HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-11-07 - Minutes - FinalCITY OF Fa y Vle ARKANSAS Board of Adjustment November 7, 2016 3:45 PM City Administration Building in Fayetteville, AR, Room 111 MINUTES Members: Kristen Knight (chair), Porter Winston, Steve Clowney, Casey Hoffman, and Bill Finer. City Attorney: Blake Pennington — Assistant City Attorney Call to Order: 3:45 PM, Kristin Knight In Attendance: Kristen Knight (chair), Porter Winston, Steve Clowney, Casey Hoffman, and Bill Finer. Absent: none. Board Member Porter Winston arrived after approval of minutes. Staff: Andrew Garner, City Planning Director; and Jonathan Curth, Senior Planner. 1. Approval of the minutes from the August 1, 2016 meeting. Motion: Board Member Clowney made a motion to approve the August 1, 2016 minutes. Board Member Hoffman seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 3-0-1. Finer abstained. Winston arrived after approval of minutes 2. Old Business: No items 3. New Business BOA 16-5636: Board of Adjustments Item (2241 N. WOODLARK LN./MENDENHALL; 324): Submitted by DEBBIE MENDENHALL for property located at 2241 N. WOODLARK LN. The property is zoned RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 4 UNITS PER ACRE and contains approximately 0.37 acres. The request is for a variance of the building setback requirements. Jonathan Curth, Senior Planner: Gave the staff report. Kristen Knight, Board Member: Inquires from staff whether metal structures like the carport proposed meets City design standards. Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gav Fayetteville, AR 72701 Andrew Garner, Planning Director: Responds that there are no single-family design guidelines in this part of the City, unless lots are 50 feet wide or less, which the subject property is not. Debbie Mendenhall, Applicant: Notes that this request was never a matter of parking, but rather to put a structure over her driveway for covered parking. Feels that the City has made this a hardship on her by not allowing her to cover and protect her vehicle. Knight: Clarifies for the applicant that the Board must find a hardship that is not financial in nature. This cannot include that it costs too much to convert the closed -off garage back in to a garage. Stephen Clowney, Board Member: Questions why a 16 -foot structure will not suffice. Mendenhall: Responds that this was not considered, but if her request is denied she will look in to options of this size. Porter Winston, Board Member: Measured his own vehicles for comparisons sake, and both were longer than eighteen feet. Mendenhall: Directs the Board to the images attached in the staff report of her vehicle in the subject property's driveway. Knight: Notes that one of the most compelling things about this neighborhood is it's entirely intact street front. By adding this structure it will change the streetscape. Mendenhall: Comments that there is at least one carport in the subdivision, but not on her street. Winston: Shares with the Board that the length of a Chevrolet Camaro is 16 feet and one inch long. Chad Pennington, Assistant City Attorney: Requests Garner to clarify the building requirements over a utility easement. Andrew Garner, Planning Director: Clarifies that a driveway is allowed over an easement, but a building permit cannot be granted for a carport over an easement. Clarifies that a carport is an allowed use, and notes that it may be possible to build a driveway and carport on the south side of the home if an easement is not present. Motion: Board Member Clowney made a motion to approve BOA 16-5636. Board Member Winston seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion failed with a vote of 0-5-0. 4. Reports: No reports 5. Announcements: 6. Adjournment Time: 4:15pm 7. Submitted by: City Planning Division