HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE 5878Doc ID: 017054300004 Type: REL I Kind: ORDINANCE Recorded: 09/09/2016 at 09:23:29 AM Fee Amt: $30.00 Page i of 4 Washington County, AR Kyle SVlvester Circuit Clerk File2016-00026322 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Ordinance: 5878 File Number: 2016-0255 VAC 16-5404 (1649 W. FARMINGTON ST./STEVENS): AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE VAC 16-5404 SUBMITTED BY ANGELA STEPHENS FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1649 WEST FARMINGTON STREET TO VACATE PORTIONS OF AN ACCESS EASEMENT. WHEREAS, in 2000 City Planning Staff requested that Angela Stevens vacate the Old Farmington Road 30 foot right of way to eliminate a dangerous traffic condition and because the City determined the unimproved street was not needed and would not be improved by the City; and WHEREAS, the only potential need for public access on this old street was for Solid Waste and Recycling so that the vacation should have been conditioned upon such limited access easement; and WHEREAS, the ordinance mistakenly left out the words which would have properly limited access only for Solid Waste and Recycling trucks so now the owners cannot prevent dangerous cut through traffic (including many student driven motor scooters) which has worsened the dangerous traffic situation which the 2000 vacation of the 30 foot right of way was designed to prevent; and WHEREAS, the City Council has the authority under A.C.A. § 14-54-104 to vacate public grounds or portions thereof which are not required for corporate purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the following described access easement is not required for corporate purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Page 1 Printed on 618116 Ordinance: 5878 File Number: 2016-0255 Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby vacates the access easement as described in Exhibit B attached to the Planning Department's memo. Section 2. A copy of this Ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk along with the map attached as Exhibit A to the Planning Department's memo shall be filed in the office of the Washington County Circuit Clerk. PASSED and APPROVED on 6/7/2016 Attest: Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Treasurer ;14i111111110 -[ r F AY ETT EVI LLE . t.'.-J Page 2 Printed on 618116 16-5404 EXHIBIT 'A' VAC 16-5404 STEVENS A&L Close Up View NORTH RSF-S MITCHELLPST LN VENUS ST RMF-24 W R-O a C'2 w > J a z x w y Q w MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD Subject Proper#y z W J Y U 7 m FARMINGTON ST a CAPE�LA gt CS DIAMOND DR w Q w _z W > > Q Z o LU a> o z _Z O H HUDSON DR Oa = Z w w m w PERIMETER DR TOWNE VILLAGE DR R' O J H z W ci Y a J J a m Legend 1 Planning Area _ _ -� Fayetteville City Limits Feet Shared Use Paved Trail 0 75 150 300 450 600 Trail (Proposed) Building Footprint 1 inch = 200 feet J W Q J Y � 3 p p a a a N FZ :D 0 w Zoning PZD RSF-8 P-1 RMF-24 1-1 RO C-2 UT CS Ank ord 4252 EXHIBIT "B' 16-5404 IE LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR WA 00-6 A part of the SW'/. of the SL'f. of Section 17, Township 16 North, Range 30 West, City ofFayetteville, Washington County, Arkansasbeingmore particularly described as follows: That portion of Old Farmington Road which extends from Beechwood Ave. to Eastern Ave. along the South line of Lots 1 through 6 of the Sunset Addition, Block 1, to the City of Fayetteville and along the North line of Parcels 1, 2 and 3 of the Mitchell Oil property as filed in deed book 881 at page 410 and in deed book 1053 at page 105, at the Circuit Clerk's office, Washington County, Arkansas, said portion of road beginning at the SW comer of lot 1 of said Sunset Addition, Block 1, (also being the ACE corner ofthe intersection ofOld Farmington Rd. and Beechwood Ave.) thence S 86*49'11" E 340.82 feet; thence S 02`4933" W 30.00 feet; thence N 86649' 11 W 340.71 feet; thence N 02'27'56" E 30.00 feet to the point of beginning, wntaining 0.235 acres, more or less, and subject to a 20 foot sewer easement to be in effect and centered along the existing sewer main located within the vacated street right-of-way and a 15 foot general utility easement along the south ling of the vacated right-of-way encompassing existing utilities along said south line. M X e?a Washington County, AR I certify this instrument was filed on 09/09/2016 09:23:29 AM and recorded in 4 Estate File Number 2 16-00 2 32 Kyle Sylveste - it 't C r by City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 l++ Text File File Number: 2016-0255 Agenda Date: 6/7/2016 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meeting File Type: Ordinance Agenda Number: D 2 VAC 16-5404 (1649 W. FARMINGTON ST./STEVENS): AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE VAC 16-5404 SUBMITTED BY ANGELA STEPHENS FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1649 WEST FARMINGTON STREET TO VACATE PORTIONS OF AN ACCESS EASEMENT WHEREAS, in 2000 City Planning Staff requested that Angela Stevens vacate the Old Fannington Road 30 foot right of way to eliminate a dangerous traffic condition and because the City determined the unimproved street was not needed and would not be improved by the City; and WHEREAS, the only potential need for public access on this old street was for Solid Waste and Recycling so that the vacation should have been conditioned upon such limited access easement; and WHEREAS, the ordinance mistakenly left out the words which would have properly limited access only for Solid Waste and Recycling trucks so now the owners cannot prevent dangerous cut through traffic (including many student driven motor scooters) which has worsened the dangerous traffic situation which the 2000 vacation of the 30 foot right of way was designed to prevent; and WHEREAS, the City Council has the authority under A.C.A. § 14-54-104 to vacate public grounds or portions thereof which are not required for corporate purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the following described access easement is not required for corporate purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby vacates the access easement as described in Exhibit B attached to the Planning Department's memo. Section 2. A copy of this Ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk along with the map attached as Exhibit A to the Planning Department's memo shall be filed in the office of the Washington County Circuit Clerk. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 6/8/2016 Jeremy Pate Submitted By City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2016-0255 Legistar File ID 6/7/2016 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item 5/13/2016 City Planning / Development Services Department Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: VAC 16-5404: Vacation (1649 W. FARMINGTON ST./STEVENS, 560): Submitted by ANGELA STEVENS for property located at 1649 W. FARMINGTON ST. The property is zoned 1-1, HEAVY COMMERCIAL AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL and contains approximately 0.23 acres. The request is to vacate portions of an access easement. Budget Impact: Account Number Fund Project Number Project Title Budgeted Item? NA Current Budget $ Funds Obligated $ Current Balance k Does item have a cost? No Item Cost Budget Adjustment Attached? NA Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget V20140710 Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Original Contract Number: Comments: Approval Date: CITY OF —Ile Fay%4 MEETING OF JUNE 7, 2016 TO: Fayetteville City Council CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO FROM: Quin Thompson, Current Planner THRU: Andrew Garner, Planning Director DATE: May 13, 2016 SUBJECT: VAC 16-5404: Vacation (1649 W. FARMINGTON ST./STEVENS, 560): Submitted by ANGELA STEVENS for property located at 1649 W. FARMINGTON ST. The property is zoned 1-1, HEAVY COMMERCIAL AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL and contains approximately 0.23 acres. The request is to vacate portions of an access easement. RECOMMENDATION: Planning staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval of VAC 16-5404 with the following condition: Condition of Approval: 1. Any relocation or damage to utilities and associated new easement dedication shall be at the owner/developer's expense. BACKGROUND: The subject property is located at the southeast corner of Martin Luther King Boulevard (MLK) and Beechwood Avenue and contains approximately 0.23 acres in the 1-1 zoning district. The property is developed with a metals powder coating company, which has been operating on the site for many years. Tractor trailers routinely deliver and pick up goods at the address. Loading and unloading is typically done with forklifts off of Old Farmington Street, a private drive. In the year 2000, the City Council vacated the 30 feet of right-of-way (ROW) which was Old Farmington Street, at the request of the applicant, in order to eliminate a dangerous traffic condition. The Transportation Department found that the unimproved street was not needed and would not be improved by the City. The Planning Commission recommended and City Council approved the ROW vacation, finding that local traffic in this industrial area was unsafe. A condition of the vacation required that an access easement be retained for the Solid Waste and Recycling Division to serve the business and the adjacent church to the east (now demolished). This access easement replaced the ROW and allows the general public full rights to cross this property. In recent years, multi -family development has occurred along Beechwood Avenue to the west and south of this property, adding several hundred beds and the attendant traffic, most of which travels north to MLK, creating significant traffic congestion during daylight hours. This has resulted Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 in a number of vehicles, including cars and scooters, turning right on the former Farmington Street in order to access MLK. Staff visited the site on a weekday in April 2016, and witnessed at least 7 vehicles within 10 minutes using the access to avoid the intersection at Beechwood and MLK. REQUEST: The applicant proposes to vacate the access easement known as Farmington Street, as depicted in Exhibit'A' and described in Exhibit'B' to prevent public traffic crossing the property where active forklift loading and unloading occurs. The adjacent landowner to the east (Monroe - Eaton, LLC) has rights to use the easement, and objects to the vacation. They would like to retain their access rights to allow their future development to connect to Beechwood Avenue. Monroe - Eaton, LLC representatives did not attend the Planning Commission hearing. DISCUSSION: On May 09, 2016 the Planning Commission forwarded this item to the City Council with a recommendation for approval with a vote of 8-1-0, with Commissioner Brown voting 'no'. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: N/A Attachments: • Exhibit A • Exhibit B • Application • Planning Commission Staff Report 16-5404 EXHIBIT'A' VAC 16-5404 Close Up View ilSl-:t POD LN C-2 MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD cApei-j- y, S' STEVENS VENUS ST W R-O Q W J Q Z W H Q W Subject Property FARMINGTON STD I NORTH MITCHELLPST 10tF-24 z J W J Y U 00 Q PERIMETER DR I -I CS DIAMOND DR TOWNE VILLAGE DR W Q W z j j z J Q Z ❑ ❑ J O �O Q 4 U Q z z a a x ° —5 HUDSON DR 0 z W J m � Q C m Fq ;D at, Legend Zoning PZo RSF-8 P-1 1 Planning Area RMF-24 _ -� Fayetteville City Limits Feet 1 Shared Use Paved Trail RO 0 75 150 300 450 600 C-2 Trail (Proposed) UT 1 inch = 200 feet Building Footprint CS s ord 4252 EXHIBIT'B' 16-5404 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR VA 00-6 A part of the SW '/, of the SE 1/4 of Section 17, Township 16 North, Range 30 West, City ofFayetteville,Washington County, Arkm asbeingmoreparticularlydescribed as follows: That portion of Old Farmington Road which extends from Beechwood Ave. to Eastern Ave. along the South line of Lots 1 through 6 of the Sunset Addition, Block 1, to the City of Fayetteville and along the North line of Parcels 1, 2 and 3 of the Mitchell Oil property as filed in deed book 881 at page 410 and in deed book 1053 at page 105, at the Circuit Clerk's office, Washington County, Arkansas, said portion of road beginning at the SW comer of lot 1 of said Sunset Addition, Block 1, (also being the NE corner ofthe intersection of Old Farmington Rd. and Beechwood Ave.) thence S 86*49'11" E 340.82 feet; thence S 02°40'33" W 30.00 feet; thence N 86649'11 W 340.71 feet; thence N 02'27'56" E 30,00 feet to the point ofbeginning, containing 0.235 acres, more or less, and subject to a 20 foot sewer easement to be in effect and centered along the existing sewer main located within the vacated street right-of-way and a 15 foot general utility easement along the south ling of the vacated right-of-way encompassing existing utilities along said south line. M X X IE �& CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS Right -of -Way, Easement or Alley VACATION FOR STAFF USE ONLY — FEE. 5200.00 Data Application Submitted: Sign Fee: $5.00 Dale Accepted as Complete: S• ,4: Projecl Number: Public Nearing Dale: f,,we: Please fill out this form completely, supplying all necessary information and documentation to support your request. Your application will not be placer! on the Planning Commission agenda until this information is furnished. AnWication: Indicate one contact person for this request: Y— Applicant Representative Applicant (person making request): Representative (engineer, surveyor, realtor, etc.): Namc: }"1C.i= .1 [.jt V1 Name: Address: Z d oo -T Address: Phone: ( VI) ';� % —:� )0 C11.5Phone: { ) Email- —T—bkcc-' e- Q) 1, 6" Fnia l: c� l:JdK?rr— - Fax: { ) if G .T-8 / Fax: { ) Site Address / Location: f raf+Yl 6'r i t/ 16 d `1 6.1 r kki 1 Z'L" -6 vt u 7C) t Legal description of area to be vacated (attach separate sheet if necessary): t - E44 Current Zoning District: —T r Assessors Parcel Number(s) for subject property: FINANCIAL INTERESTS The.following entities and 1 ar people have financial inm-cst in this project: December 2014 Page / APPLICANT/REPRESENTATIVE: I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements and answers herein made all d ta, information, and evidence herewith submitted are in all respects, to the best of my knowledge and belief; true nd correct. I understand that submittal of incorrect or false information is grounds for invalidation of application ce nypleteness, determination, or approval. I understand that the City might not approve what 1 am applying for, or tight set conditions on approval. PROPERTY OTYN R(S) /AUTHORIZED AGENT: I/we certify under penalty of peijury that I am/wc are the owner(s) of the prop rty that is the subject of this application and that I/we have read this application and consent to its filing. l 5I rneel b , the liuthorl ed a +enl a leper rrwn earls properti, owner nntsl he ros•irled indivalin • Mal the agent is authorized to act on his/her behalf.) Owners (irltuadditional info if n ecessa ry): c-_I Name (prig Y: 11If t f l? 3 tii�;naLll l'�; V Date: ' al .6 j Name (printed). !1, ei . l{ 4 t m - Signature: ('rz" '+ Date: Address: Phone: r; G' G �� Addrs ss: Phone: (ti T,). Vacation Checklist: Attach the following items to this application: (1) Payment in full of applicable fees for processing the application: $200.00 application fee $5.00 public notification sign fee I(2) Metes and bounds legal description of the area to be vacated, not the entire property (this r may be included on the survey plat). (3) Survey of the site depicting the perimeter property lines and area within the property to be vacated. 4) CD containing a copy of the legal description in MS Word and PDF copies of the signed application and all other items submitted with this project. (5) A surveyor should stake the area on the site to be vacated for utility company review on their site visit. (6) A letter addressed to the Planning Commission and City Council describing the scope, nature, and intent of the request. (7) Abstractor's Certificate of Ownership stating names of all owners of property adkjacent to the street right-of-way, alley, or easement to be vacated (this document is obtained from a title company). (8) A copy ofthe county parcel map from the Washington County Assessor's office or from the Washington County website (www.co.washington.ar.us). The subject property and all adjacent parcels should be identified on this parcel map. The owner's name, official mailing address, and the parcel number for every adjacent property shall be shown on this map. December 2014 Page CITY OF FayI ARKANSAS TO: FROM MEETING DATE: PLANNING COMMISSION MEMO City of Fayetteville Planning Commission Andrew Garner, City Planning Director May UPDATED 5/10/2016 SUBJECT: VAC 16-5404: Vacation (1649 W. FARMINGTON ST./STEVENS, 560): Submitted by ANGELA STEVENS for property located at 1649 W. FARMINGTON ST. The property is zoned 1-1, HEAVY COMMERCIAL AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL and contains approximately 0.23 acres. The request is to vacate portions of an access easement. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding VAC 16-5404 to the City Council. BACKGROUND: The subject property is located at the southeast corner of Martin Luther King Boulevard (MLK) and Beechwood Avenue and contains approximately 0.82 acres in the 1-1 zoning district. The property is developed with a metals powder coating company, which has been operating on the site for many years. Tractor trailers routinely deliver and pick up goods at the address. Loading and unloading is typically done with forklifts. In the year 2000, the City Council vacated the 30 feet of right-of-way (ROW) which was Old Farmington Street, at the request of the applicant, in order to eliminate a dangerous traffic condition on Farmington Street. The Transportation division found that the unimproved street was not needed and would not be improved by the City. The Planning Commission recommended and City Council approved the ROW vacation, finding that local traffic in this industrial area was unsafe. A condition of the vacation required that an access easement be retained for the Solid Waste and Recycling Division to serve the business. This access easement replaced the ROW and allows the general public full rights to cross this property. In recent years, multi -family development has occurred along Beechwood Avenue to the west and south of this property, adding several hundred beds and the attendant traffic, most of which travels north to MLK, creating significant traffic congestion during daylight hours. This has resulted in a number of vehicles, including cars and scooters, turning right on the former Farmington Street in order to access MLK. Staff visited the site on a weekday in April, 2016, and witnessed at least 7 vehicles within 10 minutes using the access to avoid the intersection at Beechwood and MLK. Surrounding land use and zoning is depicted on Table 1. Mailing Address: Planning OrY1mfSSOTI Ma, 2016 113 W. Mountain Street www.tayetteville A�req9Item 2 Fayetteville, AR 72701- 16-5404 Stevens Pagel of 23 Table 1 Sjirrminr]inn I and I Ica and 7nninn Direction from Site Land Use Zoning North Drive-thru restaurants C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial South Frisco Railroad ROW 1-1, Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial East West Under Development Equipment Rental CS. Community Services 1-1, Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial/ CS. Community Services Proposal: The applicant proposes vacation of an access easement to improve a dangerous traffic condition on this industrial property. DISCUSSION: Vacation Approval: The applicant has submitted the required vacation forms to the City utility departments and applicable franchise utilities, with the following responses: Adjacent Landowner to the East Response Monroe Eaton, LLC Objects to the vacation Utility Cox Communications AEP/SWEPCO Source Gas AT&T Ozarks Electric City of Fayetteville Water/Sewer Transportation Recycling and Solid Waste Response No objections with conditions No objections with conditions No objections No objections No objections Response No objections with conditions No objections No objections Public Comment: An adjacent landowner to the east with rights to use this easement has stated that they do not agree with the request. No other public comment has been received. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding VAC 16-5404 with the following conditions: Conditions of Approval: 1. Any relocation or damage to utilities and associated new easement dedication shall be at the owner/developer's expense. Planning Commission May 9, 2016 G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2016\Development Review\16-5404 VAC 1649 W Farmington St. Agenda Item 2 (Stevens) 560\03 Planning Commission\05-09-2016\Comments and Redlines 16-5404 Stevens Page 2 of 23 2. The access easement shall be replaced by General Utility Easement. Planning Commission Action: 0 Approved i] Forwarded Meeting Date: May 05, 2016 Motion: AUTRY, MOTION TO APPROVE VACATION AS REQUESTED Second: SELBY Vote: 8-1-0, BROWN VOTED'NO' BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: None. Attachments: ■ Request Letter ■ Petition to Vacate ■ Utility Approvals ■ Easement Vacation Exhibits ■ Ordinance # ■ One Mile Map ■ Close Up Map O Denied Planning Commission May 9, 2016 G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2016\Development Review\16-5404 VAC 1649 W. Farmington St. Agenda Item 2 (Stevens) 560\03 Planning Commission\05-09-2016\Comments and Redlines 16-5404 Stevens Page 3 of 23 7 J ORDINANCE NO.4252 FILED FOR RECORD AN ORDINANCE APPROVING VA00-6.00 TO` APC TE AND'r'1 41 ABANDON A PORTION OF CITY RIGHT-0F,-W4%tQMT1P 00 AR AT OLD FAPA41NGTON RD., BETWEEN BEEcifwg9IA A-V.� S S AND EASTERN AVE., SUBMITTED BY JOE AND ANGELA STEVENS. WHEREAS, the City Council has the authority under A.C.A. § 14-54-104 to vacate public grounds 3r portions thereof which are not required for corporate purposes, and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the following described right-of-way is not required for corporate purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby vacates and abandons all of its rights together with the rights of the public generally, in and to the following described right-of- way: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2. That a copy of this Ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk shall be filed in the office of the Recorder of the County and recorded in the Deed Records of the County. Section 3. That the above is contingent upon receiving the following: Dedication of the current 30' right-of-way as a general utility and access easement and dedication of a 15' utility eascmWJcFpte0 adjacent and parallel to the north side of the existing 30' right-of-way. ML . pD APPRO V)ED tivs 5 day of July 2000. APPROVED: ffl',iffledlHanna, Mayor ATTEST: By Heather Woodruff, City Woodruff, Cler�� Planning Conimissit rr May 9, 20 6 Agenda Ite 2 16-5404 Stevens Page 4 of 23 VA 00-06.00 Page IP FAYETT.EVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEViLLE, ARKANSAS 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 PC Meeting of 12 June 00 TO� Fayetteville Planning Commission Members THRU: Tim Conklin, City Planner FROM: Ron Petrie, Staff Engineer DATE: June 8, 2000 (Revised June 12, 2000) Street Right of Way vacation .foe & Angela Stevens Project: VA 00-06.00: Vacation (Stevens, pp 521) was submitted by Joe & Angela Stevens for property located at 1629 Old Farmington Road. The request is to vacate the 30' unimproved street right of way for Old Farmington Road located between Beechwood Avenue and Eastern Street. The applicant has submitted the required notification forms to the utility companies and to the City. The results are as follows: Ozarks Electric - No service in area. Southwestern Electric Power Company - No Objections provided that a 20' Utility Easement and access is retained to "protect existing overhead facilities along both sides of the existing street." Arkansas Western Gas - No objections provided that a 15' Utility Easement is retained for Lots 1- 4, Block 1, part of Sunset Addition parallel and adjacent to existing south property line. Also, retain a 15' Utility Easement for Lots 5 & 6, Block 1, part of Sunset Addition, center of easement being located where first line is laid." SW Bell - No objections provided that easement rights are retained for the existing buried cable in the right-of-way. Cox Communications - No objections. Cit3, of Fayetteville: Water/Sewer - No objections provided that the vacated right-of-way is retained as an utility easement for the existing sewer line and future water Street Department - No objections. Solid Wasre - No objections provided that the vacated right-of-way is retained as an access easement for waste disposal vehicles, and is maintained in its current condition. did ((}rigir:ally the Division dl�prove of this request, however, after meeting the Soled Wasre Planning ,staff on -site the above mentioned condition satisfies all requirements of the Solid applicant and Waste Division.) The applicant has submitted the adjacent property owner notification forms as required. All adjacent property owners stated that they had no objection to the proposed vacation. Planning C on'M'S'sin May9,26 Agenda Ite2 16-5404 Stevens Page 5 of 23 VA 00-06 00 Page 2 11 Recommendation: Approval of street right•of way vacation subject to the fallowing conditions: I. The existing 30' right-of-way shall be retained as a general utility easement. 2• A W (IS') Utility Easement shall be dedicated that is located adjacent and parallel to the north side of the 30' right-of-way. �.au Soitfl'rsit�,a dreate�#h t�ar:?tl tt'L[Ctttr 4. The existing 30' right-of-way shall be retained as an access easement and shall be maintained in its current condition in order waste disposal vehicles. to provide an appropriate route for solid T'he changes noted above were made at the request of the petitioner and with the approval of SWEPCO - the utility which originally made the easement requests. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: ___yes Required `Approved Denied Date: 6/ voo CITY COUNCIL ACTION: _ Yes TRequired Approved -Denied t Date: / i P Comments: ' The "CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL" listed in this report are accepted in total without exception by the entity requesting approval of this right -or --way vacation. Name: Date: Planning Commisin May 9, 2Agenda Ile2 16-5404 Stevens Page 6 of 23 (D N N co C� C] Q t o As NJ dr A co Chi. Q t'r Cj t-- ti-- I JI 1, -its tii1 'o ,. j�.:'LJO L !�] co , .. �t�,, {{{ :.1� �* ,1 d [i] CD CD sa cc Ci O T 1 ( r+ CD No 1 o , li I ru— sf �J C) f I a �- 1L�l r I • _ tss, r ` I ♦:+ ■ p. _ C7 E`er • d =_ fill !1' 0) _ - 0 7 -A . n � ti mm, aasise�■ 4—- _. ClD LO CD CD co co 4 1 M r N i^ 4Dco LU LO ILE g C:, 1 w IMP IIIIII V � � �.�} `Y LO CD co 0 CD qt i C'4 i'� r Ctil c- r L[ 1 J 00 I IA L6 0 Of E! .. ..1A - i ,9nV UaajSe3 f T � Ln I C.d +^ fII i —4--- — — — -- �VYVT Q CD C3 0 C:% O r co r u7 f I C) OD Lo iG . s- - °' 1 E � I q; CAL+ o�-qq ! _� wN R i .. ,..,,5• .. 0 a)r ,�,^ee��� T �- a) o E r ` 'I m a v_ 1� Via'.' 11, VuA and POOMgDeae �m N N Cl) E > o Z tO v z7 Cs o m ir 0 pi Ln N rt- rY r � 4� r. Angela Stevens 429 E Sutton Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 4/8/16 City of Fayetteville Planning Commission and Fayetteville City Council Fayetteville, Arkansas Dear City of Fayetteville Planning Commission and Fayetteville City Council: In 2000 at the request of the Fayetteville Planning Commission we went through the process for the right-of-way to be vacated and to close the 1600 block of Farmington Street (it runs between Beechwood through Eastern) in Fayetteville. It was the determination of planning that this portion of the road did not meet city street standards and to bring it up to standard would be pointless now or in the future and they also wanted to increase the public safety on the property, there were real concerns that the nature of the business on this portion of street would have safety issues if the public used it. In time since this street vacation the area around our business has changed with growth. The traffic flow has increased on MLK. We now have up to 700 beds to the west of us and up to 700 beds to the south of us in student housing. The 1600 block of what was formally W. Farmington Street has become a cut through for mopeds and vehicles; we have students and general public travelling through the property to avoid traffic congestion at MLK and Beechwood. It is a very unsafe situation given the nature of our business on this site. Not only does it expose the people choosing to use it as a cut through to harm, it exposes our business, our customers, and our employees to risk when we are out working on fork lifts and when we have large truck deliveries taking place. Originally solid waste requested an access easement for trash pickup purposes ( they no longer require this access), when the ordinance was written an access easement was platted so that solid waste could have access to the dumpster but the language made it a general access easement instead of a solid waste access. Now 1 am responsible for maintenance of what was formerly a city street but also have the liability of public use, 1 have no control of personal property that I pay taxes on. My request is for the City to vacate the general access easement, so I can responsibly control and use my property and insure the safety of my customers, my employees and the general public. I am not requesting vacating the utility easements, and I will always work with those various entities to provide the access they require to do their utilities work. Sincerely, ` r Angela Stevens'` Planning Commission May 9, 2016 Agenda Item 2 16-5404 Stevens Page 10 of 23 Angela Stevens 429 E Sutton Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 4/8/16 Fayetteville City Planning Commission and Fayetteville City Council Fayetteville, Arkansas Dear Fayetteville City Planning Commission and Fayetteville City Council: We personally delivered the " Adjacent Property Owner Notification / Approval form" to Ryan Fowler of Monroe Eaton LLC on 3/30/16. 1 texted him on 4/6/16 asking if he would email or drop the form back to me. I followed up with 0 call leaving a message on 4/08/16. 1 have not received the form back from the adjacent properly own r. Thank you, Angela Stevens V Planning Commission May 9, 2016 Agenda Item 2 16-5404 Stevens Page 11 of 23 SAMPLE PETITION* PETITION TO VACATE A(N) (alley, easement, right-of-way) LOCATED IN (lot, block, subdivision), CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS TO: The Fayetteville City Planning Commission and The Fayetteville City Council We, the undersigned, being all the owners of the real estate abutting the (alley, easement, right-of-way) hereinafter sought to be abandoned and vacated, lying in (lot, block, subdivision), City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, a municipal corporation, petition to vacate a(n) (alley, easement, right-of-way) which is described as follows: (Legal Description of area to be vacated) That the abutting real estate affected by said abandonment of the alley are (lot, block, subdivision of each adjoining lot to the area requested to be vacated) City of Fayetteville used by the public for a period of many years, and that the public interest and welfare would not be adversely affected by the abandonment of the portion of the above described (alley, easement, right-of-way). The petitioners pray that the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, abandon and vacate the above described real estate, subject, however, to the existing utility easements and sewer easements as required, and that the above described real estate be used for their respective benefit and purpose. as now approved by law. The petitioners further pray that the above described real estate be vested in the abutting property owners as provided by law. WHEREFORE, the undersigned petitioners respectfully pray that the governing body of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, abandon and vacate the above described real estate, subject to said utility and sewer easements, and that title to said real estate sought to be abandoned be vested in the abutting properly owners as provided by law, and as to that particular land the owners be free from the easements of the public for the use of said alley. Dal this j4 day of t _ . ► _ 24 lY1 . A a_ Printed Name Signature * Note: This is a sample - each applicant is responsible for submitting a petition which accurately reflects their specific request. December 2014 Page .1 Planning Commission May 9, 2016 Agenda Item 2 16-5404 Stevens Page 12 of 23 UTILITY APPROVAL FORM FOR RIGHT- OF- WAY, ALLEY, AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATIONS DATE: 3/22/16 UTILITY COMPANY: AT&T APPLICANT NAME: Angela and Joel Stevens APPLICANT PHONE: 479-263-7065 REQUESTED VACATION (applicant must check all that apply): A Access Easement Right-of-way for alley or streets and all utility easements located within the vacated right- of- way. Alley i Street right-of-way I have been notified of the petition to vacate the following (alley, easement, right-of-way), desc-sibed as follows: General location / Address 1600 block in the area of the former W. Farmin on From Beecl7woad to Eastern (ATTACH legal description and graphic representation ofw1satisbeing Yaaeate LSLRI'LEV UTILITY COMPANY COMMENTS: DX No objections to the vacation(s) described above, and no comments. No objections to the vacation(s) described above, provided following described easements are retained. (State the location, dimensions, and purpose below.) I , No objections provided the following conditions are met: Sil; tr-'-'Ftdtaky Company Representative MGR OSP Ping & Engrg Design Planning Commission May 9, 2016 Agenda Item 2 16-5404 Stevens Page 13 of 23 UTILITY APPROVAL FORM FOR RIGHT- OF- WAY, ALLEY, AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATIONS DATE: 3%?2!1k UTILITYCOMPANY: (. Olk 4mMILVIi CCIA-10 Y) APPLICANT NAME: Angela and Joel Stevens APPLICANT PHONE: 479-263-7065 REQUESTED VACATION (applicant must check all that apply): Access Easement _. Right-of-way for alley or streets and all utility easements located within the vacated right- of- way. Alley Street rigbt-of-way I have been notified of the petition to vacate the following (alley, easement, right -of -tray), described as follows: Greter�i;m►tion l Addrrss 1600 block in the area of the former W. Farmington from Bcechwood to Eastern 7 (ATTACH legal description and graphic representation of what is being vacated -SURVEY) UTILITY COMPANY COMMENTS: No objections to the vacation(s) described above, and no comments. No objections to the vacation(s) described above, provided following described easements are retained. (State the location, dimensions, and purpose below.) No objections provided the following conditions are met: Any—dcmgsx� ;o ae _ re,1&4,b: n rl? na.r r��sft_n_� 0a&"/.RS WYl be, 0-4- der "r aw'lirf Signature of Utility Company Representative Planning Commission May 9, 2016 Agenda Item 2 16-5404 Stevens Page 14 of 23 DA'rE: 31,22A-6 UTILITY COMPANY APPLICANT NAME: UTILITY APPROVAL FORM FOR RIGHT- OF- WAY, ALLEY, AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATIONS Bin Le Angela and Joel Stevens APPLICANT PHONE: 479-263-7065 REQUESTED VACATION (applicant must check all that apply): Access Easement Right-of-way for alley or streets and all utility easements located within the vacated right- of- way. Alley Street right-of-way I have been notified of the petition to vacate the following (alley, easement, right -of --way), described as follows: General location / Address 1600 block in the area of the former W. Farmington from Beechwood to Eastern ❑ (ATTACH legal description and graphic representation of what is being vacated -SURVEY) UTILITY COMPANY COMMENTS: No objections to the vacation(s) described above, and no comments. No objections to the vacation(s) described above, provided following described easements are retained. (State the location, dimensions, and purpose below.) 19 No objections provided the following conditions are met: Signature of Utility Company RepmsentativA se /''bum ' �V�'s�Gti� V lt�'4"%afw5 Planning Commission May 9, 2016 Agenda Item 2 16-5404 Stevens Page 15 of 23 UTILITY APPROVAL FORM FOR RIGHT- OF- WAY, ALLEY, AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATIONS DATE: 3/22/16 UTILITY COMPANY: O ZA--- APPLICANT NAME: Angela and Joel Stevens APPLICANT PHONE: 474-263-7065 REQUESTED VACATION (applkant must check awl ghat apply): 0 Access Easement 11 Right-of-way for alley or streets and all utility easements located within the vacated right- of- way. a Alley U Strect right-of-way I have been notified of the petition to vacate the following (alley, easement, right-of-way), described as follows: General location / Address 16M block in the area of the former W. Farmington from Beechwood to Eastern O /ATTACH legal descrlpgon and graphic representation of what Is being vacated -SUN VEI j UTILITY COMPANY COMMENTS: No objections to the vacation(s) described above, and no comments. No objections to the vacatian(s) dwm'bed above, provided following described easements are retained. (State the location, dimensions, and purpose below.) 5 No objections provided the following conditions are met: Signature of Utility Company Representative djtl 1, /E Planning Commission May 9, 2016 Agenda Item 2 16-5404 Stevens Page 16 of 23 UTILITY APPROVAL FORM FOR RIGHT- OF- WAY, ALLEY, AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATIONS DATE: 3/22/16 UTILITY COMPANY: APPLICANT NAME: Angela and Joel Stevens APPLICANT PHONE: 479-263-7065 REQUESTED VACATION (applicant must check all that apply): - Access Easement Right-of-way for alley or streets and all utility easements located within the vacated right- of- way. Alley Street right-of-way I have been notified of the petition to vacate the following (alley, easement, right-of-way), described as follows_ General location / Address 1600 block in the area of the former W. Farmington from Beechwood to Eastern it (ATTACH legal description and graphic representation of what is being vacated -SURVEY) UTILITY COMPANY COMMENTS: el", No objections to the vacation(s) described above, and no comments. No objections to the vacation(s) described above, provided following described easements are retained. (State the location, dimensions, and purpose below.) No objectionk provided the following conditions are met: Signat fe 64* Utility Company Representative J )jJ) a I - Planning Commission May 9, 2016 Agenda Item 2 16-5404 Stevens Page 17 of 23 UTILITY APPROVAL FORM FOR RIGHT- OF- WAY, ALLEY, AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATIONS iaA.—I E: 3/22i iu UTILITY COMPANY: A-F SWFpco APPLICANT NAME: Angela and Joel Stevens APPLICANT PHONE: 479-263-7065 REQUESTED VACATION (applicant must check all that apply): X Access Easement O Right-of-way for alley or streets and all utility easements located within the vacated right- of- way, U Alley 0 Street right-of-way I have been notified of the petition to vacate the following (alley, easement, right-of-way), described as follows: General location / Address 1600 block in the area of the former W. Farmington from Beechwood to Eastern ❑ (ATTACH legal description and graphic representation of what is being vacated -SURVEY) UTILITY COMPANY COMMENTS: D No objections to the vacation(s) described above, and no continents. X No objections to the vacation(s) described above, provided following described easements are retained. (State the location, dimensions, and purpose below,) Ll No objections provided the following conditions are met: Signature olyAliry Company Representative Planning Commission May 9, 2016 Agenda Item 2 16-5404 Stevens Page 18 of 23 UTILITY APPROVAL FORM FOR RIGHT- OF- WAY, ALLEY, AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATIONS DATE: } "� �.i? 14 UTILITY COMPANY: APPLICANT NAME: V - Ir bw'6 I'PLICANT PHONE: REQUESTED VACATION fppplicant must check gg that apply): Utility Easement Right -of --way for alley or streets and all utility easements located within the vacated right- of- way. Alley Street right-of-way I_bave been nntifiedofthe netition to vacate the following (alley- easement, right-of-way), described as follows: General location iAddress i 00 &efyJt .itt s: t }e ti 0 ` G■ � '' � " c �— P LJ a 5 a 0 T' r7— - a D 2T� ❑ (ATTACH legal description an graphic representation of what Is being vacated-SURVE19 LTf-LLM COMPANY COMMENTS: No objections to the vacation(s) described above, and no comments. No objections to the vacation(s) described above, provided following described easements are retained. (State the location, dimensions, and purpose below.) NeD Title December 2014 Page 5 Planning Commission May 9, 2016 Agenda Item 2 16-5404 Stevens Page 19 of 23 UTILITY APPROVAL FORM FOR RIGHT- OF- WAY, ALLEY, AND 'CMLIIN EAJEMEM VILC'A;TIONS DATE: 3/22/ 16 UTILITYCOMPANY: t APPLICANT NAME: Angela and Joel Stevens APPLICANT PHONE: 479-263-7065 REQUESTED VACATION (applicant must check all that apply): ❑ Access Easement ❑ Right-of-way for alley or streets and all utility easements located within the vacated right- of- way. El Alley ❑ Street right-of-way I have been notified of the petition to vacate the following (alley, easement, right-of-way), described as follows: General location / Address [600 block in the area of the fanner W. Fannin +tot? from Beeehwood to Easteni ❑ (ATTACH legal description q? d graphic representation of what is being vacated -SURVEY) UTILITY COMPANY COMMENTS: Ids No objections to the vacation(s) described above, and no comments. No objections to the vacation(s) described above, provided following described easements are retained. (State the location, dimensions, and purpose below.) No objections provided the following conditions are met: S gn'pure of U aity Company Representative .%�.?'�'F^�xs� ,L7,,�S kYfl�f•+c3,1 ,1�/�1�71"i'rt.� p Planning Commission May 9, 2016 Agenda Item 2 16-5404 Stevens Page 20 of 23 UTILITY APPROVAL FORM FOR RIGHT- OF- WAY, ALLEY, AND UTILITY EASEMENT VACATIONS DAZE: 3122J16 UTILITY COMPANY: e ry PF A y/rtr&-P/,,aa 7'xz G�W APPLICANT NAME: Angela and Joel Stevens APPLICANT PHONE: 479-263-7065 REQUESTED VACATION (applicant must check all that apply): jd'*� Access Easement ❑ Right-of-way for alley or streets and all utility easements located within the vacated right- of- way. Alley ❑ Street right-of-way I have been notified of the petition to vacate the following (alley, easement, right-of-way), described as follows: General location / Address 1000 block in (lie area of the fortnelr W. E arrrYin lon from Beechwood to Eastem ❑ (ATTACH legal description and graphic representation of what is being vacated-4URVEI) UTILITY COMPANY COMMENTS: ❑ No objections to the vocation(s) described above, and no comments. No objections to the vacation(s) described above, provided following described easements are retained. (State the location, dimensions, and purpose below,) ,4w" T'/ e, / --l"? ��-, �`� "rya/. i ?2�R (I No objections provided the following conditions are met: 5ignillure of Ulilily Com ty Representative Planning Commission May 9, 2016 Agenda Item 2 16-5404 Stevens Page 21 of 23 Agenda Item 2 16-5404 Stevens Page 22 of 23 VAC 16-5404 One Mile View CPZD 0 0.125 ,ow." 1ASKEK I iTs RSF-4 P-1 IPZD Legend STEVENS NORTH 0.25 0.5 Miles IICAC)owj�T YIL -Z v. "N' 4 : aj S 7-'OC4:El L fl r aT C- I ............. . .. ......... . . . . . . . . . . Ar CS Molly& ..... ............ RMF-2- 1-2 I - - I L I Planning Area Fayetteville City Limits ...... Shared Use Paved Trail I I I oil Trail {Proposed] ,- - - —1 L Design Overlay District Building Footprint Planning Area Fayettemlle City Limits 70m, 1) ��If ': - .. . ... RE S1 DER1 IAL IWACUMILY OWMEACKC Nv3 GI WFWOE", MLWMT1 FAWLY foam BASED OtSTRMS P ANNFD ZO'91W, DISIRICTS pim"InIA1, Planning Co mission MaJ9, 2016 Agenda Item 2 16-5404 Stevens Page 23 of 23 NoRTHWESTARKANsAs VeMOM-L FAX 47u 69ti 17 :,fJJt ^,..;JACi.; .Oi:' AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I Cathy Wiles, do solemnly swear that I am the Legal Clerk of the Northwest Arkansas Democrat -Gazette, printed and published in Washington County and Benton County, Arkansas, and of bona fide circulation, that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files of said publication, the advertisement of: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Ord. 5878 Was inserted in the Regular Edition on: June 16, 2016 Publication Charges $ 123.50 (�,r, 4" 1 A 4n Cathy Wiles Subscribed and sworn to before me This -20 day of 3VAL , 2016. I�, Dads Notary Public My Commission Expires:_?/ZIZ�'- ASHLEY DAVIS Arkansas - Washington County Notary Public - Comm# 12694247 LMy Commission Expires Jul 2, 2025 **NOTE** Please do not pay from Affidavit. Invoice will be sent. r�E, VED SUN 22 2016 Y OF FAYETT CI CWE Ws pFFICEE Ordinance: 5878 File Number: 2016-0255 VAC 16-5404 (1649 W. FARMINGTON ST./STEVENS): AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE VAC 16- 5404 SUBMITTED BY ANGELA STEPHENS FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1649 WEST FARMINGTON STREET TO VACATE PORTIONS OF AN ACCESS EASEMENT. WHEREAS, in 2000 City Planning Staff requested that Angela Stevens vacate the Old Farmington Road 30 foot right of way to eliminate a dangerous traffic condition and because the City determined the unimproved street was not needed and would not be improved by the City; and WHEREAS, the only potential need for public access on this old street was for Solid Waste and Recycling so that the vacation should have been conditioned upon such limited access easement; and WHEREAS, the ordinance mistakenly left out the words which would have properly limited access only for Solid Waste and Recycling trucks so now the owners cannot prevent dangerous cut through traffic (including many student driven motor scooters) which has worsened the dangerous traffic situation which the 2000 vacation of the 30 foot right of way was designed to prevent; and WHEREAS, the City Council has the authority under A.C.A. § 14-54-104 to vacate public grounds or portions thereof which are not required for corporate purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the following described access easement is not required for corporate purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS; Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby vacates the access easement as described in Exhibit B attached to the Planning Department's memo. Section 2. A copy of this Ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk along with the map attached as Exhibit A to the Planning Department's memo shall be filed in the office of the Washington County Circuit Clerk. PASSED and APPROVED on 6/7/2016 Approved: Lioneld Jordan, Mayor Attest: Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Treasurer 73736561 June 16, 2016