HomeMy WebLinkAbout220-16 RESOLUTION113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 220-16 File Number: 2016-0528 2016 BODY WORN CAMERA IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM GRANT AWARD: A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE ACCEPTANCE OF A 2016 BODY -WORN CAMERA PILOT IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM 50/50 MATCHING GRANT AWARD IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $186,496.00, OF WHICH $67,680.00 WILL BE USED BY THE FAYETTEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT, WITH $73,696.00 TO BE DISBURSED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGDALE AND $45,120.00 TO WASHINGTON COUNTY, AND TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes acceptance of a 2016 Body -Worn Camera Implementation Program 50/50 matching grant award in the total amount of $186,496.00, of which $67,680.00 will be used by the Fayetteville Police Department, with $73,696.00 to be disbursed to the City of Springdale and $45,120.00 to Washington County. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution. Page 1 Printed on 12121/16 PASSED and APPROVED on 12/20/2016FA .,�`•*yC;`�' �.. �f`'r Approve Attest: • • .: Lio eld Jordan, r Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Treasurer Page 1 Printed on 12121/16 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Text File File Number: 2016-0528 Agenda Date: 12/20/2016 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meeting File Type: Resolution Agenda Number: A. 3 2016 BODY WORN CAMERA IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM GRANT AWARD: A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE ACCEPTANCE OF A 2016 BODY -WORN CAMERA PILOT IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM 50/50 MATCHING GRANT AWARD IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $186,496.00, OF WHICH $67,680.00 WILL BE USED BY THE FAYETTEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT, WITH $73,696.00 TO BE DISBURSED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGDALE AND $45,120.00 TO WASHINGTON COUNTY, AND TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes acceptance of a 2016 Body -Worn Camera Implementation Program 50/50 matching grant award in the total amount of $186,496.00, of which $67,680.00 will be used by the Fayetteville Police Department, with $73,696.00 to be disbursed to the City of Springdale and $45,120.00 to Washington County. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 12121/2016 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2016-0528 Legistar File ID 12/20/2016 City Council Meeting Date -Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item Greg Tabor 11/28/2016 Police / Police Department Submitted By Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: Staff recommends acceptance of a multi -jurisdictional grant award to Fayetteville, Springdale, and Washington County from the 2016 Body -Worn Camera Pilot Implementation Program with grant funding in the amount of $186,496, approval of the attached cooperative agreement, and budget adjustment. Furthermore, this grant requires each agency to proportionately match 50% in-kind and/or cash funds. 1010.200.2920 -various Account Number TBD Project Number Budgeted Item? No Does item have a cost? No Budget Adjustment Attached? Yes Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Original Contract Number: Comments: Budget impact: General Fund Body Worn Camera Grant Current Budget Funds Obligated Current Balance Item Cost Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget Project Title $ 186,496.00 ��$ 186,.496..00 Approval Date: V20140710 CITY OF 7s 10 ay to.—T eAANSAS TO: Mayor Lioneld Jordan and City Council Members FROM: Greg Tabor, Chief of Police DATE: November 28, 2016 STAFF MEMO SUBJECT: 2016 Body -Worn Camera Pilot Implementation Program Grant Award RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of a multi -jurisdictional grant award to Fayetteville, Springdale, and Washington County from the 2016 Body -Worn Camera Pilot Implementation Program with grant funding in the amount of $186,496, approval of the attached cooperative agreement, and budget adjustment. Furthermore, this grant requires each agency to proportionately match 50% in-kind and/or cash funds. BACKGROUND: The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) is the funding agency for the 2016 Body -Worn Camera Partnership Program. This program furthers the DOJ's mission by supporting the safe and fair administration of justice. Law enforcement agencies across the country are using body -worn cameras (BWCs) as a promising tool to improve law enforcement interactions with the public. At times, BWCs may provide a visual and audio record of interactions. Some preliminary evidence indicates the presence of BWCs helps strengthen accountability and transparency, which might assist in deescalating conflicts, resulting in more constructive encounters between the police and members of the community. DISCUSSION: The Fayetteville Police Department will be the fiduciary agency for this grant award in the amount of $186,496. Fayetteville was awarded $67,680, Springdale was awarded $73,696, and Washington County was awarded $45,120 in grant funds. Each agency will be responsible for meeting their.own matching requirements. By this requirement, Fayetteville will be required to match $67,680 for a total City of Fayetteville only project portion of $135,360. Grant funds will partially fund the BWC program and training. It's anticipated any increase in digital media storage capacity needed to implement a BWC Program must be purchased using local funds. These funds are currently budgeted within our Police Impact Fees project. BUDGETISTAFF IMPACT: Police Impact Fees will be used for meeting the local matching requirements of $67,680. This grant award has no impact on our current staffing levels. Attachments: Budget Adjustment Cooperative Agreement Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-argov Fayetteville, AR 72701 +� U.S. Department of Justice Office Office oftheAssistant AttoraeyGeneral Wk gm4AC10531 September 26.2016 'Rte Honorable Lioneld Jordan City of Fayetteville 100 A. West Rock Street Fayetteville AR 72701.6069 Dear Mayor Jordan: On behalf of Attorney General Loretta Lynch, it is my pleasure to inform you that the Office oflustice programs has approved your application for funding under the FY 16 Body -Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program:lmplementation or Expansion ofBWC Programs for Large Agencies in the amount of$186,496for City ofFaye tteville. Enclosed you will find the Grant Award and Special Conditions documents, This award is subject to all administrative and financial requirements, including the timely submission ofall financial and programmatic reports, resolution of all interim audit findings. and the maintenanceofaminimum level ofeash-0nhand. Sbouldyou not adhere tothese mquirement%you will be in violation of the terms ofthis agreement and the award will be subject to rumination for cause or other adminis trative action as appropriate. ]fyou have questions regarding this award, please contact: - Program Questions, Flora D. Lawson, Program Manager at (292) 305-9216; and - Financial Questions, the Office ofthe ChiefF"mancial Office, Cestomm Service Center (CSC) at (800) 458.0786, oryou may contact the CSC at aslcocfo@usdoj.gov. Congratulations, and we look forward to workiogwith you. Sincerely, D. Karol Virginia Mason _ Assistant Attorney General Enclosures OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS Office of Justice Programs U.S. Department of Justice gl01th Street, MW Washington, DC 20531 Tel: (2112)307-0690 TTY: (202) 307-2027 E-mail- askOCR®usdoj-gov Website www.cjp.usdoj.govlocr September 26, 2016 The Honorable Lioneld Jordan City of Fayetteville 100 A. West Rock Street Fayetteville, AR 72701-6069 Dear Mayor Jordan_ Congratulations on your recent award. In establishing financial assistance programs, Congress linked the receipt of federal funding to compliance with federal civil rights laws- The Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is responsible for ensuring that recipients offmancial assistance from the OJP, the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), and tho Office on Violence Against Women (OV W) comply with the applicable federal civil rights laws. We at the OCR are available to help you and your organization meet the civil rights requirements that come with DOJ funding. Ensuiring Access to 11'edcrally Assisted Programs Federal laws that apply to recipients of financial assistance from the DOJ prohibit discrimination on the basis of ace, color, national origin, religion, sex, or disability in funded programs or activities, not only in employment but also in the delivery of services or benefits A federal law also prohibits recipients from discriminating on the basis ofage in the delivery ofservices orbenefitss In March of2013, President Obame signed the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013. The statute amends the Violence Against Womoi Act of 1994 (VAWA) by including a noodiscriminatiomgrant condition that prohibits discrimirtation based on actual or perceived race, colof, national origin, religion, sex, disability, sexual orientation, or gdnder identity. The new nondiscrimination grant condition applies to eertaio programs funded after October 1, 2013. The OCR and the OV W have developed answers to some frequently asked questions about this providou to assist recipients of VAWA funds to understand their obligations_ The Frequently Asked Questions ere available at http:llojp.govtaboutioe6vavvafags.htm. Enforc[ng CivURbltts Laws All recipients offedera] financial assistance, regardless of the particular finding source, the amount ofthe grant award, or the number of employees in the workforce, are subject to prohibitions against unlawful discrimination. Accordingly, the OCR investigates recipients that are the subject ofdiscrimination complaints from both individuals and groups. In addition, based on regulatory criteria, the OCR selects a number ofrecipients each year for compliance ruvicws, audits that require recipients to submit data showing that they are providing services equitably to all segments oflheir service population and that their employment practices meet equal opportunity standards. Providing Services to Limited English Proficiency (LFP) Individuals In accordance with DOJ guidance pertaining to Title V1 ofthe Civil Rights Actof 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2tHlOd, recipients of federal financial assistance must take reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to their programs and activities for persons with limited English proficiency (LEP). See U.S. Department of Justice, Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Recipients Regarding Title Vr Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons, 67 Fed. Reg. 41,455 (2002). for more information on the civil rights responsibilities that recipients have in providing language services to LEP individuals, please see the website httpJ/wwwJcp.gov. Ensuring Equal Treotment for Faith -Based Organizations The DOJ regulation, Equal Treatment for Faith -Based Organizations, 28 C.F.R. pt 38, requires State Administering Agencies (SAAB) to treat faith -based organizations the sameas any other applicant or recipient The regulation prohibits SAAB from malting awards or grant administration decisions on the basis of an organization's religious character or affiliation, religious name or the religious composition ofits board of directors. The regulation also prohibits faith -based organizations from using financial assistance from the DOJ to fund inherently (or explicitly) religious activities. While faith -based organizations can engage in non -funded inherently religious activities, they must hold them separately fiom the program funded by the DOJ, and recipients cannot compel beneficiaries to participate in them. The Equal Treatment Regulation also makes clear that organizations participating in programs funded by the DOJ are not permitted to discriminate in the provision of services on the basis of a beneficiary's religion. For more information on the regulation, please see the OCR's website at httpil/www.ojp.usdoj.gov/abotit/ocr/equal—fbo.htm. SAAB and faith based organizations should nlso note that the Omnibus Crime Controf and Safe Streets Act (Safe Sheets Act) of 1968, as amcrtdcd, 42 U.S.C. § 3789d(c); the V ictims ofCrime Act of 1994, as amended, 42 O.S.C. § 1Obt14(e); the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, as amended, 42 U.S.0 § 5672(b); and VAWA, Pab. L.No. 113-4, see.3(b)(4), 127 Slat. 54, 61-62 (to be codified at 42 U.S.C. § 13925(b)(13)) contain prohibitions against discrimination on the basis ofrellglon in employment. Despite these nondiscrimination provisions, the DOJ has concluded that it may construe tboReligious Freedom Restoration Act (ORA) on a ease -by - case basis to permit some faith -based organizations to receive DO] funds while laking into account religion when hiring stat)♦ even if the _ .: _..... statute that authorizes the funding program generally forbids recipients £tram considering religion in employment decisions. Please consort with the OCR ifyou have any questions about the regulation or the application of RFRA to the statutes that prohibit discrimination in employment. Using Arrest and ConActfoo Records in Making EmploycomDeeislons The OCR issued an advisory document for recipients on the proper use ofatrest and conviction records in making hiring decisions. See _,...., Adyisory.forRecipicnts ofFinagcial Assistance from the U.S _Department of]tts6ce art the U.S. Equal Employment Opportnniry Cmnmission's EnforcementGnidance: Considera ion-of-Artest and -Conviction Records in Employment Decisions Under Title VII of tbe Civil Rights Act of 1964 (lune 2013), available at httpl/www.ojp.usdoj.govl/about/ocrlpdfs/UfteoDConviction_Advisory.pdf. Recipients should be mindful that the misuse ofarrest or conviction records to screen either applicants for employment or employees for retention or promotion may have a dispatale impact based on race or national origin, resulling in unlawful employment discrimination. In light ofthe Advisory, recipients should consult local counsel in reviewing their employment practices_ Ifwarranted, recipients should also incorporate an analysis of the use of arrest and conviction records in Their Equal Employment Opportunity Plans (EEOPs) (see below). Complying with the Safe Streets Act An organization that is a recipient of financial essistance subject to the nondiscrimination provisions of the Safe Steels Act, must meet two obligations: (1) complying with the federal regulation pertaining to the development of an EEO? (see 28 C.F.R_ pt 42, subpt E) and (2) submitting to the OCR findings ol'diseriminalion (see 28 C.F.R. §§ 42.204(c), .205(c)(5)). Meeting the EEOP Rtquiremenl If your organization has Iesa than fifty employees or receives an award of less than $25,000 or is a nonprofit organfzAtion, a medical institution, an educational institution, or an Indian tribe, then it is exempt from the ESOP requiremani. To claim the exemption, your organization must complete and submit Section A of the Certification ftorm, which is available online at http://www.ojp.nsdoj.gov/aboudo er/pdfs/cerLpd E Ifyour organization is govemmenl agcacy or private business and reeeivrs An award Of S25,000 or more, but less thanS500.000, and has fitly armour employous (counting both fell• and pmt -time cmrloy= but excluding political appointees), then it ha3 to prepare s Uklizaiion Repan (fbmterly callcd an ESOP Short Form), but ii does not hnva to gubmit the repast to the OCR for rtmw, tnslffld, your organi20011 has to maintain the Ulilixation ltepott on file and make it available for inview an Tcquast. 1n add:doc, your Organization has to complete Section 13 of ilte Certification Farm and return it to the OCic 'lhe Certlficatinn Forst is ovailnlile at http:/Avvnv.ojp.vedoj.gov/about/oerlpdfs/cert pdf lryour organization is a gavcmment agency of private business and hos received an award ror 5500.000 or moreand has fifty or more employees (countdrtglwth Rtll• and part-time cmpioyees but cxaiuding political appointers). than it has to prepare a Utilization Report (Ibmicrly celled an EEOP Short Form) and submit it to the OCR for review within sixty days Dunt the date ofthis Iettcr. For assistance in dcvetopitsg a Uul`rzation Report, please unnault the OCR's website at Mtp1lwww.ajp.usdoj.gov/abouUocr/eeop.han. fn addition, your orgpnizAlion has to compfele Sccoaa C of d e Certification Form and fotuni Rid. the OCR. Tho Certification Form is avatlableat h4--l/www.ojp.usdoj.govfabouvocr/Pdf&tceTi.pdC To comply with the EEOP requirements, you may request technical amislance from an EEOP specialist at the OCR by telephone at (202) 307-0690, by TTY at (202) 307-2027, or by e-mail at EEOsubmL sonQa usdoj.gov. Meeting the Requirement to Submit Findings ofDlscrlmfnation If in the three years prior to the date of the grant Award, your orgatlbm ion has received an adverse finding of discriminadon based on race, color, national origin, religion, or sec, aft --r a duc•p exe s hearing, Soma state or federal court or from a state or federal administrative agency, your organization must send a copy of the finding to the OCR. Ensuring the Compliance of Subreelpients SAAB must have standard assurances to notify subrecipients oflbeir civil rights obligations, written procedures to address discrimination complaints filed against subrecipients, methods to monitor subrecipieots' compliance with civil rights requirements, and a program to train subrecipients an applicable civil rights laws. in addition, SAAB most submit to the OCR every three years written Methods of Administration (MOA) that summarize the policies and procedures ihat they have impleme-nted to ensure the civil rights compliatxo of subreGipients. For Moro informationontheMOArequ¢rement,seehttp:/Avww.ojp_tsdoi.gov/findinglother_requrementsAtm If the OCR can assist you in aay way in fulfilling your organization's civil rights responsibilities as a recipient of federal financial assistance, please contact us. Sincerely, Michael L. Alston Director cc: Ganthffanager Financial Analyst U.S. Department o0uslicc Office of Justice Programs PAGE I OF 12 er.. Bureau of Justice Assistance Cooperative Agreement L RECIPIENT' NAMEAND ADDRESS(&dicdiog Zlp Code) 4.AWARDNUMDER: 2016 -BC -BX -10082 - City orFayea 71e IDDA.W.tRurkSneei ,5- PROJECT PERIOD. FROM 10/012016 TO 095011018 Fayellevlllq AR 72701-6n69 9TII)CJEf PERIOD: FROM l0AV12016 TO 09!302018 &AWAROVAT£ M&"td 7. ACTION &$ PtkTIPs+TNIIFdRER laicisl 2a. GRANTEE IRSIVENDOR N0. 716018462 00 f 21.ORA.YFFg DUNS 1:b. - 9. PNEYI'Oi14.AWARD AMOUNT so 07S6S7742 3. PROJECT TPTLE 10. AMOUNT OF THIS AWARD S 186,496 2016 Mulliyunsdicfional]mplcmcoladon of Body-Wom Camcra Pilol - - I L TOTALAWARD s 186,496 Prw= 12, SPACIAL CONDITIONS TBE ABOV E GRANT PROJECT IS APPROVED SUBJECT TO SUCH CONDITIONS OR LIMITATIONS AS ARESEr FORIH ON TNL• ArTACHkMPAGE(S)- 17. STATUTORY AUTHORTFY FOR GRANT 7Tus pmjat is suppoclrA utdaFY 16(BJA -Body-Wom ('�nca Pmgrem) Pob. L. Na ltd -113,129 Sm12242, 2708 14. CATALOG OF DOMESTIC FEDERAL ASSISTANCE(CFDA Number) 16.835 -Body W= Camera Pollcy and lmpk=Nakirn Program IA MET HOD OF PAYM EM � [;PFS AGENCY APPROVAL GRAMM ACCEPT'ANCF. t6. -.TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF APPROVING OFETCIAL is. TYPEDNAMEANDTITLE OF AUTHORIZED GRAN TBBOFFICAIL Karol V!rplNabtsiPo [loneldlwdar - M6y*r - - - Aut;<snthllcmyGmcral 17_ SIGNATURE OF APPROVI/NGOFFICIAL I9. slur! OFAUT) MUD L -CTP OFFICIAL 1 IW&DAU �y AO use ONLY 20. ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION CODES 21. RBC 1 FISCAL FUND DUD DTV. YEAR CODE ACI. OFC_ REG. SUB. PDMS AMOUNT X H HC 80 00 00 I86d96 OJP FORM 4000/2 (REV. 5.rn PREVIOUS EOJTIONS ARE OBSOLETE, OJP FORM 50006 (REV. 4-88) U.S. Department of Justice Office oflustice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Cooperative Agreement PP0JECTNUM13ER hll6•BG13X-Ko82 AWARD DATE 09/2612016 SPECIAL COND11-10NS 1. Applicability of Part 200 Uniform Rcquiremenls PAGE '_ OF 12 The Uniform Adminbtrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements in 2 C.F.R. Part 200, as adopted and supplemented by the Department oflustice (DOJ) in 2 C.F.R- Part 2500 (together, the'Tart 200 Uniform Requiremcnts") apply to this 2016 award from the Office of Justice Programs (OJP). The Part 200 Uniform Roquircmcnts were first adopted by DOJ on Detcnlbct 26, 2014. If this 2016 award supplements funds pluriously awasdud by ON under the iome award number (e.g, Funds awarded in 2014 or earlier yeats), the Pan 200 Uniform Requirrmenls apply with mpect to all funds under that award number (regardless of the award ctur, and regardless of whether derived from the inidat award ora 5opplemenial award) Dtat are obhga!ed on or alter the acceptance date of this 2016 award. For moreinformalion and resources on the Part 200 Uniform Requirements as they relate to OJP awards and subawarda ("subgrants"), see the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) website at hiti):Ilojp.gov/f(indiTigMaTt26DUMfcyrmRequiremEnts.htaL In the event that an award -related question arises from documents or other materials prepared or distributed by OJP tbatmay appear to coallict with, or differ in some way from, the provisions oFthe Part 20n Uniform Requirements, the recipient is to contact OJP promptly for clarification. 2. Compliance with DOJ Grants Financial Guide The recipient agrees to comply with the Department of Justice Grants Financial Guide as posted on the OJP website (currently, the"2015 DOJ Grants Financial Guide"), including any updated version that maybe posted during the period of performance_ 3. Required training for Point of Contact and all Financial Points of Contact Both the Point of Contact (POC) and all Financial Points ofContact (FP.00s).for this award.must have successfully completed an "OJP financial ntanagement and grant adminisfratiots training by 120 days alter the date of the — recipient's acceptance of Ste award. Successful completion of suth a training on or after January 1, 2015, will satisfy this condition. In the event that either the POC or an FPOC for this award changes during the period oFperfomtance, the new POC or FPOC must have successfully completed an "OJP financial management and grant adminis lration training" by 120 calendar days atler — (1) the date of OJP's approval of the "Change Grantee Contact" GAN (in the case ofa new POC), or (2) the date the POC enters information on the new FPOC in GMS (in the case of- new HOC), Successful completion ofsuch a training on or after January I, 2015, will salisfy this condition, A list ofOJP trainings that OJP will consider "OJP financial management and grant administration training" for purposes ofthis condition is available at http://www.oip.govitraining/fints.htm. All trainings that satisfy this condition include a session on grant fraud prevention and detection The. recipient should anticipate that OJP will immediately withhold ("freeze") award funds ifthe recipientfaiLs to comply with this condition. The recipient's failure to comply also may lead OJP to impose additional ap priate conditions on this award. ni of OJP FOP -M 4000r, (REV. 4 88) ANVARD CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE 3 OF 17 Cooperative AVeemeRt AWARD DAU 09262om SPECIAL CONDITIONS 4. Rcquircmcnis related to "de minimis" indirect cost rate A recipient that is eligible under the Part 200 Uniform Requirements and other applicable law Louse the "de minimis' indirect cost rate described in 2 C.F.R. 200.414(1), and that elects louse the "de minimis" indirect cost rate, must advise OJP in writing of both its eligibility and its election, and must comply with all associated requirements in the Part 200 Uniform Requirements. The "de minimis" rate maybe applied only to modified total direct costs (MTDC) as defined by the Part 200 Uniform Requirements. 5. Requirement to report potentially duplicative funding -If the recipient currently has other active awards of federal funds, or if the recipient receives any other award of federal funds during the period of performancefor this award, the recipient promptly roust determine whether funds from any of those other federal awards have been, ere being, or are to be used (in whole or is part) for one or more ofthe identical cost items for which funds are provided under this award.]fso,iherecipient tnustpromptly notify lheDOI awarding agency (011? or OV W, as appropriate) in writing o f the potential duplication, and, ifso requested by DO] awarding agency, must seek a budget -modification or change -e f -project -scope grant adjustment notice (GAN) to eliminate any inappropriate duplication of funding. 5. Requirements related to System for Award Management and Unique Entity Identifiers The recipient must comply with applicable requirements regarding the System for Award Management (SAb*, currently accessible at hitp://www.sam.gov..This includes applicable requiremeatsregarding registration with SAM, as well as maintaining the currency ofinformation is SAM. The recipient also must comply with applicable restrictions on subawards ("subgrants") to first-tier subtecipieits (first-tier "subgrantees"), including restrictions on subawards to entities that do not acquire and provide (to the recipient) the unique -entity identifier required for SAM registration. Thedelails of then dpienfs obligz6oru related to SAM and to unique entity identifiers are posted on. the OJP web site `` alBllpllojp;govifpi3hslFsptsrea5711vLti[id{Award condition:'Systernfor Award Management (SAM)and Universel Identifier Requirements), and are incorporated by reference here. This special condition docs not apply to an award to an individual who received the award as a natural person (i.e., unrelated to any business or non-profit organization that he or she may own or operate in his or her name). 7. All subawards ("subgrams") must have specifie federal authorizalion The recipient, and any subree(pient ("subgrantee") at any tier, must comply with all applicable requirements for authorization of any subaward. This condition applies to agreements that -- for purposes of federal grants administrative requirements — OJP considers a "subaward" (and therefore does not consider a procurement "contract") - The details of the requirement for authorization of any subaward are posted on the OJP web site at htip;//ojp.gov/f=diogfExplordSuhnwardAuthoTization.htm (Award condition: Award Condition; Allsubawards ("subgmnts") must have specific federal authorization), and are incorporated by reference here. ilial OJP FORM 40001^ (REV. 4-a9) U.S. Department of.luscice '�I } OfficeofJusticePrograms Bureau of Justice Assistance PROJECTNUMBER 2016•BC-B%-K093 ANVARD CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE 3 OF 17 Cooperative AVeemeRt AWARD DAU 09262om SPECIAL CONDITIONS 4. Rcquircmcnis related to "de minimis" indirect cost rate A recipient that is eligible under the Part 200 Uniform Requirements and other applicable law Louse the "de minimis' indirect cost rate described in 2 C.F.R. 200.414(1), and that elects louse the "de minimis" indirect cost rate, must advise OJP in writing of both its eligibility and its election, and must comply with all associated requirements in the Part 200 Uniform Requirements. The "de minimis" rate maybe applied only to modified total direct costs (MTDC) as defined by the Part 200 Uniform Requirements. 5. Requirement to report potentially duplicative funding -If the recipient currently has other active awards of federal funds, or if the recipient receives any other award of federal funds during the period of performancefor this award, the recipient promptly roust determine whether funds from any of those other federal awards have been, ere being, or are to be used (in whole or is part) for one or more ofthe identical cost items for which funds are provided under this award.]fso,iherecipient tnustpromptly notify lheDOI awarding agency (011? or OV W, as appropriate) in writing o f the potential duplication, and, ifso requested by DO] awarding agency, must seek a budget -modification or change -e f -project -scope grant adjustment notice (GAN) to eliminate any inappropriate duplication of funding. 5. Requirements related to System for Award Management and Unique Entity Identifiers The recipient must comply with applicable requirements regarding the System for Award Management (SAb*, currently accessible at hitp://www.sam.gov..This includes applicable requiremeatsregarding registration with SAM, as well as maintaining the currency ofinformation is SAM. The recipient also must comply with applicable restrictions on subawards ("subgrants") to first-tier subtecipieits (first-tier "subgrantees"), including restrictions on subawards to entities that do not acquire and provide (to the recipient) the unique -entity identifier required for SAM registration. Thedelails of then dpienfs obligz6oru related to SAM and to unique entity identifiers are posted on. the OJP web site `` alBllpllojp;govifpi3hslFsptsrea5711vLti[id{Award condition:'Systernfor Award Management (SAM)and Universel Identifier Requirements), and are incorporated by reference here. This special condition docs not apply to an award to an individual who received the award as a natural person (i.e., unrelated to any business or non-profit organization that he or she may own or operate in his or her name). 7. All subawards ("subgrams") must have specifie federal authorizalion The recipient, and any subree(pient ("subgrantee") at any tier, must comply with all applicable requirements for authorization of any subaward. This condition applies to agreements that -- for purposes of federal grants administrative requirements — OJP considers a "subaward" (and therefore does not consider a procurement "contract") - The details of the requirement for authorization of any subaward are posted on the OJP web site at htip;//ojp.gov/f=diogfExplordSuhnwardAuthoTization.htm (Award condition: Award Condition; Allsubawards ("subgmnts") must have specific federal authorization), and are incorporated by reference here. ilial OJP FORM 40001^ (REV. 4-a9) - ❑.S_Department ofJus[ice " Office o0ustieePrograms Bureau Of Justice Assistance AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Cooperative Agreement PROJECT NUMBER 2016-BC-BX-KOS2 AwA14U 17ATE M&A016 PAGE 4 Of 12 SPECIAL CONDITIONS S. Specific post award approval required to use a noncompetitive approach in any procurement contract lhatwould exceed S150,00D The recipient, and any subrecipltnt ("si ftm wee°) at toy tier, must comply with all applicable rtquirceircces 10 chain specific advvncc apptovet to use a noncompedlive approach in any procurement contract that woufd eAcecd the Simplified Acquisition ThmAold (currently, 5159,000). Tins condition applies to agreements that -- for 911171105ea of federal grants adminisuWivc require meats — OR considers a procartntcnr "contract" {An(l li eminre dots 1101 consider a subaward). Tlredctails of tho req:tlrement for advance approval 10 use a Ruucompetitive Approach in it ptacurement contract under sn OJP awartl arc posted on the OR weh S:te at htrpJfO}p gOvlAtndittSJExpltxYlfi70actunpetiri.xprueauosst c6hmr (Award eondilion. Specific past -award approval requlred to urea noncompetitive approach in a procurement contract (if contract would exceed 3159,000)), and are incorpormed by refatme0 hem — 9, Requirements pertaining to prohibited conduct rehmed to trafficking in persons (including repotting requirements and OJP authority to terminate award) 'Ihancipiett , and any subrorsplent Clalbgranice') Al say tin, must comply with all applicable requirements (including requirsnstnis To repast al legations) pertaining to prohibited tooduet related to the trafficking of pwsmk% whether on the pan ofrecipicnts, sobrecipients ('aubgrantces"), orindividuais defined (to., purposes of this condition) as *employees" Of titerccipicnt or of say aubruiplcnt. Tho derails offt recipient's obligations related to prOubhed cotrduct related to h-afficidng in pasorts ate posted on the OR web site at t-Trafiicking.hun (Award cand bion. Prohtbilext conduct by recipient; and submcWwrtts related to oaf&cM11C in persons (ircluding repotting requirements and 0JP authority to terminate awal-ft aid are incorporated by reference here. 10. Compliance with applicable rules regarding approval, planning, and reporting ofconfetcnces, metting_s, tminings, and Other events -Thr secipirant+"sddairy sLlr capfezit'("s3rtip{au[ta� } al any' Lier, must comply with all applirablo 1AWs, saguhnlierts, - policies, and official DO! guitlincc (tacluding specific cost limits, prior approval and reporting requirements, wbm opplieable) governing the use of fc$etal fnmds for txpeasts related 19 canfnences (as that term is defined by D03), including tht provision of food andlar beverages al sach con rcrcrccs, and Casts of atlendance at such tonferme . info rotation on Lhepertinent DOJ definition 0Fconfemnces and the rules applicable to this award appeals in the DOJ Grants Financial Guide (currently, as section 3.10 of'Postaward Requirements" in the "2015 DOIGrants Financial Guide"), 11. Requirement for data on performance and effectiveness under the award The recipient must collect and maintain data that measure the performance and uffectivcross oractivities under this award. The data must be p ovidcd -a DIP in the matunce (including within the timcfrauus) specified by OJP in the program solicitation or ounce app)ipblc c,ritten guida11ce. Data collection supports tumpliancv with fiLe Government PerFormanee and Results Act (OP A) and the 0PRA Motkmiaat'san Acl, and other applicable laws. 12. 01P Training Guiding Principles Any training or training materials that the recipient— or any subrecipieut ('subgrantee) at any tier --develops or delivers with OR award funds trust adhere to the OJP Training Guiding Principles for Grantees and Subgra available at httpalojp.gov/funding/ojptrainingguidingor,6p[es-him. inial OIF FORM 400011 (REV 4-56) U.S. Departmerntoflustice ' +' Office of Justice Programs a Bureau of3ustice Assistance o � - T` AWARD CONTINUATION SBEET PAGE 5 OF 12 Cooperative Agreement PROJECTNUMBER 2011~HC.BX.K092 AWARD DATE 09/260016 SPECIAL COMMONS 13. Effect of failure to address audit issues 11te reaipienrunder„ trttrds ant[ agrees Ihat the DOJ awarding agency (01P or OViW, as sppropriwo may withhold award funds, or may impose other mlaiecl requiramenu, if (asdeternrinPi by the DOJ awarding agency) the recipient docs not satisfactorily and prompity nddress outstanding issues from audits required by the Pet 1200 Uniform Requirements (cr by the lerme orchis award), or otherouMandin k8tics that arise in ecimection with audter, investigations, or reviews of DOJ awards. 14. The recipient agrees to comply with any additional requirements that maybe imposed by the D0J awarding agency (01P or OV W, as appropriate) during the period ofperfrypnnp a for this award, if the recipient is designated as "high- risk" for purposes of the DOJ high-risk granlee list 15. Compliance with DOJ regulations perlaiuing to civil rights and nondiscrimination - 28 C.F.R. Pari 42 The recipient, and any subrecipient ("subgranlee") at any tier, must comply with all applicable requirements of 28 C.F.R. Part 42, specifically including any applicable requirements in Subpart E of 28 C.F.R. Part 42 that relate to an equal emp)oymeutopportunity program. 16. Compliance with DOJ regulations pertaining to civl7rights and nondiscrimination - 28 C.F.R. Part38 The recipient, and any subrecipiant { subgrante c"= at any tier, must comply whit all applimblo roquiruments of 28 CFRPart 38, specificaUyincluding nay applicable requirrntents regarding writlea notice [a p[a am benefrcpariPs and prosputiveprogmtnbeneficiaries Part38o£2$C.F:R,alXllregulation,wasootcndederror iva:vfay4,2dlft, Among other things, 28 C.F.R. Part 38 includes rales that prolllbit specific forms of discriminalion on the basis of religion, a religious belief, a reituat to Bald a religious belisf. or rrtfusat to attend 9r participale in a religious practice. Pan 38 also sets cut rule and requimainis that pertain to taoipicnt and subrocipicnt ("subgrantee') grganrranotr that engolps iu or conduct explicitly religious activities, as wo7l as rulers iad tegairvmpnts drat pertain to recipientsaad subrecipimts that are faith -based or religious organizations. The text of the regulation now entitled "Partnerships with FaitltZased and Other Neighborhood Organimtions," is available via the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (currently accessible at http:h%vww.ecfr.govlcgi- binfEUMpago-browse), by browsing to Title 28 -Judicial Administration, Chapter 1, Port 38, under a -CFR "current" data. 17. Restriclionsen "lobbying' Federal funds may not be used by the recipient, or any subreci picot ("subgrantee') at any tier, eithordirocdy or indirectly, to support or oppose the enactment, repeal, modification or adoption of any law, regulation, or policy, at any level of government Should any question arise as to whetber a particular we; of Federal funds by a recipient (orsubreeipient) would or might fall within the scope of thi s prohibition, the recipient is to contact OJP for guidance, and may not proceed without the express priorwritten approval oFOJP, OJP FORM 403012 (REV. 4.23) U -S. Department oflustice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance PROJECTNUMBER 2D16 -BC -BX -X082 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Cooperative Agreement AWARD DATE 09268016 PAGE 6 OF 12 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 18. Compliance with general appropriations -law, restrictions on the use of federal funds (FY 2016) The ruciplent, azul any subrecipient (m&ftrontae") at any liar, must comply with all applicable restrictions on the use of federal funds set out in federal appropriations statutes. Pertinent restrictions, including from various "general tvo,Asions" in the Cmwlidaled Appropriations Act, 2016, are set out al blip-.,Ifojp.gov/rkinding/.Explore/FY2016- anii ctianshrri, and arc inwrporatcd by inference here. Sboulda question arise as to whether a particular use of federal funds by a recipient (or a subrecipient) would or migbt fail within the scope ofan appropriations -law restriction, the recipient is to contact 01P for guidence, and may not proceed without the express prior written approval of 01P- 19. Reporting Potential Fraud, Waste, and Abuse, and Similar Misconduct TLs rc ipicai and any subrecipienls {"subgrantas"} must primplly refer to tE a Dol office orthc inspector Geacrai (01G) any credible evidence drat a Principal. eruployce, agate, subrmipionl. conrmclar, subcantraetor, or alher person has, in mnneutiOn with funds under this aw.ird •- (1) submitted 4 claim that violates rho False Claims Act, or (2) committed a crinai al or civil viol 3don of laws pcttainisa to ftaud, conflict of interest, Nrribvy, gratuity, or similar misconduct. Potential fraud, waste, abuser or misconduct involving or relnting to funds under this award should bo reported to the Oto by-- (t) mail dimacd to; O11ico of the lnipwtor General, ll_S. Department ofJusrice, Investip4oa3 Mvisiun, t15Si Pmcaylvania AYeISuF "l: J�, ttoom di06,,1Vnshingtnn. DC 2ey5?P: (?i ungi! W. big.Matliat�a usdoj.gov: Tndlor (S) :.._. __.._.•Ih?:I7t]7[?tGhct3lNstcrra�etiriTrorrit�(i`ori#n$�gflsbsnd Sgaaish)at(acfol$69-aa49(pnvne)vr(z0a)61fr9asl Additional iofonnation is available firm the D01 OIG websiteat h11v.11 rw v.usdoj.gov/oig_ OJP FORM 400M (REV. 4-88) U.S. Npanment offustice y- Office of Justice programs Bureau of Justice Assistance ti PROJECT NUMBER 2016 -RC -BX -K032 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Cooperative Agreement AWARD DATE 09/2612016 SFi CigL CONTIMONS 20, Restrictions and certifications regarding non -disclosure agreements and related matters PAGE 7 OF 12 No rceipiant or Iubrecipient ("subgrantee") order th13 award, Of entity that receives a aronureroe'tl rontraet or subcontract with any fonds under this award, may rcgttire any cmployre or conlraotor to sign an internal confidentiality agreement or statement that prohibits or othcrstriserestrdtts, or purports to prohibit orrestricl, the rcponiag (in aceorda.ncc wish law) o fwasic. Eaud, or Abuse to m investigative or law eafbit meat tcprrsenmtiveafa federal department or agency authorized to receive such information - 'rhe fortgoing is not intended, and shzII not be understoodby the agency making this award, to contravene requirements appheablc to Standard Form 312 (which relates to classified information), Form 4414 (wbich relates to sensitive carrtgettmanted -information), or any other form Isa'uedby a federal department or agency governing the nondisclosurcofclassiried information. I.- in accepting this award, the recipient— a- represenu HIM It neither recptirts no, has required internal confidentiality agreemesits. or statements from employees or contractors that eutrenty ptoh(bit or athe[9vfseturremslyrutrict (srrpvrport to prohibit or restrict) employees or contractors from repotting waste, fraud, or abuse as described above; and b, cen(ftes spar, ifit learns or is notified that ii is or has been requiring its totptoyees or c0flIawtars to excctue agreements or statements that prohibit or otherwise restrict (or purport, to prohibit or rptrlel), reporting ofwaste, Eaud, or abuse as described above, it we'll immediately slop any fuithcrobi ipdons of award fiaads, will pmvW prampl written notificariots to the fcdtral agency -rocking ahiti award; and wdi) resume (or pearls msumplion oi) such obligations only if expressly authorized to do so by that agency - 2. Ifthe recipient does o; is authorized under this award to make subawards (°snbgrants"), procurement contracts, or both -- a, it represenis that -- (1) it Iris doterrnincd that ad otheretttily Thal dre we ipicOes application proposes mayor will rceahro fiwsrdFf Inds (wbcther through a suWward (%Dbgranr'), procarrtrstnl eantraU, or aubcoatm" under a proc:=maat crintmct) dthcr requires or has required interna, confidentiality agccmeursor statements from employecsar contractors that cumittly pro}i(bil or otherwise currently restrict (or purport to prohibit or restrict) emlaktycrs or eontractors from Mportiog wade, fraud, or abuse as described above; and (2) it has made appropriate inquiry, or otherwise has an odequate factual basis, to support this epresenlatipn; and b. it cenifies that, if it learns or is notified tlsar any sut#ecipiesit, oonttacmr, or $uhcOnlractarentity that receives finds under this award is or has been requiring its croployces m contractors 10 execute agreements or maierncnts tbnl prohibit or otberwise restrict (or purport to prohibitor restrict), reporting ofwaveer baud, or ebuse;,3 described above, it swill immediately stop any further obliga dons of award ruods to m by that entity, will provide prompt wrium notification to the federal agency making this award, and will rmume (or perrail aesimipt(on of) such aullgalions only irtxpressly authorized to do so by that agency. C� aln".1 OJP FORM 900011 (11M 4-35) . U -S. Department of uslice t Office of.lustice Progmrns Bureau of Justice Assistance PRO]ECTNUMUR 2016 -BC -DX -x092 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE 8 OF 12 Cooperative Agreement AWARDDATE OWN2016 SPECIAL CONDJ-i'7ONS 21 Compliance with 41 U.S.C. 4712 (including prohibitions on reprisal, notice to employees) The recipient must ecmply with, and tr subject m ell applicable: provisionsof41 U,S.C. 4712, including ail appli,obte provisions That prubibit, under specified circurnsaances, d&dm nation-4pirret ars employee as mPdsal for the tmtployee's disclosure of ie dbrmadon relaled to gross mfsrnnnagtment of a federal wart, a gross wootcorfedetal Funds, an abuse ofawhority relating to a federal granLa Substantial and specific danger to public health or safety, or x violation oflaw,mle, or regulation related to a federal grant. The recipient also must inform its employees, in writing (and in the predominant native language oFthe workforce), of employee rights and remedies under 41 U.S.0-4712. Should a question ariso as to the applicability of the provisions of 41 U.S.0 4712 to this award, the recipient is to contact the DOJ awarding agency (OJP oIOVW, as appropriate) ror guidance. 22. Encouragement ofpolfeles to ban text messaging while driving Pursuant to Exccutive ordsr 13511.'pederal Lcadersbip on traducing Text hfcssaglog While Hiving,' 74 rrcd. Reg. 51225 ((ktober 1, 2004), DOJ cncmumges recipicus and subrecipienm ('subgranteco 10 adopt and asrorce polieleds banning em foam text mewaging wbrile driving any vehicle duringlhe course of performing work IMrI d by this award, aad to establish workplace safety polic(ss and conduct education xwarearss, gad other u0eaeh to decrease crashes caused by distracted drivers. 23. Tlie award iecipienl agrees to partic)patein a data collection process me coming program outputs and outcome& The data elements for this process will beoutlined by the Office of Justice Programs. 2.1- Granteeagmes to comply with all confidentiality requirements of 42 U.S.C, section 3784g and 28 C.P.R. Part 22 that are applicable to eollecrion. ase; and revelation of data or information- Grantee further agrees, as a condition of grant approval, io submit a Privacy Certificate Ilial 4 iu accord with rcquiremem of28 ER- Part 22 and, inparticular section 22.23. 25- The recipient agrees to cooperate wilh any assessments, national evaluation efforts, or int'ormation or data collection requests, including, but not limited to, the provision ofany information required forthe assessment or evaluation ofany activities within this project. 26- Approval of this award does not indicate approval ofauy consultant rate in excess of $650 per day- A detailed justification must be submitted to and approved by the Office of J ustice Programs (Oil P) program office prior to obligation or expenditure of such funds - 27. The recipient agrees to comply with applicable requirements to report first-tier subowards of $25,000 or mote and, in certain circumstances, to report the names and total compensation of the five most highly compensated executives of rhe recipient and ftrs:.in submripionts of award Curds_ Such dater will besubmitted to the VFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS). 1 -ho details ofrecipicnt obligtdom, which derive from the Fudcrat Funding Accountabitity and T ranspaimney Act of2006 (FFAT'A),are posted on The Office of Tustice Programs web site at nlgr/tojp.gov/iundinEjExpiordFPATA.htm (Award condition: Rep7rting Subawanls and Executive Compensation), and are incorporated by rermence here. This condition, and Its reporting requitemenl, does not apply to grant awards made 16;m lndivfdaal who received the awatd as a natural person (i.e., tuaelatcd to any business or non-profit oruanizatien that he or she may own or operate in his or her name). nirial OR FMM 40001: (REV, 4-88) U.S. Department oflustfee Office orlustice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Cooperative Agreement PROrECTNUMIBEA 2016-BGBX-KO83 AWARnnATF OIUW3016 vaGe `� OF 12 SPECbiL CONDMOM 28. Award recipients must verify Point ofConuct(Pd)C), Financial point ofCoamcl (FPOC), and Authorized Representative contact information In Gms. including tclepbenc numb rrand c -mail oddress. If any information is incorrect or has changed, a Grant Adjustmtnl INoticc (10A1Nlmust lic submiltrd via the Grants Management System (GMS) to document changes. 29. The rccipiera agrees to comply with 01P grant monitoring euit dints, psvtocols, and procedures, and w eeopezole with OJP (including the 67aul mitrager for this award and 1heofflca of Chief €insnsial officer ( CFO)) on all grant tnon(luring reqursts, including trqumw related to desk reviews, cnharxxd programmatic desk revirnvs, andlOrsile .oils. Tnc tecipientagrees to provide to OJP all documcnration noctssary to complete munitorfng usslcs, including doc retnmtion rdaled to any subawards rnadr: -Adtr der i award. Flouter, the recipient agrees to abide by reasonable deadlines Set by OJP for providing the **quested documents. Failure to cooperate with Glp's grad monitoring a ctiv'ilies may result in unctions affecliog the reotpie urs Doi awards, Including, but not limited to: wi lhlloldings and/or other rest iictIons on the teeipitmrs access to grant flsads; referral in tho offtoeofthe Inspector ocncral for audit rcy(cw; dCcignatiun of the rwc picnt as a Doi High Risk grahtce; or termination ofanawatd(s). 30, The tecipicnt arknmvledges that the Office ONUSdce Program$ PIP) rimes n royalty-fne, aott-cxelusive, and irrer+oc.Sble license to reproduce. publisb, orothxrwiscuse, and authorfzo others Sousa (in whoSe win part, including in connection with derivative woika), far Federal purposes: (t) any work subject to copyright developed under an award or sutewanl; a� d (2) cry rights ofcopyriglr[ to which a re�fpiuttorsubrurJpPcnt purchases ownershlp with Federal support The recipient aclmowledgcs that 01P bas the right to (1) obtain, reproduce, publish, or olhenvise use the data List produced under an award orstrl:2ward; and•(2) authorize others res receive, reprodam publish, Pr otherwise use such data for Federal purposes. 'Data, includes data as deffned its federal AequOition liegulatioo (FAR) provision 52.227- 14 (Rights in Data - General). It is the responsibility of the recipient (and ofeach sub recipienl, ifapplieable) to ensure that this condition is included in any subaward under this award. The recipient has the resp om'm' ilityto ober-In from sul3recipwilts, cbIlmocrs, had subetioneto:'s (if any) all rights and data necussary to fulfill the reclpicnes obligations to the Government under this awed, Ua proposed stibrccipient, contracuar, ar suhcttnhaclor trJuses to acOM terms affording the 0overri ncnt such tights, the reeiplant shall promptly bring such refusal to the at•,ention of the OJP program TrumIgtt for Al award and not ptocced with the agreement in question withnut fundi" authorization from the OJP program oflicn. 3 t Any web site that is funded in whole or in part under this award mint 4nclo4 the following alattmtnt on the home page, on all major entry pages (i.e., pages (exclusive of dgcumeots) whose pnrrvrry pugicae is to navigotc the user to interior content), and on any pages from which a visitor tray access or lase a Web -based service, inciudiug any pages that provide results or outputs from the service: 'Tins Web sila a funded `{insert 'in put,' if apptiezblr) through a grant from the [insen name of o)P component), OlftceofIusucoPregrtnts,U,S.Ue"rlmtntoflustica NcilherriteIJS.I]eparnrucntofJusticenoranyofits ce,mpoamss operate, eontrul are nusponsiblu fru, at nocessarfty endorse, VAS Web site (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies. and any so"ices Of tools pruvidodV The felt tut of the libregcing s<atement must ire olcarly visibleon the hams page on other pages, the statement snoy bt tneiuded through a link, out itled '�%oGue of Fedcral Funding and federal Metaimer, to the fust text of the statement. ninial OSP FORM 400012 (REV. 4.88) U.S. Department of Justice Office of3uslice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance AWARD CONTINUATION SIIEET I PAGE 10 OF 12 Cooperative Agreem en t I IPROJFCTMIMBER 2016BC-BX-KOS2 AWARD DATE 09/26!2016 SPECIAL CONDJTIONS 32. The recipient agmcs to submit io SJA for review and approval any curricula. It-ainin matedats, proposed puh)ieations,. reports, or any other written materials that will be pubiished, incloding web -bassi materials and website con1crd,. through funds rrum this grant at least thirty (30) working days prior to the targeted dissemipotion dale. Any writlen, visual, or audio pobiicatio Is, with the exception of press releases, whether pubtistred al d:e grantees or Sovernmcnfs expense, shall contain the rnllowiag statements. "Tlris project was supported by Grant No. 20 f 6 -RC -BX -1e062 awarded by the EJtrreau afJu5tice Assistance. The Burcau of lustier Asststancc m a component of the Doputmetd of Justice's Otlrce of3osticc Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the Normnal Instirute of Justice, the Omen or Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Offsca rar Victims of Crimc, and the SMART Afftee. Points ofview or opinions in Ihis docwn_nt are those or the author and do not ncc rily termsent the oft OW positron orpolicicsafthe U.S. Depanmeatl orlus[icr." Tho current edition athc DOJ Grants Financial Guide Pmvides guidance on allowable printing and publication aclivilies. 33. A11 program authorityand responaibility inherent is the Federal stawardahiprole shall retain with Ilse Bureau of Jnstice Assistance (IIIA). BJA will wort: in coajuwADI) with the recipient to routinely review and reline the wort[ plan Sri tha3 the program's pals and objectives can bo effectively accomplished_ BJA will monitor The project on a continual basis by maintaining ongoing contact widt the realpfent and wili providc input to d1c program's direction. in consullatioa with the recipient, as needed 34. The mcipioat agree] to submit a firul report at the end of this award documenting alt relevant project activities during the entire period orsopport under this award,'litis report will include detailed information about the projcet(s) funded, including, but not limited to, informaaen about how he funds were actually used for each purpose area, data to suppon _... arstemeattmf prtrgtess, and data conccrniog individual tesults and oulcomcs of fundcd prmjccis refl c ng paaject sacccsts and impwts. The -Final mportis•duo Ao-later than 90 hays fallowing the close of this award per[cd or the eapinition orally extension periadx. YMS report will be submimd to the Obiter, ofJustice Program, on-line through the Internet at hupsJ/i;=ts_ojp.usdoj.govL 35. The recipient agrees that it will submit quarterly fmaneial status reports to 03P on-line (at htV://granls.cjp.u5doj.gcv) using the SY i$5 Federal F etandal Repan forret {available for viewing of www.whitcbouse.govlambl [tnls/sAndnrd forrtrslff repottpdE), net laser than 30 days after the end ofeacbrealendar quarter. The 6na1 report sits!! lie sytrrairred no[ 1a1er than 90 days following the end of the award period. 36, The recipient shall subrnf[semiannual pwgross reports. Progress reports shall he submitted within 30 days after the end oflhe reporting porlods, which are June 36 and December 31, for the life of the award. These reports will be submitted to the Offtr~ ofju.5[ice P:ogmns, on -liar duungh the Intemel st Mips:/lgrants.ojp.usdoj.gov/. OJP FDRAi 4000P (REV 4.65) U.S. Department ofJuslice 0 ffice 0 f Justice Programs I Bureau of Justice Assistance ! PROJECT NUMBER 3016"BC-BX-x082 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET PACE II OF I± I Cooperative Agreement AWARD DATE 09126.2016 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 37. Within 45 calendar days after the end ofany conference, meeting, retreat, seminar, symposium, training activity, or similar event funded under this award, and the total cost ofwbicb exceeds S20,0L10 in award funds, the recipient must provide the program manager with the following information and itemized costs: I) name of event; 2) event dates; 3) location ofevent; 4) number of federal attendees; 5) number ofnon-federal attendees; 6) costs of event space, including rooms for break-out sessions; 7) costs ofaudio visual services; 8) other equipment costs (e.g., computer fees, telephone fees); 9) costs of printing and distribution; 10) costs ofmmis pfovided during the event; 11) costs ofrefreshments provided during the event; 12) costs of event planner; 13) costs ofevent Facilitat(1rs; and 14) any other costs associated with the event. The recipient must also itemize and report any of the following attendee (including participants, presenters, speakers) costs that ore paid or reimbursed with cooperative agreement funds: 1) meals and incidental expenses (t4@[E portion of per diem); 2)lodging; 3) transportation tolfrom event location (e.g., common carrier, Privately Owned Vehicle (POV)); and, 4) local transportation (e g., rental car, POV) at event locoGon. Note that if any item is paid for with registration fees, or any other non -award funding, Ihcn that portion of the expense dues not need to be reported, Further instructions regarding the submission of this data, and how to determine costs, are available in the 01P Financial Guide Conference Cost Chapter. uttial OJP FORM 90001; (REV. 9 -ss). U.S.Dcpatment ofJustice Office orlustice Programs AWARD CONTINUATION ,t s Bureau of Justice Assistance SHEET Cooperative Agreement PROJECT NUMBER 2016-BCBX.X892 AWARD DATE 09W-016 PAGE 13 OF 12 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 38. Tne recipienti7 aulhorUttl w abllgalc, expend, or dtaw down funds in as smount trot to exceed 1095 ofthis Award for the sole purpose ofdGvveioping a BodyMwn C40M (SWC) policy. Tito BWC policy must be suhmiUod no la€er thars 180 days ofaward aompiame, units an extension for good cause shown has been granted by BM the rceWcns Is not authorized to incur any additioml ohligxtions, make any additional expenditures, or draw down any addiritxtal funds until BIA has npprovrsi the nxipients completed `01VC policylnd has issued a Grant Adjustment Notice (GAN) removing this condition. 39. Ile recipient agrees to participate in MA -sponsored training events, technical assistance events, or confereacesheld by BJA or its designees, upon BJA's request. 40. Pccipientmay not obligate, expend or drawdown fvads until the Bureau oflustice Assistance, Office of7ustim Programs has reviewed and approved the Program Narrativepartion of the application and has issued a Grant Adjustment Notice (GAN) informing the recipient of the approval. 41. The reciplen. is authorized to incur obligations, expend and draw down funds for tvtvd, lodging, and per diem costs only, in an arnownl not to exeoW $15,040, flrr the sol- pmpose of attending a rslluired Olp eonfaerlecassociaied with this grant award. TU granbcois tat aulhorizzd to incurany additional ohligasior% or mala any addidaml cxpc"tures or draw du -t s until the awarding ageacy and the Officeaf the Chief Financial Oiilccr (OCT -0) has revkwed and appmvcd the recipient's budget and budget natnative, and a {haat Adjustment Noticz (GAN) has bean issued to remove this special condition_ OJP FORM 400012(REV- 4-80) t n"1 ilial } U.S. Department of Justice r Office ofJustice Programs Bureau &Justice Assistance Wart! glop D.0 2053! 1Vlemoraodum To: Official Grant File From: Orbin Terry, NEPA Coordinator Subject: Categorical Exclusion for City of Fayetteville Awards under this program will be used to plan or implement a body worn camera program. None of the following activities will be conducted whelher under the Ofitce ofJustice Programs federal action or a related third party action: (1) New construction. (2) Any renovation or remodeling of a property located in an environmentally or historically sensitive area, including property (a) [is ted on or cliggb]e for listing on the National Register of historic PIaccs, or (b) ?ocaLed within a l 00 -year tlocd plain, a wetland, or habitat for an endangered species. (3) A renovation wbich wrlI change the basie prior use of a facility or significantly change its sirs. (4) Research and technology whose anticipated and future appl ieation coutd be expected to have an effect on the environrnent. (5) hnpJem entation of a program involving the use of chemicals, Additionally, the proposed action is neither a phase nor a segment of a project which when reviewed in its entirety would not meet the criteria for a eatcgorical exclusion. Consequently, the subject federal action meets the Office Of Justice Frogmms' criteria fur a categorical exclusion as contained in paragraph 4(b) of Appendix D to Part 61 of Title 2.8 of the Code ofFedcral Regulations. f�Get�al U.S. Deparbtaent'ofhslice GRAN'i' MANAGE' R'S MEMORANDUM, PT. 1: Office of Justin Pmgn= PROJECT SUMMARY Bureau of Jaslice Assistance Cooperative Agreement PROJECF NIRNBkTt 2016 -BC -BX -K082 This project is supporttd .order M 6(BJA . Body-1Yom Camem Program) Pub. L No 11411 J, 129 Stat 2242.2308 1. STAFF CONTACr (Name & tolepkone uumba) F1017 D. Lawson (?021105-9216. PAGE 1 OF I I 2.PROJECT DIRECTOR 04ame, addrrxs �. teleplwmnumker) 1V mit Newnan .Assisiaut Support S—im Mmagcr 113 Wta[ Mourdaia Street Foyeare\4lle, AR 77701 (479)597-3579 3. TTMEOFTIIEPROGRAAi T 31,. PITv1S CODE(SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE) BJA FY 16 Btmody-WCamera Polity and ltarplcmcntatim Program: Jmpklnmtation or Ewaasiou of BWC Progw= rot Loge Ag -d- 4. TITLEOF PROJECT 2016 Multi.�tnitd oaej Jmplcvawletion 61­136dy-Woto CXoete Pilot Program 5. NAME & ADDRESS OF GRANTEE City OfFayetteai)1e IOQA War Rork Shat Fayd icvi l k AR 72701.6069 7. PROGRAM PERIOD FRO2,L' 10/01/2016 TO: 09/30/1018 - Y.AMOUNPOF S 186,496 11. SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET 13. THIRD YEARS BUDGET PER100 ----F& NAME & ADRFSS OF SUBGRANTPF 8 RUDOEr PERIOD FROM )OW2016 T0: 09/302018 } W. DAtEE• OFAIVARD. 09fM'2016 12. SECO14DYEAR'S BUDGJFrAMOtNr 14. TBIRDYFARS BUDGET AMOUNT 15. SUMMARY pFSCRumON Of PROTECT (Sa instruct ion m wev e) Tb0kdy SVola Cumu POtfcy 454 1m(iietn MU00a progaro (BWCPiP)prarda (uatdi:rd In limited puklk 3&cmim (i.L, atctea vnRt60f total gweermm4 OodWiog trib4lgovetstam wolpi7id Ayibt Smd&yorfie Ialedw). mabinatim oruxh tmxa at wits, oraaydcperlw;ut agwey, crimen" oulke of Ibc 7otcgainp), ttwi perform en ..! jw i" Rtxiiom: acd atdmtl and reyiecaJ PoWk and Pricy t enalk% hndudinp fo-pork (tp rnaava) asd onprtOl witu Laliow (inWcMag mM rwwotit br fo, pw5torgau440rma), (Ydh.bestd 414 eomm9oity wDtcitalidus, "d nwtusians of bi*%tdx Riot (inioalitg tn'6al ias6Yutim of h)gba ed=6w) Intal Wport Wailjives 40 rwaw live fumvioa..urd of the crim4wji mlice7f=m Fax-profil orcadrstitoe musk 2er-1 9('Mv any profs ormmmgemeat fee. The BIVCPIP, 1Jinded uodcr the 20145Departmmt ofJmtictApproloiiatioro A9(P.L 114.1 t 71,%111 eupParr IN Uatkr talion 9fbQ4V-%an WrrW.'apllyTatrS in Im enror_ent agrnria athe count,y. The intent or The pmgrmn is hlp:gt=o4v+dop. implaamt, and Mtmoz&WC pmgr+m m toe wort rn dIs TIP FORM 4000/2 (REV -488)J -fcv mxl agency ierr+{r. rhrroi4c pmbimi u+Iriag $Mooch to edbadeOQmw in:ua:iioxvith dlspxNir and 6eii'ki urapxiry Owl. rkmcarsof mcb an ep;n mcb inWydc:Ir,.ptw:aturien era A WC paolxm develaprd in a pL7ar,.dand ph=& approsclk ColLftn6an ibW kwrga pmaczb-ps with eaa -*Cdcs criminal jar7ceyrykthohlcn i»cl�dsrr IDrosccwtrs and risroa:cy 0r�aiwio.,lopYraae;tistipd oC59poP^a.r ley pollrin; tmplammh!ioa oiap:vat'sDeal pmcedafts and teatk'vop rnce,4laisrns. Yniriny;.oCaTYaa.Odenenwtritw}.nni xsarforW ayrnr�c regain ry sascia ea 5tjtal uwliru�u ntidtace [pARF.'k Adop:i tm of p=iico and deployment of U WC pm), dms appmprialely addressing openrioml mquittmeets. CNPJCF City of Fayetteville, Arkansas - Budget Adjustment Form (Legistar) Budget Year Division /Org2 POLICE (200) 2016 Requestor: W. Newman Adjustment Number BUDGET ADJUSTMENT DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION: Establish a revenue and expense budget in project accounting for the 2016 Body Worn Camera Pilot Implementation Program grant award. C:\Users\Ismith\AppData\Roaming\L5\Temp\c 1623692-d843-4e4e-aa 1 a-cb556836b5ec 1 of 1 COUNCIL DATE: 12/20/2016 LEGISTAR FILE ID#: 2016-0528 3 a* -ba' CV Feil 11130/2016 10:58 AM Budget Director Date TYPE: DESCRIPTION: GLDATE: RESOLUTION/ORDINANCE POSTED: 1 v.20161021 TOTAL 321,856 321,856 Increase / (Decrease) Project.Sub# Account Number Expense Revenue Project Sub AT Account Name 1010.200.2920-4309.01 186,496 31606 RE "Federal Grants - Operational 1010.200.2920-5210.00 135,360 - 31606 EX Minor Equipment - : 1010.200.2920-5737.00 73,696 31606 EX Transfer to - Springdale 1010.200.2920-5738.00 45,120 - 31606 EX Transfer to - Washington County Sheriff 2300.200.9300-4421.02 - 67,680 07001 3 RE Impact Fee - Police 2300.200.9300-7602.01 67,680 - 31606 EX "Transfers To Funds - General 1010.200.2920-6602.30 - 67,680 31606 RE "Transfer from Fund - Impact Fee C:\Users\Ismith\AppData\Roaming\L5\Temp\c 1623692-d843-4e4e-aa 1 a-cb556836b5ec 1 of 1