HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-06-19 - Agendas - FinalAdvertising and Promotion Commission June 19, 2017 2:00 p.m. Location: Fayetteville Town Center, Director's Room 15 W Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR Commissioners: Matthew Petty, Chairman; Matt Behrend; Adella Gray; Todd Martin; Ching Mong; Robert Rhoads; Chrissy Sanderson Executive Director: Molly Rawn I. Call to order at 2:00 p.m. II. Old Business A. Approval of May 2017 minutes III. New Business A. Executive Director's report 1. May financial report B. Marketing Presentation — Mike Sells, Sells Agency C. Review Contract with Just Kids D. Clinton House Museum Update — Angie Albright, Museum Director IV. Agenda Additions An item may be added to the agenda with a consensus of the majority of the Commission. Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Minutes from May Meeting May 15, 2017 Commissioners Present: Matthew Petty, Chair; Matt Behrend; Adella Gray; Robert Rhoads; Chrissy Sanderson; Ching Mong Staff Present: Molly Rawn, Sally Fisher, Hazel Hernandez I. Call to Order Chairman Matthew Petty called the meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on May 15, 2017, at 2:02 p.m. II. Old Business Chairman Petty asked for approval of the April 2017 minutes. Commissioner Rhoads moved to approve the minutes. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Gray. The motion was approved. III. New Business A. Executive Director's Report 1. Executive Director Rawn reviewed the HMR Report: $282,855 collected. 2. Executive Director Rawn reviewed the Marketing update presented in the A&P packet. 3. Executive Director Rawn presented the Experience Fayetteville committee recommendations for grants, explaining the rubric used in the funding process. Chairman Petty recommended use of the procedure with increases or decreases to be voted on for the staff recommendations. Commissioner Behrend recommended using the recommended amounts. Commissioner Gray asked about past funding. Chairman Petty noted that he had heard it said locally that everyone who applied should be given something. There were 21 applications totaling $150,672.50; 18 were recommended for funding totaling $96,000.00. Commissioner Rhoads asked why there was no funding recommended for March of Dimes or Artists Laboratory Theatre. Executive Director Rawn explained that rationale for the Commission. Commissioner Mong moved that the recommendations be approved. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Sanderson. B. The 2016 Audit Report was presented by John Evans with Beall Barclay & Company, PLC. C. New Commissioners 1. Candidate for Tourism Position — 1 vacancy: Jared Lowrey and Todd Martin 2. Each candidate was given the opportunity to tell about how long they have been in Fayetteville and why they want to be a Commissioner. Commissioner Gray nominated Todd Martin and Commissioner Mong seconded. The nomination passed unanimously. D. A proposal for use of the Walker -Stone House was presented by David Kersey of the New Design School. He stated that they would like to begin operations on August 20, 2017, with classes beginning on that date and that they are looking for a permanent home. Commissioner Mong said that possible infrastructure needs would have to be addressed. Chairman Petty adjourned the meeting at 4:17 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sally Fisher, Finance Director Experience Fayetteville x �AYE1 TU $309,243 Current HMR Collected $9,741 Prior Dues Collected $318,984 Total HMR Collected Previous YTD (Jan -May) HMR Tax Collection Totals 2013 ........................................................................................... 2014 2015 2016 2017 $1,069,381 $1,085,747 $1,206,231 $1,328,654 $1,313,024 S242,227 $I m, 11 m 001 LVA INO S267,481 ax Collections 21 S282,855 S316,964 Fayetteville A&P Commission Balance Sheet As of May 31, 2017 ASSETS Current Assets Cash and Investments 10300 1st Security A&P/EF 10400 1st Security Fayetteville TC 10500 1st Security Clinton House 10600 1st Security CVB 10700 Arvest Payroll Account 10110 EF/CVB Cash in Register 10120 TC Cash on Hand 10130 CHM Cash In Register 13000 Investments 13100 Investments: Adjust to Market Total Investments Total Cash and Investments Accounts Receivable 11100 Accounts Receivable - City Parking 11300 Accounts Receivable Total Accounts Receivable 11400 Due From Other Funds 12200 Prepaid Expenses 13100 Accrued Interest 14100 Inventory Asset - EF/CVB 14200 Inventory Asset - CHM Total Current Assets Other Assets 14500 Capital Assets 15000 Furniture and Fixtures 15100 Equipment 15300 CVB Building 15400 CVB Land 15500 Building Additions 15600 Walker -Stone House 17300 Accumulated Depreciation Total Other Assets 907,093.04 (5,477.71) 686,352.44 267,805.27 18,795.77 69,650.29 54,086.81 100.00 300.00 100.00 and P1G �1� 1,748.00 50,564.40 17,734.01 300,922.67 930,569.02 198,621.00 567,178.25 975,000.00 (670,296.00) 1,998,805.91 52, 312.40 254,278.28 42, 596.02 4,512.00 10, 364.68 6,484.38 2,369,353.67 7 '110 77A Gr TOTAL ASSETS 41689,082.62 Fayetteville A&P Commission Balance Sheet As of May 31, 2017 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities 20000 Accounts Payable 72,055.89 22100 KHT Security Deposit 1,000.00 24102 Colonial Life& Acc Ins. Payable 113.11 25000 Sales Tax Payable 2,297.00 26200 Unearned Revenue 2017 94,278.90 26300 Unearned Revenue 2018 18,100.00 Total Current Liabilities 187,844.90 Equity 39005 Fund Balance 4,475,248.10 Net Revenue 25,989.62 Total Equity 4,501,237.72 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 4,689,082.62 Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ May 31, 2017 YTD Actual CONSOLIDATED Budget Over/(Under) Budget % of Budqet Income 41000 • Hotel, Motel, Restaurant Taxes 41100 CY HMR Taxes 1,345,467.29 3,392,424 12.00 0.40 41200 PY HMR Taxes 27,555.71 20,477 7,078.71 1.35 Total 41000 • Hotel, Motel, Restaurant Taxes 1,373,023.00 3,412,901 (2,039,878.00) 0.40 42000 • Rental Income 42100 Facility Rental 210,208.69 505,300 (295,091.31) 0.42 42200 Rental Items 16,145.00 43,000 (26,855.00) 0.38 42300 Alcohol Sales 22,089.97 53,700 (31,610.03) 0.41 42400 Third Party Rental Revenue 13,554.63 0 13,554.63 1.00 Total 42000 • Rental Income 261,998.29 602,000 (340,001.71) 0.44 43000 • Event Income 43100 1st Thursday Income 1,572.24 20,000 (18,427.76) 0.08 43200 LOTO Income 0.00 5,000 (5,000.00) 0.00 43300 Partnership Income 2,400.00 6,750 (4,350.00) 0.36 43400 Other Event Income 491.90 5,000 (4,508.10) 0.10 Total 43000 • Event Income 4,464.14 36,750 (32,285.86) 0.12 44000 • Sales 44100 Museum Store Sales 4,008.44 7,500 (3,491.56) 0.53 44200 Visitor Store Sales 44210 Regular Store Sales 12,131.28 30,567 (18,435.72) 0.40 44220 Consignment Sales 1,574.49 4,970 (3,395.51) 0.32 Total 44200 - Visitor Store Sales 13,705.77 35,537 (21,831.23) 0.39 Total 44000 • Sales 17,714.21 43,037 (25,322.79) 0.41 45000 • Parking Revenue 45100 Parking Machine Revenue 3,752.00 0 3,752.00 1.00 45200 Parking Lease Revenue 4,928.00 11,000 (6,072.00) 0.45 Total 45000 • Parking Revenue 8,680.00 11,000 (2,320.00) 0.79 46000 • Ad Income 46100 - Visitor Guide Ad Income 11,850.00 18,000 (6,150.00) 0.66 46000 - Ad Income - Other 0.00 19,800 (19,800.00) 0.00 Total 46000 • Ad Income 11,850.00 37,800 (25,950.00) 0.31 47000 - Museum Revenue 47100 Admission Revenue 2,633.85 23,000 (20,366.15) 0.11 47200 Contributions 2,117.69 30,000 (27,882.31) 0.07 Total 47000 • Museum Revenue 4,751.54 53,000 (48,248.46) 0.09 48000 • Other Revenue 48100 In-kind Revenue 542.31 0 542.31 1.00 Total 48000 • Other Revenue 542.31 0 542.31 1.00 49000 • Interest and Investment Income 49001 Investment Account Interest 2,617.02 10,000 (7,382.98) 0.26 49002 Checking Account Interest 2,392.51 4,367 (1,974.49) 0.55 Total 49000 • Interest and Investment Income 5,009.53 14,367 (9,357.47) 0.35 Total Income 1,688,033.02 4,210,855 Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ May 31, 2017 YTD Actual CONSOLIDATED Budget Over/(Under) Budget % of Budget Expense 50000 • Rental and Event Expenses . 51000 • Rental Expenses 51100 Facility Rental Expenses 0.00 500 (500.00) 0.00 51200 Rental Items 12,575.37 31,500 (18,924.63) 0.40 51300 Alcohol & Bar Supply Expenses 8,467.11 25,000 (16,532.89) 0.34 51400 Third Party Rental Expenses 11,165.02 29,000 (17,834.98) 0.39 Total 51000 • Rental Expenses 32,207.50 86,000 (53,792.50) 0.37 52000 • Event Expenses 52100 1 st Thursday Expenses 5,147.89 35,000 (29,852.11) 0.15 52200 LOTO Expenses 0.00 20,000 (20,000.00) 0.00 52300 Partnership Expenses 2,450.48 12,000 (9,549.52) 0.20 52400 Other Event Expenses 1,803.08 6,800 (4,996.92) 0.27 Total 52000 - Event Expenses 9,401.45 73,800 (64,398.55) 0.13 53000 • Store purchases 53100 Museum Store Expenses 3,629.50 5,400 (1,770.50) 0.67 53200 EF Store Expenses 11,371.60 18,741 (7,369.40) 0.61 53300 Consignment Expenses 0.00 3,976 (3,976.00) 0.00 Total 53000 • Store purchases 15,001.10 28,117 (13,115.90) 0.53 54000 • Museum Activities 54100 • Program 54110 Group Visits 28.65 250 (221.35) 0.11 54120 Brick 82.31 350 (267.69) 0.24 54130 Honoraria 0.00 1,500 (1,500.00) 0.00 Total 54100 • Program 110.96 2,100 (1,989.04) 0.05 54200 • Exhibit Expenses 11,820.49 10,000 1,820.49 1.18 54300 - Fundraising 201.62 2,000 (1,798.38) 0.10 Total 54000 - Museum Activities 12,133.07 14,100 (1,966.93) 0.86 55000 • In-kind Donations Cost 542.31 0 542.31 1.00 Total 50000 • Rental and Event Expenses . 69,285.43 202,017 (132,731.57) 0.34 60000 • Payroll and Related Expenses 61000 • Wages Expense 269,020.77 775,846 (506,825.23) 0.35 62000 • Payroll Tax Expense 62100 - Federal (941) Payroll Taxes 20,511.03 59,353 (38,841.97) 0.35 62300. SUTA 1,149.01 1,421 (271.99) 0.81 Total 62000 - Payroll Tax Expense 21,660.04 60,774 (39,113.96) 0.36 63000 • Benefits 63100 Health and Other Emp Insurance 41,345.24 110,078 (68,732.76) 0.38 63200 Company Ret Contributions 6,382.93 21,341 (14,958.07) 0.30 63300- Car Allowance 1,500.00 3,600 (2,100.00) 0.42 63400 - Relocation Expenses 1,000.00 1,000 0.00 1.00 63500 - Training and Development 14,632.15 41,000 (26,367.85) 0.36 63600- Employee Relations 1,528.09 2,200 (671.91) 0.69 Total 63000 - Benefits 66,388.41 179,219 (112,830.59) 0.37 64000 • Contract Labor 44,463.87 6,900 37,563.87 1 6.44 Total 60000 • Payroll and Related Expenses 401,533.09 1,022,739 1 (621,205.91) 0.39 Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ May 31, 2017 YTD Actual CONSOLIDATED Budget Over/(Under) Budget % of Budget 70000 • Operating Expenses 71000 • Marketing 71100 • Advertising Expense 71110 Agency Advertising 361,774.86 518,000 (156,225.14) 0.70 71120 Non -Agency Advertising 12,196.62 21,000 (8,803.38) 0.58 Total 71100 • Advertising Expense 373,971.48 539,000 (165,028.52) 0.69 71200 • Agency Fees 70,000.00 168,000 (98,000.00) 0.42 71300 • Promotion 71310 Promotion Expenses 10,889.75 66,000 (55,110.25) 0.17 71320 Signage -Tourism 0.00 20,000 (20,000.00) 0.00 71330 - Public Art Program 3,051.86 0 3,051.86 1.00 Total 71300 • Promotion 13,941.61 86,000 (72,058.39) 0.16 71400 • Printing 71410 - Visitors Guide Expense 34,501.73 60,000 (25,498.27) 0.58 71420 - Other Brochures 7,353.80 13,500 (6,146.20) 0.54 Total 71400 • Printing 41,855.53 73,500 (31,644.47) 0.57 71500 • Website 18,792.04 30,000 (11,207.96) 0.63 71600 • Mailings 5,000.00 20,250 (15,250.00) 0.25 Total 71000 • Marketing 523,560.66 916,750 (393,189.34) 0.57 72000 • Sales and Development 72100. Promotional Items 3,943.86 11,500 (7,556.14) 0.34 72200 - Meals 1,188.25 3,000 (1,811.75) 0.40 72300. Groups 2,134.43 15,000 (12,865.57) 0.14 72400 - Sports 0.00 25,000 (25,000.00) 0.00 72500- Meetings 2,964.96 4,500 (1,535.04) 0.66 72600- Memberships 17,924.00 18,425 (501.00) 0.97 72700 - Other Sales and Dev Expenses 5,904.97 6,000 (95.03) 0.98 Total 72000 - Sales and Development 34,060.47 83,425 (49,364.53) 0.41 73000 • Office and Administrative Exp 73100 • Office Expenses 73110 - Office Supplies 10,947.02 14,000 (3,052.98) 0.78 73120 - Office Equipment Leases 2,097.73 3,686 (1,588.27) 0.57 73130 Office Equipment Purchases 858.55 6,500 (5,641.45) 0.13 73140 - Subscriptions 148.92 436 (287.08) 0.34 Total 73100 • Office Expenses 14,052.22 24,622 (10,569.78) 0.57 73200 • Fees 73210 Bank Service Charges 20.00 0 20.00 1.00 73220 Credit Card Fees 2,831.91 9,100 (6,268.09) 0.31 Total 73200 • Fees 2,851.91 9,100 (6,248.09) 0.31 73400 • Business Taxes and Licenses 3,913.14 3,500 413.14 1.12 73500 • Accounting, Audit, & Legal Fees 13,746.00 21,000 (7,254.00) 0.65 73700 • Postage and Shipping 362.43 3,464 (3,101.57) 0.10 73900 • Collection Expense 27,456.86 68,258 (40,801.14) 0.40 Total 73000 - Office and Administrative Exp 62,382.56 129,944 (67,561.44) 0.48 74000 • Travel 74100 - Lodging 5,966.53 12,600 (6,633.47) 0.47 74200- Mileage 279.44 6,225 (5,945.56) 0.04 74300 - Transportation 3,745.32 11,840 (8,094.68) 0.32 74400 - Meals Out of Town 1,324.69 7,835 (6,510.31) 0.17 Total 74000 - Travel 11,315.98 38,500 (27,184.02) 0.29 Modified Accrual Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense Year -to -Date @ May 31, 2017 COMPARISON OF CURRENT YEAR & PRIOR YEAR 2016 1 2017 1 % TOTAL REVENUE 1,626,879.36 1,688,033.02 0.04 TOTAL EXPENSE 1,423,213.54 1,662,043.40 0.17 NET INCOME/(LOSS) 203,665.82 25,989.62 YTD Actual CONSOLIDATED Budget Over/(Under) Budget % of Budget 75000 • IT Expenses 75100 Computer Hardware 2,195.38 10,700 (8,504.62) 0.21 75200 Software Purchases and Subs 21,182.40 15,800 5,382.40 1.34 75300 IT Support and Consulting 14,567.15 24,600 (10,032.85) 0.59 Total 75000 • IT Expenses 37,944.93 51,100 (13,155.07) 0.74 76000 • Insurance 76100 Insurance - Building 0.00 14,618 (14,618.00) 0.00 76200 Insurance - W/C 39.00 1,700 (1,661.00) 0.02 76300 Insurance - D&O 1,991.00 2,000 (9.00) 1.00 Total 76000 • Insurance 2,030.00 18,318 (16,288.00) 0.11 77000 • Facilities 77100 • Rent 6,397.90 14,400 (8,002.10) 0.44 77200 • Internet/Telephone 11,734.13 26,183 (14,448.87) 0.45 77300 • Utilities 77310 - Electric 25,018.27 69,000 (43,981.73) 0.36 77320. Gas 6,961.63 11,050 (4,088.37) 0.63 77330 Water 4,243.61 15,100 (10,856.39) 0.28 Total 77300 • Utilities 36,223.51 95,150 (58,926.49) 0.38 77400 • Repairs and Maintenance 32,621.21 45,000 (12,378.79) 0.72 77500 • Janitorial Supplies 9,292.98 20,800 (11,507.02) 0.45 77600 • Maintenance Contracts 29,807.12 45,709 (15,901.88) 0.65 77800 • Improvements 37,522.88 264,082 (226,559.12) 0.14 Total 77000 • Facilities 163,599.73 511,324 (347,724.27) 0.32 Total 70000 • Operating Expenses 834,894.33 1,749,361 (914,466.67) 0.48 80000 • Grants Awarded 80100 Current Year Spring 0.00 110,000 (110,000.00) 0.00 80200 Prior Year Fall 61,617.00 104,934 (43,317.00) 0.59 Total 80000 • Grants Awarded 61,617.00 214,934 (153,317.00) 0.29 90000. Other Expenses 90100 • Bond Payments 294,713.55 707,312 (412,598.45) 0.42 90300 • Future Project Funding 90310 Future Capital Improvements 0.00 60,000 (60,000.00) 0.00 90320 Operating Reserves 0.00 254,492 (254,492.00) 0.00 Total 90300 - Future Project Funding 0.00 314,492 (314,492.00) 0.00 Total 90000 • Other Expenses 294,713.55 1,021,804 (727,090.45) 0.29 Total Expense 1,662,043.40 4,210,855 (2,548,811.60) 0.39 Net Income/(Loss) 25,989.62 0 COMPARISON OF CURRENT YEAR & PRIOR YEAR 2016 1 2017 1 % TOTAL REVENUE 1,626,879.36 1,688,033.02 0.04 TOTAL EXPENSE 1,423,213.54 1,662,043.40 0.17 NET INCOME/(LOSS) 203,665.82 25,989.62 Sessions: Users: Views: TE (CONTO) Technology: Sex: ('16 = 60%) Age: OY 35-44 25-34 26% 44-54 �L4% 18% .............................................................. 55-64 65+ 6 % BIKING FOOD NATA Ads 40 5rv- WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE YOUR LIFEFS ..BEEN STUCK N A RUT, dp lie A -ft .c0m WHEN YOUR :"'TASTE BUDS NEED , no z A VACATION. TOO. imlo I E rm NIGHTLIFE W H E or V�ll SPENDING Tim1 ,., vNOT QUARTER- INDs `tom 7 u .co EXPERIENCE �rr� NFAY yip WHEN YOUR DAI RHYTHMISST uc ON REPEAT, I . _,,ro a .com BAND. Signage DICKSON BANNERS EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE n F all, 0 "'!Za �r — _3" EXPERIENCE SAY EITE VILLE 0 Visitor's Guide The Official 14 VIS,7-oRlrs olim� 0 8 4 s . wr_ Iwo.o. � MURAL BY ALEXIS DIAZ - -- AL ` � 5 i T ' SMOKE & BARREL 1 • NAME ADDRESS PHONE PRICE 11-dinos 310 W. Dlckaon 479-527-6796 S$$ Ell.'.RextauraM 465N.Arkanxax 479-1502-0400 $$$ Th. searaaa &steaks lo.d&Stea "'IW Wet -.,#203 � 4N-316-8000 Mermaids 22UN-College 479-443-3737 - $$ Theo. - 318 N. Campbell 479-527-0086 $$$ 9r1925r 17ECenter479-966-4649 Name something people would be surprised to learn about you. : $$$ Bakers W.kery 693 W -North 479-420-3795 $ Haller O Ba11.,F..dTruck 47 9-619-6 8 311 $ Big Sexy Food 617N_C.Ilege 479-222-1675 $ Biazm Asan M ... hi.. 372W Dick... 479-225-8607 $ Burtaris Comfort Creamery 372W.oicksan - S Cantina 1836(cvming soon) 617N.Co11e9e 479-222-1675 $ Cat Head Bi ... ite O CatHest0... it. - S Chaos Asian B Amen can 617N-Co11e9e 479'-316-9191 $ Ch.nkynum, i 693 W. North 479-571-0039 S Container Kitchen 1946N -Birch 4N200-8684 $ Fnckr, Chicken 372 W. D.ks.n 479-571-0008 $ The Gruen Goat 17NCollege479-310-6444 Also my grandfather, Batukezanga Zamenga, who was a novelist from $ The Green Goat Chuckwagon 583 S. Wood 479-310-6444 $ Lettuce Nibbles 4782 N -College 479-601-6429 $ Ma Mere's 617N-C.11ege 479-310-6444 $ M.'Bob.&Ch.— 617NC.11.9.501-712-2233 $ Natural State Sandwiches 693 W. North 479-225-1103 $ Namad's Natural Plate 205W Dickson 479-436-6312 $ Pedal Pops Pedal Pops 404-290-1916 S Ramblin'M—Food 372W -Dickson 479-422-3467 $ Reaped—Mimi 4702 N. College 479-283-7638 $ Tandem Tacos 492 W. Lafayette 479-599-9917 $ Taquena Leos 4782 N. Cnllege - $ T -Boys HHC Mission&Crossover 479-93b-3771 $ Tooley. BBC and Mare O�y. TooleyaBBC' 479-790-2807 S Tyler's Craft BBC Tyl—CraftBBB 479-409-7423 $ Wicked Wood Fired Pizza 372 W. Dickson - $ Wrights BOO O WnghteBBONWA : 479-633-7229 Oicksanend West Yanaey. Oiaksoo Street Dmgs O Yancey0ogs : 479-686-4988 $ Ying Chang Hmorag Chinese Hot F..a 4782 N. College 479-966 T/119 S Zuppa Zuppa soup Kitchen m7N-Cn11e0e 479-430-1049 8 Bocce Italian Eatery& Pizzeria : 2306 N_College 479-301-2688 S$ Gar.ldia 20S -Univ ty 479-676-0666 $$ Joe. Italian 1301 . 3980 W- W d ngt.n 479-249-8057 $$ Naodles Italia. Kitchen 3748 N -M Il 479-443-7109 $$ Clive Card— 3616 N- Me[[ : 479-443-4438 $$ EX PERIENCEFAY ETTEVI LLE.COM t [: 461 THE ARTS I A POLITICAL POWER HOUSE Located near the University cf Arkansas campus, the Clinton House Museum is the firsthome of former President Bill Clinton and Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton. In 1975, the two were married in the living room of this stellar 193os Tudor Revival Style bungalow. 'Today this modest house is a museum offeringvisitors the opportunity to learn more about the Clintons' early careers, their lives in Fayetteville in the 1970s, and Fayetteville's role in Arkansas history, Visitors can see commercials from Bill Clinton's early political career and see memorabilia from both of the Clintons' many campaigns. The museum is also home to a faithful replica of Hillary`s wedding dress. The First Ladies Garden features the favorite flower of every first lady in American history as well as other foliage native to the Ozarks. The Museum hosts numerous arts and cultural events throughout the year, so visitors should check the website and social media to catch something fun happening on -sire. The Clinton House Museum is a glimpse into the Clintons' lives that most people never get, a life before a presidency and international recognition, a life dedicated to reaching at the law school and public service. The Museum is located at 930 W. Clinton Drive, just west of downtown Fayetteville and is open every day except Wednesday. 479-444-0066 1 877 -BIL -N -HIL I ClinronHouseMuseum:org Internal Spread 16 1 HISTORY A WAR FOUGHT ON THIS SOIL The Battle of Fayetteville had a significant impact on the history and culture of Arkansas. On April 18, 1863, it was fought on the grounds of the Headquarters House, a Greek Revival -style house that served as a command post for both armies at different times during the war. The building now houses a museum and the Washington County Historical Society. Nearby are the Confederate Cemetery on East Rock Street and The National Cemetery,one oftheoldestmilitarycemeteries in theSouth,onSouth Government Street A short drive away is the Pea Ridge National Military Park The Battle of Prairie Grove, fought on December 7, 1862, in Washington County, was one of the last and bloodiest battles in Arkansas, with Unions forces prevailing. This historic battle is commemorated with the Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park, an 840 -acre park established in 1908 as a memorial to the battle and to educate visitors about ils past The park hosts the state's largest battle reenactment in even -numbered years during December. Admission is free. EXPERIENCEFAYETTEVI LLE.COM O +� OOELLE STORET Gallery Manager/Curator, Fayetteville Underground C,= What is it about Fayetteville that makes you want to work here? W Fayetteville and Northwest Arkansas have an amazing mix of large and = small businesses, and that allows me the opportunity to get my foot in the door with some very big organizations. Name something people would be surprised to learn about you. I learned English through American movies and hip-hop, thanks to my mother. I wasnt fluent in English until about 8th grade. What is your favorite band? Rochelle Bradshaw and the Hypnotion; Sophia & Christian (Cello, Piano Duo) What'syour favorite meal drink in Fayetteville? Nomad's Music Lounge. What's a can't miss event in Fayetteville? First Thursday Fayetteville. It's so inspiring to see people come together and talk about art What's your favorite Fayetteville view? The top of Dickson Street IYs where a few neighborhoods and districts connect and merge together. Growing up, who or what were your best artistic influences? Herg6, who created the Timin comics. He's a Belgian native, kke me. Also my grandfather, Batukezanga Zamenga, who was a novelist from Congo. I learned a lot of my African family's history through his writings. What do you love most about your mediums? With painting, colors are louder than words. I like bold, black and primary colors. All growing up, I described things in colors. What makes Fayetteville a great place for artists? It endorses the arts, and that implements growth. It in turn yields a youthful progressiveness. 461 THE ARTS I A POLITICAL POWER HOUSE Located near the University cf Arkansas campus, the Clinton House Museum is the firsthome of former President Bill Clinton and Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton. In 1975, the two were married in the living room of this stellar 193os Tudor Revival Style bungalow. 'Today this modest house is a museum offeringvisitors the opportunity to learn more about the Clintons' early careers, their lives in Fayetteville in the 1970s, and Fayetteville's role in Arkansas history, Visitors can see commercials from Bill Clinton's early political career and see memorabilia from both of the Clintons' many campaigns. The museum is also home to a faithful replica of Hillary`s wedding dress. The First Ladies Garden features the favorite flower of every first lady in American history as well as other foliage native to the Ozarks. The Museum hosts numerous arts and cultural events throughout the year, so visitors should check the website and social media to catch something fun happening on -sire. The Clinton House Museum is a glimpse into the Clintons' lives that most people never get, a life before a presidency and international recognition, a life dedicated to reaching at the law school and public service. The Museum is located at 930 W. Clinton Drive, just west of downtown Fayetteville and is open every day except Wednesday. 479-444-0066 1 877 -BIL -N -HIL I ClinronHouseMuseum:org Internal Spread 16 1 HISTORY A WAR FOUGHT ON THIS SOIL The Battle of Fayetteville had a significant impact on the history and culture of Arkansas. On April 18, 1863, it was fought on the grounds of the Headquarters House, a Greek Revival -style house that served as a command post for both armies at different times during the war. The building now houses a museum and the Washington County Historical Society. Nearby are the Confederate Cemetery on East Rock Street and The National Cemetery,one oftheoldestmilitarycemeteries in theSouth,onSouth Government Street A short drive away is the Pea Ridge National Military Park The Battle of Prairie Grove, fought on December 7, 1862, in Washington County, was one of the last and bloodiest battles in Arkansas, with Unions forces prevailing. This historic battle is commemorated with the Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park, an 840 -acre park established in 1908 as a memorial to the battle and to educate visitors about ils past The park hosts the state's largest battle reenactment in even -numbered years during December. Admission is free. EXPERIENCEFAYETTEVI LLE.COM BIKING Geo-Fencin 114 w WHEN YOU FEEL T . �. LIKE YOUR LIFES.- BEEN STUCK IN HJT,-=,- �b 46, b ; o r q .�, � r• � 4iR DINING WHEN YOUR —� TASTE BUDS NE A VACATION, TO 676 awl fiNo Irk. Ak: 4A NIGHTLIFE WHEN YOU-RDAI Ly, RHYTHM It; STUCK ON REPEAT, WAY. I 8 % Ow SPRING PSE-BOLL ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... DMAs VIDEO FACEBOOK Dal las impressions: Impressions: ............ ................................. 11,810,021 624,070 ...................................... ............ OKC Clicks: Clicks: ................................................... Tulsa .... 6...3,576 6,105 _ __ ______ _ _..... ... ............ S pringfield CTR: CTR: 0 ___ __ __ _ .5 4 /o .98 /o ................................................... ............................................ /visitfayetteville Page Views: • ' • +328% from spring '16 • 1 GIO=IINCING Target Areas XNA and TLS .................................................. NWA hotels April 1 - June 9 331 00 n 759 $2.45 r, 1 MAY vs APRIL 0/( 0 (+l 3%) 2 LIFETIME (March - May) 0 "YOUR SPORT FITS RIGHT IN" Creative Concepts r WEPT',g- arts AAO � - C�* "�' � w FAY 1 f TUILI 014 RAHpA`cK CENTER TRA x�AY�ruILE P xRAYEIruILL I n I YOUR TOURNAMENT WILL FIT RIGHT IN. In Fayetteville, there's room for every kind of tournament. And there's room for every competitor, with 2500 hotel rooms and 350 restaurants to choose from. When they're not playing the game, they can still play- Fayetteville is filled with everything from family fun to nightlife. If you're looking for the perfect fit for your next tournament, you've found it. To get started, call our Sports Sales Manager John Lamparski, a Certified Travel Industry Specialist, at 800-766-4626 or visit experiencefayetteville.com xAYEIruiLLE 00 M SUPPORTING THE FIRST LADIES 40 GARDEN hursday, June 29t4, -. 57.30 p.m. to 8i, 00 p.m , Clinton Hou seseum Tickets $2 ww.Clint nHousemuseum.0yg Food - Cocktails - Tours - Raffle - Demos r CLINTON HOUSE M U S E U M • Clinton House Museum received a media mini -grant for $2,000 from the Arkansas Humanities Council. Funds will cover the printing costs for the updated exhibits we will be developing and installing by the end of August. • Weare awaiting word on another AHC grant for operations for $2,300. CLINTON HOUSE M U S E U M • Hired a PT staff member for summer who is developing our children's programs, including school-based curriculum that uses our state curriculum frameworks. • August 16th -Richard Atkinson Speaker Series launches with Dr. Jay Barth • September 30t" —Clinton House Tailgate • October 6t" -Speaker Series with Dr. John Duval • October 17th— Anniversary Open House • November —1975 party • Media: articles appearing in NWA Democrat -Gazette, Fayetteville Free Weekly, and Peekaboo Attendance YTD CLINTON HOUSE M U S E U M 2015 2016 932 1269 2017 1932 Overall Revenue YTD $8,322 $10,294 $11,931