent property shall be shown on this map. (5) A written description of this request addressing the following items: a. Current ownership information and any proposed or pending property sales. b. Reason (need) for requesting the zoning change. C. Statement of how the proposed rezoning will relate to surrounding properties in terms of land use, traffic, appearance, and signage. d. Availability of water and sewer (state size of lines). This information is available from the City Engineering Division. e. The degree to which the proposed zoning is consistent with land use planning objectives, principles, and policies and with land use and zoning plans. f. Whether the proposed zoning is justified and/or needed at the time of the request. g. Whether the proposed zoning will create or appreciably increase traffic danger and congestion. h. Whether the proposed zoning will alter the population density and thereby undesirably increase the load on public services including schools, water, and sewer facilities. I . Why it would be impractical to use the land for any of the uses permitted under its existing zoning classification. (6) The applicant is responsible for meeting the public notification requirements for a Rezoning listed on the Notification Requirements pages in this application. Notice: Resources including current zoning regulations, City Ptan 2030, Future Land Use Plan, Master Street Plan and Zoning maps are available for review on our website, www.aecessfayetteville.or and in the Planning Office. All applicants should meet with a staff Planner prior to completing a Rezoning application. wow CITY OF PAS E °TEVILLE € RKANSA PLANNING COMMISSION MEMO TO: City of Fayetteville Planning Commission THRU: Andrew Garner, City Planning Director FROM: Jonathan Curth, Senior Planner MEETING DATE: September 11, 2017 (Updated with Planning Commission Results) SUBJECT: RZN 17-5901: Rezone (1100 N. MEADOWLANDS DR./KHAJEHNAJAFI, 400): Submitted by BLEW & ASSOCIATES, INC. for property at 1100 N. MEADOWLANDS DR. The property is zoned R -O, RESIDENTIAL OFFICE and contains approximately 1.20 acres. The request is to rezone the property to C-2, THOROUGHFARE COMMERCIAL. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends denial of RZN 17-5901 based on the findings discussed throughout this report. BACKGROUND: The proposed rezoning request is for a 1.20 acre portion of a larger 2.4 acre property on the northeast corner of Wedington Drive/Highway 16 and Meadowlands Drive. The property is currently undeveloped and devoid of any significant vegetation. Following annexation in to the City in 1982, the property was zoned A-1, Agricultural, before a subsequent rezoning to R -O. Surrounding land use and zoning is depicted on Table 1. Table 1 Surrounding Land Use and Zoning Direction Land Use Zoning North Single-family Residential RI -12, Residential Intermediate, 12 Units per Acre South Undeveloped R -O, Residential Office Single- & Multi -Family Residential (Under RMF -12, Residential Multi -family, 12 Units per Acre; East Construction); CS, Community Services Undeveloped West Offices; R -O, Residential Office; Westwood Gardens Plant Nursery C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Request: The request is to rezone the property from R -O, Residential Office, to C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial for future development. Public Comment: Staff has not received public comment regarding this request. Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 INFRASTRUCTURE: Streets: The subject property has direct access to Wedington Drive/Highway 16 and Meadowlands Drive. Both streets are fully improved with Wedington Drive classified as a Principle Arterial and Meadowlands classified as a Local Street by the Master Street Plan. Additional future access may be possible by way of a stub street being constructed in association with the Rupple Meadows subdivision to the northeast. Any development improvements required in these areas would be determined at the time of development. Water: Public water is available to the site. There is an existing 8 -inch water main along the north side of the subject property within a utility easement. Sewer: Public sewer is available to the site. There is an existing 8 -inch sewer main along the west and south sides of this property within utility easements. Drainage: Any additional improvements or requirements for drainage would be determined at the time of development. No portion of this property lies within the FEMA - designated 100 -yr floodplain or the Hillside -Hilltop Overlay District (HHOD). Fire: The Fire Department did not express any concerns with the request. Police: The Police Department did not express any concerns with this request. CITY PLAN 2030 FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: City Plan 2030 Future Land Use Plan designates the properties within the proposed rezone as City Neighborhood Area. City Neighborhood Areas are more densely developed than residential neighborhood areas and provide a varying mix of nonresidential and residential uses. This designation supports the widest spectrum of uses and encourages density in all housing types. FINDINGS OF THE STAFF A determination of -the degree to which the proposed zoning is consistent with land use planning objectives, principles, and policies and with land use and zoning plans. Finding: Land Use Compatibility: Although some commercial uses may be generally compatible with the subject property, the intensity and breadth of uses within the requested C-2 zoning district are not appropriate or compatible at this location. At this location on the Wedington Drive corridor the densities and intensities of uses have begun to lessen as the land uses segue from the commercial node and an highway interchange to the east to large lot residential and agricultural uses to the west. Despite the immediate area containing a range of development types, ranging from offices and a plant nursery to single-family and attached residential dwellings, these uses are of a lower intensity that is appropriate for the intersection of a local and arterial street. Land Use Plan Analysis: The proposed zoning is incompatible with the Future Land Use Map (FLUM), which designates the subject and surrounding properties as City Neighborhood Area. One of the primary goals of City Plan GAETC\Development Services Review\2017\Development Review\17-5901 RZN 1100 N. Meadowlands Dr (Khajehnajafi) 400\03 Planning Commission\09-11-2017 2030 is for zoning decisions to be made that help create complete neighborhoods and make traditional town form the standard. A complete neighborhood should provide a mix of uses and housing types where residents can live, work, and play all in the same neighborhood. This policy is embedded in the description of City Neighborhood Areas by supporting a variety of uses and residential densities, particularly along corridors, like Wedington Drive. The proposed rezoning to C-2 on the subject property does not address this goal, as the zoning district limits development opportunities to non-residential uses in a suburban pattern. The C-2 zoning district allows for auto -oriented developments that discourage walkability and greater dependence on vehicles for transportation. The proposed rezoning also fails to address City Plan 2030's discouragement of suburban sprawl. While development under either the existing or proposed zoning districts may reduce the need to extend water and sewer service, or stretch existing fire and police department resources, a rezoning of the subject property to C-2 zoning district is tacit acceptance that the intersection of Wedington and Meadowlands may become new node of westward development in a suburban development pattern. Lastly, the proposed rezoning is not compatible with the Wedington Corridor Neighborhood Plan. This plan calls for a redefining of Wedington Drive as a parkway with complete, compact, and connected neighborhoods. Along with the subject property, the Plan recommends that the implementation of form - based zoning changes be made to remove the existing suburban, single -use zoning districts and create a walkable neighborhood core centered on Wedington and Rupple. An idealization of this can be found in the Wedington Corridor Illustrative Master Plan which shows the subject property developed with a building on the corner addressing the street. A determination of whether the proposed zoning is justified and/or needed at -the time the rezoning is proposed. Finding: Staff finds that the proposed zoning is not justified or needed to accommodate development of the property in accordance with the goals outlined in the city's comprehensive or neighborhood plans. The proposed zoning district does not encourage development in a traditional town form and is intended to provide retail goods and services to highway travelers rather than for persons living in the surrounding residential areas. At this location, the C-2 zoning district will not act as a connection between lower - and greater -density areas, as would be appropriate given the future land use map, but may act as a new node that encourages further suburban sprawl. Further, the property could reasonably be utilized under the existing R -O zoning, which is a low -intensity, mixed-use zoning that allows a transition from busier commercial areas to the east to residential neighborhoods in the immediate vicinity. A determination as to whether the proposed zoning would create or appreciably increase traffic danger and congestion. GAETC\Development Services Review\2017\Development Review\17-5901 RZN 1100 N. Meadowlands Dr (Khajehnajafi) 400\03 Planning Corn mission\09-11-2017 Finding: The site has access to both Wedington Drive, an improved Principal Arterial and state highway, and Meadowlands Drive, a partially -improved Local Street. Given the permitted uses under the proposed C-2 zoning district, an increase in traffic is possible when compared to the existing R -O zoning. While the R -O zoning district does permit residential uses, the C-2 allows a wide range of non-residential uses of varying scale and intensity. Any proposed development would be required to comply with the City's access management ordinance, including its provisions to design safe vehicular and pedestrian interactions. 4. A determination as to whether the proposed zoning would alter the population density and thereby undesirably increase the load on public services including schools, water, and sewer facilities. Finding: Given the lack of permitted residential uses in the C-2 zoning district, it is unlikely that development under the requested rezoning will adversely increase population densities, nor is it likely to create an undesirable load on other public services. That said, the intensity of non-residential development under the C-2 zoning district is much greater than under the existing R -O zoning district, and some non-residential uses can have greater impacts on City facilities than residential uses. The Police and Fire Departments have expressed no objections to the proposal. 5. If there are reasons why the proposed zoning should not be approved in view of considerations under b (1) through (4) above, a determination as to whether the proposed zoning is justified and/or necessitated by peculiar circumstances such as: a. It would be impractical to use the land for any of the uses permitted under its existing zoning classifications; There are extenuating circumstances which justify the rezoning even though there are reasons under b (1) through (4) above why the proposed zoning is not desirable. Finding: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends denial of RZN 17-5901 based on the findings discussed throughout this report. GAETC\Development Services Review\2017\Development Review\17-5901 RZN 1100 N. Meadowlands Dr. (Khajehnajafi) 400\03 Planning Commission\09-11-2017 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Required YES Date: Se tember 11 2017 O Tabled O Forwarded ® Denied Motion: Scroggin Second: Belden Vote: 6-0-0 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Required YES Not applicable unless appealed Date: O Approved O Denied BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: None Attachments: • Unified Development Code: o §161.20, R -O, Residential Office o §161.23, C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial • Request Letter • Rezone Exhibit • Wedington Corridor Neighborhood Plan Illustrative Map • One Mile Map • Close -Up Map • Current Land Use Map • Future Land Use Map GAETC\Development Services Review\2017\Development Review\17-5901 RZN 1100 N Meadowlands Dr (Khajehnajafi) 400\03 Planning Commission\09-11-2017 161.20 - District R -O, Residential Office (A) Purpose. The Residential -Office District is designed primarily to provide area for offices without limitation to the nature or size of the office, together with community facilities, restaurants and compatible residential uses. (B) Uses. (1) Permitted uses. Unit 1 City-wide uses by right Unit 5 Government facilities Unit 8 Single-family dwellings Unit 9 Two-family dwellings Unit 12a Limited business Unit 25 Offices, studios, and related services Unit 41 Accessory dwellings Unit 44 Cluster Housing Development (2) Conditional Uses, Unit 2 City-wide uses by conditional use permit Unit 3 Public protection and utility facilities Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities Unit 11 Manufactured home park" Unit 13 Eating places Unit 15 Neighborhood shopping goods Unit 24 Home occupations Unit 26 Multi -family dwellings Unit 36 Wireless communications facilities* Unit 42 Clean technologies Unit 45 Small scale production (C) Density. Units per acre 24 or less (D) Bulk and Area Regulations. (Per dwelling unit for residential structures) (1) Lot Width Minimum. Manufactured home park 100 feet Lot within a manufactured home park 50 feet G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2017\Development Review\17-5901 RZN 1100 N. Meadowlands Dr (Khajehnajafi) 400\03 Planning Commission\09-11-2017 Single-family 60 feet Two (2) family 60 feet Three (3) or more 90 feet (2) Lot Area Minimum. Manufactured home park 3 acres Lot within a manufactured home park 4,200 square feet Townhouses: Development 10,000 square feet Individual lot 2,500 square feet Single-family 6,000 square feet Two (2) family 6,500 square feet Three (3) or more 8,000 square feet Fraternity or Sorority 1 acre (3) Land Area Per Dwelling Unit. Manufactured home Townhouses & apartments: No bedroom One bedroom Two (2) or more bedrooms Fraternity or Sorority (E) Setback Regulations. Front 3,000 square feet 1,000 square feet 1,000 square feel 1,200 square feet 500 square feet per resident Front, if parking is allowed between the right- 50 of -way and the building feel Front, in the Hillside Overlay District 15 feet Side 10 feet Side, when contiguous to a residential district 15 feet G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2017\Development Review\17-5901 RZN 1100 N Meadowlands Dr. (Khajehnajafi) 400\03 Planning Commission\09-11-2017 Side, in the Hillside Overlay District 8 feet Rear, without easement or alley 25 feet Rear, from center line of public alley 10 feet Rear, in the Hillside Overlay District 15 feet (F) Building Height Regulations. Building Height Maximum 60 feet Height Regulations. Any building which exceeds the height of 20 feet shall be set back from any side boundary line of an adjacent single family district an additional distance of 1 foot for each foot of height in excess of 20 feet. (G) Building Area. On any lot, the area occupied by all buildings shall not exceed 60% of the total area of such lot. (Code No. 1965, App. A., Art. 5(x); Ord. No. 2414, 2-7-78; Ord. No. 2603, 2-19-80; Ord. No. 2621, 4-1-80; Ord. No. 1747, 6-29-70; Code 1991, §160.041; Ord. No. 4100, §2 (Ex. A), 6-16-98; Ord. No. 4178, 8-31-99; Ord. No. 4726, 7- 19-05; Ord. No. 4943,11-07-06; Ord. No. 5079,11-20-07; Ord. No. 5195, 11-6-08; Ord. No. 5224, 3-3-09; Ord. No. 5312, 4-20-10; Ord. No. 5462, 12-6-11; Ord. No. 5735 1-20-15; Ord. No. 5800, § 1(Exh. A), 10-6-15; Ord. No. 5921 , §1, 11-1-16; Ord. No. 5945, §§ 5, 7-9,1-17-17) G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2017\Development Review\17-5901 RZN 1100 N. Meadowlands Dr. (Khajehnajafi) 400\03 Planning Commission\09-11-2017 161.23 - District C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial (A) Purpose. The Thoroughfare Commercial District is designed especially to encourage the functional grouping of these commercial enterprises catering primarily to highway travelers. (B) Uses. (1) Permitted Uses. Unit 1 City-wide uses by right Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities Unit 5 Government Facilities Unit 13 Eating places Unit 14 ` Hotel, motel, and amusement facilities Unit 16 Shopping goods Unit 17 Transportation trades and services Unit 18 Gasoline service stations and drive-in/drive through Unit 19 Commercial recreation, small sites Unit 20 Commercial recreation, large sites Unit 25 Offices, studios, and related services Unit 33 Adult live entertainment club or bar Unit 34 Liquor store Unit 44 Cluster Housing Development Unit 45 Small scale production (2) Conditional Uses. Unit 2 City-wide uses by conditional use permit Unit 3 Public protection and utility facilities Unit 21 Warehousing and wholesale Unit 28 Center for collecting recyclable materials Unit 29 Dance Halls Unit 32 Sexually oriented business Unit 35 Outdoor music establishments Unit 36 Wireless communications facilities Unit 38 Mini -storage units Unit 40 Sidewalk Cafes Unit 42 Clean technologies Unit 43 Animal boarding and training G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2017\Development Review\17-5901 RZN 1100 N. Meadowlands Dr. (Khajehnajafi) 400\03 Planning Commission\09-11-2017 (C) Density. None. (D) Bulk and Area Regulations. None. (E) Setback Regulations. (F) Building Height Regulations. Building Height Maximum 75 feet* "Any building which exceeds the height of 20 feet shall be set back from a boundary line of any residential district a distance of 1 foot for each foot of height in excess of 20 feet. (G) Building Area. On any lot, the area occupied by all buildings shall not exceed 60% of the total area of such lot. (Code 1965, App. A., Art. 5(VI); Ord. No. 1833, 11-1-71; Ord. No. 2351, 6-2-77; Ord. No. 2603, 2-19-80; Ord. No. 1747, 6-29-70; Code 1991, §160.036; Ord. No. 4034, §3, 4, 4-15-97; Ord. No. 4100, §2 (Ex. A), 6-16-98; Ord. No. 4178, 8-31-99; Ord. No. 4727, 7-19-05; Ord. No. 4992, 3-06-07; Ord. No. 5028, 6-19-07; Ord. No. 5195, 11-6-08; Ord. No. 5312, 4-20-10; Ord. No. 5339, 8-3-10; Ord. No. 5353, 9-7-10; Ord. No. 5462, 12-6-11; Ord. No. 5592, 6-18- 13; Ord. No. 5664, 2-18-14; Ord. No. 5735, 1-20-15; Ord. No. 5800, § 1(Exh. A), 10-6-15; Ord. No. 5921 , §1, 11-1- 16; Ord. No. 5945, §§ 5, 7, 1-17-17) G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2017\Development Review\17-5901 RZN 1100 N. Meadowlands Dr. (Khajehnajafi) 400\03 Planning Commission\09-11-2017 15 Front feet Front, if parking is allowed between the 50 right-of-way and the building feet Side None Side, when contiguous to a 15 residential district feet 20 Rear feet (F) Building Height Regulations. Building Height Maximum 75 feet* "Any building which exceeds the height of 20 feet shall be set back from a boundary line of any residential district a distance of 1 foot for each foot of height in excess of 20 feet. (G) Building Area. On any lot, the area occupied by all buildings shall not exceed 60% of the total area of such lot. (Code 1965, App. A., Art. 5(VI); Ord. No. 1833, 11-1-71; Ord. No. 2351, 6-2-77; Ord. No. 2603, 2-19-80; Ord. No. 1747, 6-29-70; Code 1991, §160.036; Ord. No. 4034, §3, 4, 4-15-97; Ord. No. 4100, §2 (Ex. A), 6-16-98; Ord. No. 4178, 8-31-99; Ord. No. 4727, 7-19-05; Ord. No. 4992, 3-06-07; Ord. No. 5028, 6-19-07; Ord. No. 5195, 11-6-08; Ord. No. 5312, 4-20-10; Ord. No. 5339, 8-3-10; Ord. No. 5353, 9-7-10; Ord. No. 5462, 12-6-11; Ord. No. 5592, 6-18- 13; Ord. No. 5664, 2-18-14; Ord. No. 5735, 1-20-15; Ord. No. 5800, § 1(Exh. A), 10-6-15; Ord. No. 5921 , §1, 11-1- 16; Ord. No. 5945, §§ 5, 7, 1-17-17) G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2017\Development Review\17-5901 RZN 1100 N. Meadowlands Dr. (Khajehnajafi) 400\03 Planning Commission\09-11-2017 BLEW & ASSOCIATES, PA CIVIL ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS July31, 2017 Attn: Development Services City of Fayetteville 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 SUBJECT: Rezoning Application — Parcel 765-16237-011 To Whom It May Concern: RZN 17-5907 Request Letter Please accept this letter and the attached documents to serve as our application for the above referenced submittal to rezone a portion of Parcel 765-16237-011 located at 1100 N. Meadowlands in Fayetteville. A. The current owner of the tract is Khajehnajafi, Shahryar & Zhila tabatabai 2004 Trust. The site currently consists of approximately 2.53 acres. B. Our client is of purchasing approximately 1.199 acres of the tract and is requesting approval to rezone the site from R -O (Residential Office) to U -T (Urban Thorough -fare) or C-2, C. The property to the north is zoned R-0 (vacant land), to the east is RMF -12 (Multi -family residential development) and CS (vacant land), to the south across W. Wedington Drive is R -O (vacant land) and to the west across N. Meadowlands Drive is zoned C-1 (Farm Bureau Office). We feel that rezoning this property for our clients' proposed use is compatible with the surrounding zones. D. There is an 8 -inch sewer main that runs along W. Wedington Drive and along N. Meadowlands Drive. An 8 -inch water main runs along the north property line of our site. E. We feel the requested zoning is in line with the goals of the City Plan 2030 for rezoning and will cater to the growing community. F. We are requesting the change in zoning to allow for our clients' proposed use for an automotive retail store. G. This development will not adversely affect the existing or proposed streets in the area. H. The potential to increase the population density in this area would not adversely affect services as a result of this rezoning. I. Need to answer: Why it would be impractical to use the land for any of the uses permitted under its existing zoning classification. Sincerely, William G. Gagner Blew & Associates, PA 524 W. SYCIiIVI.—ORF, ST, SUITE 4 • 1,'l1YETT /ILLS / ARKANSAS 72703 PI1.ONE: 479-443-4 506 FA:X: 4 79-582-1 883 ( J, CMUO 0 g all �A I I HAI aG I I xg§ Pi E 41 ll T T a. -E al MH fF K jiim HS (D O `�, HAI xg§ Pi E 41 ll T T a. -E al MH fF K jiim HS (D O `�, .0 JJa Wedin ton Corridor �f 1111 I11{rlll MliT 1111 T'• 3'� J Neighborhood Plan if a Iii a J _— JI IN O J tl llllf ll{��{{lJF1/11 a`� r1{f Flirt111 iTJiJiI „,11,1111 rll r�ll 1.1`± d y. �� 0 _ .. .. t uEf . 4 w - ' - �� 1 NN77 lF..'Ij 4P—'"J3 � J •d "• �, _ �t F" . -J _ 4 3 s. t , 'Jji / ... aTa / a J •!' J '� JP1"dJJJ{J - J�ia? 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J jit-i li111io{{{{{ITCir llllilt IT ITITTle Subject Property- "` ' y r a J +iI -_ IIItIT1e11i 11111CA11 +J 11111 Yrif r,l full -' ' f " as -• RZN 17-5901 One Mile View NEW BRIDGE RD KHAJEHNAJAF! 0 0.125 0.25 RSF-8 C-1 L asr-a S ubject Property RNIF-2d RI-12 KNIF-2 LU LU 1 ti ¢ NI' w x v PERSIMMON ST 0.5 Miles A& NORTH GOLX t �B R -O NS -L /' R -A P-1 I zoning EXTRACTION — RESIDENTIAL SING LE -FAMILY =.El Legend .. •. g in ia, RIF- I COMM ERC AL AsF4 Planning Area S J S+� FORM BASED DISTRICTS r Fayetteville City Limits ' RSF.aa whoa r o,o,� e,e t ( RESIDENTIAL MULTI -FAMILY is i, 12 Ma 5 ee�ce n Shared Use Paved Trail I RT Re tl I RMF 12 ��nv s2 Trail (Proposed) ----- Planning Area • a RtaF 10 ANF RMF ao a an PLANNED ZONING DISTRICTS mme, ,a m = a Re 1-1, Building Footprint Fayetteville City Limits' INDUSTRIAL G--1 d�n3 INSTITUTIONAL RZN 17-5901 Close Up View RAW -24 FRANCISCAN TRI_ R_k RSF-4 Legend Planning Area 4 Fayetteville Cit Limits Y Y Shared Use Paved Trail Trail (Proposed) Building Footprint KHAJ E H NAJAF r o Subject Property 0 Z Q J : R -O W x WEDINGTON;DR RSF-S R1-12 Feet 0 75 150 300 450 600 1 inch = 200 feet RMF -I2 (IS ( C-1 A& NORTH Residential -Agricultural RSF-4 RSF-8 RMF -12 RMF -24 Residential -Office C-1 C-2 Community Services RZN 17-5901 Current Land Use KHAJEHNAJAFI I RTH ILLI- -I m I ow Single Family I� Y a RD FRANCISCAN TRL �' j � � "� `:;■, �� '�-. • _..^ ,e rim-+m„�.a• _,' a'_ i ..:. 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Future Single Family ^ pr I Q Subject Property o : -s < LU Garden Center h Undeveloped 1 rf, i tk "" -- - • — - ... .`pis WEDINGTA DR ." - ;- r 4- �',+{ is L71 i i � p -- 4 DAISY LN _; Planning Area FEMA Flood Hazard Data Fayetteville City Limits ;AO.Year Floodplain Trail (Proposed) Feet Fiootlway Streets Existing 0 75 150 300 450 600 MSP Class 1 inch = 200 feet PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL RZN 17-5901 KHAJEHNAJAFI Future Land Use Q W W 0 Q L) MA<<ARD LN 2 FRANCISCAN TRL V 0 Z Subject Property a J - j 0 Q W p', _. � -. - WEDINGTON>OR N310 21 E— Q a DAISY LN Legend ' Planning Area Fayetteville City Limits Shared Use Paved Trail Trail (Proposed) Building Footprint Feet 0 75 150 300 450 600 1 inch = 200 feet NORTH FUTURE LAND USE 2030 Residential Neighborhood Area City Neighborhood Area AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I Karen Caler, do solemnly swear that I am the Legal Clerk of the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette,.printed and published in Washington County and Benton County, Arkansas, and of bona fide circulation, that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files of said publication, the advertisement of: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Ord. 6005 Was inserted in the Regular Edition on: October 26, 2017 Publication Charges: $ 65.00 ,/ _Q ) Karen Caler Subscribed and sworn to before me This 31 day of pG-, 2017. CaZLI J Notary Public j My Commission Expires: CATHY WILES Arkansas - Benton County Notary Public - Comm r 12397118 My Commission Expires Feb 20, 2024 **NOTE** Please do not pay from Affidavit. Invoice will be sent. RECEIVED Nov '2 2017 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Ordinance: 6005 File Number: 2017-0559 APPEAL RZN 17-5901 (1100 N. MEADO WLANDS/KHAJEHNAJAFI): AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZN 17-5901 FOR APPROXIMATELY 1.20 ACRES LOCATED AT 1100 NORTH MEADOWLANDS DRIVE FROM R -O, RESIDENTIAL OFFICE TO CS, COMMUNITY SERVICES BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby changes the zone classification of the property shown on the map (Exhibit A) and the legal description (Exhibit B) both attached to the Planning Department's Agenda Memo from R -O, Residential Office to CS, Community Services. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1. PASSED and APPROVED on 10/17/2017 Approved: Lioneld Jordan, Mayor Attest: Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Treasurer 74316552 Oct. 26, 2017