HomeMy WebLinkAbout44-16 RESOLUTION,ffiffiffi WV:¿,tì,i¿WW 1 13 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolutiont 44-16 File Numbeï 2016-0023 GULF COAST HIGH INTENSITY DRUG TRAFFICKING AREA FUNDING: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADruSTMENT RECOGNIZING FLINDING FROM THE GULF COAST HIGH INTENSITY DRUG TRAFFICKING AREA IN THE AMOLINT OF $136,992.00 FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FÄYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment recognizing funding from the Gulf Coast High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area in the amount of $136,992.00 for investigator activity, purchase of evidence and information, and vehicle allowances for the Police Department. PASSED andAPPROVED on 212/2016 :,rJ: ?¿ r\Á- ' _."\*Ësl+lr;i;#& (J. ç_' '-Y. 5$'¿nV"ò:r.€j lË"* iifrP', ;u-¿'.o"¿-ê \t "Øð1åi:óö$""r4r;ii,x:,q:,ì'"*ffoNs¡?:i$iAttest: LEYETTEViLr [] ¡ oj ¿ Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Treasurer Page I Printed on 2/3/16 .t@, Gity of Fayetteville, Arkansas Text File File Number:2016-0023 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Agenda Date:21212016 ln Control: City Council Meeting Agenda Number: A. 14 Version:1 Status: Passed File Type: Resolution GULF COAST HIGH INTENSITY DRUG TRAFFICKING AREA FUNDING: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT RECOGNIZING FLINDING FROM THE GULF COAST HIGH INTENSITY DRUG TRAFFICKING AREA IN THE AMOLINT OF 5136,992.00 FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section l. That the Cily Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment recognizing funding from the Gulf Coast High Intensify Drug Trafficking Area in the amount of $136,992.00 for investigator activity, purchase of evidence and information, and vehicle allowances for the Police Department. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Pr¡nted on 2/3/2016 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2016-0023 ffi 21212ot6 Clty Council Meeting Date - Agenda ltem Only N/A for Non-Agenda ltem G. Tabor t/t5/zot6 Police / Police ?epartment Submitted Date Division / DepartmentSubmitted By Action Recommendation: Approval of a budget adjustment to recognize federal funding from the Gulf Coast High lntensity Drug Traffickíng Area (HIDTA) in the amount of 5136,992. Budget lmpact: Project Number Budgeted ltem? Yes Does item have a cost? NA Budget Adjustment Attached? Yes Drug Enforcement Fund WAMDT 201.6 Project Title Current Budget 5 e37,000.00 Funds Obligated 5 f1,166.60 Current Balance lå _1tr1401 Item Cost BudgetAdjustment 5 f36,992.00 Remaining Budget S 162,82s.40 2930-2960-various Account Number 38070-L602 v20140710 Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Origina I Contract Number: Comments: Approval Date: CITY OF CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO MEETING OF FEBRUARY 2, 2016 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT:Approval of a Budget Adjustment for federal funding from the Gulf Coast High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the budget adjustment to recognize federal funding from the Gulf Coast High lntensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) in the amount of $136,992. lf you should have any comments or question regarding this federal funding, please contact me at extension 500. BACKGROUND: The Gulf Coast HIDTA provides federalfunding from the Office of National Drug Control Policy to multi-jurisdictional drug enforcement initiatives throughout Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee. The Fayetteville Police Department has partnered with Washington County Sheriff's Office, Springdale Police Department, Prairie Grove Police Department, and the local Drug Enforcement Administration office to create the Western Arkansas Mobile Deployment Team (WAMDT) initiative with Washington County beÍng the fíduciary agency. DISGUSSION: WAMDT's mission is to infiltrate and disrupt drug trafficking organizations (DTOs)at the street level. The Gulf Coast HIDTA funds overtime for investigator activity, covert buy money for the purchase of evidence/purchase of information (PEPI), and vehicle allowances. The Gulf Coast HIDTA has approved 2016 funding for the Fayetteville Police Department in the amount of $136,992. This amount represents ovefiime fundíng for four (4) investigators at $17,548 each including benefits, PEPI in the amount $50,000, and two vehicle allowances at $8,400 each annually. This funding has a two year life span and must be spent by December 31, 2017. WAMDT is currently preparing their 2017 funding request to the Gulf Coast HIDTA, however, future allocations are contingent upon congressional approval. BUDGET/STAFF IMPAGT: lncrease in budgeted revenue equal to the increase in budgeted expense for this non- matching federalfunding to reimburse existing DTF lnvestigators overtime, covert funds, and vehicle allowances. This budget adjustment has no impact on stafüng levels. Mayor and City Council Greg Tabor, Chief of Police January 14,2Q16 Ma¡ting Address: 113 W Mountain Slreet Fayetteville, AR 72701 www.fayettevil le-ar. gov :\.::"W':f^,Í':];,lffi1¡ffi'.1:?l"j^;ÍE:lë:!,/a{4;i?Æ:::-::: :..:'::laÆ',k!þtirø*-1..':::ffit''jjM"ì+rrrffirvtrM Attachments: Budget Adjustment 2016 WAMDT Budget for Fayetteville PD Project Maintenance Form 'ai Total Amount Gomments $ 70.192 4 lnvestigators @ 517,548each $ 70.192 $ 16.800 4 assígned for 2 allowances @ S7O0/month/allowance $ 16.800 $ 50.000.00 Covert buYfunds $ s0.000.00 $ 136,992.00 ráietþ.VlllirFiillcd.pèBaitrìiênt' . Overtime Posltlon lnvestlgatlve - Law Enforcement Officer Total Services Description and Quantity Vehicle allowance Total Other Descrlption pËlPvPs Total 1.5.0:S # Positlons 4 Grand Total r.sri.. .i.'.,1NæN* rr.Srsrr$Ì.is-:ts,\Wìffgr#4ffi ßrjrrw(ffi Sub Project Request: Project Number Sub Project Number Sub Pr{ect Title (40 char) Sub Project Abbv (15 char) Sub Project Status Sub Project Division Scheduled Start Date Scheduled Ending Date Actual Start Date Actual Ending Date Sub Project Maintenance Form New SubProject. 38070 1602 WAMDT 2016 WAMDT 2016 Active Police 11112016 <= Double Click Date Cells 1213112017 <= Double Click Date Cells 11112016 <= Double Click Date Cells 1213112017 <= Double Click Date Cetts 30 Char Le 5 Char Lefl GLACCOUNT#Account Description Need Setup AQ9/Delete Add 20171231 20160101 20't71231 Add to PCARD 2930.0993.4309.01 2930.2960.5120.00ffiffi Confidential - HIDTA PEPI Add Add Add Setup subproject to track 2OL6 federaÌ Deployment Team (VùAMDT) funding for Vüesternrkansas Mobile Descript'ion/Justification of Request Entered By H:\Willie\Gulf Coast HIDTA\WAMDT\2016\Agenda Request\Project Accounting Request Form City of Fayetteville, Arkansas - Budget Adjustment Form {Legistar} Division: Police Dept.: Police Requestor: W. Newmon Budget Year 201 6 Adjustment Number BU DG ET ADJ USTM ENT DESCRT PTTON / J UST!FtCATtON : Establish revenue and expense budgets in Project Accounting to track federal funding from the Gulf Coast High lntensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) lnitiative for Fayetteville's portion of the Western Arkansas Mobile Deployment Team (WAMDT). COUNCIL DATE: LEGISTAR FILE ID#: 2/212016 2016-0023 ßø,rl¡ø,t"wFelL 1/1+/201_6 9:1_B Al,4 Budgel Direclor Dote RESOLUTION/ORDINANCE TYPE: DESCRIPTION: GLDATE: POSTED: v.2O150925TOTAL Account Number 136,992 136,992 lncreose / {Decreose)Project.Sub# Proiect SubExpenseRevenue AT Account Nome 2930.0993.4309.01" 2930.2960.5 L20.00 2930.2960.s379.07 2930.2960.s802.00 136,992 38070 L602 RE FederalGrants - Operational 70,1.92 50,000 38070 7602 38070 7602 EX Personnel Services - Contra EX Confidential - HIDTA PEPI l_6,800 38070 7602 EX Vehicles And Equipment C:\Users\lsmith\AppDolo\Rooming\15\Temp\f529e0dd-o0f5-4537-80o3-d73094óeB9d0 lofl b36. In on ' @Da( ecasA- kA IDA City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form o, 2016-0208 �� Legistar File ID N/A City Council Meeting Date-Agenda Item Only N/A for Non-Agenda Item Greg Tabor 4/14/2016 Police/ Police Department Submitted By Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: Approval of a Memorandum of Agreement with Washington County,Arkansas for activities and reporting requirements related to the 2016 Gulf Coast High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) funding period as previously approved in Resolution #44-16. Budget Impact: Account Number Fund Project Number Project Title Budgeted Item? NA Current Budget $ - Funds Obligated $ - Current Balance $ - Does item have a cost? NA Item Cost Budget Adjustment Attached? NA Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget $ - V20140710 Previous Ordinance or Resolution it 44-16 Original Contract Number: Approval Date: 4 —1 L.,Q Comments: • CITY OF Ta? le STAFF MEMO Y ARKANSAS TO: Lioneld Jordan, Mayor FROM: Greg Tabor, Chief of Police DATE: April 14, 2016 SUBJECT: 2016 Gulf Coast High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area— Memorandum of Agreement RECOMMENDATION:. Staff recommends approval of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)with Washington County, Arkansas for activities and reporting requirements related to the 2016 Gulf Coast High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA)funding period as previously approved in Resolution • #44-16. BACKGROUND: In 2010, members of the Fourth Judicial District Drug Task Force (DTF) partnered with the Drug Enforcement Administration to begin the application process to become a Gulf Coast HIDTA Initiative under the name of Western Arkansas Mobile Deployment Team (WAMDT). Upon approval, drug enforcement funding became available from the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP). This funding source continues to pay for drug investigation overtime, vehicle allowances, and covert buy funds. Funds allocated to the Fayetteville Police Department for its participation in WAMDT for the 2016 funding period totals $136,992. DISCUSSION: Washington County has been the fiduciary agency for all Gulf Coast HIDTA Initiatives in Arkansas since inception. In prior years, no MOA was required by Washington County, Gulf Coast HIDTA, or ONDCP. Beginning with the 2016 funding period, all Gulf Coast HIDTA Initiatives are required to have a MOA on file with their fiduciary agency to participate in the Gulf Coast HIDTA. In practice, the Fayetteville Police Department and WAMDT have historically met all activities and reporting requirements specified in the attached MOA. There are no new or unexpected requirements for our continued participation in WAMDT and the Gulf Coast HIDTA. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: Budget amount of$136,992 for the 2016 funding period was previously approved via Resolution #44-16, attached. There is no staff impact associated with the approval of this MOA. Attachments: Mefnorariduril of Agreement —Washington County Resolution Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS AND FAYETTEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT This Agreement between Washington County, Arkansas and Fayetteville Police Department shall begin on January 1,2016 and shall not extend beyond December 31, 2017 unless the period is extended by modification of this Agreement. WHEREAS,Washington County,Arkansas has been designated the fiscal agent for the Gulf Coast High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA)program, all requests for payments and budget reprogramming shall pass through Washington County,Arkansas. NOW, THEREFORE, Washington County, Arkansas and Gulf Coast HIDTA hereby agree to the disbursement of HIDTA funds in the amount of$136,992 to the resource recipient, Fayetteville Police Department, under the following terms and conditions: 1. Fayetteville Police Department agrees to follow all applicable federal, state, and local guidelines regarding purchases and other expenditures under the HIDTA program, including but not limited to,the following: OMB Circular 87, OM Circular A-102, OMG Circular A-133, 21 CFR Part 1403, the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards(2 CFR 200),and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). 2. Fayetteville Police Department agrees to abide by and be bound by the attached budget (Appendix A) for purchases including future reprogramming requests as approved by Washington County, Arkansas and Gulf Coast HIDTA. All reprogramming request shall be submitted via email to the Gulf Coast HIDTA Director of Operations. • 3. Requests for payment shall be submitted on a quarterly basis to the financial office through the HIDTA State Director of Operations at the following address by the 10th day of each month following the quarterly end: Brian Chambers 3730 Appling Road Bartlett, TN 38133 • All invoices submitted shall comply with the terms noted in Appendix D. The last invoice from the Resource Recipient (Fayetteville Police Department) shall be received by the HIDTA State Director of Operations no later than the 151h day prior to the grant expiration date, unless the grant is extended. All reimbursement of Overtime Expenses will be submitted using the appropriate fonn { (Appendix C) which must contain the HIDTA Group Task Force Supervisor's signature, certifying the overtime was HIDTA related and with the HIDTA case number contained therein. I . . 4. Resource Recipient(Fayetteville Police Department)agrees to complete all applicable items in Appendix D and return to Washington County,Arkansas along with the signed agreement. 5. Washington County agrees to transfer hands to the resource recipient after funds have been dectronikaally transmitted by Gulf Coast HIDTA and receipted into Washington County's Treasury Fu nda 6. Resource Recipient(Fayetteville Police Department)agrees to reimburse Washington County for any invoice paid by Washington County if such is later disallowed after audit for financial review. 7. For any and all disputes arising out of this Agreement the parties hereto agree that Jurisdiction will lie within Washington County.Arkansas. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties admowleddge the Agreement as evidenced by their signatures below. .1 yn Edwards Fa ..efti a Police Department Washington County Judge Resource Recipient • APPROVED AS TO FORM APR 2 5 2016 e- ' WASIWCN COUNTY % i I i HIDTA 2016 Disclosure ofHigh Risk Status G16GC0004A The City of Fayetteville is not currently designated high by another federal gent making agency. /IP • ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF ARKANSAS ) )SS COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) On this day before the undersigned,a Notaryblit,¢iy�1`n acting in and for the county and state aforesaid, personally appeared t \ , satishctorily proven to be the person whose name appears in the foregoing instnnnent,and stated that he/she had executed the same for the consideration,uses and purposes therein stated. In witness whereof,I hereunto set my hand and seal on this 03,4day of 2016. 111 . 1(1. hs.t •r 1.7tvn• .lit • • • -4 ' r . • My Commission Expires: e ' +o1MY et ' acct. y,: �! ®\ i i APPENDIX A BUDGET • • t . I II` Budget Detail 2016 - Gulf Coast• Initiative - Western Arkansas Mobile Deployment Team Award Recipient - County of Washington (G16GC0004A) Resource Recipient - Fayetteville Police Department Indirect Cost:0.0% Awarded Budget(as approved by ONDCP) $299,648.00 Overtime Quantity Amount Investigative- Law Enforcement Officer 4 $70,192.00 Total Overtime $70,192.00 Services Quantity Amount Vehide allowance 2 $16,800.00 Total Services $16,800.00 Other Quantity Amount PE/PI/PS $50,000.00 Total Other $50,000.00 Total Budget $136,992.00 Page 10 of 13 3/4/2016 9:57:39 AM 1 • APPENDIX B Subaward Issued To: Fayetteville Police Department Federal Award Identification No. (FAIN): GI 6GC0004A Federal Award Date: 03/07/2016 Period of Performance: 01/01/2016-12/31/2017 Amount of Federal Funds Obligated by this Award to Fayetteville Police Department: $136,992 Total Amount of Federal Funds Obligated to Fayetteville Police Department including the current obligation(015+016): $166,403.86 Total Amount of Federal Award committed to Fayetteville Police Department by Washington County, Arkansas as received from Gulf Coast HIDTA: $166,403.86 Federal Award Project Description: This grant will support initiatives designed to implement the Strategy proposed by the Executive Board of the Gulf Coast HIDTA and approved by the Office of National Drug Control Policy(ONDCP). Federal Awarding Agency: Executive Office of the President Office of National Drug Control Policy Grantee(Pass Through Entity): Washington County, Arkansas Sheriff Tim Helder County Judge Marilyn Edwards 1155 Clydesdale Drive Fayetteville,AR 72701 CFDA Name and Number: High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Program-95.001 No indirect costs(as defined in CFR 200.414 Indirect(F&A)costs)have been authorized with this grant award. All requests for reimbursement must be made to the Gulf Coast HIDTA State Director of Operations Arkansas/Tennessee by the 101° day of the month following the end of each quarter: Brian Chambers 3730 Appling Road Bartlett, TN 38133 APPENDIX C ( Caculation of HIDTA Reimbursable Overtime 1i • • TFO's NAME HIDTA Overtime this period hrs • TFO's Regular pay rate TFO's Overtime rate @ 1.5 $ - I *fill In below only if agency is dalmimg fringe associated with HIDTA overtime • TFO's Fringe 'please note these are the only allowable fringe cost the HIDTA program will FICA reimburse • Life Health Retirement Workman's Comp 0.00% Fringe% percentage $ - Overtime X Fringe% ($50.10 X13.40%) • Please note this total must match what was paid on checkstub or payroll report submitted Caculation of Overtime $ - Rate X Hours with claim• •Please note only utilize this is agency is claiming fringe* 1.5 rate or regular Overtime rate+ rate+fringe rate Overtime rate w/Fringe% $ - fringe cost per hour ($50.10+$6.71) without fringe X Total HIDTA Request S - hours ($56.81'20 hrs) APPENDIX D A. General Terms and Conditions 1. This award is subject to The Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements in 2 C.F.R. Part 200(the"Part 200 Uniform Requirements"), as adopted and implemented by the Office of National Drug Control Policy(ONDCP)in 2 • C.F.R. Part 3603. For this 2016 award, the Part 200 Uniform Requirements supersede, among other things, the provisions of 28 C.F.R. Parts 66 and 70,as well as those of 2 C.F.R. Parts 215, 220, 225, and 230. For more information on the Part 200 Uniform Requirements, see https://cfo.gov/cofar/. For specific, award-related questions, recipients should contact ONDCP promptly for clarification. 2. This award is subject to the following additional regulations and requirements: • 28 CFR Part 69-"New Restrictions on Lobbying" • 2 CFR Part 25-"Universal Identifier and System of Award Management" • Conflict of Interest and Mandatory Disclosure Requirements,set out in paragraph 7 of these terms and conditions • Non-profit Certifications(when applicable) 3. Audits conducted pursuant to 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F, "Audit Requirements"must be submitted no later than 9 months after the close of the grantee's audited fiscal year to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse at https://harvester.census.gov/facweb/. 4. The recipient gives ONDCP or the Government Accountability Office, through any authorized representative, access to, and the right to examine, all paper or electronic records related to the grant. 5. Recipients of HIDTA funds are not agents of ONDCP. Accordingly, the grantee, its fiscal agent(s), employees, contractors, as well as state, local and Federal participants, either on a collective basis or on a personal level, shall not hold themselves out as being part of, or representing, the Executive Office of the President or ONDCP. 6. These general terms and conditions as well as archives of previous versions of the general terms and conditions are available online at www.whitehouse.gov/ondcp/grants . 7. Conflict of Interest and Mandatory Disclosures a. Conflict of Interest Requirements As a non-Federal entity, you must follow ONDCP's conflict of interest policies for Federal awards. Recipients must disclose in writing any potential conflict of interest to an ONDCP Program Officer; recipients that are pass-through entities must require disclosure from subrecipients or contractors. This disclosure must take place immediately whether you are an applicant or have an active ONDCP award. The ONDCP conflict of interest policies apply to sub-awards as well as contracts, and are as follows: i. As a non-Federal entity, you must maintain written standards of conduct • covering conflicts of interest and governing the performance of your employees engaged in the selection, award, and administration of subawards and contracts. ii. None of your employees may participate in the selection, award, or administration of a subaward or contract supported by a Federal award it he or she has a rela or apparent conflict of interest. Such a conflict of interest would arise when the employee,officer,or agent, any member of his or her immediate family,his or her partner,or an organization which employees or is about to employ any of the parties indicated herein, has a financial or other interest in or a tangible personal benefit from an organization considered for a sub-award or contract. The officers, employees, and agents of the non-Federal entity must neither solicit nor accept gratuities, favors, ofanything of monetary value from sub- recipients or contractors or parties to subawards or contracts. iii. If you have a parent, affiliate, or subsidiary organization that is not a State, local government,or Indian tribe, you must also maintain written standards of conduct covering organizational conflict of interest. ,Organizational conflicts of • interest means that because of relationships with a parent company, affiliate, or subsidiary organization, you are unable or appear to be unable to be impartial in conducting a sub-award or procurement action involving a related organization. B. Mandatory Disclosure Requirement As a non-Federal entity, you must disclose, in a timely manner, in writing to ONDCP all violations of Federal criminal law involving fraud, bribery or gratuity violations potentially affecting the Federal award. Non-Federal entities that have received a Federal award that includes the term and condition outlined in 200 CFR Part 200, Appendix XII "Award Term • and Condition for Recipient Integrity and Performance Matters,"are required to report certain civil,criminal, or administrative proceedings to SAM. Failure to make required disclosures can result in remedies such as: temporary withholding of payments pending correction of the deficiency,disallowance of all or part of the costs associated with noncompliance,suspension,termination of award, debarment,or other legally available remedies outlined in 2 CFR 200.338 "Remedies for Noncompliance". FFATA/DATA Act Compliance. Each applicant is required to(i) Be registered in the System for Award Management(SAM)before submitting its application; (ii)provide a valid DUNS number in its application; (iii)continue to maintain an active SAM registration with current information at all times during which it has an active Federal award; and(iv) provide all relevant grantee information required for ONDCP to collect for reporting related to FFATA and DATA Act requirements. 8. Washington County,Arkansas, as the Grantee,is required to monitor this subaward as outlined in 2 CFR 200.331. 9. Recipients must comply with the Government-wide Suspension and Debarment provision set forth at 2 CFR Part 180. 10. As specified in the HIDTA Program Policy and Budget Guidance, recipient must: • a. Establish and maintain effective internal controls over the Federal award that provides reasonable assurance that Federal award funds are managed in compliance with Federal statutes, regulations and award terms and conditions. These internal controls should be in compliance with the"Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government," issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and the"Internal Control Integrated Framework," issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). b. Comply with Federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the Federal awards. c. Evaluate and monitor compliance with applicable statute and regulations, and the terms and conditions of the Federal awards. d. Take prompt action when instances of noncompliance are identified, including noncompliance identified in audit findings. e. Take reasonable measures to safeguard protected personally identified information(PII) and other information ONDCP or the recipient designates consistent with applicable Federal, state, and local laws regarding privacy and obligations of confidentiality. Program Specific Terms and Conditions The following special conditions are incorporated into each award document. 1. This grant is awarded for above program. Variation from the description of activities • approved by ONDCP and/or from the budget attached to this letter must comply with the reprogramming requirements as set forth in ONDCP's HIDTA Program Policy and Budget Guidance. 2. This award is subject to the requirements in ONDCP's HIDTA Program Policy and Budget Guidance. 3. No HIDTA funds shall be used to supplant state or local funds that would otherwise be made available for the same purposes. 4. The requirements of 28 CFR Part 23,which pertain to information collection and management of criminal intelligence systems, shall apply to any such systems supported by this award. 5. Special accounting and control procedures must govern the use and handling of HIDTA Program funds for confidential expenditures; i.e., the purchase of information, evidence, and services for undercover operations. Those procedures are described in Section 6 of the HIDTA Program Policy and Budget Guidance. 6. Property acquired with these HIDTA grant funds is to be used for activities of the Gulf Coast HIDTA,this equipment must be made available to the HIDTA's Executive Board for use by other HIDTA participants. 7. All law enforcement entities that receive funds from this grant must report all methamphetamine laboratory seizure data to the National Clandestine Laboratory Database/National Seizure System at the El Paso Intelligence Center. C. Federal Award Performance Goals 1. All entities that receive funds from this award are responsible for achieving performance goals established in the HIDTA Performance Management Process(PMP) and approved by the HIDTA's Executive Board and ONDCP. 2. All entities that receive funds from this award must report progress in achieving performance goals at least quarterly using the PMP. ACCEPi ANCE OF GRANT CONDITIONS 111% Aski Date: 1'- X)-its ' < AY EyyF 4 f. Q A • '9gkS PS 4�N • 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville,AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 ' Resolution: 44-16 File Number: 2016-0023 GULF COAST HIGH INTENSITY DRUG TRAFFICKING AREA FUNDING: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT RECOGNIZING FUNDING FROM THE GULF COAST HIGH INTENSITY DRUG TRAFFICKING AREA IN THE AMOUNT OF $136,992.00 FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment recognizing funding from the Gulf Coast High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area in the amount of $136,992.00 for investigator activity, purchase of evidence and information, and vehicle allowances for the Police Department. oFK r f fr�r�i'. `c•- • C“ p PASSED and APPROVED on 2/2/2016 ; o` n- FAYETTEVILLF Approv d: Attest: 17,9 ,; iv7G;p N TON C,• %0 .J;��intinic _ f • I ion, • Jorda1, Mayor Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Treasurer • Page 1 Printed on 2/3/16