HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-03-20 - Agendas - FinalAdvertising and Promotion Commission March 20, 2017 2:00 p.m. Location: Fayetteville Town Center, Director's Room 15 W Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR Commissioners: Matthew Petty, Chairman; Matt Behrend; Adella Gray; Ching Mong; Robert Rhoads; Hannah Withers Executive Director: Molly Rawn I. Call to order at 2:00 p.m. II. Old Business A. Approval of February 2017 minutes III. New Business A. Executive Director's report 1. February financial report 2. Marketing update 3. Department activity B. Presentation from Theatre Squared, Martin Miller T2 Managing Director C. New Commissioners 1. Candidate for Tourism position 1 of 2: Chrissy Sanderson 2. Candidates for At -large position 1 of 1: Robert Rhoads, Leah Spears -Blackmon, DeShaun Artis D. Commission Chair Announcements IV. Agenda Additions An item may be added to the agenda with a consensus of the majority of the Commission. Advertising and Promotion Commission February Meeting February 20, 2017 Commissioners Present: Matthew Petty, Chair, Ching Mong, Robert Rhoads, Matt Behrend and Adella Gray Commissioners Not Present: Hannah Withers Staff Present: Molly Rawn, Sally Fisher, Sandra Bennett, Hazel Hernandez and Dacre Whitaker A. Call to Order 1. Chairman Matthew Petty called the meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on February 20, 2017 at 2:00 pm. B. Old Business 1. Approval of January 2016 minutes. Commissioner Robert Rhoads moved to approve minutes, motion seconded by Commissioner Matt Behrend. Motion carried with a vote of 4:0. (Commissioner Ching Mong was not present at this time). C. New Business 1. January HMR Report - $256,026.65 collected, $64,292.32 in expenses, total check to A&P $203,766.64. 2. Marketing report. Mike Sells reviewed marketing numbers January 2016 Vs January 2017. Chairman Petty asked for a breakdown by market on consumer leisure to be included in the next marketing quarterly report. 3. Executive Director, Molly Rawn, reviewed a new structure for the grant funding process based on focus areas and a new timeline for the spring applications. Commissioners discussed structure of proposed funding process and agreed to the proposed timeline. The proposed timelines is as follows: April 4, applications available on line, May 4, spring applications are due, June 19, commission votes on distribution, October 1, fall applications are due, November 19, commission votes on distribution. Molly will present additional funding focus areas at the next commission meeting. 4. Proposed brand launch time frame. i. Tuesday April 4, public announcement at the Fayetteville Town Center ii. Tuesday, April 4, spring funding applications available iii. Thursday, April 6 through April 9, community programming to "experience" Fayetteville D. Agenda Additions 1. Commissioner Robert Rhoads commented on the success of Molly's presentation on Experience Fayetteville during the Rotary luncheon. Chairman Petty adjourned the meeting at 3:OOpm. Respectfully submitted, Sandra Bennett Director, Fayetteville Town Center 6 $242,227 4 ff -0-1 Pal 0 wM Previous February HMR Tax Collection Totals Monthly HMR Tax Collections 2017 jan S267,481 S feb 5242.227 mar apr (may I S jul I aug I 230,000 240,000 250,000 260,000 270,000 280,000 290,000 300,000 *28 HMR accounts currently past due 3.70% increase from 2016 JAN. - FEBm 2017 016 .............................................................................................. Overall Users: ................................................................... Guide Requests: Website Conversions: 2,75 ;!71s Y 0.59 It Guide Web -Requests: 1,170 BAR Searches: 1,58 871 ■ FF, I A VA. 1,919 Aki, I TV DMASm Tulsa, Little Rock, Springfield (state co-op) Pre -roll DMAs. DFW, OKC, Tulsa, Springfield Main target states: Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee 115 95 75 55 35 15 -5 Fayetteville Town Center Confirmed Bookings 2017 Fayetteville Town Center Confirmed Bookings 2017 44 47 35 36 21 21 18 16 = ■ ' , 1 1 O O 0 irPc�ors 0��000, Og�oo� ck/ck.,�gb/r Zdr�r Mo a 4 X cy/� �b/ra kdy 0 Bookings as of Jan ■ Bookings as of Fek FAYMEVILLE fdiH 11111 B 110 100 M Noi P rof 42� Fayetteville Town Center Event Type February 2017 t-orporaie, 5% of S, 29% Fayetteville A&P Commission Balance Sheet As of February 28, 2017 ASSETS Current Assets Cash and Investments 10200 Arvest A&P General #4856 10300 1st Security A&P #8714 10400 1st Security Fayetteville TC 10500 1st Security Clinton House 10600 1st Security CVB # 8730 10700 Arvest Payroll Account #4636 10110 CVB Cash in Register 10120 TC Cash on Hand 10130 CHM Cash In Register 13000 Investments 13100 Investments: Adjust to Market Total Investments Total Cash and Investments Accounts Receivable 11100 Accounts Receivable - City 11300 Accounts Receivable Total Accounts Receivable 11400 Due From Other Funds 12200 Prepaid Expenses 14100 Inventory Asset - CVB 14200 Inventory Asset - CHM Total Current Assets Other Assets 14500 Capital Assets 15000 Furniture and Fixtures 15100 Equipment 15500 CVB Building 15510 CVB Land 15600 Building Additions 17300 Accumulated Depreciation Total Other Assets 603,904.79 (5,477.71) 528.50 693,707.59 302,441.94 22,432.56 59,914.20 54,558.31 100.00 300.00 100.00 598,427.08 828.00 72,154.39 34,550.01 262,117.44 930,569.02 198,621.00 567,178.25 (584,990.00) 1,732,510.18 72,982.39 1,228,634.84 42,067.67 10, 566.69 5,136.97 3,091,898.74 1,408, 045.72 TOTAL ASSETS 41499,944.46 Fayetteville A&P Commission Balance Sheet As of February 28, 2017 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities 20000 Accounts Payable 27,080.00 22100 KHT Security Deposit 1,000.00 24102 Colonial Life& Acc Ins. Payable 0.00 25000 Sales Tax Payable 1,289.00 26200 Unearned Revenue 2017 166,426.54 26300 Unearned Revenue 2018 4,000.00 Total Current Liabilities 199,795.54 Equity 32000 Unrestricted Reserve Fund 475,439.36 33000 Designated Fund - Arts Program 100,000.00 39005 Fund Balance 3,730,076.51 Net Revenue (5,366.95) Total Equity 4,300,148.92 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 4,499,944.46 Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense February 2017 and Year -to -Date Modified Accrual 2017 Annual Budget CONSOLIDATED February 2017 2017 Remaining YTD Actual Balance of Budget % of Budget Remaining REVENUE 41000 • Hotel, Motel, Restaurant Taxes Total 41000 • Hotel, Motel, Restaurant Taxes 3,412,901 509,707.94 2,903,193.06 85.07% 42000 • Rental Income Total 42000 • Rental Income 602,000 106,827.17 495,172.83 82.25% 43000 • Event Income Total 43000 • Event Income 36,750 1,319.65 35,430.35 96.41% 44000 - Sales Total 44000 • Sales 43,037 5,165.64 37,871.36 88.00% 45000 - Parking Revenue Total 45000 • Parking Revenue 30,800 828.00 29,972.00 97.31% 46000 • Ad Income Total 46000 • Ad Income 18,000 0.00 18,000.00 100.00% 47000 - Museum Revenue Total 47000 • Museum Revenue 53,000 3,324.81 49,675.19 93.73% 49000 • Interest and Investment Income Total 49000 • Interest and Investment Income 14,367 2,117.99 12,249.01 85.26% 49900 - Transfer from Experience Fayetteville TOTAL REVENUE 4,210,855 629,291.20 3,581,563.80 85.06% EXPENSES 50000 • Rental and Event Expenses 51000 • Rental Expenses Total 51000 • Rental Expenses 86,000 12,205.39 73,794.61 85.81% 52000 • Event Expenses Total 52000 • Event Expenses 73,800 1,697.72 72,102.28 97.70% 53000 • Store Expenses Total 53000 • Store Expenses 28,117 3,996.20 24,120.80 85.79% 54000 • Museum Activities Total 54000 • Museum Activities 14,100 6,970.50 7,129.50 50.56% Total 50000 • Rental and Event Expenses 202,017 24,869.81 177,147.19 87.69% 60000 • Payroll and Related Expenses 61000 • Wages Expense 775,846 106,716.54 669,129.46 86.25% 62000 • Payroll Tax Expense Total 62000 • Payroll Tax Expense 60,774 9,140.06 51,633.94 63000 • Benefits Total 63000 • Benefits 179,219 29,213.85 150,005.15 83.70% 64000 • Contract Labor 6,900 12,572.00 (5,672.00) -82.20% Total 60000 • Payroll and Related Expenses 1,022,739 157,642.45 865,096.55 84.59% 70000 • Operating Expenses 71000 • Marketing Total 71000 • Marketing 916,750 170,492.94 746,257.06 81.40% 72000 • Sales and Development Total 72000 • Sales and Development 83,425 11,233.17 72,191.83 1 86.54% Page 1 of 2 Fayetteville A and P Commission Statement of Budget, Revenue and Expense February 2017 and Year -to -Date Modified Accrual 2017 Annual Budget CONSOLIDATED February 2017 2017 Remaining YTD Actual Balance of Budget % of Budget Remaining 73000 • Office and Administrative Exp Total 73000 • Office and Administrative Exp 129,944 17,355.23 112,588.77 86.64% 74000 • Travel Total 74000 • Travel 38,500 4,658.32 33,841.68 87.90% 75000 • IT Expenses Total 75000 - IT Expenses 51,100 21,195.11 29,904.89 58.52% 76000 • Insurance Total 76000 • Insurance 18,318 0.00 18,318.00 100.00% 77000 • Facilities 77100 • Rent 14,400 2,582.90 11,817.10 82.06% 77200 • Internet/Telephone 26,183 4,907.43 21,275.57 81.26% 77300 • Utilities Total 77300 • Utilities 95,150 15,696.06 79,453.94 83.50% 77400 • Repairs and Maintenance 45,000 6,614.95 38,385.05 85.30% 77500 • Janitorial Supplies 20,800 3,567.11 17,232.89 82.85% 77600 • Maintenance Contracts 45,709 11,891.25 33,817.75 73.98% 77800 • Improvements 264,082 29,496.00 234,586.00 88.83% Total 77000 • Facilities 511,324 74,755.70 436,568.30 85.38% Total 70000 • Operating Expenses 1,749,361 299,690.47 1,449,670.53 82.87% 80000 • Grants Awarded 80100 Current Year Spring 110,000 0.00 110,000.00 100.00% 80200 Prior Year Fall 104,934 34,570.00 70,364.00 67.06% Total 80000 - Grants Awarded 214,934 34,570.00 180,364.00 83.92% 90000 • Other Expenses 90100 • Bond Payments 707,312 117,885.42 589,426.58 83.33% 90200 • Major Capital Purchases 0 0.00 0.00 90300 • Future Project Funding 90310 Future Capital Improvement 60,000 0.00 60,000.00 100.00% 90320 Operating Reserves 254,492 0.00 254,492.00 100.00% Total 90300 • Future Project Funding 314,492 0.00 314,492.00 100.00% Total 90000 • Other Expenses 1,021,804 117,885.42 903,918.58 88.46% 99900 • Transfer to Clinton House or Town Center TOTAL EXPENSES 4,210,855 634,658.15 3,576,196.85 84.93% EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES 0 1 (5,366.95) COMPARISON OF CURRENT YEAR & PRIOR YEAR 2016 2017 % Change TOTAL REVENUE 606,260.05 629,291.20 3.66% TOTAL EXPENSES 508,003.14 634,658.15 19.96% EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES 98,256.91 (5,366.95) Page 2 of 2