HomeMy WebLinkAbout49-16 RESOLUTION113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 49-16 File Number: 2016-0065 AMEND THE MASTER STREET PLAN: A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE MASTER STREET PLAN BY RECLASSIFYING NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE BETWEEN MAPLE STREET AND NORTH STREET FROM FIVE LANE PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL WITH AN 87 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY TO A FOUR LANE THOROUGHFARE WITH A 63 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends the Master Street Plan by reclassiffing North College Avenue between Maple Street and North Street from Principal Arterial, with five travel lanes and minimum 5 foot sidewalks in an 87 foot right of way, to an 5T-63 classification, with four travel lanes and minimum 8 foot sidewalks in a 63 foot right of way. PASSED and APPROVED on 211612016 Attest: sondra E' smith' t - "=--:.mïru -'-â.. u^ _-itr.: ",?4,îT,åii'.iN Page 1 Printed on 2/17/16 Gity of Fayetteville, Arkansas Text File File Number: 2016-0065 I 13 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (47s) 57s-æ23 Agenda Date:211612016 Version: I ln Control: City Council Meeting Agenda Number; D.3 AMEND THE MASTER STREET PLAII: A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE MASTER STREET COLLEGE AVENUE BETWEEN MAPLE STREET AND PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL WITH AN 87 FOOT RIGHT THOROUGHFARE WITH A 63 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY Status: Passed File Type: Resolution PLAN BY RECLASSIFYING NORTH NORTH STREET FROM FIVE LANE OF WAY TO A FOUR LANE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends the Master Street Plan by reclassifuing North College Avenue between Maple Street and North Street from Principal Arterial, with five travel lanes and minimum 5 foot sidewalks in an 87 foot right of way, to an 5T-63 classification, with four travel lanes and minimum 8 foot sidewalks in a63 foot right of way. CiU of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 417/2016 EXHIBIT'A' l5-5283 COLLEGE AVE. MSP AMENDMENT Legend i_-_ -: Fayetteville City Mffi Footorints 2010ffi City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2016-006s Legistar File lD 2lL6l2ot6 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda ltem Only N/A for Non-Agenda ltem L/2812Ot6 City Planning / Jeremy Pate LI Lst .vLv Development Services Department #- r'rrrrrrril #ffi''tted Date Division / DepartmentSubmitted By Action Recommendation : ADM15-52gg.Rom¡nmEGEAVENUEBFrWEENMAPLEST.&NoRTHST./MSP AMENDMENT, 446): Submitted by PLANNINc STAFF for NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE BETWEEN MAPLE ST. & NORTH ST. The request is to amend the Master Street Plan and re-classify this section of N. College Avenue to an "ST 63" street classification. Budget lmpact: Account Number Fund Project Number Budgeted ltem? NA Does item have a cost? No Budget Adjustment Attached? NA Project Title Current Budget S Funds obligated $ Current Balance Item Cost Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget $ v20140710 Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Original Contract Number: Comments: Approval Date: CITY OFffi MEETING OF FEBRUARY I6,2OI6 CITY COUNCIL AGTNÐA MEMO TO: THRU: FROM: DATE: Mayor and City Council Andrew Garner, City Planning Director Jesse Fulcher, Senior Planner January 29,2016 SUBJECT: ADM 15-5283: Administrative ltem (NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE BETWEEN MAPLE ST. & NORTH ST./MSP AMENDMENT, 446): Submitted by PLANNING STAFF for NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE BETWEEN MAPLE ST. & NORTH ST. The request is to amend the Master Street Plan and re-classify this section of N. College Avenue to an "ST 63' street classification. RECOMMENDATION: Staff and Planning Commission recommend approval of an ordinance to amend the Master Street Plan and reclassify N. College Avenue to a 5T-63 cross sectíon between Maple Street and North Street, as shown on Exhibit "4" attached hereto, subject to the following recommendations by the Planning Commission: 1. Re-classify this section of N. College Avenue to an "ST-63" street classification. 2. Before beginning construction on the sidewalks along the west side of the road, the City should engage íts chosen transportation planning consultant (Nelson Nygaard) in a detaíled study of HWY 71 in and around downtown Fayetteville, This study should assess the efficacy of a road diet, lane width reductions, and other measures that are consistent with a contextually based "complete streets" approach. 3. ln recognition of the important role that streets play in land-use, the City should consider not just the engineering implications, but more importantly the potential impact any transportation infrastructure might have on Goals 1-6 in City Plan 2030. BAGKGROUND: The subject section of N. College Avenue is located between Maple Street and Nofih Street. The City of Fayetteville is currently designing improvements for the east side of this section, similar to the improvements that were made between Maple Street and Rock Street in 2009. The project will include new 10-foot sidewalks, street lights, and tree wells. Additionally, existing driveways will be reconstructed, and at times, combined to better facilitate traffic movements. A new pedestrian crossing at Trenton Street and Rebecca Street is also under evaluation. Construction will be performed by City crews with funding from the Transportation Bond Fund. Mailíng Address: 113 W. Mountain Street r^..^¡+^.,ill- ÃÐ 7a?^l wwwf ayetteville-ar.gov DISCUSSION: City staff is recommending that the Planning Commission and City Council vote to reclassify N. Coítege Avenue between-Maple Street and Norlh Street from a PrincipalArterial Street to a ST- 63 street cross section. This is more consistent with the anticipated full-build out of the street in the near future with four lanes and a 1O-foot urban sidewalk, compared to the existing àesignation that has a five-lane arterial, greenspace and a 5-foot sidewalk' For many decades all of N. College Avenue has been classified as a Principal Arterial Street as it is a státe hig¡way that connecté directly through the center of the City. The only exception is- the section betweeÁ Rock and Maple thaiwas dássified as an 3T-63 Street with the adoption of the Downtown Master plan in 2006. The 3T-63 street section is consistent with the 60-feet of right-of-way that was platted between Rock and North Streets and the urban development pattern that still exists in downtown Fayetteville' BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: None Attachments:. Exhibit "A" o Planning Commission Staff Report EXHIBIT'A' t 5-s283 COLLEGE AVE. MSP AMENDMENT 0 75 150 300 450 600 FI-FEËI ¡ss¡ ARKANSAS CITY OF TO: THRU: FROM: MEETING DATE: SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION MTMO Fayetteville Planning Commission Andrew Garner, City Planning Director Jesse Fulcher, Senior Planner January 25,2016 ADM {5-5283: Administrative ltem (NoRTH COLLEGE AVENUE BETWEEN MAPLE ST. & NORTH ST./MSP AMENDMENT' 446): submitted by PLANNING STAFF for NoRTH COLLEGE AVENUE BETWEEN MAPLE ST. & NORTH ST. The request is to amend the Master Street Plan and re-classify this section of N. College Avenue to an "ST 63" street classif ication. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends fonruarding ADM l5-5283 to the City Council with a recommendation for approval. BACKGROUND: This item was tabled at the January 11,2016 Planning Commission meeting' The subject section of N. College Avenue is located between Maple Street and North Street. The City of Fãyetteville is currently designing improvements for the east side of this section, similar to tfre improúements that were made between Maple Street and Rock Street in 2009. The project will include new 10-foot sidewalks, street lights, and tree wells. Additionally, existing driveways will be reconstructed, and at times, combined to better facilitate traffic movements. A new pedestrian crossing at Trenton Street and Rebecca Street is also under evaluation. Construction w¡lt n" performed by City crews with funding from the Transportation Bond Fund. DISCUSSION: City staff is recommending that the Planning Commission and City Council vote to reclassify N. Coitege Avenue between Maple Street and North Street from a Principal Arterial Street to a ST- 63 street cross section. This is more consistent with the anticipated full-build out of the street in the nearfuture with four lanes and a 1O-foot urban sidewalk, compared to the existing designation that has a five-lane arterial, greenspace and a S-foot sidewalk. For many decades all of N. College Avenue has been classified as a PrincipalAderial Street as it is a staie highway that connects directly through the center of the City. The only exception is the section between Rock and Maple that was classified as an 5T-63 Street with the adoption of the Downtown Master Plan in 2006. The 5T-63 street section is consistent with the 60-feet of right-of-way that was platted between Rock and North Streets and the urban development pattern that still exists in downtown Fayetteville- Mailing Address: 1l-3 W Mountain Slreet .^,.^a+^r.¡ll^ ¡ı ?al^l www.fayetteville-ar.gov RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forurarding ADM l5-5283 to the City Council. '.. ' I...:.-.. -:..: _: P LANNI NG,,cOM MlÞS'lON: ACTION: . Required Date: Januarv,25¡201,6 t] Tabled' ' ,/ Forwarded f,l'Denied ,, , Second; Chesser Vote:8-1-0 The Planning Commission recommends the following: 1. Re-classify this section of N. College Avenue to an "5T-63" street classification. 2. Before beginning construction on the sidewalks along the west side of the road, the City should engage its chosen transportation planning consultant (Nelson Nygaard) in a detailed study of H\Â/Y 71 in and around downtown Fayetteville. This study should assess the efficacy of a road diet, lane width reductions, and other measures that are consistent with a contextually based "complete streets" approach. 3. ln recognition of the important role that streets play jn land-use, the City should consider not just the engineering implications, but more importantly the potential impact any transportation infrastructure might have on Goals 1-6 in City Plan 2030. BUDGET/STAFF IMPAGT: None ATTACHMENTS: o Street lmprovement Plans. 5T-63 and Principal Arterial Street Sections. Close Up Map G G:\ETO\Development Services Review\201G\Development Review\15-5283 ADM (N. College Avenue - Maple to North/Master ô¡---¡ ñl^- ^_^-l-^-¿\\^â nt^--i-- ^^.^F¡â^¡^-t4 âc 1^{ê\n^añ¡-l^ ^-t Þ^rti-^^ CITY OF le A5ARKANS COLLEGE AVENUE SIDEWALK PROJECT - MAPLE TO NORTH FACT SHEET This project will include the construction of sidewalks along College Avenue from Maple Street to ruortn Street. The concept for this project includes the following: 1. 10' wide concrete sidewalks located directly behind the curb line along both sides of the highway. Installation of decorative street lights. lnstallation of trees located in grated tree wells. Modification of the traffic signals at Maple and North to accommodate 4- way pedestrian crossings. ileduction in the number and width of driveway curb'cuts (where possible). Removal of overhead electric lines (where feasible). Evaluation of a pedestrian crossing in the vicinity of Trenton and Rebecca. A crossing must be permitted by the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department. Sidewalks will be constructed in phases, with the east side planned for 2016, and the west in 2017. Sidewalks north of North Street are planned for future years. Construction will be by Cíty crews with funding from the Transportation Bond Fund. Road Diet: City staff has conducted a preliminary review and analysis of the feasibility of a "road diei" (reducing the cross section from 4 lanes to 3) on the segment of College Avenue between Maple and North. This review quickly determined that a road diet is not feasible due to the traffic count (27,000 vehícles per day) on this segment. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recommends the maximum threshold of 20,000 vpd. fnê f Hi¡rn document "Road Diet lnformational Guide" provides information about local various localjurisdictions who have considered road diets on their streets; the maximum traffic count for any of those jurisdictions was 25,000 vpd' ln order for the City to implement a road diet on Highway 718, the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department (AHTD) would have to give its approval.. With the above information in mind, it is very unlikely that any such approvalwould be given' 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Mailing Address: 113 W Mountain Street f,ar¡oftorrille ^A 711n1 www.f ayettevi ll e-a r. gov CITY OF A R KAN SA5 Pedestrian Considerations: The lack of safe pedestrían crossings between Maple and North is an issue that will be addressed by the project, to the extent that the AHTD will permit. A pedestrian crossing, or potentially a full signal in the vicinity of Rebecca Street is under consideration, and is being discussed with the AHTD. CITY OF GOMMENT FORM GOLLEGE AVENUE SIDEWALK PROJECT - MAPLE TO NORTH PUBLIC INPUT MEETING AUGUST 11,2015 Please answer the following questions and provide comments regarding the sidewalk improvements proposed alóng College Avenue. Please provide your Name, Address, an'd emaíl address along with your comments so that we may contact you for clarification, if needed. You can leave your comments with City Staff or email them to e nq i neerinq @faveüevil le-a r. qov. Name: Address: EmailAddress: j. Are you ín favor of the installation of a pedestrian crossing of College Avenue in the vicinity of Trenton and Rebecca? What woÛld you use this crossing to access? 2. Do you use sidewalks in/near the projecl area? lf so, when using the sidewalks, what are some of your usual destinations? What destinations would you like to be able to access? C]TY OFffik COMMENT FORM COLLEGE AVENUE SIDEWALK PROJECT - MAPLE TO NORTH PUBLIC INPUT MEETING AUGUST 1 1, 2015 3. What other things would you like for the City to consider with the design of thís project? 4. Please provide additíonal comments regarding this project below; including comments related to construction phasing. 12.2.6 PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL STREETS PRINCIPALARTERIAL STREETS carry high volumes of through traffic. They are designed as boutevards for beauty and safety. They have a high [eve[ of access management and access shoutd be primarity by way of cross-streets rather than individual curb cuts. 6 PRINCIPALARTERIAL BOULEVARD (wrTH BrcYcLE LANES): Design Service Volume: . 17,ó00 vpd Desired Operating Speed: 30-40 mph Travel Lanes: Four 1 1' lanes Bicycte Lanes: 5'wide, both sides of street next to curb Median: '10', 12' turn lane at intersections Parking: Paved Width: EXHIBÏT B Right of Way: 5idewatks: None 27'from face of curb 64'entire width including median 87', Both sides of street, min. 5'wide, located in R.O.W. at R.O.W. tine Both sides of street, min. 6'wide Greenspace: I ;zu--J-¿.-l¿ ql ffi t ffi 9d sr 63 11t11t11t11 Desìgn Service Votume: Traffic Lanes: Bicycte Lanes: Parking: Paved Width: Right of Way: Sidewalks: <17,600 vpd Four 11'tanes None None 46'from face of curb ó3' Both sides of street, min. 8' wide with grated tree wetts against curb Both sides of street, tree wetts Greenspace: EXHIBIT B JL It rËçÌ-i WELL' * MlN. 6' SIDEWALK W COLLEGE AVE. MSP AMENDMENT 0 75 150 300 450 600 FEFÊEFiFeet Legend I _ _ _l Fayetteville City iffiffi Footprints 2010