HomeMy WebLinkAbout43-16 RESOLUTIONW 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 43-16 File Number: 2016-0037 ARKANSAS HIGTIWAY AND TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT : A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A PAYMENT OF $359,587.42 TO THE ARKANSAS HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE HIGHWAY 4 5 I OLD WIRE ROAD SIGNAL AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT WHEREAS, Resolution No. 3l-10, which was passed by the City Council on February 16, 2010, approved an Agreement of Understanding with the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department for the design and construction of a lrafftc signal and intersection improvements project at Highway 45 and Old Wire Road, the cost of which was to be shared between City, state and federal funding; and WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville's total portion of the costs for this project is $403,603.38, of which S18,000.00 has already been paid to the state as a deposit. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FÄYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a payment of 5359,587.42 to the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department, which represents the final amount owed by the City for the design and construction of the Highway 45lOld Wire Road Signal and Intersection Improvements Project. PASSED and APPROVED on 2/2/2076 Page 1 Pr¡nted on 2./3/16 File Number: 2016-0037 Resolution 43-16 Attest: Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Treasurer -.ç!t!nvq*; ; FAyETTTVIT_L¡:..,* 7--l_"" - %n Page 2 Printed on 2/3/16 ''t@ Gity of Fayetteville, Arkansas Text File File Number: 2016-0037 I 13 West Mounta¡n Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479\ 575-8323 Agenda Date:21212016 ln Control: City Council Meeting Agenda Number: A. 13 Version:1 Status: Passed File Type: Resolution ARKANSAS HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A PAYMENT OF $359,587.42T0 THE ARKANSAS HIGHV/AY AND TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE HIGHWAY 'IOLD WIRE ROAD SIGNAL AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT WHEREAS, Resolution No. 31-10, which was passed by the City Council on February 16, 2010, approved an Agreement of Understanding with the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department for the design and construction of a traffic signal and intersection improvements project at Highway 45 and Old Wire Road, the cost of which was to be shared between City, state and federal funding; and WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville's total portion of the costs for this project is $403,603.38, of which $18,000.00 has already been paid to the state as a deposit. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a payment of 5359,587.42 to the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department, which represents the final amount owed by the City for the design and construction of the Highway slOld Wire Road Signal and Intersection Improvements Project. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 2/3/201 6 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form R#36-##37 ilegistar Fitre trfr 3 f "$ /"Þn's Ëel á-f e-\,è -e-\,t City Council Meeting Date - Agenda ltem Only N/A for Non-Agenda ltem chris Brown r/1s/201.6 o"u"lopr"Els;:ï:::j"rrrtment Submitted By Subm¡tted Date Action Recommendation: Division / Department Approval of a resolution authorizing payment of 5359,587.42 to the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department for the design and construction of the Hwy. 45/Old Wire Rd. Signal and lntersection lmprovements Project. Budget lmpact: Project Number Budgeted ltem? Yes Does item have a cost? Yes Budget Adjustment Attached? NA Street Sales Tax 2013 Fund Old Wire Road (Mission to 265) Project Title Current Budget S 996,958.00 Funds Obligated $ 462,365.00 4520.9555.5809.00 Account Number 0603s.2600 Current Balance Item Cost S 359,587.42 Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget v201 40710 Previous Ordinance or Resolution # 31-L0 Original Contract Number: Comments: Approval Date: CITY OF CITV COUNCIL AGENÐA MEMO MEETING OF FEBRUARY 2, 2016 Mayor and City Council Don Marr, Chief of Staff Jeremy Pate, Development Services Director Chris Brown, City Engineer January 15,2016 Resolution to Approve a Payment of $359,587 .42 to the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department le A5ARKANs TO: THRU: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the resolution authorizing payment of $359,587 .421o lhe Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department for the design and construction of the Hwy. 41lOld Wire Rd. Signaland lntersection lmprovements Project. BAGKGROUND: City Council passed Resolution No. 31-10 on February 16,2010, approving an Agreement of Understanding with the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department (AHTD) to design and construct the signal and intersection improvements. This project includes improvements to the lane configuration to allow for the installation of a traffic signal. Sidewalk installation and storm sewer are also included in the work proposed by the AHTD. The original agreement was for a Federal-Aid funding amount of $350,000. The agreement has been amended since then to add an additional $850,000 through the Surface Transportation Program-Attributable Funds (STP-A) for a total of $1.2 million of Federal-Aid funding. DISCUSSION: The AHTD is requesting a payment of $359,587.42 for the City's portion of the design and construction of this project. The AHTD received bids on this project on January 13,2016 with a low bid of $1,224,208.70. The total City portion of the combined costs for construction, design and right of way acquisition is $403,603.38. The City has already deposited $18,000 with AHTD and has paid $26,015.96 for right of way acquisition and utilities. With these credits, the remaining amount due to AHTD is $359,587.42. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: This project is budgeted through the Transportation Bond Program, and adequate funds are available for this payment. Attachments: Resolution 31-10 AHTD Post Bid Cost Estimate Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR1270L wvwfayetteville-ar.gov Job 040642 Post-bid Cost Estimate Hwy.45/0ld Wire Rd. Siqnal & lnters. lmpvts. (Fayetteville) (S) Preliminarv E State P.E $ 12,294.06 Consultant P.E 185.488.74 Utilities Eno.820.71 Land Survel 1 1,315.91 ïotal $ 209,919.42 1) lr:ly SEiii tCû ii: SîlP Álle¡:därer':i caþ,ü2!19i14, bui ac'dltic;rai Í*ncs oray'ec Lry NARI-s atic ci:li3atec Í;: 2îÌ.Í 2l) lli;no iion: IìC'vT 11i12:15 PM:LFPA:DTS: 10128115 K:\Engineering Design Services\Projects\Old Wire Road-Mission to Crossover\Mission and Old Wire lntersection\Counc¡l and Committe Actions and Contracts\Copy of 040642postbid t,,li;t,,,;,:'.,;i'.T;,::,;:,1::iii,,,f.1.::1t',1ñN{i Item Total Federal Share State Share Citv Share Preliminary Engineering $ 209,919.42 $ 167,936.00 $ 20,991.71 $ 20,991.71 Right-otWay (paid by city)98,270.00 78,616.00 000 19,654,00 Utilities (paid by city)31,807.96 2 25,446.00 000 6,361 96 Construction 1,224,208.70 894,336.00 19,789.82 310,082.88 STP-City 304,184.95 158,317.00 19,789.82 1 26,078.1 3 STP-Attrib 920,023.75 736,019.00 0.00 184,004.75 CENG ltsz of Construction)183,631 31 134,150.00 2,968.47 46,512.83 STP-City 45,627.56 23,747.00 2,968.47 18,912.08 STP-Attrib 138,003.75 1 10,403.00 0.00 27,600.75 Total $ t ,747,837.39 $ t,300,484.00 $ 43,750,00 $ 403,603.38 Less City Deposits Less City Payments for ROWUtilities {18,ûr0,00) lro.u rÐ.voJ $ 359,587.42 RESOLUTION NO. 31-10 A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE WILLINGNESS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE TO UTILIZE FEDERAL-AID MONIES FOR A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT THE INTERSECTION OF OLD WIRE ROAD AND STATE HIGHWAY 45 \ryHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville understands Federal-Aid Surface Transportation funds are available for state roadway projects at the following federal participating ratios: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section l. That the City of Fayetteville will participate in accordance with its designated responsibility in this project, which includes providing electrical service and maintenance of the traffic signal and associated control equipment. Section 2. That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute all appropriate agreements and contracts necessary to expedite the construction of this project. Section 3. That the City of Fayetteville pledges its full support and hereby authorizes the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department to initiate action and construct this project. PASSED and ÄPPROVED this 16û day of February,20lO. t-t1¡t," !?óf VILLT c.Þí' i"¿q i!íc1-1 /rLLE å.\ -tiro -\.'j 3":äùìn" 't l¡, "â'.- "<4'-.'-f,.- o' =:-e 2 )ì-"" TTEVI Í4$"s:'r#ir?N! TOÌT Ri n EV ¡¡1 )Ìl tåËì 7-4-, -,7,;,;i; '4í) Type Work Work Phase Federal Share State Share City Match Traffic Signals/Intersection Improvements State Highway 45 & Old Wire Road Construction &. Engineering 80%t0%t0% Right-of-way &, Utilities 0Y"0%100% Projects programmed but not let to contract Ail Phases 0%0%100% $ı-rirer : FAYE APPROVED:ATTEST: City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form City Council Agenda ltems or Gontracts February 16,2010 Chris Brown Development Services Submitted By Department Old Wire Road-Mission to Crossover13,000.00 300,000.00 Cost of this reguest 4470.9470.5809.00 Category / Project Budget Program Category / Project Name Street lmprovements Account Number 1001 1 Funds Used to Date Program / Project Category Name Sales Tax Capital lmprovemenl300,000.00 Project Number Budgetedltern I X I Remaining Balance Budget Adjustment Attached Fund Name City Council Meetíng Date Division ResolutionExpressingtheWillíngnessoftheCityto and Highway 45. 'P*lo,. là-*j,- t\l.,tb-Uo Date Z-l-lo Date ¿.-r-2â.O Date Å-/-/o Date å/a/t o / óate Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Original Contract Date: Oríginal Contract Number: in City Clerk's Office I Received in Mayor's Office lltp CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT CORRESPONDENCE Council Meeting of February 16, 2010 To: Thru: From: D¿te: Subject: Mayor and City Council Don Marr, Chief of Staff \,{ Jeremy Pate, Development Services Director 0' Chris Brown, City Engin eel e/ø January 27,2070 A Resolution Expressing the Willingness of the City to Utilize Federal-Aid Monies for a Traffic Signal at Old Wire Road and Highway 45. PROPO.SAL: City staff made a request for a traffic operations study at the Old Wire Road/Highway 45 intersection to the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department (AHTD). AHTD conducted the study and determined that the intersection meets the warrants for installation of a signal. Further, the signal installation is eligible for Federal (80%) and State (10%) funding. The City's portion is 10% of the estimated $130,000 cost. A resolution from the City expressing willingness to utilize this funding and to provide the City's share of the cost is needed before AHTD will begin design on the project. Funding for the project through AHTD is available immediately; the project can proceed to construction as soon as the design is completed and any necessary right of way is acquired. Construction could begin as early as 2011 if AHTD prepares the design, or sooner if prepared by the City. in addition to the signal, some realignment of the intersection may be needed. If this resolution is approved, staff will work with AHTD to coordinate design and construction of the realignment with the signal installation. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of the resolution. In addition, the Street Committee discussed this opportunity at their January 26th,20lO meeting, and voted to recommend approval to the full City Council. BUDGET IMPACT: Funding for improvements to Old Wire Road, from Mission to Crossover, is included in the 2010 Capitai Improvement Program. Funding available is $300,000; estimated funding for the City's portion of the signal is $ 1 3,000. Funding for the realignment may be eligible for federal funding if it is determined that realignment is necessary for proper signal operation. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE WILLINGNESS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE TO UTTLTZE FEDERAL-AID MONIES FOR A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT THE INTERSECTION OF OLD WIRE ROAD AND STATE HIGHWAY 45 WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville understands Federal-Aid Surface Transportation funds are available for state roadway projects at the following federal participating ratios: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL\rED BY TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City of Fayetteville will participate in accordance with its designated responsibility in this project, which includes providing electrical service and maintenance of the traffic signal and associated control equipment. Section 2. That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute all appropriate agreements and contracts necessary to expedite the construction of this project. Section 3. That the City of Fayetteville pledges its full support and hereby authorizes the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Deparlment to initiate action and construct this project. PASSED and APPROVED this 16th day of February,20IO. APPROVED: ATTEST: By: Twe Work Work Phase Federal Share State Share CitvMatch Trafñc Signals/Intersection Improvements State Highway 45 & Old Wire Road Construction & Engineering 80%t0%r0% Right-oÊway & Utilities jYo 0%rc0% Projects programmed but not let to contract All Phases 0%0%100% By: LTONELD JORDAN, Mayor SONDRA E. sMITIr, city clerk/Treasurer ARKANSAS STATE HIGHV/AY AND TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT RECEIVED AU6 0 5.2009 Dan Flowers Director Phone (.50 I ) 569-2000 Fax (501 ) -569-2400 Enclosure c: Director Assistant Chief Engineer - Operations Maintenance District 4 ,i^c þ''" t ççFrankVozel Deputy Director and Chief Engineer ENGINEIRING DI\i. P.O. Box 22ól Little Rock, Arkansas 72203-2261 WWW.ARKANSASHICHWAYS.COM August 5, 2009 Chris Brown, P.E. City Engineer 125 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR7270I Dear Mr. Brown: Reference is made to your request for a traffic operations study to be conducted at the intersection of Highway 45 and Old Wire Road in Fayetteville. A study has been completed which included a Z4-hour turning movement count, a review of accident history and an on-site investigation. The results of the study indicate that a traffic si$nal for this intersection is warranted as outlined in the Ma¡ual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. A project to signalize this intersection is eligible for B0o/o Federal-aid, 10olo State and 10% City funding for construction and engineering costs. The City will be responsible for 100o/o of the cost of any add¡t¡onal right of way acquisition or utility adjustments as required. The construction and engineering cost estimate for this project is 9130000. A copy of a sample Resolution is enclosed for the CiÇ to pass should you desire to pursue this project. After the Resolution is passed and signed, please return the Resolution to the Department and a project will be programmed. If the City decides to proceed with this traffic signal project by utilizing City fundÌng, we will issue a Permit to the city to make the improvements using 100o/o city funds. Sincerely, RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE WILLINGNESS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE TO UTILIZE FEDERAL.AID MONIES FOR THE FOLLOWING CITY PROJECT: Traffic Signal Installation : Hwy. 45 & Old Wire Rd. WHEREAS, The c¡ty of Fayetteville understands Federal-Aid Surface Transportation funds are available for State roadftay projects at the following Federal participating ratios: Type Work -"'**K/Federal ^Æhare State Share C¡ty Match Traffìc Signals/ Intersection Improvements State Highway System & City Street: Hwv 45 and Old Wire Rd. 7 B0o/o l0o/o Llo/o Riq ht- qf-VlWUti I iti es Ao/o 0o/o I00o/o Projects programmed but not let to contract Aupha%þ Ao/o to/o 100o/o NoWTHEREFoRE,uu,,n,soffi,ECITYoFFAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS,THAT: SECTION I: The CITY wÍll h accordance with its designated responsibílity in this associated control equipmen SECTION II: The service and maintenance of the traffìc signal and is;PerebV authorized and directed to execute all appropriate b expedite the construction of this CITY project. SECTION iII: The CITY piedges its full support and hereby authorizes the Arkansas State Highway and Transpoftation Department to initiate action to construct this project. THïS RESOLUTION adopted this day of _r 20-. MAYOR: ATTEST: JOI-IN ËD REGENOLD Cgntx¿'¡¡rN ARMO¡IEL DICK lRAMMEL \jrc= CH^tar"tA\ lCGÉRS ÍHOMAS B. SCIJUËCK t.rTll-ç RocK Anrcn¡,¡sns SrATu HtcswAY ConnrulssloN*RËcnvED JUL å ? e*l-¿ ctTY.oF_F¡YtTTEVtLLE P.O. Box 22(r I MAYoR'S orriÓi L,t t"l't.L' Iìoc'x, Altr¡rus¡rs''l 2203 -226 I Prrt¡xr, (501) 5(19-2000'Vort:tll'l'TY 1[l '[ì¡x (501) 5ó9-24{)0 WW W, ^ 1ìK ^NS;\S I il(ì I I WAY S. ('O\'1' \\j WW. I l)lìl vl :^ l{K A NS¿\S'('{)iv1 ROBERT S. futOORE, JR, ARRA!.]SAS CITY FRANK D. SCOTT, JR. LIT'f T E ñOCK SCOTT E. BENNETI P.E DIRECIÐÎ OF luly 14,2014 The Flonorable Lioneld Jordan Mayor of Fayetteville I l3 V/est Mountain Street Fayetteville, AFt7270l Re: Job040642 F.A.P. STP-g142(32) Hwy.45/Old ìWire Rd' Signal & lnters. lmpvts. (FaYetteville) (S) Washingtorr CottntY Dear Mayor Jordan: Reference is made to the City's request to use Federal-aid Surface'l'ransportation Program Attributable funds for right-of-way acquisition and utility relocation on the referenced project' Tlris request is acceptablc to the DePartment. Thís letter* wircn Signed by you and returnecl to thc Dcparttttettt, n'ill constitute a Supplement to the lìcsolufi$n execillcti-on feúrrlury 16,20lù. Once a¡rproverl hy you, federal-aid funds will be available ¡r rigþt-uÊway ancf utility activities. We look fow¿rrl to working rvitlt the City to cornplete this project. tlyoii have auy frrrther questions, please contac( Carlos Meredith at (501) 569-2261. Sincerely, flf ftotd þ"-4-'Scoft Ij. Ï]cnnr:tt, P.li. Director of HighwaYs and Transpoftation APPROVED: Lioneld Jordan Mayor of Fayetteville Deputy Director and Chief Engineer Assistant Ch ief En gineer'-Planning Programs and Contracts Right of Way Transportation Planning and Policy District 4 Job 040642 'C' File NWA Regional Planning Cornmissiotr