HomeMy WebLinkAbout47-16 RESOLUTIONPage 1 Printed on 2/17/16  113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 47-16 File Number: 2016-0059 RAZE AND REMOVAL AND CLEAN-UP AT 550 W. SKELTON STREET: A RESOLUTION TO ORDER THE RAZING AND REMOVAL OF A DILAPIDATED AND UNSAFE STRUCTURE AND CLEAN-UP OF UNSANITARY AND UNSIGHTLY CONDITIONS ON PROPERTY OWNED BY U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION LOCATED AT 550 W. SKELTON STREET IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, AND TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT WHEREAS, U.S. Bank National Association is the record owner of the real property located at 550 W. Skelton Street, City of Fayetteville, Washington County, Arkansas, legally described as follows: The East Half of Lot 23, all of Lots 24, 25, 26 and part of Lot Number 27, thence North 210 feet, thence West 175 feet, thence South 210 feet, thence East 175 feet, to the point of beginning, all in J.W. Skelton’s Subdivision of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Twenty-Eight (28) in Township Sixteen (16) North of Range Thirty (30) West, as per plat on file in the Office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Washington County, Arkansas; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the structure located on said property is dilapidated, unsightly, unsafe, and detrimental to the public welfare; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the said property is unsightly and unsanitary because of the presence of garbage, trash, rubbish, abandoned furniture and appliances, junk and debris which are harmful to the health of the community; and WHEREAS, U.S. Bank National Association, having been properly served with Violation Notices via Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, and given thirty (30) days to correct said violations, has refused to repair, or raze and remove said dilapidated, unsightly, and File Number: 2016-0059 unsafe structure or remove the garbage, rubbish and other unsanitary and unsightly articles from the properly. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That, by the authority granted pursuant to A.C.A. ç14-56-203, and in accordance with the provisions of Section 173.09 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances, U.S. Bank National Association is hereby ordered to rcze and remove forthwith, the dilapidated, unsightly, and unsafe structure located on the aforementioned real property. The manner of removing said structure shall be: dismantle by hand or bulldozer, and haul all debris to a landfill. Section 2: That, if U.S. Bank National Association does not comply with this order, the Mayor is hereby directed to cause the dilapidated, unsightly, and unsafe structure to be razed and removed; and a lien against the real property shall be granted and given the City, pursuant to A.C.A. 514-54-904, for the costs associated therewith. Section 3: That, by the authority granted pursuant to A.C.A. $ 14-54-901, and in accordance with the provisions of Section 95.01 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances, U.S. Bank National Association is hereby ordered to remove the garbage, trash, rubbish, brush, limbs, furniture, appliances, junk and other unsanitary and unsightly articles from the property. Section 4: That, if U.S. Bank National Association does not comply with this order, the Mayor is hereby directed to enter upon the properly and remove the unsanitary and unsightly articles described above; and a lien against the real properly shall be granted and given the Cify, pursuant to A.C.A. $ 14-54-903. Section 5: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution. PASSED and APPROVED on 211612016 ".1rrtl! lfr!lr¡r,. ^"+:i|$"t lFFql+,,- _-{*'¿sr or "Y*,--==t )ì"2 =oi cIvFTTEVILLt: - a '!-7-4'. - -Ø ."5-*- :'øtfîìiN Attest: Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Treasurer Page 2 Pr¡nted on 2/17/16 Gity of Fayetteville, Arkansas Text File File Number: 2016-0059 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (47e) 57s-8323 Agenda Date:211612016 ln Control: City Council Meeting Agenda Number: C. 1 Version: 1 Status: Passed File Type: Resolution RAZE AND REMOVAL AND CLEAN-UP AT 550 W. SKELTON STREET: A RESOLUTION TO ORDER THE RAZING AND REMOVAL OF A DILAPIDATED AND UNSAFE STRUCTURE AND CLEAN-UP OF UNSANITARY AND LTNSIGHTLY CONDITIONS ON PROPERTY OWNED BY U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION LOCATED AT 550 W. SKELTON STREET IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, AND TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT WHEREAS, U.S. Bank National Association is the record owner of the real properly located at 550 W. Skelton Street, City of Fayetteville, Washington County, Arkansas, legally described as follows: The East Half of Lot 23, all of Lots 24,25,26and part of Lot Number 27, thence North Zl0feet, thence West 175 feet, thence South 210 feet, thence East 175 feet, to the point of beginning, all in J.W. Skelton's Subdivision of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Twenty-Eight (28) in Township Sixteen (16) North of Range Thirty (30) West, as per plat on file in the Office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-OffÏcio Recorder of Washington County, Arkansas; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the structure located on said propeffy is dilapidated, unsightly, unsafe, and detrimental to the public welfare; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the said property is unsightly and unsanitary because of the presence of garbage, trash, rubbish, abandoned fumiture and appliances, junk and debris which are harmful to the health of the community; and WHEREAS, U.S. Bank National Association, having been properly served with Violation Notices Certified Mail, Retum Receipt Requested, and given thirfy (30) days to correct said violations, refused to repair, or raze and remove said dilapidated, unsightly, and unsafe structure or remove garbage, rubbish and other unsanitary and unsightly articles from the properly. NOW, THEREFORE, BE rT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF F'AYE TTEVILLE, ARKAN SAS : Section 1: That, by the authority granted pursuant to A.C.A. $14-56-203, and in accordance with the provisions of Section 173.09of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances, U.S. Bank National Association is hereby ordered to raze and remove forthwith, the dilapidated, unsightly, and unsafe structure located on the aforementioned real properlry. The manner of removing said structure shall be: dismantle by hand or vla has the Cîty of Fayelteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 2/17/2016 File Number:2016-0059 bulldozer, and haul all debris to a landfill. Section 2: That, if U.S. Bank National Association does not comply with this order, the Mayor is hereby directed to cause the dilapidated, unsightly, and unsafe structure to be razed and removed; and a lien against the real propeffy shall be granted and given the City, pursuant to A.C.A. 514-54-904, for the costs associated therewith. Section 3: That, by the authority granted pursuant to A.C.A. $ 14-54-901, and in accordance with the provisions of Section 95.01 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances, U.S. Bank National Association is hereby ordered to remove the garbage, trash, rubbish, brush, limbs, furniture, appliances, junk and other unsanitary and unsightly articles from the property. Section 4: That, if U.S. Bank National Association does hereby directed to enter upon the property and remove the above; and a lien against the real property shall be granted t4-s4-903. not comply with this order, the Mayor is unsanitary and unsightly articles described and given the City, pursuant to A.C.A. $ Section 5: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution. City of Fayetteviile, Arkansas Page 2 Printed on 2/17/2016 Yolanda Fields City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2016-0059 Legistar File lD 2lL6l2OL6 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda ltem Only N/A for Non-Agenda ltem 1/2e1201.6 Community Resources / Development Services Depa rtment Submitted By Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation : A Resolution ordering the Razing and Removal of a dilapidated and unsafe structure and a Large Scale Clean-Up of the property owned by US Bank National Association located at 550 W. Skelton Street in the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, and approving a budget adjustment. Budget lmpact: LO].O.6420.5315.04 1010 - General Account Number s0033.1_602 Fund Raze and Removal Project Number Budgeted ltem? No Yes Yes Current Budget Funds Oblígated Project Title s Current Balance Does item have a cost? Budget Adjustment Attached? Item Cost Budget Adjustment 14,500.00 1_4,500.00 Remaining Budget d",'þ Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Original Contract Number:Approval Date: Comments: Staff recommends approval of the Resolution and Budget Adjustment. The S14,500 would be needed only in the event the property owner does not raze the structure by the time the resolution is in effect. ctïY oF CITV COUNCIT AGENDA MEMO MEETING OF FEBRUARY 16, 2OI6 Mayor and City Council Jeremy Pate, Development Services Department Director Yolanda Fields, Community Resources Director January 29,2016 SUBJECT: Large Scale Glean-Up & Raze and Removal of Structures at 550 W. Skelton RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Resolution ordering the Raze and RemovallLarge Scale Clean-up of dilapidated and unsafe structures and junk & debris located at 550 W Skelton St. and to approve a budget adjustment in the amount of $14,500.00 for the Raze and Removal/Large Scale Clean-Up. BACKGROUND: Service Request #154588, Case#21522: Code Compliance responded to a request concerning the structures located at 550 W Skelton St. The structures appeared to be in violation of Subsection 173.09(A), Unsafe Buildings, of the City Code of Ordinances. The Chief Building Official inspected the property and determined that the structures was in violation of Subsection 179.09(A), Unsafe Buildings, of the City Code of Ordinances, Specifically, the Chief Building Official observed: The main structures has porlions that have collapsed and deteriorated due to exposure. There ls excessive and dangerous debris in and around the structures. The accessory structures have also collapsed and are derelict. On October 19,2415, an Unsafe Building Notice of Violation was received by the property owner. By ordinance, the property owner was given until November 19, 2015 to acquire a building permit or to Raze and Remove the structures. Service Request #154587 , Case #21523: Code Compliance responded to a request concerning the junk & debris on the property located at 550 W Skelton St. The property was inspected by Code Compliance and found to be in violation of Subsection 95.01, Unsightly or Unsanitary Conditions on Real Property, of the City Code of Ordinances. On October 19,2015, the Notice of Violation was received by the property owner. By ordinance, the property owner was given until October 30th, 2015 to bring the property into compliance. On January 28,2016, a Notice of Public Hearing was sent to the property owner informing them of the February 16,2016 Public Hearing. DISCUSSION: This parcel contains a single story 2142 square foot single family dwelling, along with 2 accessory structures of undetermined square footage. The parcel also contains large amounts of junk & debris that are a danger to public welfare. Property owners have been unresponsive as to any intentions for abatement. No building permits have been issued for the property. ARKANS TO: THRU: FROM: DATE: Mailing Address: 113 W Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR -72701 wwrv.f ayettevi lle-a r. gov BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: lf the property owner does not comply with the Raze and Removal/Large Scale Clean-Up order, all costs will be expensed at the current budget. A Lien will be placed on the property for the incurred costs. The current budget balance is $2,300.00, but is expected to be expended with another raze and removal project. Therefore, we are requesting a budget adjustment for the entire total of $14,500.00. Attachments: Attachments include the Receipt of Bids and bids received, a Budget Adjustment, and a packet including notifications, property records, and photos ITY OFW RECEIPT OF BIDS OWNER(S): City of Favettevillp -tÇommunity Resources Divisíon ADDRESS: 550 W. Skelton PROJECT No: Bicf#16-21522 PROJECT TITLE: Cqtle Comnliance Prograu BID CLOSING DAY/DATE/TIME: January 25,2016 at 4:00 nm coNrRACroR: ßerl lin¿ Gn$fiâr\("rs CONTRACTOR: Le-ì<h êo.'*h.*tr¡ckS LLL CONTRACTOR: CONI'RACTOR: Certified BID AMOI]ITIT:*tu r-r5 BID AMOUNT: BID AMOUNT: BID AMOUNT: 9d*-%*t -*-{ --",",.dWitness: ¡**Æ-- - å BIDAMOUNT: t \Ll,ãOO Oott' 2.S T*n ZÕ\ L ailing Acklress: [3 W. Möuntain Streu't rye tteville, AR 72701, COMMIJNITY RESOURCEs www.fayettevilh - a r. gov #Vff I(AþJ5n ïo ÅU A5 ffiilTY {ÞF FAYETTffiIfilLä-ffi 'r4;g UIl. Mor¡n*ain S*" Fa3rettevlllæn Ån ?2?ü{ tillftTÄTf$w Tç.Er& 8¡d# {6-ät 5.?,ä* Ëo¡nmumity ñesor¡rces $ivisio¡t tode tompliarlae Frægnam {479} 5?5-826O Ellt#: Xü,-2'15.2,3, ÐATE åSSUEßI {-{O-3O{6 ßATE & Tilnßü dlF OPËNlF{Êr Mondayo .lanuary 25' 20'16 4:0$pnr G0}üTJLST: Ðavid üsrver-{479} 444-345{ tulrilirrr¡ ¡lçi<h ¡:çç: I i 3 !\{ l\4r"}tfirt.ìirì 51f *'f! [:nVrrl tr"vil.ld', ¡\{1 7??Ö1 {olvl tu? urltTY t{fr 5üt", Rf, [5 'r+ww.f ..lyotrtui ll q: a r.ç0v { rïY {}F RAZtr & RÐMOVÂL ând LÂRGE SCALE CI,EAN-UPPROJüCT BrD#l6-?ts22 A DM I Fl t STR.ATO R : Dnvi d Caler ( omail : dcnrver@)fayeffi evill e-ar. gov) PI|ONE # 479.444.3451 or 479"5:75.826{J FAX # 471).444.3Ms PROJËCT Lf}C.ATIONI 550lV. Skelton St., Fayetreville,,A,t{ 7Z7Ol T/ü Pa¡cel # 765-108û2-000 cqHTm.croR's sÇpPE oF 1VORK " R¡\ZüeR#h{gVAL ì . {"1*ln¡:}*t*:}y ls;r¡: *r'rrv¡t th* *nrire drv.llirrg. 2. Haul all contsnts inside the structure(s), debris fionr the structure{s), and other debris frorn the parcel to a legal landfill. All non-loatl bearing concrst$ associateil with the structnre(s) shall be removed from the lot (footings antl slabs). 3. Mr¡w and clean up parcel. LARçU I C"A,L E p,l*p, -åN,-UPL Remove & properly dispose of all gaiba¿p, trash, rr¡bbish, brvsh, limbs, firmiture, appliances, junk anil/or debris finnr parcetr, irrcluding the right-of-way and utility easeinelìts.2. Mow and clean u¡r parcel. çL84,[ÌUP e DISPOSALI. Ptuvide proofl) such as receipts, that the debris was liauled to a legal landJill. 2. 'lÌhs eity etx:oul'ages the biddsr to rÆn,sider all wasts cliversion rnethods fbr lnaterials collcctetl. Àny melhnds of dis¡:osal, excluding a legal landlill, must bc decmod acccpÌable by the citypriar to bid su'bnrittal. T'hc yarul shall be se:ni-level and ¡now*ablc r¡vhen the dcmo & clean-up rvork is completed ånd befurp payment wili be made. Co¡rtracts' shall be res¡:onsiïrle fbr capping wells, r¡tilities ancl/or arryoïherreq*iremcnts ¡rer-taining to The demolition psflnit. Ml$,g,mn LANüq,tJÐ" L A Ðernolitíon Pcmrit fitnr thc City of Fayeltevillc ¡nust trc tibtaincd befnrc wnrk begins. Demolition IÞeimils are obtained thnrregh the Buildi::g Saf'ery Division, 4?9-5?5-8233.2. Prnof,of tlo less than $250,000 liability insulance shall bc providei{ try the contractor befolß work begirrs, 3. Stats Contraclor L,iccnse is requiretl. À City l]usiness l,icense is required il'your busi¡less is lor:atcd in lhr: city lirnits of Fayettcvill*. 4. lf the situation is resolverJ by the prûpÊr'ty olvner during the 30 day notice 8¿ eomm+nt periotl bids nroy be considered nuil & vri¡J. 3. 4, iilirul Arltlrr:sx: 3 W [,1nt.tn{å,ir.t litre{f /{:il{i}vill*, ¡1ll i ) /ü11 CûMMUNITY RESOUR{ES K¡r,rw.ta y{tllüville - *lr.t¡uv { ffi ä ä3 X}åq# ä3 {3ffi Nø, F#m m'X ffirå) a$-24522" *3Â'ã'å¡: I$i$iUtlt): Jnnuary I{1, ?0Ió ,4 l)Þ,1 I I \"1 I $i'I'iTÁ'I"$ ll.' *i Fi ¡t þ',å $i : f-ln vi Ll {ia,'u*t X)å{(}.}ffiC'tr' ,,.\ÞÐ*åf,i$¡t: 550 W. likef tur"l St., l"'a),çltovillt:. Àl{. 7?7{r1 l]/LTlt ülr {.}l}t{l{ilN{-i: Monday, Jrnuary 25,2{}lô *t 4:úüprrr Pãy tcf;al lrid price {'or the }{.¿¡ø* & *tsr¡roval ¿¡nd l,argrl f$cale C[**m*{"jp Flroj ee{. is : $_l3{*[U¡Ìr] {lliû will ht vaÍid .fitr I z1 ¿r,.}T",",, f¡utu,.t'f¡pcníng) lJpon signirrg lhis l:]id, thc bidrlc¡'cerlifics thal thc-y har,,c vinvq:cl fhc ¡rro¡:ct'ty, rcacl nnd *grÇi: tr.r th* rtx¡uircrnents scî lorth in this bitl plopo.sal, inclucling,s¡rccilicalions, t{:nrri artd sland¡¡rr.l cunclitiolrs, and pcrtincnt inforrlr¿ticrr rcg,nrclirrg tiic ar:f iclt:s Lrcin¿1 trirl on, ancl a¡.,-rce 1o fìrlnish lh*sc articlcs at thc ¡rrices slatctl. {'orn¡rlcte l"ltlsinçss ¡\drlrcss: $ihccl aclclr¡:ss or l) 0 l:ìox lI tl---- {riry I $jrafcr 7,ì1t t'o<te "Ï11 t::r\-p\*_ " L*** Q..t l'rirtct{ i,l,,r*r,,\-\C¡*-' t-u'-*-* Èr" " I,"-* '' kì\.\ L:\c* J2"tt)\ l;crlcr'¿rl 'l'irx ll) tt 2¿'T"; fi Z^.r-:1 r,r'Socii¡l Scculily ll ¡l"ust/¡t¡' dJ¡¡r/ {'¡}¡i/rr}('fûr',1 ¡¡¡rm¿/ rtn at' ket'in'r: tht, ilid {'*iriug dtfu ¿tnd lítrr. r\ \".¡5( üç)L- €;\ u*ti '[- {\'\ \Þ'J- c\**.,'q=[eru r (.ìu** 1 *çil-\^*qr .-X* ,^ S,¡, \,- - -.¿"\-.'.. 'J*t..1) f { ì1\¿]tÁl lh¡r l }r:{l ll llt/'fl ( CITY ÐF k AS BII} PROPOSALFORM BIÐ 16-?T5?T DATE ISSUÐD¡ January 1A,2016 ADLINISTRATOR'S NAME; Davicl Carver FROJECT ADDRESS: 550 !V. Skelton St., Fayetteville, ^A.R 72701 DATE OF OPIINING: Monday, January 25,2016 at4:00pm My total bid price for the Raze & Removal antl l.arge Scale Clean-Up Project ís: g*16*_ffi (Bìd wíll lte validfor 120 dãysfron Dute of Openìng) Upon signing this Bid, the biddcr certifies that they have víewed thepropeffy, reâd and agree to the requirements set forth in this bid proposal, including specífications, tenns ancl standard conditions, and pertinent infomation regarding the articlçs beìng bid on, and agree to fulrrish these articles at the prices statscl. Complcte Business A,cldress: Name of'Firm: Redline Contractors Dare: 01.25.16 phone ¡ 479-841-3526 Street adclress or P O Box fÉ P,O. Box 1893 City / State/ Zip Cocle Lowell, AR 72745 Pr.ìnted Name: Kyle Sargent ,¿4 ,*. ?' Signature:Title: General Manaqer Iredcral "fax IÐ # State Contr'¿rctor # 1 33140515 City Business License g N/A T'hìs pøgc mu,çt be ì'eiur¡tcil to the Conununíqt Resouraos,Þivir¡ar Í¡t & sffiled e¡welope ntsrktld with tfu pro,ier.t numbcr und contrntlors trtrftte on or belore lhc ßìtl Cl¿.trlg døte and titttc. Mailing Aclclress; 1l,l W. Mountain Street Fayetfeville, t\R 7270L COMMUNITY R[sûUR.CES www f ayetteville" ar. gov I ßru} ?ROPOSATFORM BrD 16-21522 Î)ÀTlt !$fil"J!lt!; January 1{}, 291 6 ÀDMINISTRÂ"ilOR'S NAME: Davitl Carve¡' FR{TJECT AÐÐRESS: 550 W. Skûlron St., }-ayetlevil?e, ÂR 72701 DA:IE ûF OP$þllNG: Monday, January 25,2rJ1{t al4:Û0prn My totalbid prirn for thr Rnze & Renrovnl and tr,argæ Scale Clean-Up Projcct is: $:Ll.'1.-5l,ill -., " (Bìd wítt he vatídtbr ,lfffq.''f'* lrqle a{Ðpenins) lJpon signing tliis ßid, the lrid<ter certifies lhat they havc viewed the properly, read antl âgree tù thc requir*rnents set forth il: this bid proposal, including specifications, tor:lns and stanclard conditi<.rns, and pcrtincnt information rcgarding the articles being bid on, and ag,ree to lumish the.se articles at the prices statcd. tlate: ] ;^--={, þ..-;--l*.1.r,i Cornplcte Business Adcjress:(et"ll Nameorri,rn:ì--¿.-ci!, Í:.:,-, \\..u-q:o.t.. L-.l-..'i,-llhonsíf-\\-ìfì lì;ìå- 1[r{ | Street adrhess n. P O (:ity / Statc/ Zip Code Priüt{:d Nnrnc: . f .i-:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-r \ -\ i¡...ur-,* - I"itle:-( j-L;,i. -r iÍ i - or Social Sccurity ll State Cr:ntractr:r # _(åÀ13 !l __1.þ"1.¿L{n_* City Business l-icense l/ Thìs pnge wu$ be rctamted to thc {)ouututrity RÊsÐurt:Ès l}i't,ísion ín a seuletl envelope nßr*ei nílh the projet;l nunhet'und crrnlrûclorÍ ,ntrrr|d ttfl w ltaþre ¡fu ßìi tlothry ilø{c tni lìnc, M¡ilirrl ,,\rÍ{lrfsl 1 3.l 'iôJ. þ,4rir¡nl;ii¡-l li{trr.'1 la91'rlFrillù, ÂR 7?7(}l CûMf\¿UNITY &[5ÕURCf;S r*ww. f ay*llilvilìt: -;ir.gov I,EIGH EARTH\ryORKS L.L.C. 16726 Sanset Rd Winslow, AR 72959 : H7Ð 841-7657 Fux: PROPOSAL Date: Project: Location: January 25,2016 Demo of 550 W. Skelton St Compnny: City of Fayetteville Attention: Ðavid Carver Address: fayetteville, AR .. Unit Cosf: $ 750.00 $22,500.00 s 15.00 $r-080.00 $ r 30.00 $5.200 00 $ 85.00 $2.720.00 $ ì30.00 $r.040.00 $ 10,000.00 $r 0.000.00 $ 4"000.00 $4,000.00 $ 1,000.00 s1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0û $0.00 $0.0û $0.00 $47.540.00 Pagc I Total $47,549.00, .- Proposal Tofal Montl¡ly Progress Pal."¡nsnts for Perccnlagc of W{¡rk Complete..._ Fayetteville, AR DESCRIPTION:QUANTITY: Unit: L.atxrr ']iackhoe Skiclstcr 32 lrrs ISulldoz-er hrs Abe.stos Renmral Paint lìcmoval MoÌrilization Ifno abcstos is found onl the cost oftes We ¡tro¡rose to furnish all material, cquiprnent, and lal>or, complete in accordance with tho abovc specificatiolrs, for the sunr of Dollals hrs hrs ls Paynents to lrc made as follows We proposc to fumish all naterial, equipmcut, ancl Iabor necessary to perlbrm and com¡>lete the following: of proposal - Thc abovc pricing, s¡recificafions, and condifiorrs are satisfactory a¡¡rl al.c hcrcby accepferl. Leigh rk.s L,L.C. is authorized to ts to bc ¡nadc as outlined abovc. Above Prìcìng ís 'for .?0 Days.from date of this dacument, If Prcposal rentains unsîgned a¡er SO iàtentlør days date Ís subìcct to Date Approved: RKANS January 27, 2016 US Bank National Association 350 Highland Drive Lewisville, TX 75067 RE: Enforcement of Fayetteville Code 173.09 Arkansas Code Ann. 14-56-203 NOTICE TO PROPERTY ONTNERS Pursuant to A.C.A 14-56-203 as 173.09 of the Fayetteville Code, you are placed upon Notice that the Fayetteville City Council will conduct a public hearing to determine if the dwelling located at 550 W Skelton St. (Parcel #765-10802-000), should be Razed and Removed. You are free to appear at this hearing to present any evidence or statements. lf you need additional information concerning this process or if you have information that we are not aware of, please callthe Code Compliance Office at (479) 575-0860. The hearing will be part of a regular City Council meeting on February 16, 2016 beginning at 5:30pm at the CityAdministration Buîldíng, 113 W. Mountain St,, Fayelteville, AR 72701. The City Council Meetings are advertised ín local newspapers and will contain an item concerning this hearing. You may also call the Fayetteville City Clerk's Office (479-575-8323) for information confirming the date of the public hearing. David Carver Code Compliance Admin Cc: file Ë {l r{ r:1 Irrl E] E] rrl t3cf EI E] -f J¡rf trl E¡rr ffiffiHffi$Â\L l- ut-lb R[sA] B nstum Ræolpt (hardcopy) S ---,--flRstum R@lpt (olæùonlc) ô --.-.--Ecortliìed Mûil ftostdclod Oolivory G - nAdultSignoturoRoqúired S - E ^doltSigmture Hostrlctcd Dollvory $ --.--- Mailing Address: l.i:l W. Mountaítt Street Fayetleville, ARl2TOI CODE COMPLIANCE www. fayettcvi I f e - a r. gov City of Fayetteville ;:;#;,1, yï,.?H:"",'iilo,yoF i$¡1,11'3:f,::,"*e,"""" October OT,ZO15 owner #f ,iåHi^r[åiRML Ass ocrAnoN LEWISVÍLLE , TX 75067RE; property @ 5S0 W SKELïON SI, Fayeftev¡ile, AR WG parcel # 765_tOgO2_000 Dear property Own"ì Casc# ZlS22 tr#åii'i'ii'ï j#í#]irîinff:îjv':ffi ;l,{rïiîffi rr;Ln:ï#!î,:,,,ir,:îrilì:ïff sri? {;i'i;;f;;3'¡t¡ó"'l¡ãäãri;i:ïïi:ï"åli[,åiffi]îi::*1iïifr;Lnik*yi,:il:i,":fr:j,i(479)4aa4a51. DAVID CARVER Code Compliance Officer Cc: fìte Suspected Violation That Needs Correction: *l.f,ï ?"",ffiîilÌ,:ïr,ï:?ffffffiïfffïg_,,âs,,oq4¡".n, low This Víotation c¡n p^ r,^.. tç,,are. :come dilapidated, unsare,unsanirary,",¿"ii*ãrä;:'JJ;'Jfi ,i,*,,ï,::How This Víotation Ga n Be Voluntarily Gorrected: :ä#:i'i':"åi ä"ffi';i,i:ii"tr *".iË;Jï:,::ÍJ'ove arr debris from the ror. A buirdi'g permir rn¿y þs ,;5iíl-,#*mr***:råiltntn:*,$,;;r*u*l,,t, , '::!'å'J;il:;;W,;,:,:;;::,îg#;";;"",i:i:,,tr:i,,;,si#:i,i;::;,i:,,,ii,",;:!!,{::[,::;îî,ii";ì:_]i,, Sincerely, City of Fayettevilfe 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, Arkansas 72201 Office of Code Compliance Phone 479^575-8260 Fax 479-444-3445 VTOLATTON NOTTCE October 07,2015 Owner US BANK NATIONALASSOCIATION 350 HIGHLAND DRIVE LEWISVILLE, TX 75067 RE: Propefiy @ 550 W SKELTON ST, Fayetteville, AR WCParcel# 765-rc802-000 Casc # 21523 Dear Property Owner: It appears that your property contains a violation of the Fayetteville Unifìed Development Ordinance. lt is our goal to notifo and assist property owners to correct violations of city codes before taking actual enforcement actions. lf you need clarification of this notice or advice on how to correct the problem, please call our office at 1479r444-34s1. Suspected Violation That Needs Correction: S95.01 Unsightly or Unsanitary Conditions on Real Property; order and notice to correct How This Violation Can Be Voluntarily Corrected Remgye the garbage, trash, rubbish, brush, limbs, furniture, appliances, junk andlor debris from your property, includíng the ríght-of-way and utílity easemenls. Penalties: lf this violation is not corrected within ten (10) days from the service of this notice, our office is authorízed to enter upon the property and do whatever is necessary to correct or remove the conditions described above. The costs of correcting said conditions shall be charged to the owne(s) of the property and the city shall have a lien agaínst such property for such costs. You can also be issued a Criminal Citation for the above vioiation and be summoned to appear in coufl. lf you disagree with our conclusion that your property contains a violation of the city code listed above, please contact our office. Multiole offençes of this specífic code violatíon mav result in your orooerty.b-eing declared a Publ¡c Nuisance. lf the residence is owner occupied and meets certain income requirements, you may quatify for federalassisfance y2del our Community Development Block Grant. For more information on this program, please calt (47g) 575-8270 or 575-8240. Sincerely, DAVID CARVER Code Compliance Offìcer Cc;file ¡'i l::ì:. Eht+B 0uüh 131? 5E3T trtrlr ¡f 5513B É-È e?Ëe 5:r lìl! II ItrBtRÈ8ì ËËåaı¡Itxac ã lå-Ë 19 -: \\\\ ?t1'5 9f.ry tn N f.¡ "tt-oLø ıã;* (rl f.lf^i I oompieie it¿mJ l, z, a¡ä's. E Print your name and addrqss on the.reverse. so that we cAn return the card to you. r Attacfi this qrd to the baok of the mailpiece, or on thè front if space permlts. lllffillilllllllll lllilltll lllfllllfltllilllqs.in'Tqoí' ouqq' s'g?j g0gb,,Pts i^r;.Àf '¡bhêr lfñnÞÍÞ. L^^ e^'i+ô ,^rã!!É.... - | ?tl1,5 tltqu üu0b r3q? 5n31 9r tR f ß0Tn'l',9ff$, Rgstrioted.Dôlivery 1 , Apf¡l 20;r g psN 7so,o I Lllt ltl'lll{1 tlhr lllll l'llt I tfl llfllffrt rrf,¡,,¡ tr l.¡r tr ¡ tr ¡r¡ US BAÑK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 350 HIdHLAND DRIVE LEWISVILLE, TX 75067 wøllo {*tqx,t c,r Code Compliance Prograrn U|lsafe Bg.ilding_Viol3tion Determinatioq. Address / Location: WC Parcel# 550 Skelton 765-10802-000 I have determined that the structure above has became dìlapÍdated, unsafe, unsanitary, or detrimental to the puhlíc welfare, I recommend the raze and removat of the structure. I recommend securfng the structure. tr :T----B*d^g orricíat Obseruatíons: I have determined thal the structure aþove Ís not in violation of Suósection 173.09 (A) of the FayettevÍlle Code Of Ordinances. Building Official [J, reconrmend pursuing a Property Nuisance, City Code 173.09 (Bl Date Sent: Date Received: Checki thís box uires the tion of CC Form 603 sRr/ . rjr2768 c"*t?\31O Community Resources Divís ion Dí recto r PLEASE-RETURN Tl{ls Fo8lvt TO cODË COMPLIANCF (RÊV04/2016) Ptrblic Parcel Vicw Washington County, Arkansas l>ublic'Rccouls Page I ol 2 trlgd¡G-ir9ireii:-.-"] l- . -"-- :-.,,*-_-"-_Jl_ _ks_lrll_ réei._d Forgot vout ¡)assvrord? actÐataS.orr# Real Property Pefsonal Property Conrmercial Pefsonal Collector Tax Floll lnfoínat¡on Pio Search :ißn:i**l Quick Print _ E Return to ¿*Hå Results PRge Ncw Scarclì $l r orr luþ Opt¡ons¡ I@ lg"slrllll Lrgs:d t--ry.1¿19si I M,[]l ['- r* ıiä;, *l Li1srÞe"[fParæl: 765-10802-000 Prev. Parcel :'l 44024 -OOO -00 As ot 1l2t'l2Ù16 Washington County Report Property Owner ñame: US BÀNK NATIONAL ^SSOC C/O WELLS FARGO BANK NA 3476 STATEVIEW BLVO FORT MILL, SC 29715 (Rl) - Res, lmprov. (01 1) . FAYETTEVILLÉ SCH. FÂY 54.75 E 12 LOT 23 LOTS 24-26 PT LOT 27 BLOCK I Property lnformation ffl,!ül æo*sKELroN sï Subd¡yísion: SKELTONSS/O Btock / Lot: 001 / 024 S-T-R: 28-16-30 Sl?o (ln Acres): 0.000 t-::ä".-esi-:-l []i"rjs:L] [,:.ä:¡5=Ë] - Washington Gounty Assessor's Office Lasl Update:'1t2612016 Russell H¡ll AÊsessor, Wash¡n9ton County Welcomc to thc Washlngton County Assessor's Offtce reâl propefty rccords onl¡ne. Plcase uso tlìc Search feature to lind your propcrty of interest, lf yo0 have quesllons or co¡nrllcnls, plcasc call our otflce. ,tñ$ 479.444.1500 (Rcal Prop.l& 479.444.1620 lpers. erdp.¡ i¡-liì tn'",' ," '#! Mlrase Ratcs fl. tooo n",o Tax Detait Malllng Address: fypei Tax Oist: Mlllage Ratc: Legal; Market and Assessed Vâlues: Estimated Market Value Full Assessed (20% Market Value) Taxable VãIUC Lárìd $46,500 $9,300 S9,300 Bulldlng $30,i50 $6,030 $6.030 Totat $76,ô50 $1s,330 S1s,33O Homeslead Credlt: 0.00 Note: Tax êmounts are est¡males only- Conlâct lhê counly/parish tax colleclor for exacl amounls. Land: Land Use Size 1.000 0.400 lioúsê Lol ^.cres Deed Transters: Docunront lmages brought to you by youl County Circuit Clork, Kyle Sylvoster Date . ViewDeed , aoof i eage , DeedType ì St.rp" i Est.Sate i Grantee , ì --i - r.--'. -i- i *,,ZO1n, rrlOe, t,nDuuo :i Code Type ,. ,t : ;.ìr1lIts't¡zoot.l # ,:2001 : 90662 : Ouit Clairn ! 0.00 ì t,S tsANK NÂTIONAI. i ¡ssoc i wRr(;r.r'f. JolttNtE A I ¡ DEBRA I, : : wfltot.rT, JotiNf'IE ^ : 112.311971 # : ie28 726 ; Warr- Deed : B.B0 ì s8.00ù ì thvat Datalls for Resld€ntlal Card I Occupancy Story F¡n¡sh tii"? singre Fâmiry oNÊ !ïåme sidins 2i42 Exlerior Wall: FS Foundation: ClosedPiers Floof Slfuct; Wood vi¡lh subfloor FloorCovef: Cafpel &Tile o'liål* tI?:"tt Gracre li,îi o 2142 4-10 1970 Age Condition Beds 45 Averâge PlumÞ¡ng: Full:2 F¡replacê: N/A Heaucool Cenlral Básemenf: N/A https://www.actdatascout.conr/Countvl{ome/ParcelView?countv:Washinotorr&state:AR 1 l)71)o16 i)ublic Parcel View l>ageZ of 2 Home lConlact Us I Help lnsulalionr CeiliilgsWälls Roof Cover: Àsphall Shingle Roof Type: Gable Base Structure: Bssernenl Aree: N/A Year Remodeled: N/A Slylo: N/A DntaScout, LLC 'f t, ,-l Item Label Description A MN lv1âin L¡v¡ng Area B FUA Garsge - fram€ unlinished, alt C OP Porch. open D WD Wood deck E FÊP Framè eßclosed porch F OP Porch, operì G FEP Framo enclosed porch Outbuf ldings a nd Yard hììprovernents: A¡ea 2142 r52 240 240 36 408 Item Garage - frame unlinished, delach Pole Shed Outbuilding.kame Map: Type Size/Dim Unít Multi. 14x28 1 8x24 1 8x12 Qualíty Age @2012 - 2016 DataScout, LLC All Rights Reserved 1 lin l^^1 / â1\-qI\.-ffi) .Ê ()}'b çJ* ? .-i .r. l-ype: IìEAL EST'ATË Kínd: DÊED Recorded: 711112014 12;55:29 pM Fee Amt: $60.00 Page 1 of 10 Washington County, AR Kyle Sylvester Círcuit Cf erk File# 2414-0A017388 This lnstroñtcnr prcpared By: fi4tsoN & ASSOCI/|Îg9, P.LLC l52l Mcnill Drivc, Suitc D.220 Little Roch ^rkansæ 12211 (50t) 2t9_9388 BECORÞrliG",LEGEI{p P¡.,EASEBECORD INTl{E ÀPPROPRIATE REÁL ËSTATE RÊtþRf)S GR¡tNTORfsl Johnnie,{. Wrfght and Debra L. Wrlght cR4¡{ILF¿Ð U.S. Banlq Nationsl Assoclatiou, a$ Trushe for the CcrtfficateCertlf¡cåteholders of the Banc of Americs Funding Corporatlon, 2008-FTI Trusl Mor-tgage Pass-Through Ccrtiñcates, Scries 200&FT t MORKiA-G, pE'S pEEp WHEREAS, on Octobçr 4,2æ2, Johnnie A. Wright and Dcbrs L. lvrigltt cxeouted and delivered to Bank of ,{merica" N.A. a mortgage, recorded October 15,2002, as Instrument No.2002153698 in the resl estate rccods of tJVashington C.ounty, Arkansae, whereby, for the prrpose of securing the payment of c'crtain indebtedness sçt out in said moftgage, ftey did grant, sell, and convey to the said mortgageÊ thç following{esoribed propefty, situated, lying and being in the County of ttrashíngon, Slafe of Arka¡rsas: The East Ílalf of lß123, all of I.oæ 24,25,26 and pafl of tot Number 27, thçncn North 210 feet, thence Wcst I75 fcot, thence South 210 feet, thence Eagt 175 feet, to Ére point of beginning, all in J.W. Skelüon's SuMivision of the Southeast Quarter of the Southrvest Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quafer of Section nilenty-eight (28) in Torvnship sixtccn (16) Norttr of Range thirty (30) West, as per Plat on file in úre Officc of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Reoordcr of Washington County, Arkansas. Commonly knorvn as: 550 rffest Skeiton Street, FayetævÍllc, Arkansas 72701 AND, WHEREAS, defaulr has been made in the payment of said indebtedness aûd U.S. Bank, National Association, as Trustcc for fhe Certifìcateholders of the Banc of Amerioa Funding frrporation, 2008-FTl Tnrst, Mortgagc Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2008-FTl, has since said defeult electçd to self said property in accordance with the provisions of Ark. CodeAnn.$18-50-101, etseg.,asamonded(the"Act")forthepurposeofpayingsaidindebædness; AND, WHEREAS, Wilson & Associates, P.L,L,C. was appointed by U.S. Bank, National Association, as Trustee for the CertificateCertif,rcaæholders of tho Banc of Amsricå Funding Corporation, 2008rFTl Trusl Mortgage Pass-Through Certificalcs, Series 2008-FTl, pursuant to Ac.t 983 of 1999 as its attorney-in-faot to sell said prope{y pursuant to the Acr; W&A No. 52-243239 > Number:2014-00017388 Page I of 10 AND, IVHERËAS, notice of thc time, place, and terms of such sale, as prescribcd by the terms of the Act, was given by rnailing of the requisite Mortgageæ's Notice of Default and tntention to Sell within thirry (30) days of the recording of said Notice, said Notice being published in a local nowspaper of general circulation in Washíngton County four (4) times for four consecutive weeks, wiúr the lasf publication being no more than ten (10) days prior to the sale, and by posting notice of suçh s*le, pursuant to Act 983 of 1999, by a third-party posfing provider, at the place in the courthouse for Washington County, Arkans¿s wherç notices ofjudiciaî sales are customariþ postpd; see atso the.Á,ffidavit of Mailing and Compliance with SøtutoryNoticc Requíroments liled in this maffer and incorporated herein by reference; AND, WFIEREAS, pursuant lo Act 885 of 201l, the undorsípred received certification that Johnnie A. lVright and Debra L. ÌVright had not applied or was ineligible for loan modification or forbcarance assistance, and that notíce of such ineligibility was sent in complianco with Açt 885 of 201 t AND, WHEREAS, pursuant to the pncvisions of said Act, U.S. Banh National Associatioq as Tnntee for tÌre Certificatcholders of tie Banc of Amerïca Funding fürporation, 2008-FTl Trust, Mortgage Pass'Through Certifrcateq Series 2008-FTl, by ilr anorney-in-facr, Wtlson & Associares, P.L.L.C., proceeded to scll said properly at public auction, et the V/ashingfon County Courthousc, on or aboul June 30, 2014 at l0:00 A-M.; AND, WHEREAS, at the time and place aforesaid, such sale wss çonducted pursuant to Act 983 of 1999 by a third- parly auctioneer end sâid properly ì,vss sold to U,S. Bank, National Association, as Trustee for the CertificateCe¡tificateholders of the Banc of America Funding Corporaúion, 2008-FTl Trust, Mortgage Pass'Through Certificatcs, Scries 2008-FTl for the price and sum of 552,223,45, it beíng the best and highest bid' NOW, TFTEREFORE, KNOW ALL MBN BY TFIESE PRESENTS, that U.S. Banh National Association, æ Trustee for the CenificaieCenificatcholders of the Banc of America Funding Corporation,2008-FTl Trust, Mortgagc Pass- Through ÇcrtifÍcUes, Series 2008-FTl, by ib attomey-in-fact, Wilson & Associates, P.L'L'C., by virtue of the pûrr/ers grsnt€d by tbe AcÇ end in cnnsideration ofthe foregoing premises and of the sum of S52J23.45, psid by the said U.$. Bank, Ñational Associ¿tjon, as Trustce for the Certilicateholden of the Banc of America FundingCorporatiorq 2008-FTl Trusf Mortgage Pass-Through Ceftificares, Series 2008-FTl, the rcceipt whereof is trereby acknowledged (which said sum of ¡non"y has bcen spplied accordÌng to the dir€ctions of the Act), does GR/\NT, SELL, ^ND CÛI{VEY unto the said U'S. Banlq Natíonat Association, as Trustee for the C€rtifìcstcholdcrs of thc Bano of America Funding Corporation, 2008-FTl Trug, Mo¡tgage Pass-Tïrough Certificatçs, Series 2008-FTl and its sr¡coessors and assigtts forçver the following-describod properly, situated in the County oFVashington, State of Arkansas, to-wit: The East Half of ]¡Ðt 23, all of Lots 24,25,26 and part of Lot Nulnber 27, thence North 210 feet, thence West 175 feet, thence Sor¡th 210 feet, thence East 175 feet, to the point of beginrring all in J.W. Skelton's Subdivision of the Sourheasr Quarter of tfte Southwest Quarter and the Soudrwest QuaÉer of the Southeast Quarrer of Section twenty-eiglrt (2S) in Torvnship sixteen ( l6) Norlh of Range t}íny (30) V/esl, âs per Plat on file in the Office of the Círcuit Clerk and Ex.Oftìcio Recorder of Washington Coun[r, Arksnsås. Commonly known as: 550 West Skelton Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Tax Parcel No.: 765- 10802-000 W&ANo.52-243239 ¡ Nlr¡mhar'?n1Á.-finn17?,9,R Þnn¡r 2 a* 1ñ -l\{Õrìú ,,-OKç.t- TO HAVE AND TO IJOLD tlre said property, together wirh all and singular, the rights and appurtenânces thereto in anywíse belonging unto the said U,S, Bank, National Association, as Trustee for the Certificaæholders of the Banc of Âmerica Funding Corporation, 2008-Ff l Trus! Mortgage Pass-Through C,ertifÌcates, Series 2008-FTl, its successors, Ênd assigns forçver, And for and on behalf of the said Granto(s) of said moígâgq and their heirs, exeÇutors, admínishators, and assigtts, tho undersigned does hereby bind the said Johnnie,{. Wright and Debra L. Wr¡ght" thcir heirs, executors, adminisrators, and assigns to warrant and forever defend, all and singular, said premiscs, unto the said U.S. Bank, National Association, as Trustpe for the Cortificateholders of the Banc of America Funding Corporation, 2008.FT1 Trust, Morlgage Pass-Through Certífic¿tes, Series 2008-PTl, its suocessors and assigns, against svery porson whomsocver lawfully claiming or to clainr the same or any pârt thereof. EXECUTED on this Ø U,S. Bank, NatÍonal Association, as Trustee for the Certificateholders of the Banc of America Funding Corporation, 200S-FTI Trust, Morcgago Pass;Through Certificatcs, Series 2008-FTl, by its attorney-in-fact, rffilson &, Associaæs, P.L.L,C. ACKNOIVLEDgMENT STATEOF ARKANSAS COT,JNTY OF PULASKI Bcfore mo, the undersigrred notary public of the state and counfy aforesaid, personally appeæed Kate Lachowsky, with whom I am personally acquaintrd (or proved to ms on fre basis of satisfacüory evídonce), and rvho, acknowledgcd such person to be an Attorney (or other such oflicer auffrorized to executc the instrument) of ÏVilson & Associates, P.L.L:C., attorney-in-fact for U.S. Bank, National Association, as Trustee for the Ccrrificaæholders of the Banc of America Fundlng Corporation,2008-FTt TrusÇ Mortgage Pass-Through Ceftificates, Series 2008-FTl, and th¡t suoh off'íccr executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein conùained by personally signing his name thereto. d"y"f JUII4 . -q,ü+ By: Lachowsþ 2012039 Witncss my hand and seal at office in Littlc Rooþ Arkansas this R* duy f,l]iÀ-c-,')-QS\ \ W&A No. 52.243239 - Nl¡¡mlor Cñ1Á-n^n1-7e9Q D^^^ C ^'f ln My Commission ExPircs: ^$.d" cERTIrrCrA.TE gf, COn{lLrANCp I oertiff under pcnalty of falsç swcaring that thc legalþ co¡reet amount of documcnrary st¿mps or a docu¡nentary symbol ín thc legatþ corrpcr amount has bsen placcd on thìs instrument. l52l Menill Drive, Suite D-220 Little Rock, AR 72211 Granlce's Addrcss: Nationstar Mortgagc, LLC 35û Highland Drive Lewisville, TX 75067 Tax Parccl No. 7ó5-10802-000 W&A No. 52-?43239 ' Number:2014-00017388 Page 4 of 10 EXHTBIT C(A)' SERVICEMEMBERS CIVIL RELIDF Á.CT A.FFTDAVIT STATE OF Arkansas COLTNTY OF Pulaski BEFOR-E ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared the undersigned, who states as follows: l. I amtheAttorney with a certain mortgage, dated October 4,2t02, recorded, October 15,2002, as lnstrument No. 20021 53698, in lhe rcal estate records of Washington Corrnty, Atkansas, executed by Joh¡nie A. fVríght and Debra L. Wright in favor of Bank of America, N.A. to secure the payment of a prornissory nolÇ to Bank of America, N.4.. 2. To fhe best of my knolvledge and beliei the mortgagors holding an interest in thc above-described property were (l) not members of the Armed Forces of the Uniæd States of America and had not becn members of any such entities for at least twelve (12) months prior ûo the date of the foreclosure sale the subject hereof or (2) rvere members Armed !-orces of the United St¿tes of America at the time the security instrument 'was executed, and therefore enforccment of the same is not subject to the provisions of the SCRA, See attached Department of Defense, DMDC stâtus rePort. 3. As such, foreclosure of this prop€ny will not be subject to the provisions of 50 U.S.C. $501, et seq. (the Servicernembers Civil Rclisf Act), FUR'THER AFFIANT SAYETT{ NOT. DATED this W ¿avor-{lüìg--, qAlL t2-243239 a Nlr¡mhar Jn1Å-Onñ1'fa.AA þaaa tr n{ l/ì Attomcy *\ \ÕÐ ) - tı"ÉDeparlment of Defense Manpower Data Centor Ç)" Rôr¿ll¡ trol: J¡l@2ûl¡l0l:2o;02 ÂM scF^3.0 St¡tw Roport Pureuåf,t to Sctticcmcmbeß CÌviI Rrlíef.å,ct Last Name: \^/lllGHf First Name:¿QHNNIE Middle Name: A Ac{ive Duty Status As Of: Jul-08.-2014 Upolr eearcùÍng the dstå bgnks of lhe DepE¡trnerl al Defþnss Manpower Oala Cenier, bsÊ€d on tfio lrfømelion that you provirled, lh€ ábovo h thü stalur ot ttn irdiviû¡al on lhê e ctivå ddy dåtos dale o$ to al brgìchôc of lhå Unllormad S€wices (Army. Navy, Maine Corpc. Ar Force. NOAA, Futtlc Healh, tnd ÇoeslGnrd), ThÌçElÐtvghdudeEinlorm€lbnonaSeryioememberorhiylÊfqnitroe¡vlngôoilñcallonsïñ^úureordersl'orePofllotActivêDtily. Yltûrfyh,,W*fr4* Mary M, Snavety'Ohofl, O¡redor Dcp¡dmðrn of Defense . Manporwr Dah Centor 4800 Mark C€ldlr Dl¡ve, Surtâ 04825 Arlhúlorì. VA 22350 l¿i¡¡ô* Èø ñia ÀÆ¡úÞhl¡.s St*â4 s;*.i*iiÄ:ri.r':. . :. .,:.: NA NÀ .M ¡l^ rhir lffiø rr{lad¡ thÊ lideH!¡tÉ dl,ó dñ ÐùJB bød ñ lhc ^dt/ë Þtttvsttlt¡ú Dátô 't-¡lrlld{r Èft ffi h.szk d.adie¡ ôuir Sbrd-Dú Ad!^hÈHl*¡¿ò¿ô ârà, End Dútt ßl$r g.lvldl COãlPO¡r¡t NA t{à lt^ ?À1. ffirâ ?.lLà vrr^ñ rÀ. ldtulldi¡ l¡lr ¡¿tl,¡ tt trtr¡ *,ltÈn ttt d¡* ilaaa6lo lñó A4lt$t ûJty gtùri Olùt f h. ñ,Ln$.rd Hþ+Lf u¿ilütròalcüñqt d. F¡rùItc¡lrue Þ A€ltvt otfv !( ¡çùt? Þny *,,t ttä Ord6( l.¡.tfiÊdon S¡l.t l)rb Ordcr ilcaliô¡dôn Eñd Dd6 sÈÈrt 5æ6CàrtúÍafl NÀ NA t¡ô ¡¡^ Ïi¡. .â@ñu rl]lú $.rctha ú¡ ildþlnlü h¡¡br al hE dliod ÉÞ t'€aiÈüsm b ËÞor lo{ trli{ Ctlt Numher: ?014-00017388 Paae B of 1O -A^-..\\{c\\ ) .- Õ)XDeparlment of Dofense Manpower Data Centert(rWçt Strtus Roport Pursuånt to Scrvicomsebtrs Last Name: \ /RIGHT First Name:¿AHNNIE Middle Name: A Active Duty Status As Of: Jul-08-2014 Upon uearcbirq the dsts ba nks ol lhe Depertmer* af OeÞnse Manpør'er Ùalo CenÞr, þEosd on lfto irrtûmslþn thtt you provided, the âbovc ¡s the statut of the iìdividt¡slon ths rctivo ù!y r{etue date sB to âI b{âñch€s of ltìå Un}formÀd Scrvices {Arrry, ¡\¡av}r, Harrrre CôrFc. A¡l ForEe, NOAA, Fublç Hoahh. ¡ncl CoerlG,rard), TldÊË'lðlu€hdudesinlqrmalþnanaSHv¡Çemembersrhiylìerunitrecs¡vlÞgûöUúcalhnolL{uteqrdereù}rePoflfotActivêDtÉy. YhûryYr,. ,W-,fr4ü,- Mary M. $nEvely-Oixofl, Okeetût Dcpartment ofDelorpo . ManpoÀüðr D¡h CrrÉer 4€O0 Mðrk Centsr Dlive, Sui{ô O¿tEZs Arlirgton. VA 2235û Cìvil ReliefAct Êaq¡lc ¡¡ ol: J¡l0t20ld Ol:2û,02 ÀM scR 3.0 ,rrciivrOutv&*rt tits Àdä¡. flfl FJrd Dr¡Sh }l^rlA tto ¡t 'L¡lt'¡dfl ôÈ wäLl3ú? oM ot r¡üvr Ouiv StfiOd! AdlС¡ft#tÈ Árìv. lìá, Eìd l}tu 9ùt¡Ð Oorìrrèúart N^KA t'lô NA x,' ;¡;;. ¡¡l ¿* dàô.d¿d $â ^rtiË û,tì¡ 9áåÉ ô¡t æôr Ncañodon * Drtà ôd.r tloölol!ön È,ld Þra.Strh,.s{rvtt CoÉrÞoJro'¡l NÀ NA l¡o u llfa ¡r¡oo¡x ¡¡{l¡d¡ þlrrúr ü¡t ¡dþ¡dElsh¡'}rrÐl hrr rEaþöd ãly idilþÐþ ttþotÎllfllqllllþtv : Nunrber: 2014-00017388 Page B of 10 Ccrtlf lcate of PublicatÍon FORECLOSUßES PLACEMENT SERVTCES, INC State of Arkansas County ol Pulaskl l, WILUAM F, REtfOR" JtrL, do solemnly swear thatl anr the P¡tsident of Foreclozurt Plaeme¡t Servlces, Inc, whose business itis to place foreclosure sale nohcç infomradon i¡r newspâpers in compliance with á-C*A- 1e5e105(1). I was President at and during the tÌme Fo¡erfosuEe Placement servlces, Incwå6 emplo¡red to Place the pubücation and pooting of such foreclosure såIe notiæ Ínformstion in the matter of: )I ss. Bor¡ower Address Subssibed and sworn tobeforc me this fune"23 2014 Mycommission expires the Ilth day of October,202l, Debr¡ L. Wrtght,Iohn¡rie À Wright 550 Weat Sl(elton Süeet, FayetÞvilÞ, AR 7?707 I hereby ceritfy that the foreclosure sale ¡rotice infprmatior was publiohed in the Nordr¡ryest Àrkansas Newspapers, a general cirølation newsPaPef , one dsre a weeÌ for fuur consecutive weeks, tf¡e fi91 of wru¿r wâsnot mo¡t than ten (10) days prior to the aale date. I hereby cerHfy that the pnrblication of ¡aid foreclosurc sale notice infor¡nation srictly complies with Ark, Code Arm, g 1S-50.f05{1). At the tl¡re of eaid placemenÇ Foreclosufe Placernent Sen¡ices, Ûrc was not affiliated with the Tmeúee orMortgagee' - l,rk William F, Rector,tr, Presifent 52-2ß7lp ffi,rå-s' .f Ïtii,æi i *ilo'ttstllt#* I Nurnber; 20 1 4-0001 73BB Page I of 10 AR I(ANSAS DEFARTMENT O F FINANCE AND ADM IN ISÍRATION Real Property Transfer Tax Affidavit of Compliance Form Granlee lRrrüraret) Nare U.S. Bsnt, Natíond Assoclatloo, er Trusleo for the CefiíflcsteÇsrtiflc¡teholdels Granlo{ (Sefle0 Namc Jotrnnio A. Wight and tþbra L. Wrlght Adgrc¡c 350 Hþhlend DrÍvo Addrees f03 Cynthls Avonue CÌly Lswi¡vílle Slate TX Zlp Cod€ r50e7 Clty Farminglon Ståtr AR ZþCodo 727so Oale of re¿l prop€rty trenlfer (as Í0fl0t1€d on the tran¡fer ln¡lrument);Jun 30, 2014 NamÈ of th€ county wherp lhe propedy ig locåtêd: Wae hlngton Çountt Arnounl of tho lul conrlderatlon Íor ths tr¿nsactìon:30,00 Washington County, AR I certify this instrument was filed on 711'll2O14 12:55:29 PM and recordod in REAL ESTATE File# 2014-00017388 Kyle $ylvester - C¡rcuit Clerk Pleass eeleç{ the spproprlato oxempllon below: z^ A tranofor lo or fiom lhe Unllsd States, ths Stato of Arkan¡ag. or ány of tho htstnrmentalltica, agençlos, or poftlcal rubdlvielorì$ of tho( Unitod Stgler or tho St¡to of Arkansas. I Any lnetrument or wrltlng glvôn rololy to sôcürô å dsbt. - Any instrument solely for lhc purpoea ot conôcông or replacing rn lnstil,ment that has þoên prevlourþ rccordod wlth full payment of the ' lax having bocn pald et tho tlms of the provlous rôcodallon. C An instrumcnt conveylng land ¡old fu¡ dellnquent taxcs. f Àn lnatrurnent conveylng leasshold lntsrosl in land only- /^ An instrument, închding a timber deed, that oonvÇys or grents the rþht lo rernove tirnber lrom l¡nd lf lhe illstrument gr8nts or cÐnv€y8 lhe\ right to remove llmber lor â perÍod of not 1o Bxceed twenty-four (?4) months' 7* An lnslrumcnt givon þy on6 (1) party in a divorcs acllon to olhor party lo the divorce actiorl ås a dÍvis¡ofl of maÍtal pnoperty tvhethËr by ' agrgamont or ordor of lhe court, ¡,- An instrumÈnl g ivên in any judiciâl prooeeding to enforce åny æcrlrity interest i0 roal estâte when tht iÍsttum€nt han8fðß lhe Proporly to ' lha $arno person who ls seekíng to €nforc€ the BÐc¡Jrity interest' 1î An instrumeil glvgn to e recured party in lieu ol or to âvoid a trdicial proceeding to enforcê a sÊcuf¡ty inlerest ln rcaleslate. An instrunrent conúêying a homô finaÕced by the Federrl Hougng Admhìislrstion, the United statcs DopartsfÌènt ol Votetan¡ Añ¡lrs. or /.- the United Statos pa-pañment ol Agrículture Rulal Devclopment, i ttle sale prlcs of the homo l$ tixt!'thousand dollara (ü60,000) or leas( and thc setroi riÈs-w¡irr $e ùûunty iecordor of desda a ew'rn statement þy lhe buyer stat¡ng.thet.neithcr th€ buyer nor tho tPouse of the buyer has owned a homc wlttrln th ree (3) yearr of the dale ol closing and a[so stating lhe såþ Prloo oÍ tle home. An lnttrumsnt cônvey¡ng lsnd betlveen co¡po¡6tions, partnershipd, llmited lÍability conpanies. or olhêr business entltles or botween s C businoas entity and its s*harclrolder, padnar or rurbrr incidenl to tho orgenization, reorganÞotlon. morgor,consolldalion, capitoliration,' asset distribut'lo,r, ol lhuidallon of a boçoratiun, påftüership, tlmfted nabítiþ company, or öther business entity. f e benellclary deed underACA 18-12-608. C Consldenatlon of $tOO or fo$r (î Oftrer (Exp,a¡n): Deedfiom non.Jvdlclal foreclosuresale;Noc665þq¡¿¡þnexchanged;CtedltSH I cêrtftV untter penolty of fslso swearlng that doanmentary slsmps or r documontary symbol itl Jerr Mossâlli {Print Name) > Number: 201 4-0001 7388 amount hss beon placed ort lhic instrunænl, 07fi3nm( (O¡t!) Page 10 of 10 Rêâ¡ PropÊnyTax AñldavitolComplisnce FoÍî (R f0/08/13) ;T¡ 3196 , * -:: {À r: Feet 0 105 210 420 630 840 N A fr :. j^:.^.!,:,,i:'r-üì.,v¡,.¡ I -'i rl r, r- ::¡-' '- r l;ì:: .. #1ËâNSù,;S$ÌtrNú:a-\aì&::M,: :r "a ierr- .:i:s I ..r¡ ti;.1, .( .:.f:.1 ' 3: '-. ' .rj_ *411. ,¡ &i.s ifÉ $[',- ¡-¡.û ffiii,., í,ffi;ìtË,i;åå;,.*'å :,11-i:::. HlW,f -1'¿',iY:.s* j; iint*',ffi;, i¡ì .,ì-i i üffi*:'n;-.i+!- l¿ .'Si:r.r;tr',' z$ r i,i{a¡'i#f;üt L$: F'T .,Æ t¿ i#.'.*,sl;''twar',*'Y¡:..Li I't ' !i q€b ;'L;.1' ., - }u.' ï\ .d . ::iit '' ril*:, |; :; . r .,'- 't!; ..):: ,Át r::::": : : tlfi:. " di.+sïJ,¡*¡";l'* ü.' City of Fayetteville, Arkansas - Budget Adjustment Form (Legistar) Division: Community Resources Dept.: Development Services Requestor: Cherrell Lee Budget Year 201 6 Adjustment Number BU DG ET ADJ USTM ENT DESCRT PT|ON / J USTr FTCATTON : Moving funds in preparation of non-compliance to the Raze and Removal request for 550 W. Skelton St. Funds from the Use of Funds Balance will cover the project as there are no expected funds to be left in the Raze and Removal account. COUNCIL DATE: LEGISTAR FILE ID#: 211612016 20r 6-0059 Bø.rba.rwTelL U2B/20t6 t-:28 ?M Budget Dírector Dote RESOLUTTON/ORDTNANCE TYPE: DESCRIPTION: GLDATE: POSTED: v.20150925TOTAL Accounl Number 14,500 ì4.500 lncreose / (Decreose)Project.Sub# Project SubExpenseRevenue AT Account Nome 1.010.6420.5315.04 L4,500 s0033 7602 EX Raze And Removals 10L0.000L.4999.99 l_4,500 RE Use of Fund Balance C:\Users\lsmilh\AppDoto\Rooming\15\Temp\290ó0857-cOfo-4315-oóoo-8e53ó3óó143o ìofl CITY OF `Pay�Llq AfiKA1� ABATEMENT LIIEN 4-7-c ID IIIIIIIIIIIIII III VIII IIUI IIHI IIIII8111111II lillilllill•�IIIIIINIIIII IIII IIII Doc ID: 016912270001 Type: LIE K1nd: LIEN Recorded: 08/1ou3/2016 at 17;47:09 AM Fee Amt: $15.00 Pape 1 .1 1 KyleESylvesternClr`cuitt"�Clerr�k FAIOL 1 3 0-0000025 5 This lien executed this'?1" clay of ,lune, 2016 by the Cit of. Fayetteville (referred to as the City) for the unsafe conditions of the property located at 550 W Skelton, more particularly described as; The East Half of Lot 23, all of cots 24, 25, 26 and part of Lot Number 27, thence North 210 fcot, thence West 175 feet, thence South 210 feet, thence East 175 feet, to the point of beginning, all in J.W. Skelton's Subdivision of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Soutiimst Quarter of Section twenty-eight (28) in Township siz 6ri. (ib) North of flange thirty (30) West, as per Plat on file in the Office of The Circuit Clerk and Ex -Officio Reoorder of Washington County, Arkansas. (referred to as the Property), owned by US Bank NationM Association, or his/her/their heirs or assigns, (referred to as the Owner). NOW THERE, FORE, in consideration for the raze and removal, and clean up expense: 1. The City directed the 'Owner(s) of the Property to correct the unsafe conditions on the Property. The Owner(s) failed to correct the conditions resulting in an abatement cost of Fourteen Thousand Five:Hundred Dollars, ($14,500). 2. This lien will be filed with the Ex -Officio Recorder of Washington County, Arkansas. IN WITNESS THEREOF, THE City has executed this Lien on or as of the date first written. -'" / --- lute A0 90 - gpw Lio d Jo an, A4ayyor,•' L SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN before me, A Notary Public, this Notary Public My Commission Expires � tl (1 (.;to/� M (SEAL) Mailing Address: COMMUNITY RESOURCES 113 W. Mountain Street www,fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701