HomeMy WebLinkAbout42-16 RESOLUTION113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 42-16 File Number: 2016-0026 EWING SIGNAL CONSTRUCTION, LLC: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A CONTRACT WITH EWING SIGNAL CONSTRUCTION, LLC OF NIXA, MISSOURI IN THE AMOLTNT OF $100,041.50 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT THE INTERSECTION OF VAN ASCHE DRIVE AND GARLAND AVENUE (HIGHWAY 112), AND TO APPROVE A PROJECT CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOLINT OF $IO,OOO.OO BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSÄS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a contract with Ewing Signal Construction,LLCofNixa,Missouriintheamountof$100,041.50 for the construction of atraffic signal at the intersection of Van Asche Drive and Garland Avenue (Highway ll2), and, further approves a project contingency in the amount of $10,000.00. PASSED and APPROYED on2/212016 Attest: Sondra E smith, ",* .,._å-$w$#pg" 5 c F- "(-no=- o .AYF¡- "fl1 =ãi *' /fVtt, -:'I=7:,;.oo ''tt.''S %ifiÌ#N Page I Printed on 2/3/16 Gity of Fayetteville, Arkansas Text File File Number:.2016-0026 1 13 West Mountain Street Fayettev¡lle, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Agenda Datez 21212016 Version: I ln Control: City Council Meetíng Agenda Number: A. '12 EWING SIGNAL CONSTRUCTION, LLC: Status: Passed File Type: Resolution A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A CONTRACT WITH EV/ING SIGNAL CONSTRUCTION, LLC OF NIXA, MISSOURI IN THE AMOUNT OF $1OO,O4I.5O FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT THE iNTERSECTION OF VAN ASCHE DRIVE AND GARLAND AVENUE (HTGHV/AY rr2), AND TO APPROVE A PROJECT CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 10,000.00 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section l: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a contract with Ewing Signal Construction, LLC of Nixa, Missouri in the amount of $100,041.50 for the construction of a trafltc signal at the intersection of Van Asche Drive and Garland Avenue (Highway 1 12), and fufther approves a project contingency in the amount of $10,000.00. City of Fayetteviile, Arkansas Page I Pùnted on Z3/2O1 6 Matt Casey City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form ä#åffi-#sz6 L*gistar Fíle lD æ"fz{z#L6 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda ltem Only N/A for Non-Agenda ltem 1./14/201.6 Engineering / Development Services Depa rtment Submitted By Subm¡tted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation : A resolution to award a contract in the amount of S1-00,041.50 to Ewing Signal Constructioñ foithãìãnstffion of the traffic signalatthe intersection of Van Asche Drive and Garland (Hwy 112)and approvalof a project contingency of S10,000 (10%). Budget lmpact: 4520.9555.5809.00 and 447 0.9470.5809.00 Account Number 06035.2500 Project Number Budgeted ltem? Yes 4520 - Sales Tax Construction Bond 4470 - Sales Tax Capital lmprovements Fund Van Asche (Garland to Gregg) Project Title Current Budget S 499,795.00 368,744.24Funds Obligated Current Balance . .:.l:;:i - ::;ij-' +j- '"i :,:., .. .,.; ,., .t$,,1 ,.$i. ii$.; Does item have a cost? Budget Adjustment Attached? # Item Cost Budget Adjustment LL0,041.50Yes No Remaining Budget Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Original Contract Number: 259-13 Approval Date: Comments: lncludes $10,000 project cont¡ngency CITY OF CITY COUNCIL AGTNDA MEMO MEETING OF FEBRUARY 2,2016 TO:Mayor and City Council THRU: Don Marr, Chief of Staff Jeremy Pate, Development Services Director Chris Brown, CitY Engineer FROM: Matt Casey, Engineering Design Manager DATE: January 14,2016 SUBJECT: A resolution to award a contract in the amount of $100,041.50 to Ewing Signal Gonstruction for the construction of the traffic signal at the intersection of van Asche Drive and Garland (Hwy 1121 and approval of a project contingency of $10,000 (10%l' REGOMMENÐATION: Staff recommends City Council approval awarding a contract in the amount of $100,041.50 to Ewing Signal Construction for the construction of the traffic signal at the intersection of Van Âscne Drive and Garland (Hwy112) and approval of a project contingency of $10,000 (10%). BACKGROUND: The Van Asche Drive project was awarded for construction to APAC-Central. lnc. in December of 2013. The ôonstruction of the improvements were completed as of September 21,2015. A request to construct a traffìc signal at intersection of Van Asche Driïe and Garland (Hwy 112) was included with the original permit request to the Arkansas Highway and-Transportation Department. This request was denied by AHTD because thelraffic counts at that time did not warrant the installation of the signal. lmmediately after the roadway project was complete, new traffìc counts were taken by the Transpórtution Division. A new permit request was submitted along with the signal design pláns to the AHTD. On December 14,2015, the City of Fayetteville received a p"r'ñit from the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department for the installation of the traffic signal. DISCUSSION: On January 12,2016, the City received three (3) construction bids ranging from a low of $100,041 .SO to a high of $1 10,628.00. Ewing Signal Construction submitted the low bid of g100,041 .50. Thé contract time is 60 days (2 months) for substantial completion. The Transportation Division has already ordered the signal poles which typically take 16 weeks to receive. The notice to proceed to the contractor will be coordinated with the delivery date of the Poles. Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR727Ol ranirnrrr.f ayettevi lle-a r.gov BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: This project is funded by the Transportation Bond Program Attachments: Bid Tab Section 0500 Agreement Section 0400 Bid Form DOCUMENT OO5OO - AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR Contract Name/Title: HWY 1 12IVAN ASCHE DR. TRAFFIC SIGNAI Contract No.: 16-16, Construction - Van Asche Traff,ic Signal in the year 2016 by and reinafter called THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the @day of ¡ between The City of Fayetteville, Ar'¡utrrur ut'td Contractor). ARTICLE 1- WORK 1.01 Contractor shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The work r"rnder this Contract includes, but is not limited to: The installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Hwy 112 and Van Asche Drive including installation of thc poles and mast arrns, conduit, wiring, carneras, controllers, cabinet, signal lights, luminaires, and miscellaneous other items as shown on the plans. The Cont¡act inclucles work in AHTD Right-of-way and City of Fayetteville Right-of-way. Refer to Section 00400-Bid Form for quantities. ARTICLE 2 - ENGINEER 2.01 The Contract Documents have been prepared by the City of Fayetteville Engineering Division. City of Fayetteville Engineering Division assumes all duties and responsibílities, and has the rights and authority assigned to City ofFayetteville Engineering Division in the Contract Documents in connection with compietion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 00500 Agreement 00500 - I DOCUMENT 00500 - AGREEMENT (continued) ARTICLE 3 - CONTRACT TINIE 3.OI TIME OF'TI]E ESSENCE: All time limits for milestones, if any, Substantial Completion, and completion and readiness for final payment as stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Contract. 3.02 DATES FOR SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION AND FINAI.PAYMENT: A. The Work will be Substantially Completed within 60 calendar days after the date when the Contract Times cofitmence to run as provided in the GENERAL CONDITIONS, and completed and reacly for f,rnalpayment in accordance with the GENERAL coNDITIoNS within 60 calendar days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run. 3.03 LiQUIDATED DAMAGES: A. Owner and Contractor recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that The City of Fayetteville will suffer financial loss if the work is not completed within the time specified above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with the GENERAL CONDITIONS. The parties also recognizc the delays, expense, and difficulties involved in proving the actual loss suffered by The City of Fayetteville if the Work is not Substantially completed on time. Accordingly, insread of requiring any such proof, The City of Fayetteville and Contractor agïee that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty) Contractor shall pay The City of Fayetteville Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for each calencrar day that expires after the tirne specified above in Paragraph 3.02 for substantial completion until the work is substanrially cornplete. After Substantial Completion, if Contractor shall neglect, refuse, or fail to complete the rernaining work within the time specified in paragraph 3.02 for completion and readiness for final pa¡rment or any proper extension thereofgranted by The city of Fayetteville, contractor shall pay The city of Fayeteville Two 00500 Agreement 00500 - 2 4.02 DOCUMENT 00500 - AGREEMENT (continued) Hundred ($200.00) for each calendar day tlrat expires after the time specified for completion and readiness for final payment. ARTICLE 4 - CONTRACT PRTCE 4.01 The CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE agrees to pay, and rhe CONTRACTOR agrees to accept, as full and final compensation for all work done under this agreement, the amount based on the prices bid in the Proposal (BlD FORM) which is hereto altached, for the actual amount accomplished under each pay item, said payments to be made in lawful money of the United States at the time and in the manner set forth in the Specifications. As provided in the General Conditions estimated quantities are not guaranteed, and determinations of actual quantities and classifications are to be made by ENGINEER as provided in the General Conditions. Unit prices have been computed as provided in the General Conditions. 4.03 Changes, modifications, or atnendments in scope, price or fees to this contract shall not be ailowed without a prior formal contract amendment approved by the Mayor and the City Council in advance ofthe change in scope, cost or fees. ARTICLE 5 - PAYMENT PROCEDT]RES 5.01 SUBMITTAL AND PROCESSING QF PAYMENTS: A. contractor shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with the GENERAL CONDITIONS. Applications for payment wili be processed by Engineer as provided in the GENERAL CONDITIONS. s.02 PROGRESS PAYMENTS. RETAINAGE: The City of Fayetteville shall make progess payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of Contractor's Applications for Payment as recommended by Engineer, on or abourt the l5th day of each month during construction. All suoh payments will be measured by the schedule of values established in the GENERAL coNDITIoNS (and in the case of unit price 00500 Agreement 00500 - 3 DOCUMENT 00500 - AGREEMENT (continued) Work based on the number of units completed) or, in the event there is no schedule of values, as provided in the General Requirements. i. Prior to Substantial Completion, progress payments will be made in an amount equal to the percentage indicated below, but, in each case, iess the aggtegate of payments previously made and less such amounts as Engineer shall determine, or The City of Fayetteville may withhold, in accordance with the GENERAI CONDITIONS. b. 90% of Work Completed (wíth the balance being retainage). If Work has been 50% completed as determined by Engineer, and if the cliaracter and progress of the Work have been satisfactory to The City of Fayetteville and Engineer, The City of Fayetteville on recolrrrìendation of Engineer, may determine that as long as the character and progress of the Work subsequently remain satisfactory to them, there will be no additional retainage on account of Work subsequentiy corlpleted, in which case the remaining progress payments prior to Substantial Completion will be an amount equal to 100% of the Work Completed less the aggregafe of paynents previously made; and 100% of Equipment and Materials not incorporated in the Work but delivered, suitably stored, and accompanied by documentation satisfactory to The City of Fayetteville as provided in the GENERAL CONDITIONS. Upon Substantial Completion, The City of Fayetteville shall pay an amount sufficient to increase total payments to Contractor fo 95To of the Contract Price (with the balance being retainage), Iess such amounts as Engineer shall determine, or The City of Fayetteville may withhold, in accordance with the GENERAI CONDITIONS. a, 2. 00500 Agreement 00500 - 4 DOCUMENT 00500 - AGREEMENT (conrinued) 5.03 FINAL PAYMENT: A. Upon final completion and acceptance of the Work in accordance with the GENERAL CONDITIONS, The City of Fayetteville shali pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recomrnended by Engineer and as provided in the GENERAL CONDITIONS. ARTICLE 6 - CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS 6.0 I ln order to induce The City of Fayetteville to enter into this Agreement, Contractor makes the following representations: A. contractor has examined and carefulry studied the contract Documents including the Addenda and other related data identified in the Bid Documents. B. Contractor has visited the Site and become familiar with and is satisfied as to the general, local, and Site conditions that may affect cost, progress, perfomrance, and furnishing of the Work. C. Contractor is farnilia¡ with and is satisfied as to all federal, state, and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress, performance, and fumishing of the Work. D. Contractor has carefully studied all: (1) Reports ofexplorations and tests ofsubsurface conditions at or contiguous ro the site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing sulface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the Site; and (2) Reports and drawings of a Hazardous Environmental condition, if any, at the Site. Contractor acknowledges that The City of Fayetteville and Engineer do not asswne responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information and data slrown or indicated 00500 Agreement 00500 - s DOCUMENT 00500 - AGREEMENT (conrinued) in the Contract Documents with respect to Underground Facilities at or contiguous fo the Site. E' Contractor has obtained and carefully srudied (or assumes responsibility of having done so) all such aclditional supplementary examinations, investigations, expiorations, tests, studies, and data conceming conditions (surface, subsurface, and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the Site or otherwise which may affect cost, progress, performance, and furnishing of the work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences' and procedures ofconstruction to be employed by Contractor and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. F. Contractor does not consider that any additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studìes, or data at-e necessary for the performing and fuinishing of the work at the contract price, within the Contract Times, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. G. contractor is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by The City of Fayetteville and others at the Site that relates to the Work as indicated in the Contract Documents. H. Contractor has correlated the infomation known to Contractor, information and observations obtained from visits to the Site, reports and drawings identified in the contract Documents, and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data with the contract Documents. I. contractor has given Engineer written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities, or discrepancies that Contractor has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by Engineer ís acceptable to Contl'actor. 00500 Agreement 00500 - 6 DOCUMENT 00500 - AGREEMENT (continued) J. The Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work. ARTICLE 7 - CONTRACT DOCT.IMENTS 7.01 CONTEN'TS: A. The Contract Documents which comprise the entire Agreement between The City of Fayetteville and Contractor conceming the Work consist of the following and may only be amended, modified, or supplemented as provided in the GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. This Agreement. 2. Exhibits to this Agreement (enumerated as f'ollows): a. Notice to Proceed. b. Contractor's Bid. . c. Documentation submitted by Contractor prior to Notice of Award. 3. Performance, Payment, and other Bonds. 4. General Conditions. 5. Supplementary Conditions. 6. Specifìcations consisting of divisions and sections as listed in table of conteils of Project Manual. 7. Drawings consisting of a cover sheet and sheets as listed in the tabte of contents thereof, with each sheet bearing the following general title: Hwv 1\2lVan Asche Drive Traffic Simal 8. Addenda numbers_, inclusive. 00500 - 700500 Agreement DOCUMENT 00500 - AGREEMENT (continued) 9. The following which may be delivered or issued aft,er the Effective Date of the Agreement and are not attached hereto: All Written Amendments and other documents amending, modifying, or supplementing the Contract Documents pursuant to the GENERAI CONDITIONS. ARTICLE 8 - MISCELLANEOUS 8.0r TERMS: A. Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in the GENERAI CONDITIONS shall have the meanings srared in the GENERAL CONDITIONS. 8.02 ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT: A. No assignmentby a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the w¡itten consent of the party sought to be bound; and specifically but without limitation, moneys thatmay become clue and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect ofthis restriction may be limited by Law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any writtcn consent to an assignment, no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Documents. 8.03 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: A. Tlie city of Fayetteville and contractor each binds l-rimself, his paftners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives to the other parly hereto, its partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, agreements, and obligations contained in the Contract Documerrts. 00500 Agreement 00500 - 8 8.04 DOCUMENT 00500 - AGREEMENT (continued) 8.0s SEVERABILITY: A. Any provision or part of the Contract Documents held to be void o¡ unenforceable under any Law or Regulation shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisions shali continue to be valid and binding upon The city of Fayetteville ancl Contractor, rvho agree that the Contract Documents shall be reformed to replace such stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provision. FREEDOM OF iNFORMATION ACT: A. city contracts and documents prepared while performing city contractual work are subject to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act. If a Freeclom of lnformation Act request is presented to the City of Fayetteville, the contractor wili do everything possible to provide the documents in a prompt and timely lnanner as prescribed in the Arkansas Freedom of lnformation Act (A.C.A. $25-19-l0l et. seq.). Only legally aurhorizedphotocopying cosrs pursuant to the FOIA may be assessed for tfiis compliance. 8.06 LIENS: No liens against this construction project nre allowed. Arkansas law (A.C.A. $$18-44-501 through 508) prohibits the filing of any mechanics'of materialmen's liens in reiation to this public construction project. Arkansas law requíres and the contractor promises to provide and file with the circuit cierk of washington county a boncl in a sum equal to thc amount of this contract. Any subcontractor or materials supplier may bring an action for non-payment or labor or material on the bond. The contmctor promises to notify every subcontractor and materials supplier for this project of this paragraph and obtain their rvritten acknowledgement of such notice prior to cofiunencement of the work of the subcontractor or materials supplier. 00500 Agreement 00500 - 9 DOCUMENT 00500 - AGREEMENT (continued) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The City of Fayetteville and Contractor have signed this Agreeme¡t in quadruplicate. One counterpart each has been delivered to Contractor and Engineer. T'wo counterparts each has been clelivered to The City of Fayetteville. All portíons of the Contract Documeltts have been signed, initialed, or ídentifìecl by The City of Fayetteville and Contractor or identified by Engíneer on their behalf. This Agreement will be effective on 3¿Ånn nuu, â, ,zy/Á,which is rhe Effective Date of the Agreement. è,<-\ CITY ìì to h. (o..¿goyy briv& N;x¿r fhtr (rSìÌt + By: Title: ùÐncr.'Title: Mayor (sEAL) o*^, &o"*¿rn ı. !""-,ø. FA LE Attest -$:i"i+J #ree -*'-""^- " nl:.-- = i l-Av-- "1a =<ø '.1 [Ftt,, :rn=F<.o -vtl lr--ÐE?nvno.vn -tc.t --"":äï!¿ utx?".åìnS '",,'f¿þi,"c_agS" 00500 Agleemenr 00500 - 10 DOCUMENT 00500 - AGREEMENT (continued) Address for giving notices Address f-or giving notices ll3ô ^.'. (rr^egô.T Þ¡iùe ,N i rc^ N\o (ps r rq LicenseNo. oi83oJoqrø Agent for Service ofprocess (If Contractor is a corporation, attach evidence of authority to sign.) 113 W. Mountain St. Favetteville. AI.7270l (attach evidence ofauthority to sign and resolution or other documents authorizing execution of Agreement) Roa4 Approved As to Form: 00500 Agreement 00500 - r I DOCUMENT O4OO-BID FORM ContractName: HWY. 112IVAN ASCÉIE DR' TRAFFIC SIGNAL Bid Number: BID TO: Owner: 16-16, Construction - Van Asche Traffic Signal The City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, Arkansas 7270 1 BID FROM: Bidder: ARTICLE 1- INTENT l.0l The undersigned Bidder proposes an agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into an agreement with Owner in the form included in the Contract Documents to perform and furnish all Work as specifred or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Bid price and within the Bid time indicated in this Bid and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents' ARTICLE 2- TERMS AND CONDITIONS Z.0l Bidder accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders, including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid security. This Bid will remain subject to acceptance for 90 days after the day of Bid opening. Bidder will sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Agreement with the Bonds and other documents required by the Bidding Requirements within 15 days after the date of Owner's Notice of Award. Nixq f\o 0s¡tq 0400-Bid Form 00400-l DOCIIMENT 0400-BID FORM (conrinued) ARTICLE 3- BIDDER'S REPRXSENTATIONS 3'01 In submitting this Bid, Bidder represents, as more fully set forth in the Agreemen! that: A. Bidder has examined and carefully studied the Bid Documents, and the following Addenda, receipt of all which is hereby acknowledged: Number Date Nono B. Bidder has visited the Site and become familiar with and is satisfied as to the general, local, and Site conditions that may affect cosl progress, performance, and furnishing of the Work. riÌ,. C. Bidder is familiar with and is satisfied as to all iir.deral, rf;rire,;aur{ ks¿l Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress, performance, and firmishing ofthe Work. D. Bidder has carefully studied all: (l) reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site; and (2) reports and drawings of a Hazardous Environmental Condition, if any, at the Site. Bidder acknowledges that such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents and may not be complete for Bidder's purposes. Bidder acknowledges that owner and Engineer do not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information and data shown or indicated in the Bid Documents with respect to Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the Site. E' Bidder has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for having done so) all such additional or supplementary examinations, 0400-Bid Form 00400-2 DOCUMENT 0400-BID FORM (continued) investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface, and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the Site or otherwise which may affect cost, progress, performance, or furnishing of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction to be employed by Bidder and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. Bidder does not consider that any additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, or data are necessary for the determination of this Bid for performing and furnishing of the Work in accordance with the times, price, and other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. Bidder is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by Owner and others at the Site that relates to Work for which this Bid is submitted as indicated in the Contract Documents. Bidder has correlated the information known to Bidder, information and observations obt¿ i :i. ::;: j!,'i ?, reports, and drawings identified in the Contract Doc -,.¡cirts,:,:ili.,.l ¿;ll :¿¡...3i .',.::ral examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data with the Contract Documents. Bidder has given Engineer written notice of all conflicts, elrors, ambiguities, or discrepancies that Bidder has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereof by Engineer is acceptable to Bidder. The Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performing and fumishing the Work for which this Bid is submitted. This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm, or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization, or corporation; Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a false or sham bid; Bidder has not solicited or induced any person, f,trm, or a corporation to refrain from bidding; and F- G. H. K. 0400-Bid Form 00400-3 DOCUMENT 0400-BID FORM {continued) ARTICLE 4- BID PRICE Bidder has not sought by collusion to obtain for himself any advantage over any other Bidder or over Owner. Bidder will perform the ÏVork in compliance with all applicable trench safety standards set forth in Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSFIA) Part 1926 - Subpart P - Excavations. Bidders are required to provide pricing for all line items, including deductive alternate items. Failure to provide deductive alternate pricing can result in bid rejection. The City intends to award this contract to the lowest qualified responsive responsible bidder based on the total base bid as long as the base bid amount falls within the amount of funds certified for the project plus25%o. In the event no bid falls within the amount of funds çertified for the project plus 25olo, the City will utilize the deductive altemates in order to further evaluate bids until a bid received falls within the amount certified, plus25Yo. In the event all deductive alternates are subtracted from the total base bid and no bid falb within the amount certified, plusZlYo,all bids shall be rejected and become confidential. In no case shall the amount bid for the item of "mobilization" exceed 5o/o of q¡;; the tot¿l contract amount for all items listed in the proposal or bid. Should the amount entered into the proposal or bid for this item exceed 5%, the bid shall be rejected. Bidder shall complete the Vy'ork in accordance with the Contract Documents for the following price(s): 0400-Bid Form 00400-4 DOCUMENT OO41O - BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY TI-IESE PRESENTS: that we Fiwinc¡ Síqnal Construction, LLC 1730 N GreqorY Nixa, l4O 65714 as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and RII Insurance ComPanY P.O. Box 3967 Peort-a, LL 6L6L2-3967 a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of I 1 1 ino i s as Surety" hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 1 i 3 West Mountain Sh'eet l:ar:clteville. .\rklrnsas 7?70 I as Obligee, hereinafter called Owner, in the surn of Five Percent of amount bid Dollars ($ N/A -----), for the payment of which sum, well and truly to be rnade, Principal ancl said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, frrmly by these presents' WIIEREAS, Principal has submitted a Bid l'or: HWY I12IVAN ASCHE DRIVE TRAFFIC SIGNAL NOW, TIIEIìE¡Olìlr, il'tfte Owner shall accept thc lJid oll'rincipal arrd the Principal shall enter ¡tìto a Contract rt,ith thc Or,vrrer in accorrlance ivith the lerrrls of such Bid. arlcl give strch Bond or Bonds as may be specif,red in the Bidding or Conlract Documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithlul performance of slrch Contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material fumished in the prosecution thereof, or in the event of the failure of Principai to entersuch Contract and give such Bond ot Bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Owner the dìfference not to exceed the penaìty hereof betweerr the amount specifìed itr said Bid and such larger arnount for oo4lo-BidBond oo41o- I DOCUMENT.00410 - BID BOND (continued) which the Owner may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by said Bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effecr. Signecl and seale<l rhis !lth-- Cay of -iq¡¡.gegy_ 20 L6 þo corPo"t+<sç,al PRINCIPAL (coRPORATE SEAL) Ewinq SÍqnal Construction, - LLC ev U^{Àca A1'TORNEY-fN.FACT (coRPOR¿,TE SEAr,) END OF DOCUMENT OO41O SURETY ïnsurance Greq Lindstrom is Bond shall be accompanicd with A ttorney- in- Fact's authority from Surety) 004 l0-Uid tlond 004r0-2 mtum'@dffi 9025 N. Lindbergh Dr. I Peoria, IL 61615 Phone: (800)645-2402 | Fax: (309)689-2036 PO\ryER OF ATTORNEY RLI Insurance Company Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company Know All Men by These Presents: That this Power ofAttorney is not valid or in effect unless attached to the bond which it authorizes executed, but may be detached by the approving offrcer if desired. That this Power of Attorney may be effective and given to either or both of RLI Insurance Company and Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company, required for the applicable bond. That RLI Insurance Company and/or Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company, each Illinois corporations (as applicable), each authorized and licensed to do business in all states and the District of Columbia do hereby make, constitute and appoint: in the City of Sprinefield , State of conferred upon himÆrer to sim, execute, acknoll Missorrri conferred upon r to sign, execute, acknowledge and deliver , as Attomey in FacÇ with full power and authority hereby on its behalf as Sr¡rew, in general. anv and all bonds.for and on its behalf as Surety, in general, any and all bonds, undertakings, and recognizances in an amount not to exceed(- $10J0!J00O0 ) for any single obligation. Ten Million Dollars The acknowledgment and execution of such bond by the said Attorney in Fact shall be as binding upon this Company as íf such bond had been executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected ofFtcers ofthis Company. RLI Insurance Company and Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company, as applicable, have each further certified that the following is a true and exact copy of the Resolution adopted by the Board of Di¡ectors of each such corporation, and now in force, to-wit: "All bonds, policies, undertakings, Powers of Attorney or other obligations of the Corporation shall be executed in the corporate name of the Corporation by the President, Secretary, any Ässistant Secretary, Treasurer, or any Vice President, or by such other offÌcers as the Board of Directors may authorize. The President any Vice President, Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, or the Treasurer may appoint Attorneys in Fact or Ägents who shall have authority to issue bonds, policies or undertakings in the name of the Corporation, The corporate seal is not necessary for the validity of any bonds, policies, undertakings, Powers of Attorney or other obligations of the Corporation. The signature of any such officer and the corporate seal may be printed by facsimile or other electronic image." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, RLI Insurance Company and/or Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company, as applicable, have caused these presents to be executed by its respective Vice President with its corporate seal afflrxed this 2nd day of December, 20 I 5 . State oflllinois County ofPeoria On this 2nd day of -------Decembe¡,- 2015 , before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Barton W. Davis , who being by me duly sworn, acknowledged that he signed the above Power of Attomey as the aforesaid oflicer of the RLI Insurance Company and/or Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company, and acknowledged said instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. RLI Insurance Company Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company6l aV'- Barton \il, Davis Vice President CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned offrcer of RLI Insurance Company, and/or Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company, each Illinois corporations, do hereby certiff that the attached Power of Attorney is in full force and effect and is irrevocable; and ñuthermore, that the Resolution of the Company as set forth in the Power of Attomey, ìs now in force. In testimòny whereof I have heieunto set my hand and the seal of the RLI fnsurance Companv and/or Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company ttrisi 2 th day of Januarv 20L6 , RLI Insurance Company and )" Vìce President A00591 l5 <'1i> 'OFFrCrAr SEAr = NOIÀßY : ijll#:¡i rAcouEilNE M. BocKrtR q$#ji coMMtsstoN ExPtREs 01/1¡ll18 a. Company DOCUMENT 0400-BID FORM (continued) 00400-s BID SCIIEDULE 1 ITEMNO.DESCRIPTION LINIT EST. QTY LINIT PRICE TOTAL SERVICE POINTASSEMBLY :2 CIRCUITS)EA I ^ooù/,150 dlløoo 2 SYSTEM LOCAL CONTROLLER :16 PITASEXPEEK 30ooE)EA I llosoo'lJ ,030, OO J VIDEO DETECTOR (MAST MOUNT) :PEEK COLOR VIDEO TRAFFIC DETECTOR CAMERA -#82-17 7 3)EA 5 Jboo"o l3t oOO, oO 4 VIDEO PROCESSOR LINIT- PEEK VIDEOTRAK-IQ 2 CIIANNEL X2 EA I h,us<"o Itt,rtsç'oo 5 EMCOM COMMPAKIP EA I \wo.w 4oue. æ 6 LAIRD PC 9OI3 N YAGI ANTENNA EA I 49S.oo 9qs.oo 7 POLYPHASER IS-5ONX-C2 ARRESTOR EA I lt'tç. w lqs.ao '&.8 NON-METALLIC CONDUIT (2'')LF 50 -?.ço 3'7€.oo 9 NON-METALLIC CONDUIT (3')LF 330 lQ.o6¡bazo. æ 10 SALVANIZED STEEL CONDUIT :1.25')LF 50 lb,@ 8oo.oo l1 CONCRETEPULL BOX ÍTYPE2) HD EA 6 (osç'oo JÇ3ptoo 12 IRAFFIC SIGNAL CABLE f5cl14 AWG)LF 1 075 t,oo loz-ç.oo 13 IRAT'FIC SIGNAL CABLE r7ci14 AWG)LF 200 l.J0 &9 a. eo l4 TRAFFIC SIGNAL CABLE Q0c/14 AwG)LF 330 a. qo qg7. ae l5 BELDEN 6c VIDEO CABLE LF 550 e.30 labs,æ 16 BELDEN 8281 COAX VIDEO CABLE LF 550 J.30 le oç. oo 17 ELECT. COND. FOR LUMINAIRES (2C/12 AWG)LF 900 .q0 8ta.oo 0400-Bid Form ITEM NO.DESCRIPTION UNIT b5l . QTY UNI I PRICE TOTAL 18 ELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS IN coNDUrT QC/6 AWG)LF 40 l.so tr0 '0O t9 ELECTR]CAL CONDUCTORS IN CONDUIT (1Cl8 AWc, EcC)LF 400 ,6f 3Ll0 ,00 20 ELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS IN CONDUIT (1C/12 AWG, EcC)LF 2s0 .(¿Ç lüe.so 21 LMR-6OO COAX CABLE IANTENNA)LF 50 3,00 l5;0,oO 22 TRAFFIC SIGNAL HEAD 13-SECTIONILED)EA 7 8rs,oo S7os.00 23 TRAFFIC SIGNAL HEAD S.SECTIONXLED)EA I 1035.0o ,03ç,00 24 ]OLINTDOWN PEDESTRTAN SIGNAL HEAD (LED)EA 4 -1 t0.oo e,8q0.00 25 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST ARM AND POLE W]TH FOTTNDATION (38') CITY TO PROVIDE POLE AND MAST ARM EA I 3030,00 3030'0O 26 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST ARM AND POLE WITH FOUNDATTON (50') CITY TO PROVIDE POLE AND MAST ARM EA 2 3lqo.rÐ baþ'oo 27 TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE WITH FOUNDATION CITY TO PROVIDE POLE EA 1 et3o.d fi30.@ 28 PUSH BUTTON POLE WITHFOUNDATION EA \050.b loso.oo 29 TRAFFIC SIGNAL PEDESTRIAN POLE WITH FOUNDATION EA I ú gs'00 .\98S,00 30 LED LUMINAIRE ASSEMBLY CITY TO PROVIDE LUMINAIRE ARM EA 4 ús.50 ab e.to 31 VIDEO MONITOR WITH MOUSE EA 38s,00 sgí,æ JZ VIDEO DETECTOR RACK EA lSfrS.û)tçþs,æ J3 TRAFFIC CONTROL/GUIDE SiGNS SF 50 Js.ù0 l&f0'@ 34 Mobilization Not to exceed 5% of total bid)LS 1 3qqo,0o 3qq0 . öo TOTAL AMOLINT BID $ \ oo. o,ar. sa 0400-Bid Form 00400-6 DOCUMENT 0400-BID FORM lcontinued) ÀRTICLE 5- CONTRACT TIMES 5.01 s.02 Bidder agrees that the Work will be substantially completed and completed and ready for final payment within the number of calendar days indicated in the Agreement. Bidder accepts the provisions of the Agreement as to liquidated damages in the event of failure to complete the Work within the times specified in the Agreement. ARTICLE 6-BID CONTENT 6.01 The following documents are attached to and made a condition of this Bid: A. Required Bid securþ in the form of a cashier's check from a bank located in the State of Arkansas or a Bid Bond and in the amount of 5?a oF Jv¡¿ b.t qmq¡r! Dollars ($ B. A tabulation of Subcontractors and other persons and organizations required to be identified in this Bid. ARTICLE 7- COMMTINICATIONS 7.01 Communications conceming this Bid shall be addressed to the Bidder as follows: Email Phone No. \\r- r:\- ûr{ ot Fax No.\r'l- ra{.qqp1 ll3o fu, ørc,Jor+ b¡ ¡v¿ Ni¡a Mn G-s1 tq 0400-Bid Form 00400-7 DOCUMENT 0400-BID FORM (continued) ARTICLE 8- TERMINOLOGY 8.01 The terms used in this Bid which are defined in the GENERAL CONDITIONS or Instructions to Bidders will have the meanings assigned to them. SUBMITTED on \anor\r* | â ,20Iø. Arkansas State Contractor License No. d t 63 O g O q I ø If Bidder is: An Individual Doing business as: Business address: Phone No:Fax No. Email Address: A Partnership Partnership Name : By: (Signature ofgeneral partner-zttzch evidence ofauthority to sign) Name (type or printed): Business address: Phone No:Fax No. (sEAL) 00400-8 Name (type or printed): (Individual's Signature) 0400-8id Form Email Address: DOCIIMENT 0400-BID FORM (qontinued) A Corporation or LLC* Corporation Name : l)ù cotPotu'{c (sEAL) State of Incorporation: fYlO Type (General Business, Professional, Service, Limited Liability): t-L¿l Bv: \^rl< (Signlture ofgeneral partner-attach evidence ofauthority to sign) Name (type or printed): bcr^/tJ {rrri¡. (a"*"** 'EAL) No ærPo^/v rsûtTitle: Business address: l]'so .Át. (crø!o¡'V brtuø þìxa hù bSllV PhoneNo: ïtz- z?1'g9oç Faxl qt7'7J4 -qga? Email Address: END OFDOCUMENT OO4OO (Signature of Corporate Secretary) DOCUMENT OO43O _ LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS In compliance with the Instructions to Bidders and other Contract Documents, the undersigned submits the following nâmes of Subcontractors to be used in performing the Work for: HWY 1|2/VAN ASCHE DRIVE TRAFFIC SiGNAL Bidder certifies that all Subcontractors listed are eligible to perform the Work. Subsontractor's Work Subcontractor's Name and Address NOTE: This form must be submitted in accordance with the Inshuctions to Bidders. END OF DOCUMENT OO43O Expected Percentage or Value s Signature 0043 O-List of Subcontractors 00430 - l rìI -n --{m ¡ ^ z(¡ Øo¡ o ! 9.a o 3 N o oE N o 3r ôo Õo- 9- o o ! =o 0 !oo oo m @ t<.oioaoËjo -Oã9îo *oYi0? a6oáô<rooócNf öÈ' a) ı ooo om a) =!Ioz Þ X<Nd oo ! ID c)_ê !oo sooo o l-o.N a)Jol1o u m a)o a)o ! 2( ! o E70 !a)(o z a ) o f)o @ o- tsor IF .olãoo ao L) 'Tl .-+órã<SØ- Ë -tl osï:Jc+bE ¡ã ili +' :f-<F0'(ÞHg: j e-'6 F ', J (ßl <ifÐy*=HÞ=Ø.>üBlS+ii--{- or:r, ı d<4 z ü OJ+ ı' q, 0af 9r ! !o !Jo o 6uozx a)N ô o æ z.o f 3oIı' a)o =oc N @ m o zo f 3o N r)o foC @ o oo o = oq oo a)o) a -ñrN HH ca = o lo o o TC @oX --l Þo N T(f N ir:ln':-r-E:r.. iira) .:.: mi.!i' ,:mi:',:'.7.,' i¡q:i:iz:,;¡:-l .'1.Ì .. : i..-:i.:i :.t t". 'ðri :l:Þ' m o ı' qì æ fo a)ooo ba €6) @ -Iì:i; m {^: , o ı'I oqJo a)ooo !a Þ ã 6) A ::lìi:l] mÞ -l o ı'Læ =o a)o6 ı- N(fr) À É 6) i.,ö ;::,::l rF ì.lcot1:d,i;@',::!v "o:iO ii' m @ooo =oc)sqoo oq 6 Or @oqo f æN 0o ôoo ooo a)Ðq o m { 14:, :t::, -c, . >1:o.tol m o |tr)ol3 1o c 3. lo, o Na) N e mÞ æ o.. o :.,V¡ - r,. .ì .lF':Co:{:: .@ .; ÞJ''.:io :.o Eo f,.oo a)oaoCÕ o l a)o =oc Na) o Ie @ @ o ,:{1}:,:.. r r::r,: i)!ò:::: ..:!(Or:.jjtæit: .éii.'. Oil :¿Ji ,È.. N:: Nj, .-æ. 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':i : .:l !,rJ ;:, .:.:, ; :j.jt+.,.: '\,1 .Nì l ,ri5..: .'9::: yl Ø ÞooIoo ,ï'Jl)iil .,i,,,,!:ì : ur'l".itn.. :::.Oiì1,.b,':;:çr:.i r1 lÈ, :_o.i''U1 ,.ioÌl:r'O . iro::l..ro: Nuo ø lr r: e.Ìi¡.o ilâìj;, il:1 iì:ì iciil-o.r,{.:a. :..N.t I'hi.:gi.: 1^ Þoubo -1 { Lno FIoo o ro. .ñ,o H u a|-j ! iì :ì:.i.1ü.1 i;;-:t-,r::*(].tl :Ìlìi !!¡ ø Þubo - F(obo ';ü:lrir,. ø olØubo 1i: 'i^, o.Þ'ô:ìo: 9;:. ¡Jl.u' .:.cn: :'.O, ..örp.i @!obo -1 s.: ìrl +i 'i:r,. ö,'ol,: lP-r t¡1,o,.. ;.'iir:r ø & roN\¡obo :t:.: ,t..: .(!.,:L.:i5'i:u: :Õìi5.. r:;l!i:l : 'ó, .Oi- Ø *;r:: Ø roo P.u;;ó. ø r@ooo ::{4]: r,tÀ ,,. i oroö.:.O $j rNo N ¿ùo ..Íi. æoobo o\¡øbo ':.1J' :N'.6,bo.. {/}l : ::1 .ìl: N !oo ,.'ii¡ Ø N,Õ.ooo ü:<r¡iÌ ;ii';iii: ;. Liti: .:,8.::.Èi: :: !4:i:o;..::þ: ìfî, tiìr'jti:j (ou{bo N Ø @o NÀIo ç)@o :'ì:..:.;. i.o;.!iiH::ij:rt¡:; j:..ôii 'i.o, j u:' ú sNol !noo ür!!ill roo rNÕ0bO ::rìi)nì ø coPIoo Iæu ø <1t, .:.'ì;i,i.i Iou 'i .t;',1 ':iO. ? . o:.j r,i9.'r ì:,i+ ':jÍi:;*:ì .iÈtì, :9,.'i i.!rlr l Ø @ o <^ oN tno ll:f OrIoO @ÞÕbo ¡\i, r: .tH: ;.'oì'.',o: ír:. Ø øobO 'vr.:. 'Þi or ilr¡i¡: :'{r+. :f¡::':'oìi' :'i;,ù,ì:1,i¡;ri:i t 'i¡ r{./} 'r ..'t i, :'¡1 rí$ ig 'H.,o:o :tr 'i'ltr* a:.iri:'Ìt r: lì. i.:: ,N r t¡l.o: ô.io: t, 22 lraffic Signal Head (3-Section LED) 23 lraffic Signal Head ( -Section LED) 24 Countdown Pedestrìan Signal Head (LED) 25 Traffic Signal Mast Arm and Pole with Foundation 138"ì lcìlv will orovìde oole and mast arm) 26 Traffic Signal Mast Arm and Pole with Foundation l(fl"ì lcitv r¿ltl ñrôvi.lê ôôlÊ ând ñâ<t ârñì 27 Traffic Signal Pole with Foundation (ciryw¡ll provide pole) 28 Push Button Pole with Foundation 29 Traffic Signal Pedestrian Pole with Foundation 30 LED Luminaire Assembly (city to prov¡de luminã¡re årm) 5l Video Monitor with Mouse 32 7 /ideo Detector Rack 33 1 i:.,, A!! Servi-ce Electric lnc,(contJ EA 34 lraffic Control/Guide Signs 4 Mobilìzation (Not to exceed 5% of total bid) EA *NOTICE: Bid award is contingent upon vendor meeting m¡nimum specifications and formal authorization by City offìcials l- $' , '7o4,op EA 2 CERTI FIED: 5 tr^ 1 g:;; - . fi9200 EA rx. 863 T .00 EA S., : :4 928.00 il ri',''.;g;ıoò L EA 5 , 863.00 4 t i, '' - i2;62g;60 EA Ewing Signal Construction LLC (cont.) 5. ,,r;soo.Oo' L EA 5 ' .: e;ôzo l $, : , ;fl800'Po 1 EA S ars.oo x 50 $ ,1;4oooo EA 5 ' +;eei:ôo s 1,03s.00 S , : 350.00 TOTAL BASE BIC ,S. , ,lisoo,oo SF $ 71o.oo x 5,' ; . i;:22.0ó LS S ,, , ,' ,1,800.00 s 3,030.00 5.,,1:¡ . r::i'"r35rOO 5 5,705.00 $. :.,.,::: . !,60Q,00 I S 3,140.00 s 1,035.00 s 2,230.00 $',: ': 3so.oo Traffi ç,&,,Lighti ng Sysle ms. LLC (co nt.) s 2,840.00 $ ', - t,327:oo S l,oso.oo x S 3,o3o.oo S ,: :,,:r,: .IZSö,OO s 1,88s.00 S ,t .' . ,, zes:oo S 6,280.00 Sì'.':,'s;oo0.ooi S 6s.so x $,:i,::;',1,1gq.q¡ s 2,230.00 Sr ':r. ii'j10._9. ,908,50. S 38s.oo $:l' t, ,, e¿o.oQ s 1,0s0.00 S 1,s6s.oo S.:r,r':;ìii5i6po:oq' s 1,88s.00 S .S, ,.. 5,355:00 tr 5 s 3,490.00 5 .... :. .:. .:rj;: it il .r.j -1,,,', " 4igoo.bþ'' S 38s.oo 25.00 s '2,s60,00 . 1,100.00 262 ,$-.::,,,:: '3;1Ç5;0p S i-,s6s.oo .00 $:. : .$,600:00 S' ,, , :':,Zie:fSiOO, s 1,2s0.00 x S 3,490.00 5.: ::: 1125:00 :.5.: ," ' ¿,ooo.óo si:,i"¡'*,Oo S 100,041.50 '.|:s $. . .2,815:00 l :..: . : S,..,. ' i $ +,soo.oo Ì37.00 T ' ,, ,.4,0Q.æ 5 : ,:::-1,469,9P :S .$:: ' 2;oo0:oo s ':119i62&00