HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-12-12 - Minutes - FinalCITY OF Fa y VlI'l e ARKANSAS Planning Commission December 12, 2016 5:30 PM 113 W. Mountain, Room 219 MINUTES Members: Kyle Cook (Chair), Ron Autry (Vice Chair), Matthew Hoffman (Secretary), Tracy Hoskins, Janet Selby, Ryan Noble, Tom Brown, Leslie Belden, and Allison Thurmond Quinlan Call to Order: 5:30 PM, Kyle Cook In Attendance: Members: Kyle Cook (Chair), Ron Autry (Vice Chair), Matthew Hoffman (Secretary), Tracy Hoskins, Ryan Noble, Tom Brown, Leslie Belden, and Allison Thurmond Quinlan Absent: Janet Selby Staff: Andrew Garner, City Planning Director; and Harry Davis, Planner. City Attorney: Kit Williams Consent Agenda: 1. Approval of the minutes from the November 28, 2016 meeting. 2. ADM 16-5665: Administrative Item (731 S. RAZORBACK RD./MOO-LICIOUS ESSPRESSO 1 YR. MOBILE VENDOR, 560): Submitted by CODY BAILEY for property located at 731 S. RAZORBACK RD. The property is zoned UT, URBAN THOROUGHFARE, and contains approximately 0.94 acres. The request is for a 1 year Mobile Vendor permit. 3. CCP 16-5656: Concurrent Plat (SW OF PROVIDENCE DR. & MTN. RANCH BLVD./PARKHILL AT MOUNTAIN RANCH PH. II — LOTS 1-3 & 98, 479): Submitted by JORGENSEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. for properties located SW OF PROVIDENCE DR. & MTN. RANCH BLVD. The properties are zoned NC, NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION and contain approximately 3.00 acres. The request is for 7 single family lots. Motion: Commissioner Hoskins made a motion to approve the consent agenda with the condition that the minutes be revised to remove the strikeout on PPL 16-5642 from "As recommended by staff' because Morningside was to be improved as recommended by staff. Andrew Garner, Planning Director: Indicated the requested correction would be reflected in the final minutes. Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gav Fayetteville, AR 72701 Commissioner Autry seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 8-0-0. Old Business: No Items New Business: 4. VAR 16-5666: Variance Item (375 N. RUPPLE RD./OWL CREEK NATURE TRAIL, 478): Submitted by CRAFTON TULL, INC. for property located at 375 N. RUPPLE RD. The property is zoned R -A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL, and contains approximately 24.08 acres. The request is for a variance to the Streamside Protection Ordinance. Alan Pugh, Floodplain Administrator: Gave the staff report. Tom Hennelly, Crafton Tull, applicant representative: Present for questions. Public Comment: No public comment was presented. Ron Autry, Commissioner: Discussed that he does not have any issues with this variance. Motion: Commissioner Belden made a motion to approve VAR 16-5666 with conditions as recommended by staff. Commissioner Quinlan seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 8-0-0. 5. PPL 16-5643: Preliminary Plat (SOUTH END OF PUMPKIN RIDGE RD./FALLING WATERS SD, 564): Submitted by CRAFTON TULL & ASSOCIATES, INC. for properties located SOUTH OF PUMPKIN RIDGE RD. The properties are zoned RSF-2, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 2 UNITS PER ACRE and contain approximately 35.30 acres. The request is for 49 single -family lots. Andrew Garner, City Planning Director: Gave the staff report. Bradley Bridges, Crafton Tull, applicant representative: Present for questions. Kyle Cook, Commissioner: Asked about steepness of Road B. Bridges: We are aware of this and are working on it to ensure that we meet the Fire Department requirements. Kit Williams, City Attorney: Asked if they are agreeable to paying parks fees? Bridges: Yes. Public Comment: No public comment was presented. Tom Brown, Commissioner: Asked the applicant about Lots 5 and 6 and stormwater drainage. Bridges: Discussed stormwater drainage and grades of the street to help with fire department and this development. Matt Hoffman, Commissioner: Stated his preference for the HHOD street sections. Bridges: Yes, we will use the HHOD streets sections in a 27-foot ROW. Tracy Hoskins, Commissioner: Asked about the expense of double frontage lots. Bridges: Discussed the design preference for lots in this configuration. Tom Hennelly, Crafton Tull, applicant representative: The developer wanted the backs of houses face the golf course and also for the homes to be developed with garages at the street level and the main level of the house. Cook: Asked about the LID street cross sections and proposed open ditch storm drainage presented at the Subdivision Committee. Bridges: Agreed to curb and gutter on the downhill side of the streets and confirmed that they will not use the LID street cross sections. Hoffman: Asked about double frontage lots and privacy fences that would be in the backyards of the uphill lots creating a wall along Street `A'. Bridges: Discussed that fences will not be on the downhill side. Hennelly: Confirmed that these lots are very deep and the downhill side will remain wooded and privacy fence prevented through covenants. Allison Quinlan, Commissioner: Stated that she was impressed in the reduced amount of disturbance on the lots. As we spread ourselves out we have created a situation where we have 4,000 feet of street supported by a small number of homes. This is something that we really need to pay attention to not to overburden the city. Hoskins: Unless we make the privacy fence a condition it cannot be enforced. Williams: Stated that the City cannot control restrictive covenants. Leslie Belden, Commissioner: A lot of our plans appear to have a proposed trail that skirts along the road to the south. Bridges: Stated that there is no planned trail. Mn4inn- Commissioner Autry made a motion to approve PPL 16-5643 with conditions as recommended, adding a condition to: "Approve a variance for double frontage lots with the requirement that privacy fence along the south side of street 'A" not be permitted." Commissioner Hoffman seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 7-1-0. Commissioner Quinlan voted `no'. 51 6. PPL 16-5574: Preliminary Plat (NE OF 241" & COUNTRY CLUB DR./MOUNTAIN VISTA SD, 640-641): Submitted by BATES & ASSOCIATES, INC. for properties located NE OF 24Th & COUNTRY CLUB DR. The properties are zoned RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 4 UNITS PER ACRE and contain approximately 54.16 acres. The request is for 52 single-family lots. Andrew Garner, City Planning Director: Gave the staff report. Geoff Bates, Bates and Associates, applicant representative: Was present for questions. Public Comment: Todd Devecsery, live on College Drive cul-de-sac. Significant improvements to this property would benefit us in our neighborhood. He asked about zoning and what is different between RMF - 24 and RSF-4. He discussed limited access to the entire area. He discussed that secondary access to 22nd should be provided. He discussed adverse property values that will result from this development. Joe Alexander, 22nd Street: Concerned with how this will affect 22nd Street. When will the trail be planned? Garner: Discussed the trail connection. Skip Holland, 2991 S. College Drive: I am for the development. He discussed concerns with emergency access. He discussed problems with water pressure and disagreed with staff. Michael Landman, 310 E. Fairway Lane: Concerns with traffic safety and with wildfire. Sue Calaway resident of South Mountain: Concerns with safety of 24th Street. She discussed traction issue on 24th Street. She read a letter that she wrote earlier this year to Adella Gray about traffic safety on 24th Street. She gave details of street traction and dangerous issues on 24th Street. She discussed confusion that the letters mailed to neighbors indicate RMF -24 zoning. She recommended extending another street connection to 22nd Street. Adam Siepielski, 2522 S. College Drive: The principal concern is a safety issue. I don't see how a single road can support this amount of traffic. If we needed to evacuate I would not feel that we could safely evacuate. This has to be done first and foremost in a safe manner. The water pressure issue is real during the summer when the country club golf course is irrigating. He also discussed concerns with wildfires and natural disasters combined with the lack of water pressure. Alex Marinoff, live in the adjacent neighborhood: He discussed the condition of 24th Street. He asked how many of you drove to Askew Drive. He agreed with safety concerns from a number of neighbors. If this project is approved and there are a number of accidents in the future, what exposure does the city have to litigation? Peter Elzer, lives on S. College Drive: The work they have done doesn't work. It is very slippery in good vehicles with good tires. He discussed traffic safety concerns. Tamera Scott, live at 460 Ravenswood Lane: It is important that the neighborhood is happy. Someone brought up opportunities on how the city would address their concerns at the Subdivision Committee meeting. Turn lanes into the Askew property could be a good idea. There is no way to get in there quickly. We have a lot of timber that is dry and old. If we have a wildfire we will be lit up. With the lack of water pressure and risk of wildfire it creates a dangerous situation. We are not against this development. Gary Brinson, 88 W. 2611 Circle: Live in the adjacent neighborhood. Concerned with so many houses going up at once. The water pressure will not hold with an extra 50 houses. We know that change must come, but the whole situation is staggering. We hope everyone thinks twice about this. Alex Liles, 102 Gary Circle: Discussed line of site from the Askew Drive being dangerous. There is a wall there and I do not think the line of site is very clear. The infrastructure concerns have been expressed well and I agree. Another concern for me is school buses. I have slipped even when using my four-wheel drive. The property values of the existing homes is a concern. He discussed the overall aesthetic impact of this project to their existing homes. Lewis Toth, 33 E. 27' Circle: Lived in this neighborhood for 11 years. He discussed traffic safety in and out of the country club neighborhood. It is really very dangerous. On any given day there may be as many as 15 cars at the bottom of the hill during winter weather. It is very difficult and the one point of egress is a problem for us all. Mark Lungaro, 2489 S. College Drive: He discussed that all of the neighbors are concerned and want the property to keep its value. I have lived here for 25 years. Jim Hashbarger, 2519 S. College Drive: My property is directly adjacent. My main concern is that we have like housing that looks like a continuation of the property that is there. Allison Walker, live on S. College Drive: Agree with what everyone else said. This is one of the worst roads I have ever driven on (24th Street). She discussed being at the top of the hill where at times we have had no water pressure even in the colder months. We are concerned with an emergency situation. I request that more study of this be done. She discussed that it is a very quiet neighborhood. An alternative route to 22nd Street should eliminate the connection to S. College Drive that would be negative for the neighborhood. Linda Thomas, 116 26th Circle: We bought our house specifically for the view. I am now concerned with the view. Pam Janus, live on 241h Street: We have the hardwood floors store on highway 71 B. I don't think the city can afford to ignore these safety issues. Bob Jordan, 2952 S. College: If 22nd Street becomes a connection this will no longer be the family friendly neighborhood that it is. The water pressure here is lower than any other house I've lived in Fayetteville. Charles Hale: Seconded what has been previously said. He discussed dangerous road conditions getting in and out of this neighborhood. He also discussed water pressure, EMS, and traffic coming out of the Askew Drive. Jan Thompson, live on 29th Circle: If and when the subdivision is built, what happens with the construction trucks? What will happen with construction traffic? No more public comment was presented. Kyle Cook, Commissioner: Asked for Engineering's opinion on water pressure Corey Granderson, Staff Engineer: Discussed water pressure in the area. This is a single feed water line. A water tank is not allowed because of airplane traffic. Booster pumps on 24th Street were replaced and upgraded in 2015. 1 contacted the Water Meter Operations Department about complaints with pressure. The City can test service pressure on the customer side of the request. I would like to talk to our utility department a little more regarding water pressure after hearing all of these complaints. When we did flow the hydrants in the area I was surprised in the area that it did meet the minimum for a single family homes. Brian Sloat, Assistant Fire Marshal: Discussed the fire emergency access up 24th Street is a big concern. If you do not have snow chains it could be very treacherous in bad weather. He discussed that fire trucks have snow chains. He discussed responding to calls in this area during his time on the fire truck. He discussed wildfire hazard in the area and potential evacuation using both lanes of 24th Street in the same direction to evacuate. Fire flow requirements were discussed, indicating over 1,350 gallons per minute which is a considerable improvement over the standard and what was there previously (prior to the booster pump upgrade). The trucks do come equipped with 500 gallons on each truck. We have mutual aid agreements for other area fire departments to help with brush fires. Yes, we do have concerns with emergency access but we reviewed this development and it meets all of the fire code requirements. Kit Williams, City Attorney: Asked about slope into this subdivision Sloat: Indicated it would meet fire code. Ron Autry, Commissioner: Asked about the blue top fire hydrants and what that means Sloat: 1,500 gallons per minute for the blue top hydrants. A minimum of 1,000 gallons per minute is required for single family homes and this neighborhood currently has 1,350 gallons per minute. Matt Hoffman, Commissioner: Asked about emergency response to this area and 24th Street compared to other hilly areas in Fayetteville. Sloat: It is average compared to others such as Rockwood Trail which is much worse. We work closely with the street department to have the worst roads treated first during bad weather. We have cables and the heavier snow chains on the trucks for response in worse weather. Cook: Asked about the 24th Street failure mentioned in Subdivision Committee. Granderson: Discussed significant water line leaks at the bottom of 24th Street that caused road damage that was repaired. Autry: Asked about flow regulators. Granderson: On some of the complaints of water pressure the Water Meter Department will hook up a gauge. The Water Meter Department indicated to me that in some cases where there was a complaint the pressure was fine at the meter, but there was something on the residents' side that was restricting water flows. Leslie Belden, Commissioner: Asked for a clarification between RMF -24 and RSF-4 zoning. Garner: Clarified differences between the RMF -24 and RSF-4 zoning. Tom Brown, Commissioner: Described on the north side of Askew Drive there has been an attempt to create a merging lane into 24th Street. A merging lane might help mitigate the traffic safety issue. He discussed including a speed bump would help slow traffic speeds on 24th Street. Williams: We did expend a lot of money to improve 24th Street. He gave background on improvement to 24th Street in the 1990s. The City has experimented with speed tables and it has not been successful. On a steep road speed tables would be very dangerous. This administration is pretty much on the record that speed tables are not desirable. The City staff has worked very hard in looking at these issues including traffic safety, access, and fire flow. I do not think there would be any issue with the City being litigated. The City is immune if we are negligent. But we are not being negligent and are trying our best to make this a safe development as you have heard by the staff that have evaluated this very closely. I am glad that we have worked on water pumps that have improved pressure. Brown: I am not in favor of speed tables, but the point that I wanted to make was that if they did consider a speed table it would need to be on 24th Street further south past that existing intersection where it would not be on the slope. Autry: Asked about site distance. Garner: Responded that site distance does meet code requirements. Autry: He discussed traffic speeds on 24th Street. He talked to the Police Department asking about traffic citations and dangerous situations. The Police Department indicated that there were no more citations or wrecks on 24t" Street than in other neighborhoods. Allison Quinlan, Commissioner: Asked Granderson of grade of 24th Street Granderson: 8.5 % slope looking north from Askew. Quinlan: Asked about width of 24th Street. Garner: Confirmed that it is wide at 30-31 feet. Quinlan: Asked about storm water drainage. Granderson: Discussed storm water drainage. Quinlan: Asked about street connectivity. Garner: Discussed connectivity and that 22nd Street stubs out to this property but that it seemed to be infeasible to connect due to steep slopes. Granderson: Discussed connectivity to 22nd Street is not feasible. Bates: Indicated that slopes from this site to 22nd Street are in the range of 20%. Quinlan: Asked about safety of adding more homes. Granderson: He discussed that they meet the minimum stopping sight distances. Quinlan: What happens if we test water pressure in the spring at the time of final plat when they are irrigating and they no longer meet fire code? Sloat: We have not had that issue before. It may be that the developer would have to contribute to improving the situation. Hoffman: He addressed the issue on small lots. The issues with topography and access are similar to many other areas of Fayetteville. He clarified speeds and intersection stopping distance. Granderson: If you wanted to know the average speed we may be able to request that from the Transportation Department. Hoffman: Discussed that he would like to see the study of the average speed of vehicles. Hoffman: Further study of water may be needed. If irrigation goes up in the summer it might seriously affect water pressure and access to emergency services. He recommended that he did not want to slow up the approval but that prior to construction approval the stopping sight distance should be calculated using actual average speed and the water pressure tested. Autry: Asked about the number of lots being created at once. Bates: Discussed lot size and the primary entrance into the subdivision. Autry: Asked about target market. JB Hays, Owner/developer: Lots in the $85,000 - 150,000 per lot range. I think this will be an overall better neighborhood after this development. This will probably be one or two professional people per household. Autry: Discussed that he did not think this is a significant traffic safety and congestion issue. Tracy Hoskins, Commissioner: Is your concern site distance on either side of Askew Drive? Hoffman: Yes. Site distance in the report has to do with marked speed and not actual speed. I would like to evaluate sight distance based on actual speed. Hoskins: Asked about speed control and intersection stopping distance. Granderson: Discussed that either site distance could be increased or speed decreased to improve intersection stopping distance. Bates: All you could do is more signage to reduce the speed limit. Relocating the existing retaining wall that is not on your property is not feasible. Hoskins: It sounds like to me we need to enforce the laws that are there instead of penalizing this developer for people that are breaking the speed limit. Are the sight distances adequate? Granderson: Based on posted speed distance the stopping sight distance is met in both directions. Motion: Commissioner Hoskins made a motion to approve PPL 16-5574 with all conditions as recommended by staff, including one additional condition that: "Prior to final plat the water pressure shall be tested to ensure compliance with fire code flow requirements". Commissioner Autry seconded the motion. Hoffman: Asked if this motion included further study of sight distance. Hoskins: If our concern is that we may have a problem because they are violating the speed we need to look at that issue. Post more signage, put more patrols. Enforcing the laws that we have. Hoffman: What amount of increase in speed would put this intersection in an unsafe condition? Granderson: If you were heading north going 30 mph you would not meet the intersection stopping distance. Hoffman: Discussed that he was concerned with approving this if it was unsafe. Williams: Discussed that they are entitled to an access to this property. I am concerned that the commission would consider denying a preliminary plat because other people are breaking the law. There is signage that could be installed. I know that people sometimes speed. Hoffman: My preference would be to approve this but it is completely reasonable for more study on this matter. Autry: Discussed speed and traffic control in the Woodland Junior High area and methods that can be utilized to reduce speeding. Belden: The design of this neighborhood is in keeping with the basic design of other subdivisions up here. 24th Street has its issues. What is the slope between lots 5 and 6, connecting to 24th Street? Bates: Discussed that this neighborhood does not have access through lots 5 and 6 to 24th Street. Belden: We are not talking about deforestation with this development. It has already been settled as a meadow for a while. Brown: Discussed the design of the street intersection. Is there a solution to the sight distance issue that could be handled by the design?. Granderson: The primary issue is the vertical curve. I'm not sure what solution you could do to improve it. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 5-3-0. Commissioners Hoffman, Quinlan, and Cook voted `no'. 10 7. RZN 16-5664: Rezone (1633 E. ZION RD./MAYES, 136): Submitted by TRACIE S. MAYES. for property at 1633 E. ZION RD. The property is zoned RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 4 UNITS PER ACRE and contain approximately 0.70 acres. The request is to rezone the property to NS, NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES. Andrew Garner, City Planning Director: Gave the staff report. Tracie Mayes, applicant: Present for any questions. Public Comment: No public comment was presented. Tom Brown, Commissioner: I won't have any problems with this. Matt Hoffman, Commissioner: I am in favor of this and it may be a little under zoned with this capacity of this road. I think that you are right to ask for this, but I would have been in favor of Community Services which allows much more development. Motion: Commissioner Quinlan made a motion to forward RZN 16-5664 recommending approval. Commissioner Autry seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 8-0-0. Reports: None Announcements: None Adjournment Time: 8:15 PM Submitted by: City Planning Division 11