HomeMy WebLinkAbout36-16 RESOLUTION1 13 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 36-16 File Numbeï 2016-0017 KEE, LLC AND SERVPRO OF FAYETTEVILLE/SPRINGDALE: A RESOLUTiON PURSUANT TO FAYETTEVTLLE CODE OF ORDINANCES SECTION 39.10(CX4) TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO PAY THE AMOLTNT OF $11,695.64 TO KEE, LLC AND $5,290.40 TO SERVPRO OF FAYETTEVILLE/SPRINGDALE FOR A WASTEWATER DAMAGE CLAIM AzuSING AT 620 N. ROCKCLIFF ROAD WHEREAS, pursuant to the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances Section 39.10(CX4), the City Council must approve the payment of wastewater damage claims exceeding $8,000-00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section l: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, pursuant to Fayetteville Code of Ordinances $ 39.10(CX4), authorizes the Mayorto pay S11,695.64 to KEE, LLC and 55,290.40 to Servpro of Fayetteville/Springdale for a wastewater damage claim arising at 620 N. Rockcliff Road. PASSED and APPROVED on 2/2/2016 --','Shif,%'ÈiÇl,iff.*h---1\.".;"c\\YoÈ'''W 77,{!re*.É:l{-s ""41t¡ii;;ç,rrrril,o,,ì1,;N t"..11|.ì!a\ì. Cu..\\\ Qo. E^ \ 2"n nfnfi.G-11 o -n\ IYETTEVILL Attest: Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Treasurer Page 1 Pr¡nted on 2/3/16 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Text File File Number: 20'16-0017 1 13 West Mountain Street Fayettev¡lle, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Agenda Date:21212016 ln Control: City Council Meeting Agenda Number: A. 6 Version: 1 Status: Agenda Ready File Type: Resolution KEE, LLC AND SERVPRO OF FAYETTEVILLE/SPRJNGDALE: A RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO FAYETTEVTLLE CODE OF ORDTNANCES SECTION 39.10(C) (4) TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO PAY THE AMOUNT OF 511,695.64T0 KEE, LLC AND $5,290.40 TO SERVPRO OF FAYETTEVILLE/SPRINGDALE FOR A WASTEWATER DAMAGE CLAIM ARISING AT 620 N. ROCKCLIFF ROAD WHEREAS, pursuant to the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances Section 39.10(CX4), the City Council must approve the payment of wastewater damage claims exceeding $8,000.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, pursuant to Fayetteville Code of Ordinances $ 39.10(CX4), authorizes the Mayor to pay $11,695.64 to KEE, LLC and $5,290.40 to Servpro of Fayetteville/Springdale for a wastewater damage claim arising at 620 N. Rockcliff Road. City oÍ Fayettev¡lle, Arkansas Page I Printed on 2/3/2016 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form ä#36-ft#3"3 Legãstar File !S 2/2/3û3.ffi City Council Meeting Date - Agenda ltem Only N/A for Non-Agenda ltem 1.111./201"6 Utilities Director /Tim Nyander Utilities Department Submitted Date Division / DepartmentSubm¡tted By Action Recommendation: City Administration recommends approval of a claim settlement in the amount of 511,695.64 with Kirk Elsass (KEE, LLC) for damage to his property at 620 Rockcliff Rd. resulting from a sewer overflow. Budget lmpact: Project Number Budgeted ltem? Yes Does item have a cost? Yes Budget Adjustment Attached? NA Sewer Maintenance - lnsurance Non-Vehicle Project Title Current Budget 5 25,000.00 Funds Obligated $ Current Balance Item Cost 5 1-1,,695.64 Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget * '¡,s.$*ji'.::*$ 5400.4410.5311.04 Account Number N/A Fund N/A v20140710 Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Original Contract Number: Comments: Approval Date: CITY OF CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO MEETING OF FEBRUARY 2, 2OI6 Fayetteville City Council Mayor Lioneld Jordan Don Marr, Chief of Staff Tim Nyander, Utilities Director TN January 11,2016 Sewer Claim Settlement, Kirk Elsass (KEE, LLC), 620 Rockcliff Rd TO: THRU: FROM: DATE: SUBJEGT: RECOMMENDATION: City Administration recommends approval of a claim settlement in the amount of $11,695.64 with Kirk Elsass (KEE, LLC) for damage to his property at 620 Rockcliff Rd. resulting from a sewer overflow. BAGKGROUND: On November 3, 2015 a sewer backed up on Rockcliff Rd. due to roots in the line. The backup caused flooding in the home at 620 Rockcliff Rd, The wastewater ran through multiple floors of the home damaging the hardwood floors, trim, carpets, ceilings, and crawlspace. The home is owned by KEE, LLC, which is owned by Kirk Elsass. DISCUSSION: The claim is valid for payment since the City's lines backed up causing the home to flood. The claimant, Kirk Elsass, will be reimbursed for the restoration, labor, materials and the plumber call at the time of the event. The total amount that will be paid to the claimant upon approval is $11,695.64. The remediation after the event was done by Servpro in the amount of $5,290-40, and has already been paid directly to Servpro by the City. The total amount that will paid out for thís claim is $16,986.04. The sewer maintenance crews root cut the line and nearby manhole that caused the event. Also, that sewer main is scheduled to be lined with cured-in-place pipe on January 14, 2O16lo prevent roots from entering the line and decrease the likelihood of sewer overflows in that area. BUDGET/STAFF IMPAGT: Funds are available within the Sewer Maintenance lnsurance account. Attachments: Staff Review Form Claim Form and Repair Cost Totals Signed Acceptance of Offer Plumber and Servpro Remediation lnvoices Restoration, Labor and Materials lnvoices Pictures of Damage Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 www.fayettevil le-a r.gov |l'.fi-iirt'rjjrt.CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE CLA.I[I FORM INSTRUCTTONS: Cotnplete this fomr clearly stating the reason for the clainr, amount you are clainting, aìl contact infonration. and attach appropriate docune)llatjon including receipts. estimates, photos,'etc. Substantive documenlation (writtel¡ eslinlales and/or receipts. ploof of incidcnt, etc.) MUST be provided to estabiish aìl ntorreta4, r,alucs. Additional sheets n:ay be added. Faijure lo provide all infonlration and ful)y subslantiate your ciainr will resuh in the clainr being rejected. Filing a claim does not impl¡,approval: cìainrs will be investigaled before a decision is rendered; clainrs received nìore tha't 30 days alier the incídeut u,ill be rejected. Cìajnrs conrainjng irraccurale or fi'¿udulent illfonltatjon u'ill be rejected. Please mail to or hand-deliver docunrenrs to: m tr f\ Ë [ \ / f n City Administråtíon Building, Âtt€ntion: Mayor's Office ã \ 1-\/ L ¡ V t"* 8'-l ll3 W. Mountain. Fa¡,ettcville, Al\'l27tj Phone 479 -575-8330 Fax 479-5'7 5-8251 c t-^, li\ltÀN'r I NIìO RI\, À11()ir {tlr.ac FtiDl rc¿llY) Full Name: NûV * itiil CITY ûF FÀYEiTiVl'¡-LË ftt,qYO¡1'S ûff:¡{:[sÁ¡å€¿It¡^#Jsæl :- ;;;, Add**,-Kjitl([ [,(Ò nJ Sbeet,{ddress: Cit¡r, Starr & Zp: Daytime Phone Number: {gqj--!JÀf Ârrcn,"t"pboncNumber:47-f-:5;)l--ble// Nature ofOccurrence:Water Street Related Other: Do ¡,6¡r [s1,g insurance rvhich corcrs your damage io this incident? fl 0 Deductible AmL $ The Cit¡' rvill not Pay a claim in an amount exceeding a Claimant's insurance deductible, íf cot,ered. 5'f n Rò ünþ40 'Lí n0 L'tr' the above-pro"ìrled lruc Ànd correct to the of rny knowledge and belief"/îS-ls- *} / ''t{d ,{u " S ¿ '/,7fuorì¿ The undersígned hereby files a clainr against the City ofFayetteville, Arkansas for the following reason(s): (attached additional sheet if necessary) Rccèí.,trt liy#'gdt-f^J/R.cfcrrcd t<r f)¡rrc lìcrcivcd///s : , D {t¿ Dcpartment Director Signa rul.c .Accounl # Repair Cost Total for 620 Rockcliff Rd. Plumber Bill Homes Management, lnc. Coyote Quality Hardwood Floors, lnc. Quality Millwork, lnc. Quality Millwork, lnc. Encore Building Products Encore Building Products Claim Payment to Kirk Elsass Servpro Remediation (Paid to Servpro) TotalClaim Payment 139.00 3,235.59 2,821_.68 L55.23 86.24 2,228.67 3,O29.23 LL,695.64 5,29O.40 16,986.04 C}TY OF¡' -**-s3'1 ffßr#LLflVtåår1 ¡nKANsAS ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER The undersigned does hereby accept the offer of $11,695.64 in full settlement and satisfaciion of, and as sole consideration for, the final release and discharge of alf actions, rights, causes of action, claims and demands whatsoever that now exist or may hereafter accrue against the City of Fayetteville, a munícipal corporation, and the elected officials and employees thereof, charged or who or which may be charged with responsibitity for injuries to the person and property of the undersigned, the treatment ihereof, and all consequences following therefrom, as a result of the event which occurred on or about the 3'd day of November, 2015 al or near 620 Rockcliff Rd., Fayetteville, Arkansas, and for which the undersigned claims the above- names parties are legally liable in damages (which legal liability and damages are disputed and denied), and acknowledging that nothing herein shall be construed to alter, limit or othenvise compromise the immunity afforded the City of Fayetteville und the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Arkansas, and: The undersigned agrees as further consideration and inducement for this settlement, that Ìs shall apply to all known, unknown and unanticipated injuries and damages resulting from said accident, casualty or event, as well as those now asserted and disclosed. Signed this 11 day of î'v,¿ *p ,2416 1200 Joyce Blvd. Fayetteville, Arkansas 7 2703 l''laiiing Address: 113 W fu'r>unt¡¡in Street F.:yettevil le, AR 7 2701 vr,\r.¡ir. {¡yettevi ì !e - a r.g ov _ nÍril(r-{ ß(t(rrHß= U;l sE:rJE¡r-oßÁrn¡ DILLARD NORTHWEST, INC. P.O. BOX 7180. SPRINGDALE, ABKANSAS 72766 PHONES 14791 751-8442 . 521 -1 81 9 . 636-81 1 2 FAX: (a79) 7s1-8940 'tflararl q4'|eôqll¿o D"r9* t4¿ Dta¿ø" rNvolcE 8$'¡lr4ËË ngÍo-BooTEn^ THE COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK SEWEB & DRAIN CLEANING SEBVICE -.-,ì I I J ,^". ..,."...rì,/, Job .Addrass: ............... ! .:i it-1*"i*åÌ:(*ç i'!f Ì -i-Ì-'., I i t- ry'¿ JoB Desc'rPrroN AND FJTilARFi r L n- {. '.1:."-- ---"- -,.",: il1--:.::1j: ". "**--7ïì.*,*--..:.*-{'-*-i.-r Iravel Chg \.\rtìt. P**^' ." i tt, tl -\) r,:i ',..-. I t'(t))27-'r, ,l -tü''\i/ t\R#'.- 'GÈå'. .s\fl ^!,\ t' ProCucl / Parts -.". ai r+L å ¡\ ¡ ^- * *';.--T:ir*:r--T,---*--- - tot¡r-oue ./ .ì ') i' , Payment due upon completion of job Check d Cas¡ D:n çrÉdlt Cård LJt. .j ,r..\.',-- ),- ' -:-li.l." --*. .i-t -- - ¡"* i i Cuitbml¡ Signraruru I ilertrby ac.spl alto'rc ,rrlo,fi:i sg.$ce;rìú.;x,ì1i.¡jr _ i berag irtr,tætory aild açreÈ to pü'/ ìh(:r 3floye a.c¡lni -ilaled" l .-l-.:ì:...i:.,r:. li,l t.j', c- 30 Day 6O Oay 90 D¿y ffi Servpro of Fayetteville/Springdale 228 E Robinson Ave Springdale, AR 72764 479-419-5544 Tax ID # 26-3481504 Client: City of Fayetteville - Elsass Property: 620 Rock Cliff Fayetteville, AP.72701 Operator: SERVPRO9 Type of Estimate: <NONE> Date Entered: 111912015 Date Assigned: Price List: ARFASX NOVI5 LaborEffrciency: Restoration/Service/Remodel Estirnate: CITY OF FAY-ELSASS Home: (479) 841-4321 Servpro of Fayetteville/Springdale 228 E Robinson Ave Springdale, AR 12764 479-419-5544 Tax ID #26-348'1504 Main Level DESCRIPTION QTY CITY OF-FAY-ELSASS Main Level REMOVE REPLACE TAX TOTAL 1. Equip. setup, take down & monitoring - after hrs Set up equipment I l/3 3. Equipment setup, take down, and 1.00 HR monitoring (hourly charge) Monitor l1l5 4. Equipment setup, take down, and 1.50 HR monitoring (hourly charge) Monitor and take down equipment l116 5. Haul debris - per pickup truck load - 2.00 EA including dump fees 7l . Content Manipulation charge - per 2.00 HR 0.00 58.91 8.62 96.99r.50 HR 0.00 0.00 99.97 39.23 39.23 0.00 3.82 5.74 t9.49 4.75 43.05 64.59 219.43 53.510.00 24.38 hour Total: Main Lèvel 42.42 477.57 Laundry Ileight: 8' 342.67 SF Walls 438.92 SF Walls & Ceiling 10.69 SY Flooring 42.83 LF Ceil. Perimeter QTY REMOVE REPLACE 96.25 SF Ceiling 96.25 SF Floor 42.83 LF Floor Perimeter TAX TOTALDESCRIPTION 55. Tear out baseboard and bag for disposal - up to Cat 3 56. Remove Base shoe 57. Apply plant-based anti-microbial agent 58. Air mover (per 24 hour Period) - No monitoring 1 air mover for 3 days 6.00 LF 6.00 LF 96.25 SF 3.00 EA 0.66 0. l0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 26.01 0.39 0.06 1.'78 4.35 0.66 20.07 '7.61 85.64 Totals: Laundry 9.84 fi0.'72 CITY-OF-FAY-ELSASS tllr2l20rs Page:2 ,,;&s-.ffi Servpro of Fayetteville/Springdale 228 E Robinson Ave Springdale, AR 72764 479-419-5544 Tax ID # 26-3487504 Dining Height:8' Missing Wall Missing Wall DESCRIPTION 310.75 SF Walls 629;74 SF Walls & Ceiling 35.44 SY Flooring 38.84 LF Ceil. Perimeter 19'9 7/8" X I' 16'8" X 8' QTY REMOVE 318.99 SF Ceiling 318.99 SF Floor 38.84 LF Floor Perimeter Opens into KITCHEN Opens into LIVING REPLACE TAX TOTAL 24. Tear out wet non-salvageable carpet, cut/bag - Cat 3 water 25. Tear outwetcarpetpad,culbag- 132.00 SF Category 3 water 26. Tear out tackless strip and bag for 15.00 LF disposal - Category 3 27. Remove Tile floor covering 28. Remove l/4" Cement board 29. Tear out baseboard ancl bag for disposal - up to Cat 3 30. Remove Base shoe 3l . Air mover (per 24 hour period) - No monitoring 3 air movers for 3 days 32. Dehumidifi er (per 24 hour period) - 3.00 Xlarge - No monitoring 1 XL LGR dehu for 3 days 75. Apply plant-based anti-microbial 318.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.80 0.00 Ls9 0_00 0.74 132.00 sF 0.s8 0.54 0.81 1.54 0.51 0.66 0. l0 0.00 0.00 26.01 '7.46 6.9s I .18 0.1 r 22.82 84.02 '78.23 13.33 54.08 17.91 8.33 1.26 256.91 333.69 32.00 32.00 I 1.50 I 1.50 9.00 SF SF LF LF EA EA 0.00 101.35 29.64 0.00 0.r9 s.91 66.52SF agent Totals: Dining 81 .20 914.28 Master Bath Height:8' DBSCRIPTION 2s6.9s 3t2.18 6.14 32.12 QTY SF Walls SF Walls & Ceiling SY Flooring LF Ceil. Perimeter REMOVE 55.22 SF Ceiling 55.22 SF Floor 32.12 LF Floor Perimeter TAX TOTALREPLACE t1/L2t2015 Page: 3CITY OF FAY.ELSASS " Servpro ofFayetteville/Springdale 228 E Robinson Ave Springdale, AR 72764 479-419-5544 Tax ID # 26-3487504 DESCRIPTION QTY CONTINUED - Master Bath REMOVE REPLACE TAX TOTAL 65. Toilet - Detach 66. Remove Tile floor covering 67. Remove l/4" Cement board 68. Tear out baseboard and bag for disposal - up to Cat 3 69. Remove Base shoe 70. Air mover (per 24 hour period) - No monitoring 2 air movers for 3 days 76. Apply plant-based anti-microbial agent Totals: Master Bath 1.00 EA 26.00 sF 26.00 sF 9.50 LF 9.50 LF 6.00 EA 55.22 SF Master Bedroom 0.00 1,54 0.51 0.66 0.10 0.00 0.00 3l .80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.01 0.19 3.1 0 3.90 1.29 0.61 0.09 15.22 1.02 25.23 34.90 43.94 14.55 6.88 1.04 t'71.28 ll.5l 284.10 Height:8' DESCRTPTION 6st.79 959.8s 34.23 81.47 QTY SF Walls SF Walls & Ceiling SY Flooring LF Ceil. Perimeter REMOVE 308.07 SF Ceiling 308.07 SF Floor 81.47 LF Floor Perimeter TAXREPLACE TOTAL 59. Tear out wet non-salvageable carpet, cut/bag - Cat 3 water 60. Tear out wet carpet pad, cut/bag - Category 3 water 6l Tear out tackless strip and bag for disposal - Category 3 62. Tear oul baseboard and bag for disposal - up to Cat 3 63. Air mover (per 24 hour period) - No monitoring I air mover for 3 days 64. Dehumidifi er (per 24 hour period) - Xlarge - No monitoring I XL LGR dehu for 3 days 71 . Apply plant-based anti-microbial agent Totals: Master Bedroom CITY-OF-FAY-ELSASS r2.00 sF 12.00 sF 4.00 LF 8.75 LF 3.00 EA 1.00 EA 108.07 sF 0.s8 0.54 0.81 0.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.01 l0l .35 0. l9 0.68 0.63 0.32 0.56 '7.61 9.88 5.71 25.39 t1/12t20rs 7.64 '7.11 3.s6 6.34 85.64 111.23 64.24 285.76 Page:4 Servpro of Fayetteville/Springdale 228 E Robinson Ave Springdale, AR'72764 479-419-5544 Tax ID # 26-3481504 + Kitchen Height:8' Missing Wall - Goes to Floor Missing Wall Missing Wall DESCRIPTION 325.92 SF Walls 568.68 SF Walls & Ceiling 26.97 SY Flooring 43.24 LF Ceil. Perimeter 3' X 6'8r' 4' 7t' X 8' l9'97i8"X8' 242.16 SF Ceiling 242.16 SF Floor 40.24 LF Floor Perimeter Opens into FORMAL_DININ Opens into ENTRY Opens into DINING REPLACE TAXQTYREMOVE TOTAL 19. Remove Tile floor covering 21. Remove 1/4" Cementboard 22. Apply plant-based anti-microbial agent 23. Air mover (per 24 hour period) - No monitoring 2 air movers for 3 days Totals: Kitchen 7.50 SF 7.50 SF 7.50 SF 6.00 EA 1.54 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. l9 26.01 I .13 0.37 0. r4 15.22 16.86 12.68 4.20 1.5'7 l'71 .28 Stair Closef t89.'73 Height:8' DESCRIPTION t94.79 223.84 3.23 24.35 QTY SF Walls SF Walls & Ceiling SY Flooring LF Ceil. Perimeter REMOVE REPLACE 29.05 SF Ceiling 29.05 SF Floor 24.35 LF Floor Perimeter TAX TOTAL 33. Remove Tile floor covering 34. Remove l/4" Cementboard 35. Tear out baseboard and bag for disposal - up to Cat 3 36. Remove Base shoe 37. Apply plant-based anti-microbial agent 38. Air mover (per 24 hour period) - No monitoring I air mover for 3 days 29.0s sF 29.0s sF 24.35 LF 24.35 LF 29.05 SF 3.00 EA 1.54 0.51 0.66 0.r0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 26.01 4.36 1.44 1.51 0.24 0.54 7.61 49.10 16.26 t't.64 2.68 6.06 8s.64 CITY_OF-FAY-ELSASS t1/12t2015 Page: 5 - Servpro of Fayetteville/Springdale 228 E Robinson Ave Springdale, AR 72764 479-419-5544 Tax ID #26-3487504 DESCRIPTION QTY CONTINUED - Stair Closet REMOVE REPLACE TAX TOTAL Totals: Stair Closet Playroom t5.7 6 177.38 Ifeight: 8' Missing Wall - Goes to Floor DESCRIPTION 344.75 SF Walls 478.72 SF Walls & Ceiling 14.89 SY Flooring 45.52 LF Ceil. Perimeter 2' 11" X 6'8" QTY REMOVE 133.97 SF Ceiling 133.97 SF Floor 42.61 LF Floor Perimeter Opens into ENTRY REPLACE TAX TOTAL 44. Tear out non-salv wood floor & bag-Category3water 45. Tear out baseboard and bag for disposal - up to Cat 3 46. Remove Base shoe 47. Tear out wet drywall, cleanup, bag, perLF-to2'-Cal3 48. Air mover (per 24 hour period) - No monitoring 2 air movers for 3 days 78. Apply plant-based anti-microbial agenl Totals: Playroom 32.00 sF r 5.50 LF 15.50 LF 3.50 LF 6.00 EA 133.97 SF 3.4'7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.01 0.19 10.83 1.00 0. 15 1.20 15.22 2.48 30.88 121.87 tl .23 1.70 13.52 171.28 27.93 347.53 Height: 8' 0.66 0.l0 3.s2 0.00 0.00 Powder Room DESCRIPTION 160.01 180.33 2.26 20.00 QTY SF Walls SF Walls & Ceiling SY Flooring LF Ceil. Perimeter REMOVE REPLACE 20.31 SF Ceiling 20.31 SF Floor 20.00 LF Floor Perimeter TAX TOTAL 39. Tear out non-salv wood floor & bag-Category3water 40. Tear out baseboard and bag for disposal - up to Cat 3 CITY-OF_FAY-ELSASS 20.31 sF 20.00 LF 3.4'7 0.66 0.00 6.87 t.29 11/1212015 77.35 14.49 Page:6 0.00 Servpro of Fayettevilte/Springdale 228 E Robinson Ave Springdale, AR 72764 479-419-5544 Tax ID # 26-3487504 DESCRIPTION CONTINUED - Powder Room QTY REMOVE REPLACE TÀX TOTAL 41. Remove Base shoe 42. Apply plant-based anti-mic¡obial agent 43. Air mover (per 24 hour period) - No monitoring I air mover for 3 days 20.00 LF 20.3 I SF 3.00 EA 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.l9 26.01 0.20 0.38 7.61 2.20 4.24 85 64 Totals: Powder Room t 6.35 r 83.92 Entry Height: 8' Missing Wall - Goes to Floor Missing Wall Missing Wall Missing Wall DESCRIPTION 265.81 SF Walls 384.53 SF Walls & Ceilins 13.19 SY Flooring 35.66 LF Ceil. Perimeter 2' 11" X 6' 8r' 4t 7" Xg' 3'9" X 8' 7'Xg' QTY REMOVE 1 18.72 SF Ceiling 118.72 SF Floor 32.74 LF Floor Perimeter Opens into PLAYROOM Opens into KITCHEN Opens into STAIRS Opens into DEN REPLACE TAX TOTAL 12. Tear out non-salv wood floor & bag-Category3water 13. Tear out baseboard and bag for disposal - up to Cat 3 14. Tear out wet drywall, cleanup, bag, per LF - to2'-Cat3 15. Remove Base shoe I 7. Apply plant-based anti-microbial agent 18. Air mover (per 24 hour period) - No monitoring 3 air movers for 3 days 82.00 sF 18.75 LF l8-75 LF r 8.75 LF 82.00 sF 900 EA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.1 9 26.01 21 ;74 1.2t 6.44 0.l8 1.s2 22.82 312.28 13.59 72.44 2.06 17.10 256.91 3.47 0.66 3.52 0.r0 0.00 0.00 Totals: Entry 59.91 674.38 CITY OF FAY-ELSASS t1/12t2015 Page:7 Servpro of Fayetteville/Springdale 228 E Robinson Ave Springdale, AR 72164 479-419-5544 Tax ID #26-3487504 Play Closet Height:8' I toI 127.74 SF Walls 138.40 SF V/alls & Ceiling 1 .1 8 SY Flooring 15.97 LF Ceil. Perimeter QTY REMOVE REPLACE 10.66 SF Ceiling 10.66 SF Floor 15.97 LF Floor Perimeter TAXDESCRIPTION TOTAL 49. Tear out non-salv wood floor & bag-Category3water 50. Tear out baseboard and bag for disposal - up to Cat 3 51. Remove Base shoe 52. Tear out wet drywall, cleanuP, bag, per LF - to 2'- Cat 3 53. Apply plant-based anti-microbial agent 54. Air mover (per 24 hour period) - No monitoring I air mover for 3 days 10.66 SF 15.9't LF 1s.97 LF 15.97 LF 10.66 SF 3.00 EA 3.47 0.66 0.10 3.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 26.01 0.l6 5.48 0.20 1.76 6t.69 2.23 3.61 40.60 1.03 \t .57 7 .6t 85.64 Totals: Play Closet 18.09 203.49 Total: Main Level 34t.93 3,848.86 Garage Garage Height:8' -22'5"a È' Caragc DESCRIPTION 690.38 SF Walls I,l09.39 SF Walls & Ceiling 46.56 SY Flooring 86.30 LF Ceil. Perimeter QTY REMOVE REPLACE 419.01 SF Ceiling 419.01 SF Floor 86.30 LF Floor Perimeter TAX TOTAL 6. Tear out wet drywall, cleanuP, bag - CaI3 Drywall removed from ceiling "1. Tear out baseboard and bag for disposal - up to Cat 3 8. Tear out non-salv underlayment & bag-Category3water CITY_OF_FAY.ELSASS 97.00 sF 20.25 LF 8.00 sF 0.96 0.66 1.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.08 r.30 1.20 r1n212015 t02.20 14.67 13.52 Page: 8 -iç{ffi Servpro of Fayetteville/Springdale 228 E Robinson Ave Springdale, AR 12164 479-419-5544 Tax ID #26-3487504 DESCRIPTION QTY CONTINUED - Garage REMOVE REPLACE TAX TOTAL 9. Tear out wet non-salv. gluedn. cpt, cut/bag-Cat3water i3.00 sF i0. Apply plant-based anti-microbial I10.00 SF agent Floor and ceiling 15.00 EA 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.l9 26.01 t.2l 2.04 38.04 14.2'7 22.94 428.191l. Air mover (per 24 hour period) - No monitoring 5 air movers for 3 days Totals: Garage 52.93 595.79 Total: Garage 52.93 s9s.79 CrawlSpace Crawlspace Height: 8' DESCRIPTION 1,369.27 2,6'72.61 144.82 171 .16 QTY SF Walls SF Walls & Ceiling SY Flooring LF Ceil. Perimeter REMOVE 1,303.34 SF Ceiling 1,303.34 SF Floor 171 .16 LF Floor Perimeter TAXREPLACE TOTAL 73. Tear out and bag wet insulation 74. Air mover (per 24 hour period) - No monitoring 5 air movers for 3 days 79. Apply plant-based anti-microbial 246.00 SF 15.00 EA 1,303.34 SF 0.s4 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.01 0.r9 t2.95 38.04 24.14 145.79 428.19 271 .77 agent Totals: Crawlspace 75.13 845.'75 Total: CrawlSpace 75.13 84s.75 Line Item Totals: CITY_OF_FAY-ELSASS 469.99 s.290.40 CITY_OF-FAY-ELSASS | 1/12/2015 Page: 9 Servpro of Fayetteville/Sprin gdale 228 E Robinson Ave Springdale, AR 12764 419-419-5544 Tax ID #26-3487504 Grand Total Areas: 6,354.81 SF Walls 3,'785.26 SF Floor 0.00 SF Long Wall 3,785.26 Floor Area 4,698.49 Exterior Wall Area 0.00 Surface Area 0.00 Total Ridge Length CITY OF FAY-ELSASS 3,765.43 SF Ceiling 420.58 SY Flooring 0.00 SF Short Wall 3,860.73 Total Area 522.05 Extenor Perimeter of Walls 0.00 Number of Squares 0.00 Total Hip Length 10,120.24 SF Walls and Ceiling '790.83 LF Floor Perimeter 800.05 LF Ceil. Perimeter 6,045.49 Interior Wall Area 0.00 Total Perimeter Length 1111212015 Page: l0 ffi Servpro of Fayettevilte/Springdale 228 E Robinson Ave Springdale, AR 72764 419-419-ss44 Tax ID # 26-3481504 Summary for Dwelling Line Itern Total Total Sales Tax Replacement Cost Value Net Claim CITY OF FAY.ELSASS 4,820.41 469.99 $5,290.40 s5,290.40 1t lt2l20l5 Page: I I Servpro of Fayetteville/Springdale 228 E Robinson Ave Springdale, AR 72764 419-419-5544 Tax ID # 26-3487504 Recap by Category Items Total o//o CONTENT MANIPULATION GENERAL DEMOLITION WATER EXTRACTION & REMEDIATION Subtotal Total Sales Tax Total CITY-OF_FAY-ELSASS 48.76 t,570.87 3,200.78 0.920 29.69yo 60.50o/o 4,820.41 469.99 9l.l2yo 8.88% 5,290.40 100.00% 1v1212015 Page:12 Main Level Formal Dining Stair Closet ¡ CITY OF FAY_ELSASS Playloorn Master Bath Master Bedroorr -4'I Main Level 1111212015 Page: 13 N 1 Garage 22'5" CITY OF FAY-ELSASS ıo 3' 6" -{ 18'3" 18' 1 1" t1lt2t20l5 N 1 Garage Page: 14 CrawlSpace CITY OF FAY-ELSASS Crau,lSpace llll2/2015 Page: 15 N 1t HOMES MANAGEMENT, INC. 12OO EAST JOYCE BLVD. FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72703 Bill To KEE, LLC KIRK E ELSASS 12OO EAST JOYCE BLVD. FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72703 P.O. # ïerms 620 ROCKCLIFF Date 1Zt1Bt201S lnvoice # 1312 Ship To Ship Date 12t18/2015 Due Date 1Í:.tlïtzols Other Item Maintenance Supplies Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Supplies Mai¡rtenance Supplies Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance HOMES MANAGEMÊNT, INC. mtwyford@lindsey.com Description 620 Rockcliff - John - sheetrock garage, hang insulation, move toilet, fridge, washer 12l1O\ZO1S Lowe's - $334.50 620 Rockclift- John - trim, caulk, reinstail fridge, toilets and dishwasher 121 141201 S 620 Rockcliff - Basìlio - trim, caulk, reinstalt fridge, toilets,dishwasher 1211412015 620 Rockcliff - John - move furniture back and clean 12t15/2015 620 Rockclíff - Basilio - move furniture back and clean 12115t2015 Lowe's - $8.75 620 Rockcliff - John - irim, toitet and caulk 12t1712015 Lowe's - $31.09 620 Rockcliff - Basilio - trim, caulk and cut door 12t17 t2015 620 Rockcliff - Basitio - powenruash steps 12l19/2015 620 Rockcliff - John - sand and paint Trim 1212212015 620 Rockcliff - Basitio - sand and paint trim j2t2Zt2O1S 620 Rockcliff - John - paint garage and interior walls 12t23t2015 620 Rockcliff - Basilio - paint garage and interior walls12tnt2a15 Qtv I I 4.5 ÁE 5 5 Price 35.00 334.50 3s.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 0.00 35.00 31.09 35.00 35.00 35.00 35,00 35.00 35.00 Amount 280.00 334.s0 157.50 157.50 175.00 175.00 0.00 10s.00 31.09 140.00 140.00 280.00 280.00 280.00 280.00 .) 1 4 4 B a () o 479-52I-6677 479-527-8835 Subtotal Sales Tax ß.A%) Total Payme nts / Cred its Balance Due Page 1 HOMES MANAGEMENT, INC. 12OO EAST JOYCE BLVD. FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72703 Bill To KEE, LLC KIRK E ELSASS 12OO EAST JOYCE BLVD. FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72703 P.O. # 620 ROCKCLIFF Terms Date 12t1812a15 lnvoice # 1312 Ship To Ship Date 1211812015 Due Date 1211812015 Other Item DescriPtion QtY Price Amount Maintenance 620 Rockcliff - John - clean up 1212412015 2 35.00 70.00 Maintenance 620 Rockcliff - Basilìo - clean up 1212412015 2 35.00 70'00 Maìntenance 620 Rockcliff - John - moved furniture for wood floors 4 35.00 140.00 and clean 11612016 Maintenance 620 Rockcliff - Basilio - move furniture ancl clean 4 35.00 140.00 11612015 Subtotal $3,235.59 Sales Tax (0.0%) $o.oo Total $3,235.59 HOMES MANAGEMENT, TNC. mrwyford@tindsey.com 47g-52r-66u Pavments/Credits $0'00 47s-s27-B\3s Balance Due $3'235.59 Page 2 Coyote Quality Hardwood Floors, Inc 9826Braodway Lane Rogers, AR 72758 Name / Address Kirk lìls¿ss Proposal Descríption Qtv Rate Total Remove Flooring Delivcr, lnstall. and Finish #2 Red Oak 2-25" RcJìnish Hardu.ood Flooring Usin_s. Oil-Based Finish Telms: 500/o Due At Start-tJp. 50o/o Due Upon Job Cornplerion. l4 127 509 2.00 8.00 3.00 28.001' r.016.001- t.527.007 NO'l'Fl: Cìustomer is rcsponsible tbr mçving all fì¡rniture. appliancus^ ancl dccorative irerns prior 1o job slart-up. Co-vote Hardwood Floors is not rcsponsibc I'ol an¡' additional costs associated rvith paint touch-up or cleaning rcsulring tì.tlrn our rçork. Subtotal $2.57r.oo Sales Tax (9.75%) $250.68 Total $2.82r.68 Acceptance Of Proposal The above plices, specifications, and tetms ate satisfactory and are hereby accepted. Yos are authorized to execute the proposed job as specifìed above. I Lrnderstand that pavtnent is due in accordance with the terms above ancl work will not proceed until terms have been met. óÀ dt' Àl''" Signature: Date: ,.,Á.. Quality Millwork,Inc. 5556 Market St. Berhel Heights, AR72764 Name / Address CASH COD Sales Order Date S.O. No. t2/t5/2015 23t42 Ship To CASII KIRK EI,SASS CPU BA2OI FJ B.A2OI 4-I14 FJ PINE BASE oDD 201 t'- c\re.K Itp3 -c l4t.t2T Subtotal $l4l.l2 Sales Tax (10.0%) $r4.r I Total srrs.23 Quality Millwork,Inc. 5556 Market St. Berhel Heights, AR 727 64 Name / Address CASH coD Sales Order Date S.O. No. t2114t2015 231 12 Ship To CASI{ KIRK ELSASS CPU BA2OlFJ BAZOI 4-I/4 FJ PINÐ BASE oDD 20r Subtotal $78.40 Sales Tax (10.0%) $7.84 Total s86 24 'cers- ,rnds / Shutlers Lumber * Plywood f AcıouNTNı,-l ':,.'1 i.. ^ i':';i a.-i'.' tliıiJe oËBER Nı-l :r.->? .ilg ..tr:¡i.r^ i. I * Windows * Lìghting * Deco Hardware * Engineered Wood* Finished Lumber Ë1Ì ffiwffiffiffi"ffiÆ -:,i,¡L g; '¿ iÌ;J¡i¡1:r.{.1Ìi ¿. i r"' - :iirk ., rjr;Íj¿, jt::i¡j",i;tji:!.,t",11, ¡ri: "t i:.',,ù SOLO TO: ;'iÌj¡à,i.j':î îíi.":i:t::.{iï:l3Ë"Ìrf i Tritril ...1,{¡,x ¡l¡L ii.i"r:¡:_ i,;'tr.,i..rÂ:SS r.i. i",i "iiiì. l-ï' r.ll'rri: Ë¿ ¡ l.:'i'Tiiï:i.,Ì-i4, ;t +j 'i'.¿'7i!J':: SHIP TO: (SAME AS SOLD TO UNLESS SHOWN BÊLOW) ;jiati-1 ti.if;.: r."Ct" ',.'i' il iF¡i¡ È-fiüi;ïì-"ïlr- :. r1/;r.Filiì\j"Ti :.ii,,::1 À s ì ú¿.--^!j jj¡.È, t:r rr._t,:,!\ t-lñvolcE-DAT '3 :, 4.'.:,i:) t'i ¿r¿rt"l$C.i': (.)RDtrR 'lATtr CUSTOMÉB ORDER Ño, /:oRDEBED BY solp AS I oRpER rAKEN By -TDATETRıù/I ! i:jj !Þ í4n L;t¿Ì- -té¡ j'iid È),"i"t-r¿i'i 3'¡-.t rjt$t)lil f-'x QUANITITY BACKOBDEFI LOAD ITEM Nf)DESçRIPTION PRICE/UNIT ÂMÕ IJNT i.t¿::i, ¿!,¡. j.'::i. rir: '': ¿' êÌ. :: !. i fn, ijìiÌ !îi irt L'i ù{þ"i¿ i ê.ll+'^: fl i a: t:t{ìþr .. ,.9 ._ i .: F dJ3i.i:..å''ái ¿' À ¡:, s1 r-i¿-¡.ìii-st.'tiþ;ïl-U " fl*f. lI:,'.lil .ùrrllÌ"i .-,il i-l'ìi _J.Jl. L: iLi:ì i{rr**3lD i;iÐ )Í.,i$gi Ê'í'Ëä?fl?l Ïli., ì'$ iJ.þ; ijl' ¡ir'f üfr"t"i;I ''i'.:-itl', ta ,, ..-..aa.a-.;.i;..ir :! è :-.r.Ë ;tu r':. L.j'riÉl.'r!ì .J. +*i 3, *;fíJ1t '¿¿ .' -> J"J : tr T,rr,. cL*ì. 11S?".ü9 rfår:i !i r--L -'0 Ll¿ '.:*" 1.?5 -_ì¡!:ì.¡ì!llilÍ' i,I{i, flr{ùtj\--*----1 .i_ I IMPORTANT NON.TAXABLE TAXABLE FUELSURCHARGEI I ¡" L¿ :;- Étr.ù lERMS: ñêt 1ùh ol Monh Fottowi¡g Date of turchase, past Duo itth PAST DUEACCOUNTS: $ghest Fãte of lnteÞd p€h¡nsd by Lor., \etlt he charg€d on pð6t Ouo Accounlsplus rcðsonable htê darg€ and Cost ot Coflocrlon thctùdlng Anorncy FeÊs. nÊSTOCKING CHABGE;2oolô ourlfuck / 1solc CBbmsr Rotro. NCI RËTURN on Special Order or Fabricated ltems. RECÊÌVED IHE ABOVE IN GOOD CONDITI ln the evenl any addillonal f¿res ate due on thls sale, purchaser is responsible for Þayment of said taxes, / Shutters ,oel ./wood it t 4:' : i; \! i& tì+| Ñ1¡'iiéJr:.¡*sars:iii * Windows * Líghting * Deco Hardware .* Ëngineered Wood * Finished Lumber ffimwffffiffi"w Sirt?i% s. "¡"È"{t.if.{f'sf.\Î'¿ $';i .j -'::Ì;. .Ï"' -{i"t{gril'if itlttüÊ:LLli, g!it 'J'Z?à4 SHIP TO: (SAMÉ AS SOLD rO UNLÊSS SHOWN BELOW) -t.ålC " ¿L',., i'",É grt:r;f iL it¡,!ìTÊ"r-TËSËlí :[tJJ-ffiT--J\trt X -.ii 1{:: t: tr SOLD TO: rí¡i ¡\ i"" i...S, tå.4' tj ie ti iJ å{ "í' ürfJ i":l;ßâ ir':ä.,lS¿Ì:Ë i;{tu:¿ti jr.j.iÐL !Il-''jr¡-: É .å lÍì.TT'Ëi'l Jl",LÜ, Àì..y:;'ii3 .é..\-":!''¿(, t1.ñË.jú i11..,r../È\:-.Ì-¿r- I' i::l{:r'f,j;,ì'u::rLf",t"¡1:, ¡:.i¿']/'¿':.4 :. f- rNVotcE No. {Þ"'}'i}.t"iå f rNVılcE Dm' *" : 3i å1ïf å 5 Èlilt ;t *?51"55 þË [ldlJûïf,# &tÈ ¡itriÞonrnur AMOUNT i. i.: rj-F å,.f tïYi. Ë¡r* t EØ" 3? FIECEIVED THE ABOVE IN GOOD CONDI IERMS: Nel 1üh ot Month FdloPlng Oatc of &rchaæ' Pasl Due f1ü PÂSf DUE ÀCCOUNÍS: Highd Rsto o, lntô¡6tFñinodby bw w¡ll be chãryâd on Pâst ouo Ac@unG plús rêæontbfe latê chargô9 lnd codol Collecl¡onìncludlng Atorñey Fæs' nEslOCKING GÌ{ARGEt 2|tlt Þv Tilck I 151ı Ci6ìoñer netorn' ÑO nCTL¡nN on $pecial Order or Fabricated ltems' ln the event any additional taxes ¿ro due oñ thls sãlè, purchaser is responsible for payment of said iaxês' _eä.Ë__^å,i*rria-r''-',,:*.;.ìä3,8ï".i.#-#-=:Fri.-.*:_-5;:.+,'.#:*e!r*E==-=-:..,*.=.-o='-:,=- j€.-e.i*.#-!'è-,--::-É - r¿**ù:$C Ir *Éi -.T.i iiiiÈi"Ð ¡;t;R'['Ê:ä È ii .t'* :i " ¡..,lì"iï ttû SL'å',1-' ri ü ÙìH{iii å Ü ¿í !..$':j: * i i:, ,åii:fT' iii4¡:il;å. Úi¿íi Sí¡ i.iîttlU'i ft t ¿L:: 'lt'ì il:]r i' :iit*Ålr:¿Íli I'3Þ.:rl l5'-r:,iìj ..{ I iårä ú, L y,€ r{ irî,ii.*¡{.i.il,lr:SË { ?i:5 ) ¡,*È1¡5+rlit? s!i¡ T¡.!i}ìI iJ:} TTLil i t;ËT.4.i",i, S3iìf i':Ëi: 'fEBSJ.S[ifùi¡ * 3R:ì:{ N: Ët {! ¿l 1r''. i.ìi kmnåås#LÛIIE'S I1OIIE CÈ¡lTE8S, LLC 1O5O ZIOl.l RÐ FAYEITEUILtt, *R 7?703 (479) 587-9000 - SALE sAr:sü: sû432Ji1 1681603 IRÊllSí: 91i66544 l2-'I0-15 240S91rdÞ\l/2-4-Û DRYULL I ro.h Drscoi;ltl EAcHLñ ro'zo tr+þ nux z-yls-ttt x 250-FI io \Þ( Dlstoulll EAcH 5?3322 S{)STITCII 'I/4 llD STAPITS I 2.18 DistÛulll tAtll 308831 B0StlÏCli ltâl{}{ER TACI(tR (' 19.96 ÐISC0lJfll EACH 33042i JOtlII].Ri}Iû RETIIFORCED KIT 6.58 DISDOUIIT EACI] 2i2094 3¡l I{95 UÊLUED PABTIT RESP 19.97 oiscouNl eAcll 654990 Bis tc0 15-ill x 93-Ill ôAÏ 44.98 ÙISc0uHT EACtl 5 0 42.13 * 1?1650 PEPSI 2TO¿ PL SOL 1.i8 DISCOtJllI EACÍ{ SUBTÛTAL: TflX; 29.64 I[uoilE 18100 I0IÊL: 334.50 LffR: 334 '50 Ttll-fål.. tIISC0UNT: 16. tT t Ifi :XXXXX,\XXTXXí?586 Al{t)I}liT :334,50 AUTHCÛ:0O0936 KTYEI) RTFID:664034 12/ lûl 15 10:55:49 ÉiCûUilT ilAl'tt; ll0ltts }lAllfi6Eiltl{T Il11 ûUÍll BìiYËÊ: t'ûLLIllS J0Tlll ffCi]UHT I'ILL 8E BII.LEü UPUN I'IERCHAIiÛTSE TRAi{SOCiICl{ ÛAIi FOR ST(}CI( I'IIBChA}{DISE Al{O IiO LÊTER IHíII| 9O I)AYS fIOI.I TRA}ISACTIO}{ DATI FOR St}' OR DIRTCT DELIIJTÂV a ---f- --- -r- i llERrHAlr0lsE. --Èd=--" -\] lÏûflE: 0432- IÈRliI|illL: l8 12/ì0/15 lû:55:55 f ÛF I TËHS I'URT:I'iÊSãËì ; 1 5 iÅllLiiDES FEtS, ti[üiCË5 lìriD 8P[.tiHL ÙtlÙER iíEr'1s II IIE l.]lìtJE THE LOIIEST PRiI]ES, GIJAIIâIiÏEEDI YOU FINO Ê LÛilTR PRI[Ë, UE IIILL BEAI iT BY 1OZ. LÛI,IE'S HOI,IE CE}.ITERS, LLC 1050 zl0Ì,t ßD tAvilfEuItLE, AR 72i03 (479) 58i-9000 - SALE SALESI: S0432llHl i2507 TRAI{S]: 11120510 l2-14-15 40.80 -0.54 1.88 -0^10 2.84 -0.I4 18.98 -1.ü0 6. 25 -0 .33 18.9i -1 .00 ?13.65 -2.25 1 .69 -0.09 301. 86 6.29 SUBIÛTAL: iAX: ürtJ0icE 29072 T0ÍAL; LAB: TÛTAL Ð ISDÍ}UHT : 2 ø 5.98 575036 ?6.F1 ÛZ IIINBEX BLUE lRiû 3.I2 3.28 DISC0UIII EACIJ -0.16 14360? DRP 32-02 llfl tLEfrll I'ILT slj 2.82 ?.,97 0ISC0UI,|T EAClt -0.15 1 0.43 -0.55 11.96 -0.31 28 .33 2.76 31 .09 31.09 1-44 LAR: XXX)(X)()(XX)(XX25E6 Al{O|J|lI ;3I .09 AÜTflCD : 000637 KEYE0 REFID:100903 12i14/15 l3:15:14 Êct0UNT NAIlE: llBllES I'lAllAûEl'lEllT lllc At|Ifl EUYER: c0LLIllS J0}ìll ACCOUIIT I.IILL BE BIILEO |JPOlt IIERCl{ANÐISE TNA}ìSACTIOll OAIE FOß STOTI( IIERCHANDISE A|lD }IO LATER THA|I 90 DAYS FRÛH TRANSATTlO}I DIìTË FOR SOS Ûft DIfiËCT DELIUERY [tERTllAIIOISE. -+1-f¡i: STûRE; 0432 TERHIIAL: 29 l?/14/.l5 13:'l5:19 fr T}F ITEI'IS PURCHÊSED: 5 E)(C'LUOES TEÊS, SERUTCES RND SPETIflL OROEfl IÏÊIIS THAI{I( YOU FOR SllOPPüIû LOI'E'S. SEE REUERSE SIOE FOB RET|jRI{ POLICY' SIûRE i{AflAGtR: D0ll }lALLAfl0 :- ' ' \ tlt l]A()E Tl]E LoIIESI PRICES, GUARflt'llEED| '--,--r, iF YOU FII{D A LOIIER PBICE, IIE IIILL 8EÊi II BV 1OI. SET STORE FOR DEIâILS, SEE BEUERSI SioE FtJt REiURll PÙLICY. ,ì.. .... .. . ---- .--, 'I'RE h*lAûEB: ooH ¡,*rrnnu- l-ilese lìre pr()\"ideiì lul"coJf ei<':t¿il' Loift's ll0ÌlE cEllT[RS, LLC 1050 ¿1011 flo FAYETTEUILLE, flR ?2?03 (4?9) 587-9OOO - SÊLE SÊLESr: 50432Jil 2097221 TßÂllSr: 9204931 12-15-15 24451 PP TLT RPâIR KIT FOR TANI( 7.97 s,39 ÛISC0Ullf E$C}l -0'42 SUBI0IÊL: 7 '97 ,f lâlt: o'?8 IilUolflË 2?036 Tolf,L: r 0.75 i il Lßfi: / 8.7s ïtrAL u\scouHr/ 1'J.'42 LAR:X)(XXX)(XXfuUgMllI:8.?5 AlJTllCo:0006i6 Í(EYED REFIT:-ir9493 l2l15115 l2;42: l9 fltC0Ul{T lleflË: I1ÛI{ES l4ûl{fiûEl{Eilr IilC AUTtl BUTEB: TOLLfi$ JOH¡I ADTOUIIT IIILL BE ETLLEO IJPOII I'IËRCHÊI|DISE IRA}ISRTTiOII [)íITE FOR SIOCK IIËBTIIANI)lSE ff|lD }IO LATER Í|1AII 90 DOYS FROH TRENSATTIOÌì OOTE FOR SOS ÛR DTRECT OELIUERV ¡IERCl{f,llDISE ' .t),J Þ ,'j a) F CJbo ¿1 () Fts! AJ Éñ (DÐ U .). ,9 cJ*ıÐ ãÞ ()Ë'a,)-. Él- !¿ c:è ;: ¡4 't) i i;:iìì.;i:1_ii:i;::!.:\tlù:"ì: ' :,::;i:i\r ,dI :üd$å$ä'tø*uf.eseø , e;"i*"t-.>^ ..."rå¿# I i r .,r;iÈï. 1.1.. , rt'.: i., ¡.,hi ,,:r. , r - -.4{ai@ þ\w S YT N "S* 1ÅNNÑSÑ'lNNffiW Ja$wsff;m*tv#A* ..: I -4{.. ': ;a.3. :.: