HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE 5985113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Ordinance: 5985 File Number: 2017-0337 VAC 17-5815 (429 N. VINSON AVE./MERRITT): II II I I I II I I II I I II I III III I II II II II I I II Doc ID: 017604280004 Type: REL Kind: ORDINANCE Recorded: 08/23/2017 at 09:24:14 AM Fee Amt: $30.00 Paqe 1 of 4 Washinqton County, AR Kyle Sylvester Circuit Clerk File201 / —0002592 / AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE VAC 17-5815 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 492 NORTH VINSON AVENUE TO VACATE A PORTION OF A STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY WHEREAS, the City Council has the authority under A.C.A. § 14-54-104 to vacate public grounds or portions thereof which are not required for corporate purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the following described street right-of-way is not required for corporate purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby vacates a portion of a street right-of-way as described in Exhibit B attached to the Planning Department's memo. Section 2. A copy of this Ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk along with the map attached as Exhibit A to the Planning Department's memo shall be filed in the office of the Washington County Circuit Clerk. Section 3. This vacation approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Any relocation of or damage to utilities or existing facilities shall be at the owner/developer's expense. 2. A 10' wide general utility easement shall be retained behind the Master Street Plan right-of-way. Page 1 Printed on 7/7/17 Ordinance: 5985 File Number.' 2017-0337 PASSED and APPROVED on 7/6/2017 Approved: r Lioneld Jordan, Attest: Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Treasurer �����►� � u rrlrll TRp r�rr op ��FFf1Y�TTEVILL�; I�KAN,�.�J*. Page 2 Printed on 7!1/17 RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION EXHIBIT 17-5815 BOC,CORNER EXHIBIT "A" 1-1 f TOTAL ACREAGE PARCEL #765-04647-000 �s PT. LOTS 13 & 14 p� _fs• i- 010 ACRES +/— a I cnf:14C Pw-wE +aef IAW •_ el �yG� �I R I O+►JN' iKAT�TaBt E 1 � � of PROPERTY OWNER 1 MERR F.JOIWT&BTI ICN Y WLLIEUREKA SYYWGOil PRINGA AR 12631 } / 1 1 IjK AREA OF R/W VACATION � PROPERTY NED: e j 0,03 ACRES ILLEIDDHILLTOPOVERLAI DISTRICT /• l\ BUILDING SETEACKS: 1 1 3 S, 1.: •i Vjk��^_odd-rr. FRONT 15n SIDE IR a, 20' 40° 60' s\ s\ A\ GRAPHIC SCALE HN FEET) sN . IMI. MB s LEGALDEECRIPTIGNS: ARCEL d7G5414R1— A PART OF LOIS I3 AND 14, AND APART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF VACATED NORTH VINSON AVENUE. BLOCK 5, EAST MOUNT SUBDIVISION TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, WASHINGTON COUNT(, ARKANSAS. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO -WIT: BEGINNING AT AN EXISTING REBAR ON THE EAST RIGHT -0F -WAV OF NORTH VINSON AVENUE WHICH IS SO4°I1'I5' E 3033' FROM THE SOUTHWEST CDRNER OF SAID LOT 5 AND RU NGTHCNCES86°4)'J3'EJ857'TOANEXISTINGREBAR,THBNCE544°00'i6'E49,17'TOANEXISi GREBARTHE.'CE S45°57VO°W90R2'TOANEXIS GREBARONTHECOSTRIGIR-0E-WAYOFNORTHVNSON AV £NUk, THkNCE ALONG S.41U IUGHT-O-Y W AY --15"W 101 OI' TO THE POINT OP tlkGINNIN'G CONTAINING 010 ACRES NO - Itk OR LESS EUtl1kCT i0 ALL EAStMEMSANU KIGHIS-0F' WAl -COED AREA OF RIGHT -0F -WA VACATION A RT OFTHE EXISTING EnST RIGHT -0F -WAY OF,�'ORTH VINSON AVENUE, BLOCKS. FAST MOUNT SUBDIVISION TO THE CRY _F I]NTTIEVILLE, WnSHINGTON COL TY.ARKANSAS, BEING MORE PnRTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO -WIT: BEG—MG AT AN EXISTING REBAR ON SAID EAST RIGHT -0F -WAY OF NORTH VINSON AVENUE WHICH IS 504°14'I S' E 30 23' FROM 11D: SOUiH WEST CORNER OF SAID LOTS AND RUNNING 11H:N'CE.4LONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY 504°14`(1"E IRI 0I'TO AN EXISTING REBAR, THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST RIGHT -0F -WAY E45°5) -W1003'TO THE EAST MASTER STREET PLAN RIGHT-0IWAI FNORTH VINSON .AVENUE, THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHTS FWAY ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 223.92' FOR A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE OF NI 0°II'41"W 6066, THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY N00°26'52 -W 4862'. THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT_ IO.KA' TO THE PONT OF BfGININN OVTA O G,C — OJACRES.MOREOR LESS SUBJECTTO ALL EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS -0F -WAY OFRECORD ARCEL p765LiR1L COMdl kU.W WITH AREA OFR N I A T-OF-WAl" VACATION: APARTOFLOT513AND14 ANDAPARTOF THE SDUTHHALFGFVACATED NORTH ViNS0,N AVENPART UE, FOLLOWS, E%IS:BELINNING AT ANEWA1'OF NORTH VIN SON EAST UE BLOCK SEAST MOUNT SUBDIVISION UE THE WHICH IFA}14-15ILLE 'FROMGTUNCUUNTY ARKANSAS BEAN 'M R 4 U EPARTICULARLY DESCRIBED A5 FOLLOWS, TI>-WIT:BEGIN'tiING AT AN EXISTING REBAR UN THE EAST RIGHTtJF-WA1'UF NORTH VINSON AVENUE WHICH IS SMA ITERS REETFROM THC SOUTHWEST CORNCR OF SAID LOTS AND AL NCh A ONGTHENCESA DSEVII RiG JJ' E JS 5)' TO AN G A CU G RmAR THBNR HAVING ­00—A 49 RADIUS AN EXISTING REBAR THENCE SAND UO'l4 I W 86' TO T MASTER STRkkT YLAN RIGHT -0F -W A1' OF NORTH vINSON .4A EN'UE T18kNCk ALONG SAID RIGHT-0F-wAI' ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RAUIUS OF��3.92' FOR A CHORD dkARING AND UIETANCk OF' k1441"W 6066% THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAI D RIGHT-OF-WAY N' 16'5-W 4562', THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT-OF-WAl SR6°47JJ-E IO ER TO THE POIN T OF BEGINNING.CONTAINING 0.13 ACRES, MORE OR LESS SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS AND RIGHTIUF-WAI OF RECORD NHTB: E LOCATION OF UTILITIES SHOWN H£KUON ARE FROM OBSERVED EVIDENCEOFABOVEGROUND.APPURTEN.SNCES .ALLUTILITILINES EARING ON THIS PLAT, AS WELL AS THOSE THAT MAl'EXIST UNDERG ROIJNII NEED TORE VERIFIED PRIOR TO DOING AN'YTYPE OF EXCAVATION OR DESIGN. SOMEUTILITYLNESMAYALSOEXISTTHAT WERE NOT SHOWN ON THIS PLAT, VICINITY NAP I SITE I T 1! el L I VEC1Hif5' leaf `,� TTIsC.N1 17-5815 EXHIBIT "B' RUCRIFTION_ OF AREA OF 2RjQPQSJD RIGHT -017 WAY VACATION: A D'ART Of THE UISTI NG EAST FUGHT-OF-WAY Of NORTH VINIMN AVENUE, BtOCK S. EAST MOUNT SUBIDIVLNON TO THE EITV OF FAYETI'EVILLE, WASHINGTON M1 ,, ARKANSA5r HING MORE 1`ARTICULARLY DEECR18ED AS FOLLOWS, 703,NLT. BEWNNING AT AN EXISTING REBS CIN SAID EAST 14GHT-OIC-'SAY OF NORTH VINSON AVENUE WHICH IS SO4'1+4'15'rE 30.33' FROM YHE 5OUTH EST CORNelk OF SAJD LOT S AND RUNNING THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT -CF -WAY +4`14' 15*E 101.01' TO AN EXISTLNG RERAR, FENCE L 'VI#JG SAID, EAST RIGHT -OF -W0 5`57' " W 10.011" TO THE LAST MASTED. STFUT PLM RIGHT-01�-Aw OF MORT14 VI NEON AVENUE., THENCE AtiONG SAID RIGHT-0-FWAY ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIG14T HAVING A RADIUS W 223-92' FOR A CHORD HARING ,RIND OIStA E N10F11"4r 6Q, 'p THENCE CONTINUING &CI SAID R[gSHT-OF-WAY NOD*26'82"W 48.62'. THENCE LEAVING SAID RI4SHT-0F-;WAV SW47'3rE 10.98' TO THE -POINT AFF 8EC11' KING, CONTAINING 0.03 ACRISK MORE OR LEAS. SSB ECT TO ALL EASEMENTS ANO RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF RECORD. That the abutting real estate affected by said abandonment of 1ho alley act: LOT E,. BLOCK B OF MOUNTAIN V1E1W ADDITION (PARCEL N765 -M, 3440001,, LOT 15 OF EAST MOUNT ADDITION I P'ARCEh .0765-0484-0001, PAAT OF LOT$ i AND 8p ®EI NCa A i�EPLAT OF LOT 41, AND LOTS 1,13.27 OF EAST MOUNT ADDITION [PARCEL #7E"4 3- # j, PART OF LOTS 12f14., EAST MOUNT ADDITION -(PARCEL #765-048+ -0 i� AND LOT'S 1-41 BLOCK 9 OF MOUNTA114 V15W ADOMON IPARLEL 07655- 3040Qj Washington County, AR I certify this instrument was filed on 08/23/2017 09:24:14 AM and recorded in Real Estate File Number 2017-000 51a�7 Kyle Sylvester- Circui Cie by City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Text File File Number: 2017-0337 Agenda Date: 7/6/2017 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meeting File Type: Ordinance Agenda Number: C. 6 VAC 17-5815 (429 N. VINSON AVE./MERRITT): AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE VAC 17-5815 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 492 NORTH VINSON AVENUE TO VACATE A PORTION OF A STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY WHEREAS, the City Council has the authority under A.C.A. § 14-54-104 to vacate public grounds or portions thereof which are not required for corporate purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the following described street right-of-way is not required for corporate purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section I. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby vacates a portion of a street right-of-way as described in Exhibit B attached to the Planning Department's memo. Section 2. A copy of this Ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk along with the map attached as Exhibit A to the Planning Department's memo shall be filed in the office of the Washington County Circuit Clerk. Section 3. This vacation approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Any relocation of or damage to utilities or existing facilities shall be at the owner/developer's expense. 2. A 10' wide general utility easement shall be retained behind the Master Street Plan right-of-way. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 71712017 Andrew Garner Submitted By City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2017-0337 Legistar File ID 7/6/20.7 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item 6/16/2017 City Planning / Development Services Department Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: VAC 17-5815: Vacation (492 N. VINSON AVE./MERRITT, 486): Submitted by BATES & ASSOCIATES, INC. for property at 492 N. VINSON AVE. The property is zoned RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 4 UNITS PER ACRE and contains approximately 0.10 acres. The request is to vacate a portion of a street right-of-way. Budget Impact: Account Number Fund Project Number Project Title Budgeted Item? NA Current Budget $ Funds Obligated $ Current Balance Does item have a cost? No Item Cost Budget Adjustment Attached? NA Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Original Contract Number: Comments: Approval Date: V20140710 CITY OF 01 Tj Tay s P V ARKANSAS MEETING OF JULY 6, 2017 TO: Mayor and City Council CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO THRU: Andrew Garner, Planning Director FROM: Quin Thompson, Current Planner DATE: June 16, 2017 SUBJECT: VAC 17-5815: Vacation (492 N. VINSON AVE./MERRITT, 486): Submitted by BATES & ASSOCIATES, INC. for property at 492 N. VINSON AVE. The property is zoned RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 4 UNITS PER ACRE and contains approximately 0.10 acres. The request is to vacate a portion of a street right-of-way - RECOMMENDATION: Staff and Planning Commission recommend approval of VAC 17-5815 with the following condition of approval: 1. Any relocation or damage to utilities of existing facilities shall be at the owner/developer's expense 2. A 10' wide general utility easement shall be retained behind the Master Street Plan right- of-way. BACKGROUND: The undeveloped property is located at 429 Vinson Avenue and contains approximately 0.10 acres. The property is RSF-4, Single-family/4 units per acre zone. Proposal: The applicant proposes vacation of a portion of unbuilt street right-of-way depicted in the attached Exhibit 'A' and Exhibit 'B' (comprising approximately 1,368 square feet). The applicant is preparing the site for construction of a single-family home. DISCUSSION: On June12, 2017 the Planning Commission forwarded this item to the City Council with a recommendation for approval with a vote of 6-0-0. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: N/A Attachments: • Exhibit A • Exhibit B • Application • Planning Commission Staff Report Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION EXHIBIT' .17-5815 1WCO— EXHIBIT "A', I TOTAL ACREAGE PARCEL //765-04647-000 5-047-000 7 P7. LOTS 13 & 14 0.10 ACRES neu #u AREA OF R/W VACATION 0.03 ACRES ID l:All: 1t 1'd I 1 11 1, Ml, IZ 1 1, 'i I% sp 16 17-5815 EXHIBIT W 0 ES(. -,R IPTI N OF AP EA OF PROPOSE RIGH T -OF --WAY VACO"' OU1, A PART Q F TH E E ISTING Er'5T R IG HT—OF-WAY 0 FNORTH V INS 0N As' E'NUE, ElLialE 5,, EAST P40 LiN 1I" SU EltIVISIOU TD THE EiTy OFF FAV ETA Edd ILI_E, 'A'ASHI N ".10N COUNTY, ARKAN~ A$, 0 � IM6 MORE PART4C- ULARLY I,EWRI K0 As FGLLO'-'Si, TO-YAT: P Evil N MNG AT AN EXISTING P E DAR. ON SAID EkST IGHT-C F-` AY OF NORTH MTH VIC SON AVENUE WH ICH IS 504,`14` 15"9 0,21' RON1 THE 50 LITH WEST (-O!RN M OF .5- 10 LOT. S AN C AU NNI ISG ill ENCE AIL0,NG Sri Ids, PIG"T-OFIWAY 5 4' 14' 15" E OtO ' 'TO AN EX ISTI NIG REBAR, TH E NCE LEA1�0I?4G SAJO tASr RICH t -r. F -WAY TH E EAST PAA$TER 57RttT PLAN Al (5ljT-QF-lA'AY Of NORTH 'ail HSON' AVEN LJE„ TH ENCE ALONG SArD %IGM--0¢pFWAY A LONG A -CU1= VE TO TH E Fi IG HT HAVI *2! A RAO IIJ 5 0 F 221124 POLI A (;M�- b �fiARIW,,, N D DI TANG QF ISI 1011 Vd 1"W 60.C -V, TH E FACE CGN TON LSM G ALONG SAID RI GGT -OF -WAW N00`26'52"W 4--8.62', THEN E LEwAMNG SAID PIGHT'-OF-WAY SaG'47'33`E 10.8;3'70 TH I'0114 f 0P 6 I641PMM-Gfll COW Atl'' ]MG 0,01.1 A flr'$e MORE OR LESS, 5UBIE CT TO ALL EASEM- EFTS_ AN D P iGHTS-OF-W AY OF RECORD. That the a butfing feat estate affpO ed by saltie at)anj onment of 1 he ddav ife: LOT 5, VILO K 8 ,oF MOUNTAIN1 VIEW ADOITI OF �PAREEoL 9,765,085B4 -0001, LOT 15 OF EAST PA bUW' A DDlTlrJr- 4 j PARCEL 06:5-0001-000), PA -Al Clip L015 1 AhjoEiE§EI i E L LOT 4-121 'AN D W75 L65-21 OF EAST `,,,IOtJ SIT ADDITION [PARCEL T0765.048 -&5- 000), x'65.048- 5-000), PART OF LOTS '12-14; EAST MO UP4 T AD DIT'ION (PARCEL AMS -=-148A 6-UQV: , ,AF 4oT 1-4, ui c) y 9 l0r� CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS Right -of -Way, Easement or Alley VACATION FOR STAFF USE ONL Y FEE. $100.00 Date Application Submitted; Sign Fee: $5.00 Date Accepted as Complete: S -T -R: Project Number- PP# Public Hearing Date: Zone: Please fill out this form completely, supplying all necessary information and documentation to support your request. Your -application will not be placed on the Planning Commission agenda until this information is furnished Application: Indicate one contact person for this request: Applicant (person making request): Name: t VtiL&zA1 i Applicant Representative Site Address,' Location: Representative (engineer, surveyor, realtor, etc.): Name: Kale! t t S®C�+reS'sc. Address: '7.7_30 S - Plef.+ F - r+vekuills AR 7204 47L;EPhane: I_ )97L - Email: mail• jUAIIA ,Q— Fax: ( Legal description of area to be vacated (attach separate sheet if necessary): _... Si�eL � s9 _ �r � . � - �iI c► .r�r �l cs cC �_z____�_s� i ,., Current Zoning District: Sf-4 Assessors Parcel Number(s) for subject property: FINANCIAL INTERESTS The following entities and ,or people have financial interest in this project: December 2014 Page 1 i �■ rcE� Site Address,' Location: Representative (engineer, surveyor, realtor, etc.): Name: Kale! t t S®C�+reS'sc. Address: '7.7_30 S - Plef.+ F - r+vekuills AR 7204 47L;EPhane: I_ )97L - Email: mail• jUAIIA ,Q— Fax: ( Legal description of area to be vacated (attach separate sheet if necessary): _... Si�eL � s9 _ �r � . � - �iI c► .r�r �l cs cC �_z____�_s� i ,., Current Zoning District: Sf-4 Assessors Parcel Number(s) for subject property: FINANCIAL INTERESTS The following entities and ,or people have financial interest in this project: December 2014 Page 1 APPLICANT/REPRESENTATIVE: I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements and answers herein made all data, information, and evidence herewith submitted are in all respects, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and correct. I understand that submittal of incorrect or false information is grounds for invalidation of application completeness, determination, or approval. I understand that the City might not approve what I am applying for, or might set conditions on approval. Q j] Name (printed): it i pl _ Q7'e1 0,,4 IJ.aiX4 Date: ?/)7 " PROPERTYOWNER(S) /AUTHORIZED AGENT: liwe certify under penalty of perjury that I am/we are the owner(s) of the property that is the subject of this application and that I/we have read this application and consent to its filing. (If signed by the authoriredggent, a letterfronr each tMperty awtler must be provided indicating that the aeent is authori'ced to act an his/her behalf.! Owners (attach additional info if necessary): Name{ rinted): Address:) -a t Si azure: ` �L Date: ' 7 Phone: }7-112 Name (printed): Signature: Date: Address: Phone: Vacation Checklist: Attach the following items to this application: (1) Payment in full of applicable fees for processing the application: $200.00 application fee /2) $5.00 public notification sign fee Metes and bounds legal description of the area to be vacated, not the entire property (this ,% may be included on the survey plat). t'° (3) Survey of the site depicting the perimeter property lines and area within the property to be vacated. (4) CD containing a copy of the legal description in MS Word and PDF copies of the signed application and all other items submitted with this project. (5) A surveyor should stake the area on the site to be vacated for utility company review on their site visit. (6) A letter addressed to the Planning Commission and City Council describing the scope, nature, and intent of the request. (7) Abstractor's Certificate of Ownership stating names of all owners of property adkjacent to the street right-of-way, alley, or easement to be vacated (this document is obtained from a title company). (S) A copy of the county parcel map from the Washington County Assessor's office or from the Washington County website The subject property and all adjacent parcels should be identified on this parcel map. The owner's name, official mailing address, and the parcel number for every adjacent property shall be shown on this map. December 2014 Page 2 woo CITY of PLANNING COMMISSION MEMO FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS TO: City of Fayetteville Planning Commission THRU: Andrew Garner, Planning Director FROM:' Quin Thompson, Planner MEETING DATE: `Ju tL—x-2017 UPDATED 6-15-2017 SUBJECT: VAC 17-5815: Vacation (492 N. VINSON AVE.IMERRITT, 486): Submitted by BATES & ASSOCIATES, INC, for property at 492 N. VINSON AVE. The property is zoned RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 4 UNITS PER ACRE and contains approximately 0.10 acres. The request is to vacate a portion of a street right-of-way. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding VAC 17-5815 with conditions of approval, BACKGROUND: The undeveloped property is located at 429 Vinson Avenue and contains approximately 0.10 acres. The property is RSF-4, Single-family/4 units per acre zone. The surrounding zoning and land uses are depicted in Table 1, Table 1 - Surrounding Zoning and Land Use [Direction from Site 'Land Use Zoning North Residential RSF-4, Single-family Residential South Residential RSF-4, Single-family Residential East Residential RSF-4, Single- annily Residential West Residential RSF-4y Single-family Residential Proposal. The applicant proposes vacation of a portion of unbuilt street right-of-way depicted in an exhibit provided by the applicant (comprising approximately 1,368 square feet). The applicant is preparing the site for construction of a single-family home. DISCUSSION: Vacation Approval: The applicant has submitted the required vacation Forms to the City utility departments, with the following responses; City of Fayetteville Cox Cable Response Relocation or damage of equipment will be at the developer's expense. Punning Commission June 12 2017 Ivlailingddres5o Agenda Item 2 113 W. mountain Street www.fay� tln+ 15 Mr Fayetteville, Aft 72701 AT&T Relocation or damage of equipment will be at the developer's expense. Black Hills Energy No objections AEP/SWEPCO Retain 10' general utility easement behind the Master Street Plan right-of-way Ozarks Electric No objections Recycling & Solid Waste No objections Water/Sewer No objections Transportation No objections Adjacent Property Owners Response Melody, Stephen A. and Paula B No objections House Family, LLC No objections JMSH, LLC No objections Mary J. Gocio Revocable Trust No objections Public Comment: No public comment has been received. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding VAC 17-5815 with the following conditions: Conditions of Approval: 1. Any relocation or damage to utilities of existing facilities shall beat the owner/developers expense 2. A 10' general utility easement behind the Master Street Plan right-of-way along the property frontage. G_lETCOevelopment Services Review120171Development Revlew117-5815 VAC 492K Vinson Ave. (Merritt) 486143 Planning Commissioni06-12-20171Comments and Redlines Planning Commission June 12, 2017 Agenda Item 2 17-5815 Merritt Page 2 of 21 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Required YES Date: June 12, 2017 13 Tabled (A Forwarded © Denied Motion: SCROGGIN Second: NOBLE Vote; 6-0-, ON CONSENT AGENDA BUDGETISTAFF IMPACT: None. Attachments: Request Letter ■ Petition to Vacate Vacation Exhibit ■ Adjacent Property Owner Approval Utility Approvals W One Mile Map ■ Close Up Map G,IETC\Deveiopment Services Rev iewl2017117eveloom ant Reviewil7-5815 VAC 492 N. Vinson Ave, (Merritt) 486103 Planning Comm issionl06-12-20171Comments and Redlines Planning Commission June 12, 2017 Agenda Item 2 17-5815 Merritt Page 3 of 21 Bates, `s/1 Associates, I enc_ I Civil Engineering Surveying 7230 S Pleasant Midge Dr. / Fayetteville,. AR 72704 111-1: 479-442-9350 a` FAX: 471-521-9350 twin w. hates n svn. corn MAY 2,2017 CITY OF FAYETTEMILLE the City of Fayetteville Planning Commission and City C ounciI Our client, JOI IN MERR11:1', is regm ing as vacation ofexisting right-ol'- way on property he owns at 492 Vinson Avcnuc (part or lots 13 tand 1=4, 1 3St Mount subdivision, and part of thesouth halror(he now vacated North Vinson Avenue), on the west side of their properly which rronts Vinson Avenue. Mr. Merritt is cua7ently building to new house on the IVOPerty, And becausa the: platted 1'i_vhl-0f-Wuy, is tntare ewc%sive than the current master street plan right-ot=way in that area, the City o1'l,"aye11ey1ille is Willing to vacate the excessive right-ol' \,vay between the piattezl right-of-way and -master street pian right-of=�,vay. Please sec the attached RIGHT -01 -WAY VACATION Exhibit liar further information regarding this, request, and contact Batters & rlssoeiates with any questions or concerns. 5incerell, .ltistin Reid Bates & ,Associates, lar. Planning Commission June 12, 2017 Agenda Item 2 17-5815 Merritt Page 4 of 21 LM O41[.SH�I�[,3�!-�ciSs� f Planning Comm Sion June 12, 2[]17 Agenda [em 2 '" 37.5$T5`MerrRi Wage 5 of 21 PETITION TO VACATE RIGHT -OF -WRY LOCATED ADJACENT TO LOTS 13 AND 14, BLOCK 5, EAST MOUNT ADDITION, CIT`/ OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS TO: The Fayetteville City Planning Commission and The Fayetteville City Council We, the undersigned, being all the owners of the real estate abutting the RIGHT-OF-WAY hereinafter sought to be abandoned and vacated, lying ADJACENTTO PART OF LOTS 13 AND 14, BLOCK 5 OF EAST MOUNTADDITION, City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, a municipal corporation, petition to vacate a RIGHT -O(= -WAY which is described as follows: DESCRIPTION OF AREA OF PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION: A PARTOF THE EXISTING EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY OF NORTH VINSON AVENUE, BLOCK 5, EAST MOUNT SUBDIVISION TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO -WIT: BEGINNING AT AN EXISTING REBAR ON SAID EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY OF NORTH VINSON AVENUE WHICH IS 504'14'15"E 30.23' FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT S AND RUNNING THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-CIF-WAYSO4'14'15"E 101.01' TO AN EXISTING REBAR, THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY 545'57'00"W 10.03' TO THE EAST MASTER STREET PLAN RIGHT-OF-WAY OF NORTH VINSON AVENUE, THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-O-FWAY ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 223.42' FOR A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE OF N10'11'41"W 60.66', THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT -Of -WAV N00'26'S2"W 48.62 THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT -OF -WRY 586°47'33"E 10.88" TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.03 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, SUBJECTTO ALL EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF RECORD That the abutting real estate affected by said abandonment of the alley are: LOT 5, BLOCK B OF MOUNTAIN VIEW ADDITION (PARCEL 065.08584-000), LOT 15 OF EAST MOUNT ADDITION (PARCEL #765-04848-000), PART OF LOTS 1 AND 6, BEING A REPLAT OF LOT 4-11, AND LOTS 16.27 OF EAST MOUNT ADDITION (PARCEL 0765-04865- 000), PART OF LOTS 12-14, EAST MOUNT ADDITION (PARCEL #765-04846.000), AND LOTS 1-4, BLOCK 9 OF MOUNTAIN VIEW ADDITION (PARCEL 9765.08630.000). City of Fayetteville used by the public for a period of many years, and that the public interest and welfare would not be adversely affected by the abandonment of the portion of the above described utility easement. The petitioners pray that the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, abandon and vacate the above described real estate, subject, however, to the existing utility easements and sewer easements as required, and that the above described real estate be used for their respective benefit and purpose as now approved by law. The petitioners further pray that the above described real estate be vested in the abutting property owners as provided by law. WHEREFORE, the undersigned petitioners respectfully pray that the governing body of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, abandon and vacate the above described real estate, subject to said utility and sewer easements, and that title to said real estate sought to be abandoned be vested in the abutting property owners as provided by law, and as to that particular land the owners be free from the easements of the public for the use of said alley. Dated May 2, 2017 Printed Name � ' rrClfj, r4r' y= Signature Planning Commission June 12, 2017 Agenda Item 2 17-5815 Merritt Page 6 of 21 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/APPROVAL FORM FOR RICHT-OF- WAY. ALLEY, ASD EASE,ME'1TVACATION REQUESTS Address locution o=' N acation' � �1 � /,� � �L Ili Adjacent property address: N. 45` ewA4 2.-! l �LeLa �Q, ""o A'-zle t.cn `� � � E�i:,s_k' _-, S��htti�'i;rZn' �-11,17 1 Il LZ� CZ �;•L f.�� _��.__ REQULst-ED yA .ATIO', I crrrl, rt grt•u`uu► ). de%rib a fUU01A S. � W,Q- d'fr -flih c C i Y I/ez!?LGG� 1.,f 11'6 r- �" n �'rOrr o oil ,- �r v 1 �' n . %`� r ::� � rr+ ,� 13- ,Il. G A/ Peet A) flrrr7rrJe le�n1 dcscr?pltan e! rlgraphrc re�nr �err'�rrliuti n vhur ra beim wnr rtri� - t �^L; r _ rri r_rr OPt-:R� OW'N ERS COM&I TS:/u� �1 R7 z1 �_ ADJAU(NT PR� �i have been notif?ed of tiff requested vacation and dechnc to co"I mrnt. I (ii) not ohjzcf to tilt vacation described ahavr_ 1 eio object to the requested vacation because: Pr j*1 ame sLe"IrlI)IIell A A44 pct a, i Na ufrldi, n Property Owner {� iru� d uaurc of Adjaccot operty Owner ll 1 rA 410 45 f? e A,n�liCatlt 1^darnt ��l y f '�f2G1Cf Dectmbr, x0141 - rope h /I� Planning Commission f i! O June 12, 2017 Agenda Item 2 17-5815 Merritt Page 7 of 21 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/APPROVAL FORM FOR RIGHT» OF- WAY, ALLEY, AND EASEMENT VACATIO=N REQUESTS Nate: r; Address / location of vacation:V t~ r1 to ► t: ' %/�, �R 7 2- '7, J'S „�l� Adjacent property address: t d i S t7}' Mily i� L e A�%'y �Rr�/�' ✓� %Z 71w Lot; Block: Subdivision' / / 1� G(d174 /A yl REQUESTED VACATION: � �hyave been notifed of the p tiiion to �vacat the ful#n s♦n ( t1ey, cp, emerrt rtgl t-uf %vqy), describ r!_as fol W{ +d t r• 1Lr{J Lt 7�r C tr' S /',r !Y t e4 Irl O �t r r 19 r,� � rt t; + +; rYlr2 f / �i �% Fee i + t} h (,` i -� r'► 7110 '' ' y+l �,) , 1�' > t” � (ncludc egal rs'cri ran marl ruryhic rept s +4flron a ru at Is being vacate l ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS COMMENTS: I have batt notified of the requmcd vacation and decline to comment. XT I donor abject to the vacation desvHbed above. I do object to the rcqucsted vacction because: Projec Name Name cif jKdhf"n1 Property Owner (printed) J t' �An Applicant Name 7/e 4 5e !-`e t r h o16 5ed /� I t70-11 Property Owncr 171- Z -z- {"_-) c q, >`--L—(-- ,�c� r /?_5 Deeemb& 2014 AaKC b Planning Commission June 12. 2017 Agenda Item 2 17-5615 Merritt Page 8 of 21 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONIAPPROVAL FOPUM FOR RIGHT- OF- WAY, ALLEY, AND EASEMENT VACATION REQUESTS Date, a/28/17 Address tlocation orvacation: 492 VINSON Adjacent property address-, 412 N. ASSEMBLY Lot: 1-d Block; 9 Subdivision MOUNTAIN VIEW ADDITION REQUESTED VACATION; have been notified ofthr pctitinn to vacate the following; (alley, rnsement, right-of-way), described as follows: Onclode legaldercrfpiloa andgrophlc rrprrstalallon of what is being vacated) SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SITE PLAN ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS COMr1ENTS: I have been notified of the requested vacation and decline to cr mn ent_ I do not object to the vacation described above, 1 do object to the requcsttd vacation because; RiW VACATION FROM THE CITY OF FAY'ET"TEVILLE TO JOHN MERRITT NA tic ri(Adjaccnt Prupcity (lk acct• 6ktcd) jS,�.tr,u<u•or' Ad asxnt prnq�rty Oa�°tx;r BATES AND ASSOCIATES, INC Applicruii Node 11rtc'blr 10)4 Jlvgc 4 Planning Commission June 12, 2017 Agenda item 2 17-5815 Merritt Page 9 of 21 ..� d� ��i 'P i�•rr�r� �!I r.I :..sY?���,f, ,'t '�,�'� � �ri T,�(/ ADJACENT PROPERTY" OWNER NOTIFICATION/APPROVAL FORM FOR RIGHT- OF- WAY, AL.L3EY,A D (,4[1���f�/�j EA3ENII ENT I'ACATION REQUESTS I t , Date: Address,` location or +wation: 'VI -2 FIC Adjacent property address' q�N- IU • V, � C,<)t 41 Eil.cl: Subdivision � f•/ _' t . REQUESTED VACATION, 1h3C uee[t north ortate pcut.oil to vi��je the rolluwtnb (i lkv sumer , r,Iht-uj- qy), d�scntiied as (0110%1 �• ,, r,-,, { rp! r� j `,[i' ll1{ e.+C•,"e `7f� /r�E�s t •/l 7 ^ p' ' 1�[7 vr{ C ! GrYrG1 �9-p Q.0 ��`nL3r {�rlYtrYll /rte{_ 4 ffSP {lrtrfudr legal carrrptirm r+t1 gr'u�hic r en at d .11iar is bcin� acared)�/ ! i H i O � t) �r� i ' v r `� �/V/lf `c r - 7 rt rt f" P: Lt , e Lw AINACE.NT PROPERTY OWNERS COM1dL•NTS: I have been notified of the requested vacation f do not object to the vacaton describcd above. I do object to the requested vacation because: f el ff Ce n 4s Project Name / t Namc of 10accrit Property Owner printed) iimattrrc of 'a Property Oe�ncr Applicant Narne t „ f / t Y/e I?er.m:rl2.fifa �dl�r1Vf I Planning June 12, 2017 '�`/J June 12, 2417 Agenda Itern 2 17-5815 Merritt Page 10 of 21 M e"r r4 UTILITY APPROVAL FORM t'OR RIGHT- O%- WAY. ALLEY, AND UTILITY EAWNIC'ST VACATIONS Wit, 3124/2017 UTILITY COMPANY: SWEPCO APPLICANT NAME: BATES AND ASSOCIATES.� APPLICANT ilii N8, 479-442-9350 i$1a�Ui:STCC3 VAfi�AI'Ii3N (nppficnpl rrtrrst c�ecJk oil rlrnt up,eplj}: Utility ra3ctncn[ x Might-ol.% ay for alley or simas and all utility cnscrncnts locntcd within the vacatcd righl- of Av;iy. Alley Stet rihN cif -«y haVC hccn notified nftl>c Pclition to sMtc Iltc fnllo%ing (erfler, camniew. rlglrt-rf a osl, dcscribcd to lhilows: Ocnernt locolinn i A ddrass 492 VINSON AVENUE FAYETTEVILLE. AR X ("I7T, of legal dewiplionnr�d gra�lrtc re/rrasar;ln3fprr of whrsf is heing *.avf) ?,vvR VF 0 UTILITY COMPANY COMNIEW& No objucuons to shit vacdion(s) de cnlxd ahovc, and sen cunz!r>znts 1 No objections to the tsscation(s) dcscrihcd; bong, Pillvir'r:d ColltrNill g dcscrikd cascrncnts arc rcumned (Statc tt,c Iocetton, dbtscra i;rat5, trod porp).Rc below) Na al�;;;hans pFQvit%d the iiollou tslg cnnshtirsrlr arc saes 5ignaatut� of l�rlit} Camlrany tttPrescritaliti�e - 1 rile Planning Commission June 12, 2017 Agenda Item 2 17-5815 Merritt Page 14 of 21 UTILI[TV APPROVAI- FORM Foil 1U1if1T- Of- WAV. ALLEY, ANT) UTILITY EA"41FIVIEN'T VACATIONS DATF 312A/7017 Wrl I" COMPANY BLACK 141L LS ENERGY APPLICANT NANII, SATES AND ASSOCIATES ArVLICANTpll()NL 479-442.9350 X xwo,or way far a ocy or wecismit all utility cwments localud N� abill the VA(sIlcd right• or way Alley sir"t I buvc b=n notified or t-bc politioll it) vuaw tho followl - ng jaftvs, eeLfenrew, right of%wkv), described as followst Geeteral lacall(m / Address 492 VINSON AVENUE FAYETTEVILLE, AR ,grophir mprouplall'o" of wbat k bring p#r1#fsd%TvRM UTILITV COMPANY COMNIFNTS X '40 abaCcmons (0 the vilcawm(r.) ticszrsbral ahava, and k10 wvomv'jltk No objetatuos to the vacaliva(,%) dvurlVed nbow, provided followinp, dn. CrIbed COCRIC91S 3M MIAMM" (Slate lhc location, Jmmsiaos, and pupost hahm) No objectims prevulrA 1he fbffvw"w ow:% S; rJ3Ekrt 'ilu y C11 "al, tal" Planning Commission June 12, 2017 Agenda Ilam 2 17-5815 MerrIlt Page 15o€21 UTILITY APPROVAL FOR11 FOR RIG] IT- ©'F-14 AY, ALLEN, AND UTILI`T'Y EAS'E;sIENT VACATIONS D \TF 3124120117 UTILITY COMPANY: COX COMMUNICATIONS APPLICANT NAME- SATES AND ASSOCIATES APPLICANT PIiONE: 479.442-9350 RrpuesTCO VACATION (applicuot must Oticds,ulllhur upp1)J- Utility Easement X Righl-or-ekay for alley or slrcats ani all utility rascmcnts lucalcti withtn tln vaealud right- of �%ay. Alley Sircet right-of-way I lave brei notified crib, retitinn to virile the following ([fife}', eavemew, rlghr-r f um), desrrihed at fnitctwvs, General location I Address 492 VINSON AVENUE FAYETTEVILLIw, AR 30 fA I TACH legul drscrjpshm and grup/tic reprcarntutiun of whin is bring vaegird,SVRVE0 UTILITY MMPANY CONIINIENTS: No objections to the varalion(s) described abocc, anti 110 cUtnmcrtts. No objections to Ac_vacation(s) described above, provided fullo ing (tcscribed casements me rctnined. (Stale the location, dimensions and purpuse below.) X 'lo objections prutiided the rollow•ing conditions are tact: -Any rkatTi: gWo of r Inratirin (if nttr PYiaiifal 1hp nw rsWeyalperaex]ense. Sign rc fit`1y Cntnttany lir{ nNt:(%11ti+r (7ci-i-M[iirI n[! & ElanninQ Ranappr rnlc , Ci+- e:.sher :?lJf Planning Commission June 12, 2017 Agenda Item 2 17-5815 Merritt Page 16 of 21 UTILITY APPROVAI, FORM FOR RIGHT- Or- WAV, ALLEY, AND IMLITY EASEMENT VACATIONS DATE; 312412017 UTILITY COMPANY• FAYETTEVILLE TRANSPORTATION APPLICANT NAME: BATES -AND ASSOCIATES APPI,ICANT pIICINE. 479-442-9350 RLQUE5TED VACATION (applleartt neust' check #L1 that appfj9 I. 6Wy Fosemani x Rtglwuf way far allay or streei:i and all wility casemcnta located with'tt the vacated nit it- nf- way. Alley Stroel right ul• way I have been notified of the Petition fo vacuic the following (rifle,,, etosenrenf, rigHl.of i .m), dmiribed as follows. (len r of location l Address 492 VINSON AVENUE FAYETTEVILLE. AR 30 (A 'F,4CN legal deserlptlnn acid graphic represrn(ation of what it beim vacated -SURVEY) UTILITY COMPANY C(78v MISN' l5 No objections to the vactman(s) descnbZtl abuvc, and no comments No objections to the vacationls) described nbove, provided following debcribed euseaicnts are rataiucd. {Slate the locantin, dimensions, and purltnac below) IN 17 gbjal.tltf IS J IJtVIL+;tl 111s 1"!1 IVWi;Wh £t]Ad-WrIIS trri 111.1 :,tett.tlt t of l tela Company Rchcc�;crttizt; c -- Fitly t) rfr,k:r:f1lJ Ysree? Planning Commission June 12, 2017 Agenda Item 2 17-5815 Merritt Page 17 of 21 U'FILtTY APPROVAL FORINT FOR RICHT- OF- WAY, ALLEY, AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATIONS DATE: 312412017 UTILITY COMPANY; AT & T APPL.ICANTNAME: pBATES AND ASSOCIATES APPLICANTPHONL; 479-442-9350 REQUESTED VACATION (applicant xrust check 011 Ilia] nPpiW- Utility Easement - x Right•ol-way for alfa} or streets and all ufility casements Iocaled within. the vacated right -or- way. Alley Street right-of-way I have been notified of the petition to vacate the following (alley, easement, right-of-way), described as follows: General location l Address 492 VINSON AVENUE FAYETTEVILLE, AR Kl (A7TACIl legal descriptlun agraphic representation of what is being vneated-SURVEY) UTILITY COMPANY COMMENTS: No objections to the vacntion(s) described ubove, and no comments No objections to the vacation(s) described above, provided following described cawments are retained (State the location, dimensions, and purpose below_) No objections provided the following conditions are mul_ If any AT&T facllltter are rE:cit,ltred to he relocated tar are: rlarrlaolad will he the respann-ihility j:11k tL-,aWpelly yi,ri YIP C$:?yv A '_--- JFFF HAMILTON U� +t..i+F yr��+l�fY3 o•A lel ^e•Lul i;7;�;;; .` eltt Q1'ii_S3.-v__f• Sagnaturc of lJtillty�Qnrpany [ttpnse��€;,tive MGR QSP P1_NG & c°I' GRG C)e!gn Title I.4�rrrnrt,rtl � Planning Commission .lune 12, 2017 Agenda Item 2 17-5815 Merritt Page 18 of 21 UTILITY APPROVAL FORM FOR (IIGIII'- Or -'4' AY, ALLEY. AND UTILITY EASEAIENT VACATIONS DATE: 312412017 UTILITY COMPANY! FAYETTEVILLE SOLID WASTE APPLICANT NAME: BATES AND ASSOCIATES APPLICANT Photic , 479-442-9360 REQUFSTE0 VACATION (applitvmf must check all that upply)' Wily Easenwni x Right-of-vAly far ajIley orbugels anti all utittlyco5coletill located skllhln thk: vacoleti nj;1111• wt way Alley Strect I have been nulled of the Petition to V31:31C tk rollowirig (olky vasevten;, right of -way), dwribcd as follows: General t"Wiori / Addrvs% 492 VINSON AVENUE FAYETTEVILLE, AR )0 (A YrA 01 lqu) dr.w1prion Edgraphic reps mew adun of whus Is hiring iwaied-SuRveyj UTILITY COMPANY COMMENTS: No ohjectiom to the vnralian(s) dcsrribeJ above, and nil communis No ubjwiom In the Yawlien(s) dcscHbrd ldow, prosiidcd t*WIOV%ne kh=ribcd cascmolt$ WC 1`001nod, (Stale t4t: location, ditovisioni, and purpose below.) XNo objwiows provi4ed the rollowing ctmdulons lire Incl t 1 11 0 Planning Commission June 12, 2017 Agenda Item 2 17-5815 Merritt Page 19 of 21 I UTILITY APPROVAL FORM FOR RIGHT- Of- WAV, ALLEY, AND UTILITY EASE:NIENT VACATIONS DATE: 3124/2017 UTILITY COMPANY, 02 -ARKS ELECTRIC APPLICANT NAME; BATES AND ASSOCIATES APPLICANT PHONE: 479442-9350 REQUESTED VACATION (npplicaal must cheek a—it Moil applW: - Utility Casement X Right -or -way for a0ey or streets and all utility easements located vOthin the vacated 6011- Of- way. Alley Street right-ol-way I have teen no0wd or the petition to vacate die foIIovs ing (allay, eusenic)it, right-of-wuy), described us follows; General location /Address 492 VINSON AVENUE PAYETTEVII_I_ Ez AR )0 (ATTACH legal rie-rcription and graphic representation afwhat is being vocated-SUR VEk) UTILITY COMPANY COMMENTS: No objections to the vacation(s) described above, and no connnAmis No objections to the vacation(s) described above, provided following described casements Yea: retained. (Stale the location, dimensiow, and purpose below.) NO 0byca:tions provided tha: following waditions are IneL Signature of Utility Comparty Representative Slakkfng Tech. III Title 1 a.M14 mlx•f Planning Commission June 12, 2017 Agenda Item 2 17-5815 Merritt Page 20 of 21 u'rILITY APPROVAL FORM FOR RIGHT- OF- WAY, AL.LFY, AND UTILITYEASEMENT VACATIONS riATE 3124/2017 UTILITY COMPANY: . FAYETTEVIUE MATER AND SEWER APPLICANT NAM F: _-_BATES AND ASSOCIATES µ APPLICANT PfI()N€- 479442-9350 kEQUESTED VACATioN (applicant must check gadrat appjy)� Utility Emmcnl X Right-of-way for alley or sweets and all utility easements looted Yvithin the vacated righi• or- wuy. Alley Street tight -of= wy 1 have been notified of the petition to vacate the following (alley, earcmcrtt,right-of-rvuv). den6beti as rollows General Inca lion 1 Address 492 VINSON AVENUE FAYETTEVILLE, AR )a (277AC11 legal deyeription tend graphic represrn(glion of what is being vorafed-NVA iwY) VTII.ITY COMPANY COMMENTS, ;/ No objections to the vacation(s) described above, and no comments. No objections to the vaua40n(6) JMbed above, piovided roflowing described a&SenlLatfi Orc retained - (State the location, dimonsious, and purpose below.) No objections provided the following cjndilium rare aW sigstature if i 1111h Rcprctrntativc t I iilc erg _ Planning Commission June 12, 2017 Agenda Item 2 17-5$15 Merritt Page 21 of 21 VAC 17-5815 One Mite View 0 0,125 MERRITT 0,25 0.5 Miles 11MM's RE9£ 0 ML SINGLE-FAAPLY k Legend Planning AreaLT1 FAM:: Y El RESIDENT.At 4L LT City Limits 41,141, Trail (Proposed)....... -ANUED Z0NiSG 015INCTS PlarmingArea 'Nawn.A, Building Footprint NaTIUM ?!.I Ci Faverieville city umits Planning commis Agenda Item 2 17-5815 Merritt Page 11 of 21 VAC 17-5815 Close Up View MAPLE ST FBI I..APAYE7 rF_ Sr DOGwppC RLIF-6 } MERRITT Subject Property .a s -r COMPANYST A& NORTH Legend Ms`, M11; 41 --- Feet ►zrs+,r� Planning Area sYiai Fayetteville City Limits 0 75 150 300 450 600 Building Footprint 1 inch = 200 feet Punning Commis. ian - - 17 Agenda Item 2 17-5815 Merritt Page 12 of 21 RECEIVED JUL 21 2017 NORTHWEST ARKANSAS CC TY OF OFFICE vemocrat V0aze#jc {. BOXICO". ?^4. _YT_ .I�_ f `_ _:� 1�.,,, t,G Jv ':�i�..�.'-.�• ili. 11 rd a?.�'•e KF...,.t., i,'.' AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I Karen Caler, do solemnly swear that I am the Legal Clerk of the Northwest Arkansas Democrat -Gazette, printed and published in Washington County and Benton County, Arkansas, and of bona fide circulation, that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files of said publication, the advertisement of - CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Ord. 5985 Was inserted in the Regular Edition on: July 13, 2017 Publication Charges: $ 92.30 'f�o � Karen Caler Subscribed and sworn to before me This IV day of " 4 , 2017. ( W, VV� Notary Public �� My Commission Expires: ` u 1,a� C/,I I Y VILE" it Ftr`? n s as ciliCiI county (� Notary ,�u;,�„' r^ui, 12.;97 I 1 b IJ'y 20, 2924 **NOTE** Please do not pay from Affidavit. Invoice will be sent. Ordinance: 5985 File Number: 2017-0337 VAC 17-5815 (429 N. VINSON AVE./MERRITT): AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE VAC 17-5815 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 492 NORTH VINSON AVENUE TO VACATE A PORTION OF A STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY WHEREAS, the City Council has the authority under A.C.A. § 14-54-104 to vacate public grounds or portions thereof which are not required for corporate purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the following described street right-of-way is not required for corporate purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby vacates a portion of a street right-of-way as described in Exhibit B attached to the Planning Department's memo. Section 2. A copy of this Ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk along with the map attached as Exhibit A to the Planning Department's memo shall be filed in the office of the Washington County Circuit Clerk. Section 3. This vacation approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Any relocation of or damage to utilities or existing facilities shall be at the owner/developer's expense. 2. A 10' wide general utility easement shall be retained behind the Master Street Plan right-of-way. PASSED and APPROVED on 6/6/2017 Approved: Lioneld Jordan, Mayor Attest: Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Treasurer 74202190 July 13, 2017