HomeMy WebLinkAbout45-16 RESOLUTION113 West Mounta¡n Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 45-16 File Number: 2016-0022 IN-HOUSE PAVEMENT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADruSTMENT REAPPROPzuATING AMOUNT OF $5OO,OOO.OO FROM THE WILLOW BEND DEVELOPMENT COST TO THE IN-HOUSE PAVEMENT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT FOR 2016 WHEREAS, the $500,000.00 currently appropriated for the Willow Bend Development in 2016 will not be needed unti|2017 at the earliest; and WHEREAS, those funds can and should be used to increase street overlay and microsurfacing production in 2016 and the funding for the Willow Bend Development cost share program will be replaced as part of the 2017 Capital Improvements Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution, reappropriating funds in the amount of $500,000.00 from the Willow Bend Development Cost Share Project to the In-House Pavement Improvements Project for 2016. ¡ur)ll,!'1't¡, .+)"clFl ")á /.çil,:Ëþr5163r.. PASSED and APPROVED on 2/2/2016 sÈ"Y'i'ïi áirq?:,*\,Sn '.4- o'r tn '19,"'2"'*¿,il1'rsrl".$\*s ì i-tsWc;x"'i';Å¡\.'* 1%í"?il,,?'Y'i' roñ bQYñ Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Treasurer &*t &:ä"' FLINDS IN THE SHARE PROJECT Cost Share Project -n^Y^'V.ei. Pr¡nted on 2/3/16 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Text File File Number:2016-0022 113 West Mounta¡n Streel Fayettev¡lle, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Agenda Date:21212016 ln Control: City Councíl Meeting Agenda Number: C. 1 Version: 1 Status: Passed File Type: Resolution IN-HOUSE PAVEMENT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADruSTMENT REAPPROPRIATING FUNDS IN THE AMOLTNT OF $5OO,OOO.OO FROM THE WILLOW BEND DEVELOPMENT COST SHARE PROJECT TO THE IN-HOUSE PAVEMENT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT FOR 2016 \üHEREAS, the $500,000.00 currently appropriated for the Willow Bend Development Cost Share Project in 2016 will not be needed unTi12017 at the earliest; and WHEREAS, those funds can and should be used to increase street overlay and microsurfacing production in 2016 and the funding for the Willow Bend Development cost share program will be replaced as part of the 2011 Capital Improvements Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section L That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution, reappropriating funds in the amount of $500,000.00 from the Willow Bend Development Cost Share Project to the In-House Pavement Improvements Project for 2016. City oî Fayetteviile, Arkansas Page 1 PÍinted on Z3/2O16 John Nelson City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2Ðå6-&#äA Legistar Fiie t# älälãüì.# City Council Meeting Date - Agenda ltem Only N/A for Non-Agenda ltem 1/13/201.6 Tra nsportation Services / Transportation Services Department Submitted By Subm¡tted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation : A resolution to approve appropriating 5500,000 from the Willow Bend Development Cost Share project to the ln- House Pavement lmprovements project lor 201,6; and approving a budget adjustment. Budget lmpact: 4470.9470.5417.OO Sales Tax Capital lmprovements Fund ln-House Pavement lmprovements Project Title Current Budget S L,852,000.00 9,062.00Funds Obligated Current Balance s i,#.43,*',3&"#* Account Number o2052 Does item have a cost? Budget Adjustment Attached? Project Number Budgeted ltem? Yes Yes Yes Item Cost Budget Adjustment 500,000.00 500,000.00 Remaining Budget Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Original Contract Number: Comments: Approval Date: CITY OFffik CITY COUNCIL AGENÐA MTMO MEETING OF FEBRUARY 2,2016 TO: Mayor and City Council THRU: Don Marr, Chief of Staff Terry Gulley, Transportation Services Director FROM: John Nelson, Management Accounting Coordinator DATE: January 13,2016 SUBJEGT: ln-HousePavementlmprovementsFunding RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends appropriating $500,000 from the Willow Bend Development Cost Share project to the ln-House Pavement lmprovements project for 2016. BACKGROUND: The ln-House Pavement lmprovements project provides resources for the systematic overlay and micro surfacing of existing streets. The Willow Bend Development Cost Share project will fund a cost share with an affordable housing project to provide funding towards the cost of street and drainage infrastructure. DISCUSSION: On November 24,2015 the Transportation Committee was presented with the Transportation Division overlay and sidewalk construction plan for 2016. Based on the timing for the Willow Bend development and in order to increase street overlay and micro surfacing production, the committee favored utilizing approved funding from the Willow Bend project to increase the pavement program. This transfer of funds would be replaced during the 2017 CIP preparation. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: Funding would be transferred from one capital project to another. Attachments: Budget Adjustment Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR7270L www.fayettevi lle-ar.gov City of Fayetteville, Arkansas - Budget Adjustment Form (Legistar) Division: Tronsporloiion Services Dept.: Tronsportotion Services Requestor: John Nelson Budget Year 201 6 Adjustment Number BU DGET ADJ USTMENT DESCRT pTtON / J UST| FtCAT|ON : This budget adjustment moves funding from the Willow Bend Development Cost Share project to the ln-House Pavement I mprovements project. RESOLUTTON/ORDTNANCE COUNCIL DATE: LEGISTAR FILE ID#: 2/2/2016 2016-0022 ßø¿.bø,rwTe,W 1ft3/201_6 2:7s ?1,4 Budget Director TYPE: Doie DESCRIPTION: GLDATE: POSTED: v.2O150925TOTAL Accounl Number lncreose / (Decreose)Projeci.Sub# Projecl SubExpenseRevenue AT Account Nome 2100.5520.5 4r7 .OO 2100.5500.5809.00 500,000 Ls-0qq00) 02052 1500L EX EX Street Maintenance Street lmprovements C:\Users\lsmiTh\AppDolo\Rooming\15\Temp\7feb7o99-4lf l-4fec-bZdb-421147298o72 lofl